#frzn frost
pogidoow · 1 year
Could you possibly do some more of your headcannons? I just love reading them lol . Also love your writing
Thank youuu <3 I can try haha I'll write them like the last time (with some examples from the fic so spoilers ahead)
- I mentioned previously that he was soft for the right person – it’s because he’s not used to affection in any way so he needs time to adjust to it once he gets it; the same way, he’s just careful not to do something wrong because he’s experienced bad shit in the past and doesn’t want to be anything like the people from his past (we see this in detail in chapter 17/18 with his panic attacks)
- deals with trauma on his own, sometimes he’ll share something with Price - he sees him as a father figure but won’t ever admit it to himself; similarly, Soap reminds him of Tommy so he’ll occasionally tell him something Soap can relate with, making sure Soap knows he’s not alone when going through stuff (it’ll be something simple, like Soap saying he misses home and Simon will just start talking about this place back in Manchester he always visits so Soap knows he isn’t the only one being nostalgic)
- introvert - talking to people takes a lot of energy from him but he likes the company and prefers to just be there with the group even if he’s just sitting there in silence
- bad sleeper but sleeps better if he shares the bed with someone who he feels safe with (Soap in Russia, Frost in the team-building house/hotel)
- unlike Frost, he doesn’t actually enjoy violence, he doesn’t get the same high that Frost gets; in fact, he’d like to be as far from violent as possible because sudden movements are sometimes a trigger for him
- loves to listen to and share music with his favorite people - it helps him quiet the thoughts down; can bop to any song, can get lost in any song
- terrified of loss/losing someone (thanatophobia)
- he’s very respectful of other people’s opinions, wishes etc. BUT his urge to protect often prevails and he breaks promises out of irrational fears/worry (checking on Frost in Mexico when she asked him not to)
- loves giving and receiving compliments (hence he still continues to give compliments to Frost despite Jazz, it’s more endearing than flirty)
- bad at keeping secrets - if he gets too excited, he will unintentionally blabber out a secret mid-convo then stop himself abruptly with an internal “Uh-oh”
- troublemaker if instigated by the right person (Gaz)
- protective of the whole team but has a sweet spot for Frost (not gonna tell you why just yet)
- I don’t know why but this man loves mashed potatoes, I just had to put it out there
- mostly listens to rock classics like ZZ Top, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Dire Straits… during one of the missions (before Frost joined), Livin’ on a prayer came on the radio and he got carried away while driving and started singing it from top of his lungs. Now, Gaz and Soap scream it into his ear every time the song comes on. He never sang in front of them again and he never will
- doesn’t talk about his family a lot or his emotions unless something just clicks and he automatically opens up (his talk with Frost before she was sent to join Las Cuchillas)
- he’s not the biggest fan of working out, has to really discipline himself to get up and go unless he has a group session with the team, then he gets competitive and motivated
this boy oh my god, I love this boy
- shameless, “I don’t give a fuck” type of guy
- respectful if respected
- temperamental, quick to anger but calms down immediately if needed - especially when watching football or talking about it
- 70% extrovert, 30% introvert – loves hanging out with people, enjoys alone time (uses it productively)
- love language: quality time, acts of service, physical touch; on the other hand, loves to hear words of affirmation from Lils
- easily convinced to do anything in free time – you can enter his room at any time of the day, tell him what you’re up to and he’ll probably jump up from his bed and join you
 - doesn’t like injustice but he'll turn a blind eye if he’s the one doing it (actually canon in MW 2019)
- kind and considerate, very open minded
- isn’t picky about music but will always back the UK scene up
- emotionally unavailable (duh) but life keeps forcing her to experience intense emotions she doesn’t know how to deal with yet (*plays dramatic foreshadowing music*)
- fear of love/commitment (philophobia) – the reason why she freaks out the moment someone expresses their feelings for her (freaked out when Soap tried stopping her from leaving after Mexico, or in the elevator with Simon)
- ambidextrous – part of the reason why she’s so damn good at everything
- has to be active constantly – gym, running, hiking, practice, cleaning; whatever to keep her mind occupied, otherwise she'll often dissociate
- will trust her intuition more than other people sometimes which is why she can be a pain in the ass on team missions
my favorite psycho
- incredibly caring and loving - she's everyone's best friend if they give her no reason to be the opposite
- over-protective, will fuck people up if they come for her friends
- dramatic for fun - will pretend she's jealous but won't actually care, she just wants to make people around her nervous
- addicted do sex - Gaz barely keeps up with her
- judgemental of stupid, close-minded people - she will tell it to their faces, confront them shamelessly, teach them a lesson on the spot
- kind and considerate, selfless - will drop whatever she's doing to hear someone out or help out
- prefers chilling over being active, although she won't say no to a fun activity (loved volleyball but wouldn't go kayaking)
- would rather stay quiet in arguments than argue back
- she is very sure in who she is as a person but if she meets someone with stronger energy than hers (Frost), she gets nervous and her guard goes up a bit. She is good at putting that anxiety aside though, and works on it not getting in the way of befriending people she feels inferior to
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musicgaragechicago · 4 years
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The pandemic has affected every aspect of how we make music in today’s world. Engineers and musicians have had to get creative when working together due to the social distancing frenzy that we all must abide by to help keep each other safe.
We recently spoke to in-house artist, Chuck Frost, about his new project release and the difficulties that came along with dropping a project during the pandemic. Check out his video “Look At Me” in the link below!
Chuck Frost is a versatile artist based on the west side of Chicago. This self proclaimed “Popstar” is commonly known for his word play, fast lifestyle anecdotes and connection with his fans. Chuck continues to create and release amidst the troubling times in the world.
Chuck released “FRZN”, his ternary EP on September 5th and it features 5 tracks with the highest quality production to date, in Chuck’s words.
MG’s resident SpankOnTheBeat and overseas talent, Sulubangs blessed the tape
with industry level production that helps the listener hone in on Frost’s narrative.
“Other than wearing a mask, nothing much has changed in the studio, we’re just more mindful with who we're around,” says Frost. “Working with people from overseas was the hardest [thing] due to the time difference.”
Listen to “FRZN” in the link below.
As we continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we encourage our artists to keep making music and to keep sharing. To be the embodiment of a primrose, that can only bloom in the darkness.
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pogidoow · 1 year
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My own insert for Frost and some canons❄️
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