#i did vax and then was like 'i dont know what any of these are'
the-trans-dragon · 9 months
What if they didn't put ads every 3 posts. Three posts between ads, literally. Not even counting the ad for Tumblr Live.
Also what if tumblr didn't know what city Im in. I do not want my location tracked or stored anywhere unless I give explicit ongoing permission, like with my GPS app that I allow to track me only when the app is open, and then it deletes the data (allegedly) when I stop giving permission.
#ugh i do SO much to try to keep my location private. i use an android with all the tracking things Off (except for my weather app#which is a highly specific app that does NOTHING except provide weather; and i have the location turned Off so it doesnt even know where i#live). my tumblr email is not connected to any real life stuff because i made it when i was very closeted and made a new email and password#for it and never linked them to anything else. i have bare minimum apps. i use firefox and duckduckgo.#for shits sake i use a small barely-known map app because any Map App that has had large success under capitalism is inevitably going to#start selling private info or working with a cheap security system designed to allow quiet data leaks.#i guess i use gmail and gphotos but my phone doesnt HAVE a native Photo App. i have to use one i download and im too damn skittish to try#i guess i did get netflix recently....sigh.... i figured they WERENT tracking me because they email me EVERY TIME I USE NETFLIX to alert me#that OHHHH A NEW DEVICE IS USING NETFLIX AAAAA WHAT IF ITS AGAINST NETFLIX POLICY OH NOOOO. so i figured they didnt have a way to ID me.#UGH. CAN I PLEASE EXIST WITHOUT BEING MONITORED FOR FIVE SECONDS. can i please access Social Media which is a shitty substitute for actual#human connection but its the best i have--without someone noting my location and then trying to sell me things??? can i please watch film???#i cant go to a theater because my region does NOT believe in covid and not even medical staff attending Very Ill Patients wear masks anymore#stupid fucking homophobic transphobic anti-vax society has made it too dangerous for me to access most Not-Online forms of enrichment. and i#cant even use the Internet (a magnificent ASTONISHING human creation) without being tracked and advertised to.#ugh..#humanity is just so cool and brave and kind and amazing and yet we have taxes and advertisment IDs and traffic and medicine shortages.#its not like the ads even work. even when it shows me stuff i DO want. i cant fucking afford things. i already have spent too much money on#things that i dont need like Good Food and Entertainment and Juice. ugh....okay i do need food and liquids....Good food even. my body cant#survive on College Foods like it could in the past. And i might literally die if i dont buy juice...#and i guess its really really really heartwarming to have good entertainment to take breaks from all the stress.... its not like i havent l#..... like im so frugal. thank god my partners encourage me to buy myself things. i have been so much healthier since giving in and buying#Non-Water drinks instead of just Chronically Drinking Less Than A Bottle Of Water A Day. my partners are so good and sweet 😓 i shouldnt be#upset with myself for letting them convince me to take care of myself. that isnt fair to them or me so i will stop doing that now.#my faith in humanity is mostly just knowing that my partners exist. theyre so sweet. if people like them exist--then i have faith in humanty#no pressure lol. they are both so good and perfect regardless of how much energy they have to spare for Being Good. they are just inherently#very dear and good to me and for me. but just because i have faith in humanity doesnt mean im gonna stop complaining the whole time!!!!!! i#will whine about the bad stuff forever!!!! and BITE IT if i ever get the chance. but i will complain until the bothersome things go away.#if i complain my whole life with no results then...! so be it. i will whine and it will be art somehow.#sorenhoots
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cleromancy · 2 months
heres the thinglike. there are some things i would have to do if it ever came up in a batman story that. aren't headcanons i just need to do it or else it would feel like a chekovs gun in the back of my head. like it would be ooc for either preboot jason or roy to care overmuch about trigger discipline - like when you read devins arsenal mini the reason roy gives for stopping using guns altogether is to set a better example for his daughter. by not using that particular type of deadly projectile weapon unlike the. other types he continues to use. and thats like. okay roy thats great i guess but MORE IMPORTANTLY im glad youre not letting her play with the unloaded guns on your living room floor anymore! ya dingus! and then in outsiders he goes right back to using guns. including special modfied ones after he gets shot five times. still guns! and you can headcanon/reconcile that however you want - EYE sure do - but thats whats on the page. jason is jason and cheerfully tucks loaded guns into his waistband which is yk its fun its sexy and if another writer is in charge of it im not worried but if i was writing it id be like jason peter todd you are going to land wrong in the rubble and that firearm is gonna shoot your asscheek clean off and rhen where will you be. and you have to assume he knows what hes doing bc again its jason and thats the kind of thing hes good at. but it would be in the back of my head driving me crazy. just put them in a holster and quit waving them around like that.
the other thing is the batcave and rabies. absolutely no one goes down there unless they 1. are fully vaxxed and they DID have to figure out smt for the Kryptonians bc just bc bats cant bite thru their skin (under normal circumstances) doesnt mean they couldnt possibly contract it other ways unless they can rule them out (im not up to date on kryptonian biology lore but i have to assume its about as consistent as any of dcs other lore I.E not very). and 2. are capable of communicating it if a bat comes anywhere near them for "just in case" shots. absolutely no non-bat animals in the batcave. all the (human) bats have a rabies spiel and it is fucking terrifying. shivers down your spine cold sweats cujo whomst terrifying. Cass lived in this cave btw. the rabies cave full of rabies. like full on lived there for a while.
so yk. things that arent supported by canon - at least partially bc other writers clearly do not feel the same way as me - and i dont want or need them to. but for *me* i would have to do jt bc otherwise they feel like a loaded gun on the wall or in this case tucked into jays waistband. do you get it now
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
The love interests with Kerry’s kids because why not?
Kerry didn’t really tell them he had kids, he didn’t think it’d ever come up. It did and now everyone is like “are we??? What do we??” And Kerry is like “I’m not expecting any of you to step up or act like their parents. I don’t expect it from V either. You don’t even have to meet them if you don’t want too.” …they want too.
Okay JUDY doesn’t but that’s because she’s uneasy around children but she’ll stay. They do get presentable for Louise though because she’s not exactly thrilled to have to deal with whatever complicated mess Kerry has gotten himself into.
River is a pro. He has his niece and nephew, Ted thinks he’s cool because he’s a detective and Kim likes to get piggy back rides from him. He also has the patience of a saint and doesn’t let Ted’s attitude get to him because he can understand what that’s like, and how frustrating it could be to be in a situation like he’s in. Louise approved too.
V, we already know is a nervous wreck. He’s Kerry’s mainline of COURSE he’s gonna be a nervous wreck. Kim likes him and already thinks of him as her second Dad, Ted especially has a bone to pick with him because he thinks V is the thing keeping his dad from them (he’s not). Ted also didn’t take it lightly finding out he’s a merc, and immediately got danger signs. Louise likes him, after getting to know him she likes him and thinks he’s a cutie, just dont come home covered in blood when they are there, Vax.
Panam, she learns. She’s a quick learner. She also learned that Ted likes things he’s never seen before. So what’s she gonna do? Take him out to the badlands and do a race with V. Okay MAYBE she’d like to be the cool aunt, so what? She wins of course and can see that Ted thought that was the coolest fucking thing ever.. then V tackles her to the ground and begins to wrestle with her. Kerry is laughing happily.. and She’s Ted approved.
Judy has no fucking idea what to do with kids. What does one do with the tiny one? The older one is just grumpy. V gets her over one day when it’s just him and Kerry and the kids and let’s her figure it out. She then realized that V had kid proofed his phone (as in no Kerry nudes as his background) and she teaches Ted the basics to hacking and braindancing, safely. With Kim, Judy learned that girl loves cuddles, and just spending time with her in general so she likes to sit and watch Kim draw and just lets her talk for hours. Kim AND Ted approved.
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Purim Gifts 2024 fic exchange letter -
DNW anything to do with harry potter, or a tragedy, everyone dies, oppression sucks, and life is awful vibe. No intense bigotry or invalidating someone's identity. Nothing super nasty. Im mostly looking for lighthearted fluff, fun, mischief, and good feelings. Im not averse to tension, action, mystery, smut etc. as long as its overall upbeat and hopeful. Approximately kids media level villainy. Bonus points for queerness and or disability (If youre wondering what counts, whatever you think does. Im very inclusionist). Mostly looking for various celebrations of Purim or Jewishness.
Fandom specific vibes, for your perusal: Edit: Ran out of steam so do what you want. :) The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi Id love to see more of the Jewish boyfriend tbh, but also the whole crew is just fantastic.  A League of Their Own (TV 2022) There's just so much missed opportunity that the only canon Jew is Shirley. Shaw should be Jewish. Greta could be. Esti. They could have cute Jewish lesbian bonding over Shabbos candles or something. Getting everyone involved in a gift exchange. Going in drag to the gay bar. Finding a Megilla reading that doesnt coincide with a game. Anything with Bertie. Theres so much potential.  Alex Stern - Leigh Bardugo This one might be more angsty. I just desperately want more Alex and her relationship to her Judaism. Did it hurt to pawn that kiddish cup? What was her grandmothers house like, what food did it smell of? Does she sing herself Ladino lullabies? Does she observe in any way on her own? (Also that chai necklace burning up in hell — I have to know how the magic realism intersects with Jewishness). Something sweet with her friends or fellow Lethe people is cool too, maybe something to do with the artifacts in El Bastone. Cosmere - Brandon Sanderson Im thinking Mistborn might mesh best but honestly go wild. Stormlight is probably my favourite, Rysn and Chiri-Chiri, Navani and Raboniel, Shallan, the trans king from the walking island. Marasi and Steris my autistic blorbos. Maybe something weird with Kelsier. Critical Role (Web Series) Im thinking Jester and Nott and pastries and mischief. Im not super caught up on campaign 3 Im up to Bassuras, Ive seen most of two and a good bit of one and would prefer no major spoilers. There's no character that I really dont like (unless im supposed to dislike them TRENT IKITHON). “I hope you find someone to mourn you when you’re gone”. Woof.  Probably mighty nein are my favourite but I also have big feelings about Ashton and chronic pain, Percy, Vax, Vex, Kiki, Gilmore. Mollymauk. I hope this is useful information lol. 
Dead End: Paranormal Park (Cartoon) Supernatural elements please
Emelan - Tamora Pierce
Lady Astronaut of Mars series - Mary Robinette Kowal  Purim in spaaaaace
One Piece  Pirate Jews, or an island of Jews please. Pokemon Pokemon involved in mishloah manot please!
Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce Kel is just my favourite. The Strange Case of Starship Iris (Podcast) Brian Jeeter. Trans space Jew Brian Jeeter. The Locked Tomb pretty much anything tbh. This one also I expect a slightly higher angst level just by nature of the story. As long as there's also sweetness.
Tortall - Tamora Pierce 
Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers  Jews on the human fleet. Ai Jews? lots of fun opportunities.
When the Angels Left the Old Country - Sacha Lamb 
Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski  / The Witcher (TV) Its Polish. Its vaguely medieval europe fantasy. There should be Jews. and Jewish food. 
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
bladee & ecco2k - 5 star crest (nightcore)
its no secret that you can live a relatively healthy and succesful life in the west by simply paying attention to what jews are saying on television and social media and simply doing the opposite, they want me to get vaxxed? i think ill sit this one out, and everyone who took the advice is at BEST no better off and many are having strokes etc etc. this is no longer any big secret,  all americans feel that something went “off” right around the sixties, we all intrinsicly know this, they try to lie and slander a decade of all things! the fifties were actually like this; movie about a n word saying man. its fucking painfully transparent. so these are no longer hot takes, heres the next hot take. when did the drug war start? the sixties, isnt it funny how jews pretty much ran the entire west from the sixties on and everything they enacted from that point forward was intended to harm us, except that whole drug war thing they were looking out for us.
 women in particular are small minded about drugs, there is a reason alcohol remains legal and was only ever briefly made illegal despite being far and away the most destructive drug and also being by far the worst as far as cost benefit analysis, not only is it legal but its socially acceptable.
 jews dont want methed up roided out rifle owning white boys killing them, they want them drunk and useless not stimmed up and beefy. my experience with these drugs were very atypical but look who invented them and for what purpose. smoking cigarettes is also literally good for you if you are a man btw, i dont mean the costs outway the benefits i mean its literally just good for you, their cancer studies it turns out were fucking bullshit, i just found out about a year ago, absolutely atrocious “science”. cigarettes are both the most powerful legal stimulant you can buy (meth light) and on top of that its the literal ONLY legal thing you can do period that will raise your testosterone in a significant manner, and it does this like an aromatase inhibitor, so it raises FREE blood testosterone while simultaneously lowering estrogen, it also has nueroprotective qualities, like massive protection against alzheimers, not just statistically significant improvement, MASSIVE improvement over not smokers and the more you smoke the LESS likely you are to die from alzheimers, isnt that just quakin crazy jimbo? never trust jews, every part of your deeply held morality that was a literal non issue 200 years ago, discard it immediately that was installed in you but your fucking enemy. take meth, use roids, kill satans army, never listen to women or their thralls
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cursedauxiliary · 1 year
Dreams Feb 17
I went to a fancy celebrity party where there was ppl like Walter White and ht ecast of gravity falls but real. I was wearing my flower earrings except they were pierced into me cheeks which hurt like hell so I have tu take the stoppers out of my reg ear earrings to put onto them, Walter was very nice complimented my look bc he said it works by having a rounder face (it was like a dad being proud type of compliment) I gave him a hug. Then the party moved over to the back and the front became like a convenience store with snacks and Gatorade. I was still fiddling with my face piercings. Next thing you know the conscience store starts to look more like a home with couches windows, a kitchen and some windows. I was bored and went on discord and was devastated to find the one art server I lile discontinued but thankfully it was just an internet glitch. Then there came a knocking and this pudgy dude tries coming in hes like this big anti vax sexist dude and I kick his ass and push him out of the house, he drops his fake med card that he flaunts and I pick it up. I lock the doors n windows, his buddy comes to join him saying how I'm gonna get sued for assault but I say it's my house and yadda yadda you dont have any documents proving shit, and he goes sure we do amd pulls out his med card, remember his pudgy guy dropped his, this makes him furious bc now all the points he made were obsolete and just embarrassed himself. They argue, I throw the card onto the card and go "uhh is that it" and they turn and grab it, this makes the partner just so pissed and humiliated that he just says "yknow what I'm sorry, we dont have to sue each other, if you want we add money to the proceedings, have it get canceled and you can get the untaxed cash later" that seemed a bit uh sketch so I refused, and the 2 dudes went on there way bc apparently the beliefs are mostly for show to get money from stupid ppl willing to donate and angry ppl to sue.
Then the dream changed, I was like sully from monsters inc and me and my were going thru diff doors to help kids, no longer just making them laugh, but neglected ones lile cleaning them and their place up and well medical treatment. Sometimes when stuck outside we would be in a human form disguise. Lo and behold we get caught outside si we become human and mistaken as the babysitters for this family's kids. They run around and play and then this girl seizes up and freezes, she starts to flail on the ground scratching and hissing. It looked like rabies ngl, everyone comes over concern and strap her down to take her to the hospital but she quickly ends up dying and now it's become a thing where we have to figure out the disease. Due the rapid onset of symptoms and decline of the body, I think we determined it to be some kind of fungus, since we were playing outside, (def nothing irl bc lile nothing just has such a short incubation time and just straight kills the host... I think).
I leave and take s car ride through the country that I thought was Michigan bc of how flat and fieldy it was but I could just straight up see NYC and its skyline so I thought oh I'm in Connecticut (the geography does not make sense) and all it did was reassure my belief that, god I have to live near some terrain I cannot stand flat
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surveysonfleek · 2 years
How is Covid where you live? it’s finally settled down. we no longer have to wear masks anywhere except hospitals and nursing homes. they even stopped reporting the number of daily cases but it’s still in the thousands as far as i remember
Are you having a food shortage crisis due to drivers having covid and unable to work? not anymore
Are you using check in QR codes or filling in manual check ins everywhere you go? again, not anymore. they were such a hassle, i dont really see how it helped the cause tbh
Are you washing your hands/using sanitizer when you can? always. i was like this before the pandemic
What is one thing about covid that is driving you insane? nothing anymore. the anti-vaxxers kinda drove me insane though. if u dont want to get vaccinated, thats fine but please do not shove uneducated ‘facts’ down people’s throats
Are you sick of everyone talking about covid? no one really talks about it anymore
Do you find you clash with anyone when discussing covid? thankfully no one i was close to clashed with my views. sadly my beautician was anti-vax, imagine having to listen to her views unsolicited while i was supposed to be getting a relaxing facial lmao
What are your thoughts on the vaccinations and boosters? i supported them. i wholeheartedly believe i had a mild case of covid because of the vaccine
What has covid taken from you or prevented? a couple years of potential travel. but tbh i ended up saving a lot
Do you know anyone that has covid? how are they doing? i probably only know like 5 people who haven’t gotten it now
How is life for you right now? it’s honestly not bad. im a lot happier tbh
Are you Okay? yes
What is impacting your life the most right now? nothing really, just the thought of getting in shape and saving money before the wedding next year
What is something positive that has happened to you recently? i got the whole weekend to myself!
Any goals for 2022? it’s nearly over haha
Did you make any new year resolutions? no
Seeing many friends through the pandemic? i did
Are you studying? nope
Are you working? yes
Any new hobbies? not really
Who is your best friend? my fiance
How long have you been friends? 14 years
What is something about them that makes you smile? everything! 
Have they ever supported you through something major? always. theres honestly nothing he wouldnt support me through
Tell me a memory of you both together? traveling to sooo many places together and making memories
Ever travelled together? haha ^ yes, plenty of times. we’ve been traveling together overseas for 10 years now
Do you share similar interests? hmm mostly
One band or artist you both enjoy? the weeknd
One hobby you both enjoy? gambling lmao
What is something you disagree on? sleeping in. im more of a seize the day kinda gal
Name a movie you both love. the hunger games. we just rewatched the trilogy
Name a television show you both enjoy? rpdr hahaha
Any nicknames for each other? yes
Do you have a partner? yes, same person i spoke about above lol
Where Did You Meet? through friends over msn messenger but we officially met face to face at a friend’s 18th birthday
Who made the first move? he did
Have you or have they said ‘I Love You’ yes
Do you get bored in a long term relationship? never
Much drama in your relationship? nope. we havent had a serious fight in honestly so long *knock on wood
Are they loyal and loving? yes
Name 3 things you have in common we both cant really cook, we love to travel and we’re both fucking hilarious
Where are you from? australia
If you could travel ANYWHERE right now, money wasn’t a barrier, where would you go and why? disneyworld, idk i just wna fkn travel, so on rides, eat good food and relax
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mid-nighttiger · 2 years
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fancy vox machina
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papa-poutine · 3 years
Anyway if you're not gonna get vaccinated hurry up and die so the rest of us can get on with our lives (vent in tags watch out 🤪)
#im literally about to have a britney spears style breakdown because of these fucking restrictions#get vaxxed or move to a remote island where we wont have to deal with your plague rat ass#or just get covid and reap what you fuckin sow#i dont care at this point just get the fuck out of my country and stop slowly destroying our normalcy#literally im ready to scream at this point. i did scream tonight! i just let myself scream! and it didnt make me feel better!#i want to go to the woods and just scream and swear and punch trees i hate anti vaxxers so much its unreal#and yes i know hate is a powerful word. i hate them. all of them. i dont give a shit what theyre like otherwise. i hate them.#i dont give a shit what happens to them. theyve spent long enough having disregard for others lives. i care about normal people#who get vaxxed but i literally would let someone rip my fingernails out and rub salt in the wounds for 24 hours of normal#i cant tell if im this pissed and sad bc its shark week or because im genuinely pissed and sad but#I'm so pissed. its not even funny. theres no words in any language known to man to describe how angry i am.#anyway if you're an antivaxxer fucking unfollow me right the fuck now. get the fuck out of my life.#ive always been an angry person. but this event has made me a bitch. ive lost any sympathy i may have had for anti vaxxers who get sick.#too bad. you had it coming. cry me a river from the icu youre suffocating in. and get out of the way so the rest of us can return to normal
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i need to lay on someones chest like totoro
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blorbologist · 2 years
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What if: Perc’ahlia Atlantis AU? With accompanying screenshot redraw
(Primary ref + Ideas under the cut)
Getting this out of the way, but I swapped the roles here to avoid the white savior trope as best I can - I see Vex and Vax as mixed no matter the AU, (my usual HC is Métis) and Percy is... the palest white bread, so! Congratulations whiteboy, you and Cass get to be Atlantians. I also did not draw any of the blue body paint the Atlantians have in the film, because I, too, am white as hell and do not want to overstep, given my culture has no such history.
Vex and Vax, disowned by Syldor, are desperate to earn money and end up roped into this outlandish expedition. Most likely due to their mother tongue being a close linguistic cousin to the Atlantian language, plus some relevant skills (both are archaeologists by education, though they haven’t had much practice due to uh Life; ofc they get their rogueish and ranger-ish skillsets too)
Doesn’t matter who gets the team together (Uriel? Allura? Gilmore?) - the point is Delilah and Sylas are overseeing the operation, filling roles similar to Rourke and Helga in the film. Maybe Ripley gets to tag along who knows.
Is Sylas still a vampire and Delilah a necromancer? Who knows I dont, maybe they played a role in Atlantis’ original downfall idk
The rest of Vox Machina are part of the expedition: Keyleth as a geologist with a passion for paleontology (there are SO many prehistoric easter eggs in the film and Kiki gets to freak out on my behalf). She’s literally the only person here for pure curiosity and thrill of discovery like Milo in the original film. Pike pretty much gets to take over Sweet’s role as the doctor, while Scanlan gets to be the mechanic just because I think it’d be very funny to have him sing while working only to break out into cussing. Grog gets demolitions because Yes. Gilmore might be with them if he’s not funding the expedition, though how he wouldn’t throw down with Sylas I have no clue.
Atlantis is similar to the film, except every bit about the power source is replaced with Residuum. Percy and Cass are the only de Rolos left after the cataclysm - no clue how the rest of the family died, but a thousand years wasn’t enough to get over it. Percy is likely technically the heir, but off messing with tech so much that Cass has to run the place (to her exasperation - and boy does shit go badly for her being in charge with the Briarwoods here to profit off her civilization). Main difference is that the cataclysm resulted in most knowledge about maintaining and creating tech being lost, and if not lost abandoned due to concerns about history repeating itself. Because yeah, how many ‘fantasy airbike mechanics’ got into that bubble? Not many I bet.
Percy, however, is still a tinkerer and trying to reverse engineer the old tech, but the lost language and a few other missing puzzle pieces frustrate his attempts to do so. So he’s very enthusiastic about these strangers showing up - especially when Vex is eager to help him out (she’s likely initially seeing huge dollar signs, but comes around very quickly).
Orthax is involved somehow. No clue What the bugger is doing but he’s here. Maybe encouraging Percy to use the power to fucking nuke everything to protect the city? 
That’s just about all I have for this AU. Not much, but! Figured it was worth sharing, especially paired with art <3
Heavily referenced this screenshot of Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I’m learning to draw people, and Atlantis’ style is a favorite of mine - so, two birds and one stone: got to learn by practicing and give some life to a lil AU that hasn’t left me alone all day.
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
Here we go again: TLOVM Thoughts Part 2
Episode 4 Thoughts:
oooh miss delilah is pressed about her book
give scanlan back his instruments >:(
Delilah’s graveyard scene was INSANE
my poor pikey,,, even her light cantrips won’t work
Pike’s scene trying to connect to the Everlight but only finding empty darkness legitimately made me tear up
The pike/grog scene… my heart….
I think the split up of character was very intelligent - playing on close character pairings (pike/grog, Percy/keyleth, vex/vax, and then instead of putting scanlan where he’d usually go with grog and pike, which frees up grog from goofing off so he can have his emotional moment with pike)
the gore was a little much at points but I did find the monster sufficiently scary
A monster grabbed grog through the boobs????
The darkness monsters defeated by light thing was a bit cliche but worked really well narratively with both keyleth and pike’s story beats and with the d&d concept of vulnerabilities
Best Characterization of the ep: grog, pike
Episode 5 Thoughts:
“Crime doesn’t pay, but it is entertaining” was SUCH a line delivery, thank u gilmore
Vax and Gilmore flirting while keyleth is stuck in a finger trap is poetic cinema
I am now looking at every shot with horses from the lens of the animator who hates drawing horses
Percahlia banter continues to be cute
I literally had to pause the video to scream because of the grog and pike content. The way grog can’t hear her and is worried about how the group will fare without her I can’t-
Keyleth with her glowing green eyes and fangs go off babe
The bag falling over the cliff is MY villain origin story
Why do professor anders be shaped like that fjkskdkfk
the little vaxleth scene with the vine bracelet honestly I liked better than any canon original vaxleth alonetime scene sjjfkfkf
The rakshasa callback oh my god and then keyleth drowning a man in lava that was hilarious SHHH GO TO SLEEP
The return of stubby 🥺
Okay yep the sun tree scene wrecked me.
Best characterization: keyleth, vax, grog
Episode 6 Thoughts:
The little coleader squabble was so cute
I can get a beret!
The door bit while front door team succeeds on their mission is great
Percy fucking covered in smoke: oh yeah my gun just does that :)
You just went full demon percy you can’t go “I have a sister” NOW
Best characterization: percy
Some Faves:
Favorite Characterization Overall: Pike, Grog Best Comedic Characterization: Keyleth (ngl mostly for the lava bit) Favorite Episode: Episode 4 (but honestly, all were great)
honestly, i found this batch of episodes had a lot more hitters in terms of jokes that worked. there were still quite a few swings and misses, but there were a lot more jokes that i genuinely laughed at in this batch than in the first few episodes. and the plot? WOOF!
i can understand why people were worried about this diverting attention from CR main because i dont know how im going to think about anything BUT this for the next ten hours
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randoimago · 3 years
Hello! May I please requests Percy, Vax, Vex, and Scanlan with an S/O who doesn't understand human interaction much, and so they thought the best gift they could give would be reviving the character's dead relatives but also doesn't know enough to realize that zombies dont count as reviving people?
S/O Gifting Dead Parents Due to not Knowing Social Cues
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Vax’ildan, Vex’ahlia, Scanlan Shorthalt, Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 295
Note(s): Wow this got dark quickly.
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First of all, good luck finding the bodies because the Briarwoods absolutely desecrated them.
Okay but he’d be a bit impressed that you managed to break into the family crypts but that isn’t enough to hide his rage.
He knows human interaction isn’t your thing, but to attempt to bring back his family? They went through hell and deserve to rest now!
Percy would make someone else explain to you why what you did is stupid and obviously bad.
So Scanlan hasn’t told anyone about his mother that much besides her name. This is information he trusted you with.
Like don’t even try explaining to Scanlan why you did what you did because this is information only you know!
You have betrayed his trust so badly and he really doesn’t want to talk to you or have anything to do with you now, really.
Will tell you to stay away from both him and Kaylie.
Vax and Vex
Both of them react pretty much the same way with being hurt and betrayed.
I mean, they probably don’t even know where their mother’s body is since she was killed by Thordak.
Like Vex would sense you were planning something before you did it and she’d try to talk and stop you then. 
Like why couldn’t you just get them flowers or something instead? Sure you’re absolute shit at acting like a person, but not once have they mentioned wanting their mother back from the grave. They miss her but not that badly.
General Consensus
If an S/O did this for any of them then that relationship is going to be over. It doesn’t matter the reasoning because that’s fucked up and they’ve all been through hell. To be presented with a zombie of a dead relative would be enough for them.
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regina-cordium · 2 years
WAIT FUCK I WAS GONNA POST MY HC’D QUARTER ELVES hey it’s thursday i’ll cr even if im not watching cr
Vesper Elaina - The Heir™️. has her mother’s mind for sums and economy. one of those ppl who always seems so calm and regal and put together, but she will be the FIRST to cause problems on purpose!!!!! aunt cassandra taught her how to pick locks and she uses it for Shenanigans. who’s gonna think it’s her!!!! who’s gonna accuse vesper, with her gentle smile and cool bearing!!!!!!!!
Madeleine Joanna - Twin 1. okay maddie’s the one i like. projected™️ on or whatever. when i pictured my lil fics, maddie was the main de rolo in ‘em. ranger/gunslinger. had a bit of a breakdown™️ at like 19. yknow those moments where ur like “oh my god im gonna amount to nothing i dont have any skills or hobbies im not good at ANYTHING” except theres the added bonus of ur parents and aunts and uncles Literally Saved The World and all ur siblings are really talented and clearly know what they’re doing and everybody’s looking at you so you uuuhhhh go to wildemount to hide at ur uncle’s place! and ur brother comes with! and then y’all get kidnapped by cerberus assembly fucks hoping to ransom y’all for white stone! ...........fuck wildemount. joins slayers take!
(oh shit i almost forgot, her animal companion is a raven named valor)
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo IV (you can call him Freddie) - Twin 2. unflappable. calm, cool, and collected, much like vesper but less mischief. training to be a cleric of sarenrae. he and maddie are thick as thieves, got that Twintuition to the nth degree. Fuck Wildemount! they don’t talk abt it.
(percy was hesitant in naming their first son after himself. the de rolo name is heavy enough; they’re going to add the extra mantle of percival? how can percy - a man who was driven to the edge by anger and hatred and vengeance - weigh his newborn son with that legacy?
it’s keyleth who convinces him, actually. she’s starting to figure out a thing or two about legacy, and how they don’t have to be an ouroboros of self-destruction)  
Cecil - he’s sitting in the library. you get up to get a book. you sit back down. he has a fully functioning clockwork figure. how the fuck. where did those gears come from. cecil. cecil, where did you hide those??
Adelaide Keyleth - tries SO HARD to be vesper’s mini-me. follows behind her like a little duckling, holding herself tall and stately. is learning all of vesper’s tricks and pranks. god, someone stop her. she’s so SMALL for her age she can slip into the SMALLEST cracks. holy shit. took to archery like a fish to water. can shoot a moving target from a mile away. likes to shoot fruit out of people’s hands. a menace, truly.
Julian - nerd (affectionate). rarely seen without a book, and if he is he’s got a notebook instead. everything fascinates him. one second he’s reading about the history of emon, the next he’s reading about the latest developments in transmutation magic. lil wizard boy.
Viola Valora - A Child. what do children like?? seven year olds like hitting things right?? uncle grog is so good at hitting things. she wants to hit things as good as him!!! it’s not her fault nobody makes weapons small enough for her :(
Vax’ildan - A Literal Baby.
(vex was so scared to name a child after her brother. what if it worked like some kind of curse? what if it was asking for trouble, for fate to deal one more cruel hand? what if she wasn’t able to protect this Vax too?
it’s the ravens that convince her, especially the one that stands on her shoulder and peers down as the squirming newborn before throwing its head back and letting out a noise that sound suspiciously like a whoop of victory)
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
 scott adams the creator of dilbert is in the news again, this time for making a personally reasonable comment, he saw a poll where the majority of black people said “its not ok to be white” and said “we should avoid black people” get as mad as you want that is totally reasonable, nothing could be more reasonable lmfao. but thats not what i want to talk about, jews want black people and white people fighting, the only reason black people are here is because of jews. remember whites didnt enslave the native americans en mass and put them to work on plantations (im sure there were some) and instead imported slaves from africa because white people didnt own sugar plantations and rum distilleries in the carribean jews did, and jews historically have always been the merchants in charge of the slave trade. but thats not what i want to talk about lol. one of the things scott adams came under fire for was being pro vaccine initially and later he changed his mind, but he said basically “i didnt make a rational decision but neither did any of you who initially refused the vaccine” and everyone shit on him for it but he was right lol. he was wrong as hell and dumb ass hell for supporting the vaccine but hes right in a way too about peoples initial refusal being irrational, most of the people who refused the vax had no good reason to believe it was harmful, this is the midwit bell curve meme played out in real life again. it basically comes down to this, if you like general intelligence you cant vet information at all you lack the hardware, stupid people basically dont know anything, but they end up being right a lot more often than people of average intelligence BECAUSE they dont know anything, they just have beliefs! midwits “know” things but whatever they know nowadays tends to be fucking wrong because they cant vet information either really, they can only vet whos delivering the information and even then only poorly.
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missjackil · 3 years
So a close friend of mine died today from complications from Covid. I have always been and still am very skeptical about the vaccines even though I decided to get my first jab today.
I will not get in any bandwagon to shit talk either side because both sides have their share of asshole, misinformed bullies and it's sickening.
I would like to share some information with you, if you can drop your hate for either side, please click below
This year i had 2 close friends who contracted Covid and subsequently contracted pneumonia.
Deb was first, she's 57, overweight, has COPD and 1/3 of her left lung is calcified. She caught Covid, felt fluish for a few days, felt better but had a dry cough. Her Dr ordered chest xray and said she had pnumonia. He gave her an inhaled steroid and antibiotics and she got better and is her normal self 3 months later.
Nancy got it next, just under 2 weeks ago. She is 51, has early stage MS and diabetes. She got Covid, felt tired and a bit achy for 3 days, by day 7 she felt fine and was covid free but had a dry cough. Her Dr told her to try some OTC cough meds and if she didnt improve in 3 days to call. It hadn't improved but she had no other symptoms. He ordered a chest xray, it showed she had pneumonia and he said he wanted to admit her. Keep in mind she drove herself to the hospital and stopped to get lunch on the way because knows hospital foods suck.
No one is sure what happened in the next 2 hours but she facetimed with her daughter, told her theyre gonna knock her out and put her on a ventilator to clear the pneumonia. "Dont be upset, i feel fine, but im giving you power of attorney because they'll need you to consent to any procedures. They said 3, for days tops and I'll be good" and thats it. Soon after the vent was put in, her bp went dangeously low, when they got that under control, they find she seemed to have developed and blood infection and its attacking her kidneys. So they give herry antibiotics and shte improves so they give her dialysis and a blood transfusion this morning. She died at 3:25 this afternoon.
Okay...so why did they jump right to putting her on a ventilator instead of antibiotics and inhaler? No one knows. But she wasnt very sick when she got there.
Due to the inhumane rules right now, she wasnt allowed visitors and had to die alone. Even though her daughter is vaxxed and she herself no longer had Covid.
Why did i get the shot then? Solely because i would be less likely to be put on a vent if i contract it. But if i manage to get sick with pneumonia, ill insist on normal pneumonia treatments first and if they dont work or the dr wont agree, ill self treat and stay home with my family.
No one should have to go through that for any reason.
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