#i do also think a lot about birth order with the four of them though and how that shapes the way they engage with others
pynkhues · 1 year
What do you think about it is about Kendall that’s it’s like, of course he’s the only one with a real friend?
It's lowkey one of my favourite choices on the show, anon, just because I think it's so revealing in more ways than one. Like, it makes sense, not just because of who Kendall is, but also who his siblings are, and the different ways they navigate their way through the world.
Interestingly, I think Connor and Shiv actually have the clearest boundary (or hurdle, depending on how you look at it) when it comes to fostering friendships, and while I think those things are different, I think they're both steeped in these factors of them as characters that shape their experiences of adulthood.
I think Connor's stems from an extremely disrupted childhood between his mother's mental health, her institutionalisation, his father's absence and reappearance, and then his being pushed into a parentified role to the golden trio at a formative age (canon explicitly tells us that too! Camping trips, fishing trips, fulfilling the father duties at Shiv's wedding before Logan decides to show up!) when he should've been away at college building his own relationships, in order to feel he had any sort of place in his family.
Similarly, I think Shiv has been soaked in hatred for her own gender since she's been born. Her relationship with her mother is strained and seems to have been weaponised by her father, she likely went to an all girls school (Spence, I imagine, which is basically the all girls equivalent of Buckley, the all boys school we know Kendall went to) and her own misogyny hampered any genuine friendship attempts. I think Shiv probably had frenemies, but nothing deeply meaningful, because vulnerability and emotional honesty is something she can't allow herself if she wants to survive in a male-dominated household festering in a male-dominated industry. I think male friendships were off the table in that sense too because Shiv seems to have always sought power in whatever way she could, and the two things she has to exert power are her name and her sexuality and at least her sexuality is hers.
I think Roman's a little harder to put a pin in in that sense, because I think he's a little bit of both of them, and a whole lot his own thing. I think he's experienced a part of Connor's disrupted childhood by having been shipped away to school and for his physical abuse, and I think he's experienced a part of Shiv's self-loathing for a part of his identity he can't face up to, but I also think Roman on paper should have friends. Roman's funny and insightful and (most of the time) the right sort of mean, and he's no more self-defensive than the rest of them, but I think the reason comes down to the biggest difference between him and Kendall:
Roman can be honest without being vulnerable, whereas Kendall can be vulnerable without being honest.
Roman as a character isn't actually particularly duplicitous. He can absolutely be an asshole, but he doesn't play to what people want in the way that both Kendall and Shiv (and even to an extent, Connor) do. His moments of vulnerability though are rare, often private, often, still, fleeting and guarded, while his moments of honesty are more frequent, yet often just ugly and naked and there. He fronts to it, and takes it, and usually tells the other person to take it too, which is what he did with Gerri and Tabitha and even Lawrence way back at the start of the series.
Kendall's not an honest person, but he is someone who's inherently vulnerable, and I think it pulls people to him, despite themselves. We've seen it in real time with Naomi and even Greg, and retrospectively with Rava, Stewy and Frank. He can break, he can curl in a lap or bury a head in a shoulder while still telling half truths or nothing at all. God, probably one of the best examples is in 2.04 when he pulls Shiv into a hug while talking around what she actually wants to hear.
Kendall lets people mop up the blood while he either tries to hide, ignore or justify the wound, and I think that vulnerability lets people feel a degree of intimacy with him and protectiveness of him that becomes muddied as they discover that Kendall is inherently a dishonest person and an addict, as it seems most characters in this show have learnt the hard way. After all, discovering that he's not told you a whole truth doesn't erase the memory of the weight of his head against your shoulder.
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rainba · 6 months
Luka gets in heat you say 👀 what is he like when he is in it and how long does it takes? :3 (And also when is it in the year?)
Yesyes,, his heats start in late December/January, and usually they last about 3 weeks! ^^;; ((Sometimes he has to use up all his vacation days during those weeks… Or paid time off, if it’s considered a ‘condition’ of sorts. Either that or he just works from home and files lots of paperwork for job projects and stuff!)) 
And, man,, during his heats he gets clingy. Like, to an insane degree. He completely forgets the concept of "personal space".
When he goes to bed? He’ll cuddle up close and wrap his tail around you, preventing you from escaping him. If you need to get up in the middle of the night for any reason, he’ll be following you around like a lost puppy while always keeping his hands on you.
When he works from home and does paperwork? You’ll be forced onto his lap, warming his cock and giving him all the attention he needs. He’ll occasionally just mindlessly grind against you and might grope your thighs while he works, sometimes leaving love bites on your neck and shoulders… (*/▽\*)
Showers? You’ll be taking them with him! Watching TV or scrolling through your phone? He’ll be cuddling you the entire time. Etc. etc. Oh, and on top of that– you won’t be allowed to leave the house. Ever. Groceries will be delivered to his front door, essentials will be ordered online, etc! Hope you enjoy being inside 24/7!! (⌒_⌒;)
Also, if you even think about moving more than six feet away from him, he’ll instinctually start growling at you. And if you ignore him? Expect him to sink his sharp fangs into you!! (He is a little obsessed with seeing his bite marks on your body....)
Plus,, really-fun-fact!!: it doesn’t matter if his beloved is a guy, or if his beloved just can’t get pregnant in general, Luka will insist on breeding you. Whenever he gets particularly horny during his heats, his brain will turn into absolute mush and all he wants to do is just. Cum inside you, over and over again… Multiple times a day. All while telling you that he’s gonna make you bear his children. It’s just in his instincts to breed his partner, poor Luka really can’t think straight when he’s in heat!!
However, if his darling can get pregnant, you’ll definitely have to sneak birth control around him… Even though it’d be really difficult, considering how he’s around you 24/7. If he catches you taking it, he'll punish you for it. Gets really hurt by it and becomes all sensitive. Like... 'what do you mean you don't want to have my kids? Am I not good enough for you? Is that it?' (´-ω-`) .... Then he proceeds to fuck you four times in a row. ☆⌒(> _ <)
When Luka's heat is over, he’ll often act reclusive and ashamed of himself for a while. He can’t believe he has such little control over himself during those 3 weeks… All those embarrassing things he said and did… Shudder…
Soooooo he might avoid you for a few days. But he gets over it eventually (´ ω `♡)
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avatar-anna · 2 years
The Haircut
just a little (long) blurb about the new haircut! part of the young!dadrry universe, which can be found on my masterlist
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“Hey, Mama?”
“Yeah, H?”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“So, why did you want me to cut your hair? I thought Jeff asked you about it before we left London.”
Harry tried not to move much because his hair was between Y/n’s fingers as she snipped away. “He did.”
“And you didn’t get it done beforehand because...”
“I like when you do it,” he said simply.
Y/n didn’t bother hiding her blush. During lockdown, she took on the mantle of keeping Harry and the rest of the Styles family groomed. Afterwards, Harry went back to getting his hair styled professionally, but she thought him asking her to do it was sweet.
“Your fans are gonna riot,” she said, running a hand through his hair to find the next strand to trim. “Not to mention your children.”
Harry’s fans weren’t the only ones who loved his longer hair. Each one of their kids, from Simone all the way down to little Natalia, loved their dad’s hair, gripping a piece of it in their tiny fists whenever he held one of them in his arms.
He merely shrugged, as much as he could with Y/n still cutting his hair. “I feel like it puts me in the right mindset for a show.”
Y/n and Harry sat in silence after that; she had a feeling he was enjoying having her full attention, a rare occurrence now that they had six children.
Six. Some days Y/n still had a hard time wrapping her head around it. They started their family when they were so young—just teenagers—and now Simone was ten years old.
But the decision to expand their family wasn’t made until Harry and Y/n were older, after Harry wasn’t in One Direction anymore, and the rules weren’t so strict, and they felt like they were ready to take care of another baby—as ready as anyone can be, anyway.
So then came Collette, and then the twins, Julian and Maeve, shortly after. Y/n was sure that four children was plenty, had told Harry she would go back on birth control again when she found the time. He pouted, but agreed, especially since they were now raising two infants at the same time instead of just one. But then lockdown happened, and Harry was around a whole lot more than he normally was, and Geneva was the result. Their last child, Natalia, also came as a surprise, though no one but Harry and Y/n thought so. But she was the perfect addition to their family, and Harry and Y/n couldn’t have been happier.
“Are you all coming tomorrow night?” Harry asked, breaking the silence.
Y/n had moved to face Harry in order to get some of the pieces right at his hairline. “It’s a school night, my love, remember? But we’ll be there Friday.”
Harry nodded, understanding, though Y/n knew he loved when all of his babies watched him perform. Now that Simone and Collette were old enough to be in school, Y/n and the kids couldn’t travel with Harry unless it was during summer or winter break. They’d had lots of discussions about homeschooling so the family could be together more, but ultimately decided their children needed as much of a normal upbringing as possible, and honestly, homeschool would just mean more work for Y/n when she was already juggling so much.
“Can you call the sitter?” he asked.
Frowning a little, Y/n paused what she was doing and tipped her husband’s chin up with a finger. She could sense there was something he was thinking about, but wasn’t saying. “What’s wrong?”
Harry met her gaze, his hair now short and cleared away from his face. Y/n wouldn’t lie, she loved when his hair was on the longer side too, but she did think this haircut suited him as well.
He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Nothing’s wrong. I just like when you’re there. You missed the entire last leg of the tour. And I know why, but I just miss having you, all of you, around.”
“I know. We miss you too, H,” Y/n sighed, her heart squeezing at the look on her husband’s face.
Harry was quick to pull her into his lap, content to wait before finishing up his haircut. He tipped forward until his nose was pressed against her chest and breathed in deeply, and Y/n held him tightly.
She knew why he was so down without him having to express himself fully. Since Simone was a baby, he always became anxious about leaving for long periods of time, and the next leg of his tour was booked out for the next few months. It was a long time, especially when young kids were involved.
Raising a family while Harry traveled the world wasn’t easy. There were of course the good moments where Harry was able to spend time with Y/n and the kids, using old tactics to sneak around and find someplace private while they spent the day together. And Y/n loved seeing the world too. She loved seeing Harry perform and point him out to Collette or Maeve or Julian as he danced onstage. “That’s your Dadda,” she would say, helping them dance or clap along to the music.
And so things slowly went back to normal, or perhaps better than normal. They were with life at home and learning the delicate balance their family operated on. He loved music and performing, but all of that could wait.
But then of course there were the more difficult moments, where Y/n and the kids had to stay home while Harry toured. There were arguments about missing recitals and games and whether those tacked on extra nights on tour were really worth it when Y/n felt like she was raising their kids by herself. “I had dreams of my own, you know,” she said once. She regretted it immediately, especially when she would never change her life for a moment. But it had to be said. Y/n felt like she was on an island by herself while her husband travelled all over the world on huge tours. And when he was home, he was working on new music. Things were supposed to be different after One Direction. Harry promised that life would be different, but they weren't, and Y/n was going to keep putting up with it.
Harry came home from tour and more harsh words were shared. He tried to convince her that he could fix everything, but she was way past believing in him, and then they were both alone. Harry eventually came home, determined to make things right. He felt like a part of him would always be making up for letting his family down. Y/n tried to tell him that wasn't necessary anymore, especially when she became pregnant again because she wouldn't be having her fifth child with him if she didn't believe in him, but he wouldn’t hear it. “We’re a team,” he’d said. “We’ve always been a team. Letting you down will always be my greatest regret. I’m sorry.”
But things were a little different now. Half their children were older and Natalia wasn’t even walking yet, though all of them needed stability. With just one look at Harry, Y/n knew what was bothering him.
“You’re a great dad, H.”
And since they were as alone as they could be raising six kids, Harry felt comfortable to shake his head against her. Y/n continued to hold him, letting him get out whatever he needed to.
“I—I don’t want to feel like a stranger in my own home, my own family.”
There were times where Harry would come home from a long tour stretch and Geneva or Maeve or Julian wouldn’t like to be held by him. Because to them, as infants, he was unfamiliar. It killed Harry, the realization that he’d been gone too long that his own children would cry when he picked them up or look at him without an ounce of recognition. It was why shortly after his first tour as a solo artist he decided to take a break from touring and making music. The fight with Y/n was part of it, but at the end of the day, Harry just wanted to be a dad, and wanted to give Y/n a chance to pursue a career after being a full time stay at home mom for so many years. He had been so used to One Direction’s style of working in the industry, which was to say that you never stopped. But it put a strain on his relationships then, and it was doing the same thing as a new solo artist. He wanted a different life, a different approach to his passion, so he decided to slow down, focus on being a dad and a partner. It was how Y/n eventually went back to school and picked up styling hair.
She saw all of it written on Harry’s face, all the insecurity and fear. Each one plaguing him despite how proud she was of his success as an artist and a father. He didn’t give himself enough credit, not nearly enough. Their family had this life because of him.
“I’ll figure something out,” Y/n promised, kissing his forehead.
Harry shook his head, the ends of his hair tickling her nose. “You don’t have to, Mama. I know school is—”
“Family is important too,” she said, knowing what he had been about to say.
He nodded, but didn’t say anything else.
Y/n kissed him once on the lips before standing up again. School would be out soon, and Geneva and Natalia would be waking up from their naps any minute now. As usual, Y/n would pick up while Harry took care of the little ones, as the knowledge of the Styles family remained a secret all these years. Some people knew, of course. The first time the secret had unintentionally been revealed being when Simone gave a report about her family tree, and her teacher called Y/n in for a meeting to tell her that her daughter believed her dad was a world famous musician. That was quite the parent-teacher conference, but she and Harry handled it. So teachers and administration knew, and NDAs were handed out left and right to protect the children’s privacy, but it was easier for Y/n to pick up the kids from school as opposed to Harry.
“And...There! All done.”
Y/n handed a mirror to Harry so he could inspect her handiwork. She’d seen his hair done enough that she knew what he liked, but she opted for something ever so slightly different, leaving a little more hair on the top so it would curl on his forehead some. She thought it framed his face better than when he pushed it back.
“I look younger,” he said, eyes still on the handheld mirror.
“You look handsome,” Y/n replied. “Or you will once you shave that thing off your lip.”
That definitely got his attention. “Hey.”
“I’m kidding,” Y/n teased. She kissed him on the cheek. “Kind of.”
“Come here,” Harry demanded.
He grabbed ahold of his wife’s waist before kissing her all over. His stubble scratched her neck, her jaw, her cheeks, as Harry moved around, planting loud, opened-mouthed kisses everywhere he could.
Y/n shrieked and giggled, trying to push away from him, but to no avail. “Harry! Ha—”
A cry sounded from the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table. Geneva. Harry and Y/n paused, waiting to see if she would turn over and go back to sleep or if she was truly awake.
Another cry, followed by a different one from another monitor.
“I’ll get Natalia,” Y/n said, and this time Harry let her go.
“GiGi,” Harry replied.
Like a team breaking from a huddle, they went to their daughters’ rooms to bring an end to the crying and met back downstairs to change and feed them. By now, Y/n and Harry were practically a well-oiled machine. They moved around each other to fill bottles and strap the girls into high chairs, and finished with singing‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ when Geneva showed signs that she was about to cry. It was a system that worked for many years when they were at home together, and one that was perfected during lockdown. Before long, Geneva was sucking on a pouch while Natalia slowly brought yogurt chips to her mouth.
Harry raised his arm up, and Y/n met him halfway for the high five. Distance or no, they always made a good team.
Once the girls were fed, Y/n began getting ready to pick up the rest of their children. Harry kept the girls entertained, but she felt his eyes track her throughout the kitchen. Once she was done, she went over to him and gave him a kiss.
“How about we go to the venue for rehearsal, stay for the opening act and the first couple songs, and then I’ll take the kids home early,” she said against his hair, rubbing a hand up and down his arm.
She kissed his cheek. “I told you I would figure something out.”
Harry grinned down at her. “You always do.”
Later that night, the Styles residence was filled with its usual commotion.
“I want Elsa!”
“We watched Frozen last week!”
“Mama, can we have chocolate?”
“I want to sit next to Daddy!”
“Move over!”
Harry tipped his head back against the couch and prayed for patience.
He thought a movie would be a fun way to end the night, and while he wasn’t sure why Y/n gave him a look of caution before, he certainly did now. His wife, of course, was upstairs putting Geneva and Natalia to bed while he got the movie set up, though now he guessed Y/n was letting him deal with all the chaos while she hid.
But Harry didn’t particularly care. He loved being home and being part of all the craziness, even the silly fights over what movie they were going to watch.
Julian, the only boy in the Styles family, sat in his father’s lap quietly, almost like he was just waiting for Simone and Maeve to stop fighting over what they were going to watch. His hair was long and curled at the ends, a result of him crying and screaming every time Y/n tried to take him to get his hair cut or do it herself. So they eventually gave up and let Jules grow it out.
“What do you want to watch?” Harry asked his son.
Julian shrugged and curled himself against Harry’s chest. It seemed he was content to just be with his dad, and Harry couldn’t help but agree.
However, when Maeve tried to rip the remote out of Simone’s hands, Harry finally stepped in.
“Alright. Saturday we’ll watch Elsa. Tonight we’ll let Simone pick. Come here, Maeve.”
Maeve was a spitfire like her mother, loud where Jules was quiet. He never imagined a preschooler to be so opinionated, but she always had something to say.
Giving up, Maeve took the spot on Harry’s right. Collette was on his left, tracing the tattoos on his arm absentmindedly. Simone finally settled on a movie, and by some kind of miracle, the house went quiet as the opening credits rolled.
He hadn’t been doing a typical tour recently, which helped him be at home more, but being at home was almost as exhausting as being on the road. He watched the cartoon with Julian on his chest, Maeve and Collette on either side of him, but before long, his eyes began to droop, each blink becoming more prolonged than the last until he didn’t open them again.
Y/n came downstairs once GiGi and Natalia were fast asleep. She had lunches to pack and breast milk to pump before tucking the rest of her little ones into bed, but it wouldn’t take too long.
Half expecting utter chaos, Y/n’s eyes widened at the scene in front of her. Harry was fast asleep, and so was Julian, who rested on top of him, one hand up by his dad’s neck like he was reaching for something that wasn’t there anymore. Maeve dozed beside Harry, and Collette was getting close. Simone was the only one wide awake and watching the movie, her choice by the looks of it.
Y/n went over to her oldest and kissed the top of her dark hair. “How long has everyone been out?”
“Dad lasted about twenty minutes, I think.”
“A record for him,” Y/n mused.
Simone grinned wide. Seeing how long Harry lasted during a movie was something of an ongoing joke between them, and Y/n liked to think her oldest daughter liked that they shared something that was just between the two of them.
“Will you help me get Maeve upstairs?”
Nodding, Simone paused her movie and took her sister into her arms while Y/n grabbed Collette. She took Julian up next, tucking him into his racecar bed before turning on his night light and closing the door. Harry was still out cold when Y/n came back down, but Simone was at his side while she resumed the movie.
By the time the movie ended, Y/n was wrapping up in the kitchen and Harry was stretching his arms after his impromptu nap. Blinking with bleary eyes, he said, “Sorry, bug. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
Simone grinned over the top of his head at her mom, who shot her daughter a wink. “That’s okay.”
Harry looked between his two girls like he was missing something, but didn’t comment on it. “Come on. Up to bed then.”
Simone kissed her dad on the cheek, then skipped over to Y/n to do the same to her before going upstairs, leaving Harry and Y/n alone in the dark.
Looking around, Harry realized all of his children had gone to bed at some point. “I swear we have more than one kid.”
“They’re all fast asleep.”
“Well then,” Harry said, his voice low after being asleep. “Might need to take advantage of this rare moment to ourselves.”
Y/n sat herself down on his lap and ran a hand through his short hair. “You know, I can’t help but agree.”
There wasn’t much talking after that. Harry was quick to capture Y/n’s bottom lip between his own, pulling her as close as she could possibly be. Y/n kissed him back, sighing as he brushed his tongue against hers again and again. She kneaded the muscles in his shoulders, gripping hard when a hand dipped beneath the waistband of her jeans.
“Love you,” Harry panted, kissing the spot where her jaw met her ear.
Y/n couldn’t get the words out fast enough before he was on her again, pushing her into the couch until she was spread across it.
They didn’t take it much further than that. Y/n knew Harry was too tired for more, but she didn’t mind. Sometimes kissing and touching took her back to a time when they were younger and only had one baby to look after. It made her realize that even after all these years, they were still crazy for each other.
Eventually tiredness won out, and they went upstairs, though Harry kissed Y/n’s neck the whole way to their room. It stopped, however, when they entered their bedroom and he realized they weren’t alone anymore.
“My money’s on Jules,” Harry said softly.
“Could be Collette,” Y/n countered.
They crept into the room towards the bed, and upon closer inspection, they realized Harry was right. Julian was asleep on Y/n’s side of the bed, his stuffed Mickey Mouse tucked under one arm.
Shrugging, they went about their nightly routines and got into bed. Harry kissed his wife once mumbling, “Love you, Mama,” before setting his head down on the pillow.
When Harry woke up, there were three more children in his bed, one of them on top of him completely. An excellent start to his morning, if you asked him.
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donnalawliet · 1 month
Coffee or Tea? (Five x Derek oneshot)
I really didn't like the way they handled Five's "love story" in Season 4. And even though he would have been fine without a romance too, here's my version of a Five experiencing love with a human. Not with Lila, but with Derek, Five's CIA colleague. This is set post S3 and pre S4. This is my personal addition to the Season 4 fix it movement. And even though it's set prior to that last season, I still think it counts.
I mentioned under a post that I would rather ship Five x Derek than Five x Lila. So...Here I am, doing exactly that.
Thank you @tuttle-did-it , @ashes-and-starlight and @xx-blood-lemons-xx for the initial inspiration! I hope you like it, especially you, @ashes-and-starlight . (I‘ll enjoy your Five diner fanfic when it comes out 😊)
I also wanted to thank @lookingforhappy for the post explaining why Five being a member of the CIA didn‘t make much sense. I attempted to explain some plotholes that you mentioned 😅
One last thanks goes to @i-am-tardis-locked for listening to me rambling all day, like always.
Anyway, let‘s get going!
Summary: After being stuck in a reset universe without powers or siblings, Five joins the CIA to keep an eye on his family. There, he meets Derek and is suddenly confronted with all kinds of things he hadn't faced in years. Some of them seem uncomfortable at first, but he learns to warm up.
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Stranded in a new timeline, without his siblings or powers, Five was forced to adapt. Luckily, he was used to doing that. His father had once complimented his ability to adapt and Sir Reginald Hargreeves wasn’t exactly known for dolling out compliments for everyone and everything. In the four decades he had spent in the apocalypse, adapting to his enviroment was equal to survival. That included no longer feeling guilty for raiding corpses or no longer being picky when it came to food. The apocalypse was by no means a five star restaurant. When he transferred to the Commission, he had to adapt once more. New manners, new job, new people.
But through all of this adapting, one goal had stayed consistent. To save his family from the impending apocalypse, to go back for them. Once he left the courtyard without his siblings though, still coming to terms with the fact that he had his arm back…his goal had to adapt as well. This was no longer about actively saving his family. It was about keeping them safe. They came above everything else, not him.
Reginald had taught them a few things that back then, none of the Umbrella Academy members thought would be useful.That included obtaining legal documents, without the legal part. In the Commission, Five had sometimes watched the legal department, how they fabricated fake IDs, court orders or other documents with ease.
And even though he was nowhere near that level, he was good enough. It took him about a week to create an ID, a birth certificate and a high school diploma. All of it was a lot of work. He sometimes had to break into buildings to add himself to their records, but he didn’t care. It would be worth it in the long run.
Attending college was relatively easy in comparison, bordering on boring. Five’s father had prepared them quite well for that level of learning and in the apocalypse, he had become an expert on math and quantum physics. So a lot of the lectures ended up just being a formality.
Instead of writing things down, Five occupied himself with looking up his family. Allison was in LA with her husband, daughter and Klaus. Luther had found a new place of employment, along with Diego, who had welcomed his first daughter with Lila. Five quickly wiped at his eyes as soon as he read the announcement in the online newspaper. As much as he wished to be an uncle, he couldn’t. Not just yet.
Five finished college in record time. He didn’t attend the ceremony, even though a part of him wanted to. Only the weak need praise to carry on, he remembered his father’s words. And he didn’t have time to be weak. He had a job to do.
Protecting his siblings required sacrifices and overcoming personal challenges. That was something Five had realised a long time ago. But when he sent his application to the CIA, that realisation hit him like a ton of bricks once more. he roughly knew what a job like that was like. It required absolute loyalty, going undercover, a physical and psychological examination. All of it reminded him of the Commission. He would have an employer again, be stuck in an office instead of enjoying retirement.
Upon receiving his acceptance letter and the request to move to Washington DC for his training, Five slowly walked into his bathroom to look in the mirror. His fake birth certificate stated that he was 18, but in truth his body had just turned 16. Upon looking at his reflection though, he didn’t see himself. He saw an old man, traumatised by years of isolation and lack of things like food or personal hygiene.
“It’s going to be okay“, he whispered to himself, though it didn’t sound very convincing, “As long as they’re alright…it will be worth it.“
Throughout his training, Five felt an odd sense of numbness. He expected to feel disgusted by how much it reminded him of his training at the Academy or Commission. But there was nothing of the sort. No sense of anger towards the profiler during his psych eval, which he passed with flying colours. He knew what answers he had to give in order to be left alone. Five remembered how much the Commission profiler had bothered him, how he had hated getting his deepest insides get revealed in astonishing detail, until he had learned how to adapt.
But he felt nothing. Neither the obstacle course, examinations by a doctor or profiler really bothered him. He just went through the daily routine, like a zombie with just one goal. There was no anxiety when his test results arrived nor joy when the other cadets celebrated upon passing them. In what felt like a blink of an eye, his training was over and he was assigned jobs. And that was when he met Derek.
When Director Ribbons had announced that he wouldn’t be working alone, Five had been hesitant at first. Even back in the Commission, he had always insisted on working alone. No partner to bother him or distract him from his plans. But while the Handler had accepted this violation of protocoll, the Director didn’t.
“You’re a new and promising agent“, Ribbons had told him, without offering Five a seat to sit down in, “And despite your maturity, a partner will do you good, I’m sure of it. On undercover missions, you may go on your own, but I don’t see a reason for it in the office.“
Five bit his lip and shifted slightly. He liked being able to wear a suit again instead of the uniform that showed his knees to everyone. In a suit, people were forced to take him more seriously in some way.
“Sir, while I understand what you mean“, he hated having to take on a polite tone like that, “I really do work better alone. I’ll produce good results.“
Five wasn’t a fan of the whole respect game. But in order to stay employed, he unfortunately had to treat his boss with some level of respect, despite being much older.
Ribbons looked him over for a moment. Sometimes, Five had the feeling that his boss saw more than just an agent, but he couldn’t quite place it. Despite his request, he shook his head.
“You’ll be working with a partner. Go to your desk, he’s already waiting for you.“
Five had no other choice but to obey that order. If he protested more, it could result in another psych eval or unnecessary questions. So he simply nodded and made his way towards his desk, pushing the intrusive thoughts on how to quickly kill his boss out of his head. Ever since he had started to work at the Commission a few years ago, these thoughts refused to go away.
As soon as he entered his room, a young man stood up from his chair. If Five had to guess, he was only a few years older than himself, dressed in a dark green blazer, with a tie and light blue shirt underneath it. More casual than Five’s three piece suit, but still professional. His blonde hairstyle reminded Five a bit of the 1950s, but the glasses and soft facial features broke that illusion. Only a few seconds after entering did Five notice that he had been staring. His mind was really all over the place.
“I’m Derek Young“, his visitor eventually said after no introduction from Five came, “I’m your new partner, pleasure to meet you.“
He held out his hand to shake, a soft smile illuminating his features. Only then did Five regain his senses and shook his hand, making eye contact for the first time. He still wasn’t completely comfortable with touch, the sensation sometimes proved too much.
“Five, Hargreeves“, he replied, keeping it short and with no explanation on why he shared his last name with one of the most well known people in the world. Derek didn’t seem bothered by that cold introduction though, still smiling.
“Our boss told me quite a lot about you, Mr.Hargreeves“, Derek remarked while sorting through one of the files on the desk.
Five froze for a few moments. Not because of the first part of the sentence, he had heard that one many times. But never in his whole life had he been called Mr.Hargreeves by anyone. His siblings had called him Five, his father Number Five, the Handler and everyone at the Commission either those or Mr.Five on the rare occasion. But never Mr.Hargreeves. It didn’t feel like him, even though he was surely old enough to be called that. Still…it didn’t feel right.
“Please don’t call me that, Mr.Derek“, he told him, trying to keep his voice firm, but only being half successful. Five scolded himself for how weak he sounded. Why did a simple name break his mind?
Derek frowned for a moment, then shrugged like it was nothing.
“Very well. Is Mr.Five alright with you?“, he asked, almost carefully that time, as if testing out the waters, “Since you call me Mr.Derek.“
He had expected to not like that way of adressing him either. The Handler had called him that after all. And every time he thought of her, his stomach flipped upside down in not a good way. But surprisingly, Five felt oddly fine with it. Derek’s voice and body language was nothing like his former employer, there was no need to be alarmed in any way. He didn’t have to look up at him like he had always had to do with her and everyone else, they were roughly the same height. Five pulled himself out of his thoughts and shrugged.
“Sure, why the hell not. Do you know where in the building I can find a decent cup of coffee?“
The rush of caffeine always helped Five with distracting himself. No falling asleep, no nightmares, just work.
At first, Five had assumed that Derek would annoy him. He was much younger after all, there were still things like hope and life left in his eyes. His partner went to work with the genuine intention of helping others. He got Five coffee every morning, while he himself stuck with tea. And even though Five could never understand how one could prefer hot leaf juice over some roasted black coffee, he had to admit that Derek brought him some good coffee.
“Which machine do you go to?“, he asked one morning after taking his first sip, “No matter which part of the building I go to, all coffee tastes like absolute crap.“
Five wasn’t one for making small talk, so Derek was a bit caught off guard by the genuine curiosity. A light blush began to settle down on his cheeks and he cleared his throat a bit.
“I…I bring the coffee blend with me. I can give you the adress of the shop I go to, if that’s what you want, Mr.Five. It’s no big deal, I just thought you might enjoy it more. I can’t stand the tea they give out here either“, he replied and hid part of his face with his teacup.
For the first time in what felt like years, Five’s lip tugged upwards. It took him a moment to realise that he was smiling in  a genuine way, like an idiot. But he couldn’t bring himself to stop, a comforting warmth building up in his chest. He could barely remember the last time someone had genuinely cared about him in such a small way. Derek didn’t even like coffee, yet he brought a good blend of it to work, just so Five would feel a bit happier. The warmth in his chest moved upwards, settling in his cheeks in a similar way to Derek. He was blushing like a hormonal teenager, which he both was and wasn’t.
“Oh, I…Thank you“, he eventually managed to mumble, “That’s very kind of you. I’ll just…Go talk to our boss, he wanted something.“
Five quickly made his way out of the room, taking a few deep breaths as he leaned against the nearest wall. Ribbons didn’t even want anything, but he had needed an excuse to gather his bearings.
“Shit…get yourself together“, he whispered to himself, the taste of coffee still present on his tongue. And like every time he felt upset or overwhelmed, the last words of his former wife, Dolores, echoed through his mind: I want you to enjoy your life, Five. We had good years together, but it’s time that you learn to live without me. You fought so hard for your family, it’s time that you enjoy the results.
Five reached up as a single tear traced down his cheek, quickly wiping it away. He was a grown man, why was he so overwhelmed by this? He decided to avoid Derek for the rest of the day, he needed time to think.
A few weeks later, Five learned that if he wanted to, Derek could be just as sarcastic as he was. Ever since he had started working there, Susan had been a figurative pain in everyone‘s ass. But because she was a senior agent with a long history, almost no one dared say anything about it. One day, while waiting for their turn on the copier, she began to rant about all kinds of problems plaguing her. Five had to seriously focus on not snapping her neck, so he kept his mouth shut.
“Anyway, my son just introduced me to his boyfriend. Boyfriend?! He’s a man, how can he be attracted to another man? That’s not how it works!“, Susan exclaimed and looked at them, expecting nods or general confirming words.
Derek crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked her up and down. Five knew that look. He had given it to several idiots before.
“So you’re saying one should rather fall in love with a body than with a soul? That’s really shallow and sad“, he said and gave her a fake look of pity before grabbing the files from the desk next to the copier. While Susan still scrambled for words, Five turned towards Derek with surprise.
“Did you…Did you just…?“, he asked, lost for words for once. In response, Derek simply shrugged, a confident smile on his face.
“Somebody had to tell her, she was annoying me. Why, do you have a problem with that, Mr.Five?“
That last sentence had a certain edge to it, as if Derek was either scared or prepared that Five would say yes. However, Five shook his head almost immediately. He had been more surprised than anything else.
“No, not at all. Maybe she’ll keep her damn mouth shut for a few hours“, Five quickly deflected, still processing what had just happened. After that short conversation, they just continued with their day as if nothing had happened.
Later that evening, while reviewing his family’s files, Five’s thoughts began to wander once more. During the apocalypse, he had never really thought about his sexuality. He had Dolores, but she barely counted as a woman. He had never really felt the desire to have sex, he had more desired to just see a familiar face. Any human face, if he was being honest with himself. And the tough survival conditions didn’t leave much room to think about what he was attracted to. When he closed his eyes, he realised that he could see himself with a woman by his side just as easily as with a man.
And even though he knew how sex worked, the thought of himself having sex with anyone whatsoever left him disgusted. He vaguely remembered telling Klaus in 2019: What a disturbing glance into this thing you call a brain, when he had mentioned the topic.
Before his thoughts could go off the rails even more, Five pulled himself back to the present. He had to make sure his siblings were safe, that was why he had taken the job in the first place.
After a rather frustrating case that had taken weeks and almost made him bang his head against a wall, Five was exhausted, so was Derek.
“Would you like to catch some drinks later?“, Derek asked him as they both gathered their coats. It sounded so casual, in a way that Five could never do himself. In the last few years, Five had attempted to lower his alcohol intake, but he hadn’t completely succeeded in stopping completely.
“Oh, sure, but…I’m not a big fan of bars“, Five responded, sounding almost ashamed. He had gone to bars before, but had never been completely comfortable there. It had almost always been for work. He half expected Derek to decline as a result, mentally cursing himself for being so uptight. But surprisingly, that didn’t happen.
“That’s fine. We can go to my place, if you’d like. I don’t mind it, Mr.Five“, he said with a wink. That name had almost become a form of teasing that they used with each other. Five smirked a bit and put on his coat, a way of protecting himself from the cold November air.
“Lead the way, Mr.Derek.“
People had different types of reactions when they got drunk. Some got more angry and violent, others sad and melancholic, others happy and joyful. Five got more honest after a few drinks, dropping his walls a bit more. And after a few homemade martinis, he found himself relaxing a bit more.
“You’re quite nice“, he mumbled and took another sip from his glass, “Nicer than my family by a long shot. Why? What do you have to gain?“
Derek frowned and sat down on the couch next to him. His drinks had far less alcohol, so he was just feeling a bit tipsy.
“I’m not nice to you because I have something to gain, Five. Why would you think something like that?“ His voice got a bit softer, as if he felt that there was more behind that drunk question.
Five laughed in response, but it held no humor whatsoever. He was overwhelmed by all kinds of different feelings and thoughts.
“Because I’m a rude old man? Because I’ve never done anything to warrant friendliness from someone like you? You’re young, you could just ask for a transfer with someone who is…more like you.“ Five couldn’t care less that he had just hinted at his true age. If Derek left, it would just confirm his world view.
Derek blinked slowly as he listened to Five ramble. He couldn’t completely make sense of what he was saying, but asking would feel quite rude. So after a few seconds of silence, he set his glass down.
“You may come off as rude, yeah, but…That’s not who you are. Remember how you almost ripped Stacy’s head off because she called me a twink? You didn’t even know what it meant at the time“, Derek chuckled a bit and managed to get Five to smile as well, “I don’t care how old you are or how grumpy you can get without coffee. You deserve to be treated well.“
Five stared at him for what felt like hours, but was probably just a few seconds. He wasn’t even sure what his expression his face was making, he could be crying for all he knew. The last time he had felt close to that safe had been with Dolores in an underground bunker they had found.
He didn’t remember what came after, the alcohol sending his memory to nirvana. The next thing that Five knew, he woke up on a dark green couch underneath a knitted blanket. His head was pounding as if he was Zeus giving birth to Athena and the thirst was overwhelming. At the same time, the thought of moving was enough to make him groan.
“Shit…“, Five mumbled and lazily covered his eyes to avoid the sunlight. With it being November, that meant it must be quite late.
“Here you go“, he suddenly heard Derek’s soft voice right next to him. Slowly, Five moved his arm off his face and blinked up at him. The room was a bit darker now, thanks to the curtains. Derek was standing behind the couch so Five didn’t have to move his head too much, wearing his blue shirt without the tie or blazer. His hair wasn’t styled as neatly, it just looked fluffy and soft. But before Five could think about his hair further, his attention was drawn to what Derek was holding. A glass of water and a pill bottle, most likely aspirin.
“You’re my salvation“, Five mumbled and took both. The act of sitting up alone made him groan, but the feeling of cold water sliding down his throat made up for it. “What happened last night? After that…conversation we had.“
Derek cleared his throat a bit and sat down next to him on the couch, his expression unreadable.
“You had two more drinks, talked about your age, your ex wife, your siblings…then you threw up in my potted plant and passed out on my couch“, he explained and brushed his hair a bit more into place, “That’s it, I think.“
Five groaned and leaned back into the pillow that Derek had provided him with. He felt like he had ruined everything. The first casual relationship he had ever managed to build up with a human being that wasn’t his family or someone he had been tasked with assassinating…and he had destroyed it with alcohol.
“Shit…I really ranted a lot, didn’t I?“, he whispered, but Derek could still hear it, “I…I should go, I understand. I overstayed my welcome.“
He attempted to push himself up, his muscles aching from the hangover and hard couch he had been laying on. Though something inside of his chest ached as well. Before Five could stand up, Derek stopped him. The feeling of a hand on his shoulder was enough to make him freeze.
“Mr.Five, that’s not what I meant. You obviously needed to talk about it“, Derek took a deep breath as he looked him over, “And even though I didn’t understand half of it…You don’t need to feel ashamed.“
His words washed over Five like a wave, most of his focus still spent on the simple touch. He wanted to both pull away, overwhelmed by this simple act of comfort, but also lean into it like a starving man in the desert. So he ended up doing neither, just standing there until Derek pulled away again. Five wanted to say so much, but no words made it up his throat and through his lips. After a long and pregnant pause, he simply nodded and made his way out of the appartment. Derek didn’t stop him that time.
They didn’t talk about that incident for quite some time. For a few months, they went about their daily routine, making small jokes in between, drinking coffee and tea together in the morning. Until eventually, Five mentioned it again.
“What I said about my age, Dolores and my family…did it bother you?“
They were in the middle of sorting through reports, arguably the most boring part of their job, where it sometimes became necessary to fill the silence. Derek only glanced up for a moment before he grabbed his stapler off the desk.
“Why should it? You always seemed…more mature than others. And I’ve known about your family for months. I go through your files just as much as you go through mine.“
Five blushed a bit at the last remark. It was true, he had searched through Derek’s files on a regular basis. Maybe out of paranoia that he was working for the Commission somehow, even though that wouldn’t make much sense. And to know that Derek was doing the same…it strangely grounded him a bit.
As they continued to work in silence, Five’s mind went back to that morning when Derek had touched his shoulder. It hadn’t been an accidental or manipulative touch, it had just been a simple expression of human emotions. He recalled one time when he had been four years old, still thinking that parents were the heroes children made them out to be. They had watched a movie in which a son had hugged his father and his toddler mind had decided to recreate it. But instead of hugging him back, Reginald had pushed him away and sent him to bed without dessert.
Never trust a hug, he had sternly told his adoptive son, For it’s just another way to hide your face.
Ever since then, he hadn’t attempted to hug another human being. But that had been over five decades ago, surely it couldn’t hurt to…
“Could I try something?“, Five broke the silence once more. He hated how uncertain and young he sounded, like a teenager or child, but he couldn’t stop himself.
Derek noticed his different tone too, but decided not to comment on it. During the entire time that they had worked with each other, he had noticed that some things took more out of Five than the average person. So he simply nodded and stood up as Five approached, his arms hanging loosely at his sides until he realised what the other man was planning. Once the realisation dawned on him, he couldn’t hold back a smirk and lift his arms slightly.
It took Five a few seconds to bring himself to lean into the hug. The second that he did, fireworks went off in his brain. Sparks of colour and noise, all blending together into one picture. It was overwhelming, but he needed more. It was beautiful and hurt his eyes at the same time.
For just a few moments, everything melted away and time stood still. This wouldn’t heal all of his wounds by any means. He was still damaged, maybe beyond complete repair. But it was a start at least, a bandage on his cuts so they wouldn’t get infected. Even though he knew it wouldn’t last, Five allowed himself to feel happy, just for a few seconds.
During one of his days off, while watching a movie that Allison had recommended to him, Five’s phone buzzed. Strange, his siblings never texted him. They always called, ever since the attemp at a group chat had gone south. So he unlocked his phone and glanced at the text.
Derek: Hey, 5.  The pipes in my appartment burst and it will take a few days until it’s fixed. Would you mind if I maybe crashed on your couch?
For a few seconds, Five contemplated his choices. He could just say no, spare himself the trouble. But on the other hand…he wouldn’t mind not being alone for a few days.
Five: Sure, just stop by. You know the address, right?
Instead of getting a written response, he simply received an emoji of a hand holding its thumb up. Five still hadn’t completely understood the appeal of those modern hieroglyphics. He really was an old man.
Derek arrived not even half an hour later, carrying a bag that held the bare essentials. A few changes of clothes, toiletries and a book or two for entertainment. Five was sitting on the couch, on which he had placed a spare blanket and pillow for him. One cup of coffe rested in his hands and on the small table in front of him…
“You made me tea?“, Derek asked as he set his bag down and went to join him on the couch. The TV was on, playing a movie that he recognised as Brokeback Mountain. Normally he had always been the one to prepare their drinks and he hadn’t minded it either.
Five nodded, fiddling with his own fingers as he watched him pick up the cup. He had been a bit nervous about getting it right. Tea wasn’t his department after all. But the way Derek exhaled after taking his first sip, he knew that he must have done something right.
“Thank you, I appreciate it“, Derek smiled and kept his hands around the warm mug as he inhaled the familiar scent of green tea. It was quite comforting, just like Five’s presence next to him.
As the movie progressed, they both ended up shifting a bit more towards the middle of the couch. Sometimes Derek moved, sometimes Five did, almost like a dance, until they eventually touched shoulders. Five found himself relaxing sooner than the previous timest hey had touched.
When Derek’s hand moved to cover his own, he didn’t stop him, looking forward at the screen. It was slightly overwhelming, but nothing he couldn’t handle. During the climax of the movie however, Five gulped heavily and slowly turned towards Derek, who did the same.
“I’m way too old for you“, he attempted to lighten the mood, but it came out much weaker and desperate. At this point he could see every little detail of Derek’s eyes, the way the colours mixed together, every little imperfection and vein.
Derek cleared his throat slightly, for once not as light hearted. He seemed not as clueless as Five, but hesitant nonetheless. The coffee and tea on the table had been forgotten long ago.
“Your age is the least of my concerns right now“, he whispered back and readjusted his glasses before he repeated the same words that Five had said to him a few months ago, “Could I try something?“
At that point, Five felt like he was drowning. He felt lost, a sensation he had become rather familiar with. He could end this all with one simple word or one shake of his head, for he knew that Derek would respect his consent. But at the same time, he didn’t want to let this opportunity go. So despite not having taken in a breath for almost a minute, he found himself nodding.
Their lips didn’t touch. It wasn’t a desperate kiss like in romance movies meant for teenagers. Instead, it was a soft kiss on his cheek that he felt…warm and without the pressure to do more, not that Five would want that. Like a ray of sunshine warming his skin in the morning, right before the worries of life fully registered in his mind. Derek smiled as Five practically melted into the touch, pulling away after a few seconds.
“Good?“, he asked carefully, just to make sure he hadn’t gone too far. Five smiled a bit and brushed his chaotic hair back behind his ears.
“Yeah, good“, Five simply replied and pulled his legs up against his chest. He wasn’t sure whether he would ever be ready for a proper kiss or saying the three words that seemed to fall from people’s lips so easily. But that maybe wasn’t necessary. They communicated that through other means. Like how Derek prepared Five’s coffee in the morning or how Five’s expression lit up when his desk partner entered the room.
On the first of October in 2025, they decided to move in with each other. Five teased that it was merely to reduce costs, since they spent most of the time in Derek’s appartment anyway. It had much more life than Five’s place, with small things that made it feel like home. And getting his coffee before work certainly had its advantages. Derek simply smiled at that explanation, not bothering to engage in a meaningless discussion. Instead, he grabbed his coat and handed Five his cup.
“Happy Birthday, Mr.Five“, he said with a wink before heading off to work, leaving a frozen Five behind.
A few days after his birthday, Five started his investigation into the Keepers support group. Going undercover meant that he had to put on a disguise, so he went for a mix of Top Gun enthusiast and school janitor. The mustache had been his idea, mainly because he missed the facial hair he used to have. It at least made him look a bit older.
Derek chuckled the first time he saw him in disguise. It wasn’t clear whether he was simply amused or making fun of Five.
Five couldn’t help but sound a bit defensive. He hadn’t gone completely over the top, right? No, this was simply a cover, for security purposes.
Derek stepped forward, carefully tracing the mustache and making sure it was secure. Five sometimes got figuratively sick at how soft he looked with such simple gestures.
“Nothing. I think it works, Mr.Five“, he responded and looked him over from top to bottom, “You should get going now or you’ll be late.“
Of course, Five couldn’t have that. He still had work to do. By going on undercover missions, he could rise through the ranks and gain more information on how to keep his siblings safe. But despite all of that…At the end of the day, enjoying coffee or tea wouldn’t hurt.
I hoped you enjoyed this oneshot! I certainly enjoyed writing it, distracting myself from the mess we got in Season 4.
If you liked it, leave a like or a comment. It really makes my day and encourages me to keep going. Also, I would have an idea for a smaller additional chapter, set during Season 4. It would also have some angst. Would you be interested in that? If you are, let me know!
Until next time,
-Donna Lawliet
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sailorspica · 6 months
giving reijean complete birth charts
i make fun of yams for making frankly the majority of the 104th and the warrior unit aries and leo suns, including Jean and Reiner (would just say "fire signs," but he doesn't seem to gravitate toward sagittarius birthdays). but just because this cast is lousy with the same sun sign doesn't mean they're identical to their comrades! the differences (and friction of similarity) come from everyone's rising sign, which contextualizes the sun for the individual.
table of contents
their charts without birth times
the charts
🪐 methodology
this project requires three bold executive decisions: (1) birth times, (2) birth years as proxy for 832-35, and (3) birth location as proxy for liberio and paradis.
birth times, to give us their rising signs. this makes up the majority of this post. besides the above reason, sun + ascendant also tells us if the person was born in the day or night since the ascendant is the sign on the eastern horizon at time of birth. someone born at/around sunrise has the same sun and rising sign, for example.
851 in AoT = 1853 in our world. what about every other planet? astrology is not like MBTI; we don't plug in values willy nilly (my killjoy pet peeve? ppl hc'ing moon signs that are physically, astronomically impossible; moon phases and thus moon signs describe sun-moon aspects). i have to pick a real-world ephemeris range in order to limit my freedom of choice to just rising signs. to advance my own indulgent new historicist reading, i'm looking at ephemerides from the 1830s to fill in the rest of these charts, matching the survey corps repo'ing the marleyan scouting ship to the arrival of the perry expedition in the ryukyu islands.
kinda crazy decision here, but liberio = macau, the walls = osaka. the world of AoT is ours upside-down, sure, but the opposite latitude of madagascar is like, saudi arabia, which i don't think this matches because of climate, and iseyama pretty clearly conceives of paradis with more than two northern hemisphere seasons (the leaves on the tree on the hill). these city choices betray my own research interests, but the antagonism between paradis and marley across a narrow sea feels more like japan vs like all of east asia (including russia) throughout history, but especially the late 19th and early 20th centuries. physically, paradis' northeastern position next to marley (longitude) matters a lot. it's why the birth charts of ppl from northern europe are so weird if you use quadrant house systems.
right away, the 1830s give us the outer/generational planets, where Reiner's 2-3 years seniority does make difference for uranus, the fastest-moving outer: they share pluto in aries and neptune in capricorn, but Reiner's uranus is in aquarius and Jean's is in pisces. i don't rly use these unless they make close contact w inner planets though
specific to reijean / what is fanon at this point
Jean's birth year is pretty unambiguous to me with him and Eren as foils: 835, or 1837.
i assume the cadet corps disbands and assembles each spring. winter happens between the reclamation of wall maria and the SC reaching the sea, which puts the events of seasons 1-2 and s3p1 around april or may, and the return to shiganshina arc in august or september. meaning, Jean and Eren just turned 15.
if Reiner is 17 when the 104th disbanded, he's actually two years and four months older than Jean and Eren; for most of the year (august through march), he seems three years older!! that means he spends his 18th birthday w fellow bday boy Zeke, plus Pieck on aug. 4 :) granted they probably spent that time planning to kill the whole SC, but i like to think Bertie threw them a party :)
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birth time / rising sign considerations
do they have a day or night vibe? deadass. briefly, each light "leads" a sect of planets that are strengthened if their leader is in charge. sun = jupiter and saturn and moon = venus and mars; mercury has no allegiance, can go either way (because of mythology; mercury/hermes has to traverse every realm as a messenger). this mitigates "bad" placements or sabotages "good" ones.
also vibe-based: each of the seven classical planets (inner sailor senshi + saturn) traditionally rules two signs, while the moon rules cancer and the sun rules leo. this is often used phrenologically (for racism), but seeing as these men are lines and iseyama speaks about designing them, i think it is okay.
where is person A's sun in person B's chart? and vice versa, and same applies for rising signs and their rulers. for relationships, astrologers sometimes use this to indicate where/how/when partners meet each other.
✨ without birth times
reiner (1834/08/01)
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first glance
from midnight to midnight, the moon is always in gemini; last quarter moon (waning).
both benefics (nice planets that "bring good fortune") are undignified, or in signs that do not serve them; the signs are enemy territory. could you say that's a grand metaphor for RBA on paradis, or liberio on marley? perhaps. for Reiner, jupiter is in gemini (detrimented, and conjoined with mars) and venus is in virgo (fallen). both of these are mercury-ruled signs; aka that flighty little bitch of a planet with questionable loyalties. hmmmmm!!!
but saturn is pretty happy (exalted) in libra.
rising sign impulses
right away, he's one of the most diurnal 🌞 men i've ever seen. yams said in some guidebook that he drew him to look like someone "destined for great things," or something to that effect... and probably like, mere months later, he published chapter 97. so yams is a sicko who loves irony. Reiner is a golden, heroic figure until he isn't, like fuckin HELOS i guess, or apollo...
day birth limits our range to leo through capricorn, with some wiggle room in the first few degrees of aquarius; his chart ruler can be literally any option but the moon
because of his unfortunate benefics and the burden of identity, my favorites are: taurus, libra, sag, or leo rising, so he's ruled by either venus, jupiter, or the sun.
houses that feel reiner
6th house: physical labor, the body in service to someone else's interests
8th house: death, enemies (lol), inheritance (i mean come On); wealth gained through other's deaths—take it as eating the previous Armored, or his survivor's guilt re: Marcel and Bertie...
9th house: long-distance travel, leaving home, higher education
12th house: my favorite house, i am biased, but it's a house of like, sickness, loss, isolation, "self-undoing"; shit Jean has no tolerance for. suicidal blockhead behavior.
jean (1837/04/07)
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first glance
the moon is always in taurus; crescent moon (waxing).
he has an aries stellium (a cluster of planets all in the same sign), which Eren doesn't—he's actually more aries than Eren, who is "secretly" very piscean. Jean's sun (exalted), mercury, venus (detriment), and pluto are all here.
for Jean, the sun is conjoined pluto within 2 degrees (makes us twinsies; i have a sun-pluto square).
he has a fixed sign t-square: taurus moon, leo mars, and aquarius neptune.
he could go either way, day or night, but my dumb ass wants them to complement each other for no damn reason
for a night chart 🌚, he can be anywhere from scorpio to aries; his ascendant ruler can be mars, jupiter, or saturn.
yams said he drew him to "look" deceitful; in the anime subs armin says Jean and eren both have "villainous" eyes, which makes me favor cap or aquarius rising.
houses that feel jean
2nd house: creature comforts, valuing security
4th house: home, both his dream of having a home in the interior and the formative significance of seeing trost attacked
6th and 8th houses for similar reasons to Reiner. re: 8th house, i think about Connie's "who'da thunk we'd be the new Levi Squad!" thnx Annie!!
11th house: humanitarianism?? like, a good sense of the big picture, very much values life
💕 synastry without birth times so far
Jean's venus is opposite Reiner's saturn: rich and dramatic, arguably negative, but i think it can be good for them because of their different conditions in each chart. Jean's venus hates being in aries, and looks across the way to libra, where it wants to be, where Reiner's saturn is. it's like Reiner can pull out Jean's ooey gooey feelings that are usually obscured by aries, or come out as just carnal aggression. saturn can be patient with all of that, and i think Reiner finds it cute. venus in aries is very fwb/didn't-know-we-were-dating; saturn in libra is more quiet and reliable, to a point—he will get so frustrated!
they both have jupiter-mars conjunctions that are sextile to one another; they're hot separately and together???? i seriously led with japanese history for picking their fake birth years, i didn't know the sky would say they are hot and have great sex. more than that, a sextile is actually... pretty chill and comfortable? they just click, it's more about being in sync, physically (mars) and philosophically (jupiter).
Jean's jupiter-mars conjunction is conjunct Reiner's sun: more cute shit, they just get each other, also Jean's mars just finds leos hot af, so you can apply to this to Jean + all the warrior leos... actually jupiter and mars are quite slow so like, most of the 104th has this, which may be why they trust Reiner so much
the charts!
i'll only talk about their rising signs and the planets that rule them because otherwise we're here all day:
💛 reiner: ~10:00 ☉, 832/08/01 in liberio, marley
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Libra rising ⚖️, Leo sun 🦁, Gemini moon 👯
chart ruler is: Venus ♀ in Virgo/12th house
i like Venus because it feels softer and smaller than jupiter 🥺 e.g., between the two benefics, Venus is a "personal" planet and Jupiter is "social." Jupiter has to be too many things; everyone expects everything from it, the warrior candidates and younger members of the 104th look up to Reiner, he's "Marley's shield," karina burdens him with "uniting their family" (her marleyan citizenship); but he actually isn't all that and isn't suited to it... and I think only people who really really know him, e.g. have strong bullshit meters, know that. imo gabi is getting there early on, since she tells him she can tell he's lying about something, and she and jean are both later decan aries suns...!
i clearly like giving Reiner cottagecore dreams, a small and warm life; as a boy he wanted a nuclear family, and even in the dregs of his mental health, he clung on for the warrior kids. his actual ambitions are just caring and maybe, even more ambitiously, being cared for, and I think that is true to him, not just his Marcel persona.
the 12th house is miserable!! love it there. my more nuanced explanation is it's kind of floating above it all, seeing the relativity of everything, which can feel like disillusionment or liberation or both: Paradis seriously upset his understanding of the world.
Venus doesn't like Virgo/Virgo doesn't care for Venus because there is something quite detached, sterile about Virgo. Virgo is, for Reiner, years of propaganda, habit, "warrior" versus "soldier," all watchwords and reminders at catastrophic odds with his feelings of warmth and acceptance in the 104th—those syrupy, hard-to-name Venus matters that Virgo cannot tolerate.
in Reiner's chart, Taurus, Venus' other domain, is his 8th house: another "dark" house, death and inheritance, guilt, enemies. it also.... is where Jean's moon is.
his Venus squares his Moon, which is a pretty double edged sword. there's something very needy and insecure about these two soft planets making a harsh angle, which, imo, leads Reiner to deeply unhealthy choices to win affection, approval, security—from his parents, from the nation of Marley, from Bertolt and Annie after Marcel's death, etc.
🪐 jean: ~02:00 ☽, 835/04/07 in trost, paradis
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Capricorn rising 🐐, Aries sun 🐏, Taurus moon 🐂; this zodiac doesn't have any horses but his big three is all hoofed
chart ruler: Saturn ♄ in Scorpio/11th house
this seems very leader-ly to me; the 11th house is about community, the good of the whole, a humanitarian concern. also very Levi, imo.
Saturn is the diurnal malefic, so its good qualities are delayed or dampened by being in a night chart; Trost activates him.
Jean's growth from a "selfish bastard who only thinks of himself" is, astrologically, a broadening of what community/11th house matters mean to him. first, it is just himself: getting into the MPs at all costs, Saturn confused in a night chart. but then in trost, in the field, he leads for the first time: being selfish for the sake of people who trust him, using the deaths of others for his and his squad's survival. we see this again in the 57th expedition: he clearly sees his, Reiner, and Armin's role as giving up their own lives for the success of the Survey Corps. and his scope of concern gets bigger and bigger: the future of "humanity" in the walls in the uprising arc, and finally all of humanity.
also in the uprising arc, especially in the manga, I see his hesitation to kill as an 11th house morality, sure, part of humanity's charter, but I also deeply DEEPLY love the slow burn trust between Levi and his new squad: Jean kind of deputizes himself between springles and scary Levi himself. this also reminds me of Jean yapping at Armin about mutinying Erwin during the 57th expedition. it's pragmatism man!!! the will and trust of the collective is a better vote of confidence than chain of command
Saturn and Scorpio are pretty neutral to each other, but Scorpio itself is a wonderfully intense, more mature version of Mars; sorry, but it's manga Rei Hino versus 90s anime Rei Hino, with strong environmental and personal intuition. I've been a Jearmin shipper sometimes, and this is where those two boys are simpatico, imo.
Saturn opposes Jean's Aries stellium, but more exactly his Sun-Pluto conjunction. I'll just quote the astrologer Sue Tompkins here: "The Sun-Saturn type is usually a serious person, tending to take themselves very seriously and to take all that happens around them rather personally." bb
the other Saturn-ruled house in Jean's chart is Aquarius/2nd: that's that fine whiskey in the interior, baby
💞 synastry with birth times
Saturn conjoins Reiner's ascendant: even though he's ruled by a pretty miserable Venus, his 1st house is somewhat lifted by Saturn, a morning star/the daytime malefic made nicer by the sun; e.g., he sees Jean's positive Saturninan qualities before anyone else.
Reiner's moon and Jupiter-Mars conjunction are in his 9th house: the happiest parts of his life happen abroad. also, jupiter rules sag and pisces, respectively his 3rd (siblings, everyday routines) and 6th houses (embodiment, physical work and health): "playing soldier," as annie says, or playing marcel, in porco's judgment.
Jean's Jupiter-Mars conjunction is in his 8th house: enemies to lovers hell yah! see my earlier note about Jean and Leos generally (JeanPikku).
Aries (where most of Jean's chart happens) is Reiner's 7th house, aka the spouse house. Again, Jean's April DOB sets him apart from every other damn Aries in this world/their age group, meaning Annie and Eren. the other mars sign is scorpio, reiner's 2nd house; i try to say it my fic Husbandry, but RBA have their material needs met, see Paradis as a real paradise compared to Liberio'a urban lack.
Capricorn (Jean's 1H) is Reiner's 4H: home.
Jean's 7H is Cancer, ruled by the moon; his moon in Taurus trines that sexy Jupiter-Mars conjunction, e.g. looks directly into Leo.
a jeankasa note
Aquarius and Leo are opposite each other, so a lot of Jean's angles to Reiner's Leo-ness are mirrored/also apply to his feelings toward Mikasa; he really has a type, and it's fixed Suns (...armin?? porco??), the opposition that makes his t-square. but the funnier thing is Mikasa and Reiner are kind of natural enemies, mostly bc of mercury oppositions, which would probably be true with any arbitrary birth years bc mercury is rarely far from the sun. just cannot picture those two having a conversation one on one ever, their only significant interaction is mikasa throwing him onto eren
why tf did i do this
i think for my 57th expedition AU they're gonna bicker about using constellations for navigation. that's it
this was long as fuck mostly bc i felt i had to explain interpretation methods but i am happy to do more characters!! if i do anyone next it's probably them jaeger boys, zeke is sag or pisces rising to me (derogatory/affectionate)
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Which historical romance books would you recommend to someone who would like to get into the genre but doesn't know where to start? So far my preferred genre was fantasy romance but I think I exhausted it completely at this point so I'm looking for something new. I tried Bridgerton but I didn't like, so I would appreciate any other recommendation. Thank you in advance.
Hey! I am happy to offer some recs. Imo, the Bridgerton books are kinda dated and work for a very *specific* reader, so it's not surprising to me that it wouldn't work. We can find something!
Sarah MacLean is a great gateway--I read every single adult historical she had out when I was first getting back into them in the early pandemic days. She typically writes very strong heroines (not always in a "we do battle" way, but always in mind and heart) and heroes who are just.... like, honestly, MESSES. Guys who can kick ass and fuck hard but are actually, deep within their souls, simps. From her backlist, I'd recommend as entry points:
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake. Her debut, and I recommend it because it's super compulsively readable and very beloved, with good reason. It's the story of a wallflower type who's like, "Jesus Christ, I am so tired of being this person" and sets out to break these nine "rules" and have adventures. She ends up enlisting this known Slut Man to help her (in exchange for helping introduce his long lost sister to society) and naturally, he is soon after her. I will say, MacLean's first series is the most ballroom that she gets? Her tastes are definitely a bit wilder, and they get so from this book. It's funny, it's sexy, it's a romp. My favorite series of hers is the Rules of Scoundrels series, which is about a group of friends who own a gambling club and like getting emotionally destroyed by their lovers. But since you read fantasy romance, I will also suggest...
Wicked and the Wallflower. This is the first in her Bareknuckle Bastards series, which has a very fantastical, fairy tale-like premise. Basically, this guy's wife gave birth to an illegitimate daughter. At the same time, he had three illegitimate sons born together. So--girl not his, sons his. But he claimed the girl was a son upon baptizing her, and decided he'd pick which son was worthy of being his heir in what was essentially an extended CHILD BATTLE ROYALE. Anyway, the books focus on the grown children years later--two of the sons have become rulers of the London Underworld, taking the girl with them. It's wild, it's fun, the stakes are high.
Lisa Kleypas is a classic writer of the genre. She tends to write very emotional books, often focusing on very competent heroes (except that time she didn't and everyone clapped). For her, I always recommend her most famous series--it's a great crowd pleaser.
The Wallflowers. Four friends who are striking out on the marriage mart agree that at all costs, they will help each other find husbands this season. I recommend reading these in order, but the two strongest entries are It Happened One Autumn (book 2, an enemies to lovers situation, he's uptight and she's wild) and Devil in Winter (villainous hero enters into a marriage of convenience with the shy girl, gets absolutely emotionally compromised because she's actually everything), which MUST be read in order for max enjoyment. All the books are good, though, and book 1 is a great start with this kind of indecent proposal angle.
Monica McCarty's Highland Guard series could work for ya! It's a medieval series that centers on this group of knights who do these kind of black ops missions for Robert the Bruce as he's trying to take the Scottish throne. There's a lot of history, battling, Secret Love Shit. The first book is The Chief, which centers on the leader, this cool and stern guy who ends up in an arranged marriage situation with this woman who wants to Know Him Emotionally. These books have tons of adventure.
The Uptown Girls by Joanna Shupe. This series focuses on three sisters of a prominent man in Gilded Age New York, all of whom get into various types of trouble, some of which does involve organized crime. Fun and scandalous~ with a bit of danger. Also, super sexy.
Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series is a great one that takes place in Georgian England. Lots of working class characters, walking on the wild side, danger. I'd recommend starting with book 3 (Scandalous Desires) as a starter, as it centers on a river pirate who basically takes this widow woman into his lair~ (he's actually trying to keep her and his daughter, who she's been caring for, safe--but he has ulterior motives, obvi). These books are super hot and often quite daring. Some of my personal favorites.
I think these are some options you can sample and maybe find a match or several with--imo, finding your niche is important. Like, I know Julia Quinn often doesn't work for me because I prefer books that are a bit ... heavier? And definitely with more sex and passion, often with less focus on the marriage mart. With exceptions, clearly!
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enderjo12 · 3 months
Jonathan Joestar Birth Chart Analysis
Some notes before we start. There are no rising signs or houses bc of unknown times of birth. This doesn't affect any of the other placements, except the moon. Also, you may notice that node, Chiron, and Lilith are included in the chart but i won't be including them in analysis as they are less common and not as present. All the data for birth charts was gathered using Astro Seek. Please enjoy!
Born: April 4, 1868 in Liverpool United Kingdom
Sun in Aries ♈
(Self, Individuality, Personality)
Okay! Starting off very strong! Jonathan's sun is in Aries! It suits him very well! Aries is a fire sign and ruled by Mars so you know it's about to be a strong sign. Aries suns are defined as courageous and decisive. They're enthusiastic and have very strong leadership skills and fighting spirit! Very like our first JoJo! Aries suns are also very friendly and merry people! I don't know about you but that sounds like our boy! It's very fitting for Jonathan. He's always cheerful and eager despite his circumstances. He's always ready to take risks and fight for his cause! He EMBODIES fighting spirit! And one more thing! Aries suns are also described as impatient and all I can think of is the scene of him running after Baron Zeppeli and instead of walking on the water he partially sinks because he's too excited / he's gigantic.
Moon in Virgo ♍
(Emotions, Instincts, Roots)
Now Virgos are usually seen as the perfectionists of the Zodiacs. They desire order, cleanliness, and things to go as planned. Now that core value might not exactly be prevalent in Jonathan but it does remind me of how he grew up. He was expected to be a gentleman and perfect in everyway, to the point where it began to hurt him. Now, I can tell you where his Virgo moon is apparent. Virgo moons are very service oriented and Modest. Virgo moon men will also show he cares about people through acts of service. Jonathan has a genuine desire to help others and he thinks like a gentleman. He rushes in to help Erina even though he knows he won't win the fight. He wants to be helpful. He wants to make a positive impact and he does even if he doesn't realize. Which is also where modesty comes in. He doesn't really think of himself as a hero, even though he very much is. He just wants to live a happy life with Erina.
Mercury in Pisces ♓
(Communication, Intellect, Thinking, Learning)
We've reached our first water placement! Before I tell you about his Mercury, Jonathan's chart is very water heavy! He has 11 water placements in total. Four of which are Pisces. Four water placements are in his main planet placements. It doesn't seem like a lot but it is! But it's not surprising considering water signs are seen as the emotion oriented signs. (Also this boy has ZERO air signs....??)
Anyways! Now, Pisces is a very mystical sign. They're in tune with emotions as a water sign too. So, Mercury representing communication, a Pisces Mercury is going to let their emotions through in their speech. Now these people are also very sensitive and absorb a lot of what's around them. This makes me think of how quickly Jonathan was able to learn Hamon from Baron Zeppeli! He caught on pretty quickly and was eager to learn more all the time!
Venus in Taurus ♉
(Love, Sensitivity, Harmony, Pleasure)
Now I'm a Venus Taurus myself and I've also talked about this placement in a different birth chart analysis as well! It's a very interesting placement as Taurus is ruled by Venus. That means this placement is extremely strong. Now I can't exactly go into detail on his love life but I can still get a good bit of information about him! Two things I can point out is they're very good with money and...do I really need to say much. He's a trust fund baby but a good one! They are also very polite and being a gentleman is a pillar of Jonathan's personality! Now as far as relationships, Venus Taurus rely heavily on touch. While Jonathan's giving love language is likely acts of service, his receiving could well be physical touch and we just don't see much of it.
Mars in Pisces ♓
(Activity, Energy, Courage, Assertiveness)
Now, I don't like when people only use Mars placements to describe Anger or Sexual aspects but....I'm afraid I'm going to....and im also going to bring up Dio...I know! I know! Hold the tomatoes, please! Even though Dio was absolutely horrendous to him, Jonathan continued to care for and truly love Dio. He wanted to believe in him and never wanted to kill him. Even after everything, he never could truly hate Dio. I think that really shows his Pisces. His anger was never hot or quick or heavy. It was slow and only showed in brief bursts before passing and leading to forgiveness...
Jupiter in Pisces ♓
(Happiness, Optimism, Expansion)
This is one of those placements where it's just so perfect I can't handle it! I mean the description I'm following literally uses "true angels of mercy" and...you read the last paragraph.... Jupiter Pisces are described as friendly, hospitable, and charitable. It just so him!!! They may also be too obliging and too much may be expected of them. Very reminiscent of how Jonathan's father treated him. Always compared to Dio and expected to do more.
Saturn in Sagittarius ♐
(Restriction, Order, Maturity, Time)
Now were digging into the heavier placements. This placement will probably have strong morals and stick to them. And once again I am reminding you that Jonathan's entire personality is being a proper English gentleman. He sticks to those morals very consistently. Now, Saturn represents restriction and this gentleman ideology is also restricting. It keeps him from making mistakes and exploring certain things *cough cough* homosexuality *cough cough*
Y'all can't tell me jonaeriwagon isn't at least a little likely. STOP BOOING ME IM RIGHT! SPEEDWAGON IS THE GAYEST MAN IVE EVER ENCOUNTERED! ONE OF US!
Uranus in Cancer ♋
(Originality, Freedom, Revolution)
Okay, now we're into the slow moving planets. These tend to represent a long time period and stay in placements for years and may be more connected to a generation rather than a singular person.
....i don't know what to do with this one because it's... like the exact opposite of Jonathan aside from stubbornness? But even that's not exactly a big part of him. He's a soft boy. This placement is described as rejecting traditional family values and that's just not him.
Neptune in Aries ♈
(Fantasy, Illusion, Spirituality, Imagination)
This placement is described as fighting for their ideals and I think it fits. The entire cast was very determined to achieve their goals and stood firm in their morals. Even Dio never strayed far from his morals of being the actual devil.
Pluto in Taurus ♉
(Transformation, Regeneration, Power)
This placement is bold, determined, and stubborn. They're always convinced that they are right and this Also shows in the cast. They never really acknowledge their wrongdoings except Jonathan's father on his literal deathbed. And Dio also shows this placement. He doesn't care about anything around him. He's right.
That's it! I think Jonathan's chart is very accurate and I loved reading it! I love Jonathan's character so much! I'll be doing Joseph and Caesar next. Unfortunately not many characters have confirmed birthdays 😕
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kikokus · 2 years
Sanji Since the Time-Skip, Part Eight (Chapters 810-813)
…So it’s been almost nine years. I’ve recently gotten back into One Piece and am caught up with the manga again, and since I’ve had some requests to continue this series (and there’s obviously been a lot of Sanji content in that time!) I thought I might as well go and do that!
This covers the few chapters of Zou but there’s actually a lot of great Sanji character moments within those four chapters so it seemed to make sense to keep it as its own section. As before, standard disclaimers apply.
[Part One] // [Part Two] // [Part Three] // [Part Four] // [Part Five] // [Part Six] // [Part Seven]
Let’s see if I still remember how to do this...
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So not only does everyone seemingly accept that Sanji’s the obvious choice to fill the position of captain in Luffy’s absence, there’s actually an entire chapter named after ‘his’ crew which really emphasizes the point that we’re supposed to look at him as taking that leadership role for the time being.
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And, because of that, most of the examples in this part have something to do with Sanji stepping into said leadership role, and that starts here once they can clearly see the city’s been destroyed and Sanji’s first reaction is to leave the others behind where it’s at least relatively safe and go off by himself to make sure he doesn’t put them in any danger.
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Chopper threatens Caesar a lot during this part as well but with Sanji here you can tell how much emotion there is behind his words and how angry he is because at this point it’s not even a request anymore, it’s just an order. I really do like how this is set up because the reveal with Sanji’s new wanted poster being ‘only alive’ is before this, but there’s really no other indication as to what that means and once you find out more about his birth family it makes sense why he’s able to take charge as easily as he does. 
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But for as emotional as he’d been with Caesar, he recovers very quickly here and is the only one to point out that they shouldn’t let their guards down just because it seems like the enemy's gone. Caesar also tries to deter him from deciding to help the Minks by painting them as hostile towards humans and really, all Sanji has to go on right now is Law’s word that his crew is there so he has to make a decision on the spot as to whether trying to save them is a good idea.
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Sanji being observant is nothing new but at least in this case we really don’t see what Wanda’s holding until he warns Nami so it’s revealing it to us as readers, too.
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I like that this is stated so plainly because the last time we saw Sanji he was very adamant about escaping with Caesar and not letting Big Mom get her hands on him since that was the promise he made to Law, but now that Doflamingo’s been taken care of he sees that as going along with the fulfillment of said promise. He’s also obviously weighing the option of whether or not Caesar’s worth all of the potential trouble both to his crew and to the Minks (and being snarky while doing it, which I always appreciate.)
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Though I think he quickly realizes that it’s not quite that simple as just handing Caesar over and being left in peace, and I feel like by this point it’s probably hard to keep track of all the people Luffy’s picked a fight with but Big Mom’s obviously a significant one and Sanji’s not ignoring that.
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This is about the most authoritative we see him when it comes to giving orders and it’s very brusque while also keeping Nami and Chopper safe and shutting down any sort of wild ideas Caesar might have. The focus on the panel of him looking down at Bege and giving that little cocky nod is also some pretty great foreshadowing but has another purpose in showing us how easily he can slip into that sort of role when it’s needed.
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Sanji doesn’t really have to say this because conceivably this negotiation doesn’t involve the Minks outside of Pekoms being there but once again it speaks to his inherent kindness that he doesn’t want to cause them any more trouble after what they’ve already been through.
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This is more just about how well Sanji knows Luffy and knows that he would never agree to becoming a subordinate of one of the Yonko, but at this point I think he’s still trying to find a way for all of them (except Caesar) to get out of there safely. It’s also interesting that earlier we get Brook talking about vaguely about the Vinsmoke family and Nami remembering that Sanji had told them before he was born in the North Blue so it wasn’t as if he was afraid to share that part of his past, but that was as much as he was willing to divulge.
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Sanji’s expressions in this chapter are so telling, and I think it’s very effective considering that we don’t know exactly what’s happening but we can tell from his reactions how serious it is and because he’s not saying anything one way or the other that’s all we have to go on. But this is where it turns from him wanting to escape with everyone to him realizing that, now that he’s been told Zeff’s in danger, that’s no longer an option and it’s more about getting the others out instead. There’s a panel directly after where he lights a cigarette which is a very classic ‘I need some time to think’ move from him as well.
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That little sad smile says so much…he’s accepted his fate and is saying goodbye in the only way he knows how, and I think he’s being honest here: he never intended to hide anything because, for him, he’s left that part of his past behind and cut all ties with his family so he didn’t consider it a factor or something to dwell on but now circumstances have made it impossible to ignore.
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His dialogue goes with what I was saying earlier but I really put this here because it shows him using Observation Haki again and while he can’t say for sure that it’s the Minks, he knows they’re likely the most powerful beings left on the island and he’s willing to take that chance if it means getting the others to safety. I’ll also point out that through this entire section he never even tries to frame it as just ‘getting Nami out’; he wants all of them out of there and goes so far as to hug them (even if it’s with the excuse of making it easier to toss them all out at once).
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Sanji’s definitely taking a chance here but even with the little he’s been told about the current situation it’s one he can afford to take because it’s not as if he doesn’t know what Judge is like and he can already infer that Big Mom has some sort of use for Caesar so threatening him is about the easiest way to make his point and gain the upper hand for just long enough to do what he needs to.
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And I think Sanji’s also banking on Bege being smart enough to realize that, too (which he does) so while there was a lot that could have gone wrong he’s managed to accomplish his goal of making sure the rest of the crew is safe. If you look closely at some of the panels in this section there’s these little double curved lines around Sanji which are usually an indication of trembling/shivering but even though he’s obviously emotional he’s still holding it together enough to at least make it seem like he’s in control.
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I’ve seen some comments that after so long Sanji should know the crew would back him up regardless of what trouble he’s in but Sanji’s nothing if not consistently self-sacrificial and this time, because it’s dealing with a part of his life that’s existed since long before he met any of them, I think he truly does see it as something he needs to do on his own. His smile still hurts me, though.
…And that’s the end of this section! That…probably went on longer than it needed to but I guess it proves that almost a decade later I still have a lot to say about Sanji so please feel free to like/reblog if you found this interesting at all and we’ll…see about working on the next part…
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hchollym · 2 years
What do you think about the headcannon of Percy being a Prewett instead of a Weasley?
Context: During the first war the Prewett twins, Gideon and Fabian were in a safe house with five other adults. Molly was somewhere else.
Anyways one of them (I picture Fabian but it doesn’t matter which) had a short thing with one of the others there and eventually lead to them becoming pregnant. A couple months later baby Percy is born but his mother dies from the childbirth, since giving birth in a dingy old house, cut of from the rest of the world, in the middle of nowhere, with no medical equipment and no one with any proper medical training is not the best thing ever.
Percy grows up in the safe house with them, with no one to visit them, except a few Order members who come to give updates on the war. Molly and Arthur don’t even know Percy exists.
When Percy is five, death eaters storm the safe house.
He’s the only one to make it out alive.
He’s also too young to clearly remember much, so not wanting him to go through the grief of growing up without parents, Molly and Arthur decide to adopt him. Also, unrelated but Percy is about 3 years younger than Charlie and about 5 years younger than Bill.
*rubs hands together excitedly* I have a lot of thoughts about this, so get ready for a long rant.
Do I think it's canon? Probably not. JKR has a nasty tendency to make it very clear when someone is part of a found family (instead of just writing them as family).
What do I mean by that? Well, one example is the Epilogue:
“Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked Teddy what he was doing— ” “You interrupted them?” said Ginny. “You are so like Ron— ” “— and he said he’d come to see her off! And then he told me to go away! He’s snogging her!” James added as though worried he had not made himself clear. “Oh, it would be lovely if they got married,” whispered Lily ecstatically. “Teddy would really be part of the family then!” “He already comes round for dinner about four times a week, said Harry. “Why don’t we just invite him to live with us and have done with it?”
I know Lily is a child, but JKR wrote a pattern of people "needing" to marry someone to officially be part of the family (such as Harry marrying Ginny & Hermione marrying Ron).
Because of this, even if Percy was Molly & Arthur's nephew, I still think JKR would have made that obvious in the books at some point.
Even if Percy was 5 when he moved in with Molly & Arthur and didn't remember anything about his life before that (which is possible), Bill is actually closer to 6 years older than Percy, while Charlie is closer to 4, which would make them about 9 & 11 when Percy was adopted. They definitely would have known the truth, and while they may have never said anything about it, it's unlikely that it was a secret that everyone would have been able to keep from Percy indefinitely.
As a result of Percy finding out (at some point), it probably would have come out during/after the argument, because it would have been natural for Percy to have conflicted feelings about it, particularly when Arthur is acting like Percy would betray his own family, and it's likely that someone (Fred, George, Ron, etc.) would have piggybacked off of that afterwards because they were hurt that Percy left.
That being said, Harry is an incredibly unreliable narrator, so it's definitely still possible!
Now, do I personally enjoy the headcanon of Percy being Fabian or Gideon's child? Yes. I think it's a super fun concept to play around with, and it gives a lot more depth to all of Percy's interactions with the Weasleys.
Even if Percy didn't know the truth for a long time, I think he would have subconsciously remembered another parent (because he was 5 when he was adopted), so he probably would have had some confusing feelings that he didn't fully understand and didn't talk about.
It adds layers to Percy's desperation to be accepted by Arthur, Molly's pride in him & her devastation at him disowning the family, his position as the least favorite Weasley, his break from the family unit, etc. I also tend to think Fabian was Percy's father (out of the two brothers), which adds yet another depth to Molly giving Harry Fabian's watch when Percy was away from the family.
It makes some things from canon even sadder for Percy, but I find it fascinating to think about how it fits in with the complex Weasley family dynamic. And even though the Wizarding World is very different from our own, there are plenty of situations in our society where children live with their grandparents/uncles/aunts/etc. (and sometimes that works out well, but sometimes it doesn't).
I would personally love to see a story where Percy learns about his birth family and comes to terms with what it means to him to be a part of the Weasleys (particularly since Molly & Arthur failed Percy in many ways but undoubtedly loved him).
Let me be very clear so that no one misunderstands me: I do not want Percy to "represent" what adoption looks like (nor do I think he does). Every family is unique and different, and I just want to explore Percy's experiences.
However, I do not like the idea of Percy's mother dying in childbirth. I have a strong hatred of the Dead Ladies Club (which I believe was a term started in the A Song of Ice & Fire community, because GRRM has a tendency to kill off all of the mothers in childbirth).
This is not an insult to you, anon. Is it a realistic possibility for the situation you're describing? Absolutely. I just personally would rather his mother not be a part of the picture for other reasons (such as not feeling ready to be a parent or not wanting to be a parent at all, having mental health issues particularly with the war going on, etc.).
Anyway, this went on way too long, but I do enjoy talking about this idea, so thanks for the ask! 😊
Anyone else have any thoughts on this headcanon? I would love to read them! 😄
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halfbakedspuds · 5 months
OC interview
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag!
Rules: write your OC's response to the questions
I have Hans von Nirgends on my mind so I'll do it for him.
Are you named after someone?
At birth, I was named after my paternal grandmother... no, I will not tell you what that name was, allesficker. When I fled to Neureich, they asked under what name I wished to be registered, and I... panicked a bit, choosing 'Hans Schmidt' (which I'll admit is possibly the most stereotypically Tuitish name ever). Then I joined the Neureich Friedensrichter corps and got assigned to a little frontier town in the Mittelostia territory called 'Nirgends'- which I may have grown a little too attached to since I had my surname changed to 'von Nirgends' after a year and a half of living there.
When was the last time you cried?
Probably after the last Hellstorm I survived. Not necessarily because anything bad happened, they just leave behind a kind of eldritch beauty that you can't help but shed tears at the sight of. The last time I cried out of heartbreak... I decline to comment, that memory remains buried for a reason.
Do you have kids?
That's not really on the table for me due to several reasons- let's just lie to ourselves, say that Hellstorms are sterilising and leave it at that, alright?- and as much as I'd like to maybe adopt kids someday, I'm also far too afraid that I'll turn out like my father. No child deserves that.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What do you think, detective? In all honesty, it annoyed my father, so it became a rebellious habit of mine.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
The way they walk. That can usually tell me whether or not they have a gun concealed that's getting in the way of their movements, but all in all it's just a lesson learnt from experience.
What's your eye colour?
Bluish-grey. Although under... certain conditions, they take on the colour of a dark storm.
Scary movies or Happy endings?
I don't know, maybe my life has just been filled with enough real fear and horror, but scary movies don't really do anything for me. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, though. Probably because I'm still looking for mine.
Any special talents?
What, why do you... oh wait, that's what you mean. I guess I'm a decent-ish marksman. How many people do you know who can take a rifle and put a hole in a coin from a hundred and fifty measures out from horseback?
Where were you born?
Listen here, and listen close. If you tell anyone this, I will find you. Verstehen? Good.
I was born in the Wasserfall family manor in the Grenzenwald barony of Tuitis, near the Tuitis-Lenroux border. Happy? Good, let's move on.
Do you have any pets?
I had a dog named Rufus while I was still a Friedensrichter. Damn good partner, closest I ever had to a friend before I met Anselm and Mariette. Anyways, one day we were on a job, stopping a gang who'd commandeered a cash transit train. Rufus ran in, bit their leader in the soft, and got shot for it.
My orders were to take that gang alive. Well, it's not exactly my fault if some outlaw scum managed to vanish into thin air as if they'd been vaporised. It's also not my fault that I may have done the reasonable thing and... assisted in the emancipation of their molecular bonds.
What sort of sports do you play
In Nirgends they have this sport that the children play where you need to try to get a ball into the other team's goalpost. When I was off duty, I'd sometimes play it with them, though it says something that I as a twenty-four year old man repeatedly got thrashed by a bunch of young teenagers... Bozhe, now I miss home.
How tall are you?
One measure, twenty five marks. In your system that's about 167cm or about 5'5".
What was your favourite subject in school
My father wasn't too keen on the idea of me receiving an education, however there was a guy in town who our family commissioned machinery and other things from who taught me how to read, write, and maintain machinery whenever I snuck out to visit him. My favourite lessons were the ones where he only told me the design specs and left me to figure things out myself. I guess I just enjoyed the challenge and he knew it.
What is your dream job
A musician, maybe. Although if I'm being honest I'm getting tired of a life where something exciting is constantly happening to me. Perhaps I'd like to hang up my rifle and put my talents as a mechanic to use here in Ost-Rietland... yes, that actually sounds quite lovely.
Blank template under the cut
Are you named after someone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have any kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What is the first thing you notice about people?
What is your eye colour?
Scary movies or Happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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oddmawd · 5 months
Hey Mawd, is it okay to ask about "The Wife" from The Hunt in these OC asks or not? Just curious! Nway, sending 🎂,💯 and ☕️ for Rei!
hmmmm, The Wife...that should be fine! i left her somewhat abstract for the reader-insert lovers but she has a distinct personality i could use for this DETAILS ABOUT OCs ASK MEME...(also i did base her closely on Rei LMAO so i can kind of default to Rei's characterization for the ask game too!)
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
You put me through my paces with this one because I hadn't actually done any birth chart stuff for Rei, and I'm not very good at astrology stuff! I'm basically just picking stuff that fits the personality I gave her. Her birthday is April Fools Day! This makes her an Aries, and I like to think she was born only a few minutes after midnight, putting her on the cusp of being a March and April Aries. As for her signs... She is an Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising. This gives her Aries' ambition and drive but Virgo's desire for order while pursuing her goals, and Scorpio's strong intuition and ability to read emotions. Does she fit these signs? Sometimes, but her past has cooled some of Aries' famous temper, and her Sun and Rising signs further quell some of the impulsivity Aries are known for. She looks before she leaps, unlike the typical Aries, and she's not a selfish person as some people believe of Scorpio. She IS, however, very much a Virgo in how critical she is of herself (especially her appearance). I don't know enough about Tarot or numerology to answer the other questions, but I hope the above is enough. <3
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Fun Fact #1: Rei's favorite emoji, coincidentally, is the 💯 emoji. Followed closely by the ✨ emoji. You'd THINK it would be the winking emoji, but nope. She saves winks for in-person shenanigans. Fun Fact #2: She owns no fewer than 50 wigs. Yes, that's a lot of wigs, but not all of them are top-grade, human hair, hand-tied, or even natural-looking wigs. In fact, the majority of them aren't. Human-hair, hand-tied wigs are extremely expensive, and she only owns a handful (collected over the course of many years) for special occasions. She breaks down her wig collection into four distinct categories: The Queens (her best wigs), the Classy Ladies (high-end synthetic wigs), the Party Girls (mid-tier synthetic wigs), and the Hot Mess Ma'ams (the cheapo costume wigs she happily beats to hell and back). Every category has its time and place. The purple wig she wore to the club in The Sight Unseen was a Hot Mess Ma'am she got on Amazon for like $15. (Bonus Wig Fact: She prefers NOT to glue down her wigs, though she used to do so for ballroom competitions and burlesque routines. Her skin is sensitive and easily irritated, and she enjoys changing up her look on an almost daily basis.) Fun Fact #3: Rei loves reading, and she loves reading nonfiction especially. She volunteers are her local library to read books to kids. She typically dresses up in a costume or fancy outfit that fits the theme of the day's book. Rei is QUITE GOOD at acting out children's literature, and kids love her because she's willing to meet them on their level and never talks down to them. She's very good with kids in general. (That may have been more than one fun fact for this last entry...)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Today, Rei is a double espresso kind of person. She drinks it for utility in the early mornings and to power late-night study sessions. A quick slam of caffeine is just what she needs to power through the day. BUT when she wants something she can savor and isn't in dire need of instant waking up, she goes for a London fog with a pump of lavender syrup. That's her cozy drink on Sunday mornings, curled up in bed with a good book in her favorite bathrobe. Please note that in her club-scene-visiting and dance-competition-dominating and burlesque-performing youth, however, she would down sugar-free Red Bulls by the case. Those were darks times characterized by youthful idiocy joie de vivre and complete disregard for the health of her kidneys.
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disregardcanon · 1 year
woke up and started thinking about the yellowjackets and birth order, so. here’s the Thoughts TM. i did literally every person who’s slightly relevant to the plot other than adam, shauna’s dead boyfriend, so i hope y’all enjoy
our crop of DEFINITELY onlys are- jackie (her parents were and are so obsessed with her. like, they could hypothetically do that if she weren’t their only but they don’t seem like two or more children kinda folks) shauna (her social insecurities just feel like a kid who grew up very lonely before she met jackie, and even though siblings don’t always get along... they would have made her a bit more socially adjusted) natalie (independent in a way that she wouldn’t be if she either had little siblings to protect or older siblings to protect HER), lottie (oh god her parents. they were like We’ll Have One Perfect Princess! and then... well, they weren’t about to try and “screw up” again...) tai (her leadership style screams only child. not in a bad way! just in a way) and then van (it seems like she was an out of wedlock oopsie that wasn’t going to be repeated) and misty (i think that her parents were distant and that she wasn’t really wanted. they were a lot better about making sure it didn’t happen again after misty was born)
i would also add jeff, lisa, and walter to this list. jeff is mainly because i feel like if that guy had any siblings he’d be very clingy with them and have them over like ALL the time. walter just has the vibes. lisa’s mom is obsessive in a way that strikes me as mother-of-an-only.
oldests- travis. we see his little brother and nothing gives us the indication that there’s a secret older sibling off at college. with the exact pressure it looks like his dad puts on him he’s GOTTA be the oldest.
laura lee- i feel like she has one younger brother who’s somewhere 3-5 years younger. they don’t interact a ton but they get along fine
coach martinez- i just have a feeling. i’d say he has a single mom and younger sisters, so he never had much masculinity that wasn’t His Own modeled for him, so when he sees travis he’s like NO YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG
middles- mari! i’d say that she’s either the middle out of three sisters or the third oldest out of four. she gives me vibes of growing up in a bit of a dog-eat-dog world with LOTS of girls around fighting, but her being close to the bottom of the pile
coach ben- he just feels like a middle? like, of course his behaviors could be the result of a LOT of things, but i think that both being able and willing to try to take charge but also to just. completely give up and let shit happen around him? feels very much like he grew up with someone who dragged him along and took care of him but ALSO someone who he could drag around and take care of. i’d say he has a brother who’s 3 or 4 years older and one that’s slightly younger, and they’re both Normal Nineties Level of Homophobic, which makes things harder on him with the idea of coming out because he does love them.
melissa- i’d say she has an older sister she doesn’t get along with super well (very stereotypical girly girl) and two younger siblings (a brother and a sister) who she DOES get along with and they do sports together. i dunno, it’s just vibes.
youngests- akilah! we know that she has an older sister with a baby that she’s close to, but she never mentions other siblings so i think that they’re the only two in the family. i also think, though, that akilah had a lot of interaction with a lot of kids growing up too. she probably has a slew of cousins that are both older and younger than her and hung out with some neighbor kids. she’s a very well rounded youngest
crystal- i don’t think that crystal is probably close to her older siblings, but i’d say that she was an oopsie on the far end of her mom’s child-rearing years. her older siblings (i’d say a pair of sisters who are like eight and six years older) think of her as an annoyance and her parents didn’t pay a lot of attention to her once they got her to proper school age, so she got all the downsides of having siblings but few of the advantages.
gen- she’s got one brother who’s basically a year older and they’re very close. that kinda relationship you get when the kids are almost twins but not quite
javi- if javi weren’t the baby, then we would have seen a younger sibling in the brief scene with mrs. martinez. also.. he does not seem like he’s got anyone younger around
allie- i am so sorry to stereotype youngests but... allie is the youngest. i’d say that she’s probably the only treasured girl with four or five older brothers too. a ginny weasley kinda situation.
kevyn- i feel like this guy’s the baby. he’s got older sisters so he like, knows how to talk to girls? but he’s also constantly teased by them so.
the cop that groomed callie- an oldest. this guy has younger sisters and he seduced all of their friends.
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mengyao · 2 years
3, 5, 6, 22!
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
my problem is that i can always be arsed to write all the set-up and context and this is how i get into Pickles (all my wips get out of hand.) i'm sure there's something though… OH i know. it's the ling wen/pei ming/shi wudu fic of my dreams, which involves escalating bets/wagers and culminates in a sleazy threesome but they all have feelings about it but the feelings are complex and unnameable. they are not in love but they love each other but also they don't. but they do. you know.
to get the vibe i want, it couldn't just be pwp though. like i would want this to be a trojan horse of emotionally dense 3 tumours character study. but also funny, because they're comedians to me. minimum 5k of buildup necessary, and in order to do that and have it be good i would have to Get A Degree In Pei Ming And Ling Wen And Shi Wudu and tbh the reason i don't write more poly ships is that having to canon review to get two characters' voices down is enough work as it is… you expect me to do more than that……………….
5: What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
i've flippantly posted about this before but i do feel like i have an elevated level of insight into the nhs + nmj dynamic due to the circumstances of my dad's health issues/head injury/death lmao. i would never do all of that though <3
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
nie huaisang is the obvious answer (assigned comic relief at birth. a font of earnest sadstuck. deserves to go to prison. the swiss army knife of blorbos.) but shi qingxuan is edging up there. i thought my beefleaf sex pollen fic was going to be 3k but it ended up 8k because sqx as a pov character just kept going and going and going and i was having a GREAT time. i used to shy away from writing characters who are talky and have big personalities because i felt like whatever i wrote would turn out feeling fake and/or annoying, or that it would be more obvious if my characterization was off than if the character was more subdued… i guess i'm just more self-confident now?
more than just being extroverted and chatty, i think what's sooo fun and novel to me about shi qingxuan is that they're such a doer. after primarily writing cerebral repressos for the past 15 years it's so refreshing to write a character whose reaction to most situations is to follow their instinct… they keep the plot moving! never a dull moment!
22: Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
ah ha ha ha ha yeah no i reread stuff i wrote in the last ~2 years allll the time. i know what i like! and if it already existed up to spec i wouldn't have written it! there's definitely stuff i find cringe and parts i skim if i'm not happy with them but overall i spend a lot of time on my own ao3 page......
you also asked about foowd extras... i still find writing + sharing these kind of mortifying because despite bravado about my trans fanfiction brand, part of my brain is still like "okay but NOW it's cringe because NOW it's not 'suicidal closeted trans character is depressed and makes bad choices' but 'comparably emotionally stable character is a known transgender and has some good things happen to her' so everyone will point and laugh over your SELF INDULGENT WISH FULFILLMENT!!!1!1!!1" because the particular brainworm i find very difficult to remove re: residual shame over writing trans fic is the idea of anything you write being automatically discounted as personal projection basically on par with readerfic rather than coming from being genuinely interested in the canon character(s). and wanting to write about nice things happening to fictional trans people being like, THE WORST MOST CRINGE thing you could ever do. but i persisteth.
it's funny because i WOULDN'T even say they are just fluffy wish fulfillment stuff... the four "chapters" i'm planning on posting have a bit of an emotional arc, and what interested me enough to write them out instead of just leaving them as comfy eyelid movies were questions like "now that it's actually happening, how WOULD nhs actually feel about the prospect of not only stepping down from sect leadership but uprooting her entire life to go join another sect," with the idea that, if that were to actually happen rather than stay an escapist fantasy, she'd probably feel... pretty conflicted about it! it would be weird (even if ultimately worth it)!
so there's that. and then there's the fact that the entire original fic largely sprung out of ideas about sangcheng eventually being in a long-term relationship that looked a certain way, and then reverse engineering the interpersonal arc that would be needed to get them there (and that becoming the main fic.) foowd proper ends when they've only just even actually "become a couple," and you don't get to see much of that... so i wanted to chuck at least SOME of what i imagine about straight married sangcheng's day to day life into the world. (not that it's even at that point yet LMAO. EVENTUALLY!!!) if for no other reason than that there's a strong chance that sometime i'll reference something from the extended foowd lore in casual conversation forgetting that no one has any idea what i'm talking about because it does not exist anywhere except my brain
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ffxiv-swarm · 1 year
Would you tell us more about Pavo's weird and traditional tribe? He's probably the OC of yours that I want to examine under a microscope the most (the runner-up being Q'sevet, of course) :3c
Bullet points in no particular order bc i've Never written this shit down before:
i freely admit this was based HEAVILY on classic maya life/traditions/art but like. bunnies
well, classic maya shit + Fae, But The Kind That Eat You
ritualistic cannibalism my beloved (if you're caught in their woods there is like an 80% chance you will be killed and/or sacrificed to their gods and/or eaten)
but aside from that the Miret-Moor village of Whispering Stars is...surprisingly chill? they have beehives and cassava and probably a variety of chocobo
clothing tends to be very sparse--think loincloths & wraps & leathers--because golmore is Fucking Hot
women and children stay in and around the village, men in a loose perimeter around it
TECHNICALLY they're only allowed back into the village once a year but in practice...wow, it sure is something how those sentries just Happened to be looking the other way
strong tradition of literacy and papermaking but their written tongue is indecipherable to eorzeans
(they actually descend from a Turalian viera tribe who went east during ehhHHH one of the previous astral eras & thought golmore would be a good place to settle)
also a very strong tradition of astrology. like. VERY strong. their current matriarch, aud (pavo's grandma!) is said to hear the voices of the stars themselves. stars tell them when to plant, when to harvest, how their kids will grow up, etc
which means that when pavo was born with the constellation of the Great Tree on his shoulder, they all went "ooooh"
alas, Kalju Happened
boys are supposed to stay away from the village for 7 years after they accept a mentor, learning the ways of men (tracking, various rites & rituals, etc). after those 7 years, they return, there's a big feast, they get facial tattoos, the works. the whispering stars dudes pretty much float around in each other's orbit the rest of the time, but long-lasting relationships aren't uncommon.
they follow the viera male surname system when introducing themselves & it's considered lucky if you're trained by someone who shares your elemental affinity
(ladies are always considered to have Earth affinities, but whether they are Rehw-Setlas or Djt-Setlas depends on whether they have borne children or not)
in the wider forest, though, they use their village name
Whispering Stars members also have day names used in the village, following the number/day of their birth in their calendar. these are used mostly for divination but sometimes they get used as actual names if you decide your given name sucks
typical full name: [first name] + [day name] + [elemental affinity] + [village]
ex: Sigri Ten Deer Djt-Marouc Miret-Moor, Kalju Four Jaguar Rehw-Gilda Miret-Moor
i AM capable of going on about classic maya naming systems for a while do NOT test me
ANYway, they're allowed to go anywhere in golmore!...but not beyond it. once they leave the tree cover, they're considered to have forfeited the protection of the Wood and the Green Word, and are thus too unclean to remain. only blood offerings can placate the wood, and depending on the length of the transgression that might be a hell of a lot of blood
this may have something to do with their dances on certain times of the day or night, dances beneath the stars
...Aud, along with every other high matriarch before her, has been known as the Starsinger. Do they sing back?
say, where did ultima come from anyway?
don't worry about it
at least she's not the only one in charge; the five eldest women in the village make major decisions as a group, and among men the eldest Djt-Marouc leads
yes this means pavo would have eventually been in charge, god help them
speaking of pavo, a fun mutation he has (common among the tribe) is what are called "climbing feet;" they're semi-digitigrade, with high arches and long toes, and so he's more comfortable in heels or sandals than closed shoes. in fact he's the MOST comfortable off the ground entirely, so it's a good thing...
...that the tribe builds their houses in trees! no, not just treehouses. actual giant hollowed-out trees, living spaces carved into or grown out of the wood.
think fanow here
except fanow PROBABLY doesn't have a skull rack outside the front gates as a warning
at some point i need to sit down & come up with a pantheon but Not Today
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My OC! I was gonna write a blurb on the side but I have more to say than I had room for so I’m just gonna type the info here. This is a long post, I’m very long-winded. Oh also have you ever made an OC as a joke but then you just kept adding like backstory and personality traits until they accidentally turned into a character you actually like? Yeah that’s what this is. Oh! And I forgot to say but left is one of her casual outfits and right is her villain costume
(TW: mentions of abuse, weapons, murder, I mean this is a LOV OC so yeah)
Name: Chloe (no last name)
Villain Name: Puppy Love
Quirk: Dog (Chihuahua). Grants her the abilities to smell anything within a 12 mile radius (including being able to know a lot about people from just their scent), fast reflexes, good running speed (only when running on all fours though), heightened hearing, as well as dog ears, a tail, big eyes, and sharp teeth. Basically, “she can do everything a dog can do”
Age: 20
Height: 4’8 (143 cm)
Birthday: April 28
Personality: hyper, bubbly, easily excited, naive, obedient, loyal, easily distracted, talkative, ditzy, probably annoyingly overly friendly
Place Of Birth: Los Angeles
Reason For Joining LOV: I’m not going to completely delve into her whole backstory, I’ll do that another time esp since I’m still working some things out, but she was a victim of an abusive pageant company (the pageants were sort of a front for something more sinister) that bought girls with “desirable quirks” and trained them to participate in pageants and then to eventually produce more girls with that quirk. She escaped that system when she accidentally murdered one of the leaders and was forced out of America for her own safety and went overseas and happened to find solace in the LOV, especially since there were heros that were involved in her mistreatment.
Weapon(s) Of Choice: gun because American lol, a long leash she uses as a lasso (mostly to retrieve items and on weak enemies as some enemies could definitely break it)
Likes: meat, hygiene/beauty products, dancing, singing, fashion, everything Y2k, celebrity culture, interesting-smelling things, physical affection, chewing on things (gum, food, toys, people, you name it)
Dislikes: loud noises, I’m trying so hard not to say cats rn it would just be funny, having “no purpose” (like not receiving orders to do something, she has a sort of complex about not having “a purpose” in life), running out of hygiene products especially hair products
What’s In Her Juicy Couture Bag?: her rhinestone-encrusted phone, makeup, comb, Victoria’s Secret body spray, pink bone squeaky toy, gum, beef jerky, dental floss (to get the beef jerky out of her teeth), a rhinestone-encrusted weed pen, an actual pen (one of the ones with a fluffy bit at the end) and small notebook (don’t try to read it, her handwriting is atrocious and if she catches you she’ll probably bite your hand off), cash, and a fake ID
Other Info: I sort of “ship” her with Spinner but like I also don’t think she’d be romantically interested in Spinner at first. For some reason I need her to have a hopeless crush on Dabi for a while while Spinner pines for her lmao. She’d be besties with Spinner, though, and would insist on cuddling with him and stuff which I think would drive him crazy (in a… good way? I think). Eventually she’ll realize that Dabi is an asshole and hates her (although I think she’d be able to sense it all along but just not care for a while) and that the high level of friendship she feels for Spinner has slowly turned into loving him. Idk why my aromantic ass comes up with these cheesy scenarios but yeah lol. Also she gives Toga and Magne Y2k makeovers and they have like girl nights sometimes. I imagine she’s so naive and friendly that the rest of the LOV have to specifically order her NOT to go up to their enemies all like “HI I’M CHLOE WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!?! :3” and she definitely said that exact line to every single one of them at some point while getting up in their face. Most of the LOV have likely never had someone willingly get so close to them (especially Spinner and Shigaraki omg though Shigaraki probably wants to turn her to dust while Spinner’s just a blushing mess)
Ok this post is already way too long so I’m gonna cut it off there bye lol
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hello 😄
Here I have not read the GRRM books but at the end of game of thrones I became interested in the Targaryen family. I read several things on the internet and then your story which is incredible. However there is a question that I ask myself, why rhaenys and corlys supported rhaenyra? She insulted them and laenor with her bastards. Is it only because their granddaughters rhaena and baela are daemon's daughters? Or there is an another reason? Especially since in addition there are rumors that say that daemon would have killed laenor. I'm sorry if that seems like a silly question. But as reading your story the reason why the velaryons support rhaenyra is well explained. I was wondering if this was also the case for the books so since you seem to be an expert on this period I allow myself to ask you.
Good luck, I can't wait to read your next chapter !
Hi there 🤗
Hum... if you want I would suggest you read "The World of Ice and Fire" just because of the amazing artwork <3 and the condensed version of the story which I think it's still enough for a very good understanding, though "Rise of the Dragon" is coming out later this month so that might also be worth it <3 it's only about House Targaryen. Ahhh I'm PRAYING for some good artwork because I need something good this year to lift my spirits!
About your question, I don’t like to call myself an expert on anything (my particular field of work teach us a LOT of humility (and imposter syndrome)), but I can say I maybe have spent more time reading and writing about this time period than most people -> anyone of you funny people brings out my word count and I’m blocking! I am kidding -> so I will do my best to answer you 🤗
We are never told directly but it's very clear they did so because Rhaenyra had been Laenor's wife (on paper), and their children were for all intents and purposes Laenor's children (on paper). 
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Now to elaborate a bit on this, Laenor and Rhaenyra were terrible at best at pretending to have a functional wedding and a "Do you think everyone and their dogs is stupid AF?!" at worse. To avoid any confusions on anyone's part there is no mention whatsoever in the books that they had a bedding ceremony, even because Laenor left mid celebrations and left (haha double left) everyone wondering if the marriage had been consummated - very (very!) safe to assume it never was. In the meantime they spent their time apart (sorry y'all they weren't friends or besties watching each other's backs), and Rhaenyra spent all her time with Harwin Strong. For context she married in 114 AC - we don't know the month - and by the end of the year she had given birth to Jace. Moreover, his sisters were her favourites :) So besides not being good at pretending to actually having a marriage with Laenor, she was also not very good at pretending to be faithful. Same was true of Laenor though, who had his boy toys especially Qarl, but unlike Rhaenyra he couldn't get pregnant or get Qarl pregnant so no one cared. She went on to have two more kids by Harwin as we know. 3 in 4 years.
I will say that again because this gives me trauma. THREE IN FOUR YEARS.
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I'm not even going to bring up that later on there was not even two years between Aegon III and Viserys II.
Ok I am.
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At 25 Rhaenyra had five children and had been married twice. So look yourselves (I'm doing that right now) in the mirror and ask yourselves wtf are you doing with your lives.
Moving on.
Apart from this later on Laenor is killed, very likely by Daemon's orders so he could have Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra and Daemon remarry like what 3 months after their spouses die? - baby Aegon was born by the end of 120 AC so they had to marry no later than month 4 and be like "Haha :D the baby came "early"". The rule here would be to wait between 6 months to a year before remarrying we are told by asoiaf standards to show respect. So by doing this, Daemon and Rhaenyra were showing they didn't really care their spouses had died recently.
Daemon and Rhaenyra:
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That's nice of them.
So, so far on Rhaenyra's track record of daughter-in-law she:
-Didn't have or pretended to have a real marriage with their son;
-Had a public affair with Harwin Strong, three sons that were clearly his, and even turned his sisters in her favourites;
-F_cked and married and got pregnant by their daughter's widow - her sister-in-law's husband - couple of months after their son died;
That was nice of her. 
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Why would they still side with her anyone might ask?
Well, it's not really very well explained. Like me and @xenonwitch have discussed at length, and like she pointed out, Fire and Blood remains George's weakest work. I agree. I think it has tons of potential (that was recently completely wasted to the point it makes the book read like a f_cking masterpiece with absolutely no flaws in logic or plot or even character development) but it wasn't really expanded upon enough and we are left with trying to tie together all the missing links - and boy oh boy! do we have copious amounts of them - to the best of our abilities. I think there is something pretty cool about it in the sense that you can almost create your own story in how you think it makes the most sense. It's also frustrating because at the times you really have to make your brain work overtime to make something out of it that is believable and makes sense.
But my take on it. Well, from what we know of Corlys and Rhaenys they do strike me as pragmatic people who couldn't have illusions about who their son was. -> hells, as an Anon once pointed out, every lord plus their dog knew Laenor was gay. Gay gay. Like if there is a spectrum for sexuality it's like at one end.
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I mean. I get him. I am all about the men too. Like ladies no, thank you. No, thank you! If I was a man I would like d:ck as well.
This to say, they likely knew that the "Velaryon" princes were the best they were going to get so it was either take it or leave it. Let's say they said leave it because there's Baela and Rhaena. Well... ok sure, but Daemon was not the second in line for the Iron Throne. Baela and Rhaena were too far down in the line of succession, in fact so far, I believe this could be why they were not given the title of princesses.
So if they left it that was it for House Velaryon's aspirations to ever have a Velaryon king.
And now people can turn to me and say "Go f_ck yourself" to which I say "Bold of you to assume I have not already 🤗". I'm kidding.
They could turn to me and say "But Popcorn, maybe the Velaryons could push to have Baela and Rhaena married to Viserys's sons who were heirs after Rhaenyra. Maybe Baela could marry Aegon II and Rhaena could Aemond or some other similar arrangement.” BUT -> here comes that but-
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How likely would it be that Viserys, our sweet lovable Viserys, would like to have an alliance with the people who accused his beloved daughter and heir of High Treason and denounced her children and his grandchildren as bastards?
I would say not likely. Not likely at all.
So instead, Rhaenys and Corlys called it a day. The "Velaryon" princes did not have their blood but they had their names. Plus, with their engagement with their granddaughters they would get their blood on the throne eventually. Better to let things run smoothly.
As for Daemon very likely having ordered Laenor's death, all that was known for sure was that Qarl had killed him. If Daemon did it or not was a matter of dispute and likely, either the Velaryons didn't suspect him, or if they did maybe they rather not know the answer.
This is related to what I do in real life, but most of us have such experience with people we know, and the lengths most of us go to try and have peace and keep the family together knows almost no limits. While Viserys liked to bury his head in the sand I also think Rhaenys and Corlys had to do this sometimes for the sake of their heads maybe. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Now we never see it, or are told about it, but I would also suggest Rhaenys had some level of respect for Rhaenrya, and that she looked like she wanted her to be queen. At least her actions certainly say it. Hell she died for Rhaenyra's cause and fought for her too. Might have to do with what herself went through of being denied the throne for her sex, or maybe everything aside, they got along well enough. Maybe Rhaenys understood where Rhaenyra was coming from (i.e., gay husband) and knew herself well enough to assume to herself that in Rhaenyra's position she would have done either the same or similar. About her marriage to Daemon, again I think Rhaenys and Corlys had no illusions.
Rhaenyra and Daemon had a thing -> that we can debate how far it went but we talking third base at the very least -> before they ever married Laenor and Laena.
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And we know they wanted to marry but were told no by Walserys -> the OG Daemyra anti. Given that Rhaenys and Corlys married for love, maybe again they knew where their son and daughter in law were coming from and were like “Meh at least all the grandkids are together. Saves us a trip or two!” 
I know sometimes we look at such situations and get enraged like HOW DARE THEY?! I WOULD HAVE NEVER STOOD SILENTLY WHEN... But what I see most in life is people staying silent and not bothering themselves or not wanting to cause trouble, especially in situations in which they will really gain nothing except lifting some weight from themselves and letting it out from their chests. 
I also know this all requires a LOT of maturity from Rhaenys and Corlys and that (especially in light of recent clear cash grabbing events) I might be giving turtle man too much of a benefit of a doubt. This said, and Rhaenys and Corlys do strike me as being very pragmatic and rational. And all things considered, it’s the best explanation I got XD 
I hope it makes some sense and thank you for having liked my version 🤗 I did my best to make it believable.
Tons of love to you! ❤️ And yes everyone I am writing the next chapter see: 
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This is so I remember to make some reference to eating trout and to give credit to Lucifer210 over at AO3 who mentioned it in the comments. 
Gossip Popcorn. 
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