#i could have written like 10 ic things in the time it took me to write this
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judgementkazukun · 2 years ago
Japanese names put the family name before the given name, unlike English names which put the given name before the family name. People also generally are addressed by their surnames in Japan except for within families or with close friends. Hence why pretty much everyone calls him Kiryu in the series.
Side note: When translating their names to English, many Japanese will also switch the order of the names. (At the very least, this is the custom for the Japanese members of the multinational company I work for irl.) So in an English-speaking country, he would likely introduce himself as "Kazuma Kiryu."
Japanese kanji are taken from Chinese characters, but unlike Chinese, Japanese cannot be written entirely in them. Hiragana and katakana which were derived from kanji are syllabic scripts and far more commonly used. Kanji is not syllabic, so you could have two words (or names) with the same hiragana that have totally different kanji thus totally different meanings. This is important for Kiryu's name because of reasons.
Kiryu (KiryĆ«): æĄç”Ÿ
æĄ - Paulownia (a type of hardwood tree)
生 - Life, genuine, or birth
Kiryu being a "genuine" yakuza due to his honor is one of the running themes in the series. Additionally the man just does not die easily, even when actively putting himself in situations that he should definitely not have survived in terms of probability.
ryu/ryĆ« is actually the romaji for one way that the kanji for dragon (韍 or 竜) can be pronounced. This seems to be a play on words of some kind as I do not think it's a coincidence that the character they gave the title The Dragon of Dojima has a syllable in his name that at least sounds like the word for dragon. I was actually surprised when I saw that the kanji for his name didn't line up with that. (The kanji for Ryuji Goda's name is 郷田 éŸćž and does include the kanji for dragon directly. Ryuji wanting to be the only dragon and having the kanji for dragon in his name I think is very fitting for his very in-your-face personality.)
Interestingly, Kiryu is the name of both a city and a river in the Gunma prefecture of the Kanto region. Both use the same kanji as Kiryu's name. In Shinto, Japanese dragons are considered kami and often associated with bodies of water such as rivers. I cannot find all that much information about this river in English, unfortunately, so I'm unsure if there's any further significance, but I do have the strong feeling that the fact he shares his name with that of a river isn't a coincidence.
Kazuma: 侀马
侀: One, alone
銏: Horse
First of all, RGG Studios looked at their characters and said "If we don't put the kanji for the number one in their names how will people know they're the protagonist?" considering Ichiban's kanji (侀ç•Ș) just literally means first. Given the everything about Kiryu, I wouldn't doubt that this is a reference both to the number one with him being as prominent a figure in the Tojo Clan as he is and also a reference to him being literally alone and lonely which, ever since the first game, when everyone close to him has the audacity to die, is something he finds himself grappling with again and again throughout the series.
Also, according to a random, very outdated website I've just found on Japanese names (that I trust maybe 33% to be reliable) 銏 can also just be a placeholder for a large animal used as a metaphor (like maybe... a very large, reptilian animal similar to a lizard of some kind?) or it can be used as a reference to the shogi knight piece or the shogi dragon horse piece. The dragon horse is the promoted bishop and considered the second most powerful piece in shogi, with the dragon king (promoted king) being the only one above it. Again, this could be a coincidence, but is it? I don't doubt they would want to throw every reference to 'dragon' possible at Kiryu without outright using the dragon kanji.
In conclusion: Dragon Kin? Horse Boy? Furry? Scaley? All of the above? I have no idea. But I am so glad that they potentially made multiple convoluted references to dragons in his name when they could have done what they did with Ryuji and just fucking used the damn kanji. Literally nothing was stopping them. We get it. The Dragon symbolism is very important for him.
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merbear25 · 7 months ago
based off the hcs where their s/o was an inch taller than them: how about kid, killer n law w an s/o thats SIGNIFICANTLY taller them, like 2 or more ft taller ?
Ayo~ I loved thinking about this and can't deny that you chose some good options for me to have a bit more fun with. I hope you like what I've written for you. 💜💜
Original ask
CW: SFW, gn!reader, headcanons, some fluff, some humor
With a s/o who’s much taller (Kid, Killer, Law)
He was not used to feeling so, well, small. Even when he faced enemies that were monstrously bigger, he thought nothing of it.
Perhaps it had to do with the way you peered down at him with that silly love sick look upon your face. 
He huffed at you when you gave him that look, turning away in wild blush. 
“Don’t give me that!” which was always followed by you asking, “What am I doing?” as you leaned down. His flustered expression had him stomping off, while mumbling, “I’m not that short,” to himself, despite you never mentioning his height.
If you had long hair, letting it fall in a way that framed him would make his heart beat so fast it was as if it was going to pop out of his chest. There was an undeniable beauty to you which caught him off guard at times.
Giving him pet names that related to his height in ANY way was going to make him pout and grumble. 
He’d shout at you, defending his height, which wasn’t short enough for you to be giving him so many nicknames. Nuh-uh. And he made sure you knew that through the yipping and barking he gave you in protest.
There wasn’t anything that he didn’t adore about you. In fact, he kind of liked how tall you were.
He felt as if he was “fun-sized” as you put it, which he couldn’t help laughing at. Seeing as you favored teasing him, he eventually started calling you “king-sized” to continue the trend of candy inspired pet names.
All teasing was done with an understanding that it wasn’t meant to be taken personally. He poked fun at you just as much as you did him. Light-hearted retorts and comically dramatic reactions, of which he wasn’t the best actor. However, you weren’t either and that made it that much more fun.
It wasn’t often that he took notice of the height difference. Of course, it was obvious, but to him you were just you. Plus, he liked looking up at you in order to see your beauty catching the rays of the sun before anything else did.
Being physically affectionate would make him melt. He adored being held by you, letting himself curl up in your arms.
If you were ever self-conscious about your height, he would never fail to lift your spirits by showering you with compliments and helping you realize the uniqueness it brought you.
The difference in height didn’t matter to him, and he especially didn’t care about the jokes you made. Not. In. The. Slightest. Because he was very secure in his height. Mmhm.
He found you breathtaking and your height only amplified your show stopping beauty. That being said, you being as tall as you were could be quite annoying.
There were plenty of things he had no issue getting himself. “I’m perfectly capable!” He shouted in a flustered spat. You left him to it, not wanting to bother him further. Afterwards, 9 times out of 10 he realized he actually needed your help but was too embarrassed to ask for it now.
There were undeniable advantages though. If you went to a concert together, you could offer him a better view. He’d refuse the offer, denying that he needed it
but as the concert continued, he’d let you pick him up. 
Any teasing following this would make him pout in the corner and would undoubtedly lead to him giving you the cold shoulder.
His insistent moping around always came off as a bit over dramatic. You had to be the one to speak up first, otherwise it would go on forever.
He might not admit it, but he actually enjoyed it when you wrapped your arms around him from behind—it made him feel secure. Giving him an embrace like this would melt that iced shoulder he had towards you.
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howlett-variants · 4 months ago
"I've got you"
a/n: I love Charlie Kenton sm, he deserves more love. Also, I haven't written an X reader fic in like 10 years forgive me.
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Prompt: Charlie gets his ass kicked, thankfully he has you to patch him up! Words: 2,975 Tags: gn!reader, post movie, hurt/comfort, Charlie is very dog coded to me and I don't know how to tag things anymore
You could have never guessed your day to go like this. Work had been boring as all hell. The only thing keeping you going was the thought of getting to hang out with those you cared about most over at Tallets Gym. Bailey was basically your closest friend at this point. She was kind and caring but could always match your energy- especially if that energy was being angry with Charlie. Speaking of Charlie, seeing him was always one of the best parts of your day. Even when he was being an idiot, or impulsive, or both- he always knew how to put a smile on your face. Which was much needed after a boring day at work. You even looked forward to seeing Max most days. The kid was the spitting image of his father when it came to personality, which definitely had its downsides. Max was probably the most independent eleven-year-old you’ve ever met- he was always determined to do stuff by himself. Even if he ended up asking you or Bailey for help in the end. Things were never boring with the Kentons. 
Today would be no exception.
Your phone rang mere moments before you were about to park in front of the rundown gym.
“Hel-” You started, but were quickly cut off by the sound of your good friend Bailey in a panic.
“Charlies hurt.” “What?” “Max just called, and he’s freaking out-” You could hear her voice quicken on the other end. 
“Slow down Bail, where are they?” “Some gas station twenty minutes outside of town, they were on their way back from a fight and-” She gave you a few more vague responses, clearly not sure of the situation herself, but that was okay. You could work with that. There weren’t that many gas stations on that side of town, plus it would be hard to miss Charlie’s massive green truck. 
Ten minutes, and a few potential road laws broken, later- you finally spotted the truck. You pulled up next to them, attempting to not fully slam on your brakes. Your panic had slowly grown over the last few moments, and panicked driving is not a good idea. 
Tossing the door open in a quick motion, you stepped out and ran over to see Charlie sitting on the tailgate of his truck. Max was next to him, holding a makeshift ice pack to his face. 
“How’s he doing?” You plant your feet in front of them, doing your best to keep your arms at your side to not fret over him. At the sound of your voice, Max looked over with a smile. Charlie attempted to look at you, but winces the moment he tried to open his eyes.
“I’m fine- just a black eye.” Charlie replied weakly, still unable to fully open his eyes. 
“He might need stitches this time.” Max’s smile fades, returning to a worried expression. 
“Let me see.” Max nods before jumping off of the tailgate, making room for you to take his place. You carefully move to sit next to him, close enough for your legs to touch. You reach a hand up to his face, slowly peeling away the ice pack. It took everything in you to not visibly tense at the rather nasty wound on his face. Whoever beat him up this time actually used a weapon, brass knuckles, if you’d have to guess. He had a large gash right next to his eyebrow, reaching almost to his ear, as well as a black eye and numerous other bruises all over his neck. You can only imagine the amount of bruises he was hiding on the skin you couldn’t see. “Yeah
that’s going to scar. Where’s your first aid kit?”
“Don’t have one
” He mumbled.
“Come again?” You can’t help but sigh, “With how much you get beat up-”
He avoids your glare and refuses to respond, which is Charlie for ‘You’re right, but I will not admit it’. With a slight roll of your eye, you reach into your back pocket with your free hand and take out your wallet to hand to Max. “They should have bandages, or at least some cotton balls I can use to stop the bleeding. Grab what you can- if nothing else, your dad can save it for later.”
The kid nodded as he took your wallet before running back into the gas station. It probably wasn’t your smartest idea to just hand your wallet to an eleven-year-old, but you knew Max would at least grab what you asked- even if he came back with a few extra snacks.
Seconds after he left your eye-line, you heard Charlie suck in a sharp breath. The sound caused your full attention to turn back to the man next to you. He was no longer sitting upright, but instead leaning on the side of the truck as if the metal wall was the only thing holding him upright. You were quick to notice the stiffness in his shoulders was far worse than a few seconds ago, and you didn’t have to ask why to know what was going on in his head. 
“Char, the kid just watched you get your ass kicked- again. You don’t have to act all tough. Hell your face is bleeding like some kind of horror movie victim. He knows that you’re not alright.” It broke your heart to see him like this. He was always putting on a front of the big strong unfeeling douchebag, but you knew better. You also knew better than to question it. Max was a strong kid, but he was still just a child. No kid should have to watch this dad getting beat up as much as Charlie did. You moved your hand from his face to his shoulder, using your thumb to rub soothing motions in a small attempt to comfort him. 
“How’d you get here so fast?” He questioned, completely avoiding your concerned comments.
“Max called Bailey. Bailey called me. Here I am.” You moved your free hand up to his face, attempting to inspect the wound a bit more. Fingers lightly holding his chin, making it easier for you to move his head if needed. He couldn’t help but lean into the small touches. “I think I still have some pizza in the car. It’ll be cold by now though.”
He let out a light chuckle, mouth struggling to turn into a smile without pain. “Maybe when my face is done bleedin’ out.”
You smile at him, grateful to hear that his sense of humor was still intact. The moment he winces again, your smile falls. “What the hell happened?”
“Just some assholes that I used to owe money to, what else-” He pouts, “I would have been able to our run em but-”
He didn’t have to even look at you for you to understand what he meant. From what Bailey had told you in the past, getting his ass kicked out of the ring was nothing new for Charlie. He was constantly coming back to the gym with cuts and bruises, and the occasional broken bone, but ever since he regained custody of his son, he’s tried to be a lot more careful. He had always been reckless and almost uncaring when it came to what happened to him, but now he had someone to protect. Thankfully, the Atom fights had helped pay off practically every debt he had ever owed, but there were still some people who had it out for him that couldn’t give less of a shit if his son was watching or not. 
The hand on his face slowly moved to the back of his neck, before you carefully pulled him closer to you. You positioned his head to rest comfortably on your shoulder. Your other arm snaked around his back, holding him in a secure hug. “It’s okay
I’ve got you.”
Your hushed tone was all he needed to melt completely into your hold. His face hid in the crook of your neck, like it was the only thing keeping him in one piece. His arms found their way around you, holding onto the fabric of your shirt like a lifeline. Charlie Kenton was many things. He was a boxer who had seen his fair share of violence, as well as a man who routinely went to shady places for robot fights, but he was also a father who had no idea what he was doing. To him, there was nothing more terrifying than the idea of his son watching him bleed out (and potentially die). Whoever had attacked him this time didn’t hold back. He honestly didn’t know if he was going to make it out in one piece. 
He was in pain and scared shitless, but you were there. You kept him grounded, like you always knew what to do or say to keep his anxieties at bay. You were his rock, and he was yours. The two of you had this unspoken thing that not even Bailey dared to bring up to either of you. You could feel your shoulder becoming damn, from both tears and the blood from his wound- but you didn’t care. The stains would come out, and even if you ended up having to throw the shirt away, it didn’t matter. What mattered was the man quietly sobbing in your arms. 
He would never admit it, but Charlie cried a lot. Never in front of you or anyone else, but you’d always catch him silently crying to himself in the middle of the night. You knew that Bailey and Max were aware, but all three of you knew better than to mention it to him. Anytime that you gathered the nerve to ask him if he was alright in the middle of his crying session, he’d just yell at you to go away. You knew he never meant to actually yell at you. Normally he’d even apologize the next morning with a vague ‘sorry about last night’ while avoiding any actual questions about whatever he had been upset about. But right now, he didn’t care. There was nothing he needed more than you. 
Time passed by in a small blur. The only sound you could hear was Charlie’s heavy breathing finally beginning to regulate itself to the sound of your light humming. His arms were still wrapped around you, but the grip on your shirt had loosened. You still had one arm around his back, the other had found its way to his hair- playing with the short brown strands. 
“I got some stuff!” Max’s sudden voice startled you both. You turned your head in his direction to see that his hands were filled with an assortment of bandaid boxes, a bag of cotton balls, and a few snacks that he bought with your money (which you fully expected would happen). Charlie’s body went stiff under your arm at the sound of his son’s voice, embarrassed to be caught in such a vulnerable state. “This is all they had.”
“Thanks kiddo,” you smiled at him. The arm around Charlie’s middle let go, so you could reach out for the ‘medical’ supplies. He silently mourned the loss of the touch the second you let go. You placed the items next to you before your gaze returned to Max. “Why don’t you sit up front and update Bailey, tell her we’ll be back in a little bit. I’ll get to work patching up your dad’s apparently very punchable face.”
It was a poor attempt at a joke, but Max still smiled. Charlie made a mental note to thank you later for the small attempt at saving what was left of his pride. Thankfully, Max obliged and left to go sit in the front seat, giving you two a bit of privacy.
Using both your hands, you carefully lifted his head off of your shoulder. He made a small noise of disappointment as you pulled him from his safe spot. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself. You held his face in between your palms as you examined his face one more time. His eyes were a little swollen from the crying, and he looked like he was about to fall asleep. The adrenaline must have finally worn off. 
“Okay, I’ll do what I can, but I’m taking you to actually get this checked out first thing in the morning.”
“Fine by me.” his words were beginning to slur together. Something told you that you’d be the one driving the truck back to town tonight. It would be safer to leave your old car than the massive truck holding one of the most popular boxing robots at the moment. 
Your humming continued as you cleaned up the drying blood from his cheek. There was only so much you could do with the limited items (and skill) you had, but you stayed focused. With the bleeding stopped and wiped away, the wound wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. It would still leave a nasty scar, but it was small enough that a trip to an actual medical professional could wait. As you worked, you could feel Charlie’s head become heavy in your hands.
“You falling asleep on me?” You teased lightly.
“mmmno.” It was more of a noise than an actual word. 
“Almost done, big guy. Then you’re welcome to crash on your little cot back there.” Between the warmth of your hands, the soft touches, and your quiet humming as you worked- Charlie was practically melting. Bailey and you liked to joke that he was like a dog sometimes, from the bursts of impulsive energy, to the unapologetic joy over the smallest things, and of course his mastery of the ‘puppy dog eyes’ that he often used on you and Bailey to get what he wanted. He would always scoff or roll his eyes whenever you would tease him or whenever you called him a dog. You couldn’t help it, especially at times like this- with his eyes comfortably closed and melting into your every touch. It was adorable, despite the fact that you were actively cleaning up a wound. 
“Can’t sleep yet-” His body betrayed his words by interrupting his sentence to let out a yawn. “Gotta drive back.”
“Not like this, you’re not. I’ll drive.” Driving the truck wasn’t your favorite, but you have done it before. As long as you didn’t get pulled over, you could drive it home without a problem. “C’mon, let’s get you into bed before you actually pass out on me.”
With a light pat to his cheek, he dutifully allowed you to help him stand. His head immediately seeking your shoulder to lean on again. He was taller than you, but still seemed perfectly comfortable once he found the crook of your neck again. You blamed the blood loss and the crying for how touchy he was being. It’s not that he wasn’t a touchy person. He had a lack of personal space with those he was close to, but this was different. For a second, you questioned if this was even beyond him seeking you out as a source of comfort. 
Ignoring the swirl of worry and emotions you had yet to even fully admit to yourself, in your stomach, you carefully led him over to the cot inside the truck. You gave him a small nudge to sit down. He listened with only a small sound of complaint. The disappointment was short-lived. You could almost see ears perk up the moment you returned to sit by his side. 
for doing all this.” Standing must have woken him a little. His voice was much clearer than it was a few seconds ago. 
“It’s not like I was going to let you bleed out.” You rolled your eyes with a small smile across your lips, as you finished putting the last bandaid on his face. It was a haphazard job, but it would do the trick- at least for a few hours. 
“I know. Glad to have you on my side is all.” Your eyes moved from the collection of bandages to his eyes, feeling a little shocked by the genuine emotion they held. Charlie didn’t have a lot of people to count on. You knew that better than anyone.
“I’m happy to patch you up anytime.” Your hands left the sides of his face where you had been diligently working, moving down to find his hands. He took the hint and intertwined your fingers, giving them a light squeeze. The two of you were bonded, neither wanting to question of risk actually talking about what that bond was. You were waiting for him to say something, and he was in between being far too chicken shit and waiting for you. So many days spent dancing around either other like this. You knew, even now, that neither of you would mention the softness and tenderness from tonight’s interaction. He’d go to sleep as you drove him, and he’d wake up not remembering much of the night in the first place. Still you sat with him, foreheads pressed together, basking in each other’s company. 
“I gotta take you home, Char.” You whispered, not wanting to leave this moment yet. His grip on your hand tightened, but he still allowed you to pull away.  
“Tomorrow, let me take you to dinner.” His voice wasn’t as quiet as yours, but it was even more unsure of itself. Speaking before thinking, as always, but looking deep into your eyes this time. “As
You couldn’t help but smile at the offer. The two of you went out for dinner alone all the time, but something about this felt different. You gave his hand one final squeeze and planted a small kiss on his cheek before standing up. “It’s a date.”
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mistydeyes · 2 years ago
Hit the showers with Soap? 👀👀 he’d 100% do something like that! He’d definitely get chewed out by price or ghost lol
YES ANON 100% he is literally such a shithead this was so written for him
link to the prompt list and 1k celebration!
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prompt: hit the showers (18+) - a prank ends with you getting your clothes and towel stolen
pairing: Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x fem!reader
warnings: lots of swearing, mild nudity, sexual depictions
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊
"Alright I'm gonna hit the showers," you called as you exited the sparring and training room, "put some ice on that Garrick." You turned and smiled as you saw Gaz flipping you off in the corner of your eye. Another successful training session where you kicked Gas's ass and then were absolutely taken out by Ghost. Your body ached as you walked into the locker room. The gym showers were practically empty so you walked to your locker and grabbed a fresh change of clothes and your shower caddy. You placed your clothes on a bench adjacent to the stall and peeled off your issued shirt and threw your shorts to the side. You rolled your sweaty shoulders before turning on the warm water and savoring the sensation. You were accustomed to quick showers or lack thereof on the field but you always took your time when back on base.
As you shampooed your hair and faced the shower head, you could hear the thud of feet entering. You knew it was a public space so you were unbothered by the interruption. "Water's hot today," you called out to the other soldier but they didn't reply. You shrugged as you continued your routine, tying your hair up after you conditioned and using the bar soap to clean your bruised body. Eventually, after 10 minutes, you turned off the shower and cracked the curtain to reach for your towel. As your damp hands felt only the cold tile instead of the fluffy object, you assumed in your haste you might have left it on the bench. However as you exited with a cloud of steam, your eyes fell on the bench with no clothes or towel in sight. "What the fuck?" you said aloud and walked towards your locker leaving a trail of wet footprints. After angrily throwing it open, you found that it was empty. Now you know someone was really fucking with you and you had your suspicions. You angrily grabbed a damp towel from the laundry bin and stormed off to the men's barracks.
Your first arrival was to Soap and Gaz's room. You pounded on the door as you heard Gaz yell that he was coming. The minute he opened the door, you shoved past him and stood with your towel wrapped around your body. "Who the fuck took them?" you yelled as your angry gaze shifted from him and Soap who was leisurely sitting on his bed. "What are you talking about?" Gaz asked as you felt his gaze on you. "Can it, Garrick," you commanded, "where the hell are my things?" Soap couldn't deny how hot you looked at the moment, clad in a small towel, dripping wet, and absolutely fuming. "You fucker," you whispered as you saw your gym clothes haphazardly sticking out underneath his bed. You ran over and bent down to grab them, not caring that your towel slowly dipped as you reached under the bed. As you looked up, you couldn't help but notice something new growing in his shorts. Now, you were extra pissed. You then proceeded to hold your clothes in one arm and smack Soap with the other. As he yelped in pain, two more individuals joined to see what the commotion was about.
"What's going on here?" you heard Price shout as you stopped your attack. You turned around as you held your towel around your figure tighter. "Mactavish thought it was a brilliant idea to take my shit while I was in the shower," you fumed as you could feel his eyes stare at your ass. You took the opportunity to turn around quickly and plant a slap on his cheek. There was an audible groan following that. "You and me, tomorrow, in the ring," you spat before you walked towards the door. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take another shower," you said politely and walked past the staring eyes of your team.
As you walked down the hallway, you could hear the lashing the Sergeant was getting. First, it was Price reprimanding him for sneaking into the female quarters and stealing your clothes. Then it was Ghost who yelled about the fact you had to walk through the halls in a dirty towel. In between the loud voices, you could hear Gaz laugh and reply. You couldn't help but smile when he said, "She should've slapped you harder after that."
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lovegalor333 · 4 months ago
fresh start
part two (chapters 4-6) previous part ‱ next part
word count: 6.5k
content warnings: references to self-h*rm
Waking up with a hangover was humbling to say the least. My head pounded as I battled with myself to slowly open eyes, the sunlight streaming into my bedroom making me want to immediately close them again.
I needed coffee.
And after last night, I know my roommates did too.
I pulled on the closest clothes I could find. Some striped shorts and my favourite, over worn, UMass soccer hoodie before brushing my teeth hoping the taste of vokda would leave my mouth.
Walking to the coffee shop gave me the fresh air I desperately needed. There are few things that make me feel slightly humane again after a night of drinking: coffee, of course, a burning hot shower and fresh air. Coffee was next on the list and then I was going back to my apartment to shower away the remnants of my first night out here at UConn.
I cast my mind back to our evening at Huskies and the harmless flirting between me and Paige. She had a way with words that made my stomach flip and I wasn't mad about it. Kelsey said there were no rules about having fun when it came to our Single Sisters pact and that's exactly what I was doing, having fun. It felt refreshing to finally be feeling like myself again, sometimes it's hard to remember what I was like before everything happened. Before I loved and lost. But it's coming back to me naturally and the Lily I was two years ago would of had a field day flirting with Paige and that is what I intend to do.
I ordered Kelsey and I the same coffees we got yesterday and opted for simple americanos for Hannah and Madison, not knowing their personal orders just yet. The smell inside of the coffee shop alone was enough to bring me back to life an extra 10% so I couldn't wait to devour my drink. Once I had paid for and received my order, I took a big gulp, thanking myself for the early morning coffee run whilst my roommates slept in.
"Great minds think alike." I turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. A very tired looking Azzi, Ice and to my pleasure Paige walked into the cafĂš.
"Hey guys." I say, instinctively fixing my hair which, without looking at it, I knew was a mess. "Hungover?" I ask looking at the basketball players all dressed in some variation of Huskies gear. "Deathly." Ice replied strolling to the counter to get her caffeine fix. "Signs of a great night! Did you have fun?" Azzi asks me. "Yeah, for sure! Thanks for letting us hang." I smile at Azzi and she returns the pleasantry showing off her perfect teeth, "No worries, it was fun having y'all with us. We'll have to do it again sometime, build your Huskies tolerance." She laughs following behind Ice and getting in line to order.
Paige and I come face to face for the first time since last night and I can confidently say, it wasn't the alcohol or moody low lighting of the bar that made her look so good because she looks equally as good right now.
100% sober and in broad daylight.
"What is that?" She says scrunching her brows together pointing in my direction. I glance at the four coffees pushed into the holder in my left hand, "Coffee run. I was the first one awake, thought I'd get my good deed in early." I explain. "No, that." She says reaching out and tugging at the shoulder of my UMass soccer hoodie. "A hoodie?" I say confused. "Yeah, a hoodie from the wrong college darling. You need a Huskies one." She says matter of factly and I laugh. "The Huskies need to prove themselves to me first." I say cheekily. "Easily done." She quips back glowing with confidence...or cockiness, I couldn't decide but either way it was attractive.
"Here." Azzi hands Paige a to-go cup similar to the ones in my hand and Paige thanks her. "Walk back with us?" Azzi asks me and I nod, "Sure." Ice and Azzi lead while Paige and I follow them out of the cafĂš.
"Fan of nuts?" I direct at Paige as I glance down at her drink, 'Hazelnut' written on the lid. "Only the food kind." She smirks clearly remembering Kelseys joke from last night like I had hoped.
Being a girl who likes girls, it can be hard to navigate friendships and relationships. Not knowing if someone likes you or likes you can be confusing. Clarification from Paige, that she is in fact, for the girls put my questioning mind at ease.
"Ok, this is me." I say to the group as we reach my apartment building. The girls come to stop and we awkwardly hug each other over the numerous cups of coffee on our hands. "Happy hanging." Ice says as I wave the girls goodbye and walk into the building to supply my friends with the coffee I know they so desperately need.
"You're a literal angel!" Madison beams taking a sip of her coffee throwing her head back, eyes closed in exaggerated happiness. "A lifesaver!" Hannah agrees hugging the coffee to her chest. "My hero." Kelsey chimes in hugging me from behind, her head resting on my shoulder. I laugh at the girls around me and we all sit together on the couch ready to debrief our night. Real girlhood.
"I'm never doing that many shots again." Madison groans rubbing her temple. "Girl, you literally challenged a guy to see who could have the most and you did not back down." Kelsey laughed. "And I won." Madison says bowing to an imaginary crowd. "My best friends no quitter." Hannah hyped up her friend.
"Right, lets get juicy! Did anyone see someone they liked? Kels, don't think we didn't see you lip locking in the corner." Madison teases. "Actually, I didn't!" I say suddenly sitting up straight. "No, because you were with Paige most of the night. Don't think we didn't see that either." All three girls stared at me, brows raised, small smiles on their faces.
"No no, Kelsey first." I say diverting the attention back to Kelseys situation. "Listen, I saw a hot guy and took my chance, you can't blame a girl." She says shrugging her shoulders. "He's never hearing from me though, gave him a fake number." She grins happy with herself.
Three sets of eyes landed on me so I had no choice but to spill the beans.
"There was no lip locking, lets get that clear." I started with. "Just some harmless flirting, nothing serious." I tell the girls. "But Paige Bueckers, you know her lore right?" Hannah asks eyebrows raised. "Not exactly." I admit.
"She's the best college womens basketball player right now. She has thousands of boys and girls pining over her. She's wanted Lils and from what I could see she couldn't take her eyes off you the entire night." I roll my eyes, "Please, she was just messing. Clearly thats her personality." I defend the blonde. "Clearly not. I've been around Paige in bars enough times to know she doesn't pay anyone attention. She stays with her friends almost always." Madison chimed in. "And that's exactly what we are: friends!" I say exaggerating the last word to get my point across.
"Uh huh. I give it a few weeks max and there will be lip locking!" Kelsey nudges her elbow into my side. "Actually I'm taking my single junior year pledge very seriously, I will not be strayed." I stand my ground. "Who said anything about not being single. Word on the street is Paige doesn't do commitment but she does do - if you know what I mean." Madison says cheekily. "Oh my god! Enough." I stand up from the couch, covering my ears, slightly flustered at the thought.
Flirting is one thing anything further feels too soon. I'm notorious for catching feelings and I'm not about to get my heartbroken again.
The rest of the day was spent lazing around the apartment, going from each other rooms talking about anything and everything. At one point I was alone in my room aimlessly scrolling on my phone. I opened up Instagram and searched Paiges name without even thinking about it.
One million followers. Wow. Ok, maybe I didn't know much about Paige at all. I scrolled through her posts seeing endless streams of comments of adoration. People loved Paige. I went as far back as her ACL injury and my stomach sank a little for the girl. That must have been a hard thing to go through. I swipe off before I accidentally like something from two years ago, not that she'd notice. I choose not to follow her for the same reason but do find Kayla in her following list and follow her. Almost instantly she follows back.
"I'm about to cook some pasta, want some?" Kelsey asks, peeking her head round my bedroom door. Now that she's mentioned it, I am kind of hungry. "Sure, I'll come help." I say and stand up from my bed leaving my phone behind.
Kelsey puts some pasta noodles to boil on the stove while I cut some chicken to cook along side it. The small kitchen quickly becomes warm, too warm for me to be wearing a sweater. I do have a t-shirt on underneath, that's not the problem.
My scars are.
Kelsey has been nothing but understanding and loving in the few days I've got to know her but this is a big step for me. People don't always know how to react and I'd hate to make her uncomfortable.
"I'm sweating." Kelsey says as if reading my mind, pulling her own sweater over her head and throwing over onto the couch.
Fresh start, Lily. I remind myself.
Three, two, one. I count down in my head before mirroring my roommates actions, my own hoodie landing beside hers on the couch.
I feel vulnerable and slightly exposed but theres no way I would be able to hide this forever. I live with these girls and sooner or later, they were bound to see this part of me.
If Kelsey notices the deep scars along side the inside of my arm, she doesn't mention anything. We continue to cook our dinner and eat together at the table before washing our dishes.
"Look at us being housewives." She jokes as we finish tidying the kitchen. "Aren't we just perfect." I say back before flopping down on the couch still feeling the effects of last night. "The most perfect perfectly perfect pair." Kelsey says flopping down next to me linking her arm through mine.
She doesn't look at me when she says this and I understand why, "I'm here for you Lily. I don't know what exactly you've been through and I'll never push you to speak about it but I'm here when and if you're ever ready to talk." She says and squeezes my arm thats interlocked with hers before resting her head on my shoulder. "Thank you, Kels." I reply tears brimming my eyes. The reassurance and empathy from my roommate makes my heart swell, I'm so grateful for Kelsey.
I grab the TV remote and turn on Netflix and we settle down for an impromptu movie marathon. It was Friday and classes didn't start until Monday so the fact we we're still awake at 3AM watching our third movie of the night didn't matter.
I drag my defeated body to bed around 4AM desperate for sleep. I check my phone after leaving it for hours.
ice.bradyy followed you.
nika.muhl followed you.
azzi35 followed you.
janaelalfy8 followed you.
aaliyahedwards_24 followed you.
aubrey.griffin44 followed you.
kamoreaarnold followed you.
and last but not least,
paigebueckers followed you.
I cringe to myself at the thought of Paige scrolling through my feed the way I did hers. I quickly scan through my posts to see what Paige would have seen if she had and silently thank myself for the recent - and not to blow my own trumpet - hot selfie. Paige was quickly infiltrating my mind and I could only hope I was infiltrating hers.
I followed all of the girls back before falling into bed.
KK, Nika, Azzi, Kayla and I were spread out on the couches of our dorm all individually engrossed in our phones. We had been like this for most of the day, taking advantage of a rare down day before the basketball season and classes began again.
I didn't drink too much last night so I wasn't feeling the effects of the alcohol like some of the other girls were. Ice hadn't left her bedroom since we got back from getting coffee.
"Oh, Lily just followed me on Instagram." Kayla speaks up from her seat across from me. My attention was caught at the mention of the brunette that was living rent free in my mind at the moment.
"Whats her handle?" Nika asks, "I have some pictures from last night to send her." "Me too." Azzi adds.
"Lily.Kent." Kayla says turning her phone around to the group displaying Lilys feed.
I couldn't see too clearly from my position so I pulled up her page on my phone.
"She's hot!" KK exclaims as if she had taken the words straight from my brain. I shoot her a glare, "She wants to stay single this year." I say to the girl. "And you know this, how?" Azzi asks quizzically. "She told me yesterday." I shrug.
"Wow, you already slid in? That's a new Paige record." Nika proclaimed. "And she rejected you?!" KK asks shocked but also slightly amused.
"She did not reject me." I make clear, "and I didn't slide in to anything. We were just talking and she mentioned wanting to stay single this year."
"And let me guess," Azzi starts, "you're taking that as a challenge."
"Damn right." I declared as I pushed the follow button on Lilys profile.
I'll be damned if I let anyone else be the reason she takes that bracelet off.
˖ ᥣ𐭩 âŠč àŁȘ ౚৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
Monday morning came around quicker than I expected and as I was sat with my roommates drinking our morning coffees before our classes started.
My phones ringtone rang out across the living room and I picked it up from its place face down on the couch.
Kayla was facetiming me.
It was 9AM on Monday morning so either Kayla was a morning person or she had something important to say.
"Hey K!" I smiled down at my phone and a very happy looking Kayla smiled back at me. "Morning Lily! Check your emails!" She blurted unable to stop grinning.
My emails? I've never given Kayla my email address.
"Ok, one second." I swiped off of FaceTime, Kayla now in a small box on the side of my screen. I opened up my mail app and refreshed.
The email at the top of my inbox was from Janet Knight. Oh my god! The job!
I quickly clicked on the email, "Oh my god!" I screech, "I got the job!" I say not only to Kayla but my roommates too who were all looking slightly concerned at my sudden high energy this early in the morning.
"Yeah you did!" Kayla triumphed with me as my roommates wrapped me in a hug.
"Congrats Lils." Hannah beams pressing a kiss on my cheek. "She's an employee!" Kelsey jokes.
"How did you know?" I turn my attention back to Kayla. She smirks, panning the camera around to reveal that she's seated in Janets office, "Thought I'd pop by and see Janet before class." She says winking at me.
"Welcome to the team, Kent." Janet says down the phone from her seat behind the desk. "Thank you so much Janet! You have no idea how much this means to me." I thank the woman, "I can't wait to start."
"That's music to my ears because - I'll send you your rota - but your first shift is Wednesday." She tells me.
"Ok, so we need to celebrate, right?" Kayla says turning the camera back to herself once Janet had stopped talking. "Oh please, not Huskies again so soon." Madison groans pushing herself in view of the camera, "I'm still recovering."
Kayla laughs, "I was thinking dinner at the Mexican restaurant downtown?" She asks us. "Immediately yes!" Kelsey calls from her place on the couch across from me. Madison, Hannah and I all agree.
"Amazing, it's a date! Now get to class y'all, you can't be late on your first day of junior year." She fake scolds before ending the call.
Kelsey, Madison, Hannah and I all leave the apartment together before eventually going our separate ways to our respective classes.
My day was filled with meeting my professors and classmates so time flew by and before I knew it the school day was over. Kayla had text me earlier, asking me to meet her at the athletics building once I had finished for the day so I was heading there now.
As I entered the building, the sound of balls bouncing let me know there was some sort of practice going on. I followed the sound to a set of double doors with the Huskies logo on the front. I peeked through the glass on the door, I saw KK and Azzi immediately, playing 1v1. I allowed my gaze to travel across the court, spotting the other girls and some I hadn't met yet too. I was slightly disheartened that a certain blonde wasn't on the court and was about to leave when my view was blocked by a body standing in front of the glass in the door, on the other side. The door was yanked open and I can only imagine I looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"Lily? What are you doing here?" Paige was the body blocking my view of the court, now my view was her.
She stood in front of me, lightly sweating and panting ever so slightly. She wore navy, UConn shorts and a short sleeve compression shirt, the sleeves scrunched and tucked into her sports bra straps, showing off her toned arms.
Why could I never think straight around this girl?
A small smirk spread on her face as she watched me struggle to find words. "I'm meeting Kayla." I smile, proud of myself for stringing together a coherent sentence while in Paiges presence. "Lucky for you, I'm heading upstairs - I can show you the way." She says stepping past me and leading the way to the offices.
I'm sure I could have found Kaylas office by myself but Paige didn't need to know that.
"Did you start classes today?" She asks as we walk up the stairs, her slightly ahead of me. "Yeah, been in them all day." I reply. "How did you find them?"
"Good, I guess." "You guess? Better than your last college though, you must have transferred for a reason." She says turning to look at me as we walk down the familiar corridor towards the offices.
"I didn't transfer because UMass was a bad college, besides it was more of an induction day today, no actual work got done but it was good!" I try and sound more positive. "Ignore my lack of energy, I forgot what it was like to be in a routine." I explain myself. "Why did you transfer then?" She asks looking at me slightly confused, head tilted. "It's a secret." I say smirking, making the situation more lighthearted than it actually was.
My reason for transferring wasn't a secret, I liked Paige and didn't want to scare her away.
Before Paige could press me for an answer, Kayla stepped into the hallway, seeing us approaching her office, "Hi guys!" she smiles wide.
"Hi Kayla!" "Hi K!" Paige and I respond and follow her into her office.
"Now, I know why Lilys here but whats up Paige?" Kayla questions Paige.
We both look at her waiting for an answer, "I- um -I.." She stutters and Kayla and I giggle.
Did Paige really not have a reason to be here? Did she lie about going the same way as me?
"Relax P, sit down." Kayla instructs and Paige shuffles her way to the couch in the office and perches on the edge, elbows rested on her knees and her face rested in her hands.
Kayla had asked me to come to the office to fill out some paperwork before I had my first shift and to also get my staff ID badge printed.
"If you just position yourself in front of the camera and I'll count down before I take the photo." Kayla says as I sit in front of the tripod. I fuss with my hair for a second and straighten my posture before pulling my cheesiest grin. "3..2..1." Kayla counts down before the shutter clicks telling me the photo had been taken.
Kayla leaves the room to go and collect the printed ID card and before I've move from my seat in front of the tripod, Paige crosses the room and stands looking at the screen on the camera that was displaying my photo, she smiles. "Is it bad?" I ask, "Am I blinking or something?" "Come look." She says beckoning me over.
I take the few steps that's needed for me to reach Paige and the camera and I squish myself into her in an attempt to get a look and the picture of me on the small screen.
Our bodies touching made my stomach do that thing it loves to do around Paige and I shiver slightly.
"Cold?" Paige asks hooking an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to her. Jesus. It wasn't just my stomach feeling things now. I shake my head, "No, jumpscare after looking at that." I joke about my picture, it wasn't bad in all honesty, I just looked like it was my first day of high school with that big smile on my face.
"Don't play, Lily." She says looking down at me, eyes as blue as ever. "You're insanely beautiful." She removes her arm from my shoulder and brings her hand to my face, tucking my hair behind my ear, grazing my cheek as she does. "Don't forget it."
I swallowed hard not knowing how to react to Paiges compliment or her touch, I just stared up at her my eyes flicking down to her lips before we were interrupted.
"Here, all done!" Kayla enters the room again, my newly printed badge and lanyard in her out stretched hand. Her eyes flip between me and Paige and our proximity and the obvious tension in the air. I cough, clearing my throat and step away from Paige taking my lanyard from Kayla and hooking it around my neck. "Thank you, Kayla."
"No worries girl. You ready to EAT?" She asks emphasising the last the word as she packed a few things away in her bag, getting ready to leave.
"Yes! I'm starved." I say suddenly extremely hungry after a long first day.
"Hey! What's this, going to eat without me?" Paige asks giving us her best pout.
I look to Kayla, she was the one who made these plans so I don't know who she invited although I hoped Paige was on the list, she clearly wasn't.
"Actually, I mentioned it to Ice, she said y'all are training late tonight." Kayla turns to Paige as we followed her out of her office. "That is true." Paige says, "Geno wants us in the gym, not that I need it." She flexes her muscles and I feel a blush creep onto my face. "Put those away." Kayla huffs and rolls her eyes at Paige playfully.
We say goodbye to Paige at the entrance of the basketball court and she disappears behind same the doors she appeared from earlier.
"The tension when you guys are in a room together is insane! Please tell me you're aware." Kayla says to me, grabbing onto my arm. I laugh, "Of course I'm aware, it's driving me crazy." I tell her. "So do something! Make a move." She encourages and I shake my head, "No. I made a pact to be single this year and I don't know Paige well enough yet." I say and both are true.
I mean, I care less about the pact - sorry Kelsey - but I feel like I need to know Paige more before our harmless flirting turns into anything else.
"But I know Paige, she a nice girl Lils, like really nice." Kayla defends her friend. "You would say that, you're her friend. How do I know she isn't entertaining a load of girls. I'm not looking to get my heartbroken." I say honestly to Kayla. "For what it's worth, she isn't entertaining anyone at the moment." Kayla continues, "Just say you'll be open minded." "I'm opened minded." I agree and I am, I'm just also healing and would like to minimise the need to heal again.
Practice ended around 9PM and I was beat. Ready to shower and go to sleep as soon as I was home. Azzi and I drove back to our dorm together, it was a short ride but it felt safer driving, especially at night.
"You're being weird." Azzi stated turning her body in the passenger seat to look at me fully. "Huh?" I asked even though I heard her perfectly. "You're so distracted, what's going on?" My best friend pushed, she knew me better than anyone else, sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself.
I shifted in my seat unsure how to answer because "I've got a brain numbing crush on a girl I met four days ago and I can't do anything without the thought of her entering my mind and taking over" sounded way too insane. I liked to keep it nonchalant but I was feeling pretty chalant when it came to Lily.
"Hello," Azzi waved her hand at me, "Paige you're kinda worrying me now." She said suddenly serious. "What? No, don't worry! There's no need to worry Az. I'm just- I'm..I'm down bad." I admit, pulling the car into park as we reached our dorm.
Azzi wasted no time before bursting out laughing, I shot her a stern glare, "What is funny?" I scowl. "You!" She continues to laugh, "You're never usually like this, what's gotten into you?" She asks. "I don't know, I think I'm maturing." I half joke puffing out my chest.
Azzi was right, I was never usually like this. No girl had ever had me flustered before the way Lily does. It's like every time I'm a room with her I want to be next to her, speaking to her, touching her. Not in a sexual way just in a 'I want you close at all times' way.
"Yeah right." Azzi rolls her eyes at the thought of me ever maturing. "Maybe you need someone to tone down your cockiness." She jokes. "I'm not cocky, I'm confident." I defend myself. "And I'm confident that's your girl." Azzi says pointing through the windshield, I follow her gaze and sure enough Kayla, Lily, Hannah and Madison are walking towards the apartment building, they must have just finished up with their dinner. "Stay here and thank me later!" Azzi says swiftly jumping out of my car and jogging over to the group.
I watch as a few words are exchanged and Azzi gestures over in my direction. Kayla, Azzi, Madison and Hannah then walk into the apartment block, leaving Lily alone but its only a few seconds before she makes her way over to my car.
"Hey Lily." I say through my open window, "Hi Paige, what's up?" I was unsure what Azzi said to get Lily to come over to me so I had to think fast with what to say. "How was your dinner?" I ask. "Oh, it was great! I love Mexican food." She says with a smile. "How was practice?" She asks me in return. "It was good today, hit some personal records." I flex my biceps, "Can you tell?" I smirk at her. "Hmm I don't know." She squints her eyes dramatically. "Maybe you'd have a better view if you got in the car and it wouldn't look like I was trying to kidnap you to anyone walking past." I say matter of factly and watch as Lily walks round the front of my car, to the passenger side and lets herself in.
"So, I know the dessert at the Mexican place downtown sucks, let me make it up to you." I say to Lily as she makes herself comfortable in my passenger seat.
That was a view I could get used to.
"What exactly are you insinuating Paige Bueckers?" She asks, brows raised and a small smirk on her face. God damn. Normal Paige would have wasted no time taking Lily straight to her bedroom but right now, I just wanted to spend time with Lily, be in her presence. Everything else would happen in time.
"Fro-Yo, of course." I grin and start the car, pulling away from the dorm parking lot.
˖ ᥣ𐭩 âŠč àŁȘ ౚৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
Unlike me, Paige knew Storrs really well so it didn't take long for us to arrive at the Fro-Yo place she had in mind.
"I'm about to get the biggest tub of Fro-Yo ever bought!" Paige says as she brings the car to a halt, cutting the ignition and removing the key. "Not as big as mine!" I challenge her and we both exit the car, meeting side by side in front of it before walking up to the shop.
I hold sweet treats very close to my heart and frozen yogurt happens to be in my top three sweet treat options.
There were no other customers in the small dessert shop so we headed straight for the counter. I glanced over the numerous flavours and topping varieties as if I didn't already have a go to order. Obviously, this wasn't my usual place but they still had all my favourites.
"What can I get you ladies?" The man stood behind the counter, dressed in a pinstripe apron asked us.
Paige ordered hers first, "Can I get chocolate with strawberries, brownie bites, cookies and cream, fruity pebbles and chocolate sauce please?" She realed of her order. The man nodded reaching for a tub, "Any allergies before I start?" "Not for me but she's allergic to nuts. All kinds." Paige replies before I even have a chance to. "Noted." He says and starts to fill the tub.
Paige turns to me and smiles and I smile back, big and wide, "Thank you." I mummble. It made me feel warm inside that Paige cared enough to remember my allergy. It seems really insignificant but sometimes its the small things that have a big impact. "I got you." She says turning to face me and leaning back on the counter.
"How's that club of yours going?" She asks me raising her eyebrows glancing at my wrist, my shirt sleeve covered my bracelet but I knew what she was talking about. "It's going strong." I say pulling my sleeve up slightly, exposing the bracelet. "I don't know, it looks like it's getting a little loose to me." She says reaching out and tugging on it like she did the night in the bar. "If you keep yanking it, it'll be more than loose, it'll break." I say pulling my arm away from her. "That's the plan." She says quietly as she turns around to collect her order but I hear her loud and clear.
"And for you? No nuts obviously!" The man says looking at me. "Can I please get strawberry with raspberries, strawberries, mango, chocolate chips, cookie dough and chocolate sauce?" I tell him my order and he swiftly begins to fill my tub.
I look at Paige who's already started eating her Fro-Yo. Her hair is pulled into a slick ponytail and she's changed out of her workout gear from earlier and is now wearing sweatpants and UConn hoodie, she looks so effortlessly good, I can't imagine the girl ever looking bad.
"There you go." My order was complete and I took it from the server, "Thank you." I say to him. "That'll be $12." He says. I reach into my pocket to grab my phone to pay with ApplePay but by the time I look up, Paige's phone is already tapping the card machine. "My treat." She winks at me and we leave the shop.
"You didn't have to do that, thank you." I say to Paige as we climb back into her car, desserts in hand. "I dragged you here, it's only right." She says before digging back into her frozen yogurt. "I came willingly, actually." I say back to her, I liked being around Paige and I wanted her to know that. "Good to know."
We ate our frozen yogurt still sat outside the store. Paige asked me about my new job and I told her that my first shift was on Wednesday and how excited but also nervous I was.
"This Wednesday?" She asked and I nodded, "Yep." "That's our open training day. Media usually come in, see how we're doing and do interviews." She tells me.
Janet hadn't actually said what my first day would entail but I assume I'll be part of the open training Paige was talking about.
"I guess I'll be there then so no pressure." I say smirking. "I don't know pressure, never met her." Paige says confidently and I believe her, she doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't believe in herself. "I don't know much about basketball so it'll be day of learning for me." "Wait really? You don't watch basketball?" She looks genuinely confused, she stops eating and looks at me dead in the eyes. "Nope, I'm a soccer girl." I tell her. "Oh, we have got to change that." She stated shaking her head.
We finish off our Fro-Yo and Paige yawns, she must be exhausted after a day of training, I know I would be. "Tired?" I ask her pulling on my seatbelt preparing to drive again. She nods, "The first week back is always the hardest. Just getting back into the swing of things after downtime kinda shocks the body." She says beginning to drive. "Sorry for keeping you up." I say glancing at the time, it was almost 11PM. "Lily, you're not keeping me up, don't apologise. I want to be here..with you." She says and my stomach flips at the last two words.
I swallow my pride, "Paige, was this a date?" I ask, anxiety kicking in immediately at the thought of having misread this whole situation. She glances at me quickly before putting her eyes back on the road in front of us, "Would you want it to be a date?"
"I know you want to stay single and you're part of that club and have that bracelet on that I want to rip off so damn bad but I want to get to know you Lily, like really know you." Paige admits and for a moment I just stare at her in shock but also affection. It's dark now and its just the streetlights illuminating the car we're in, lighting up Paiges features in the most flattering way.
"Yes." I finally say.
"Yes - I would want this to be a date." I breathed.
I watch a small smile appear on Paiges face and spread, "Really?" "Really, Paige. I want to get to know you too and I'm tired of making excuses when you catch me staring." I laugh and she laughs with me.
It takes no time at all for us to reach my apartment building, Paige pulls up outside and turns her car off.
"What about your club?" She questions turning to face me fully so her back is rested against the door. "What Kelsey doesn't know won't hurt her." I say mirroring Paiges position, my back also resting against the door. "Let's just get to know each other without anyone elses opinions for a bit?" I offer. "Sounds good to me." Paige says reaching for my hand across the console. She breaks the touch barrier and I could've sworn I felt sparks. Her fingers intertwine with mine and she fiddles with the ring on my index finger.
"So is the reason you transferred really a secret or can you tell me?" She asks looking up at me from our connected hands, her eyes looking straight into mine.
"Secret is probably the wrong word but it's... a long and complicated story." I say truthfully. "I've got time." She says back to me and I can tell by the look on her face she wants to know and I want to tell her, just not now. "You're tired." I say placing my free hand over ours still locked together. "Another time, I promise." "OK." She agrees, "I'll walk you to your apartment."
We exit the car and my hand immediately feels lonely without Paiges in it.
Paige leans up against the front of her car and pulls me to stand in front of her, "I had fun tonight." She tells me, one hand in mine, the other on my waist. "Me too." I blush at her hand placement as my waist burns at her touch. She leans down and plants a kiss on my cheek, "We'll have to do it again sometime." She says in jest. "I'll have to check my calendar." I quip back. "You'll be free for me." She smiles and we walk into my apartment building.
Paige walks me to my front door, "For what it's worth, whatever your reason for transferring, I'm glad you did." She says. "I'm glad I did too." I add pulling my key from my bag. "Goodnight, Lily." She says pulling me into a hug before I open the door.
"Paige." I call her back as she begins to walk away and she turns back to me I take a few steps towards her and have to stand on my tiptoes to reach her cheek before pressing my lips to it, "Goodnight." I say and walk into my apartment with the biggest grin on my face.
No-ones in the living room and I'm thankful I don't have to explain where I've been or what I've done.
˖ ᥣ𐭩 âŠč àŁȘ ౚৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
51 notes · View notes
99corentine · 1 year ago
Questions copied and pasted from the message I sent.
Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? Who was your favorite character to write? Those sorts of things?
Hello tomato, thanks for your lovely message, and now this ask! Let’s see

Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? 
Surprisingly little. The upside of following the existing plot of a game is that the direction of the story is already mapped out for you. I will say, when I first started writing it I had very few ideas about who Chrysanthe was, he was just a thrall-turned-paladin, more of a concept than a fleshed-out character. He grew alongside writing; all the stuff about him becoming more draconic was organic development and not especially planned.
I did spend a lot more time on non-game plot than I’d anticipated. When I wrote Hermaeus Mora attacking Chrysanthe and the subsequent stay at Frostmere Crypt that took like 10 chapters where I thought it would take like 3.
Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? 
A fair few, yes! Off the top of my head

Miraak and Chrysanthe were going to have a chat about who would out-live the other, because Chry is an altmer (the lifespan of mer in elder scrolls lore is very unreliable, but I figured a few hundred years at least), but Miraak is
 well, Miraak. Chry is the Last Dragonborn, which implies Miraak dies before he does. Cut because it was too depressing, tbh
There was going to be a thing near the end where Miraak helped Chry with his self-esteem by showing him exactly how highly Miraak prized him via telepathy. It was maaaybe going to lead to telepathy sex. I cut it because I wasn’t really feeling what I wrote - maybe it felt too much like ‘fixing’ Chry’s confidence issues, idk
There was a sex scene at Lakeview in which they broke the bed and Chry was mortified/Miraak was delighted by it. That was cut because it was too similar to the time he accidentally set the bed on fire
There was a whole part where Mora so relentlessly attacked them that Chry/Miraak decided to seek out the dwemer sphere Septimus Signus had (currently at the bottom of the ocean floor after Mora attacked the ice cave), on the basis that Mora wanted whatever was inside so it could be used to blackmail/bargain peace with him. It was cut because it was very long-winded and I had an Alduin-killing plot to get on with already. If I ever do write a sequel, it’ll end up in there
Clavicus Vile was going to show up again given that Chry sort of kind of struck a bargain with him. Probably an offer to help with the dwemer sphere thing above. It’s Clavicus, so this was going to go about as well as you’d expect.
Who was your favorite character to write?
Despite the story being told from Chry’s POV, Miraak was hands down my fav - he has such a distinctive voice, both stilted (‘Is it not’ instead of ‘isn’t it’, that sort of thing) and commanding (‘you will do this for me’) that makes him really fun to write. He’s also just a great mix of arrogant, forceful and imperious, but also thoughtful, hyper-competent and just devastatingly clever. I always tried to write him like the smartest person in the room - not to say that he is the smartest, of course. I'd have written parts of the story from his POV, but what does that man even think about all day? I certainly don't know.
Hope that answers your questions!
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harrystiddess · 2 years ago
Unexpected Occurrences Part I
Warnings: Smut
*if you’re wondering what happened to my last series of posts, I took them down because I don’t own the writing and the author very kindly asked me to not post it! Although this one is written by me so there are no worries!*
It was a regular Wednesday night. I was working and harry was out with some of his friends to celebrate the completion of the album. He was practically begging me to come but I couldn't since I had some important papers to send in. And I thought he should have some time alone with his friends, enjoying, without me. I needed him to remember the life he had before me and not forget his lovely friends and things he used to do on a daily basis.
 It was around 10 PM when I decided to take a much needed break and drink some coffee wash my face and work again.
 Just when I was done making my coffee and was about to sit back in front of my laptop, I heard he door open. 
"Hey gorgeous" he said kissing me on the cheek
"I didn't  know you were coming!"
"I missed you and I needed hugs" he said visibly pouting
"awwh baby!  I just met you in yesterday...  is everything alright?"
I said setting down my laptop and embracing him even closer.
He clung on to me like his dear life and softly placed his chin in the crook of my neck wrapping around me like a koala. I softly smiled and drew abstract pattern inn his curly hair.
H looked up for e second =, with a mischievous glint in his eyes and kissed me ever so softly which I didn't resist. he pulled back, "Baby"
"Knock Knock"
"oh god not again" I said playfully pulling back from his warm embrace
"please please just this oneeeee" he said like a five year old begging his mum for an ice lolly 
"Ugh fine....who"s there"
Dover who?
"Ben Dover and I'll give you a big surprise!"
You tried your best not to laugh at the horrendous joke. But Harrys face was way more funnier than the actual joke you thought.
(he makes that face)
"ooh ohh wait I have one I have one 
Knock knock" I said rather enthusiastically earning a chuckle from him
"Who's There"
"Asshole Who"
"Asshole Who?"
"Asshole who is terrible at jokes"
"oh yeah oh yeah?"
He said digging his fingers into my sides earning breathed giggles and squeals from me. 
"Ahh harry....ah- harry stop-stop" I said trying to catch my breath.
There was an intimate moment of silence in between us. a moment in which I could stay forever. a moment that felt like forever. Just Harry and I staring at each other with all intimacy, love and passion.
That was before he closed the gap between us by a soft passionate kiss by smashing his lips onto mine, pulling me even closer if at all that was possible.
We broke the kiss in sync gasping for air, with a glint in both of our eyes wanting for more.
I pulled him closer by grabbing his cross necklace which led to him slightly moaning on my lips. It wasn't often that I'd take the lead in situations like this. But surprisingly I was on top of him- him laying down and I straddling him.
(like so : )
That was when he suddenly flipped us over earning a squeal from me. I knew I spoke too soon
He took over. I love the dominant side of harry even though he is a total softie! He began swiping his tongue against my lower lip asking for permission which I gladly gave. He deepened the kiss until he started placing wet, sloppy kisses near my cheek going to my chin. my collar bone, my neck and finally behind my ear. H every well knew his ways with his mouth and he knew that the minute he earned a loud moan from me. He came back up, and kissed me again even more passionately undressing me with one of his hands as the other found its way to my waist. As my t-shirt fell right across the room, he unclasped my bra while sucking on my neck clearly marking and gatekeeping his property taking a break and looking and taking as much of me as he can with his eyes and mouth. He slowly went down and down as he started to work his way through my nipples as he leaves me in a moaning mess. He never took his mouth off me while he removed his t-shirt and rings well almost before I stopped him
"what" he said with his eyes full of lust
"they stay on"
His lips quickly pulled into a smirk, "bold.. mm like it" he said shortly before pulling my panties down and attaching his lips to my stomach near my belly button piercing and suddenly looking up
"When did you get this?"  he said with his eyes as wide as they can get 
"mhm Today morning"
"fuck princess your gonna make me come with just the sight of your beautiful body" he said while going dangerously closer to my core
"mhm don't stop" I said trying to control the endless loud moans which were soon going to be relentless.
"fuck ha-rry go faster" I said gripping onto the sheets.
"fuck" it was a wonder how harry could just send me into oblivion with his tongue 
That was when I was suddenly yanked out oof that state of oblivion due to the sudden thrusting of Harrys two fingers inside me with the rings on. 
"Agh fuck" I screamed
"Shh baby girl we don't want the neighbours hearing us now do we?" he said while getting one of his hands to my mouth while still working wonders pleasuring me just by his tongue and ringed fingers.
Not soon after harry started unbuttoning his jeans and slipped them down and jumped out of them, with his "little friend" who wasn't so little now, clearly visible and throbbing. he climbed on me, placing sloppy kisses on my neck and my lips while his "not-so-little-friend" kept pressing against my thigh. That was my cue and taking that I took my hand down his shoulder to his abdomen and to is pelvic area as I started stroking "his friend" feeling him yearn for my touch. He slipped out of underwear swiftly and started to pump his own self hastily when I decided to take over. I stroked it with my hand for a while before licking the tip of it and slowly taking him in. We have had sex innumerable times but I will never get used to his size. Slowly I started picking up my pace and bobbing my head until he reached his high. Shortly, he in between my legs, my thighs over his shoulder, he started slowly lining his not so little friend with me and entering carefully- checking if I was okay, occasionally. He was slow at first and slowly started going faster.
 "oh fuck yeah!" it came out louder than I was actually expecting it to, almost leaving me screaming, moaning mess.
"What do you say baby girl"  he said still thrusting in and out in a rhythm 
"pl-plea-se daddy"
"that's my girl"
"Such a fucking slut for me aren't you?"
"y-es j-just for yo-u" I said trying to stifle the upcoming load moan
He had picked up his pace by now and we both were dangerously close to our high when his phone started blowing up with notifications and suddenly went off with Jeff, his managers name flashing on the screen. Harry kept thrusting- 
"Ha-rry I-I think y-ou should- ta-ake that"
I said almost reaching my high
"Almost there baby"  He said his thrusts getting faster
"Not yet"
"Harry I'm going to c-cum"
"Together in 3...2...1..."
I nodded as we both reached our orgasms, together. We fell on top of each other, chests heaving up fast, now slowly falling in a rhythm. We just laid their staring at the celing as we caught our breath.
 After a few moments of processing the amazing sex we just had, I Spoke up-
"I think you should call Jeff, you just met him an hour ago it must be something important..."
"mhm you're right" he hummed in my hair kissing my forehead, and then grabbing his phone from the coffee table-  dialling Jeff's number.
"Hey Jeff whats up!" he asked being his usual cheery self.
"Jeff whats wrong?" harry said sitting up straight....
"The album......"
"The album what..?"
Part Two Coming Soon!
Hope you Guys enjoyed it
All the Love,
Ava <3
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crazycurly-77 · 16 hours ago
Deadly Countdown - Chapter 2
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs x reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, some violence
This is written in the style of the Series 24.
Everything you read occurs in real time.
What happened in the last chapter:
Tony was looking around Abby's apartment for clues and he came across a possible witness. Gibbs told Ducky what happened and headed to DiNozzo. And the kidnappers have drugged Abby and are on their way to their hideout.
Hour 2 of 12: 09:00 - 10:00 a.m.
09:04:23 a.m.
Abby's apartment:
Gibbs drove even faster than usual in an effort to start working in Abby's apartment as soon as possible.
When Tony saw him coming with the equipment, he breathed a sigh of relief because the neighbor was looking at him the whole time as if HE had something to do with this chaos.
Accordingly, she stood in Gibbs' way as he walked through the front door.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she hissed at him, whereupon he raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked questioningly at DiNozzo.
Tony sighed: "Mrs...."
"Goldman, young man," she said snippily.
Putting on a brave smile, he began again: "Mrs. Goldman, this is Jethro Gibbs. The boss of Ms. Sciuto and me. He has come to help me secure clues as to Abby's whereabouts."
She looked him up and down, narrowed her eyes suspiciously again and asked: "Can you identify yourself?"
Gibbs laughed briefly: "Of course." He put down the suitcases and showed the lady his ID, who looked at it with interest.
"Good, approved," the woman said with satisfaction.
“Are you a neighbor?” he asked with a smile.
“Yes. I live across from Ms. Sciuto.”
“Did you hear anything?”
She shook her head sadly: “No. I was listening to music with headphones and only heard a little shouting, but I assumed a neighbor’s TV was a bit loud.”
Gibbs nodded and gave her his business card: “Thank you, Mrs. Goldman. If you think of anything else, please let me know. You can reach me at this number.”
She took his card, looked at him worriedly and asked quietly: “You will find our dear girl, won’t you?”
“We will do everything necessary to do that, rest assured,” he replied and she left the crime scene.
He immediately went to DiNozzo, looked around and asked: “What do you have?”
“Unfortunately, not much,” he replied, “Probably fingerprints on the door and you just spoke to the only witness.”
“Okay, then we'll get to work. You get fingerprints and I'll take photos and sketches.”
“Yes, boss,” Tony confirmed and they got to work as quickly and thoroughly as possible because every minute counted.
But when they were finished, packed up their things and were about to leave the apartment, something caught their eye... a glass.
A glass with a dark red liquid... blood. And on the glass were two letters written in blood: AS.
09:40:56 a.m.
Hiding place:
When they arrived at the hiding place, Abby was still unconscious. Da Vinci put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried her inside. After checking her bonds and putting her in the back, he went to Galileo, who was sitting at the control panel in front of several screens and said: “Let's see how the Gunny is doing...”
His absolutely evil grin and his ice-cold tone even scared his assistant.
Da Vinci gradually began to suspect that he not only wanted revenge on the investigator, but that he was also absolutely insane.
09:51:04 a.m.
Forensic Lab, NCIS HQ:
After Gibbs and Tony arrived back at NCIS headquarters, they immediately brought the clues to you so that you could examine them.
When the two entered the lab, you immediately ran to them. Something was very wrong. Abby should have been there long ago and your colleagues looked just as worried as you felt.
Suspecting something bad, you looked at your boss. You didn't really want to hear it, but unfortunately it was unavoidable. You asked him in a whisper: "What's going on? Where is Abs?"
Gibbs tried to stay calm, put his hands on your shoulders and explained: "She's been kidnapped and a bomb will explode in just over 10 hours. The perpetrator wants to torture me and is threatening you all. You're not going anywhere alone, is that clear?" He was scared for you, but he tried not to show his worry. 
Your voice failed you, so you just nodded. You felt numb and leaned against him. He sensed that you needed his comfort and his closeness. So he kissed you gently on the forehead, put his arms around you and pulled you close.
After a short while you pulled away from him again. "Are you okay?" Jethro asked quietly. "Yes," you said, barely audible, but confirmed with a nod.
"Okay. First run the fingerprints through the database and then tell me whose blood this is."
He pointed to a glass of blood that was standing on the table. It said: “AS” - Abigail Sciuto. Oh my God.

09:59:34 a.m.
10 hours until the explosion

Here you will find the other chapters of this story.
Masterlist stories Part 1 - finished ones
Masterlist stories Part 2 - finished ones and ongoing ones
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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missdeepend · 10 months ago
The Fairy Tail Fandom is so Powerful
I should first start by saying, Fairy Tail was my first anime other tahn the one episode of AoT that turned me away from anime and the few scenes I watched as a little girl of Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Beyblade. It was the first show I sat down and watched and felt completely moved by with everything going on and it came at a very crucial point in my life. So there I was, roughly 13-14 years old (Almost 10 years for me now) sitting in computer class when I decided to take a "which anime are you quiz". This quiz was going to be my shot at getting into anime again. If I enjoyed it, anime was meant for me and if now, well that was that. So I took the quiz and my answer...was Fairy Tail. I can't tell you how I watched it for the first time, most likely through Netflix or even some other website but I did and I fell in love. It was everything I could ask for and more. The characters- I loved. The story- I loved. The artwork- I loved. It felt like a show made for me.
Now back then Little Deep End here had a small group of friends and shortly after the 3 other girls loved it too. We would always joke about the characters and, well, Gray being naked. It was something we bonded over and expanded out into other manga until eventually... I had to move. The last thing I had gotten from them was a picture of Gray with the words 'naked popsicle' written next to him. Something I kept until around my senior year of high school when I decided to let it go from its prison of my jewelry box.
But there I was, the new girl in school and well it wasn't the worst. I made friends and we bonded over things but I never met anyone with the same passion for this show in person as I once had with my previous friends. Well, that was until I explored Wattpad. Oh boy.
It was on here that I dove into the Fairy Tail community head on. I had already created ocs to join roleplays, with my proudest being Setsuko Rin- who at the time was just another ice mage. I read all the stories about Nalu, Gruvia, Gajevy (I wasn't too much of a Jerza fan but you get the point). It was like a safe haven. I couldn't discuss my passion for Fairy Tail with anyone else but these people but I didn't mind.
This all has a point I promise. Fairy Tail brings out something in its fans that not a lot of fandoms have and I think it has to do with the themes of Fairy Tail. Yes we may feel lonely in person but the guild was somewhere where the least welcomed were welcomed. Those that are outcasts with no friends and those that were the most popular could all come together and talk about how much Fairy Tail changed their lives.
I'm not going to lie and say that Fairy Tail hasn't had its moments in the show and that the community is perfect. However, I will say that you could mention Fairy Tail to any fan and they would welcome you with open arms. I feel like this show teaches a good level of respect and kindness that people aren't used to seeing within fandoms anymore. I can't even tell you how much it warmed my heart to see all the videos standing up for Fairy Tail within the last few years coming out to shut down the negativity it was getting and the people standing up and celebrating its return with 100 Year Quest.
It really goes to show you that a fandom like the Fairy Tail fandom is truly something else. Not to mention Todd Haberkorn being the best voice cast for Natsu there ever could be and same for Cherami Leigh as Lucy. Honestly all those actors both in the US and Japan (as well as the others worldwide) deserve so much praise for growing with us. Even if we shouldn't have been watching some of those scenes that we were at our age.
Anywayssss I just wanted to ramble a bit because this community does warm my heart. But I'll see you all later in the Deep End!!
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serving-saucy-fanfics · 4 months ago
My Kinktober 2024 Masterlist & First Kinktober Experience (with my Overall Opinion & Tips for Month-long Challenges at the End) đŸđŸ”„
Warning: As Kinktober is a challenge centered around sexual content, there are sexual terms like kinks in the chapter titles!
Before October: I'm excited, maybe I'll try Kinktober this year.
Day 1: People tell me that spooky season has begun, I think "Yay, more fanfic & fanart". 💕
Day 2-5: Exactly. I wanted to be one of those people. đŸ˜†đŸ€­ Well, let me look at a few lists and see what I could write
Day 6: Hm, why not take this prompt to a fantasy level? Also, can I make the reader's sex neutral like people make their gender neutral?
->Yes. Yes, I can: You Raise Me Up (So We Have Sex in the Air) — Fluffy NSFW Homelander x Gender-neutral Reader /AO3
Day 7: Okay, Okay, I've got this. Someone else wrote a fic for this character with a similar kink once, I can write this knowing that a good execution of it is possibly.
->voilĂ : Gotham!Edward Nygma x Reader: Doctor, Doctor, Please (Think Better of Yourself) Chapter 1: Comfort and Negotiate (Medical Play, nothing explict) /A03
I wanted to write an actually explicit ending but the lead-up to a kink I wasn't that familiar with took up all of the fic.
Still, I made it and oof, uploading it to tumblr & AO3 took time.
But wow, I can write and publish something in one day?! 😼 Crazy. 😁
I go to bed tired.
Day 8: Hm, maybe I could write something for this character from a show I watched way back who totally needed some happiness.
->Thomas Barrow x Reader: Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy (Handjob/Fingering, smut can be skipped) /A03
Again I started the fic on the dame & finished writing in the evening (this is the start of a bad rhythm 😅).
Day 9: I guess if I wrote something for a character from an fandom I'm not really active in, I could also write something with one from a show I stopped watching...containing one of the reasons why I stopped watching it.
->Serena Waterford x Reader: Confusing Comfort to Forbidden Comfort (Non-Con but not main pairing!) /A03
To finish this one in time, I definitely stayed up too long. Writing something in one day for four days in a row is too much for me.
Day 10: Yeah, even if I like the prompts & characters, it takes up way too much time! đŸ„ș
Still->Loki x Reader: Icy Pleasures with a Hint of Lust (Ice Play, the smut can be avoided) /AO3
An interesting thing I noticed: establishing reasons for trying out something kinky (which might not be the reader's thing) often took up enough pages that I could mark the beginning of the smut & people could still read the part before. đŸ€” I like it ✅
My sleep schedule though? Has been getting progressively worse since the start of my Kinktober writing.
Day 11: Tired and knowing that I really wanted to post the fic for the next day, I ended my streak today. It was worth it.
Day 12: This idea I already had a few days before, so I thought it would be done faster. On the contrary: I didn't manage to post in time, wrot the end at night, and then forgot to post it! 😭
->Regina Mills x Reader: Mirror, Mirror, Cheering Up (Mirror Sex, smut avoidable) /AO3
Day 13 to Day 17: Mhm, not really feeling it anymore. I'd rather take my time with fanfics, especially if they're about intimate things like sex.
Day 18 & 19: Still, I started working on a story for Day 19, which wasn't finished by then.
Day 20-31: On one hand, I realized how crazy writing something every day would've been giving that my life is already hard enough, but on the other hand I still began new fanfics as well as sequels for the ones I'd written.
As time went on, my goal became to publish at least those, which I didn't manage to do but I'm okay with.
My overall thoughts on Kinktober:
It was a good opportunity to write things that I wouldn't have necessarily written otherwise (cause writing sexual things can sometimes feel like telling too much of yourself, even if something's not even my kink 😂😆)
Even though I'm not much of a horror fan, I wish there was more October-y/autumnal/spookiness. This month has a lot of potential, so "just" writing kinky fics doesn't feel that special to me, since I'm open to write a lot of them anyways. 🎃
Finding out about a bunch of new kinks was fun but for every one of those there were at least two I already knew, just with a different name 😂
My tips for month-long challenges:
brainstorm in advance (for example for me at least one day already helped a lot), ideally for the whole month
set realistic goals, even if they're not the same as those of other artists. Remember: a month-long challenge means that there will be more art than usual regardless of whether you participate or not, people probably won't notice that you don't post every day 🧡
My tips specifically for Kinktober:
Don't underestimate the time consent talks & foreplay can take.
though if writing this much smut is too much, you can also focus on those things 😚
If you know that "hard" kinks can be difficult for you to find out about, make your own list (not gonna lie, I was shocked at at least one kink I found on someone's list)
If the idea of purposefully writing (about) non-consensual things like rape bothers you, make your own list!❗Almost all that I looked up had some type of non-con on it without a warning beforehand.
I hope this helped someone interested in challenges like this or that it felt relatable đŸ˜™đŸ§ĄđŸ€
If you did a challenge like this: what was it like for you? Do you have other tips & tricks?
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pbandjesse · 4 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
My allergies just hit me in the face and I am feeling a little bit terrible. But it is mostly worth it because I got to cuddle with sweetp for hours. Which was honestly just so nice. Even if I'm coughing and snotty now.
Today was a pretty good day. I barely felt sick at all and actually just got to enjoy the beautiful weather and have a fun field trip. It was a good day.
I slept fine. I hate waking up before the sun is up. It feels kind of horrible. Like I know it's 7 but it feels like 4am.
I got dressed. Did not like my hair. But it was fine. It was chilly out but it would become beautiful later on. I was mostly just bundled up this morning.
James helped me bring some stuff to the car. And then I headed in. And it was a good day. I got to camp at 8 and tried to hit each space in the most logical order so I wasn't running around camp like a crazy person. But I would still be driving back and forth because I forgot things. I started with the lodge. Get my table all set. Headed to the office. The art building. Woodlands village. There was some backtracking I had to do. But I got each area set up and ready and it was good to go.
Parents started arriving at 845. I parked over at the lodge so I could use my car as an example of where to park. All of the parents were absolutely lovely but I was very frustrated when I found out that the teacher, who is lovely and comes every year, gave the parents the old lesson names. And so no one was prepared at all. Stress. So much stress. But thankfully my lessons are written as scripts so they all would do just fine and I was so proud of them.
Once they were all there I would take them on a walk around camp so they would have plenty of time to go over the lessons and feel comfortable. And it would take me a while to get everyone set but it was all good. They had great questions and were all very competent and would do a great job.
When the school came at 10 I learned that the teacher didn't get chaperones to walk the groups. I would normally panic but I decided to not bother. It was a group of less then 30. I moved the games to the amphitheater. It wouldn't be hard to just monitor to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be. And it would work out just fine.
We started with an intro. And I was surprised how many kids I recognized from camp. Including two children from the preschool I used to sub at?? That was a weird feeling. Because when I worked with them they were 3 or 4. And now they are in second grade??! Time is a thief.
I had planned on sewing during the waiting periods but it wasnt in the cards. Instead I enjoyed sitting on a log and watching the birds. Wandering around to check on the groups. Going to find extra supplies. It was a busy day but it was fun.
At lunch I had to go find tweezers for a child who got a splinter but we weren't able to get it out. I felt so bad. I got him some ice for his hand and the teacher bandaged it.
I was very nice interested in any of the food I brought. So I had a chocolate bar from the freezer. I sat outside and enjoyed the nice day.
The last hour was fine. We did have some asthma issues with the smoke from the fire. But everyone was okay. The parents would do a wonderful job and packed everything up so I barely had to do anything once they left.
We did finish with a closing question thing. I forgot I took the quizo off the PowerPoint so I was just spit balling which was not ideal. I will have to fix that. But the kids were great and we thanked all of the parents and then it was time to go.
I would sweep and start putting chairs away while the kids got on the bus. And once the cars were all gone I would drive around to the different sites to make sure everything was put away. I chatted with Elizabeth on the phone about getting the lodge out away. And after I put the walkie away in the office I drove over there.
Joe would help me get everything away. We chatted about social media and how a wedding put all the chairs in the basement and he would need help bringing it up. But Sarah would help with that.
So once the lodge was out back I headed out. It was a little after 3. The weather felt so nice. I was starving and decided to go to Chipotle to get nachos. And that is exactly what I did.
They person checking me out was confused about someone ordering just chips and cheese? Which feels like a normal thing so I don't know why he was confused. But it's fine. I had half and brought the rest home. I was all of a sudden really tired and wanted to be back here.
It didn't take to long for me to get home. The traffic wasn't so bad. I brought my blanket project inside and after getting changed I would jump right into working on that.
James would be home soon after that. I was texting with my brother and sewing and chilling. James would give me a smooch and went to jump on a call. They had a guest on the podcast this week which was cool. I'm always proud of James for their projects.
I would get a row done on my blanket before I was tired and didn't want to do it anymore. I would paint my toes and clean up my fingernails. Answered some emails. And once James was done recording they made me dumplings. I honestly ate to many but it was fine. James made themselves peanut noodles. And we would hang out in bed watching TikToks.
James took a shower first to get the water warmed up for me. So romantic. The shower was nice but my allergies absolutely went off and I was choking and coughing for a bit. But it's calming down. Now I'm just itchy all over. Hopefully that subsides soon.
Tomorrow I'm just home. I hope to keep working on my blanket. Maybe start some painting prep in the baby room. We'll see where the day takes me.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Be safe. Until tomorrow.
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turanga4 · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @lanaturnergetup, @hinnyfied and @pocket-lilacs!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 78, which is a terrifyingly large number, but almost every one of the works is very smol.
2. What's your total A03 words count? 66,388 (aka my entire 78-piece writing career so far would be, like, the same word count as 3 or 4 chapters in some of my favorite fics.)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Aftereffects (187 kudos????????) horrifies me with its popularity--I never really publicized that one, but it's the most beloved by leaps and bounds, even though almost no one comments. Fans of Snape, angst, and torture are forces to consider.
Accidental Magic (139) Yeah okay I like it--that was my first major foray into actually sharing my fic with the world.
Mothers (128) Featuring BAMF one pregnant Ginny Potter. Very much indebted, I think, to two excellent fests for that one taking off a bit--@hinnyfest for which I wrote it, and @ladiesofhpfest, where it was recced.
New Ice on A Lake (115) Semi-Obligatory post-war Harry Therapy fic. I still love this one, especially the bit about the brochure.
After The War (98) Ack lil baby turanga's head hop jamboree.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do try! Absolutely means the WORLD to me that someone took to the time to share, and I think it's lovely to have a bit of a conversation, not just drop stuff in a void.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angtiest ending? Probably Tripping Over. No joy to be had in the graveyard, fourth year.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Dammit almost all my fics are fundamentally HAPPY. I like to write life as I see it, which is to say I don't tend to gloss over hard things, but I try to show that human connection and human resilience mean that the hard stuff isn't ALL that there is. But if it's pure HEA you're after, I reckon I'd say Epilogue.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Haven't done since I noped out of ff.net.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind? Glad others can do it, but it's never been my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware. Fic slippage is very much a thing and it wouldn't make me mad.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I don't think that'd work for me--I tend very much, in conversation, to orient to my partner, and I think for co-writing, that would frustrate us both: I'd lose my own voice and end up aping THEIR voice badly.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm more a Gen writer than a shipper, but I guess Harry/Ginny.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I will I will I WILL (there are three).
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm told I can say a decently large amount of things with a small amount of words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I seem doomed to only produce, well, a small amount of words.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I did it once, for just one word, and found it exceptionally challenging, but also extremely enriching: I wanted to approach things with respect and awareness, and learn as much as I could before I tossed the word(s) out.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Oh goodness, way way way back in the day, I confess I wrote like three small fics for a TV show, Joan of Arcadia.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? I truly don't have ONE.
tagging @greenhousethree @indigo-scarf @bettysgarden12 @ashesandhackles @nuatthebeach
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brdpch · 2 years ago
{5} a game of cats, mice and hearts like ice
desktop: previous ✧ next mobile: previous ✧ next
synopsis: in the world of deadly games and their lives at risk, a very smart sociopath meets a very cunning stripper who claims his life as hers.
warnings: canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of violence, sexual abuse, substance abuse, niragi, literally everything, you name it.
formatting: it's a glued-together dynamic roleplay between me and @bvrdel-mama, so the replies are separated by ♠♄♊♣, and the dialogues are written like — This. — yes, the symbols look horrible on mobile, we know.
statistics: 1,795 words 9,888 characters.
author's note: it's a mix of manga!chishiya with show!chishiya. also! what's worth noticing - in this rp there are dice involved. the mechanic is called a d20 mechanic, and it's based on dungeons and dragons 5th edition. we also use other dice rolls for other outcomes, so future events might surprise both me and my roleplaying partner. enjoy!
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Shuntarƍ nodded at everything she said, ignoring the gunshots, unfazed. He didn't know if it showed but he was very impressed by her quick thinking and ability to work under the pressure of time and looming death. He was right - the sweet, stupidish performance she put on hid a wolf underneath, just really similar to his blank emotionless one which hid a cold, calculating predator. He thought really hard about the flaws in her analysis of their situation but much to his disappointment he couldn't find any. The know-it-all tone wasn't lost on him as well, although he chose to ignore it just like the gunshots and screams of the panicked people below. She was dangerously intelligent, that could be a problem later on, one that didn't simply involve her questioning his intelligence in an elaborate way.
Shuntarƍ met her gaze now, still leaning over the balcony, putting his chin upwards.
— I have no idea, but I'm positive you will now enlighten me.  — he lowered his voice and uttered dryly.
He was following the horse-head on the opposite side from him, watching his movement and noting the floors which were targeted by his bullets. They must know where the room they're looking for is - it's a matter of noting down where their feet took them and where their sight and bullets go. She thought of the playing field well, let's see if she can come up with a solution to this game as fast as he can.
She had to be used to the gunshots, but not because of visiting the shooting range or playing paintball; she was used to the real thing used in actual gunfights. She also had to witness death at some point, because she seemed unfazed by the dead bodies, screams and blood.
Another scream interrupted their conversation, followed by a rain of bullets, and then a pause. Something was dropped, Unmei was sure it was an empty magazine - she saw it from across the balcony. The tagger was reloading.
— Rupert Sheldrake, scientist, actually - currently biologist, — she spoke quietly, turning off the recording. — Theorized about atoms, which was actually proven a few years ago, have weight, but in this weight they carry widely understood knowledge. The atoms „communicate” with each other by the use of a morphogenetic field - which is, for us, the apartment complex. One thousand people were experimented on in the United Kingdom, answering a question about what's on two paintings. On one of them, there was a dog; on the other one - a woman in a hat, but here's the catch - these pictures looked similar to Rorschach test ones. — Unmei paused for a moment. — You know, those dark splotches on light background which are used in the psychiatric field. Anyway, back to the point - 3.9% of surveyed could recognize a dog, and 9.2% surveyed could recognize the lady. Next time they conducted the experiment they got much better results - about 10% rate with the dog, and 20% rate with the lady. It could possibly mean that this knowledge was already „discovered” and then „stored”, or rather „kept” in the morphogenetic field, transferred later on by more surveyed subjects. If there is someone who knows where the safe zone is, it's the tagger, and their knowledge - in theory - is stored in the atoms around us
Unmei waited a little bit for Chishiya to catch up to her with his thinking.
— Nonetheless, I don't really believe in this version of the theory. But if the tagger knows where the safe zone is, he'll reveal it to us sooner or later by protecting the right door. When the players are in enough distance, then he'll start actually chasing them. — she paused again. — There was no player limit, so they have to carry enough ammo and weapons for not only a few, but maybe even tens of people, meaning we cannot take them one-by-one. Have you already counted their magazine capacity? Tagger keeps going around the middle floors, so one of these doors could be the solution. Let's say that this apartment complex has one hundred flats, and there are fourteen of players - seven doors for each player to check, if we assume all of us are alive and we'll keep checking them efficiently, one by one. it's impossible to do in twenty, — she checked her phone. — Ten minutes.
Unmei could deduce earlier that Shuntarƍ was a man of few words, who preferred acting from speaking. It was the case even now. Chishiya partly observed the tagger wandering around the lower levels, but partly listened to Unmei's words. It didn't seem like the massacre surrounding them was a problem to Shuntarƍ, quite the opposite - at times a dark smile would appear on his face when the echoes of players choking on their own blood reached their ears.
— It's good that you added that you don't believe in that theory. It sounds as probable as building your life on horoscopes. — he answered dryly, scanning Unmei from head to toe.
Shuntarƍ shook his head and then a focused look appeared on his face. He agreed with the part where Unmei mentioned that the tagger will lead them to the goal of the game.
— A standard machine pistol has either twenty-five or thirty-two bullets in its magazine. I assume the second option is more proba- — Shuntarƍ was cut off by a rain of bullets directed at someone on the other side of the complex. The tagger emptied out the whole magazine.
— Thirty two. — he said quickly, leaning over the balcony to check where the bullets go. Why would someone shoot from such a distance? From a weapon which loses its effectiveness the further it is from the target? They would shoot if someone is close to the right room - Chishiya answered his own question. 
After a second he pulled out the phone and opened the camera app, zooming on the walls of the opposite floors. Analyzing the angle in which the bullets entered the room is on the...
— Do I believe in the experiment? Not necessarily. But I do believe in the theory itself. — said Unmei, leaning over the balcony. The girl with the short dark brown hair has just climbed over the railing to the upper floor, a salvo of bullets behind her, moments before she begged an older lady to change the floors with her.
— Morphogenetic fields are confirmed to exist by science. Besides, you're a Scorpio.
Blue ducked behind the half-wall, covering his ears in panic. Shaggy, despite the stern 'no' he heard from Hawaii, rushed to help Blue. Unmei tilted her head, paying close attention to them. Chishiya and her both answered the question about the safe room at the same time. Getting there was the problem.
— Hey everyone! — shouted Shaggy, revealing himself for a second. — Let's tell each other where the tagger is! We will find the safe room together!
Shuntarƍ furrowed his brows and shot an irritated glance towards Unmei - then his gaze snapped to the girl that was prepping for a run in the lobby. Looks like it wasn't a run, but rather a quick climb around the complex. She was hanging from one of the balconies now.
— Ideal moment for discussing scientific theories. — he said ducking back behind the balcony, when a salvo of bullets flew their way.
Chishiya's eyes wandered towards the lower levels where the two young men were running about, and soon one of them spoke inviting all of the participants to work together. And he was right, there was no way Chishiya and Unemi could clear the game by themselves in the time which was left.
ïżœïżœ Second floor, northern corner! — Chishiya shouted leaning over the balcony just to be greeted by 9mm bullets again.
Unmei hid behind the wall, her head low, almost between her knees, as she squatted. She didn't come out when Shuntarƍ decided to get a look at the tagger yet again, only to hear him shout. She quickly put her hands on his head, pushing it down, pulling on his hair. It worked best, she knew it really well from her own experience.
Unmei held him like this for a second, their foreheads touching - she had to use her body weight to make sure he ducks on time, before a bullet makes its way into his skull. She held him in place for a few more seconds, not letting go, as to make sure he's not gonna get up.
— As I said, — she hissed, her voice barely audible from gunshots. — Don't get in my way. What do you think you're doing?
Her once ice-cold eyes were now ablaze, burning their way through Chishiya right into his non-existent soul. It was a scream-whisper, and as she let go, she started moving, her body as low as possible, knees on the rugged concrete. That'll leave bruises, for sure.
five minutes remaining.
— We'll take care of the tagger! — shouted Beach member number one, and as Unmei took a quick look around her surroundings, Hawaii responded. — You guys find the safe zone!
Shuntarƍ laughed maybe a bit too loudly when his hair got snatched and pulled down by Unmei, then for their foreheads to touch - the woman not letting go of the clump of strands she clinged to, hissed at him through clenched teeth while Chishiya was still laughing in her face - literally.
— Mind the hair. — Shuntarƍ said through his giggling, then his demeanor changed drastically, his eyes became emotionless and a twisted grin appeared on his face.
— You are very annoying, you know? If you want me out of your way, sure. How about we bump up the difficulty level then?
He leaned over the balcony again and shouted to get the horse-head's attention, then got up and sprinted to the elevator, barely ducking through a barrage of 9mm bullets leaving marks in the wall behind him. His pulse was up, he was ecstatic, he finally felt something - anger, passion, the thrill of life. He had five minutes, the shout should give him at least a few seconds before the horse-head appears on the highest floor. He took Unmei's shoe that was stuck in the door - clicked the floor he last saw the horseman on and exited the elevator.
He then turned to Unmei and waved at her.
— Have fun! — he shout-whispered to the girl before turning around and sprinting down the staircase to the 4th floor.
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kyogre-blue · 1 year ago
CF, let's go!
Immediately more amusing than SS by virtue of the fact that I care about the enemy units. Yes, Rhea looks so cool, Flayn is so cool, Catherine yeeeeeah. Very nice, I'm very happy.
Jokes aside, CF is looking very interesting from the perspective of speculating about 3H's production process.
From what I recall of the interviews, it seems they added CF comparatively late, due to simping reasons. That's interesting in itself, because Edelgard was given a lot of focus in development, given stuff like the early drafts of her also being able to Divine Pulse. But I guess it was only later in that they realized that, yeah, giving her a route would be cool and probably the most unique thing they could do.
Anyway, given its weird development, CF has a lot of strangeness about it. It's the shortest route by a good margin (VW and AM have 10 chapter each, SS has 9 due to Gronder being cut, but CF has only 6). There is only one actually unique map, I believe (Tailtean), but the chapters are reshuffled in completely different order from VW-SS-AM having basically the exact same progression. At the same time, is a very obvious lack of pre-rendered cutscenes and even in-engine scenes to some extent.
So the impression I get is that it was added late, so they couldn't produce certain assets like cutscenes or more than six chapters, but at the same time, they had a lot more passion for it, since they created a unique progression and honestly Edelgard has been emoting more in one scene than the entire Academy phase.
My dudes.... perhaps you should have started from the villain route and just gone full in, instead of the limp-wristed SS stuff, which supposedly was written first out of everything.
Live blogging notes:
I like how Edelgard is in her school uniform during the pre-battle scene in the Holy Tomb, but is then in the Flame Emperor outfit post-battle. Girl took the time to change, I see. It's not really a huge deal, but it's so lacking in attention to detail, sigh.
Man, furious antagonist Rhea is so cool. Very nice.
The Immaculate One is just a still here, where it was always a cinematic in the other routes.
"The monsters that have controlled Fodlan in secret for far too long" Edelgard again attributing things the Agarthans have done to the Nabateans.
We book it. Only respect for Rhea.
Hum... all the BE students escape with us to one of the Imperial army's provisional camps. Except Flayn, obviously. The students give a mix of reasons why they're siding with Edelgard, and they're fine. Kinda mild, but whatever. The music really gets me. Cute bubbly track while everyone is like "well, I wasn't thinking and just ran" or "I have political reasons" and then it switches to Edelgard's imperial march theme, and man. It's really something.
Yeah, Edelgard's anti-Church pitch is kinda... lol. Given that her own henchmen was like "steal all the bones! desecrate those graves! kill everyone!"
"[The Church's] control over the lords of the Kingdom and the Alliance is nearly absolute" L M A O
This is hilarious. Admittedly already more fun than SS.
Edelgard admits to being well aware of how much chaos and destruction she is bringing about based on just her own will. She knows she is the cause of countless deaths. But she still says she wants to bring down the church.
Except, of course, the Church hasn't done anything to her lol Edelgard's manifesto will expose "the foul practices of the nobles from the Kingdom and Alliance" like what tho
Byleth is going to lead a special "Black Eagle Strike Force"
oh ho.... we're exploring a non-monastery area! very nice
Quickly noting: We skip the entire last month of Academy Phase, going from 2/29 for the Holy Tomb directly to 3/30 for the pre-assault camp.
Edelgard B: takes place in her monastery bedroom, which is funny at this juncture. She talks about how she'd like a day to just idle away and eat sweets, and also how without Byleth she would have become a harsh leader with a heart of ice (ok, sure) and how everyone else always treated her as an untouchable princess or emperor, didn't look her in the eye, etc. Ferdinand does not exist, I guess. It's very staple as a concept, but the details aren't really in place for this. At best, you can say this hinges more on her own perceptions -- she never respected anyone else until Byleth enough to let them approach her as anything except pawns and vassals. Self-imposed trials and all that.
Roundup of the kids: Ingrid wants to try to persuade her father to join Edelgard but thinks he probably won't, Caspar's father is leading the "western units" and he'd have had to fight him if he stayed at the monastery, Linhardt calls out that the biggest nobles in the empire stripped Edie's dad of his powers but are now supporting her to smoothly take the throne (weird!), Ferdie acknowledges that his father is greedy and arrogant but feels that he did a lot of work for the empire only to now be disgraced (stripped of his rank and under house arrest), Bernie has less thoughts in her head than Caspar, Felix has like two lines lol, Leonie is just directly with Byleth and no one else, Ashe emphasizes that he can't trust the Church after Lonato and Christophe, Sylvain is kind of mess, thinking of his father, Dimitri, how he might die in the fighting, etc.
Hubert says it's not up to Edelgard to bring the students to our cause, which is... kinda wild. Why is it not up to her. Based on the rest of the dialogue, he means the recruited students from other houses, but uuuh given 3H quality, I expect he says this even if you haven't recruited, and also the phrasing is very vague to begin with.
Garreg Mach has never been attacked, so no one really knows how well it can stand against assault. Edelgard is confident in our power "from a mathematical standpoint."
Ladislava leads Edelgard's personal guard. There's also Randolph von Bergliez. His mother married into Caspar's family but this was after his birth. Unclear if this means he's from a previous relationship of hers, or if he wasn't legitimized despite being from a Bergliez fling. That explains one random battle line I got from him when attacking as Caspar on SS.
There's a couple stray comments from NPCs about Rhea turning into a beast (which happened down in the Holy Tomb where only a few people were, so... curious an NPC knows) and about not entirely believing Edelgard but supporting her for now.
Overall battle plan for the assault: Edelgard (+Byleth) leads an elite force that strikes as close to the monastery as possible, planning to draw attention of the elite Knights and Rhea's ire. Meanwhile, the main forces that marched in from the capital will surround and "annihilate" the remaining areas.
Another still of the Immaculate One after the battle, no CG. The entire scene is just one still, headshots of models talking and some filter to show that "the castle" is "crumbling." And that's it, wow.
Without Rhea fighting Thales and trying to save Byleth, she's well enough to flee to Faerghus. Nice!
Dimitri is King <3
Claude "strategically stirs up conflict between Leicester lords in an effort to maintain neutrality" lmao
Sothis is cool with you even after the Edelgard simping shenanigans, I guess.
The Imperial Army is holding the monastery, which is different from the other routes.
Edelgard emotes?? At the reunion with Byleth. WOW
Another still, no cutscene.
Edelgard's dialogue here... has almost the exact same beats as Claude's which is a bit funny.
Recap again that Dimitri is King and supporting the Church, Claude is being neutral, though Edelgard makes it clear this is a negative. His leadership "has thrown the Alliance into chaos."
OK, so Edelgard directly says we're going to eliminate the Church, the Kingdom and the Allaince. We're out to get them all, and the first target is Claude because Riegan has been standing against the Empire. To secure a route for imperial troops into the Alliance, we'll take out the big bridge first. At the same time, we'll take out Judith and since her territory is on the border with the Kingdom, getting her out of the way will be useful too.
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denimbex1986 · 2 years ago
'“You’re an Irishman, are ya?” Cillian Murphy says, his features visibly softening, as I begin talking over Zoom. “Thank god.”
Two truisms about Cillian Murphy that are often repeated online: He hates doing interviews, but he loves Ireland. If he must talk to the press – which, being the lead of Christopher Nolan's mammoth blockbuster Oppenheimer, he absolutely must – the least I can do is give him a chance to talk about our shared homeland. So, with this introduction, we're off to a good start.
It's about 10 days before Oppenheimer drops, but Murphy and the big A-bomb movie – along with Greta Gerwig's Barbie – already seem to be taking up the majority of the internet's consciousness. In the film, he plays J Robert Oppenheimer, the man credited with leading the creation of the atomic bomb during World War Two. Though he has starred in a handful of Christopher Nolan blockbusters already, this is his first as a proper leading man. So, the scrutiny is greater than ever. He is wearing it well. “I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself,” he says, “but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that.”
GQ: How often do you get people calling you “Sillian”?
Cillian Murphy: Less and less now actually. But it doesn't bother me. Then I very pedantically explain to them that there's no ‘K’ in the Irish language and it gets really boring.
You used to live in London, but moved to Dublin in 2015. I heard you said your kids were getting English accents so you took them home.
Yeah. That was a joke. [Laughs].
Well, people have really run with it. Do you need to personally relate to characters, and could you do so with Oppenheimer?
Well, first of all, it's imperative not to judge the character. Because then you've lost as a performer. You have to try and understand [them]. You have to be like a kind of emotional detective. But your job primarily is to define the truth in the character to try and portray them in a truthful way.
Emily Blunt said recently that during filming you didn't go for cast dinners because your ‘brain was too full’. Robert Downey Jr. said that at times it felt like you were ‘icing’ him. How much did playing Oppenheimer affect you?
It was a big part, and there were big, big questions that were grappling with, these huge ethical, moral questions. And Chris had written the script in the first person. So I knew that a lot of the weight was on my shoulders, even though we have this incredible ensemble. There was a responsibility that I felt about playing the part. That's just the way I work. I get very consumed by the work, and I don't really have time for hanging out. And in this movie, I was [regularly] skipping dinner, you know, so I wasn't great craic to hang out with. But that's just the way it was. It's just the nature of the work.
You’re not method, though, right?
Well, here's the thing, right? Method is like a euphemism. We all have a method to get to the final result. And whatever that method is, it's personal and unique to each actor. It's become sort of confused, I think, with the Stanislavski approach. But every actor has their own individual method.
Yeah. But you’re not what people generally view to be method, staying in character the whole time?
Inevitably, if you play a character for a long time, and I was researching him for six months, then shooting it for however long that was.. And you're playing them 18 hours a day every day. By osmosis, you're exchanging atoms, You become consumed or immersed [by it], that's just the way it is.
You mentioned skipping meals. What was the weirdest food day that you had while you were losing all that weight?
Oh, man. I just want to be very careful on this. This was for work, and we structured it pretty well. Inevitably, you do start getting competitive with yourself and all that, but it was for a purpose. He was a very, very slight guy. And he was very self-conscious about that. And it gave him this very unique, particular kind of iconic silhouette. And when you're that weight, it affects the way clothes hang on you, it affects the way you walk, it obviously changes the shape of your face and all that. So that was very useful for the character. But I really don't want to make a big deal about ‘oh, Cillian lost all this weight’.
Taking this lead role on has brought a lot of attention. I've read recent interviews you've done that it's not necessarily your favourite thing. Do you at times feel like the pressure of being the leading man, especially in a movie on this scale is a lot to deal with?
Yeah, but to clarify the thing about interviews, I love talking about the movie, I love talking about music and books and art. I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself. And I don't, and I don't think anyone really is, but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that. And in terms of, you know, how it changes your life or anything like that, or changes how people perceive you that that hasn't changed for me, you know, my life has been exactly the same as it always was.
The Oppenheimer script is very dense. How much does that impact how you go about shooting it?
You have to be completely prepared. I knew the script more or less before we went into work, which isn't so not something I've ever done before. Only in theatre, because there was so much text, and it was quite dense. I wanted to not be worried about the text when I went on the floor. But then, a lot of the scenes I have with Downey, it was quite loose and quite improvisational. I mean, acting with him was was was was just extraordinary. He's just electrifying, the most available engaged, present, unpredictably brilliant actor I've ever worked with.
The film ends on a close-up shot of you, taking in the weight of what the preceding 3 hours have meant for the future of mankind. What are you thinking in that moment when you’re shooting it, knowing you’ve got the weight of the movie on your shoulders?
You can't let it get into your head. You've just got to think about the truth of the scene. For example, when we were shooting the Trinity test, all of us actors and Chris and all the crew, were aware of the weight of that sequence, and what it meant, but you can't let it control you, you know. And I think I've learned that over the years, you know, when you get on the floor, and you get on, you just forget about that stuff. You have to train your mind to not let it affect your performance.
Were you there for the actual explosion that was created?
I was there for components of it. There are different sort of sections of it. I was there for some of it. With Chris, everything is done for real. I've never done a green screen scene with Chris and I never will, I imagine. So what it does is it puts the performer into the atmosphere, or the environment as close as possible to what the character is feeling. You know, and I've, I've been out in boats with Chris on the sea and up in mountains in the snow. It just elevates your performance.
There has been a lot of chatter about the sex scene in this movie, and a wider chat about whether sex scenes are necessary in film at all. Where do you fall on that?
I think they were vital in this in this movie. I think the relationship that he has with Jean Tatlock is one of the most crucial emotional parts of the film. I think if they're key to the story then they're worthwhile. Listen, no one likes doing them, they're the most awkward possible part of our job. But sometimes you have to get on with it.
With a bit of distance between yourself and Oppenheimer, are you able to judge him just a little bit?
I'm really not going to give you an opinion on that. I really strongly believe that the film should ask the questions of the audience. And I don't want to prejudice anybody's point of view, when they go into the movie theatre, about what how they feel and Oppenheimer. What I will say, is that Oppenheimer – Chris called him the most important man that ever lived, whatever you think about that. That's up to you. But we are living in a world that was changed by Oppenheimer. We're living in a nuclear age because of what Oppenheimer did.
You and Christopher Nolan have discussed how you nearly got the role of Batman. Is there a part of you that thinks that it was maybe for the best that you didn’t?
Yes, I think it was for the best because we got Christian Bale's performance, which is a stunning interpretation of that role. I never considered myself as the right physical specimen for Batman. To me, it was always going to be Christian Bale.
Tom Hardy didn’t make it into this Nolan film. Do you have plans to work together again?
He's one of the best actors in the business. And we've developed this great trust and shorthand and there's a nice kind of chemistry, I think, between the two of us. I'd love to work with him again. Maybe there'll be a Peaky Blinders film. Maybe we'll get to do it there. I'm not sure.
What’s the latest on the Peaky Blinders film?
I have no update for you, man. I'm waiting to hear, but it's a tricky time with all these strikes and everything going on. I’ve always said that if there's more story to tell, I'd be there.'
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thejediandthemandalorian · 1 year ago
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @texasdreamer01 😊
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
9, though some of them are only visible if you're logged in.
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
64,757, not a lot but there's nothing wrong with that.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Star wars, lots of Star Wars. I think I wrote for Yuri!!! On Ice before? I used to write for Marvel, I did a little bit of Phantom of the Opera (very little), I have some unpublished Avatar the Last Airbender fics, and I am currently writing for Our Flag Means Death đŸ€­ I hope around depending on what I feel/am hyperfixating on, but ultimately it always comes back to Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five pics by kudos?
Fighting For Your Power - one of my first published Star Wars fics. Definitely not my favorite and also unfinished, a common occurrence with my ever changing brain.
If I Could Hold You For a Minute (Darling, I'd do it Again.) - Codywan. A little hurt comfort thing that takes place after the Rako Hardeen incident
Orbital Decay - another Codywan fic, probably my longest posted fic at this point in time.
And cowboy is his name - a short little bobadin cowboy au that I'm thinking of adding more onto, whether it's little snippets or an actual story is to be seen.
To Be A Good Soldier - a Commander Cody fic, kinda my own little headcanon as to how he got his scar.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, it just takes me a while to get there. I'm always a little slow on the up taking. I reply to comments because someone took a brief moment of their time after reading my story to let me know their thoughts, and it means the world to me, so the least I can do is respond to their comments.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A fic that no longer is on AO3 🙈 I took it down after a couple years of like....no one reading it, and decided to keep it to myself, like a dragon. The story is hurt comfort without any of the comfort lol. Poor poor Garashir, doomed by the narrative and also me.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oooooh let me think. Recently they all have happy endings because I myself need one. Uhhhhhh. Probably Orbital Decay. My babies get together very tentatively at the end.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Ehhh my fics don't get seen by a wide enough audience I think. The only 'hate' I've ever gotten was someone demanding me tag something, but it wasn't even very hateful so. No I guess not.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Once upon a long time ago, but I haven't in ages and frankly it makes me uncomfortable to write, always has.
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't, it's not something that holds my interest.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of...😳
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No sir-y
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes and no? It's a collaborative fic, but I'm not the one writing it, I just had the base idea and give more ideas for the concept and squeal and cry over it.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
It changes with the tides, but how can I pick one set of my beloveds over another?
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them. Lol uhh I really really wanna get the Codywan AU fic written, but I'm at a point where I currently don't have it in me, I don't have much writing in me at all right now.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I love dialogue. I've also been told, and I have to trust what people tell me, that I'm very descriptive and also know how to write a fight scene.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Lack of confidence in my skills. Inability to finish what I've started. Making sure I'm keeping people in character, and also I tend to lack in the plot department.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Well, I think so long as you...ugh this one is tricky cause I don't know how to phrase it. I like to write in other languages in very very small doses. A little smattering here and there. But also, I feel like it's important to know the language you're writing in or consult someone who does for accuracy? Idk how to explain it.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Marvel. And more Marvel. I had a very long story (with no actual plot) posted to a different site, and then took to writing people's requests for Marvel ship fics for a time.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Uhhh idk To Be a Good Soldier? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it will be the little OFMD fic idea I had, but who knows.
Softly nudging @poibynt @missypup @frostbitebakery and anyone else who might like to do this
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