#i didnt have netflix anymore to catch up now i do
pbandjesse · 3 months
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This was a really good day off. I feel good. Still tired but like I got a good amount of rest today and that was lovely.
I slept alright. I woke up at 930 o tired. But I did t want to keep sleeping and waste the whole day. I stead I forced myself up and washed my face and got ready for the day.
I did not want to leave the house at all today. What I wanted was go rest and read and do house projects. And that made today a really successful day.
I would have a cinnamon raisin English muffin. And got myself comfortable outside with my book. Which I did finish. I had brought Sweetp and Crabcake outside and it was an absolutely beautiful day.
Once I was done my book I would spend a good hour knitting. I am a full month behind on my temperature blanket but I will catch up. But today was not that day. Instead I worked on the double layer quilt in working on. It was a really beautiful day and I was having a really nice time.
Fleet week is this week and so I had to deal with flyovers all day!! The helicopter was interesting the first time. It stared to become old and tired some after the 4th time. And then there was 5 jets in a line. That only happened the once though. Mostly it was just beautiful and quiet with just soft sounds of the city.
I was having a really wonderful day.
I had a little lunch but it mostly just made my stomach hurt.
I decided to do house tasks to make myself feel better. And for the most part it did help.
I would clean the frog tank and water a few of the plants. I hung a picture. I hung our new battery powered sconces. I hung the frame for the fake transom window I have been planning between the studio and the living room/kitchen. I struggled hard with the nails. I couldn't get the force to get them all the way in. But James would figure it out and helped when they got home.
I would take a break and laid on the couch for a while. I got a little overheated outside as the sun was high in the sky. I had an ice cream and that helped.
I spent a good amount of time painting new flowers in the studio ceiling. I did a dozen small purple flowers. I worked until my arms couldn't be over my head anymore and I ran out of the paint on my pallet. .I would get down a s decided to do some studio organization. I took one shelf apart to move across the room . Consolidated my market stuff. Accidently overweighted a shelf and it came ripping out of the wall and I bent my right thumb's nail backwards. Tore half of it off my nail been it hurt so bad and was bleeding. It was not good at all!
I was very upset. James would promise to help finish fixing things when they got home. And I would go lay down and try and not be sad.
I had Ruby the roomba going. She lost her bow somehow. Weird. But I will fix it later. .I was going upstairs to grab something when I saw James outside. I opened the front door and was super happy to see them.
They would take a moment to cool down. But then jumped into helping me. They fixed the transom window and it's ready to be patched and painted. And eventually I'll put fake stained glass inside it. It's going to look so good.
I decided that I wanted to have my doll house facing the window so people walking by can see it. This took some doing. James added a shelf next to the window sill for extra space so the whole thing didnt fall over.
I would have to stand on a stepladder outside to set up the whole scene again after we picked it up. Which made everything fall down. But it's all fixed now and that makes me happy.
We would eat dinner outside. James had a pasta. I had fake fish and rice. It was beautiful and not to sunny again.
I was enjoying gently swinging. It was very centering. And I was just really enjoying James's company. Talking and being silly and James would do more cooking. And we decided to watch the bridgerton prequel.
I don't particularly care about bridgerton but I love the queen Charlotte clips on TikTok so James downloaded Netflix so we can watch it and that it how we have spent the last several hours.
And it really is fabulous. Sad. Intertwined with the present (in the bridgerton world). I am glad I was able to focus enough to actually want to watch a show. I struggle so hard with anxiety about starting things. But I am very glad we did.
I have requested we watch just one more. The whole show is only 6 episodes. So I want to be half done so we can watch the other half tomorrow.
Tomorrow is going to be a good day though. Im going to drive up to see my parents for Father's day. And I am just really looking forward to that.
I hope you all sleep good. I love you very much. Talk tomorrow!
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jenivi · 4 years
holy shit aggretsuko.. im so-
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ithinkhobiknows · 3 years
Top 5 Jake in love with Amy moments and Top 5 Amy in love with Jake moments
THE FUNERAL: this is sort of obvious, Jake was ready to give up his job just so he can be with Amy even though they had been in a relationship for 6 days??? he was definitely in love with her and just wanted to be with her
CHASING AMY: this entire episode he was such a supportive boyfriend,him setting up practice tests for her,remembering all the little things about her, the callback to the bet episode where we find out that Jake has been in love with her since the the bet ep, Jake saying that she can't be afraid of being successful because she's too good for that??? Amazing. Spectacular. So in love with his Ames.
THE FUGITIVE PART 1 : the line "your happiness is way more important to me than winning some stupid bet" just shows how much he cares/loves about her
Also the fact that he started reading Harry Potter only because Amy liked them so much is also just amazing.
TRYING: "Amy we are a family, you and me" NEED I SAY MORE HE IS SO IN LOVE
HALLOVEEN: this is also pretty obvious. The only thing that kept him sane through his prison experience was planning for the heist which we know is a proposal to Amy! The scene in locker room where Jake is handcuffed and Amy is going on about how she knows him so well that he has lost the ability to surprise her, then later on the in the episode he surprises her by proposing? Him admitting that she is the best detective? Even though we know from an episode in season 1 (Operation: Broken Feather) he has always considered Amy as the better detective!!! Kudos to the writers for giving us such a perfect episode.
+ special mentions
MAXIMUM SECURITY: I'm sorry his line, "I'm the one that's not tough enough to be in here watching the woman I love,unarmed,locked up with all these murderers, it's just too much for me" yeah. YEAH. Jake peralta did that. I loved the fact that Jake didn't make Amy take herself off the case but he took himself out of the situation as he was the one who was not able to handle seeing her in danger.
HE SAID,SHE SAID: this episode though. Jake learning that Amy's previous captain thought he deserved something after he helped her become a detective? His reactions in the scene were so good, I could feel the anger, pain, sadness radiating off of him through the screen. Him watching a netflix documentary on feminism? YES PLS.
GREG AND LARRY: Amy was spiraling the entire plane ride wondering if Jake is safe or not. Her worrying on what if she doesn't get to say I love you SO MUCH. she is very in love with him your honour.
THE CRUISE: Amy being the first one to say I love you? Amazing. Her helping Jake to try to catch Judy this entire episode, she could have just told Jake to ignore him but she knows how important this is to Jake so she helps him.
THE GOLDEN CHILD: the way she is so protective of him also the line "I spent my whole life trying to beat David at something,but when you were I'm danger, I just didn't care anymore. All I wanted was for you to be ok" she loves him so much :)
HONEYMOON: how she stood up against Holt when he called Jake selfish? Season 1 Amy could never. Jake being like I don't wanna get mad right now because he knows Amy is worried about Holt bUT then Amy is like screw that. So yeah a top tier moment.
THE BET: I know this was the episode where Jake fell in love with Amy but I think this episode also showed us just how much she knows,cares,respects Jake. Also the look she has on her face when she finds out Jake could have called for the night shift team to handle the stakeout and continue his plan of embarrassing her BUT HE DIDNT. So yes. She is very in love with him and she is also very in denial about it in this episode.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: the fact that she was willing to wait for like what 14 years??? The fact that she won't give up on him and would continue fighting against Lt. Hawkins. If that's not being in love with someone I don't know what is.
+ special mentions
BOYLE-LINETTI WEDDING: she appreciated the fact that Jake was willing to help her out with her case even though he didn't need to. The look between Jake and Amy at the end of this episode was just a chef's kiss.
THE LAST DAY PART 2: the fact that they are willing to do anything for each other. Them in the last two episodes hit different. You can see how much they have grown and made each other better over the years and yeah Jake willing to take a step back from work and being ready to take care of Mac so that Amy can achieve her dream? Amy saying that he doesn't have to do that cause she knows how much he loves his job,her always being surprised by how sure of everything he is? Little does she know it's because of her ;)
So yes, that concludes my rant about these two idiots being head over heels for each other.
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toriwakes · 3 years
Pretty Boy 187 [s.r x reader]
summary: reader finds out that her new found tumblr crush is none other than her coworker.
content warnings: she/her!reader, mentions of alcohol
a/n: hi!! i’m so happy to be posting again. i’m really proud of this, so i hope you all like it! as always, let me know if you have any requests!
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convincing spencer to get tumblr was tough. not only did he hate technology, he didn’t like social media either.
“it’s gonna be fun! c’mon, please?” you’ve been bugging him about it for about a week. “spencer, please just download it. if i have to hear (y/n) whine again i’m gonna loose it.” said derek, plopping is papers on his desk. “you like it when i whine.” you teased, causing derek to flash you a toothy grin. “alright! jeez.” you clapped of joy and jumped to help spencer, but he stopped you. “no way, i’m not letting you follow me.” he kept his phone facing away from you, your arms dropping to your sides in defeat. “fine. i’ll find your account somehow.” “we’ll see about that.”
over the next few weeks you acquired a few new followers, only one catching your eye. ‘prettyboy187’ followed you on a quiet friday afternoon. the username caught your attention at first, but when you checked is profile? that’s when you were hooked. half of his pictures were just aesthetically pleasing: outside of his window, his extreme sugary coffee, some books. but others...
it was an excerpt of a poem and his hand was holding back the pages. you doubt he meant to capture it so beautifully. just his hand was godly. you wasted no time dming him.
hey :)
how desperate did you look right now? he followed you barley an hour ago. you cant stop staring at that picture.
he didn’t sound happy. well, he didn’t “sound” anything, you guys were texting. but you could feel his tone through the screen. where you overthinking this too much? you shuffled into your bed, wrapping yourself in the covers as you pondered what to say next.
i just wanted to tell you i really like your account. are you a photographer or something?
no, i’m not. my friend convinced me to get this app and i noticed people post aesthetically pleasing photos on here, so i’m just doing the same haha.
ok, well you don’t post nice pictures. at least, not that type. maybe you’d post a picture of the snow or your bed, but every now and then you’d bless the feed with a picture of you in a swimsuit. it was more for opinions on the suit than anything else.
ohh. maybe i should start doing that.
how do you mean?
that sounded like a very judge-y ‘oh’. your eyes scanned your own profile to see what he could’ve hated. there was you in your favorite red swimsuit, a picture of your computer with netflix on the screen. the rest of the posts were of the same type, so you couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was.
what is it?
no, nothing. your recent picture. that’s a nice swim suit.
oh. that’s what he meant. you practically threw your phone across the room and squealed. thank the universe that he didn’t dislike you already. you shot him another text. just like that, you had your first ever tumblr crush.
“what’s up with you pretty girl?” derek asked when you walked into work. you supposed you still had the blush on your face when pretty boy wished you a good morning and day at work. “nothing!” you said, obviously it being something. as if on cue, spencer walked in behind you also giddy. “what, you’re both sweet on someone now?” when neither of you responded, derek laughed. “what?” emily inquired, taking her seat. “spencer and (y/n) both have a crush.” emily’s jaw dropped. “spencer has a crush?” everyone broke into laughter, jj overhearing and almost dropping her files. “why is that so surprising?” spencer defended himself, derek giving him a ‘you know the answer to that’ look. “well?what’re their names?” he pushed. you bit your tongue. you didn’t even know his name. yikes. “let’s start.” aaron called. saved by hotch. thank goodness. “this ain’t over.” derek warned the two of you. yes it was. by the end of the day morgan would’ve forgotten all about this.
you were right like always. morgan didn’t ask anymore about it, instead offering to get drinks. you turned it down, desperate to get home and text your boy. and you did, only at 11pm.
hey, sorry it’s so late. had a long day at work.
no worries, so did i. listen, i have a question.
this boy only sent messages that would make your heart drop. with a pacing heart, you texted back.
his ‘online’ button flashes on. then he was typing. then he was deleting. it seemed like hours before he responded.
what’s your name?
godamnit. you didnt have a display name because you didn’t want anyone you knew finding your account. what’s a fake name you can use? maybe...
why did you pick spencer’s ex’s name? you don’t know. you remember being insanely jealous of her because she got to kiss spencer in the pool while you were posted outside. your crush on spencer was still very much alive, but not as much as it was with pretty boy.
that’s a pretty name.
thanks. now you have to tell me yours ;)
you’ve never been so nervous for a text conversation in your life. for some reason, the back of your head wondered what it would be like if you were texting spencer. it was just a thought, though. spencer would never say half of this stuff.
call me morgan.
oh NO. please no... you stalked his profile again, terrified that you’ve been flirting with your coworker this past month. alas, your eye caught another body picture- this time of his arm. no tattoos like derek. not to mention he was much smaller. not that that’s a bad thing. you don’t think you’d ever be able to handle derek...
you arrived at work yet again with a blushing face. “come on, you can’t keep hiding this from me! tell me something at least!” derek whined. “okay! his name is morgan. and i know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not you, my boy is much more attractive.” derek’s mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape in fake offense. “that’s damn near impossible. ain’t nobody prettier than derek morgan.” spencer walked in now, again with a dorky smile on his face. “spencer. (y/n)’s got a crush on-“ you jumped to cover his mouth, the sound of your crush’s name muffled. “what- hey! no fair! derek gets to know but i cant?” spencer whined. derek held his hands up and sat back down, not wanting to get you mad. smart. “three can’t keep a secret.” was all you said before sitting down to clean your workspace.
the new highlight of your day was texting morgan. you learned several things about him; he has a job he can’t specify for personal reasons, he really wants a dog but he feels like animals hate him. you told him about your cat joel, and how they could absolutely love him. he appreciated that.
if i tell you something, do you promise not to freak out?
depends. are you about to tell me you’re a serial killer?
you giggled to yourself at your humor.
i wanna meet you.
you promised not to freak out, but you were freaking out. it was just now setting in that you didn’t know this man at all. where he lived, how old he was, even what he looked like. you took a few deep breaths and asked a question.
where do you live?
quantico virginia.
no hesitation on that one. he lived in the same town as you? you didn’t know how you’d be able to turn this down...
shit, me too. let’s meet up then.
i’ll send you a good place to get drinks.
“every time you walk in here, you’re blushing. now so are your ears.” you beamed at derek, sitting at your desk before spilling. “i’m gonna meet him.” “wait what? are you sure that’s safe?” you rolled your eyes. “i’m an fbi agent. i’m not scared of a little danger.” you playfully winked and derek blew out a huff of air. “if anything happens, you know you can call me.” you pouted at your friend and nodded, appreciating his concern. spencer was spinning in his seat. “you happy too?” you asked. he only nodded and didn’t elaborate. you we’re going to press on, but hotch called you all in and you lost your chance.
on rare occasions, the bau got tough cases with very happy endings. this was one of those cases. the plane ride home was extremely joyous and derek offered to get drinks again. this time, everyone accepted (all except hotch). you texted morgan telling him you were going out tonight and you wouldn’t be back till late. you laughed to yourself. it was like he was your boyfriend.
the night was young and you were fairly tipsy. ok that’s generous, you were drunk. you were spending most of your time with penelope and it took you a minute to remember spencer. “ohmygosh! spence!” he was startled at your presence but he gave you that flat mouthed smile of his. “how are you! you’re my favorite scorpio.” you nodded as you said it, as if trying to convince him it was true. “thanks? i’m good. you’re drunk.” he pointed out. “no shit. hey!!! you never showed me your tumblr user! you gotta show me that girl you like, bet you she’s really sexy.” you didn’t even know what you were saying at this point, whipping out your phone and snapping a picture with spencer. “what are you doing?” he asked, watching you type. “posting this on tumblr! i want everyone to know you’re my favorite in the world.” he wanted to ask favorite what, but a ping on his phone distracted him. lila posted. he smiled and checked her page.
holy fuck.
“(y/n)?” he asked, not looking away from his phone. “yess?” you responded. “what’s your tumblr?” what is your tumblr? “uhhh..i don’t know, check.” you tossed him your open phone, and his eyes only grew wider. “you’re lila?” the words rang through your ears like a siren. “what?” the word was breathy, you couldn’t add stability to what you said. spencer showed you his phone, ‘prettyboy187’ on the screen. “you’re morgan?” still no confidence in your voice whatsoever. your feelings were supposed to change, you weren’t supposed to like that morgan was spencer. but they didn’t. you didn’t even think about the fact he saw your swimsuit photos. you loved that morgan was spencer, and you still wanted to see him on the weekend. “are you mad?” you asked, not being able to stop yourself from sipping from your glass. “no. should i be?” you smiled. “no. do you still wanna meet up this weekend?” “yes. but i don’t wanna get drinks.” he wasn’t even drinking, why is he complaining. “where should we go then?” “my house.”
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke x Reader || Part 3
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A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Part 1 Part 2
@deanandthephantoms thank you for helping me with one line! Appreciate you! 🙌🏻💜
WordCount: 3,568
WARNINGS: 16+ years old to read this, me and my friends have discussed... its nothing super intense but still Mature themes. If this were a Netflix show the reasoning under the rating would say (Sexual content, rude behavior)
After the movie you could hardly focus on anything, walking home with Julie who was talking about something that Flynn did in gym class that you missed because you were off with Luke.... She probably wouldn't have noticed that you were in your own world of thoughts if it weren't for you tripping over every step you took *yeesh!* you thought to your self *Pull your self together! hes your friend, now stop it!* you continued to your self.... Julie's chuckle interrupted your thoughts and you turned to face her "So, you going to tell me whats really going on with you and Luke or are you gonna continue with the 'we're just friends' bull crap?" Julie said to you with a smile hoping to get something out of you, you sigh and roll your eyes "Seriously Jules, its nothing, we just like hanging out together" you said not really making eye contact with her, you could tell she wasn't gonna give up "Y/N! people who hold hands that often and sneak off together with out telling people.... usually aren't 'just friend'" she said the last part using air quotations around Just Friends, which you understood why she thought that.... You and Luke did seem really close... but that was the thing, you guys were just really close, he was like your second best friend at this point... you continued to look off, softly crossing your arms in insecurity still confused about your own feelings "Well, I guess we are the small percentage that is just friends.... so sorry to disappoint if you were looking for a more juicy story Jules" you said in a tone that wasn't very believable and Julie could see right through it "Well I think you should talk to him about how he is feeling... thats all" She said in her caring Julie tone that you grew to know over the many years of friendship, she only used this tone when she really cared and wanted you know it, Julie did a caring sigh and put her hand on your back "Listen, Y/N, if your avoiding having feelings for him just because he is my bandmate.... then this is me giving you permission or whatever to go ahead and go for it... because I don't care and quite frankly think you two would be cute" She said still in the same caring voice, but with a slight chuckle at the end, and then she removed her hand "But please be careful, I know he got a second chance at kind of being a live I guess you can say..... But you don't know how long that is gonna last ... so just be cautious" Julie said but this time more serious, you could tell she thought about this many times, concerning all the boys .... they slowly became a second family to her and you know how hard it would be when they eventually do have to cross over. You didnt want to even think about that.... You never wanted to think of a life with out them either.... with out .... Luke.... you shook your head to get the thought out of your head. You turned to Julie and gave her a hug resting your chin on her shoulder, you could feel a small tear come to your eye just from your previous thought "Thank you Jules" you said with sincerity, and then pulling away, Julie smiled as you guys continued walking "Of course! youre my best friend!" she exclaimed and then her face started to turn cocky "And I knew you liked him .... that just proved it" she said in a confident teasing tone, you laughed "WHAT? How?" you said with a gasp, she rolled her eyes "Oh please!! your literally crying at the thought of him crossing over" she said still in that cocky tone, you weren't award that your tear was that obvious, you quickly wiped your eyes and turned back to her "Excuse me! that doesn't mean I like him! it just means that I care for him because he is my friend" you said again with a tone that was not believable in the slightest, Julie laughed "Uh huh!" She looked to the side down the street we were in front of, which was Julies street "Well as you know this is where I leave you" she said with a sigh, and then she smiled "Text me, or FaceTime me when you are ready to admit that you are totally in love with Luke!" She yelled as she ran down the street, and you laughed because she tripped over
a rock on the way "Yeah! well then I wouldn't worry about checking your phone because thats not gonna happen!!" you yelled back to her "Liar!" she yelled as she approached her house, you rolled your eyes and continued walking.
When you finally got home you turned on your lights to find Luke, just casually sitting on your bed, leaned back, Legs crossed, and reading your Diary, You slammed the door to get his attention, He looked up slowly in the corner of his eyes, his eyes widening when he saw it was you and then the biggest half smile because he was chewing on a guitar pick "Y/N!!! Finally your here!" he said so excited he sat up and brought his legs into a criss cross apple sauce position, You stomped over to the bed and snatched your Diary out of his hands "Luke!" you exclaimed, his face fell, his eyes getting big but in a sad way this time, like he was a puppy dog, you sighed "You cant just read my diary..." you said as you sat on the bed next to him "I write personal, private stuff in there.... hence diary sir" you said pointing at the diary In your hands, he pouted his lip, but now you knew he was teasing because the pout had a hint of a smile "Im so sorry Y/N.... can you ever forgive me" he said in the fakest baby voice you have ever heard, as he leaned closer to you, you laughed and rolled your eyes putting your whole hand on his face pushing him away in a teasing manner, him laughing and sitting back up, nudging closer to you in the process "Anyways, I didnt read anything Juicy...." he said with a cocky smile, you knew something was up "What did you read Luke?" you asked with a huff scared to find out what he now knows, he pursed his lips and grew a mischievous face "welllllll..... I mean do I really have that great of abs ... like I haven't worked out in 25 years and I ate a whole pizza yesterday " he said looking down at his stomach, slightly lifting his shirt, then looking up at you with a smile, you gasp and then hit him in the shoulder "OUCH! make that 3 times that you have hit me today... really starting to hurt my feelings" Luke said laughing, you laughed "You wanna make it 4 because we can" you said with a cocky tone, he smiled with tight lips not showing his teeth showing he was thinking about it "Nah... unless you had a different form of hitting in mind?" he said with a cocky tone and wink, your eyes got big and your mouth fell open "LUKE!" you said hitting him once again "MAKE THAT 4!" he exclaimed, grabbing his arm and laughing "well thats what you get for being gross" you said tilting your head to the side, now his mouth fell wide open in offense "Oh so I have in your words 'the best abs I have ever seen, I just wanna like ice cream off them' but it would be gross to have sex with me......" he said still in a cocky, but jokingly offended tone, then looked off as if to think about it "Alright then" he said nodding his head slightly, then moving closer to you and leaning back into the same position he was in when you came home, You looked to the side and sighed "Yeah it would be gross, especially since you read that" you said in a sassy tone, he squinted his eyes and got close to your face scrunching up his nose as he said these next words "oh yeah? how gross would it be?" he said in cocky tone that brought out his slight accent that was almost a whisper, You could feel your hear race, that feeling in your stomach was back, but you got closer to his face, now you two were only centimeters apart "Oh it would be the grossest thing in the world Patterson" you said almost in a whisper, he tightened his lips together still squinting his eyes and then nodding, moving away from your face so fast and immediately going back to his teasing tone and huge smile "Alright! Good thing, we're just friends right" He said in teasing tone, your eyes got wide as you didnt know how to process what just happened, you had to catch your breath for a minute, were you and Luke really just discussing sex? you looked at him and smiled "Yeah! good thing" you said slightly out of breath, he smiled back at you and then he he got excited standing up so fast with the biggest smile on his face "I ALMSOT FORGOT!" he said almost as excited as this morning by the lake "I have something for you" he said going over to the corner of the room where he hid
it was, you were so distracted by everything you totally forgot he had gotten you something, he turned around, now holding whatever it was behind his back, his face just read excited puppy on it "Okay!! hold out your hands" he said so excited he could hardly hold behind his back anymore, You put out your hands and in an instant he put the thing in your hands.. it was the panda from the movie theater, the one with the heart that said I adore you on it, you didnt even know how to react, you loved it, you looked at Luke and then back at the panda and then brought it into your chest so tight squeezing it "YOU GOT ME THE PANDA!" you exclaimed so excited your self, Luke hopped forward with the biggest smile sitting back down next you on the bed "Yeah!!! I GOT YOU THE PANDA!" he exclaimed back still with the biggest smile, with out thinking you threw your arms around Luke giving him a big hug squeezing him so tight to you, he squeezed you back, you both laid down on the bed together still in the hug "Im glad you like it" he whispered in your ear while playing with your hair, you nuzzled your face into his chest "I don't like it..... I love it" you said cuddling in closer to him, holding him tight so he wouldn't leave "Hey Luke.... " you said softly, him still playing with your hair "Yeah Y/N?" he replied in a soft tone, you squeezed him closer "Don't leave tonight okay?" you said now half awake, he smiled "I won't..." He replied now braiding a piece of your hair, you felt him slide down a little bit, putting your hair down, now wrapping his arms completely around you as you drifted off to sleep feeling the most comfortable and safest you have ever felt. *Just friends* you thought to your self right before sleep came.
The next morning you woke up, Lukes arms still wrapped around you, he got to choose when he wanted to sleep since he was a ghost, when you looked up at his face he was in a deep sleep, you could see a slight smile on his face, you squeezed him in closer nuzzling your face into his chest to you wake your self up taking his scent which was something like abrocrombie and fitch and nature, you loved it.... he shifted a little bit as you nuzzled, you looked up and he was now looking at you with a soft smile "Goodmorning Beautiful" he said in his raspy morning voice, you smiled "Goodmorning sir" you said still waking up, he continued smiling "You have a cute morning voice" he said, still with his own morning voice, you blush, you didnt even realize you had morning voice "Thank you" you said shyly smiling into his chest, you look up at him "Thank you for staying last night" you said with a sincere soft voice, he looked down into your eyes softly "Of course..... " he said with a soft sincere tone, then he scrunched his eyebrows together, now thinking "Was there a reason you wanted me to stay?" he asked intrigued by the answer, you put your face back into his chest "I don't know.... I just wanted you to stay..." you said softly, you looked back up to see his response, his smile was back, he looked into your eyes and then he leaned down and kissed you, pressing his lips softly against yours, you kissed him back, and as quickly as it happen you both pulled away, his eyes wide and your eyes wide, you sunk back down with your face in his chest, you felt him tense up a little bit, not because he was uncomfortable but because he felt confused "was.... was that okay?" he asked softly, you had to think about it for a second, then you squeezed him closer "Yeah that was okay... it was just a kiss" you said shyly but confident.... you felt him relax again, and just like last night started playing with your hair, you sighed "We're friends... we were just caught in the moment" you said still sighing hoping that he wouldn't be freaked out, you felt him stop playing with your hair for a moment as if he had to think about something, and then he continued "Yeah.... friends" he said almost in a defeated tone.
It was really hard to get out of bed and go to school, it was so comforting laying in bed with Luke.... you guys laid there for about 30 minutes before you had to get up and get ready. Luke seemed down the rest of the time you were together before you left, he just didnt seem like himself.
You saw Julie and Flynn talking down the hallway, Carrie was with them since they made up after The bands performance at The Orpheum, it was nice having Carrie back your group.... but you just weren't up for talking to anyone, you tried to be low-key so they wouldn't notice but it didnt work "Y/N!" they all yelled in unison, you turned putting a fake smile on your face in hopes they would read your real emotions "Hey! guys!" you said with as much enthusiasm as you could manage, they didnt buy it "Whats wrong?" Carrie asked crossing her arms, demanding the truth, you sighed *dang it* you thought to your self "Nothing, just confused" you said with a dejected tone, Julie sighed and faced Carrie and Flynn "Our girl here has conflicting feelings about Luke" Julie said in an informative tone, Carrie nodded her head in agreement "I could have told you guys that" she said confidently, Flynn smiled super big "I knew it!! I SO knew it!" she said all hyped up, your eyes widening "What do you mean you all knew it! there's nothing to know!" You exclaimed and then looked to the side confused "I think...." you said in a softer but confused tone, all three girls rolled their eyes in unison "You do! we have known you since we were 5, we know!" Carrie said still confident, you looked at them and rolled your eyes in exasperation "Ugh! you guys are impossible" you exclaimed and started walking to class, as they all laughed at your response following after you "Oh she's in love" Flynn laughed.
After a long day at school, and then your job at your local Frozen Yogurt hang out, you were exhausted, you couldn't stop thinking about last night though, your emotions were .... all over the place. You sighed in relief at the fact that you avoided the topic with your friends though.... you didnt know how to explain it to your self let alone them.
You walked into your room, where you found a restless Luke that was pacing back and forth biting his thumb, you closed the door and he stopped in his tracks and looked at you with a passion in his eyes that was slightly confused, he dropped his hand from his mouth "Screw it!" he exclaimed and before you knew it he swiftly removed his white sleeveless tee and was pushing you against your door crushing his lips against yours, your lips moving so fluidly together, he tugged at the bottom of your work shirt as if to ask if it was okay to remove it, with out thinking you lifted your arms above your head only breaking the kiss for a second so he could swiftly remove your top, the cold air hitting your skin causing you to realize how on fire you were for him, not wanting that feeling to end you tangle your hands in his hair slightly tugging it as your kiss grew more passionate, you felt him pick you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist in response, he swiftly took you both over to your bed dropping you on to it, him gently falling over you, immediately kissing your neck tracing it down to your collar bone, you look up biting your lip, what was going on you wondered to your self, you didnt know but you liked it, you liked it alot... then you both stopped at the sudden gush of air you both felt, you both look up and see Alex and Reggie standing at the other side of your room, both with tight lipped smiles and bright cheeks, wide eyes with fists in front of their mouths "OH! JUST FRIENDS MY --" Alex started to exclaim with a laugh until Luke interupted him "SHUT UP ALEX!" Luke exclaimed with a sigh as he fell on his back right next to you on the bed, putting his hand over his eyes in frustration, Reggie laughing "Ehm Y/N, would you like your top back?" Reggie said with a smile picking up your shirt and handing it to you, you smile shyly and nod your head taking the shirt and sitting up to put it on "Thanks reg" you said, a little embarrassed "well, we just came to see if you two wanted to come get food with all of us.... but please... finish!" Alex said in a cocky tone, laughing a little bit, Reggie sighed playfully, hitting Alex's arm "Be cool man! That was mean...... anyway I don't think he would be able to finish now..... two of your friends popping up and laughing causes what I like to call a De-rection" he said smiling laughing at himself and widening his in approval at his joke, in which Alex looked at him like he was disappointed and shook his head no, then looked back at us "Well you kids compose yourself, and we will meet you both there...... alright...." Alex said still slightly laughing and then they both poofed out just as Reggie was defending himself to Alex concerning his joke. Once they were gone you laid back down on the bed next to Luke, he removed his hands from his eyes to look at you, you both shyly smiled "soooooo what was that?" you asked slightly teasing him but was genuinely curious, he sighed and then looked up at the ceiling "That was me acting on the thoughts I have been having all day since last night, and since this morning when you said ..... we were just friends" he said the last part like he had a bad taste in his mouth, then he looked back at you "I guess I didnt like that" he said softly, smiling shyly, you nudged closer to him "I don't know if I liked that I said that either....." you admitted, he looked at you, both of you just staring into each others eyes "What do we do now?" he asked softly.... You twiddled your thumbs "I guess we could pretend nothing happened and continue as we were....." you said softly, not knowing if thats really what you wanted, he sighed "Yeah.... I guess thats probably for the best" he said nudging a little closer to you, now with your arms lightly brushing against each other, then Luke sighed, and then smiled a shy cocky smile "But ya know if ya ever actually wanna lick ice cream off my abs! we could do that" he said laughing, and nudge his shoulder laughing and he laughed in response "BUT! I get to so the same to you! its only fair" he said in a teasing tone,
laughed "True that is only fair" you said in a teasing tone to match his, you both now just looking into each others eyes, He bites his lip and brushes your hair behind your ear, "Just friends?" he whispers.
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bodyswapmischief · 4 years
Glitch in the System: A Love Story in Quarantine
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(This story is a little different from what, I normally post, in that is doesn't involve body swap or transformations. But, I really loved writing it. And, hope you all enjoy it to)
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" Carter yelled from his room. The walls of the house reverberated, with his voice.
"Shit, dude! Whet the hell happened," Elijah came hurrying in.
"The restaurant called me. Somebody got the Corona-Virus. Now, the whole restaurant is going to close," Carter sighed out.
Elijah smiles and gives a small laugh, "Welcome to the club. Think about it this way, now you have time to relax ..."
"No, no, no, I can't do that. I need to be on the move, I need to do something to keep busy. I can't just sit on my ass all day watching T.V, no offense." Carter interrupted.
"None taken," Elijah said sarcastically. "Just, wait. I was like you when this all started. I'll give you a day, and you'll see there nothing else to do. You'll even learn to like it." He forewarned.
"Yeah, no, I am going out. So, see you later. This quarantine is not stopping me." Carter proclaimed as he gather his stuff and walked out the door.
After attempting to live a normal life, during quarantine, Carter came back to the apartment defeated. "Elijah was right, there was nothing to do." He thought to himself. But, his thoughts quickly faded, when he walked back into the apartment. He began hearing the sounds of women moaning, in sexual pleasure.
He began walking into the living room and there, with his shorts off, ilwas Elijah. He rhythmically pumped his rock hard cock, as his own moans blinded him to the fact that Carter walked in on him.
"No way! Your masturbating on the couch," Carter said perplexed. He wasn't sure if he should laugh or be mad. "The couch is the neutral zone, dude, you can do that shit in your room. I fucking eat here."
Elijah heart stopped, as he turned his head to look at Carter. With lightning speed he put on his shorts and turned off the T.V. "Oh, fuck! Dude ... I wasn't doing anything."
"Bro, I literally just saw you. It's no big deal. I'm going take a shower and try to forget what I just saw." Carter said annoyed.
"Yeah for sure, it just that I didn't expect you home so soon and your usually at work, when I do it so.." Elijah tried to explain.
"Bro. Just stop it ... why the fuck would you tell me you've done it more than once, on the couch ... I didn't need to know that shit! Fuck, dude!" Carter said frustrated.
"Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut. It's just my stress and this awkward situation ... I'm fucking rambling. It's just been hard containing this horny beast, during quarantine." Elijah referred to his cock. "And, Roxy's parent's won't let her come over, so I haven't been able to get my daily dose of sex." Elijah finished with a nervous chuckle and his face turning red, with embarrassment.
"Hey look dude, really it's okay. I'm not that mad about it. I'm more going through shock ... ha. In fact it's going be one of those times we laugh about in the future. The time I saw your dick and caught you masturbating." Carter sighed trying to calm his friend down. "Shit, I feel your pain. Ever since this whole quarantine started the booty well, has been drying out for me, too. In fact, it's been completely dry as of late." Carter continued. "Not going to lie, been masturbating non-stop ... but I have the decency to keep it in my room." He laughs.
Carter proceeded to go to the shower, while in an embarrassed fog, Elijah started straining out the apartment. Elijah was able to calm down enough to start watching tv. After some time passed, Carter came back out. Elijah was worried that Carter was going to say something but, was happily shocked when he just sat next to him.
"So what are we watching." Carter asked.
"Oh, it's a new netflix documentary about this crazy tiger guy and some chick that killed her husband. It's the first episode, so I'll just start it from the beginning." Elijah answered.
As time passed, the two young men found themselves growing more sleepier. The hours moved to the the early morning but, both guys were too invested into the show. Both, unaware of how heavy their eyelids were getting.
Carter felt heavy, but strangely comfortable and safe. Even with his eyes closed, they were blinded by the sun in the living room. The soft couch around him, his dick was rock hard. As, he begun to pulsates on something firm on top of him.
Elijah started to wake up as he felt something under him move. His own dick becoming aroused. And pulsating in return. He felt some rock hard cock rubbing at his stomach. Meanwhile, Carter started felling some pressure enlarge and grow against his thigh.
Simultaneously the illusion caused by the sleepy fog wore off, as both boys realized what was happening. They both opened their eyes and saw each others face. In a panic Elijah jump off his roommate and Carter got up off the couch.
"Dude what the fuck were you doing, to me!" Elijah yelled.
"Fuck, dude! I just felt something on me, I didn't know it was you. And, why the fuck am I trying to explain myself. Why the fuck were you sleeping on me!?" Carter yelled back
"I don't fucking know ... I guess we just crashed on the couch and in our sleep our bodies position themselves like that. Fuck, fuck, fuck!." Elijah let out.
"First, I catch you masturbating and now this. You did this on purpose you fucker. You wanted me to help relieve you of your sexual urges. I'm not fucking gay bro." Carter yelled, with his voice shaking.
""What the fuck. I ain't gay either. And, you just talked about how you couldn't get pussy either. And, you were the one that started rubbing your dick on me!!." Elijah retorted.
"Okay ... okay ... this is what's going to happen. We are going to spend the day as far apart from each other as possible. We are going to try forget this and move on. We were half asleep, it didn't mean anything. right?." Carter panicked.
"Yeah, exactly, it meant shit." Carter tried to reassure himself.
They guys walked past each other awkwardly, trying their hardest not to walk into eachother on the way to their rooms. Hours passed, and both guys starting forgetting, about the awkwardness of the morning. Endless content of videos, movies, video games, helped clear their minds.
Carter was getting restless and decided to do some work around the house. There were always things breaking and he never had time to fix them. Elijah also needed new scenery, as he was getting tired of being in his room. So, he went to the living room, to continue his t.v. viewing. The guys looked at eachother awkwardly but they continued what they were doing.
Carter started working around the house, trying to find anything that needed to be fixed. Moving around heavy furniture was the workout he needed. He removed his shirt that started to cling to him do to his sweat.
Elijah awkwardly glanced, at him. "Was he really doing that, after what just happened this morning." Elijah thought to himself. He saw as sweat dripping down his roommates body. It glistened as the sunlight reflected off his body. His abs, biceps, chest, and shoulder working to together, as the flexed and relaxed, to move the heavy furniture. "Thank god we didn't go to sleep with our clothes off. I'm glad we had layers of clothes between us. It would have been way worst, if we were having skin to skin contact." Elijah continued thinking.
He couldn't keep his eyes off his friend. And, his dick was getting hard, as thoughts of his dick pressed against Carter's warm muscular thigh came rushing back into his mind. He started imagining fucking and getting fucked by his friend. He couldn't take it anymore, so he rushed into the bathroom and went into a shower. He started jacking off. He tried to change his thoughts, but images of Carter were stuck in his mind. He tried to think off his girlfriend but it wasn't doing anything, for him anymore.
He started crying, as he kept masturbating to images of his friend. He took his cock and pumped it with the beat of his thoughts. Imagining his shirtless friend. Fucking his friend. Both of their bodies tangled in the act of love. He tried hard to think of anyone else. He thought of his girlfriend, but within a second his mind returned to Carter. He thought of hot female celebrities, but their images couldn't stand the flood of Carter in tight clothes that revealed his gym body. He even tried to think of other guys ... male celebrities, guys at the gym ... but not even they held a light to his sexual attraction for Carter.
He felt it in his core. At this moment he wasn't straight anymore. He wasn't even gay. He only had sexual feelings for one person and the person was Carter. After an hour in the shower, Elijah leaned against the shower wall panting with excasty. His body extremely tired. He couldn't believe how many times he cummed. But, for now his sexual urges seem to be satisfied. But, with his stomach rumbling, he knew he needed to eat something after the steamy masturbatical workout session he just had in the shower.
He walk out and saw, Carter, who by now was done and watching TV. A little embarrassed from what happened this morning and more embarrassed by his thoughts in the shower he said, "Hey, I'm going to cook some food, you hungry."
"Sure," Carter said not looking away from the T.V. Time continued to pass, until the aroma from the kitchen was becoming stronger. His stomach started growling, so he turn his head to see the progress of the food. He saw Elijah working hard. Food stains on his shirt from the spaghetti sauce he made. He looked so cute the way he worked. He was lucky to have him as a friend and a roommate. Unlike Carter, Elijah didnt go to the gym. But that doesn't mean he wasn't fit. He kept himself healthy with daily runs and the occasional hiking trip.
Carter wanted to go up and hug him from behind, and give him a kiss, like a good boyfriend. Then images of the morning popped up in Carter's mind. What the fuck was he thinking. He's not dating Elijah. "I'm not even gay, " Carter thought to himself." But that didn't stop the images of imagining Elijah sucking his dick. And he licking Elijah's ass. As he sat, trying not to think of his friend like that, his dick started growing excited by the thoughts.
"Um dude, I going for a drive ... I've been cooped up in here to long. I need some air." Carter said gathering his things and rushing out the door.
"But the foods almost done." Elijab said a little annoyed.
"I'll eat it when. I back, I just need to go." Carter said in sexual pain as his dick was angry about being ignored.
He drove and called up his list of chicks, until one accepted his offer of sex. He was also glad because she was one of the hottest chicks on his list. He got there and straight away they started making out. But every time Carter blinked or closed his eyes he saw images of Elijah. As, his one night stand began to strip, his erection started going down. The big juicy ass, the nice pair of tits, no longer pleased him. He could feel himself panicking, as she started to strip him of his clothes.
"What your not hard yet." She said unsurprised. "And your so tensed. I got a solution for that." She proceeded to sit him on her chair. Taking his flaccid dick she began to suck. He knew he should be enjoying this, but his dick wouldn't get hard. He closed his eyes, to try imagine something that would turn him on. But, still only thoughts of Elijah filled his mind. And with these thoughts, his dicks began to harden. It was rock hard. The hardest it ever been and made even slightly bigger. He opened his eyes, but as soon as he did he saw the chicks naked body. A body he once loved looking at, but it was causing him to lose his erection. So, he closed his eyes again, as she finished sucking him off.
His dick stayed hard, and now it was his time to please her. But, as he brought his dick to her vagina, the erection started fading. "Hey look this is not working. It's to much effort and I don't like that. Your obviously going through something. You haven't been yourself. Comeback when you got your shit dealt with." She said as she got off the bed and started getting dressed.
Carter felt so embarrassed. "Yeah, I don't know whats wrong with me. No hard feelings?" He shyly looked at her.
She similed, " You aren't the only guy on my list, I can call up. But, you are ... or were the best." She jokingly sighed, as she winked at him.
On, the way home his erection came back. And, the thoughts of Elijah flooded his mind. In the garage he stayed, until he masturbated for an hour. Ashamed of himself he walked into the apartment.
Carter walked in to hear Elijah moaning his name. He walked into the living room, where Elijah was sitting on the couch. Elijah was wearing Carter's dirty clothes, from earlier that day. Shorts wrapped around his ankles, and dick poking out of his briefs, he was jacking off while looking at shirtless picks of Carter on Instagram
"What the fuck!"Carter yelled. Elijah got up with lightning speed. To scared to say anything. Carter came closer and pushed Elijah onto the couch. Elijah started bracing himself, in the fear that Carter was going to start kicking the shit out of him. A few seconds passed. "Fuck," Carter said. Elijah opened his eyes, as he saw Carter begin to kneel down. His mouth staring to envelop Elijah's dick. Instantly both of their dicks became rock hard. There were no longer need for words as they performed the dance of love.
Elijah began to help Carter strip his clothes off and Carter helped position Elijah, so that both of them could suck each others dick in unison. Elijah enjoyed the big muscled body on top of him. He felt safe in Carter's strong arms. Carter enjoyed finally having someone he could care for and love. He no longer needed a fuck list. He just needed Elijah. He loved that he could wrap his arms around Elijah's smaller yet fit body.
During a plethora of orgasms, and taking turns fucking each other, they moved throughout the house and into Carter's bedroom. They laid next to eachother panting form the intense sexual workouts they just did. Their bodies still tingling from the orgasmic rush. They cuddled like that for minutes, slowly relaxing their heart rates and bodies.
Finally Elijah broke the silence. "So what does this mean?"
Carter was shocked by the question."What do you mean?"
"What does this mean for our friendship. Is it going to be awkward around us. I mean l ... I'm no psychologist but the only reason this happened is because of the quarantine. We both are young horny guys ... and we couldn't get sex anywhere else. So, we went to eachother to get our sex fix. So, after quarantine we should psychological revert to normal." Elijah tried to explain.
Carter's heart was a little hurt. "Do you really feel that way. Or, are you just lying to yourself. I know you feel it, too. Some happened to us. There's this energy we share, now, for some reason. If you're saying this because you think that's how I feel, your wrong." He started getting choked up. " I fucking love you, and after the sex we just had, I know you love me to. And, your theory is worng, I was able to get a sex offer from one of the hottest chicks on my list. But I could only think about you. So tell me there's something between us. Because, for the first time I'm actually feeling happy. I found a part of me that been missing .. it's you. I need you ... I need this whatever it is."
Elijah eyes began to get watery, seeing Carter's pain. "No your right, there is something between us. It the most powerful feeling I've ever felt. I can't even think of my girlfriend the same way. I feel nothing for her. But, sitting here with you ... it feels ... it feels like home." Elijah smiled, but started thinking. "So, this changes a lot. I'm going have to break up with my girlfriend. Are we gay, now? What are our friends and family gonna think..." Elijah started to ramble.
But, Carter brought him out of his thoughts, "Don't worry. What ever this is; it is different. I don't feel straight anymore. But, I wouldn't say I was gay. That implies I like guys in general. The truth is I only like you. Elijah, I'm only attracted to you. This love between us it's strong. As long as we are together we can face anything. So, what if my family disowns me or we lose some friends. I'd trade everything I have for you." Carter said shaking from the truth and deep passion of his words.
"I feel the same. I only love you, too. Carter." Elijah smiled up at Carter. And Carter wrapped his muscular arms around Elijah. And, Elijah pressed his head on Carter's muscular chest. Elijah own arms wrapped around Carter. And, Carter felt safe and loved by Elijah smaller yet muscular body. They were both strong. They were in it together, whatever the future held. They were roommates, friends, equals, and now lovers. And, they both smiled knowing that with a radmon glitch in the universe, they found true love.
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parkjess · 4 years
Hey, I hope you are doing well. Can I request a astro reaction to their s/o having to take meditation for anxiety and depression, please? Okay, bye bye ヾ( ̄▽ ̄). Please be safe! ☆゚°˖* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Thank you for caring and requesting!🥰 stay safe everyone☺️
Warning: if you’re sensitive about depression and anxiety, please skip this.
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Myungjun woke up next to you, shaken off his dream due to the bed moving slightly because you were stretching your arms to get your medication from the night stand, having difficulty with getting that, you let out a sigh.
“Baby, hey, is everything alright? What are you doing?” Your boyfriend taps on your shoulder to get your attention, asking with his sleepy voice. -“I’m trying to get... this.” Finally you grabbed the little medication box, he furrowed his brows and lightly rubs his eyes to open them fully. “What is that baby?” He takes the box once you swallow the pill, reading the possible reasons for taking these. “Y/n...” by now he’s already sitting straight on the bed near you, “why didn’t you tell me?” He pats your hair. -“I don’t want to be a burden to you, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but it’s really not such a big deal.”
“What are you talking about? You only give me happiness and peace, come on, let’s go.” He says and kisses your forehead, getting out of bed and you do so too without even asking where.
He took you to a picnic day, suddenly left and took you home because he had something at work. “I’ll be back soon, okay baby?” He cups your face and kisses your forehead.
When he came back you hear some unfamiliar breathing, sounds like, a dog?
“Baby?” Myungjun calls, taking his shoes off by the door, entering the living room you share. You were sitting on the big comfy couch, watching Netflix with some chips and beverage of your liking.
-“Hey... how was work... toda- Myungjun what is that?” You chuckle when you meet the little poodle (I’m actually not sure if that’s a poodle in the pic lmao), the puppy had a cute, soft look in his eyes, looking at you as if he wanted you to take him. “This is a little gift from me to you, I know you really like dogs, and I don’t want you to feel lonely when I’m not home.” You now realize he wasn’t at work today but left you to get you a dog.
-“Myungjun... this is so adorable, I love you so much.” You say and lean in to kiss your boyfriend’s lips, talking the dog in your arms afterwards. He did it for you.
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“Baby what is that?” Jinwoo comes closer to your shared bedroom, you were working on some project on your laptop, sitting near the desk, with earphones plugged in both your ears.
-“Jin... Jinwoo where did you find this?” You look up at him, not hearing what he asked you beforehand Because of the loud music in your ears. “I asked what this is...” his voice lowered, although you thought he was upset at you because you didn’t tell him you take medication for a while now, but all he was doing is worrying about you.
-“I... I am...” you tried to explain but the words didnt come out well. “Y/n~~ you know I get more worried when you don’t share with me.” He was slightly annoyed by now, since he loves you so much and doesn’t want you to go through this situation alone. “Can you promise me you won’t hide anything else from me anymore?” He bends down and whispers, kisses your forehead right after.
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“Lee Dongmin! Can you please tell me where we are going?” You yell at your boyfriend who was walking before you with his big steps that you couldn’t catch up with.
-“Were here.” He stops suddenly, not even breathing heavily as you do. “What the-“ you weren’t able to say as you panted due to your fast walking. “Okay... what are we doing here?” Dongmin knew you best, he didn’t even have to see your medication to know you’re taking them, or your current condition. The local park in your neighborhood was your favorite, the view of children laugh together, parents sitting on bench watching their mini versions, sun sets slowly, all of these was making you stay at peace. And ofcourse your boyfriend was the only one who knew all of those little details about you, like nobody else did.
“Why?” You ask, crossing your arms against your chest. -“Because you love being here, with me.” He says with a smirk spread on his face. “I sure love it, but Dongmin... why all of the sudden?” Simply asking, he takes a step closer to you, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
-“I want you to appreciate everything you have, and always remember these moments with me, and with all the people you love who love you even more back.” While he was talking, you realized what he meant, without him mentioning the medication, or even the word that described your inner pain. Somehow, he managed to heal it for a bit, like a 1000 pieces puzzle, he was the 100 first pieces.
Dongmin wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to his chest, -“You gave me forever, you can’t escape it,” he chuckles, all you could hear at this moment was his heartbeat and his calming voice.
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It was the usual weekly day Bin and you always go on a date. This time he took you for a weekend out of town, spending time together once a week when the two of you are busy the rest of the time is the best thing and you only could adore him for planning this.
Moonbin suddenly stopped, tired of walking for an hour, but having great time talking with you about life and everything that was going on lately. You sat on the cool grass, beautiful, pink flowers growing near, suddenly tears started to stream down your cheeks. “Baby?” Bin softly asks, moving the piece of hair that hid your face. “Oh my- baby, what’s wrong?” The tone of his voice became more nervous, you couldn’t answer but just nod your head. “Look at me, dear, lift your head baby...” he placed his finger beneath your chin, managing to lift it so you could look at him.
It never happened with him before, this anxiety attacks, and you couldn’t even explain it to him. But you wanted him to know what you’re going through so badly, so you pulled your backpack closer, taking the medication out. “Baby...” he lowers his voice, taking the medicine in one hand while the other is holding yours. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know-“. you cut him off by saying, -“No, don’t be sorry. Please, just hug me.” You say while sobbing, as he immediately obeys and hugs you tightly. “Everything will be okay, believe me, we will go through this together.” He whispers in your ear while hugging, as you stayed like this until the sun set.
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Minhyuk was the sweetest kind of person around you, he liked to take you with him everytime he had something exciting to do other than work. Your boyfriend was aware of your anxieties thanks to Moonbin who told him because he was worried. At first, Minhyuk wanted to call you and tell you he knows, but he wasn’t sure if he should or not, so he waited for the right time to talk about it with you.
-“Y/n, wanna go down town?” Minhyuk asked when you just got out of shower. “Uhm... sure...” there was something different in his question, a sudden urge to go somewhere instead of just chill at home. And the fact that he was already dressed, and not in the usual sweats he wears on days off.
A night out with Minhyuk can’t be bad, it can only help you get the bad thoughts out of your mind. When you arrived, Minhyuk was trying to distract you from everything that might be too much for you to handle.
“Baby! Strawberries!” Minhyuk tapped your should several times, calling out excitingly since your favorite snack was strawberry drizzled with sweet syrup on top. You laugh at your boyfriend when he grabbed the stick with coated strawberries, posing for a picture.
-“Minhyuk... why all of the sudden?” You ask him when he takes your hand in his, walking slowly in the crowded space. “Ah... I missed being with you like this I guess...” he replies with his husky voice. -“come on, we went for a walk like two days ago, for 3 hours!” You chuckle at the end. -“Think of a better excuse.” You say and hand him your phone, this time you posed for a pic. “I know you have anxiety attacks,” he wasn’t able to keep it a secret from you anymore, finally saying it out loud when the place is getting less crowded. -“I know you do, Minhyuk. Just wanted you to finally say it yourself, I saw you looking in my bag this morning when you found the medicine.”
“The reason I didn’t say it earlier, is that I care for you, a lot. I don’t want you to feel depressed or lonely ever, and I’m here to make you feel better, I love you y/n.” It felt like he was confessing his love again to you, his sweet words made you fall for him like you did for the first time.
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Sanha noticed you’re feeling different lately, and he didn’t want to ask you what happened since he knew you wouldn’t tell him because you don’t want him to worry about your condition. But he once saw the medication box you threw into the bedroom’s trash bin, instead to the bigger one, and he searched for it on the internet.
Most of the time when you’re with him, you feel much better, but he knows how depressed you are when he’s not around.
You woke up, he’s missing again, but his covers weren’t folded which means he’s at home today. He usually folds his covers when he leaves to work at home and leaves a note to you, and this morning, no folded blanket, no notes.
“Sanha?” You call out his name, looking for your y’all boyfriend around the big house. There’s a scent of something good cooking. Vanilla.
-“Y/n, you woke up!” Sanha drop the tongs on the counter and run to hug you, being careful not to touch you with the oily plastic gloves.
“Are these- churros?” You ask when you see the heart shaped dough inside the boiling oil. Your boyfriend hums and nods his head as a response, -“I planned to make you a breakfast in bed, but since you’re here now, you should taste one.” He leads you to the kitchen counter, it was a complete mess, but it somehow warmed your heart to see the mess he did, just because it was with good intentions. “What is it all for, Sanha?” You ask him while taking a bite from the heart shaped-chocolate drizzled churro, it was as soft as a cloud, a bit sweet.
-“I know you love this, and I know you’re taking medication baby. You should have told me, I want to take care of you when I’m able to.”
“Okay, I’ll let you know next time, but can we eat now?” You stick your thumb nail between your teeth and bring the other half of the heart churro closer to his lips.
His words made your heart calmer, he was really the cure to your current condition.
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Summary: Being stuck in space with ARES was not your plan, especially when a certain someone finds out you haven’t been intimate with anyone in your life.
Notes: Virgin Reader x Chris Beck, swearing, NSFW (18+)
six months.
one hundred and twenty eight days.
You had been here already much longer than you had planned, but you were trained for the unexpected. In fact, most of the time someone like you knew it was bound to happen at least once in your career. When you were a little girl, there was something that always fascinated you - the stars. You would dream about them, hoping one day you could touch one - feel the energy they gave off. Now here you were, six months - one hundred and twenty eight days. You were picked for this mission by some kind of miracle, it didn’t happen often for someone who had just graduated. Then again, you were top in your class - that might have had something to do with it. There was five other people who were highly trained in this type of field on board with you, six other people you had gotten to know very well in the past six months. It was described as an elite team. There was Martinez, who was trained originally trained as a fighter pilot - he was more on the humorous side. There was Watney - trained botanist and chicago native. Vogel - he didn’t say much but he was both genius in chemistry and astrophysics. Johanssen - she was your favorite, the two of you had bonded over the months, she was incredible with software engineering, as were you.Commander Lewis. She was someone you had definitely heard about - and looked up to. She graduated with honors at the US Naval Academy, you knew she was a badass. Finally, there was the one person you’d known longer than anyone else aboard the spacecraft. Dr Christopher Beck. You met him long before the rest of the crew, in graduate cum laude Yale university. You’d like to say that the two of you were friends, but your paths hardly ever met unless it was in class every so often. In all honestly, you thought he was handsome. He was highly trained in flight surgeon detail, and you also knew his extensive training in aerospace medicine. The team was set for a six month mission. Typical EVA space walks to be done. But in recent light of events, although NASA explained little at the moment, your mission had been extended. It almost felt like part of your DNA, knowing just how much you had to sacrifice for this kind of life. But having the people around you here in space, it helped ease the wanting of going home. You watched carefully, the team surrounded at the table in the spacecraft. Martinez had already started up a conversation.
“What’s something you could really go for on earth right now?” He laughed out, his eyes searching the crew.
“I could go for pizza, to be honest.” Johanssen laughed lightly, earning a grin from you.
“I definitely miss coffee.” You sighed out, thinking just how much you could use a starbucks right now.
“Of course you would say that.” Beck chuckled lowly to you, causing you to give him a teasing glare.
“Sex.” Martinez blurted out, causing the team to groan lightly.
“Come on, Martinez. That’s not appropriate.” Lewis smirked lightly to his forward comment.
The team laughed in unison, and you smiled nervously. You heard the low murmurs of agreement, and there was something that popped in your mind. You wouldn’t know. You wouldn’t know if you missed it or not - because that was a void in your life. You thought your nervous reaction was unoticed, but you saw Chris’ eyes on you for just a lingering moment.
“I would say I definitely miss watching netflix.” You coughed lightly, wanting desperately to change the subject.
“Oh definitely. Catch up on Grey’s Anatomy.” Johanssen motioned to you, Vogel also nodding in agreement.
You took a sigh of relief, knowing you were off the subject you knew absolutely embarrassingly nothing about. You looked to Beck once again, he was laying across the couch nearest to the table now. You watched carefully as he fumbled a deck of cards in his hands, you met his eyes in a soft smirk. You wondered if he had taken notice once again of your dodging attitude. You bit you lip quickly, deciding to shake it off, not think anything of it.
It had been a couple days since what Martinez mentioned, and you wouldn’t be human if you didnt think about it. You wondered if that made you look almost childish. You were certainly old enough, it just never happened for you. Being at school, working hard to get where you are now - you didnt have time to even think about sex. There wasn’t exactly a long line either. Your mind let the thoughts fade away into something much more important at this moment. You gripped the small photo, it was completely battered - even a light tear at the top. It wasn’t all that old, you just stared at it so often it had gotten worn down. It was of you and the most important person in your life, your mother. This was another sacrifice. You traced your hands over the worn out photo, thinking of how much she needed you now. She was diagnosed with cancer five months ago, she had been in and out of the hospital through all of this without you. You father passed away years ago - you had no siblings. Your mother was pretty much all you had for her whole life. She had supported your dream from the very start, you could remember her setting up the glowing stars that stuck to the wall in your room when you were little. It nearly killed you knowing you couldn’t be there, hold her hand through all of this.
“How is she doing?”
Your thoughts were abruptly stopped by a familiar voice, Chris.
“I-Im not sure.” You mumbled, your thumb tightening to the photo.
“When was the last time you talked to her?” Beck bent down to the floor, taking a seat beside you.
You waited a moment, staring out into the beautiful view of the earth below you, “About a month.”
“Hey, just think of how happy she’ll be to see you.” Beck nudged you softly with his arm, and you gave him a polite smile.
“I just hope I get there in time.” You sighed, putting the photo back in your pocket.
“Wanna play cards?” Beck motioned, “Might take your mind off things. Just for a little while.”
You smiled genuinely once again, taking his hand as he helped you on your feet, “Sure, why not?”
The two of you sat across from each other, and this wasn’t exactly an odd occurrence. You played cards, board games, you name it. It was always with Beck, the two of you had been the only ones to really get into the games. Words were hardly exchanged, but it wasn’t an awkward silence - not in the least. It felt comfortable. Peaceful almost.
“So you planning on getting a latte as soon as we get home?” Beck chuckled lowly, dealing out cards.
“You bet your ass I am.” You grinned at his comment meant for teasing.
“I think I’m going to find a nice restaurant, and buy a steak.” Chris smiled, his eyes meeting yours.
It was something you recognized right off the bat with him, his eyes were almost piercing blue. It was the kind of eyes that you could tell all your secrets to. It was the kind of eyes that would get any kind of woman in trouble. But of course, you never lingered too long on his eyes. Otherwise thoughts would enter your mind that would break countless rules aboard a spacecraft.
“Steak sounds amazing right now.” You grinned softly, looking away from his gaze.
“Martinez wasn’t lying the other day about some others things to miss, huh?” Chris smirked lightly to you, and suddenly you felt your heartbeat pick up.
“Uh- sure.” You stammered, feeling your cheeks redden lightly.
“Why do you do that?” He leaned forward, his brow knitting in confusion.
“Do what?” You flickered your eyes away from his.
“You get all…weird.” Chris chuckled out, leaning back once again, “kinda twitchy almost.”
“Come on, I do not.” You laughed it off nervously.
“See, That. right there. You just got all weird.” Chris nudged you playfully.
“Chris, I dont know what you’re talking about.” You shook your head, trying to think of anything to change the subject, “I really want a burger to be honest.”
you shook your head at your words, seriously. that was the best you could come with.
“Okay, see theres the other thing. You changed the subject.” Chris shook his head in laughter, “Why are you so weird about the subject of sex?”
When he finally said it, you decided you weren’t going to be apart of the conversation anymore.
“Im feeling really tired.” You mocked a yawn, quickly collecting yourself.
You left before he could say anything, and you could almost the confusion he was in.
You avoided him as best you could, but you were inside a small compact spacecraft. So of course it was bound to happen, you running into him. But not if you had anything to do with it. You hung out with Johanssen as much as you could, knowing that Chris wouldn’t bring it up with anyone else around. You could almost feel the quiet teasing he was giving you, by each smirk and soft chuckle each time he saw you. You definitely hadn’t told anyone on board you’d never had sex. It didnt seem like vital information - or even appropriate information you needed to share. You were back at your spot, reeling through your mind trying to think of anything but all this nonsense. This was your spot, almost like your safe haven. Most of the crew would head into their own private quarters - the only place on the spacecraft that didnt have microphones or cameras. But you enjoyed this space. There was cameras here, no microphones surprisingly. But you didnt mind. They never really disturbed you unless they had to. Communications in this spot was only through the software on the other side of the room. It was your favorite spot mostly because of the view. As the spacecraft would float around, the window gave a perfect view of the space you loved so much.
“Hey you.”
You heard the familiar voice, and you instantly began to shuffle to leave.
“Whoa, hey sport. Don’t even think about running this time.” Chris chuckled lowly, sitting down next to you.
You shifted uncomfortably, hoping he wouldn’t bring it up. But you knew Chris Beck well enough, he most definitely would.
“Whats up?” You sighed out, hoping you deter him.
He laughed softly, his eyes placed on you, “Really? come on, talk to me.”
“Nothing to talk about.” You bit your lip, keeping your eyes to space.
“There clearly is.” Chris chuckled out now, nudging you softly.
“Seriously, Chris. Just drop it.” You huffed, bringing your knees to your chest.
He was quiet for a moment, and you looked quickly to see his eyes traveling you in realization, shit.
“Are you a virgin?” He merely whispered, even though he knew there was no microphones in here.
“Chris I dont want to talk-“
“Oh my god you are.” He bit back a grin, nudging you again.
“I…Didn’t have time.” You mumbled quickly, shifting once again.
“Oh come on. Even I had time.” Chris grinned widely to you, clearly taking amusement in this.
“You really think this is funny? It’s not like I had a long line of suitors.” You mumbled again, rolling your eyes.
“I find that very hard to believe.” Chris smirked, looking away from you finally.
“Yeah well. Believe it. Okay? I get it. Im a virgin. Im a prude.” You sighed heavily, slightly annoyed this came to light.
“I never said you were a prude.” He defended, “It’s actually really refreshing. You didn’t just do it because everyone else was, its nice.”
You looked to him, and you could see a small smirk on his lips. You couldn’t help but smile to his genuine compliment. You began to fumble with your hands.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, biting your lip.
“Whoever gets that privilege is lucky. You’re beautiful.” Chris smiled to you, his eyes meeting yours.
You suddenly wanted to kick yourself. Your eyes traveled to his lips, without your permission or thought. Your lingering gaze stayed much longer than it should have, long enough for Chris to notice.
“There is cameras in here.” Chris whispered out, a smirk forming on his lips.
“I know.” You choked out, flickering your eyes away.
“I should probably go.” Chris bit his lip, his hand falling to your knee.
In that moment, you noticed everything about him in a much different light. You’d been in a small confined space with him for months, but right now - he’d never looked so good. Your eyes stayed at his hand on your knee, and you felt the warmth radiate. His hand looked soft, his slender fingers almost encasing your whole knee. You took a deep breath, you couldn’t think about this. You couldn’t think about him.
Your thoughts would’ve broken about 32 rules by now.
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taurusjaehyun · 6 years
kiss me // j.jh
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♦️Pairing: jaehyun x fem reader
♦️Other Members/ Characters: 97 line GC (Eunwoo, Jungkook and Mingyu) + Jihyo of Twice (also a 97 liner)
♦️Genre: smut, fluff,, bf Jaehyun, uni au
♦️Warnings: rough sex, nipple play(?), slight cock warming, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, badly written smut lmao, mentions of RuPaul’s Drag Race bc I’ve been binging on it after Netflix put all the seasons on!!!
♦️Word count: 3,981
♦️Story: Finals are done and you finally have proper time with your boyfriend Jaehyun but he barely pays you any attention. He won’t even give you a kiss you because of a stupid mobile game.
Note: A request by anon for bf!Jaehyun. Also, yeaaah, this isn’t proof read, sorry for the shitty aftercare and the shitty writing in general lol. Tell me what you guys think, please! I’d love feedback so I can improve hehe <3
"Kiss me." You say as you push yourself up closer to your boyfriend’s face, who was currently focused on his phone as he laid next to you in your bed, playing whatever mobile phone game he was addicted to with the guys. It was kind of annoying, really.
 You purse your lips and make kissy sounds, making him chuckle. You roll your eyes at him but he doesn’t notice, because he was too focused on his phone. You couldn’t believe how he’d rather play with his phone and his friends rather than spending time with you, his girlfriend, despite it being a free Sunday for the both of you. Finals were fucking finally over for all of you after the two of you, along with your friends had spent every day studying (more like cramming) to try and ace your tests.
 It was safe to say the two of you hadn’t had sex in a while. Plus, this was your only time alone together after a while as your roommate, Jihyo was on a date with her boyfriend, Eunwoo. Jihyo was a bit anal about you bringing in Jaehyun to your dorm to have sex after she had caught you and Jaehyun fucking a few times (it was more than a few times, honestly). You couldn’t hold it against her because she never had sex with Eunwoo in your dorm. Ever. Or not that you know of.
 You pinch Jaehyun’s side, making him yelp but he barely spares you a glance. You pucker your lips again and make kissy faces at him, trying to annoy him more than anything at this point. Jaehyun tilts his head towards you, eyes still focused on the screen of his phone as he blindly pecks at your face, kissing your nose instead of your lips like you wanted to.
 Feeling annoyed, you grab the phone out of his hands and turn it off. You set his phone on your nightstand, straddle him and cup his cheeks, squishing and pinching it with your hands. His hands automatically make his way to your hips as he looks up with you with a less than pleased expression.
 “I was about to beat Mingyu and Jungkook, you know,” he grunts in annoyance, taking hold of your hands that started to pinch his cheeks painfully. He pulls your hands off his cheeks and intertwines his fingers with yours.
You laugh, “Baby, today’s our free day. You can kill them some other time!” You started to grind your hips against his, testing the waters. You really wanted to take advantage of the time alone you had with the love of your life and do anything and everything you’ve wanted to do for the past few weeks. Also, fucking the built up stress away wasn’t a bad idea.
 Jaehyun watches you, grinding and circling your hips, almost as if he was hypnotized. He bit his lip and gives you a pointed look, “I thought we weren’t allowed to have sex here anymore?”
 You lean back and shrug, “Jihyo isn’t here anyways. What does she know?”
 “Well Jungkook and Mingyu know how important my ranking is in that game to me. And they know I’m here with you.” Jaehyun chuckles, “they’re already probably going off in the group chat that we’re already fucking and you know Eunwoo’s in the chat too.”
 You stop grinding on him, and sighed before blowing a raspberry, “I honestly don’t give a shit. Jihyo knows I’m putting RuPaul’s Drag Race over everything, including you so I could just say I forced you to watch.”
 Jaehyun scoffs and looks at you as if he’s offended, “so you mean to say you finished the season we were watching WITHOUT ME?” He lets go of your hands and holds onto your thighs, squeezing.
 You explode in laughter, knowing well that Jaehyun took offense in it. You both were big fans of the show that you’d do marathons of it together, especially the most recent All Stars season. “Trinity-“
 He puts up a finger to your lips, “ok, spoiler queen. I don’t need to know. I’ll watch it for myself.”
 “No, I’ll tell you right now! Trinity and Monet-“
 Jaehyun puts his hands over his ears, closes his eyes and starts howling, and basically doing every annoying sounds he could produce, just to shut you up.
 You laugh, trying to pull his hands away from his ear, telling him about the finale. Each second he goes on with his act, the more you found it funny so you ended up bellowing in laughter, weak as you fall down on his chest, shoulders shaking.
 Jaehyun sighs as he wraps an arm around you, patting your head gently. “God, you’re annoying.”
 Still in fits of giggles, you sit up again and hover over him, staring at him. Jaehyun was probably one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen in your life and you thought you were blessed to have been given a chance to be one of the people he loved in this world. “You love me, though.”
 Jaehyun gives you a goofy smile, “that I do, sweetheart. So fucking much. You have no idea.”
 “Prove it!”
 "Kiss me."
 Jaehyun didn’t have to be told twice. His hands find its way on the back of your head, and he pulls you close while he lifts his head up to meet you halfway and locks his lips with yours.
 You chuckle and proceed to kiss him. Deep and hard, always. His tongue swipes on your lower lip and you grant him access and soon your tongues wrapped around each other. You didn't know how long you were kissing but all you knew was you were already feeling dizzy and breathless but you just wanted to taste him again and again.
 People might call you crazy but every time you saw him, he still gave you the butterflies he made you feel from the first time you saw him. That was how you knew you were already in love with him. You were so into in him that his mere touch sent shivers up your spine and when he makes love to you, you’re afraid you’ll burst into tears because of the overwhelming feelings he gives you.
 You pull away and pull off the large t-shirt that you used as pyjamas. Underneath it, you weren’t wearing anything because you knew you’d be fucking your boyfriend. You shoot him a smile as you cup your breasts for him, earning a whistle from him. You knew he loved your nipples and right now, they looked too appetizing to him, already so hard and begging to be sucked by him.
 He bites his lips at the sight of your naked and pliant body. He knew how conscious you were of your body but he loved how you trusted him too much that you were confident naked in front of him. He was thankful for that because for him it was a way to really say how much you trusted and loved him.
 You grab his hands and rest them over your breasts as you start to circle your hips on him again. He had an obsession with you boobs that he would find a way to suck your nipples most of the time, that when you would sleep over at his dorm (which was better because the athletic department had budget and gave them solo rooms) even before you sleep, he sucks your nipples. It was endearing.
 You were his and he was yours. As soon as he lets go of your nipples, you kiss his neck, making sure to rub you hard nipples against his chest as you pull up his shirt and help him fully take it off. He cups your face as you kiss and you rush to undo his jeans. You plant kisses down his neck, chest and stomach as you go lower, pulling down his jeans.
 His half hard cock pops out as you pull down his underwear and help him get both his jeans and underwear off around his ankles until the both of you were buck naked. You settle between his legs, kissing his thighs, just taking your time but your hands find his cock, the tip leaking with clear liquid.
 You spit on your hands, easing the friction and starting to jerk him off. You use the pad of your thumb to rub the slit of his cock, watching how his cock twitches and gets harder at the action. His dick continues to leak pre-cum, enough for you to spread it around the sensitive mushroom head of his shaft.
 “Fuck, baby. Stop playing and suck it if you’re going to,” he hisses, fisting the sheets beside him.
 “Ok, ok.” You laugh but you continue to play with his sensitive head. You gather your spit in your mouth and drop it slowly on the head of his dick, circling your tongue to the air so the spit goes around and covers the rest of his cock. “I’ll get your dick wet first, you big baby.”
 Jaehyun moans as you start to jack him off, your left teasing the head and the right jerking the rest of his cock. He watches you as you bite your lips in concentration as you jerk him off, using the tricks that are fool proof to make him feel good. Especially that jerk-jerk-twist-jerk movement that had his hips bucking.
 Without a word, you start to suck on his head, slurping on the salty precum, making him hiss in pleasure. You use your now free left hand to fondle on his balls as you keep jerking and sucking him off. When the moisture from your spit around the rest of his length dries, you slowly take him in your mouth, deep throating him.
 You keep your thumb in your fist, trying to keep your gagging down as you used your left hand to hold onto the base of his cock as you take him deeper inside your mouth until your nose was touching his belly, his trimmed pubes prickling you.
 Jaehyun was always amazed how you manage to take in his whole length but then again, you always managed to surprise him and managed to exceed his expectations which was one of the reasons for why he fell in love with you. Out of all the girls around him, you managed to catch his attention and he found himself unable to keep you out of his mind until the two of you got to work together since you were both in student government.
 You lift your head a little and bob your head, keeping his dick down your throat, knowing this would surely cover the whole of his cock with your spit. Jaehyun had always been a loud grunter and moaner so it was no doubt that the room was filled with Jaehyun’s sounds of pleasure and curses as you make him feel good with your mouth. Once you couldn’t hold your breath anymore, you pull away from his cock.
 You take the spit stringing your mouth to the head of his cock with your fingers and jerk him off. Jaehyun looks at you, mouth swollen, eyes lidded and tears forming at your ducts. You lean forward, rubbing the head of his cock against your nipples, making him groan at the sight. You take him in your mouth again, this time, just comfortably sucking him off, just taking in the length you could casually and jerk the rest of his shaft.
 He grabs a hold of your head, pushing your pony tail back and tucking the strands that came apart from the vigorous bobbing of your head on his cock. Jaehyun starts to thrust his hips up so you stop moving, your arms on either sides of his hips on the bed, letting him fuck your face at his own pace. When he thrusts to particularly deep, you end up gagging and you pull away, coughing.
 Jaehyun gasps in worry, immediately sitting up and cups your face. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
 You let out a giggle and peck his lips, “it’s ok, love.”
 "So now, it’s my turn to please my lady." He grins as he kisses you on the cheek before he maneuvers you to the head of the bed and pushes you down until he was hovering over you and in between your legs. He licks the tips of his fingers and rubs at your clit, making you twitch. He reaches down and slips two of his fingers inside you with no warning, making you gasp. “You’re this wet for me, sweetheart? Well shit.” He grins at you, teasing as his he finds a comfortable paces to fuck you with his fingers.
 You close your eyes, reveling in the sensation of his fingers stretching you and rubbing against your spot as you squeeze your breasts. God, he knew just how to make you feel so good, and you couldn’t wait for the main event: his cock but his fingers were doing more than good that you find yourself bucking against his hand as your orgasm comes over you fast, like it was unexpected that you didn’t realize you were cumming until it you started to scream and tremble.
 “That was fast,” Jaehyun teases, pulling his fingers out of you slowly, watching your pussy juice stringing as he separates his fingers. He takes the fingers from inside you and shoves it in his mouth and licks it clean. It as a shame you couldn’t see it as you were still basking in the after effects of your orgasm, eyes pinched close. “I didn’t even touch your clit!” He says, giving you a teasing look. “You must’ve waited for this long, huh?”
 You grin at him, but still trying to calm yourself down by taking deep breaths. “We haven’t had sex since Jihyo made us stop having sex here and finals was a bitch, Jae. I was stressed!” You close your eyes, clutching your chest dramatically.
 Jaehyun laughs at you and kneels in front of you, lifting your hips and pulling you to him. He lifts your hips and settles it on top of his legs. You feel him line his cock to your slit and pushes his head in.
 “Wait! I’m not ready yet!” You whimper, using your legs to push yourself off but his grip on your hips was strong and he had already pushed inside you, the whole of his length inside you. Your eyes roll back as his tip presses against your sweet spot but at the same time, the burn of the stretch makes you hiss in pain. He was never an easy size to begin with.
 “Relax, babe.” He says gently as he takes a hold of your waist but you see how he has his eyes closed and his mouth agape. “You’re fucking tight.”
 Still feeling the stretch, you lift your head and hit his hand on your waist, making him laugh. “You’re an asshole. I’m still sensitive.” You pouted.
 “I know, love. Your pussy’s still throbbing.” He gives you a sweet smile and grabs your legs to wrap them around him. He takes his time, keeping his cock inside you while he takes his time into admiring your serene face and running his hands on your skin. “You ok?” He intertwines your fingers and plants kisses on the back of your hand, watching you remain silent with your eyes closed.
 You eventually give him a sign but don’t answer him, instead, you smile at him as you squeeze your walls around his cock, making him wince. “Your cock is-AH!”
 He starts to move his hips, just grinding do every roll of his hips, his cock hitting your sweet spot. "Ah, shit. You're so fucking tight." He groans as he finally pulls his hips back and drove into me slowly, bottoming out and slamming back in, making you moan at the sweet pressure inside.
 You wrap your legs tighter around him as he moved his hips up, hitting your sweet spot at a different angle as he leans down and sucks at your nipples. Fucking Jaehyun wouldn’t be fucking him if he wasn’t sucking on your nipples while he was fucking into you. You keep his head close to you, as if you were holding a baby’s head sucking on its mother’s nipple. Honestly, with the amount of times he was sucking on your nipples, you wouldn’t be surprised if you started lactating out of the blue.
 He lifts your legs as he starts slow but deep thrusts and puts both of your legs over his shoulders as he leans down, basically folding you in half. He captures your lips while his hips pick up pace. He kisses the sensitive spots on your neck as he builds up a steady pattern of fucking you, making you eyes roll back in pleasure. He licks the skin from you ear to my neck, making you shiver and buck your hips, easily receiving his hard cock.
 He eventually goes into full force and you’re left to nothing but a moaning mess as he drives his hips to yours forcefully and in a pace beyond what you could handle. He was so deep inside you that you could the sweet pressure of his hard cock jabbing your cervix.
 You claw at his back and grabbing onto whatever you could, holding on for dear life as he drives into you relentlessly, with his hands lifting up your hips for easier access. "F-fu...fuck! Ah! Soooo goo-...ood! Ah!!"
 He pulls out and you groan at the loss of his cock inside you.
 "Jaehyun, no," You groan desperately as he smirks at me.
 "Patience, love." He smiles and lies on his back, making me straddle him.
 Needing no words, you straddle him and slip down his length, releasing a sigh of pleasure at the fullness you’re feeling. You lean down and kiss him and he settles his hands on your ass cheeks, massaging and slapping. You pull away, moving your hips slowly, forward and backward, taking him in deep inside. You lean your head back, moaning from the pleasure.
 He leans forward and sucks your left nipple and plays with your nipple with his hands, rolling the hard pebble with his fingers, pulling and squeezing. He groans in pleasure as you tighten your walls around him. He moves to your riģht nipple and sucks, and gives the same treatment as he did with your other nipple.
 Jaehyun then pushes you down towards him and holds you tight as he starts thrusting hard and fast from below you. You squeal at the intense, hard pleasure coming in, giving you no room to breathe.
 "JAEHYUN!!!!" You scream as you push your hips down to meet his thrusts and take him in any deeper, if it was possible. "FucK! AHH!!" You let myself go and my body becomes limbless at the excessive pleasure. You feel the drool escape your lips as you lean your face on the crook of his neck.
 Without effort, he maneuvers you off of him and throws you on the bed then kissing every exposed inch of my skin he could reach. Once he reaches down, he doesn’t hesitate and proceeds to eat you out like a fucking maniac, making you scream and shiver in so much pleasure. There were lots of things Jung Jaehyun did well and one of the top things besides academics, basketball, cooking and fucking, eating you out would be included. And it didn't help that he knew your body like the back of his hand.
 "Jaehyun! I'm cummimg!" You scream and before he could react, you were trembling, already in your second orgasm of the day. He never stopped sucking on your clit and started fingering you again, jus jabbing at your sweet spot while you were on the verge of your orgasm. You wanted to keep away but he had your hips on hold. Pretty soon, you felt it coming again and this time, you ended up squirting.
 He looked pretty proud of himself after you were left a shivering mess. “There we go, good girl!” He smiles, kissing the back of your hand. “I told you I’d make you squirt, right?” The last time you had sex, knowing it’d be while before you could again, the two of you had rented a room and tried every position you wanted to try out and tried finding out your limits. He had made you squirt then and you both were amazed after seeing it once so he had promised you that he would be making you do it again.
 “Jihyo’s gonna be so fucking mad when she gets home…” you trail off, still a bit high from your orgasm. “God, I’m dead. I need to find a new roommate.” You take a deep breathe, “also, I think… I’m gonna pass out.”
 Jaehyun laughed, “at least let me cum before you pass out!”
 “I fucking hate you right now.” You could feel the slight sheen of sweat on your body, besides from the body liquid you just expelled earlier.
 “Excuse me, Ms. Y/N? You were the one that wanted this, remember?”
 You wanted to pass out but you were sure Jaehyun wasn't over yet and besides, you always wanted Jaehyun’s cum inside you. It wasn't done until he came inside you. “Fuck me now, come on.” He immediately enters you and starts working his hips in a pace fast and hard.
 "Fuck! Slow down!" It was too good that you could feel fresh tears drip down your temple. "Wait!!! Jaehyun" You try to push him away to at least slow him down but he holds you tighter and drives into you harder, constantly pressing against your g-spot. It was honestly like his cock was made for your pussy as he’s always hitting the places inside you that made you see stars.
 "Ah, fuck! Your pussy so fucking tight for me!" He exclaims, followed with a plethora of curses as he does a steady pace of strong, deep, fast thrusts. He kisses you and holds tight on your breasts, squeezing them.
 "I'm cumming!" You scream as you quickly cum on his cock which triggers his orgasm as well, but he keeps his shallow thrusts until he's emptied his cum all inside of you, filling you a few weeks worth of cum, filling you to the brim that some spill out even though his cock acted as a plug.
 He stays inside you as the two of you kiss again, lazily this time, so you both could catch your breaths too. "I love you, y/n." He smiles at you, kissing your chin.
 You laugh at his sweetness as you focus on breathing to slow down your fast heartbeat. Was it because of his words or your exhaustion? Or both? But you did know the exhaustion was taking over you. You close your eyes, basking in the warmth of his body against yours. Your ears were blocked and you were still trembling but you weren’t complaining.
 Jaehyun knew you so he wasn’t expecting your reply and he already knows your answer anyways. Pretty soon, you quickly fall asleep, surprising him. But it was understandable because he made you spent so he cleaned up after you, wiping your body and your crotch with a warm towel and dressing you in panties and one of the shirts he’s left intentionally after he had cleaned himself up. It was the least he could do.
 From Jung Jaehyun | 10:30AM
To Cha Eunwoo
So, what are you willing to do for me not to tell y/n I caught you and Jihyo fucking after ur gf made us stop fucking in their dorm? Send me your most expensive skin, Cha and try to beat me!
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chocojjk · 6 years
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summary: badboy! changbin if you squint 
words: 7k
warnings: one mention of death by illness
a/n: this took way too long cause i got so lazy lmfao, slide into my inbox with prompts cause idk what to write after this 
not edited per usual, im lazy :(((
you and changbin lived in different worlds
changbin has always been the schools most notorious bad boy
along with his group, 3racha
he was the typical bad boy -- gets into fights, wears leather, barely shows up to class, etc.
after watching countless of rom-coms, you and i, reader, should know that bad boys like to keep to themselves
and they won't bother you unless you cross their territory, not at all different from changbin
someone bullies one of his friends???
you might as well run now , because he will be coming for your ass
he catches you talking shit?
you should probably say goodbye to your mouth and have a doctors appointment ready
the point im trying to make is that seo changbin does not take shit from anyone
which doesn't really matter at this point because everyone has learned to fear him
on the other hand, you're, what they say is a “good girl”
too caught up with your books and your grades, in the library 24/7, worrying too much about the future you envision
you stayed away from drama as much as possible, happy with the 2-3 friends that you have  
you probably saw this coming,, but just in case you didnt, ill say it
your two different worlds are about to collide
youve been searching for a little over 20 minutes to where he could be when you finally spotted him at the table all way in the back of the library
you let out the deepest sigh, you shouldve figured he would choose that table jfc
‘he really is sticking to his reputation’ you think to yourself as you made your way over to him
“hi, im y/n, i'm your tutor,” you say, giving him a soft smile
changbin doesn't even bother to reply to you as he got up and left
you were left standing there like,,,
what the fuck just happened ??
before you finally snapped out of your confused trance and chased after him
catching up to him you grab his arm, putting a complete halt to his movement
and suddenly the library was even quieter than it should be
every single eye in the room focused on the interaction that lies in front of them
the notorious bad boy and the goody two shoes,,, how incredibly cliche
he looks at you, his eyes dark and unreadable
the expression on his face was emotionless yet it felt like he was crushing you under his stare
finally noticing that your hand was still gripped around his arm, you quickly let go, letting out a small “ehem”
the tension in the air was thick, it felt like someone just put a dark cloud above your head and you couldn’t blow it away
god damn this was awkward
not even the good awkward where you can laugh about it later, this is the kind of awkward situation that hits you in the middle of the night and suddenly you're just cringing at every bad thing you have done in the past
“uhm, im suppose to tutor you,” you try to say confidently as soon as you found your voice, but really it was barely above a whisper
“maybe show up on time,” he says, his voice as dark and as strong as his aura
and with one final look at you, he walked out of there
you didnt bother anymore, you knew you were at fault
‘we’ll try again tomorrow,’ you think to yourself before your best friend, hyunjin walked up to you, pulling you outside the library  
“dude are you okay?”
“uhmm, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just saw you talking to changbin”
“ok and ?”
“he’s bad news y/n,” your best friend says, warning you
“ i dont really have a choice hyunjin” you reply
you think back to 3 days ago when you were called to the principal's office
not gonna lie, you were shaking in your boots,, only bad kids get randomly sent to the principal's office
as you entered the room, Mrs. Seo was already waiting for you behind her desk
“hi ms. l/n, i dont think weve formally met,” she says, reaching out to shake your hand
“ its nice to meet you”
“ please, sit down, make yourself comfortable,” she continued, pointing to the seat right in front of her
sensing your nervousness she quickly added a, “don't worry, you're not in trouble”
your brain was starting to hurt from trying to rack what you must have done wrong to be seated in the big office
“ why am i here then if you don't mind me asking?”
“ ah yes, i need you to tutor my son”
“umm, why me?”
“you're top 1 in the class, is there anyone better than you to do it?”
well,,, she wasn't wrong
you mentally pat yourself at the back for this, happy that your efforts were being noticed
“don't worry ms. l/n, if you succeed, i’ll make sure you get into any college that you desire “
‘pshhhh, im top 1 ms seo, i can do that on my own’ you think to yourself 
“....and fully paid for.”
well, shit , how can you say no to that offer
its literally free education right in your fingertips  
what's the catch??
“ you can do that?” you ask
“ of course. i know very important people. so what do you say?”
and after a few minutes of contemplating within yourself, you finally agreed
“ also, while you're at it, i want you to change my son's reputation.”
and there it is
“ i'm sorry?” you reply,, maybe you just misheard the fact that she literally asked you to change her son
“ i don't just want you to tutor him in english, i want you to make him a better person.”
“how do you expect me to do that?”
“be his friend. teach him the ways of life, i'm not always gonna be around to get him out of trouble. You're a smart girl ms. l/n you'll figure it out.”
without giving you a final say, she ushered you out of there but not before she added
“ one last thing ms. l/n, dont tell anyone about this.”
the way she said it was so scary, and its like a spell was casted on you and you could only utter out an
“ of course mam”
i guess from her standpoint, she made sense
“ i just dont understand why Mrs. Seo chose you out of all the people”
“ we’ve already gon over this hyunjin”
“ yeah yeah, its cause youre the smartest of the class-”
hyunjin continues to talk however you’ve tuned him out as your eyes went to focus on changbin, himself
greeting the rest of his friends, an actual smile on his face, much different from the changbin you encountered a couple minutes ago
he gets up on his motorcycle and was about ready to put his helmet on when he felt someone staring at him ( i told yall, tYpiCAl bad boy )
he whips his head around in quick search for the culprit
and for the second time that day, you found yourself looking in the dark brown eyes of the the one and only, seo changbin
his smile quickly disappearing once he found your eyes
putting on his helmet whilst still maintaining the eye contact, he quickly drove away and you can't help but continue to just watch his figure retreat to the size of a dot until he was completely away from your line of vision
the next day - friday
you were in the library, seated in the table changbin used the day before
unlike yesterday, you were there dummy early
exactly 30 minutes before the actual tutoring session
he wasn't going to get away this time
finally , the chair across from you gets occupied, a backpack loudly flopping its way unto the table
he doesn't say a word,
he doesn't even look at you
he just sits there, staring at the table between you guys
“uhm, i think we got on the wrong foot yesterday, im y/n”
you say, a wide smile on your face, trying to change the atmosphere
he scoffs at this
‘omyfuckinggod who does he think he is’
‘im gonna fucking murder this kid’
‘his mom was right when he said he needed to change’
as much as you wanted to just punch him in the face, you plastered a small smile on your face instead
“should we start?” you continue
“i guess”
for the next hour, you learn that changbin doesn’t even need tutoring
he was definitely smarter than he lead on
he knew the answer to every single question you asked and didnt even seem like he was trying 
“uhmm, changbin can i ask you something?”
he just nods at you, urging you to go on
“are you failing your class on purpose?”
and with that he stands up, giving you a small smirk, “i think this session is over,”
“i-okay- i-i’ll see you on monday!” you say even though he was already a good 5 feet away from you  
as you laid in your bed that night, you wondered why the boy chose to fail his class
but no matter what scenario you could think of, you just cant understand it
is this what privileged people do ?
they know that they can get away with anything so they dont even try ?
‘aish, why am i thinking about him,’
‘y/n stop it’
you tried forcing yourself to sleep, to completely shut off all thoughts
but damn that stupid smirk on his face just keeps reappearing
and with that you slapped your pillow unto your face, not at all excited for the days to come
saturday night - 9 pm
to be honest, you weren't the type to go out on a saturday night
however you stayed in bed the whole day binging your netflix shows that you completely forgot to run your errands
so now you're here, at the local supermarket, buying your weekly groceries
you may be asking why can't your parents just do it?
you only live with your mom, and she was very busy running the night shift at the hospital + picking up extra shifts
so she's really never home 
and when she is, she crashes right to sleep, exhausted from work
so ever since two years ago, when you turned 16, this has been the life that you were used to
you weren't complaining of course, she was only working to provide for you and your future
the least you could do is help around the house
after a good 7 minutes, you finally gathered everything that you needed
eggs, check
bread, check
peanut butter, check
a bag of hot cheetos,,,, check check and check
you nodded, proud of yourself for finishing it so fast and made your way to your car until a loud crash stops you from doing so
the next thing you know, you were being dragged into the alleyway
“1!!!!1111! I- get off of me,” you say thrashing and kicking, trying to get away
‘oh god, im gonna die tonight,’
‘if there is a god out there,, pls,,, not tonight’
‘i haven't finished my netflix series yet,, plssss’
however your thoughts were cut short when your captor whispered, “shhh, its changbin”
he finally turns you around, making you face him
“play along if you don't want to get hurt,”
and in one quick motion, his lips were on yours,,,
seo changbin was kissing you
your eyes open, stunned at what was happening
and then you noticed it...5 men walking around the area
and hoping that you've watched the right dramas, you pieced together what you think is happening
leading you to closing your eyes and kissing him back
which honestly caught changbin off guard, “good girls” dont react this way???
but he’d never let you know that, as he pulled you closer to him,
his arms snaking  around your waist
your hands going around his neck, the grocery bag being forgotten
yall were full on making out now
too caught up with each other’s taste to even notice the 5 guys leaving
(((im really bad at writing these kinds of scenes jfc, this sounds awkward as hell pls just picture it)))
until finally after like 23823 years, you pulled away, trying to catch your breath
damn, that kiss was good
probably the best one you’ve ever had
just cause you're a goody-two-shoes doesn't mean you haven't been kissed before okay,,, were not going THAT cliche
he slowly lets go of you, his eyes darting to the grocery bag on the ground
“your eggs are broken,” he says
“m-my eggs?”, you reply, still on cloud nine,
following his gaze, you snapped out of your daze
“oh, r-right, my eggs,” you say softly, a frown making its way upon your face
changbin grabs your hand, pulling you towards the grocery store
“what are you doing?”
as usual, he doesn’t reply
honestly, you should be used to this by now
he dashes around the supermarket
you were right behind him, trying to keep up with his fast paced speed
finally, he gets to his location, the egg aisle
“which one do you want?”
“eggs, which one?” he replies
“uhm, you don't have to, i can ju-”
“i'm not doing this for you,” he replies, cutting you off
you looked at him , not knowing what he meant
‘if he wasn't doing it for me then who the fuck is he buying these eggs for, i don't see anyone else here’
sensing your dumbness he grabbed a carton of the most expensive eggs and made his way to the cashier, pulling you along  
and you don't know why, or what has gotten into you, but all you could do was watch and follow
“here. were even now.” he says, before walking away, leaving you in front of the grocery store, holding a carton of eggs
and now we’re back to the start of the week
which means another week of tutoring
as you waited for changbin to show up at the usual spot, you can’t help but think back to two nights ago
the feeling of his lips against yours all a distant memory yet at the same time, one that you could still remember clearly
“hey,” changbin says, breaking you out of your thoughts
“hi?” you reply, confused as to why he even greeted you in the first place
you guys do the usual, read a couple of flash cards, learn new words blah blah blah and all that boring crap that you learn in a high school English class
at one point you guys find yourself just sat in silence, and you can’t help but ask the question that’s been on your mind since Saturday night
“so who were those guys?”
“doesn’t concern you”
“uhm, the fact that you had your tongue down my mouth says otherwise,”
changbin was shocked, he wasn’t used to people responding to him the way you just did
don’t you know who he is???
he gives you one of his signature smirks, regaining his composure
“you liked my tongue being down your throat,” he says teasingly
excuse me what
is he flirting with you ??
what’s happening ??
“who said I did?” you say mimicking his tone, not allowing yourself to back down of this conversation
after Saturday night you told yourself that you were never going to just watch and follow
if you didn’t want the damn egg, you should’ve said something, you were so disappointed in yourself
you had your own brain, you can make your own decisions
besides you were here to be in control over him, not the other way around
“oh cmon, you’re really gonna try to refute it??” he says, the stupid smirk still evident on his stupid face
god, how you wish you could just smack it off
with your mouth
wait, who said that???
“you enjoyed it just as much as I did,” you say, knowing that if you answer then he would stop
and you were right, he completely shut his mouth and let the silence envelop you once again
“they were kids from another school,”
you look up at him, shocked that he actually answered
“why were they looking for you?”
“I may have keyed their car,” he says chuckling
“Isn’t that enough questions y/n?”
that was the first time he’s ever said your name
and you weren’t gonna lie, you liked how it sounded
“it’s fine”
“i don’t want to question it but why are you being so nice?”
“you helped me out without questioning me which means you trust me. im just returning the favor.”
“so, what im hearing is , you trust me?”
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
“don’t make me have to say it out loud”
you don’t know how you did it so quickly,
maybe the gods are at your side, but you finally got thE seo changbin to trust you
2  weeks later
you’ve been tutoring changbin just the same
same time
same table
same library
however, so much has changed
mostly the dynamic of your guys’ relationship
it was like he was a totally different person
like I said before, changbin was smart
but in these last couple of days, you realized just how smart he actually was,
he can honestly probably give you a run for your money
and because of this, your past tutoring sessions have ended up with you guys just laughing and joking around
weird, right ?
changbin and laughing ?
who would’ve thought ??
even onlookers were surprised
and everytime changbin laughed at one of your guys’ silly antics, you swear you can hear a pin drop
the whole room just becomes silent
at first, it bothered you how people were just listening in to your conversation, obviously judging the scene
but as the days went by and it seemed that changbin could care less, you started not caring either
and if you were being completely honest, you looked forward to spending time with him
when changbin was with you, it was just you and changbin, nothing else
he somehow manages to make you forget about reality
“lets ditch tutoring sessions today,” he says as soon as he took the seat next to you
“changbin, no”
“c’mon y/n, live a little”
“excuse you! I do have a life!”
“making out with your homework and watching Netflix shows 24/7 is not a life”
“okAy, now you’re just being mean,” you say, pouting at him
“im not being mean, I’m being honest,”
“yeAH and?? no one asked for your honesty,”
changbin laughs at this
lately he found himself laughing more
and for once, he didn’t mind it
you were doing something to him
and he liked it
“cmon, I’m not taking no for an answer,” he says, packing up your things
you sigh in defeat
you know that once changbin sets his mind to something, there's no changing it
so here you are, standing in front of an abandoned music building
“uhhhh, what are we doing here?”
“have you ever trespassed before?” he replies, a smug smile on his face
“nu-uh nope, no way in hell changbin!” you say, your attempt to stop this from happening
however, changbin was already making his way towards the door, completely breaking the lock
he was inside  
“c’mon y/n,” he says reaching out his hand to yours
even though all you need to do is take two steps forward and you're officially a criminal
you were scared shitless
what happens if you get caught omg
almost like he was reading your mind, he quickly says, “y/n, ive been here over a million times and ive never gotten caught,”
“i dont know changbin”
“hm, thats too bad, i wanted to share a secret with you,” he says, a hint of playfulness in his voice before he stepped out of the building and made his way towards his motorcycle
but of course,,,
you being a nosy bitch
“lets go inside”
you guys enter the building, the rooms getting darker and darker the deeper you go (this building is huge okAY)
if you weren't shitting your pants before, you definitely are now 
an abandoned building???
and its dark???
youve seen this in every scary movie out there
it never goes well
“uhm changbin,” you whisper, as you guys continue to walk
“i-um can i hold your hand? im scared and - actually you know what its fine its dumb you dont hav-”
but before you can even finish your sentence, his hand were already laced around yours, providing you the comfort and security that you were looking for
you shut your mouth after that, just letting changbin lead the way
passing by so many rooms, each one looking the same as the other, it was starting to feel like a maze
however , changbin seemed to know exactly where to go
‘I guess he has been here over a million times’ you thought to yourself
“were here,” he says, opening the door and letting go of your hands as he reached out for the lights
not gonna lie, you were missing the way his hand felt around yours but thats not the time to think about that
“a music room?” you asked, clearly puzzled
“yeah, you might not know this about me but i can spit barsss,” he says, letting out chuckle
“you dont believe me huh”
“absolutely not”
“ok, watch this”
and with that he entered the recording booth, of course not after he pressed a bunch of buttons
honestly , you have no idea what he’s doing
but as soon as he put the headphones on
*cue any 3racha song because im too indecisive to choose one*
he was,,
spitting bars
you could not believe your ears
who the fuck is this
you stood there, stunned at the fact the he was rapping about real shit and not something stupid and meaningless (rip wow, she is meaNinGFUL to me okAY)
after he finished rapping, the room was absolute silent
changbin felt dumb, he thought you were gonna praise him but there you were not uttering a single word,
he need you to say something ,anything,, hell, you can even laugh
he’d prefer anything over the silence  
he’s literally the ‘i just showed u my dick pls respond’ meme but its like ‘i showed u my talent pls validate me’
avoiding to make eye contact with you, he walks out of the recording booth
sitting on the couch against the wall, he finally breaks the silence
“so yeah, thats a song my friends and i wrote, its stupid-”
“its not stupid.” you say quickly
“since when where you into this?” you ask, curiosity filling your eyes, taking the seat right next to him
“what do you mean? music?? everyone’s into music y/n” changbin retorts, not wanting to go into detail
“hhhh, you know what i mean changbin,”
changbin doesnt know why
but he wanted to share this side of him with you
maybe because you were the first person that he has ever allowed himself to be close with
or maybe it was because you stuck around him for this long, no one, besides chan and jisung were able to do that
whatever it was, he wants to keep you by his side
he figured that showing you his true self would do just that
so after having a battle with his inner thoughts, he finally says
“my dad was really into this stuff, he taught me everything i know,” changbin beamed
“oh! thats really cool, do you still make music with him?” you say, genuinely interested, youve never really heard about his dad before
“uhmm, hes not really around for me to do that,”
aaaannd,,, thats why,, god reader smh
“oh, im sorry,” you say softly, mentally slapping yourself
“no its okay, you didnt know….he passed away when i was 11”
“what happened?,,,, y-you dont have to tell me if you dont want to,” you quickly added
“I want to,” changbin says, reassuring you
“he just,,, he just died in his sleep, apparently it was a stroke,” sighing, he looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back his tears
“you must miss him,” you say, your voice still soft
for the first time since youve met changbin, he resembled a piece of glass
so fragile
he was giving you a piece of him, letting you see clearly a part of who he was
and all you wanna do is make sure that you won’t break that piece
“he built this studio...wanted to start his own music company,” he continued as you sat there just listening to him
“my mom hates it though, she stopped funding this place as soon as she can,”
the mention of his mom suddenly brought you back to the deal that you have made 2 weeks ago
and god, you felt guilty
you were here, trying to change him, when nothing should be changed
sure seo changbin had a bad reputation but he is not bad
he’s just protective is all
to be honest, he was one of the kindest, gentlest soul you have met
“i promised myself that i would continue our dream, for him and me, but mostly for him,”
“i-is that why youre failing your classes?” you ask, everything finally piecing together
“you dont care about school because you already know what you want to do...where you want to be”
“hm, you truly are a smart girl y/n,” he says before nodding and flashing you a smile
those words
so similar to the ones his mom has given you
but this time you weren't in the mood to pat yourself in the back
because shit, this is thE dumbest thing you've ever done in your life
after hearing this, you made up your mind, you werent gonna partake in this deal anymore
if you were really as smart as everyone says, you can get into the school you want without any problem
sure it won't be free, but your mom aint working her ass off during her nightly shifts for nothing
and so, right when you go to school tomorrow, you were determined to end it
you’d still tutor changbin, you just won't accept any of the perks that came along with it
“thank you for sharing this with me,” you say genuinely, a smile creeping unto your face
“thank you for caring enough to listen,” changbin replies, his smile getting wider
and then it hits you,
“wait, so you mean to tell me that this is YOUR studio all along??”
and at this changbin lets out the loudest laugh
and you can't help but mirror his actions
1 week later
oof, that time jump, i thought you were gonna end it the next day reader
you work hard, but somehow satan, aka the author, works harder
Mrs. Seo had to leave for two weeks, attending board meetings around the country, and whatever principals do,,, i'm too lazy to research what they actually do  
and so you spent another week, with seo changbin by your side
one week down, another to go
and when that day comes, you can finally freely hang out with him without all the guilt eating you up
this week you guys even hung out outside of the library
you’ve been with him so much, even your friends have started to notice it
“y/n, are you coming with us to the movies,” felix asks
“oh,, umm sorry guys, i cant,”
“who else are you gonna be with? i thought we were your only friends,” minho pointed out, a pout on his face  
“with changbin of course,” hyunjin hissed, obviously upset that you have been pushing them to the side  
“ i can hang out with anyone that i want,” you argued, really not having any of his attitude 
“ you shouldnt hang out with people like him,” hyunjin retorted
you scoffed, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean blink once if youre being held captive” hyunjin joked, as the rest of the table snickered
however, you didn't find it funny,
who were they to talk about changbin like that??
they didnt even know him
and so you stood up, leaving all your friends calling out for you
walking to the table, you flopped down on your chair, slamming your backpack on the floor
“what's got you in such a bad mood?” changbin asks
“nothing,” you huffed, getting your materials out of your backpack
you didn't want to tell changbin that your best friends think hes the devil himself and didn't want you around him
meanwhile , changbin was annoyed
it seems like he's shared so much with you since the music room yet he still barely knows anything about you
he wondered that maybe you didn't want to be in his life the way he wanted to be in yours
but fuck it, he’s just gonna spend the time he has with you enjoying it rather than filling his mind with negative thoughts
but damn, you're frown was really bothering him
“y/n,” he says, calling out to you
no response
“y/n,” he continues, poking you on the elbow
still no response
You sigh, looking up at him, an emotionless expression on your face, you responded with a strong, “what.”
*insert changbin doing aegyo*
and with that , you lost it
you were an absolute madman
you never expected that the one and only seo changbin
notorious badboy
would ever do aegyo
all because you had a stupid frown on yourself
you laughed so loud
changbin doing the same as soon as your melodic laugh hit his ears
which resulted to you guys being kicked out of the library
“ i cant believe you got me kicked out of my favorite place,” you say, seated in a booth inside the ice cream parlor near your guys’ school
another one of changbins ideas
“ hey its not my fault you laugh like a hyena!” he says smiling before you threw a curled up paper tissue at his face
a couple of seconds later, after your laughter has died down
“ so, you want to tell me now why you were in such a sour mood?”
you knew that if you werent gonna tell him now that would still end up finding out about it from someone else
and so you came clean
“ its just my friends,,,, they dont think youre a good influence, wants me to stop hanging out with you” you say
“ oh,”
“ but dont worry!, i didnt listen to them, i actually told them off,” you confessed
“ why didnt you listen to them? theyve been your friends longer than youve known me?” he asks
“ because they dont know you” you reply, “and im sure if they did, they would also be friends with you”
as much as he appreciated the way you stood up for him, he didnt want you going through all that trouble 
‘god, what did he even do to deserve an angel like you,’ changbin thinks to himself 
“ don't tell them off next time,” he grunted
“ wh-what?”
“ everything they say about me is true”
“ changbin, no its not”
“ honestly y/n it doesnt bother me so dont let it bother you”
“ why doesnt it bother you?” you ask, wanting to know the reason
“ because its high school. after this, literally no one would care anymore. and then real life starts, people move on and worry about bigger things, things that actually matter more than the status quo. let them say what they say.”
and just like every other time, changbin has left you stunned
the arrival of Ms. Seo - tuesday 
a week has passed since the ice cream parlor
and Ms. Seo was back in town
this was it
the day you finally put a halt to it
and you were beyond ready
you haven't seen changbin all day
you figured that since his mom was back then he was also back to avoiding the school like it was a plague
you entered Ms. Seos room, determined
“Ms. Seo -”
She puts a hand up to her lips, signaling you to be quiet
‘bitch omygod i literally cant keep doing this any longer,’
‘its already been over a month’
so you ignored her warning
“im not doing this deal anymore. I’ll still tutor changbin but I won’t change him,,,, and you can keep your stupid money,” you let out, releasing all the bottled up emotions
“is that all,”she replies
“then you may leave”
it was that easy????
you thought she was gonna stop you, force you to hold your end of the bargain
if you knew it would’ve been this easy then you wouldn’t have worried over it so much
but you don’t know a lot of things
and you certainly didnt know that changbin was on the other line
later that day
you’re seated in the library
usual place, usual time, waiting for the one and only seo changbin, yet he never showed
you didn’t think much of it
‘maybe he just forgot’ you tell yourself
the next day - wednesday
here you were again, waiting for him
still nothing
you try and think of reasons why he wouldn’t show up two days in a row and can really only think of one - maybe his mom told him that he didn’t need tutoring anymore?
but surely, he would tell you
right ???
sure you guys started off on the wrong foot but you were friends now
at least you thought so
you decided to just give him the benefit of the doubt
‘maybe he’s just busy’
2 days later - friday
you’ve tried everything you can do to get a hold of changbin
all your calls went straight to voicemail
texts were left on delivered
you didn’t even see him around school anymore
it was like your worlds never collided and he was never a part of yours
you were starting to get worried, what if he got himself into trouble
“look who decided to show her face,” hyunjin comments as you took the seat next to him
ever since the day you guys had your argument, you have never been able to talk to him about it
“im not in the mood,” you reply,
hyunjin sensing that you were exhausted,
“hey,” he says softly, “what’s wrong?”
“y/n please, we’ve been friends for over 3 years, you don’t need to lie to me”
“aren’t you mad at me?”
“no. im upset that you’ve been pushing us to the side for your little boy toy but im not mad,” he says giving you a soft smile
hhhhh, it was times like these you remember why he was your best friend
hyunjin was just so thoughtful, so caring
you return the smile he gave you as you pulled him in for a tight hug
“I’m sorry hyunjin”
“it’s okay, im sorry too, now tell me what’s wrong?”
“it’s just changbin-“
“I swear to god, if he even laid a finger on you he’s a dead man”
“no!” you say quickly putting an end to his assumption
“so what happened?” he asks, eyebrows going up in sheer curiosity
and then you told him
you told him about the deal with Ms. seo
about how your relationship with changbin changed along the way
how you ended the deal
and now we’re back to changbin and ignoring you
“damn, well have you tried actually going to him?”
“i wouldnt even know where -”
and then it hits you
the abandoned music building
“hyunjin, youre a genius!!!,” you say excitedly
“thanks, we been knew”
“ i have to go ill explain later, bye!!” you say, dashing out of there as fast as you could and made your way to the abandoned building
taking the bus there gave you time to reflect on everything that has happened this past couple month
how much your life has changed since changbin entered it
he pushed you to take risks, to live out of your comfort zone, to not care about other people’s opinions
he made you feel free
and most importantly, he made you happy
the good girl has fallen for the bad boy, i told yall this was gonna be cliche right?
continuing on
just as you  expected, the door was open
the dark didnt even bother you anymore, the only thing in your mind was changbin
oh,, where could he be??
could you ever find your way into this maze of a building and retrace the steps that he took when he was by your side?
as you got deeper and deeper into the building, you feel yourself start to get lost
‘fuck i already saw this door’
‘omg y/n did you really just walk in a circle’
and then you hear it
music, singing
your nightingale
you walk faster, desperate to get to the voice
and here you are now, face to face with the one and only, seo changbin
he stops singing as soon as he saw you walk in
“hey,” you whisper out yet he continued to just stand there, not uttering a single word
“your voice is really pretty, i didnt know you could sing!-”
“what do you want?” his voice, dark and firm just like the day you first met him
This caught you off guard
Did you do something wrong?
“Did i do something wrong?” you say, not aware that you have said your thoughts out loud
changbin chuckles but it was so uninviting, like he was taunting you
“ please, drop the act”
“what?” you reply, completely confused
“ you dont like me ”
“ changbin, what?”
“ you're just like everyone else”
“ changbin i really dont understand pl-”
“ i shouldn't have trusted you.”
“ what?!??, no changbin, you can trust me! just tell me whats wrong!”
all the while, you guys were still talking with a glass between the two of you
ironic, since you felt like a wall has been planted around changbin and you cant reach him  
“ you think i should change”
“ no”
“ what do you mean no? I heard you y/n! I heard what you told my mom, i heard about the stupid deal, the stupid money!”
“ changbin, let me explain”
“ i know im known as the bad boy y/n, but you… youre even worse than me”
“ changbin.”
“ youre a monster”
and with hearing those words, the tears that you have been so desperately trying to keep just bursted out like a waterfall
changbin too, has let out his tears
and all we got now are two broken people who can clearly see each other yet are still on opposite sides of the glass
“ you're just like everyone out there that you have resented, you judged me by other people’s words, i thought- i thought that i can finally found someone i could open up to but you never even gave me chance from the beginning”
you let him talk without interrupting him
you deserved the ache you were feeling in your heart
everything he said was true
and with that he breaks down, straight to the floor, back against the wall, hugging his knees
and all you could do was watch, until you couldn't take it anymore
you finally entered the recording booth , taking a seat on the floor right next to him, mimicking his broken figure
“im sorry”
you looked up at the ceiling as you sighed
he deserves an explanation
“ yes, i took the deal, but that's because i thought i needed it changbin. I may be smart, but financially my family isn't doing well. my mom already works extra shifts but it still won't be enough. my dad isnt even in the picture, i dont know where the hell he is”
and with this, changbins head slowly perks up, looking at you with his glass-like eyes, as you continued to stare at the ceiling
you were finally opening up to him
just like how he has been doing
“ i took the deal because, you’re right, i judged you, i was stupid and i never expected us to actually be friends, clearly i was wrong. you have taught me so much. you have pushed me into doing things i never thought i could do. you made me see the world in a different way.”
he’s still just listening to you when you finally took your eyes away from the ceiling and faced him
“ i understand if you dont want to see me anymore but i cant leave you knowing that i never got to say this,” you continue, afraid of the results that were about to come
“ what else are you hiding from me?” he says, but this time, he says it softly, the furious changbin that you have encountered just minutes ago was completely gone
“ i think im in love with you,” you say, quickly looking down, embarrassed at your confession
“ y/n look at me,”
“ i dont want to”
“ why?”
“ i know you're gonna break my heart”
“ you broke mine first,” and with that he lifted your chin up, making you look him straight into his eyes before kissing you
this kiss was different from your first one
it was slow but passionate, filled with all of the unsaid words between the two of you
your guys lips both slightly chapped from all the crying
yet his lips still felt like the softest pair against yours
pulling away, changbin leans his forehead against yours, his eyes closed
yours were open though, taking the sight all in before you pulled away, wiping away his left over tears
“ god, were a mess,” he finally says out loud, before he pulled you in a tight hug 
“ im sorry,” you say again
“ i’ll forgive you if you promise to continue tutoring me?”
“ what ?”
“ continue the deal, get the money”
“ changbin, i really don't want to do that”
“ i know you dont. but we have to finesse my mom somehow,” he says, bursting into a smile, clearly joking
“eYE,,, i cannot believe you right now! You can't be serious!”
“ but i am. go back into her office tell her you’ll continue it and get the money for your education.”
“changbin! stop joking! I already feel bad about it!”
“Okay fine i just like it when you tutor me okay, its kinda sexy” he says
playfully slapping him, you guys laugh, the tension in the air finally gone
“ you know if you didnt buy me those eggs, we wouldnt be here by now,” you say, a small smile on your face
“ hmm, and why?”
“ because those eggs were the first time i realized that the most notorious bad boy, the one and only Seo Changbin, can also be soft,”
“ do not use my name and soft in the same sentence ever again,”
“ what are you gonna do about it?” you reply, taunting him
and so
he pulled you into another kiss
and another
and another
until a series of laughter coming from the both of you interrupted it
“im glad i bought you those eggs”
hhhhhhh this ending is so rushed and so bad i just didnt wanna leave it unfinished 
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caandlelit · 5 years
hqb has been trolling us from the start, sticking pictures of oikawas face but not delivering on the seijou chapter this is like queerbaiting i am actually angry
i also got another ask for matsuhana and listen, to both of u and every other matsuhana stan, ive got you. cant believe people got tired of them what do you mean theyre not in the manga anymore shut up and love them
theyve respectively worked so hard to look like slackers and they are 
theyre so lazy neither of them have any of their shit together before coffee
 hanamaki takes it 'black like my fuckin soul' and matsukawa takes it "like i take my men. sweet as fuck-no ow fuck stop-stop hiTTING ME-" 
no one has complained as loud and as full of energy as makki about oikawa forcing early practices
 watari, barely breathing: h-hows he even,,,,,,got the fuggin energy,,,to yell as l o u d as that,,,,what is he an animal
 makki is lazy as fuck because he doesnt see the fucking point but he is still the most energetic
 like iwa will be on the floor and makki will be dragging his feet forward because once he starts hes determined
 hes shouting filthy curses at oikawa while doing receives but matsukawa grabs him weakly and pulls himself up to his full height only to drop onto him heavy as fuck
 "oW shIT issei what the fUCK" 
and doesnt even bother whispering when he says that he'll 'suck you off if you shut the fuck up' 
their perfect day is lying in bed together for hours, getting up eventually to brush their teeth and then pancakes, and then netflix and more lazing about and fucking, baking cookies at three am because they cant sleep because they slept all day
 theyre spontaneous!! its cute 
dates happen on the spot, no planning unless matsuns in a mood and wants to romance makki 
but matsukawa in a suit just makes makki's brain stop working and tbh half of the wooing is just the suit 
"omg you didnt have to do all this,, hey turn around i wanna see the suit from the back- hOLY SHIT,,,wh,,,your baCK and sh-shoulders,,,,,,fuck,,,,,that flat ass-"
 speaking of matsukawa is a saP 
you'll hear me shouting this from the rooftops right next to one hanamaki takahiro 
"he's actually a romantic its tragic i thought he was a badass fuckboy who rides a motorbike but nope im stuck with someone who feels the need to kiss me goodmorning and text me goodnight-" 
"oh fuck oFF you'd cry if i didnt at this point you loser" 
'alright stop then i dont care' 
"nah you love me. and thats why i wont stop. because i love you too" 
so they are stupidly domesticated and also very very clingy they are That Couple™ 
they have a couples instagram and everything
 oikawa got jealous and refused to speak to anyone 
and then he made an instagram for his dog and matsukawa lost his shit
"babe please lets get a dog please holy shit imagine the likES BABY DO IT FOR THE LIKES
""issei what the fuck we're not married yet we cant have a dog together get a hold of yourself be a man and get through this-" 
"...i heard that yet you cant steamroll on i wont let you" 
"what are you talking about lmao go away issei,,w-what do you mean i didnt say-"
 "ill get on my knees right now. ill even ignore the fact that you said the word 'lmao' out loud" 
'whats the catch' 
"........just,,,,,,,,,,please lets get a corgi-" 
theyre both stubborn but they never fight ever 
theyve had onE big fight and it was over a misunderstanding and it was terribly minor and because they were both stressed
 they yelled and oikawa and iwaizumi had to pull them away and neither if them spoke for the whole day
 and they felt so so bad 
 neither of them could sleep
matsukawa decided to run all the way to hanamakis house 
five streets away but, a truly horrible, dramatic, stupid decision 
makki couldnt yell at him for it 
because he stopped a few blocks to his house and stared 
there he was in all his sweatpants and bubblegum pink bedhead glory
makki was standing there with wide eyes, panting like he'd also been running 
matsukawa, dazedly: you hate running 
hanamaki, winded as fuck: what the,,,what the fuck,,,,,what kind of
romcom bullshit- holy shit- 
theyre walking towards each other and start talking at the same time 
"issei you stop right there you fucker dont you dare-"
 "technically im more sorry because i started running earlier-" 
"-no shut up thats just your long legs im so sorry-"
 "-fuck naw you cant have this im the sappy one right let me have my grand romantic gesture goddammit i love you-" 
'-issei you'll stop and let me apologize tearily and cry and ask if i can make it up to you with sex if you know whats good for you please i felt so shitty-' 
"- that sounds hot as fuck and i love you, im so in love with you, i love everything about you-mMPH" 
queue hanamaki stepping forward and leaning up to cup his face in both hands and kissing him quiet 
matsukawa fondly recalls it as 'literally the most romantic thing he's done' 
hanamaki fondly recalls it as 'the most teary sex i've ever had, jesus christ we were a mess' 
ive got more but i dont have it in me to write it out atm ill be back tho
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wildfangz · 6 years
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@liliithvatore tagged me in that simself thing thats been goin around DAYS ago but here it finally is! also thank you for the tag this was fun :-]
I tag @slythersim @thelurgoyf @seoulchii @weicyn @solitasims @daisydezem @raha-plays-the-sims if they want to do it & anyone that just wants to do it in general! message me and I’ll even @ u directly if u want. 
anyway lets DO THIS shitload of questions under the cut u’ve been warned!!!
1. what is your name?
2. what is your nickname?
jewel, jules
3. birthday?
oct 26th
4. what is your favorite book series?
percy jackson and the olympians will probably always own my heart & soul
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes & yes. tho i do think a lot of alien sightings and conspiracy theories and what not are bullshit
6. who is your favorite author?
maggie stiefvater probably? also cornelia funke but its been years since ive read anything by her so i cant be sure BUT i loved inkheart & the thief lord so much
7. what is your favorite radio station?
ummm when i listen to the radio at all i kinda just switch between two rock stations and our popular music station.
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
blue raspberry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tasty and i love a blue tongue
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
cool. or bitchin’.  i play it simple
10. what is your current favorite song?
hands like houses - revive
11. what is your favorite word?
roulette and inhibition which i never get to use either as much as i want !
12. what was the last song you listened to?
emarosa - givin’ up ! its a bop!
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
the new she-ra on netflix its so good. and gay
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
moana. its also like the only movie i dont have trouble getting thru despite how many times ive already seen it
15. do you play video games?
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16. what is your biggest fear?
idk... being inherently unlovable i guess n ending up alone? also spiders !
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?
im fairly open-minded and laid back. Unless someones being like, purposely nasty or something I generally don’t get defensive or aggressive. also a lot of little quirks that piss others off dont bother me im very u do u as long as its not actually harming anyone and ive had people tell me this makes it easier to open up to me so thats probably my best quality....
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?
....at the same time though i do get very sensitive when faced w/ criticism even if its of the fair variety when its not phrased really gently for various reasons and i dont like that. especially since I have a tendency to not even talk to people about it. I’ll just immediately start distancing myself. also other than that i think overall I have a really high tolerance lvl but if you cross that line I hold a grudge like a motherfucker
9. do you like cats or dogs better?
cats! dogs are good too but cats are a lot easier for me to handle...and quieter generally but even when they’re loud cat sounds dont get to me quite as much as barks do
20. what is your favorite season?
autumn but im starting to really like summer for some reason? wack :/
21. are you in a relationship?
22. what is something you miss from your childhood?
the lack of responsibility, probably. that sounds real bad lmao but for me its like...I know I’ve grown in various ways over the years but I also feel like so many of my experiences, my trauma, my mental health has held me back and I don’t think I’m mentally where I should be for my age. so all the responsibility of adulthood is just..really overwhelming for me sometimes, even though ive been given a pass from certain aspects of it and the rest is pretty simple its the idea!!!!
23. who is your best friend?
my ex
24. what is your eye color?
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25. what is your hair color?
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26. who is someone you love?
my mom
27. who is someone you trust?
not really anyone rn unfortunately...would like 2 work on that
28. who is someone you think about often?
are my OCs a fair answer because i am always thinking about my babies.....
29. are you currently excited about/for something?
my favorite webcomic (that also has two of my all time favorite characters in it) just came back!! the artist disappeared back in 2015 like the day after I binge-read the whole fucking thing & i was so disappointed but its BACK and 2018 has been redeemed
30. what is your biggest obsession?
sims probably! i could talk about anything relating to it for hours
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?
there were so damn many its hard to even think and figure out the most notable ones...i really, really liked teen titans though?
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
my ex, again
33. are you superstitious?
not terribly so but somewhat. I take certain things as signs and I mean I do believe in astrology & such to a degree
34. do you have any unusual phobias?
i used to be afraid of mirrors but thats all i can think of and its not even a thing anymore...the only other thing is tornadoes but i dont think its unusual. but it definitely sucks for me ‘cause i live in tornado alley!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it....like taking pretty pictures and dont like ppl capturing my image 2 film
36. what is your favorite hobby?
sims.....also singing!!! and drawing!!!! video editing!!!!!!!!! the works
37. what was the last book you read?
The Dream Thieves....havent finished it though because last time i went to read it a spider was lying in wait and im traumatized
38. what was the last movie you watched?
coco i think???
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?
drums, various other percussion instruments, and violin mainly
40. what is your favorite animal?
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhh @bratsims @liliithvatore @cabsim @wildlyminiaturesandwich @keysims pls dont feel bad if i didnt include u these were just the first to pop into my head and ive been following some of them since I first made my blog!! and have kept up with their stories completely and enjoy them etc check them OUT !
42. what superpower do you wish you had?
shapeshifting!!! dysphoria? gone. ugliness? gone. want to morph into a fucked up clown and scare people when they realize all the classic clown features are a real actual part of my face? possible!
43. when and where do you feel most at peace?
chillin’ at the pool in summer during the part of the day when no ones there.... swimming is always relaxing 2 me then i love just resting under the sun and drying off afterwards especially since we have a little pond nearby and i can hear the water! its nice
44. what makes you smile?
always and without fail? interacting with anyone i have a crush on. i’ll look like a dope the whole time
45. what sports do you play, if any?
i used 2 play basketball a lot. Like not seriously but it was a thing
46. what is your favorite drink?
dr pepper and monster energy (original flavor) pumps through my veins at this point. we love a carbonated beverage
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
two years ago for my ex and I’s first year anniversary... I never got it mailed but I did at least take a picture of it (with included caption because my handwriting is atrocious). i was very up front about being a romantic and see heres the PROOF
48. are you afraid of heights?
nope! very excited by them actually
49. what is your biggest pet peeve?
i cant stand passive aggressive behavior. my stance is either get over it or quit acting like a bitch because otherwise im just going to ignore you thats the scorpio way (in all seriousness I really, really do recommend not putting up with it and ignoring it until they decide to be up front with you. it can be exhausting constantly reading into conversations and its not healthy for you or them. if they have something to say they need to learn to talk about it properly, and that lack of social skills is not ever on you)
50. have you ever been to a concert?
yep! i think about....six or so? i love them...which is really funny im autistic and EVERYTHING about them should freak me out and they do in other circumstances but at a show i just live for it
51. are you vegan/vegetarian?
nope! ive thought before id like to go vegetarian...but i couldnt do it with my health problems. also i love shrimp too much
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
ive always wanted to do something creative! when i was rlly young I thought a lot about singing and acting and writing in particular...all things im still interested in.... also i wanted to be a dictator ages 4-7 because i told my mom i wanted to be president of the world and make people do what i say and she said “honey thats a dictator not a president”. i then made that known at school and that turned into a situation!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in?
pokemon universe or bust. 
54. what is something you worry about?
never being able to do things i want to do or catching up with others because of my disabilities
55. are you scared of the dark?
yes but a reasonable amount i think
56. do you like to sing?
yes :]
57. have you ever skipped school?
yes i used to play sick a LOT and as my parents caught onto it id even go all out to convince them. i was good at school but i hated it so much
58. what is your favorite place on the planet?
dunno! malls maybe i love shopping and looking at material objects i wish to own
59. where would you like to live?
oregon! portland in particular thats been my dream for a few years now
60. do you have any pets?
a cat! he lives with my dad & grandma though...hes grown up there and likes going outside so I felt bad about taking him with me when i moved out but anyway this is him hes fat and stupid and i love him his name is coffee
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl because my rhythm is all fucked up but in my heart....an early bird...if i get a good nights sleep i’ll be up early yacking your ear off and so excited for the day
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
sunsets are prettier...but sunrises feel more refreshing
63. do you know how to drive?
nope ! im gay !
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
headphones. better sound quality also discourages people from talking to me slightly more
65. have you ever had braces?
nope! but i need them
66. what is your favorite genre of music?
post-hardcore maybe?
67. who is your hero?
every trans person living their truth and being open and loud about who they are past present & future. the worlds not particularly kind to us and our existence alone is considered a radical act, so its always given me hope to see others refusing to pretend to be someone they’re not in this environment and I’ll always have mad respect for that
68. do you read comic books?
i read manga and webcomics...ive always wanted to get into superhero comics but the amount of issues and different versions is ridiculous and makes it inaccessible 2 me 
69. what makes you the most angry?
i mean its hard to pinpoint what makes me angry the MOST...but a contender is definitely how some people feel free to treat others with cruelty and think its their god given right to deny or attack someones existence in some way, & how acts of kindness, even the most basic are branded as liberal bullshit or whatever....it goes against everything i was taught growing up
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
real book! electronic device can be easier but....rough on the eyes after a while and nothing beats the real thing for me
71. what was your favorite subject in school?
language arts...at least when we did creative writing stuff
72. do you have any siblings?
two older sisters & an older brother that passed away years ago but. still my brother u kno
73. what was the last thing you bought?
mocha frappe baby!!!!!
74. how tall are you?
75. can you cook?
a little bit....not as much as id like to though but im learning
76. what are three things that you love?
storms, cheesy breadsticks, and cat purrs
77. what are three things that you hate?
unnecessary rudeness, being talked down to or generally treated like im stupid, grapefruit which is the worst thing on this list
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends?
female i think?
79. what is your sexual orientation?
im the big bad promiscuous bisexual your parents warned you about
80. where do you currently live?
oklahoma. gofundme campaign to get me out
81. who was the last person you texted?
my friend jojo! just Now!
82. when was the last time you cried?
yesterday afternoon but im a changed man now thats behind me. i will cry about different things soon
83. who is your favorite youtuber?
the mcelroy brothers. also super best friends play. matt, pat & woolie are all great tbh
84. do you like to take selfies?
depends on whether i feel ugly or terribly dysphoric that day or not
85. what is your favorite app?
ummmm....love live school idol festival ive been playin for years its an addiction
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
dad = bad mom = okay. theres some issues that strain it but its not too bad
87. what is your favorite foreign accent?
i have no idea what the fuck australians are talking about half the time but i dig it anyway 
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Mexico, various other states (ive only been out of state three times. twice to texas and then once to kansas. for five minutes)
89. what is your favorite number?
6!! 26 also
90. can you juggle?
ive always wanted to but alas.... :-[
91. are you religious?
i suppose...but im rlly not into organized religion
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
space probably theres so fucking much of it man!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
not to brag but sometimes i eat my mcdonalds hamburgers cold from the fridge so you can figure that one out yourself B)
94. are you allergic to anything?
pecans. not deathly allergic though so catch me eating turtle pie anyway! 
95. can you curl your tongue?
nope :[
96. can you wiggle your ears?
nope :[
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
usually as soon as i realize....unless someones being real smug and annoying then i might be stubborn about it
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach?
ive never been to the beach but i love her!!!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
probably that you have to look at your accomplishments differently when you’re disabled or just struggling, to not be so down on yourself because its a fact that what might be a mole hill to someone else is a mountain to you and you have to judge yourself accordingly. Like maybe you weren’t able to clean the whole house, but washing the dishes and tidying your desk doesn’t usually get done but you did it. That that should be celebrated because while it would also feel good if you did more, you still did something and thats great all things considered.
100. are you a good liar?
sometimes, really depends what im lying about and if im like....into it at all. If my guts against it for whatever reason I’ll have trouble
101. what is your hogwarts house?
i always get slytherin or hufflepuff! usually with like 1 point difference
102. do you talk to yourself?
i am talking to myself right now as i fill this out
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
extrovert mainly! i used to think i was more introverted but now i think a lot of exhaustion when theres any comes from me just going the extra mile and actively trying to read people and pick up on social ques.... if I just chill im fine
104. do you keep a journal/diary?
nope...ive tried but i just cant keep up with it so i do the next best thing. shouting into the void on the internet to a bunch of strangers
105. do you believe in second chances?
depends on what you did the first time. Some people just don’t deserve taking that risk imo...but i can be a little guarded so maybe thats a bit too harsh
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
turn it in, unless there was no identifying things in it & it was found somewhere kinda random. Then I’d maybe hold onto it unless my gut challenged that
107. do you believe that people are capable of change?
absolutely. i mean thats all we do throughout our lives is change and evolve...that being said I think extremely drastic changes are maybe not entirely impossible, but extremely rare, and the residue of the former self usually sticks around in some form
108. are you ticklish?
yes, dangerously so
109. have you ever been on a plane?
110. do you have any piercings?
one day hopefully!
111. what fictional character do you wish was real?
asra from the arcana.....even if he wasn’t my boyfriend thats just a dude u could chill and eat some pomegranates with u know. Before I downloaded the app my friends kept telling me he was made for me and he really was he ticks like everything on my Favorite Characters Feature List except villain but he has that particular allure & attitude i like so much in villains so thats not a single point off hes perfect
112. do you have any tattoos?
nope...one day! hopefully!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
accepting my genderqueerness and bisexuality definitely. Self Love hasn’t been perfected just yet but that was such a huge step in the right direction
114. do you believe in karma?
yes! she doesn’t get shit done as much as id like however
115. do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses. not contacts yet because my eye doctor is a bitch
116. do you want children?
I do....just not sure if id be a good parent. Its really important to me if I had a child itd be for the right reason and I could raise them well in a healthy environment & be able to take care of all their needs yknow
117. who is the smartest person you know?
probably my friend jojo
118. what is your most embarrassing memory?
one time i looked outside and the sunset was really pretty and i wanted to get a photo of it so i walked out.....and stood like right by the street so there weren’t trees in my way...and then i realized mid-pic 1) i am not wearing pants & my shirt is full of holes 2) id been depressed for days so my hair was a tangled mess. I tailed it back inside so i didnt even get a nice pic it was blurry!
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
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120. what colour are most of you clothes?
black i didnt even have to think about that one
121. do you like adventures?
they are pretty swell
122. have you ever been on tv?
a few times when i was little. always photobombing the news reporters 4 what i thought would eventually lead 2 fame & fortune
123. how old are you?
124. what is your favorite movie quote?
this is technically lyrics to that lil song in moana at the end but
“ They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you.”
hits me hard every time! emotional impact? i know her
125. sweet or savory?
sweet!!!!!!!! gotta balance out my bitter somehow
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parkjmini · 7 years
bts as fuckboys
[a/n]: inspired by @sweetersuga  | original post: x i wrote it as the perspective that you’re already close friends w them/have been with them before !!
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he’s the funny, sarcastic one where he could be kind of mean bc he takes it a lil far
“you’re such trash you sleep with every girl”
“at least I can get someone to sleep with me”
he flashes a smile in the hall bc he KnOws iT GeTs oN YouR NeRveS
“When’s my birthday”
“January 1st bc u set off my fireworks baby”
“i am disgusted”
piggy back rides on those goddamn strong broad set of shoulders ooffff
“I’ll call you, ya?”
He never calls u bc he probably forgot too busy improvin himself
you have a streak with him and all he sends are selfies with the caption “I hope your day is as beautiful as I am (:”
He catches you staring in class one day and he’s like “take a pic, it’ll last longer babe”
so now u have a gallery full of jin and he wont let u delete them bc he thinks they’re all masterpieces you do too but youd never admit it
the only fuckboy that’s tolerable bc he’s rlly just a big goof 
“why don’t you ever have sleeves on your shirt jin”
“these shoulders are on display, honey, can’t cover up the jewels”
he’s kind of obnoxiously loud that u want to shove ur fist into his mouth to sh u t  him uP 
“dude, jimin’s hot”
“okay but so am i ??”
“ok ya youre really hot but so is jimin”
“just trying to get my baby some more dick jeEZ”
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“hey yoongs why dont we go on a date??”
“uuhhhhhh since when were we dating? lmao dont trip” 
gets a new number every 2 months bc he loves fucking w them crazy bitches too much
“sometimes you need to mess around with the ones who can bite off your dick, being risky is hot (-;”
“BEinG riSkY iS hOt ya u wont have a penis anymore at the rate you’re going”
kind of smells like a mixture of alcohol and cologne 
“let’s play a game, if u lose u have to take off ur clothes, if i lose u have to take off ur clothes”
“wait but yours stay on ?? wtf yoongi??”
“no mine will come off right after i see u naked (;”
the one to play with the ends of your skirt/dress/shirt bc it gets u so flustered and he lives seeing u flustered 
straight up Arrogantᵀᴹ at times its hot but ur so annoyed by it that u wanna knock some sense into him
wont ask for nudes but will ask to see some goods
“can i see ur tits”
“for the 4039th time, no”
“well, a man can try”
SMIRKY MC SMIRKY HERE like it just comes OUT of NOWHERE and it is OUT to ATTAC 
u dont have a snap streak w him bc it always breaks bc he replies every 3 years bc he was “busy”
but he’s always the fourth person to like your instagram posts???????
and to comment the water droplet/eye/tongue emoji combo ????
loves when u swat his hands away from gripping your thigh 
(i wanted to use this gif but it was so big and rectangle and didnt fit but u need to see that gif to really take in the fuckboy bc i cannot find a representation as accurate as that gif is)
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always greeting you whenever he sees you
“hey babygirl”
“hoseok we just saw each other in chemistry”
“ok and????? can’t i say hi to my baby?”
“but im not”
“lmao every girl is my baby”
raises his eyebrows any time you fix your dress or your shirt
asks to borrow a pencil and never returns it
“where is my pencil hoseok”
“where is my kiss (y/n)”
“we didnt agree to that”
“well i didnt agree to give it back”
“dO u NoT kNOW whAT BoRRoW meANS”
loves to share so he shares a lot of his snacks with u
“omg i love snacks!!”
“oh baby me too” and trust me, he’s not talking about the food
has the brightest, kindest smile so it catches you off guard when he says some snarky fuckboy comment
loves physical contact !!!!! always has a hand on your back, or shoulder, or thigh, or hand, or arm
lets you wear his hats/jackets/hoodies bc he thinks youre sooo cute in his clothes
he walks around school with his hands in his pockets like a doUCHEBAG
catches you off guard by spinning you around with his arm around your waist 
uses the line “im a dancer” to get girls what an eyeroll
the type to drag you onto the middle of the dance floor at a club just so he could show off his skillz which are actually super bomb like even ur impress and uve seen them 308443 times
he got that sweatpants dick print 
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changes his contact name to Daddy on your phone
“oh shit did you see her ass”
“look here bootylover123 stfu”
winks at you a lot in the halls 
“do you have a fucking eye problem namjoon”
“its a wink” 
“u do it so much that im beginning to think youre eye is having a spasm 
lets you copy his homework if he got a hug in return
the type to comment a peach emoji on your instagram photos even if there is no butt involved
loves when you sit on his lap 
one time there weren’t enough seats on the bus and he patted his leg for you to sit
“i know you hate standing (y/n), take a seat itll be fine”
“why can’t u be a gentleman and give up your seat for me?”
*alMOST CHOkES from LAUGHING* “me???!!! a gentleman??? wow u expect too much, just sit your big ass down on daddy’s lap or suffer standing”
buys you lunch bc he loves showing off his e x p e n s i v e w a l l e t 
he could go from having a full blown brilliant monologue as to why he exists to giggling about how your moles r arranged into the shape of a penis 
calls girls mami or ma 
asks for ass pics at like 1:32 AM 
and u send him pictures of ur elbow crease 
and he actually thinks its ur butt
BLASTS baby makin music from his car and causes a public disturbance 
has the highest count of broken beds, not bc of a high body count, but bc he actually breaks the bed everytime he sleeps w someone
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spaces out when ur wearing a low cut top bc hes too busy staring at ur cleavage 
his streak snaps are either mirror pics, his abs, mirror pic of his abs, and occasional dick pics
“wanna play 20 questions (;”
“we’ve played 20 questions like 20 times already”
“ok gr8 ill start first: will u let me hit it from the back??”
offers to netflix and chill all the time and it sux bc he actually knows all ur fav shows
ok let me reiterate, jimin knows all ur favorite anythings bc he listens to u 75% of the time bc he thinks ur voice is sexy 
will never fail to compliment you when u look good 
“damn baby, is this all for me????”
“no i just dont want to look like a hobo today”
gets super jealous when any other guys speak to u even tho hes piping down like 8 other girls 
“jimin they’re my frIENDS ur not even my bf why u tripping”
“they arent acting like theyre ur friends. i know fuckboy behavior when i see it (y/n) its my occupation, i do the same shit w girls”
“thats good then, someone else wants me too”
“not good bc ur HOT ASS IS MINE )-:”
youre saved as #1 babygirl on his phone no objections
walks into class with a new hickey in a new place every day 
he has SEX EYES u could never look him directly in the eyes bc theyre so captivating 
fucking walks like an arrogant prick down the hall and whistles when u pass 
brags about his big dick when its honestly not as exaggerated as he says 
has a picture of you in one of his shirts as his homescreen wallpaper 
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“i wont show anyone, im not messed up like that” yea be careful w this one honey, pretty sure jungkook, hobi, yoongs, namjoon all know how ur tits look like
has the perfect innocent face where u have no idea that he’s fucking 4 other girls
always responds after 12 am and calls u at 3 am 
“tae im fucking sleeping”
“damn thats hot what else u doin??”
“hanging up on u goodbye im going to block ur number”
“pls don-”
uses the line, “i just dont think we’re compatible” on E V Ery GIRL 
offers to hangout but never follows up with it bc he’s never seen out in public with a girl unless its his momma 
“jasmine is telling everyone you gave her chlamydia, u get checked bro??”
“dont worry about it”
body count means a lot to him 
loves hugs bc he likes feeling boobs squished against him
sometimes INTENTIONALLY lowers his voice bc he KNOWS ur into that shit 
thinks youre playing hard to get when rlly u just dont care lol
“i know u want all of this, (y/n)”
“i think ur mistaken”
“right bc i want all of u (:” 
“ya tae let’s not get ur feelings mixed w mine ok thx u”
NO SUCH THING AS PERSONAL SPACE the boy is a koala and will latch onto u 
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the biggest fuckboy of them all
has slept w almost every girl in the school and is v proud of it
“what’s your name again”
“rlly jungCOCK” 
“ok (y/n) i know ur fkcing name so can u learn mine”
u dont think he’s ever had a gf b4 bc he doesnt believe in labels OR commitment which hes pretty vocal abt 
unlike jimin, he doesnt own up to his dick pics and swears that they were “”accidents””
SCrEENsHOTS! but ur smart so ur face is NEVER in ur pics
“who’s boobs r on ur phone kook”
“i dont have photogenic memory (y/n) i wanted to remember those cuties without a shirt on (;”
looks too fucking good w a fresh cut that u need to avoid him in the halls or ull melt to goo
only owns white tees and timbs lmao hahahaha 
smirks when you bend down to pick something up 
that or he yells, “one more time, babe!”
“wat u doin”
“without me!!1???” 
he’s on tinder too so once he’s done with the sampling pool at school, he can broaden his horizons 
a car enthusiast and will get offended if u dont think his rims r cool
thinks youre really hot when you yell at him or hurt his feelings 
youre his prized possession bc he actually likes talking to u but will never admit it 
has a specific nickname for u that he doesnt call his other girls bc its YOURS !! 
“hey cutie”
“hey jungCOCK”
hates the nickname jungCOCK 
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landofpensandfrogs · 7 years
i have just watched the netflix death note movie ! i can say that it was the worst thing in the world and nearly made me look at jurassic world with fond thoughts. nearly, because unlike death note jurassic park is actually very, very dear to my heart and so jurassic world needs to die in a fire whereas death note can just have an appropriate, quiet heart attack.
i dont know where to start ! it was so bad ! of course the plot was going to be condensced and ... there was no way to take all of death notes 12 volumes and make it into something that felt complete when they had one hour and forty minutes to show us. but my problem wasn’t a rushed plot or anything like that-- it was the characters. by which i mean light and mia.
mia just... was a completely different person. in the manga, she worships and loves kira because he killed the murderer of her parents. she has her own death note and her own shinigami and light pretty much uses and abuses her to his own ends all the time. in this movie, she was a hot girl in his school to whom he told abot the death note on the very next goddamn day after he got it. she was treated as his equal, they were a duo. and the worst thing: all of the “righteous” killings (criminals and all) were lights, while all of the “bad” killings (of cops who were going after them, for example; she also threatens lights father after a press conference) were mias.
they turned mia into someone who was willing to do what was needed for their safety and kiras image while they turned light into a boy who really did want to kill all criminals becuse of his anger at the failing justice system. (”We don’t kill innocent people, Mia!”)
its just that... by doing light wrong like they did, they did the entire thing wrong. hes the protagonist, after all. in this movie, light really is a pathetic child! the start of the movie fails at showing us good reasons why light would make use of the death note in the way he does-- to catch huge, bad criminals, to be known for it. his first killing is via ryuuku goading him into killing a bully. a bully. an 18 yo kid. of course bullying is terrible, but that does not equal murder. later, mia calls the bully a sociopath. im sorry, this is supposed to convince us this killing was righteous?
just... the point of light is that hes a boy with this god complex who literally gets handed the means to build himself the image he wants. in the movie hes... hes a pathetic boy. he likes the hot girl, so he tells her everything. he doesnt even read all the death note rules. he gets tricked by mia and all ryuuky does is mess around with the stupid boy. in the end his dad finds out about him just as  L is about to use a loose death note page to kill him. hes... where’s smart, manipulative light? in the manga, he beats L. by manipulating a shinigami into killing him. THEN HE SMIRKS DOWN AT DYING-L AS HE DIES.
(awesome thing: ls last thoughts arent about how hes dying, how hes lost, how he was tricked by light/kira, how he failed: his last thought is, I was right. YOU GO GIRL.)
L... made me sad. like... his logic for finding kiras location and then later his identity werent well thought-of (kira lives in seattle because one killing (which kira hadn’t ‘signed’, so how did he find out it was kiras?) was only broadcasted in seattle and kira is light turner (GOD, LIGHT TURNER. TURNER. SOMEBODY HOLD ME.) because... reasons. god, i dont even know anymore.)
then Ls narrative gets swallowed by the fact that light goes on to disappear and then kill Ls pal. oops, bye L-the-detective, youre now L-who-chases-after-light-on-a-stolen-police-cruiser-with-a-gun-itent-on-killing-him-right-after-your-speech-about-bringing-people-to-justice-and-all-that.
hte actor now owns my heart. his sad faces. his sad faces killed me, i wanted to hold him.
like... the one thing the movie did right were the shots where ryuuku was in shadows. when they shoed his face, even if a little, it was ruined- but the shots where ryuuku was in shadows, with his impossibly tall, freaky silluete, and those terrible, luminous eyes... those were awesome.
TL;DR: the movie sucked because it turned light into a pathetic boy who really did only want to kill all the bad guys, mia into the bad girl who didnt care about killing innocents, and L into someone whos story got swallowed by the personal side of things and then ended up chasing light madly with a gun. terrible. what was the point of the movie if youre going to get wrogn basic things about the theme of the orinigal source.
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sally-annesstories · 5 years
Day 107 - Santa Marta to San Gil, Colombia
1. Oh my word its tiring being on a vacation from the vacation! I woke up pretty exhausted today for really no reason at all. Briar and I got up and had breakfast at the hostel as she was aiming to head off at 8.30am to go to Minca. Classic Colombia timing her ride arrived just before 9am so it was a see you later till we are both back in NZ as she's sticking around North Colombia for a week before heading to Peru.
2. I headed to the mall one last time. I havent had jandals since San Blas and my current sandals aren't waterproof (discovered this a few months back) so they're slowly becoming tacky. I had the goal of getting sandals which were also waterproof so I wouldn't need jandals on tops of sandals. Ended up finding some along with another pair of sports shorts. Getting all prepped for the future hikes! Also I'm just too lazy to dress fancy so I end up in active wear the majority of the time anyway. I was running tight on time at the mall for check out but given it was a large one I also decided to tick off getting shampoo, toothpaste etc so hopefully I won't have anymore admin purchases for at least another couple of months (less than 3 to go now!!).
3. I had booked an airport transfer which ended up being just me which was great and meant not tripping all around Santa Marta. It was also just a 20 minute drive with weird road bumps. With the transfer I had prepared for the worst and actually was at the airport 2 hours early which is a bit ridiculous. So I spent the next couple of hours in the food court passing time with this and music. Plus a wee but of netflix.
4. The flight to San Gil was very chill at an hour and a half so I napped through it. On arrival I grabbed my bag and realised there was an uber in the area. I decided to catch it because then it's a cashless transaction which just makes life easy. Well 5 minutes later when we were pulled over by the police I immediately regretted this decision. As the uber driver gets out he says my name is Jonathan. Uber is illegal here and I hadn't looked into if it it illegal for the driver or the passenger or both (still haven't done this, probably should). Anyway not long after a police officer is asking me questions but I actually can't understand a thing. So (in Spanish I'm just saying I dont understand). The only question i finally (kind of) understand is how long have you been here or how long are you here. I decided to go with the first and said three weeks. At one point I had 4 police officers asking me questions I didnt understand. One even wrote something on Google translate but it just said driver then a word in spanish (not translated) so I was still useless to answering. I think they decided I was a lost cause as they didnt ask for ID and let me go. The driver was held longer but eventually we were both in the car and I was desperate to make it to the bus station. Might actually be wise to catch taxis from here on out. They aren't expensive, it's just harder for me for communicating. The it was a 3 hour busride to San Gil. Very boring until I heard a squeak on the road, then more squeals. I was pretty sure it was a pig which was confirmed a few hours later when a pig exited in a cat cage. Five minutes later I looked at the map and realised I was a 30 second walk from the hostel (but still 10 minutes from the bus station). Others were hopping off the bus so I surprised the driver and said I would too. Then it was just a 2 minute walk and I made it. Luckily it's a pretty safe town as not my wisest move walking around alone at 9pm but it seemed lit up so I went with it.
5. At the hostel it was normal check in with added bonus of a crazy level of activities. San Gil is the adventure capital so there is lots to do around the area. After the tour I was headed to my room (scored a bottom bunk!) And then there were a few people chilling outside who invited me to join. It was an interesting evening with some controversial topics like gun laws amongst others with lots of views from different places. At around 11pm we called it and I headed to bed.
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My feelings on The legend of Korra
So I recently watched all 4 seasons of Korra on Netflix. This is my first full viewing of the series. Before I get into the meat of all of my thoughts on it I should first give a few thoughts on how I view things. Firstly if a show is good it doesn’t matter how old you are or when you see it. If it’s going to be good in a 90′s setting then the show can still be good decades later, even if a little dated to its time. Secondly I’ve always felt that a show can be viewed on both its own personal merits as well as be compared to shows that come before it. As long as those shows are both from the same universe. It doesn’t matter if a show is made by the same people or different because in general, they represent the same universe to me. This can be taken into consideration for the most part but that’s why I make sure to look at it on both accounts. This way I can give an actual fair assessment to the show. However, at the sake of sounding like a hypocrite to some degree I should at least state I will be looking at Korra on its own and not comparing the two shows at all. See I enjoy the original avatar series but I don’t want to go in comparing the two because I would feel it’s unfair since as much as I enjoy it, I’m not in fact a “stan” when it comes to the series. I feel that the original show is good, but has a handful of episodes I don’t like. So with that in mind let’s look over my feelings for Korra When I went into Korra I had only seen about 2 episodes of it before I wrote it off stating “I just don’t like the main character” This was when I caught 2 random episodes of it late at night on tv. Also it just didn’t have a gripping enough setting to me. Steam punk has always been a kind of “meh” scenario and old timey just isn’t my thing. When it came to the story I just didn’t feel like it was going to catch me either. So I put it off. Now that it’s on Netflix and I can spend 3 days watching it I figure the fair shake was in order. After having seen it I take back a couple things I had on it. 1: Korra isn’t as bad as I thought she was. -Now I mean this in the fact that I caught Episode 1 and she does in fact change and grow as a person. From this annoying little teenager who is all too self important to a person who eventually does grow to show she is a mature adult. Trying to instead of actually just run in all the time and punch things to death until she wins. Now to say she doesn’t still have a strong sense of personality is wrong. I appreciate strong women in all of my content because there is always room for any and all kinds of women. But Korra in the beginning was kind of annoying to deal with. “I’m the avatar, you gotta deal with it” Made me go “I don’t like her. She’s kind of a dick” Granted she was a child then but still. She hadn’t grown up too much but with a deeper understanding of the fact that she is THE AVATAR and she has only trained in a single place for so long and lastly she also in general is a teenage girl of like 16? it is understandable for her to be this way. Most teens are like this because of all the hormones. With that in mind I can give the personality of Korra a pass. 2: The setting is ok. - It’s just that to me. Yes technology is a part of the series but this is supposed to represent a united world for all the people in it. So as much as I don’t like the technology in the world it is a product of its time. However the world around it is still the world of the avatar and if I liked the original I damn sure should like this. It’s the same world just set in the future. The earth kingdom is still garbage, the fire nation is now a better place (from what we hear, pretty sure we never see it) the air temples are much nicer (now that they’re not filled with skeletons) and the southern water tribe is in a much better position than it once was. Even though the world is kind of different it’s the setting I liked. I’m not against having an all non white cast. Who cares if there are no white people. You know what else is not in Avatars setting? Black people. I don’t mean that in an offensive way either. I mean that it’s an entirely Asian style of cast. To me it has china, tibet, Inuit, and japan as the main places, but that’s because I never saw any of the people in it as white. We don’t need any white people in the cast because the charcters and the setting are going to drive that enough on its own. But back to the main point. The visuals are great and it has a great setting to it because the Asian setting gives it that “mystical” feel to it. That’s one of the reasons I wasn’t a fan of the 20′s feel and so on.  That’s most of the stuff I was wrong about. Now we get into what I disliked about it and I’ll try to sound as fair and nice about it. If you’re here to argue this is not really the place. Sure my dumb ass put out my thoughts onto the internet so fair game, but I’m mostly here to express my feelings in a non argumentative non offensive way. If I offend, forgive me, not my intent. So here goes. 1: Korra is kind of a “mary sue” - Now I’ve read the posts of people saying she isn’t online, and I’ve seen both sides. So let me explain what I mean as best as possible. When people say mary sue they don’t just mean a broad stroke of it all the time. It means many things nowadays because as some people have told me, language is fluid and changes its meanings at points in time. That being said, allow me to explain what I think others mean and what I mean. For me a mary sue is someone who has it “easy” who is strong, in all things, or picks up way too fast on stuff. For others it may mean the same thing. Now I’m sure you read the stuff I wrote earlier about her personality being better and her growing as a person. The main reason I say she is a mary sue is the fact that she picks up on bending and other things extremely fast. She is basically for the most part just given powers. Here is a list of what I mean Knew how to bend 3/4 elements at about the age of 4. Became a pro bender in about 1 match. Learned air bending instantly after having her powers taken away by blood bending even though she still didn’t “get” the spiritual stuff. Was given back her bending in a Deus Ex Machina. Was given the ability to spirit bend because if being the avatar. Which she later kept even though her bonds to earlier lives were severed in season 2. Learned how to tame the spirits in season 2 by seeing Unalok do it like maybe 2 times and actually never being taught how to do it. Defeated countless powerful villains who are seemingly so powerful they are beyond fair mostly on her own but with maybe a little bit of help. (which doesn’t seem like enough help unless you count season 4 because I do and she really needed that help cause how you gonna fight a mech?) Became the new first avatar ever because of her lines being severed from her past lives. Learning how to read the spirit vines like Toph even though was never shown to be taught it. Learned how to metal bend pretty easily. Was able to fight the strongest air bender in what seemed like almost ever while being poisoned in a pretty even display. I believe that is most of it in a pretty fair estimate of why I and most people who say she is a mary sue would say she is. She is just way too strong for an avatar and it feels like most of the fights had to have people be stronger than they needed to be and she just kept getting back up and winning in overwhelmingly strong and powerful odds. Now again this only has to do with Legend of Korra. I’m pretty sure if I watched the first series again like I did this one I would find some things about it that lower that series as well. But I’m talking about this and not comparing it to the first series because I want to tell how I feel about this on its own and not compared to a series I like more. 2: The stakes are too high. Or are they? - The stakes are always “the end of the world” and sure. That was the first series. But here, the series was always a new bad guy coming in and is about the end the world. Now I’m not going to get into the view points of the villains because I don’t need them to be deep or be super well fleshed out all the time. Evil tyrant works fine with me but the problem is the first villain is going to change the world by getting rid of all bending but he didnt succeed on anyone I care about. so the stakes were pretty low. No one was affected. Second season? its a dude who wants to change and destroy the world. But he didn’t succeed in hurting anyone I care about in the show so the stakes were pretty low. Remember season 3 when they killed a character you cared about? Me neither. Even though he was in this bad ass criminal organization and the stakes were high no one got hurt so it didn’t matter. Season 4? well, like NO ONE DIED AGAIN WHO CARES. See nothing bad happens throughout the series because the only people who died are like I don’t know, 4 people tops? Now I’m not saying I need death but there was more of that in the first series and even without the death Aang did kind of lost his ability to enter the avatar state in a more “high stakes scenario” This makes it feel like none of these villains who are all super fucking cool to me even matter much. On that note. 3: I want to get into these villains, but who are they and why should I care? - The villains in this series are actually kind of super cool to me. I do however feel like 1 season per villain just shows that they don’t matter in the long run. Why should I invest in any of them past the moment they do a cool thing? They’re also a villain of the week where it’s based on ideals thrown onto a form of bender or non bender. Now again I can handle the different ideals of each and how they’re bad and don’t really mind how they aren’t anymore than a basic form of idealism, but the problem I have is how they have one season per person compared to a whole 3 seasons of one main villain. By the time you get to them fighting Ozai you are stoked because they spent so much time fighting how many other villains who are all in their own right powerful? Who is the lackey in season 1? Mustache man? That’s not enough to get me into it. That’s not anyone I care about and that’s a problem. Being unable to really really invest in your villain makes half of your people not fucking matter. Now one thing that is cool though is all the villains in the series are “dope ass fighters” and the fight scenes are fantastic in the series. But that’s what the villains boil down to. The woman with no arms? That’s some cool shit dude. Sadly I’ll never know what made her lose her arms and made her join the red lotus. And that’s all that makes me not like the show. Now I’m going to finish off on something about the show that is a little controversial. I’m going to give my thoughts on the ending and the relationship of Korra and Asami. See I’m not against bi-sexual or homo-sexual or any kind of any relationship and I think representation is great when done well. I just didn’t see them really connect onscreen besides a tiny few things. A person coming out of nowhere saying “i was gay/bi/straight/whatever all along” is fine. Life kinda works like that sometimes. Hell sometimes people who thought they were straight their entire lives realize they are into same sex stuff and that’s perfectly natural and fine. The thing that gets to me is I don’t really see what made Korra and Asami show they had any “feelings�� like that for each other. There was no build up. There was no point in time where Asami showed she cared more than Mako did. Season one they barely knew each other, season 2 they were friends, season 3 they didn’t interact any differently and season 4 had a 3 year time skip where she wrote one time for “reasons” and then in general after that no much happened besides off screen possible stuff, on screen tea, and a talk at the end of the dance of Varrick and Zhu li getting married. It just feels more tacked on than it should have been and could have been done so much better than what it was. So that’s all and thank you for reading if you made it this far. My apologies again if I offended anyone and it’s ok if you don’t agree with me. Have a good one and enjoy what you want.
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