#i don't especially identify with it or think about it often so it's weird for me when people perceive me as it directly
diluc33rpm · 2 years
1/2 Would you change your appearance if you could?
yeah, honestly, i just think i really need to look like this in life
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
OM charicters and how they handle periods
- can and will fuck the shir outta ya if it helps-
- he will also baby you
- I mean- he literally sends the brothers out to gather sweets and other needs
- heated blanket on hand for you
- you can sleep in his bed
- he watches over you as you sleep of you get tired
- none will hurt his little lamb
- he panicks
- especially worried and unprepared if you don't identify as a female
- thinks you're dieing and lucifer wil kill him
- when its explained he does good and gets everything he knows you need
- here, have literally all this expensive chocolate he knows you like
- have all the midol he could find
- have the products you need to survive this- and more♡
- he probably learned about periods trough anime/an online AFAB friend
- he wont mind if you stay with him, he can clean whatever gets blood on it, you chose to spend time with him, he is hapoy with that :>
- anime and video games to distract you
- you can sleep in his lap as he plays
- you get to share his anime themed snacks
- for those who get moody during hell, he is here to help
- cat Cafe is the haven for you both-
- he also gets his anger out with you in healthy ways
- you both write out everything, scream out your toughts into the Forrest, and sing along to songs that bring out that anger
- afterwards he will read to you until you fall asleep
- he takes good care of you
- feeling extra ✨️horny✨️ he is here to help
- he fucks ya fore a few hours then you both have a nice hot bath, makeovers and stuff
- you get sugar coded fruits with him
- sleep like Royalty and wake up feeling refershed✨️
- literally a phone call away for anything
- period products are in his bathroom too
- this man has the comfort food
- he will allways share with you and Belphie
- he notices when you come to him more often for sweets and stuff, so he stocks more for you ^^
- om nom nom
- one of the best people to nap with
- he is also a good workout bud to help with the cramps n stuff too
- one of the best boys to go to tbh-
- now- of you need sleep- he has ya
- he sees you being tired and d r a g s you to one of his spots, cuddles you, and falls asleep with you
- it's fuckin comfy so ofc you fall asleep too-
- you get only the best dreams by his side
- cuddle, sleep, it's done- he won't stop- help QwQ
- the me is that?
- he didn't know until you bleed trough your clothes sadly
- he helps by haveing teas with you and has barbatos find some thar help with cramping and just to make thibgs more comfortable
- sweets galore (you're allowed to take them home
- you can sit on his lap and cuddle him, he is warm
- he knows when your periods are, its not weird-
- he has products set up in the bathroom near the room you're staying in and the next fee over just in case
- he brings you tea and sweets that help you
- he has a change of clothes for you on the ready along with spare blankets/sheets/pillows
- he can take care of any and i mean ANY of your needs, just ask ^^
- he isn't that exposed to them, so he dosent know what to do or if he can interfere
- he decides that he can if you beg him enough or he sees that you're suffering
- finds things that can calm the symptoms and help your body
- gentle massages
- he is a little cold but damn can he take care of you
- also has no idea wtf to do
- he learns sweets help and bakes alot for you
- like- they all are get well things or if you like to celebrate it then the sweets are red and pink
- he'll tell off anyone who tries to bother you
- he has a potion for that
- you just have to beg
- :>
- hasn't had one, but she likes to help you if you promise to help her on a trap
- or you can be the trap by surprising someone with your moodyness
- she gets the perfect things for you
- a damn good tradeoff
- like the other angles VERY confused
- he does help tho
- number 2 for sleep spots, no cuddles tho
- gets you weird foods to try
- about 5/10 could be better
- bro dosent know anything about this, why should he?
- when he does learn, he sneaks some sweets into your locker, high quality ofc
- he would give you shit as he gives you some spare clothes
- this man, he finds good shit to help ya
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inkskinned · 2 years
i. about 2 weeks ago, i was told there's a good chance that in 5 or so years, i'll need a wheelchair.
ii. okay. i loved harry potter as a kid. i have a hypothesis about this to be honest - why people still kind of like it. it's that she got very lucky. she managed to make a cross-generational hit. it was something shared for both parents and kids. it was right at the start of a huge cultural shift from pre to post-internet. i genuinely think many people were just seeking community; not her writing. it was a nice shorthand to create connection. which is a long way of saying - she didn't build this legacy, we built it for her. she got lucky, just once. that's all.
iii. to be real with you, i still struggle with identifying as someone with a disability, which is wild, especially given the ways my life has changed. i always come up against internalized ableism and shame - convinced even right now that i'm faking it for attention. i passed out in a grocery store recently. i hit my head on the shelves while i went down.
iv. he raises his eyebrows while he sends me a look. her most recent new book has POTS featured in it. okay, i say. i already don't like where this is going. we both take another bite of ramen. it is a trait of the villain, he says. we both roll our eyes about it.
v. so one of the things about being nonbinary but previously super into harry potter is that i super hate jk rowling. but it is also not good for my mental health to regret any form of joy i engaged with as a kid. i can't punish my young self for being so into the books - it was a passion, and it was how i made most of my friends. everyone knew about it. i felt like everyone had my same joy, my same fixation. as a "weird kid", this sense of belonging resonated with me so loudly that i would have done anything to protect it.
vi. as a present, my parents once took me out of school to go see the second movie. it is an incredibly precious memory: my mom straight-up lying about a dentist appointment. us snickering and sneaking into the weekday matinee. within seven years of this experience, the internet would be a necessity to get my homework finished. the world had permanently changed. harry potter was a relic, a way any of us could hold onto something of the analog.
vii. by sheer luck, the year that i started figuring out the whole gender fluid thing was also the first year people started to point out that she might have some internalized biases. i remember tumblr before that; how often her name was treated as godhood. how harry potter was kind of a word synonymous for "nerdy but cool." i would walk out of that year tasting he/him and they/them; she would walk out snarling and snapping about it.
viii. when i teach older kids creative writing, i usually tell them - so, she did change the face of young adult fiction, there's no denying that. she had a lot more opportunities than many of us will - there were more publishing houses, less push for "virally" popular content creators. but beyond reading another book, we need to write more books. we need to uplift the voices of those who remain unrepresented. we need to push for an exposure to the bigotry baked into the publishing system. and i promise you: you can write better than she ever did. nothing she did was what was magical - it was the way that the community responded to it.
ix. i get home from ramen. three other people have screenshotted the POTS thing and sent it to me. can you fucking believe we're still hearing this shit from her when it's almost twenty-fucking-twenty-three. the villain is notably also popular on tumblr. i just think that's funny. this woman is a billionaire and she's mad that she can't control the opinions of some people on a dying blue site that makes no money. lady, and i mean this - get a fucking life.
x. i am sorry to the kid i was. maybe the kid you were too. none of us deserved to see something like this ruined. that thing used to be precious to me. and now - all those good times; measured into dust.
/// 9.6.2022 // FUCKING AGAIN, JK? Are you fucking kidding me?
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
thought: what if jason had the ability to see ghosts but only when tired. so he ends up thinking he’s hallucinating and doesn’t tell anyone because thats tims thing
There is a little girl singing nursery rhythms and spinning in small circles. Now usually, Jason wouldn't find that too out of place. Kids always found the strangest things entertaining.
No, what was strange was that the little girl was floating just above the rails of the stairway. She looks like a poorly edited clip slapped onto the backdrop of the gala he has been dragged to.
She's wearing a red dress and a large bow in her hair that seems to have been stolen from Alice on her way to Wonderland. Her skin had a greenish hue, and a slight glow was coming off her, reminding Jason of a miniature night light.
"Huh," He mumbles, taking another sip of the water he picked up. Bruce is the one who pretends to get sloppy drunk at all the parties, while in comparison, Jason has gained a reputation for never touching alcohol. It says a lot about how powerful the Waynes are if his presence ensures the hosts have other refreshments ready for him.
This means that the little girl is not a drunken hallucination. Maybe he's more tired than he thought.
"What is it?" Tim asks to his side. His disgusting CEO smile is still firmly in place, a twist of the lips that belie the hidden tension. Tim would appear relaxed and enjoying the party like any other elite if anyone glanced in their direction. "Trouble?"
The little girl is sticking her tongue out at some teenagers heading her way. She's not doing anything but making faces at random guests that walk by. "I don't think so."
"What is it then?"
Jason had a choice here. He could mention the little girl, but that would mean admitting he could see her. Based on the way, literally, no one is reacting; he's the only one that can.
She's likely another hallucination.
Jason has been getting those since he was young, usually due to a lack of sleep. Just last week, he saw a butcher wandering the streets of Gotham, wearing the highest heels he had ever seen. That had been after the five-day mission with the OutLaws, where he thinks he only had a chance to sleep maybe three times.
He should go home before the little girl starts doing something weird.
Not that he would ever let the rest of the family know, especially Tim. Seeing things that aren't there is Tim's thing, and Jason has teased him too often over the years about it to start admitting he's got the condition too.
He nods his head at the teenagers. Tim turns his body slightly, allowing his gaze to take in what he's looking at without making it obvious he's staring. Apparently, he can't make it known he's interested in someone. Ugh, another rule of high society that Jason will never bother to understand. "I've never seen them before."
He means the two accompany Samatha Manson. He's aware of the inventor's granddaughter, seeing as her family had ties with the Waynes, distant as they may be. It was Waynes who bought the rights to her grandfather's inventions many years ago, and his son was the one that started investing in some smaller shell companies of Waynes, further building the family fortune.
Jason didn't see her often at galas because while the Mansons were wealthy, they were new money. They had no connections, mannerisms, or mindset to be welcomed by the elites.
"Daniel Fenton and Tucker Foley. Foley is in the brown suit, Fenton is the one in the black one." Tim identifies quickly. He probably went over the gala invitation guest list to memorize everyone attending even though it wasn't a gala they were hosting. "Her best friends. Nothing that stands out too much about them except for Fenton. His parents are independent ghost hunters and researchers."
Jason blinks down at this brother. "Ghost hunters?"
Both brothers know how real ghosts can be in their line of work, seeing as Deadman has helped them with some cases before. Still, it's surprising to find civilians who are that close to the undead.
"More Ghostbusters than actual hunters." Tim shrugs when he gets a confused frown. "I looked into them to make sure Fenton over there wouldn't be a danger once in Gotham. His parents' inventions are marketed as ghost-hunting equipment but are authentic weapons. He's been known to show signs of rouge potential behavior."
Jason looks back at the black hair boy who is......talking to the little girl? Or trying to? She is spinning again, floating up to the chandelier, not caring for the teenage boy leaning over the railing towards her as Foley and Manson stand guard. If they trying to be inconspicuous, they are doing a poor job.
Jason spots Damian approaching the trio with a tense set of his shoulders. His youngest brother taps his finger against the glass in his hand in a specific rhythm.
If any of the Bats have seen Damian- which is all of them, given that everyone in the family always keeps an eye on Damian at galas- they have all been told the same message.
Possible jumper.
Granted, without the little girl, it looks like Fenton wants to take a leap over the railing. That's worrying.
Tim proves this by tilting his chin slightly in their direction, shoulders also tense. "Let's go."
Jason follows after Tim, trying his best to not make it obvious they are freaking out about a possible tragedy about to happen. Damian, thankfully, has already reached the teenagers but is stalled by Manson.
He can't hear what she's saying, but she's matching Damian's angry scowl with her own. Seeing the only two goth kids standing off with each other is hilarious.
Damian had told Bruce a few months back that he wanted to try and change his civilian persona a bit and had taken their dad's credit card with Raven to do shopping.
He's come back as a goth, giving Bruce a near heart attack, as Damian changed out all his suits to have a scull somewhere on his person at all times. Jason thought it was the best cover plan the brat could have ever done.
Mason's right eye twitches when she sees them, but other than glaring harshly, she doesn't say anything as they come up to stand behind Damian. Tim is in the perfect place to sludge for Fenton should the boy throw himself over. Jason is to tackle the two teenagers should they try to stop his brother.
"Dude, it's okay. Danny always does that," Foley assures as they finally climb up to them. "He's really into, ugh, parkour."
"It's dangerous," Damian particularly bites. Looks like someone needs more sensitive training.
Fenton stops trying to lean over the rail to glance over his shoulder to Damian. "I'm okay. Thank you for worrying about me, though."
Jason is standing in the prime location to see Damian's haughty expression melt away into startled wonder. He watches a tiny bit of red appear on the cheekbones of his youngest brother, and for a moment, all Jason can think is how much he will have fun teasing the boy later.
Gosh, if he wasn't so tired he would realize he wasn't the only one who noticed.
"He's red like a tomato!" A feminine voice chirps, and he can't help but laugh at the comment. Damian's face is slowly turning redder by the curious head tilt Fenton does in his direction. Cute.
"You got that right, kiddo, so red he's ripe for the picking. " Jason smirks down at his brother, who, for his part, dares to look confused.
"What are you babbling about?" Damian snaps as Tim's intense eyes swing over the boy's head to lock gazes with Jason.
"What the girl said"
"I didn't say anything," Manson denies, and Jason finally realizes he has responded to the little girl, who is grinning ear from ear. Shit.
"Oh." Fenton nods, stepping down the railing to look Jason dead in the eye and smile. "You see dead people."
"Cool, one of us. One of us." Foley chants with a grin, and even Mason seems to relax more, going from irritated to indifferent. The teenager stops his chat when the three brothers fail to find humor.
Danny just smiles near-vacantly, which causes Damian to look hot under the collar.
Maybe Jason should leave to take a nap in the safety of his room because he does not have the time to unpack all of this.
"Maybe we should find Bruce," Tim says after a moment, and that is when the little girl choices to fly right up to Tim and flick his ear. Tim startles so hard he slams into Damian, who loses his footing and falls over. Jason is fast enough to catch him before he rolls down the stairs.
Danny giggles, and for the first time since he's known Damian, he looks like he wants the ground to swallow him hole. What a weird night for Jason.
"What the hell was that?" Tim mumbles, looking around.
Manson grins a sharp, wicked thing. "A ghost"
"Of course it is." Tim sighs then he gives Jason a near-eye glare. "How long have you been able to see ghosts?"
"Honestly? Probably since I was six. I thought they were hallucinations."
"And why did you not tell anyone about having what you thought were lifelong hallucinations?"
"I'm not you. Hallucinations are your weird thing. Mine are guns."
"I like them," Fenton announces, and the other two finally step back. Only then does he come to the startling observation that Manson and Feley had been acting like bodyguards by placing themselves between Fenton and the Waynes?
What a strange night indeed.
"Todd, let me up!"
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nipuni · 2 months
Time for an old school blog post, Hello!
Just various updates about life and shows and clothes and some photos! Adding a read more cut because I talk too much 😊
Happy equinox everyone!! The mild weather has been wonderful for daily park walks. We have been taking our meals outside as often as we can to make the most of it before summer scorches the land and all life. The longer days allow for a lot more wandering too but the imminent return of the heat is also making the longing to move up north worse by the day. We miss the choppy ocean and seaside cliffs 😭 We love the silence and the rain and the nippy sea breeze!! it's like being suspended in early spring for half the year and a rainy autumn the other half, Ideal if you don't mind humidity, but that's what wellies and flat caps are for. We have been looking for properties to rent to show up everyday so for now we lie in wait.
Speaking of nature, a few months ago we discovered a free app called Plantnet that you use to take and upload photos of plants, trees, flowers and it will identify them for you. You keep a log with their locations and can share them too to help contribute to each local biodiversity database. It feels like a pokedex for plants. There are many apps like this one to choose from too. It's been so fun learning what all these plants are called and memorizing them! I recommend it, is like a little educational side quest to take on while stretching your legs and getting some fresh air. This is not an ad I promise lmao I just think it's neat! kind of sad feeling the need to clarify that.
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This weather is also making me want to start making outfit posts again! It's been so long since I made any!! my winter wardrobe is mostly long wool coats or capes and boots so the inspiration wasn't there but now I'm ready to pull out all my stuff back from under my bed storage and experiment again 👏 I've also been meaning to share some of Nicolas outfits for ages too so there is more variety, could be fun!
Speaking of clothes, lately I've grown more and more frustrated with how poorly most clothes fit me to the point where I'm considering learning how to make them from scratch. I usually have to take in the tops and hem the bottoms but most things I try on are just built weird even if I fix the size, or maybe I'm built weird! I think it may be both. Nicolas also said he would love to learn along with me so we will probably embark on that adventure soon. OH and on a short tangent, I got myself a sort of binder-like top that flattens the chest a bit and I'm loving it! I'm very flat already but what little bust I do have has always bothered me when I dress and I've found I feel a lot more comfortable in this type of top. I'm glad I tried it out so if you feel similarly you may want to give it a go too, see how it feels!
On the media side of things we have also been watching more of David Tennant's work. We are still very much in love with him to an embarrassing degree, you can probably tell if you follow me anywhere, my likes on twitter alone give me away alksjdf and Nicolas isn't any better! if he used social media his would look the same lmao.
Since my last report we have watched and absolutely LOVED "There She Goes" we already want to watch it again honestly. The family dynamics for all his characters are always so real and refreshing!! Their relationship with their wives especially are always so believable in every series we've seen, the comfort and camaraderie, the banter and just friendship! You can tell they enjoy each other's company, it feels true. I love it so much!!
We also watched "Inside man" which was..a very stressful mess but David was incredible as always, also very hot and very pitiful which is always great, and Stanley Tucci was on it! so that's also fun.
Then we rewatched season one of Good Omens and the first 4 seasons of Doctor Who, with all the extra content like the Confidentials, deleted scenes, video diaries and more, they are just so good!! our list of favourite episodes keeps growing, season four is incredible, we are loving all these seasons even more the second time around!! Now we are probably going to start watching either Classic Who or Torchwood, along with more of David's work. We were trying to pick what to watch during dinner the other day and Nicolas was like 'damn, David is not in this though, I miss him' and lmao same so now we just watch one show without him and one with him right after to cope 😂
OH we have also been doing more historical reenactment! Since the last one in the 20's we jumped back to Regency times. We have been putting our outfits together for a ball soon and hopefully another one in autumn in the UK 😊 1800 is the farthest back in time we've been yet so it's been fun doing research, finding pieces and learning the dances in class but also very hectic. I'll share more about this soon!
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Then we also have a couple of 1900 events coming soon, so I'll be sharing more Edwardian looks as well, our favourite era!!
Anyway I think that's all for now, thanks for reading to whoever is doing so!! I know this is long and not a popular blogging format anymore but I enjoy it a lot, maybe some of you do too 🥰 I will reply to some messages soon, I'm so sorry I'm so bad at keeping up with those!! I've read them all and cherish every word 🥺 Thank you for supporting my art and shenanigans as always!! I hope you have a great week!!
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Sorry if this is a weird question - a friend of mine just found out she has a spider ball python (he was sold to her as another morph, but when she showed me a picture, I pointed out he looked like a spider and she ended up going 'oh crap you're right'), but he doesn't appear to have any wobble or other common spider traits. I know it can show up less in some snakes than others, but is this something he might deal with more as he ages? Is there a way she can prep for that to give him the best possible care if issues do arise?
Was he sold to her as a pinstripe, by any chance? Pinstripes look a lot like spiders but they're a completely ethical, unrelated morph. To ID a snake as a pinstripe, look for an even, non-splotchy headstamp, long lines down the body, and a gentle taper into lighter belly coloration.
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Compare that to a similar morph, spinner, that actually does have spider in it. The spider has a splotchy headstamp, short lines of patterning, and splotchy light belly coloration up the sides:
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If he actually is a spider, there is indeed every chance that a wobble can wax and wane throughout his life. It may not be a big issue for him, but it could pop up at any time, and it could progressively worsen or periodically get better and come back again. Here's hoping that he's one of the lucky ones who almost never suffer because of it!
A lot of the spiders I've owned (all rescues, of course) had severe wobbles, so her snake hopefully will not need this level of accomodation, but here's what I recommend to prepare for, just in case:
Teach him to eat his food by taking it off the ground instead of tongs. Feeding time is often the most frustrating time for spiders, as the wobble worsens when they're excited, causing them to miss their food. Gradually keep lowering his food closer to the ground until he expects it to be on the ground - it's easier for them to aim and find food that's sitting still on the ground in front of them.
Think about how to modify the enclosure to help him stay comfortable and navigate with confidence. Shorter, thicker climbing branches are easier for spiders to hold onto.
Have a plan to make the substrate softer to avoid any bumps and scrapes if he becomes clumsy. Mixing sphagnum moss into the substrate is my go-to.
Think about shallow water dishes that he can easily get out of.
With some spidrers, I've had issues with them scraping their faces along parts of enclosures, especially screen lids and vent slats. Gluing cardboard over the trouble spots seemed to help - just don't use tape inside a snake enclosure because it can get stuck to and damage scales.
Hopefully, he will have a long, healthy, happy life with as minimal a wobble as possible! With any snake in the spider complex, though, it's important to keep track of symptoms if and when they pop up. If he does start presenting with a wobble later in life, I recommend keeping a journal of his quality of life so you can identify specific areas of frustration for him.
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bengiyo · 5 months
Hi, what's your 30 favorite Asian BL characters from dramas or series you've watched? (unless you don't have that many) Thanks.
Nonnie, respectfully, that's just too many characters to write about. However, I have written about The Knowing and why I identify with those characters, and I've written about Framboise, one of my favorite characters of all time.
However, now is as good a time as any to join @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles in reaffirming my love for Dynamite!
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In her post, Turtles talked about how Dynamite and Fire are products of internalized and externalized homophobia. Shan went on in her post to talk about how their story works because of how Fire shifts as he becomes comfortable with himself and his relationship with Dynamite.
I think part of why I feel so protective with it comes to Dynamite and his friends is that I care so much for fem gay men and the kinds of visible queers that don't get loved, especially when they're assertive about themselves. It was always obvious to me why Dynamite, Prem, and Samsee were together. They're all lonely queers who don't expect others to love them or take care of them.
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I've noticed over the last decade that fandom really struggles with friend groups like these. It was somewhat similar with the SCOY quartet on the front end, especially Toh. I often wonder if there is a component of visible queerness or gender play that doesn't reach sections of the audience. However, as a gay man who is loved and protected by queers like this, these are my best friends. You've heard my best friend on @the-conversation-pod when David guests, and he is one of those queers. He is a fighter. I am not.
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Prem and Samsee clearly know Dynamite's story. The crux of why Samsee is upset with Dynamite at the end of episode 9 and going into episode 10 is because he felt like he should have been trusted with something important about Dynamite. Samsee is the kind of man who is like Whoopi Goldberg: He doesn't want people in his house. However, he opens his door for Dynamite when he loses his apartment, and keeps letting him live there even when he's pissed. Samsee believes in his friends and loves them. Dynamite is the de facto leader of their friend group because they love and trust him. Dynamite is more than just his persistent attraction to Fire.
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Dynamite likes Fire because Fire protected him from what clearly reads as a bashing. Dynamite has been thinking about that for years, and toughened himself up because of white Fire inspired in him.
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We also know that Dynamite lost his parents to homophobia. You don't get a queer like Dynamite if they're loved and supported by the people who were supposed to do it. You get this when he's loved and supported by the people who chose him. I keep my guest room ready because we sometimes have to take care of a friend in the local community.
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When Fire gets serious about Jane and weird about Dynamite, he backs off, forcing Fire to come after him. He knows that Fire is also into him, but he isn't going to be jerked around. It's the sincerity of Dynamite's attraction that makes Metha force Fire to reckon with how he's suppressing who he is.
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More than anything, it's that Fire admits this to himself when he can't put up the front anymore. Dynamite is so important to me because so many of us who were closeted are like Fire. We pretend like we don't like gay men chasing us, like Intouch chasing Korn in UWMA, and then we lose them! You will lose confident gays like Dynamite if you treat them like shit and keep calling them annoying. Their friends will call you DL trash and you will not be invited out.
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I just love Dynamite so much. He is the kind of gay character I love the most in BL. He's a kinda fem gay man who is earnestly pursuing his hot, super fit love interest. He has the support of his visibly-queer friends. He knows what he wants out of his relationship. He supports his partner through a major difficulty while still being clear about what he wants as secondary to his partner's safety. He is passionate about his goals, and wants to succeed with his friends (I ugly cried about their dish narrative in episode 10).
We have a fully-realized queer character surrounded by complex, layered queer characters. His story and those of his friends are about queer love making people's lives better. He will always be a favorite, and I really hope the people in the audience who've struggled with him can find more ways to appreciate him.
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peridyke · 5 months
ok the way dni banners have progressed over the years is crazy to me cause like. okay. when I was like 18 I started running a kidcore/sensory themed blog cause those things were comforting for me and something that was a bit of an issue when you posted that stuff was that there were a Lot of ddlg based blogs who would kinda co-opt anything based on nostalgic kids media (especially very cute stuff like sanrio) and pass it around in their circle often leaving sometimes very explicit comments focusing around a form of roleplay that is uh definitely not for everyone especially if you have csa based trauma. so like if you wanted to avoid seeing cute stuff you posted passed around with people who often left explicit and triggering commentary the best way to avoid it was putting a banner at the bottom of your gifset or whatever that said ddlg blogs don't reblog. just cause like I mean if you have one of those blogs its very obvious when you aren't listening to the wishes of the original poster if you still reblog it and it's also something that kinda kills the aesthetic a little bit. NOT a perfect system obviously but like you know when it worked it worked. when I was running my blog I didn't want to use banners cause they made me feel dorky but one time I didn't and I posted a gif from a hello kitty cartoon I watched when I was 6 and it got passed around heavily in those circles and someone left a comment about it being them when daddy puts them in the punishment closet. so like you know I didn't make that mistake again LOL. but anyways nowadays they seemed to have devolved into like...something very weird where it's not really about keeping your stuff from entering an explicitly sexual circle and more like...I don't know how to put this. weird misplaced moral signaling? not that the groups that people ask not to interact with them are great but there is something very silly about posting a slime gif with a giant banner underneath telling every group with potentially offensive opinions not to reblog it especially when the stated groups get progressively esoteric and niche. and it gets especially useless when it starts including stuff that people don't self identify as like no one is going to see "racist pedophiles dni" and be like ohhhhh shit that's meeeeee fuuuuck!!!! I don't know like you know at the end of the day people can put what they want on their posts and to be fair I think people who get really wrapped up in that stuff tend to be younger anyways but it is still like. very silly and very far removed from the original specific intentions of using banners
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🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🩸🩲 - to identify
This one is for uterus wielders:
Do any of y'all wear diapers during your period? I am a larger person with a decently heavy period. I typically use pads, rarely ever use tampons, I hate how they feel, but I've always felt like I'm worried about leaking outside of my pad and staining my underwear and pants.
It makes me uncomfortable for my whole period cuz I always feel like I have to sit/stand/lay in the exact right position with my pad placed in the exact right spot in my underwear, or else I'll leak. It doesn't happen that often, but point is I always stress about it throughout my period.
I don't wear tampons for similar reasons, I would just stress about leaking. Same with period underwear. I've found they're good for maybe the first and last days of my period when it's lighter, but not on my heavier days.
I've been wanting to just say fuck it and start wearing adult diapers, especially at night, but I've always felt like it'd be weird to do that. Idk why, I know for sure if someone told me they wear diapers during their period (or just in general), I'd just be like "hell yeah brother" and wouldn't judge them at all, but I guess the social stigma gets to me when I think about doing it myself. So I'm just wondering if anyone else actually does it.
TLDR: for people with periods, do you wear diapers during your period?
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blackstarchanx3new · 3 months
FSR rambles 18 dreams about being gannon
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Direct parallels to Gannon/OOT.
Sweet time to mention Shadow can play the piano haha. I have a plan for a comic on HOW he learned but that's a later date type thing.
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He's here to murder shadow. Noice.
Seems like Shadow's just getting haunted by this guy considering his appearance earlier in the comic in page 290 -
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Seems like Hero of Time just isn't a fan of him or smth. XDDD
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Ouch. That looked like it hurt.
Also hi who are you.
Also considering I know who you are...Why are your eyes Blue buddy? :D
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"Aw shit. I got sliced"
"Also I'm younger"
Ah dream logic.
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Hi Perry-
I mean uhhh
Totally mysterious purple clad hero.
This is a character from the planned sequel of FSR. and I can't speak much about him. You'd know a decent amount about him if you've seen the FSRA posts.
Also his eyes changed...Again...
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When I dream I have nothing but nightmares too shadow. Smh.
Oh Hi Link. Why are you wearing white and black. Basically the reverse of Dark Link's fit? Not weird at aaaaall considering that wasn't what he was wearing before he pulled the sword...
It's been around for awhile NOW but Shadow's hair changing to have a red streak...much like a certain gerudo man we know isn't odd at ALLLLLL.
Also nice Malice eyes Shadow.
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Yeah I'm sure the magic demonic 8 ball will have the answers you seek Shadow.
Considering the Gannon flashbacks we just saw...Who's "him" Dark? Because Dark could just as easily be talking about Vaati here. But really it's up in the air on who he meant exactly.
Dark keeping his horns from his vaati convo and it appearing on his human ish form was a fun detail to add.
Random note to think about: Dark had to put himself back in Shadow's hat after sneaking off to vaati's house and that imagery is funny so I'm sharing it with you.
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Dark's hair is still vaati colored as well and his behavior is reflecting him still.
Link talking about food and sleeping is just about the most link thing ever so Dark gives absolutely no shits about it.
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Haha you should have chosen your words more wisely shadow...
It ALMOST sounds like you don't WANT Link here...which Dark can pick up on pal-
Oh shit. You repeated it you meant it.
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Yeah don't shout Link could wake up.
Dark kinda SORTA seems to know what's happening...
But he's using "I think" and uncertain language. (You know he's not sure of smth if he's using phrasing like that hah. Since he's usually so self assured in his assumptions.)
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Lol ignore how often my dumbass forgot to keep Shadow's hair right. Mistakes happen. 😅
Hey Shadow, abusing the nutcase isn't gonna get you very far.
Especially because he hates your guts.
Dark's kinda right here tho. Shadow's being selfish as hell rn.
The phrase "Does the word "HERO" just have no meaning to you? You disgust me" specifically gets a chuckle out of me considering who's mouth it's coming out of.
Dark continues to miss identify Shadow as Gannon when he said "you're as old as time" (More of a reference to demise depending on how you look at it but same diff)
Dark sweating visibly showing he's still very much scared of Shadow.
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Shadow pulled his head out of his ass for a second and realized Dark's acting weird. (Like Vaati)
Dark's instant snap back is amusing but also sad. Like. Shadow doesn't "know him" not in any meaningful way. But he does yield and admit he was looking at memories for... YEARS in the head space.
Which is just a level of horror beyond comprehension.
Imagine spending YEARS looking at other people's memories just to get yanked out of it randomly by mr root of all evil himself bitching at you about smth you don't even know about, some guy you had a single conversation with YEARS AGO. But oh yeah. It's only been maybe 8 hours in the real world and all perception of time and reality was thrown off and you're being accused of being a different person after all that shit.
To say Dark Link isn't having a fun or good time would be an understatement.
I touched on it in a fic where Link and Dark bang of all places but Dark's existence is an existential nightmare.
Dark Link's EXISTANCE isn't fun for him. He's gonna mention it later too but he's MISSERABLE and vocal about his misery and pain just being alive.
Something weird to think about: Who's memories was he even looking at?
Really from his vague description it could be ANYONE.
I personally like to think it's vaati's considering he still has his hair shifted to be vaati's tone, is acting like vaati and mentions shadow being "Annoying"
though Link and vio are high possibilities too haha.
A mix of all of them aren't off base either.
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Identity crisis how fun...Dark struggling to separate himself from the memories he's witnessed is concerning to say the least.
At least he's willing to be helpful with what he thinks is going on.
Really he could have just said "Fuck off figure it out yourself" but he offers to try and explain shit to Shadow from his perspective.
Dark's openness to cooperate despite everything is smth noteworthy.
He has literally no reason to do shit like this (Even if it fails) ESPECIALLY considering his distaste for Shadow. He just does shit that's helpful or nice cause he can.
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Just little characterizations that Dark Link is more like Link than you'd first think considering his introduction.
Also OOT reference again with Ganon entering the sacred realm to steal the Triforce of power.
The second Shadow mentions them splitting is a relief, Dark cosplays Vio. XDDDD
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Even Shadow thinks that was Vio like haha.
Dark's avoiding Link is the funniest part of this. "Oh shit he's waking up, gotta run. Don't wanna talk to him." XDDD
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Don't do it Shadow.
It's a terrible idea.
Last time Link was here he was wanting to off himself so he might not be the most mentally sound individual!
Also who's happy to be woken up...
Dark Link being the voice of reason here about the pros and cons to waking Link up or even listening to him haha.
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Considering what happens HAPPENS, that probs would have happened REGUARDLESS of if he was woken up or not. The change really is down to whether or not Shadow would A. Even be around for it. B. Be the one to wake Link up and have that burden on his mind or C. Just let shit happen.
Shadow is putting a ton of pressure on Dark to give answers or be helpful AND CORRECT but like...dude Dark doesn't know, he's guessing too lmfao.
Shadow makes what I consider a very foolish choice which was waking Link up.
Dark held back the explosion aspect but he is here to have fun first so uhhhh...Well he DID say it'd be funny to him and not Shadow.
Shadow defaults to blaming Dark Link "Damn demon" which...Shadow learn some accountability.
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Panel by panel breakdown cause stuffs getting jucy:
1- Interesting outfit choice Link. It's the one he wore when he was a bit younger. So he's got a younger mindset when waking up. Which is just sad.
2- his outfit changes to half blue half green with a purple sleeve, his hands are all sorts of wrong and mish mashed with red and purple nails. His eyes also have the wrong color. His body is distorting all over the place...Interesting.
3- Shadow you shouldn't have said anything. The coward's hiding too lmfao he knows he fucked up.
4- Safe to say he's not very happy.
Link's distorting and glitching is based on video game glitches. Which is fun because: LOZ is a video game.
There's something distinctly haunting and uncanny about buggy/glitchy game assets and I wanted to capture it here.
Like the reality of four people being forced into one body is quite horrifying and the idea of them just bugging out unable to process how many thoughts there are is overwhelming. Literally like overloading a computer or gaming system.
There's also something to be said about how he fully breaks after seeing Shadow Link.
This is brought up later so I'll expand upon it later but the fact literally the only words Shadow Link spoke to LINK was "I'm the hero Link" or smth like that is hysterical.
For living together for 7 years: They truly don't know each other well on a personal level considering their ability to communicate was stunted by Shadow being...Well a Shadow. And I wanna explore that more as the series goes on.
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1- Lol Green hi thanks for trying to stay calm.
2- Vio's here too. Something tells me calming down isn't working considering your face is cracking more and the tunic is flashing different colors.
3- Shadow I swear to god, shut your mouth-
4- Yeaaaaaah we saw that coming. Ouch looks painful. Good thing that body is magic hahaha.
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Link's just not having a good time at all. XD
I think a few people caught this but Link breaking down here was based on the forced gem fusions in SU also the distorted static version of the cartoons from learning with pibby XD
It was good inspo for how horrific this scenario is.
Really all of them are just kinda, shoved in there. Unable to truly escape and they're NOT HAPPY about it.
Blue specifically is trying to get out as we'll know later and we get more context on his thoughts about this ordeal from the Darkblue chapter... But visually you can see Link's got two faces and it remains consistent that that's Blue.
Which, is terrifying.
There's also the underlying horror that the "Why" Link is back in one body isn't truly addressed but we'll get more into that later.
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Shadow running for his damn life haha.
I'd be scared too if that mess was crawling at me.
The sad thing is that Link's reaching out for help and Shadow responds by screaming in terror lmfao.
Cause Link seems monstruous at the moment but the reality of the situation is he's very clearly conscious and scared. He's reaching out to the only person he can, which is Shadow.
I think this might be my favorite design of Link in this state. It's just horrific to look at. The eyes bleeding onto both his faces which are cracked like mirrors so you can't tell what he's looking at. He has Vio and Blue's legs sticking out of his back, and entire extra head forcing its way off his main one, it's hard to tell from these but his skin is glitching in both Red and Blue's separate skin tones (Blue's being a bit darker and Red's being lighter)
His tunic is pitch black which, black absorbs all wavelengths of light and reflects none...Literally keeping it trapped haha.
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Anyway, Link/Green, Vio and red are all reaching out to shadow but blue is suspiciously absent haha.
Them grabbing onto Shadow is smth Vio would do...
The four sword's lil gem thingy is glitched to shit too. Each colored piece being a different size. Green's is noticeably larger while Blue and Red's are about the same size. Vio's is the smallest.
Shadow's hat is doing that thing Dark does when he's upset where it clings to his body.
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Yeah feeling like you can't do anything would be a feeling you fall into frequently being trapped as a shadow.
Take that agency back Shadow it's been robbed from you for too long.
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Jokes aside I love this moment. Link getting more stable as he keeps Shadow close to him is sweet.
Link just needed a hug. UwU
Or...Less cute option: Maybe...The triforce of power had something to do with it...
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Link/Red crying immediately when Shadow says a single word lmfao.
Link's so pretty I love him. I'm glad he's back a bit.
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"Shadow, stop talking." could apply to everything he says to link as of rn. XD
Link's still very much emotionally distressed and I'd be too after THAT SHIT SHOW.
I do think it's funny how Link is wearing black here and Shadow is wearing white. (It's just his usual underclothes without his tunic)
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Yes shut up and please just hug him it's clearly what he needs rn Shadow. X'D
Perfect cut off point lmfao.
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dissociacrip · 7 months
some ways that congenital hypotonia affects me personally in my everyday life
disclaimer: this is a "i want to see hypotonia talked about more"/vent-post adjacent thing rather than something that should be used as some kind of diagnostic reference. hypotonia is more of a symptom than a condition on its own & is associated with a wide variety of diagnoses, i personally don't have a label or explanation for what i experience other than "congenital hypotonia" (and my case is not "self-diagnosed," this was identified when i was still a child.)
generalized hypermobility and painful joint instability either caused by hypotonia or at least contributed to by it if not; no frequent dislocations but joints still tracking badly (especially my knees) and causing pain, ankle instability once gave me an injury
related to above, knees have occasionally buckled/threatened to give out, usually when i'm tired or when i've stood from a sitting position in a chair
unfixable bad posture putting unnecessary strain on a lot of things (reason why my hamstring muscles are so tight)
sitting or standing up easily causing fatigue and pain unless something else is adquately supporting my body (normal chairs usually don't suffice because that still requires adequate posture)
related to above, persistent need to lean on things for support; this is the primary reason why i own a cane
staying in bed a lot due to the above because it's the only time my body doesn't have to support itself
tendency to drool, usually when laying down
dysphagia (things feel "stuck" in my throat a lot, swallowing capsules is becoming more and more uncomfortable), aspirating food/water, acid reflux making these issues worse
may or may not be part of the reason i'm a bit of a loud breather
sometimes chewing hurts or is tiring (or talking)
related to above, mild speech issues mainly affecting articulation (e.g. mouth making a "v" sound rather than "th" sometimes), makes speech physically feel weird or forced, or something even painful; sometimes "talking out of the side of my mouth"
poor grip = poor handwriting, also often makes writing or gripping things painful, including holding/typing on my phone
related to above, makes drawing hard because i don't have proper grip/as much control over my hands as i should
doesn't happen too often but almost randomly losing my balance; i'll just be standing minding my own business and then i'll start tipping over
related to above, can't just stand still and be still, i start tipping in different directions and i think i've subconsciously learned to counteract this when i'n required to stand in place
walking/moving slowly because it feels like my muscles don't have the capacity to move any faster, even if i'm not really "tired" per-se (decreased state of readiness for movement)
have a very hard time holding my head up spine even remotely straight when i am actually tired/worn out
legs/arms start shaking if i hold them out against gravity
also, legs shake if i sit on the floor/a flat surface with my knees bent upward, or arms quickly start to give out if i lay on my stomach and prop myself up on my elbows
walking feels awkward/uncomfortable and wrong most of the time; anything wrong with my gait is probably only recognizable to a PT or someone else who knows what they're looking for, but things just feel too loose/floppy when i walk; probably the reason why i'm prone to tripping and accidentally kicking stuff (POTS-induced ataxia - or w/e it is - makes this much worse)
also probably contributes to constipation and maybe other digestive problems
there's probably more but that's all i can think of for now. this is not universal hypotonia experience as hypotonia is a symptom that varies in its severity and my case seems fairly mild, but i thought i'd talk a little bit about what it's like since it's an under-discussed thing (especially pertaining to disabled adulthood.)
this is okay to reblog.
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druidshollow · 9 months
infodumping about rain world ancient ocs- about that ask i just answered
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just in case the incredible @inkycorvid wanted me to talk about my ancient ocs instead of my ancient headcanons im making a post talking about my idiot guys in a very annoying structure. gotta cover all my bases
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he/him, bisexual, sometimes has beard barbells sometimes doesn't. middle aged (in genetically modified to live for a longass time terms), very much divorced. admin to eleven rivers, not very nice to eleven rivers.
-like never smiles, always looks either pissed off or miserable
-his mask is very wedge-shaped. big karma 10 symbols on sides
-practically every time red is used in the context of my rain world ocs it relates to him. either symbolically or literally. see red highlights???? probably flowers' fucking fault!!
-two strands of hair always fall in face
-wears wrappings often. once my bf said he probably wouldnt get divorced so hard if he wasnt dressed like a weird mummy
-no left ear
-comes from a considerably privileged background. family had incredibly high expectations
-traumatized by everlasting fire's attack and afraid of iterators. will not enter a puppet chamber unless entirely necessary
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-creates strong emotional attachments and reacts to rejection with self-isolation and bitterness
-late game, before he begins his plan to demolish eleven rivers and ascend himself but after the twins are awake he begins drinking an unhealthy amount and projecting his anger all over the place, especially towards rivers
-likes vultures. thinks they're crazy neat
-does not and can not have any comprehension of the ramifications his douchebaggery will bring about in the future (huge rammies. absolutely massive rammies)
-becomes an echo when he tries to ascend. his echo sits right snug over eleven rivers' chamber!
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she/her, bisexual, sometimes wears fancy shinies on her hair. middle aged in modified to live a very long time terms. flowers' ex wife. doing WAY better than him. admin to a fleck of flame, very nice to a fleck of flame.
-blue, cream stripes, frills on upper back
-short face, short hair, short body. short
-walks with cane after everlasting fire's attack
-implant in right ear later game, ear still there
-does in fact smile! makes lots of smug faces. she is in general very emotionally intense and expressive, and is also very morally headstrong. quick to jump to anger when she thinks lines have been crossed.
-she was named "flight to the sun, thirteen sparks" at birth, and changed it when she was enrolled in the school of solutions
-punk by ancient society terms. not big on ascension, very much a "don't we have it pretty fuckin good? why are we in such a rush to leave" kind of person
-stayed in the iterator project after fire's failure because in losing him she realized how human the iterators were. spent her life working to make their rights more solid and complexities more widely understood
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-very close friends with fleck. looks at fleck as her son, looked at fire as her son as well
-met flowers at the start of their schooling. they quickly bonded as they got to work together and were endorsed for esteemed position together
-left flowers in part because of the trauma surrounding the situation with fire, but more because she didn't like what she was beginning to see in flowers. he invented the first model of the demolishers after fire's attack, which descent hated. they would have split up eventually even if fire had lived and they'd continued work on him together. i think their political views and morals are too different, and their personalities too headstrong for it to've been avoided forever
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she/he/they, genderfluid and swaps pronouns often. pansexual. like in their late 20s early 30s equivalently. admin to glass incident. flowers' younger sibling, probably a nepotism hire
-shithead or confident expression
-lots of ear piercings, bridge piercing. no permanent ear implant
-three "bangs" fall on face. tends to let hair down when feeling more feminine and tie it up when feeling masculine
-frills on arms
-dresses a bit... revealing sometimes to be fully honest. wears a mask the least out of their group, doesn't like it for sensory reasons
-quite similar to flowers in shapes and colours, just with green stripes instead of red
-actually quite intelligent and insightful, but their primal need to cause chaos and keep everything lighthearted often overpowers this
-since flowers did so well in school and had his first project be a massive failure, lots of higher eyes were on wander throughout school
-joined the iterator project to stay near flowers
-was VERY happy to be selected to work with corners
-puts maybe too much energy into caring for flowers and trying to help him, when he pushes back so hard
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bark, cloud, smoke, west and journey are less important background characters! ive never even drawn bark or journey until right now, lmao
bark is a very old man who just wants to do his work in peace. cloud is an introvert who is very calm and professional. smoke is pretentious and self-involved. they're a teacher at the school of solutions and endorsed flowers and descent for the esteemed position. west is a hot guy flowers knew in school that he had a short-lived fling with after his divorce. journey was rivers' admin before flowers, but then she went to the void so she had to be replaced.
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hope this suffices and everyone is properly tired of seeing these guys!
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utilitycaster · 7 months
How about Veth? For how the fandom treats her in regards to her trauma
Sure! So there are basically three broad categories of how traumatized characters are treated in oversimplified/nuance-free/flattened fandom ways, and often there are factions (ie, a character is not uniformly treated one way by everyone):
Character doesn't display the trauma super openly or does so in a way that doesn't necessarily fit into people's understanding/sympathies -> ignored or downplayed by fandom, character is sidelined.
Character does display the trauma openly, option 1: "can't you see they're TRAUMATIZED?! They're doing their best?! You have to treat them real niceys and prioritize their feelings over everyone else's and let them do whatever they want and anyone who doesn't in-universe or out, is a BAD PERSON." See also this post; usually done by people projecting extremely hard to the point that the do not respect the boundary between this character and their own self.
Character does display the trauma openly, option 2: "ugh they suck. There's other characters, you know? They're just sad/arrogant/selfish/mean all the time, it's so annoying that they keep talking and that sometimes they are in focus." (in actual play this may translate also to calling the player themselves selfish or a drama queen/attention hog despite completely reasonable amounts of focus on that character.)
The second two often happen in concert, ie, people who like and identify with the character do the former and people who don't do the latter.
Anyway, Veth is the first option. A lot of her trauma is something she's actually very quiet about. She mostly drinks her feelings, which people see as her not caring, especially when we don't understand why she drinks. Her fear of water is also explicit, but comparatively subtle, and so a lot of people interpret more as weird quirks or even comedy (and to be fair it is sometimes played for laughs, but that doesn't mean it's not traumatic; it's called gallows humor and Sam does it constantly and half the fandom is apparently incapable of grasping that, which is a whole other thing). I think her closeness to Caleb, who falls very clearly into the bottom two options for many people, exacerbates this, because the people who flatten characters in this way tend to also struggle to understand that two characters could both be traumatized and that this is not a competition.
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midnights-dragon · 7 months
Pinned post 📌
All the info about me myself and I. Feel free to skip over if you're just stalking my blog! (Here's a song for you to listen to.) -> 
Hi, I’m Tristen! I’m transmasc and use he/him pronouns, bisexual, and religious-adjacent; a believer, not a follower. I am neurodivergent (ADHD specifically) and identify as a silly guy.
Important, first of all:
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in "don't like, don't read"
This user believes in "ship and let ship"
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
ALSO very important:
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So feel free to block me if you disagree. (ESPECIALLY do block me if you are an antisemite, or along that area of hatred towards people, if you're at all racist, homo/transphobic, etc). 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🎗️
Additionally, I do not usually post political things; this is first and foremost a fandom and personal blog. However, if I ever do, and you disagree, DO NOT attack me over it. Like, seriously. Just unfollow and move on! Block if you have to. I frankly could not care less.
Though, if you are transphobic, I ask that you don't follow me at all, as I do happen to be trans myself, as I said. And don't even try to send hate; anon asks are off, and I will freely blast & report you. I don’t have any “DNI” criteria except for obviously if you have any hatred or bigotry towards ANY group of people. Trans people, POC, Jews, ANYONE. And/or if you think one group’s suffering negates another’s. Period. Get off my blog if you hate someone for who they are.
Now that all of that is out of the way; onto the good stuff! ->
Things that I love/am hyperfixated on:
Good Omens
Hozier & Queen (average Good Omens fan)
Warrior Cats (cringe is DEAD)
Snakes, sharks, and birds (and dinosaurs)
My cat and bearded dragon (you will see pictures of them you have no choice)
Cliche old movies (The Parent Trap 1998, my beloved)
Bojack Horseman (run far away)
Hannibal (run further away)
Sometimes just random fucking shit that Tumblr puts on my For You, and that I will then reblog like 20 posts of in rapid succession, very unescapable, not sorry about that
ASKS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, AS ARE DMS!!! Nothing weird obviously, keep in mind that I am a minor (though I do enjoy smutfics, as any teenager does), but I LOVE random people saying random things, it makes me feel like a friend. Which you are to me! I love making mutuals as well, and if you want to be on a tag list for games like picrew chains, just let me know, I do those a lot. They're fun!
Now, writing requests & my Ao3! ->
I do accept writing requests, feel free to ask for anything for fandoms I'm in (if it's something topic-heavy, CWs are appreciated in advance), but obviously I'm not going to write anything like underage content or proship; I AM ANTI-CENSORSHIP, as said, I just am not a writer of pro-ship content, myself.
My favorite tropes:
Angst, specifically Hurt/Comfort
Human AUs
Trauma Recovery
Anything involving domestic & non-sexual nudity
Religious Trauma Messages
Panic Attacks/PTSD (and being helped through that)
Generally, just. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Happy Ending, though. I sometimes write fluff one-shots I sweat it just does not happen Often
Mostly anything goes; obviously I'm at full liberty to delete any messages I get or not do them, but I LOVE requests and I usually more often than not do end up doing them! Just send it my way (ask box or DMs is fine) and I'll let you know. I write currently for almost exclusively Good Omens content, which can be found under the AO3 link below. Specifically, here is my Good Omens Masterlist!
A little intro to me as a writer can be found here from a recent ask game I participated in, if that is of interest to you. Also here from my 2023 Ao3 wrapped. My current writing 'order of things' (i.e., what I'm working on right now), can be found here.
I'm on a lot of other socials under a similar url! You can find my Twitter here, and my Instagram here, and then my Ao3. I mainly post similar content on all my socials, just reposting memes, art, and fandom stuff and sometimes posting stuff of my own! I'm a young artist, but proud of whatever work I muster up the courage to post. Which is not a lot, but nonetheless
If you’d like to support me and my work in any way, feel free to support me on my GoFundMe for my future top surgery/transition/therapy in relating to gender dysphoria if you are able and wanting! I am trans FTM, and use he/him pronouns, as it says in my bio. However, this is in no way an attempt to pressure anyone to do anything. Please think of yourself before a random stranger on the internet.
Link is also here for the post.
And here is also a link to a post you can reblog for my friend’s uni tuition, please reblog or share if you can with that as well!
Anyways, thank you for all of the love I've ever gotten across any platform, I love how kind people can be. And if you're mean, then, well, I prefer if you didn't interact, because this is what I try to make a safe space. Unless I was mean to you first (with disregard to transhomophobes and the like), then it's free game, and also, my bad. <3 Enjoy my blog!
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cyanidas · 2 months
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🃏 Kokichi Ouma Age-up Timeline 🍇
Here, I've used his initial designs as inspiration! I like looking back at older designs cause for a lot of them, it's like watching them grow up!
Headcanons under cut (HUUUGE SPOILER WARNING FOR DRV3)
(Content Warning for child abuse, mental illness and disorder, self harm, generally dark and unsettling topics ahead)
First off, I'm firm in my take that Tsumugi was lying about everyone being fictional. There's a lot that doesn't match up, and the local V3 fandom celebrity responsible for the Amalgamate fic has helped me tremendously in solidifying my stance. I think they absolutely do belong to the DR universe, but the memories they get that aren't part of their backstory are completely fabricated.
If there's any additional input on V3 in Raincode, don't let me know because I haven't played yet ;w;
That said, there's many things I, like Kokichi, will refuse to clarify or elaborate on. His character demands mystery, and it would be a trivialization of his writing to just. lay it all out there. I think approaching his writing with the mindset of knowing the whole truth would be to bastardize his integrity and simplify him in a distasteful way - so all my headcanons here will be written and are intended to be seen as broad strokes as opposed to finely tuned detail.
I like to think of his past as muddy and confusing, even to him. There's not a lot he can remember clearly, and constantly confuses different takes on his memories. To me, it's clear that lying is a huge trauma thing to him - I would assume multiple sources would be responsible, like authority, family, and peers.
He's been lying as a means of survival, with multiple layers of how he feels about it - despite what he says, there's not actually one truth. Multiple truths exist for one single thing, and I think that mindset is something that scares him tremendously - he'd probably say that reality is just a lie you tell yourself, in order to justify trivializing and minimizing both feelings/emotion and trauma.
In his head, there's so much wrong with him that he can't even begin to unravel himself and understand everything that's happened to him, why he does what he does, why he feels what he feels... so on. He feels multiple things that often contradict each other, and he doesn't know how to understand that, so he often switches his justifications to suit whatever narrative he needs to cope.
In general, however, he claims he's just lying. There are in fact, genuine times he does actually lie... but rather than being a true compulsive liar, he is actually a compulsive method actor. He's so empathetic to everything and everyone, that he can easily switch his masking techniques to suit whatever he or others need, and does so involuntarily most of the time, though he does know how to "switch it on" purposefully.
In his earlier ages, he may have suffered from a guardianship similar to what those who have DID had gone through (not me projecting lol /hj). He's been bred and born into tragedy, not unlike Komaeda but absolutely distinct from him in that I do not believe this boy has had any good luck with anything in his life - not family, not friends, not money, nothing. I might even go so far as to assume that, similar to Yasuhiro having an unnaturally high good luck, Kokichi is suffering from unnaturally high bad luck.
I noticed that, on a lot of his designs, he seems to have always had *something* covering at least one of his hands - and even on his final design, though it could just be a design fluke or something weird with perspective I misunderstood, you can see the smallest scrap of fabric underneath his right sleeve that could be seen as another hand/wrist covering. When lined up with the other designs, it could very easily be taken as a wrist bandage - at least by my eyes. So, I (and a lot of others it seems, especially those who identify with him) have taken this to mean he may in fact be self-harming, and has been for a long while. Anyone who hyperfixates on this guy wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that turned out to be true.
I think that age 11 is probably what Kokichi himself would think of as his 'turning point', just going off of my little chart here; something tremendously awful happened to him, then. To fuel speculation and abide by his character rules, all I'm going to definitively say is... he likely wouldn't even trust doctors with a needle, let alone his life.
So, the hardest year of any modern kid's life... 12 years old. In my family especially, it's the worst year you'll ever face, and my god was that true for me. So I think this year fits him for gaining his... as the creators put it, 'otherworldly' expressive nature. This is the year he completely stops putting effort into trying to understand the truth, and fully embraces the chaos that is his reality. He's fine!!!!!! :)))))
He mellows out around 15, and I like to think of this year as his cringe-fail-iest year to date. This motherfucker would likely be seen in Hot Topic, jamming to MCR, glomping his friends, verbally roleplaying, so forth. His phone signature is a series of kaomojis. Idk if there's a similar equivalent of being a cringe baby weeb for Japanese who are my age, so I'm really just basing this on my own experience of being 15 in 2011. But whatever the equivalent is, he is absolutely it. 15 year old Kokichi is current Kokichi's most embarrassing time ever.
However, it's also likely the age he started his talent's namesake - of becoming the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Which, I choose to believe is, much like Kokichi in general, both true and false. Same for his actual group, DICE. Both is good ;o)
Following his talent, he has a natural command to his voice that feels as though you're forced to hear him speak. No one can really talk over him unless their ability to do so demands it - say for example, Sonia, the SHSL Princess. Due to the nature of their talents, I think Sonia's voice and ability to command would absolutely trump Kokichi's. However, due to the aforementioned bad luck, people are compelled to not trust him - even if what he's saying is true. (Kokichi voice: oh pythia we're really in it now)
Also, you can't really tell because of all the scarring, but 15 and 19 are the ages where he stopped going outside so he's paler and paler, lol
And my last one, I love to imagine that due to his talent, he's actually intensely adept at fighting, especially dodging. In fact, I think he's even way smarter than he'd like to believe!
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legitimatesatanspawn · 3 months
I've realized why it bothers me so much when characters in fanfic use unusual terms in the same manner of "oh my God": it implies there is a religious worship in the style of gods/angels/saints of whoever or whatever they're talking about when often times the entities in question are either not that powerful or not that revered.
For the record: I'm not saying "so y'all stop doing it". I've just been wondering why it kept bugging me so much when I generally don't give a flying leap about religion in general.
I realize that most writers probably don't think too much on it beyond "I'm going to avoid using common religious-tone idioms with something that sounds more local to the setting". But the questions it poses are interesting to me.
Using Danny Phantom as an example? "Oh Ancients" / "Oh my Ancients" or specifically going with "Oh Clockwork!"
Considering how much chaos the Ghost Zone is, the idea that ghosts would swear by their names (or worse: by Pariah Dark's)... especially Danny. Canonically (or at least within the show) the Ancients were never identified but the common ones are characters like Undergrowth, Vortex, Nocturne, Clockwork, and sometimes also Pandora and Frostbite. Danny might respect (most of) them or at least their strength but he'd still beat their asses six ways to Sunday if the need arises and communication breaks down. But if the use of such language is common, does it paint ghost civilizations as factions? Would a character using all the Ancients be viewed as a worshiper of multiple faiths or hiding who they are aligned with?
Another example is with Hero Academia fanfics where you see Izuku cry out something to the effect of "Oh sweet All Might" before or after he gets mentored by All Might.
Izuku's a huge hero fan but would he place All Might on par with a god? (... well... maybe.) If characters use such language, is it common or just specifically with All Might given his sheer overwhelming power? Would eventually characters use similar language for AFO (Satan-style), Izuku, and the past OFA users (angels/saint-style) or would by the end of the series even All Might's praise gets tarnished with disillusionment in the hero industry as a whole?
And Undertale! I've seen people write Monsters using Asgore and occasionally Toriel's names like this.
This is a different situation given that while the king and queen known entities if long-lived due to their boss monster status... in the game the characters talk about how when the time comes Asgore will take into himself the Seven Human Souls and break the Barrier. Is it weird to place god-tier status on someone who will obtain god-like power in the future? Would it be isolating and make Asgore uncomfortable? And in the cases where they use it for Toriel as well when Asgore's on the throne (not to be confused with the Swap variants of AUs where Toriel has Asgore's role), does that mean they think she's dead or that Monsters are praising her as a god's bride?
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