#i don't know what titles are anymore
thezoraprince · 1 year
Beauty is Pain - Sidon x reader
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“If this goes against your guidelines don’t worry about doing this, but could I request Sidon and Link hylian s/o being very busty? … I’d prefer this as a headcanon, but if you want you could do a scenario instead. Whichever you’d prefer. As for how the reader sees herself, she’s not super insecure about it, but she’s does see it as a nuisance, since she likes to travel and fight, and it’s a bit heavy on her chest. She mostly try’s to ignore the fact that she’s heavy on the chest, but sometimes people notice, because it’s a little obvious that her chest is big. But she has a curvy and slim body, and Sidon and Link will of course think she’s beautiful. Thank you!💚” - anon 1
 “Hey bro depending on how busty that anon wants them how about all the shit you can hide in there? Need a bandaid? Got plenty. Rupee short? No issue. Need a few sips of liquid courage? I got you my friend” - anon 2
y’all i’m living for these, honestly. this one took me a while to come up with, but i FINALLY got an idea in my head and went with it. i hope you enjoy <3
(Link can be found here)
Y/n - your name
Sidon loves every inch of you
but he understands that you’re frustrated with your breast size
“I’m not insecure about it. It’s more of an inconvenience.”
he can see how uncomfortable you feel when hiking and during sparring sessions
to help you not feel that way, he would have special armor made for maximum breast support
“I thought this could help when we’re doing a bit of swordplay.”
and of course it’s comfortable enough to hike in, which is very much appreciated
“Thank you so much, Sidon!”
on the other hand, you do get quite a bit of attention from others
and though it can be flattering
it’s annoying as well
Sidon’s kind of oblivious to it at first
but once he figures out why people are noticing you
he does get a little protective
“Y/n, I’m not sure how I feel about all these people staring at you…”
but you’re used to it
“It’s whatever.”
he does understand how you feel, as he’s very large… and a prince
but he does feel uneasy when others ogle over your body
he gives those looking at you a quick, not-so-friendly glance
and then you’re both on your merry way
he hates that he feels this way
but it is comforting to know that he’s looking out for you 
Sidon would do anything for you
and your wellbeing is his top priority
“I always want you to feel comfortable, both mentally and physically. And if there’s anyway I can help, please let me know, my pearl.”
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philosophiums · 5 months
hooooo boy i haven't posted a fic here in a long time but @hinamie's itafushi art fully possessed me so please take this offering as my first ever jjk fic
Night has set in like a bruise – a dark sky framed and mottled by light pollution, a memory of violence hidden behind a veneer of something almost pretty. There’s evidence of life in the distant city, but nothing close by. Megumi can hear a soft thrum of traffic and the occasional shout or laugh, but the immediate vicinity hosts only crickets and the restlessness of his companion.
Itadori is pacing at the bottom of the staircase Megumi is sitting on, and Megumi watches him closely out of the corner of his eye. It’s nothing new for Itadori to hype himself up before a fight, so Megumi isn’t worried, exactly, but there’s something abnormal in the fierceness of his movements, the rolling of his shoulders, the way his head tilts like he’s trying and failing to have a conversation in his head. 
He doesn’t want to mention it. Conversations with Itadori are often marred by the reality of what the finish line looks like – they can’t both make it out alive. They both know it. Itadori likes to pretend he hasn’t grasped the reality of the situation, but Megumi understands the depth of the haunting he carries around when he thinks no one is looking. Which means that when Megumi asks after him, inquires into his wellbeing, Itadori brushes it off with a smile and a laugh. And his smile is as brilliant as the sun, so of course Megumi has to look away to protect himself.
Somewhere in the nearby bushes, several of his rabbit shikigami are maintaining a perimeter around the area, allowing him to relax while still doing everything he can to stay on high alert. Shibuya shouldn’t have turned into such a mess, and maybe it wouldn’t have if more people had been suspicious to the point of paranoia. It’s too late to fix that, too late to take away Itadori’s scars, too late to take back the suicide pact he himself signed, but he can at least look ahead to whatever future awaits them. He can do his best to keep them safe. 
Oh no. Nothing good ever comes from Itadori’s serious voice. 
If I die, you’ll kill me, right?
He blinks and finds himself looking at a stationary Itadori, hands in his pockets and eyes on the building behind Megumi. “What is it?”
“Are there really curses in there? I thought they couldn’t step foot in a church.” Itadori looks genuine when he asks, and it wouldn’t be the first foolish question out of his mouth, but the tone he used to call Megumi’s name just… doesn’t match with the question. Seriousness followed by off-handed curiosity isn’t exactly Itadori’s style. This isn’t what he had wanted to say, but something made him pivot into an unplanned conversation. 
Maybe Megumi has been paying too close attention to him. Maybe Megumi should know better. It’s all doomed anyway – a heat death guaranteed to happen. There’s no point in devoting so much time trying to learn someone’s intricacies when they’re inevitably going to leave, by force or otherwise. He should save himself the heartache. He should have learned his lesson the first time Itadori died.
His arms shake with the phantom weight of Itadori’s body in his arms, limp and lifeless and bloody with that stupid soft smile still on his face even in death with a hole in his chest. His parting words still circle in Megumi’s head sometimes.
Part of him wishes that Itadori had cursed him in the end. Maybe it would have been easier.
“You’re thinking of vampires,” Megumi says. “Or demons. Curses can go anywhere.”
Itadori makes a sound like he’s not really sure he believes Megumi, which is insane because Megumi is not the one who watches movies with vampires and demons in them. At least, he hadn’t before Itadori walked into his life and demanded movie nights at the school and midnight viewings at the theater.
“A church, though?” Itadori continues, insisting. “Aren’t these supposed to be, like, full of positive energy?” He tilts his head up and to the side, and the closest streetlight reflects across his face, highlighting his jaw, catching in his eyes until they glow damn near gold.
Megumi has to look away. His chest hurts if he stares too long at everything he can’t have.
“Just because something is comforting doesn’t mean it can’t be a curse.” As soon as the words leave Megumi’s mouth, he knows he shouldn’t have said them. Even in his peripheral, almost entirely out of his view, he can see Itadori look at him with his expression opening into surprise or something worse.
Fuck. He really can’t allow himself to be so obvious, especially when they’re hours away from stepping through the barrier around the first Tokyo colony and into the Culling Game. They’re about to put their lives on the line again. Now isn’t the time to lose his composure.
Before he can catch himself, his hand is in his pocket, digging out the pack he keeps for what he considers emergencies. There’s a cigarette between his fingers in a matter of seconds, and his lighter is in his other hand a moment later.
Itadori swipes it before he can light up, and Megumi is left with wide eyes and a cigarette dangling limply between his lips as he looks up at the boy suddenly standing over him. He forgets, sometimes, just how fast Itadori is. 
“Since when do you smoke?” Itadori asks, all childish curiosity, not an ounce of judgement in his tone. And yet, the stolen lighter feels like judgement – a withholding of something, well… harmful, sure, but it’s not like Megumi isn’t aware that every inhale of nicotine is an inch closer to his death. What does losing a minute or an hour or a day matter when he’s probably not going to reach the age of thirty, anyway?
“Since middle school,” Megumi replies, reaching out to attempt to quickly reclaim his lighter, but all Itadori has to do is lean his torso to the side and it’s out of reach. “Can I have that back, please?” 
“Why?” Itadori hasn’t had such a soft look on his face since they dragged themselves kicking and screaming out of the warzone Shibuya turned into.
“Because there’s a cigarette in my mouth and it would be a waste not to smoke it.”
Itadori makes a face, a petulant little pout just this side of sticking his tongue out. It’s cute, and Megumi has to close his eyes for a moment. “I meant why did you start smoking in middle school?”
The sigh that leaves Megumi’s lungs is heavier than he wants it to be. He’s not… good with emotions, and he’s even worse at expressing them. It wasn’t a problem when he was all alone, with the second-years distant due to their classes, and Gojo either a nuisance better avoided or thousands of kilometers away taking care of a curse too powerful for anyone else to handle. But then Itadori, fresh off the loss of his grandfather, sacrificed himself for not only his friends but for Megumi as well. And he has refused to leave, no matter how hard Megumi tried at first to put up his barriers and protect himself.
Because the truth is that Megumi was helpless from the moment Itadori jumped through a window and crash landed on a curse. He is the very definition of someone with an unshakeable character. The fact that they’re here, now, on the backside of a slaughter, newly scarred and traumatized, and Itadori can still smile at him in a way that softens his eyes proves beyond any doubt that he is who he is and that won’t change. And it guts Megumi from the inside out because everyone who has ever touched his life has become poisoned by him.
He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and holds it between his knuckles. “I don’t know. I wanted…” This time when he sighs, it’s softer, and he moves his gaze away out of embarrassment more than anything else. Itadori and Kugisaki already made fun of him for how he acted in middle school, and he doesn’t want to go through it again. “I wanted people to be afraid of me – teachers, students, upperclassmen, underclassmen, it didn’t matter. I wanted to look and be as aggressive as possible so they didn’t mess with me or Tsumiki.”
Itadori snorts, and less than a second later he’s laughing with his head tilted back and his eyes closed. For the moment, he’s unguarded, and Megumi uses the opportunity to stare. In the low amber light, he looks impossibly young, soft around the edges where his scars and personal losses have hardened him. The pink of his hair dims into the gentlest of dawns, and the happy tears that pearl in the corners of his eyes are more stunning than the thin veil of starlight overhead. In a world overflowing with curses, Megumi has never believed in angels, and yet it’s the only word he can conjure that comes even close to describing the boy in front of him. 
Megumi knows he’s in love; how could he not be?
“That’s just like you,” Itadori says, breathless, and Megumi suddenly feels like he’s falling even though Itadori is the one suddenly dropping to sit on the stairs beside him.
Itadori is a morning person, even though he’s slow to wake up. He won’t drink coffee unless it’s iced. He never tucks in his shirt tags. When he’s upset, he throws himself into social situations to hide behind other people’s laughter. He carries snacks in his pockets and will offer them to everyone. These are all details that Megumi has collected about Itadori, stashing them away like a crow with shiny objects, hoarding them as the treasures that they are and that he can never truly have.
He had never once considered that Itadori has been observing him just as studiously in return.
Their knees bump, and Megumi knows he should pull away, but he can’t bring himself to. The night isn’t cold, but Itadori’s warmth is a comfort, anyway. Megumi hasn’t had many comforts in his life.
“Give me my lighter back,” he says instead of acknowledging anything else. His chest hurts. His heart is too loud in his ears. Itadori is right there, lips twisted by his scar, eyes flashing with the humor that’s still rolling through him, shaking his shoulders as he looks back at Megumi.
Instead of answering or acquiescing, Itadori leans forward until their shoulders press together, blocking out the ghost of a breeze flowing in from behind them, and rolls his thumb over the spark wheel until a flame catches. His hand and Megumi’s both come up at the same time to cup around the other side, protecting the small flame from the elements, and it’s tender and intimate when Megumi’s fingers brush against the curve of Itadori’s palm.
He pretends not to notice as he puts the cigarette back between his lips and ducks his head. The first drag to catch the paper and tobacco on fire takes a while, and he is so incredibly aware of how close Itadori is, of the protective shell they’ve made with their bodies as they keep this flame going between them. He can’t think about it, can’t acknowledge it, can’t –
As soon as he sees embers, he sits up and leans away, creating a small pocket of space for him to exhale into. But the flame stays lit, Itadori’s thumb still pressed into the fork to keep the gas flowing out. 
Megumi smacks his arm without looking at him directly. “You’re wasting the butane.”
Without protest this time, Itadori listens, and the flame dies with a soft click as the fork snaps back into place.
The stillness of the night around them settles again, crickets becoming the dominating sound over the gentle rattling of leaves and the far distant honking of a car horn. The tobacco sizzles as the fire slowly eats through it every time Megumi takes a drag.
Itadori’s unwavering gaze on him feels like a physical weight. There’s a tender smile there, Megumi just knows it, but god damn it he won’t look. This can’t be a this. There’s nothing here but a road that dead ends on a bottomless cliff. No one has forever, despite claiming that they will, but he and Itadori don’t even have years. They could die tomorrow, the moment they step through that barrier. Fuck, the curses in the church behind them could come out and catch them off guard right now, and no one would know where to look for their bodies.
So it doesn’t matter that Itadori sometimes looks at Megumi like he hung the moon. It doesn’t matter that Megumi understands the plight of Icarus when he sees Itadori smile. He is not going to create a situation that is doomed to end early. He is not going to push his feelings into the world just for the universe to stomp them into the dirt. He is not going to let himself muddy the lines on a friendship that is already too good to be true.
He takes a drag in that’s harsher and longer than the last, fast enough that his lips burn from the fire racing too fast through the cigarette towards the filter. He lets it hurt, tells himself he deserves it, and exhales the smoke slowly with his eyes closed.
For a moment, he just sits there, his arm draped across his knee, which is still pressed into Itadori’s knee, and tries to pretend that everything is fine. It’s normal. It’s just a crush. It’ll go away. He would rather die with longing in his heart than risk living long enough to experience a loss that will crush him.
When he brings his hand back up to take another drag, fingers on his wrist stop him in his tracks.
“Itadori?” He turns his head and opens his eyes in the same movement, wondering if there’s a problem, if all the actions he took to be obsessively vigilant were for naught, if somehow something got the drop on them. “What –”
The press of Itadori’s lips against his own shuts him up fast and leaves his mind spinning and his lungs devoid of air.
Itadori makes a noise at the back of his throat – soft, questioning, encouraging – and Megumi forgets every reason he has ever had on why this is a bad idea.
He kisses back.
It’s not a desperate kiss. There isn’t a sudden light switch that flips on and turns them into feral horny teenagers crawling all over each other, desperate to touch in as many places as possible as fast as they can. Three points of contact is all they started with and all they still have. Their knees, digging into each other in a way that almost hurts, but the warmth is so strong that it doesn’t matter. Itadori’s fingertips oh, so gently resting against Megumi’s wrist, not even touching skin. And the tentative slide of their lips as Megumi tilts his head and Itadori seems to crack a smile.
Itadori’s lips are chapped, and Megumi can feel the texture of scar tissue as they blindly search for an angle that feels better than the others. It probably wasn’t meant to be a long kiss when Itadori first leaned in, but Megumi can’t bring himself to pull away even though there’s absolutely nothing physically holding him here. The instinct to jerk back with his hackles up is there, just under his skin, but every exhale of Itadori’s sounds like a blissed-out sigh as it shivers across Megumi’s cheeks, and he finds himself more and more willing to just have this.
Itadori is the one to break the kiss, but he doesn’t go far, resting his forehead against Megumi’s and just breathing into his space. Megumi feels like he just ran five kilometers; it’s impossible to suck enough oxygen into his lungs to stop feeling lightheaded. His cigarette is still between his fingers, slowly burning itself down to the filter, but Megumi has completely forgotten about it. 
“What was that for?” Megumi whispers, eyes flicking back and forth looking for clues in the depths of Itadori’s eyes. It’s an accusation, yes. They could have kept pretending. The pain at the end of this is going to be unimaginable. But it’s also a desperate plea. 
Don’t pretend it didn’t happen. Don’t apologize. Don’t say you didn’t mean to.
“I don’t know,” Itadori admits, and that crooked smile is back, perching on his mouth in a way that tempts Megumi to kiss it away. “Good luck? Felt like the right time.”
Megumi drops the cigarette by his foot and moves his hand to Itadori’s face, cupping his cheek and the curve of his jaw. He can feel himself shaking with adrenaline and the fear of an unknown dark path laid out in front of them. “You’re an idiot,” he says, but even he can hear the fondness in his voice. 
“Mhm, yeah, you’ve said that before.” Itadori’s hand covers Megumi’s, and the shaking subsides. “But you kissed me back, so what does that make you? Reckless?”
“Insane,” Megumi offers, just to hear Itadori laugh. He isn’t expecting the second kiss that follows, but he’s glad for it, anyway.
It’s funny, he thinks, even as he pushes a little closer and sighs into the shape of Itadori’s mouth, that regardless of the church behind him, regardless of the temples he has walked through time and again, regardless of the habits he hasn’t broken of prayers during the new year in exchange for fortune slips that hold no merit to him – despite religion flowing in and around his life, there is no higher power in the universe he believes in as much as he believes in Itadori. 
If anyone can defy fate, if anyone can push through to the other side of certain tragedy, it will be Itadori. 
Start by saving me, he had said, and this isn’t exactly what Megumi had meant. But his chest is warmer than if he had tipped back some sake, and he certainly feels like he could face down a special grade curse and win right now.
They’re not going to have forever. They may not even have twenty-four hours.
But they have tonight. They have right now.
“You better not die tomorrow,” Megumi warns, just barely breaking away enough to speak.
Dying alone is all but a guarantee for jujutsu sorcerers. One day, one of them is going to leave the other behind, and it’s going to rip the survivor to pieces and scar like a phantom limb. Even without a confession, their feelings have splattered like a hemorrhaging wound onto the staircase between them. No amount of backtracking, of lying, of pushing each other away could mop it up now – they’ve left a stain, and their hands are doomed to always have each other’s blood caked under their fingernails.  
“Would be a shitty good luck kiss if I did,” Itadori says before leaning back with a smile as broad as the sky.
Megumi pushes him away with the hand on his cheek, and Itadori’s laugh overtakes the crickets and the wind and the far-off traffic as he pulls himself back into Megumi’s orbit with their fingers tangled together.
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thepandalion · 4 months
help I'm going insane over deltarune and Undertale stuff again
#Guysss#Did you know the sprite for spamton neo has 6 stirngs#It's fucking with me so much guys#Element 6 and gaster and whatnot#Also have I. Have I mentioned the muffet thing#Muffet has these lines in. I think the neutral route?#Where she talks abt the person who warned her abt u#They had a lovely smile and were shapeshifting in the shadows apparently#Also the muffet laugh slowed down by 666% and reversed is the smile.ogg sound for entry 17#There's multiple ways to make that connection this is just the fastest#Also gaster presumably egg man bc if you get ch1 egg in ch2 the car closest to u in the traffic jam can be interacted with one time#There's a man in that car and he smiles at you#Very clearly egg man but also specifically referring to him smiling like#Bestie gaster spooky noise literally titled smile.ogg. and is also very clearly the thing that fucked spamton up#Like bc the addisons after the neo fight tell u abt his mysterious benefactor right#And the garbage noise on the phone#And garbage noise being the description of what happens on the phone in the dark world#And yknow thats also smile.ogg#... Also what the fuck is the thing about the ocean in deltarune like fr#The vessel creation screen is water. There's ocean.ogg in the beginning of the dark world in ch1. the fucking song from the sea with onion#Whatever the fuck was going on when sans was talking about shyren at that one post a few years back#I have so much brain space that I use to store infinite utdr info#Like fr I need ppl to ask me directed questions for me to infodump bc I don't even know where to start??#Like. Do I start with the fonts thing? I can't even find the fonts thing anymore but I know its a thing#Do I start at the significance of the number 6 to gaster stuff? Do I start with the way his leitmotif is concerningly in noelles theme??#Like really. I'm begging to be asked questions about my special interests
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mr-doodles · 1 year
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Color doodle-
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cloud-somersault · 5 months
I literally can't stand the way this stupid chapter went down. Chapter 7 has been a pain my ass the entire time, I can't even look at it without being pissed. And now posting it has left everyone confused, and I hate that added on confusion, as if this AU didn't have enough going on
I know it's not a big deal, but I hate disorganized things. I think it reflects badly on me and makes me look like I don't have my shit together, plus I deadass cannot stand what I wrote!! Even now!!
Ugh, can we all collectively forget about this...stupid reordering of chapters. I'm so pessimistic about it, and I'm glad I didn't delete it, but it's hard to see the silver lining right now
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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Rob James-Collier || Ackley Bridge
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neuromantis · 5 months
i love responding to "what's your name" with "you may call me *something*" and to "what's your pronouns" with "you may use whatever you want"
i am giving you a permission to call me something. you will never know if it's my actual name probably. but you may use that.
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trans-xianxian · 4 months
hm I need advice. I was gonna go see a car today but the person just informed me This Morning that they don't actually have the title for the car and upon learning this esp so last minute I don't feel comfortable buying from them anymore but I don't know what to say 😭 does anybody have advice for how to be like actually I'm not interested anymore thanks for your time
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elastica1995 · 7 months
yeah i used to read fan fiction cos i was a pervert fandom girlie in middle school. i'd read it on my fucking 3ds when i was supposed to be sleeping. but the only ones i remember are 2 davejohn homestuck fanfics with the following plotlines: (1) john is a prince betrothed to rose but he's really in love with his knight dave; (2) dave tried to kill himself and he was in the hospital or something and john was so depressed over this that he swallowed a bunch of sleeping pills and killed himself but then dave recovered and john was a ghost that haunted him.
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devil-changmin · 10 months
again, in tags, and dec 18 tw
#i know ppl sensationalize 'let me out' way more than 'elevator' because its much more on the nose#even in the title#and like it has 2x as many listens on spotify so i know ppl are just listening to it cuz theyre like oh what is this#but bro#if depression is part of ur life experience and u listen to elevator#its like#shit#and like ive had depression for so long and it was untreated for SO long that i think it rly rly hits in my personal experience#and like jonghyun was so honest with his emotions and he felt everything so strongly#and i think a moment like let me out is much more like#thats when youre angry and fed up with yourself and with everything and you just want to be DONE youre just tired and youre like fucking le#take a break from this#but elevator is so poignant because it feels so much like the bottom of the well#like when you dont really feel anything#youre on your back in a dark whole staring at the pinprick of the sky#to the point that he's even detached from the self#he is seeing his reflection as if it is someone else#and saying how long have you been that tired? how long have you been that sad?#and to look at yourself and say 'i don't know you' but also 'you know you cant go on like this anymore right?#like bro#i wish i could verbalize like how insanely like#i mean hes an artist he encapsulated the thought in a very poignant and concise way#its just so insane to think how many people listened to those words and were still surprised by what happened#idk#anyway#i miss him
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fruitsilly · 1 year
i am very bad at wanting to keep urls.
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usodeshou · 1 year
tumblr's music player somehow isn't working for me anymore and i'm so sad 🥺
i wanna listen to the songs that people put on my dash and it doesn't let me and i'm just sadly tapping the player with zero reaction 😔
why am i being music-blocked? why does tumblr not want me to know my mutuals?? 🥺
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monster-noises · 1 year
I started writing another post that did More Details but I lost steam on it but I also don't Don't wanna post about it so I'm gunna talk about some silly Vile things in the Tags that I just spent like 40 mins in front of the mirror coming up with
#monster noises#for those who don't know or have forgotten#Vile is the current title for my ongoing attempt to write/re-create Flesh and Hot Iron as an original work as closely as possible#without simply being resi8 but with fancy new shoes on#I've made some headway#trying to focus more on the things I can be Excited about changing than worrying over what I may Loose in the process#and hoping that will reveal to me ways I can Preserve the things I'm worried about loosing#but long story short the main thing I want to talk about is I think#while no one Else is gunna be 'Related'#(the Mother part of the Mother Miranda narrative is no more here.. I mean generally that whole narrative is gone#but Specifically the 'lords' aren't Siblings anymore)#I Do think Karl and Donna are gunna be Actually related#I just think that would be Fun and Complicated#and I love Fun and Complicated#also think her Re-name is gunna be Dahlia..#Dahlia the Horticulturalist...#though That's one of those things that i feel is going to Immediately give away the source material here if I leave her like#Plant Lady#Alcina (Marian? possibly?) is getting morphed and maneuvered into being a Biologist cause I think that's a reasonable fit#but even with that throwing things off I think#Engineer Artist Doctor Horticulturalist Biologist is Still gunna read as Village to someone with a Keen eye but who knows...#long way to go still... long way to go#and still No idea what I'm gunna call Karl because not calling him Karl and putting him next to Lazarus feels So so wrong#but I'm sure we'll stumble into something#anyway I'm sure this reads only as total nonsense cause it's like#ten pieces I've put together of a 10000 piece puzzle but heY
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Hate being forgetful actually
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finnlongman · 2 years
Barely functional with a tension headache today, so I'm doing the easiest task on my to-do list (make a list of all the locations in TBA 2 and work out where they should go on the map).
Conclusion: there are too many locations in this book.
This is good news for those reviewers who felt we didn't see enough of the city / worldbuilding in book 1, and bad news for me trying to figure out how they all fit in on the scale available.
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rubiatinctorum · 2 years
i'm not a little jealous of insert tiktok author of the day living their best life here. i'm extremely jealous. oh my god i am minutes away from writing a steaming pile of mediocre shit stolen from all of the popular YA books in the past 12 years and releasing it under a pen name and joining tiktok and marketing it in misleading ways. and then maybe someone will secretly uncover that this steaming pile of shit was written by Rubia Rubiatinctorum and Pen Name isn't real and hey her more obscure works that she put out herself are kind of good actually, and then—
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