#tba 2
finnlongman · 2 years
TBA 2 cover reveal coming 12.30 (UK time) on Wednesday!
(Any versions of the cover you've seen floating around before now are not the final cover, because the cover was only finalised yesterday and has not yet been posted anywhere. Please ignore/don't spread them so that they don't end up pushing the real cover out of image search results, ta!)
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mye-chi · 1 year
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okay listen sometimes as an artist you wanna do warm-ups for aphtober. and sometimes that means crudely drawing that stupid shitpost that popped up in your head (based off this image)
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dy3rs3v3 · 9 months
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Metallica looking iconic during tba era, St James Club, Paris
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
I've said this before, but when the Patho2 Changeling route is released, I really hope they lean into the idea that Clara can see the console command window, and do a little meta-humor about how playing Patho with cheat codes on radically changes the meaning of the game.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 8 months
♥️♦️ Huskerdust evolution 💖🕸️
Episode 1:
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Episode 4:
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Episode 8:
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Season 2 (late 2024-early 2025)
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night-market-if · 1 year
Damn, I was browsing the asks and all of a sudden your system changed from book 1 art to book 2 art. That was really cool.
I love the darker theme we have now that the lights are out. :)
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spxnglr · 8 months
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I haven't shown you all what arrived at my door this week, have I?
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The Mask, Take it Off
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A casual afternoon in the shops with Simon, pure candid drabble
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“The entire point of anonymity is to stay anonymous, no?” He explained casually, taking half strides as he walked alongside you. Browsing the produce section, basket cradled in his elbow.
“If I wore the mask outside of work, everyone I've come in contact with would recognize me. Add the rest or my ugly mug, and suddenly I'm an average guy.” Simon shrugged, the topic quite mundane to him.
You snorted in amusement, rolling your eyes as you compared the quality of lettuce in pre-made salad kits. Huffing softly as Simon pointed out that he could easily make a better salad from scratch.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @bowtruckleninja @v1naco
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dumbspoetics · 8 days
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"you've   been   gone   for   so   long   and   all   you   have   to   say   is   'hi'?"
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telndas · 18 days
jason’s steps were heavy, each one sinking deep into the damp forest floor as he made his way through the woods. the weight of the bodies slung over his shoulders barely registered anymore, their blood slicking his skin and dripping in a slow, rhythmic pattern. the trees were familiar and forever silent to the violence that unfolded beneath them. he had been out since dawn, hunting intruders who dared to step foot on his land. now, as the sky darkened, tinged with the dying light of day, jason’s focus shifted to one thing—returning to suhani.
the blood was thick and sticky as it pooled down his arms, soaking him. he could feel its tacky pull with every movement, the smell of iron clinging to him like a second skin. the bodies, broken and limp, swayed with his strides, their faces unrecognisable. he paid them no mind now.
the abandoned buildings came into view as he cleared the last line of trees, their crumbling facades a familiar sight. they marked the border of his world and hers, a meeting place where he would always find her waiting. his pace quickened slightly, the tension of the day still clinging to him, not fully shed despite the slaughter.
as jason neared the edge of the clearing, he paused. his eyes scanned the perimeter, searching through the fading light for the familiar figure he always expected to see.
A lithe hand reaches forth, pinching a bright red strawberry between fingertips, before giving a slight tug. The stem rips gently and the strawberry breaks free to be brought up towards the glint of the dying evening sun. Suhani smiles then, before she bites down upon the red flesh and feels the ripened juice fill her mouth. It is sweet with only a little bit of tang to it—something perfect, delectably so. She flicks the empty stem away, over her shoulder, before she begins to pluck more, filling up her hands with the rest.
The air has grown still all the while, carrying no hint of screams upon the wind as it does every so often on bleak days like these. Suhani takes her treasured bundle as she stands to move out from behind the house, away from where the garden sits. It is only then that she spies Jason in the clearing. Hardly a thought is given to what he carries. Often they are all the same to her: those who hardly respect the nature that give them life in the first place. But she sees him, and only him, her smile is a permanent fixture even now.
❛ They have ripened quite beautifully, see? ❜ Suhani says, holding up a strawberry once close enough for him to look for himself. ❛ Here, have a taste. ❜ Held by the stem, she lifts the strawberry up higher, towards his mouth and awaiting the mask to be lifted.
@moonstalk !
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Armored Core: Nexus - N.Y.O.B. Red Butterfly from: [DJ Mute City - PlayStation 2 DanceMix Vol.1]
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finnlongman · 2 years
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This is what every comment conversation with my editor looks like.
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naitfall · 9 days
ooc. on another note, mood is high, spirit is angry (anger is my motivation) which means, I'm very eager to be here today (if irl doesn't happen)
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theabysscomeshome · 2 months
[Global] Here A People Sows
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Duration: July 31, 2024 – August 21, 2024
Wiki.gg Event Page
Official Event Page
Event PVs
New Operators
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Shu - 6* Guardian Defender
Zuo Le - 6* Soloblade Guard
Grain Buds - 5* Decel Binder Supporter
Wanqing - 5* Flagbearer Vanguard
New and Rerun Skins
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Chongyue - Alighting
Lin - Heavenly Mirage
Honeyberry - Saturated With Rain
Highmore - The Land With Me
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Rerun Operators and Skins
Bibeak (5* Swordmaster Guard) and Hibiscus - Night Watcher skin are available in the event store for players who do not already have them.
New Modules
Fighter Guards
New Operator Records and Paradox Simulations
Chongyue, Cliffheart, Qiubai, Shu, Wind Chimes
Note: Recruitment tags will be refreshed when new operators are added to the pool. Use any top or senior operator tags before the update.
Recruitment Update
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New English Voices
Grain Buds
Zuo Le
Mr. Nothing
Waai Fu
Integrated Strategies 4 Expansion 2 available after July 31.
See linked event pages for more details on login events, free orundum events, shop packs, and more!
(All images taken from the official website. Youtube videos taken from the official arknights channel)
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coeluvr · 11 months
Are there any tips you'd give to newbie IF writers?
I'm probably the last person to go to for advice 😥 I would say before you post your IF's intro and such, please make sure it's pleasing to look at!
People eat with their eyes first!
I'm certain one of the reasons I got a ton of followers as soon as I posted the intro was because it looked nice. It makes you look a tad bit more professional (I need the boost because I act really chill lol) and it makes people actually read it.
Also, I would say have banners and such in between text so it doesn't look like a block of text to people. People are more likely to read small bits of text rather than huge ones!
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kittykat-pikachu · 5 months
happy birthday komaeda
and a happy sunday to us all
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