#i deserved it anyways... i caused him a lot of trouble
artist-issues · 2 months
Let’s talk about this Mufasa movie.
No. Let’s not. Let’s just talk about Mufasa. This is going to be long because he’s a really good character and The Lion King is a really good movie.
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Mufasa’s whole point, as a character, is to foil Simba. He’ s not just the stereotypical “great dad role model” character, or the “wise mentor who is ripped away” character.
He, as a character, is in the story because he is “Who Simba Really Is.”
Simba is our young protagonist. The whole point of Simba in the story is to start out “not yet grown into who he really is,” so that the story can teach him how to “grow into who he really is.”
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So the audience needs to know “who is Simba and who is Simba supposed to be?” right at the beginning. Which is great, because all kids are trying to figure out the same question about themselves. So it’s relatable. But anyway, the storytellers make Mufasa the answer.
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On a simple level, you can answer the question, “who is this Simba guy?” right off the bat in the movie with “the son of the King.” There’s the setting. There’s the set-up. There’s the title of the movie. That’s why the very first lion you’re introduced to in the movie is Mufasa, and it’s not a shot of a baby lion cub. It could have been. Lots of movies open with a shot of their main character. Encanto, for one.
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Not The Lion King. The Lion King starts with, “you can’t know who Simba is without Mufasa, so Mufasa gets shown first.”
So okay, Mufasa is a King. Good to know. That’s obvious from the big rock he’s standing on and the way all the animals are coming toward him. But from there, they quickly establish a few more things about Mufasa. He smiles at this little bird that bows to him. He hugs the shaman-monkey. He goes from “big solemn lion” to “good and benevolent” immediately.
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And then as it goes on, you learn more about Mufasa. He’s not an idiot; he knows Scar is up to no good, and he is very direct about it. He is not a naive dupe, trusting a schemer blindly. It’s more complicated than that. He is a better leader and a better guy than that. Mufasa knows Scar is his brother, and in a snappy little interaction with Zazu, storytellers make it clear that he worries about Scar; he knows he has good reason to worry, but hasn’t decided to give up on his brother.
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Additionally, he is merciful to other dark creatures too. He beats the tar out of hyenas but doesn’t kill them. He rescues Zazu from Scar’s mouth. He scolds Simba but he does that, and more, to teach him. So what Mufasa is teaching us, according to what I just showed you the story says, is that A Good King, A Good Man (Lion, whatever) Is:
Authoritative - Makes decrees and makes decisions and yes, tells others what to do. Creates the structure his people live in.
Kind/Humble - Shows the same level of casual friendship to a revered shaman-recluse as he does a little self-important majordomo. (Humble because he’s not afraid to admit when he’s afraid if it’ll help his son.)
Teaches - Takes time out of the day to pass on what he’s learned to someone who is going to take his place—he’s not hoarding his own position or gatekeeping his life-experience-expertise. He’s not finding his identity in how he has this wealth of information that causes people to need him; he gives it away freely, purposefully.
Protects - Is willing to endanger himself and go to the trouble of defending creatures that are weaker than himself.
Shows Mercy - See Scar and the hyenas, who deserve death, but he doesn’t give it to them.
Prioritizes Family - The time he’s taking out of the day is for his son. And he follows up with his recluse of a brother instead of going, “that’s Scar, I know he don’t care about nobody but himself, his loss, not my problem.” And he extends trust to that brother, which is really just an example of gift-giving to a family member who’s done nothing to keep that trust.
Has Faith - Mufasa makes a point of not answering Simba’s question about “Will you always be there for me,” with just himself. He could’ve. Many parents do. Many parents are tempted to, to show their love. “Yes. You’ll always have me. I’ll always be there to answer your questions; I’ll always protect you, I’ll always be what you can count on, you’ll always find a need fulfilled in me.” But Mufasa doesn’t take that bait. He gives Simba an answer that is not “himself-based.” Not selfish. “Look at the stars.” I don’t care what ya’ll say. Mufasa has faith in something outside of himself. He says “and so will I,” but that’s after contextualizing himself within “something bigger than us.” (And oh my gosh, he doesn’t even answer with, “let me give you a lesson you’ll need for your whole life.” He doesn’t even take credit for this faith, for himself. He gives his own father the credit.)
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And really, all of those traits can be summarized with the phrase: Lives His Life Sacrificially For Others.
That’s what a leader, a good father, a king, a good man, does. And pay attention: That is what Simba is supposed to be. Simba is supposed to be Mufasa. That’s who Simba really is, that’s where he’s supposed to go. There is a “real you.” But you have to agree with it and accept it, even though your natural bent is to give in to the illusion that you “don’t have to be that, you can choose who you are.”
Yeah, sure, in a sense you can reject Who You Really Are. You can spend your whole life playing pretend, like you’re not That. But you’ll be doing just that: playing pretend. Unfulfilled. Dissatisfied. Running from the misery that is the natural response to your silly game of pretend. Insisting that “there is no misery, this is what I want.”
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Okay. Sure it is.
I’ll save Simba for another post.
The point is, Mufasa is a template for who Simba Really Is. Look at those traits. When it’s Simba’s turn to exemplify those traits, does he?
Act I: Is he authoritative? He tells characters what to. And he makes his own decisions—sometimes for good, sometimes bad. For example, he won’t let Zazu deter him from going to the elephant graveyard, so that’s a bad decision, but he does choose to go back and help Nala instead of running to save himself. Authoritative and protective. But it’s all misplaced because he doesn’t “Live His Life Sacrificially For Others.”
Act 2: He’s not. Timon and Pumbaa tell him to do something and he goes along with it. Timon and Pumbaa claim an ancient tradition and his father’s lesson is stupid and Simba goes along with that. He’s no longer making decisions of his own accord, for anything but his own comfort.
The idea is, in Act 1, you see Simba has the same traits as Mufasa, budding inside of him. But they’re all misdirected, and they’re all twisted, because they’re missing one key ingredient: he’s supposed to use those traits in the context of “Live His Life Sacrificially For Others.” Simba doesn’t want to do that. Simba wants to do whatever he wants.
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Sure, there’s a part of him that combines that motive with “I want to be like my dad.” But that part dies on the vine and turns sour when his father dies saving him.
So then in Act 2, not only is Simba clinging to “I’m going to live life all my way,” but he’s changed what that means by pushing the nugget of “I want to be like my dad/I WANT TO BE WHO I REALLY AM” completely away. Because it’s too hard, and he’s got shame tangled up in it.
And worse—he starts doing basically the opposite of all of Mufasa’s traits, all of the traits that make him Who He Really Is. He’s not prioritizing family—he’s abandoning them. He’s not protecting others—he runs from the idea of going back to help Nala. (tiny glimmer of it still being inside him because he does try to protect Pumbaa from her.) Kind and humble? No. It’s unkind to tell your best friend you won’t help her because you’re afraid. Humble, no, because humility is thinking of yourself less, not thinking less of yourself.
Ask the question. When Simba’s living in the jungle with Timon and Pumbaa, is he exemplifying any of the traits of Who He Really Is? Or is he doing his best to bury that?
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But then after Mufasa reminds him of who he Really Is, and Rafiki shows him how to get his past out of the way so he can accept it, Simba goes back. Into Act 3 we go
Now. Does Simba exemplify Mufasa’s traits? Does Simba start becoming Who He Really Is? There’s not a lot of time left in the movie. Look at the traits, see if he does.
Authoritative? Yep, comes up with the plan to break in and get to Scar, doesn’t back down from the confrontation.
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Kind and Humble? Yeah, he willingly admits the truth (he thought it was true) that makes him look bad to give his mom closure. He’s kind to Nala and to Timon and Pumbaa, admits his mistakes, when they come to help him. Hugs the old shaman who cracked him in the skull with a stick—just like Mufasa hugged Rafiki to show us kindness and humility at the beginning of the movie.
Teaches? We don’t really see an opportunity for him to do that yet at this point in the story and his life, give me a break.
But protects? You bet. That’s why he’s there for the confrontation in the first place. Shows mercy?
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Because he’s not like Scar. He knows who he is. THE POINT.
And when he runs in for the big confrontation, he doesn’t immediately leap on Scar and rip him to pieces. Even though the storytellers make sure to show us he clearly wants to.
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Instead, he runs up to his mother to see if she’s all right and show her that he is. And again, he tells her the truth because that’s what she needs even if it’s not what she wants, and he’s learned not to run from what he’s “done.” And faith in something bigger than himself?
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Yeah. His father’s voice comes through the clouds just before he decides to roar and claim his title. Through the clouds. Because that whole “we’re a part of something bigger, something more important than ourselves,” was always what he was missing. He was just thinking about himself.
And all of this is because Mufasa is the example of Who Simba Really Is: Lives His Life Sacrificially For Others. That’s Mufasa.
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That’s Mufasa, in the story of The Lion King. That’s his purpose as a character, that’s who he is.
So now if you make a movie that’s just about him, what you should be doing is showing how he got there. How he accepted who he Really Is instead of choosing who he wants to be, on his own. And you should make his father, and learning humility, an enormous part of that. Because self-sacrifice is such a pillar of his character. It’s the whole thing.
What you should certainly not be doing is telling a story that ends with finding self-worth or a kid who makes a name for himself. I repeat: if the Mufasa live action movie ends with Mufasa doing anything that revolves around self, they got him wrong and they set him up nonsensically for the next movie.
He should have to decide whether or not he wants to believe his own father, because of that one line, “let me tell you something my father told me.” That shows that he accepted his father’s lesson. And what was his father’s lesson about? Faith. In something BIGGER THAN YOURSELF. So then Mufasa grows up to be a character who lives his life sacrificially for others, and you can trace the roots back to that: “I learned a lesson about something bigger than myself from someone who was not myself, and I humbly believed and accepted that lesson.”
I mean jeez, the line is: “LOOK AT THE STARS.” Whenever you feel alone. Whenever you’re wrapped up in who you are and who you’re not and failure and the idea of what you want to be, knock it off. Quit looking at yourself and look at something bigger than you. And then you’ll get “Understanding of Who You Really Are”—no matter what mistakes you’ve made, no matter how you’ve failed, no matter what your circumstances are—thrown in.
…Of course, the Lion King remake ruined him anyway by having the point be “I’m not worthless.” And that was never the point. But whatever. I’m rambling now. You get the idea.
Mufasa is exactly what he needs to be for the original The Lion King. He’s exactly what he needs to be for Simba’s story. Mufasa is awesome.
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https-milo · 18 days
I HEAR YOUUUUUUUUU!!! tysm for the request :DD
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Katsuki Bakugo!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
ooc bakugo (i choose joy and whimsy)
main m. list / instagram m. list
fairy.y/n · 15w ⭐ close friends
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21 likes Liked by dynamight, pinkie, uravity.ou, izudeku
fairy.y/n me balling my eyes out cause my boyfriend cheated on me again :( (he said he'd stop after the last time I caught him.)
pinkie alright! murder party at Y/n-chan's bfs!! fairy.y/n pinkie its okay :( no need to murder him
izudeku im so sorry, Y/n. i hope you're okay and please let me know if you need anything fairy.y/n izudeku thank you, izuku :)
dynamight yeah you aint gonna hold me back from beating his ass this time. fairy.y/n dynamight katsss no. its okay, seriously dynamight fairy.y/n no idiot its not okay cuz he's cheated on your stupid ass 4 fucking times and you keep going back to him. every time you tell me not to beat the shit outta him but that bitch deserves it. fairy.y/n dynamight I know, I know but its so hard to leave him :( I don't get why he doesn't love me dynamight fairy.y/n you're such a dumbass. you need so much better than that sorry excuse of a boy. fairy.y/n dynamight idk if there is anyone better :(
fairy.y/n · 13w ⭐ close friends
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19 likes Liked by dynamight, pinkie, uravity.ou, izudeku
fairy.y/n bf broke up with me, but luckily kats was able to distract me from feeling too bad <3 who needs cheaters anyways?!?!
dynamight making me look soft and for what... I'll kill you bastard fairy.y/n dynamight hmm somehow I doubt that. dynamight fairy.y/n lets go rn. fairy.y/n dynamight its past your bedtime :// fairy.y/n fairy.y/n WAIT IS THAT YOU STOMPING DOWN THE HALL????? fairy.y/n fairy.y/n KATS I WAS KIDDING. PLEASE!!!
pinkie bakugo having a heart was not on my bingo list urvaity.ou pinkie i think y/n-chan is an exception to his "GRRRR I HATE EVERYONE DIE BASTARDS!" you know? pinkie uravity.ou ugh ikkk you should see them in the gc 🤢🤢🤢 fairy.y/n pinkie we're literally normal in the gc :[ pinkie fairy.y/n hmmmmm I don't think so!! i sense a lot of flirting dynamight pinkie I'll fucking kill you fairy.y/n dynamight you're literally making me popcorn rn... you're not killing anyone dynamight fairy.y/n I hope you choke on a kernel.
dynamight · 12w
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1.6k likes Liked by fairy.y/n, redriot, pinkie, serophane, izudeku
dynamight dumbass made me post this or wtv.
Tagged: fairy.y/n
fairy.y/n guys i literally WIPED the floor with him! redriot fairy.y/n didn't he punch you through a wall... fairy.y/n redriot next question, please!! :DD dynamight redriot her quirk stopped her from going through it. redriot dynamight uh yeah but the wall still cracked fairy.y/n redriot NEXT. QUESTION.
pinkie "im going to murder you!!" x "nuh uh." fairy.y/n pinkie I think these are direct quotes, actually
yourexboyfriend bro why the hell are you hanging out with her 😭😭 did the little loser need a guard dog after I broke her heart? 🥺 dynamight yourexboyfriend meet me outside rn. you're abouta need a guard dog after running your mouth like that 🫵🤣 fairy.y/n dynamight kats srsly don't worry ab it. I don't want you getting in trouble defending me dynamight fairy.y/n I wanna tho. yourexboyfriend omw to your dorm building rn, don't bother running.
fairy.y/n · 12w ⭐ close friends
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20 likes Liked by dynamight, redriot, pinkie, denkami, jiroka
fairy.y/n his dumbass got bruised knuckles for beating up trash :(
pinkie whooo? 👀 uravity.ou pinkie i think you know...
dynamight the other guy looks way worse. fucking pos couldn't even land a hit on me. fairy.y/n dynamight well he's in the management course... I don't think they go over fighting tactics over there dynamight fairy.y/n whatever. it doesn't matter. either way, I wasn't gonna let him fw my girl like that. fairy.y/n dynamight YOUR GIRL??? pinkie dynamight YOUR GIRL????????? uravity.ou dynamight YOUR GIRL???? izudeku dynamight YOUR GIRL? jiroka dynamight YOUR GIRL??? dynamight OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU DAMN EXTRAS. I GET IT. STFU. fairy.y/n dynamight come to my dorm 😁😁 dynamight fairy.y/n ...omw.
redriot so manly...
dynamight · 10w
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1.9k likes Liked by fairy.y/n, pinkie, redriot, serophane, shotodo
dynamight took her dumbass out on a date and she repays me by kicking my back.
fairy.y/n I DO NOT WANNA HEAR ITTTTT!! YOU LITERALLY TURNED AROUND AND PUSHED ME AFTERWARD 🖕🖕🖕 dynamight y/n.fairy yapyapyap fairy.y/n dynamight YOU INITIATED A FIGHT WITH ME AND A PRO HAD TO SEPARATE US. dynamight fairy.y/n I wasn't gonna actually hurt you fairy.y/n dynamight I know baby!! your love language is play fighting >:D there's defo a difference when you "fight" me and when you fight someone else dynamight fairy.y/n stfu. come cook some food with me. fairy.y/n dynamight comingggg (*cough* quality time *cough*)
pinkie they match each other's violent freak <3 fairy.y/n pinkie sometimes I'm overcome with so much joy I cant help but to punch him =^-^= dynnamight pinkie fuck off raccoon eyes.
serophane ayyyyy gg bakugo denkami serophane bakugo with the angry rizz 🙏🙏 dynamight denkami ill kill you both.
uravity.ou you better treat the loml right 😤😤 fairy.y/n uravity.ou dw ocha no man shall ever walk over me again 😤😤 (but I'm not at all worried with Kats) uravity.ou fairy.y/n AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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ryuluvr · 2 months
treat you better.
(wlw, smut 18+)
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banner made by saradika-graphics.
warnings: reader cheats on husband (when he goes low you go lower), babysitter!arle, fingering, eating out, slight choking but nothing crazy.. literally one line, softer arle (shocker), all reader receiving (arle just showing you what your husband is lacking lol)
word count: 1.8k
after a heated argument with your husband that lasted longer than you had hoped, you called yourself an uber. you were met by plush seats and dim lighting, the driver shooting you a reassuring smile before you confirmed where you were heading. it felt wrong to leave the bar without your partner, but frankly you were too irritated to care. he shouldnt have had his hands firmly on another woman the moment you turned your eye.
the relationship was lovely at first, of course. he showered you with affection, dates, gifts, the lot. and you were always thankful, but slowly he gave you the impression he was losing interest and didnt seem to be attracted to you anymore. his work hours eventually became longer so looking after your kid became a one woman job, but being a mother has always been your top priority anyways. you felt like a fool for assuming that dragging him out for a date night would help rekindle any kind of spark between you both.
above you, the stars shone alongside the moon, gifting you a small sense of comfort as your uber pulled up to your driveway. a deep sigh escaped your lips, tipping the driver before shutting the door behind you and turning on your deep red heel towards your modern house. the cold night breeze ran through the strands of your hair when your hand gripped the front door handle, the warmth from inside your house hitting your face after carefully stepping inside.
you were met with another smile, except this time by a taller and slightly older woman — the babysitter, arlecchino. she wasted no time standing up and brushing herself down before making her way towards you. her touch on your shoulder was gentle as she gestured for you to turn around, slowly slipping your coat off your body.
“you’re alone?” arlecchino’s voice was relatively quiet with a hint of confusion, clearly expecting a man by your side. silence soon filled the room since you couldn’t put together the words to explain the situation at first, and the other woman thankfully didn’t pester you about it. she hung up your coat after running a light hand down your back, possibly to comfort you but you were too in your head to take much notice of her touch.
“i told him to find somewhere to stay tonight… anywhere but here.”
arlecchino isn’t a first time babysitter. shes highly experienced, you being one of many people she works for and her schedule has always seemed pretty packed. though, she somehow seems to make time just for you. her warm breath tickled the back of your neck causing you to turn around to face her.
“i left him for several minutes while i went to the restroom, just to come back to him all over another woman.” you paused before continuing, your voice laced with irritation. “she was beautiful. i feel so stupid.”
arlecchino hummed, similarly deep in thought.
“he doesn’t treat you right, and you deserve better. but you know that.”
her words replayed in your mind several times. you did know that. but a divorce felt extremely scary and your habit of holding onto things that no longer serve you was getting ridiculous.
you simply nodded in agreement, lifting up one of your dress straps that had fallen moments before. your dress was jet black and had a silky touch, and it hugged your figure to perfection.
“the kid is fast asleep. he has been for hours. no trouble.” the babysitter spoke up, her eyes scanning you from head to toe, you thanked her instantly for both doing a good job and listening to your problems, arlecchino noticing your defeated expression and placing a single gentle hand to your hip. you glanced at her with low, tired eyes as she spoke once more.
“you need someone who treats you like you deserve, i mean that. a beautiful woman like you shouldn’t be putting up with men like that.” arlecchino spoke no louder than a whisper, her eyes jumping to your long fingers running through your sleek hair with ease.
the living room was dim with only a small number of lamps turned on, the wind outside howling loud enough to disrupt the silence between the two women, only looks being exchanged for the moment.
“i want to feel attractive, cared for, wanted.” a deep sigh escaped your lips as you stepped away to press your back against the wall behind you, watching closely as arlecchino followed without any hesitation. the older woman didnt leave much room between you both, her right hand trailing up to gently cup your cheek followed by her thumb lightly caressing it. before you could continue, the other woman spoke up close to your ear.
“i can make you feel that way.” her lips hovered above your soft skin just as her perfume filled the air, your hand lightly tugging at the waistband of her trousers without giving it much thought.
“let me show you what you deserve.”
arlecchino turned her head to face you once more before going in for a kiss but stopping right before the connection, curious to see how you would react. to her surprise you slowly pressed your lips against hers, her hands gripping your hips hard enough to make you quietly whine into the kiss. her tongue asked for entrance which you immediately allowed, tasting her entirely as your arms found themselves wrapped around her neck.
arlecchino pressed her slim body against yours, feeling the heat radiate off you while deepening the kiss. she carefully hooked two fingers under the side of your tight dress, lifting it enough to give her access to where you desperately longed for her touch the most. a light gasp left your soft lips the moment you felt the palm of her hand press against your core from over your black lace panties. she couldn't help but smile against your jaw, peppering sweet kisses along it as her fingers tapped your clit several times.
she couldn’t possibly believe she had you in such a position but it was nothing she would ever complain about in a million years.
you tried not to make any noise since you had to be quiet regardless, but it felt difficult while being so needy. you couldn’t even remember the last time your husband touched you.
arlecchino slid her dominant hand into your underwear, immediately teasing your entrance and being pleasantly surprised by how wet you already were. your sweet juices coated her fingers as she nipped at the skin on your neck, following it up with a single wet kiss. it took everything within her not to mark you how she wanted.
moments passed and the older woman inserted one finger, pumping in and out of your aching cunt causing your knees to go weak. unfortunately biting your bottom lip only suppressed the first few moans that left you, arlecchino’s pace quickening when you least expected it. her free hand moved up to lightly squeeze the sides of your neck, her dark gaze sending shivers down your spine.
suddenly, arlecchino stopped, pushing her finger inside you as far as she could, desperate for you to take the whole length and holding it there. it felt like torture for you and she could see that in your pretty eyes as well as feel the way your walls clenched around her.
“fuck, you’re so stunning.” arlecchino’s voice was low and breathy, the sight of you visibly arousing her. you met her words with nothing but a desperate whine as your body twitched due to the sensitivity.
her lips urgently crashed against yours before she began fingering your sopping cunt at a faster pace than before, your ability to kiss her back fading with each second that passed.
the sound of your own wetness pushed you closer to the edge but arlecchino stopped again, this time removing her finger entirely and ordering you to suck it clean, which you did. your lack of hesitation resulted in the older woman lightly chuckling, her attention soon moving back to your core.
you furrowed your brows, watching your babysitter drop to her knees and pull your soaked panties down to your ankles.
“arle..” you kept your voice quiet with a hint of confusion, attentively watching the other woman perfectly position herself underneath you, her long nails digging into your thighs.
“shhh,” she whispered once her lips were barely millimetres away from your cunt, her breath hot against your sensitive skin. “just take it. can you do that for me, darling?”
you nodded eagerly after tangling your fingers in arlecchino's hair, your grip subconsiously tightening once she licked a slow but purposeful strip from your slit up to your small bundle of nerves.
she took her tongue and flicked your throbbing clit several times, following up with a few light sucks to it, eliciting a series of broken moans from your lips. she quickly became aware of the way you tried to grind against her, placing her tongue flat to let you ride her face with ease. arlecchino's crimson eyes were glued to yours, admiring you through her dark lashes, adoring the way you trembled and stuttered her name so beautifully as you chased an orgasm.
you looked down at the older woman, feeling yourself completely losing control and letting a long whimper slip out of your mouth. her lips wrapped around your swollen clit once more causing you to roughly tug at her long hair, arlecchino trying her hardest not to smile proudly against your core. she was enjoying this a little too much, and she could tell you were close.
as much as she wanted to compliment you some more she chose to continue her ministrations, swirling her tongue until you came in her mouth, desperately attempting to be quiet but not entirely succeeding. your body felt beyond weak and you could barely stay up, gripping onto arlecchino's shoulders tightly for support while you came down from your intense high.
you practically choked on your own breath and fell back against the living room wall after a few moments, arlecchino rising up to meet you with a passionate kiss, her hands possessively on your sides. you could taste yourself on her plump lips, humming as you melted into her.
the older woman pulled back to whisper.
"you deserve to feel good, always." arlecchino pressed her lips against yours a couple more times, each kiss feeling more desperate than the last and it was intoxicating. she was right, in every sense. she usually is.
"perhaps sleep on it." she continued with a gentle tone, both of you having lost track of time. after yanking down your dress to cover yourself and picking up your panties from around your ankle, you parted your soft lips to reply as quiet as ever.
"i'll call you, okay?"
the older woman left the residence with payment firmly gripped in one hand and her coat in the other, feeling optimistic that she would hear from you again that week, whether that would be for work or other matters. as long as she got to see your pretty face, she didn't mind.
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kaileedraws · 3 months
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Simply Miraculous Love Square Headcanons!
Shehfiifoekdjfjr okok besides accidentally making Chat Noir too hot, here is our lovely love square! I figured out how to create a plot that incorporates every single combination. Here are brief points describing each pair!
Ladybug x Adrien
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Ladybug initially meets Adrien by saving his life a few times and bumping into him accidentally. Because she is just as awkward as Marinette is, she doesn’t initially strike up a friendship
Later she goes to him to ask him questions she thinks only he can answer - how to deal with being a celebrity (ex: the oversexualization, invasion of privacy, etc.)
Obviously they both have a crush on each other - Marinette likes Adrien and Adrien likes Ladybug - but I can see Ladybug stopping any progression of a relationship to keep Adrien safe.
If they both confessed their feelings to each other, things could become messy because Marinette would realize Adrien loves Ladybug and not “her,” and Adrien would realize that Ladybug loves Adrien and not Chat Noir. This might cause adverse outcomes
I could see interactions between them being either very awkward or randomly wholesome if they shared their issues with each other
Marinette x Chat Noir
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Screaming because this ship is lowkey growing on me
Best friend dynamic - but also comfort/hurt trope. They’re there for each other through each of their heartbreaks and relationship troubles.
Chat Noir is very protective of Marinette
In their hurt/rejection, I can kind of see them seeking romance/comfort with each other
Could turn into a situationship/rebound - but like Ladybug with Adrien, Chat Noir would shut down any prospects of a relationship for her safety and because he can’t share his true identity with her (like in canon)
Interactions with Marinette and learning about her on a deeper level (without her spluttering her words) could lead Chat Noir/Adrien to develop feelings for Marinette - and perhaps vice versa for Marinette
I’m seeing a lot of angst/emotion with this one
Adrien x Marinette
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The classic
Eventually happens after a lot of turbulence and other relationships, like in canon
Adrien may or may not have sexual trauma from Chloe and the fashion industry, so he may be uncomfortable/disassociate during these moments with Marinette. A relationship with her could help him heal, as she would show him how a relationship should be and the innocent aspect of it (it’s giving Astarion romance in Baulder’s Gate 3 vibes)
When they discover they both have secrets they are keeping from one another, this would trigger Marinette’s anxiety and possibly Adrien’s. Mistrust might develop
Like with Luka, Marinette has the high chance of breaking things off with Adrien because she thinks he deserves better than her and she hates keeping her secret from him
Ladybug x Chat Noir
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Chat Noir is Mr. Flirty flirt and Charisma until Ladybug flirts back, then he melts like butter
Simp Noir exe has stopped working
Thinking this ship might be the end-all-be-all because they are the only people who know their deepest secret - and although they don’t know their real names, they don’t have to hide non-specific details about themselves
Once Ladybug has feelings, she is a lot more confident to tease Chat Noir because she thinks it’s funny/satisfying to watch his demeanor change and his braincells stop working
Ladybug, if in a relationship, would probably be strict about PDA and keeping things secret between them so that Hawkmoth can’t use it against them
Anyway, why the fuuuuuu did I make him so fine whyyyytt
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amxrany · 2 months
I think I'm gonna have fun reading Jamil's segment so you all should read it too (Jamil's Dream):
Meet in a Dream is out here working overtime because we are now in Jamil's Dream. But something's wrong, Kalim, who is their newest addition seems to be fine (he even gushes to Silver how cool dream hopping is) but Vil is out here dying 💀. Like legit he was incredibly unstable that they had no choice but to split into 2 teams while he recovers. Silver and Ortho stay to help Vil while the rest go and find Jamil.
The other group is currently in Camel Bazaar (reference to the scalding sands event). They were planning to look for Jamil but it's really hot so they decided to rest for a bit and get some coconut juice. (Extra part: Sebek wanted to look for Jamil but Grim kept looking at the food so he just gave up and started eating as well) Kalim is the one who gets it for the gang, and when the shopkeeper tells Kalim to pay, he just says put it in the Asim bill. But the shopkeeper doesn't recognize the Asims and thought they were thieves and started calling for the police. But luckily Silver, Ortho and Vil come in just in time for Silver to pay the guy to avoid getting into trouble.
Kalim's confused as to why the shopkeeper doesn't recognize him because he's known since he was a kid, but we find out why by just seeing the images of Kalim's "estate"
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This is where we get the Jamil reveal. It turns out in this dream, Jamil's the son of the sultan (this also makes Najma a sultana, which is absolutely slay) and the Vipers bought the Asim's properties due to financial problems
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(ngl him in that outfit is making me feel fuzzy inside)
But anyways we see Jamil in a parade similar to that of Kalim in Book 4, thus we have another rhythmic portion
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(so this actually says that Jamil does like Kalim's parades, if it was him in the place of Kalim. Kalim also acknowledges that Jamil's having a good time here)
We then see the statue of Jafar, in which everyone recognizes because it's in NRC, except Jafar looks like he's playing golf here lmao. Jamil sees Kalim and tells him to change because he isn't wearing the right uniform
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Then Kalim talks to Jamil like always, but Jamil tells him to be more respectful in speaking. But he isn't really mad because Kalim's always like that. The rest instroduce themselves as the NRC Film Club, who are planning to film a video using the estate's facilities. Jamil's salty as always and it seems to be going normal as he tells Kalim to prepare things for the guests and while Kalim tries to, he still messes up.
Jamil thinks as to why his family kept Kalim despite being an idiot. Then Grim is thinking why is Jamil still bitter in his own dream. That's when see the magic carpet again (YAY), this causes Kalim to accidentally slip up and tell Jamil how they got it; it causes Jamil to leave for a moment.
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But Kalim doesn't stop, he continues to tell Jamil of their memories together but Jamil keeps denying it. Kalim brings up about how 2 years before going to NRC, Jamil protected him from harm. Then, he spilled the events of Book 4 (as requested from the others). BUT THEN FAKE!KALIM APPEARS AND PROTECTS JAMIL. He's a lot more mature than real life Kalim, this causes the darkness to take Jamil and we're forced to fight Fake!Kalim.
Without thinking, Kalim just straight up jumps in with Jamil and the gang has no choice but to follow him. Similar to Vil's dream, we land back to the events of Book 4 but for some reason Azul is also controlled here like 😭😭😭????
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(jamil being azul's no.1 hater fr)
Jamil makes Azul spill all the school's secrets (hey lemme in on it too /j) and is planning to use this information to defeat the other dorm head. He even drags Leona and says he doesn't deserve to be dorm head cuz he's lazy 😭
And after defeating the dorm heads, he's gonna go after the headmage and take over the school (we love a man who dreams big and jamil for headmage fr)
But yeah Kalim yells at Jamil for being pathetic for just getting what he wants by manipulating everyone, then Jamil butts in by telling him that someone stupid doesn't have a say. They continue to duke it out and in the background Sebek wants to stop them but Silver said "nah let them fight it out" because the best way to say things is by punching ❤️
IT SURPRISINGLY WORKS AND IT WAKES JAMIL UP 😭and Kalim gets really happy and jumps around. But the darkness comes back and tries to swallow Jamil so he pushes Kalim away, but Kalim wouldn't let go so they start fighting again 💀. But in the end, Jamil gets swallowed and meets his overblot self and learns to accept it thus starting the fight between the two
Jamil says he's the genie of the lamp, tired of living in a cramped space and would now dedicate himself to fulfilling his wishes. He returns to the place with Jafar's statue with the Fake!Kalim, who asks what he can do for him. But Jamil tells the Fake to fuck himself 😭 because he finds it weird that Kalim's like that and wishes for the dream to just end
The gang find Jamil and Kalim tries to tackle him but Jamil dodges it, saying that he's easy to read. Kalim asks Jamil to join them, and he accepts. However, Vil has to stay behind because he doesn't feel well and Kalim stays behind as well because of the injuries he got from Jamil (he does summons ice from Kalim's wounds tho). The others will go on ahead and wake the others. Jamil asks where they're going but Ortho says it's a secret, probably because the moment Jamil finds out they're going to Octavinelle he is going to find his way out of there.
But that is all for this chapter, hoo boy that was a lot but I'm glad that I managed to cover it. I'm really excited to see the Octavinelle segment knowing that it's Jamil we have, the biggest Octa hater but I do know it's gonna be funny
So yeah ima knock myself out now bye bye
Previous: Kalim's Dream
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Earth 42! Miles Morales Datings Hcs
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin
Warnings:Mentions of his job as the prowler
A/N: I’m literally in love with him help
This is x gender neutral reader!
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This boy is not your sugar daddy. Be fr.
Does he have extra cash? Yeah.
But he’s not your sugar daddy. That is a child.
He’s honestly not that different from Earth 1610! Miles, he’s just been through a lot more shit
He’s still a dork, deep down.
But let’s get the inevitabilities out of the way
Spanish nicknames, for sure. I don’t speak Spanish, but it’d just be the ones everyone in the community thinks he would use 😭
As well as baby and babe.
This boy is a hugger in every universe
He would never openly say, “I need a hug.” But, he’d pull you in or bury his face in your neck
It gets the point across
I think for both versions of Miles, he keeps his room clean for you
His mom always gets on him for it, so it’s just habit to have his room clean
Picking up any and all dirty clothes, vacuuming, dusting, that kind of thing.
It’s typically clean anyways, but he makes sure it’s as clean as possible for you
Movie nights whenever he doesn’t get called into work. You’re tucked against him. One arm is around your shoulder, the other hand is rested comfortably on your thigh.
This boy loves loves loves forehead kisses, both giving and receiving
A lot of times he gives them as apologies
He couldn’t make a date, so he’s kissing your forehead after kissing your lips and apologizing so so genuinely
But you give him one? He’s dying.
You’re in his lap, and you just *mwah?*
He’s a goner
Let’s be honest, he’s young and in love. You make him excited.
Make out sessions are both common and enjoyable
He knows not to take too far, of course, but he can’t help but love on you
But make outs are never for public
He’s not ashamed of PDA, but he doesn’t think anyone else should see something so intimate.
But he’ll kiss you, hold your hand, leave his arm around your shoulders, and basically all the other toned down displays of affection
The only people that are afraid of him are the ones who have caused problems with him
He’s lived in New York all his life. A lot of kids know him. A lot of kids know that he just changed after he lost his dad
The ignorant ones start fights with him. The ignorant ones lose fights with him.
Because this boy can scrap
He’s not really some big, bad bully who runs his school or whatever
He sticks to being a loner, with the exception of you.
He still maintains good grades and behavior and all that
He doesn’t really get in trouble for fighting because he’s never the one who starts it
It’s self defense, you know?
There’s only 3 people in his life that he genuinely cares about: You, his mom, and his uncle.
Of course, he wants you to meet them
So he brings you home one day
And, luckily for you, they’re both easy to get along with
But he’s okay with not meeting your family
If you don’t want him to, he doesn’t have to
Fights with him go one of two ways, depending on the severity of the situation.
A:It’s a very serious, tense discussion. He doesn’t put any distance between you two, maybe holding your hand or keeping his knee touching yours. He speaks carefully and he listens to you.
This Miles doesn’t yell. Not at you, not at his mom, basically never.
B: You two give each other space. He makes sure you’re home safely, leaving you with a kiss on the forehead, before giving both of you time to calm down and think everything over.
And then once you two are ready, you talk things over and he apologizes. This leads to soft make outs and/or cuddles.
But we all know he’s The Prowler
He’s not a villain, necessarily. He doesn’t kill people for the fun of it. He kills people who deserve it. Criminals, people who have genuinely hurt others.
He didn’t wait too long to tell you, actually.
It was only a month or two.
He liked you, genuinely, and it shocked him to his core. He knew his job would put distance between you two. He didn’t want that. Miles wanted things with you to go right.
He told you cautiously, and made sure to explain what he did and why.
It made sense, it really did. And he made sure to keep you away from it all.
It was hard to handle at first, but eventually you came to terms with it.
He was honestly terrified that you’d be scared of him. He’s still a kid, remember.
Sometimes, he gets called in and can’t make a date.
But Miles hates it and makes damn good sure he makes it up to you
He keeps tabs of everything he’s missed
He’s a sweetheart, honestly.
He gives you things, like gifts and his clothes and full access to his room
And he’s always making sure you’re in the best of moods
You’re crying? He’s doing everything he can to fix it.
Miles isn’t a bad boyfriend, it just takes some time to understand him.
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tavina-writes · 8 months
I have been pondering the recent rash of "post canon NHS and LXC would never ever reconcile bc even if NHS wanted to have Er-ge back, LXC would never ever forgive him for [insert reason of choice here]" type of posts + the "do you think NHS thinks very hard about how much Da-ge would hate him for becoming [the way that he is now] by choosing to seek vengeance" type of posts, and I think fundamentally the reason these posts do not jive with me is that we have no indication, in the show or in the book that uh, NHS gives a shit about either of these things very much anymore?
The first type of post is predicated on the assumption that LXC's forgiveness or lack thereof some some sort of either extension of mercy (which NHS obviously does not deserve <- or so assumes the post) or some form of punishment (which is obviously the correct answer) but the last scene we get with NHS both in the book and the show make no indication that this is a thing he wants? Or cares about? Book NHS has *sauntered off* with his little hat trophy and Show NHS walks off screen after saying something along the lines of "What is my responsibility I won't shirk, what isn't my responsibility I won't care about." Now, arguably, show NHS is having a worse go of it emotionally, but shows no real inclination or interest in either apologies or making up and being friends again with LWJ, LXC, WWX, or other people. Book NHS seems pretty pleased with the outcome of the events as a whole?
The second type of post is predicated on the fact that NHS finds Da-ge's judgement a horrible burden to bear at this stage in the game, which! He might! But again especially in the book we get no indication that he has any fucks left to give about what Da-ge may or may not have wanted since Da-ge is dead. In both the show and the book, NHS went about revenge taking very specific and complicated actions with the desired result of JGY dying, but he certainly took the scenic route getting there, which, he didn't need to? As I've written about before, JGY didn't see him as a threat. If he wanted JGY dead he could've arranged to poison JGY's tea like, 10 years ago and had done with it instead of his complicated Rube Goldberg life ruining scheme. If he is still sickly anxious about how Da-ge might feel about the scheming and the trouble causing and the whole everything, that's certainly possible, but he must've decided it was worth it anyway regardless of that, and I don't know that it necessarily would've changed just because he got what he wanted at the end.
Overall, I think as a fandom we think a lot about like "will and should this relationship ever be repaired or similar to how it used to be?" and "does this character deserve/not deserve the forgiveness of people they've hurt or abandoned?" which can be interesting questions! I do feel like these are often taken as "is a character morally good (deserves to be forgiven) or morally bad (deserves to rot in hell forever never forgiven ever ever)" and based entirely on if Character is the meta writer's blorbo. Under this paradigm the concept of "Character did bad things to get exactly what they wanted and were happy about that and no relationships were ever repaired and the emotional detachment of people they used to care about no longer matters to them!" is uncomfortable.
It's just that for NHS I've increasingly come to the conclusion that canonically, I don't think NHS thinks he has anything to apologize for, nor is he super interested in being forgiven! He got what he wanted the way he wanted it to happen. Which is potentially supremely unsatisfying but I think is very sexy as a narrative concept.
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brodieland · 7 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Spidey Valdez !! ´ˎ˗
Spidey!Leo Valdez x Fem!Poseidon!Reader Synopsis: Your boyfriend Spiderman, or Leo Valdez, took a break from saving the city to eat with his girlfriend. Word Count: 1110 A/N: I hope it doesn't show to hard that Ive never watched Spiderman.. or read hero's of Olympus.. PART 2
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Y/N Jackson was a child of Poseidon, along with her twin brother, Percy Jackson. They were known for embarking on dangerous adventures. These include, but are are not limited too, the underworld, Mount Othrys, and the Labyrinth. Safe the say the two of you making it out alive proves how extraordinary the both of you were.
Though, were you experiences even considered cool when you learned what your boyfriends secret identity was? Well, yes they most definitely were, but still.
Your boyfriend Leo Valdez, on top of being a child of Hephaestus, was in fact Spiderman. Yes, that guy who swings from building to building with webs in his red suit. That, may you add, fits him very nicely. When he's not swinging through the streets of queens solving issues or working hard in the Hephaestus workshops, he was swinging through the streets of Manhattan looking for his lady, Y/N, to spend time with.
You were currently sitting in your bedroom, doing some last minute homework by your window. It was Saturday night, and most kids would've been out hanging out with their friends, but you were grounded after getting suspended at school. Your mom understood the troubles but it wasn't demigod trouble so she didn't let it slide this time. While of course, you could've snuck out through the fire escape your window leads out to, you may or may not have been expecting a secret little visitor.
You were sitting at your desk. You were supposed to be doing your English homework, but of course your dyslexia made it kind of hard, so you just resorted to staring out the window. You were people-watching, and before you knew it, a white string zoomed right past you and connected to your building. You stood up from your chair so quick it almost swung and fell backwards, and before you knew it a boy in a bright red suit landed on your fire escape.
When he landed he quickly pulled off his mask, revealing his dark curly hair and the mischievous grin you love oh so much. You stood there admiring him for a second before Leo starting pointing at your window, causing you to scramble and slowly open it, doing your best not to make much noise, and slid your self outside. As you regained your footing, you quickly grabbed Leo's face and pulled him into a kiss.
"Hey there" Leo grinned. You noticed he had his hand hiding behind his back.
You crossed your arms and raised your eyebrow. "Whatchu got back there?"
"Oh." Then Leo pulled out two medium sized brown bags and handed one to you. "You mean this?" You slowly took the bag and looked inside. You gasped, it was Shake Shack and you were starving.
"You got us Shake Shack."
"Thought we could eat together, never to busy helping out my city to eat with my girl." Leo said as he took a seat on a step, you shortly following him and sitting beside him.
"And you remembered my order, what a dream."
"Of course I did, you think I'm a rookie at this?" you busted out laughing at him. "Anyways, not that I'm not glad you were here, but its Saturday night, why are you home?"
"Oh right I haven't told you yet. I'm grounded." Leo looked at you confused.
"Grounded? Since when do you get grounded?"
"Since I got suspended from school yesterday. 10 days." Leo choked slightly on his burger.
"Yo what? I miss ONE day of school. What'd you even do."
"First of all, you miss a lot of days." Leo just rolled his eyes before you continued. "And it wasn't anything crazy, just the usual."
"Nah nah, please tell me what the 'usual' is."
"I pulled a little prank. It honestly wasn't anything crazy and those girls deserved it." You paused for a second. "And no snakes were harmed in the process."
"SNAKES? I can't believe I missed out on this what." Leo stared wide-eyed at you.
"All I'm saying is, those girls should start, whats the word, showing interest, to another guy" you smiled a Leo, your boyfriend, and crush of the girls who got on the bad end of your snakes.
"Aw you threw a bunch of snakes at girls who thought I was hot." Leo fake pouted and leaned toward you, you jokingly shoved him back to his side.
"First off, I didn't throw it at them, I set them loose in the locker room and locked the door." You threw up one finger and spoke in your matter-of-fact tone. Leo just smiled. "And two, they wanted to try and break us up so I don't think I was being overly dramatic."
"Ughhh why are you so obsessed with meeee" Leo threw his arm around you and pulled you close.
"Interesting, what about the time you used your webs and hung them around some guys ankles because they were staring at my tits as I spoke?"
"I think that was reasonable." You both didn't say anything for a split second.
"Maybe we both have a jealousy thing." You said the same thing at the same time and started laughing together. Leo continued to hold you close before pulling up your face and kissing you. You guys continued to make out for a few more minutes before your window slid open, revealing your amazing brother Percy who was now also standing out on the fire escape.
"This doesn't look very grounded to me." Percy crossed his arms, staring right in your eyes.
"Oh my gods what is it that you need so bad." You stared right in his eyes back, squinting.
"Well, moms home." You quickly turned to Leo who was now looking for his mask. "And she already saw Leo from downstairs, so."
"I love when you let me know she's here, oh wait, you didn't." You sassed back at Percy. "Wait for the next time Annabeth sneaks in."
"Oh so the both of you are sneaking people in?" Your mom, Sally Jackson, said as she was leaning out of the window staring between her two twins.
"NO!" You both said quickly, but Leo was still sitting next to you, staring wide-eyed at Sally.
"I think its your cue to go Leo" your mom said.
"Yeahhh.." Leo stood up and quickly kissed the top of your head before putting his mask back on. "Bye guys." And he left as quick as possible from the awkward situation.
"I'm drilling the both of your windows shut." You and Percy rolled your eyes. "Calm down stop acting like we don't have a front door, now come inside."
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tulipfantasies · 7 months
night on the town ✩ n.romanoff
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pairing; natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary; a simple night on the town leads to the discoveration of pain and addiction.
characters; (mentions) og 6 and a woman named maria (not hill).
warnings; 16+ (just to be safe), use of alcohol and cigarettes, (mentions) underage smoking, (mentions) addiction, (mentions) natasha's past at the red room, (mild) swearing, (mild) jealous r, nat is ooc again, (minor) angst and fluff. 
my notes;  please, if any of the topics in bold make you uncomfortable or trigger you, do not read onwards. i don't want to upset anyone so consider it your warning. i don't think i like this one. can anyone spot the small pop culture reference??
word count; 2.6k ao3
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A ‘simple night on the town’ turns into 1:04 am. 
The entire length of the streets of New York was bathed in a soft amber glow, all thanks to the street lights that were situated on every corner of the Avenues. 
Midtown, or at least the side you all find yourselves on, was eerily calm given the environment (and the atmosphere hidden on the inside) that was nestled amongst the usually busy streets.
No car horns were heard for miles on end.
For the middle of spring, the air was bitterly cold yet so freeing. In stark contrast to the air behind the secured doors, which was heavy and suffocating.
Tony, among one of his genius plans, had decided that you all deserved to take a break from your demanding and life-saving lives.
He described it as a ‘simple night out on the town’, but we all know that in Tony’s dictionary, that was an excuse for him to get shit-faced. 
So, naturally, you all tagged along to keep him out of trouble and to have a little fun yourselves.
Who could pass up a free drink and the chance to unwind anyway?
Now, none of the team members that tagged along were anywhere in sight except for those who were strictly keeping sober or physically couldn’t get drunk.
The sensible ones.
The only remaining ones were around the table in the VIP booth that Tony rented in the club.
2:45 am.
It’s been 1 hour and 41 minutes since you last saw her dancing with some brunette, who has definitely drunk more than the legal requirement.
1 hour and 41 minutes of scanning through the hot and heavy crowd in search of a single sign that she was still dancing with the brunette or getting another drink at the bar.
“Y/n? Where are you going?” Steve’s voice calls out over the booming music as he watches you snatch your phone from off the table impatiently.
“Need fresh air.” You reply hastily before throwing a small smile over your shoulder and in his direction.
“She’s going to find Nat,” Clint’s voice could just about be heard over the music as he was talking to Steve and you were walking further away. “Like always.”
The music was practically deafening to the ears; the last thing on a drunken mind was the volume of the music.
Sex and more alcohol always are. 
You were just silently thanking yourself that you had entered the club with a lot more self-control and had only ended up getting tipsy this time around.
Unlike Tony who was completely shit-faced.
Pushing through the thick sea of plastered couples (who were dancing in a way that was even too much for you) was a task in itself but you finally managed to reach the front doors to the club.
Soft, yet bright, light was emitted in your direction causing you to wince. 
You let out a large sigh of relief the further away you stumble from the raging nightclub, random shot glass in hand, and into the bitter air that pierced the exposed skin on your arms and legs.
A small shiver runs down your spine.
“Fancy seeing you here,” A sultry voice brings your, slightly blurred, attention away from the empty shot glass in your hand and toward the direction where it came from.
The dimly lit alleyway. “Got tired of being in there?”
“Nat!” You exclaim in relief as you slowly make your way over toward the alleyway. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you for like the past hour.”
The closer you reach her, the more of her outline you can make out.
She’s leaning up against the masonry while nursing a half-empty bottle of tequila (or vodka, it was too dark to make it out) in one hand and a lit cigarette in between her index finger and middle finger on her other.
A dangerous combo for a dangerous woman.
“I’ve been out here the entire time, detka.”
“Oh? With that brunette who was all over you like some desperate-”
“Careful now,” She cuts your words off with a smug grin and a tsk sound. “You had a lot to drink, detka?”
“Uh, yeah, a few but I’m not drunk like Tony.” You reply as you make a move to lean up against the wall opposite to her.
No other words were spoken as she raised the cigarette to her lips to take a long drag. 
Drag after drag, she slowly puffs the lethal smoke out towards the right of her while she makes sure that not once does she take her emerald gaze from off of you.
It was an intense gaze.
“But that’s beside my point, who the hell was that brunette dancing with you?” You ask abruptly with a raised brow. She chuckles in amusement at your clear jealousy. “Because she was getting way too cosy with you.”
“No one important, just someone who drunkenly came up and started dancing with me,” Natasha replies as if it never bothered her because it didn’t bother her. “Think she said her name was Maria or something.” 
Maria. “Hm, you seemed to get pretty handsy with her, do you like her?”
“Where’s all this jealousy coming from, Y/n/n?” She asks in an amused tone which is followed by a chuckle. Oh, she was enjoying this. “To be fair, it’s amusing seeing you go all green over some random girl, especially one I don’t know or have an interest in.”
“Y’know, I’d rather not discuss it.” You say, brushing off her question and ignoring her comment as you turn to face away from her so she can’t see you roll your eyes.
There’s a pregnant pause before you clear your throat and look back toward her with a slightly softened gaze.
The cigarette remains firmly pressed in between her fingers.
“Have you always smoked?” You ask, to change the subject, as you fold your arms over your chest.
Natasha doesn't reply straight away but takes another drag.
She drops the remaining bit of her cigarette onto the ground so that she can stamp harshly on it, with the sole of her shoe, just to make sure that it’s out.
“Mhm,” she hums with a shrug of her shoulders. “Just kept it to myself, I guess.”
Taking your bottom lip in between your upper front teeth, you nervously chew on it as she leans forward to slip the shot glass from out of your hand and into hers.
Without any sounds, she lets the clear liquid trickle out of the bottle and into the shot glass before gently handing it back to you.
You bring the rim of the shot glass to your lips before knocking it back in one go. Straight tequila. 
“Oh, god, that’s tequila.” You state in a strained voice and with a noticeable grimace as the liquid burns the back of your throat.
Natasha chuckles at the sight of your grimace before smiling softly as you clear your throat. “You okay there, detka?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You reply before sighing and reaching up to give your temple a quick but firm rub. “You know smoking is bad for your lungs, right? And besides, what are you out here drinking tequila straight for?”
With her fingers curled around the neck of the tequila bottle, she brings the rim of the bottle up to her lips intending to tip it back to take another swig.
But she doesn’t. 
“You only get one chance in life, detka,” she replies nonchalantly, ignoring your second question, before finally taking a swig of the alcohol. “I’ve learnt that the hard way.”
Given what she was forced to witness and trained into doing while growing up, it made some sense for her to be wishing away her life like this.
That amount of trauma is often immovable and can only be numbed by the effects of drugs and alcohol.
The Red Room raised those girls into being their bloodthirsty puppets, the ones who were forced to believe that they had no place in the world and yet here Natasha is, with her foot in the world, throwing it all away just to numb her feelings.
You never really know what you’ve got until it's too late.
The thought of going through what she had growing up made your skin crawl.
“How long have you been smoking for?” You ask cautiously as you stare at the redhead who lets out a long sigh.
From that sigh alone, you can tell it wasn’t a habit that she had recently picked up. 
“Listen, I didn’t come out to get interrogated about my unhealthy habits, so just drop it, alright?” She defends herself before she extends the neck of the bottle back over to you.
You decline with a shake of your head.
One shot of tequila is enough. You can’t stomach anymore tonight.
“How long have you been smoking, Nat?”
She lets out a defeated sigh. “Not sure. Since I was, like, 14 or 15.”
You would say that you’re surprised to hear that she’s been smoking so young but by the looks of it, smoking has become an unhealthy coping mechanism for the shit life she’s got.
You just wish it wasn’t her that was suffering like this.
“A cigarette is the least of my worries.” She replies with a shrug before closing her eyes to relive the memory.
“They drugged me with all kinds of things in the Red Room so I added to it by stealing a cigarette from a packet in a guard’s pocket. I can still remember getting in trouble now.”
Silence comes from her end as her gaze flickers down to the squashed cigarette on the floor before glancing back up at you, who peacefully analyses her.
She can’t stop.
“And it’s turned into a habit that you now can’t break.”
“Yeah, I guess you could put it that way.” 
“Does smoking and drinking like this at least make you feel better?” You ask curiously but cautiously.
When it comes to Natasha, you have to choose your words carefully.
Natasha doesn’t let her guard down around anyone yet here she was, in a dingy alleyway, letting you see the regret and pain shining in her eyes.
No, it doesn’t.
Your heart aches for her; all the cigarettes and alcohol that she’s taken over the years (outside and inside of you knowing her) haven’t numbed the pain in the way she hoped it would.
It just put her at ease for a certain amount of time.
“Oh, Tasha.” 
She doesn’t say anything else but instead, her gaze flickers away from your eyes (which she always finds herself lost in) and down to your soft-shaped lips.
So kissable. 
She could practically taste the bitterness and sweetness of the alcohol on the tip of her tongue.
At that moment, she knew that she wanted, no, needed to kiss you more than ever. 
Without any hesitation, she takes a step toward you so she can place her hands on your hips (despite still holding onto the bottle) so she can gently tug your back away from the masonry.
Her blurry gaze rests on your lips, memorising the shape and softness of them before she dips her head down slightly.
Her lips were inches away from yours. 
“-Shut up and let me kiss you.” She growled before pulling you in closer so that her hot breath was fanning against your lips. 
The moment her lips crash against yours, your hands instinctively reach up to comb through her soft red locks.
She tastes like 5 different alcohols and nicotine all in one go; normally you’re not into that but, right now, you crave her. 
You didn’t want her to break the kiss any time soon but she did and instead of moving away from you, she rested her forehead against hers.
The both of you were panting softly.
“Are you addicted to them?” You whisper as your hands drop from her hair and down to cup her rosy cheeks. “The way they make you feel numb or how they make you act?”
Her forehead drops against yours as her head hangs low and the warmth her body was radiating disappears as she takes a step back from you.
A small nod confirms everything you need to know.
She’s addicted.
She stares at you as she extends her arm out so that she can carelessly throw the empty bottle of tequila as far away from her as possible.
Your grip on your shot glass loosens so the shattering noise rippling through the alleyway increases just like the pile of glass shards.
“I–I don’t know how to stop.” 
The alcohol in her system has weakened the walls she put up for her protection to the point where they were trembling.
“You’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.”
You take a short step toward her to go back to gently cupping her cheeks in your soft hands.
She leans into your touch as a thick singular tear rolls down her cheek. 
Here she was, standing in front of you, looking vulnerable and broken. And boy, did the people of her past break her.
“I want to stop. I do but I can’t.” She admits in a soft tone as if she is worried about other people hearing her. “I’ve tried so many times.”
The glass shards crunch under your footing as you drop your touch on her cheeks to wrap your arms around her torso.
She instantly wraps her arms around you in return. 
“I promise you, I am going to help you out of this.” You whisper your promise as she buries her head into the crook of your neck.
You’re wearing the perfume that drives her crazy.
It felt as if your promise was empty but the determination flooding through your system tells you that you will not let it be empty.
You are going to help her through this, like it or not.
“Let’s go get some water so we can sober up, yeah?” You whisper as she pulls away to give you a nod of agreement. “You’re stuck with me, now, Nat.”
“There’s no one I would rather be stuck with, detka.” She whispers back as she slips her hand in between yours to squeeze it before following as you both sluggishly walk out of the alleyway.
The alleyway that you stood in, kissed in and where she bit the bullet and admitted defeat. 
The streets remain silent as the two of you stumble down them, hand in hand.
The bitter air no longer bothered you or the exposed skin that you were showing, not when you were wrapped underneath Natasha’s arm. 
“Thank you,” She says, after silence, as you two stumble onto the corner of the street to call a taxi. Thankfully there was one in the distance. “For not judging me and sticking by me. Even in my darkest times.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Natasha.” You reply as a taxi pulls up in front of you. You both climb in and mutter your destination to the driver before you turn back to look at her. 
“Yeah, because I’d do anything for the people that I love. And it’s safe to say that I’m in love with you.”
She smiles softly at your, slightly drunken, confession before bringing your hand up to her lips so she can press a soft kiss on the inside of your wrist and then against your palm. 
“I love you too, detka,” she whispers as she moves her head to catch your lips in for a sweet but short-lived kiss. “More than anything in this world. I love you.”
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sweetprfct · 2 months
The Hate Formula
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Living in the same building, across from each other shouldn't be much of a problem, right? But how come you and Joe tend to always push each other's buttons every day? Is it because you both truly just hated each other or is it because there was something more to it?
Author's Note: I wanted to upload this to make up for the lost time that's probably going to happen for the next few weeks. If you haven't read it yet, please read my announcement here. Anyway, are you all ready for this? Things are going to start escalating.
Disclaimer: 18+
Wordcount: 3.6K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Your dress looked nice.
You fixed the thin straps of your dress as you exhaled a sharp breath and stared at yourself in the mirror. You have been dreading to do this dinner, but you kept telling yourself that you were a good friend. Sara also had a point because you have known Wes several weeks before finding out the truth and in all honesty, you did really like him for Sara. It was your pride and ego that kept getting in the way. Besides, you didn’t want to disappoint Sara either. She seemed happy and deserved to be happy. So, if this was what it took to make her happy, then you would suck it up and be a grown up for once. You have owed her several times already for always causing trouble with Joe and the fact that you both were almost getting kicked out of the building. 
Technically, as per what Sara had told you, this wasn’t a “double date.” However, you didn’t really care about the title of whatever this was. You weren’t in the mood to spend your whole Saturday night with Joe. Sure, Wes and Sara would be there, but they were a couple. You knew they were going to end up doing things on their own, and you would be left alone with Joe. Joe, who would tease you and probably make fun of you all night. 
This was so agonizing for you just thinking about it. 
“Hi.” Your thoughts were interrupted when Sara knocked on your door. 
She peeked her head behind your door as you looked over your shoulder and gestured for her to come in. She entered your room, and your eyes instantly widened as you saw the pale blue dress she was wearing. Her hair was in waves, and she had some cute pins at the back of her head. 
She looked amazing. 
“Aw, Sara!” You pouted. “You look so beautiful. Wes is going to be on his knees tonight for you.”
Sara chuckled softly, looking down at her dress before gazing back up at you. 
“You also looked really pretty.” She stood behind you as you both looked at yourselves in the mirror. 
“Thank you for doing this.” Sara added.
She wrapped her arms around your shoulders as she hugged you from behind. You chuckled softly as you felt her squeezed you gently. 
“Alright, alright.” You rolled your eyes as she parted away from you. “You don’t have to be all sappy about this.”
“Well, it’s true. I know this is hard for you.” 
“I’m doing this for you.” You grabbed your coat from your closet. “I hope you know that.”
Sara grinned at you, nodding her head. For her, it was enough that you were actually trying to give this a chance. 
“You like Wes for me.” Sara murmured under her breath as you both walked out of your bedroom. “Stop denying that.” 
“We’ll see.” You shrugged, slipping on your coat. 
Sara chuckled softly at the denial expression on your face. Following behind Sara out the door, you found the two men waiting for the both of you in the hall. Joe was wearing his fancy button up and trousers outfit. The one thing that stuck out most for you was his new haircut. 
His head was buzzed. 
All the brown curls, gone.
It made his features more prominent. His chocolate button eyes were bigger, and his cheekbones were a lot sharper.
He looked sort of… more beautiful.
However, you couldn't help but notice how Joe was trying hard not to look at you. Focusing your attention back to Sara, you watched as Wes whispered something in her ear that made her face flushed red before planting a soft kiss on her lips. 
You could already feel the thick air between you and Joe as the four of you stood inside the elevator. Once the four of you exited out of the building, you could feel the New York summer air combined with the tension between you and Joe. 
“Are we all up for Italian tonight?” Wes looked over his shoulder. 
You and Joe didn’t say a word as you both just nodded your heads in agreement. You saw Sara looked over her shoulder and gave you another thankful smile. You knew she was grateful for you to be doing this, but you honestly didn’t know what her plan was. There was no way you and Joe were going to get along with just one night of spending time together. You both barely even spoke a word to each other since you all left the apartment building. 
What made it worse was when you had found yourself sitting in the middle of the backseat of the cab. You were squeezed in between Sara and Joe, and you could see how Joe was trying hard to focus his attention out the window. His usual yappy self was quiet tonight, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good thing or not. Was he quiet because he didn’t want to cause trouble or because he was feeling the same dread as you? 
Upon arriving at the restaurant, you knew Wes and Sara were starting to feel the tension between you and Joe, so Wes had walked ahead with Joe on the sidewalk, while Sara had locked her arms with yours. 
“How are you holding up?” Sara asked. 
You rolled your eyes, knowing she was trying to make sure you were okay. Surprisingly, you were. Joe hasn’t said a word, so you were fine. You didn’t really feel anything else besides maybe a little hungry. 
“Thanks for doing this again.” Sara added. 
“Stop thanking me.” You chuckled softly. “The night had barely started.”
“Yeah, but still.” Sara leaned in to you, grinning happily. 
As Wes greeted the server in the restaurant, you all followed her towards the table at the back. The restaurant was nice and cozy and without thinking clearly, you pulled out the chair that was next to Sara before you gazed up and locked eyes with Wes. Your eyes shifted to Sara and Joe, who was just staring at the both of you.
“Sorry.” You bit your lower lip.
“No, it’s okay.” Wes gave you a genuine smile and pulled the seat that was across from Sara.
“Wes, no. I’ll sit there.” You walked over and grabbed the back of the chair from him. “Sit next to Sara. It’s okay.” 
Wes gave you a “are you sure?” look before you nodded your head and gave him a reassuring smile. Pulling the chair next to Joe, you moved a bit further from him as you cleared your throat. Taking the menu that was sitting in front of you, you studied it and let your attention focus on the options. 
Then, you suddenly heard a soft chuckle next to you. You slowly turned your head towards Joe and saw him reading the menu, while shaking his head. A small smile was tugging on his lips as you furrowed your brows at him. 
There was no way he was already starting this shit with you. 
“What’s so funny?” You asked, your voice was low to make sure Wes and Sara didn’t hear it. 
“You act like I’m going to hurt you or something if you sit close to me.” Joe leaned in, whispering to you. 
You leaned back and stared at him, “Hm… You’ll never know. I don’t know what goes on in that head of yours.” 
Joe laughed softly, leaning close to you again. “And yet, you sat close to me in the front lobby two weeks ago.” 
You could feel the blood rushed to your cheeks as you remembered that moment with him again that night. It had been a while since you thought about it and suddenly, the memories of that night and the look on his face had re-appeared in your mind. It was the same look he was giving you right now, and you felt your limbs froze for a moment. You stared at Joe, eyes blinking before finally snapping back into reality. You cleared your throat and looked away, focusing your attention back on the menu. 
“Did you guys wanna go to this light show at Central Park after?” Sara asked later that night after the server had taken your orders. 
You took a sip of your wine and studied the group. “If you guys want to, I don’t mind.” 
“Yeah, me too.” Joe replied. 
“My office mate told me it’s really nice. They made it into this nice garden full of different light displays.”
“I think I saw them setting it up one time when I was coming home from work.” Wes said. 
You watched as Wes and Sara tried their best to interact and start conversations between the four of you because you and Joe would barely even interact or say anything. At one point, you listened to Joe yap about cooking and Italian food when Wes had brought up that this restaurant had one of the best pastas he tasted. 
“I didn’t know you cook, Joe.” Sara said. 
“Really well too.” Wes nodded his head proudly, giving Sara a smile. 
You played with the napkin that was sitting on your lap as you listened to the conversation. Your other hand was playing with the fork that was on your pasta. You didn’t know what it was, but you couldn’t seem to finish your food. It wasn’t like the pasta was bad or anything, you just keep having an unusual feeling in your stomach. 
Almost like… butterflies. 
It made you want to vomit.
“Oh, yea. Whenever I have time, it’s such good fun when I cook.” Joe grinned excitedly. 
You saw how something sparkled in Joe’s eyes when he talked about cooking for his family and friends. You never saw this side of him, and you kept wondering if this was one of the things that Sara was talking about. One of the things that you didn’t know about Joe.
Two years of knowing him, and you didn’t even know he liked to garden too as he started talking about the different kinds of herbs he has been planting. 
“I heard you have a new movie to film?” Sara asked. 
As you took a sip of your wine, you continued to listen to the conversation. Your eyes followed Joe’s hand that gently caressed his now buzzed hair. You couldn't help but wonder if it was for a role as to why he buzzed his head. 
“Yes, I just finished Warfare and about to film Fantastic Four, but I also have the second Gladiator movie to promote soon. I play the villain.”
You couldn’t help but snort, setting your wine glass down and wiping the wine that dripped from your chin. You felt the three of them turn their heads to you as you froze in your seat and gazed up at them. 
“Sorry.” You murmured. 
Joe cocked his head to the side and raised his brow at you. “Something funny about that?”
You raised your brows, eyes widening as you turned to Wes and Sara. You have been in your best behavior all night, and you didn’t want to ruin that. You didn’t want to ruin this night for your best friend. 
“N…No.” You replied, shaking your head. “I just thought it fits you perfectly.”
Joe’s eyes looked at you up and down before turning his attention back to your friends. You could tell that he was also trying to keep the peace at the table tonight. You gave Sara an apologetic look before hanging your head low and continued to play with your pasta. 
Central Park was a little busy later that night. The summer breeze was blowing nicely through your hair as you watched Wes intertwined his fingers with Sara. You and Joe were following behind them, while you gazed up at the sky. The city lights were flickering between the trees, and you kept your eyes anywhere else but Joe. As the night went on, you could tell that you and Joe were just doing this for your best friends, and you both barely didn’t even want to try and get along with each other. 
You kept wondering if you should actually try and talk to him, but you were too hesitant over it. You didn’t want to hear the stupid jokes that could come out of Joe’s lips. Wes and Sara were quick to ditch the both of you the moment you all arrived at the light show. You smiled slightly as you took photos of the displays. Big glowing flowers in the garden, string fairy lights hanging from the trees, and displays of fairies and cute animals lighting up the garden. 
You slipped your phone from your coat pocket and took pictures of the display as Joe quietly followed behind you. 
“Do you want me to take a photo of you?” Joe finally broke the silence. 
You looked over your shoulder and saw that he looked genuine and serious with his offer. You, on the other hand, didn’t believe it. 
“No, thanks.” You replied. “Knowing you, you have an agenda about everything.”
“That’s not true.” Joe uttered. 
You scoffed and turned around to face him and said, “I’m sure you would take my picture and end up having to capture something stupid like my head is cut off or you only took a picture of my shoes and then laugh at me.”
Joe’s brown eyes stared at you deeply as he took a step forward towards you. You remained in your position, your feet glued to the ground. 
“Is that what you think?” Joe asked, his brow raised.
“Yeah! That’s exactly what I think!” You exclaimed, frustration starting to pulse in your veins. 
A comical smile tugged on Joe’s lips as he said, “It’s funny how you think I think about you all the time.”
You felt your heart drop to your stomach as you listened to Joe’s words. It felt like a sharp knife was stabbed into your chest. Why did you expect him to even be nice for once? 
“Oh, don’t worry.” You scoffed. “I never thought about that. I know you’re busy trying to figure out which girl to bring home next and then make them cry after getting what you want.”
You couldn’t stand looking at him for one more second. Shaking your head, you gave Joe one more look before walking away from him. You found Sara and Wes not too far from you, taking pictures. You were ready to go home. You were ready for this stupid night to be over. 
“You don’t know anything.” Joe argued, making you stop in your tracks. 
“Oh, I think I know everything!” You said, turning around to face him with an angry look on your face. 
Joe stared at you, the same frustrated look washed over his face. You turned back around to find Wes and Sara, but they weren’t where they were before. Your eyes looked around the park and there was no sign of them. 
They were just right here! 
Where did they go? 
“Great!” You exclaimed sarcastically. 
“I think they left.” Joe murmured. 
“No, shit.” You shook your head and started walking down the trail towards the exit. 
“Where are you going?” Joe asked. 
“I’m going home. This was bullshit anyway.” You called out as you let your feet lead you out of the park.
What were you thinking? 
Why the hell did you even agree to this in the first place? Why the hell did you think you could give Joe a chance for once? Sara was wrong. He was the same idiot and asshole you knew this whole time. Maybe he was showing her a different side of him but with you, he was always going to be like this. 
You didn’t even realize how far your apartment building was, but you were angry and frustrated and the adrenaline was running through your blood. By the time you arrived at your apartment building, Joe was still following right behind you. It made you even more frustrated because he just couldn’t leave you alone. 
“Garrett?” You murmured. 
By the time you arrived at your doorstep, you found Garrett sitting on the floor. He looked like he had been waiting for you all night. Instantly, he got up from the floor and gave you a small smile when he saw you. 
“Hi.” You smiled back at him. 
Suddenly, you felt Joe’s presence behind you as you saw Garrett’s green eyes shifted towards him. The smile on his face instantly faded. 
“Oh.” Garrett said. “Was this a bad time?”
“No—” You shook your head. 
“Actually, yea, mate. We’re on a date.” Joe cut you off as you turned to him with big, disbelief eyes. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Garrett said. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
“No, wait—” You watched as Garrett gave you his apologetic eyes before walking away. 
You felt the anger now occupied your veins as your nostrils flared. You curled your hands into fists as you turned around slowly to look at Joe. He could see the anger sparking inside of you, but he kept still. He kept a neutral look on his face as your eyes darkened.
“What the fuck was that, Joe?!” You yelled. “Why the hell did you do that?!”
“That was him, wasn't it?” Joe asked. 
How was he this calm right now? How was he acting like what he just did was okay? 
“The one that made you cry a couple weeks ago?” He added. 
You shook your head in disbelief. Why the fuck did he care which guy made you cry? Why the fuck did he care at all? All he wanted to do was make your life miserable all the time. In fact, he shouldn’t be an actor since he does a pretty good job at making you miserable to the point where he should just get paid honestly. 
“That’s none of your business!” You barked.
You started processing the apology in your mind about what you were going to tell Sara later on. 
You tried.
You really tried tonight but there was no way you were going to get along with Joe at all. Walking towards your apartment, Joe slid himself between you and the door before you could unlock it. 
“Get out of my way!” You scowled, glaring at him. 
“You really think he could make you happy after he decided to choose someone else before?” Joe asked, his voice was soft. 
You stared at him with anger. You swore if you were in a cartoon, there would be smoke coming out of your nose and ears right now. 
“You don’t know what happened last time!” You argued. “How are you so miserable with your life that you tend to drag me in it all the time?”
Joe scoffed, his face inches from yours. “Is that what you think?”
“Yes! You hate me so much that it gives you joy to see me miserable all the time!”
Joe shook his head, scoffing at your comment. He slipped himself away from you and walked towards his apartment. 
What a coward. 
He couldn’t even admit it in front of you that what you just told him was the truth. He just chose to walk away from it. 
“This night was bullshit anyway. I gave you a chance because Sara asked me to but you know what I realized? We can’t even be friends because there’s just hate and anger running in my veins when it comes to you.” You barked, making Joe turn around to face you again. 
His brows were all knitted together, his lips looked like it was twitching from the frustration because of all the reasons that you kept throwing at him. 
“You’re right. I like to make you miserable.” Joe stated. “In fact, I hate you so much that I stopped that man from asking you out again. I told him that on purpose, so he doesn’t come back.”
You threw your hands in the air, your shoulders finally relaxing as he spit out the truth to your face. 
“Finally!” You exclaimed. “The truth finally came out! I guess we both agree!”
Joe took a step forward towards you, nodding his head. “Yea, we both agree.”
You both stared at each other for a moment as you took a deep breath. Silence surrounded the hall as you turned around and ready to unlock your door when Joe had curled his hand around your wrist. You froze for a moment and looked over your shoulder. He was giving you that look again. The look he gave you when you two had talked in the lobby. The look he gave you earlier at dinner. 
His eyes turned into doe eyed ones as he gently pulled you towards him. His soft pink lips crashing into yours. You felt the air in your lungs leave as he moved his lips with yours. His hand cupped your cheek so gently, his body pressed against yours as he gently pushed you against your front door. All the anger inside of you left as you curled your hand around the back of his head and pulled him closer to you. 
Butterflies invaded your veins as both of your lips moved together. Joe’s arm wrapped around your waist, pressing your body closer against his as if the closeness between you and him wasn’t enough. You continued to kiss him deeply, feeling the air between you two shift into something new.
Suddenly, this game you were playing with Joe became too dangerous. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover @mdurdenpitt @siriuslysmoking
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 month
Happy Wednesday amazing fandom :) I realized last review forgot to mention with it being the 100th ep that I hit quite a milestone myself. It was my 100th review. Unreal and proud of myself for doing 100 of these. Now it's my 101st with this one. They’re hard work but enjoy doing them so much.
Love the responses these have gotten. So Thank you to everyone who's commented, liked or reblogged any of these 100 you are amazing. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know. This episode is adorable for so many reasons lots of good Chenford nuggets in here and lots of John/Bailey moments I can fast forward LOL Let us get started.
6x03 Trouble in Paradise
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We start with some GLORIOUS domestic Chenford. I mean legit glorious. Tim with his early morning scratchy voice. Leaning against that door frame like the delicious sight he is. Also let’s not by-pass the scruff. It's littered all over that sexy jawline of his. Mmm. Take me now sir. Anyways....To top it off he’s in his jam jams I love this. He asks her if she slept at all? Lucy telling him she’ll sleep when she’s taken the exam and gotten detective.
Tim scoffing knowing she’s not sleeping then either LOL I mean he’s not wrong…He’s so damn supportive as he listens in as she explains what she’s prepared on. The way he just nods along and listens to her vent. Every woman’s dream Tim Bradford every woman's. Checking in to test the temperature of her neuroses today heh I love him for it. He just wants to love her through this so much. It makes my heart so happy.
Lucy explains how it’s the oral portion that’s keeping her up at night. It would be keeping me up too honestly. Especially with how subjective it is. Also like to note how unfair it is how friggin pretty Lucy looks in the morning. Wish I could look that good ha. Tim asking if she still thinks Primm is out to get her? Then explains her cookie debacle. How she brought him some homemade ones and he just tossed them. I mean that's pretty damn rude....What a schmuck.
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I relate to Lucy’s anxiety so much. Because I am her when I am very stressed and anxious. I get hyper focused and can’t relax. Won’t let myself do anything till that’s done. Tim once again does his damndest to calm her, support her and reassure her it’ll be ok. The man deserves a gold star for how amazing he is eps 1-4 truly. He is 10/10 incredible for her. Her legit support system through out this whole thing.
The way he tries to take her highlighter cracks me up. Gently placing his hands over hers and pulls. She holds onto it for dear life though so he gives up. lol Tim tries a different tactic. He tells her she can over-prepare. Which is true. I’ve lived this life. BUT when you are this stressed/anxious that ain’t coming through. Her reply cracks me up. ‘No, that is an idea that lazy people created.’ LMAO This made me laugh so hard cause I would say something to this effect.
Tim does a Hail Mary of logic in this last portion. Telling her she’s gonna get in her head, how she just needs to trust herself and then let it go. His smile is so pure and sweet. Truly thinking he’s gotten through to his girl finally. The way she nods. Then Lucy instantly walks it back ‘ Yeah, I don’t think I can do that.’ I’m rolling. Oh Lucy I do get you girl. Least she’s honest with her man ahha
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Tim knows when to tap out and does as such. With a frustrated groan he gets up. Knowing he’s not gonna break her study spell. Noting he’s gonna go take a shower then. Little does he know the prospect of him wet and naked is enough to break it. Lucy is surprised at his sudden departure. Asking if he means right now? He’s so over the convo just gives her a ‘Yeah.’ Wiping his hands of this situation for the moment.
Lucy lust's after him as he walks away from her. The thought of Tim being her break is far more enticing than a normal break. Mmm don’t blame you girl. I would be using that man for all kinds of stress relief if I was you... Lucy finally gets up and follows her man to the shower. For a much needed break. I love the continuity of their shower sex LOL It’s bloody fantastic and we’re all here for it. I saw a great post that said ‘If only 5x01 Tim could see himself now.’ He would lose his friggin mind.
Getting all the shower sex and shower time he wants with Lucy now. She seeks him out for it and vice versa. Gah so good. The writers sure know how to take care of us. Especially with moments like this. D wrote a fantastic fic about this moment. Highly encourage you to read it. Also saw a great tag for this as well. It was their head canon he did that on purpose to get her to unwind with him. Sold! LOL I love this fandom and how it thinks.
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We get to see Tim back in T.O mode and it revs my engine everyone. hahaha It just does especially after not seeing it for awhile. Tim standing there looking criminally delicious in one of my fav poses. Arms crossed, biceps bulging, and forearms front and center. Hot damn he’s such a sight.
Celina is being reprimanded for her behavior at the wedding. Because honestly it was concerning to say the least. With Nolan out and Harper needing to get back to the detective squad Tim is taking over. Lucy catches his eye and he knows she’s up to something. I love his expression. He knows he needs to see what is going on. He barks orders at Celina to get war bags ready before he goes to check on his girl.
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Lucy going to Smitty has to be one of the most hysterical things. Tim literally just told her to cool it for her sanity. What does she do? Go to friggin Smitty. I’m dying. Thinking it won’t get back to Tim. Your husband done found out already dear. ha I do love the tip Smitty gives her on how Primm loves dogs. Such a Melissa detail there. Appealing to the animal lover in her. Tim interrupts their impromptu study session. This scene is comedy gold. Always is with Smitty. Dude isn’t in the show a ton but when he is. Man delivers haha
Tim can’t believe she’s gone to Smitty to study of all people. It is hilarious how offended he is when Lucy says ‘Is he even really helping her?’ Like damn that's ice cold Lucy. Man was just giving you valuable intel lol Tim corralling his girlfriend into his shift for the day is everything. Once again kudos to our man for doing his best for her. Trying to get an obsessive perfectionist to chill is quite the battle to take on. Not only chill but focus on something eIse entirely isn't easy.
I would know I am her and I feel bad for my friends when I get like this. heh. Tim riding the line between BF and Sergeant in front of Smitty is fantastic. She’s like a toddler right now and he’s continuously trying to keep her from the outlets. The parameters he puts down for both Celina and her crack me up. Still got that T.O bark in him for her. The way his eyes follow her out. *dreamy sigh* That BF side coming back out there. Smitty's comment snaps him out of it though. Too funny.
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S7. Imma need more of this trio right here. On and off work. It’s such a good one right off the bat. Celina rambling nervously while Lucy enjoys herself in the back. You know she loves watching him in T.O. mode. Just like the rest of us. We also get the delicious eargasm of him saying ‘Juarez’ with that that sexy inflection of his. If it seems like I’m extra feral this ep for him it's because I am LOL No point in fighting it. I am who I am.
Lucy brings up Aaron and Tim is instantly annoyed. That convo doesn't last more than 20 seconds. Tim pulls the car over immediately jolting them both. Telling them both to get out of the car. Ahh S1 Tim trying to make an appearance. Lucy isn’t phased in the least. Because no matter what she knows soft Tim. Also just had her way with him this morning. She ain’t scared ha Their amazing dynamic never ceases to amaze me. Lucy concedes and says they can just talk at lunch...
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I do love them Co-T.O’ing Celina in this one. Perfect mixture of hug and smack really. They respond to a guy who claims to have ‘amnesia’ Tim isn’t buying it in the least cause well it's Tim. They make it to the hospital to interview this man. Tim could not be more over this man and his BS if he tried.
His face while this guy prattles on is priceless. Eric out here killing it once again with his facial expressions. Let’s not forget the ZERO amount of personal space per usual with them. Always delights me paired with the height difference? I’m a happy girl. They are once again the epitome of Grumpy x Sunshine here.
No one does it better than our ship. They reconvene in the hallway to discuss how they wanna proceed. They’re so deep into their chat they don’t realize Celina isn’t there. LMAO Her looking around for them after they’ve left is so funny. Giving me 5x17 flashbacks where they kept losing the kid. Except it's their rookie which isn't much better.
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Tim yelling out ‘Boot!’ Mmm yes sir. Celina running over to meet up with Tim and Lucy. He continues his gruff T.O. act with her. Telling her he's about the hang a bell around her neck cause he keeps losing her. Oh Timothy. I adore how Lucy looks at Tim while he’s in this mode. Nothing but love eyes emanating from her. You are at work madam. Reign it in it. Actually don't I love it. I would say this portion is indicative of their future parenting styles. But we all know that man is gonna be a softie to their kid(s)
Because he didn’t get to have that. Lucy is going to have to be the one to lay down the law, funny enough. Especially if they have a girl. Lord help Tim. A mini Lucy running around? Man will be a goner... I do adore Lucy jumping in and saving Celina. Because she would’ve loved that herself as a rookie. Lucy’s T.O teaching style is very in line with me as a leader. As we were see in a future ep with her and Celina. She was denied praise so she wants to give what she was denied herself. Exactly how I am as a leader.
Wanted to give everything to my people that I never got. I adore this trio so much. Very mom/dad and their kid. I love Lucy giving Tim crap for not giving her a little praise. Also Lucy defending why she let Celina just go is the best. It is everything I explained above. Tim was of course is adverse to this idea. Trying to keep that hard T.O exterior going. Lucy not backing down asking 'Have I not softened you at all?' LOL You have my dear, but that is exclusive to you and only you. On and especially off work.
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We get early morning domestic Chenford x2 in this ep. I’m eating it up. D and I have had this convo about how creepy John/Bailey are with waking up the other. How they’re just sitting like a weirdo till the other wakes up at the end of the bed. It’s not sweet or romantic in the least. It’s off putting lmao Whereas this moment it’s very sweet and intimate. The way Lucy rolls over and he is the first thing she sees. *happy sigh* What a way to wake up.
Look at how that man is looking at her. Tim is head over heels for her and not hiding it at all. It's exuding out of his delicious form as he gazes down at her. I’m not well guys. I’m not well. This is so precious I cannot. Just standing there. Getting ready for the day while he let's his girl catches some much needed extra z’s. Imma implode with how cute this all is. Getting ship drunk over here and loving it.
We can see how soft this man is for her. Right after she just asked the night before if she had softened him at all? Yes Lucy. Very much so. Tim is legit putty in your hands. Never seen this man as happy as he is with her. Second gif is all the proof I need. Also there is something so sexy about the way he rolls out his cuff. Why is this so attractive? I was already feral enough in this ep ahha Look at that man above. Getting ready in his delicious black shirt like he doesn't know he's an absolute snack.
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We also get a nice shot of his chest as he buttons up. Hot damn this man is so beautiful. I’m a legit puddle of attraction *fans self*. After Lucy is done gazing at her beautiful BF she realizes she has slept in. Pops up in an instant panic. Tim replying calmly she needed it. Not phased at all by her reaction. What a good man taking care of her like this.
Seriously he was in the running for BF of the year at this point. Tim tells her to take the morning off. You know it's killing him to watch her drive herself into the ground like this. He had to do something. And if a little more sleep was what he could control then so be it. It’s what he was going to make sure happened.
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I love how he asks her 'Don’t you feel better?' It's his soft tone that has me melting. Does me in. Lucy concedes immediately saying that she does. So thankful for this man. Thankful for how he takes care of her without even asking. I love them so much. Also there is nothing like sleeping in after lots of sleep debt piles up. Lucy was due for it and Tim made sure she cashed in.
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I adore the way she thanks him for looking out for her like this. It’s very sweet and loving. Heart eyes galore. Now the big ass smile on Tim's face after she says that. *chef kiss* My god that man is so happy to have finally gotten a victory with her. That smile has me reeling basically saying 'You’re welcome, my love.’ He then continues to get ready for the day knowing his girl is happy and rested.
Unfortunately the happy morning bubble doesn’t last for long after this. Lucy gets a text saying her test is ASAP. Which beyond sucks and just another mind game from Primm. Because we all know he makes her wait till dead last. 20 minutes my ass you SOB. I hate it sfm how he makes her wait that long only to destroy her in her oral exam. *grumble*
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Honestly makes my stomach turn watching her in that oral exam. I can’t stand to watch it but must for this review. I hate her having to defend her mistake from 6x01. That shouldn’t define what an exemplary career she’s had. To this point she’s been stellar and nothing short of extraordinary. Hurts my heart to watch this scene go down. Also angers me and makes me wanna meet Primm in a dark ally with no witnesses…. Grey looks upset af when he posts the exam rankings. When she reads her results. 17th….
Gah this scene absolutely gutted me the first time. That has not changed during this rewatch. The music paired with Melissa’s outstanding acting got me all in my feels. Holy hell it's like getting the wind knocked out of you watching her devastation. How she tells Grey she’s going to die on that list. Ugh. My heart. Getting punished for taking care of Tim when he needed her. Makes me so mad I wanna throat punch Primm. Grey isn’t much comfort but that is a Tim job. It’s a rough rough scene everyone. Hard to stomach.
When Nolan damn near gets everything handed to him. She has to fight and claw for everything. Then still gets this steaming pile of crap. I hate this for our girl I really do.I truly hope we get to have a hard look at where she goes in S7. This needs to be delved into and wrapped up all in one. Our girl needs a path and a purpose. I truly think T.O. Is the calling she never expected it. Be interesting to see what they do in the next season for her following this. T.O. or not. But if she's a T.O. Tim will be her equal and not her superior for when they get back together. But I'm getting ahead of myself lol
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We get domestic Chenford part 3 and it’s the best part of all. So much to love about this scene it’s crazy. The soft Tim we all know and love is ever present in this scene. Also, his partner, supportive Tim, is crushing a performance in this segment as well. It’s beyond adorable from end to end. Just what we needed after that devastating scene before. It does our shipper hearts real good.
Lucy is pouring them some wine for their night in. Cause clearly they’re not going out. She wants to hide away with her man. I do not blame her one bit. Telling Tim she can’t believe she came in 17th… That it’s almost worse than coming in last. I would be feeling the same. Tapping into her childhood a bit and the failures she feels from there.
Not only that, but I’m sure the voice in the back of her head, that sounds like her mom, is voicing the same things. About her choosing this career and life. It’s a good thing Tim is there to quell and silence all those voices. He tells her there is no prize for coming in last. BUT there is one for coming in 17th. Haha Tim then reaches over and pulls out the award he got her.
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Look at the smile on that goober. He couldn’t be prouder of himself if he tried. Lucy looks throughly confused until she realizes he’s altered the trophy to ‘17st’ LMFAO. I love this man so much. As does Lucy as she grabs the trophy from him. Realizing what he's done. So many reasons to love this moment.
Lucy stated in 3x03 how much she loves trophies. Tim remembered this and got her one. My damn heart. Not only that the man was so sure she would be #1 he bought it beforehand. Lucy Chen’s number supporter right there. Front and center people. Lucy’s smile is everything. Tim is beaming because she is. Look at him in that second gif. He is smiling ear to ear. All he wanted was to make his girl smile and laugh. Check and check. Well done sir.
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Tim truly was so damn thoughtful and precious through out this scene. A+ boyfriend right here folks. A damn plus. Man is soft as butter for her. We all love it. Lucy’s energy has immediately changed thanks to the man next to her. Not only does her tune change she matches his mood. Throwing back a joke of her own. Saying how she gonna have to set her sights on a different future. Then mentions Metro to get a rise out of him.
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His reaction is HILARIOUS. He wasn’t ready for the joke she sent his way. Completely unprepared with a good answer. Also the stress it would bring him if she actually did. They know they work well together. That is not the problem. It’s the immense and increased danger she would be in. That’s what would give him a legit heart attack everyday. Lucy Chen has once again broken this man's brain. Gotta be a record at this point heh.
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Lucy could not be cuter when she tells him she’s kidding. Her whole body bouncing with laughter. That adorableness that only Melissa can conjure and convey. It’s beyond precious. Tim with his weak. ‘I …I knew that.’ Lucy basically following it up with an ‘Ok babe…’ Whatever you say my love. LOL Not believing him even a little bit. They are so cute and sweet I’m diabetic.
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Lucy then looks back down at the trophy he got her. Asking him if he really thought she was going to come in first? That self doubt and lack of confidence creeping back in. She truly needs to know and hear it from him. Needs that reassurance he believes in her. Because just like Tim’s needs her opinion of him to be high. Lucy needs to know Tim believes in her. Tim doesn’t miss a beat with his reply.
The sweet smile going along with it. He’s loves her so much. Is so damn proud of her. It just flows out of him. Wasn’t a doubt in his mind she was capable of being #1. He’s seen her defy the odds so many times. Was front row to every victory and loss that’s shaped her as a cop. He’s watched her become this confident bad ass. Overcoming insane and traumatic things only to come out stronger. Knows she’s a strong test taker. To him was a no brainer she would crush this thing and then some.
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Lucy hears all that in his tone and reply. Sadly she doesn't take this as a positive. But a failure on her part. She starts to fall back into her previous mood. Feeling like she let her most important person down. Those insecurities rushing back and she is beating herself up. It’s the way she stares down at first. Then locks eyes with him letting him know she’s sorry. Sorry she’s disappointed him. I saw someone made a 1x12 parallel to this line that kinda hurt my heart a bit. And once again it's something I can relate to cause I’m the same. He is just so damn supportive and cares so so much. That it comes off as high standards.
Ones that people feel like they're going to fail to achieve. When really it's just a great depth of caring and voicing what someone is capable of. Because he was denied that in his childhood he wants to make sure the people he loves know it. So they feel this need to live up to these standards he unintentionally sets. I can so relate because I was this way with my team. I was deeply caring and supportive but also voiced a lot what they were capable of. Because I too had been denied that in my childhood and with other leaders in my life. So when others would watch my team they would tell me that I had such high standards for my team.
They did not tell me this in a good way btw. Even though I produced a successful team that loved me it felt like a slight. Now while I had those standards it was always paired with deep caring and support. Just like Tim. He is just trying to build up those he loves and can come off as high standards people can't reach. Just a fascinatingly tragic thing the woman he falls in love with mistake it as high standards. When he's just trying to show how much he cares and supports them.
I stumbled across and felt it fit this moment. Because right now Lucy feels she has failed his high standards. Failed his idea of her being #1 (which we know she hasn't in his eyes.) That she's disappointed him so much so she can barely keep eye contact with him. The potential for miscommunication for this is immense. Like it was for him and Isabel. Luckily Tim kills this before it's an issue. So proud of him BTW. His growth still floors me.
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Where in 1x12 Tim has no answer for Isabel saying his standards made her feel like a failure, here he has one for Lucy. He’s learned from his past and that’s a beautiful thing to behold. He’s learned to love better. To communicate better. Loving Lucy has made him want to be better in both of those aspects. He doesn't want to make the same mistakes with her as he did with Isabel. I said back in s2 his relationship with Rachel I loved. Not because I loved him with her. But because it helped heal him. Showed him he could do a relationship again. She got him back to that place where he could fall in love again.
Even Ashley as much as we didn’t like her got him thinking about marriage, serious relationships etc again. A place I’m sure he never thought he would go again. Also taught him what he didn’t want. Even though she was the one to end it you know he learned from it. He saw all the things he wanted out of life for his next relationship and then he saw those things with Lucy. All that to say is with that growth he's gained he immediately quells the anxiety and disappointment raging inside her. Doesn't let it fester.
Squashes the thought of her thinking he could ever think that with his sweet reply. I love how he shakes his head. Kinda like how he did back in 6x02 when she asked if he loved her. Like he can’t believe she would even think he would say or think that about her. So much is said in one sentence here. The way he leans closer to her as well. Makes sure she can read her his heart eyes as he expresses something so deeply true to him. That she could never disappoint him. *heart clutch*
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Then we get the sweetest kiss to wrap this moment up. I love the way she smiles into the kiss and afterwards. Makes me squee to no end. Completed besotted with the man next to her. It’s screaming all over her body language how much she loves Tim. Their kisses always bring me such shippy joy. It's hard to put into words sometimes. But this one definitely gives me all the butterfly feels. The entire scene does really.
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The scene ends with the cutest smile from Lucy. We talk a lot about Tim’s “Lucy smile.” The one he only brings out for her. Lucy has the same with her “Tim smile.” Ain’t no one making her smile and legit light up the way Tim does. Look at the way she looks at that man in the final gifs. With sheer reverence and awe that she gets to call him hers. Tim is uber cute reveling in how good a job he did haha
Lucy easily gives into his comments. Letting him pad his ego this time. He’s more than earned it. Agreeing he did and she loves him so much for it. Adores this man by her side. He is keeping her afloat like no one else could. He never once gave up in supporting her through this nightmare. How even at her lowest Tim managed to take care of her and make her laugh and smile. She is forever grateful and it’s written all over those last two gifs. Cuteness they name is Chenford.
The song in this scene is called “healing rock.” Seems fitting. Tim was definitely healing her in this final scene. Also just a soothing song that played in the background. Perfect way to end it. That’s all she wrote for this one. Damn good episode for them. I was on cloud 9 after this one. Hard not to be. Thank you amazing readers for like, comment and reblog these. You are the real MVP's. see you all in 6x04 :)
Side note -Non Chenford
More I see Lucy in T.O roles more I think I want her to be one. She would be an excellent teacher. Far better than friggin Nolan.
I love Grey Checking in with Tim about Lucy. Tim telling him he will be glad when this is done. Killing him how she is has been a mess during all this. My heart.
John and Bailey had to have had the most unromantic boring ass honeymoon ever. I watched it the first time but I fast forwarded all that this time. *snooze*
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vivvangel · 9 months
new year, new me ! | PART ONE
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synopsis: in a span of two years, sunghoon, the "sweet face devil", or that one ridiculously good looking every uni has (or we wish had), changed so much that most believed he was putting up "a good boy act" to stay out of trouble. turns out, it was a part of his new years' resolution to win you back.
warnings: sunghoon x reader, terrible take on humor, angsty, plot moves a bit fast, sunghoon slander, pregnancy jokes, sunghoon and y/n are both pathetics in love.
viv's note: had to split it up cause it's too big (no double meaning intended..) also part two will NOT be released.
the human heart breaks sometimes.
sometimes it heals pretty quickly with the span of time, and other times, it stays in its broken state.
you weren't sure where you were in that zone after your sweet long-term highschool boyfriend kissed someone in front you during the last year of uni.
sunghoon had changed a lot throughout the years, but, for as long as he could remember you were his everything. one drunk fuck up at jake sim, his bestfriend's party and your mutual friend, ripped everything he had and loved in a matter of days.
it all started when sunghoon was invited to a party, not just any party, the "best" and "never seen before" type of party as jake claimed. there would be nothing sunghoon regrets more than going to this stupid party. long story short, sunghoon and you went to the party together, you left him alone, as in you left his side for a bit to catch up with your girlfriend, yunjin. there would be nothing you regret more than doing so. sunghoon got completely drunk and gives into the advances of this random girl— kissing her, in front of everyone, in front of you.
sunghoon's friends separated the girl from sunghoon, who was completely oblivious to what just happened as you left the party, immediately. that's how you two broke up. you two never said you broke up, but let's be honest — everyone, including you and sunghoon, thought this was over.
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that was over a year ago, though. you haven't heard about sunghoon in these past 12 months, except for an occasional "he's doing pretty good for himself now" whenever you and jake caught up with life.
your phone buzzes. you assume it's yunjin, or chaewon and check.
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"what the fuck..?" you thought to yourself, munching on the bag of cheetos you opened to accompany you while you watched your favorite romcom. "THIS IS NOT FOR REAL WHAT THE FUCK— okay NO, be cool, I'm over his ass, be nonchalant!" you say to yourself as your fingertips dance around the keyboard, trying to merge words to form some coherent sentence that isn't "omg hoon texted me🥺"
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you would be lying if you said your heart didn't skip a beat.
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so 2 days later, you did wear something cute and go to the cafe where you're supposed to meet him.
it was awkward. quiet, and full of awkward forced laughter. you never would've thought the lively conversations of random nonsense, laughter & banter would turn into — whatever this was. "so y/n..." sunghoon tries starting a conversation, warily. you look at him, not saying anything. "i know i'm a fucking jerk for saying this after all these years, but i'm sorry, you didn't deserve what i put you through"
silence. sunghoon tenses up a bit.
what do you even say to that? "thanks for being sorry"?, "oh no, it's fine"? but it isn't fine, and you're not thankful. "i mean, we don't get to control shit like that, do we? i'm sorry too for being too timid to say anything back then." you finally muster up the courage to say that, your eyes almost melting into his. everything in life changed, except this. his eyes. still warm, still full of love. you see it, feel it, but don't know what to do about it.
"why are you apologizing, y/n? it was all my fault anyways i should've never gotten drun—" he sighs, trailing off. "all i'm trying to say is, i know i'm not worthy of your forgiveness but you're still my world after all of that. i know it's selfish for me to ask because i'm the one who fucked everything up but, y/n, i'll always love you"
"we never fell out of love, did we?" you say, chuckling sadly afterwards as a tear rolls down your face. "y/n, please don't cry, you're the only one i've ever loved in my life, you know that"
"would it be crazy if i kissed him?" you think to yourself —
"sunghoon, will it be crazy for me to kiss you?" you blurt out, as sunghoon's eyes widen, but a small smirk forms on his lips. "you know what else is crazy? how much i love you" and with that,
his lips, on yours.
... TNBC ! | PART 2 (✖️ !)
taglist ! @zerasari @noidnoentry @heeseungskiwi @nonotwice1 @txtlyn @heelvsted @sunfull @nctdom @coriantiax @strawberrysavi @dopeydokyeom @sussyjake @sjkezz @no-jams-no-mans @simp4jongseong @fancycreatorofaspy @jiheon @imisshyunjin @flwrsforni
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You are like the best (twisters) Scott writer ever!!! I love David dude it's insane, could I ask for the sfw alphabet for Scott, the letters s,t,w, and z! Thanks a bunch!!
This is so sweet <3 Thank you anon!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Scott is definitely a protective partner. He tries to not overstep and make you feel like he doesn't think you can handle yourself, but he does not hesitate to walk over and help you with creepy guys at the bar. He definitely also stands behind you with his arms crossed while you tell people off, just reminding them that he can and will kick their ass if they give you trouble. I think the moments he is most protective though are when you aren't even there. If he finds out someone made a comment about you behind your back, best believe that Scott is going to lay into them to the point of tears. That is his partner and no one is allowed to talk bad about them.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Scott tries quite hard all the time. He knows that he doesn't deserve you and so that sometimes translates into him putting in effort in an almost panicked way. This eventually goes away once you two have a talk about the fact that you aren't going anywhere, but he still puts a lot of effort in - it's just not caused by fear anymore. He is definitely a "just because" flowers and gifts kind of guy, he just wants you to know how much he loves you. He is good at planning dates and making them interesting and new each time. And for anniversaries? Oh, he goes all out. Super fancy dinner (of course he is paying), an activity that you both like or that you've been wanting to try, he gets you flowers, he gets you a really nice present that he knows you'll love, then he takes you back home and takes his sweet time undressing you and making it all about you for the night. And throughout the night he's been telling you constantly how much he loves and appreciates you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
After he has met you, absolutely. Scott has never been a hopeless romantic. He is a traditionalist so while yes he wants to get married and have some kids, I don't think he would have ever believed people when they'd tell him sappy things about love and soulmates. Then he meets you and suddenly he realizes everyone was right. He wants to be in your presence all the time, he wants to marry you so bad - not just because that is what is expected but because he cannot think of wanting to be with anyone else ever again. You are his other (and better) half and he would tell you constantly.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Scott drinks way too much coffee and because of that, he has trouble getting long moments of sleep at night. It's not uncommon for you to go to bed without him, him slipping in at 2am when his body finally lets him sleep. Sometimes though, even when he is unable to sleep, he comes to bed with you anyways so he can hold you while you fall asleep and then works on his laptop to be close to you.
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persage · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Sick! Reader
Summary : When Steve hears that you're sick and you've gone to work anyway, he comes to pick you up, take you home and put his nursing skills to the test. He loves taking care of you, but sometimes you make it difficult
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Words Count: 2.3k
Tags: Steve Harrington x Sick! Reader, just Fluff and Steve being the best nurse in the world and an overprotective boyfriend
Thanks again to @loving-and-dreaming for the amazing ideas!
For all the years Steve Harrington has known you - which are way too many to be honest- you've always been careless with your health. There's always something more important: homeworks and school projects first, monsters and fights then. Anyway being selfless is what you and Steve have in common, he understands you and he knows how to keep an eye on you without you noticing, cause you get mad everytime someone, and more specifically him, tries to take care of you.
"I don't need a babysitter Harrington, I am the babysitter."
So Steve has learned to understand the way your body react to pain and stress, when you close your eyes as you get up he knows your knee is giving you trouble and when you ask him to open something for you is because the arm you broke years ago in the Byers house, against the stupid demodog, still hurts when the weather changes. But you know Steve too and you care about him of course, he has been you neighbor since you have arrived in Hawkins, when you were just a child, he was just the spoiled kid from the biggest house in the city and now  he's your boyfriend and partner in crime. You bring him food when he says he's home alone cause you think he will let himself starve, not that he can't cook - to be fair he is really good at it- but he can be lazy sometimes and prefers stays on the chouch slowly dying. You always make sure he brings his jacket with him, cause his stupid brain won't understand the temperature outside can be very different from the one inside the house and he will get sick. Also you take him to the doctor, even against his will, everytime he gets hit on his head and stay with him the night to keep him awake when he has concussions. You're pretty good at this, making sure he always comes first. He is your priority and it infuriates him of course, 'cause Steve Harrington doesn't think he deserves any of this and you don't let him do the same for you. Which is why - against his own nature- he had became more observant in the first place.
But this time he misses it.
It's Max that tells him as she enters the Family Video holding hands with Lucas, cause they need a movie for their date night. "So uh, have you seen y/n this morning at all?" Something in the girl's voice makes him turn sharply and almost knocks over the pile of boxes he was tidying up. Almost, because Robin comes to avert disaster.
Truth is you've been working really hard lately, being a babysitter and also taking shifts at Enzo's during lunches and dinners you don't have time to really rest. Steve has been doing the same thing, working as much as he can so you can afford living together so no, he hasn't seen you this morning, he just left something to eat for breakfast outside your door before going to work.
"What's wrong with her? " He asks.
"Nothing's wrong!  She was just asking!" A not so calm Lucas replies. Max glares at him. "Lucas, just tell me what my stupid, stupid girlfriend has done this time."
"She hasn't done anything at all. It's that we saw her babysitting Holly Wheeler this morning and we noticed  she was coughing...a bit."  Max explains. Steve raises an eyebrow at that
"Okay, fine, a lot." Lucas confesses, this time Max nudges him. Steve shakes his head. "Stupid, stubborn foolish girl!" He mutters. Robin places a hand on his shoulder.
"You're overreacting dingus" But as if he hadn't even heard her, Steve continues. "Cover me Rob. I have to reach y/n and take her home, then I'll come back. I swear" He doesn't even wait for her answer. Steve runs away.
He finds you at Enzo ready for the lunch shift, trying to carry a big table on your own, face red from fatigue. He stops before he can call your nome and just observes you torturing yourself and gets to see you drop the table on the ground andlean on it, coughing violently. "Are going to kill yourself?" When you hears Steve's voice you turn around and the minute you see his face, you know you are in deep trouble. Sometimes he tend to get a little overprotective, treating you like one of his children.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" You aks, trying to see something different in his face than the judgmental expression of a mother ready to lecture you. He doesn't answer, simply approaches you and puts his hand on your forehead. You try to stifle another cough and shake him off, but end up leaning on your knees with your body shaking violently. Steve holds you, caressing your back gently. "Home! Now!" He orders, his tone sweet but still doesn't allow replies
"But I have to finish-"
"No you don't, I'll talk to Enzo. Now get in the car and turn on the heating." He takes you home quickly and even if you don't need it he carries you from the car to your own room, after making sure that no one is at home. "Where are your parents?"
"Dad has the long shift, he'll be back tonight. Mom's out of town" And so Steve calls Robin, to warn her that he won't be able to work the afternoon shift.
You feel your exhausted body sinking into the mattress, lighter than air, as your vision grows spotted. You feel sicker than ever, your head weighs as if you have stones inside and burns like hell but you feel cold, at the same time: fingers, legs, arms, torso, it's all frozen. You groan, rolling on your side and closing your eyes as you hear Steve's steps.
"Baby. I'm gonna die today. Remember I love you and my collection of VHS is yours" Steve smiles, sitting near you and putting a hand on your forehead.
"Oh love, how sweet of you" He replies,  "Why were you still working?" He asks with a slight tone of reproach. One of his hands slides up your neck and then your back, the other one brushes your hair away from your forehead, then lightly caresses one of your cheeks. He starts rubbing circles over your back and it feels like paradise. "We need money, you know my amazing boyfriend and I... we want to find a place of our own and he.. He is working so much, he is doing his best  for our future together. I want to do it too, if I could I'd even get three jobs. For him. For us. " You answer, smiling. Thank goodness you have your eyes closed and you're probably delirious with fever, otherwise you'd notice Steve's eyes watering and the little tear that escapes his control. Sometimes the way you love him  unconditionally, moves him. For someone who's not used to be anyone's priority, your love is overwhelming  and he doesn't know what he's done to deserve it. Steve's touches reminds you of your childhood, the way your dad used to take care of you, telling stories about monsters and children fighting the evil, but now these aren't just stories and kids aren't just kids and you don't like hearing stuff like that anymore. And your father doesn't take care of you like before, he doesn't do it out of malice, it's just his new job that takes him away from you for a long time and you know he is suffering too. You don't blame him, but you miss him. Luckily Steve is with you to ease the loneliness.
"Hang in there, love" Your boyfriend murmures softly in your ear, placing a kiss on your cheeks, continuing to rub your back tenderly. Hide behind his words you can feel his concern, he's overprotective as always. "You are burning up, I need you to take this baby" He passes you a pill and you shake your head The movement makes you nauseous and you don't want anything, you feel so tired and sore that you are afraid a single change around you could kill you. 
"Let me here to die" you grumble dramatically.
"Then who will take care of me when I'm sick?" Steve jokes, smiling at you sweetly. The sentence makes you think, you open your eyes and look at him worried.
"What's up?"
"You have to stay away from me" You say, your teeth chattering in the cold as he adjusts the blanket around you better. "I'm not kidding, you could get sick too"
"Dont worry about me love, You just need to rest. " He tells you and in your feverish delirioum you hold his hands and you let go, falling into a deep sleep.
When you wake up an hour and a half later, Steve is in the same position, holding a hand on your forehead and watching over you like your guardian angel. You would like to tell him he shouldn't be here with you, but the truth is the feeling of being cared for is foreign enough to make you crave it in a way you didn't know you could. You cough again your poor lungs out, trying to cover your mouth so as not to contaminate Steve, then sneeze repeatedly. He shakes his head, handing you a glass of water and supporting your back so you can drink comfortably. "And you thought you could work like this? You should be more attentive to your health." "Ohhh Still with this story? Don't be exaggerated, I'm not that bad. Also I was fine before you came at Enzo's" You reply stubbornly, raising an arm to push him away with a huff.
"You were already burning up and you wouldn't even think to come to me. I'm not a good boyfriend? You don't trust me as a nurse? I'm an excellent nurse, that's my job" He has a harsh tone, he wants you to understand that you really have to take care of yourself, today is a fever, tomorrow something else. Steve would like you to be your priority not only his. "Why do you have to be so dramatic! It's just a cold."  Your voice has a strange tone, it's hoarse from the cough, vaguely funny. Steve smiles. He can't be mad at you especially as you disappear into the blanket, curled up on yourself, like a child in need of care. And no matter how much you deny it, you need him and he wants to be there. "Come on Steve seriously maybe there's a chance I didn't pass you my lousy germs. Save yourself. Go away. Think about you my love"
"No way, I need to keep an eye on you."
"Steven Harold Harrington, You're acting like I'm five."
"Don't use my full name on me y/n, also You've been acting like you're five all day." Then after a minute of silence. "How long has this been going on?" He asks more seriously, as you peek out from under the covers to make eye contact with him. You are not even interested in the fact that you are not as beautiful as you would like, that you have dirty hair, swollen red shiny eyes and a pale skin, his steady gaze on you is so full of adoration and devotion that you do not believe it is humanly possible for some eyes express so much love without saying a single word, without moving a muscle, in just one simple glance.
"It was just a sore throat yesterday. I only started coughing this morning and then I was cold, shivering a lot, but I didn't... I didn't want to take my temperature. If you don't know, you don't have to stay home from work" Steve shakes his head and remembers the last few days, he should have been more careful because it's clear you're lying now and it's clear that when you said you were tired in the past few days, you weren't just tired.
"Don't lie to me, I'm not stupid. I mean yes I am, but not that much. You must've been feeling bad for at least a few days." You avoid his look "I hate it when you do this" He whispers lying next to you.
"I haven't done anything. You're just overreacting because you love me too much"
"Please y/nyou are the one who underestimates everything. And yes, I love you too much and I would like to grow old with you, but if you continue to behave like an unconscious foolish child you will make me die of a heart attack at thirty and you will break my dreams"
You laugh. "You're a Drama Queen"
"No you don't understand, today is just the fever and yesterday were demogorgons and tomorrow who knows? You always do it, not taking care of yourself, it scares me"
You hold his hand and after a moment of silence, with all the sincerity, you reply.
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" You are interrupted by a cough. "I've never seen it this way. I've never thought about the impact my actions can have on you. I'm so selfish. "
"No, you are the opposite of selfish. But you are right about one thing I love you too much. And now I'm going to get you some iboprufen to take down the fever." He gets out of bed and places a kiss on your forehead. "I need my girlfriend to be okay"
"I hate meds" You whine and moan.
"You are just a little girl"
"Thanks, my hero." But before he can leave the room you call him. "Steve" He turns around, smiles and you think that you don't want anything more than this for your whole life. Steve Harrington and you, your house, you dreams. The everyday life that becomes extraordinary next to the right person. "I'm sorry I said you were overreacting." You state.
"I love you too, y/n."
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Holaa, can you write about a scenario where the reader makes a diy bracelet for Gavi using beads in his favorite color and with his initial too, as a gift. Gavi really likes it and wears it all the time, and the reader is so happy. However, one day when Gavi is at an international match, the reader sees one of Gavi's teammate's Instagram stories and notices that Gavi is no longer wearing the bracelet. This makes the reader feel hurt and they start to think a lot of negative thoughts. :((
Actually, the reason why Gavi doesn't wear the bracelet anymore is because one of his teammates accidentally pulled it during practice, causing it to break. Gavi tried to fix it himself, but was unable to do so. When Gavi returned home, they tried to make it up to each other. I prefer a lot of fluff after, thank you so much anyway! Te amo 🩷
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"Um..I have something for you Pabs.." you said when he sat down on your couch having just came back from the national team training session absolutely exhausted.
He asked you to fly out and spent his days with him in Madrid while he practices for his first national game and you agreed really missing your best friend in the past few months.
"What's that princesa?" he said using the usual nickname but ever since your crush intensified as you grew older, you started reacting a lot more to it.
"It's for good luck on the nationals..do you like it?" you said putting it around his wrist and he smiled looking at your adorable blushed face. Pablo secretly had a crush on you as well but he didn't want to complicate our life by ever admitting it. Truth be told, he doesn't feel like he deserves you...not with all the negativity people label him as.
"It's pretty. Gracias princesa! I'm always going to wear it!" he said playing with the beads while you looked at him dreamily. He looked so beautiful without trying that you found your eyes focusing on his lips for a little too long.
"Everything okay? Do I have something on my face?" Pablo teased and you looked away shyly shaking your head and continuing to watch the movie on the TV screen.
Since you gave it to him, Pablo really wore it non-stop and started to believe that it was really a lucky charm because he never played better. During trainings he would get praises by coaches, and during games he would never be more efficient and get less yellow cards.
Whenever he would get angry, after being provoked, he would look at his wrist and take a few deep breaths before continuing the game without getting in trouble. Your face would pop into his head and he didn't want you to watch him get in trouble no matter where you were in that moment.
One day during the training, Ansu jumped on his back making him loose balance falling and pulling on his bracelet breaking it in process. Pablo almost cried while collecting the beads packing them up and putting them all into his wallet.
He wasn't home since then, so he couldn't ask you to fix it for him and had to play the next game without it. He was never feeling more nervous feeling like he lost his luck charm. This won't be good..
"What's up with you Gavi?" Ansu asked seeing his friend shaky and anxious standing in the corner alone while the rest of the team chatted like usual before heading to the pitch.
"Your fault cabrón! I don't have my good luck charm now!" Pablo said and his friend rolled his eyes already having apologized thousand times for pushing him and breaking his bracelet.
"Who gave it to you when it's so special?" Ansu teased not thinking that it was anybody in particular but when he saw Pablo's cheeks blush he knew that he poked the right spot.
"Wait! Did Gavi finally get tamed by a girl?? Who is she hermano??" Ansu said and Pablo talked about your long friendship since school and how you've always been there, through everything never leaving his side. Ansu could tell that what Pablo felt for you was something special..something more than simple attraction he had for other girls since the fame arrived.
During the same time, one of Pablo's teammates took a video and posted on his story catching he glimpse of Gavi and Ansu talking. What caught your eye tho is that there was no bracelet on Pablo's wrist..you thought it was because he was still wearing long sleeves?
When he came out on pitch, you realized that he really was not wearing the bracelet..why would he take it off?
You thought about all the recent rumors about him and this other girl from Sevilla who kept hinting their relation and in return gain quite a fame. But Pablo said she is a fame chaser and that he was never with her..maybe he lied? Maybe he found someone else?
Your heart was braking as your eyes kept checking on his wrist hoping that the bracelet would suddenly appear but it never did. Did you really think he would end up with someone like you? you thought to yourself feeling like you wanted to cry.
Close to the end of the game, Spain was still winning but Pablo didn't seem to play as well as he did in the past games. He looked like he was lost on the pitch and he was also easily agitated. In 90th minute someone slid down collecting Pablo's legs and hurting him badly in response.
You gasped moving closer to the screen while they tended to his wounds and carried him off the pitch. You were so worried texting Aurora to see if they had any information. Thankfully it wasn't permanent damage but he will need to miss the next match so he is coming back home.
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Come back stronger hermano! @pablogavi
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pablogavi: gracias hermano! coming back with my lucky charm ;)
alejandrobalde: we're waiting for you!!
sefutbol: waiting for the Golden Boy! <3
aurorapaezg: proud of you hermanito! <33
pablogavi: <3
pedri: get your but back to the pitch quickly cabrón!! jajaja
pablogavi: look who's talking jajaja only you can cover my position so get to it!!
ansufati: get that luck back ;)
pablogavi: !!
Pablo was partly happy that he was going back home, that was he can get his lucky bracelet fixed and see you while he was there. He really missed your adorable face..
When he came home, you weren't staying with his family like you said you would and Aurora told him that you've left a few days ago..same time he stopped wearing the bracelet. He knew that you must have seen it and he wished that he texted you about to so you don't make assumptions. Mierda Pablito! You're so stupid sometimes!
pablitoo: are you home princesa??
amotcito: i'm not, sorry
pablitoo: don't lie to me. i see you through the window!
You looked through the window smiling involuntarily when you saw that he was indeed standing down there looking up at you while holding his phone.
"What do you want?" you asked through the window
"Let me in princesa" he said pointing at the door and you sighed nodding your head and letting him through nervously waiting for him to arrive to your apartment. He knocked and you opened saddened when you saw his leg being wrapped in gauze.
"Hola princesa.." he said
"Hola.." you moved so he can come in letting him sit down on your couch asking if he needed anything but he shook his head opening his arms signaling that all he wanted was a hug.
"I don't know if we should do that now.." you said gulping using last bits of your strength not to hug after missing him for a whole month.
"What's different now?" he asked and you blushed looking away which made him curious what you were thinking about.
"Um..you have a girl don't you?" you said and he sat up quickly raising his eyebrows wondering where did you get such nonsense from.
"What!? Who told you that?" Pablo said and you met his eyes again wondering if you really assumed everything wrong. But if he wasn't with another girl, why would he take a bracelet off so suddenly??
"Um..you took the bracelet off so I thought.."and Pablo chuckled grabbing your hand and pulling you closer before you were sitting besides him and he pulled you into a hug.
"You're so cute when you make up scenarios like this princesa..but no I don't have a girl..and I did not take the bracelet off" Pablo spoke as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
"But you weren't wearing it on the last game?" you said as he pulled out his walled opening it and reveling the beads inside.
"Ansu jumped on me and I broke it..I couldn't fix it on my own and you weren't there to do it..so I had to save it here until I came back home and let you fix it for me" Pablo explained and you blushed feeling so silly for assuming something so quickly and telling him about it too. Now he must think you were jealous..which wasn't far from the truth..but still..he was just your friend!!!
"I feel so stupid now.." you admit and he raised up your chin making your heart jump in your chest while you looked into each others eyes.
"Don't feel stupid princesita..I think it's cute how you were worried some other girl will take me away from you..but that could never happen" he whispered the last part before finally placing his lips onto yours softly.
When he pulled away you face was bright red and you were in utter shock. Did..did he just kiss you? So he felt the same for you!?
"Would you be a good girl and fix it for me princesa?? I really need my lucky charm back.." he smirked when he saw how stunned you looked and you looked down at the beads nodding and taking his walled form his hands.
Before you could get up to grab what you needed to fix in his hand grabbed your chin again and pecked your lips like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
"Um here you go Pabs.." you put it back around his hand when it was fixed and he smiled playing with the beads before looking back at you like he expected something else. You knew what he expected but you were too nervous to do it..it was still so fresh and you've been crushing at him for years.
"Come here..I won't bite" he pulled you closer kissing you a few times and you smiled into the kiss finally relaxing into the kisses "unless you beg me to princesa.." he whispered into your lips and you swore you could die in that exact moment.
"Pablo!!" you said hiding your hot face into his neck and he chuckled at how easily you get embarrassed kissing the top of your head and holding you tightly against him.
"I don't just need the bracelet for luck..I need you princesa..so be my girl..and come with me to the next game?" he said and you were so happy you could scream but instead you kissed him passionately letting go off all your nerves.
"Yes! Yes!" you said and he chuckled nodding his head and kissing you back sweetly before pulling you closer and letting you rest your head on his chest while he played with your hair. He was content..you were finally his..he had his lucky bracelet back..and he was ready to win this national league with you by his side!
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My luck is back <3 @y.n.bebe
liked by 100K
gavigavigavira: wait!!!? girlfriend!???
gavipablo: she is his old friend..that's so cute <33. liked by 12K other
pedri: what!?? lucky cabrón ;)
pablogavi: yeahhh ;)
ansufait: glad luck is back hermano!
pablogavi: she is backkk!!
y.n.bebe: hehe <33 liked by pablogavi
alejandrobalde: vamooss españa!! you're girl is beutiful!
pablogavi: yeah MY girl is beautiful jaja liked by y.n.bebe
y.n.bebe: hehe good luck cariño <3
pablogavi: you're here amor..we are winning <33
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My best friend..my campeon <3. @pablogavi
Liked by 50K others
pablogavi amor <33 only won because of you!!
y.n.bebe: te amo cariño!! liked by pablogavi
gaviraaa: i might be sad that he is not single but I'm happy it's with someone who loves him for him and not for his fame <33
gavithebest: yeahh this girl has been his friend for years too
gaviraaa: they are so cute!! <33
aurorapaezg: lindooos! ahhh!
y.n.bebe: you always knew this would happen Rora jajaja
aurorapaezg: my hermanito is head over heels in love with you!!
pablogavi: Rora!!! That was a secret!!
belengavira79: take care of my boy princesa <3
y.n.bebe: promise <33
gavifanss: aweee my heart!! this is so adorable!!
It's longish but I enjoyed writing it A LOT! Hope you like it :)
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orion4ever · 10 months
Hello! Can I request some headcanons for Qiu, Tamarack and Cove with overall Rebelious and mean MC who has a soft spot for them, but tries really hard to hide their feelings?
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Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Also sorry if this isn’t great , I am not good at writing about meaner characters.
Pairing(s): Cove Holden x Reader , Qiu Lin x Reader and Tamarack Baumann x MC
In the beginning, he’d be a bit intimidated by your attitude.
He might’ve avoided you when he first arrived in Sunset Bird , already making the judgment that you wouldn’t be that pleasant to be around.
That's until he meets you!
Cove noticed that you were much more softer and nicer with him than most people.
You wouldn’t be mean to him like you were with people who you weren’t as close with
And you would avoid rebelling or breaking rules when he was around to make sure he didn’t get in trouble for it.
Of course, you were still you. But with Cove around you were mellow.
Your moms notice how quickly your demeanor changes when he is in the general area.
One minute you could be telling somebody off and then the next you would be hugging Cove and asking him how his day was and if he wanted to get a snack later.
Cove would worry that you might get into serious trouble one day, which you reassured that you wouldn’t.
Depending on what comfort level Cove is: Cold, Medium, or Warm; this might just work for the two of you.
Cold Cove wouldn’t mind as much since he isn’t that social and rather be in your company anyway. Not that he is condoning it.
Medium Cove is a bit more awkward and less defined, he doesn’t want people to be put off and avoid you.
Warm Cove is probably the most understanding, he understands that's just how you are. If you didn’t like being nice to strangers then so be it, if you didn’t want to follow some rule then that's ok. Warm Cove would encourage you to be more social though, he wants you to have friends.
Cove appreciates that you are softer to him though, I don’t think he could handle you being genuinely mean to him.
You and Cove have fun though, It's a interesting contrast to see the two of you together.
Like a yin and yang.
Their reaction depends on what stage of their life they are in.
Step 1 Qiu might be the TINEST bit nervous, also worried that you might get into trouble or get on somebodies bad side with your behavior
Qiu, of course, is very welcoming and polite still. You may be mean to everybody else but you aren’t to them.
They get a little smug about how you are softer and seem to favor them more than most people.
Like Of course you like their company, Everyone does!
Qiu tries and get other people to see your softer side but you don’t put down your walls for them.
Qiu during Step 2, is a completely different story though.
They just go “same💀”
You two probably skip school all the time and it starts to get concerning and your parents start enforcing it more.
You two get into a bit of trouble…(mostly loitering, you two aren’t getting into anything serious lmao)
Qiu understands your attitude more the older they get. Sometimes some people don’t deserve your time and sometimes some people deserve your kindness
It's a self-preservation, At least that's how the two of you understand it.
While everybody else worries, you and Qiu are just chilling.
They like having someone around who can match their energy.
Step 1 Tamarack wouldn’t like you at first, Or at the very least be indifferent.
She would want you to be nice to everyone, not just her.
She does brag a bit that you are only softer towards her.
She also has a rebellious side as well, you two get into lots of shenanigans together and cause lots of mischief all the time.
Your mom and her grandparents def put leashes on you two.
It's always kiddy fun.
Once again, Step 2 is another story.
Based on her interaction with Qiu, If you were similar to being mean to others and causing trouble then she would be disappointed
But she’s less awkward around you and tries to encourage you to be more nice or at least a bit more sociable.
Tamarack knows that you can be one of the most softest and kindest people she knows, you’ve watched her back and been there when it got tough
And she wants people to see that rare side of you, but she understands that you are just not interested or in the mood to be nice or to follow rules.
Depending on how rebellious you are, even her grandparents may be wary. It was okay when you were kids but your old enough to get yourself and Tamarack into serious trouble.
On a more positive note, Tamarack still enjoys your company. Sure you aren’t that social but you would never say half the stuff you say to strangers to her.
You and Tamarack go out at night and clean graffiti and collect trash as a ‘reverse vandalism’ and you insult people who litter etc.
Tamarack one day does want to see a positive change in you , but for now it’s just the two of you.
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