#i want to go to the woods and just scream and swear and punch trees i hate anti vaxxers so much its unreal
importantchaosgiver · 2 months
Where Loyalties Lie:
Reality Or Madness?
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Summary: (Y/N) doesn't know what's happening to her and it's scaring her to the point she may be going mad...
Warnings: Blood, canon typical swearing, soft Daemon, mental breakdown?
(Y/N)'s POV
What is happening to me?! Why did feel that?! Why did I see that?! Why did I hear her?! I can still hear her! Those screams... the screams just won't go away. The moment I had woken up, I ran. Out of King's Landing and into the woods, but I couldn't get away from the screams. Aemma's screams. Gods be good, why won't they go?! I felt like I was suffocating, my lungs burning. But not matter how much I tried to let air in, I only got a little bit every rapid breath I took. I couldn't see... I couldn't think. Because of my state, I slammed into a tree. I punched it, not like it would do me any good. But then, it splintered, the thud being almighty as it swayed and toppled over, hitting ground with a crash. I stumbled back. What?! How?! Why?! How could I do that?! HOW?!
I kept punching the damned tree, trying to stop myself from thinking of all that blood... Viserys's crying eyes... those ungodly screams. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" I shouted although no one was there. What sort of trick were the gods playing on me?!
Then, I heard a twig snap. I lifted my head, my teary eyes finding Corlys's ones with a couple of knights. "No, leave me," I croaked out. When did my throat get so dry? "Gods be good, (Y/N)," he whispered, slowly approaching me. "Stay back!" I roared, heat flooding my veins like magma. I punched the fallen tree again... but my fist hit the ground. I had reduced the tree to chunks of wood no bigger than my foot. I fell to my knees. Why? Why was this happening?! I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. Two large hands cupped my face, lifting it up. "(Y/N)... you're safe," Corlys said gently, moving his hands to my shoulders. "What... am I?" I whispered, my throat incredibly dry and scratchy. "I don't know. Come, let's get you seen to," Corlys whispered, scooping me up in his arms. I didn't have any strength to argue either...
No One's POV
When Corlys entered the courtyard, Viserys and Daemon were waiting nervously. When they were told of Lady (Y/N)'s abrupt leave and bad state of mind, they thought the worse. And when they saw her in Corlys's arms, it didn't help any. Her clothes were dirty, her skin clammy and her hair slightly damp with sweat. Her knuckles were bloody, broken and had bits of wood and dirt in them. She was barely awake, her cheeks stained with tears as she let out shaky sniffles and breaths, her eyes half-lidded in exhaustion. "By the gods," Viserys whispered, rushing over, taking (Y/N) from Corlys's arms and into his. Was she always so light? She felt like a bundle of feathers.
Alicent and Rhaenyra gasped in horror at the state of the usually punctual, kind, wise and stern Lady Commander. (Y/N) shivered a little as Viserys carried her into the Red Keep, Daemon following also, not wanting to admit how much he cared for the lady knight. But he certainly carried respect and some degree of care for how long she has and continued to protect his brother for as well as remaining unquestionably loyal.
But this? This was new behaviour. Viserys took (Y/N) to her chambers and called for maesters. She was put on her bed, but Viserys refused to let her go. Her back was against his chest as he sat behind her as the maesters began cleaning up her knuckles. They could almost see right to the bone as they removed the splinters from the flesh. (Y/N) gave no noise of pain from how numb they had went. Afterwards, they were cleaned thoroughly and wrapped up to heal. (Y/N)'s expression was empty, like she wasn't completely all there. She barely registered when Viserys's hand brushed through her hair to comfort her. "How could she lose herself so much, this happened?" Daemon mumbled, holding one of her hands gently, brushing a thumb over the wrappings. "I don't know, Daemon," Viserys whispered as (Y/N)'s eyes began dropping as she let herself be taken into her dreams. She was laid down, tucked underneath the crook of Viserys's arm, snuggled into his side. Despite all the darkness, despite the fact his son and wife were dead, the sight made a small smile crack upon his face. There were hardly times anyone would call Lady (Y/N) cute or adorable. But these were one of those times. It warmed his grieving heart to see her so peaceful. Daemon smiled down at (Y/N) also. She went from distraught, to content. Well, at least in her sleep. Only time will tell if she will ever return to how she once was. And what killed Viserys was that he had no idea what caused such a hysterical episode...
Two parts again! Whew. I am enjoying writing this so much. I hope y'all are enjoying it too.
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pineappleandcake · 2 years
The Puppet
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Pairings : Yandere Sandrone x Reader
Authors Note : There are barely any Sandrone fics when I searched it up on Tumblr. I was pretty upset. But I couldn’t sleep last night but I had this idea. It was where I was like “hmm so Sandrone was seen to be sitting on some sort of ruin guard during the Fatui Harbinger’s reveal, so why don’t I make something about it?” But anyways I finally put it into words LMAO. 
TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, torture, non-consenual touching, blood, kidnapping, swearing/cursing, and syringes/needles.
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It’s been a few months since you escaped from Sandrone. She was scary, she made you feel uncomfortable. She would often make you watch her as she experimented on things such as ruin guards and sometimes even people. Until one day you say something that made you completely lose it. That was when she tortured a man that looked at you for barely a second.
Obviously, she saw and she was furious about it. She wanted to prove a point. That you were hers and only she could ever look at you.
You were shaking and crying as you heard his screams of torture and pain.
“Open your eyes Y/N or else you’ll be next.”
You quickly opened my eyes and what you saw was a terrifying, bloody, gruesome scene. You wanted to faint.
“How dare you even bat an eye towards them.” She screamed as she hit and punched the poor guy in front of me.
You wanted to get up and run. Run far away from this horrible place. You wanted to go back to your old life. But unfortunately, you just had to catch the Fatui Harbinger’s eye.
You wanted to get up. But there was one problem. Your hands and legs were cuffed to the chair. Finally after what felt like years, Sandrone stopped torturing the poor dude.
“Take his body and dispose of it.” She said with a sharp tone as a fatui agent grabbed his body and carried it out of her office. 
You were shaking. You couldn’t even move. You just froze in place.
Sandrone turned around and looked at you with a fake smile on her face.
“Aww look at you.” She cooed as she caressed your cheek. “Such a poor little fragile thing. That’s what the bitch gets for even daring to look at my s/o.”
She wiped your tears off with a tissue, “hmm it’s getting late now. Come on, let’s go home.”
You didn’t even say anything. You were still frozen and scared.
She picked you up into her arms as she sat down onto the hand of a ruin guard. You visibly flinched as she touched you. You felt tears about to burst out of your eyes.
“Shh. Now, don't cry. It’s all over now.” Sandrone said as she kissed your lips. 
Sandrone had a remote in her arms as she clicked a button. Then the ruin guard became awake and started walking the both of you out of her office, making their way into the “home” the both of you lived in.
About an hour later the both of you finally got back home. She got up into her bed as she cuddled with you as you laid into her arms. You waited for her to fall asleep, and as soon as you did, you crawled out of her arms. You made a run for it and you never looked back.
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Your new home was a small cabin in the middle of the woods. There were barely any people near your cabin that lived close by. You decided to get some fresh air as you felt like you wanted to take a walk and clear your mind.
You put on your coat and you began walking into a trail in the woods. It was refreshing to be outside. You have been walking for about an hour when suddenly you hear a tree branch crunch behind you. You jumped in fear as you scanned your surroundings, but you couldn’t see anyone. It wasn’t anyone, but rather something.
You checked behind yourself again when suddenly you noticed…
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
A fucking ruin guard was right behind you on your tail. 
Out of all the things she could’ve done. She sent a fucking ruin guard on your tail.
You fucking panicked as you ran and you hid behind a gigantic rock in the middle of the forest.
You waited for the ruin guard to go away. You were scared and your heart was beating so fast.
Suddenly, the ruin guard grabbed you into its hand. You screamed and thrashed around as you tried to break free from its suffocating grip. You notice the other hand of the ruin guard had a syringe in its hand.
The ruin guard lifted its other hand and lifted the syringe along with it. Suddenly the syringe went into your neck as you felt it pressing something into you. You suddenly felt sleepy. A few seconds afterwards, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were chained to Sandrone’s bed. You had a gag in your mouth.
A few moments later, Sandrone entered the room with a smile on your face as she saw that you were finally awake. 
She had a tray of food in her hands as she placed it in front of you onto the bed. She tore off the gag and undid the chain on your arms. Unfortunately, she left the chain on your legs off that way you couldn’t do something stupid.
“Eat. You must be hungry already.”
You obeyed as you knew you were in deep trouble. The feeling of dread suddenly spread throughout your body as you were scared on what punishment you would receive from escaping from her.
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laudsimogen · 2 years
Can you do a continuation of “Half Light” where something/someone spooks laudna so she disappears and Imogen starts calling out for Laudna to come back, she’s safe, Imogen won’t let anything hurt her and just all around concerned she might not be able to find laudna (but she does of course)
Pike has trouble pulling them out.
It’s a huge, difficult spell, and Imogen can’t logically fault her for struggling with it, but she can’t help the frustration bubbling under her skin. Try to find another spot, Pike had said. Can you get back to where you started?
They could, at least in theory, but it would take more of the precious time that they don’t have to gamble with, and Imogen’s chest feels as tight as her ever-present grip on Laudna’s hand as they walk.
It’s when they reach the tunnel under the cabin that Imogen’s anxiety reaches its boiling point. It’s silly, but she’s genuinely afraid to let go of Laudna.
“Get in front of me,” she urges Laudna as their friends enter the tunnel one by one in front of them. Laudna only stares at the dark passage.
“I don’t want to go back there,” Laudna whispers. “The townsfolk, the fire. It’s real. Or…it feels real. I don’t know.”
“I know,” Imogen says, and she cups Laudna’s cheek to give her the most encouraging smile she could muster through the bolt of rage that courses through her. How dare those people hurt her. How are they torment her here, too. “Don’t worry; I’ll be right behind you,” she continues. “They should be gone now. We even put the fire out.”
Laudna nods and squeezes Imogen’s hand one more time before letting go and entering the tunnel. Imogen goes in after her, steadily keeping her eyes locked onto Laudna’s form as they climb. She won’t disappear, she tells herself. She’s right here. She’s going to make it out. It won’t be long once we leave the cabin.
But Imogen should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. It never is, is it?
The awful ghostly voices pick up again as they reemerge into the cabin. There’s no fire yet, but the taunting and jeering are enough to stop Laudna in her tracks.
“Come on,” Chetney calls from the doorway. “We can miss them if we get going.”
Laudna still doesn’t move, and Imogen can’t quite tell through the shifting wisps of her form, but it looks like she’s shaking.
Imogen tries to lay a hand on Laudna’s shoulder, but Laudna jumps away from her touch and whirls around. Dark, inky tears fall from her eyes and float away from her face.
“You lied,” she murmurs, and the simple words punch Imogen in the gut. “They’re coming for me.”
“No,” Imogen says. “No, I didn’t lie; I didn’t know they’d be back, I swear.” She reaches out for Laudna’s hand again, but Laudna takes another step away from her, and tears fill her eyes again. “I’m sorry, Laudna. I didn’t know. We need to get out of here now. You can be mad later, just—”
Imogen can’t finish her thought before Laudna just…vanishes. Her form flickers once, face screwed up in fear and distrust, and then she’s gone.
“Laudna!” Imogen cries. “Laudna, wait, come back! I’m sorry!”
“What happened?” “What’s going on?”
Imogen can’t process her friends’ questions as they look back through the door. She can’t think, she can’t hear; all she can do is let a wave of guilt crash over her. She lost Laudna again. In this place. This vast, horrible nightmare where nothing is real and where Laudna is fading away.
What if she can’t find her again?
She pushes past her friends, screaming Laudna’s name into the odd landscape around them. She’ll search it all if she has to. Laudna has to be here somewhere.
Imogen scrambles through the rocks and trees, desperately searching for some trace of Laudna. She faintly registers the others looking, too, and Fearne putting out the new fire before it has a chance to grow.
Laudna isn’t here. Deeper in this realm, maybe—maybe even deeper than the Sun Tree—but she’s not here. Not in any capacity with which she could be found, anyway.
Imogen stumbles deeper into the woods, peering behind every tree, her voice hoarse and her legs weak. She’s lost sight of her friends. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter until she finds Laudna.
But she can’t, can she? This is Laudna’s head. Her memories, her nightmares. As little power as she has to escape it on her own, she has more than enough to keep hidden in her own mind. If she isn’t already gone for good.
Imogen collapses to her knees in the loam and curls in on herself, balling her fists on the ground as the sobs tear through her one after another.
“I’m sorry,” she cries. “I’m so sorry; this is all my fault. I just wanted to keep you safe. All I ever wanted was to keep you safe. And I just keep fucking up.” She rests her forehead against the cool ground, repeating over and over as she’s wracked with shaking and tears: “I love you. I’m sorry. Please come back. I love you, Laudna. I love you. Please don’t leave me again. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
She doesn’t notice the sad, scared eyes watching her from just out of her line of sight. She doesn’t know that Laudna has heard her every word, doesn’t know that she’s finally understanding that Imogen isn’t going to leave without her, not even if it kills her. And even in this state, so overwhelmed with fear that she’s barely clung to who she is, Laudna can’t let Imogen die. She could never.
“I’m here,” Laudna says quietly, tentatively stepping into the open. Tears still streak her face, but they’ve calmed. She seems more lucid now.
Imogen’s breath catches at the sound of Laudna’s voice, and she looks up slowly, terrified of spooking her again.
“Laudna,” she whispers. “I’m so sorry; you gotta believe me. I would never hurt you, not on purpose. Never.”
“I know,” Laudna whispers back. “I know. I don’t know why I—I don’t know what keeps coming over me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Imogen says. “You’re still here. We just…we have to hurry. I won’t make any more promises. I don’t know what’s out there. I don’t know how it works. But we’re almost back. We can make it.”
“We can make it,” Laudna repeats with a solemn nod. Imogen can see her steeling herself, still so scared to move through this landscape but prepared to try. She’ll remind Laudna of how brave she is when they get back.
Laudna allows Imogen to take her hand again, and to everyone’s relief, they find their way back to the others quickly. Not long now, Imogen reminds herself with a glance at Laudna. Not long now, and then they’ll be in a position to really help Laudna. In the living world.
They wake up back in Pike’s living room. For a moment, Laudna’s body remains still, and Imogen is terrified it didn’t work. But then she draws a breath and her eyes open slowly, blearily, and Imogen cries with relief.
The hard part is over. Laudna is alive. They’ll work through anything she needs, but they have time because she’s alive. The ghosts can’t get her here. Nobody can change what happened, but here she’s loved, and that’s enough. It has to be enough.
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xandriagreat · 1 month
Ballister | Chapter 14
Prologue | Last Chapter | Next Chapter
Author's note: strap in everyone, this is a big chapter! Also a huge thanks to @vanessafangirl13 for helping with this chapter.
Notice/warnings: chaos, shouts/yelling, screams, CAPs, pain, injures/wounds, crying, weapons, suicide attempted, death, destruction
Gloreth sitting in a chair that was by Nimona’s cell, waiting for her to wake up. She held herself as she waited.
Then she looked at the cell when she heard Nimona groaned and woke up.
Nimona looked around to see where she was before looking at her.
“Gloreth…?” Nimona asked as she sat up.
Gloreth nodded and said, “I see that you’re up.”
Nimona hummed before she touched her neck nervously, her breath becoming shaky with fear and sadness.
Gloreth could see that Nimona was scared and… sad?
“Nimona, you won’t be taken to your execution until you tell us where your sidekick is.” Gloreth explained softly. “We just need to st-”
“I don’t know where is his…” Nimona interrupted, looking down.
That caught Gloreth off guard. 
“What? What do you mean?” the golden knight asked the burnt knight.
Nimona sighed and looked at Gloreth, almost close to crying. “I told him to leave…” she explained, trying not to cry. “I told him to go to a safe place… I don’t know where he is…”
Gloreth stares at her for a moment before she starts to open the cell.
“What are you doing?” Nimona asked, looking at her surprise.
Before Gloreth could say anything, a group of knights, which was Todd and his friends, walked over. “Did she talk?” Todd asked when they walked over.
Gloreth was quiet as she looked at the group. Then she nodded before saying, “But she doesn’t know where he is…” 
Todd hummed and nodded to his friends to get Nimona.
Gloreth’s eyes widened as the cell opened and the friends started to grab Nimona, putting cuffs on her.
“Wait!” Gloreth ordered but it wasn’t heard.
The knights got Nimona out of the cell and took her down the hall but not to the execution room. Instead they took her outside, where a hover van was waiting.
“What’s going on?” Nimona asked with shouts, confused and scared as she was led outside. “Gloreth?! Gloreth!”
Gloreth was about to run after them but was stopped by Todd grabbing her by her shoulders. “The Director told me to tell you that you need to stay here.” Todd told her.
Gloreth glared at him and growled, “I swear if you or any of your friends hurt her while looking for her sidekick-”
“I am just doing orders that The Director told us to do.” Todd interrupted, glaring down at Gloreth before walking away to catch up with his friends.
Gloreth just stares down the hall, her mind running with thoughts. She wanted to run after them, stop them, get Nimona out of the kingdom and to safety.
But she just stands there, alone in the hall before sighing before leaving the hallway.
Nimona was sitting in a seat as the hover van moved. She noticed the van going into the woods.
She was scared of what’s going to happen. 
Then the van stopped and the sound of the hover-bikes stopped by, along with the sound of the driver door opening and closing.
Nimona looked at the doors as she heard footsteps walking over.
The doors opened and two of Todd’s friends grabbed Nimona to get her out of the van. 
Nimona put up a fight as she was pulled out of the van but she was shoved up against a nearby tree.
Todd glared at her as he walked over to her. “You brought a monster into our home.” he said to her, getting about three feet away from the burnt knight. 
Nimona glared at him and growled, “I didn’t bring him in…”
Todd had his hand curled up into a fist. “You should have stayed in the gutter where you belong or even better, be executed with the rest of your family.” Todd growled, raising his fist to punch her. “Now-”
But then there was a loud scream-like-roar that could be heard from everywhere.
Todd puts his fist down and looks at his group, asking, “Did you hear that?”
Everyone in the group nodded.
Then the ground shook.
Everyone looked at where it came from and they saw some trees in the distance fall down as the ‘thing’ moved.
A look of dread appears on Nimona’s face. “Oh no…” she whispered, horrified and worried.
The movement was heading to the kingdom.
“It’s headed straight for the city. Alert the Institute!” Todd ordered the knights.
The knights nodded and the two knights let go of Nimona as one of them started to alert the Institute.
Todd glared at Nimona as he grabbed her. “And you…” he growled, punched her in the stomach, making her scream and fall to her knees. “If that thing destroys the kingdom, it’s on you.” 
Then he unlocked her cuffs before getting out a blade dagger and threw it on the ground next to Nimona. “Do us all a favor and just get rid of yourself.” he said to her before turning around to the knights.
Nimona looked at the blade as Todd said, “Let’s go!”
The brunt knight looked up to see Todd and most of his group rode on their hover-bikes while the two others rode in the hover van.
She looked at the blade again, the words of what Todd said started to get to her as grabbed the blade. But then she looked at her burned scars. 
It had almost the same color of the rest of her skin but a bit paler. There were still scars and bumps.
But it was healed.
Nimona stared at it for a moment before looking up to see where Ballister’s movement was.
‘Girl, get up… Girl, get up! You need to get up!’ Nimona thought, putting the blade dagger in her sword scabbard and slowly forcing herself to get up to her feet.
Gloreth was talking with some knights when an incoming report arrived. 
The golden knight and the knights looked at the incoming report.
[Incoming Report from Thoddeus Sureblade: Found the monster. It’s heading to the kingdom from the south side.]
Gloreth got worried but she quickly put on her brave face as she looked at the knights when one of them asked, “Captain? What do we do?”
“Randall, inform The Director. The rest of you are with me. We need to get the other knights, guards, analysts, and scientists informed as well and we’ll need barricades. We’ll need the street cleared to protect the people from possible danger.”
The knights nodded. “Yes, ma’am!”
The group of knights followed Gloreth while Randall ran to find The Director.
It took Randall a while to find The Director but he was able to find her after about three minutes of looking.
The Director was heading to her office with her guards when Randall ran to catch up with her.
“Ma’am, incoming report from Sir Thoddeus!” Randall said when catching up to her.
“And? What is it?” The Director asked as they got into her office. 
Before the knight could tell the report, the ground shook again.
It shook harder than before as the diorama of the kingdom rattled and the miniature statue of Ambrosius toppled over.
The Director looked at the diorama of the city with worry before she ran to the balcony to see what’s going on.
People of the kingdom looked around to try to understand what’s going on while barricades were starting to be set up at Avenue A through F.
“What’s going on?” one person asked.
“What is that?” another asked.
Gloreth was reassuring the crowd with some knights as barricades. “Everything is fine. You all need to get to safety.” Gloreth reassured. “Everything is-”
Suddenly there was a low growl.
Everyone froze when hearing that. They all looked at where the sound came from. 
It came from where the city meets the edge of the woods.
First there was black smoke appearing from the shadows, then white flaming eyes appeared from the darkness, and then a huge paw of huge black metal made out of scrap metal that’s connected to a huge monster of smoke and darkness.
Everyone gasped in shock and horror when seeing the monster appear.
Gloreth’s eyes widened as she stared at the monster with one thought going through her head, ‘Sidekick?’
The Director stares at the shadow monster in fear from her office balcony.
“It's happening.” she breathed in fear, looking at her hands as they started to shake for a moment. Then she curled her hands into fist to make them stop shaking as she looked at her guards and Sir Randall.
“Sound the alarm. Sound the alarm!” The Director ordered them as she turned back around to look at the shadow monster and pointed her staff at the beast. “Hit it with everything we’ve got!”
The guards and knight nodded, doing what they were told by sounding the alarms and sending a message to the whole Institute staff to send everything that they got to the monster.
Ballister, in his shadow monster form, looked around at the kingdom as he took a step into the city.
He glared when the sirens began alerting everyone around the area. 
Ballister growled at that.
Then he let out an explosive scream-like-roar before taking a big step into the city, which made the people around scream and ran to get away.
“It’s the monster!” a terrified citizen shouted, pointing at Ballister as they ran away.
Ballister sighed as he took a few big steps before looking at a nearby speaker.
Ballister smashed the nearby speaker with his big shadow foot as if to say ‘SHUSH!’ while he growled at it before he continued to walk.
All the knights looked at the monster in fear and panic while Gloreth looked up at Ballister with fear and awe. The golden knight looked at the other knights, seeing their fear.
“Everyone stay calm-!” Gloreth started to order but a few knights accidently fired rocket launchers at the monster. “NO!” Gloreth shouted, her eyes widened in horror.
Two of the rockets missed Ballister and hit two buildings instead, starting a fire. But one rocket chipped Ballister’s shoulder, making him scream in pain. The wound was a white light instead of red blood.
Ballister stopped walking for a moment to let the wound ‘heal’.
That gave Gloreth enough time to look at the knights and ordered, “We need to get the people to safety. We need to get them to safety now!”
The knights nodded.
Gloreth and the knights ran and helped get the people to safety. 
When Ballister was ‘healed’, he started his march again and made his way down the street, trying to ignore the Institute drones (that were sent by the Institute Analysts) and the weapons that were ready to fire at him.
The drones pelt his back with laser fire, which only slowed down his movement for a moment and just made him growl at them.
Then one of the drones smashed into his back, making him roar in pain while crashing into one of the buildings.
The roar was so loud that it broke the glass of the surrounding buildings’ windows, shattering them.
The people on the ground in the area ran for cover, pushing and shoving each other.
An old woman fell to the ground from pushing and shoving.
Gloreth noticed her and also noticed that falling glass and metal was about to hit the old woman.
“Look out!” Gloreth shouted as she quickly ran and grabbed the old woman, getting out of the way.
Gloreth got the old woman out of the way just in time as the glass and metal hit the ground, shattering.
Gloreth was panting for a moment as the old woman was shaky with fear. “It’s ok. You're okay.” she reassured her, helping her get to safety and find the woman’s family.
The old woman’s family ran to them. They gave Gloreth a quick ‘thank you’ before running off to safety.
Gloreth nodded to them before looking to see where Ballister was at.
Then the comms went off, distracting her.
“Hey Goldie! Watch how a real knight gets it done.” Todd said on comms to Gloreth in an annoying tone.
Gloreth rolled her eyes and started to reply on comms, “Thoddeus, this is no time for showboating!”
Then she sighed as she remembered who she was talking to before she started to help some more people while trying to keep an eye on the shadow monster.
Ballister continued to make his way down the streets when hearing Todd and his gang were riding on their hover-bikes, arriving at the scene.
“Alright monster-slayers!” Todd said to his group as he led them. “Let’s shoot some darts and break some hearts!”
Todd revved his hover-bike as he whips around a corner on the same street that Ballister was walking on, about to run into him.
“I’m gonna be a freakin’ hero-!” Todd started to shout but cut himself off when seeing the shadow monster. The man didn’t know what came over him but it wasn’t his prideful self.
Todd’s shouting got the monster’s attention and looked at the knights that just arrived. 
It distracted Ballister long enough for one of the Institute drones to fire at Ballister, making him roar in pain.
Todd screams in terror and then quickly swings around to get away, trying to race ahead of his own knights to get to safety.
“Outta my way! Outta my way!” Todd shouted as he accidentally pressed the comms button, giving everyone of the Institute a listen of what he’s shouting. “We need more firepower! This thing is gonna kill us all-!”
Todd didn’t look where he was going and he accidentally crashed into another knight on a hover-bike, making his hover-bike spin out of control.
The man screamed as his bike spins out of control and heads right for an electric Institute propaganda billboard with his photo of giving a high five.
Todd crashes into his own ‘high-five’, causing the sign to explode.
The Director overheard Todd’s comms scream message before it went to static.
She started to pace back and forth in her office before stopping and looking at the diorama of the kingdom, getting an idea.
“Get me to the wall.” The Director ordered her guards.
She left her office with her guards to go to the secret passages to get to the wall.
Nimona was limping when she got into the city. She looked around in horror, worry, and shock, seeing all the destruction and chaos. 
She could see Ballister in his shadow monster form in the far distance. He just swatted at something as he slowly moved.
She could see that he was in a lot of hurt and betrayal.
“What have I done?” she breathed, feeling heartbroken. 
Nimona knew that she had to do something to stop this.
Then she heard a familiar neigh. She looked and saw a familiar black stallion running down the street.
“Ares!” Nimona called out, limping over to him.
Ares stopped and looked at Nimona before going to her. 
Nimona gave Ares a hug. “I miss you… I need your help.”
Gloreth, with some of the other knights, continue helping people to safety.
Gloreth looked at the knights and said, “Just keep them moving. Get everyone underground.”
“Yes, ma’am.” one knight said before leading the other knights to help the people.
Gloreth was about to get some more people but stopped when seeing Nimona riding on her horse, going to where Ballister was.
“Nim?” Gloreth called out, looking at where the burnt knight on the horse was going. “Nim!”
Gloreth was about to run after her but stopped when hearing the sounds of stone breaking. She looked at the wall and noticed that all of the giant cannons of the wall were turning inward, pointing at the kingdom.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” the golden knight mumbled to herself. Then she got on comms to inform The Director. “Ma’am! Someone is turning the cannons INTO the kingdom!” Gloreth informed.
“Yes, I know. I gave the order.” The Director replied on comms.
That shocked Gloreth. “But you know what will happen! Firing them will take out half the city!” she argued with fear and worry into comms. “Innocent people will die!”
“And so will the monster.” The Director said onto comms, showing no sign or sound of remorse for her people..
Gloreth couldn’t believe it as she started, “But-”
She was cut off when The Director cut the comm computation.
Gloreth looked around, seeing the destruction and chaos going all around.
“What are we doing?” the golden knight asked herself. Then she started to run to get to the top of the wall to stop the order of the cannons.
Ballister was exhausted and in pain when he was on the bridge. He whimpers softly and stumbles onto the support towers of the bridge, leaning on it for a moment.
When he got a bit of his strength back, he looked up and saw that straight ahead was the statue of Ambrosius.
He started to press on and got off the bridge as news helicopters, that were in the sky, caught footage of him and projected on all screens around the kingdom.
People start to run and screaming in all directions when they see Ballister.
The shadow monster was almost half a mile away from the statue when a couple of knights, who were on one of the rooftops of the buildings, fired a rocket launcher at Ballister’s back, making crash into the building and hitting the ground.
The shadow monster lay still for a moment before looking at the crowd. He could see and feel fear and hate as the people screamed at him and threw things at him while the video screens broadcast terrifying imagery of him.
The shadow monster whimpers softly before the little strength he has left and stands, slowly getting up.
The people start to run, dropping the things that they were going to throw as the shadow monster made his way to the statue of Ambrosius.
‘I guess this is it… you’re finally getting rid of your monster, Rose…’ Ballister thought as he looked at the statue of Ambrosius before looking at the tip of the golden sword.
Then Ballister moved some of the darkness on his chest, revealing and exposing his glowing light pink and blue beating heart.
‘I don’t know what’s scarier…’ Ballister thought as he stared at the statue of the man who used to be his old friend. ‘The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart… Or that sometimes… I just want to let them…’
Ballister leaned his head back and let out loud scream of pain and sadness as he pushed forward towards the tip of the blade.
But then, the screaming stopped.
Everyone all around gasped and just looked at the scene in shock.
There was just companionable silence. The only sound was Ballister’s heart beat, which was still beating.
Standing on the tip of Ambrosius’ sword was Nimona and she had her burned scared hand over Ballister’s beating heart, with all of her might stopping him from ending himself. 
In her other hand was the dagger she was given but she held it over the side and dropped it.
The bystanders watched the dagger hit the ground before looking at Nimona and Ballister, who were now being  broadcast on the screens.
Ballister looked down to see Nimona, who was looking up at him.
“I'm sorry…” Nimona apologized to Ballister, still having her hand over his heart. “I'm sorry…” 
Ballister whimpers softly and gently tilts his head to the side as he looks at her while Nimona smiles softly at him.
“I see you, Ballister.” Nimona said loud and clear to him, still smiling softly at him. “And you're not alone.”
Ballister looked at her with a soft look before letting his heart glow with warmth and white light surrounded himself as he started to shapeshift.
Nimona took a few steps back to give Ballister some room to shift.
He shapeshifted back to his human teen form and he gently floated down from mid air onto the tip of the sword.
But this time, the form was a bit different this time.
He was covered in bruises and some cuts, his hair was a mess, his clothes were covered in ash.
Ballister looked at Nimona as he tried to walk over to her but his body was so tired that he almost fell.
Nimona quickly lunges forward and catches Ballister before he could fall. 
The burnt knight held him close in a hug as she took the satchel off of the shapeshifter while the shapeshifter started to lift his arms and hug her, crying softly to let go of the pain.
Everyone is taken in by what they just witnessed. Everyone looked at them with empathy.
All except for The Director.
On the wall, The Director noticed that everyone was distracted, even the monster.
She knew that this was the perfect moment to end it.
“Fire the cannons. Kill it.” The Director ordered, not wanting to waste a second and have everything ruined. She didn’t hear the cannon being fired up or the knights and guards of the wall didn’t move from their spots. The Director got angry and turned around to look at them, started to shout, "I said fire the cannon-!"
She was cut off when she saw Gloreth, who was glaring at her. Gloreth had her fist up as if to say ‘wait’ to the knights and the guards. "No! It’s over." Gloreth said, shaking her head and she lowered her fist down.
All the knights and guards stand with the captain, following her lead.
The Director stares at them all in shock and disbelief.
“It's fooling you. Fooling all of you!” The Director exclaimed angrily, pointing at them before pointing where the shapeshifter is. “Can’t you see this is what it wants? For us to let our guard down. Well, I see what it really is! And so did Ambrosius! That monster is a threat to our very way of life-!”
“And what if we’re wrong?” Gloreth asked, speaking out. 
The Director was shocked into silence as she looked at the captain.
“What if we’ve always been wrong and shouldn’t be afraid?” Gloreth asked, putting the question in mind as she points at the world beyond the wall.
The knights and guards nodded in agreement.
The Director stares at them before bowing her head and looking at her staff that was in her hands. Then The Director had a look of being more determined as she glared at the captain and the heroes of the realm. 
She pressed a button on her staff and pointed it at them as the white gem started to glow green. 
The Director fires a bolt of eclectic energy of a laser at Goldenloin and the knights, knocking them all to the ground and hurting them.
It made a big light when fired, which got everyone in the kingdom’s attention.
With everyone down, The Director made her way into the control center of one of the cannons.
Gloreth, still alive but in so much pain, painfully got up and hurriedly tried to get inside to stop The Director. 
But The Director closed the the door, not wanting anyone to stop her from what she’s doing.
“No! NO! NO!” Gloreth screamed, trying with all her might to pry the door open, but it’s no use.
The Director began to power up the cannon.
Gloreth realized that there was no point in stopping her as the captain stepped away from the door. She got a guard and looked at other guards and knights, who were helping the hurt others. “Let’s go!” she ordered them.
They nodded and started to get out of the way.
Gloreth looked at the cannon one last time before looking at the kingdom, worried for everyone.
The people of the kingdom start to panic as they try to get to safety but there is no point…
The kingdom is done for…
Nimona and Ballister were still on the sword, watching the panic with worry.
“That gun is going to kill everyone…” Nimona breathed, worriedly, looking at the crowd and trying to think of a plan.
Ballister looked at Nimona, everyone, and then at the cannon. He started to hear a familiar sound that he could hear.
Then he put on a smirk and called out to Nimona, “Hey, boss.”
Nimona looked at Ballister with worry.
“Be right back.” the shapeshifter said, pointing to the wall before hitting his fist into his metal hand. “I’m gonna go break some stuff.”
“Wait, Ballister? What are you…?” Nimona started to ask, worriedly. “It’s time to rewrite this story.” Ballister said, sounding determined as he turned around to look at the cannon.
The next thing that Nimona knew was that Ballister jumped off the sword.
“Bal-! Ballister!” Nimona screamed, her eyes widened when he jumped off.
Ballister shapeshifted into a wonderful blue Phoenix just seconds before hitting the ground and flew in up above the kingdom, flying to the cannon.
Everyone looked at him with a new perspective as he flew to the cannon.
The Director grits her teeth and is ready to fire when Ballister is getting close.
“Go back to the shadows from whence you came-!” The Director growled, pulling the lever to fire.
Ballister flew into the cannon just as it went off, causing a white explosion.
When the white faded away, the kingdom went into a black out and there where the cannon was just seconds ago, there is now just a massive hole in the wall with leaving it with a pile of smoke and dust slowly falling down with some glowing sparkles everywhere.
Nimona rode on Ares to get to the broken wall, having some hope that Ballister would have survived.
“Ballister!” Nimona called out when arriving at the wall. She got off of Ares and looked around worriedly. “Ballister!”
Then she saw blue sparkles gently floating down from the sky, each of them fading away one by one.
“Come back!” Nimona begged, trying to catch one of the glowing sparkles as they faded. Then she just held her hand out as the final sparke slowly fell to her hand before fading.  “Please come back…”
Then the burnt knight fell onto her knees and started to cry, holding the satchel close to herself as Gloreth slowly walked over to her.
Nimona looked at Gloreth when the golden knight drops down next to her, offering to hug her.
Nimona leans on Gloreth, still crying softly as Gloreth comforts her the best that she could. 
Then the smoke and dust settled.
Gloreth looked up to see the outside beyond the wall and was in awe. “Whoa.” she breathed.
Nimona slowly looked up to see what she’s seeing and gasped softly.
Even though it was a bit dark, the outside world was beautiful. 
There was a lot more grass, trees and plants then in the kingdom. There was a calm river, the water gently flowing by. There were mountains in the distance.
The sky was clear and showed the beautiful moon and stars. The stars shined bright in the sky, like diamonds but more beautiful.
It all looked amazing.
A lot of people of the kingdom slowly walked to the hole of the wall to see the outside world and were amazed.
Then, from in the woods, out came a big group of people. But most of them looked different, like they weren’t human.
The people from the group stared at the people of the kingdom while the people of the kingdom stared at the people of the group.
Then one of the people of the group slowly went to the hole and looked around at the people and the kingdom before looking at Gloreth and Nimona.
“Do you all need help?” The person asked.
Gloreth nodded. “Yes… please… we need help. A lot of us are hurt badly and our home is destroyed…”
The person nodded. “Okay, I’ll be back. I just need to inform my group of what’s going on.” they said.
Gloreth and Nimona nodded.
The person went back to the group and told them what happened.
Then the person came back and said, “Okay, some of the members of my group are going to help you all while the others go back to our village and get more help… just to let you all know that some people of our village are… different.”
Nimona couldn’t help but smile and nodded. She hoped that this could be the next chapter for everyone. Then she passed out because of pain.
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I Renounce You Part 5
A/N: The plot is winding down and I got EXTERMELY tired while copying and pasting this so if there are slip ups in text where I’ve edited I’m sorry. When I say copy and pasting I swear this is my personal writing, I just wrote it on a personal account so I couldn’t just link it or something
Credits again go to @tuesday-teyz for creating the wonderful world of Butterfly Reign, also I greatly dislike Br!Wilbur with a passion so I apologize in advance for his poor literary stature in this piece
“Why would you-” Tommy started but the words died on his tongue as air became a thing of the past.
“Because Tommy, this place doesn’t need you like I do. Esempi will treat you like you, not a prince or future Emperor. I feel you’ll be safer there as well. We can get you proper training and even a psychiatrist to help you with the trauma this place has inflicted.” Dream smiled broadly and walked about Tommy’s room describing a wonderful life.
“There are people who can help you Tommy, and I want to be one of them.” Dream finished and Tommy’s heart thawed. He could forgive him. Dream had still been more a friend and brother to him than anyone else in his life.
“I-” Tommy let a smile twitch on his face but then there was an ear shattering crack of wood as the door to Tommy’s room was broken down.
“You stay away from my little brother, you snake!” Wilbur dashed in and a long cut stretched across the right side of his face. Technoblade was close behind.
“Tommy get back!” Both Dream and Techno shouted. Technoblade addressed him as Tommy and in a fraction second of clear thinking Tommy’s heart glowed with thanks to his blood brother. It was just a moment of clarity before adrenaline took over and Tommy was dashing away towards the closest door. The balcony doors.
“Theseus you can’t leave us!” Wilbur cried out and was met with a stiff bodied Dream standing between Tommy and the crazed Prince.
“Tommy, you gotta get out of here. Sapnap is waiting for you in my chambers. He’ll get you out!” Dream grunted as he pushed back Wilbur. Technoblade slipped by and Dream’s focus shifted. The two broadened princes fell to the ground and a grappling match began. Wilbur was recovering from bashing into a chest beside Tommy’s dressing table.
“Dream-” Tommy took a step forward as he saw Technoblade rear up to throw a punch but then something flickered in the corner of his eye. Brown hair and lanky form reaching for him. Tommy retreated as Wilbur lunged forward to grab him and something cold and hard hit against his back and sent his body careening backwards. Nothing was below him and Tommy tumbled over the railing and down to the gardens below. 
Nobles left over from his party screamed and Tommy went down, down, down without stopping. A scream left his throat. A desperate call for anyone to come and save him. A fall like this would kill him and it was going so slow. The world blurred by but it felt like he was falling for forever.
Then there was something jumping from his balcony. A ghost of some kind and broad wings of pure white with grime sticking to the feathers stretched out and folded close to come after him.
“Technoblade?” Tommy gasped out just moments before his brother grabbed him and the air rushed beneath him and the clouds drew closer with a beat of winter wings.
“Are you okay Tommy?” Technoblade’s voice wavered and a look of steel masked his features.
“You have wings!” Tommy said in shock and clung to Techno’s uniform for dear life as the ground came closer and closer.
“Answer me, are you okay?” Technoblade asked again and set Tommy down on sturdy grass that was frosted with snow already. A single tree on a hill stood beside them.
“Yeah, I-I’m fine.” Tommy stumbled back and admired the great things of legend. “How long have you had them?” Tommy breathed and Technoblade stretched the feathers to full length with a sigh of contentment.
“A while.” He said dully and watched as noble after noble came rushing to see the winged savior of the Crown Prince. The public wouldn’t know of his treasonous words yet and the renunciation of his place as Prince in the Antarctic Empire.
“Is that General Technoblade?”
“The ghost has wings?”
Questions darted around and it wasn’t long before Dream, Wilbur, and the Emperor himself arrived. Wilbur was dumbfounded and didn’t charge straight ahead. He stared, just like everyone else and somewhere in those brown eyes, glimmers of red shone under the afternoon sun.
“Technoblade, you have wings.” Emperor Philza gapped at his son and Tommy felt the need to shrink away and run. This was his chance. Techno had taken the attention and now he could find Sapnap and get out of here.
“Tommy is going to Esempi.” Technoblade snarled and his features twisted in hatred at the nobles. They shrunk back and a few abandoned the scene under the General’s cruel gaze. “And he has full reason to. We have hurt and abandoned him more than he deserves and I want to be the first to say I’m sorry.” Technoblade turned to him now and the wings relaxed, the feathers dragging the ground.
“I’m sorry, Tommy, and I hope you find what you need and deserve in Esempi.” Technoblade muttered and something cracked in Tommy’s soul. Like a piece being put back into place rather than being wrenched out.
“Tech, you’re seriously going to let him leave?! He’s the Crown Prince, we won’t have an heir if he leaves!” Wilbur stated indignantly.
“Then why don’t we use Fundy? He’s about as old as Tommy was when he started cleaning up your mess!” Technoblade growled at his brother and Tommy’s heart tightened again at the thought of his nephew being pushed into the torture of a cycle he went through.
“No! You will not place Fundy under the crown!” Tommy protested and considered taking back what he said and finishing his duties. Becoming Emperor and keeping his ginger haired nephew safe and away from the responsibility of the crown.
“Theseus-” Philza took a step and Dream took three in front.
“That’s not his name, Your Majesty. He will be referred to as Prince Tommy of Esempi from now on. My brother has already approved this transaction and I will expect you to honor it as we will when you accept Ranboo into your status.” Dream said with a voice of such formality Tommy was back at the dinner when Ranboo claimed to be the secret pen pal.
“Ranboo is not-” Philza began again but Tommy stepped up to his ‘official’ brother now.
“If Ranboo is not to be accepted into your court then why did you invite him in? Why did you let the rumors grow so loud it was impossible to hear the truth?” Tommy sneered and felt an arm pull around his shoulders.
“We leave tonight Your Imperial Highness, and we hope you have good fortune in the future.” Dream smiled and when Tommy looked over he realized the mask was back in place. He was the only one who saw Dream smiling, teeth and all under that mask.
The whole royal family stood dumbfounded as Dream and Tommy went back to the palace and once their backs were turned to the group only then did Tommy realize he’d been holding his breath for so long.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna pass out.” He chuckled and let out an ear splitting laugh. It felt so good to have cut all his ties. The shock of Technoblade’s wings and Dream’s announcement of his acceptance into Esempi’s family buzzed in his chest and tingled through his bones. 
“Let’s finish getting you packed and then we’ll head for home. Esempi is going to love you.” Dream raised his mask and smiled broadly.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | ____ | (Finale)
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papa-poutine · 3 years
Anyway if you're not gonna get vaccinated hurry up and die so the rest of us can get on with our lives (vent in tags watch out 🤪)
#im literally about to have a britney spears style breakdown because of these fucking restrictions#get vaxxed or move to a remote island where we wont have to deal with your plague rat ass#or just get covid and reap what you fuckin sow#i dont care at this point just get the fuck out of my country and stop slowly destroying our normalcy#literally im ready to scream at this point. i did scream tonight! i just let myself scream! and it didnt make me feel better!#i want to go to the woods and just scream and swear and punch trees i hate anti vaxxers so much its unreal#and yes i know hate is a powerful word. i hate them. all of them. i dont give a shit what theyre like otherwise. i hate them.#i dont give a shit what happens to them. theyve spent long enough having disregard for others lives. i care about normal people#who get vaxxed but i literally would let someone rip my fingernails out and rub salt in the wounds for 24 hours of normal#i cant tell if im this pissed and sad bc its shark week or because im genuinely pissed and sad but#I'm so pissed. its not even funny. theres no words in any language known to man to describe how angry i am.#anyway if you're an antivaxxer fucking unfollow me right the fuck now. get the fuck out of my life.#ive always been an angry person. but this event has made me a bitch. ive lost any sympathy i may have had for anti vaxxers who get sick.#too bad. you had it coming. cry me a river from the icu youre suffocating in. and get out of the way so the rest of us can return to normal
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Black Ice (one-shot)
Synopsis: Black ice is considered one of the most dangerous winter weather phenomenon. It appears after it’s rained or snow has melted and then the rapidly cooling air freezes it, leaving it as a shiny black mirror on the ground.  A deadly shiny black mirror. 
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: swearing, mentions of hospitals and injuries
Word count: 8852
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“God, Harry, it’s just one night!” Y/N exasperated, throwing her hands in the air. “One fucking night I wanna go out with my friends and have some fun. Is that really too much to ask?”
        “I haven’t seen you in two months!” he snapped back. “So, please fucking forgive me that I wanna spend a night in with my girlfriend and have her say ‘no’ one time, and make me a priority. Is it so hard to reschedule?”
        “Yes, Harry it is!” Y/N stood her ground. “Adam and I have been talking about this for three weeks before we could set a date and meet up. He fucking flew out here! To London! And it’s not my fault you haven’t been home in two months, so don’t put that on me.”
        “No,” he shook his head pointing a finger at her. “Don’t pull that shit on me. You knew about my job, you know how it can be, how much I have to travel.”
        “I get that, and I’d get your anger if I was fucking off with my friends on our anniversary without any notice or some shit, but I’m not! I made these plans ages ago. I told you about them! How could I have known you’d decide to ‘surprise’ me a week early?”
        But the thing for Harry was – he did think there was an anniversary to celebrate. It wasn’t an official one, and he hadn’t told Y/N how much the date meant, but that day was the day they’d met a year prior.
        He was in the middle of filming ‘Darling Don’t Worry’. This time they'd flown out of California to shoot a scene in the middle of the woods, in the cold of November, which as exciting as it was to have his acting career flourish, Harry wasn't too happy about freezing his ass off in the middle of nowhere.
Y/N, however, lived right next to those woods, her family house having been there for generations, while the location scouts of the movie had chosen the location because the aesthetic could double as the location of the woods behind the mansion.
        Y/N’d been out on her daily run (well, daily complaining because Y/N, with all her being, hated running, and thought it was a sign you were a masochist. But her best friend Adam loved running and hated going alone, so he bribed her with the promise of pizza afterwards), when they’d run into pitched white tents, filming equipment and barriers encasing a part of the path they were on.
        Adam’s eyebrows furrowed as he slowed his pace, and Y/N thanked god for that because she felt like she was about to pass out.
        “What’s going on here?”
        “Dunno,” Y/N huffed. “But we should probably leave.”
        But instead, Adam grabbed her by the bicep, dragging her forward to the set. “Nope. Come on.”
        “Adam!” she hissed. “What the fuck are you – “
        “Hi!” He flashed a woman standing by the railing a smile. “Could you-uh-tell us what’s going on? Why’s the path blocked?”
        “A movie’s being filmed. Sorry for the disturbance.”
        “Mhm, and when do you think you’ll be leaving?”
        That she hadn’t expected, given how typically when people saw a movie set, they’d be more than intrigued in getting into a shot or finding out about who were the stars, not when they’d be going away.
        “Oh, uh,” she stammered. “I’m not too sure. Depends if the snow starts falling and how much we manage to shoot. Sorry. But uh, would you be so kind and find a path around?”
        Y/N jumped in, flashing her a kind smile. “Yes, thank you. So sorry to have disturb –“
        “You do realise this is a public place?” Adam raised an eyebrow. “We have a right to be here.”
        “Adam, shut up,” Y/N groaned. “We can run around them, it’s not a big deal.”
        “But this is our route!”
        “Adam for fuck’s sake! It’s the woods, you don’t own them!”
        “Exactly!” he said. “And neither do they! They have no rights to infringe on our ability to get to the sea.”
        That’s when Harry had noticed her, and to this day Y/N had no clue as to why he’d fallen for her. He was conversing with Florence about the upcoming scene when his ears caught the very end of the conversation, green eyes snapping to where two people in running tracksuits stood.
        One of them was a tall burly man, muscles practically ripping apart his clothes at the seams, the other was a shorter woman, hands-on-hips, hair kept away by a headband which also covered her ears, and the most done expression on her face as she glared at her companion.
        They were talking with a nervous assistant; Harry could see by her stature and how her head kept snapping to the side in hopes of finding someone above her to deal with the two strangers.
        “Adam, I swear to god, I’ll punch you." Harry heard the woman exclaim. "Leave the girl alone! We can run around.”
        “But I –“
        “Fine,” he grumbled as he threw the assistant and apologetic look. “Sorry.”
        “ ‘S okay. Have my preferred cycling route as well, so yeah… Sorry.”
        Harry watched as the woman next to the person, Adam, shook her head and gestured to where the barriers curved around, starting up on a slow jog, and when they passed where he was standing by the trailers, he could hear them still arguing. 
        “Oh my god,” Harry heard her whisper while looking at the ground. “I’m friends with a fucking Karen.”
        “I am NOT a – you’re Harry Fucking Styles!” Adam shouted so hard, it startled Y/N, and when she looked over, it was like a deer in headlights before relaxing and both of them slowed their pace.
        “Sorry,” she gave him an awkward glance. “He’s a fan, but we’ll be going and stop bothering you...”
        “No, no,” Harry shook his head, putting his hands in his coat’s pockets and smiling. “ ‘S alright, you’re no bother. I’m always happy to talk to a fan.”
        “Yes, well, don’t encourage him. Soon enough, you’ll be besties, and Adam here’ll be turning your life into absolute chaos.”
        He scoffed looking down at his friend. “I’d like to think I’m taking you out of your boring routine, Y/N, and giving it some spice.”
        “Anyway,” she gritted out. “It was lovely to meet you, but uh, we should probably be on our way. You have to be somewhere.”
        Y/N’s eyes glanced over Harry’s shoulder, where a nervous AD stood, bouncing on her feet, a weary smile on her face as she caught the singer’s eyes and motioned with her head he was needed back on set.
        Harry nodded and wanted to turn back to tell the two to come by whenever they wanted (well mainly Y/N), but when he turned around, the two were already quite a few feet away. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Y/N shout, “Congratulations on the three Grammy nominations, by the way. ‘Fine Line’ was amazing.”
        “And that’s a compliment!” Adam hollered jogging backwards. “She only listens to shit from the early 2000s.”
        “Adam, shut up!”
        With that, Harry was left to watch the two disappear behind the trees, a feeling he was quite familiar with settling in his chest.
        It was three days later, when he saw Y/N approaching the set barriers, hands in her pockets, as she rolled her neck. Their eyes met, and even, from the distance, he could see her smile split apart her face, but when she just waved without the intention of coming any closer to the lot, Harry rushed to the side calling out to her. “Hey!” 
        “Hey!” Y/N responded chuckling and ducking her head down. “You alright?”
        “ ‘M alive. How ‘bout you? You doin’ fine?’”
        “The bar’s so low?”
        “I guess. Won’t be able to get you to nurse me back to health though, which is why I’m in the cold again.”
        She wiggled her eyebrows at Harry. “If you wanted to see me, there's no need to lose limbs or bits of yourself.”
        Harry hadn’t expected her to be so upfront, but he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t like it. Made it easier for him to understand if his advances were welcome or if he should back off. “So uh, no Adam today?”
        “No, he has a late shift at work. Which means I’m spared from the running.”
        “Not a fan?” he looked at her with a quirked brow, seemingly saying ‘you’re sure dressed like you are’.
        “Do I look like someone who likes stabbing pain in her side and having her heart ripped out of her chest?
        “You’re just not breathing properly.”
        Y/N sighed. “If one of you gives me any more advice about how to properly run when I don’t even want to run, I swear I’ll stab you.”
        “Okay!” he threw his hands up in surrender, laughing. “No more talk about running if I wanna keep my head on my shoulders. Where are you uh going? You don’t have to answer, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
        Y/N squealed on the inside, but bit her lip to keep the grin away. She’d been dying to talk to Harry since they’d briefly met but had no real reason. Not that she had one now, but she’d had a horrible day at work and needed to clear her head, and what was better than the forest air (also she could scream there without anyone really caring). “You’re not, so don’t worry. I’m uh I’m going to the sea.”
        Harry’s eyebrows rose. “There’s sea nearby?”
        “You’re like a fifteen-minute walk away from it,” she chuckled, stuffing her hands in her coat’s pockets. “Should really be more aware of your surroundings.”
        “We’re in the middle of nowhere.”
        Y/N tilted her head. “Yeah, you’re kind of right. But it’s places like these where you can find the best spots.”
        “Will you show me then?”
        She looked at him with an unreadable expression, and he could only hope his nervousness wasn’t as apparent, because Harry was more than convinced his erratically beating heart could be heard miles away. But then she nodded, giving him a wide grin, making one of his own bloom on his face. 
“You sure you won’t freeze on your way there?” she said in a sarcastic tone eyeing him up and down, and Harry shoved her a bit.   
        He donned one of the standard down-jackets issued for the movie with winter boots, but given the costume underneath, he was chilled to the bone. “It’s bloody cold, and my toes are freezing off. How are you still standing?”
        “Insulated shoes and thermal clothes. Kinda boiling actually.”
        “I should steal ‘em.” He smiled at her. “Probably have frostbite by now.”
        “Wow, you people from the South UK really are weak.”
        Harry’s gasp made her smile as wide as a Cheshire cat. “How dare you!” He dramatically placed a hand on his chest, Y/N’s laughter erupting through the air. It cut through the yells and shouts from the filming crew, and made a warmth spread in his chest. “How do you know about the South versus North? You don’t sound like you’re from the UK.”
        “Studied there for three years; had loads of flatmates from all around, let alone course mates.” Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “And to say that I thrived on the chaos  was when you said North was better than the South would be an understatement.”
        “Well, I guess I know where your loyalties lie.”
        “Did you expect me to immediately swoon over you?” Y/N batted her eyelashes at him. “Oh, Mr Harry Styles. Your voice in ‘Kiwi’ was so good it fucked me to cloud nine. Will you please do that to me with your dick instead? Which you should take as a compliment again, considering kiwi is the only thing I’m allergic to.”
        “Wait,” he looked at her, eyebrows up to the middle of his forehead. “So you have heard my stuff?”
        “Well, I don’t live completely under a rock. I did say 'Fine Line' was amazing.”
        “But you don’t really like it?”
        Y/N shook her head. “ ‘S not that I don’t like yours or other pop stuff, ‘s just that I have a preference, and I guess it’s, as Adam said, ‘early 2000s shit’.”
        A sly smile appeared on Harry’s face. “But could that include by any chance 'One Direction'?”
        “Afraid not,” Y/N sighed giving him a pout. “When you came onto the scene, my heart was already taken by a boyband. And I can be a lot of things, but I most definitely a loyal bitch.”
        “One band at a time kind of gal?”
        “Exactly.” She beamed. God Harry had never wanted to kiss a person that bad. 
        “Duly noted, but I will need to know who they are, and how many graves do I have to dig? You know, for research purposes.”
        “Going method now?”
        “What’dya mean?”
        Y/N shrugged sniffling a bit from the frosty weather. “Looked up a little bit about the movie. Need to know what kind of people might be around in the area. Psychological thriller. Wife. Rich husband. A dark secret. My guess – someone’s dead and buried. Also, the huge pit we walked past was kind of a give-away.”
        He paused for a second before nodding. “Fair enough.”
        A comfortable silence fell between the two as Y/N motioned with her head to where they needed to turn and made their way onto a new path when she spoke. “ ‘S not that I wasn’t a fan,” Y/N shrugged glancing at Harry from the side. “The songs were really catchy, but I guess I got tired of them? Like they were on the radio so much, it was a relief I didn’t have to hear the five of you singing about how I don’t know I’m beautiful.”
        Harry threw his head back in a laugh. “Don’t worry. Sometimes we’d get sick of it ourselves. But umm, ‘Fine Line’… You said you liked it… Do ya’ have a favourite song?”
        Y/N cringed. “Is it cliché if I say ‘Golden’? Because it’s ‘Golden’. I’m a sucker for a slow and then a ‘bam!’ kind of an opening.”
        Harry shook his head. Now he was the one biting back a grin. “ ‘S not cliché. Was one of my favourites to write, so I’m glad you appreciate it.”
        “Also, it makes me feel sunny? If that makes sense? Like – like when I listen to it, I feel warm and safe and just happy...”
        He’d be lying if he said his heart wasn’t pounding in his chest at her words. Warm. Safe. Sunny. “Well,” Harry cleared his throat to keep the words ‘One day I’ll marry you’ at bay. Fuck, he'd only known her for like twenty minutes! “I’m glad you like it more than my previous stuff.”
        “You just love putting me in uncomfortable situations, don’t you?”
        He smiled, nudging her shoulder with his, and was just about gearing up to take a breath and ask Y/N out (before he could ask to marry her), when quick steps from behind him drew their attention. 
        Dressed in a typical 50s housewife dress with a black coat on top, Florence Pugh came to stand beside them, and Harry swore he saw mischief twinkle in her eyes as she raked them over both people and then settled on Harry’s companion.
        “Hi!” she said giving Y/N a bright smile, and a wink to Harry, which passed the other girl’s head, given how she was absolutely fangirling right now. “I’m Florence.”
        “I – yeah – I – you – I love you,” Y/N finally breathed out. “Fuck, I just, you know, 'Midsommar' was a fever dream, but I absolutely loved it, and I can’t wait for 'Black Widow' to come out. Oh my god, I think I’m gonna pass out.”
        “Please don’t.” She laughed grabbing onto Y/N’s shoulder. “Feels like I already know you, but I’ve been dying to meet you actually. Created quite the commotion yesterday.”
        You know how they say men can think of absolutely nothing, like have a completely blank page in their head? Yeah, Y/N was having that exact moment. 
        Florence tutted crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Harry with mock disappointment. “But Harry here just kept talking about you, without any intention of inviting you to the trailers, so I had to take things into my own hands.”
        “You’ve been wanting to meet me?” Y/N breathed out, hands going into her hair, looking at Harry. “Oh my god, what is happening? Am I hallucinating?”
        “No, you’re not,” Harry grumbled glaring at Florence. “Unfortunately. But we were on our way to the sea, so I’ll see you back on se-“
        “Hello there,” Chris Pine’s smooth voice interrupted them, as he extended a hand for Y/N to shake as he jogged up to the trio. “I’m Chris.”
        “Wow, your eyes are even bluer in real life.” Her own Y/E/C ones widened. “Did I just say that out loud?”
        “You did,” Chris chuckled, “but I most certainly take it as a compliment. You said you were going to the sea?”
        “Uh, yeah,” Y/N breathed out still gazing into Pine’s eyes. “Wanna join?”
        Harry wanted to scream, but he couldn’t really. As much he wanted to tell both Florence and Chris to go away, he didn't. Seeing Y/N’s eyes light up as the two other actors conversed with her, laughed and joked around, made his heart expand.
        It was insane to him, that a woman he’d seen twice in his life could have such a huge impact. It was like she’d been his missing part. Well, no. Harry didn’t like that notion – that the ‘right’ person would complete someone. People were complete on their own, but it was true to him that there was someone out there that’d make each and every moment special, someone who would help the other become better, but also hold them accountable when needed. 
        They wandered around the seashore, which like Y/N had said, was a fifteen-minute walk, for about half an hour before turning back to the woods.
        By that point, she’d somewhat calmed down, and could actually comprehend what Chris and Florence were saying to her, and it was rather enjoyable to ask all the questions about Hollywood and the industry most people wouldn’t say on the record. 
        At around four PM when all of them got back to set and Olivia came to tell them they were wrapping up for the day, Florence, and Chris split from Y/N, telling her to come by whenever she wanted, while Harry said he’d walk her to the end of the trail.
        “You know I’ll be fine. I grew up here, know these paths like the back of my hand.”
        “ ‘S alright,” he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure they won’t mind much if I come back ten minutes later.”
        “You know, you’re not how I thought you’d be.”
        “What’dya mean?”
        “I – I don’t even really know… just not how I imagined you.”
        Harry didn’t know what to really do with that information, but the look on Y/N’s face most definitely didn’t seem like she meant it in a bad way. In fact, her shy smile and fleeting glances told him otherwise. At least he hoped he read her features right.
        They said goodbye with soft ‘see you laters' and he watched her throw one last glance at him over her shoulder before he himself retreated and ventured to the trailers to start de-shedding the character of Jack for the night.
        Harry plopped down in his seat with a groan, fishing out his phone from the pocket while the hair and make-up team did their work, taking the products off his face before applying moisturiser to the stressed skin.
        Florence poked him in the cheek, and he swatted away at her hand, looking up from Instagram (or his attempts to find Y/N with just knowing her first name). “What’s wrong?” she asked, poking his pouting face again.
        “She literally fangirled about everyone but me.” He huffed sliding down even further in his seat. 
        Florence raised an eyebrow. “Jealous, Styles?”
        “No,” he scoffed crossing his arms. “Why would I be jealous?”
        “Because literally both mornings that we've got here, you’ve been fidgety, keeping a watch of the path, and didn't calm down until Y/N appeared just now. So I’d say you’re absolutely smitten with the girl and are jealous because she’s more of a fan of us than you.”
        “I know she likes me.” His eyebrows furrowed. “I think. She hasn’t told me to fuck off.”
        “She’s a stranger you met in the middle of the woods. You should hope she likes you. But not too much. Otherwise, it could so easily become a scene out of a horror movie.”
        Chris bit his lip looking at Olivia, who’d come in the trailer after having seen the group come back with an almost heartbroken gaze – it was clear as a summer’s day Harry was struck by the girl, but they had to face the music. “Harry,” he started. “You – you do realise we end filming here in two weeks, right? And she’s a local.”
        “And?” his eyebrows furrowed at Chris’ words.
        “You’ll be leaving in two weeks for another three months of filming, while she stays here. I don’t – I don’t want to see you hurt, but you have to realise that most likely nothing will happen.”
        “And what makes you say that? Maybe she could come with.”
        “Y/N is her own person with her own life, job and friends, which, as it seems is all set here.”
        “Besides you don't really even know her,” Olivia said as well. “It's been two days."
        “Sometimes a day is enough.”
        A silence settled over them, as Harry tapped his phone against his nails.
        “You guys, come on!” Florence came to his defence. “He likes her. Why not give it a shot?”
He'd flashed her a thankful smile and mouthed a 'thank you' to which she just gave him an encouraging nod. She was on his side. She believed he could do it. And he did. Using Florence's faith in him as a catalyst, a day later when Y/N had gone on her run with Adam, Harry had excused himself and joined the two. 
        Adam was thrilled to the bone, but he was also competitive, so after ten minutes of trying to persuade the woman to run faster so he could beat his previous time, he took off on his own, with a promise of meeting up by the shore. That’s when Harry grabbed Y/N by her bicep and stalled them both, confusion written all over her features.
        “I uh,” he started. “I wanted to ask you something.”
        “Yeah, sure. Go ahead.”
        “I – “ he stuttered taking in a deep breath. “I – uh – and you have zero obligations to respond, but uh – I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me sometime?”
        That made Y/N do a double-take. “You want to go out? On a date? With me?”
        “Ye – yeah.” It was uncertain how the word came out, but it felt so good to say it. “Yes, I really do.”
        “Sorry.” She shook her head looking at the ground with furrowed brows. “Sorry’s just, kinda hard to believe it.”
        “ ‘Nd why’s that?”
        “Well because the first time we met, I looked like a sweaty mess, the second, I could barely function around your friends and co-workers, and now, well now I look like a sweaty mess again.”
        “I just –” Y/N laughed but waved him off. “Never mind.”
         Fear instantly took hold of his core at her statement, so he rushed to salvage what could be salvaged. “No, I mean if you don’t want, you - you don’t have to say ‘yes’. I’m not gonna be upset or any –“
        “Harry!” This time Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder to stop his ramblings. “I’d love to go on a date with you.”
        “You – you would?”
        “Yes.” Her smile blinded him like the golden rays of sun which broke through the overcast sky. “I’d like to very much so.”
        But it was Y/N’s tearful huff, a storm cloud compared to the warm light from his memories, which brought him out of the fond thoughts and into the icy right now.
        “Because unless it revolves around Harry Styles, it doesn’t matter, right?” she let out a pained laugh. “Because unless he’s there to have all the spotlight on him, it’s not important. Unless it’s not something he wants to take part in, it immediately needs to be cancelled or rescheduled because god forbid someone made plans without him.”
        He grunted in disagreement. “You know that’s not what I meant!”
        “No,” she snapped, snatching her purse and coat. “I get it. Very clearly. I’ll show myself out.”
        “Don’t be so dramatic!”
        She scoffed, glaring at him. “Call me when you get your head out of your ass.”
        The door slammed shut, and Harry sat down onto the sofa to scream into a pillow.
        Y/N’s sight was blurry as she drove down the street. A light snow had started to fall over London, so she was twice as careful, knowing Londoners had zero clue how to function when snow hit, and no one had winter tires.
        “Fuck,” she choked out, wiping away at her cheeks.
        She’d had fights with Harry before, it wasn’t like they were perfect. From the outside they looked like nothing could ever be wrong, but they were human. They had flaws and tempers and ideas and beliefs, and sometimes they clashed, but it’d never been as bad as it was that night. 
        She loved Harry, Y/N truly did. She’d even had dreams of the two of them in some far-off cottage in the Italian mountains living a domestic life, but she also just wanted one night to herself. To let loose and think about her own needs and wants, while Harry was away doing the same. It wasn’t selfish, not in her mind. 
        It’d been her who’d uprooted her whole life to be closer to Harry, not the other way around. She was always the one cancelling and making new plans with her family or friends just so she could spend a spare second with Harry. She was there for his sleepless nights and there for his knock-out concerts. Why couldn't he let her have this one thing?
        She was sitting by the wheel at a red light taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. 
        The light turned green, and her hand was slightly shaking as she changed gears.
        Y/N released the clutch and pressed down on the gas.
        Two lights came rushing from the side.
        She gasped.
        A sharp pain went through her side.
        And then it was all black.
Anne was going to rip Harry a new one, as she rang him for the fifteenth time, but he still didn't pick up. After the accident and the nurses being unable to contact Harry, they obviously called Y/N’s parents which were next on the emergency contact's list, but given how they lived outside of the UK and the next flight was only in four days, they immediately reached out to Anne, begging for her to go be with their daughter while they got there.
“And please tell Harry to fly over as well!” Y/N’s mum had cried. “I – I know he has work, but please.”
Anne had been shocked to hear Y/M/N ask that, having assumed he was already there, but she wasn’t going to let them get to Harry before she set him straight herself. 
In the beginning, she’d been kind of sceptical, but after spending an evening together where Y/N, her and Gemma all did wine baking, and it had ended up in a disaster in the kitchen with the three of them crying from laughter while Harry stood at the entrance completely baffled and just so done with them, Anne knew Y/N only had good intentions with her son.
        Anne’s love for her only grew from that point on, when she also realised just how much Y/N’s love language was giving. It wasn’t the kind of ‘hey, look, I bought you some fancy thing, now love me’, it was ‘hey, I saw how much you wanted this, I noticed how much it’d mean to you, and I love how happy it makes you. And if it reminds you of me, that’s just a bonus’, and Anne couldn’t help but become as protective of Y/N as her own kids. 
        But at that moment, as finally, after her twenty-seventh attempt, Harry picked up with a gruff ‘ ‘ello?’, Anne was about to burst with rage.
“You get to the hospital right now!” she hissed into the phone.
“What are you talking about?” There was a tremble in his voice. 
The thing was, for two days since Y/N had stormed out, Harry’d been feeling sick. He thought it was due to the stress from the fight and from the pressure his label was putting on him, but now he understood it wasn’t that. It was his instinct telling him something bad had happened, and at Anne’s words, the bad feeling that’d settled in his stomach made his blood run cold. “Mum, what’s wrong?”
“Y/N was in a car accident, and you didn’t bother to pick up your phone.”
“I –” He stammered unable to process her words. “What? Mum? No…”
“You’re her emergency contact,” Anne spoke. “The hospital tried to call you a billion times, and you didn’t pick up.” 
And that’s when he remembered all of those calls from unknown numbers. He thought they’d been some crazed fans who’d gotten his personal number, so he’d just blocked them. “Mum, no.” Harry choked out. “I didn’t mean to – we fought – mum…”
“She’s at St. Helen’s. Please get here.”
He immediately ended the call, and in the span of twenty minutes was at the hospital, which Anne was sure to scold him for because there was no way in hell anyone who didn’t speed would be able to get to St. Helen’s in less than forty minutes. The second she saw her son burst through the door, tear tracks down his face, all the anger and disappointment vanished. 
“Where is she? Is she alive? Y/N!” he yelled across the hallway. “Where is she? Mum! Where’s Y/N?”
“Gem.” She patted her daughter’s knee as both of them stood up from where they’d been sitting at the chairs outside the recovery room assigned to Y/N. “Get a nurse, please.”
Gemma didn’t need an explanation or reasoning seeing Harry’s wild eyes, erratic breathing and shaky hands. 
“Mum!” He practically sprinted after seeing the woman, grabbing her by the shoulders.
“Calm down, Harry,” she shushed him, pulling him in for a hug and feeling his whole body tremble. “Calm down, it’s alright. Gem’ll get you some help, but you need to breathe.”
“I – I’m not the one who needs help!” Harry pretty much screamed. “I need to know if my girlfriend is alive.”
Anne spoke in a calm voice as to not agitate him even more, and her heart broke at the sight of her son so utterly broken. “Harry, you’re about to have a panic attack, and you’re no use to Y/N in that kind of state.”
“So.” He took in a chocked back breath. “So she’s alive?” He didn’t know what he’d do if the answer was anything else but a resounding ‘yes’. There was no version in his brain of where his life could possibly lead but down if he had to go on without Y/N.
“Yes,” Anne nodded, smoothing his hair away from his face, and watching as he took in a deep breath of relief. “She was just wheeled in for her second surgery. Should be out in about four hours. ”
All over again his insides froze. “Second? Mum, tell me the truth – how bad is it?”
“Harry, this is routine,” Gemma put a reassuring hand on his shoulder having returned with a nurse behind her, the man keeping a close eye on Harry and his behaviour. “They did as much as they could the first time, but their priority was on the worst injuries. This one is just to set things properly.”
“Set everything right like – “
“Like bones and stuff…” Gemma shuddered, trailing off. “Y/N broke her hip, dislocated her kneecap, her ankle was shattered and she fractured her collarbone. They took her in so that the bones could be properly placed together and there’s a lesser chance of complications not only while healing but later on in life. But can you please sit down? So they can help you as well?”
“I – alright,” he conceded, taking a place on one of the stiff plastic benches, as the nurse came to him, took his pulse, gave him an inhalator just in case and some herbal tablets to help him relax a bit.
“You said they focused on the worst injuries.” Harry looked at his mother. “What were those?”
Anne sighed, leaning to sit back on the chair next to him and ran a hand through his hair. “A piece of debris punctured one of her kidneys. The bleeding was pretty intense, but they say it was salvageable, so she’ll still have both of them. Gem donated some blood.”
“Thank you,” Harry whispered, looking over at his sister who wiped a stray tear away from his cheek.
She shook her head. “There’s nothing to thank me for. Y/N is family. If she’d lost the kidney, I’d give her mine in a second.”
“The worst they’re worried about is the head injuries,” Anne said. “Luckily, she got away without anything major, but she definitely has a concussion and minor whiplash to her neck, so they want to keep an eye out for any side effects that could arise. They have another surgery scheduled for her in a week if recovery goes as planned. To take the stitches that won’t dissolve out and put in the ones that will.”
        Harry sagged against his mother’s side, her palms soothingly running up and down his back. “She’s gonna be alright, love,” Anne muttered in his hair, pressing a kiss to his temple. “She’s strong. She’ll be okay.”
        It was comforting for both of them – for Anne to have her youngest in her arms, to know he was safe and sound, and for Harry to be held by his mother, the person who always knew how to comfort him when times were rough, and at that moment, they were the roughest they’d ever been.
        “You’ve got some nerve to be here.” Adam’s seething voice pulled Harry away from his mother’s embrace and watched as he rounded the corner with a coffee cup. He was quite sure he was keeping his temper well in check from how hard he was gripping the Styrofoam cup. “Fucking ignore her for two days while she’s laying in the hospital, and appear when it’s convenient for you? Is she some fucking toy for you to use when you want?”
        Anne’s tone was consoling and pleading. “He didn’t know.”
        “The hell he didn’t, he just didn’t want to know! They called you!” Adam pointed at the nurse’s desk. “And you let them go to voicemail. And then, better yet, you fucking blocked the number.”
        “I didn’t know it was the hospital,” he weakly defended himself.
        “Because you didn’t bother to find out.”
        He didn’t have anything to say to that. And not that he really could think of anything when the surgery ward’s doors swung open and they watched as a nurse wheeled Y/N’s gurney back inside the room, while another wheeled her saline bag along with. 
It was a terrifying sight to see. Her face was basically nothing but a swollen piece of flesh, bruises and scratches littering her cheeks, a neck brace to keep her head from moving while one leg was wrapped in a full-on cast, the other in one up until her knee and her left arm was in a sling.
        He’d had nightmares about her before. Most of the times it was about Y/N leaving him because she could no longer do it, could no longer commit to the hectic lifestyle that came with Harry, and as he screamed, banging on the invisible window that separated them, she just walked away, his sobs carried by the wind in the other direction.
        “You should go inside,” Anne whispered motioning with her head to where the nurses checked the monitors and how stable Y/N was. “I know you had a fight, but she’ll want you to be there when she wakes up.”
        “How,” Harry gulped back the lump that’d risen in his throat. “How do you know? How do you know she doesn’t want me to just disappear? I wasn’t there when she needed me, I was – “
        Anne put her hand on his cheek. “Because when she woke up yesterday morning for the first time, you were the first person she asked for. You. She wants you there. And it’s the least you can do for her.”
        He nodded, then took a deep breath and entered Y/N’s room. Watching her lay in the bed, unmoving, without her usual grumpy features as she slept, made Harry sick to the stomach so much so, he thought he’d have to call back the nurse.
        It was some twisted version of Sleeping Beauty, yet he knew a true loves kiss wouldn’t awaken her. Y/N just laid there, small breaths making her chest rise and fall, not even a flutter of her eyelids.
        Harry had spent countless night watching her sleep, looking at how her lashes fluttered as she dreamed of something; how her forehead creased and small, incoherent noises passed her lips as she talked to someone in her mind.
        Now, he was surrounded by none of that, only artificial reminders that she was still alive and fighting to get better.
        With uneven steps, Harry made his way to the chair which’d been stationed next to her bed (he was convinced beyond belief that Gemma, his mum and Adam had all taken shifts to sit there, to be there for Y/N), and much like a king who knew he was unfit for the throne, Harry had to swallow a lump as he took the seat.
        “I – I don’t know if you can hear me…” Harry took hold of Y/N’s palm and let out a sob of relief when he felt it was warm, not cold like he’d feared. “But I’m here for you. I’m not leaving. Not unless you want me to, so until you wake up…” there were so many words, so many apologies he wanted to say, but kept them at bay. Y/N deserved to hear them when she was conscious, so instead, he said, “I’m here, lovie. Get some rest, I’ll be here…”
        With that he put his head on the side of her bed, twisting his face so he could look up at her, watch her chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm, and fell asleep to the sound the beeps of Y/N’s beating heart.
        While he slept he dreamt again, the same terrifying dream of Y/N leaving, only this time she did look back at him, but her face was all wrong, her neck bent in a way it shouldn’t be, and eyes covered in a milky white. 
        “You weren’t there, Harry,” she said in a voice void of emotions. “So why should I be there for you?”
        Harry was 100% sure if he’d been hooked up to a heart rate monitor while he slept, people would think he was going into cardiac arrest, but it sure would’ve shown it flatlining as his green eyes swept over his lover’s frame to check his nightmare hadn’t become a reality, only to be met with two Y/E/C sparkling orbs looking back at him, giving him the softest gaze in the universe.
“Hey,” Harry’s tone was quiet, afraid to bring even the littlest of discomfort to Y/N given her state, and he had to physically restrain himself from sweeping down to bring her in a hug. 
What he saw on her face made his heart leap to his throat, as she smiled, genuinely happy to see him, lifting up her right hand, the only limb without a bandage on to cup his cheek. “Hey, love.” Her voice was scratchy like nails on a chalkboard, but to Harry, it was an absolute symphony. “Are you alright? Your eyes are puffy. Have you been getting enough sleep?”
        “Fuck,” Harry choked on his tears looking up at the white ceiling before back at her, complete disbelief in his blood-shot eyes. “You’re the one lying in a hospital bed, with casts and bandages all over you, scheduled for a third surgery, and you’re asking me if I’m alright?”
        If Y/N could, she would’ve shrugged as if that wasn’t the most self-explanatory thing in the world. “I’ll always want to know if you’re alright. ‘S not exclusively you that can care for people, you know.”
        And there she was – his sarcastic, allergic-to-kiwi-but-‘Kiwi’-loving girl that never ceased to amaze him, as she made sure everyone else was alright before herself. And that made Harry break down. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N. So fucking sorry. I – god – I – there are not enough words in any language to say how fucking sorry I am. I should’ve been here, should’ve never let you leave. This is all my fault.”
Through all that, through his choked back sobs and crying, Y/N’s hand had steadily remained on his cheek, wiping away the tears from underneath one eye before switching to the other side and making the little pearls of hurt disappear with just her touch. 
“Harry, are you the weatherman?”
That was not what he thought she would say. “I – what?”
“Do you control temperatures and have not told me?”
“N – no?”
“Were you the guy who ran the red light?”
        “Then how is this your fault?”
        “I – “ he stammered. “I shouldn’t have let you leave. I should’ve gone after you, found a way to make you stay or – or should’ve fucking stopped being so selfish and driven you to see Adam yourself.”
        “Harry, had you tried to make me stay nothing would’ve changed.” Y/N sighed letting him lean into her touch, as she bit her lip, thinking over her words. “I was just so pissed, that I think anything you would’ve tried to do, would’ve only made it worse. And I’d rather be here with you than alone in my apartment crying in a tub of Hagen Dazs because of a broken heart.”
        “You-you've got your priorities completely backwards.” He wasn’t laughing when he said that, but Y/N was.
        “Maybe.” She raised her eyebrow. “But I don’t think so. The bones will heal, but the amount of love I have for you… I’m afraid you’ve ruined the thought of a future without you in it. We’ll talk,” Y/N swallowed hard. “We need to talk, but when I get better. Right now, I just wanna hold your hand and have you hold mine as I try not to kick the nurses trying to take my blood for tests.”
        It felt inappropriate for Harry to smile, to feel happy about how Y/N hadn’t told him to go screw himself, even though he felt like he deserved it, but fuck was it impossible not to when his body felt so light, and her love chose to invade the dark corners of his mind to fill it with golden warmth.
        She fell asleep not long after their small conversation, body too tired and in need of recovery, but like he’d promised, he was there for her when she awoke again, this time to a more familiar Y/N as she glared at the coffee cup in his hand, while he sipped, a ring clad palm gently pushing away strands of Y/H/C hair from her face.
        “I hate that you can drink coffee.”
        “Yeah, and why’s that?”
        “Because I can’t.”
        “I’ll happily buy you as many coffees as you like. Once you get better and are allowed to, of course.”
        Y/N snorted and then winced as the action caused pain to shoot through her body. “Knowing you, it won’t be a cup of coffee or a coffee machine, but a fucking coffee chain restaurant.”
        “Would it be that bad to own one?”
        Her eyebrow rose at him in an incredulous look. “You know I can’t bake. Coffee shops include pastries, and I’m not the one who worked in a bakery. I can cook, I can clean, but make me make muffins from scratch, and I’ll set your house on fire.”
        “You already did.” Harry laughed. “Gem and mum helped.”
        “They supplied the wine, so I’m putting 60% of the blame on them.”
        “You do realise that equates to 30% of the blame on each of them, and most of it is still on you?”
        “Shut up,” Y/N smiled, weakly pushing against Harry’s arm, but the motion made him happy to know she was trying. “I was just in a car crash, so forgive me for not being that great at division.”
        A knock at the door made Harry look up, Y/N not even attempting to turn her head to see who’d interrupted them, given how the first time she’d tried it with the neck-brace, it’d hurt so bad she’d passed out.
        Her doctor was a man in his mid to late fifties with greying hair, Y/N’s medical record file slapped underneath his arm.
        “How are we doing today?”
        “Better than yesterday, I guess,” she responded. 
        “Well, you were out for most of it, so I’d say so.”
        Y/N and the doctor chuckled, but Harry didn’t, as he thought of how bad, how absolutely tired a person has to be to sleep for a whole day. He’d had those days himself, and that was from being exhausted from work. He couldn't imagine what being in a bloody accident would feel like. 
        The doctor stepped forward a bit and extended a hand to Harry, introducing himself as Dr Tate, while Harry rose in his seat to accept it, but not wanting to move away an inch from Y/N.
        “You must be the boyfriend.”
        “I – uh – I can only hope I still am,” he let out a nervous giggle, which made his girlfriend slap his arm, a furrow on her face.
        Dr Tate looked Harry over from head to toe, eyebrow raised at that, but all he said was, “We tried to contact you, seeing as you’re Miss Y/L/N emergency contact, but the nurses said it couldn’t go through.”
        “He was filming overseas.” Y/N butted in, clearly having rehearsed what to say beforehand. “Flew over as fast as he could. I’m the luckiest person in the world.” Her tone was soft as a feather, but Harry’s stomach felt like it was filled with rocks. 
        “Is there anything I can help with?” he asked hoping to be given some sort of a task to do, to allow him to redeem himself some way.
        “Well, actually yes. One of the injuries Ms Y/L/N sustained was a concussion,” the doctor said, “which could lead to some complications like headaches, migraines, spotty vision or amnesia.”
“Amnesia?” Harry wanted to vomit. It had crossed his mind, but having a professional say it made it all so much worse. 
        “Yes, and we’d need someone to be with her as much as possible, 24/7 would be desirable, to keep an eye on.”
        Harry honestly hadn’t heard anything past the amnesia part, mind spinning in a circle that just screamed ‘she’ll forget all about you’.
“It’s nothing to worry about too much.” Dr Tate was quick on his feet, seeing Harry’s blank stare, and tried to diffuse any possible spiralling. “With Y/N’s cognitive abilities and having repeatedly excelled at the test without a single stutter, it’s very unlikely she’ll have those side effects. 
“But it’s still a possibility, right?”
The doctor nodded, giving Harry a kind smile. “Which is why I’m informing you of it. To keep an eye out to see if anything changes so you could come in if necessary. But as I said – Y/N’s memory has proven to be intact so far. And I always say to trust the facts.”
“Harry,” Y/N placed her hand on his. “You know I won’t forget you.”
“I’ll uh, give you two a second.” The doctor exited leaving them alone, an almost sad silence over both of them. 
“God I almost lost you to some idiot running a red light with no winter tires, and now you won’t remember me. And – and even with everything you’re going through, you’re still trying to protect me? Why did you lie? I – I wouldn’t have cared if you said the truth that I was an asshole.” Harry dragged both hands over his face, trying to keep the cry’s at bay as Y/N ran her hand through his hair in an attempt to calm him down.
“I’d prefer to think,” Y/N shrugged trying to tease him and make him crack a smile, “me being dead would be the worst-case scenario, not me forgetting you. And of course, I’ll protect you. Your reputation matters to me. Just because we had a fight doesn’t mean I’ll immediately run to everyone I can and say how shitty of a person you were in those specific ten minutes.”
But Harry’s lips didn’t quirk up, the tears didn’t disappear as the painful grimace on his face wasn’t replaced by the crow lines next to his eyes from smiling so much. “What if you – what if you forget you love me? What do I do then? I know I sound selfish and like the biggest fucking dick, but as pathetic as it is – I can’t go on without you. I don’t know how I could.”
Y/N’s heart broke at his words because if the roles were reversed if Harry forgot about her and fell out of love, she didn't know how she'd survive. She’d had those fears before, when he was away filming and she couldn’t follow; she’d been terrified because what they’d had was so new, he could easily move on, find someone better, someone who was familiar with his lifestyle. But any time those thoughts came to her mind, Y/N reminded herself of what she’d do. And that’s what she told Harry.
        “Then you make me fall in love with you again. You’re great at that. Make me love you more with every passing moment.”
        “And – and if you don’t fall in love with me again?”
        Y/N shook her head. “Impossible, Harry. You made me fall in love with you after barely two hours spent together. And well, if you put your mind to it… who knows how much deeper I’ll fall.”
        For the first time in two days, Harry leaned down and pressed his lips against Y/N’s. The kiss was soft and sweet, a barely-there touch, but it meant everything. It was a promise to one another to love unconditionally, to remind the other of it at every passing moment; it sealed their future to be spent together, and neither wanted it any other way.
        Harry’s phone rang, eliciting a whine from Y/N as he pulled away to answer it. “It’s Florence.” He pecked her lips one more time. “I’ll just tell her to call back.”
        He turned to the side for a second muttering a soft ‘hey, can you –‘ before whatever Florence told him made him pull away and extend the deivice towards Y/N.
        “It’s for you.”
        “For – for me? Florence is calling me?”
        Had the two women become friends? Yes. But didn’t mean Y/N had an easier time not fangirling about her. 
        “Hi, Flo,” she breathed out, looking at Harry with wide, happy eyes. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
        Harry sat there watching as his love talked to someone she looked up to, and someone he cared about. He hadn’t told Florence, but her encouragement meant the world to him, as she was partially the reason he’d gotten together with Y/N. After all, she’d been the one on his side from the very beginning.
        Y/N giggled like a crazy person after the call ended and she handed Harry back his phone. “Florence Pugh just called to give me well wishes.” She gasped looking at Harry. “Do you think Chris Pine will too?”
        “God, I love you,” Harry laughed with her, pressing their foreheads together.
        They’d be alright, they’d make sure of it. No matter if a disagreement arose, egos needed to be put in check or black ice covered the roads. They’d get through anything. 
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415​ @crazy--me​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
A/N: Listen, Linda, those pictures of Harry on set does things!!!
Also the being allergic to kiwi - that’s me. Like legit it’s the only thing I’m allergic to. I always hated how they tasted like pain, like it made my mouth sting and feel like pins and needles before going numb, and according to professionals, that’s a sign of being allergic. But I love ‘Kiwi’ the song. 
P.S. my tags are always open :)
P.S.S. I don’t take requests, sorry :(
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You’re my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt9
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. Heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature, mention of Pain, Blood, Violence, Killing, Cannibalism, Using Someone as Baited
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“I’ll activated the spell while you and Satan grab our troublesome brothers” the two nod and move in. leaving Lucifer to get ready.
“When it all fail, I still have the book. Mammon what ever happens I know you’re ready to take my place. It better me then you”
Levi, Asmo and Beel is face to face with Mammon who looks at them with a blink stare.
“M-Mammon! It’s you……. I-It’s really you” Levi tries to hold back the tears as he smiles to Mammon who turn to face them and start cooing. “W-where have y-you been! You know that you Made Beel worried sick about……how worried sick I am!?!” Levi starts cry as walks over to him. However, Mammon is getting annoyed of he with the noise. His feather slowly raises up as shrike comes out from him with start out low but louder and deeper shrike.
“Levi! I think you’re making him angry!” Beel grab Levi by the collar of jacket, and pull him back so hard he stumbles back and fall on his butt. Beel shifted to his demon form and stand Infront of Asmo in a defensive position, which makes Mammon think of they are a threat.
“Mammon!!” Belphie scream his name, as he standing behind him, Mammon quickly turns to face Belphie, all the while Satan sneak behind the three brothers, with one wave of his hand he undid the chain spell.
A sound of chains breaking echoes around them causing them to flinch, all expect Satan, Belphie and Mammon the latter which whip his head towards Basto.
Who immediately took his chances and start running out of there? Mammon sees it and chase after him.
Once Mammon is in the spell circle, Lucifer flew out of his hiding spot, and trigger the spell, a barrier starts to form from where Lucifer is to the opposite side where he standing.
Satan hold down both Levi and Asmo from following Mammon, unfortunately Beel saw Basto running and thinks he escape followed Mammon into the spell. Seeing his twin step in Belphie followed him too.
The spell is complete with Mammon, Beel, Belphie inside with Basto who crushes into the invisible barrier causing him to flew back and fall right Infront of Mammon.
At the brink of death and beaten up to exhaustion he tries to crawl away, But Mammon quickly stops him by stepping on him and dig his talons on the back of the demon. With one slowly pulls his head back and quickly drop it peaking Basto right through the head piercing his skull killing him once and for all.
Meanwhile Beel and Belphie punch and push on the barrier with Levi and Asmo doing the same thing from the other side of it.
“Beel is no uses this one of Lucifer’s spells, he’s the only can break it.” Belphie pants catching his breath as he said that. “We just have to stay calm and~” but seeing Levi’s expression cuts him, causing him to turn around. Mammon is staring right at them while licking his beak.
“SHIT!!! Beel get ready” Belphie shifted to his demon form, getting ready.
Lucifer seeing his younger brothers in danger, reach for the book and about to use it, when suddenly Mammon perks up with his head and feathers rising up. Then he squawks and try to fly but only crash in the barrier and fall.
“What’s happening?” Asmo asks but no knows to answer him, as they all watch Mammon fly, crash, fall and get up only to repeat the progress.
“He stops noticing us” Beel asks Belphie who nod, move near to the barrier where Satan is Standing. “Satan, uh? What should we do now?”
“Just stay out of his way, I think his too distracted to notices that he can break the spell by phase through it”
“Wait what? He can do that”
“That’s his thing, he’s not just fast in flying he can also go through thing like trees and mountains like a ghost”
“How ironic that he is scare of horror and other scary thing, and yet his basically a demon that can scare anyone by just poking his head through the wall” Satan chuckles while Belphie look at him with a blink expression.
“Really right now”
“That’s good right! we have Mammon back and his kinda acting like his old self” Asmo cheer statement causing the other a little optimism, all expect Beel.
“We need to let him go” The other whip their head at Beel with a shock expression.
“Eh…… Beel you were the one who told me that we not losing him again” Levi yells at Beel, who just keep watching Mammon hurting himself trying to escape.
“I-I ……... think his trying to get back to y/n” everyone eyes widen at Beel’s remake, then look back at Mammon who is panting and letting out squawks.
“What made you have that idea, Beel” Lucifer finally walks over to them and asks. As he watches Mammon keep trying to escape.
“Look at him! He distresses if Satan is right, then he should be able to break you spell but he doesn’t his more focus on getting back to y/n and not realize that he can get out of this minutes ago”
Lucifer look closer to Mammon who is now catching his breath, carefully examining him. And thinking to what is next plan.
“Lucifer if we let him go, there is a possibility that we might not see him again.” Satan is weighting their option tell his brothers the possibilities “But if we let him fly far enough that we can still see him, we might able to follow him to where he’s been hiding and where y/n might be”
“Satan! This Mammon we’re talking about, even Lucifer has trouble catching up to him!” Levi voices his concern on the option with Asmo and Beel shaking their head in agreement.
“Beel we can’t stay here, the moment he sees us in here with him, he’ll take his frustration out of us, and well…… I for one don’t want to be kill like the dead corpse over there” Belphie points to a half-eaten dead body, which is being step on by Mammon, who start flying again.
“And that dead corpse was the only thing draw out Mammon in the first place, if we let him go, we can never find him again” Asmo reply to Belphie, who is looking at him narrow bow and snarling.
“Fuck you Asmo! You’re not the one trap inside with him. Look I love Mammon, but I don’t want to be kill by him!?!”
While the two brothers argue, Lucifer and Satan are weighting their option.
“Lucifer, Belphie’s right eventually he’ll see them in there with him and~”
“We’ll let him go and follow him to where he and y/n have been hiding” Lucifer said it in stern tone. Then he looks at Asmo and Levi, to see if they objected.
“W-we’re not losing him…...r-right!”
“Rest assure Leviathan! We are not losing are brother not like this, now you and Belphie are with Beel, and Satan is with Asmo. If I don’t have someone to carry, I will able to catch up to him. But whatever happens DON’T STOP FOLLOWING. If one of us gets knock out by him while in the air, the rest of us KEEP GOING. Understood.”
Satan and Belphie are the only ones who nods in agreement, while Levi and Asmo are unsure of the plan. And Beel just look on to Mammon.
“Beel?” Belphie place a hand on his twin’s shoulder and calling to him. “Are you ready?” Beel turns and looks at Lucifer and nods.
All of them shifted to their demon form and prepare themselves what maybe a long flight ahead of them.
With one wave of a hand the spell broke, Causing Mammon to look up see the spell breaking from the top down. He immediately flaps his wings taking off and start heading north.
Levi and Belphie quickly grabs on to Beel’s arms and Satan did the same thing to Asmo. All the winged demons quickly took off with Lucifer in the lead following Mammon to where ever he’s been and where he taken you to.
After two hours of unstop flying through, they finally made it to the unknown woods, where there is miles of trees and a couple of lakes they flew by.
“I haven’t seen this place before but I kinda feel like I been here” Satan comments as he looks around taking in the scenery and feeling strange deep inside.
Then after a few minutes of flying overhead of the woods Mammon dive down, surprising his brothers of the sudden change of direction.
The other quickly follow suit.
Even with his bigger form Mammon, easily maneuver through the trees with Lucifer is hot on his trail. Unfortunately for Beel who is carrying Levi and Belphie changing direction is not an easy task to do. While Asmo is slowly losing speed, not only he’s carrying Satan but his wings are getting tired. Satan sees that Asmo is panting meaning they’ll be grounded soon. Quickly cast a spell and threw it at Lucifer’s ankle, causing him to look back for a moment. And seeing that Satan was the one who cast it return his focus on Mammon as he continues to follow him.
“Asmo take us back down, we can’t follow them like this”
“But Satan!”
“You’re going to pass out in any second now if you keep going. So landed down NOW!” Satan sternly said the last part, causing Asmo to flinch and slowly fly closer to the ground.
“Beel! You too” Satan glare at Beel with a serious look, giving him the scenes of his not taking no for an answer, so Beel did the same thing. The two-winged demons slowly decent down, making an emergency landed.
Once close to the ground, Levi, Satan, and Belphie jump off and get on the ground with Beel land smoothly but Asmo who is tired pass out causing him to landed on the ground by falling face down.
Levi and Beel rushes over to fifth’s side and help him by turning him on his back.
“Satan what spell did you cast?”
“A tether spell, so we can follow them by foot. At this rate only Lucifer has a better chance in following Mammon through the trees, and you two need to rest your wings.”
After hearing that Beel sat next to a sleeping Asmo, while Levi walks over to Satan and Belphie.
“You think Lucifer manage to keep up with him” Satan raise a bow to Levi’s thought. “Is Lucifer, even it kills him he’ll keep following Mammon where ever he goes. That how he is”
Then Satan claps to grab the attention.
“We’ll rest for an hour, then we’ll keep going on foot”
Mammon swoop down and landed Infront of the cave, rushes inside. Lucifer gave him a couple feet head start before following him in the cave.
He slowly looks around the cave as he decent farther into it. And notice a make shift campfire with a pot and roaster above it.
“Good y/n is be able to survive with Mammon like this~” A shrike cuts him off, causing to running in farther into the cave.
Mammon in a panic, franticly look around the cavern leaping all over the place looking for something. While squawking as if his calling for someone.
Lucifer made it to the mouth of the cavern, and see that Mammon is looking from something or someone.
He though to himself that this bad, Mammon is looking for you and now that your gone because he was held back by the trap. He will attack and kill anyone who made the trap in the first-place aka he and other brothers.
Since Lucifer knows now where you two are been hiding, he can meet back with the others and form a different plan.
When suddenly something crashes beside him, the impact shook the floor he was standing causing him to fall into the cavern and landing on his side on his arm causing a bone to break.
Mammon saw Lucifer and threw a statue at him, and ready himself to pounce at Lucifer, who is trying to get up. But Mammon pounces on top of him and dug his talons into Lucifer’s broken arm breaking the skin and drawing blood.
Lucifer look up to met Mammon’s demonic stare which is filled with anger, sadness, and resentment all blinding him to see that he’s hurting his brother.
With no other option he uses his wing to grab Mammon’s attention it works and use other talon to pinned down his wing freeing Lucifer’s arm. And quickly reach in grabbing the book out of his coat and start reading it then his eyes turning more demonic with each word and starting to feel his body shifting to his demonic form.
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ch1giri · 3 years
heyy!! I found your blog recently and I really enjoy reading your writings! You’re an amazing writer! I’m really happy to see more Blue Lock content as well! Blue Lock is such an awesome manga and I love it so much! I look forward to more of your works! 💘
Could I also request maybe First Date headcanons with Sae, Rin, Nagi, Chigiri, Reo, Kunigami, Isagi, or any of the Blue Lock boys? Thank you!
Hi anon you are such a sweetheart thank you so much! This made my day (*≧з≦) I apologise for making you wait too long, I hope you'll like it! Also, sorry some of them were much longer than the others
First date headcanons
Characters: Sae Itoshi, Rin Itoshi, Nagi Seishiro, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma, Kunigami Rensuke and Isagi Yoichi
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Sae Itoshi
• You have to be very special to catch his eye. He doesn't go just for anyone, but you, you're definitely special
• And once he confirms his feelings for you he confidently asks you out. Bonus points if you get flustered a bit, he thinks it's cute that he has that effect on you.
• Once you guys agree to go on a date this boy immediately rearranges his schedule around the date
• He tried suggesting that you two go on your first date in Spain or France. But you politely shut down his idea down, saying that he doesn't need to go overboard for your first date
• So you guys settle for a nice restaurant in Japan, he was a little bummed that he had to stay here but it's with you so he will manage
• Sae is a true gentleman, opens the door for you, pulls you out a chair, compliments you and pays for the meal
• If someone happens to see you two outside on a date tho, rumours will start immediately. But he couldn't give two shits tbh
• He would enjoy listening to your interests, Sae loves watching that spark light up in your eyes he knows the feeling of happiness that rushes through you when you talk about your interests.
• If they do happen to ask him about you on some press conferences he would just say: "Yes I'm currently dating someone, I don't get how is that related to my career."
• After your date, he would drive/walk you home and kiss you on your forehead. And when he comes back home he would have to fight the urge of buying some tickets for a foreign country to take you on your next date.
Rin Itoshi
• Like his brother, Rin seems very cold and calculated. So you have to be super interesting to catch his fancy
• Rin is introverted, so he wouldn't like to go out to some fancy restaurant. So he would take you out to the movies! He enjoys horror films so I feel like he would pick out a really good one
• After movies you guys would get ice cream and walk around, talking about anything and everything
• He would complain about all the lukewarm people he met in blue lock. And he would offer an ear to your complaints.
• He is so cute I swear, Rin is trying so hard to hide the smile that is stubbornly trying to show on his face. He doesn't want to blow his "cool guy" persona yet.
• He would walk you home and you would walk you home, but you would have to be one to initiate something. He wants to hug you, but the poor boy is just super embarrassed.
• When you hug him, or kiss him on the cheek. You can definitely see the red color creeping on his ears. When you two finally part your ways. Rin is letting that simle show, just this time it's much bigger and the pink dusting his cheeks is much more visible. But when he gets back home he puts on his cold facade
• He is not into PDA, so on your next date I feel like you two would walk around with your pinkies intertwined
Nagi Seishiro
• This one is a given, Nagi would totally take you out on an arcade date! He could effortlessly impress you, plus who doesn't love arcades?
• You two would play few intense rounds of air hockey. After the fifth time that you lost he let you win one round, just to see you jump around in victory
• After that you guys played some co op games, Mario Bros, Bubble Bobble and other classic
• Your small rivalry will continue as you guys start playing vs games like Street Fighter, Tekken and Mortal Kombat if you main Kitana you are immediately attractive idc again he will let you win just to see that cute smile on your face
• Please if you have the willpower make him play Taiko or DDR. At first he would be hesitant, because he thinks that it would require so much effort but if you bat your eyelashes he might just fall for your trap
• What can he say it's hard to resist when it comes to you. Surprisingly he is really good at Taiko, which of course earned a compliment from you "You should consider becoming a drummer." please just imagine drummer!Nagi what a concept
• Nagi saw you eyeing one of the toys in the claw machine and he just had to jump at the opportunity. So here you were with two milkshakes in your hands cheering Nagi on
• It took him a while but he got it in the end! He knows that you will treasure it, and the huge smile on your face was totally worth it
• You two walk to your house hand in hand and talk about all the games that you played you leave him with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to beat him fair and square next time
Reo Mikage
• This guy goes all out, like it's unreal how much effort he put in. The second you agreed to go out on a date with him he started planning everything out to the smallest detail
• A limo was waiting outside for you, I mean he did tell you to wear something nice, but you didn't expect this much
• He bought you flowers, he went as far as renting out the whole restaurant. Which is one of the most expensive in town.
• At first you felt kinda awkward, I mean isn't he going a bit too far? He probably spent a lot of money on this. But he reassured you that you deserve to be spoiled
• After some time you get much more comfortable, and you stop caring. You don't feel uncomfortable and out of place because Reo is there, and that's the only thing that matters
• After a very nice dinner made by the best cook in the country. You guys went on top of a tall building and just talked your hearts out, admiring the beautiful navy sky
• The limo took you guys back to your place and you were standing on your doorstep hoping that Reo would do something and he did!
• He kissed you! And you had to hold in a scream of happiness, after he left you ran into your room to let out that happiness by screaming into your pillow
Chigiri Hyoma
• Okay, you two would go on a study date! He feels like that's the best option, it's lowkey and he wouldn't feel as stressed to actually ask you out
• But just because the date seems casual, it doesn't mean he didn't carefully chose the location you two would go to. He checked all the local cafés and what food and drinks they serve
• He would choose the most beautiful café, a beautiful slow melody is bouncing around the room. The whole café was decorated with wood and plants, making it look like a whimsical forest
• You two ordered tea and got two Strawberry Shortcakes, Chigiri and you opened your books, you guys talked a bit about the harder subjects you have to get to eventually
• But as the conversation started to flow, you two kinda forgot about the pile of books you had on the table
• You talked about your favorite writers, and other hobbies you share, the tea was great and so was the Shortcake
• After a long talk, it was time to part your ways. Chigiri walked you home, and you guys just couldn't stop talking about everything and anything
• You didn't want to go and neither did he, so he immediately asked you out on a another date, and of course you were so excited
• When he left he just couldn't stop thinking about you, so he called you and the two of you talked for so long.
• Both of you couldn't wait to see each other again
Kunigami Rensuke
• The two of you would go to an amusement park! Eating delicious, colourful cotton candy as you guys talked about all the ride you want to go on
• Kunigami would win so many games, you would have so many stuffed animals by the end of it
• Like his hands were full and you were carrying two stuffed bears each settled into your hands
• You guys would ride the fastest, highest roller coasters. But if you are afraid of heights, that's okay too. There is a lot of other fun rides and games you can try
• You would go on the teacups and you would ride a carousel giggling like little children throughout all of it
• Kunigami suggested that you should visit the Haunted mansion, everything was fine at first, but then a second jump scare happened and then out of reflex Kunigami hit the poor worker in the head
• When the sun started to fall asleep and the sky splashed with orange gradients. The two of you went to a farriers wheel
• Walking home still laughing about the aftermath of the punch Kunigami accidentally landed and your hands full with the stuffed prizes, he asked you out on a next date
Isagi Yoichi
• Isagi took you out on a picnic! At first he was kinda hesitant to ask you out. He can get really insecure at times and you are just so perfect he thought you were way out of his league
• When you said yes, he was the happiest he ever felt it's the same feeling he gets when he scores a goal
• In an attempt to surprise Isagi, you decided to make some sandwiches
• Isagi had the same idea tho, so when you two met up, both of you were holding baskets full of food earning an angelic laugh from Isagi
• The field looked beautiful, it was filled with flowers and some kids were running around. The two of you sat on a blanket right under a blossoming cherry tree
• Munching on some sandwiches, you talked about anything and everything
• After you stuffed your faces with food, Isagi suggested that you two play football. And you eagerly agreed
• Sure, maybe you aren't the best football player. But seeing the spark that is dancing in his eyes is totally worth running around trying to kick a ball
• To your surprise, you played football for hours laughing and playfully bickering
• And everything was fine until the rain began to fall. Quickly starting to pack your things up, Isagi looked for the shelter
• The two of you ran to safety, never dropping your smiles, your hair and clothes totally wet by now
• Your house was closer so that's where you went. You begged Isagi to stay until the rain stopped. And he oh was he embarrassed, he's never been in a girl's room and now here he is. Changing into some clothes you had laying around while you were making tea for the both of you
• After some time passed, Isagi finally got comfortable and you laughed the whole situation off
• When the rain stopped, it was time for him to go even though you didn't want him to
• He thanked you for the stuff you lent him. Promising to return them on the next date
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pedropascallovebot · 3 years
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had to repost this because my internet is awful but huzzah i have returned from a writing hiatus i have been doing nothing but reading sambucky fics and i decided to curse the world with a bucky x reader even though no one asked me to. you may now put me in exile.
Bucky likes the smell of the candles you burn in your apartment, even though he swears to you that you have to stop forgetting to blow them out before you go to sleep. He knows that your record player in the corner collects a bunch of dust. He remembers laughing when you had defended yourself when he joked about your devastatingly low vinyl count- "I swear, I do use it! But look me in the eye and tell me Spotify isn't more convenient." He likes the various little crystals and stones you have scattered on your windowsill, even if he doesn't know anything about that stuff. Bucky really likes your bookcase, though. You told him upon his first visit to your place that you thrifted it for an absolute bargain, and it appears that it's been put to good use, given there's not a single place on the shelf for another book to fit without stacking some on top of one another. Most of all, he likes that you’re there. He’s only known you for a short period of time, and he gets that nothing is really official yet… but he likes you. He can’t say it out loud to himself yet, but his therapist definitely knows your name.
All throughout his horrible, miserable, no good bad day, Bucky is thinking about how warm and safe your apartment feels, and consequentially, he's thinking about you. He knows he's got it bad, but there's little to be done about it when his brain starts screaming profanities at him whenever he dares dwell on the thought of your face for too long. He misses you, though. Especially when he's nursing some embarrassment and frustration caused by a group of anarchists pushing him out of a moving truck. He wants so desperately to call and check to see how you're doing, what you're up to, but by the time Sam's got him back home it's nearly one in the morning and he shouldn't wake you. Right? He should lock his door, hang up his jacket, and settle in for a long night of doing nothing but scrolling through the guide of all the weird movies his cable company is playing. He shouldn't be halfway down the stairs of his apartment building to walk across town in the middle of the night to come see you.
But it's inevitable that he ends up at your front door. That annoying yelling in his brain is back, telling him that he should just go home before he knocks and wakes you up, but his hand is already rapping on the wood and he can hear scrambling from the other side of the door. It was only then he realized it might of been a good idea to call ahead, because God, what kind of person is answering the door this late, and who's to say you don't already have someone there already, and fuck, fuck, fuck, it's not too late to just hide behind the big artificial tree that the apartment complex put up for decoration-
You open up right before he can entertain that thought. You look like an absolute angel, he thinks. You’re in some t-shirt that’s way too big for you, and your eyes smile when you see him. But from what he can tell, you're tired. Maybe he did wake you up, and he feels that familiar pinch of guilt in his chest.
"I was, uhm.. in the neighborhood," he starts, his hands very focused on the loose thread of his jacket sleeve. "figured I'd stop by and see how you were."
And there goes your eyes again, kind and soft and welcoming, something that Bucky isn't really used to feeling yet. He's being ushered in, and suddenly realizes the television is still on. The guilt subsides knowing he didn’t wake you.
"You should absolutely be sleeping right now, but I'll let it slide because I miss you," you smile, and Bucky knows he's a goner when you press a kiss to his cheek before shutting the door behind him.
“So should you.” Then, a quiet “I miss you too.”
"Want some tea? Or some coffee? I've got the kettle going with some hot water and I was planning on making some sleepytime tea, but I think I've got a few packets of that instant espresso crap buried if you don't wanna wait for the coffee pot to brew..."
You trail off into a comfortable silence for a minute as he watches as you grab a box of the celestial seasonings that you always kept in stock, the one with the bear sitting by the fireplace. Feeling inclined to help, Bucky attempts to step foot in the kitchen and grab a couple of mugs before immediately being banished to the living room, where he then listened to your rant about how he looked like he just got run over by a moving vehicle, and how he should sit down. Well, you were kinda right. You go to drop a couple of teabags into hot water, but not before you warn him to get on the couch before he falls asleep standing up.
He doesn't follow directions very well, because his feet lead him over to your bookshelf, where you've got some sort of scented wax over a tea light. Eyes trailing over the numerous books you have, he recognized a few. A Farewell to Arms, Main Street, and the two copies you had of The Great Gatsby. He knows you have a love-hate relationship with Harry Potter, but all seven of the books sat at eye level, a bit faded from countless rereads as soon as the weather got colder and you needed something cozy and familiar.
His gaze is caught on one book in particular; one that he thought about earlier today, before a teenager punched the living daylights out of him and before Walker and his unbearably chirpy sidekick made his day go from bad to worse. The Hobbit sat tucked away to the left of The Lord of the Rings, and Bucky reached out and gently pulled it from the row. It wasn't the same cover as the one he had at his apartment- yours had drawn trees and mountains, with runes lining the edges of the illustration. His own copy had what he assumed was a still from the movie adaptation, something he never bothered to watch. He still felt compelled to buy the book when he saw it sitting on the shelf at a store.
"I already called dibs on the Star Wars mug," you joked, heading out into the living room carrying two mugs of tea. "You're gonna have to drink from the-"
"Can you read to me?"
He does feel bad for interrupting you, but to be fair, the words slipped out before he could even stop them. He feels his nerves swell up a bit before you answer him, and the book in his hands feels heavier than it should.
You set the tea down on the small table at the end of the couch before switching on the lamp, offering the room some light which was previously only provided by a few candles, the kitchen, and the glow from the television. You switch that off, too, and the nerves that Bucky was sure were radiating off him melt away.
“Only if you stop standing ten feet away and come cuddle me while I do.”
When you spoke, it took Bucky all of two seconds to make his way to the couch, grabbing the blanket he knows you love and draping it over the both of you as you trade him his tea for the book.
“Teasing me about wanting to read The Hobbit is off the table, doll.” Bucky drapes an arm over your shoulder, making himself comfortable. “A friendly reminder it sits on your bookshelf.”
He hears you giggle and he’s in absolute awe of how much he wants to kiss you. Sure, you both have done plenty of that over the course of time he’s known you, but there’s something about you sitting in his arms with a book he knows so well open in front of you. Home.
“I’ll admit, it’s been a while since I’ve read this, my knowledge of Middle Earth is a bit spotty.”
“I’m willing to bet it’s been even longer for me,” he jokes, but there’s still a sting when he says it. Bucky pushes it aside.
“Alright, old coot. Let’s start from the beginning.”
“The dark filled all the room, and the fire died down, and the shadows were lost, and they still played on.”
It takes Bucky all of five minutes and a few sips of tea to get him tired before he’s placing his cup down and resting his head on your shoulder, and you’re almost down for the count, ready to retire to your bed. But you only have about ten pages until the end of the chapter and Bucky is way too good of a pillow to even think about moving. The dwarves start to sing their song, and if you’re remembering correctly, this is when things really start to get good. You debate if you want to continue, but then you look down and see Bucky absolutely zonked, and your mind is made up. You yawn and set the book on the table before reaching over and shutting off the lamp, attempting not to wake up the sleeping figure next to you.
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dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Smile For The Camera
Dabi x Fem!Reader x Hawks
⚠️ warning ⚠️: This fic includes the use of Dabi and Hawks real name which are spoilers to the manga. This fic also includes non-con sex with Endeavor, murder, crying, SWEET SWEET REVENGE, and Villan Hawks
Summary: After months of being held captive by the number one “hero” you finally snap. When you reunite with your childhood friends, whom you thought were dead, your opportunity for revenge is brought to you ona silver plater. Art by @brttpaige
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Burns and bruises littered your body and the man on top of you was to blame. You scratch at the hand that was around your throat as you felt yourself losing oxygen. The “hero” slaps your hands away and strikes your face as he continued to thrust into you.
“Just take it,” He grunts above you “Give me what I want”
Tears were no longer streaming down your face but that didn’t stop you from wailing in pain as his hips met yours. You refused to look into his eyes when he hurt you this way. Knowing that if you did, he’d only go harder. You didn’t want this at all. How could he not see that? You didn’t expect your close friend’s father to be such a…monster.
How could you not know y/n? He killed his own son for Christ's sake. And soon, he’d kill you too.
After Endeavor finishes his load inside of your womb, he zips up his pants and leaves. You laid there, in the bed of an apartment that he kept you captive in, and shuddered. You knew two things for certain.
You are not going to bear his child and you were going to kill Enji Todoroki.
You crawl towards the nightstand and pull out a plan-b from beneath it. After swallowing the pill dry, you make your way to the bathroom to tend to your injuries and cleanse yourself of that monster.
Unbeknownst to you, someone watched the whole ordeal take place. Dabi’s blood was boiling. How the fuck could the number one “hero” be capable of such actions. But then again, heroes weren’t all that they seemed. His chest tightened as he watched you use your water quirk to heal your bruises. You shouldn’t be going through this. You should be out there getting rid of villains like his “father”. He knew he had to get you out of there. He pulls out his phone to inform the others of his plan. But for it to succeed, you were going to have to make the first move.
And that you did. Once your body was back to an ok state, you start packing everything you could. Your toothbrush, clean clothes, the little food you had in the beat down apartment, 2000¥ ($20 USD) you stole from your abuser, and your only second pair of shoes. You were on a mission to get out of there as fast as you could.
It was a Friday night, meaning that Endeavor was out playing pretend with his family. The looks on their faces once you reveal his secrets were ones that you want to cherish forever. You couldn’t wait until the world finally knew who it was idolizing.
You wasted no time opening the bedroom window and sprinting down the fire escape stairs. You held the duffel bag close to your body as you ran down the dark alleyway. You were free. You were finally free.
After running for what felt like 20 minutes you finally stop to give your aching lungs and legs a break. You didn’t know where your legs had taken you but from the looks of it, you were farther away from the apartment than you had imagined. You weren’t complaining though. The farther away you were from that wretched man the better.
You sat in a quiet alleyway for some time. You reach into your bag for a water bottle as you pressed your back against the brick wall. When you looked back up from your bag three men were standing on the opposite side of the alleyway. As the men inch closer to you, you realize that there weren’t three men. It was one man with gigantic wings.
“Hey kid. I know this might sound crazy but” He said grabbing you and your bag with both his hands “You’re a package I need to deliver.”
“What the fuck let me go” you struggle against the stranger's hold. Your actions are stopped as he rose in the air. You cling to his chest for dear life hoping he wouldn’t drop you.
“Where the fuck are you taking me bird brain?” You yell against the roaring winds. He didn’t answer you, he only smiled as you continue to spew curses at him. “I swear when you land I’m going to DROWN you”
Finally, he lands in front of a relatively big house in the woods. Once his feet touch the ground you use the water in his body to make him punch himself. Before you could swing at him with your fist, his feathers lifted you off the ground and carried you into the house.
“Hawks is back” you heard a girl squeal “And he brought her too.”
Hawks’ feather dropped you on your bum as the man walks off. The girl from before comes into your line of eyesight and smiles. She had blonde hair which was tied into pigtails and her canines were long.
“Hi I’m Toga” She introduced, holding out her hand to help you up. “The birdie who flew you in is Hawks, he’s Dabi’s boyfriend. Welcome to the new and improved League of Villains super-secret hideout. Don’t tell anyone though. Or I’ll have to kill you”
“Y/n” you reply as you take her hand. “Why am I here? I’m no villain.” At least not yet you weren’t.
“Dabi has told us all about you. Which is why you’re here. He should be around here somewhere” She wonders off. You hear her yell “DABI” Before she returns with Hawks and another man, who you assumed was Dabi. You flick your middle finger at the birdman as he walked closer to you.
“Aww don’t be like that kid. I was only trying to help” He said with a smile. With the proper lighting in the house, you got a proper look at the man. His wings were a bright crimson color and his blonde hair was done messily. He had a long scratch from above his right eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek. Overall the man looked familiar.
Damn this man is gorgeous. If he didn’t have a boyfriend I’d want a piece of that.
You flinched when you feel his hand touch your shoulder. On the defense, you twist his arm behind his back and push him away from you. When you realize what you’ve done you quickly apologize “Oh shit. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-”
“No it’s fine” He reassured with a smile “it’s obvious that you're on edge. I shouldn’t have done that”
“Yea...on edge” you turn to the other man. His eyes were bright blue and the majority of his skin was covered in burn scars. Staples pierced his skin in various places. “You must be Dabi”
“Correct. But you can call me Touya”
“Follow me” He interrupts. You follow the couple down the hallway. You passed multiple rooms. In one room, a man with visible dry skin sat in front of a medium-sized tv with a game controller in hand. Maybe he’d let you relieve him one day.
“I’ve been watching you Y/n” Touya begins “I’ve seen the things that man has done to you”
You stopped in front of a brown door. Hawks stepped in front of you with a softer look.
“You’re going to get your revenge little birdie. But for now,” Hawks opened the door to the room. It was gorgeous, to say the least. A queen-sized bed was centered in the room with the smell of vanilla faint in the air. “You’re going to relax”
You dropped your duffel bag as you slowly walked through the threshold. You make your way to the bed with tears blurring your vision. Hawks place your bag on a vacant chair while Touya makes his way towards you.
“So you’ve been in hiding this whole time?” You question the man standing in front of you.
“Yeah pretty much” he nods, rubbing the back of his neck “I was supposed to come back for you but you went off the grid. Now I know why”
“Where’s Keigo?” You ask.
“What did that monster do to you?” The blonde reaches out to caress your face but you flinch away. “I’m Keigo, Y/n”
“Some friend reunion we have here” You joke.
When you realize that you were indeed not captivated in some beat down apartment panic sunk in. What if he finds you? What if he’s already sent out people to look for you? What if these were the people he sent out?
“Hey” A single feather lifts your head to look at both of them “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He won’t find you here. And if somehow he does...we’ll just kill him”
Dabi nods his head in agreement. You wrap your arms around both of their bodies with tears running down your face. Keigo leaned into your touch while Dabi just pats your head stiffly.
They tell you to adjust to your new room and get cleaned up as they leave your room. Once Keigo closes your door, he buries his face into his hands.
“Did you see her arms and legs Touya?” He sobs, “She looks like she hasn’t eaten in days”
Dabi places his hand on his lover’s back, guiding him to their shared room. “Don’t cry Keigo. We’ve successfully finished phase one of the plan. We need to get ready for phase two”
“Ok you two. What’s going on?” You ask your two best friends.
“It’s a surprise y/n, we can’t tell you��� The blonde laughs as Touya guided you through the wooded area. The white blindfold did its job at hiding the world from your view. You felt the boy to your right stop walking as the other untied the white cloth.
The view before you was breathtaking. “Happy Birthday Y/N” frosted onto a small cake with balloons tied to tree branches.
“Guys you shouldn’t have” You giggle.
“You’re our best friend Y/N. You’re going to have to get used to celebrating your birthday” Touya scolded.
Little did the three of you know, that was going to be the last time you would be together.
The scene started to change. The woods were engulfed in bright flames, screams were heard in the distance.
“KEIGO!” you scream. “TOUYA!WHERE ARE YOU?”
The smoke covered everything around you. You choked on the thick smoke as you tried to avoid the flames. You scream louder for your friends. But you never found them. You trip and fall over a fallen tree branch. You look up and see your abuser standing over you.
You try to crawl away from him but he catches you by your hair.
“No. Please” you cry. “TOUYA! KEIGO PLEASE HELP”
“Y/n. You can’t escape me” He growls in your ear.
Just seconds before he could throw you against the burning tree, your eyes shoot open as you send icicles flying everywhere. You scream as you feel hands grabbing your own. Your eyesight still blurry from waking up, you swing at the person in front of you. “LET GO. LET GO! GET OFF ME. KEIGO, TOUYA HELP ME”
“Y/n calm down it’s me. It’s Keigo” The blonde whispers. Your eyes frantically search for his. Your body shakes while you sob as you held Keigo’s face in your hands.
“Keigo, where were you? Keigo don’t let him get me please don’t let him get me” You choke out, “I don’t want to go back please don’t send me back. Don’t leave me again, please.”
“He won’t find you baby bird” He cooed. He places your head on his chest as he rubs your hair soothingly. “I’m here now. I’m not leaving again” He stays true to his word and drifts back to sleep with you in his arms.
Touya woke up to an empty bed. Confused, he brushed his teeth and went to check up on you. When he opens your room door he finds you asleep on top of his boyfriend’s chest. His boyfriend, on the other hand, was wide awake. He looks over at the door when he heard the floorboards creak.
“Shh. She had a rough night” He whispers.
“What happened?”
“Night Terror about him. She was screaming our names so I came in to check on her. She almost cut me with an icicle.” Keigo explains.
Touya slides underneath your cover on the other side of you. You stir at the sudden movement which causes Keigo to stop breathing.
“Goodmorning Keigo” you groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes “and Touya”
“Goodmorning little one” the latter replied, “how are you feeling?”
“Tense” You yawn. You wiggle out of Keigo’s hold and walk towards your duffel bag. “Where’s the bathroom? I’m going to uh..take a shower”
“Across the hall”
You say a quiet thank you and exit your room. The couple let out breaths that they didn’t know they were holding when they hear the shower starts.
“We have to do something. And quick” Keigo whispers “Did Toga and Shigaraki already leave?”
“Yea. They should be back later tonight with our special guest. But for now, we need to calm down y/n”
The water dripped off of your skin as you stepped out of the steamy shower. After drying off, putting on clean clothes, and brushing your teeth, you walk back across the hall to your bedroom. Before you could sit back down on your bed, Keigo’s there with his hand stretched out for you to take.
“Hey, there birdie. Come with me” he says.
You take his hand and followed behind the blonde. He brings you to the kitchen, where a tall shadow man was making lunch.
“Hello young y/n” He spoke “I’m Kurogiri”
“Nice to meet you” You smile faintly. “Keigo I’m not hu-“
“Yes you are y/n” Touya scolds from behind you. “You haven’t eaten since I don’t know when. At least eat the seaweed out of it”
He pulls the chair out for you to sit and sits directly across from you. Keigo takes the seat on side of you as Kurogiri places your bowls in front of you.
“Shoyu Ramen?” You inhale the steam coming from the bowl. It smelled delicious. How long has it been since you had this?
“You always ate this after training and I suspect that you hadn’t eaten a proper meal in-“ Touya was cut off by your loud slurping “years”
“Stalker” You laugh before stuffing your face with more ramen. “So how long have you been watching me?”
“Well, we’ve been looking for you since we turned 20” Keigo answers. “Touya here found you just last week”
Your response was a loud hum as you drank the broth of your meal. You couldn’t help the satisfied sigh that escaped through your lips. The food was just that good.
“I’m kind of grateful that you abducted me when you did. I’d probably still be sitting in that alleyway.”
“Y/n if you don’t mind me asking” Touya begins “How long has he been..”
“6 months” You sigh, “I was dropping Shoto off at home one night and that’s when he took me to the apartment. I had no contact with the outside world. No tv, no phone, not even a god damn newspaper” You felt your quirk activate, causing the water in the glasses before you to boil. “I swear, the next time I see him I’m going to boil the skin off of him”
“Whoa there princess” Keigo uses one of his feathers to rub at your thigh to calm you down. You relax at his touch and bring the raging water to a stop. You grab Keigo’s hand in an attempt to regulate your breathing.
“So what’s the plan?” You ask, “I know you two are up to something”
“It’s a surprise” Touya smirks “you’ll find out after dinner.”
You spent your day sandwiched between the two men in your new bed watching movies, catching up, and enjoying each other’s company. It was strange how you didn’t feel like a complete third wheel. Instead, you felt like you were apart of the relationship and you were happy. You can’t even remember the last time you had a good time like this.
At last, it was dinner time. The two left your room minutes prior to “prepare your surprise” in Keigo’s words. You decided to change your clothes while you waited for the ok to come down. Just as you finished up, one of Keigo’s feathers tapped your shoulder.
You were greeted with blue and yellow eyes when you entered the dining room. Feathers pulled out your chair while the others sat down in their seats.
Fish, rice bowls, and other foods were placed on the table. You ate in silence, mainly because you didn’t want to choke, while the others talked amongst themselves.
“Y/n-Chan” Toga whined “Why are you so quiet over there?”
“The food is so good,” you say after swallowing a mouth full of rice, “I want to eat as much as possible”
Kurogiri nods in your direction at the compliment. Dinner goes on with Dabi and Shigaraki arguing over who’s the strongest and You and Keigo exchanging flirty glances and middle fingers.
“Hey Y/n, Trynna steal my boyfriend?” Touya teases.
“You’re going to have to share Mr. Blueflame” you tease back. Everybody laughs as you two keep going back and forth.
“Alright Alright. Dinners over. Time for your surprise Y/n” Touya announced.
Everybody looked at you with sinister smirks as Keigo helped you out of your seat. You were led to the basement where two seats were on opposite sides of the room with a camera in the middle.
You sat in the chair closest to the door and watched Touya and Shigi bring in someone in handcuffs with a trash bag over their head.
“Guys what’s going…” you stopped talking when Shigaraki dusts the bag off the person’s head. But it wasn’t a person, no.
It was him. The monster that kept you captive for months. The monster that stripped you of your innocence and ruined your life plans. You felt your blood begin to boil as you stood out of your chair.
“Y/n?” The older man groaned. Touya punched him in his jaw before he could speak again.
“Don’t you dare say her fucking name” He spat. He then turned to you with soft(ish) eyes. “Don’t worry. The cuffs are quirk canceling”
“Do your worst baby bird” Keigo whispered into your ear.
You motioned for everyone to move out of the way as you walked towards your new captive. “Remember this face in your next life” You whisper.
You boiled the water in his body and smiled at the bubbles visibly forming on the surface of his skin. As the man before you screams in pain, you walk towards the camera that was recording the whole thing.
“Smile for the camera Enji. Why don’t you tell little Shoto where’d you take me all those months ago. Why I could no longer pick him up from school on Fridays” You toy with the corpse. You watched as blood began to seep through his skin “You’ve always told me to give you what you want. This time it is you who will give me what I want”
“Hey Dabi” Keigo whispered “Is it just me or is Y/N kinda hot when she’s committing murder”
The ravenette nodded at his boyfriend’s statement. You were indeed hot as hell murdering his father. Your abuser. He froze, just as he was about to add a comment, when you spun the camera around to face him and Keigo.
“Say hi Dabi” You smile at the two. “Hi Hawks”
“You’ve officially lost it baby bird”
“I agree. Crazy looks good on you” Touya adds.
You turn the camera off and hand it to Kurogiri. You walk over to the couple with a pout on your face “He’s dead now. My fun’s over”
“Oh no no no” Touya teasingly pulled you into his chest by your waist “The fun is just beginning. Right, Keigo?”
Keigo pushes his groin against your ass and nibbles on your earlobe.“That’s right babe” he whispered “We’re going to help you reclaim what’s yours”
A/n: So there’s smut to this fic😭 but I won’t post it unless this does good. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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therealyaspen · 3 years
Possessed Legend Go Brr
You know I was gonna just post a snippet bc I stopped writing this like five months ago bUT HERE HAVE A MESSY, UNEDITED BUT COMPLETE THING I GUESS?? Any grammatical errors will probably be looked over tomorrow dfnsav
So. The Lost Woods were still creepy as hell. Good to know. A dense fog still covered the area, and crows still screamed their call-and-respond at random seemingly just to startle anyone not expecting it. The same old eerie lantern-light darted between the trees, the same poes laughed at the group as they got up and dusted themselves off.
Some things would never change, Legend supposed, no matter how often you came back.
"Looks like the Lost Woods," Time observed. "Do we know whose era we're in?"
"Mine," Legend said with a glance at the pedestal in the middle of the clearing, "The Sword looks just like I left it."
Sky sighed sadly. "This place is so... different," he said, then turned to Legend and asked, "Are you going to take it?"
Legend shook his head. "Better to leave it here for now, I think." In truth, he didn't want to hold the blade ever again. Too many memories involved his hand clenched tight around the azure hilt of the Master Sword until his knuckles turned white. Without another word on the matter, he started walking. "We should probably get going before that scaly bastard can put anymore distance between himself and us. Follow me and stick close--Hyrule, no wandering off."
And so began the journey through the woos. As the group of heroes left the Sword behind them, however, it became increasingly apparent that something was wrong with the Lost Woods. The further they went from the clearing, the more obvious the signs were. The plants were wilting and turning a sickly purple grey color, the crows got to be fewer and fewer. Wild was caught trying to grab mushrooms that even Legend hadn't seen before three times. Even the poes seemed to notice that something was amiss and were avoiding the rest of the forest as much as they could.
Hyrule was the first to say anything. "Something's not right. There's magic here, but it's... wrong. Like Dark Link's," he announced, reaching up to touch a grayed leaf and recoiling with a yelp when it crumbled to dust in his hand. It almost looked like it had burned the Traveler.
"Then all we can do is stay on our toes and trust Legend to get us out of here," Twilight replied, and Legend noted the way that his pelt almost looked like the fur on the back of an animal's neck, bristling and on high alert. He nodded.
"New rule--don't touch anything. Wild, for Din's sake, put the mushrooms down!"
Wild gave him a kicked puppy look over his armload of slimy, red-capped fungi. "They look like they might be good for cooking!" he protested.
Legend pinched the bridge of his nose. "They also might be poisonous, you--" the Veteran stopped mid-sentence, and not of his own volition. He felt his arms drop to his sides, his face go slack. What the hell...? What in the actual goddess-damned fuck?! He wanted to shout, to rip whatever was doing this to him a new asshole, but he couldn't.
This was... something else. Something other.
"...Legend? You okay?" Wild asked. "It's fine dude, I'll put them down." Gingerly, he set the mushrooms on the ground, then put his hands up when Legend--or rather, the thing that was controlling Legend--didn't look away or change its expression or do anything. Get the fuck out of me! I swear to Hylia, I'll kick your ass! Legend swore at whatever it was, trying to force even just a little twitch of his finger.
Four looked at him warily. "Is he... do you guys think he can even hear us? Legend?" he asked, tentatively walking over to him. Yes! Yes, I can, and I have no goddess-damned clue what the hell's going on! Hyrule's arm shot out to stop Four. His eyes were wide, never leaving Legend.
"Don't," he said, voice cracking a little. "Something... something's really wrong."
Whatever had taken Legend's body finally decided to speak. Its voice was raspy and quiet and most certainly not his own. It sounded almost like fallen leaves scraping against the bare earth in the fall. "Trespassers... leave..."
Then Legend felt himself be thrown forward in a leap towards Hyrule, sword out and ready to attack. Move! He screamed, but again, his mouth didn't so much as twitch. Four grabbed the other hero and pulled him down just barely in time to avoid getting sliced in half, but the sound of steel cutting through flesh was as clear as Hyrule's scream as the blade struck him. The Traveler had a massive gash in his side. legend's arm moved up to deal a death blow, and he was begging now, Please, don't do this! Don't kill him, don't kill any of them, they're all I have--
Legend would have cheered at the sound of his sword striking Wild's shield if he could. Wild pushed outwards with a shout, sending Legend stumbling back. Warriors and Time were on him before whatever had him could even think about getting up, though the thing was apparently much stronger than he was and was struggling violently in an attempt to throw both of them off. "What the hell are you doing?!" Warriors bellowed. The fury in his eyes almost physically burned, and Legend didn't really blame him. He'd probably react much the same.
"He's not himself," Time said. His voice was strained, and Legend could see that behind his neutral expression was a barrage of emotions. He couldn't imagine any of them were particularly pleasant. "Someone grab his sword!"
Twilight was just barely able to pry the weapon from his grip, which seemed to just further aggravate the thing inside him. Time and Warriors both ended up being thrown off. "Damn, that was... has he always been this strong?" Warriors muttered, getting up swiftly and moving to aid Sky in trying to grab Legend again.
It's probably whatever's causing him to act like this," Sky guessed. He blocked a punch aimed directly at his head and Legend silent-howled in pain as his fist connected with solid metal, but his body landed a blow to the Skyloftian's gut and a kick to Twilight's left knee.
He was sent downwards when Wind charged him and grabbed ahold of the back of his legs, then swore internally as his newly-retrieved sword tore through the Sailor's calf. "Fuck! I don't want to hurt him, but this asshole's sure not taking it easy on us!" the kid exclaimed.
Twilight was back on his feet quickly, though Legend noticed that he was favoring his injured knee just a little. He hoped to whoever would listen that this thing didn't see it too. Sky was a little slower to recover, but he got back up before Legend shook Wind off of him.
Legend's head snapped in the direction of the shout to see Warriors. The Captain looked jarringly unsure and a little surprised, as if he hadn't meant to yell. He shook his head and the surprise disappeared, though he was clearly still uncertain. Legend was barreling into him before he could start speaking, and he hardly had time to get his shield up. "Snap our of it, Legend! This isn't--I know you're still in there!"
The thing controlling Legend kicked at Warriors' ankles, sending him toppling down. Warriors went at Legend's own ankles, hard. Fucking ow, asshole. Legend didn't even have time to think before he was on his stomach, Warriors holding his left wrist firmly against the ground and rendering the sword he held useless. The Captain's knee was in his back, and his full weight was holding Legend down. The whatever-it-was struggled, thrashing to get free, but the others were quick to secure his other limbs.
There was a beat of silence, save for ragged breathing and the sounds of a frantic attempt to get free, before Warriors spoke. His weight shifted a bit. "Sorry, Legend. We'll figure this out, I promise."
Then there was a pain in the back of Legend's neck, and he was released into unfeeling darkness.
When Legend awoke, the first thing he noticed was the rope tying his hands together. The second was the very familiar bed, and the third...
"Oh, Mister Hero! You're awake!"
Legend groaned and gave Ravio the evil eye when he helped him sit up, but was relieved to find that he could move his body on his own now. "What the hell am I doing here, and where are the others."
Ravio gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "Oh, you wound me! And here I was, worried you wouldn't wake up yourself!"
"Fine, fine--but you did give me quite the scare, you know! Being carried in, unconscious and apparently possessed and all--"
The merchant put his hands on his hips. "Hold your horses, Mister Hero, I'm gettin' to it! Your family--" Ah. Yeah. He had called them that, hadn't he? "--didn't have time to say much at first. Mister Cape pulled out his sword--somehow, he had the actual Master Sword, what's up with that?!--and did this thing with it Something about purifying a corrupted forest spirit and getting it out of you? I dunno, that kinda went over my head if I'm being honest,... Anyways, the sword burned up his hands pretty bad, so I pointed him and a bunch of the others towards Kakariko so they could find a healer or something. Mister Scarf, Mister Armor, and Freckles headed to the castle to try and get an audience with Zelda for help, in case the whole sword thing didn't work."
Legend frowned, taking a moment to digest all that. So Sky had tried to use the Master Sword to exorcise him? And apparently it had worked? But he'd hurt himself. Now Fable might get involved, and not only would he get the ass-chewing of the century, but she'd be wasting her time she could be spending not worrying about a brother that was okay, really. Legend sighed. "I guess we're gonna have to wait until they get back, then," he said. "Think you can untie me? I'm guessing these were put here in case I woke up and was... not myself." Come to think of it, how had he stayed out that long? Had Hyrule used sleeping potions? That had to be it, there was no ay he would have been out for the entire trek from the Lost Woods to his house otherwise.
A mischievous light glinted in Ravio's eyes. "Hm... I'm not sure, how do I know you're not just that evil, corrupted spirit impersonating Link? Think you can prove you're not?"
"Fucker-- you know damn well I'm not!"
"Mmm, I dunno~"
Legend seethed. "Fine, when you started your 'rental shop' or whatever, the thing that pissed me off the most was that you moved my goddess-damned bed. That good?"
Ravio clapped his hands together, and Sheerow chirped from somewhere across the room. "It really is you, Mister Hero!" he exclaimed cheerfully, going to work at the knot holding Legend's hands together.
He would still be working at it when Time, Warriors, and Hyrule returned with Fable to the sound of Legend screaming at him to just cut the damn thing.
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apexqueenie · 3 years
The Blood King (Bakugou x Reader, Medieval AU) Ch 3
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Synopsis: In fairytales, princesses like you got to marry handsome princes like your best friend Shoto, but you’re not living a fairytale. You find the harsh realities a punch to the face as you and Sho run away outside palace grounds and into the real world. But the harsh brings out the beautiful, and in your case, it took the form of the scarlet covered barbarian king, whose territory you disturbed.
A/N: AAAAAAAHHHHH, I'm so sorry this took so long! It may have a few mistakes cuz I added on to this after I finished homework sooooooooooo I'm usually half asleep by then. This one is sorta long, so yah, enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence
“SHO!!!” You scream, snapping your torso up from the bed you lay on.
Wait...A bed..?
Your brain just tripped over itself as the memories came flooding back to you. The forest, the attackers, the beast, and then...that man.
You clutched your forehead in pain. Where the hell were you?
You place a hand on the furry and weighted blanket that covers you. It was nice. Quite a bit warmer than the blankets you had at home-
You shook your head. If this is how distracted you get now, you must’ve hit it at some point. You look around the room you were in. It was nice and dimly lit due to closed curtains, but plain. All that filled the space were you, the bed, and a small wooden dresser to your left with a tall cup of water on top.
Water. Sweet, sweet water. You chugged it down, throat parched from the previous events. The cool refreshing liquid woke up some of your senses. Slowly, your grogginess was replaced with the soreness of your muscles. You started to regret sitting up so suddenly. The side you were kicked on started to throb more and more.
You look down at the side in pain, seeing that your blazer and dress were replaced with a simple white wrap skirt secured with a knot around your chest. You felt almost naked, cold too. Never have your arms, chest, and legs been as exposed as they are now. Even your long nightdress had sleeves.
But that wasn’t important. You were in this strange place, Sho is nowhere to be found, and your things are gone. You needed to know more. Now, you may have been overreacting a bit, but what’s the harm in coming prepared? You break the glass you drank from earlier, grabbing the biggest piece and tearing some of the fabric you were wearing to wrap around the shard for a handle. You didn’t know what to expect, but at least you had something to defend yourself with.
You held it in the front as you slowly pushed the creaky door open. You thought you were ready for anything, but you weren’t expecting to be atop a balcony overseeing a complex combination of treehouses, bridges, and grounded buildings all surrounded by stone walls, complete with archers in loose armor patrolling the top. It wasn’t like any of the armor your guards wore though. It consisted of metal, like the knights in your father’s army, but they also wore feathers, leather straps, and colorful face paint. If you had to guess, you were nowhere near your own kingdom. They kept watch of the forest while the rest of the citizens of this odd town bustle happily below. Adults traded and conversed with one another while the children played with balls or kites below. All of them wear similar outfits to yours, comfortable and with a closer connection to nature. Some women wore clay beads around their heads like crowns paired with bright, multi-layered dresses made of choppy fabric. Most men wore loose shirts, some went bare chested, all wore slightly baggy pants, usually with multiple belts. A stark contrast to the puffy floor length dresses and tight pants of your people.
So where exactly were you?
“Do you like the view?” a voice said behind you.
It made you jump, and instinctively, you turn to hold out the makeshift knife you temporarily forgot about. The man you pointed the sharp edge at yelped and held both hands up as he rounded the corner.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have sneaked up on ya.” he smiles sheepishly.
He was a red-headed man with spiky hair, a short vest, bandana, and baggy pants. Similar to the people below. From what you could see, no weapons. Still, you keep the blade pointed at his exposed torso. You’ve never killed anyone before, and the thought scares you, the overwhelming fear of being here in strange clothes scared you even more.
You take a step back, trying to distance yourself from the newcomer. “Who are you?”.
“Eijiro Kirishima, right hand man of King Bakugou. I’m glad to see you awake and well.” he says, not moving from his spot. “We’ve met before, your highness.”
“Huh?” You say, dumbfounded. You’ve never seen this man in your life. You would’ve known if you did, his face is...very memorable.
He pointed to the decently sized scar on his face. It traveled from his right corner of his lip and up to the bridge of his nose. It wasn’t bright red, but it still looked like it had only recently healed. A cut like that would’ve taken at least a week for it to stop being inflamed; you wondered how he’d gotten it or why he was pointing to it.
You shook your head, not understanding.
Kirishima chuckles nervously, “Well uh, it might be hard to explain, but uh first things first, I came here to check on you. How’s that rib feeling?”
“My rib? It...hurts a lot” you admit, lowering the glass shard. ‘Hurt’ was an understatement though, it felt like it was on fire. Your side throbbing painfully with each breath you took. Adrenaline could only mask it for so long.
He nods and slowly approaches you again, hands out where you could see them. “Let’s get you back in bed” he says, gently scooping the glass out of your hand and placing it in his back pocket.
Hesitantly, you complied, weary of the shard being in his possession. At least, he seemed like he didn’t want to kill you. You leaned back into bed, muscles screaming from the short encounter. It’s only now you truly realize the extent of your injuries. You hissed as Kirishima readjusted your pillow as best he could, shaking the bed a bit.
“Now that you’re awake, I’ll let Deku take a look at you. He’s our medicine man, or doctor if you like.” And with that, he walks out, closing the door behind him.
But you couldn’t stay still. Even though your ribs hurt, you couldn’t sit back and wait. If you’re being nursed here, Shoto must be nearby. And besides, they don’t want to hurt you, right? After all, as you hauled yourself up and headed to the door once more, you found it still unlocked. You weren’t their prisoner.
You took a peek around the corner that you saw Kirishima come around last time. It led to a free hanging wooden bridge to another tree. The other side of your cabin led to some steps that took a wide curve around a wooden pillar of some sort, but taking a look upwards only showed you that it wasn’t a pillar at all: It was an absolute unit of a tree. Incredibly thick, and at least 500 feet tall, the tree had stairs carved from all over its sides and bridges split off to smaller trees holding up houses. An even more intricate pattern of pathways sat above your head than what you saw the first time when you looked on the balcony.
You clutched the railings, making your way up the stairs and onto the first platform branching off into other paths. Your “room” was just a simple block, fitted halfway into the trunk of the big tree. Woven branches and leaves make a simple flat roof; not much different from any other building here. Guess you’re just gonna have to find someone who knows this place. Preferably not Kirishima. You had a feeling he’d just bring you back to your room.
You hauled yourself up more stairs, opting to take the paths closer to the tree. Traversing mazes was never your strong suit, and this place could get you lost in a few seconds.
The further you went along the stairs, the harder it was for you to breathe. Your injury was draining your energy fast, making your body feel like a thousand pounds. Maybe going back to bed wasn’t a bad idea at all.
Just as you were about to give up and sit down, you came across a wider bridge, one that was definitely a lot more extravagantly built than the last. Thicker, and with decorative railings. It was built between the tree itself and a large mountaintop so tall, you couldn’t see the top. The bridge extended in a T shape, the horizontal bit from the tree built to the length of one wall of the kingdom to another with stairs down to where the guards patrolled. At the smaller section of the T sat a huge double doorway, carved from the wood of the tree you’ve been climbing around for the past 10 minutes. It depicted battles, warriors wielding swords and fighting alongside winged beasts of enormous size...Dragons. Then it clicked. Kinda. You swung at that large beast before, at its snout right when it was right behind you. And Kirishima had a scar along his mouth and nose...
Kirishima = Dragon?
You shook your head, unable to fully convince yourself. It must be your pain fogging your mind a bit. You guess it was the same reason you were walking through those double doors. Big doors were the norm for you, being a princess after all. In your state of confusion, it’s better to go with more familiarity. You pulled it open with a bit of difficulty and slipped in as the doors slowly closed behind you without a sound. Just as you suspected, it was a grand hall for royalty that was almost as big as your father’s. The room was curved, thanks to the tree’s natural design. Flowered vines decorated the plain walls. An empty throne of wood and bones sat in front of what you thought must be the opening to the other side of the tree. You could see the sunshine bathe the throne in its gentle light.
You straightened your composure subconsciously, as you’ve been taught to in throne rooms like these, and walked to the throne. Bones and wood, delicately intertwined with one another to form a beautiful crest along the top of the backrest and pair of armrests. You dragged your fingers along the sanded wood gingerly, admiring the craftsmanship. Swords were stabbed in between, like trophies. Some chipped, others completely broken in half. All went through obvious signs of battle. Losing battles, that is. This was a throne for a King that should be feared. Unlike your father and birth giver’s thrones, which symbolized elegance and formality, this one was fierce, powerful, and dangerous. For some reason, your mind was reminded of the man with the Vermillion eyes. How he strode proudly with bold movements, the same way you’ve seen your father or King Enji act when confronted. Was he the one who owned this throne?
A few feet behind it were steps leading up to a large balcony, open to give an extraordinary view of the kingdom you saw before. You walked up the steps slowly, entranced by the calm sight of the sky and trees. A warm breeze lifted the stray hairs from your face, and you felt calm, your injuries temporarily forgotten. You thought you saw everything from the height you were at when you first woke up, well, you were a couple hundred feet higher now and so much more had been revealed. You could see the exact boundary of walls that protected the civilians, previously hidden by other trees. A huge, open gate on the other side of the kingdom guarded by tiny soldiers both on ground and up on the wall. The complex bridges you saw earlier seemed to build around this area so as to not obstruct the view. You dared not to go straight to the railings though, it felt out of place for you to be watching over someone else’s civilians. So just at the top of the stairs you stayed.
Along the sides of the extended walls where the stairs were built, hung swords of all shapes and sizes, snugly staggered amongst each other like decorations. Each one told a story, from the blade type down to the hilt decorations. You wonder who wielded each magnificent weapon. The man you fought had a sword worn down from no doubt years of battle, more so than any of these blades on the wall.
“I wonder where he is.” you spoke out loud.
“Where who is?” a gruff voice responded.
You froze in place.
Speak of the devil. There he was. He appeared around the left side of the throne, nonchalantly leaning an elbow above his head on it. He wore the same attire as before, cutlass hanging at his side- only this time, tribal beads and threaded teeth hung around his neck. The sunlight coming from the open spaces behind you revealed his hair to be golden, as well as uncovered the many battle scars that previously blended with his skin underneath the pale moonlight. He made your shrink a bit in his presence.
He cocked his head to one side, lifting an eyebrow at your staring. “Well?”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you forced yourself to say something. “Sorry, You, you’re..and then...Uh…” you managed to spit out, ears burning. You couldn’t look at him straight. He only narrowed his eyebrows in response. ‘Great job (y/n), he thinks you’re a moron now.’ you scold yourself.
“Maybe that shitty Deku got it wrong, and you’re the one with the concussion.” he scoffed.
“I have no such thing!” you blurted out. You tried to look him in the eyes again, but the dominance they radiated made you feel like a pup caught disobeying her master. But why? You’re royalty, a future Queen! You shouldn’t let the likes of him intimidate you like this!
So you stood up straight again, taking a deep breath and raising your chin to address the man in front of you properly. Your insides felt like they were being stabbed with a flaming rod, but you refused to succumb to it now. “I lost myself a bit there. I’ve come here for answers.” you say, clasping both hands together. “Where is the leader of this Kingdom?”
Unfazed by your new composure, he stared right back. “You’re lookin at him.”
“And your name?”
“Why does that matter?”
“It matters because I’d like to know to whom I’m speaking with.” you grit your teeth.
“Oh, and what gives you the right, little thief?” he says, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not a thief,” you growl, “I’m princess (y/n) of the Northern Kingdom, first and rightful heir to the throne. As a fellow royal, I deserve the right to know who you are.”
At your words, his body went rigid. “You deserve it, huh?” He moved from his spot at the throne, up the stairs towards you and towering over your figure. You shuffled backwards in alarm. “You, a Northern pansy with your tea parties, lazing around in your kingdom, not giving a damn about the ecosystem around you. You call that royalty?” He spat, raising his voice. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, physical heat, fueled by his anger. “Destroying more of my home to make room for your stupid roads. Killing my people’s food for sport and leaving the skinless carcass to rot so you could have your stupid exotic rugs- I’ve seen how much you people take for granted. If it weren’t for the size of your army, I would’ve conquered you assholes by now. Why did I even listen to that damn Kirishima, I should’ve left you and your boyfriend in the forest. At least you’d be useful for once-”
“Wait, I think you’re overreacting here, and he’s not-” you tried to reason, stumbling over your feet. You completely lost your composure now, your heart practically beating out of its chest.
“Or your brother, I don’t give a damn who he is, my people are running out of food because of yours- but I don’t think you ever knew, huh? Probably worried over some bullshit like what you’re gonna wear, or if some other pretty boy prince out there thought you were cute.” He continued. You back found the edge of the railing and you latched your hands onto it. Taking a quick glance backwards, you found the height a little terrifying now.
“Well, I’m over here hunting day and night to find meals and what do I get? Two more mouths to feed. Useless, pathetic weights on my back. If you wanna talk about being my fellow royal-”
“Bakugou, stop!” you hear Kirishima’s voice echo.
Kirishima. Oh thank god Kirishima is here.
The newly identified “Bakugou” snaps his head to the side at the voice. You look around Bakugou’s figure to see the redhead entering through the doorway, a stranger with green hair trailing behind him.
“You need to eat, Kachaan.” the stranger says. “We’re not starving, Denki found a whole new area with more game- but you can’t hunt it if you’re the one hungry.”
“Stop telling me what to do, I’ll eat when the provisions are restocked.” he turned to the side to face the pair and glared.
Kirishima in the meantime had already ran across the hall, climbing the stairs up to you two. “It’s been three days, brother, you’re getting aggressive.”
Bakugou took another glance at your shocked figure, and for a moment, you could see a pang of guilt hit him. But it was fleeting. His face returned to and scowl and he scoffed, fully turning around and heading down the steps past his comrade. “Aggression is what’s kept this kingdom prosperous.”
“Well, yelling at her highness isn’t very prosperous.” he shot back, tracking the blonde with his eyes.
The stranger made his way next to you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Kirishima acknowledged him and rushed off towards the doors with his leader.
“Well they’re always talking about equality for some goddamn reason, why can’t I yell at them like men?” Bakugou threw his hands up in the air.
“That’s not what they’re talking about…” the other man responded.
Their voices grew distant as they left the hall, leaving you and the kind stranger. With Bakugou gone, you released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and fell to your knees, groaning.
So, that was Bakugou. You didn’t wanna think about what could’ve happened if Kirishima hadn’t stopped him.
“Woah, hey, uh, we should get you back to your room.” he says, cradling your shoulders. “I’m Izuku Midoriya by the way, but you can call me Deku.”
“(Y/n)” you strained. “Nice to... nice to meet you Deku, but I can’t go back yet. I have to make sure Sho is ok…”
Deku brought you back up to your feet, sliding an arm around your waist and a head under your arm. “Sho? Is that your friend?”
“yeah,” you nodded as the two of you began heading to the door yourselves, “my childhood friend. We were...we got lost...”
“Lost? We could send a messenger out to your kingdom and let them know you’re here-” He says.
“No!” You yelled. Deku looked taken aback and gave you a concerned look. A little embarrassed, you cleared your throat. “No. It’s ok, I uh, I’d prefer we don’t make a huge deal about this.”
Deku chuckled, “Oh, of course my lady, but, are you sure you’re ok to go visit him?”
“Please, I was the one who caught him in all of this mess.”
He smiled as he pushed one of the doors open with his foot, and headed down the steps almost as far as where your own room was, only before the last flight of stairs he took a bridge across to another tree where a small cluster of buildings sat. He gently slid out from besides you to open the front door. Sho laid flat on the bed in front, quietly sleeping. He looked much better now. The lump on his face had almost disappeared, wrapped heavily in clean bandages. He was shirtless as well, only more bandages covering his chest and parts of his arm. He had bruises everywhere, but otherwise, he looked taken care of. In addition to the bedside dresser, there was a small wooden table to his right with tools, bandages, and washcloths. He must’ve needed stitches. You teared up at the sight, feeling guilty again for all the trouble you caused.
Deku gently placed a hand on your shoulder again, leading you to a couch on the side of the room. “He’s got a concussion as well as deep cuts here and there, but he’ll make a full recovery in about three weeks. I’m going to have him stay in bed for a week and a half and then go from there.”
“It’s all my fault,” you whispered, voice cracking. At this point, you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
“What? No, it’s those people in the forest. Wild people. They like to mess with anyone caught out at night. Except for kach- erm, The King. They’re terrified of him.”
You sniffed, “Bakugou, right?”
“Y-yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “we grew up together, so I’m used to calling him Kacchan. It was just a name and uh, oh, and, I’m sorry for the way he acted, he’s been out scouting food for a while, not eating at all. He thinks the forest is slowly going dry. He’s a good person, I promise, he just has a mean face. He must’ve scared you.”
“It’s ok,” you shook your head. “He was...he was right. About my people.” You wiped the tears from your eyes, staring at the wall in front of you. “My father, he likes money and power. He likes seeing happy and rich citizens. I used to think it was because he cared about them when really, it’s so he could show off to other kingdoms. I could hear them sometimes, talking about expanding towards the forest, cutting down more trees for a new library or something. He liked the pelts too, making me little stuffed rabbits when I was younger. I always thought it was ok though, I never knew people lived here. Now I feel awful.”
Deku gave you a kind smile. “Hey, but it wasn’t you, right? That was your dad. Don’t beat yourself up over his decisions.”
“Yeah” you sighed, “I guess.”
Deku’s smile grew bigger, and he pushed himself off the couch. You watched him walk over to the dresser and opened up one of the drawers to pull out a small blanket.
“Here” he said, unfolding the blanket and handing it to you. “I’m gonna go grab the medicinal tea I brought to your room, it’ll help with the pain. Uh, I’m not quite sure, but I think you may have slightly fractured a rib, so the best thing we could do is let it heal itself for a week. Who knows, it might just be bruised.”
“Thanks.” you say, laying yourself down on the couch in the meantime. After Deku came back with that tea, you passed out fast.
You had a dream. Your father was right in front of you, raising his sword above his head. He was scared of something, but you couldn’t tell what. The background was fuzzy, but you could see it was destroyed. You were raising your arms, protecting someone. Everything was in slow motion, fading slowly to white.
You spasmed awake, inhaling sharply. The image faded fast out of your mind. Shoto was snoring lightly on the bed, arm lazily resting atop his stomach. Good. Sighing, you set aside the blanket and walked out the door for some fresh air. The tea helped you a lot, even now. You didn’t even feel any pain. The moon shone brightly again as the breeze cooled your skin, giving you deja vu of the whole fiasco from before. Except this time, this was peaceful. You weren’t lost. No one was chasing you. And most importantly, you and Shoto were safe. Everything was good for now.
A large shadow fluttered in the corner of your eye, causing you to jump a bit. A red dragon with magnificent wings landed in the clearing by the kingdom gates, which were now closed shut. Its rider, the buttholeish King, yelled at the guards. They notched their arrows, shooting into the forest with expertise. A roar of some sort of animal retreated, rustling trees in its wake. Bakugou slid down from its neck to untie the fresh animal carcasses secured on the dragon’s back. Other soldiers came from the buildings to help carry them. Then, as Bakugou hopped to the ground, the dragon began to shrink back into itself. Wings folded into his backside, neck shortening, and body losing its color to turn into...Kirishima. It blew your mind. So you really did hit him hard back there. You had to apologize.
You rushed down the steps to find them, not really thinking about the fact that you had absolutely no idea where you were going. Nor did you really think about your stamina. Five sets of stairs and you were already panting.
As you leaned against the tree, trying to be careful with your breaths. It still didn’t hurt, but damn did you get tired quick. Just as you were turning to tackle another flight, a head of blonde hair appeared from below, scowling.
“Again? What is it with you and not sitting still?” he grumbled. You could hear the fatigue in the way his voice cracked.
You sat up from the tree, surprised that he climbed so fast. “I, er, wanted to apologize to Kirishima for the wound is all.” you rubbed your arm nervously as he stopped in front of you.
He eyes you with skepticism, probably wondering if you were telling the truth or not. “He’s gonna be taking care of the fresh meat for a while, and probably sleep till late afternoon knowing the lazy idiot.” he grumbles.
“Oh.” you say, still kind of embarrassed.
“And besides, he’s fine. He heals like it’s nothing.”
“Because he’s a dragon…?”
“Heh, something like that.”
You two sit in silence for a moment after that. The awkwardness was almost unbearable.
“This reminds me, Shitty Hair wanted me to do something. Can you walk up the stairs?” he finally asks.
You shrug, “I’ll get up there eventually.” you respond.
“Well, I don’t have time to wait for ‘eventually’” he says, and lifts you up off the ground with both arms. He hugs you close to his bare chest and climbs the stairs with no problem, not even a slight change in breathing.
You help a bit, holding on to his neck for support. “Where-“
“I have to give you your shit back.” He grunts. “You lived so I don’t get to keep your sword.”
“What an awful mouth you have for a king.” You frown.
He smirks in response, “you haven’t seen the half of it, princess.”
Princess. The way he says “princess” sends shivers down your spine. You don’t know why, but you found yourself staring at his features again. Hair shining almost white again, gently waving in the wind. Piercing eyes, sharp jawline, defined collarbones…
“Oi, quit starin.” He interrupts your thoughts.
“Huh? Why...uh, why would I stare at you?” you say, your voice an octave higher.
He chuckles lightly while you try to look everywhere but him. He passes Shoto’s room and instead keeps heading upwards. Past the throne room too, taking a staircase to a room above it. He pushes it open to a gorgeous bedroom. The amount of oil lamps lining the walls could barely light up the entirety of the room. Giant bed with plush pillows along one wall, a balcony on the other side of the room, a door leading to what you think is a bathroom, and lots and lots of “trophies” hanging up on the wall. Helmets, swords, capes, horns, claws- must be from what he killed. One horn spread the length across the wall from his bed, being almost 10 feet long. You’d be terrified to know what creature that belonged to...or, had belonged to. Still, they were oddly beautiful. Clearly, they were a struggle to take down, judging by the damaged sword Bakugou wielded and the slight deformities in the trophies themselves. A crack down the middle of a knight’s helmet. Multiple tears in a blue and white feathered cape. It was almost surreal to you, that a man that could win all these vicious battles can gently place you on the soft cushions of one of the few couches that occupied his room.
Walking to his bed, he picked up an object propped up against the bed frame. He trunks to you, holding it flat against both hands. Your sword!
He unsheathed it, examining the blade in the dim lamplights with approval. “This is made of Awherian metal, better not lose it.” he says, sheathing it and handing it back to you. You take it gingerly, propping it by your feet.
“Awherian?” You repeated.
“Awherians used to be a tribe up in the North before going extinct a long time ago. Legends say they used to battle giants, cuz they ate their dragons...or some bullshit my old hag likes to talk about.” he crosses his arms.
He took notice of you lowering your head, and sighed, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“I uh,” he cleared his throat, “I shouldn’t have said all that. Earlier, I mean. Kirishima was right about being hungry, I don’t usually yell at women. Unless they’re trying to kill me, you know.”
“It’s ok,” you lean back into the couch, “you weren’t wrong. I said this to Deku earlier already: I thought my father was doing the right thing because he, well, he’s my father. If I had known there was a whole civilization here...I just...I hope I can help.”
He looked at you for a few seconds, calculating. Were you genuinely being honest? Maybe, he thought. He has his doubts still.
Bakugou was always weary about newcomers, and didn’t take too kindly to them. The only reason these two were brought in was because Kirishima urged him to. The king refused at first, reasoning that this could’ve been a set-up, that the cult that pranced the outskirts of their territory had a plan to send in spies this way. Of course, Kirishima says that there’s no way they would possibly injure their own like this, leaving them one step away from death, but Bakugou has seen their ways. They would eat each other if they wanted to. Eventually, he gave in on the reasoning that they weren’t the smartest of people. You seemed different. He ordered his closest men, including that shitty Deku to keep an eye on you both.
“Maybe you could. Who fuckin knows” He says, “but not when you can’t even climb fucking stairs without wheezing like a granny.” He says, earning a slightly offended whine from you. He smiles lightly, then points to his bed with a thumb. “Go.”
You look at him, perplexed. “In your bed?”
“No shit, it’s the middle of the night.” He narrows his eyes.
“I’m, b-but we’re not married-“ you stuttered.
Bakugou rolls his eyes, “relax princess, you have it to yourself. I just don’t feel like taking you back down to your room, or to that half n half bastard.”
With a grunt, he picks you up off the couch and onto the bed. The plush blankets swallowing you almost immediately.
“Do you like insulting people?” you ask as he throws the blanket over you.
“I dunno, do you like breathing, or is it just something you do?”
“You’re impossible.” You rolled your eyes. “Where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch.” He replies, undoing the buckles on his cape. “Sleep, we’ll have you properly taken care of tomorrow, starting with a bath.” He wrinkled his nose.
“Hey!” you pouted. A bath sounds wonderful though.
“You were supposed to be in bed all day today, but whatever.” he sighs. He folded his cape neatly and placed it on his bedside dresser, then flopped onto a couch on the far side of the room, facing away from you. Eventually, his muscles relaxed and you could hear soft puffs of breaths as he slept.
It was calming in a way. Every night, even as a small child afraid of the dark spaces in your room, you slept alone. You had to overcome that fear alone, your mother definitely didn’t want you bothering her, and your father was far too tired from dealing with the kingdom all day. But knowing someone else was in the room felt, in an odd way, nice. You drifted off again, but this time, without dreams.
Tag List: @pasteldaze @decayz @akihoeeeeeeeee @blinkingsuns @stan-josie @skylan666 @hypothesaurus
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flor3nces · 4 years
live streams | matthew gray gubler x fem!reader
this is sorta long but like not really. i started this at 5 and ended at 7. BYE ASF IVE NEVER TAKEN THAT LONG ON A PIECE. ENJOY READING DARLINGS <333
“matthew! you wanna live stream with me?” i rarely live streamed as i didn’t really know what i was doing but i got the hang of it as i went on. matthew always stayed silent when i did live stream not wanting to give away that we were dating or that we were even hanging out. as far as the fans know we were just friends.
“are you sure? i was just about to go to the living room so i don’t bother you.” matthew wasn’t very ideal with the fans knowing that we were together as some of them can be really rude when they even hear a rumor of matthew possibly dating someone.
“yeah, come on. it’ll just be two friends hanging out and doing a little live stream.”
convincing him was difficult. he kept thinking about how people would figure it out and all that jazz but after a while it worked. i helped set up his area beside me, leaving space in between us so we could move our mouses without bumping our hands.
i notified people on my instagram and twitter that i was going to be doing a live stream with matthew. matthew doing the same. i laughed as he said that he wasn’t going to do so.
“hey guys!” matthew gave a small wave and smiled at his camera. “wait.. what are we playing?”
“oh! i forgot to tell you before we started. we’re playing minecraft!”
i let out a giggle at matthew’s face at the games name. “what is that?”
“a game. i already have it downloaded on your imac.”
“why? i don’t play that game and how did i not notice?”
“because i play it when i use it. you not noticing is so weird because it’s literally right there.” i reach out and point to the bottom of his screen. matthew lets out a small ‘oh’ and pushes me off.
“do you want me to join your realm or do you want to join mine?”
“you can call all the shots. i don’t even know how to play this stupid game.” matthew grumbled as he watched me. i send him a small smile and start a new realm. “don’t i have to like friend you or something?” i shake my head. “nope, i already have you friended.”
matthew nods at my words and looks at his screen. “do i click this?” i nod and he presses the button to join my realm.
i immediately ran over to the trees and started to get some wood. matthew looks at me as if i’ve grown two heads. “uh.. y/n how do i move?” before i can help him he starts pressing random buttons. “no, matthew!”
he ends up clicking a button that allows him to see his skin. “oh! oh, wow! hey, look i’m rumple!” i smile as i remember spending hours working on that skin for him. “i know. i made it for you.”
i lean over and teach him how to move, jump, run, crouch, hit, and mine. the last two things were basically the same thing but it was easier to teach him that way. teaching him how to craft, open his inventory, drop stuff. and scroll on his hot bar was the easiest thing he learned. as i’m doing this matthew says small comments. “matthew, shut up!”
“i didn’t do anything!”
“matthew! get out of my house! make your own house!”
this had been an on going battle with him. he wanted to live with me and i insisted that he live alone. “but y/nnnnnn we’d save more space for more builds if you just let me live with you!”
matthew had a way of always getting his way. no matter what is was that he seemed to want, he’d get. i guess it was part of his charm.
i get cut off by matthew cheering and jumping out of his chair to hug me. “but you’re sleeping in your own room not next to me.” his cheering dies down at my words. “what? why not?” he pouts but i refuse to give in. he’s already lving in my house for god sake.
“y/n pleaseeee. i won’t steal your stuff or anything.”
i shake my head and continue building my house making sure to add another room for matthew. he continued to beg as he helped build the house.
“okay! you can sleep next to me! now quit yappin’.”
a huge smile took over his face as his minecraft character made his way over to my room and placed his bed next to me. i couldn’t help but smile at him as he did a little happy dance.
“y/n i swear to god if you take that dog.”
“you’ll what? there are other dogs around gube! this is my dog, i found it first!”
“no! the others ran away you go find them. i refuse to run around to find them when one is right in front of my face.”
i smirk as i start to give the dog bones. matthew catches on and tries to give her bones but fails. hearts go above the dogs head after i gave her three bones. “ha!”
matthew hits me and my dog starts to attack him. “what the fuck? y/n help me!” a loud laugh rumbles through my body as i sit her down. “guess you better run and go find those other dogs before she kills you.”
he turns to me and pokes my side. i smack his hand away not taking my eyes of the screen as i was trying to get my dog back home safely. matthew turns back to his screen and starts his “quest” as he called it to find the other dogs that ran off.
we’ve been on the live stream for a good three hours and matthew was starting to get the hang of it and so far we haven’t had any slips ups on us dating.
in those three hours we had found diamonds, made a farm for both crops and animals, made a roller coaster, tried to make a small cafe but gave up and just made a fishing shack. we were now going to the nether.
“gube, are you sure about going to the nether? this is literally the first time you’ve ever played this game.”
“yeah but i’m basically a god at this game now.”
“oh please. you’ve died at least a hundred times.”
“nuh uh! you are such a liar! don’t lie to the people.” matthew winks at the camera and i roll my eyes. “you can be such a boy sometimes.”
i grab some food, my bucket filled with water and three extra buckets, and my bow along with some arrows.
“can i light it?”
“be my guest.”
matthew takes out his flint and steel and lights the portal. “woah, it’s so pretty.” he stares at the now purple portal in awe. i jump in and the nether starts to generate. “wait till you see the actual nether.”
he doesn’t say anything when we’re in the nether and i start to think he thinks it’s ugly. “um.. matthew? you good?” he doesn’t respond as he just keeps looking around. it wasn’t until i punched him in the shoulder that he snapped out of his trance.
“you alright?”
“yeah, yeah. it’s just so beautiful. almost as beautiful as you.”
i snort at his cheesiness and start to walk around.
things were doing just fine until a ghast found us while we were making our way towards the nether fortress. both matthew and i screamed as the ghast made a noise. it shot at us. luckily, we had made a small platform before entering the nether fortress.
“how do i shoot it back?!”
“hit it back with your sword!”
it knocked down matthew. “oh my god! babe, i’m gonna die!”
i didn’t even notice that matthew had called me babe while we were live as i was trying not to die. “i died lol.”
a laugh came out of my mouth as matthew said lol. “oh! i killed it! my love, you better get your ass back here right now!”
i start to mine down and run over to where i saw a ghast tear fall. “look! i got a ghast tear!” matthew’s character came running up behind me. “you want it?”
“no, you killed it. plus, i don’t want a memory of that stupid thing. it killed me for no reason!”
“it’s a mob.. it doesn’t need to have a reason to attack you.” matthew lets out a whatever under his breath and starts to make his way back to the nether fortress.
“okay guys thanks for watching!”
“yeah, she really appreciates it when you guys tune in and watch her die half the time.”
“matthew! i didn’t die as much as you did and we only played for like three fucking hours!”
i read some of the comments that were popping up. some of them were ‘bye’s’ and the rest were just freaking out that we were dating. my eyes widen a bit at the comments until i realized that matthew had called me babe and i had said my love when the ghast was attacking us.
“gube... cats out of the bag.”
he looks at me for a second before looking at comments and scanning through them. “well, looks like i can kiss you on camera now.” my laugh gets swallowed by matthew as he presses his lips to mine.
“okay. bye guys! have a good night!”
i click off the stream and turn to matthew. “i thought you didn’t want our relationship to get out?” a smirk comes across my face. “yeah, but there was no way on backing out on that one.”
“you’re not mad?”
“what? of course not! why would i be? i finally get to show you off, though i did want to keep you to myself a little longer but it’s cool.”
i smile at his words and kiss him again. “i’m going to make coffee. can we watch charlie and the chocolate factory?”
“hm. whatever you want princess.”
i press a small kiss to his nose before running off to get the pot started. 
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prodtrouver · 3 years
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➾ The Criminal Who Loved
All he could do is run, hide, and live. He couldn't go to the town and always hid himself. After such accusation were made, the only person who could clear him is his brother, but he isn't there for him. What if a criminal finds a fairy who doesn't know him? What if he learns to love? Only for him to fear that will be taken away.
Pairing: runaway prince!Mark Lee x half fairy fem!reader
Other characters: mentions of Fairy!Renjun, Elf! Yeonjun and Huening Kai, Prince!Jeno, Baker!Haechan,
Genre/warnings: angst, fluff, running away, mentions of poison, mentions of traps,
No. of Words: 4.3k
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The day felt longer than it was. The woods are quiet today which calmed you. The clouds that covered the blue sky, the strong breeze that was weakened by the tall trees; it was a long but peaceful day so far.
The flowers were gently plucked out from the ground to your basket. Your touch was so gentle, the other fairies found it amusing they couldn't feel it.
"Y/n! What do you think of today? Won't you go to the town?" A purple fairy sat on your shoulder. A soft smile on your lips as you softly shook your head. You gave her a dandelion,
"I have more important things to finish. I have no business in town," you softly spoke. You stood from the ground and begin to head back to your fellow fairies who took care of you.
Yes, you're a fairy, a half at least. You were trusted in their care, full of hopes you will protect them because you're one of the two who are human sized.
"Y/n is back! Y/n is back!" A tiny young fairy fled to you. Her small figure around your figure as you gently out the basket down for them.
"Yes, I'm back... Where is Renjun?" You asked, instantly while distracted, they pointed their fingers to the direction where the other is. You smiled, stood, and fixed your dress. "I will be back."
You searched for Renjun, the second fairy who protects the rest. The boy's pretty eyes are glued to the cloudy sky. He's the fairy who paints the skies, the truth to the saying of their world: 'Gods or Deities are responsible for the colors of the sky.'
"Why is Painter Fairy staring at his masterpiece today?" Immediately, he turned around to face you. A slightly serious expression on his pretty face.
"Y/n, there is this boy in this woods. He found the old cabin of your father. He lives there now," he said. Your eyes widen; A boy? Living in the cabin you grew up in?
"Who is this boy, Renjun? Is he bad?" You asked, your nervousness seen yet mostly covered by your courage.
"No, he is not. I could tell he is accused of something. Fear not, I will be here if you confront him." He patted your shoulder. You softly nodded your head, your heartbeat was rapid from the thoughts. Is the boy dangerous? Renjun said he could tell he was accused, what could it be?
"Y/n, you know what to do when you need me.",
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You watched from a far as the boy exited the cabin. He combed his hazel hair with his hand as he sat on the stairs of the cabin. He looked at the dead leaves on the ground, his eyes glued there while his expression showed a troubled expression.
He stood on his feet again, he looked around, but your presence remained unknown to him. He returned inside the cabin and locked the door. You moved away from the tree and closer to the cabin. The boy was handsome, almost like a prince.
The way the sun glistened on his face. His shiveled hazel hair that reached his eyes lashes. He looked like a normal human and from his aura that you could feel, he is one. You placed your hand on the cabin wall but something else reflected light on your face.
You turned your head on the side, only to see a sheathed sword. You felt your heart freeze then you heard the door open.
There you are, standing in front of the human boy who looked surprised to see you. He glanced at his sword before he looked at you again. Immediately and by instincts, you backed away. Your figure was shaking and it was visible to his eyes.
"Do you... Live in this cabin?" He asked softly, and made sure you won't be terrified of him. However, he doubted that you live in the cabin for there was dust everywhere when he found it.
You, on the other hand, was still shaking. Your hand stayed close to your chest as you were ready to call Renjun for help. He observed your figure, you had h/c that matched your eyes. You looked magical yet mysterious to his vision.
"I won't hurt you, I swear," he said and moved a but closer. "Do you live in this cabin?" He asked and you nodded. His expression showed how surprised he is... He didn't expect that...
"But not anymore," you said with the left over courage you had. The more you stare at him, the more gentle he looks. You hoped he could say his name faster and as if he could read your mind-,
"My name is Mark Lee, I won't hurt you, don't worry.... Unless, you're one of them." He softly glared which made you take a step back. Judging from you acted just now, you aren't. Anyway, he knows his kingdom doesn't accept female guards nor assassins.
"Are you harmful? What's your objective? What are you doing here?" You asked but he just stared at you. "That's none of your business," he coldly said before he gets inside.
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You know curiosity could be bad sometimes but the further you observe Mark, the more perks you notice of him.
The way he scrunched his nose when he couldn't do anything in one try or the way he clapped his hands when he successfully did something difficult. He's a funny and dorky boy, not to mention the way he treated animals is gentle as well.
You sat on the tree branch, your eyes glued on the boy who's feeding baby squirrels. You were surprised, amused with how beautiful the land has become when he came.
The dead leaves are gone, the pond beside the cabin looked cleaner. Flowers of different kinds are even blooming around the cabin. You never knew you would see this sight again of your old home.
However, other than his dorky side, he looks strong and cautious. You found it weird how he looks around every hour as if he's being hunted. You feel attached with the boy, even if it has only been days since you first talked to him.
"How is watching the boy, y/n?" An elf climbed in your shoulder and sat down. You gave him a sliced apple you have before you looked at Mark again.
"He isn't harmful, he takes care of the area very well. The animals loves him too," you smiled and the elf squinted his eyes.
"Don't be too distracted, y/n! He might be dangerous! Maybe, he knows you're watching, and acts nice, so you will think he's not dangero-,"
"Oh, quiet, Yeonjun. If he knew I'm watching then I'm pretty sure he would've talked to me or stopped me already. Therefore, do not overthink," you spat and left the tiny elf pouty and speechless.
"Maybe you should talk to him, y/n!" Another elf showed themself, this time he had a purple hat while Elf Yeonjun had orange.
"Should I?" You asked Elf Huening Kai who nodded. Yeonjun pulled your hair and shouted a 'no'.
"I think the boy there needs someone to be friends with!"
"I think the boy there deserves to be left alone!" Yeonjun said, grumpier from your words earlier. The two elves countinued to bicker while you take matters in your feet.
"Hold tight, little ones," you said and you begin to fidget. They immediately held onto your hair while you jumped down the tall tree. The elves screamed in fear, both afraid of heights while you kept a smile on your face.
As soon as your feet hit the leafy ground, Mark turned around. The surprised boy stared at you as he wondered where you came from.
"Y/n! Don't do that!!" He heard a voice from your shoulders. You chuckled and carefully get off the two elves who were shaking. You placed them on the wood railings of your old cabin while you looked at Mark.
"I'm impressed, you managed to make this lifeless are blossom again!" You said, you sweet smile distracted Mark from his wonders for a split second.
"Ah, yeah- wait, how did you- where did you come from?" He asked, his shocked expression still in his face. Quietly, you pointed at the tall tree where you sat.
"EH- You wouldn't be able to survive that fall!" Mark shouted and caused you to flinch.
"Hey, you big man! Yes, she can because our precious y/n is a half fairy! She can land on her feet like a cat!" Yeonjun pointed at Mark who looked even more shocked.
"Wow... Elves are real or is it a potion you drank?" Mark leaned closer to look at the 2 elves. Instantly, Yeonjun tried to punch his eye with his tiny fist but he was stopped by Huening Kai.
"I'm sorry, he can be feisty," the other elf apologizes while Yeonjun tries to get out of his grip. You sigh which caught his Mark's attention.
"I apologize for the little elf's behalf. Despite his small figure, he is pretty feisty. The gods made the right choice of making him an elf." You said and glared at Yeonjun who looked defeated.
Mark just laughed, still fascinated by the elves and you? A half fairy? He never even knew they exist until now.
"May I come in? I missed this place," you asked boldly, even though it's unknown where you got this confidence from. Mark thought for a few seconds but remembered, the cabin used to be your home.
"Y/n! We're going with you!" Yeonjun shouted, only to be flicked on the forehead by you. Elf Huening Kai tried to hold his laughter while Yeonjun stayed pouty.
"I'll be back," you said and followed Mark inside the cabin. The cabin isn't really small but it isn't really big either. It was a decent size for a small family. She was in awe, it felt like she was living her past memories once more.
Mostly everything is still the same but certain things have been moved. Mark's gaze followed you as you looked around. The strings of his heart were pulled when a smile appeared in your pink lips.
You looked so happy and relieved, he didn't want to ruin it by calling your name. You mentioned you once lived there, you must have missed the cabin.
Now, he begins to wonder- do you know? Do you have an idea who he even is? Do you know what he did that caused him to stay here? He didn't want you to know, he didn't want to danger you nor your kind.
"Can I go upstairs?" You asked and he nodded. You immediately head upstairs while Mark stayed.
"Hey, you big man! Who are you? Where did you come from!?" He looked down to see Elf Yeonjun and Huening Kai behind him, trying to stop the older from speaking further.
"Yeonjun, stop it!" Huening Kai held the elf's arm. Mark kneeled down to look at the elves.
"I'm a runaway," Mark admitted, and this surprised the elves. Yeonjun stopped moving and Huening Kai's grip became lighter.
"I'm a runaway from the kingdom," he said once more. Yeonjun took a step back and shielded Huening Kai. Fear on the elf's face as he remembered what his fellow elf told him once.
"Are you the runaway who tried to poiso-,"
"Mark! Thank you for letting me in," you went back downstairs. You halted your steps in confusion when you saw the Yeonjun cowering in fear and a confused Huening Kai behind him.
"What's going on?" You asked, Mark shook his head as he quickly looked away.
"No problem, however, I think it's better if you three head back. Night is about to come, it might be too dangerous for you." Mark smiled and passed by you as he head to the bedroom upstairs.
You nodded, although he couldn't see you. He gently places Yeonjun and Huening Kai on your shoulders.
"Why do you look scared, Yeonjun?" You asked but he only shook his head.
"I saw a giant spider behind Mark earlier, so I got scared!" Yeonjun believably lied which made Huening Kai believe in him too.
Shortly, you left the area and head back home.
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You walked down the busy streets of the town. A basket on your arm as you head to your favorite bakery. However, on your way there, you saw a few castle guards asking the townspeople.
"Excuse me, young miss," you flinched. You looked to your side, only to see a castle guard.
"Have you see the first prince?" The guard showed you a paper. A paper with Mark Lee drawn below the word: wanted.
Your eyes quickly scanned through the whole paper. Words like 'first prince' or 'attempted to poison the king' or 'ran away'... They all shocked you. Is that what Renjun meant? Is he accused or really did this?
"No, I did not but may I keep the flyer, sir?" You asked softly. Your heart shattering with the news but you didn't understand why. You watched Mark for days and he didn't seem harmful. You needed to know the answer. The guard accepted your request and gave you the flyer.
"Thank You," you mumbled and began to walk away. You forget about the bread, you want to talk to Mark about the truth.
You went back to the woods, away from the guards, away from the town, and on your way to find Mark. The trip took time but you were determined to get the truth out.
You felt your surroundings stop when you saw Mark. He looked so happy when he fed the baby squirrels and the way he chuckled when a parrot sat on his head. You asked yourself again: did he really try to do that?
"Mark," you called him from behind. He turned to face you, a smile on his lips while you looked sad and confused.
"Mark, did you... Did you really try to poison... Poison the king?" You asked, your voice as soft as a whisper. Mark stood still, his smile disappeared from his lips, and it was replaced with a frown.
"You really think I would do that?" He asked, the bowl on his palm was still full of bird seeds.
"I-I don't know, Mark... I barely know you..." You said and Mark slowly walked towards you.
"I was accused, y/n. I don't want to kill my own father. I was accused because they saw the bottle in my bedroom. I ran away, y/n... I ran away because I was scared," his frown never seemed to leave his face. You felt your heart break at how weak and broken his voice sounded.
"How should I know... How can you prove to me that you are innocent?" You didn't have the will to take a step back but he stood so close to you. He delicately took your hand and placed it in his chest.
"I saw a book in the bedroom of the cabin. It said that fairies, even half fairies can tell if people are lying by their pulse. If it's uneven, they are lying. Is my pulse uneven, y/n?" He asked which shocked you. You knew that but never got to experience it.
You close your eyes, suddenly, everything felt silent. You could only hear his heartbeat and it didn't feel uneven. Instantly, a relieving wave washed over your worries. You pulled your hand back as you stared at Mark.
"You... You're not lying," you say and Mark let out a soft chuckle.
"Why would I lie?" He said and you hugged him immediately. He was shocked about your actions but tilted his head when you pulled away.
"How are you going to clear your name? You're not even a criminal!" You spat, angrily. A pout on your lips while the frown was back on his face.
"My brother... Lee Jeno could clear my name because he was with me the whole day the incident happened. He helped me run away as well. If there's someone who could clear my name, it is him," Mark said and everything went silent.
The woods strong breeze weakened by the tall trees again. Birds chirped above you both while little animals played on the leafy ground.
You want Mark's name to be cleared, although you don't know why you're suddenly feeling like this.
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A week have passed and everything was peaceful. You felt at peace with Mark, even other fairies and elves loved him.
Here you are with him, both sat on the blanket as you played with the animals and fairies around you two. You feel so close with Mark as if he has been your friend for a long time.
Although, it gave you feelings that you've never experienced before. You have read about it and it's the feeling of love.
They say a fairy who is in love could feel how quick their heart beats. They could hear the thumps of their in love heart. Mostly, they definitely feel safer and stronger with them. Although, you never really showed your magic in front of anyone, other than Renjun, and a potion maker.
"Y/n, you said that you used to live in this cabin. Why did you move out?" Mark asked you as he fed the young fox. You frowned and looked away at the horrendous memory that served as your nightmare.
"My mom was caught and my father was killed," you said, able to trust Mark with your past. Mark stiffned as he looked at you. The sad and pitiful expression on your face was heartbroing for him to look at.
"My mom was a fairy, she was trapped by some mere castle servant for the king. My dad chased after her, only to be killed in the process. I never knew what they did to my mother but the fairies could tell her presence is no longer in this world." You told Mark, your heart wrenched at the vision a potion maker once showed you.
The vision of how they trapped your mother and how they killed you father. It was traumatizing and it served a horrible memory to replay after years.
"I'm sorry... I didn't know that. All I knew was that my father hated fairies. I don't know why but my mother told us, brothers that fairies are just found in books. That's why, I never knew they existed," Mark said and gently patted your back for reassurance.
"I'm very sure they are in a place where they could rest peacefully. I am also sure that they are happy of their daughter growing healthy." Mark smiled which caused you to smile as well. You close your eyes and rest your head in his shoulder.
How could you tell him you're in love with a prince? With an accused prince who is known as a criminal? How can you tell your people and Mark Lee that?
"Y/n, if I return back to the castle, will you go with me?" He asked you and you felt your heart stop for a second. You open your eyes and stare at the boy. His warm brown eyes stared into yours as you think of an answer.
"Why should I go with you, Mark? You are a prince, I am a half fairy who has her village to protect." You softly spoke and once again, the dreaded frown appears on his lips.
"You're right... But what if my name never gets cleared?"
"It will be cleared eventually, Mark. People will know the truth," you said as he took your warm hand. Your soft hand grasping his rough ones. He pressed it over his chest.
"I like you, y/n... Ever since I told you the truth, I feel safer with you. I feel happier with you and I'm afraid that might be taken away from me as well." He cries and you feel your body shake. Immediately, you engulfed the boy in a hug.
"I won't be taken away, Mark. I like you too," you whispered and Mark pulled you closer to him. You smiled in his embrace as he caressed your cheeks.
"Fairy Y/n, will you do the honors of being with the oldest prince of the Dream Kingdom?" He stood up and reached his hand out towards you. You laughed and held his hand before you did a small courtesy.
"Of course, Prince Mark,"
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It was midnight when you begin to feel weird. The boy was sleeping peacefully beside you, however, you aren't sure if you could stay any longer. You quietly rushed out of the cabin to warn everyone.
You waved your hand, pile of leaves flying a certain direction to call Renjun. You gently knocked on the trees until a bird comes out.
"Check what is coming," you whispered before it flew away. You turn around, whispering to the small animals to hide for their safety. You looked around throughly, in search for a fairy ring you could control.
"Y/n, I'm here- what do you need?" Renjun asked as he stood beside you. You pointed at the direction that was giving you weird feelings.
"I could feel men walking, a group of them but not many," you said as Renjun nodded. He waved his hand, the same thing you did but this time, the wind became stronger. It couldn't be stopped by the tall trees anymore.
He held onto your wrist, not interested in making you fly away.
"Y/n, can you extend the fairy rings?" Renjun asked as he kept the wind at the same strength. You used the rest of your energy for that day to extend the rings.
Suddenly, the bird arrived and stood on your shoulder. It begin to whisper about what it saw.
"Renjun, the guards left and only two are coming. Those 2 are the princes of the kingdom," you said and Renjun sighed. He stopped the strong wind, only to face you. He patted your head,
"I will be near when you need me. I will be watching from above," he stated before jumping on tree to another. The bird quickly fled after him. You stood there, on your guard as you wait for the 2 princes to come... They must be here for Mark.
"Are you y/n?" You jolted your head up and in your sight, you saw them. Both on their tall white horses as you nod their head.
"I'm Jeno and this is my younger brother, Jisung... I heard from a fairy that our older brother is here, may we see him-,"
"No need, I'm here now," you slightly flinched once you heard Mark's deep voice after woken up.
"Mark, we have evidence!" Jisung said, about to take a step until he saw the line of mushrooms in front of him. "A fairy ring, interesting," he leaned down and saw glitters around each mushroom.
"Jisung, don't get distracted now-"
"I know, I know- actually, why won't you tell him the good news?" Jisung smiled as he looked left and right to see where the ring formed. Jeno sighed at the attention span of his brother.
"We got the poison's bottle checked by a witch. The fingerprints on the bottle belonged to a woman elf. The witch also stated that these kinds of poison could only be brewed by witches and wizards." Jeno explained as you look at Mark for any reaction on his face.
"How will you explain this to father and the kingdom? They will think you're only doing this to cover my 'crime' and not everyone believes in witches and wizards. I think, you guys are lucky you even found one," Mark said but you shook your head.
"Witches and wizards are common if you are in the right area. I believe there are witches and wizards in your kingdom as well but kept it hidden." You explained as you remove the fairy ring. Jisung wowed at the magic you pulled while Mark was shook you actually have magic.
You walk towards them before you reached your palm out. The urge to see the bottle of the poison curious you. You feel like you know something that might lead you to the real criminal.
"Can I see the bottle?" You asked and Jeno handed it to you by the neck of the bottle. Your brows furrowed at the sight of the familiar bottle.
"It's woman but definitely not a witch," you returned the bottle. You look by the trees where you saw Renjun watching. You walked by one of the tall trees and knocked on the wood.
"Elf Yeonjun? Yeonjun, are you there?" You said and Yeonjun popped his head out of the small hole. Jeno and Jisung stood there, shocked.
"Yeonjun, do you know where this bottle came from?" Mark asked and showed the small elf the bottle. Immediately, Yeonjun examines the bottle and he nods his head.
"It's a bottle that belonged to the Potionmaker," Yeonjun said as you thanked the elf before he went back to his hole.
"The criminal is a woman but I don't think she's the one who brewed the potion. Anyway, for now, can you clear Mark's name?" You asked and Mark immediately held your hand.
"Clearing my name means coming back to the castle. I don't want to leave you here," Mark said with a sad face. You chuckled and kissed his lips,
"I will be alright, go back home, Mark."
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You bid goodbye to the Potionmaker of the woods. His sweet and confused smile stayed on his lips after his explanation of the bottle. The bottle belonged to him but he doesn't remember brewing poison as he swore to never brew one.
It has been days since you saw Mark. You missed his cheerful voice and his loud laughs. You return back to the cabin and laughed when you saw the young fairies playing chase.
You halted your steps when you saw the familiar figure in the kitchen. You dropped the basket and hopped onto his back. He cackled a laugh,
"Missed your prince too much?" He asked and you moved to hug him from the front.
"Far too much..."
"Jeno has settled in with his significant other and he will be coronated as king soon. The king is alright with me living with my love," Mark said and you immediately connected your lips.
Mark smiled and pulled you closer to him.
"I love you, my prince," you whispered and he laughed.
"I was this accused criminal who fell in love with a half fairy. I love you too, my fairy."
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playing minecraft with the mha boys
not me writing this at 1am...
ft. bakugou, todoroki, and midoriya
warning: swearing
“WHAT THE FUCK??? DAMN GAME!!” - a creeper blew him up
he hates the skeletons so much, he starts going in on one every time he sees one and laughs when they burn in the sun
he had never played minecraft before you showed him, so you were really excited to show him the ropes
you and katsuki were chilling in your dorm. you were a gamer, so you had a ps4/xbox hooked up to your TV. “wait why did i never think of this!! katsuki let’s play minecraft!!”
*visible confusion*
“the hell is minecraft??”
“...you deadass?”
you dragged him to your TV and booted up your gaming console. “i can’t believe you’ve never played minecraft before. what were you doing through your childhood.” “being the best,” he snorted. “whatever... grab a controller, i’m teaching you how to play!”
“now how do i find diamonds again??” “katsuki... we need to build a house first... go get some coal.” you told him. “don’t tell me what to do,” he went to mine. you had just finished telling him almost everything he needed to know about minecraft- he’d find out about the wither and ender dragon later. “DON’T MINE STRAIGHT DOWN!!” “I DO WHAT I WANT SHITTY WOMAN!!” “KATSUKI NO!!!”
King_Explosion_Murder fell straight into lava
“I HATE THIS GAME!” he yelled. “I TOLD YO ASS-“
you decided you both would try again tomorrow.
due to his childhood, he had no clue what minecraft was either- he barely knew how to work the controller
but you were ecstatic to show him how to play
“...minecraft?” shoto was confused. what were you talking about? “yeah!! minecraft. it’s a video game, here i’ll show you how to play.” “i- okay.”
as long as he got to spend time with you, he was fine, but he was still very very confused. after you showed him how to hold and work the controller, you told him everything he needed to know. “okay sho, ready?”
“i think?”
you booted up your system. “okay let’s start gathering wood...” “how do i punch again?”
once shoto got the hang of it, he loved it, and was really good at it too. you guys were having a lot of fun making tree houses and raiding villages.
also i feel like shoto would accidentally hit an iron golem and die
“okay bae... it’s a been a week, we’re ready for the ender dragon.”
you guys FOLDED that damn dragon, as you both should
basically you guys were experts on the game and had multiple worlds, different themes and everything
you cannot tell me izuku didn’t have a minecraft phase
like he would listen to parodies all the time and he owned a creeper hoodie (probably still listens to the parodies lmao)
so when you said you guys should play it, he got really excited
“hey izu, wanna play minecraft?”
he said 😮
“you have minecraft??? yeah let’s play!!”
“so... you had a phase too, y/n?” “haha... yeah...”
you guys spent that friday night singing minecraft parodies and playing
“I FOUND DIAMONDS IZUKU!!!” you practically screamed, and he practically screamed back- “WHERE??”
you guys went to the nether within your first hour of playing
and ofc izuku accidentally hit a zombie pigman and like 10 followed you back to your world 😐😐
you guys would build statues, had a bunch of mods and just had the best time playing
yeah i had a minecraft phase, what abt it 🤚🏽
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