#i di remember my favorite bits tho
rapidhighway · 26 days
one of my favorite things in teen titans is robin wearing his own mask underneath the red x mask
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
i love sending my brother screenshots of lil manga Akechis where he looks all sweet n innocent to make it seem funny how badly hes treated in our au with him. and pretending the canon horrors he doesnt know abt dont exist
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whateverisbeautiful · 13 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#48: The Wedding Plans (1.05)
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Of all the Jadis and Father Gabriel flashbacks, this was the best one right here because we get to learn something so special - Rick wanted to have a wedding with Michonne. 😭 Officially marrying his wife is one of the many milestones that trifling Jadis stole from them, and Michonne also addresses some other missed milestones Jadis took from them as they hunt her down 🚖...
Flashing back to two years ago, Jadis and Father Gabriel have another one of their annual meetings in the forest. Jadis asks, “How’s Rick’s wife doing?” And I do like hearing Michonne be referred to as 'Rick’s wife' by someone, even tho it’s one of my least favorite someones.
Father Gabriel says, “Michonne? She’s away helping people.” And even with this, I was like...SIR, are you at all curious why Jadis is curious about how Rick’s wife - who Jadis wasn’t close to - is doing? Like, please...
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I'm not even saying Father Gabriel needed to immediately put together that Jadis had anything to do with Rick, since he, like many, thought Rick died. But still, he could have at least been a bit more suspicious of Jadis' whole situation and told some people back home about her and her helicopter.
And then I’m side-eying Father Gabriel again when he asks, “Why did you call her his wife?” Gabe, you have to ask? 😑 Lol, I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but, the second I even realized these two were having these yearly meet-ups, everything they said and did had me looking at both of them like...
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Jadis says, “I mean, wasn’t she?” And I just know she’s thinking about how Rick barely says five words to her in Philly and most of those words are about his wife. 😋
Father Gabriel says, “Well not officially. If that matters anymore.” I said now Father G, I know you see Michonne every day raising those kids and wearing a wedding ring around her neck. That’s Rick’s wife, stop playing. 
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Also, in TWD I was proud of Father Gabriel when he had his whole evolution into a real one and became a valued member of the group. But seeing TOWL made me remember that while Father G has grown a lot, this man did in fact enter this franchise with snake tendencies.
Had me wondering if his snake past is what makes him intrinsically drawn to this snake Jadis. But little does Father G know, that while he's actually tried to improve himself, Jadis is still slithering through life and causing so much harm.
Something I do like about this exchange between them tho is it feels like yet another thing TOWL came to set the record straight on regarding Richonne. Like for all the viewers that used to comment “no ring, no marriage,” stuff about Richonne, this was TOWL being like nope, Rick and Michonne are and have long been husband and wife, period. 👌🏽
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This show didn't allow any room to downplay, discredit, or dismiss who Rick and Michonne are to each other and how much they mean to each other and I'll always appreciate TOWL for that. 😌
Then we get to the best part of these Jadis/Father Gabriel flashbacks when Father Gabriel says, “It’s funny. One day, Rick said that I should marry them. Maybe we should do it right there on the bridge that we were building”
Y’all. 🫠 When I tell you I was gagged when I heard that the first time.
I had been ready for them to just hurry this Jadis/Father G scene up but then I heard that line and...
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I adore that we got to learn that Rick wanted to have a wedding and was making plans for it before he was taken. He wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge. 🥹 The very bridge he was then taken from her for years. 🥺
Watching Rick's season 9 episodes back, they’re now even better knowing that making his marriage to Michonne official was on his mind. It’s almost like you can see it with certain scenes, even tho obviously this detail was more added in TOWL rather than pre-planted in TWD.
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It’s so sweet too because Rick was so adamant about that bridge being completed and I love knowing that it was both because of its practicality/symbolism of unity bringing the communities together and because it was where he and Michonne could celebrate their own special union with a wedding.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
This was esepcially great to hear because I had always felt that Rick would be the type to give Michonne a ring and want that traditional solidification of their marriage. So it was nice to hear these details that show he really was working on it. 🥹
Also, another TWD scene that becomes extra emotional upon learning that Rick wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge is Michonne’s first scene post-Rick in 9.06.
Michonne goes to the destroyed bridge years later and essentially expresses how she’s still so committed to Rick and still fighting for him and them and their family. It’s almost like she's saying vows.
And little did Michonne know (because I’m sure Father Gabriel’s secret-squirrel behind didn’t tell her) that bridge is the very place Rick wanted them to exchange vows and get married. 😭
Rick truly does look at Michonne and see his future because he had big plans for the two of them in season 9. He was fully ready to have a wedding and a baby with her in his final TWD eps.
Also, in the season 8 premiere, Maggie asks Rick if he’s been thinking about what 'tomorrow' looks like and he confidently says "Yes I have" as well as telling Maggie, "After this, I’m following you."
I already always got the sense that part of that meant Rick was thinking about expanding his family by having a baby with Michonne. But I like how now after TOWL that s8 scene really reads like Rick was thinking about having a baby with Michonne and officially marrying her. That's what he wanted his 'tomorrow' to look like. 🥲
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And a Richonne bridge wedding would have been beautiful. 🥹 In my head, Rick and Michonne definitely go on to have a wedding with their kids a part of it now that they’re back home. 
Father Gabriel says, “But I couldn’t see the future he described, so I sat on a log in the forest, and there at my feet in the dirt right in front of me was a ring. It seemed like it’d make a pretty nice wedding ring.”
See, see, see, even when others don’t see your vision, God gon’ see the vision. And He always makes a way. Amen. 🙌🏽
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And Richonne is blessed and highly favored so of course a ring showed up. 😇
But then...y’all, I have to side-eye Father Gabriel yet again with what he does next.
Father Gabriel says how he picked up the ring and thought to put it someplace that Rick would find it “because I could suddenly see that someday” and then this man takes the ring out, revealing that he’s been holding onto it all these years 🙃...
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Um imo, it would have been nice if shortly after the bridge he had told this story to Michonne and let her decide what she wanted to do with the ring.
Michonne clearly finds a lot of solace in these types of sentimental items and wore a wedding ring around her necklace. It could have possibly been a comforting thought for her to know this was the ring Rick might have proposed with since he was planning on them getting formally married with a priest and everything.
IDK, this was just making me feel like team family tried Michonne once again. 
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Father Gabriel says sadly, “But then what happened, happened.” And Jadis, perhaps masking remorse but still as self-centered as always, just starts talking about how she looks forward to their next visit and the chance to just sit and talk and feel like who she was. How can she be so unmoved by the fact that she’s kept two people who love each other dearly apart for years? She got to have moments of feeling like who she was while Rick lost himself day by day. 😑
Jadis starts opening up a bit more about what she does and how it weighs on her but she’s committed to the mission and...they just can never make me like Jadis, tbh. 😪 Even when she's supposed to be showing her more human side I'm still just like...
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And then Father Gabriel gets one more side-eye from me when he gives Jadis of all people that ring. What? 🙃
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The only thing I like about that choice to give her the ring is that it’s kinda like the ring had a similar journey to Rick. It was stuck with Jadis for years but then eventually found its way to its rightful person - Michonne. 👌🏽
But otherwise, I was like 'Father G, why would you...???' Jadis of all people should hold onto the ring he found for Rick to give to Michonne?? 😪 Wasn’t exactly here for that choice. But that wedding ring leads to not one but two of my absolute favorite Richonne moments going forward so it’s all good now. 😌👌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
In the present, Rick and Michonne engage in a car chase with Jadis.
Rick says they can’t kill her but Michonne begs to differ saying, “Oh we can.” I promise Michonne and I stay on the same wavelength at all times lol. 💁🏽‍♀️ Michonne,...
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Rick says, “I told you, she left a file about home for the CRM to find.” Michonne knows Jadis is just a neverending source of destruction when she says, “To destroy Alexandria because that’s what she does, Rick. She destroys!” Wrong where? 💯
Also, I love the little detail of seeing Michonne is wearing the M bracelet while she’s driving. Like they had to rush to get dressed and go chase after Jadis but Michonne still said I’m gonna remember to put on this bracelet from my man before we go. Here for it. 😊
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then I so appreciate that we get a moment for Richonne to acknowledge the valuable and important life moments and milestones Rick missed because of Jadis as Michonne says, “She robbed us of you being there to see your son being born. Taking his first step.” 😭
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I love that she says robbed ‘us’ because Rick being there to see his son being born and RJ's first steps would have been such incredibly special moments for Rick and Michonne to share. 😢
And Jadis really took that from them. Because while yes Rick was going to need the kind of medical assistance the Civic Republic could provide to survive the injuries he got from that rebar, he eventually would have been healed up enough to go home and recover there and be present for at least the tail end of Michonne’s pregnancy and birth. If only he hadn’t been held captive somewhere he couldn’t leave. 😞
Then I absolutely adore that, upon hearing Michonne mention super special milestones that Rick has missed in his wife and son’s life, Rick is immediately on the kill-Jadis train as he says, “Okay, what do we do after she’s dead?” I love the switch-up and how he’s instantly on board. 😋 He knows Jadis has got to go for, as he said before, stealing their family.
Michonne says they’ll do whatever they have to do and sis is not playing. 👏🏽 Jadis ain’t making it out of today alive if Michonne has anything to do with it.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Michonne rams into Jadis’ car and then they eventually get Jadis to crash off the path. As they continue their Jadis hunt down on foot, Jadis flees and enlists the help of that one noodle-less trio. She clearly has a scheme in mind because one thing about a snake...
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In the woods, Rick tells Michonne that the CRM's bases are spread out across the country and they have to figure out which one Jadis hid the dossier in. Rick suggests there might be a route where they can take Jadis alive and talk to her to get some info.
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Rick notes how Jadis clearly hated being called Anne and he thinks that the Anne-version of Jadis is still in there somewhere. (Both versions gotta go, in my book 🤷🏽‍♀️)
He says, “If there’s something she can give us first - something to keep Alexandria safe.” But Michonne feels they don’t need Jadis for that when she says, “We’ll keep it safe." And then, determined for Jadis to meet her maker before the sun sets, Michonne adamantly says, "But she’s gonna die.”
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You already know I'm with that energy. But I get where Rick is coming from too as he says, “We need to keep it safe without risking anything."
Rick then adds, "I couldn’t see some things. I couldn’t. You helped me. Maybe we can help her, and if we can’t...” And Michonne is in her full deadly mode as she finishes Rick’s sentence saying, “Then I can kill her.” She is not interested in deprogramming that lady. 😂
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gif cred: @taiturner
First; I love that Rick stays giving Michonne credit for how she helped him. He knows that after the mental warfare the CRM did on him, he was finally able to see the light - the real light not ‘the last light of the world’ - because of his wife.
And second; it’s admirable that Rick has it in his heart to want to help even someone who has done him so wrong. However…Jadis done had too many chances for help and she squandered it or took advantage of it every time cuz she’s a snake through and through. So the time for helping her has passed, which is why Michonne is hellbent on killing her.
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gif cred: @taiturner
Rick says, “Be my guest." because while he knows Jadis can be a resource to getting things they need, he also doesn't mind if she gets sent six feet under. I mean, killing her was a dream of his so he gets it. 👌🏽
Then Rick says, "Maybe just maim first.” and that delivery is great and always makes me smile. 😊 Rick trying to talk killing down to maiming - you can tell he knows his wife is gonna rip Jadis up somehow someway for everything she’s done to him and their family.
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gif cred: @taiturner
I don’t think Michonne even quite heard Rick's 'maim' comment cuz she spots some fresh blood on a tree and as a lethal woman on the hunt, she’s immediately ready to follow where it leads. And as they go, this pursuit leads to Richonne's final confrontation with Jadis. 😌👌🏽
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barrenclan · 25 days
hi!! I absolutely love patfw, and blacknose is one of my favorite characters. I work with dementia patients, and I can assure you that your research paid off and your portrayal of her is very accurate and respectful. it’s nice seeing a character be so humanized (even tho she’s a cat lmao) and given many different dimensions when so much media falls into inaccurate stereotypes. thank you for taking the time to do her story right :)
one ask about her once said that she’d forget mallowstar after he died and the remainder of barrenclan fled the wastes, but (no shade to this person, it’s a common misconception) this isn’t entirely accurate. a lot of people with dementia, even in later stages, still remember key details about their lives. they remember where they used to live, what they did as a career, and important people they knew, but forget that they don’t live/work there anymore or that those people may have passed a long time ago. I know residents at the memory care facility where I work who spend a lot of their days in a daze, have prominent physical or vocal tics, and frequently get agitated at the workers or other residents, but are still able to tell me all about their spouses/children/siblings/etc.
essentially, the more accurate way for this to impact her dementia would be for the severe psychological distress of defiance’s attack to cause her dementia to rapidly progress, leading her to become confused and scared on the journey and at wherever they may settle when she isn’t sure why she isn’t in barrenclan’s camp or where mallowstar is. I’m intrigued to see where things go from here and how the surviving members of blacknose’s family and the rest of barrenclan handle this in the midst of everything else they’re dealing with
Wow, thank you for sending in such an interesting and informed comment! I'm so glad that my writing holds up, and I'm especially glad I managed to nail the aspect of Blacknose's progression in her memory loss after Mallowstar's death. I don't exactly remember the ask you mention, but I did never intend for her to forget about him entirely, but instead to forget what happened to him and why he's not here, like you can see in Issue 40.
Blacknose will not disappear from the story as it closes up and I'm looking forward to getting to the last bits of her tale. I hope you like it!
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crazymothlady · 6 months
Some rambly brainstorms of what Real Life smp could mean to the lore
Theory one: this season wasn't run by the watchers, but fully by grian
- grian outright explains the rules not through monologue
- grian died first, no watchers protecting him
- season ended so fast, almost like the watchers weren't making sure it drew out for their own entertainment
This could also mean they have memories of all of them, this potentially be taking place in the limbo between seasons, being more of a practice game to pass the time. That would explain why everyone fit into old relationships, and why it was much more lighthearted, since they could all remember that permadearh isnt really the end(that being said, I feel like they would all be a bit more messed up)
Theory 2: this one's kinda hard to fit in, and u have to somewhat misinterpret references creators make, but is my personal fav.
What if this actually chronologically took place before the other seasons. It was run by grian, but the watchers saw it and were like 'we want that actually'
I say this because a) people don't put as much importance in death, b) it wasny drawn out by the watchers, c) a lot of curses and potentially magical protection like I mentioned before for grian aren't in place.
Maybe that's why so much was 3rd life adjacent. Renchanting , desert duo, 'new hobbitton'(tho that didn't include any of the Hobbits from 3rd life)
These interactions in RLsmp subconsciously effected 3rd life
Theory 3: also a favorite, more plausible then the 2nd theory
Fusion of the two, this takes place AFTER 3rd life in limbo, or was a 'failed attempt ' at the second season since no one survived past the first session. Thats why so many relationships from 3rd life are referenced, especially with the very few references to other seasons. GGG ended up at the end by complete coincidence, but subconsciously effected the group coming together in last life
That's also why RLsmp is so light hearted, no one realizes the toll of competing and dieing so many times. Pearls part of it because this was either her orientation or a first attempt to add her, idk how to explain gem being there or how to explain everyone who wasn't (maybe they were still recovering from last season, where as everyone else was healed enough for the watchers to attempt a new death game)
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woozten-x · 1 year
#. 𝘼𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 | 𝙉𝘾𝙏 127
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[ m.list including other neos! ]
─ Context: When dating, you’ve noticed many habits and cherished the many memories with your boyfriend; you recall every single one, your love for them growing stronger by the many moments shared with them. (NCT 127 EDITION)
─ Genre: Tooth-rotting FLUFF, lots of wholesome moments of just them being ur boyfriend, Headcanons
─ Length: 7 bullet points!
❒ a/n: hi i died but i have came back from the dead and as promised, i was gonna update in april. i had no excuse for why i wasnt writing LMAO but, here we are!! i hope this makes up for my absence and lack of updates. i swear, ill try to update more!! i do have plenty of drafts sitting in my silly little docs
tysm for the recent support tho! like always, i appreciate it sososo much and im happy to see many are interested with my writing(s)! <3<3 hope yall have a good one :) i have returned with a lovesick mindset once again! haechan + mark are already written in the NCT Dream version (linked below)
ꔠ NCT Dream as Boyfriend Moments .
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!! Johnny .
Giving you the cutest pet names - ‘Precious’ and ‘My love’ are his all time favorites and he is always calling out to you softly; Johnny’s love is embedded in his words, his gaze glowering with the affection he holds for you and the smile never leaving his face, only you could make him feel this way!
The type to pick you up with arms wrapped around your waist, his muscles flexing whenever he effortlessly picks you up off the floor to spin you around with a playful smile etched on his lips; Johnny always treating you like you are the only one he laid eyes on, sharing the lighthearted moments with the one he has fallen for
LOVES sending you photos of himself before photoshoots or when he is doing absolutely nothing but daydreaming about you; Johnny literally sends you photos of himself before posting on his Instagram, teasing you with special photos that makes him look extra goofy or extra handsome (no inbetween)
He is the one who takes your hand in his, putting your intertwined hands into the pocket of his jacket/coat or pants whenever the weather is a bit too chilly; Johnny always wanting to keep you warm, sharing his warmth and looking after you with the most gentlest touches
Backhugs are his forte, always approaching behind you and placing his chin on your shoulder or the top of your head while comfortably snuggled up behind you; Johnny’s strong arms surrounding your waist, his taller body always shrinking in your presence as he whispers in your ear when conversing with you
He gets distracted by you too easily! He is a huge baby when it comes with you, always having his attention on you like you are his entire world; unfortunately, many members had became thirdwheels because Johnny is solely focused on you, his attention laid upon the world or perhaps the entire universe
Long facetime calls with him! please gossip with him, that man LIVES for the tea; Johnny loves hearing about you regardless how “uninteresting” it may be and he tends to remember details, at times the members would pop up to join the gossip or jokingly gag whenever the two of you become lovey dovey (spoiler alert it’s Haechan)
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!! Taeyong .
Matching outfits? YES! He loves it so much when the two of you have matching clothing or coordinate with one another; Taeyong is willing to try out anything, always hyping you up whenever you feel insecure - of course, he is willing to try out new styles and is always open-minded about your choices
Probably steals your clothing as much as you steal his - oh, you are missing a crop top? He is showing up in it with a sheepish smile on his face, saying he didn’t think he would like it so much; don’t worry Taeyong always returns it and takes extra care of them, he even cleans them after using it!
LOVES when you hold his face in your hands, your gentle caresses and the ability to make him melt whenever you softly speak to him of sweet nothing; Taeyong could see the love in your eyes, his heart racing every time you gently speak and touch him - he feels like he is the luckiest man alive, knowing he has you
He either knows or does not know about those couple tiktok challenges or pranks, he definitely stumbled across some of them because he is a tiktok enjoyer; even if he knows, you shouldn’t try! Taeyong loves to play along and he would convince you that he didn’t know until the very end, always laughing at your reaction
Always has you accompanying him at the dance practice room whenever you are free, he is dancing to his heart’s content in the presence of the love of his life; Taeyong loves praise from you and has a passion for dancing, he is showing off and seeking your validation as he always feels the most loved with you
Writing raps or lyrics dedicated to you, whether you know it’s about you or not; Taeyong is a very productive songwriter, he feels most comfortable with music and is more than willing to show his deep love for you - reminding you that you will always be his inspiration and biggest motivator
Quiet nights where you hold him, playing with his hair and letting all the stress of being leader for NCT is laid to rest; the two of you would share deep conversations, softly speaking to one another and Taeyong is in serenity with you - he is willing to share all the stress and the future with you, promising to keep you by his side until the very end
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 !! Yuta .
He enjoys jewelry and whether you like it or not, he is getting custom matching rings, earrings, etc. with you! He definitely bought Howl and Sofia’s rings from Howl Moving Castle for the two of you to wear; it’s easy to please Yuta with any type of jewelry, always showing them off with a prideful, bright smile
Gives you his jewelry and clothes! He even recommends you what to wear, always wanting to see you confident and in high spirits with your beauty; Yuta is willing to learn to do your makeup or hair, becoming your personal stylist as he wants you to see what he sees whenever he lays eyes on you - the most beautiful person, he loves dearly
LOVES to call your name whenever you are busy, watching you turn to him and he lightly pokes your cheek or the tip of your nose; Yuta is smiling brightly at your surprised reaction, adoring your expression while his heart skips a beat whenever you smile back at him
Speaks to you in his mother tongue and it does not matter if you understand or not! He loves to tease you, speaking to you in phrases and smirking at your confused expression; most times, Yuta is laughing at you before calling you Japanese pet names in the most loving tone and giving you a chaste kiss to wipe away your confusion
Always wanting to hold your hand and even if he has stuff in his hands, he is still lending out a hand for you to take; Yuta can be quite pushy with it too, always wanting his hand interlocked with yours and he is always getting what he wants to let the idea of you being his prosper
Whenever you compliment him, he is willing to compliment you back; somehow, Yuta has many unspoken words for you and he is sharing them all with you, revealing how infatuated he is with you and how much he cherishes you - good luck, he is not one to back down so easily either as the two of you would have a compliment battle
The type to distract you with kisses or words of love or a random adventure whenever you feel down; Yuta is always taking care of you, treating you like you are the most fragile jewel he possesses - he would never let you forget how much you are loved and cherished, always making you smile to look like the most prized treasure
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!! Doyoung .
Your interests are his also! Are you hyperfixated on something? That’s okay, he is encouraging it and possibly making it worse; Doyoung is incredibly supportive of you, willing to learn whatever your interests are and even joins you for a new experience! He believes that you will teach him many new things, as he appreciates every moment shared with you
Matching keychains is a must and he loves those cute ones where the two of you can match, but it’s different colors - at times, he loves to switch stuffed animals with you or he would give you HIS plushies just so you don’t miss him too much when he’s gone/busy; Doyoung wants you to know that he is there, no matter the distance!
LOVES leaving notes for you, his pretty handwriting always speaking to you on a random post-it yet somehow those very same words convey so much love for you; Doyoung likes to compliment you in these notes and hoping for you to have a good day, reminding you that he is a message/call away if needed
His sweater paws always being placed on your face, a smile of pure adoration radiating his face with a love-filled gaze meeting your own; Doyoung loves to slowly lean forward when holding the most precious upon his palms, his forehead resting against yours with no words to spare - his expression is enough to show how much he loves you
He tends to have sleepless nights the day before meeting you again! He is thinking of the many things to say and what to do when he sees you; usually, his plans don’t follow through, as Doyoung is engulfing in your arms and holding onto you like the world had ended for a moment for him
Doyoung’s fight or fight mode triggers whenever he is with the Neos, unfortunately you are dragged into the drama also and he expects you to defend him like you are his knight in shining armor; if you side with the other Neos, he is a sulky bunny and giving you silent treatment until you give him a kiss on his pouty lips
Has a habit of checking if anything is out of line before you step out of the house or if you have any crumbs on your face after a meal; Doyoung stands close to you, leaning forward to inspect closely while gently brushing off any crumbs with his thumb or fixing your clothes/hair - he is smiling fondly at you, telling how beautiful you are after
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!! Jaehyun .
The type to rest a hand on you whenever he accompanies you, it’s a very subtle yet gentle touch and it’s one of those habits you may not notice at first; Jaehyun has a protective instinct of guiding you through a crowd or keeping you close to him, always by your side whether you are aware or not
Sends goofy photos or videos of himself, especially when first waking up in the morning or after a busy schedule; Jaehyun’s hair is usually messed up in most of those photos or he looks like some life was drained from him, it’s definitely a treat to receive first thing in the morning or throughout the day
LOVES to playfully wrestle with you or chase you around, the two of you having those childish moments where laughter and endless smiles are shared; Jaehyun enjoys these moments very much, his own heart in content and every worry forgotten whenever he is with you
Whenever you aren’t looking, he is fondly looking at you with a smile full of endearment when watching you; whether it is the most normalest thing or you doing some happy dance when eating good food, Jaehyun’s gaze is softening each time and is thinking how lucky he has to have you as his
He melts every time you run your fingers through his hair or stroke his head, something about the gesture is so comforting and he is always leaning into your touch similar to a feline wanting to be petted; Jaehyun is always comforted by you, this spell you have on him addictive
Borrows your lip balm or chapstick and he has no specific reason why he does it; Jaehyun seems to like the things you carry for skincare, seeming to borrow them or even use them himself - he also likes to have you apply it on his lips, then he has this dorky smile before kissing you with his soft lips
Listen to those R&B songs together, listening to his collection of records, he likes to pull you into his arms and dance with you in the middle of the room; Jaehyun is holding onto you in a gentle grasp, the two of you swaying along the melody as you both lost yourselves to the music
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!! Jungwoo .
Sassy boyfriend babygirl and he loves to be a smartass when around you, something about seeing your buttons being pressed makes him wanna act up; Of course, he never takes it too far but we all know he will litter your face with kisses in apology if he does
Encourages and joins you on self care days! Those days where the two of you spend a spa day together or he is joining you for your skincare routine while eating snacks and watching movies; Jungwoo loves his baby pampered and he loves to be pampered also! He will definitely treat the two of you to a royal treatment, as you both deserve it
LOVES to tease you by purposely ignoring you until you call him by a cute pet name, he simply refuses to listen to you when you call him by his name; Jungwoo wants to hear your endearment dripping from every pet name, the bright smile on his face worth it in the end every single time
He has a huge appetite which means he is willing to eat whatever you don’t want to eat! He reminds you to eat something, even if it’s a small snack or meal; Jungwoo finds food important, he is incredibly supportive and is willing to eat any of your portions so you don’t feel too bad
Has blackmail on the other Neos and definitely shares them with you, he loves to tease the other members (especially Doyoung and Jaehyun) and you are expected to join his mischief; expect random photos or videos from Jungwoo of the other Neos, you are his best friend and lover - he is not treating those titles any less
Has those cheesy cute “My girlfriend/boyfriend *heart emoji*” or whatever on your contact info and he gets all pouty when you don’t meet his energy; Jungwoo wants to show you are his and he is yours! He definitely has matching couple ideas, and he loves to make sure his contact is revealing that he is no ordinary person in your life
Has the ability to know when you are upset or feeling down, he is the type to walk up to you and hug you; Jungwoo gives one of the best hugs and he is holding you tightly, placing a gentle hand on your head while you rest against his chest - no questions asked, use him until all your worries/tears are gone
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writinandcrying · 8 months
TMNT HEADCANON - Turtle of choice x reader (GN)
Reader’s Birthday
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the first slice goes to.. / showing love through cake lol
It’s a tradition in my country to give the first slice to the person you love the most during your birthday, so here a tiny Headcanon for how the turtles would react to it!
Here a demonstration of this wholesome act, TW cute kids
Reader and TOC (turtle of choice) are still on the “crush stage”, doing with the 2003 boys cuz I’ve recently started watching the show! (I only remember bits it cuz I was pretty young when it aired lol, I love how the very beginning shows how they found out a new lair, how they met april, how they barely got any human contact before meeting her, it’s super cool and has some fresh concepts comparing to most canon narratives, if you haven’t watched the 2003 series I highly recommend it)
Anyways, let me know if you would like me to do other versions as well :) hope you guys like it, feedback is welcomed 🫶
English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes !!
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🛹 He’s deadass behaving like this after you tell him the meaning behind giving the first slice (i love this gif lol)
🛹 “AWW !! ANGELCAKES!!” Hugs you so tightly you barely have time to move the tiny slice to the nearest surface you can find, one second later the cake would have gotten smushed between you two
🛹 good luck if you have labyrinthitis, he WILL spin you around a few (at least 5) times to show how appreciative he is of the gesture
🛹 he’s not letting you go for a hot second
🛹 Sees this as an opportunity to finally kiss your cheeks, he has always wanted to but never really had a “reason” to without making things awkward, this is his perfect chance!
🛹will randomly give you kisses through out your stay
🛹 Gets addicted to it, your skin are much softer and smoother than theirs, does a mental note to give more attention to this area from now on
🛹 If you blush to his antics tho? Oh he is DONE for
🛹if you placed a microfone to his chest it would def broadcast the sickest beat
🛹 boom boom boom boom 💥
🛹Actually he will cling to you, will do anything you want or ask for, it’s your princess / prince / royalty day!
🛹 Pls confess to the poor boy lol he’s actually anticipating it now
🛹 Literally vibrating with joy, expect lots of hugs from him
🛹 Your bday will become his favorite “holiday” (yes for him it’s a holiday now )
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🔬”Cake time! “ Mikey sings out loud as he has been patiently waiting for your arrival to sing happy birthday
🔬you insist that Donnie gets the first slice tho, and he definitely reads into why you are persistent of him instead of younger brother
🔬he of course accepts it, but D keeps it quiet most of the evening, doesn’t want to put you on the spot, but he can swear he saw a faint blush adore your cheeks when you looked towards him
🔬 will ask to speak in private with you, hopefully when the “birthday commotion” dies down a bit, he definitely doesn’t want to deal with Raph’s and Mikey’s “oooooh” and “get it Donnie!” Teasing remarks
🔬He still deals with it tho, cuz I mean, brothers.
🔬 Donnie shows the reason why he pulled you over, a PowerPoint complication of several different birthday traditions around the globe he has read some before setting up the party earlier
🔬 “Isn’t it interesting?? “Totally trying to cover up his main question, did you or did you not give him the first slice? aka just said in front of EVERYONE that HE is your favorite person in the entire world?????
🔬 “one of the most wholesome ones I’ve fond was this one, apparently, I mean, if you wish to, you give the first cake slice to your- erm, to the person it means the world to you…”
🔬 “that one is pretty cute, yeah” you chuckle, looking down as his nervous hands, fidgeting with a random prototype he decided to hold it for moral support while showing of his presentation
🔬”were you.. aware of such tradition? “ Donnie finally looks towards you, searching for any indication of you confirming his suspicions, eyes shining with anticipation
🔬 “I was- I am aware of it Donnie” you smooth your hand on top of his as you caress it tenderly
🔬 literally let’s out the dorkiest giggle you have ever heard in your entire life
🔬 the “school girl / Kicking my feet” kinda giggle
🔬 cover his mouth right after he lets it out. Don is mortified, embarrassed as hell, deadass wants to crawl in a hole and die after he lets it out
🔬 Relaxes a bit after he sees you giggling as well
🔬 asks more about your birthday traditions, past birthdays memories you had to break the ice (that’s his way is being smooth)
🔬 please be noted, He does not let go of your hand, man is making his moves
🔬 but just a heads up; this moment will live rent free in his mind for MONTHS on end, for his sake (and his brothers sake as well) confess as soon as you can
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🧨 says he doesn’t want it right off the bat
🧨 It’s not that he doesn’t want to accept your feelings, he actually has no ideia about this tradition whatsoever, if you have ever told him before, he definitely forgot it
🧨 Plus, I’m a firm believer most Raph’s aren’t really into sweet treats, they doesn’t want to mess with his diet or can’t handle much sugar (gym rat tendencies)
🧨 You try to empathize how special it would be for you if he accept it
🧨 you really don’t wanna say why tho, like, this is already really embarrassing as it is
🧨 just take the cake man, damn
🧨 mikey for the rescue! literally shoves the cake down his throat after Raph guarantees he doesn’t want it
🧨 Things get a bit awkward after that, you really don’t want to showcase that such a small thing had an affect on you
🧨 But there’s a tiny part of you that feels rejected, unconsciously start to shut down
🧨 Raph is extremely perspective of this, much the second youngest, he start to analyses what could have gone wrong, did something happen before you came to celebrate your birthday? Is someone bothering you? Should he teach them a lesson?
🧨 Will antagonize Donnie to check cameras around your area and work place
🧨 But it’s donn who comments about the birthday tradition
🧨 Will literally get so mad when he finds out lol
🧨 Feels SO stupid, Jesus Christ
🧨Will bark at mikey to spill the cake out, that was his slice
🧨”Dude, that was a week ago!
🧨 “I don’t care. Spill. it. out.”
🧨 “Raph, he probably already, uh- processed it out? “
🧨 “you guys are freaking disgusting, do we really have to discuss this at the dinner table?”
🧨 Will randomly show up at your place with a tiny red cake, a bit messy, but still pretty cute
🧨 “my birthday was last week, im pretty sure you were there to witness” you let out a chuckle, trying to ease out the undeniable tension in the air
🧨” this is my cake “
🧨 “ok..?”
🧨” …and I want you to have the first slice “
🧨 Oh.
🧨 OH.
🧨 oh.
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🎏 Unlike his brother, Leo could never forget it
🎏He literally has a folder in his brain just for stuff you tell him
🎏Stores it like the most precious piece of information anyone has ever given him
🎏 It took him a really long time to process his feelings for you, but once he does it, he treasures every single moment he has with you
���� you don’t even have to say anything when he sees you holding the plate to his direction, holding a mix of surprise and yet seriousness look on his face
🎏it’s like eveything it’s suddenly in slow motion, The determination behind his eyes makes you concerned a bit
🎏”Thank you, y/n”
🎏He bows to you
🎏 His brothers have no ideia what that was but they are def crackling up a storm
🎏 “what was that????”
🎏 “Tone it down, splinter junior, it’s just a cake”
🎏 what the boys don’t see it’s you being absolutely speechless and looking like a tomato as Leo takes his slice
🎏 you are the one over-analyzing the situation here
🎏What did he meant by that bow? does he remember what you told him ages ago? He wouldnt simply just bow for a slice of cake, would he?
🎏It fuels a fire inside of you and him, both extremely aware of each others lingering touches and thoughtful gestures from now on
🎏This goes on for a while, this whole… mutual pining stage can be tricky, but when reciprocated, it’s so nice to navigate through, and honestly quite addicting
🎏 a confession won’t even be necessary, leo and you get together over thoughtful acts, your first kiss was under the mistletoe on Christmas was an easy feat, yes, it was barely a brush over eachother lips, but still just felt natural, like it was supposed to be
🎏the midnight kiss in new years was a whole other thing, hands gripping on each other, his hand holding the nape of your neck like his life depended on it, you two couldn’t get enough of each other, waiting for so long to actually make a move after the cake incident
🎏 you finally make it official on his birthday, gracing you a smile and a light peck as he gently places the slice right in front of you
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antebellumite · 3 months
tumblr fake posts but it's exclusively the US congress 1830s-50s. this will probably not make sense to anyone. it barely makes sense to me: [this is a long post. press j to skip]:
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guys help three senators from my party are outside my door and its a sunday and im scared i think they want something.
they want me to blackmail the president.
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henrywisingitup Follow
ohhhh goddddd ok so the coworker that called me a slur at work a few days ago IN PUBLIC just got a duel challenge from a friend of mine aslkdf. istg i hate him so much he's so annoying and he needs to resign or kill himself immediately. i hope he accepts the challenge fucking dies or gets shot up. good RIDDENCE fucking turd pile of trash empty bladder dung beetle puppy bastard LIAR. welliamgravely Follow
what'd he call you?
henrywisingitup Follow
an aboliti*nist.
Congblr Heritage Post. #congblr heritage post #senblr heritage post #houseblr heritage post #lmao remember when abolitionist was a slur guys #thank u pierceuinfiftytwo #i hate this post #and i think u do too #mod greeley
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Anonymous asked hi i'm sorry if i'm bothering you with this ask but i'm kinda new to this whole politics thing ( was just recently elected by my constituents so this is my first term ) and i would like to know how to get started on congblr? i've been recently appt to the house and i'd love to engage more with the community. do u have any blogs you'd suggest to me? bunnybrownfrench
hi anon!!!! i'm so glad you're here and in the house too ! ( it's where i am- frankly the Better House of Congress too while we're at it ). sadly i don't know what politics or party u have and i mostly scurry round the democrat side of the aisle more than anything, so i might not be able to help u that much, but i can try to give you some good ones!
@/gowestyoungman is a good source for news, and i'm personally a fan of @/mattbradydaggeurotype but @/geopeteralexhealy has some great portraits! obviously anyone has to follow @/oldhickory if they're a dem ( or even a whig ) they have great posts, lots of drama and thought provoking articles. a vv funny scroll. @/greatcompromiser is on the opposite side as a whig, but always sophisticated in their arguments, with nice shitposts in between to lighten the mood if you're uneasy about the american system.
@/jquincy and @/oldbullion are mostly serious blogs and if you're a westward expansion fellow, they're top blogs for u to follow. a bit hard at times, but personally i think they have great humor to make up for it ( unlike @/castironman though if you're here for what he posts all the more strength to u i suppose). @/redfoxkinderhook is also a good blog but they rarely post ( and never anything personal). @/godlikedan is my personal favorite blog. they have everything on there- drama, shitposts, detailed analysis, longposts, important info, aesthetics, etc.
for the rest tho anon, i'll leave it up to you! go out and explore! find the blogs u like; i wish u the best of luck!
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greatcompromiser hey guys, look at this BEAUTIFUL new commission i just got from @/mattbradydaggeurotype! it was wonderful to work with you, matt! <333
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every day i wake up.
#body horror
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gallerywatcher Follow
why he kinda......
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robrhett Follow
this bitch thirsting over baldy mcuseless LMAO
gallerywatcher Follow
hearing strong words from a guy whos blog is devoted to john c calhoun
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i have herpes. greatcompromiser
yeah? and????? we know.
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bunnybrownfrench asked: orgies in hell over secession!! dailyaskstotheussenate
i forgot i asked for poem recommendations for a moment.
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#ask #bunnybrownfrench
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castironman follow It is with great misfortune that I continue the discourse of the past week, but due to recent actions by certain other accounts, I have to re-engage with this conflict. Again, I would like to say that I stand firm in by belief that the 2BUS should not be re-instated, and that I resent the idea that I have somehow 'flip-flopped' or 'betrayed' my past ideals or other people in regards to what I believe to only be my own rational decisions, all logical as I will prove. read more
oh you've got to be kidding me.
read more
#fucking fuck offfff JOHN #dumbass ungrateful bitch #subtreasury discource #castironman #i shouldve let oldhickory hang you
54,233 notes
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Hello, all. The Liberator is proud to announce a new mod today to assist in spreading the antislavery message. Presenting: @/frederickdouglass! We're very glad to have a new member to the abolitionist movement, and even more so to have a new mod with us today! We're sure they'll do great work, and we hope you share our excitement as well!
-Mod Garrison and The Liberator Team
Hello, all. Disregard this post, since we cannot delete it. Frederick Douglass has been removed from the mod team.
#info #state of the blog #mod update #mod garrison
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to the anon who asked us when the gag rule is going to be repealed.
the day that john quincy adams finally snaps and decides to murder the rest of his colleagues on the floor.
or never.
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Hello all, Frederick Douglass here. As you might be aware by now, The Liberator and I have since parted. The reason for this is due to several irreconcilable differences, some political, some personal. The drama has since cooled down, but due to the blowout from our conflict, William Lloyd Garrison and I have agreed to since part ways. I am currently running @/thenorthstar on multiple platforms available in my bio.
Garrison and I are still part of the abolitionist movement together, so if you're worried about the harm this might cause to our end goal of emancipation for enslaved people in the United States and the complete destruction of the slave system as it stands today, do not worry. I will be reposting a catalogue of my speeches and writings here that were originally in The Liberator- which you may feel free to mute as you wish. My advocacy for human rights will proceed as normal.
Please do not contact me to ask about just what occurred between The Liberator and I, however, as that is something that I both do not want to discuss, and feel it is unnecessary considering this blog's true content matter.
#info #blog #the liberator #please direct any and all comments about wlg to mr smith from now on
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higherlawseward Follow
Let's settle this once and for all.
#bro's getting ratioed so hard i almost cant watch. #SEWARD #delete this sewage boy
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brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague as your first act in congress to express your admiration for him (also from your state)( literally the most famous senator of your era)(you plucked this flower straight from your home state and tenderly carried it all the way to washington dc to hand to him)(kinda cute too)(this is the first time you've met him)(whig party, you're a democrat)(70 yrs old)???
brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague who's dying in a washington dc hotel room and sit by him for hours on end talking about politics and personal life before he finally expires his last breath and you tenderly are the last person to gently readjust his pillow as he falls asleep in your arms...
oldbuck Follow
brecknridge Follow
oh ok
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A gift from a friend. ;) ;) ;)
Everyone stop reblogging this. This was supposed to go to my other blog.
#lmao get wrecked. #always knew you had a porn blog danny
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real talk everyone in this senate needs to stop having drama.
#@/castironman @/greatcompromiser... looking at you both #stop it
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menstruation sounds so cool....but why doesnt it ever happen to men???
remind me how you got elected again.
76 notes
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going to @/oldhickory's inaugeral party. I expect a solemn affair.
F U CK they broug ht t cheeessseeee....
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back to work in the senate :D~~~!
dawson Follow
tf i thought we censured you??
i got reelected :) :) :)!~
#take that mofos #no blocking or muting can remove me NOW #suck my dick
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OH MY GOD I HATE this house chamber so much the acoustics are horrible and its so crowded istg I am blaming Thomas Jefferson for all of this. the room was clearly already too crowded in the 1790s and then the louisiana purchase just comes by and Fucks! Shit! UP???? by doubling the amount of people who have to be stuffed in here??? and everyone keeps on smoking and spitting tobacco everywhere and its too hot??? i think the lead is killing me. i think the air is killing me. i think my colleagues are going to kill me. I DEFINATLY THINK HENRY WISE AND HIS COMPANY IS TRYING TO KILL ME???
Kill me.
get used to it buddy.
we're making court decisions in the goddarn congress basement if that helps.
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so horny for her
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just saw william seward and jefferson davis taking a carriage together. i don't get it. am i the only one who thinks that as antislavery advocates we in the senate Shouldn't be playing nice with slaveholders??
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forthurricane Follow
breakfast is very fufilling i say as a person who's morning meal consists entirely of a carton of milk and one (1) expired bread loaf garrison Follow
everyone please stop reblogging op is literally jefferson davis.
52,346 notes
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Not to be mean but this coworker of mine needs to get caned. 23,233 notes
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senatorero hangman foote threatened to kill me again today. can someone please tell me if this means im part of the antislavery club.
vivelasboston Follow
are you a republican? because otherwise i think it's appropriation.
oh for christs sake
#personal 4 notes
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such a cruel world... so many good laps to sit on and no one to let me do so.
#SO MANY SOFT LONG CONGRESSIONAL LEGGGGS #THEY ALL LOOK SO COMFFYYYYY #ah well #no comfort or joy in life i suppose #time to bully president pierce into expanding popular sovreignty into kansas nebraska!!! :)))))) #this won't cause any issues
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Round 2, Match 26: Tom and Maddie Wachowski vs. Sakyo Furuichi
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Submitted kids:
Tom and Maddie Wachowski: Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles
Sakyo Furuichi: Azami Izumida, Banri Settsu, Juza hyodo, Taichi Nanao (these are just the main ones but tbh all Mankai company characters who were under 20 in year 1 count)
Propaganda under the cut!
Tom and Maddie Wachowski:
"they’re canonically found family; at least Sonic & them are 100% confirmed, & Tails & Knuckles are implied.
Tom may be a cop but he actively goes against the government in both movies. in the first, to protect this alien hedgehog kid he just met in his shed & shot with a tranquilizer dart by accident, & in the second, his kid & his new friend (Tails), both of which just came tumbling through a ring portal & crashing Maddie’s sister Rachel’s wedding.
Maddie is a vet & although it isn’t shown in the movies, it’s assumed this makes her more able to take care of their sons if they get sick &/or injured etc despite them being aliens. bit devastated i can’t remember anything else significant to add for her other than she & Rachel (her sister) got to wield Tails’ guns in the second movie’s wedding crashing-ing/bridezilla scene.
Bonus shoutout, her sister also plays a part in both movies, although her part being bigger in the second movie, where after her wedding is crashed, it’s revealed that her fiancée is a government spy. she goes absolutely berserk & it’s one of my favorite scenes/sequence of scenes bc she’s a girlboss & i absolutely adore characters going ham & insane on driving golf carts.
both sisters are girlbosses tbh, & i love this weirdass family consisting of these 3 alien kids, their dog Ozzy, Donut Lord (Tom), Pretzel Lady (Maddie), Pretzel Lady’s sister Rachel, Rachel’s fake-spy-love-turned-real-love husband Randal, & Rachel’s daughter Jojo."
Sakyo Furuichi:
"his first adopted child was azami, azami was his yakuza boss's kid but the boss was always busy and the mom died when azami was 5 so sakyo at age 23 ish raised azami singlehandedly. he went out of his way to protect azami's dream of becoming a makeup artist when his biological dad disapproved,, like when azami secretly ordered makeup online, sakyo told the boss it was "stuff teenage boys like" which prompted the boss to leave it alone. azami even said he sees sakyo as a dad 🥺
besides azami, sakyo also fusses over his other kids tho he has difficulty being honest abt his feelings. he's v strict abt the company budget (they're all in a theatre company called mankai company btw) but it's bc when he joined the company was in crippling debt so he doesn't want them to go through that again and lose their home. he also expressed disappointment that he wasn't the first one to take banri drinking when banri became of age which is so dad behaviour to me <3"
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Hello gorgeous !
Could you write an soulmate au ( seeing colour )with billy and stu but the reader is from our time line and we meet them and the gang , and when when they are alone we just confess we know everything and them nsfw happens ?
Bonus if we have a ghostface tatto on our inner tigh 🖤
you look like you've seen a ghost | Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | Part 2 | AO3
synopsis: it was just a normal school day until you saw your favorite movie brought to life. You may not know how that was possible, but you do know everything that is happening. And, damn, you shouldn’t think that it will be a great experience but it is better than lying to yourself, right?
warnings: this is about two slashers so... blood, disrespect towards others lifes and a lovely, bloody and kinky make out session. a little bit of knife play, but just a little. and some swearwords, i made the reader a little bit offensive. actually: if you are reading about a slasher you should know that those warnings would be like that so....
note: thanks for your request my love! I take some time cuz I was sick and it was also my first time writing for slashers, hope I did well :) also: IF BAD WHY HOT???
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It was a weird dream. No. Not a dream: it was a really weird nightmare. The moment you wake up the memories we’re already vanishing, but that ferrous taste didn’t leave your mouth even after breakfast. The thing was that the dream had something more than just black and white. Everyone just see those two color until they meet their soulmates, so you are not exactly sure if you are just confused or with you really saw it.
You saw blood on your dream and it wasn’t black.
Even tho you we’re focused on trying to remember your dream, the real life called and you need it to respond. School. An essential part of everyone’s life, but somehow everyone would create and excuse to stay at home. You weren’t in the mood to go to school and spend hours listening to boring monologues about your teacher’s divorce, but you had no choice. 
Armed with headphones, you walked to school. At the school street you could see your friends, they tend to stay in front of school until everyone arrives, but it seens like the whole school had just decided to stay outside the building.
Before you could say anything, Stacy put her hands on your shoulder. “Guess who just died.” You blinked, surprised by the way she said it. “I don’t know who died but I know that a guessing game is not a great way to share the news.”
James hugged Stacy from behind, laughing at your response. “Darling, that was kinda creepy.” Stacy rolled her eyes. “Shut up”, she said. “Casey Becker was murdered last night. Murdered.”
“Wow” you said. “I am so sorry for her and her family. But, well, I don’t want to be rude, but who is Casey Becker?”
“What?” Stacy murmured. “You know her. We have science and math class with her. The blonde girl. Well, you don’t see color yet, so... the one with fringe, we watched Halloween with her and her boyfriend on the cinema. Do you at least remember Steven Orth?”
You shake your head, walking towards the building. “I really don’t remember her. Probably I am just a little bit confused.” You don’t remember Casey Becker, or Steven Orth, or watching a movie with them. You do remember hearing that name before, but not the girl. Embarrassed, you chose to lie. “I’m just having a horrible migraine, I almost can’t think straight.”
“Okay”, Stacy said, not really believing anything you told her but also not really sure if you we’re lying. On the school hallways, already on a new subject with James, Stacy stopped talking in the middle of the setence and pointed to a locker. “They are already making a memorial.”
Roses, bouquets, notes with heartbreaking messages decorated what before was Casey Becker’s locker. It was so kind and affectionate that even without knowing the girl who just died, you got sad. But when a person moved and you saw a picture of Casey Becker, sadness was nothing to you.
“She is Drew Barrymore.”
“What?” James asked. “Who?”
“She is Drew Barrymore”, you repeated. “50 First Dates, Charlie’s Angels, Santa Clarita Diet. Its a joke?” And then you remembered where you heard the name. “Its Scream’s birthday? Well, you guys get really creative. I almost believed.”
Stacy touched your forehead. “Dear, what the hell are you talking about? Who is Drew Barrymore? Did you take medication for your migraine?”
“You are really into the character”, you responded. “Fine, I want to be the helpless victim.” Stacy and James shared a look. “Are you fine?”, James said. “Do you feel dizzy?” 
The alarm sounded.
“I have english class now” you waived to them. “See ya later.”
When you disappeared around the corner, James turned to Stacy. “It is a normal part of girls... you know, special moment of the month?”
“No, James” Stacy rolled her eyes. “Act crazy is not a normal part of menstruation.” She finished the way to her class alone. “And I am the creepy one.”
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As you already thought, the teacher was using class time to talk about his divorce. Not a single lesson. And he still surprised that his ex-wife didn’t want to be with him, that men simply can't shut up.
Drawing something on your desk, what you shouldn't but you we're so bored that you almost didn't realize what you we're doing, your mind flew a little bit. Thinking about how weird it was that everyone knew about Scream's birthday except for you, Ghostface was one of your drawings.
Distracted, you dropped a pen. When you bend to grab it, another hand touch it. You look up, your mouth already moving to thank with the person, but no sound could be heard. You we're almost drooling yourself because, damn, that was Sidney Prescott.
It was like the movie came out of your and decided to go to school. It was her. The hair, the smile, the cheeks. Sidney Prescott was sitting beside you.
"Are you okay?" Even her voice was the same. She look like Sidney more than Nave itself.
"Thanks" that was all you could say. After grabbing the pen, you glance at your hands and count how many fingers you have. Ten. Not a dream. Ten fingers means that you are wake up. "You really look like Nave Campbell."
She smiled at you. Sidney Fucking Prescott smiled at you. "I don't know her, it was a praise or a offense?"
"A praise", you sit straight, tyding up your hair. "She is a actress. Did you ever watched Scream?"
She shaked her head. "Never ever heard about a movie with that name. Do you recomend it?"
Okay, that must be a really awesome coincidence. No way that she is Sidney. It is just a girl that looks like her. Things like that happen everytime. You even know a girl famous for looking like Selena Gomez. Just a coincidence.
"It is a movie for people who loves movies. Do you like horror? If you do, then you gonna love it."
"I do" she looked at the teacher, just making sure that he was still talking about how his ex-wife take his dog. "Whats your name? I don't remember seeing you."
You said your name to her. "I need it to change my class schedules, probably we didn't have a class together before. Whats your name?"
"Oh, I didn't even knew that it was possible. It is really nice to meet you, my name is Sidney Prescott. Whats your next class? Mine is history."
Okay. Just a coincidence. A really weird coincidence. Maybe she is just playing around. She is a copy of Nave, she probably just heard people saying this her whole life and decided to joke about it a little. Just a coincidence.
Things still kinda weird. Talking with her, you just remind something Stacy told you. She said that you, her, Casey and Steven had watched Halloween together on the cinema. What is weird because you never watched Halloween on a cinema. You watched it home, on a streaming service. And you also remember that Drew was on Alien so no one need to act like she didn't exist to make a joke about her appearing on Scream. And also, how could you leave your phone at home?
"And then he said: If you don't know anything, you probably just need to study more. I mean, hello, I would know if you did use your class to talk about english."
Moving to next class, that you both have together, silence didn't had space to exist.
"He is so strange. Why does he thinks that we would know something about a divorce? Just go to a therapist", she laught at your commentary. "Or to a lawyer. I am pretty sure that taking someone's dog is not a legal thing to do."
Sidney and you sit, the teacher was talking to a student about notes. "Would you like to do something after school?", you asked.
"That would be really nice", Sidney touched your arm. "What about watching a movie? My house will be empty, we could make popcorn and grab some junk food."
"That would be perfect."
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"You can choose the movie while I make our lunch" Sidney said, walking around her kitchen and thinking about what you both could eat first. "You're welcome, feel free to choose whatever you like."
"Do you feel like watching what type of movie?" You scream to her at the living room, opening the shelf with all her movies. A breeze made shivers go up on your spine. Its a cold house. "Can you borrow me a sweatshirt?"
"Of course" Sidney reply. "My room is upstairs. Open the second drawer."
You opened her room and found everything, to the furnitures to the clothes, absolutely the same way as the movie. The phone ring downstairs. She really loves to use her looks to make fun of people. What would happen next? Ghostface gonna try to kill her?
You opened the second drawer and took one of her sweatshirts. They smeel like roses. You felt so warm now, a house surrounded by trees can be really cold. Walking around her bedroom, you breath in and let the calm enter you body.
Then you heard a scream.
And a crash!
"Sidney! Are you okay?"
The noise didn't stop. Things we're being break. You heard slaps, angry screams, something heavy beating against the floor.
A baseball bat was standing beside the bedroom door. You didn't even think twice, you grab it and run down stairs. And you saw something that you couldn't explain. Something that you we're trying not to see. Something that should be impossible.
You saw Ghostface choking Sidney Prescott.
Exactly like the first scene we're they fight on the first movie. Exactly like Scream, from 1996, we're Billy Loomis and Stu Macher we're trying to kill Sidney Prescott.
It was... It was real.
Absolutely no fucking way this could be real. 
 It is just a bad dream.
You beat his back with the bat, releasing Sidney's from the killer. You pushed her, making her rise while trying to breath again, and beat Ghostface one more time.
"Are you fine?" Sidney didn't asnwer, but you both couldn't stay there. She grabbed you hand and push you upstairs, running to her room. "We need to get out of this house."
"Oh, I assure you need to" Ghostface screamed, getting up on the first floor.
Sidney locked her door and you both put furnitures in front of it. The door shake with him using his whole body to open. He was screaming and cursing, but Sidney was way smart to stand up without doing anything to protect herself.
"We can use the window", she said, already opening it.
You looked down, seeing that a fall like that would end up with some broke bones. "Better then die, right?" You we're not so sure, but when she agree with you it was like a little confidence bost. "And if we thrown your matttress?"
Sidney dropped everything that was on her bed and you both guide it to the open window. It was difficult, but it fell on the right place. Without even thinking, you helped her. It was just a dream, after all.
Standing on the window's jamb, she was scared to jump. "That is the only way", you told her.
And then, that horrible sound made of offenses, pushes and beats stopped. Ghostface was running towards you both, trying to grab Sidney to finally kill her, and you did the only thing you could.
You pushed her.
"You fucking cunt!"
It happen so fast. In a second you we're almost following Sidney out of the house, the next your hair was grabbed and you we're thrown on the floor. Your head burned and, with closed eyes, you felt him above you. Something cold, something sharp, touched the bottom of your neck.
It is just a dream. Just a weird dream.
"Open your eyes" Ghostface laughed. "Not so brave now, uh?" He pressed the knife, not cutting your skin but scaring you so bad that you stopped breathing. "I said open your eyes!"
Wishing you could wake up now, you did open your eyes. Ghostface mask was right above your face, his eyes on the same line as yours, and it was impossible to not look direct up on them.
And you saw red.
Part of your view still black and white, but a lot start burning. The red blood on his hands. The orange wallpaper, the yellow lighting. Everything was warm and soft and amazing. Everything was beautiful.
And then you realized what that means.
"You" he said. Not an offense, not an order, not a question. Just a word. Ghostface, you are not so sure if it was Billy or Stu, slipped the cold knife around the skin of you neck. "You", he said, again, and you we're not able to understand if that means something good or bad. The knife got down, he slipped it until the tip was pressing against your belly. You couldn’t breath. His other hand hold your face and it almost felt carefull. One finger slide against your lips. "You look like you seen a ghost."
And Sidney hit him with the same baseball bat you used to save her.
"You fucker!" Sidney screamed.
You don't even remember rising up from the floor. Or going down stairs and getting out of her house. You don't remember when the cops came or when they took you to the police station. You don't remember when you're parents took you home. You don't remember washing yourself or changing your clothes.
All you could thing about was how the words seens so beautiful. And how the image of a ghost didn't leave your vision.
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Part of you thought that you would wake up and everything would be normal again. But the moment you enter the living room and heard the news, noticing how that voice sounds exactly like Monica Geller's voice, you understood that everything that happened to you was real.
You don't know how, but you are into a movie. Your favorite movie on the whole world. And without even noticing, you put yourself on a killer's aim. Of course you couldn't be in a romcom. No, it has to be a slasher. What a lucky girl.
Your parents we're so worried about everything. They didn't let you go to school, what was something that you didn't mind at all, and they look like they we're suffering from a heart attack. You stayed at home, beside them all the time. You felt so bad for them that you almost forgot about the colors you are seeing.
At night, a cop called your parents. You didn't listen to what he said, but your parents said that it was important: the killer was arrested. They drove to understand how everything would work now, if they will need to do something and how the judgment would work. And, yes, they leave you at home. Alone. At night.
Something didn't feel right, the movie didn't work that way, but the movie didn't have you. So you stayed. Alone. At night.
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A movie was playing on TV, but no one would dare to say that you we're watching. Laying on the couch, all you could do was to think about everything that happened.
Even tho you are so worried about, well, being on a different dimension or whatever that happened for you to be on a fucking movie, that part of you was muted by the part that just wanted to look at everything and see colors.
It is so great to watch the lighting. How it shine and burn and how the yellow seens to fly around it. Or to look at the mirror and see the color of your hair. See your eyes. Your skin. Your nails. Everything is so colorfull and delicate that you almost cryed.
Watching your nails, the natural rose tonality, you didn't heard when the door of your bedroom, on the second room, opened. Almost sleeping, you didn't even notice the crack of the degraus. So distracted, you didn’t realize that you we’re being followed when you entered your kitchen to eat something.
That's the problem of seeing so many great things: your ears stop working.
You opened the refrigerator, but there was nothing great there. You closed it and opened again. Nothing change. You grabbed and apple, the most sweet thing you could found, and turned to get back to the couch.
The moment you passed the door that separated the kitchen from the living room, a hand pulled you and make your back crash into the wall. You hold your breath, at the same time you could feel your whole body shaking. Another time, you felt the cold tip of a knife against your throat. It was more rude, more playfull, like the person behind the mask enjoyed to see your throat being pressed.
"Hello, princess", Ghostface said to you. His other hand was against the wall, at the same line as your head, and you could felt his body bending over you. "My turn to see those beautiful eyes."
You we're scared like hell, but you know that if you found your soulmate you wouldn't kill them. You only wished they think the same way. So, slowly, you look at him.
And what you saw was cold. The blue of your TV screen. The shapes of the tile. The green walls. Your shorts. It felt like you we're drowning. Warm and cold became one. No more a world made of just black and white.
And that made you more confident.
“Whats stopping you, Billy? Are you scared?”, you mocked him. “Or this is you, Stu? I tought you would be more creative then just throwning me against a wall with a knife against my throat. Not my first time and I am not impressed.”
Ghostface seens to freeze. He lower his heigh, making his face stay right in front of you. You could heard him breathing. "I prepared to you a set of jokes! All you needed to do was wait. How could you do this to me?" He take his mask off, releasing Stu’s face from the fabric. “Don't be so rude, dear, that gonna break my heart.”
“I hope it hurts you as much as you rocking my head againd the wall did to me.”
“It was supossed to be a surprise” Stu explained. "I was trying to create a good first impression."
"Didn't work, Shagy."
“You gonna understand it in a few years”, you swallowed, the knife was touching you again. “Where is he?”
"Seens like I made a good first impression, Shagy. You should learn something from me" Billy came out of a dark corner. He was wearing another Ghostface fantasy, but without the mask. "Hello, doll."
"I tought that I was a cunt" you remind him of last night. "Gonna try to cut me and give up like a fucking pussy again?"
"You should wash your tongue with soap."
"And you should try to stab yourself. I promise that it would be really fun." You smiled. "At least for me."
"Damn, she is..." Stu stopped talking. He look at you like you we're a secret combination he was trying to memorize. "Perfect."
"I told you", Billy come closer. Stu had his hand at your right side, Billy did the same at the left one. You we're like a noisy prey: say whatever you wanted, you still a prey. "And she knows how to defend herself too. My back still hurts, doll. You shouldn't be so mean to me."
"Drop the knife and I can think about being nice", you demand.
Without hesitation, Stu responded: "Explain how you know our names."
You thought about it. Not so sure, you choose to be honest. "This is a movie."
"This is a famous movie on my reality. Don't know how I end up here." They would never believe on you. "You both are trying to kill Sidney because of an affair her mom had with your dad. Casey died after saying that Jason was the killer on Friday 13th, but it was his mom. She almost survived, almost. Honestly, you should try therapy. You would save money, time and lives."
Stu and Billy looked at one another. They know that it was impossible to someone to know all of that. "It is a great movie?" Stu asked.
"It is. I am kinda of a fan. I even have a tatoo." You said, sure that it would make them interest enough to forget about the knife. And you knew that you we’re right when you saw Billy's eyes shining. "Show me."
“No!” Stu shouted. “Show me.”
“I will show for you both.” You said, looking at Stu. “If you drop the knife. Now.”
"As you wish", and Stu did it. It almost fell on your feet, and it might be your a optimism talking, but you think that he new that it wouldn't hurt you.
You pulled up the fabric of your skirt and show them the tatoo on your left inner thigh. It was a little Ghostface with a bloody knife. How ironic.
Billy came closer and touch your skin. His fingers slipped across the tatoo, touching more than only the painted skin. “So” Billy said with a smirk, mocking you. "Are you a fan?"
"Don’t flatter yourself.”
Billy’s hand hold your thigh, his fingers cherish your skin but it didn’t change how possessive the act felt. He wasn't just touching your thigh, he was holding you. “It seens like you are the one flattering me. You know our names, our faces, our stories. You even have us on your body. And don’t forget the fact that the universe itself decided that we should be together.”
“You talk a lot” Stu complement, his mouth against your ear. “But you didn’t scream. Or run. Or fight back. Does that dirty mouth of yours just bark?” Stu touched your face, his nails scratching your cheeks, and you didn’t deviated. “All you had to do is say no. Say you don't want it. Say you don't want us.”
But you couldn’t.
Billy pushed Stu aside and hold your waist. “I saw her first.” He pulled you closer, almost pulling you off the floor, and your chest joined his. “Did a cat got you tongue?"
You tried, but you couldn't respond him. You just closed your eyes.
When his lips we’re almost touching yours, Stu grabbed him by his clothes and took you on his arms. “Not my fault if you are slow.”
Stu hold your face, and he was faster than Billy. His lips meet yours, his tongue explore your mouth, his hands slide by your body. Stu leaned over you, so your only option was to cling to him.
Bewitched, being separated from Stu thanks to their inherent competitiveness between then both was disappointing.
"My turn."
Billy was more agressive. He didn't leaned over you, he pulled you close. Holding your thighs, Billy lifted you off the ground and made your legs cling to his waist. Billy laid you down on the couch, fitting between your legs, and the kiss that took your breath away ended so that he focoused on your neck.
"My parents," you said, trying to recover your sanity. "They could see us."
"They won't." Billy licked your neck. "We planned everything, doll. It was supossed to be a surprise, but thinking about that skirt you choose to wear tonight I think that your we're waiting for us."
Billy was squeezing whatever part of your body that he could.
"You will not exclude me." Stu said. His voice was weak, Stu was enjoying that little show of yours.
You sit on the couch, and Stu sit beside you. He kissed your face, your neck, your shoulder. His hands grabbed your thighs, your waist, your chest. Stu was whorshiping you.
And while he explore the your upper body, Billy knelt between your kness. He took off your underwear with his teeth, nibbling the soft skin of your thigh and licking where the tatoo was.
Billy's was having fun doing you. His tongue was dancing into your legs. You grabbed his hair, moaning direct into Stu's lips.
"Fuck." Stu groaned. "How can you be so perfect?"
You put your hand inside his pants, grabbing his cock and jerking it off. The little moans he let escape from his mouth made you felt even hotter. "You can thank me later."
Kissing your mouth, Stu took off your blouse. Licking everything he could, he smirked. "I will."
Billy sucked you with so much pleasure that you started to ride his face. You could feel his nose rubbing against your clit and you knew his face must be soaked, but it didn't seem to bother him. "I want to feel you."
When Stu touch your clit, rubbing that sensitive spot, added to Billy's tongue, you couldn't do nothing but to cum loudly.
Still shaking, you kissed Billy's wet face while making Stu cum in your hand. With a smile, you got up and walked towards the stairs. "I will wait in my room."
They got up immediately.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @amournoir @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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jupitersrising · 2 months
The next chapter of Survival of the Fittest is taking forever so I thought I'd include some fun facts about how the fic has changed over time. Because I like to talk about it but it doesn't feel necessary to put in the end notes.
Spoilers for all chapters of Survival of the Fittest
Originally, Yasmina wasn't going to be in a coma-like state until far later in the fic. I had a comphet lesbian storyline planned (which you can see hints of in earlier chapters) before S5 came out. After it felt wrong to go through with since she was confirmed bi, so I moved the other storyline up and gave her another conflict that will affect her soon!
The fic only had 20 planned chapters for the first couple months and was going to end when Ben reunited with the others. But I got so, so much support and love for it that I decided to continue a full series rewrite.
I always knew I wanted a character to lose a limb. But it's changed so much since the beginning. Originally, Kenji was going to lose his leg but that storyline got replaced with his addiction. (A story that I personally think was better for his character.) Then I decided on Darius. Still, he was going to lose his arm at the shoulder, then the elbow, before I finally moved it down to just losing his hand.
Ben was only going to kill Toro in the first draft and never any other dinosaur but as the rewrite got darker I wanted to include the other dinosaurs.
A few things that haven't changed since the first draft of the outline:
Sammy always killed someone, it's a really big part of her character arc throughout the story.
Darius always nearly drowns (though the setting has changed twice since the first outline).
The Beach (tm) scenes between Kenji and Ben. That's been planned since the beginning and some of the sections were written months in advance.
There's more little things too but those ones are the most fun. Most of the mental health issues, family issues, disorders, and injuries were planned since the beginning too.
Ben was really estranged from everyone in the first few drafts and it took him twice as long to interact fully with the others. The introduction of Brooklynn's friendship actually had me switching up the group dynamics a lot.
I have an (short, unfinished) unreleased snippet of Kye and Kenji's relationship before camp. Basically what happened the night he might have died and the fallout of it right up until camp starts.
There's a throw away line about a controversy Brooklynn was in just before camp, if you can remember, this will come back later. I'm so excited about it!
In the worst version of this story, Bumpy was going to die and truly make Ben go feral. Then I decided against any main character death, so no, she won't die. But it was a thought for a while.
Despite spending the so little time together in the show, Brooklynn and Ben's friendship is one of my favorites to write. Along with Sammy and Ben getting closer since Yaz's illness. I intended for Ben and Darius to have the closest friendship but they haven't gotten there yet. There's a lot of stuff they have to work out. (Yaz is still is platonic soulmate tho, don't worry).
Sorry the next update may take a bit to get out but I hope you enjoyed reading some random notes I never included!
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teaweltzer · 9 months
I'm so curious about sprout, what's her lore? How does she utilize her powers? Why does she have fangs and mushrooms growing out of her?
She's such a unique and cool character! I really adore her design too (how did you come up with her design too, like it really inspires me to make my own dnd druids more creepy lol).
She's got so much and so little going on tbh! And I don't know anything about her backstory before she was reborn until it gets revealed in games. Lore wise, she was killed and but reborn via mushrooms inhabiting her body then found by a Vistani family who loves her and she loves them. Tho uh.. her new parents had to deal with a very feral scared teenager for a bit. She's only been reborn for less than half a year. Plus Sprout doesn't remember anything from before, and in game can probably deduct that she died (no clue how or why tho yet), and which domain she is maybe from originally. Her mushrooms being made from the Mists is a very new realization as well.
Power wise is standard druid stuff, but with the obvious mushroom flair due to her whole... thing & being a Circle of Spores. She does do some punchy stuff cause her Vistani mom is a monk! As for the fangs, her favorite cantrip is Primal Savagery, but I like the idea of her getting baby fangs from her overabundant use of it. Just her downside right now is being majorly necrotic or acid/poison type damage spells, that's not very effective against all the undead/ghosts we've been up against! She just wants to bite things & make it hurt!
Concept wise, i had an idea for a reborn via mushrooms druid a long time ago with the same visual concept, but went being a teenager route. I think I pitched the idea to my DM as 'being the NPC child adventuring parties like to adopt.' But then Sprout was given a very cool family who found her and raised her back to health so now she's just with the party as a request from her dad to stay behind so maybe she could learn/remember things about herself. Which.. okay dad, but she's not enjoying the crisis' so far!
The idea of her has grown cause I love my DM and we spitball stuff a lot. I do always enjoy thinking of the idea that Stefan & Ana (her Vistani parents) not being able to have kids & the Mists just give them a feral teenager.
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thechaoticdruid · 9 months
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~My Tav for roleplay and story purposes~
Name: Winnie (Winnifred)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Druid (Her favorite form being the direwolf. I also like to imagine she has some doggy-like characteristics because of it lol), she's also multi-classing as a wizard for reasons.
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair: Reddish brown
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5'3
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (With a bit of a good lean I suppose)
Love interest: Astarion
Backstory: Winnifred was raised deep in a hidden forest village, amongst her fellow druids. Her grandmother was the archdruid of their circle and took to raising her after Winnie's parents went missing (aka the likely died horribly on an adventure.) Winnie lived a peaceful, but boring life in the village for thirteen years until eventually it was raided by goblins and everyone she'd known and loved was slaughtered before her very eyes. Winnie was captured by the horde's leader, a strange drow wizard who only allowed her to live because he thought she'd be the perfect test subject for his 'experiments'. She never learned his name, but since the event his face has haunted her nightmares. Winnie remained his lab rat for weeks following the raid. Eventually however her suffering came to an end when a band of adventurers came to her rescue. Apparently they were old friends of the family though she had never once met any of them. They freed her from the prison she'd been held in before setting fire to the goblins camp, killing every last one of the circle's murderers....Well all except for the drow...
Sometime after that Winnie was taken in by Arva, a half elf who just so happened to be the leader of her rescuers. She brought Winnie back to her group's hideout in Baldur's Gate's under city and for ten years Winnie learned how to survive on the streets, using some not so heroic skills Arva had taught her....
•Just stuff about Winnie•
Winnie is weird.
She rarely takes anything seriously and will usually use humor as a way to keep herself sane as she puts it.
She's definitely not a saint but there are some big no nos for her when it comes to morals. No harming innocents, children, or animals.
Self righteous rich tits can suck it tho
"Think you can just spit on me? Huh!? I'll bite your fucking ankles!"
Winnie is an insomniac with permanent raccoon eyes. Shh...don't say anything she gets self conscious!
She has really low self esteem when it comes to her appearance.
Growing up all the other children in her village used to call her ugly a lot. Pretty much all of them aside from a gnome child named Demi.
Winnie liked Demi. Demi used to call her tall.
Winnie isn't particularly romantically experienced. Mostly due to her low self esteem and urge to faint or run away screaming when around someone she finds attractive.
Astarion is her first everything really.
Moving on from that Winnie has a bit of an obsession with cheese. It's like her favorite thing ever.
If you have any she will steal it.
Her handwriting is awful.
She has a habit of pretending to be dumber than she actually is to throw people off.
She identifies herself as being interested in men exclusively, but if I'm honest she does have a bicurious streak.
Mostly because Karlach once asked her what she would do if Astarion was a girl.
Karlach is like her best friend, but don't tell Star he'll get jealous. Shhh...
Has a little plant in a small pot that she affectionately calls Vern.
Currently writing erotic Bloodweave fanfiction titled 'Blood Mage' as a side job to afford Astarion's costly wardrobe. Shhh.... don't tell Gale.
Likes to draw exaggerated doodles in her journal a lot. Usually illustrating important events in her life.
She often dwells on something she remembered one of the older druids saying before the raid. The elder druid described Winnie as "a weed amongst the flowers."
Winnie used to flip the old lady off behind her back all the time.
Will probably be updated and expanded on. Feel free to ask questions. I might make a separate one of these for my Durge .
IMPORTANT: While I am open to doing a little roleplay here and there I'm only doing it with users above the age of 18. Anyone without their age on their blog will be blocked or ignored. Also I'm not comfortable roleplaying the canon characters at this time so don't ask please.
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hearts401 · 9 months
Hai :3 do u have any wacky wild michael hcs
oh do i!
both adult and teen. loser has been on my mind again.
He gets super fucking cold for no reason and blamed it on ghosts until after fnaf 6 where he brought it up as a joke and the ghost kids were like "...none of us did that" and now he's convinced theres a whole extra ghost after him. (it was cc he didnt mean to initially but cassidy thought it was funny)
He talked to the animatronics all the fuckin time. like he just. chatted with them. especially the fnaf 2 ones. charlie had to sit there and watch him talk to actual robots thinking they were kids. they werent and she told him that in fnaf 6 because she found it so fucking funny
clumsy as HELL i know that man was banging his knee in the SL vents and swearing under his breath
teen mike was also clumsy. probably split his lip on concrete all the time as a kid.
he was also the kinda kid to say "nah, check this out!!" and wake up in the hospital
this is a gross one but. he dealt with bugs a lot post scoop (especially. flies. and what comes with them. iykyk). he'd come into work on mondays smelling like a can of bug repellant. you wont believe what he showers with instead of water.
He was williams least favorite but they had a weird relationship between him moving out and elizabeths death. like some days william despised him and michael just wanted to blow them both up with his mind and some days he comes home like "Hey mike whats up want some pizza for dinner tonight?" and michaels like "fuck yeah why not."
he's henrys favorite afton as a teen and he knows it. and he uses it. Henry fuckin loved that kid he had the man wrapped around his finger. William also notices it and he gets mad at henry over it.
in relation to that, henry was really gentle with michael which was. not helpful im sorry 😭
mike sleeps pretty casually. hes not a light sleeper but not a deep sleeper. unless hes tired. if he hasnt been getting enough sleep youll know because he sleeps like a ROCK.
he fucking loves italian food. for no reason. he just does
he unironically eats beans on toast. He tried it as a joke and then just. never stopped.
he still has his foxy mask it just doesnt fit him. he tries it on again and it hurts his head
cannot afford to go out to eat often and GOD does he complain about it. he is SO FUCKING LOUD when he complains about it. he wants his takeout man
Loves animals but they hate him. A crow tried to take a bite out of him post scoop once nad he had to fight for his life. bro saw his family for a moment there
he is so polite most of the time but if you talk to him after his shift he'll fuck you up. rudest bitch on the block and he was an asshole teen so he knows how to run his mouth
he plays solitaire.
does not know about the context but whenever hes depressed he says "tomorrow is another day" because time moves on anyways!!!! also idk i think its neat
he ate shit in the middle of his shift once and bashed his face on one of the counters and his coworker found the blood the next day and managed to start a rumor that someone died there until michael came in to work with his face bandaged up.
these are so rambly but funny so im gonna keep going
skateboards <3 totally tried to show off and ate shit until william told him if he went to the hospital again he'd take the skateboard. he still ate shit. just hid it better.
taught evan to do a lot. If he didnt feel like bullying him (for an array of reasons, but the biggest is just. boredom. or loneliness. or a mix) he'd teach him something just because he could. skipping rocks, flying a kite. michael doesnt remember it very well but evan does
cassidy kicked him in the knee so hard he was limping for an hour and so he found the golden freddy suit and kicked it too at one point. she didnt feel it tho. and jumpscared him out of spite.
he loves dogs and once brought evan to see one because his friends were busy and he hates being alone and the dog bit the shit out of evan. foreshadowing.
oh yeah i totally think he gets lonely btw. do not leave that guy alone he will get very sad and pathetic!!!
im capping myself here because jesus christ.
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oreo102 · 5 months
What's your favourite episode of 13's run and why?
Ok! I surprisingly enough do have a favorite episode… but it’s by such a small margin I’ve made an executive decision to talk about 2 other of my favorites episodes and then a few honorable mentions and why I love them
I’m half sorry for how long this is, I’m fully sorry for the fact that it took a while to actually put my thoughts to words
We’re starting with my absolute favorite because that’s what was asked lol. The Power Of The Doctor is my favorite episode, the plot is fun but it’s really the characters that make me love it so much! Every character that shows up is used really well.
Yaz is absolutely the star of the episode. I love her in every episode but especially in this one she shines a lot. She takes charge so well and really does fill the docs shoes with flying the tardis and making the plans and all that jazz. Her interactions with everyone is amazing to watch but especially the master, their dynamic is so interesting to me! Mandip also does a great job portraying emotions in this one- her anger at the master, and sadness about 13 regenerating in particular is one of my favorite parts. Also yaz with a gun is hot, and I fully believe she woulda shot the master if he gave her a reason so this episode would be in my top five just for that
Speaking of the master! This is 100% his best appearance. The dancing, the outfit, his interactions with yaz being a mix of cruel and endearing, in a way? Maybe that’s not the right word… interesting at the very least. The way he talks to her like they’re friendly, like they both know the doctor very well… kinda like they’re two sides of the same coin, in a way?
13 is lovely in this episode. A) I ADORE the navy version of her coat and am so happy they brought it back in the inbetween cliff (or whatever that was) B) her regeneration might just be one of my favorite scenes, even if it pains me to watch (ignoring 14’s existence for this) and the hologram is so smart (btw does yaz still have that? Do you think it activates still?) also love the fugitive doctor appearance even if it was hologram form. Her comforting yaz, their conversation, the icecream <333333
Love ace and Teagan and vinder, they’re all great but especially ace is SO FUN and I love her interactions with graham(did they flirt?) who btw, I love that he was right back! Too bad Ryan isn’t there tho, it’s fun to see how the dr leaving affects the companions, the bitterness Teagan holds is definitely a really fun bit that I’m glad they included. Also Kate is amazing as she always is! Dan wasn’t that bad either but I’m still glad he didn’t stick around
Also! I really like the plot! I saw someone complain about having all 3 cybermen, daleks and the master in the same episode but honestly it was just super fun- and the master was really the main villain with the cybermen and daleks as minor/background/subvillains. I much approve fun plots over anything else and having the master dance to Rasputin is very fun!
Onto The Woman Who Fell To Earth!
Yes, 13’s first and last appearance are my favorite episodes! This will be much less in depth but I did recently rewatch this one so it’s as fresh in my mind as the first.
I really like how… snappy they all are, in a weird way? The fam kinda mellow out through the series, especially Graham. Theyre all somewhat aggressive in this one and it’s very fun! It’s too bad grace died… she’d have made a great companion
Also the plot, the plot is great. 13 making her own sonic, not remembering who she is but knowing she has to help people, picking up the first humans she sees (which she has a habit of throughout the series, lol), being super smart! Just lovely! Also her in a suit is hot
“I’m calling you yaz, cuz we’re friends now.” Is 100% one of my favorite quotes too
Also Swiss army sonic should’ve been a running gag, it’s funny! I think that’s everything- my thoughts on this episode are very disconnected but oh well
My third favorite: the witch finders!
I’m not actually sure why I love this episode so much? Actually yes I do, soaked 13 is hot- that’s not the only reason tho, promise.
The fam is great, as always, but especially yaz this episode. It portrays how kind she is really well! 13 experiencing sexism and being pissed about it is also really cool, I kinda wish we got at least one other episode where it happened but I understand why we didn’t . Also the king being gay for Ryan is funny as fuck and I didn’t notice it my first watch
The background(side?) characters are also really good- the possessed lady is a fun antagonist, and the king is wonderfully incompetent at his job.
Also 13 telling them not to interfere and then immediately interfering is fantastic. I don’t think I have much to say about this one? I just really like it
Honorable mentions!
The timeless children, solely for the scene with Graham and yaz being family and for yaz being halfway to the portal by the time Graham is done asking who’s first- tbh this is my least favorite appearance for the master and I think the cybermasters are stupid so
Arachnids in the uk I love yaz’s family, i love jade, i love that the bitch ceo gets schooled by women in stem and yaz’s mom, i like that when asked if she and the doctor are together yaz’s response is “we’re [just?] friends!” But when asked the same about ryan it’s a very emphatic “no!”, I love “more of the universe… more time with you.”
Demons of the punjab “we can’t have a universe with no yaz!”, young umbreen is so much like yaz it’s amazing, i love yaz in this episode (this, ive realized, doesn’t say much, I love her in every episode), the plot is really fun and again i love yaz’s family
The legend of the seadevils my beloved gays. The characters are all really fun, the plot is great, all the thasmin moments I love and they hurt my heart, and Dan has a stupid outfit!
Eve of the daleks once again: my beloved gays! The plot is so fun, and even though the side characters aren’t my favorite I still really like them
Fugitive of the judoon FUGITIVE DOCTOR MY BELOVED <333333 also Jack is cool
Oh also My least favorite is resolution because it’s boring. Ok I think that’s everything… hope you don’t regret asking!
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uglly-rodent · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy headcannons
Here are my some of my headcannons (except they're mostly rocket lol). I might draw some of them in the future
The guardians are all a fan of boba tea. Its all their favorite drink
Rocket sleeps the best when he's squished or cuddled up with people because it reminds him of when he used to cuddle up with floor
When no one is looking, rocket has the habit of sometimes washing his food before eating. Quill filmed it once
Drax has warm hands and nebula has cold hands
Rocket doesn't like bathing so after a while of not bathing, they all pin him down and force bathe him like a cat but they all end up getting bites and scratches.
The guardians are a "bad influence" on mantis because of them, she learned swear words and got anger issues.
Rocket still does fatherly things to groot even when hes grown.
Nebula's fav guardians member is rocket because of all the time they spent together in the blip. They are very close.
After rocket almost died after quill got drunk. He never ever touched alcohol again.
After Rocket pointed out in vol1 that Gamora called him a rodent and how it affected him, she never even dared to call him something other than rocket, out of guilt. (she even corrects nebula in vol2 when she calls him a fox)
Rocket only tells Groot1 about his past. He used to tell baby groot too but in the form of bedtime stories that he doesn't remember anymore
Rocket has survivors guilt from when lyla, teefs and floor died. Then it just got worst when the guardians blipped.
If they ever rode a rollercoaster, drax would love it, peter would have fun, nebula would be fine with it, mantis would be very nervous, groot would feel uneasy after and a little sick and rocket would be terrified and literally shaking in his boots like a cat lol
Okay that's all
Rocket is a teeny bit dyslexic. He has a hard time telling apart right from left and confuses a lot of spelling.
Rocket is a jack of all trades and multitalented. He can do literally anything. His handwriting is unintelligible tho. Absoluteley atrocious. Its like its own language. Harder to understand than Groot. Only the guardians can read it.
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