#i don’t even know it was so not related to the convo i was lost but now i have no idea if he’s gonna visit dad
i wrote an entire analysis on yuji's and megumi's parallels throughout the series
what i think is interesting regarding megumi's and yuji's characters and how they are made to foil each other is that we see from the beginning how their stories are intertwined. from their very first interactions we see them save each other and that sets off a catalyst in how they save each other throughout the series, which is both selflishy and impulsively.
like we see them act without thought, both acting for their own reasons for why they decide to save each other. yuji's selfishness is different than megumi's though, of course. we see him act in selflessness to the point that it becomes selflishness. he WILL sacrifice himself for the greater good, regardless of those around him that care for him, because he thinks that the only thing that matters for his life is that he saves as many people as he can. this comes from the "curse" placed on him by his grandfather.
however, with megumi's selfishness, it comes from his own desire to live by his standards that he's placed on the world in his own twisted view of life due to his upbringing and life as a sorcerer. megumi doesn't think that everyone deserves to live the way that tsumiki and yuji do, and that's why he admires them so much. but this also ties into his self-imagery issues and how he thinks that he doesn't deserve to walk alongside him. this is where his self-destructive ideas come into play where he thinks that everything is fine as long as he can use mahoraga to save the ones he loves because his life doesn't matter as much as others.
we see this foil/parallel (i know this is an oxymoron, but they ultimately have differing beliefs while still acting in a similar fashion) grow between them throughout the series as the save each other and understand the other's struggles. megumi sees that yuji has gone through something after he's revived in chapter 33:
megumi: “itadori, you okay?” yuuji: “well, it’s a big job but i should be fine.” megumi: “no, something happened, didn’t it?” yuuji: “huh, what are you talking about?”
megumi can tell that something has been/is bothering yuuji, even after his insistence that he’s fine at this point, megumi has lost and mourned yuji, while yuji has lost and is mourning junpei.
there's also the classic scene in chapter 63, after yasohachi bridge where they both realize that yuji being alive means that curses are killing more people:
megumi: “don’t tell him.” yuuji: “hey! don’t tell fushiguro. don’t you dare tell him”
this is another instance of them trying to save each other/carry the other's burden as they act as foils. they both feel they are at fault for the deaths and while megumi doesn't regret it ("i never once regretted saving you"), yuji acts in a way that he feels is deserving of his life (in that he wants to "earn" his life because megumi saved him and he doesn't want it to be for nothing)
then of course we get to shibuya and yuji has his moment of giving up and feeling that he is undeserving of living because of the lives sukuna killed. he has his conversation with todo and he is able to pick himself back up, but he still feels like he needs to make up for every life lost. we see the parallel with megumi here in 256 where he tells yuji that he wants to give up. we expect him to get up right away like yuji did back in shibuya, but sukuna cuts them off and megumi doesn't fight back.
then of course their dynamic comes full circle as they both talk in 266, where yuji is able to relate to megumi in his grief and loss and tells megumi that he understands why he's made his decision. what i think is really beautiful about this chapter is that we probably expected the convo to go similar to yuji's with todo, where it's like "i know you're down now, but we must prevail!!" type stuff. but we don't get that with megumi and yuji because they understand each other at a very basic core level. we see yuji give him the choice to live or die as he tells megumi that he accepts him either way.
yuji and megumi are like yin and yang. they have very different motivations, beliefs, and ideals, but they ultimately work together and find harmony in their differences. i think the way that gege has written the two of them and their characters is really cool and it's that very reason why i'm so miffed that we don't get to see a true conclusion to their dynamic as far as this last chapter goes. i would really REALLY like to see a final, good, emotional conversation between the two of them because they deserve it.
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lilgynt · 1 year
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i’m gonna blow my brothers up with my brain
#personal#i’m planning my dads funeral and going over costs with my brothers since we’re all paying for it#and my brother was like hey this is depressing can we stop talking about it for a few days#and he amended that he meant the money aspect not necessarily the planning#but in the moment i have never been more insulted like#okay. so it’s too depressing to talk about but it’s fine to leave me alone to plan it and still care for dad#like i’m not trying to dictate his grief or pull the i have it worse card#but for gods sake have some fucking perspective#so i say okay and leave it at that bc i don’t want to yell at anyone#and he’s not not trying to come at you but#he’s like*#and i’m like i don’t want to be mean but the above i’ll stop talking about this but please keep some perspective#and they both got butt hurt about it#and it’s like i’m not upset about the money - although thank you guys for the taking care of that now#i don’t know if i’m speaking fucking french i’m only asking you guys keep some perspective#i got really upset and was like guys you’re barely involed as is. i’m not asking you to wipe his ass with me but just AHHHHH#and i even said i can’t dictate ur grief and my other eldest brother said something like#i don’t even know it was so not related to the convo i was lost but now i have no idea if he’s gonna visit dad#which at this point don’t care never see ur father again i don’t know man#and the other one got mad bc he’s been helping financially and emotionally with my mom so i apologized for that one#which is fair that was out of line a bit but also it’s like i say a mean comment you guys actively ignore me asking for support for months#like. still bad on my side but i’m very bitter and am going low contact after this
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imabillyami · 4 months
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Still thinking about this show, specifically about a conversation between them (main character and her friend) in Ep 9.
The whole thing made me feel so *seen* and I started crying uncontrollably cause YES. All of that! That’s how I constantly feel in this world!
Always overwhelmed and like I don’t fit and as if people attend some secret club where they learn how to do life and all these social interactions and rules and cues that I somehow keep messing up (and it always always always pisses people of that I don’t speak their secret language of silent expectations and assumed logical and rational behaviors).
Makes people look down at you constantly when you’re always three steps behind. And just… no matter how hard I’m trying to learn, I’m just never catching up. But it’s just so exhausting and confusing having to base your actions on the things people *don’t* say. Wouldn’t it make more sense if we all just actually said what we mean? Like… that would make things a lot easier objectively, wouldn’t it? And like… whose idea was this whole social etiquette and unspoken rules & cues anyway?
Anyway. I’m rambling.
-> My point: This convo is hands down the best moment on this entire show. <-
Convo under the cut. Spoiler alert 🚨
Harriet: *sees people laughing and making fun of Toby for his special interest*
Harriet: Toby, could I ask you something?
Toby: *walks up to talk*
H: Do you ever feel slightly lost? Or out of place like um… like a polar bear in a rainforest?
T: What kind of rainforest?
H: I don’t know, does it matter?
T: Yes, different rainforests have totally different vegetation. Some have more ground foliage in which case there’d be more uh, cutting plants with your paws, and… But yeah, you’re speaking metaphorically, aren’t you?
H: Yeah, I am.
T: Oh, yeah, okay. Got it. Then yes, yes I do.
H: You do?
T: Mm.
H: Because sometimes I feel like I’m made wrong. Um, or… or rather not wrong just… definitely different like I’m not made for here and I’m just constantly searching for somewhere safe, somewhere—
T: Snowy, where the other polar bears are.
M: Yeah. I don’t know how to find the other polar bears and it’s exhausting and scary and I just constantly feel like I’m wandering around on my own.
M: *stims by pulling her fingers*
T: *hands her his pocket watch (he uses for stimming), so she can stim with that*
M: *stims with pocket watch*
T: You’re not on your own. But I know someday it’s gonna be more… challenging than others.
M: *keeps fiddling with pocket watch*
T: Look, polar bears are awesome. Well, we’re the largest living land carnivores in the world. We’ve got big paws that we can use to catch fish out of rivers and given our genetic relation to European brown bears I think with a bit of practice we’re gonna climb trees too. Even the really tall ones.
M: But we still don’t fit in. And everyone else can see it. Does that not bother you, Tobes?
T: *long contemplating sigh*, *contemplating look at stage prop horse he’s still holding onto* Nope. *exhales deeply* The rainforest is a dangerous place, most animals end up getting eaten. Just try to enjoy being a polar bear. We can be quite powerful at times. Plus, though it’s not a specific category of competition, we do have the biggest, fluffiest paws.
H: *chuckles and smiles big and hands back the pocket watch* Thank you, Toby.
T: You’re so very welcome, Harriet.
H: And good luck.
T: Oh, thank you. *shakes horse and neighs before walking off*
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sugarsnappeases · 1 month
hi karaaaaaa talk to me about any rare pair you feel like yapping about <3
aaaaaa hiii this made me so happy <333 i’ve decided it’s Time for us to have a proper chat about tomlily….. @quillkiller and i’s second-born child
the first thing you need to know is that they’re both sociopaths (sociopath lily oh how i looove youuu)..... i made this post before about the quote 'beautiful monsters composed of every individual perfection' and how it relates to lily, but i think it's interesting to consider in terms of her being a sociopath (this is actually how our first tomlily convo began, way back whenever it was). her making sure that every part of herself is viewed as perfect, carefully curating her public image - she's the miracle muggleborn! so smart, so kind, so helpful and friendly and every single good characteristic! a shoe-in for head girl, the perfect prefect, responsible and hard-working and everything that anyone could possibly want from her! and she's good at it too. everyone sees her exactly as she wants them too..... not unlike our good friend tom marvolo riddle when he was at hogwarts...........
i think one of the central parts of their relationship is the concept of immortality. they’re both kind of made up of the same sort of thing. they’re the same at their cores. both of them showed up at hogwarts as muggleborns thrust into a completely new world and they’re both so determined to succeed and be more than what they came from and to have absolutely everything, to have their cake and eat it too!!!!! for lily, this comes in the form of being revered, putting herself on a pedestal, she’s going to Leave Her Mark and be remembered and she doesn’t care what she has to do to get there (btw i really recommend this fic about sociopath lily, it’s so so interesting and i think nearly entirely encapsulates my vision of her……). the idea that if she can’t be immortalised in her deeds while she’s alive, she’s going to become immortal in her death, martyring herself. she’s a saint, she’s a puppet master, she’s as close to a god as a girl can get.
without. of course. resorting to actual immortality. which is the path tommy boy chooses. obviously. i think there are such parallels here. he’s a presumed-muggleborn, in slytherin, the house of the ambitious and the pureblood supremacists, he’s got the biggest god complex known to man and he grew up in an orphanage in london in the middle of the blitz!!!! all factors that contribute to his fear of death and his desperation to be More Than That. more than just another orphan killed by a bomb. more than just another nameless muggleborn lost in the pureblood-centric society. more than anything that anyone has ever seen before. he’s going to make a name for himself, and he’s going to make sure that nobody ever forgets it, and he’s going to be immortal. he’s going to be more god than man (even if it makes him a monster).
anyway. taking them together, as you can see, they’re cut from the same cloth (although side note!! i think lily’s lack of fear of death gives her the potential to be even more dangerous than tom is….) and bc of this, they’re the only ones who can see under each other’s carefully curated masks (although!! another side note… i think they each have another person who can - dumbledore for tom, and petunia for lily, but that’s not entirely relevant rn).
they understand each other and they want to cut each other open and burrow their way into each other’s rib cages. they kill people together - lily is much more messy w it, all blood under her nails and on her teeth. tom prefers the cleanliness of an avada kedavra but the blood gets all over his clothes anyway from when he touches lily. also cannibalism and intricate blood rituals that bind them together forever and intertwining themselves so thoroughly that nothing could ever separate them (although! another side note! jen and i don’t think they’re at all interested in sex. the other things they do (murder etc) are far more intimate and romantic and exciting to them!!!!).
and in the end, they’ll kill each other, pull each other apart and devour each other entirely. the only person who could possibly kill tom is lily, and vice versa, they’re the only ones that would have the right to, or the power to, or deserve to etc etc. at the end it’s always them, a ticking time-bomb. them and a knife or a gun or a curse or a fire and their teeth sinking into each other and their blood flowing through each other’s veins and over each other's dying bodies. bc tom is the only one that Sees lily and lily is the only one that Sees tom, and they recognise themselves in each other and it’s soul-deep and dangerous and nasty and hungry and knowing and self-destructive and so so so sooooo interesting to me
consider: two people w the most Pristine public reputations. they’re politicians or something w bright white smiles and absolutely No skeletons in the closet. it’s a Win for non-purebloods worldwide to see them succeeding, they’re exemplary students and people and Public Figures. EXCEPT!!!! as it turns out!!!! they’re fucking serial killers!!!!! i imagine them falling asleep in each other’s arms covered in blood from their latest victim, having their morning shower together, washing the blood out of each other’s hair and then going into the office….. they get caught. eventually. obviously. and it’s probs lily’s fault lol. but GOD guysss just imagine the scandal. the headlines. the shock and intrigue and horror at these two Perfect People having done such horrific things. they go on the run and/or commit a little bit of murder-suicide before they get caught btw. like i said nobody kills them but each other…. anyway enough from me!!!! thank you for letting me ramble <333
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starsomens · 7 months
Helloooo :)
I have a deep question, I think
I'm new in the Fandom, so hello. But I recently discovered that noah doesn't have any blood family anymore.i think.
Which makes me really sad.
Because, even though family can be an ass, for me, they've helped me go through a lot of tough times, and I'm very grateful for them.
I've seen that he used to live with ruffilo and I assume they are like family and Nick's family is Noah's family too, now at least. And he also has the boys he lives with and his band mates who probably support him in every way he needs.
But my question to you is: do you think, when he gets a girlfriend ( that he pictures his future with, marry and blah blah) he'll be emotionally dependent on her? Because in a way, and on his head, she'll be his only family....
I feel like he had to become super tough and strong emotionally because he had to grew up super fast and for the family members he lost, and he had to also protect his heart from the outside world.
But do you think once he gets that girlfriend, he'd become more "free" and dependent emotionally on her? More vulnerable for sure ( they'd be dating after all ahaha) but more care free, put his whole trust and heart on her hands ?
Sorry for the deep feelings ,so heavy I know ahahaha
But yeah, bye now, love your blog :)
So for starters welcome!!!! I hope you have fun here and don’t be shy to ask questions! I love deep convos! Again welcome!
So no, it tends to be very private about his life so I did to learn some information when I was new to phantom and how he kind of doesn’t have any blood related family at least that we know of, but he would still rather have that kept private and kind of separated from the fandom so I like “Stopped trying to find out more about him”
But I believe in some interviews he has said that he’s going to therapy to help deal with his emotions more so I think personally that he tends to be a little emotionally distant due to his past, and what he has been through, but in a way, I think he will have some kind of attachment to whoever he is with in some way shape or form. There should be other people on here that know more than me since I got into them around last August or so. Kinda looking for information and kind of just focused on whatever he from his own mouth because it’s coming from him you know what I mean
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randomnameless · 9 months
A Minor dispute.
Put it behind you. Deal with it.
No, this isn't related to devoted fans and their discourse lol (even if i had to take a jab at them with the title lol)
Ike: I have to ask, Sephiran. What are you after? What’s this all about? Sephiran: Why do you wish to know? You would achieve nothing by learning my reasons. You would help no one. I lost faith in lesser beings, and desire an end to them. That’s all. Ike: So why did you save me on that day? Sephiran: May I ask you a favor, Ike? Tell me how you feel about it now. Can you bear recalling those horrific memories? Ike: Yes… I’m fine, now. But I suppose at the time I wouldn’t have been able to take it. Sephiran: All beings endure tragedies for as long as they continue to live. It has always been the case that suffering is unavoidable. And this grim reality plays out over and over, in every country, under every ruler… As long as there are beings who feel, they will feel pain. Ike: So what? We should all just give in and die? Put it behind you. Deal with it. Sephiran: Do not make light of this… Ike: I’m not. Sephiran, I’m extremely grateful that you once helped me through a terrible time. But we have to accept that occasionally we all have to deal with hard times. I’ve had pain, I’ve had suffering, and I have gotten up and moved on. I don’t try to forget what happened that day. I just accept it… And neither that or anything else will ever stop me. Sephiran: You are a strong man, Ike, son of Gawain. But not everyone is as strong as you…
This scene is unlocked if you've seen Ike's FB.
Of course, Ike here doesn't know the fuck he is talking about, as he later expresses by wondering why Sephiran is suddenly called Lehran (maybe if the game left Miccy/Yune talk to him before the start of the map, instead of letting him do all the convo it would have been different?).
So, in a way, it isn't as callous as Ike telling Lehran to put the genocide of his people "behind him" or to "deal with it", because he doesn't know what Sephiran is talking about.
But in a way, I have the feeling if Claude or Petra told Dedue to "put the massacre of his family" behind him or to "deal with it", Claude or Petra would have received a certain amount of shit, even if, when they would have said those, they wouldn't have known what the fuck Dedue went through.
Anyways, Ike later learns what, or who, Sephiran is, and talks to him. Maybe he will apologise for his callous words, spoken when he didn't realise what he was talking about ?
Ike: Sephiran... I mean, Lehran... Lehran: I can't apologize enough. I was so terribly mistaken, and now there's nothing I can do to help. Ike: Don't worry. Lehran: What? Ike: Wanting to do something that matters is enough. Sometimes, how you feel is more important than how you act. Lehran: Ike I... there's no one that I think more highly of... Ike: No time for compliments. We still have work to do here. Lehran: Yes... yes we do.
Lehran apologises for having wanted to destroy the world (and drops Altina in a trashcan because Ike is now the person he thinks the most highly of!) - and in the general scale of things, yes, Sephiran has much to apologise for, so he better start pulling his weight and try to make up for having tried to kill everyone.
But the "your people were genocided? No biggie, deal with it!" is completely ignored - or it is, again, another example of Ike talking shit and the game convoluting himself to make sure he never faces any consequences, even if, in this situation, the consequence would just have been an apology, like the one he gave to, iirc, Mordecai and Lethe after calling him subhumans but not realising calling someone "subhuman" was insulting.
Sure, the line he gives after the fight against Sephiran still holds value :
Ike: If death is what you really want, then I’m not going to let it happen on my watch. I don’t care what you’ve gone through. I don’t care how much you’ve suffered. What you’ve done is unforgivable.
It's not because you suffered, or went through the worst humankind can offer, that you can inflict the same on people!
When Lords like Marth, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Eirika, even Elincia try to understand people and what led them to act as they did - without ever giving excuses or wondering if they could walk with their respective antagonists - Ike here refuses to understand, and only condemns.
Is it because Ike isn't a Lord, so he isn't concerned with some general "making sure this situation never happens again"?
But then, he is the one to say those :
“But, even the dumbest creatures will love their family, their friends and… even love others. They will all have things that they can’t afford to lose.” “We know that we’ve messed up. We’ll do our best to avoid more war and to make peace our highest priority. Ashera, just give us one more chance. All we ask is for one more chance.” “You were like a mother to all of life– Your children still require a mother like you. When you watch over us, we don’t always do things that make you happy and sometimes we even disappoint you. Still, I think we would like you to continue watching over us. How about it?” “We all need to work hard to accept each other. As long as we don’t try and run away from our mistakes, then I’m sure we’ll be able to see each other again one day.”
How can you do you "best" to avoid more wars, if you don't even understand why the current one started, or don't care about the reasons that led the fucker who started this current war to, well, start it?
How can we talk about acceptance if we don't "care" about what the others live through?
So, on top of writing a check his ass can't cash - since he will leave Tellius and not be there to "avoid wars" or make sure people "accept each other" after promising the goddesses "we" will exactly do that - Ike's words here are empty.
-> In a nutshell, Ike reveals with those battle quotes and conversations that he is not ruler/leader material - but we knew that since RD's start since we followed Miccy and Elincia - and more importantly isn't the kind of person asking "why" things happen, they just happen but somehow everything will work out when it will happen again - because the why, or the cause, wasn't identified - and I think it's a perfectly fitting answer for the Tellius Saga and the larger Branded "issue" : we will never know why it happens, it just happens.
(can we say the epilogue, with Ashunera returning, is an ultimate "fuck you" to Ike's empty promises at the end of this chapter, since it starts with another war happening in the background?)
Back to that nonsense of a battle convo, I find it really interesting how Ike is basically thanking Sephiran for having wiped his memory when he was a child, to help him "deal" with the fact he witnessed his father stab his mother, because at that time (when he was a kid), he wouldn't have been able to deal with it.
But then, Ike tells Sephiran to "deal with" the tragedies he witnessed and lived through...
After thanking him for sparing him the "deal with it" step- he now asks Sephiran to take - when he was a child.
Ike explains how he is thankful, but he ultimately had to "got up" and "move on" from the pain, and accept it. And that's precisely the point, Ike managed to take on that pain, "get up and move on" thanks to Sephiran's own meddling and help - else, by his own admission, he wouldn't have been able to "take it".
But now, he asks Sephiran to take his pain, without any magic amnesia to help, and deal with it?
And while I hate the idea of trauma olympics, grown-up Ike (even in POR) can now deal with the fact his dad killed his mother thanks to Lehran's magic amnesia - but he tells Lehran to deal with and get over - 1) the genocide of his tribe, 2) assassination of his great (etc) granddaughter because she had his blood, 3) the loss of his powers for a crap reason and the knowledge that laguz are bound to "die" if they mingle too much with beorcs as he personally witnessed it, 4) severe depression after realising he is not a laguz anymore but not even a beorc since beorcs will use pitchforks at him even if they regarded him 10 seconds before as sage, and the rest of Tellius' general fuckery? - without magic amnesia or plot hax?
Reyson was very close to pull something similar in FE9 when he tried to erase people in the Forest using "ancient magic", but abandoned the idea when Leanne was found - if PoR!Ike learnt that, would he have told Reyson to "get over" the heron genocide and Naesala's betrayal?
Of course not, because I'm pretty sure Ike knows, before meeting Reyson and even picking Leanne, what happened in Serenes.
And in RD, when he says those words, he doesn't know (but he later will!) that Sephiran is a heron.
Tl;Dr :
Supreme Leader's "minor dispute" is frowned upon by everyone, even if she might genuinely not know about what Nemesis did that made Rhea so enraged, in a doylist reading, Supreme Leader is a character who ignores a genocide to push her own specist agenda.
Doylist reading of that RD scene is, Ike telling Sephiran to man up and deal/get over the genocide of his people - but unlike Supreme Leader, when he comes to learn the truth of Sephiran's despair, he dgaf.
Thankfully, this scene is only triggered if Sephiran survives, so Ike can later explain his behaviour : he doesn't care what kind of suffering Sephiran endured, since nothing justifies what he was trying to do (kill everyone).
Even if the thing he should care, but doesn't want to, is, for part, a genocide.
#character rant#character salt#i mean when y'all saw Ike and FE10 you could have expected that lol#re-reading the Tellius scripts with the same fine toothed comb I used for Fodlan's is maddening#because I remembered Tellius as a saga I generally liked and who had a sort of solid/nice plot#and then it falls apart#especially regarding Ike#he isn't a lord like the other protagonists from the other games in the franchise i have the feeling that's why his writing is so convolute#is FE tellius a story where the player follows Gerik instead of the Renais twins?#But then Gerik gets the killing blow and the general plot importance that should have gone to the twins#Gerik is the one to tell fuck you to Fomortiis when Miccy can't even talk to Yune when she departs#sure i'm the first to make fun of the cheap sad'n'lonely backstories used in modern FE to justify the worst shit#but Serenes massacre was developed in FE9 the nonsensical branded and laguz death is more and more developed in FE10#and we're just supposed to tell him dgaf uwu when we proceed with the plot?#not even one 'i understand what you went through and i'll make sure it won't happen ever again but you really need to pay for your crimes"#stuff?#FFS I just realised#Ike says this to Ashera when she says she wants to erase humanity because they start wars#“we're not perfect yes you have a point but we will do better so don't kill everyone and i'll fight to save everyone”#but Lehran? Fuck him I guess#I made a quick joke some years ago about him and rhea being similar on a surface level#but look at how they're treated by the game lol
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lacylu42 · 1 year
I’m collecting thematic motifs (visual, dialogue, and story overall) that COULD repeat or be mirrored in season 3 of Good Omens.
(HERE is a lovely gifset of some of the parallels we’ve already gotten!)
“I forgive you.” This is a BIG one. It’s already been deliberately repeated from season one where we went from Crowley saying “I’m unforgivable,” to “Don’t bother,” in season two. Two BIG possibilities here: either Crowley somehow accepts forgiveness, or (much more likely I think) he forgives Aziraphale for slights real and imagined.  Sad third possibility would be Aziraphale asking for forgiveness, and Crowley NOT forgiving him (at first!!). 
Aziraphale lying.  Another biggie. The entire Job minisode was dedicated to the lies Crowley and Aziraphale tell to protect themselves and others. And it predates (and provides context for) the big body-switching lie in season one. It would make absolute story sense for season three to also involve Aziraphale lying to Heaven or, in a lovely mirror, lying to Crowley about something, and when Crowley catches him in it, saying “I lied.”
Crowley’s glasses. Crowley’s glasses have morphed into a symbol of his comfort level with Aziraphale. In season two he regularly removes them around Aziraphale and even has a spot to stow them in the bookshop. And, devastatingly, he puts them back on when he feels he’s being rejected in their last convo, and even kisses Aziraphale with them on. The wonderful mirror action here might be Aziraphale removing Crowley’s glasses so he can look him in the eye in an important moment, or Crowley deliberately removing them before they kiss again. 
The bookshop and the apartment. By the end of season two. Both of these safe spaces have been returned, but by the end of season three, I predict they will either be taken, destroyed, or willingly abandoned by the pair in favor of the South Downs cottage and in a big lovely symbolic crossing of the threshold from your space and my space to our space. This was set up with Aziraphale convincing Crowley to share the car. 
Memory loss. So this was a big theme of season two, obviously, but I don’t think we’re done with it. As others have pointed out, Crowley doesn’t remember some of the angels or demons he worked with before the fall. That definitely seems like an open loop. Also, we have several examples of physical records of things — the statue of Gabriel, the polaroid, Aziraphale’s journals — that could replace or supplement lost memories... Combine this with heaven’s “kindness” being to wipe Gabriel’s memories and the threat of erasing people from the Book of Life and it definitely feels like this is going to come back in some way. 
Maybe related, maybe not, is Crowley’s angel name. We get snippets that Crowley is a pretty high-ranked angel before the fall — from literally starting up the universe to being able to open classified files in heaven.  And Neil very cleverly — and deliberately — did not have him introduce himself to Aziraphale in the first scene. He also says he’s not the same angel Aziraphale remembers, and doesn’t want to go back to heaven and be an angel/that angel again. I definitely think this will be important in season 3. 
The apology dance. I don’t know whether we’ll get Aziraphale doing the apology dance in season three; if I were writing it, I’d make it so that he offers, or starts to do the dance and Crowley cuts him off. But it seems like the theme of apologies has been set up here regardless. 
Crowley rescuing Aziraphale. Love this for them, and it’s been a theme, but because Aziraphale called it out specifically, I think it may come back as an important motif again. It seems plausible that Crowley will need to rescue Aziraphale from heaven — or will THINK he needs to. Or, if we flip it, maybe Aziraphale will need to rescue Crowley (another word for rescue is “save” which takes on interesting religious undertones...). 
The 25 lazari miracle. It DEFINITELY seems like this will be important. Perhaps there is something in season three that no angel or demon can possibly accomplish that Aziraphale and Crowley do together. Maybe one of them realizes how to thwart the apocalypse but needs the other to be powerful enough to do it... 
While we’re at it, resurrection as a theme seems like it will definitely come into play in a story about the second coming and, presumably, the rapture and the biblical idea that people will literally walk out of their graves into the kingdom of heaven (aka zombies). 
Aziraphale’s gun in the bookshop. This is like a LITERAL Checkov’s gun, so chances are it will play some sort of role in season three. 
What did I miss?
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himynameis4 · 2 years
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Okok my mans Brenner has a flair for the dramatic but like. For him to be talking like this, not only does he have to have seen Henry kill, he’d have had to study him in the aftermath. Now. We already know Henry murdered his mom (tho there’s some sus af stuff regarding Alice Creel & her “death” that leaves that one up in the air), & most likely wanted to kill his dad & sis, too. But for brenner to be saying this stuff about abilities, memories—less memories, more ABILITIES.
Because Henry could’ve gotten Virginia’s memories. Virginia knew Brenner—it would be easy enough for Brenner to catch on to Henry knowing things ab Virginia & Brenner’s convos that he shouldn’t. But ABILITIES. What abilities could Henry have gained from his mom that Brenner would be talking about? Was Henry abruptly really good at styling his hair like a 50s housewife? (Not likely—unless the shaving-childrens’-heads-trend didn’t catch on ‘til later). Maybe Virginia was a really good juggler?
I have a point, I swear, stay with me. Obviously Brenner COULD’VE been talking about Virginia. But it seems more likely that Henry killed someone else during his time at the lab—BEFORE the Hawkins massacre. Remember the soteria? We know that, immeditaly after killing his family, Henry was weak. His powers were weak. A lot like El after she banished Henry—using excess power, an abrupt drop in power, power needs to be built up… except El lost her memories, while Henry didn’t, and memories are important for channeling power.
Brenner has seen the cycle of regaining power before—it’s probably why he was so confidant he could restore el’s powers by restoring her memories, if he knew memories triggered power (from Henry). Because it was Henry (as 001) remembering something that made him sad, and angry, that allowed him to channel his power. (I need to rewatch some scenes to construct a timeline, because I think there’s a possibility Henry was referring to discovering his powers BEFORE the lab, though a slim one, when he was talking to young El & suggesting she use the memory of her mother being dragged away to channel her power. I don’t think that’s the case, but I wanna rule that possibility out).
We also know that something made it so that Henry was too dangerous to be allowed his power—he had to be given soteria. There’s an argument to be made for Henry being made to kill people by Brenner, used as an assassin the way Sullivan said Brenner wanted to use El (“remote assassination”), but that as Henry murdered those people he gained skills (fighting skills) & intel (from their memories).
But what if it wasn’t a regular person’s regular skills? What if it was someone with powers? Basically—the Hawkins Massacre not being the first time Henry absorbed someone’s powers. & that being the trigger for Henry being given soteria.
(At first I misremembered this scene as Brenner saying he absorbs their POWERS, and I got REALLY excited, but the point still stands. That’s why you gotta rewatch scenes & cite your sources, kids!)
There could be something interesting related to Alice Creel in this—the other sibling being “sensitive” and having powers like her brother (perhaps on a smaller scale, like 002), maybe she survives her brother’s first murder attempt but not the second—
(Seriously check out posts on why alice’s death is so sus idk how to link posts but like. Holy shit).
I imagine this power working like this: the brain is basically a bunch of electrical impulses, kind of? Like, that’s how we store memories, skills, etc. So Henry mimicke those impulses, those electrical patterns, in his own brain, and can interfere with other peoples’ electrical impulses—hence how he messed with Will’s memories, “stole” El’s powers at the end of season 3 (and perhaps even her powers and memories way back after the massacre when she was like 8, and perhaps messed with WILL’S powers in season 1/2, but i’m not sold on that yet). Brenner had it right when he said it was similar to the effects of a stroke—just a targeted, controlled, Henry-induced kind. The connections are all still there.
Then again, Henry’s abrupt loss of power after overextending himself does mirror el’s when she was a child, so perhaps he didn’t mess with her powers then. But it feels likely that he did in season 3… that it wasn’t just because of exhaustion/overextension, it was because of the parasite in her leg. Idk. We’ll see ig, i’m attached to this interpretation atm tho.
Ig im tagging @aemiron-main @wibble-wobbegong @givehimthemedicine & @bottomlessabyssposts bc i enjoy harassing u guys lol. Feel free to share ur thoughts if you want, or not if you don’t! Hope y’all tumblr ppl are having a lovely day, & congrats for getting to the end of this rather long post!
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drippinpeachesnhoney · 9 months
Vent non Ana related
I’ve spent this entire month decorating, planning, and preparing for our first real Christmas as a family and my in laws invited my BIL. Who I use to think was a great friend.
He’s actually an asshole. His core he’s a good person but he doesn’t think of others at all. We were super close when he was fat. Then he lost a bunch of weight (proud of him) but he just changed. He doesn’t check in on a single one of us. His dad is literally going for open heart surgery in a month and he wants him to take him and his gf hiking in a huge national park because he’s too scared to drive up there in the snow. Although we live close to it my FIL will either have to hike around with them or sit in the car alone for hours…fun.
They moved in with us for a little bit last year, completely trashed the living room we had no where to sit. It was just treadmills. Then when they moved out he left it that way. Knowing I’d have to clean it because I take care of the house and I cleaned his bedroom when he left the first time. Idk if he just doesn’t think of things like that? He’s literally in his 30s. I would think he’d be more considerate. (We live with my in laws btw)
Now he’s coming here for Christmas because he doesn’t want to be alone while his gf is with her fam. Which I get but he doesn’t contribute anything at all to anything. We had so much planned and I was going to cook so much because I enjoy it but I will not cook for him. He’s so ungrateful. So to not make things awkward I’m just not cooking. I’m not even being sarcastic when I say this but I’d have more interaction with a fake plant that’s how little he contributes to just life, with us at least.
We had a convo with my in laws telling them how we felt and that we just don’t want to be around him. We told them that if they invite him that’s totally fine and we will leave for the holiday. They said they understood and would reach out to plan for him to come around new years instead of Christmas. I’ve been telling my MIL to call him for the last 2 weeks. She finally did tonight and came and told us the news that he’s coming. After I’ve literally planned everything for just the 5 of us because she told me he was for sure not coming.
I just hate that she waited until last minute when we could’ve known this weeks ago and I wouldn’t have gone so hardcore in all my planning. It feels like she waited so it was like “too late it has to happen”. So tonight I moved all the decorations I put up in the living room into our room. I know it sounds petty but I (alone) put so much work into it and planned so much just for it to go to shit idc.
I’m usually down for being fake nice with distant family but I don’t even talk to my own mother anymore for not giving my little family the same effort we gave her. I’m sure as hell not gonna do that with a brother in law.
This is long and probably makes me sound horrible. I do feel bad about it. I hope he succeeds in every single thing he does but I don’t want to be apart of any of it. He was what I considered to be one of my best friends. We went through an insane amount of shit together. My alcoholism, some seizures (I’m epileptic fun fact), a huge move back into the in laws place. He was just nice to have around and the three of us did so much together. So to watch him use my partner for money to get back into college and then just dip and never ask us how we are after starting our own family hurt. My partner and I have the same birthday so it’s not easy to forget lol and we heard from everyone except him. When it was his birthday we reached out. When he graduated college we congratulated him. He never wrote back. We had our daughter and didn’t hear a thing from him. We heard from everyone in the family. I even heard from his gf. I had only met her once before! So I’m just a little annoyed and I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Okay that’s it. If you made it this far you’re an mvp. Goodnight! 💜
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blackadamschefter · 6 months
I'll try to be brief and avoid rambling as I like to do lol.
So, I was on twitter for something else and then saw in my lil "what's happening" that "Tutsi" was trending and so it got my attention right away and so I clicked it and saw that it was #Kwibuka30. So then it kinda brought alot of thoughts that I've had for about the past week or so rush straight to the front of my brain.
Its #Kwibuka30, and its essentially a day of remembrance of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Its a day that I don't particularly think about often but I think of that year and period as a whole more often. Its kinda two fold where as in the past I didn't know of it (the specific day not the cause) and now that I have actively chosen to learn, read and fully immerse myself in it vs. just listening to convos and stories through my family members. I'm also close to the end of a book "Do Not Disturb" by Michela Wrong that is focused on the murder of a former high ranking RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) member but for me touches on the subject of the things that contributed to and reaction of the '94 genocide. Other books I finished that also touch on the subject. With that I also am a smarter & more informed just based on who I was around and listening to and I'm older, better educated (more educated??) anyways. I saw all that to get to this bit that made me feel like putting this and these thoughts out (so I can come back to and see).
I was personally affected by the '94 genocide and my family as a whole was affected by it. My life would be completely different if what led to it and it happening never happened. So I feel a certain level of pain/hurt when I think of the number of uncles I never got to meet, or cousins I didn't get to know.. I feel for my mom who lost brothers, uncles, friends & my grandma who lost her kids, siblings, nieces/nephews, etc. So it does that to me and to those who I have no relation with I think of more now than then because no one deserves to lose their life like that esp. innocent people who knew nothing and were taken. Its political and a longstanding thing that folks were gonna get their lick back but damn. Knowing now what I know I think its important to clarify that if this were to ever be seen by a person who.. idk just wants to start something or call me or consider me a génocidaire (genocide denier... in french for a reason) for what I'm about to say.. its actually far from it.
I understand that #Kwibuka30 is more or less reserved for "commemoration of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi" I believe its also important that families of innocent Hutus should also be taken into consideration and remembered. Because the bigger play here is fully political in how its handled but its inhumane (to me) to make people feel less than or not be allowed to openly mourn for there own because others who did something so horrific shared the same tribe and that means they don't deserve the same sympathy... fuck that because its not fair. So as I think about my family and everyone who was affected. God Bless to all the lost souls that died, survived and many who feel guilty for being around. I pray for yall & hope you find a second to mourn, celebrate and feel free even if its just for a second.
This takes me to Gaza & the Palestinian people because it was for them who made me relive things that happened more so when i was younger and knew nothing. I'm glad I was able to get off what I needed in the first part but this was more due to the images I was seeing. I feel for all those impacted by what's happening because at one point that was my reality, and I listen to the people in my family and close friends talk about the periods where we were on the move from refugee camp to refugee camp, walking for ages, just the blur of it all. Its brings you down but my mom and I have convos about it and I see why our bond is so strong and we struggled together to get to where we are. My dad too! Out there put in the frontlines and making it back to check on me or having his men guard where I laid my head in many cases. Owing the chance I got to my uncle who was also in the military like my dad and he & his wife protecting my mom and I and so many stories where God was there for me and mine. Lucky to make it out fr. So I see the images of kids eating, playing, in their parents arms and I feel and get a jolt of emotion that reminds me I was once just like them. So how its imperative to show love, give, pray and what I can to help. Life is unpredictable and my heart goes out to each and everyone impacted by it all.
Idk man.. I had to get that one off my chest and put it somewhere.
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vacantgodling · 2 years
tagging @calicojackofficial & @an-elegant-void bc they fuel me tm
this is gonna be long but a bunch of questions about jihan & hue’s relationship i’ve answered and compiled here! feel free to ask me more or just sop it up like a sponge lmaooo
1. Describe their first date.
jihan asked hue out after probably 6 months of dancing around one another once they were formally introduced. they went to a bowling alley, absolutely shouted and screamed and got mad competitive (the whole alley was up in arms about this match lol) and then they left laughing hand in hand. then they went stargazing and hue fell asleep on jihan’s chest and jihan was like wow ig i’m in love PFF.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
lmao they’re both nocturnal. hue tends to wake up earlier though, usually to help the girls with school. jihan is a sleepy boy :D
3. What was their first impression of each other?
hue was super attracted to jihan off the bat but said absolutely NOTHING lol. jihan also had a bit of a different look back then (slicked back hair that was darker, clean shaven, bit of a punker style, he settled into the look he has now lol.) even jihan licking the blood off his fingers like he was like “ishouldnotfindthisattractiveishouldnotfindthisattractive—”
jihan thought hue was cute but was worried that he was lost or wanted to fight him since he was staring at him so hard lol.
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
both of them are extremely affectionate with one another i don’t think there’s any hesitation in that regard, but that’s kind of what happens when you’ve been with someone for as long as they have lol. they’re extremely comfortable.
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
they rarely argue. they’ve had a few before, about the kids and just random shit that they both got too proud to apologize for.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
they usually have in depth convos where they try to pinpoint where the problem was and talk out their sides and apologize once they truly understand where the other person was coming from. then they either go on a date, cuddle, or fuck, depending on the situation lol.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
not insanely often, though jihan is more likely to say it aloud.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
hue loves jihan’s wisdom—for a variety of reasons (some are related to the bedroom LOL). but really, he loves how jihan is patient and observant, and knows. it helps him feel secure in forging his own path by having someone who can support him without having to use words, just understanding.
jihan loves hue’s stability. he never thought he’d be interested in being tied down—and while he’s had loves in the past, he’s never gone and started a fucking family with any of them.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
neither are dislikes born of malice but hue hates that jihan is immortal and jihan is frustrated when hue tries to shoulder everything on his own instead of letting him share the weight of things weighing on him.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
they share a good chunk of things in common. games, sports, and adrenaline seeking are a big thing for them. but they also kind of picked up on each others hobbies too? hue likes strategy and intellectual things like reading which jihan can be a bit bored to do. but audio books and hue reading to him have definitely gotten him into it, as well as movies and cinema. jihan also didn’t pick up cooking until hue bc there was no reason but the methodical process and plating really strikes his fancy. jihan is a traveler and hue has never been interested in it before him. jihan is also a collector of random facts and experiences and it grows on hue too. he’s also not particularly artistic but jihan is very good (he’s had centuries of practice lol). but doing wine and art events has warmed hue up to it. it helps them learn more about what they each value and how they see the world, but they’re both pretty open to trying new things generally :)
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
funnily enough neither of them are huge nickname or pet name people. at most hue will call jihan “han” (which is different than everyone else who calls him ji and jihan isn’t fond of anyone aside from hue calling him that lol). whereas, at most, jihan calls hue “babe” but even that alone makes hue’s face get red lol. neither of them hate pet names or anything i just don’t think they think about them. + their names are pretty straightforward so there’s no like Super Obvious ones lol.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
when they were married, it was pretty easy for them to be separate from each other because the security that they had in each other and their relationship was extremely strong. divorced its really difficult t.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
usually phone, through texting or calling—the joys of modern tech. they haven’t really been apart much for any extended period of time until the divorce so lol.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
while its pretty obvious they’re in a relationship together, they don’t really do MUCH pda that’s beyond like, hand holding or pecks on the cheek/chaste kisses in public unless they’re alone. it’s not that they’re private so much as the two of them are rarely alone, be it the kids, hue’s family, friends, crowded public areas etc.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
let the predictable sap fest begin
all of me — john legend (a classic)
be — hozier
beautiful soul — jesse mccartney (i had to do it to them)
better love — hozier
better than me — hinder (ouch or whatever lol)
be without you — mary j. blige (OOF)
could it be you — cascada
fall for you — secondhand serenade
gravity — sara bareilles
hate to see your heart break — paramore
here without you — 3 doors down
i’ll be — edwin mccain
iris — the goo goo dolls
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
hue doesn’t like needles so idk if he could be convinced LMAO, but i think jihan has a tattoo for hue already. it’s pretty cheesy, but it’s a minimalist outline of a wolf over his heart. it’s a pretty intimate place to get a tattoo tbh; jihan has tattoos of other people he’s loved (family, friends, past lovers) on him as well, but they aren’t as large or over such a vulnerable spot like that. the love he feels for hue is very… deep lol. if hue were to get over himself and get a tattoo, i think he’d probably get something simple; a circle. jihan has been alive for a long time, and he’ll live for a long time more. to hue it’s like he has no beginning and no ending, but the circle of his arms is where life truly is. sooooo yeah its sappy and jihan would cry about it lol.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
A LOT. jihan i think was more surprised by it than hue bc he’s never settled down before.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
much of their relationship is built on them being silly and joking with each other lol
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
they used to share a home but jihan moved out recently and has gone back to couch surfing with his friends.
their house looks pretty average on the outside, any standard brick townhome, and on the inside it’s cheerful but dark. you can tell a family and people live there but it’s a lot of dark, warm tones so it’s not hell on either of their senses. there’s a lot of throw pillows and blankets and floor seating for spontaneous cuddle piles and there’s a lot of knick knacks from the girls toys and projects and possessions, to random trinkets they’ve bought for each other etc. it’s not really one person has this style or that style; hue’s never had his own space until he moved out (wolves amiright) and jihan has never had a real Home (at least not for several centuries) so they really built a lot of it together. it speaks volumes to their trust and reliance on one another as well as their teamwork to raise essie and ozzy.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
jihan is actually pretty nomadic; as some of his friends have told hue on several occasions he’s really just a glorified couch surfer. so the fact that he was willing to settle down with hue says a lot about how much he cares about him. he’s usually never enjoyed being stationary lol.
being the breadwinner, hue takes on the brunt of caring for jihan and the girls. it’s not that jihan couldn’t or can’t get a job (he hasn’t had one for a good bit lol) but hue enjoys that he’s able to provide for his family—just seeing them safe and happy is more than enough.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
jihan does a lot of things for hue to ease the load and burden. tying his tie is a really intimate thing for the two of them (i can see a scene where someone tries to tie hue’s tie for him at work and it makes him so uncomfortable his skin crawls lol), jihan also touches his pulse points a lot—his wrists or jugular esp. it’s weird but hue gets it; he’s saying i know where your vulnerable spots are and i will cherish them basically lol.
hue scents jihan a lot especially when they’re cuddling. he’s very physically affectionate with jihan who craves that so any act of him touching him or wrapping his arms around him conveys that feeling.
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
hue, but they have completely different diets lmao. hue usually cooks for himself and the kiddos while jihan grabs a blood bag if he’s feeling peckish. the only time hue really “feeds” jihan is when they’re in bed or if jihan is feeling particularly hungry. there can never be anyone else around tho bc the biting really arouses hue so they usually fuck after lmao.
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
the two of them are more nocturnal, so it’s moreso their daytime routine than anything. at 5-6am, one of them (usually hue) wakes up to get the girls ready for school; making breakfast, making sure their bags are packed, anything project or homework related has been done, and they’re ready to take on the day. once they’re off to school, whichever parent was up gets back in bed and they sleep/doze/etc until around 3-4pm, when the girls get out of school. usually jihan is more awake at this time and so he’ll help get the girls started on homework and will help hue get ready for work (he always ties hue’s ties lol). around 6 hue heads to work. jihan and the girls stay up having fun and doing other things until bed time. then jihan will usually just vibe and wait for hue to get home lol. usually cleaning, reading, setting stuff up, just real house husband stuff :)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
(i did quizzes for these lmao)
hue is definitely words of affirmation. its not necessarily surprising, in the sense that wolves are dogs 💀 but on a more serious level, jihan is pretty forthcoming with his words. he never says anything he doesn’t mean and hue really values that. he values how jihan always knows exactly what to say to make sure he knows he’s loved, appreciated, heard, seen, and cared for. his second biggest would be quality time or gift giving because he enjoys how jihan thinks of him outside of when they’re together, or how he’s the center of his attention when they are.
unsurprising (to me) for jihan, his biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch. having lived so long physical reminders of the person he’s in love with being there and spending time with him are far more valuable than material gain. every touch, absent minded kiss, hug around the waist, date night, it all means the world to jihan. he just wants to be with hue.
these love languages work very well together imo because the two of them are very good at reading people and reading each other. they are acutely aware of what the other enjoys and a lot of the time their love languages overlap. when they go bowling for instance, jihan is always praising hue and cheering him on, letting him know with words how amazing he is. and jihan is just happy to spend time with hue.
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
when they were married every sunday was date night because jihan thought it was funny for a vampire to be out on a “holy day” when he should be struck down. old rumors and amusements die hard. they do a lot of things to keep things novel, but they are fond of competitive dates and “playing” so, bowling, arcades, escape rooms, paintball even—all things on the table for them. they love to get a good adrenaline pump going whether it be together or against each other. other times if they decide to go at night its very lowkey and usually a lot of stargazing and talking. if its close to hue’s heat its really straightforward and they book a hotel and have fun there lmaooo.
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
i’d say that jihan is more affected by alcohol than hue because he doesn’t really have “blood” to absorb some of the affects. but it does take him quite more than a few drinks to get actually drunk lmao. when it comes to caring for him, the first rule of thumb for hue is to not let jihan drink when unsupervised. he can be horribly competitive and loves to get in on the fun when drinking so its easy to get him to drink way more than he should. second thing is, if its already too late and jihan’s drunk a lot, he’s very gentle with him. jihan is already sensitive to a number of things; light, noise, etc. but it sharpens when he’s drunk because in an altered state vampires tend to become more alert and defensive—its just apex predator shit for ya. so he never makes sudden moves, always speaks low and hums soothingly to help keep jihan from being jittery. once they make it to a safe place, hue would help jihan get comfortable and get him a blood bag/snack or just give him a meal from the source to help ebb off the alcohol. then he’d cuddle him bc usually once jihan starts to come down he passes out lmao.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
hue is very good at flirting when sufficiently motivated to do so. he’s direct, but he’s sensual about it, and its helped him score many a conquest even outside of jihan. however, jihan’s the one person where he tends to get silly with when he flirts. they know each other too well, so there isn’t always a pressure to be sexy all the time lmao.
jihan isn’t the best flirt, or at least, he puts on that persona. while he’s not naive, he just doesn’t really see the point in beating around the bush “do you want to fuck or not?” yknow? things that could come across as flirtatious are for him just genuine honesty. he never says things he doesn’t mean in a way that he doesn’t mean them lol. so ig in a head to head match to pick up someone, hue would definitely win lmaooo.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
so many i couldn’t count all of them. and i just made them so idk what they are yet lmaooo.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
not at all. their divorce is more of the secret, as not many people know about it lol.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
yep! when the witch resurgence program came up, they were approached by the agency responsible for homing young witches and after talking it over with each other, they agreed that this would be good for the child but that they were wanting a real family. in his long life, jihan’s never had that before (for many reasons lol) and hue wants to do everything with jihan. coming from a large family himself, hue is used to having many kiddos around and he loves them. they got esther first, and after a few years, her bio parents actually ended up having another witch child, ozzy, so instead of the girls being separated they adopted ozzy too so the girls could grow up together.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
jihan is more emotionally sensitive, but hue cries more often. he feels a lot and its hard to shut it off.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
hue definitely. jihan is super laid back.
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
took them about 5 years to actually say the words “i love you” to each other, and the first time they did was at their wedding. they didn’t really plan it that way; both of them tend to show affection more than say it outright, but the timing was actually really good. reduced both of them to tears lol.
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
this divorce LMAO.
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
to say hue would be a mess is an understatement. it also wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the potential for him to die of a broken heart—its what happened to his mother after his father died of a sudden illness. wolves are sensitive and hue knows he is too. esther and ozzy would probably be his only way to keep going, even though its dramatic.
jihan is more realistic. he’s loved and lost a few times in his long life, and he’s used to the inevitability of it. it pains him to think about it, so he doesn’t. but if it were to happen jihan would be a mess for a few years. and by a few i mean, probably a few centuries. whenever he’s loved and lost, he’s been off the rails for awhile before he finally is able to move on and change his appearance. he does carry his hurt with him, but having others to love and friends to lean on does help him cope. but i mean, ngl, he would be more fucked up over hue than anyone else he’s loved.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
jihan doesn’t really have family but his friends care about hue and think the two of them are good for each other. especially those who have known jihan for a long time (which he has a few friends that old lol).
hue’s family ADORES jihan they practically begged hue to marry him and were so involved in the wedding that it made hue almost embarrassed. when hue told them about the split they were devastated, and know that something is up because the two of them are yknow. bonded af. so not only will hue have his children’s meddling to deal with but also his family’s in helping them get back together 😂
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
hue would absolutely put jihan in something fitted. a suit, a tight shirt, well fit pants—anything that hugs his body and his curves he would want to see him in, though good luck getting him to admit to it lmao.
jihan loves seeing hue comfortable. sweaters, shirtless in sweatpants or boxers, his clothes.
its funny how they like the opposites on each other LMAO.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
oh very often, esp with the girls. jihan actually isn’t used to such frequent cuddling until hue (he’s never been with a werewolf before) but wolves tend to lay on each other for warmth and comfort. once he got adjusted to it and realized that hue didn’t mind how he was cold, he grew addicted to them lol.
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
jihan is everpresent; essentially he knows when hue is struggling with something but he knows better than to try and push him to tell him things when he’s not ready to, or to try and offer help when hue doesn’t think its needed. it just leads to arguments and unhealthy coping mechanisms. even though it sometimes hurts to just stay beside hue and essentially “not do anything,” hue always assures him that his presence is enough, that him never judging him or forcing him to do things when he isn’t ready is more than enough. hue relies on this ever-presentness extremely heavily; he can’t really imagine doing most things without having the pillar of support that is jihan there.
hue is decisive and forthcoming, which is something really appreciates. because of his age and how he is in general, jihan is a person who sort of “lets whatever happen, happen” and its refreshing to have someone who’s, as he says, “young minded” to want to set about getting change and making his life his own himself. it gives jihan the drive to actually seek things that he wants and to put more effort into things he knows he should do.
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
both of them consider it serious. aside from marriage, they’ve spent nearly 20 years together. jihan doesn’t get into relationships unless they’re serious and jihan is hue’s first meaningful relationship. they know each other like the back of their own hands, their home and comfort is in each other. they’ve built a whole family together lmao. the two of them definitely did not roll up to play around.
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
oh definitely lol. both of them are big cuddlers. and because jihan is cold and hue overheats they easily find temperature equilibrium.
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
of course! they even got married lmao—and like had a big ass ceremony and everything lol (hue unsurprisingly has a p big family). the future right now is uncertain until hue can work through either accepting that he’s mortal and he’ll die and it’ll be over with or unless they find another solution.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
hue hasn’t told jihan about the mating for life predicament, nor his fears about him finding someone else after he dies and how it tears him apart.
jihan is pretty open about everything in his life but he’s not forthcoming if that makes sense. if someone doesn’t ask, he won’t really tell. but if you ask, depending on how close he is to you, he’ll open up. however, he’s never hidden anything from hue.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
well, they’re technically broken up divorced right now—instigated by hue lol. the tl;dr is that hue is starting to get older and he’s starting to get very conscious of his own mortality. even though werewolves/were-creatures do live longer than humans, they pale in comparison to other creatures like vampires. like jihan, who has already lived for 800 years or so. at most, hue will live to be about 200, and the idea of jihan living on after him is painful—hell, even the girls could live longer than him. legends say that powerful witches can learn spells to gain longer life and essie is already showing a lot of promise. so, in a backwards way to save himself the heartbreak he broke things off. the idea of jihan being with anyone else pains him but the idea of being so attached and knowing jihan will find someone else after he dies is even worse (or so he thinks). he knows to a certain extent he’s being selfish, and the feeling is made worse by jihan being still so sweet and loving towards him and the girls. so despite initiating it, hue’s taking it worse than jihan.
jihan is definitely hurt about the break up, made even worse by hue not giving him the Real reason why he broke it off so suddenly, yet, he knows and can tell that hue is hurting more than he is. it gives him solace to not give up on everything or to wallow. he just wishes hue would tell him what was wrong so he can try and help fix it. he wants their family back, him back. but he knows pushing won’t fix it so he’s trying to be patient.
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pogidoow · 1 year
Could you possibly do some more of your headcannons? I just love reading them lol . Also love your writing
Thank youuu <3 I can try haha I'll write them like the last time (with some examples from the fic so spoilers ahead)
- I mentioned previously that he was soft for the right person – it’s because he’s not used to affection in any way so he needs time to adjust to it once he gets it; the same way, he’s just careful not to do something wrong because he’s experienced bad shit in the past and doesn’t want to be anything like the people from his past (we see this in detail in chapter 17/18 with his panic attacks)
- deals with trauma on his own, sometimes he’ll share something with Price - he sees him as a father figure but won’t ever admit it to himself; similarly, Soap reminds him of Tommy so he’ll occasionally tell him something Soap can relate with, making sure Soap knows he’s not alone when going through stuff (it’ll be something simple, like Soap saying he misses home and Simon will just start talking about this place back in Manchester he always visits so Soap knows he isn’t the only one being nostalgic)
- introvert - talking to people takes a lot of energy from him but he likes the company and prefers to just be there with the group even if he’s just sitting there in silence
- bad sleeper but sleeps better if he shares the bed with someone who he feels safe with (Soap in Russia, Frost in the team-building house/hotel)
- unlike Frost, he doesn’t actually enjoy violence, he doesn’t get the same high that Frost gets; in fact, he’d like to be as far from violent as possible because sudden movements are sometimes a trigger for him
- loves to listen to and share music with his favorite people - it helps him quiet the thoughts down; can bop to any song, can get lost in any song
- terrified of loss/losing someone (thanatophobia)
- he’s very respectful of other people’s opinions, wishes etc. BUT his urge to protect often prevails and he breaks promises out of irrational fears/worry (checking on Frost in Mexico when she asked him not to)
- loves giving and receiving compliments (hence he still continues to give compliments to Frost despite Jazz, it’s more endearing than flirty)
- bad at keeping secrets - if he gets too excited, he will unintentionally blabber out a secret mid-convo then stop himself abruptly with an internal “Uh-oh”
- troublemaker if instigated by the right person (Gaz)
- protective of the whole team but has a sweet spot for Frost (not gonna tell you why just yet)
- I don’t know why but this man loves mashed potatoes, I just had to put it out there
- mostly listens to rock classics like ZZ Top, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Dire Straits… during one of the missions (before Frost joined), Livin’ on a prayer came on the radio and he got carried away while driving and started singing it from top of his lungs. Now, Gaz and Soap scream it into his ear every time the song comes on. He never sang in front of them again and he never will
- doesn’t talk about his family a lot or his emotions unless something just clicks and he automatically opens up (his talk with Frost before she was sent to join Las Cuchillas)
- he’s not the biggest fan of working out, has to really discipline himself to get up and go unless he has a group session with the team, then he gets competitive and motivated
this boy oh my god, I love this boy
- shameless, “I don’t give a fuck” type of guy
- respectful if respected
- temperamental, quick to anger but calms down immediately if needed - especially when watching football or talking about it
- 70% extrovert, 30% introvert – loves hanging out with people, enjoys alone time (uses it productively)
- love language: quality time, acts of service, physical touch; on the other hand, loves to hear words of affirmation from Lils
- easily convinced to do anything in free time – you can enter his room at any time of the day, tell him what you’re up to and he’ll probably jump up from his bed and join you
 - doesn’t like injustice but he'll turn a blind eye if he’s the one doing it (actually canon in MW 2019)
- kind and considerate, very open minded
- isn’t picky about music but will always back the UK scene up
- emotionally unavailable (duh) but life keeps forcing her to experience intense emotions she doesn’t know how to deal with yet (*plays dramatic foreshadowing music*)
- fear of love/commitment (philophobia) – the reason why she freaks out the moment someone expresses their feelings for her (freaked out when Soap tried stopping her from leaving after Mexico, or in the elevator with Simon)
- ambidextrous – part of the reason why she’s so damn good at everything
- has to be active constantly – gym, running, hiking, practice, cleaning; whatever to keep her mind occupied, otherwise she'll often dissociate
- will trust her intuition more than other people sometimes which is why she can be a pain in the ass on team missions
my favorite psycho
- incredibly caring and loving - she's everyone's best friend if they give her no reason to be the opposite
- over-protective, will fuck people up if they come for her friends
- dramatic for fun - will pretend she's jealous but won't actually care, she just wants to make people around her nervous
- addicted do sex - Gaz barely keeps up with her
- judgemental of stupid, close-minded people - she will tell it to their faces, confront them shamelessly, teach them a lesson on the spot
- kind and considerate, selfless - will drop whatever she's doing to hear someone out or help out
- prefers chilling over being active, although she won't say no to a fun activity (loved volleyball but wouldn't go kayaking)
- would rather stay quiet in arguments than argue back
- she is very sure in who she is as a person but if she meets someone with stronger energy than hers (Frost), she gets nervous and her guard goes up a bit. She is good at putting that anxiety aside though, and works on it not getting in the way of befriending people she feels inferior to
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Ok spoilers for the Bad Batch S2!!
So the new trailer has been out for a few days now and I’m surprised I haven’t seen a lot of talk about Cody. Like, yes, I’ve seen theories related to what will happen to Cody, but I’m specifically talking about Cody’s new armor.
In CW, Cody wore the traditional white and yellow/gold of the 212th. In the trailer, he wears white and gray armor. The only time we’ve seen an armor color change was the 104th (Wolffe and the Wolffepack). Master Plo Koon lost most of his original battalion during the Malevolence arc (in S1). They used to wear a rusty brown accented color but after that arc, they are shown to wear gray (in honor of those that died).
So what does that mean for Cody and his new armor? Is it gray just cuz the GAR is gone/disappearing or did something happen to the rest of the 212th?? They better leave the clone boys alone I swear. Filoni, you wanna mess someone up, use your new storm troopers—but leave the clones alone.
I don’t know anything about Legends/EU but do the clones keep their color after O66? I know the remaining 501st (those that stormed the Temple—not those w/ Ahsoka/Rex), after O66, is referred to as ‘Vader’s Fist’ or something. Do they still wear the blue of the 501st or do they wear gray like Cody in the new trailer?
Anyways, I was just curious about Cody’s armor. I hadn’t seen it mentioned (sorry if I missed something) so I figured I’d bring it up.
As for what’ll happen to Cody, I obviously hope he survives. Just cuz Filoni had plans for a Rex vs Cody thing/thought Cody would die doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll die this season. SW is pretty well-known for having characters disappear into hiding (Yoda, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Cal, Ventress etc). SW also has brought back characters assumed to be dead like Gregor and Echo.
I’ve seen a few popular theories going around:
1: Cody’s gonna hunt down CF99 and Rex is gonna have to protect them by killing Cody.
2: Cody’s gonna hunt down CF99 w/ Crosshair and want to kill them. Crosshair, obviously not wanting his bros to die, will kill Cody himself.
3: Cody’s gonna have his ‘questioning moment’ like Rex did w/ Ahsoka during O66 (him hesitating and telling her to find Fives) and protect CF99 from the Empire/swarms of storm troopers, sacrificing himself.
What I’d like to see happen:
Cody and Crosshair hunt down CF99+Rex. The big group splits into 2–Crosshair+batchers and Rex/Echo/Cody. Crosshair has a convo w/ Hunter, Wrecker and Tech about the Empire while Rex+Echo talk w/ Cody, definitely bringing up Obiwan/Anakin/Ahsoka. Rex gets Cody to doubt himself/his loyalties to the Empire, but worries there’s nowhere to go/run. But it just so happens that Rex knows a certain senator (Bail Organa) that’s been helping remaining Jedi/clones/people still loyal to the Republic. Rex puts Bail in touch w/ Cody. Bail mentions a certain general on Tatooine and Cody starts crying cuz he thought he killed Obi and Rex and Cody HUG (like tight gripping/crying all of it). Cody’s relieved Obi’s still alive, but immediately thinks about Rex and Anakin and asks about General Skywalker and comforts Rex when he tells Cody ‘only Commander Tano survived’ or something (at this point not even Ahsoka knows Vader=Anakin, she doesn’t find out until Rebels).
Anyways, the episode/story would end and Crosshair decides to go off on his own (not w/ the Empire or w/ CF99–think Boba/Ventress in later seasons) and Cody (who gets his chip removed) decides to go w/ Rex to meet up w/ Bail (I imagine they would have talked through a communication device/hologram or something). Bail sets Cody up w/ a small ship that’s nondescript and ready to go to Tatooine. The last shot is of Cody’s ship heading towards a beige/tan planet w/ 2 suns with Cody’s voice saying ‘I’ll find you’ referring to Obi or something.
I also loved the idea that Dex (the diner owner from AotC) knows some of the 212th boys since he’s good friends w/ Obi and Cody walks in one day acting different (still chipped). Dex gets all suspicious and whacks Cody w/ a frying pan (think Rapunzel/Flynn from Tangled) and that messes w/ the chip (cuz Wrecker hit his head and made it worse). Cody gets it taken out and thanks Dex for helping and tells him if he sees any more clones, to ‘help them out’ so any time a clone comes in, Dex just smacks the shit out of them with a frying pan. Obviously this is more comedic/not really serious, but I saw that post going around and loved the idea. I loved that Obiwan had friends outside the Jedi/clones.
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dangermousie · 2 years
Ep 4
1. Carolina knowing her boyfriend saw her sucking face with someone but not knowing what she wants to do (or who she wants) or what she thinks about it or how to approach it and so instead ignoring his attempts to talk and acting like nothing happened and he’s crazy to bring it up is pretty on brand. She was a genuinely bad girlfriend if heroic and brave and I found it pretty fitting that she ended up with someone who was a bad boyfriend if heroic and brave himself.
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And speaking of heroic - I do love that one or more of them keep trying to stop the runaway train of their investigation but something always interrupts that. In the latest attempt it’s Carolina, who insists on looking though even Marcos had enough. If I were a bitchier person (lie, I am plenty bitchy), I’d say that unlike a lot of the rest of them, she doesn’t have real troubles so she’s looking for them, but in addition to being bitchy, that’s not true - I think she’s just impulsive and single-minded AND sheltered so not genuinely getting the can of worms she’s opening, so hence her drive here.
We don’t know that much about Roque and Caye’s background (though Caye dies early on and Roque later brings up he has issues with his height and build and how he’s treated), but Marcos has lost his parents and has to bring up his sister, Victoria is poor and has to keep her scholarship in this snooty school as her one chance at a good future (one of the things I love btw is how Victoria’s lack of $$$ is never an issue for the rest of her friends - she’s in a group with the beautiful daughter of a famous actress and a kid whose dad half-owns the school and neither them nor anyone else bring up the social gulf ever, they are just friends). Ivan has been growing up in Abuse Central (the only way I am willing to buy he has any chance at normalcy after growing up with Noiret is because Noiret dumped him at the boarding schools for most of the year and that was a normal environment) and Julia was groomed and now sees ghosts. Carolina has a loving if scatterbrained mother, money, looks, friends etc. She really is the princess of the group. And like @theseasasleep​ I found it pretty narratively nifty that in the world of El Internado being a princess does not give you plot armor and that is not enough.
Another thing I found an interesting inversion is that Carolina is always self-absorbed on a basic level and bad at reading/caring about emotions of others - look how Vicki has to spell it out for her she is here on a stipend she can’t afford to play around and Caro’s reaction is “ok, whatever, moving on, let’s keep digging, why is she mad, oh who cares” and that’s her friend! She is not a bad person or anything, and that is a realistic level of self-absorption for a teen but it’s unusual the story lets her have it.
2. I watched Elsa complain that Hector always puts her last - after his causes and went OMG he and Marcos are def related!!! Because honestly, both are wonderful people, great siblings, heroic, with spine and ideals. But all of that makes them great causeheads and leaders, and terrible boyfriends.
3. I found the convo Maria and Hector had fascinating - when she said that her happiness is to love someone and look at them and tell them “I love you” and Hector went “but surely you want to be loved back?” her response floored me: “that is less important” and “if you want to receive, you first have to give” - if that doesn’t exemplify Maria’s whole character as a mother and as a person, I don’t know what does. (And now we know from whom Ivan inherited his capacity for loving.)
4. I forgot that the reason their investigation kept going at that point was because Carolina is hot and both Marcos and Ivan want her. Heh, the power of hormones! (Though looking the hair raising stunts she was up to early on makes me wonder how she lasted for seasons!) Also, as an older person (not just older than the characters but older than when I first saw this show), I just want to shake Ivan - if the girl cheated on you and didn’t even apologize - this is not a relationship worth holding on to unless you have five kids and a mortgage together. But of course, he’s got nothing else so there he is to help her with murder investigation and protect her (and I found it so funny that both dudes declared “we are gonna go into the well to do hard manual labor, you just get to stand here and look nice.” Ah, to be a pretty teen girl, heh.)
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5. Oooof!!! Marcos shows up, not knowing Ivan is in the well and is all “I forgot nothing of what happened in the well” (i.e., smoochies) and you know what gets me? Carolina knows her boyfriend is in the well and can hear everything and she goes “me neither.” JESUS, I FORGOT WHAT A TRULY TERRIBLE GIRLFRIEND SHE WAS!!!!!
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Ivan, stop self-injuring yourself - to inflict physical pain on yourself to distract from emotional pain is not a healthy coping mechanism, but also no matter how milk you guzzle, you are gonna break bones at some point! (A little touch - Marcos hears the noise and Caro tells him Ivan is in the well. Marcos is genuinely taken aback because he realizes that Ivan heard; does any of it bother Caro who knew from the start? Hell no.)
You know, of course Ivan forgives Caro over and over and clings to her (if I remember correctly, the reason this relationship ends is she finally calls it off) - due to his upbringing, not only does he cling to any hint of caring, he is an expert at forgiving the unforgivable. (I think that is why, later, his relationship with Julia is such a steep learning curve - a combo of someone who genuinely cares AND who won’t put up with shit is something utterly new for him.)
6. OK, boys, maybe forget Caro and make out? Too many danmeis have rotted my brain.
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7. This scene! When Ivan comes in injured and the way Maria lights up at the chance to take care of him!!! The mother-son stuff in this show always hits me in the softest place in my heart. (Though what kind of a fancy boarding school does not have a nurse’s office? One that is pretty much a portal to hell, apparently.) I do love the way she shines and the way he is so utterly puzzled at why this random cleaning lady is so nice to him. It breaks something in his brain. When he asks her what he should do so she’d hate him, it sounds so lost. (And Maria, being Maria, saying “nothing.”) Also, the little bit where she says his mom would have freaked and his replying his mother is dead - ouch.
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And then as he walks off he adds something like “my mother killed herself. That is how much she loved me” and I forgot that part of the backstory! No wonder Ivan’s issues have issues - for him the mom killed herself and left him with the monster dad. But what gets me is (1) even though he throws this piece of information like a weapon, that is something so personal and vulnerable and that kid with mile-wide shields shared this with her because subconsciously he knows it’s safe and (2) Maria’s little uncontrolled flinch - it’s one thing to have your child stolen and sold - that’s bad enough; but to know that he got stolen and sold into hell when all you wanted was to love him is - ooooh, poor Maria!
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8. Marcos and Carolina were very pretty together. And I loved that just as with the well earlier, it only looked like Ivan leaving - he instead went to get his arm fixed and to bring the rest of the gang as backup.
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9. Yeah, a video of someone murdering orphan children. Likely after experimenting. Just your normal boarding school. RUN BY NAZIS!!!!!
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
Well overdue…where did we leave off? mmm well. Same day gym bae broke my heart for the last time, improv bae started texting me. Soon, it was established that we liked each other. But, after I looked at a few photos online, I was like, “Mmm, I’m not that interested anymore…”
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But I remained open regardless, even when he got a bit sexual in his convo FAST. As soon as that happened and I didn’t speak up on it and played along despite me not wanting to, I knew it was going to end. This one ended sooner than gym bae…
This guy said being too honest was his flaw. Man was it…He started planning things we could do together so quickly. Texted back consistently. Sent me music. Tried to relate to me. Was funny. Had an actual CAREERRRRR. Pursued me FIRST. Was not shy about giving me compliments and showing me that he did his research on my background. I mean, he was most of what I have wanted in a guy. But then, red flags showed. He told me he was jealous. He hinted that I would take advantage of him. He started sharing texts with other women. One of which, in it, he described HIMSELF as the “hot funny guy that brings Asian girls to your restaurant”. Just random. Unprovoked. That was the final straw.
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This one was easy to say bye to. I didn’t even want to do improv anymore. It was a wake up call, like God was saying, “Okay, I showed you you CAN attract something of quality, just stay focused…”. He is NOT who I would want to date from those red flags he showed, but finally a LITTLE bit more consistency. It’s crazy that this has been the best so far I mean…it’s been dire for ya girl throughout her life. The options have not been good AT ALL!!
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Days after I told him why I wasn’t interested anymore, he told me he may have herpes. Just randomly. He told me again about a flare up. I was like, so happy we didn’t kiss. I be so quick to kiss people, just looking past the fact that people got herpes outchea. It’s pretty common, they damn there don’t even test for it anymore, but, he knows he has it and is not afraid to share that nor HOW he got it. It was too much.
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I was a bit heartbroken hearted. Like damn, look what I attract…and I STILL ain’t got what I want. Gotta channel this energy…
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I keep running into gym bae. Unfortunately, I have not been getting my ass up quick enough in the morning. Also, I thought I knew his schedule, but he starts earlier than I thought. He still be stealing looks with that dumb look he give me. He gives me a fake smile like I did him wrong…I’m thinking of that stupid look he gives now 🙄🙄🙄.
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Anyway, I have been looking cute, and, even though he’s NOT who I want to be with either, I still am heartbroken! Like, I don’t fully know if he was into me or not. Or if he still is. But he was not nice to me at all! So I can’t understand why I secretly hope that he apologizes, acts right, and starts over. Why do I want that still, but also, why am I okay with never reopening that conversation again…
I was rereading text messages, I cried in therapy about how I keep getting betrayed and blindsided for nothing by ALL my relationships. I’m never the one acting nuts or changing the program out the blue…
I even DREAMED about gym bae. I had a dream he told me he found a ring I lost and to come to him. When we met up he wrapped his arms around my waist, looked apologetic, and kissed me. I was already ½ awake because I said “Why were you so mean to me?,” and woke up…
I was grateful to have had that experience in a dream. It felt real. But was sad it wasn’t. I think I dreamed up what I wanted him to be, but he is not that person AT ALL. I am in love with his potential, but NOT the person he ACTUALLY is…It’s the brainwashing I apply to people to soothe myself. So I can escape their reality. It does not serve me, because they come out later saying how much they can’t stand me or how they cannot be around me. Friends, lovers, family…
I tried my best to have a great week last week, and I almost got there. I’m making strides. Friday though, I felt a bit defeated. That was the day I cried. And surrendered to God again. But I still got work done. I even volunteered at an old spot I used to regularly volunteer at feeding houseless people. If I want a lot, I have to give a lot. TRUE happiness only comes from giving. And I have been doing a lot of taking for a while. I give a lot, but I can do more. So, instead of improv, I’m going to take some time during my week away from interview prepping and back into the most vulnerable and judged people in this city.
I’m grateful for all my experiences. Before that dream of gym bae, I had a dream RIGHT BEFORE that of him. I have NEVEEERRR been able to do that before: dream of someone I’m infatuated by, wake up, go back to sleep, and dream of them AGAIN in the same night. The first dream of him, I spotted him in the corner of my eye stealing a look at me like he does on the day to day in the gym. I wonder if he dreams about me…I got it bad, huh?…
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That wasn’t the whole dream, nor the focus of it. The focus of it was a family friend who died by suicide when I was a sophomore in college. I consider that one of my turning points in life. I was so scared to live at that time. After she passed, I fell into depression, saw a therapist for the first time, realized I had some mommy-issues, and sought God harder. But after, I appreciated life more, I studied abroad, and told myself I gotta start living. Accomplish maybe what she should have or wanted to see.
In the dream she was driving me to my childhood home my father just sold last year. That house was previously owned, before we moved in, by her paternal grandmother. Her father lived there, so she lived there when she visited him. That was not a part of the dream. That is a fact of real life. It’s hitting me now just how connected we were. She did my prom make up. I used to see her every weekend in elementary school when I hung out with her little sister in their house.
Back to the dream, she ended up dropping me off in the parking lot of the elementary school she, me, my dad, and my little brother went to (real life about the school again, she’s never dropped me off there in real life). I complimented her short hair cut, told her it looked good, and she recommended I do the same. I didn’t agree, but didn’t dare say that. I was honored by the compliment. I thought she was beautiful. She was smiling. I’ve heard that if you dream of someone who has passed and they are smiling in the dream, that they are enjoying their afterlife. In my dream she was truly the angel she was. Maybe I thought about her and gym bae in the same dream because they share the same name: her middle name is his first name. My brain be doing some crazy things, huh?
I won’t forget that dream for a while. I think we talked about my brother a little bit. I told her that I was sorry. I didn’t say why. She knew what I was referring to. I can’t remember if she said she was abused by her boyfriend or other people in her life, or if I just assumed that, or if she assumed that I assumed that, but she DID say that she felt that was the only way she could escape that. I said I was sorry. I felt so bad that this was her fate. That she experienced that. We hugged and she said it was okay. A conversation I never got to have. One that I wish I had while she was here. Before she ended her life. I wish she knew how I looked up to her. How much she still had to accomplish.
She was the first female singer on what is now one of the greatest record labels. You all have definitely heard of them. I don’t want to say the name. It would give too much away. She passed RIGHT before they blew up. She was destined for SO much. I don’t know why she decided to do what she did. Her boyfriend at the time is still rapping. He said he tried to commit suicide a year or two ago but failed. I couldn’t watch the rest of the interview after that. I still haven’t. One other friend of mine blames him a bit, but I don’t know. I don’t want to think that way…
At the end of the dream, despite her taking me in her car, she walked away. I’m grateful to God that I got to have that convo. I really felt her presence. It’s not summoning the dead. I don’t do that. But I have got a feeling like she is doing well and is at peace.
I’m grateful. Spending time alone, I really get to think. They are hard thoughts, but I’m grateful I get to have these convos with God. It feels like healing. Slowly but surely. Praying for you all as well.
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JC & Cobby & JJ & Bimmy & Bibi & Janbi Pt.4
Janis: [‘we’ve gone through loads of shit, we can get through this too, can’t we?’ having to make that a question because you still are the one that just fucked up, the hope is obvious in how you’re looking at him though]
Casey: [a very serious and determined nod because he believes it and there’s the same hope in his eyes too obvs because he’s that bitch ‘yeah’]
Janis: [giving him a quick kiss like a . there like that’s settled then ‘if later, you want to be fuming, I’ll get it’ genuinely because we will and we’re not expecting this to be issue dealt with but at least y’all are on the same page about it not being the end, which is all you care about]
Casey: [‘what I want’s to get it sorted somehow’ because he do, it must be exhausting being as angry as he is for how long he has been ‘in a bit though’ as he again manages to pull her closer somehow like don’t worry I’m not gonna go and phone a therapist right this sec lol]
Janis: [rubbing the back on his neck as you snuggle into him, kissing the top of his head like I know, the sigh because God would we all love all of this to be sorted but that’s not life and clearly not y’alls lives but we’re not full emo about it in this moment and we try not to be]
Casey: [have an earned and deserved snuggle pause because everyone also needs to calm down truly, the stress levels are once again through the roof, just repeating his earlier ‘it’ll be okay’ softly and quietly from within it]
Janis: [‘maybe I can take some time off, we’ll just be here, sort some of this out’ matching his tone and volume here, like we can fix this flat, decide if you want to go get a new job or what you’re doing, these are the sorts of things we’re envisioning getting under control]
Casey: [such a genuine smile at her because that’s such a good idea under the circumstances, taking a deep breath knowing she’ll do the same to mirror him like yeah exactly that’s what we’ll be able to do, breathe and just have a minute to feel less out of control the way they unavoidably have since this began]
Janis: [of course we’re doing it back, the smile not intentionally being mirrored but we cannot help but smile back at you ‘I’ll be less of a liability for it’ with a little shrug, because yeah, you have NOT been focusing on your work properly and no one is there to be accountable to because your own boss but you don’t want to ruin your reputation with your clients so this is for the best all ‘round, even if you have to reschedule a few people, it’s chill ‘might be too soon to do anything in the spare room but-’ leaving that like, it is, ‘cos you are not that far along but we all know you’re too far gone in excitement anyway so you could start this nursery, it’d be shit if you lost this baby now regardless]
Casey: [a look down at his hands like too relatable bestie, because he’d be a liability too if he got another job immediately or tried to, we all remember he got sacked from his other new one after literally a couple of shifts lol, but he’s amused and still smiling not gutted or anything cos as we discussed in the previous convo’s brackets he isn’t happy working in clubs any more anyway ‘same, like’ and only smiling bigger when the idea I mentioned in said former of him getting a day job and them being on the same schedule for once in their lives occurs to him ‘but maybe I can find some work in the day, once her room’s done’ because obvs he’s so excited about the nursery and it isn’t a maybe it’s a definitely that they are gonna get that done]
Janis: [shamelessly 😏 because we want you with us more than we want you chucking yourself into whatever job you can find immediately, fucked hands aside, and we know you weren’t feeling that job, even when we could make it tolerable by turning up, that’s about y’all, not the gig sis ‘like seeing Dracula out for lunch’ because for as long as he’s been an adult working, this has been the vibe, so we’re so used to it but of course, we’re actually excited by/approve of this plan for you ‘what are you going to apply for, when you can’ tapping the knuckles of both hands on the end of that sentence, tilting our head to one side to just gaze adoringly at him nbd]
Casey: [shamelessly giving her the most extra lovebite ever on her neck for that Dracula comment after he’s done his standard OTT excuse you kind of offended face about it with raised eyebrows and said ‘ oi, who you calling a bloodsucker?’ because big nerd 5ever ‘might be feeling undead for the first few days but soon be used to it, and more of you’ with a shrug like he’s not super buzzing about the prospect, which we ALL know he is ‘reckon I’ll be well qualified as a decorator, aside from the obvious’ for the bants of all the DIY and decorating he’ll have done when the nursery is finished and the cliche of them all being gay ‘let’s say I haven’t done my wrist off all the painting, nor started to fancy lads, it’ll have to be pubs til the tourists do my head in and the regulars remind us of my dad’]
Janis: [doing such an OTT B-movie horror victim reaction so you don’t derail this moment you’re having by making it a MOMENT with a realer more 😳 reaction about it, which will inevitably make Chubby come to your rescue so you can shoo this boy away slightly and love upon this pup like yes, well done, sir; shaking your head lovingly at this boy ‘you’d clear up with the housewife crowd, should your wrists not get that limp, yeah’ because the thirsty way some people act around men just trying to do jobs is shameless lol, nodding now at his more serious plan because it is a good idea and more sociable hours and all the benefits of that ‘can’t get enough, eh’ with a look down because literally living above one rn, that will soon be opening for lunchtime, I am sure, it’s usually like 11, is it not, idk]
Casey: [likewise giving Chubby all the love, calling him a hero and a good boy and so brave and all those kind of things because gotta lay it on super thick after scaring him earlier and thinking she’d have to take him in the jc split and he’d never have these moments again ‘been there, done that’ because we all remember his school therapist and I’m sure she was middle aged or at least seemed it to his young teenage boy self ‘and again on [whatever cringe name the club night would have that somewhere he’s worked at, probably the most cringe clerb for his first job of that sort at 18/19, would put on full of cheesy nostalgic music for that crowd because always a thing in rubbish clerbs], can’t get enough, them’ like he’s * correcting her comment about him and pubs, shaking his head at all these sad old ladies like oh gals ‘when my little mate’s here, probably be a shout to have another think’ because not fully going into his wanting to be a stay at home dad thing again rn with it being too soon really but he do clearly wanna do that, as for the pub opening, in redditch it was 10am but idk if that’s cos it’s a shithole haha]
Janis: [Chubby, this is your time to shine, you deserve it, you sweet little fool, undoubtedly bimbling off to get yourself a toy or a bone, like good day parents, catch us rolling our eyes so hard into the back of our head because of course, why are clubs and middle-aged ladies just the cringiest of cringe at all times ‘you poor boy’ sounds like sarcasm but we honestly mean it like ew, hate that for you babe; you’re probably right about 10am, I literally have no idea but beside the point lol ‘always’ because we’ll support you in your endeavours, whenever ‘who knows what we’ll all be up to by then’ because truly, nothing is that stable regarding this baby and we know why]
Casey: [mimicking Chubby when he was getting all the love and fuss when she calls him a poor boy like yes comfort me, rolling about on this bed and being a fool the same way she reacted to his vampire style lovebite earlier because if we’re not silly otherwise it’ll be extra af and after her look down and all this talk of pub work he’s aware that it’ll be opening soon so not trying to instigate a loud af hookup, lol good luck with that hun, we know what y’all are like with self control, ending up with his head in her lap looking up at her like 🥺+😍 because she’s so supportive and they are so back on track ‘least we’ve an idea of what we will next’ cos he’s always buzzing to have a plan and they’ve made some progress about next steps here genuinely]
Janis: [‘you’re not nowhere near as cute’ as if you aren’t looking right back at him fully 🥺+😍 too like okay liar, you can’t help being entirely about this too and the way you’re stroking his hair is somehow indecent and you have to lean down to kiss him as confirmation of how buzzing you are that there are plans and they’re tangible and you’re both working towards them ‘it’s going to be good’ an upgrade on okay because how you feel]
Casey: [‘nah, I’m not’ as he makes whatever kiss she instigated even more indecent and thus is being the opposite of cute, and emphasises this after she’s spoken again by pulling her down further as he simultaneously leans up to meet her, using such a hot move, grabbing her via her throat and fully pressing his fingers into the extra af and extremely recent neck lovebite he did, injuries be damned]
Janis: [moaning into his mouth, the fact you are fully turning this into a makeout and he has his hands around your throat do a lot to dampen the volume of this but there is no denying how guttural and from somewhere inside you beyond your control this sound is, pressing both your hands into his chest, as if you’re trying to fuck with his breathing the way he is yours because rude of you to have this effect on us]
Casey: [doing his own moan because of hers as standard because can’t not when she’s giving him such a good one and it feels like a thousand years since they did any feral antics even though it absolutely is not, the way his chest is heaving at how she’s touching it isn’t stopping him from not at all casually dragging this girl around by her throat until she’s in his lap and he’s doing a second moan about it]
Janis: [not y’all getting withdrawals, truly, the way we’re reacting and continuing our puppy dog eyes about this, you would think it had been years, never change lads; biting your lip and whimpering when you land in his lap like this because you truly can’t deal ‘please’]
Casey: [for once I’ll let y’all off cos things have a reason to be this heightened, even though you’re always like this, god bless, the way he’s pulling her lip into his own mouth and biting down on it harder to try and draw blood the way he wanted to when the vampire comment is so blatant and so indecent, as is what he’s then doing when blood is inevitably happening, could not be doing more because gotta let his own desperation be known]
Janis: [if there’s a time to be dramatic, my boo says, as if you’ve ever been any different, we love you for it lol, in fairness you may be a little hesitant considering what you’ve just done but at this point, this girl can’t be so there isn’t any holding back with your LOUD reaction to this blood play moment, getting as much on his face as you are able to so you can LOOK at him and see the absolute mess]
Casey: [one thing about these two, they love a messy makeout sesh and there’s no holding back for this boy either, once their faces couldn’t possibly be more covered making sure his hands are, because biting his own lip to match hers for more blood, and then repeating his earlier crushing her boobs with them move so it’s on them too and it goes without saying he’ll be LOUDLY and !! sucking and licking it all off starting with her face and throat and then working down her neck to said boobs, just absolute scenes]
Janis: [whilst he’s here cleaning up the mess he has made of you, which you are DYING about in all the ways you can be, no shame in how blatantly turned on you are, you’ve got to be doing the opposite and making more blood happen however you can, as if you want this to be a neverending job for him ‘cos yeah lowkey, not to mention the pain of this is really grounding you in this here and now and you need that as desperately so]
Casey: [doing a hot lol about all the work she’s making for him which would sound especially hot because he’s already basically panting from how turned on he is and how he’s basically choking himself with how hardcore he’s sucking on her boobs in particular cos duh, grabbing her booty with the same !! pawing energy, pushing her into him as he’s thrusting his hips to meet the movement ‘put me inside you’ like if you need something to do gal, like she’s just being naughty cos she doesn’t have an instruction to follow, but actually also do help him because injuries can only be damned so much and it would be a struggle trying to get clothes out of the way and all that]
Janis: [‘I warned you’ as if this is the work y’all have planned and were discussing beforehand, I’m sure it will feature heavily into however long you give yourself off but lol, know you’re absolutely losing it, throwing your head back so you can arch your back as much as you possibly can, to give him even more access to your boobs as if that help is needed, because the sensitivity increase has you feeling all types of ways about this, calling him baby ‘til it loses meaning and your voice gives out, being mad about how you would have to move off him to take off what are definitely leggings because you were at work but you can take this as an opportunity to kiss your way down his body to help him out of whatever he’s still wearing at this point]
Casey: [throwing out the odd ‘your’ or ‘yours’ to her almost endless ‘baby’ when he isn’t just shamelessly reacting or making her react in every way possible until he’s also so mad that she has to move to remove clothes he asked her to and do need to be lol, STARING at her the entire time she’s taking them off like he’s never seen her body before though, so that’s nice for both of y’all, as is the GASP when he’s finally being helped out of these clothes as though he’s never known relief like it]
Janis: [‘poor boy’ again, at the fact he’s been trapped in clothes this entire time, of course the way we’re saying it now is ENTIRELY the mood you were only flirting with earlier when you were trying to behave slightly, obviously the solution to this is to help relieve him with your mouth so he can keep staring at you too, getting yourself into whatever ridiculous position you can to give him the best view]
Casey: [giving her a ‘good girl’ back with the same energy for all the help she’s giving him and the view she has contorted herself into letting him have as well, INSANE levels of eye contact ofc happening but there’s no need for him to be mirroring her rn in essentially dribbling except that he feels every need to let the blood and spit from his mouth fall on her face after having bit his lip again, undoubtedly, when she put him into her mouth]
Janis: [we’d always be out here doing the most for a good girl but right now especially we could not be trying harder to prove that as true and give you everything you could possibly want with this effort, can’t even help the moan that is more vibrations than sounds due to what you’re doing when he is spitting on your face like that, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet slightly too]
Casey: [he’d definitely be out here reacting to the most to everything she’s doing so I’m really glad the pub isn’t open yet cos this boy is being LOUD and nobody needs to hear that, least of all Fearghal thank you, he’s too old for this, probably getting the pillow to muffle it slightly but that’s only because of it reminds him of earlier and not because he cares about anything else rn]
Janis: [it won’t be loud enough at this AM lads, not that either of you is thinking about that but hey ho, there’s too much for us to prove to this boy and too much emotion right here and now to be doing anything but the most]
Casey: [live your best lives honestly lads, it’s deserved and needed for what we’ve put you both through]
Janis: [would you like to move on to someone else or do a lil skip here, as we’ve resolved this well?]
Casey: [we very much know the vibes we are leaving y’all on and the plans y’all have made that you’re actually going to see through so I’m down to move if you are]
Janis: [probably works I think, are you thinking you want to Casey and Bobby or?]
Casey: [it very much makes sense as a logical next step yeah and I’d in theory like to, I just have no idea how I’m gonna go about that lol lol]
Janis: [lol, I think you just have to, there’s no way to soft launch it]
Casey: We can’t keep on how we’ve been, if you reckon it’s bollocks an’ all or you’ve owt else to say, here’s your chance, like
Casey: up to you, take it or don’t
Bobby: One chance, is it?
Bobby: and you won’t, what, come and smack me
Casey: 1st, never said only, what good’d that do
Casey: about as much as giving you a smack
Bobby: Not us who’s ever thought it’s a solution to anything
Casey: nor have I, not really how it works, mate
Casey: far as thinking goes, I ain’t when 
Bobby: Losing control’s nothing to be proud of
Casey: who’s proud of it, name us 1 dickhead you know
Bobby: You’ve never seemed prouder, like
Casey: alright, ‘course that’s how it seems
Bobby: So, what is this? Because I don’t have a wife for you to take or a life to ruin
Casey: what I said it is, but I get it, you don’t fancy nothing changing
Casey: why would you
Bobby: Don’t matter what I fancy, you two have upended everything
Casey: does to me, be why I’m here
Bobby: What do you reckon you’re going to do?
Casey: depends what you want me to
Bobby: Get Jim to leave with me
Casey: I’ve no way of getting him to do anything, never have done
Bobby: There we go then, I’m still stuck here
Casey: have a word to him, he’s not proper got his head ‘round how you feel but if you keep on, might get somewhere
Bobby: All he cares about is her and Libi
Casey: I doubt it, pisstake how hard he’s always cared about you
Bobby: Not now
Casey: shit like that don’t go nowhere, he’d have a job to just turn it off and managing it’d make him the only dickhead who ever has
Bobby: Says you
Casey: yeah, says me, I’d know
Bobby: You’d just rather you and him didn’t have that same priority
Casey: him who’d rather not see me same as neither of you, top priority, that
Bobby: Can’t blame him now, can you
Casey: nah, can’t and don’t
Casey: but, smart lad like you’ll heard of a self fulfilling prophecy, won’t he
Bobby: Oh, so it’s HIS fault
Bobby: maybe YOU should talk to him, you’re on the same page about all of that
Casey: weren’t just him saying it, that’s my point
Casey: you’ve lived your own version of all that bollocks now with what people go on about and shouldn’t need telling how it goes
Bobby: You picked the wrong side and then felt like an idiot for it when dad left you, that’s never been Jim’s fault
Casey: there was sides long before dad pissed off and long after too, I’ve not once had either of you pair on mine
Bobby: Perhaps you shouldn’t smack people you apparently want around, or steal their missus from them, whilst you’re at it
Casey: bit late to undo them if there was any undoing of it but tah for that
Bobby: You started it, what do you expect him to do?
Casey: I expect sod all off him, why it’s not him I’m having a word with, is it
Bobby: What do you reckon I can do? I told you, he don’t listen to no one but her
Casey: you’ve us wrong, you’re a kid it ain’t up to you to sort none of this and I’ve not come ‘round begging for no help off you
Casey: I’m only here to say, if it’s doing your head in he don’t listen, I will do, whatever the fuck you’ve got to tell me
Bobby: I’m sick of talking
Casey: whenever you change your mind then, you’re stuck about and I’m off nowhere
Bobby: How about you 2 take Libi in, what about that
Bobby: She don’t have no need of a room here 
Casey: weren’t my idea to chuck her mine, she’s got 2 others already, how many’s the 1 lass need
Bobby: Janis should be looking after her
Casey: Janis ain’t her mum, she’d be best to find herself in the middle of nowhere with them lot for a bit, out of everybody’s face
Bobby: She’s not got one, Jim wouldn’t leave me with nowhere to go 
Casey: she’s loads of places to take her off to, with or without a mum, her family’s massive
Bobby: Whatever, she don’t need to be here
Casey: she’s only hanging about to do your head in, our kid
Bobby: No she’s not, she thinks she can fix everything for us but she can’t and it’s doing my head in
Casey: maybe she were, but she’ll be after ruining what she can now you’ve put your foot down and some distance between you pair
Bobby: There’s nothing left to ruin, that were made sure of
Casey: gutted for her, she’ll have to stay 💔 and ‘round
Bobby: well, you aren’t but I don’t care
Casey: nah, I’m not, you heard, she’ll be alright, spoilt lass like her has a million people there waiting when she’s 💔
Casey: about time she didn’t get her own way, it’s the bloody 1st
Bobby: She wants it to be about her, as bad as it is for me
Bobby: but Janis ain’t her mum and she can go elsewhere, I can’t
Casey: yeah, exactly
Casey: you pair ain’t the same, she’s taking the piss
Bobby: I’m not allowed nowt without her so
Casey: from the off, good on you for seeing the light
Bobby: They came as a package deal, for some weird reason, it wasn’t my fault
Casey: nobody’s blaming you, she never gave you chance to make none of your own mates, suited her to have you all to herself
Bobby: Not now, he’s sorting me a translator or something, apparently
Casey: be a start
Bobby: I guess
Casey: least she’s no reason not to piss off no more when you say that’s what you’re after, excuse’ll have gone
Bobby: Sure, if Jim didn’t want her around instead, which he’s made dead clear he does
Casey: you know he can’t let fuck all go, in his head he might as well be her dad or something, there’s never been no telling him he ain’t
Bobby: I’ll just find other places to be, I don’t care, they can play happy families all they like
Casey: I’ll shout you a drink whenever they are, you’re old enough to hack a few pints, take the edge off
Bobby: I don’t need a drink
Casey: only twats like our dad need one
Casey: be somewhere to bring your new mates when you’ve made ‘em, though, and you can order an orange if you’d rather, like
Bobby: I’ve already been [wherever you went with China when you were out on Libi’s bday, we know the cool kid vibe]
Casey: whoever you went with would probably have a laugh in [some places you know because you’ve worked in clerbs forever and have loads of friends and are just that bitch]
Bobby: 👍 alright
Casey: and I’ve a mate who’s done some work for [some band of the correct cool kid vibe] if yours is into them, don’t leave it out chucking tickets and merch at every dickhead he’s ever met
Bobby: Why would you bother doing this for me?
Casey: it’s no bother, hardly putting myself out, am I
Bobby: Not made you bother yourself at all before
Casey: I said, I don’t wanna keep on how we did before
Bobby: You’ve never been nice to me, my whole life
Casey: you don’t remember, I do, you didn’t always used to be shit scared of us or only bothered about him
Bobby: You all say that like I just gained consciousness last year, I’m 13, not 3
Casey: I know how old you are, mate
Casey: took care of you loads when you was younger, before that were taken off me
Bobby: Whenever they made you look after me when they went out, you’d make it known how fuming you were
Casey: about them, not at you
Bobby: not how it felt
Casey: I was a twat for taking it out on you, I were a twat most of the time, still am
Bobby: Yeah, you are
Casey: and Libi did my head in, still does
Bobby: You who’s stuck with her
Bobby: we’ll leave, eventually
Casey: *you’ll
Casey: he’s chuffed to bits to be stuck with her
Bobby: He’ll want to be gone before long, there’s a deadline here
Casey: maybe, but he’s not gone yet
Bobby: She’s no bump yet
Casey: be realer when she has, yeah, even he’ll struggle ignoring it
Bobby: He don’t want it
Casey: what’s he said
Bobby: Nothing
Casey: so how do you have a clue what he wants
Bobby: If he wanted it he’d have to tell me about it, obviously, not pretend it’s not happening, if it is
Casey: he dunno what he wants at the minute
Bobby: Not how it seems
Casey: other than her back, I mean
Bobby: What are you going to do then
Casey: there’s fuck all I can about that
Bobby: Couldn’t exactly come back, even if she hadn’t filled your old room with shit
Casey: there’s no coming back from this, it’s happened, me and her are together, they’re not no more
Bobby: Dunno why you’re telling us, try telling them pair
Casey: I can’t force him to talk to me, if he fancies it, he knows where I am
Bobby: You could talk to her
Casey: and say what
Bobby: I don’t know, maybe stop coming over every day and acting like you’re still together
Bobby: he hasn’t imagined it
Casey: she won’t be coming over every day, nor acting like his missus still
Bobby: Good
Bobby: believe it when I see it
Casey: she were trying to make it a bit easier for him, not harder for you
Bobby: We don’t talk to each other, she gets that much
Casey: same as me and Libi
Bobby: She’s probably just scared of you
Casey: she wants to be after her party, nearly did earn herself a smack for it
Bobby: You can’t help yourself
Casey: nearly means I can 🤏
Bobby: I’m sure you weren’t let anywhere near
Casey: long as you’re sure, Bob
Bobby: If you wanna say she’s stopped giving any sort of fuck, that’s a weird choice but yeah, not unbelievable 
Casey: ‘course it’s not what I’m on about
Bobby: She’s annoying but she’s a teenage girl, you shouldn’t say things like that
Casey: I wouldn’t hurt her, nor you, I haven’t ever done and it weren’t for being held back by no dickhead but myself
Bobby: Not how it felt
Casey: I’m sorry for how it felt, alright
Casey: I tried to keep myself away from you when I was like that but it ain’t been possible every time
Bobby: and I tried to keep out of your way
Casey: yeah, I know
Bobby: Can’t have it both ways, you didn’t want us around or to be around us, how could I leave you out?
Casey: it’s my fault, not yours
Casey: I fucked it, that’s the only way it was
Bobby: yeah, I know
Bobby: You never picked no good role models so, is what it is
Casey: there weren’t none going spare
Bobby: He’s older than you too
Casey: don’t mean he’s a good role model for me, I’ve no interest in being how he is
Bobby: You picked Ian, just another mistake
Casey: he needed us, he had no new missus at that point, somebody had to be about for him, be dead else
Bobby: What a loss to the world
Casey: I don’t wish it on him, whatever he’s done
Bobby: You’ve only wasted your time
Casey: my time to waste, we’ve all heard that one at school
Bobby: I suppose so
Bobby: again, you can’t blame Jim when you sided against him with dad
Casey: I can blame him for siding against me before, for being younger than you and being wrote off by my own brother
Casey: nobody but her has ever bothered trying to help me sort my head out, he could’ve had a go
Bobby: It’s not worked though, has it
Bobby: and it’s just bribery if you think she’s going to reward you with attention
Casey: it was left too late, but I’ll do the work myself now that I’m not a kid
Bobby: Alright
Casey: alright
Bobby: None of that will change what you’ve done so
Casey: I can’t undo it, just try not to keep on fucking up from here on
Bobby: You expect him to un-write you off when you’re saying you’re ‘together’ now, with his wife
Casey: I expect nowt of the sort, he’s made up his mind about who he reckons I am, and he ain’t even that far wrong with loads of it
Casey: but we’re together, whatever he reckons, and there’s no changing that neither
Bobby: Here’s hoping you’ve not made another shit choice, like
Casey: tah
Janis: [Let’s assume that she sends this after work for him because just logical but still, having given it a couple days or so but not a long amount of time ‘cos just wouldn’t]
Janis: Let me know when you can talk
Jimmy: 👍
Jimmy: go on
Janis: Alright, you good?
Jimmy: What do you want to talk about?
Janis: You know, unless you’ve forgotten which would be insulting as it would be concerning so
Janis: I shouldn’t have let things escalate like that, it was really selfish and fucked up and went against everything we were doing right before
Jimmy: But they did, and we can’t let that just be chucked to one side
Janis: We stopped working, and it’d take a lot more than this one thing to make us work again
Janis: We’ve never been friends, not really, that’s something new, that we can have
Jimmy: I’ll do owt to make it work again, I said
Janis: Neither of us even knows what that would entail, or we’d not be here
Jimmy: How would we, ‘til we have another go?
Janis: Because we gave it a really long time, the best we had
Jimmy: I’ll do better, all you have to is let me
Janis: I’m not asking you to, you gave your all, so did I, we should be proud of that at least
Janis: not push it into something that it shouldn’t be
Jimmy: My all weren’t good enough, that’s nowt to be proud of
Janis: It was a joint effort, can’t do it alone
Janis: and who’s to say
Jimmy: You’d rather be with him, is what you’re saying
Janis: Us being back together isn’t a choice, that just can’t happen again
Jimmy: I can’t be your mate like none of it happened
Janis: We don’t have to pretend, there’s no point in that
Jimmy: You’re sat there asking us to pretend I don’t love you
Janis: I’m not
Janis: I know this is my fault, entirely my fault, that I pushed us past where we were
Janis: that you’ll need time, we will, for things to go back
Jimmy: Go back to what? I’m alright for not fancying waking up of a morning and only keeping on going for our kid’s sake
Janis: You can’t put that on me, we can’t do shit like this to each other
Jimmy: If we don’t have to pretend, there’s the reality
Janis: I’m the same person I were when you didn’t fancy waking up in the morning for however long it was
Janis: that hasn’t changed
Jimmy: I can’t do this without you, I need you, that’ll never change
Janis: We’ll learn, we have to
Jimmy: No
Jimmy: we don’t have to
Janis: We do, it has to be different
Jimmy: It could be different, us together, there’s no need for you to stay with him to force it
Janis: That’s not why I’m with him
Jimmy: Why then?
Janis: Because it’s the right relationship for me to be in
Jimmy: How is it?
Janis: We want the same things
Jimmy: It don’t matter what he wants, you won’t be able to bring a baby up with him
Jimmy: any future you’ll have will look like history repeating itself, you might as well drop the kid right at Ian’s door
Janis: That’s not true
Jimmy: What happened to the one lass he went out with before you?
Janis: That’s entirely different to what you’re saying is going to happen
Janis: when he’s never hurt me or any kid, I know you’ve a right to be pissed off with the pair of us but I’m not going to sit here and agree
Jimmy: There were a time when Ian had never hurt no kid, go back far enough and it’d be true of no missus either
Janis: Alright, he’s had no chance but I trust him 
Janis: and if I’m wrong, I trust myself not to stay
Jimmy: 👌
Janis: I’m the one that wanted this baby, I’m not going to let anything happen to it
Jimmy: Debbie wanted us 2, top job she did, were that easy no dickhead would be smacked about ever
Janis: I’m not your mum, he’s not your dad
Janis: not everything can be viewed through that one relationship, or should
Jimmy: Except he is my dad though
Janis: No, he’s not
Jimmy: 🤞 Janis
Janis: I’ve known him the best part of a decade now, too
Janis: it’s probably easier for you but don’t act like I have no clue
Jimmy: I’ve known him all his life, he’s my brother, there’s nowt easy about having them clues to follow
Jimmy: I’d be chuffed to bits to be wrong, don’t act like I want none of this to be true
Janis: What’s it going to take?
Jimmy: Him sorting himself out, proper
Janis: Right
Jimmy: How much of the flat’s in the same state you moved into? He can’t keep on how he is
Janis: And you can?
Janis: No one asked you how much of a tip you’d let yourself and the house get into if left to your own devices, it’s bullshit, we all need to sort ourselves, it doesn’t mean it’s perfection or nothing
Jimmy: I’m not raising this kid, you and him are
Janis: It’s our child, you and me
Jimmy: You’re together, you and him
Janis: That doesn’t mean you’re not the dad, that that’s not your role
Jimmy: Yeah it will
Janis: No one is stopping you
Jimmy: Bollocks
Janis: How is it?
Jimmy: Kid’ll be calling him dad, I’ll never see you nor it
Jimmy: same as every other divorced dickhead goes on about at work
Janis: I’m not going to do that, Jesus, if anything have we not learnt I’m fucking appalling at appropriate boundaries
Jimmy: Asked a bit ago, I’d have not said you’d cheat on us neither but
Janis: Yeah, fair enough
Jimmy: There we go then
Jimmy: good chat, mate
Janis: I didn’t see it going no better but
Janis: I’m sorry all the same
Jimmy: Me an’ all
Janis: I won’t bother you time being but please let me know if you need help with anything that I can do
Jimmy: 👍
Janis: Okay, Jimmy
Jimmy: in a bit, Janis
Bobby: Are you going to listen to me now?
Jimmy: ?
Bobby: [send him whatever socials Libi has done herself, oh the teen tit for tat drama]
Bobby: That’s China’s ex, and he’s a massive twat
Jimmy: How massive a twat the lad is, that’s for Libi to work out
Bobby: She’s only doing it to make my life harder, why are you not supporting me about this
Jimmy: What would you have us do? I ban him from the house I’d need to your missus an’ all
Bobby: Er, ban her, I told you, she’s got no business still coming around, it’s fucking weird
Jimmy: And I’ve told you why she still is
Jimmy: she’s not even brought him ‘round, she might not do as you pair often are
Bobby: For God’s sake, she’s nothing to do with you, you’re leaving yourself open for all sorts 
Bobby: it’s not just about me, you know
Jimmy: Leave it out
Jimmy: I’ve all but raised her near as long as I have done you, I’m not stopping bothering with her ‘cause you’ve fallen out, it’s not just about you, you’re right there
Bobby: She has family, she’s no need of you
Jimmy: There’s no such thing as too much of it, mate, she can have me an’ all
Bobby: So make yourself useful and parent her, if you’re so insistent 
Jimmy: I’ll have a word, alright?
Bobby: Want to hurry, what I’ve heard
Jimmy: What’ve you heard?
Bobby: That he’s already a body count, obviously
Jimmy: Don’t mean Libi’s about to add herself to it, but I’ll talk to her, I said
Bobby: yeah right
Jimmy: She only had her birthday a minute ago, I doubt she’s in a hurry herself
Bobby: Her mum had her by her age
Jimmy: Your missus’ mum had her older sister when she were young, I’m not having a go at you and her, am I?
Bobby: Not that young, get the social involved age, so’s her nan and her nan before her
Jimmy: I reckon she’ll know enough off the back of all them lot doing it not to then
Bobby: Ha
Bobby: numbers are in my favour not yours
Jimmy: You could sound a bit less like you’re chuffed to bits about it, mate
Bobby: Why would I care?
Jimmy: Why would you want her life ruined?
Bobby: Reap what you sow, I haven’t made her throw herself at him, have I, be her fault if it does
Jimmy: You ain’t exactly made it very easy for her to do owt else, but alright
Bobby: Nah, I’m not going to take on the blame for her being a slag like you do, don’t start that
Jimmy: You dunno she is a slag, you know how she feels about you though
Bobby: Wouldn’t go out with him else, so yeah I do, actually
Jimmy: It’s obvious what she’s going out with him for, yeah
Bobby: She should get a life then
Jimmy: Come on, Bob
Bobby: What?
Bobby: Are you going to force me to go out with her so you can have your fucked up happy family thing, what?
Jimmy: I can’t force you into doing nowt
Bobby: It’s weird, it’s so fucking weird that she’s still hanging about and won’t just piss off, and you just enable it
Bobby: you would if you could, yeah, got that message loud and clear
Jimmy: I’d have you talk about her like less of a dickhead, she used to be your best mate, what are you calling her a slag for or 🤞 she’ll have her own kid as a kid?
Jimmy: I brought you up not to be that lad
Bobby: Because, some girls are slags, it’s a fairytale to pretend otherwise and you just look like a total idiot
Jimmy: Steady on, she ain’t some girl, it’s Libi
Bobby: I don’t give a shit about her!
Bobby: Jesus, will you please catch up
Jimmy: That’s up to you, I’m not listening to you chat shit about her
Bobby: You never bloody listen
Jimmy: Not to this bollocks I won’t, I’ve already said, I’ll have a word, it’s the most I’m doing
Bobby: She’s weird and she made me weird because I couldn’t have no other pissing friends
Bobby: and you just let it happen and did nothing to help me
Bobby: I don’t need your useless help now, thanks
Jimmy: I did nowt to help you? Bloody charming, that
Bobby: Side with her, I don’t care no more
Jimmy: I’m taking no sides, there’s none to
Bobby: Which in your language means you’re taking hers
Jimmy: It means, I care about the both of you, I always have done and I always will do
Bobby: Take me off the to-do list, save yourself the bother
Jimmy: No can do, our kid
Jimmy: you’re stuck with me bothering
Bobby: 🙄
Jimmy: You’ll live
Bobby: Unfortunately 
Jimmy: She’s only after a reaction from you, when you don’t give her none this lad’ll piss off
Bobby: She’s an attention seeker, we all already know that
Jimmy: Might grow out of it 🤞 but some never do
Bobby: Yeah, wouldn’t bet on that either
Jimmy: Least I can ban this lad if he’s the sort you reckon
Bobby: Everyone knows, it’s not a secret, hence she deserves everything she gets
Jimmy: You’ll not need to see her about if I do and she’s off with him, take your 🏆 there and stop worrying about her falling off the podium 
Bobby: I’m not worried, he won’t keep her around long enough for that to mean anything
Bobby: then she’ll be back, crying again, doing my head in
Jimmy: I can’t hack no crying either, she knows where else she’d be best off going, we’ll be alright
Bobby: They won’t have her, not after the stupid party bollocks
Jimmy: Janis’ mum will, or her granddad, he’s a soft touch far as any 💔😭 lass goes 
Bobby: 🙄 
Jimmy: You said it, she’s not short shoulders
Bobby: She’s spoiled, why she acts like such a baby, you’re no better about her
Jimmy: I spoilt you an’ all, hold my hands up
Jimmy: I’d do it no different given the chance again, both needed some, rest of the bollocks there were going on
Bobby: We’re not the same
Jimmy: I never said you were
Bobby: Yes you did
Bobby: everyone wanted her, even her stupid dead kid parents, no one has ever wanted me, not even you
Bobby: just another job for you to be miserable about
Jimmy: Where?
Jimmy: I’ve not once regretted taking you on, heavy handed-ness with the word slag aside, you’re a good lad
Jimmy: if it’s just a job, it’s one I’m chuffed to bits to put every shift in
Bobby: Yeah right, who do you think you’re convincing with that?
Jimmy: Be convinced by the fact I’m here, I want to be for you, it’s all there is I’m not miserable about right now
Bobby: Right
Jimmy: I get you fancy going away proper, and I can’t give you that or no promises about it, but we could still piss off somewhere for a few days, us
Jimmy: no lasses, sort our heads out 🤏
Bobby: No thanks, I’m good
Jimmy: 👍
Bobby: No offence 
Jimmy: 💡🥉 I’ve heard you, do listen some of the time, like
Bobby: I don’t need a holiday, that’s all
Jimmy: Right
Bobby: Maybe you should take one yourself though
Jimmy: We need the money more than I do a break
Bobby: Not what it sounded like with that cry for help, like
Jimmy: Oi, only get more charming, you
Jimmy: remind you what you’ve said when you’re next after having the 🎻🎻 out for yourself, mate
Bobby: Not going to happen so, yeah, alright
Bobby: think about it
Jimmy: No need, but tah
Bobby: 🤷
Jimmy: You and your missus won’t be chucked the house to yourself that piss easy, weren’t born yesterday
Bobby: As if, why would I copy Libi’s shit ideas, see how well that worked out
Jimmy: Before you crack on calling her all sorts ‘cause of the state of her family, that lass you’re seeing’s big sister near enough had the word slag invented for her, I’ll let you have a think on that while I’ve work to crack on with myself
Bobby: So?
Bobby: I already told you she went out with that lad too
Jimmy: So, use your head, I already told you
Bobby: Why would I care, you who thinks I would
Bobby: be no point going out with her else
Jimmy: You who should
Jimmy: unless you reckon it’s a good shout to copy Case’s shit ideas instead
Bobby: He’s got what he wants, you ain’t
Jimmy: There we go, that’s alright then
Bobby: I dunno why you reckon I’d be in love with her, only went out with her because everyone knows what a slag she is
Jimmy: I don’t reckon that, I reckoned you’d treat any lass as more than just something to get what you want off of, but I’m the dickhead, not you
Bobby: She bullied us first, I owe her nothing
Bobby: and you’re the one who’s pointed out several times what her and her whole family are like, not treating her any different to what she is
Jimmy: I were pointing out what a twat you’re being, this lass acted one to you when you were 5, for fuck’s sake
Bobby: Oh then pissing white knight for her too, Jesus, it’s beyond creepy at this point
Jimmy: Piss off, I’m at a loss for words with you, honestly
Bobby: Yeah, that’s what I thought
Jimmy: Have at that, bighead, chuffed for you having all the answers and being dead right all the bloody time
Jimmy: must be nice, and nobody reckons you’re a dickhead for it
Bobby: I don’t care what you think, you’re the dickhead
Jimmy: ‘Course you don’t, and ‘course I am
Jimmy: 👍
Bobby: Don’t wait up tonight
Jimmy: *be in by [a time because he’s fuming and setting a curfew lol]
Bobby: No, tah
Jimmy: You heard
Bobby: Yeah and
Jimmy: And I’ll be knocking on your missus’ door if you’re not in by the time I’ve just said, having a word to her mum
Bobby: because I’ll be there, how stupid do you actually think I am
Jimmy: You’ll not be allowed there, mate, keep on
Bobby: ‘cos what, you’re going to tell her her daughter’s a slag? 
Bobby: Good plan, mate
Jimmy: I’ll be a bit busy walking the streets for you, dickhead
Bobby: Calm down
Bobby: I’ll come back when I want
Jimmy: You’ll come back when I’ve told you to, or I’ll find you and bring you, up to you, that
Bobby: You’re so ridiculous, what do you think you’re achieving 
Jimmy: You’re 13
Jimmy: What do you think you’re playing at?
Bobby: Hanging out, having actual friends of my own
Jimmy: Taking the piss, be in by [the time] or don’t
Jimmy: you know what’ll happen
Bobby: Whatever, Jim
Jimmy: in a bit, Bob
Bobby: I’d avoid coming ‘round here for a while if I were you
Libi: Well, you’re not me
Bobby: Well, you’ve upset Jim
Libi: No I’ve not, but clearly you have
Bobby: Yeah, you have and he’s planning on having a word when you do 
Libi: When he does, if he says he doesn’t want me ‘round, I won’t come, I don’t need a warning off you, tah very much
Bobby: Don’t take it then
Libi: I’m not, Bobby
Bobby: What do you want, round of applause?
Libi: From you? Absolutely nothing
Bobby: Ta-ra, then
Libi: Okay, bye
Janis: Alright, I’ll bite, who’s Jake?
Libi: Just a boy from school, you can put your teeth away
Janis: And is there a second reason he deserved a place on your feed, like?
Libi: I don’t know what you could POSSIBLY mean…
Janis: Uhuh 😏
Libi: Fight 🔥 with 🔥 right?
Janis: Certainly a tactic
Libi: It’s a fight he started, not me
Libi: they’re his bullshit tactics
Janis: I’m just glad he’s age-appropriate, about the level of interest I should show, I figure
Libi: Yeah, you’re nailing it
Janis: A background check seems a little unnecessary when you actually have no interest yourself, so
Libi: I know where he’s been, obviously, it’s where my interest does lie
Janis: Go on, no longer in that [their school name] loop
Libi: You’re losing your touch 👵🏽
Janis: That’s charming, if I were keen to know the who’s who of [her year]’s boys, I’d be looking to rekindle my relationship with Lucas an’ all
Libi: It’s an easy guess, nothing about this has or needs much finesse to it
Janis: Someone to do with China? 
Libi: He’s her ex, THE ex, really, as in her only and the one she cheated on
Janis: Oh, okay
Janis: How does that piss off Bobby though?
Libi: I doubt it will, he doesn’t care what I do
Janis: I’m sure he does more than he’ll let on to you, like
Libi: Maybe, but he doesn’t have mates I could hang out with, and Casey isn’t age appropriate or available, so
Libi: making it about him wasn’t an option I had
Janis: You’d have to wait for him to make some, yeah
Janis: Not coming for your lack of finesse with it, don’t worry
Libi: He’s only interested in the one at the minute, and calling her a mate is a stretch
Janis: If you’re buying the socials, which could be as fake as yours
Libi: I’ve had IRL front row since then
Janis: I’d probably be skipping dinner there myself, personally
Libi: Running away’s what you do, I’ve a dog there to walk, thanks to you
Janis: A dog you want, we’ve been over that
Libi: Geographically, still where she is, whether I want that or not
Janis: You could take her to nan and granddad’s too
Libi: I couldn’t, Jim loves her
Janis: Well, there’s nothing I can do about that
Libi: I’m not asking you to
Libi: you’re the one who’s trying to tell me what to do
Janis: I’m just saying, you don’t need to be around them
Libi: You’re just saying upset Jim and Peach cos Bobby wants to upset me
Janis: Don’t then, good God
Libi: Don’t have a go at me for something that isn’t my fault
Janis: I’m not having a go at you
Libi: Yeah right
Janis: I’m not, Libs, I’m just saying you could focus on yourself and not them
Libi: But I can’t, and you don’t get it if you think I just could
Janis: Of course I get it
Libi: I don’t know how to stop, I’ve never known
Janis: I can’t make any assurances it’ll get better, wish I could
Libi: I’m the same person who was told off for kissing him all the time
Janis: Yeah
Janis: He’s going through a lot, it might not be this way forever, nothing’s the same forever so that’s a guarantee actually
Libi: What if it’s worse?
Janis: Then that’ll end too, eventually
Libi: He’s so angry, I wish there was an end in sight for that
Janis: There’s a lot to be angry about
Libi: Yeah
Janis: I know it don’t feel fair, it ain’t but you can’t force nothing
Libi: Can I force you to give me a 🔑 to over the pub if I promise no parties?
Janis: I dunno about that no more, anyway, why would you need to be there when I’m not?
Libi: For the same reason it’s keeping me sane to know there are other lads who want to hang about with me and every negative thing Bobby said isn’t true
Janis: You’re welcome here any time, you know that
Libi: When you can keep an eye on me, like a little kid
Janis: You are
Libi: You used to look after me when you were my age right now
Janis: I’m an inspiration and in any way aspirational when it suits, yeah
Libi: I only need to grow up when it suits, cos you’re fuming about how immature I’ve been
Janis: You don’t need a place to be on your own, not like that, you have endless places to go to get some space
Libi: No I don’t
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