dykeulous · 2 days
“hearts not parts”, but the same sort of rhetoric definitely wasn’t used by conservative homophobes against homosexuals. “hearts not parts”, but homosexuals are crazy when we point out that to spread this narrative is to spread support for conversion therapy. “hearts not parts”, and “genital preferences” are creepy, predatory and fetishistic, but you are also a perfect qweer advocate despite openly being homophobic & spreading the narrative that homosexuals are sexual predators, a very well-known homophobic tale. “hearts not parts”, but we are wrong to say that homosexuality isn’t fluid. “hearts not parts”, but god forbid we want homosexual-only spaces. “hearts not parts”, but why are you calling yourself gay, if you’re so clearly bisexual? why are you co-opting our terms, screaming “you might be gay but you aren’t queer” at us, calling us “assimilationists”, “pick mes” & “normie gays” for wanting to spread the actually very pro-homosexual belief that homosexuality is perfectly naturally occurring & isn’t at all weird, odd or deviant– why do you think it’s progressive to paint our natural sexuality as something artistic, political, cultural, punk? we aren’t “trying to appease to the heteros” when we say that referring to ourselves as weird & deviant isn’t helping our cause. we aren’t saying that because we “want to be seen in a better light by the heteros”– i couldn’t give less of a damn about what the hets think of me. why is it so hard to understand that my sexuality is my natural state of being & that there isn’t anything ideological to it. i was born this way. isn’t that the whole point of anti-homophobic resistance? “hearts not parts”, fuck you.
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pokegyns · 18 hours
Reclaiming “TIRF”
now i won’t say i personally call myself a tirf, and i absolutely respect the choice of any radfems who refuse to call themselves tirfs because that sounds like radfeminism centers trans people, i believe transmascs deserve to feel safe & respected within feminist spaces, as radfeminism (despite being heavily misrepresented) does have a tendency to mistreat transmascs & dismiss their struggles, as well as pretend dysphoria isn’t real/cannot ever be neurological. gender critical transmascs & their allies should have the right to reclaim the term tirf, similarly to how radfems who aren’t actual transphobes but have been called terfs have the right to reclaim the term terf. true nuancefems, who can be critical of gender whilst still not being discriminatory to trans people.
i understand that a lot of radfems who aren’t close-minded on trans topics call themselves terfs in an ironic way, to mock tras when they start with the harassment. but we also have to keep in mind that there has been a slow, but rising trend of conservative women co-opting our terms. they are downright right-wing & bigoted. they often tend to also target intersex women, detrans women, black & brown women– and generally everyone who they can call a “dirty male invading (white) women’s spaces”. their ideology is built on vulgar materialism, eurocentrism & white supremacy. they support transvestigating, and they want to achieve their goals of “total female protection” through invasive measures such as inspection of genitals. we shouldn’t jump to say “this never happens”– it does. mainstream tras often protect horrible people within their community, fearing that even simple criticism of “their own” will destroy their reputation, when it would actually improve it. they refuse to outcast those people, while outcasting others who merely disagree with them on an ideological level. this proves their corrupt immaturity & inability to conversate with understanding & nuance. we shouldn’t be like them. we need to outcast the genuinely hateful people, and show that they have no place in our community. they aren’t our allies. while i don’t believe that women can systemically harm trans women (i do, however, believe they can systemically harm trans men, though in a very very limited way, but the focus should be directed at cis men & not at them when talking about antitransmasculinity), women can definitely be hateful & still perpetuate & uphold bigotry & discrimination. these people also often use ableist slurs & call disabled people sensitive when they call them out, as well as using fetishistic slurs against trans people, especially against transfems. they often use conservative talking points & portray trans people in a weird & derogatory manner, mocking surgeries & bodies.
on the other hand, there are a lot of women who aren’t intersexist, racist, or otherwise bigoted– but they still tend to be close-minded on trans issues. they are often 100% anti-transition under every circumstance. i don’t believe ostracizing & outcasting them would be productive, as they often are detrans women who empathize with dysphoric people, but because the affirming-model harmed them, they harbor a lot of pent-up anger & express it in an extremist way. we should be conversating with them & exchanging opinions, but we still should be very careful not to harm the trans people in our own community & we shouldn’t force one-on-one conversation if the trans people in our community feel uncomfortable with that. i myself used to call myself a terf, but i feel quite uncomfortable with that, being trans myself– although i’ve been called one on multiple occasions. nowadays, simple things such as acknowledging biology & sexuality are considered terfy, it’s laughable.
i felt aversion to the term “tirf” for a little while, as there has been a recent boom of liberal feminists realizing that militant feminists are starting to mock them, so they started co-opting feminist branches. some of them call themselves intersectional feminists, although intersectional feminism is not its’ own school of theory. others call themselves marxist feminists without reading any theory, as they believe it’s simply the trans-inclusive alternative to radfeminism. some of them are starting to call themselves radfems, but they are always extra careful to preface that they are trans-inclusive. of course, libfems don’t give a damn about dysphoric people– they just weaponize our pain & scream “choice!” at everything they encounter. they are simply afraid of being mocked by feminists. there is, however, a portion of tirfs who are generally just afraid of being judged by tras. i do not think they can be considered real radfems (even if they express otherwise radfem views; anti-porn, anti-sw, anti-beauty industry, etc.), as radfeminism is inherently gender abolitionist, but we need to be welcoming to them, as they are usually nicefems whose fears should be understood. a lot of us were once in their position. being mean to them is counterproductive, we should let them go through their own journey of peaking.
i still personally feel levels of aversion to the term tirf, but if more actual nuanced radfems start using the term, maybe it will boom into some unexpected rising branch of nuanced radfeminism. radfems who, despite not actually being transphobic, can feel free to call themselves “terfs” in a mocking sense, as i believe it’s harmless. we shouldn’t mimic mainstream tra behavior & lock ourselves up in another echo-chamber, except this time instead of it being a tra echo-chamber it would be a magical tirf echo-chamber or whatever. shouting “op is a terf!” would just bring about unnecessary alienation. it would just remind me once again of the times i felt pressured to repress my beliefs & add a “terfs dni!” disclaimer every time before making a slightly-more-than-mainstream feminist point. but we should still be careful of making the trans people within our own community feel safe, and not letting actual genuine transphobes (so, not gender criticals & gender abolitionists & homosexuals, geez, i mean the actual hateful transphobes) in our spaces. i feel the term “terf” is not a good enough descriptor anyway, since the people who co-opt our terms to make bad faith (often conservative) points are not only discriminatory against trans people, but also people of color, intersex people, disabled people, detrans people & often also gay people. we can call out hate & bad faith points without alienating ourselves from our community, and we can outcast horrible people within our community without using meaningless terms to throw at them, the very same terms that are used against us 24/7 anyway as well.
– mod zoroark
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tirfpikachu · 2 days
@pokegyns is finally getting mods mwahahah >:]
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theangryman · 15 hours
terms and labels
radical feminism is the recognition that sex based oppression is endemic, that it has shaped the experience of almost every human in every human society in history
and a recognition that the abolition of sex based classes, gender, would be the only way to remove such a disease from society
this disease shows many symptoms, and radical feminism sees such practices as prostitution or pornography as part of upholding that oppressive system
the “sex wars” were lost by the rad fems on the popular front to the lib fems, who believe that the purpose of feminism is to grant individual women the same freedoms/choices as men
a “TERF” sees gender transition as reinforcing this system. identifying as a woman while being assigned male at birth is claiming to be a member of an oppressed class, without having experienced that oppression. (a TERF might recognize that trans women experience oppression, but would see homophobia as the cause)
TERFs also see the idea of “gender identity” as reinforcing stereotypes. it isn’t unreasonable to point out that many trans narratives reinforce harmful ideas about what it means to be a man or a woman. if being a woman means liking pink and dresses, that’s obviously regressive as hell (some of this was baked into the earlier medical standards for transition even - when talking to my very first endo I had to be a perfect straight boy who always played with trucks and mud and never touched a Barbie)
there are trans women who are sexual creeps and predators, and considering how few spaces there are for women to be safe from sexual violence, the idea that someone could claim to be a woman to access those spaces is concerning. it is comically easy to find trans lesbians being whiny incels online
as a TIRF, my thoughts are that medical dysphoria is a real experience. Sex differentiation is a complex process, and “misalignments” happen. Most not-chronically online trans people do just want to live their lives.
even if no other humans existed to perceive me as m or f, I would still want a beard and the body testosterone gives me
I think gender transition does mostly serve the goal of the abolition of gender, that it helps more than it hurts. I’ve done a fair bit of trans activism in my life, and I can recognize where I’ve played into some of those harmful narratives.
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nuancefem · 3 days
changed blog url to @nuanceblr !! but might use this for something too at some point :]
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pokegyns · 3 days
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see? [will smith meme] i look beautifyl right?
when you send unnuanced takes in my asks.
THIS happens to me. not so cool is it.
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think twice before you send JUNK.
that goes double for the r slur saying terfs.
AND !!!!!! AAAAAAND !!!!!!!!
the genital fetish kinkshaming tras. i see you too. in my inbox. sending low grade trash.
not just one or the other. you both suck.
BOTH of you are a disgrace to leftblr. you do not belong on nuanceblr.
application status: DENIED
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pokegyns · 1 day
→ mod zoroark introduction
good evening my most beloved gyns! you can call me zoroark on here… although my secret name is apollo ( @dykeulous ). i am a 20 year old transguy butchdyke attempting to navigate through life in this cisheteropatriarchal mud of society. i have found myself in-between the trans & radfem community, and although radfem circles generally have more nuance than mainstream trans spaces & allow more free-thought, a lot of radfems are very hateful, mock surgeons & make disgusting remarks about trans bodies & are one hundred percent anti-transition in all aspects. i want both communities to learn how to be more respectful of one another, stop hurling insults at each other & learn to allow for some nuance. we are all oppressed by the patriarchy, because we are all underclass according to its’ lethal function as a system meant to marginalize. as a pokegyns mod, i hope to preach intersectionality in its’ truest form: everyone is privileged and disadvantaged in some ways. we might all be harmed by the patriarchy, but not all of us are oppressed by it, and those who are will experience that oppression differently than others who also are. cis women, transmascs, transfems, detrans people, gay people– we are all considered to be of lower worth in our system’s eyes, so why do we shame each other? of course, not everything can be nice-milk-and-honey, even when doing activism; we must understand that the vital part of intersectionality lays in comprehending the factual reality that oppressed people are oppressed in different ways. oppression is not based on internal identity, and while dysphoria is a real struggle, male-passing trans women will not experience sexism. on the other hand, transmisogyny is a real axis of oppression, as is antitransmasculinity, and as is transphobia as a whole. i do not believe denying this is productive. and while i do believe we need to be able to understand pattern recognition & talk about the ways some transfems might weaponize the levels of male privilege they wield (even passing ones), i think it’s generally harmful & unproductive to spread the narrative that all transfems are agps, that all transfems are abusive sexual predators, or that transfems are “just dirty males who want to invade women’s spaces”. transphobia kills, the radfem tendency to claim that transphobia just hurts people on an interpersonal level is false. it marginalizes people on a systemic level, and often is intersected with other systems of oppression such as gncphobia & homophobia (& obviously misogyny). transphobia is the amalgamation of misogyny, gncphobia, homophobia & capitalist exploitation.
dysphoric people worldwide lack proper care. transition saves lives, but it can also destroy lives– non-affirming therapy is almost non-existent, and when it does exist, it is generally misogynistic (telling dysphoric female people that “they just need to reconnect with girly hobbies so they will feel more womanly”, etc.) & heavily flawed. affirming therapy also tends to be sexist & fails to consider socialization. sex/physical dysphoria is distinct from social/gender dysphoria. sometimes sex dysphoria is innate & neurological, some people might only be sex dysphoric while not being socially dysphoric, others might be both, some are only socially dysphoric (& i don’t think it’s fair to label them as “not truly trans”, although i do think they wouldn’t be post-gender). sex dysphoria isn’t always innate. sometimes it comes with social dysphoria, as the byproduct of it, not the other way around. trans/dysphoric healthcare should in every possible way be improved, as dysphoric people deserve the right to peacefully exist in society, whether their path be transitioning or not. radfems need to stop claiming that dysphoria doesn’t really exist, that all dysphoria is produced by misogyny & stereotypes (although it does influence & sometimes even produce it), and that choosing to transition makes you a terrible person. mainstream tras need to stop defending genuinely abusive trans women, defending transition in all cases, claiming oppression is based on internal identity & painting radfems as fascists. both sides need to learn nuance & oppression dynamics. some radfems have to understand that with their transphobic sentiments, they could end up harming gnc & detrans women as antitransmasculinity targets them too. transmisogyny harms gnc & detrans men. transphobia almost always comes in package with homophobia. mainstream tras have to stop living in echo-chambers & expand their worldview, they need to communicate with the people they don’t like & stop claiming everyone wants them dead. both sides need dialogue, both sides need the other!
i will mostly talk about & center transmasc struggles as a mod on this blog, as those issues concern me personally. we need all sorts of feminist activism, and as intersectionality needs to be present, transmasc people deserve their own space to talk about their struggles. however, i won’t exclusively talk about transmasc struggles, and i will also generally center all gnc female people. i hope i will pour some valuable insight on here!
some general facts about me: i am autistic, i like harry potter (& am a slytherin 🐍), mlp, typology & writing. i am majoring in sociology & history. i love talking about greek mythology! i’m otherwise fascinated with the human mind, which probably influences my tendency to be leftist. speaking of which, i am an explicit marxist (bolshevik-leninist), and i moreso align with marxist feminism. i come from a slavic place, and i adore slavic patriotism & don’t like the way that some contemporary communists (particularly anarchists) tend to believe patriotism inherently harms internationalism. i hope to provide some important info in regards to the nation since i come from quite a homophobic country. i also like witchy stuff & find astrology interesting although i do not believe in it. love the tirfy & nuancefem puddle 🙃😎😆!
– mod zoroark 🖤
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pokegyns · 2 days
@ pokemods make sure to sign your posts with your pokesonas! and text posts should be tagged with poketext. feel free to answer asks, write tirfy thinkpieces, post memes from #server-memes etc etc
oh and you can post wip thinkpieces/etc as private posts so that only pokemods can see and ask for insights before posting them publicly.
replying to eachother's posts is heavily encouraged! nothing crazy of course, but i want this to be a space where we can socialize too. feel free to write silly server inside jokes in here too. this space is OURS.
love ya! let's get some ZAPPED TAKES ⚡⚡⚡
-mod pikachu
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pokegyns · 4 days
so you think your corner of leftblr is nuanced.......?? tssk tskt......
nuance? on tumblr dot com...? impossible.
let's admit it... your corner of leftblr sucks ass, whatever it is. leftist discourse as a whole STINKS. nevermind lgbt discourse or radblr infighting. people are RUDE. abuse & homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist rhetoric runs amok. bad faith takes are the norm. YOUR SPACE LACKS NUANCE. you're smart. you know better. you can do better. i think we can do better. leftblr needs a real powerwashing and it needs YOU right now. let's not just talk shit, let's talk shit OUT. let's debate it oldschool dyke bar style. let's see who's the smartest smartass in the whole entire leftblr. and if you send hate... well, just make sure to be funny. keep our pokemods entertained!
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tag your nuanced takes or nuancefem/tirfy memes as #nuancefem and our mods will reblog & reply to what you have to say! you might even get invited to participate in a vid on youtube @ pokegyns.
if you have a thinkpiece for us you can send it too, our team will look it over and if it has enough nuance for nuanceblr we can publish it on this very blog. shoot us a DM for a link to our nuancefem/tirf server where you can play a part in what gets posted on this blog, as well as be able to join in on livestreams where we read radblr complaints, tra nonsense, hear from diverse voices (including woc, transmascs & transfems) and rejoice in mocking the giant wreck that is leftblr!
> this blog's owner is pikachu, a detrans autistic dyke. @tirfpikachu
> pikachu also goes by lay. (but that's secret.)
> some form of bat is on pikachu's shoulder...? the pokemon wears a nametag that says "maddie, lay's gf." the pokemon has braids.
> pikachu has three scorbunnies bothering her: pompom, cricket, and miss goldie retriever. they cover everything in hay 24/7.
> several pokemods trail behind miss pikachu. check out #intros!!
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tirfpikachu · 4 days
exciting new stuff coming up my fwiends!!! ⚡
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i've been working on some radfem vlogs AND ALSO... guess what! trans-inclusive/nuanced radblr youtube podcast coming soon!!!!
the lovely folks in my tirf/nuancefem discord server are helping me record ourselves having deep chats all about radblr and leftblr, with some gaming visuals. the vids and streams will feature us having deep discussions celebrating female/afab unity and our lovely transfem allies who want to be activists for female/afab rights & transmasc rights, and who will ofc share their unique insights into what it's like to immigrate into the experience of facing misogyny, and what it's actually like to face transmisogyny. no misgendering will be allowed, bad faith takes from both normie tras AND radfems will be mocked, and we will have guest speakers including anonymous tras who are confused about radfeminism or just tired of homophobia, transphobia & misogyny running rampant on leftblr. we will also read your anonymous peaking stories of getting fed up with corporate mainstream qweer spaces, so SEND ME YOUR STORY ASAP!!! include a nickname or pokemon so we can refer to you with ease throughout your nuancefem peaking journey.
FOLLOW THIS MEDIOCRE RADTUBER >:] normie tra lurkers welcome! feel free to dunk on us in your stories or replies. just make sure you're actually funny, k?
rb to keep leftblr nuanced! see you there soon!!
@ pikatirf
follow @nuanceblr as well for updates & more!
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tirfpikachu · 4 days
hi girls and gays of radblr! and beloved lurkers ofc :] <3 if you are ever bored, go follow my sideblog @pokegyns (previously nuanceblr) and send me & my mods asks with your controversial opinions about both radblr and/or mainstream leftblr!
if you send a submission to @pokegyns or email us at [email protected] we will also consider publishing a thinkpiece of yours! so long as the mods, aka the kings, queens and jesters in my tirf server see enough nuanced wisdom in your words... a poll shall be had first to decide on it. if anything, i can rb your piece and boost it so you get more eyeballs on your hot takes!!
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pokegyns · 1 day
✨ Mod Abra Intro ✨
Hey gyns, you can call me Abra! I’m super excited to be a mod here on nuanceblr and bring you all the hottest takes and maybe a few memes :P
I’m an autistic & plural transmasc woman (any pronouns, he or they preferred) and a butch lesbian. My sideblog for nuancefem is @banshee-dyke.
I’m pretty new to radblr and radical feminism but have been lurking for a while and I’m ready to start sharing my opinions and experiences (under a cute pokemon alias, at least!). I have had enough of the rampant homophobia (especially lesbophobia) in trans spaces, but the transphobia and ableism in a lot of radfem circles is also super uncomfortable and alienating. I’m so glad to have found this little community of nuancefems who are able to understand and talk about the issues with both sides, without having to watch what we say, or fear the obligatory ‘OP is a TERF!’
More than anything, I want to support women and AFAB trans people. I am tired of our voices being silenced, especially when it comes to issues that directly affect us. Let’s work together to stop the rampant misogyny on leftblr.
Thank you for reading 💖
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pokegyns · 1 day
NEW URL!!! nuanceblr -> pokegyns
i think it adds to the pokemon theme :]
it also matches our youtube channel <3
-mod pikachu
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