#i created this environment but god
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ducktollers · 2 months ago
i cant stand when people are like “umm actually generative ai isnt bad for the environment, its just as bad as everything else you do online ☝️🤓” like no fucking shit dude. the point is that it has the same environmental strain as other technologies except this one adds subzero value to our lives and most people dont even want it in everything and its only IN fucking everything using up tons of water and energy to pander to shareholders as Our Revolutionary New Ai Tool™️ or whatever the fuck
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minorfamilysupremacy · 2 years ago
said it once, saying it again outside of tags: the person you are when you're being abused is not truly reflective of who you are. in an abusive situation, you are in constant survival mode. you are behaving in ways that you think a) are going to please the abuser and b) are going to keep you from being hit, berated, or otherwise punished. you do not get to be who you really are because that is legitimately dangerous. it creates a vulnerability you cannot afford. you need to act with your self-preservation instincts in mind first and foremost, and self-preservation often conflicts with authenticity and honesty. so when you're looking at those texts, judging build for being such a thoughtless, hateful person, try to understand what it's like mentally to have your back to the wall for months or years on end.
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pliablehead · 6 months ago
helllooooo i want to hear about your dream ee + duncles co-headline gig. venue, songs, general gig-vibes, go wild i want to hear your Wildest Dreams (to get ahead of the inevitable joke it is assumed that someone will come out and kiss holding the gay flag you don't need to factor that in)
(thank you for the parenthetical that’s very helpful) OHHHH i saw this come in and just said aloud “oh that’s a very nice thing to say….” truly thank you <3
my immediate first thought head empty for venue was the mercury lounge in NYC, which is perhaps a little ‘too small’ for EE even in the states but would be the exact right size for duncles, which then sort of lends itself to the notion of like, it’s a duncles show and Surprise EE Is Here Too Hehe which then says to me that the audience will have sort of self-selected as duncles fans and hardcores, which would be an incredible vibe. the bar at mercury lounge is like the venue lobby, it’s GREAT for shooting the shit and actually talking and not having to be In the performance space proper to do it. love it. but more realistically an ee-in-the-states sized venue, which is kind of the size gig I like the best anyway. a jeremy pritchard Patron Saint Of Dogshit Venues ass venue. (ideally 21+ and independent/NOT livenation fuckasses.) they could be at the one ee played at in my hometown last year that’s like On My Street Basically and i sure as fuck would not complain about that
it’s also important that me and ALL the homies are there. at the front. and that we eat empanadas down the block beforehand.
duncles live sets that i’ve seen online are almost always really spot-on and good setlist wise but obviously obviouslYYYYY they have to play bellio or i cry. INCLUDING doing the backup vocals u cannot skimp on me. duncles on first i think. ootitw-heavy. the duncan puppet is there and it’s probably jon doing it. dutch uncles also need to cover hold me dancin’ by margo guryan. ee can participate in this as well if they want actually so maybe they can all do it together at the end.
in my heart then EE goes on second and they have a full hefty set with plenty of rdf and mountainhead tracks (pizza boy is non negotiable) AS WELL AS blast doors, which is one of my favorites that they have done live a ton since i started following them but NEVER at gigs I’ve been at. also supernormal. they need new stage outfits that are 4% more swaggy, which like, if that wanted to be a return to the gth tabard look i would not be mad about it. also jonathan gives me the AFD orange trenchcoat because it’s maybe a little too small for him now and it’s okay jon i will give it the best home it could ever have forever. i’m in the very front and he puts the mic directly on me for some classic singalong bits here and there. huge no reptiles encore Church moment. we all go to the bar and get beers or white claws afterward. robin’s hair is pink again.
i’ll probably have a million other fantasies about this going a million other different ways at any other point in time but these are the constants and the things it makes me happy to think about. im really going Thru it right now (as are we all i fear) so thank u
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trans-yllz · 2 months ago
I'm very into like nature and the environment and everything obviously and like my whole career is founded on connecting kids to the natural world but I do actually hate the whole "oooh I have such a special ~spiritual connection~ to nature 😳" thing. girl you are an animal. YOU ARE AN ANIMAL. you are literally part of the environment you are an animal
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bennidraws · 1 year ago
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To Euthanize Your Heart - Rosio & Lucis backstory, part 1 (ao3 link)
hello darlings, may i interest you in my ocs,, yet again 🤲
i'm so sure this thing is completely unreadable on the phone app 😭 i love how functioning tumblr is haha, so bless ao3
anyway, would they truly be ocs if they didn't go through childhood trauma. and this is only the Beginning✨
it's important to point out that this story doesn't really have a good ending. and in the same breath, all the parts that will follow will touch on pretty serious topics (rape attempt, domestic abuse), so please be safe 🙏
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ragingdumpsterfire · 2 years ago
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Welcome to Fort Solis 🚫
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prolibytherium · 1 year ago
I have spent much of my life at war with various rodents
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blatantlyhidden · 1 year ago
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seafoam-taide · 5 months ago
I feel insane. Listening to some people talk about struggling with balanced consistent eating and out of every point they make to why it's a struggle they keep circling back to its so expensive. I feel like. Can people hear themselves. Does anyone hear how insane that sounds. Food is hard because it's so expensive. Food. That thing you need to. You know. Survive. To live . The most basic. Food is so expensive nowadays it's so hard to eat enough. HELLO? THAT'S INSANE
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kurtmustdie · 1 year ago
No matter what Miguel’s fate is in btsv just rest assured he gets the happiest ending possible in my warrior cats x spiderverse AU
Since it still follows the events of atsv but it’s a little different because it’s adjusted to the warriors universe I can just
lay it out here
he (Reclusestar) ends up retiring from being leader of SpiderClan and goes to live in a cozy cottage outside of the forest his clan used to reside in with a lesbian couple that takes in cats to foster them to later be adopted. He’s a permanent resident (along with Jess, Peter, Xina, and Mayday, who’s now a young adult cat), meaning he gets to help cats, young and old, adjust to house cat life and generally have a better living situation than before (most of them either being dropped of from owners who can’t take care of them or former street cats)
and yes, that means he gets to help out and play with plenty of kits. All of the kits love him. He basically adopts every kitten that crosses the door. He does cry when they get adopted but he knows that he’ll either get to see them around the city/neighborhood (he’s allowed to wander) or that they’ll remember him as a good father/mentor figure and take his teaching to heart.
he also gets to wear a cute little red and blue bandanna because why not.
the humans end up naming him muffin… yk… if you care.
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peniscat · 8 months ago
remind me to talk about armand later
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serenaushy · 8 months ago
A conversation I don’t see being had enough is the struggle, pain, and unlearning you have to do when you’re raised with Christian morality. On paper, you might think it’s a great thing to introduce a young kid to. It teaches them to do good, and good things will happen to them. Sort of like a karma thing, but instead, we believe in a higher power that will take care of us if we believe and are good people. The problem is, the goal post for being “good” is never fixed. It moves constantly. Biblical leaders say that being “good” is following the set of morality that’s dictated in the Bible — so, the ten commandments and such. But there are rules in the Bible that most Christians don’t even attempt to follow, such as women being totally silent in church (1 Corinthians 14, 1 Timothy 2:11-15) and wearing head coverings (1 Corinthians 11:6), divorce being not allowed (Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9, Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18), and prayer being a private, personal, and un-vain affair (Matthew 6:5-8). (All these are New Testament examples, by the way, so they do apply to Christianity.) And then there are rules in life that you have to follow that aren’t explicitly in the Bible — most Christian children are expected to be well-mannered, polite, good at school, and grow into successful members of society. Christian children are chastised the same if they don’t get good grades or if they tell a lie — only one is in the Bible.
The problem is... not all of these things can be controlled. You can study all you like, but some kids aren’t great test-takers, and will get bad grades. (Heck, you can even tell lies that you don’t know are lies, which is something I actually got punished for as a child.) Some people have mental, emotional, or physical barriers that keep them from being “successful members of society”. And now those kids, who aren’t achieving what they feel they should be, who aren’t morphing into whatever new set of morality and guidelines that their parents dictate, suddenly see themselves as “bad”. Now they’re a bad person, and bad things are going to happen to them as a result. From things they cannot control. From rules they simply cannot be.
To take a page from the book of my life, I am disabled, and have been my whole life. After over a decade of trying everything we found out about to help my health, my mom took me to see Benny Hinn, and he said, on the stage, in a room full of disabled people, that if any of us didn’t get better, it’s because we didn’t believe hard enough in the healing power of Jesus Christ. Do you know what that will do to a person? He blamed me, who prayed every night in tears and went to every doctor I could find and went to multiple sessions where people prayed over me, for not being able to be healed. And yes, I know that God isn’t the people, but fuck, man. It is so messed up. It is so messed up that there are people who others look up to that say something as insensitive, horrific, and damning as, “If you’re sick, it’s your fault.” It’s so messed up that me and millions of other Christian kids grew up being told if you were good, good things would happen and you’d be blessed, and if not, well, we know where you’ll end up. It is messed up that I am 28 years old and I still have to tell myself that me having a bad health day isn’t because I am irreparably evil and unable to be saved.
And I’m obviously not the only one, I mean, I’m pretty sure almost every LGBTQIA+ kid could wax poetic on the same subject.
Because that’s the thing about Christianity. It doesn’t teach you that you are worthwhile and important. It explicitly teaches you that only by God’s grace do you matter.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year ago
friendly reminder that
"I love everything about you."
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moreaujeans · 1 year ago
oh boy
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offthewall1979 · 2 months ago
"I'm just livin day to day, dreamin, wishin upon stars, and all that magic stuff *giggle*" girl i am gonna throw UP. i would put him in a shoebox with soft blankets like a very small baby bunny.
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