#i don’t care honestly
tracey-cauchemar · 4 months
“You can’t headcanon that character as Ace! They LITERALLY express sexual attraction!!!”
(headcanons them as Ace even harder)
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thatsfrickenace · 4 months
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im obsessed with the dichotomy between ao3 writers who rate explicit for a barely there hand job and those who tag anal sex and the rating is still just mature
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 6 months
You know what? I don’t WANT an awkward double date. I don’t WANT buck coming out and people having the ‘I know’ reaction or the ‘is it Eddie’ reaction.
You know what I do want?
I want Buck panicking over what to wear for the date. I want Buck flopping on his bed like very teenager after their first kiss all giggly and happy and touching his lips because he kissed a boy
I want Buck smiling every time he says Tommy’s name because maybe it isn’t forever and maybe he’s not even looking for forever anymore but he’s so happy and he’s so light and being with Tommy feels good
I want Tommy to keep calling him Evan, because before Buck was Buck he was Evan and Evan deserves to be happy to be treated so softly and lovingly and Evan deserves to be free.
I want Buck to be happy. To be happy and free and queer in the way we all deserve.
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queencaramilflinda · 6 months
I don’t know if any non-Jews noticed this in the last d20 ep but Brennan has changed how he refers to Gulsum, the Mordred Manor real estate guy, from golem to construct! When Gulsum was first referenced in sophomore year he was called a flesh golem, but in junior year he has been called a flesh construct. In episode 12 of FHJY Brennan even made sure to correct himself when he misspoke and said golem instead of construct, which proved to me this was an active effort on his part.
The term golem comes from Jewish mysticism and has religious connotations so some Jewish people find it offensive when the term gets co-opted into fantasy settings without regard for the original source. It’s cool to see Brennan moving away from that and trying to find less loaded terms to use instead, like construct.
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
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i want to study his brain
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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classycookiexo · 4 months
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stuckinapril · 3 days
Got too drunk and told two guys my age at the reception desk that I found some guy waiting inside really cute (he started conversation w me but then my best friend came back and we went outside so the valet could get the car) and then they told me to give him my number and that we only live once and then when I hesitantly concurred they gave us free parking to reward my bravery . And then as I was leaving I saw one of the guys sprint inside to give the cute guy my number and he just texted me and remind me never to get smashed again when I have to finish a research poster and study and also why do I make the decisions I do and also my best friend got me roses and now I’m smelling them in my bed on a Friday night
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iiping · 9 months
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happy new year! remember to drink a lot of water and cut yourself some slack 🫶
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jondoe279 · 8 months
atp i genuinely doooon’t care if the old guard two is the worst thing put to film i just want to see the best character of all time (andromache the scythian) and her loser henchmen and everyone’s favorite girl nile freeman again
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alexalblondo · 8 months
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really annoyed at the way they just keep adding tracks (specifically street tracks) and by that making the season longer in a way to keep F1 interesting cause the layout will automatically be more difficult due to the structural conditions of being in a city while the length of the season wears on the drivers physically when the reality is that F1 is the most interesting when the races are sth special and the track layout allows for actual racing
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I am so sorry, apparently it’s 2024 and I’m arguing about dragon age again lmao. How did I get here! Why is this happening!! Time is a flat circle!!!
Anyway. People can feel how they want about the past games not mattering in this game. If you’re cool with it, I’m happy for you. But there’s one particular argument in defence of this choice that is really, really bothering me and I have to rant
The thing I keep seeing is “well all this other stuff has nothing to do with the main plot or Rook, so it should be cut” and that’s. Not a good way to tell stories in my opinion. Because here’s the thing: it’s not about the Big Overall Plot. It’s about the characters that live in this world, big and small
I’m going to use the example of Varric and Hawke cause I think it’s the easiest to explain quickly. Varric is a storyteller. That’s the defining trait of his character. He tells stories, and sometimes they’re true and sometimes they’re not and sometimes it’s something in between. In DA2 he tells you about his brother. In inquisition, he talks about hawke and there’s banter about several of the companions. Most of these are just little one liners that don’t “serve the overall plot” but they serve Varric’s character
And that matters
So if we take this character known for telling stories about people that have been in his life, well, he largely can’t do that now. How can he talk about Hawke, someone who can be a very close friend of his, without even their gender being a choice you can select? Or whether Varric should be saying ‘is’ or ‘was’ about them? How can he talk about the companions in DA2 or inquisition when a lot of them don’t have to be recruited or can die? Will he limit himself to only characters that are guaranteed to be a part of it and alive? Or is it that he and Rook will have such a shallow relationship that Varric, of all characters, never talks about his life and past exploits?
Or has Varric as a character changed so much that he doesn’t even want to tell stories anymore? That Hawke living or dying means nothing to him? That the friendships he built with people in 2 games mean nothing to him? That he’s become literally unrecognizable?
This is where the problem is. Sure, Rook maybe doesn’t care about these people they’ve never met. But do they care about Varric? What about if a companion mentions an old friend of theirs, talks about an experience they had that made them who they are - is that only okay if that experience isn’t from a previous game? Or are all the characters so flat that we never learn anything about their connections to others outside of Rook? Is this story SO focused on this player character and this plot that NOTHING else matters, even within the world, and there’s no depth to be found in any of the characters that feature in it?
Writing characters so that they only ever talk about things that “directly serve the plot” is how you get flat, unremarkable, boring, forgettable characters. And that’s not something I would have accused bioware of doing even if some instalments are stronger in this area than others. But it sounds like that’s what they’re doing here, at least with the past characters. Cause sure, maybe Morrigan is so closed off she’ll never mention her son and partner. That’s believable, even if iffy given that they’ve said she’s going to be more involved than we think. But Varric? VARRIC??? Never mentioning ANY of the people he used to spend time with and care about except Solas and maybe some of the inquisition characters that can’t die or not be recruited but also carefully skirting around what happened to them in the game? That’s literally not the same character
And I would expand this to like. A letter mentioning this or a codex mentioning that, or ambient dialogue about so and so - that makes the world feel deep and those random, unimportant NPCs feel richer by connecting them to the larger world. It’s not about “serving the plot”, it’s about making your world and characters deep enough that they feel real, lived in, and like something we can actually care about
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
You know what would be funny, let’s say stiles get bitten and turn into a werefox or a selkie or something. He’s panicking, running (or swimming) around the preserve in his shifted state and bumps into a wild feral animal. (Maybe a coyote, mountain lion, feral cat, mythical creature??) Said animal looks at stiles in his shifted state and goes “my baby”.
So now stiles has a feral animal mama, they get confused when he shifts back but after realizing that the stupid furless looking two legged things is indeed their son they are cool with it.
Derek having to court stiles with a feral animal as his “mother”. Like he accidentally says the wrong thing and stiles heart picks up and the animal decides to throw down with Derek. He hauling his ass as quickly away as he can.
I can’t decide if the sheriff and the animal are constantly trying to one up each other. — “I cannot believe I’m fighting a (feral) to parent my own child” — or if they are in league with each other.
The feral hates Peter but they do agree on judging other people.
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littlespoonevan · 4 months
Okay I am officially taking stock of every age drop they give us in the first few seasons so my own personal timeline can always be correct ❤️
So far in season 1:
Abby: 42 (1x01)
Bobby: 50 (1x01)
Buck: 26 (1x06 and 1x09)
Athena: 50 (1x09)
in season 2:
Christopher: 7 (2x02)
Harry: 10 (2x14, according to Bobby)
in season 3:
Buck: 28 (3x01)
May: 17 (3x02)
Albert: 20 (3x11)
in season 4:
Hen: 40 (4x03)
Buck: 29 (4x04)
Additional notes:
Michael says Athena had May at 37 in 1x01 and Athena also says in the scene where she calls herself 50 that she got married 14 years ago so it’s possible she could actually be 51/52 depending on May’s s1 age
Bobby's dating profile in 1x10 says he's 52
In 2x05 Athena tells Hen that Nathaniel (Denny's dad) met Eva in rehab seven years ago, suggesting Denny has, at most, just turned 7 at the start of s2
Chimney's birthday happens in 3x11, suggesting Chim's birthday is some time in march but no age is given
Hen says in 4x03 she joined the fire department at 30 and med school at 40, suggesting she was 30 during most of the events of Hen Begins
Edit/Correction: In 4x04 Chimney says Maddie was told to keep the secret about Daniel when she was 9 and in 4x05 Maddie says Daniel died a year after Buck was born, meaning there's an 8 year age gap between Maddie and Buck. So if Buck is 29 in season 4 then Maddie is 37 (thank you @slightlyobsessedwitheverything for also catching this!)
in 4x10 when may listens to athena's 911 call from her overdose, athena tells the dispatcher may is 14, confirming her s1 age
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transkingcobra · 2 months
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