#i caught up with season 4 and have about five episodes left to watch
strandnreyes · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
thanks for the tag and for creating this @tellmegoodbye !
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I saw a commercial for it during the superbowl in 2020 and wanted a new weekly show to watch so I caught up on the first three episodes in time to watch 1x04 live
Which season is your favorite?
Honestly it’s a toss up between 3 and 4. I think there are more episodes I like in season 3, but tarlos’ storyline in season 4 is so layered and feels a bit more deep and meaningful to me
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos are my favorites and it would be impossible to choose between them, but I think my second favorite would be Marjan or Judd
Top five episodes. Go!
In no particular order:
Push (3x04)
Yee-Haw (1x02)
Swipe Left (4x12)
The Big Heat (2x12)
In Sickness and In Health (4x18)
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Carlos. I think the more we learn about him, the more questions I have. It would be fun to actually see his past and his relationships with his parents and Iris or when or why he decided he wanted to become a police officer and what that conversation looked like with his family. I think there are a lot of things that would parallel nicely with present day.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I've talked about this a little bit before, but I think it would be tarlos starting off in a good spot at the beginning of the season until something pulls Carlos back into looking for the killer. TK would be involved too, whether that's being threatened or helping Carlos look, with all of it building into this big intense episode with a sweet and sexy relief
What do you think is going on in this still?
It would be fun if they're being threatened by the killer because Carlos is digging too much. I think a more realistic scenario could be someone from AFD or the Rangers calling about a lead in the case
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I think it'll be a catharsis of sorts, maybe after a fight or time spent apart. I think it'll be the two of them desperate for each other, knowing the other is safe and they're okay. maybe a parallel to 1x02 except one of them is already home and meets the other at the door. there's a trail of clothes as they kiss their way to their bedroom this time. probably some kind of emotional music and the low light of some lamps. bonus points if they get their pants off before the fade to black
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I had them go to puerto vallarta in my honeymoon fic, but I could see it being along the gulf too. I know one of them said at a con that they spent it at home and it’s a sweet concept but we literally see them at a pool so sknajdnsjs
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I just read this the other day so it's fresh in my mind, but Cause It's Your Life by GoOffCredits (I don't think they're on tumblr) had me hanging onto every word. it's the perfect kind of emotional angst I love
tagging @reyesstrand @paperstorm @sheholdsthemoon @welcomehometk @carlos-in-glasses @chicgeekgirl89 + open tag for anyone who wants to play along!
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what-gs-watching · 4 months
"It said quarter to five, but it was quarter to ass…"
I’m sorry but it’s time for a quick appreciation post for Community’s season 5. I realize I shouldn’t be watching Community yet again since I was just into it like eight months ago and obviously wrote a love letter to it  but we’re here already so deal with it. 
This is an incredibly deep cut situation, but I don’t care. Season 5 has some of my all-time favorite episodes, even if it’s likely a lot of people gave up on the show before it ever came out because Dan Harmon had left for season 4 and there was always so much upheaval around it even being renewed and blah blah AND Donald Glover left that season.
Which, I admit, was devastating. But even so, there are a bunch of gems in the 13-episode run. 
Starting with "Basic Intergluteal Numismatics", wherein the study group tries to FINALLY solve the case of the Asscrack Bandit, a shadowy figure who’s running around campus dropping quarters down unsuspecting asscracks. Literally, that’s the entire premise. The episode is based on movies like Zodiac, it’s dark and brooding and it’s fucking hilarious because everyone takes it so seriously and it’s a perfect Community homage. They had BEN FOLDS do two different songs to include in it and they’re catchy as hell, honestly they fucking slap, and I’m still not sure who I think is the asscrack bandit, and I hope to never find out. 
Another pure favorite is “Geothermal Escapism”, which is Donald Glover’s final episode, and a perfect way to send him off. Abed declares a school-wide game of “the floor is lava” and it’s such a good replacement for the paintball game episodes. As usual, everyone in the school is completely committed to the bit except for Britta for once, who’s trying to force the group to properly deal with Troy leaving, she’s the surprising voice of reason throughout and the loophole they come up with to help Abed deal with losing his best friend is so Community. I cry everytime I watch this one - literally, their relationship is so pure and beautiful and sweet and the episode is simultaneously fun and bittersweet. 
Also, we can’t forget about "Analysis of Cork-Based Networking". The only reason I love this episode is like, a fairly small part of the entire story, but it makes me hysterically laugh every time. The group has formed a ‘Save Greendale’ committee and Annie is off navigating the labyrinth of bureaucracy which leaves Jeff, Shirley, Chang and Duncan to pick a theme for the midterm dance. After Chang has a meltdown, they agree to his pitch of “Bear down for midterms” which no one understands, but they commit to it. Eventually, they find out why Chang was so insistent on the theme, and it’s not great. I honest to god still yell “BEAR DOWN FOR MIDTERMS” when I’m dealing with something I don’t want to do. Like right now, with the case study I’m doing for an interview process. My husband always knows what I mean, and I love it.
Finally gang, "App Development and Condiments". Fucking Meowmeowbeanz. This is the episode where the entire school gets caught up in a social media app that lets them rate each other, and the entire social ecosystem falls apart. The important part here is that this episode was made BEFORE that Black Mirror episode you’re thinking about. Community is streets ahead, and always has been. The commentary is scathing, and fucking hilarious. 
I have no real point to any of this, I’ve just been thinking about it for the past two days and I had to get it out. I can never sing enough praises for Community. I’ve decided on this (10th? 15th? who knows) rewatch that it is literally my favorite show in the world. Like, it’s my desert island show and my comfort show and my comedy show and my sad show. It’s my every show.
Community, oh how I love you.
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
Since the House M.D. fandom on Tumblr is getting bigger, I though I'd share with you the fact that all I took six years to finish watching the show, and I started well after it finished airing. Why did I take so long, you ask? Here's why.
I started watching House M.D. suring my second year in high school (in my country high school is five years, btw). When I was a kid my parents watched the show, I only caught bits of it and I didn't like it because I didn't understand it. When I was 15-16, out of nowhere if not pure curiosity, I decided to give the show a shot. I became obsessed with it.
I spent entire afternoons watching it. I was a straight A student, as americans say, I was "a pleasure to have in class" and then I started skipping P.E. to watch House on my phone in the locker room. I forced my best friend to skip the lessons with me (they did it gladly). My classmates skipped P.E. to smoke outside of the gym, I jumped up and down in the locker room to find signal so the episodes would load. I still remember making my best friend watch Euphoria part I and II whole others played volleyball. It did not end there.
I remember being at the house of an old friend studying chemistry and biology (which, ironically, I've always sucked at): it was me, my best friend and a couple of other gals. These girls were trying to understand science homework while me and my best friend were giggling because I spent all the time writing "Gregory House" with hearts around his name or lines from the show on the margins of the science textbooks. And, since I have a heavy hand with pencils and pens, I was never able to lend my science textbook to anyone ever (especially the teacher, who sometimes asked for our textbooks) because I had love notes for a fictional doctor written all over it.
I started referring to myself as House and my best friend as Wilson, and to this day on my phone my best friend is saved (amongst other nicknames) as "Jimmy" and I, on their phone, as something like "untrustworthy limp" (I started watching the show in my native language, not English, and in Italian at some point Wilson calls House "zoppo malfidato"), which, by the way, proved to be incredibly accurate because in a few years I would have started having problems with my left ankle, which would have led me to limp a lot and use crutches.
Therefore the question arises spontaneously: why did I take so long finishing the show? Well, as you can clearly understand, I really liked House's and Wilson's friendship, it meant a lot to me (and later on I would have understood, as an aromantic, it was the qpr I aspired to have).
We all know what happens at the end of season 4. I cried like a baby and all that, it took a couple of days, but I started season 5.
But then, in season 5, House and Wilson weren't magically friends again (who would have thought?). And my poor little heart, simply couldn't bear that. Suddenly I was taking P.E. again, and my best friend was asking about House and I said "I need time to elaborate". And then I didn't, for six years.
"Hey, don't they make up in the fourth episode of the season?" Yes, they do. Do you want to know at which episode of the fifith season I stopped watching because I couldn't bear to see them not being friends? The first. Fucking. Episode. I watched one episode of the fifth season that ended with Wilson saying "We're not friends anymore, House. I'm not sure we ever were" and said "Nope, I can't, MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS" and as a matter of a fact it didn't take it. I saw them not being friends for ONE episode for something that was ENTIRELY justifiable and I had to take a moment for six years.
"Then how did you decide to watch the rest of it one day?" well, well, well, let's jump six years forwards, no longer than last year. Last year was the worst year of my life and I doubt this will ever change, it was the first year of university and truly a year I wish I could forget. I started doing things I regret, my life was a mess, I skipped an exam, my mother was angry with me, one night I am crying in fetal position in my shower (I am not taking a shower, I am in my pijama just lying in the shower) and I think "it doesn't get worse than this". I have my phone with me, I open Tumblr to try and think of something else instead of crying and I see, unprompted (I didn't look for it), an House M.D. post.
I had tried to go on Tumblr to look for content on the show 6 years before, I hadn't found a lot. I remember I never finished watching the show. Again, my life sucks, I am thinking very bad things, I am emotionally fucked, I think I'll have to jump from a window by the way things are going. I tell myself (I very vividly remember why I stopped watching House) "it can't hurt more than what I am already going through". I start watching from the second episode of the fifth season, I remembered everything about the show.
I find out if I had powered through two more episodes at time, House and Wilson would have been friends again. I finish the show in less than a month (and the night I watch the finale I make four minutes audios to my best friend at 3 in the morning in which I bawl my eyes out and say very incoherent sad things).
And this, kids, is how I met your mother took six years to watch all House M.D. It just took me to be at the lowest point of my life but oh well if that's the price to pay.
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d2kvirus · 8 months
17/1/24 Fact or Fiction
Statement #1: John Wick: Chapter 4 was the best movie of 2023. ABSTAIN - As I haven't seen it (or, you know, John Wicks 2 or 3) I can't say whether it is or is not the best film of 2023, though I can say it would have to be pretty bloody spectacular to dislodge Oppenheimer, Godzilla Minus One or Suzume (due to the UK release being in 2023, it counts) from my personal top three. Thought there is one way to say John Wick 4 was the best film of 2023, and that is if I say that The Stray's was my second-favourite film of 2023, with literally every other film (including ones I haven't seen) ahead of it. You get the feeling that I thought The Strays was an irredeemable pile of shite, don't you...?
Statement #2: You want to see more “experimental” horror movies after the success of movies like Skinamarink and The Outwaters in 2023. FACT - Although hopefully not "experimental" as a euphemism for "half-baked crap carried by its visual style", because I don't want another Cosmopolis and/or Crimes of the Future experience if I can potentially avoid it
Statement #3: Moving forward, the MCU needs to pivot away from the Kang character and the “multiverse” in general. FICTION - The MCU definitely needs to pivot, as 2023 was the year where people caught on to how it is the very definition of "content" in the reaction channel definition of the word, but what it needs to pivot towards is something that shakes the formula up. Oh who are we kidding, this is Disney we're talking about, so they'll just do an MCU/Star Wars crossover
Statement #4: The Last of Us was the best TV show of 2023. FICTION - It was good, in fact it was very good, but Inside No 9 takes the crown for me, because which other show can have people raging about an episode being bumped for a gameshow and then getting wrongfooted as the gameshow was the episode? And that's barely scratching the surface...
Statement #5: The only thing left worth watching on network TV is live sports. FICTION - Partly because Inside No 9 is on network TV in the UK, and partly because live sports is either the dregs that Sky or BT don't want such as darts, snooker, darts, crown green bowls and darts, Six Nations matches other than England home games (which are on Sky, along with the one song their supporters sing when England are at least 10 points up with five minutes to go...) and because the live football is almost inevitably Manchester United's match in every single round of the FA Cup until they're eliminated
Statement #6: The producers of the Scream franchise need to do whatever it takes to get Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega back. Barrera already met with Spyglass Media a week or two ago, and that meeting lasted all of 45 second between her walking in and walking out again. In other words, Spyglass need to accept that they fucked it and put the franchise on the backburner
Statement #7: You find it annoying that streaming TV series can have any random number of episodes per season and new seasons can sometimes take years to come out without any explanation. FICTION - In terms of streaming platforms, there are far more annoying things they can do with shows, such as cancel them after a season or two, or what Crunchyroll did a couple of years ago and put 95% of their shows behind a paywall with zero warning, while All4 found a new way to be annoying in 2023 by heavily advertising a couple of shows but neglecting to mention that they'd be leaving the platform within a month. So if anyone would like to let me borrow their Apple TV account so I can finish watching The Girl from Plainview...?
Statement #8: We won’t see any theatrical events in 2024 like we did in 2023 with Barbenheimer or the Taylor Swift concert film. FICTION - Guaranteed somebody will try to manufacture one like that at some point in 2024. Actually, scratch that, attempts at forcing another Barbenheimer have already happened as we saw desperate attempts to make Saw Patrol a thing with Paramount even tweeting about it, though we were robbed of ExorSwift when Universal lost their nerve. That being said, if a cinema did happen to show Oppenheimer and Godzilla Minus One at the same time, there is still time to make Godzenheimer a thing. Come on, people!!!
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noblehearted · 4 years
"Will you stay with me?" ((@broken-curse))
Momo's grey eyes softened even more because of the words. How could she ever refuse a sweet, innocent little girl such as her? "Of course, Eri-chan." She kneeled as to be nearly on the same eye-level as her. "What would you like us to do?"
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theothin · 3 years
Looking back at my two weeks of binging various media. Sort of builds on my previous post about genderweird stories due to a lot of overlap.
Wayward Children (book 7) - As always, really fun and disturbing in new ways. I enjoyed having Cora as the protagonist this time, as well as bringing Regan into the larger story.
High Guardian Spice - Still baffled by the hatedom that’s sprung up around this show. I guess there’s that many people allergic to trans characters and/or adorable shows about girls in magic school?
Fabiniku - Ongoing and still fucking hilarious.
Zombieland Saga - First season starts a bit weak but gets really fun after a few episodes. The second is a bit stranger - I liked it, but I preferred the first.
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department - Watched one episode and was not impressed. It’s funny, at least? Checked it out for the promise of genderbending monsters but the implementation is not exactly what I’m looking for.
Sailor Moon - Checked it out since @lilietsblog​ compared it to High Guardian Spice, tried a second episode because I’ve heard so much about it but... honestly, I can’t stand it. Don’t like the characters, don’t like the writing style, don’t like the episode structure.
Ranma 1/2 (season 1A) - The Hulu subscription I got for Sailor Moon turned out to include some other fun old shows. I loved the first arc (although there’s definitely some dicey stuff), but then at episode 14 the show’s style changes completely. Seems like it tries to get too fancy and elaborate, and ends up undermining its goofy brand of humor in the process. I couldn’t keep watching from there.
W.I.T.C.H. (season 2) - Sailor Moon also got me interested in revisiting a different magical girl show. Went back to the beginning of the season, since I last watched it years ago with Liliet and didn’t remember much. Its quality is a bit inconsistent, but it’s a fun show.
A Memory Called Empire - Currently working my way through the audiobook. Five chapters in so far, and the mysteries are certainly piling up. Three Seagrass is wonderful, and the empire has one hell of a name structure.
Misfile (books 14-18) - I remembered it being really slow when read serially and I remembered that my interest in it had been based on my lower standards of over a decade ago, but I had not remembered how much... uncomfortable stuff is in it. Picked it up a bit before where I’d left off and read a ways from there, still planning on finishing it eventually but for now I’m setting it aside in favor of better stories.
Sister Claire - Another recommendation from Liliet, this time a webcomic about magic nuns. I’ve caught up on the main story, and am currently working my way through the bonus section. One neat thing it does with that structure is that the main story includes several trans characters without putting much attention on that fact while the bonus section’s backstories explore it a lot further. Another one for the list of stories I’d recommend that feature major trans characters.
Mask of Shadows (book 2) - Only about halfway through the book so far, and quite enjoying it. Compared to the first one, it’s putting a lot more focus on the main character’s genderfluidity and on examining trans and otherwise queer topics in the setting. Turns out a team of elite assassins can be a magnet for queer folks.
The Legend of Vox Machina - Only three episodes out so far, but it’s already great. Definitely recommend it even if you’ve never watched the main Critical Role show. It covers some ground that seems to be lacking in adult animation at present, and I’m hoping it paves the way for others.
Evangelion (Rebuild #4) - As usual for the series, it’s a very strange movie, but I liked it. Seems like the most coherent ending Evangelion has had, however little that may say. The biggest oddity continues to be Mari - in particular, I feel like it undermines the other pilots’ stories for anyone to take so well to the job. Now I want to rewatch Rebuild #3 sometime in hopes of actually following it now, since the one time I saw it was ten years ago while I was half-asleep.
Slayers - Started this one today, Liliet’s fourth contribution to this list. I’ve gotten fond of this sort of goofy and simplistic style of fight scenes, and Lina Inverse is a delightful murderhobo disaster.
Apparently this is what can happen when you set up one-time subscriptions to multiple streaming services over a vacation. No regrets, mind.
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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typical-simplelove · 3 years
I would love 30 with Matt Tkachuk if you haven’t already ☺️
30. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. 
Summary: 4 times Matthew told you he's love you forever since he was a child and 1 time he used those exact words.
A/n: This turned into a mini 4+1, but I'm not even sorry (kind of like Joey when he ate that chocolate cake, iykyk). Enjoy, and my requests are open!
Taglist: @boqvistsbabe @goalision @rmaye @mellany1997 @beauvibaby @heatherawoowoo @petey-patty @barzal-burakovsky @coffee-ontherocks @heaveniish @glassdanse @tkapuckit @stars-canucks (Join my taglist here!)
You were sick. You weren’t sure what happened, but somewhere between flying from Calgary to St. Louis, you caught something and got sick. Now, you were sitting in your childhood bedroom with a bucket sitting next to you with a bottle of water at your ready. You had your computer open watching some rerun on Netflix.
After finishing your semester this past spring and the season ending, you and Matthew flew home to St. Louis for the summer. That’s how you ended up here. You were sick and stuck in your bedroom.
You were sitting on your bed ready to watch the next episode of whatever show it was when someone knocked on your door. “Come in?” you say, meekly.
The door opens, and your boyfriend pops his head inside. “May I come in?”
“I’m sick,” you tell Matthew.
“I’m going to take that as a yes,” he tells you and ventures into your bedroom. He settles himself next to you and moves your computer to the side. “I brought you some vegetable soup from that cafe you always liked going to.”
“How did you know?” you say with a smile as you take the container from Matthew’s hands.
“Um, we grew up together?” Matthew suggests.
“Yeah, but like how did you remember?”
Matthew shrugs. “I remember things about the people I love.”
“What did you do on your day off?” you ask Matthew. After the debacle of the summer where you were sick for almost three weeks, you and Matthew were back in Calgary with the start of the new season for Matthew and a new job for you. Matthew came back from a road trip that included a stop in New York.
“Fine,” Matthew mumbles as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “Missed you.”
“I missed you, too, but that doesn’t answer my question.”
“What was your question?” Matthew mumbles and tightens his grip around your waist.
“What did you do on your day off?”
“We went to that art museum you loved when we went a few summers ago.”
“The Met?”
Matthew nods. If possible, he gets closer to you and tightens his grip around you. How he managed to leave you to go on the road was beyond you. Matthew was so extremely clingy that he always had to be touching you. “I got something for you.”
“What is it? Can you show me?”
Matthew groans. He detaches himself from you. “I guess I’ll leave my girlfriend to show her the present I got her.”
“Thank you,” you tell him in the most innocent voice.
Matthew comes back to you and hands you a notebook. He wraps his arms around you and sighs in content now that he’s touching you again. You look at the notebook and gasp. Gracing the cover is your favorite painting. “How did you know, babe?”
Matthew shrugs. “You’ve talked about it forever, I guess.”
You place a kiss on Matthew’s forehead. “Thank you, baby.”
Matthew sighs in content. “You’re welcome.”
You maneuver yourself, so Matthew can have a better grasp on you.
“Now, can you please stop talking, so I can soak in the presence of my girlfriend?”
In all your wildest dreams and fantasies, you never could have imagined that Matthew would be cooking for you. That’s not entirely true. You knew Matthew could cook the absolute staples, but nothing more than that. So, when he told you he was going to cook for you for date night, you were skeptical. You had no idea what to expect.
Matthew told you to take a bath, do a face mask, and just relax. He had everything under control. After about forty-five minutes, you escape the bathroom to go see Matthew. You wrap your arms around him and place kisses on his back. “What’re you making? It smells like home.”
“Home? That’s what I was going for,” Matthew answers.
You step to the side to see what Matthew was cooking. “Matthew!”
“What?” he looks at you concerned. “What did I do wrong?”
“How did you know?”
“I don’t follow.”
“How did you know that this was exactly like home?” In the pot, you saw Matthew cooking your absolute favorite dish that your grandmother would make. The mere smell of it was enough to trigger a muscle memory of going to your grandmother’s house on Sunday afternoons.
Matthew shrugs. “It’s an important part of your childhood and family, so I thought I would try to recreate the memory here.”
You place a kiss on Matthew’s cheek. “Thanks, babe.”
Matthew smiles at you. “You’re welcome. I hope it tastes like it should because I had to call your mother an embarrassing amount of times.”
Matthew was on a two week road trip in the US with the first stop being St. Louis. You tried to get time off from work, but you couldn’t get the time. You sat on your couch the night the Flames played St. Louis in your Tkachuk jersey feeling sad every time the camera panned to the Tkachuk family sitting in the stands. You knew that Matthew knew you were watching in spirit. When the Flames won, you jumped from your seat and cheered. You sent Matthew a congratulatory text for the game. You went to bed that night to an empty bed missing your boyfriend who was back home.
The next day, you came home from work to a package sitting outside your door. You glanced at the package to see it was addressed to you. That was weird. You don’t remember buying any packages. Your next thought was that Matthew bought a package and just put it under your name. You bring the package inside and set it on the counter. You pull out a zapto knife from the utility drawer and cut open the package. You gasp when you see what’s inside. You had to call Matthew immediately. Thankfully, he picks up right away.
“Hey, did you get my package?” he asks you immediately.
“Yeah,” you say excitedly. Inside, Matthew packaged your favorite snacks from back home. “How did you know?”
“More like my mom knew, but I figured I’d just send it to you,” Matthew answers. “But, I do know that they were your favorite growing up.”
“And how do you know that?” you ask teasingly.
“You always ate them whenever you came over because your mother didn’t buy them for you guys,” Matthew answers. “Don’t eat them all, though. Just because they’re your favorite doesn’t mean I don’t like them.”
You laugh. “I promise that there will be some left here when you come home.”
“Matthew,” you say softly with tears in your eyes. You were looking down at Matthew down on one knee with a velvet box in his hands.
“Yn, I’ve spent the past eight years of my life showing you how much I love you,” Matthew begins. “I’ve never thought there was ever someone more perfect for me than you. There is no one else that I’d rather spend every single day with. There is no one in this world I’d rather wake up to or come home to. When I close my eyes, you’re all I see. I’ve known you for my entire life, and I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. I know there is no one else for me, so, Yn, will you make me the happiest person ever and marry me?”
You nod enthusiastically. “Of course, I’ll marry you, Matthew. Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Matthew smiles and wraps you into a giant hug. He places a kiss on your lips and grasps you tightly.
“For what it’s worth, I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, too,” you tell Matthew as he slips the ring onto your finger.
“Thank goodness,” Matthew says with a smile. “Can you imagine the story we’d have one day to tell our kids?”
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buddiebeginz · 3 years
I just caught up to the current episode of 911. Jesus that ending 😭 I’m pretty sure I sat there and stared at the tv for a good five minutes afterwards in shock right along with Buck.
Okay get comfy because this is going to get long. I have a lot of thoughts on  why I think it’s more likely than ever that Buddie will become canon. I’ve seen a lot of fandom talking about why they feel the same and honestly it’s not surprising given the way that shooting scene played out. But I have some other thoughts I haven’t seen talked about yet too.
I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I think Buddie will happen. I want them to get together in canon and I think the show should definitely make it happen and not just because us fans want it to happen either.
Since Eddie arrived the show has continually written Buck and Eddie in a way to say to the audience there’s more going on there. So I don’t think it’s some far fetched idea that so many of us ship them or want to see them end up together. I’ve shipped many characters who I knew were never going to get together in canon but Buddie has always felt different. It’s not just wishful thinking there’s a lot of substance there provided by the writers.
Still more recently I’d kind of lost hope that Buddie was ever going to happen. Throughout season 4 I’ve been wondering if the show was working on pulling Buck and Eddie in different directions. I figured maybe they were just tired of listening to the fans yell about Buddie. I figured it’s why we had been seeing a lot more of Taylor and Ana and why we rarely see Buck and Eddie and Chris spending time together the way we used to in season 3. It had actually been bumming me out a lot because I miss that dynamic in the show.
Last night’s episode changed my mind on that though and not just because of the shooting. I was worried at first when I saw that Carla was meeting Ana because I wondered where this was going. Like was the show trying to solidify Ana as a more substantial part of Eddie’s life now? Were they trying to show that she was important enough to start meeting more of the people in Eddie’s life? But I realized after watching that the whole reason Ana was even included in the episode was for Eddie and Carla to have the convo they did.
Eddie and Carla talk about Carla’s dad. Carla says that she was thankful she got to spend time with him (before he died) and she was sorry she left them (Eddie and Chris) Eddie says “you were where you were supposed to be”. When Eddie says that Carla gets this look on her face like she’s considering his words and thinking about the meaning and responds with a line of questioning that gets her to asking Eddie about Ana. Mainly I think because Carla is one of the people who knows Buck and Eddie better than anyone and when Eddie said to her “you were where you were supposed to be” she was likely thinking so how come you’re not where you’re supposed to be with Buck?
Eddie and Carla talk about Chris and how Eddie had been worried about him (after what happened to Shannon) and how happy he is to have Ana around.  Carla presses Eddie about how he feels about Ana and Eddie simply says “it’s easy being with her” (aka he doesn’t have to be emotionally invested). Carla responds and says she’s glad Eddie is moving on but most importantly she tells him “just be sure that you’re following your heart and not Christopher’s”. 
The show easily could have framed this whole scene in a different way if they were planning on making Ana and Eddie into a more significant thing. Eddie could have responded and said he was following his heart being with Ana. The show could have shown Eddie watching Ana and Christopher with a sense of ease and love on his face instead he clearly looked like he was thinking about what Carla said and it was obvious he’d been running from the fact he was only with Ana for Christopher.
The other thing that made me feel like Buddie is much more of a certainty and the main thing I wanted to write this for since I haven’t seen anyone else really talking about it is what’s going on with the other couples and how that correlates with Buddie.
911 is obviously an ensemble show so some characters and ships will inevitably get more attention than others still there’s usually some that are the consistent main. For example Hen and Karen they’re a great couple but I wouldn’t necessarily call them a main couple of the show. To me the central canon couple of 911 is Athena and Bobby and second to them I think would be Chim and Maddie at least in season 4 where they’ve had a lot of focus given the baby storyline.
I think we’re headed towards both of these couples being on the rocks. Clearly Athena and Bobby are about to go through some stuff. I’m hoping Bobby doesn’t die but no matter what their marriage is in trouble at this moment. As for Maddie and Chim I think it’s likely that they’re headed for a postpartum depression storyline so that will probably spell some trouble for them too.
My point in all of this is if you watch the ending of the recent episode right after the argument between Athena and Bobby we saw the shooting with Buck and Eddie. In the promo for the next episode the majority of what we see is Buck and Eddie juxtaposed with what’s going on with Athena and Bobby and Chim and Maddie.
TV shows particularly drama ones like 911 ebb and flow and there’s usually some kind of balance. If you have one or more of your main couples in the middle of the worst times chances are you’ll see other couples in the best times. So while Athena and Bobby might be unraveling which hopefully is just temporary) in the midst of this shooting Buddie might be coming together or at least closer to getting there. More on that below. 👇
I don’t necessarily think that Buddie will just magically get together in the last episode of season 4. Part of me doesn’t even want that to happen. I think it makes much more sense for things with Buddie to happen gradually. Besides which nothing in tv ever wraps up that neat and tidy anyway. Shows like 911 thrive on drama so if Buddie is going to happen there has to be conflict involved before they get to that point.
My guess is that this shooting will push one of them to recognize their feelings for the other and he’ll want to tell the other one but something will stop him. I think it could be Buck. Like maybe while Eddie is recovering Buck talks to Taylor and finally realizes/admits his feelings for Eddie, to which she says something snarky like she knew that already. She pushes him to go tell Eddie the truth but when Buck goes to the hospital he ends up seeing Ana there and decides not to tell him. Maybe in season 5 we have to watch Buck figuring out his sexuality and dealing with his feelings for Eddie while seeing Eddie with someone else.
911 could also surprise us and it could be Eddie who realizes his feelings for Buck. We had that scene with Carla and Eddie and it’s clear that Eddie is only with Ana for Christopher. We had Carla telling Eddie to follow his heart. When you look at the symbolism of what happened during the shooting Eddie’s blood ended up all over Buck which is like a trail to this heart (albeit a morbid one) not to mention Eddie reached out for Buck when he was on the ground. So Eddie could wake up and realize the truth about his feelings for Buck and want to tell him but be afraid to loose his best friend. Or maybe Eddie is afraid to change anything now that Christopher seems happy again finally.
There could also just be a scene with them in the hospital or maybe Buck comes to stay with Eddie and Christopher to help take care of Eddie and and  it’s clear the atmosphere has changed between them. Like we don’t get anything super serious yet but there’s something more there and they both feel it but aren’t acting on it yet. Maybe Buck tells Eddie how he felt when he saw him get shot maybe Eddie tells him he reached for him. Maybe they both realize they couldn’t bare to loose the other.
Everything that’s happened thus far with Buck and Eddie feels like it’s leading towards something. It definitely feels like something is going to change with them heading into season 5. I feel like they’re going to leave us on some kind of cliffhanger and then drag out whatever happens next season. Which makes sense as it incentives more people to watch. But I’m more optimistic than ever that Buddie will happen now.
I do agree with what others have said that there’s no place really for the writers to go now than to put Buck and Eddie together even if it doesn’t happen immediately. The shooting scene was completely framed like Buck watched the man he loved get shot and they were even wearing complimenting colors which is something I’ve seen done often in movies and tv for lovers. They were staring at each other and reaching out. I mean how do you explain that if it doesn’t lead anywhere?
Not to mention the whole thing was done in slow motion and the scene didn’t focus on anyone else besides Eddie and Buck for a few minutes. It even had an almost a freeze frame with the two staring at each other across the street and since there was blood and the ambulance the whole scene was lit up bright red. And apart from everything else red is pretty much universally known as the color for love.
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One other thing I forgot to add was that the convo with Eddie and Carla happened in an episode called Suspicion where people are keeping things from the people they love. The mother keeping things from her bridezilla daughter, Bobby and Athena keeping things from each other, Maddie keeping her depression from Chimney, Hen’s mom keeping how sick she was from Hen.
Why would 911 choose this episode in particular to feature all this important Buddie stuff? That important convo with Carla and Eddie where Carla basically tells Eddie she knows he’s not following his heart. That crazy intense moment with the shooting where Buck and Eddie are just staring at each other like soulmates having to watch the person they love die.
Maybe because both Buck and Eddie have things they’re hiding? Things they’re hiding from themselves and things they’re keeping from the person they love the most. Each other.
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it’s a fucking metaphor!
Titans 3.08
i’ve finally gathered the mental and emotional resources to do this thing, so let’s go! as always, i’m typing this up as i see the episode.
1. on watching this opening scene, i was thinking back to how gar was in s1, or even the early bits of s2. the way he idolised the others, particularly dick, and his readiness to go along with whatever they said, and the way he practically bled the need for acceptance. and here he is now, openly defying dick, fully open to and aware of the flaws of the people he loves and admires, knowing he is accepted no matter what and extending that generosity elsewhere. it’s a remarkable bit of character growth that’s... sort of blossomed in the background and so rewarding to see and acknowledge. 
1.25. i guess what i really love about this conflict over how to respond to jason--as clumsily as it is sometimes written--is how their histories and individual traumas inform each character’s reaction. dick is torn between his guilt over what’s become of jason and his drive to do what batman had essentially given up on doing: he is motivated to track down red hood at all costs but there’s a sense that he’s not completely sold on the idea that the only way to stop him is to kill him. (he might go the comics route and try to put him in arkham? god, imagine if the season ended with jason in arkham.) kory’s never had much of a connection with jason in the first place, and jason has done one of the worst things he could do in her book: track and kill a member of her newfound family and is threatening to kill more. 
and gar... sure. look. the idea of jason and red hood as separate entities appeals to him; that red hood emerged when jason was drugged to the gills by scarecrow and lost his usual inhibitions. gar’s struggled with what he becomes when he’s pushed to his limits, too--he did rip open that experimenting scientist with his teeth way back in 1.07, after all, and he was brainwashed by cadmus in s2 into becoming a literal monster. he needs to think, to know, there’s a dichotomy, a line that can only be crossed under extreme duress or by outside influence. 
and he says--and we say--that he was accepted back into the titans in spite of what he’d done, but was he really? gar’s always struggled with his footing in this group; relegated to the caretaker, the tech guy, the gatekeeper, and sometimes punching bag even though everybody’s paying lip service to how much of a family they all are. perhaps gar reaching out to jason and offering acceptance is aspirational on his part: perhaps this is the effort he hoped the titans put/or will put into getting gar back, even when it would seem like he’s too far gone.
1.5. anyway my point is that i don’t think it’s worth discussing this in terms of right/wrong decisions because all of their reactions make a lot of sense given their backgrounds/personalities. gar is doing a fine job here of tracking down jason’s friends and trying to find him that way, but we the audience know that jason is ultimately going to end up an anti-hero/eventually-hero character, so with that knowledge in mind we know that gar’s reaction is the right one. it’s knowledge that the other characters don’t have, so to judge them on it is... uh, unfair.
1.8. also, molly is awesome, yay!
2. dick and barbara flirting over the phone is so cute! i love to see this side of dick: lighter, peppier, willing (even if somewhat reluctantly) to put his mission aside to go out on a date with his girlfriend. and i love how easy this makes his dynamic with kory too: it’s all very domestic and utterly delightful. 
(also, re: the water leak in barbara’s office--you’re saying GCPD could afford fancy-schmancy table-wide touch screen computers and evil-lair lighting but needs its frickin’ commissioner to catch leaking water from above her desk with mugs and fishbowls????)
2.2225. this is probably a teeny tiny thing and i’m not sure i want to bring it up at all BUT. the fact that dick feels compelled to lie to barbara about not liking fancy gala food and eating something more substantial before the date? not a terribly great sign, though i wouldn’t call it a red flag per se. 
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“this from a man who forced his students to eat cauliflower crust pizza...”
3. so.... conner and kom are a Thing. huh.
in theory i really like the idea of them bonding over an innate alien-ness and longing for a place they could really belong. both of them are alien twice-over: conner a mix of kryptonian and human, practically generated in a test tube, and kom being somebody that was born different and rejected by her own people, now stuck on a planet dominated by an entirely different species. i even like them exploring this bond physically. i guess it’s the sense of... uneasiness around what we do and don’t know about kom that makes this scene land slightly left of centre to me. i think titans, especially through s2, has cultivated in its audience a sense of distrust even until the final episode, just in case somebody vital to the season is suddenly revealed to have had ulterior motives (i’m even low-key suspicious of leslie). i really want to see this kom-conner dynamic play out but the anticipation of watching the other shoe drop is sucking out the enjoyment.
4. for fuck’s sake dick, gar’s not your gatekeeper.
4.5. i love this nod to tim’s origins in the comics, the way he just comes in and lays out all his evidence and makes it clear to dick that he needs tim’s help as robin. the fact that he was there at the flying graysons’ last performance, he was obsessed with their acrobatic moves, and was observant enough to connect those moves with that of robin and later nightwing... all of this came together to put him where he is right now.
(i also love how he can’t contain his giddy excitement when talking about the day dick grayson’s parents died... to dick grayson. even if dick weren’t nightwing, that would be a deeply uncomfortable thing! yet tim can’t help himself, and i love him for it.)
4.8. it’s a testament to how much dick’s caught off-guard that he can’t come up with a better response to tim’s allegations other than “uh... he stole my moves! as you know, no two gymnasts in the world are allowed to do the same moves. now, let me escort you out while pretending poorly that i’m not at all shaken by this...”
4.9. i’ve talked about this before, but i find the logic around secret identities in this universe utterly fascinating. the titans don’t make much effort in keeping their identities secret: everybody seems to know that kory is starfire for instance, or that gar is beast boy. dick grayson is seen hanging out with kory a lot, especially at crime scenes. it won’t take a lot of sleuthing to find out that the titans are currently camped out at wayne manor, and to put two and two together.
my theory was that superheroes and villains have become such an integral part of daily society that it’s almost not worth it to seek out their secret identities, or that it’s just not a big deal anymore. like politicians or diplomats, not everybody bothers to look into who exactly their local politician is, but the people who know just... know. it’s a sort of unspoken social contract.
tim’s broken this contract by confronting dick about his identity, and dick’s not ready to deal with it. not entirely.
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look at him! *pinches his cheeks*
5. ngl, it was quite satisfying to see jason knock the scarecrow out like that. 
5.5. i guess... the question of jason’s culpability is always going to be a thorny one and would make for a great courtroom drama spinoff. there are a number of factors to consider: jason’s personality, the rough circumstances under which he grew up, his undoubtedly stressful transition to being robin, bruce wayne being... well, bruce wayne, never feeling accepted by the titans and having most of them turn on him, being roundly defeated and almost killed by deathstroke, alfred’s death, a fuckload of ptsd, his violent death, crane’s manipulations, coming back to life, crane plying him with a drug. but there is no easy line to draw between any of these factors to his actions. i think it would be a disservice to jason’s character to attribute his actions entirely to these things and rather irresponsible to do so. i think jason has to reckon with the fact that when he took crane’s drug, he wasn’t reckless and chaotic like the thugs he gave it to; the planning that went into hank’s death was meticulous and the way hank died--dawn essentially tricked into pulling the trigger that blew her lover into bits--is so drawn out and cruel. 
5.75. it’s occurring to me that crane might have given jason a placebo. maybe jason’s dependence is psychological, and he’s externalised his fears in such a way that he believes crane’s drugs literally wipe them out, however temporarily.
in any case, the boy needs (more) therapy.
6. “he walked like robin...” fuck, tim
“gait recognition sweep” god, this show. i don’t know whether to laugh or cry. hey, once we’re done doing this gait recognition thingy, can we get a goddamn plumber in the house??? or move the commissioner’s desk so that sewage water isn’t dripping on her head or the million dollar touchscreen desk???????
6.5. oh no dick!!!!!! i am delighted that you got hurt but i feel ashamed about it! that looked like it really hurt!
he’s really not having a good time of it, is he. from being shot by a sniper to slamming at full speed into an suv, he’s got to be really fucking battered by now. and that’s just the physical side of it.
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“can you believe that just over a week ago i was sitting in san francisco eating cauliflower crust pizza and feeling good about myself for the first time in five years...”
7. kory’s having visions again! now that she’s figured what they are, do you think the show’s just dropped justin? it’s curious that HPG hasn’t been brought up in a while after featuring relatively heavily in the beginning. hmmm.
8. dick’s in hospital but... he looks remarkably whole for someone who took a spill like that. you’d think he’d at least have a bruise to show for it. on the other hand, i love that the first thing he says is ‘i need to call home’. reminds me of season 1 dick and his clumsy attempts to explain away his found family as an ‘alliance of necessity’ or some bullshit. what a long way he’s come!
*gasp* dick’s hallucinating again!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m doing the dick’s hallucinating dance! can you believe that we’re carrying over these huge honking issues unearthed in season 2 onto season 3? can you believe?!!! all that time and effort i spent talking about dick’s mental health from last season has not gone in vain!!
... ahem. anyway. more on this later.
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“hold on barbara, i think kory gave me the number to this therapist that she kept calling Hot Psychiatrist Guy...”
9. just an interlude to say that i’m barely halfway through the episode and i’ve already written 2k+ words... ugh. i’m going to try and be more concise.
10. man i fuckin love it when titans goes all out with its weird mindscapes and i’m extra glad that kory’s the focus this time. is that baby kom or maybe a secret sibling that neither of them knew about? was that lady luand’r? and is this place where kory was circling where the secret sibling is? it’s all very intriguing. 
(if justin turned out to be that sibling... we’ve a real luke/leia situation on our hands.)
11. aw, i knew that nice security guard was going to die, but it still hurt to see him go :(
12. this show is so bizarre. like i get the mindscape as a narrative device, but jason using sex workers to try and vocalise his guilt about killing hank was just weird. like. i have to use tamil, sorry: idhulaan yaaru pa room pottu yosikara??? some things just can’t be translated into a second language.
i guess one way to interpret jason’s reckoning with what he did to the titans as a sign of him coming off crane’s drug, but i think it’s more to do with the disillusionment of realising that he was a mere pawn in a more sinister plan, and not, as he thought, a player in control of his destiny, rising to the purpose of liberating gotham of its fears in a way batman never could. along the way, he’s done some truly irreversible damage. it’s a bitter pill to swallow.
13. another hallucination! it’s really intriguing that it’s a young dick(?), younger than we’ve ever seen him, wearing an early-era robin costume from way before he even became robin. (this is also interesting in that it gives credence to the idea that ‘robin’ is an identity that dick created entirely on his own, and as a possible homage to his family.)
“old road, old house... it’s all gone.” i wonder what it all means.
13.5. it’s entirely likely dick’s hallucinating because of a brain injury from the accident, though just hallucinations without any other focal neurological deficit is unusual. he might’ve been microdosed with fear toxin at some point, though i wonder when... did jason do so after dick’s accident? did he get dosed at the factory from last episode? 
it’s also possible it’s a continuing manifestation of dick’s issues from last season--which, if you remember, he never told anyone about and therefore never properly addressed. maybe he was hallucinating bruce wayne in a psychotic episode accompanying an acute stress reaction and maybe that’s what’s happening now. nobody’s denying that he’s under an extraordinary amount of stress right now. another way to look at it is that this is how he externalises conflict that he can’t bear to suppress anymore; if in s2 halluci!bruce manifested his insecurities and self-loathing, then these hallucinations... something to do with his fears, no doubt.
yet ANOTHER way to look at it might be: rachel is reaching out to him through their, well, psychic bond. after all, they were able to use that bond unconsciously last season to get the titans back together; maybe rachel has learned to gain a degree of control over it in themyscira and is sending across warnings? it’s all very intriguing.
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“i hear you skipped over the discowing suit in your evolution to nightwing... how could you??”
14. can you imagine, gar did all the work of reaching out to jason via molly and jason wants to meet dick? smh.
14.5. “i’m just a regular guy doing regular things” he says, standing at the opening of a secret old tunnel, like a secret person doing secret things, confronting someone who can now officially be called his stalker. neither of you guys are ‘regular’
14.8. ‘my dad was a cop and he taught me how to investigate’ - hmmm. i guess they’re trying to Explain Tim but i don’t think that’s really necessary. so he’s smart and he’s obsessed with batman and robin--that should be enough, imo. 
15. that scene with scarecrow and his mother was... wow. i’m just laughing here helplessly, because what the hell? for a while i thought it was an extended dream sequence and i’m still not entirely sure that it isn’t...
anyway. i still love that titans is happy to throw out its plot in favour of extended character-exploration sessions.
15.5. it seems to me that this scene with crane and his mother (i have no idea if there’s anything in the comics similar to this) serves to move forward this season’s theme of harmful legacies and how parents can damage their children in the name of their mission. in a way it’s been the underlying message of the entire show but we’re really seeing it being reinforced this season. the titans, serving as a foil to scarecrow, are using the damage to rebuild themselves and actually work through their issues together, instead of spiralling further and further into the morass of their issues.
other than that... god, that scene was painful to watch. i can’t say i like this version of scarecrow or how this actor plays him at all.
16. i wonder what’s jason’s play here. i think he’s smart enough to realise that the titans aren’t going to just forgive him and let him be a titan again after what he did, and that dick agreeing to it is just a bid to pin both him and crane down. maybe it’s a ploy to trap them, get back on scarecrow’s good books so that he can have the drug again. who knows.
17. i absolutely felt dick when he said “we’ll bring him in and then re-assess the situation.” what the fuck else is he going to say? the priority is to get him.
so kory and dick are both hallucinating while potentially trying to rehabilitate their murderous siblings. CONFIDE IN EACH OTHER ALREADY
18. TIM NOOOO! you beautiful, reckless fool!
18.25. just to quickly address it here because i know it’s been brought up before: i think it’s perfectly justified to not have conner take tim to the hospital via superspeed because a) i don’t think we’ve seen conner do that with anybody so far and b) it’s probably not a good idea to submit tim’s body to that kind of stress without knowing what it would do to him. the paramedics with actual equipment and experience would be there in a few minutes, so on a risk assessment, i would say dick and conner absolutely made the right call.
18.5. i guess we won’t know what jason really intended to when the titans came to the pump to see him, but this is definitely going to set a big wedge in his relationship with crane. then again, crane got what he wanted--using starfire’s powers to blast through to the underground pipes--so jason can argue that this is exactly what he was working towards, too. 
anyway, mortal peril, hallucinations, murderous family members, creepy visions and robins sprouting left and right. time to get rachel and donna on the scene, i think.
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visionaxry · 4 years
1. Dear White People
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This show goes on the top tier of my favorite shows ever. It’s been around since 2017 (after the eponymous movie of 2014) but only this year I finally got the chance to watch it. Truly one of the best written shows I’ve ever seen, with such compelling characters and story. While I love to watch series with hard hitting social topics, it’s usually very emotionally exhausting for me. However, DWP manages to balance the gravity of its plot with a bright outlook. Besides, I always love to see different characters’ perspectives so the format of DWP is extremely engaging.
2. Grand Army
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Grand Army is not your typical teen drama. It’s very raw and real. Five protagonists pull you into the story, and whether you hate them or love them, they don’t let you go. All characters feel like actual people you could know in real life. The show talks about racism, terrorism, sexual assault, white feminism, poverty, homophobia, bullying and more. I also love the way the show uses phones and social media, which you rarely get to see in teen shows. It doesn’t feel glossy or over dramatic. It does get graphic and dark, but it makes you care about the fate of its characters. Here, we also get to see five different perspectives. That and the rawness reminded me of SKAM, although GA is way less cheerful. It could also be compared to Euphoria with it’s portrayal of real issues, but I feel like GA hits the spot much better (and has more diversity).
Finding out that the creator is racist, upon finishing the binge, left me shocked and quite conflicted. I hope they will change the showrunner for season 2 (if it gets renewed). 
3. The Great 
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I’m not much of a period drama fan but this one’s no typical historical shows. It plays around historical figures, but you shouldn’t take that too seriously, just like the show itself. It’s a great (haha get it) fun to watch. The combination of comedy with the actual life or death peril creates a unique experience. Each episode the tables turn, you feel both, betrayed and enticed. Not to mention, Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult’s chemistry and performances are phenomenal. Overall, it feels like a strawberry blew up in your mouth (take it however you want).
4. Dickinson
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Dickinson is similar to The Great in a sense of historical accuracy. And I’m grateful for it, because seeing the 19th century nobility twerking at a party was something that brought me an immense amount of joy. Of course, you get to see Emily Dickinson’s poetic and original inner world, which is handled quite creatively.
5. The Queen’s Gambit
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This is just a very well written, portrayed and produced story. Even if you feel like it wouldn’t be your cup of tea (I mean a period piece about chess? Come on), chances are once you put the show, you won’t be able to stop. It’s a limited series with a star struck cast which pretty much reads like a prolonged film. It’s also pretty suitable to watch with your family, if usually you struggle to find a common interest.
6. Julie and the Phantoms
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This show certainly exceeded everyone’s expectations. It may seem like a typical kids show, but it’s smart, deep and entertaining. The music is incredible and it’s impossible not to fall in love with characters. Also, here’s the proof that your show doesn’t need to have graphic scenes and oversexualized underaged characters to be good. 
7. Saved By the Bell: the reboot
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So I didn’t watch the original show, but the reboot caught my attention mostly because of Josie Totah, and because the vibe of the show just felt like something I would like. And I was absolutely right. Perhaps it’s not everyone’s cup of tea (and what is?) but to me it’s hilarious. A sort of heart-warming witty little show with gen z humor and interesting diverse characters. Definitely my new comfort show. And Lexi’s my queen.  
8. Outer Banks
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Released during self-isolation it became a way for the viewers to live vicariously through the risky outdoor adventures. Perhaps, that’s why it’s such a hit and a bit overrated. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked (why do you think it’s on this list). It’s not an outstanding show, might be cheesy and raise some questions (like how can they all be teenagers looking like that?) but it’s entertaining and engaging, and sometimes that’s all you need.
9. I am not okay with this
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Let’s take a moment of silence for this amazing show being cancelled. Do you like Teotfw or Stranger Things, or better yet both? This show’s for you! It’s unique, dynamic, feels like you’re reading a comic book. Has a certain mystery to it and its own distinct voice. It also feels retro and nostalgic, even though it’s set in modern day.
10. Love, Victor [SPOILERS]
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There’s a lot of things I wish I could change about the show to make it better: For starters, more representation. I mean you’re making a show, not exclusively, but primarily for the lgbtq+ community and you only have two main gay characters? What’s that about? There are so many possibilities to make other characters not straight. E.g. Mia and Lake could be couple goals, Pilar being bi, Andrew – definite bi energy. Secondly, the cheating trope is so exhausting and overdone in gay storylines. It doesn’t add drama, it just makes the couple and the characters hard to root for. Also, making the love interest so obvious was so underwhelming after everything we went through in Love, Simon. I was kind of hoping for a surprise love interest until the end.
Regardless of all that, no matter how far from teenage reality this show is, it was cute. And even though I rooted for the secondary characters way more than the main one, I’m still excited to see what they come up with for S2.
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Down to Dust
Chapter 4
Fic Summary: Grian will have to keep the dragon egg secure for the Watchers. But, they’re not the only ones who want it. On a completely unrelated note, Mumbo will have to deal with a version of himself thats only amplified by his No Killing mindset.
Chapter Sumamry: Mumbo was surprised to find that Grian was right when he said the egg was magical.
TW: Slight electrocution I suppose, and descriptions of lightning
Word Count: 2415
Notes: Again, the two farms are in the overworld, not in the Nether or End for the sake of the fic
Enjoy! And this one deserves a Read More because it’s long lol
By the end of the next day, Mumbo had finished his first farm and half of his second farm. Much to his surprise, the egg didn’t bear any harm. It was strangely quiet recently but it didn’t bother him any. At the moment, it was in his inventory should anyone come by and see that he had it. It’d ruin his plans and he didn’t want to give up the egg just yet. Really, he could probably keep it forever. It had been completely safe and comfortable- or, as comfortable as an egg can be- since he stole it. Mumbo called that pretty responsible.
Who was he kidding, Grian would kill him eventually if he never found it himself.
He laid down the last of the comparators for the third row, focused more on finishing his farm than overthinking the egg situation. If all went well so far, they should be able to work on their own if he flipped a lever. The redstoner pulled the egg from his inventory and held it up to his face.
“I think everything looks about right so far, yeah?” He turned the egg as if there was a face to show his work. The egg quite obviously never spoke but it helped to explain the redstone and find the flaws in his contraptions.
Nothing seemed out of place. The first row’s test went swimmingly and by replicating that a few more times, all should go as planned when he tested them together. With his luck it may not happen but he could stand to be a little optimistic at least. Mumbo went on to build the last of the uniform rows and easily finished another quarter of the farm. All was down to just encasing said farm in a wall of glass to avoid the items spilling over the sides.
He stood back once more with his hands on his hips, the egg now by his feet. The redstoner was proud to say the least. He looked down at the egg which only sat stock still. Leaving the egg, he turned to dig in his chest for more materials.
Unbeknownst to him, however, the egg wouldn’t stay still for much longer.
“Glass, glass, where on Earth did I put the glass?” He mumbled to himself. He continued to rummage. Eventually, he pulled away from the chest with an internal cheer. “Of course it was next to the pistons.”
He swirled back around when he began to hear small pops from behind him. As he did, Mumbo’s eyes widened. Small purple sparks crackled every so often at the base of the egg and quickly began to grow in size. The egg itself launched into a fit of rapid vibrating.
“Oh! Uh-oh!” He dropped the glass next to him, shattering upon impact, and hurriedly jogged to the now terrifyingly lively egg. “Please tell me you're supposed to do that!”
The redstoner hesitated, going to touch it, then pulling away with a worried whimper. Mumbo didn’t want to touch it but he panicked as he was at a loss of what to do. The egg was calm for weeks before now. Even Grian would’ve said something if the egg had done something like this before Mumbo stole it.
Ah…Grian did tell him it was a magical egg.
Mumbo only thought Grian was joking to keep him from taking it. He’s never seen a dragon egg do that! It was just from the update, he suggested to himself. Eggs were just suddenly powerful and might destroy his days of work. He laughed nervously and pulled at his tie. It didn’t matter what he thought, the small sparks were now large bolts that shot their way into the ground. It singed the grass around it, turning it to a coal black. He had to back away from the egg’s ever expanding radius of energy.
“Oh what do I do- what do I do?!” Then, the obvious idea appeared and he palmed his forehead. “Grian!”
The redstoner fumbled to get his communicator from his pocket, almost dropping it several times. He miss-clicked several icons with petrified fingers and growled in frustration. Only when he finally opened the chat, the egg ceased its episode with an immediate halt. He looked up from the screen with caution and took another step away from the egg.
The area fell silent. Not a bird’s chirp or leave’s rustle broke the blanket of stillness that suddenly washed over everything. It wasn’t a comfortable silence, though.
He inched forward with small steps, clutching his communicator. Seconds passed, then a minute.
“H…Hello?” He said tentatively. He stuck a leg out, poking at it with the tip of his shoe then retracting his leg once more. A sigh escaped his lips. “Good, I guess that’s over with then.”
But it wasn’t. The egg was hardly finished as the bolts started again, much much larger than their already massive size they reached before it stopped the first time. Mumbo shrieked and attempted to retreat back to his chest. It took no longer than five seconds before a wave of the purple energy resonated through the ground and absorbed into the two farms. It knocked Mumbo from his feet and onto the grass, sending an electric shiver through his body.
He shielded his neck with his arms and waited. He only turned over when the sounds of roaring pistons caught his attention. But, that was hardly what he worried about as he watched in awe- good or bad, he wasn’t sure yet- at the effects of the egg’s sudden show of magic.
Both farms were activated and running faster than any farm he’d ever seen. Items upon items flowed down water streams and into stacks of chests. Some items avoided their intended route and simply floated in all directions above the farms. It was loud, incredibly loud. Mumbo nearly had to cover his ears as he initially cowered from the noise. However, he soon pulled himself to his feet and slowly approached the over-efficient farms.
A violet haze emitted from the redstone, replacing its originally reddish color, and from the cracks between each set of stone bricks. Each block crackled and hissed with energy, and it almost felt as if he were gaining some of that energy himself. Small bolts fizzled out over his suit. He lifted his left hand and turned it over, watching as sparks flew over and down his fingers to their tips.
To put it simply, it was a beautiful and supernatural sight. He wasn't sure how to react. His own heart was still racing- from the energy around him or his nerves, he also didn’t know.
While in the middle of the two farms, he glanced back at the egg which no longer twisted and turned, but sat with slowly flowing violet streams of energy penetrating the ground. Much like the hum of a conduit sounded from it. Now, it seemed very calm in contrast to its earlier fit. Mumbo assumed- for obvious reasons, really- that the egg powered the farms despite the contraptions having been able to power themselves via redstone. It was captivating and he couldn’t help but to become curious about what was inside the egg that would’ve given it so much power. That or had it already been created with it. Either way, he yearned to learn more about it. It could be revolutionary and improve efficiency immensely.
Although, the event was short lived as the egg’s energy flow sputtered and dissipated, leading to the farms shutting down with it. Mumbo looked up as items began to rain over his shoulders when they fell. But, he was hardly bothered. At this moment he realized a few things.
His farms worked, thankfully; The egg held an amount of power that could power several farms; Mumbo wanted to keep the egg for even longer to experiment.
Of course, he still wanted to eventually return it but as someone who couldn’t kill anything, the egg could help him for the time being...He already had many ideas popping into his head by the second. It only made him giddy for what was to come. He ran over and scooped up the egg with an ear-to-ear grin, holding it up to his face.
“You, my friend, are one wicked egg,” he complimented. Then, he put it in his inventory and prepared to fly home. He’d clean up the mess later.
As he rocketed off to his base, he noticed his red sweatered friend sitting alone on the roof of his house. Even when Mumbo flew by, Grian didn’t wave or nod up to him or really even look at him. Piquing his curiosity, though he should just go home and avoid confrontation, he landed behind Grian and carefully stepped down the slope of the roof.
“Hey! Haven’t heard from you much today,” he greeted. Mumbo was only met with silence. “Are you okay?”
After a second, Grian twitched when he realized that someone was talking to him. He turned his head to where Mumbo crouched down next to him.
“Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking. This is my thinking roof.”
The redstoner hummed. “Ah, don’t wear yourself out then,” he laughed.
“You should try it sometime with that empty head of yours.” The avian chuckled dryly and looked back to the setting sun, the small smile falling from his face.
“Thanks,” Mumbo replied, initially with a smile himself but found himself meeting Grian’s frown. He waited a few seconds before speaking again. Then, he tapped his fingers on the deepslate. “So...what’re you thinking about?”
“A lot, honestly. It's still the beginning of the season, I’m sure everyone is.” He waved a hand dismissively then looked at Mumbo. “What about you? Have you been thinking about anything?”
Mumbo snorted, attempting to lighten the mood. “Thinking isn’t good for me. I overthink when I do and it hurts my brain.” He paused. “But, if you’d really like to know, I’ve been thinking about the egg.”
This made Grian perk up. “What about it? Do you know where it is?”
The redstoner hesitated. Not yet, he can’t give it up just yet. “What? No, not at all. But, I had a question.”
Grian deflated, then looked away with his chin on his arms, legs tucked to his chest. “Alright, shoot.”
Mumbo’s stomach twisted. “I uh- maybe now isn’t the best time actually. You know, while it’s missing and all.” He cracked a half smile.
“Yeah, while it’s missing,” the builder scoffed. “Just ask me, I’m sure I can answer.”
“Ah- um, sure. Why...why is the egg so special to you? I understand sentimentality, but it just seemed more…” He sighed. “I don’t know. I wondered maybe- maybe it uh… did something, you know? You said it was a magical egg. Maybe you could tell me about it?”
He heard a low chuckle from Grian. “It’s just some stupid egg, it’s not magical.”
“I- oh.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that was disappointing for you, wasn’t it,” Grian sneered. The two stopped. Grian pulled his head up and Mumbo furrowed his brows. “Nevermind, I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry. Just stressed.”
Mumbo stood and tightened his jaw, ignoring the builder’s excuse. “You know, you’ve been real onto me about that egg. Why don’t you tell me about that instead or go bother Scar. Every conversation I have with you now is just accusing me of taking it.”
Grian thought back to what Aisling said, then his last thought before he came to the roof. “Because maybe I saw you sneak into my house and steal the egg. And maybe, I don’t know, it’s my stuff.” He stood and faced Mumbo with a finger to the redstoner’s chest. “And maybe it’s because you are an insanely terrible liar.”
The other was at a loss for words, opening his mouth then clamping it shut repeatedly. The tips of his ears reddened in embarrassment. Of course Grian probably saw him take it, anyone could’ve. But why didn’t he say anything before? Satisfaction? Did he want Mumbo to just admit to it?
It didn’t matter now, the jig was up and all of his plans for the egg were now down the drain.
“I- I’m sorry,” was all he could muster. “I didn’t think it was such a problem.” He looked down at his shoes. “You…have been acting differently since it was gone, I didn’t think I made you mad.”
The avian sighed in relief and put a hand on Mumbo’s shoulder. “I’m not- look at me,” Mumbo lifted his head, “I’m not mad. Really, I’m not. A little annoyed, maybe, but not mad.”
“But you just scolded me like a toddler!” The redstoner whined.
Grian laughed. “Because you have to do that when a toddler lies to you. But, I’m not angry at you, at Scar, or anyone else. I want to tell you why that egg is important, I do, but it’s not the time for that, yet.” He patted his friend’s shoulder. It was clear Mumbo had more questions but decided to avoid them. “So, where is it?”
“Ah- well, I should warn you first about something.” Grian’s eyes widened. “No, no! Nothing happened to it! But um- well, it’s not ‘just some stupid egg’, it’s one seriously powerful egg, dude. What kind of dragon did you fight?!”
“...Excuse me?”
“Yeah! It powered two of my farms at once, did this huge explosion thing with a bunch of lightning, and it was awesome, but the egg-”
Grian took a hold of Mumbo’s shoulders roughly. “Mumbo, did it do anything to you.” The builder was suddenly very serious, as if Mumbo would die if he said yes.
So, of course he lied. “No? I was well away from it.” Grian let go and crossed his arms with a raised brow. “I was! I ran away because I obviously didn’t want to die.”
The other sighed. “Good, I need it now, then.”
Mumbo pulled it from his inventory, hesitating to give it back. Then, he put it in Grian’s outstretched palm. With nothing more to say, he waved goodbye and glided back to his van. Grian watched as he did and once the van’s door slid shut, he looked down at the egg. While he inspected the egg, he noticed a new detail to its shell that made his stomach sink.
A cursive two letter initial, MJ.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Finale Review: The Last Adventure! or So Long and Thanks for All The Ducks
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Hello all you happy people. The day we’ve all simultaneously waited for and dreaded is here. The grand finale to a five year journey.. and for me an almost one year journey of covering season 3 as it came out. It was thanks to this show i’ve been able to make money doing what I love. Without it I never would’ve found my patreon Kev, and I never woul’dve had the solid focus to keep going as long as I have. And I never would’ve had all you lovely people reading my work. Thank you for that. I hope you’ll stick around even though the series is gone, I love you all. But as the sun sets on this series I have one last episode of the season, and the series to cover. I won’t be doing it in my usual recap style due to it’s sheer length and scope, but I promise you if you join me under the cut I will break down eveyrthing I can about this final adventure, it’s huge, awe inspiring twists.. and it’s heartwarming conclusion. It’s everything you could want from a finale short of a Grandma Duck Cameo, and i’ts under the cut with full spoilers. Seriously if you do not want any spoilers TURN BACK NOW. I’m opening with probably the biggest spoiler of the finale. 
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I Think She’s A Clone Now You were warned. So.. Webby is Scrooge’s Clone, made by FOWL as part of a decades long scheme to find the papyrus of binding, and raised by Beakly to keep this precious child out of their sinister clutches. I have hundreds of reaction images, several for what the fuck.. none of them seem sufficient.. ALL OF THEM together like some megazord of what the fuck are not sufficient for how much this reveal caught me off guard. It caught ALL of us off guard. I’m sure even those who called it still were suprised that’s the direction it took. I think we all expected her parents died by FOWL, or her parents were FOWl with Pepper being one of them, or anything else. So naturally it took around 14 drafts, and me going the fuck to sleep as I had stayed up to watch the finale and thought I could just smoothly transition into writing the review despite there being a LOTTTTT to unpack.
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Even after the recharge though this took a bit of doing... so now i’ve done it... what’d I think? Whelp....
I liked it. I like it the more I think about it. Even the problems I had with it just kinda melted away as I thought about it. I understand if you do not. This twist will not be for everyone, it changes Webby’s character and story entirely, ruins tons of fan theories, and in general is batshit even for a series that in the same finale, turned Manny into a shout out to Gargoyles, complete with Keith “My Body is Ready” David. This series is genuinely batshit and loves it, but this is a LOT to ask dramatically, a lot to rewrite expectation wise and a lot to thinka bout. There’s a reason besides sleep deprevation it took me a whlie to fully grasp how I felt. So if you don’t like it fine, but i’m going to make my best case. 
Starting with something that made me realize I fully like it: It dosen’t invalidate Webby’s charcter. The one little problem I had left was “Well dosen’t Webby having the McDuck bloodline mean she couldn’t be specail if she wasn’t a McDuck? That sure the rest of the cast are specail but you can’t be really important without it?” Honestly.. no. Webby is who she is not because she’s a McDuck.. but because she’s Webby. She got her martial arts and mystery solving skills through Beakly and being raised. She had intate talent sure.. but as we’ve seen with the boys through the whole series, talent has to be honed. Skill has to be earned and learned.  Webby worked hard to research other civilizations, worked hard to hone herself into a deadly fighting machine with her mother’s help, worked hard to be every bit as cool as her idol who turned out to be her biological dad. She earned her badassery, her wisdom and her courage SQUARE. 
And more than that she’s her own person. Her adoptive parent and biological parent are both paranoiacs afraid of betryal, unwilling to trust, and slow to let anyone in. By all accounts Webby should be the same.. but she’s not. Oh sure she has some paranoia and is willing to slit some throats, she was raised by the world’s best spy and is the daughter of the world’s greatest hero, that was never going to be gone entirely. But at her core she just wants to trust people. She just wants to love them and be loved. And.. that’s why her family loves her. Because she’s the kindest, the warmest and the best of them. They love her because she’s Webby and that’s she’s family, they could care less who she’s related to. All it really changes is how Scrooge acts around her and that gives us fans tons to work with. 
It’s also expertly revealed, which helped ease us into it. Webby is just as shocked and confused as we are and is seriously hurt, which makes her vulnerable to the villains. Kate Miccui deserves a goddamn award for voice acting and if their isn’t an award show for that their should be. While she’s been fantastic with Webby all series long this is her finest performance, going from Webby’s usual self, to all the hurt she goes through.. to her quitter moments at the end, calling Scrooge dad and giving out a little noise that makes it clear as Beakly tries to leave, that no.. she’ still her family.. she’s still her mom and she’s not going anywhere. 
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As for the concept being a bit ridiculous yes it is.. but so is this universe. This universe is entirely insane in the best fucking way possible: I mean.. look at this final group shot. 
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We have an old man whose somehow still alive simply because he was too busy to die, an inventor whose cloned himself multiple times so clones are fesable and is probably a clone himself given how the last finale went, an awkward armored superhero and his biotech filled girlfriend, a small boy robot weapon of discretion who put his head on his brother’s body, a no longer headless manhorse former harbinger of the apocalypse with the silky voice of keith david as one big homage to gargoyles, a lesbian living shadow and her sister, a superhero who based himself on a fictional character and his boyfriend/sidekick who by all accounts should be dead by now, a lesbian military superheroine from the moon, STORKULES COCKBLOCKER OUT OF MYTH, his moong goddes sister, two adopted family stunt pilots, a bunch of super intelligent mice, an odd duck whose kinda sorta dating a giant shrimp, his cousin with super luck powers, my globetrotting boys, an immortal treasure hunter and in the family proper: a former spy turned adopted mom of a clone, a woman who lived on the moon for a good decade, a man who once trapped everyone in what would essentially be the plot of the mcu’s second best work by pure accident, a blue boy whose piloted a plain, captained pirates, and has his own talk show, a green boy whose ran a multi-trillion dollar company, nearly destroyed all of time and space and is under investigation for fraud, and a red boy who has a hulk-esque rage filled embodiment of all his suppressed emotions, whose fondest wish was tall legs, and who can easily take out a giant magica supermachine with some fancy wiring. So the richest duck in the world having a clone daughter, while divisvie and what not.. is far more plausable than we give it credit for. As are her new sisters who Id in’t forget but are part of the whole twist. 
So yeah, I like the twist and my nitpick is more that despite having a full season to set it up.. they saved it for the last episode. Instead of BUILDING on Webby’s desire to know more about her family and having the twins show up earlier.. it’s all shove into the finale. It’s a well done shoving but there’s so much that could be explored with Webby being Scrooge’s daughter, so much that futzes with the regular family dynamics and we don't’ get any of it. Sure it was probably saved for a possible season 4 but they treated this season as the last. Manny being an apocalyptic man horse voiced by the uber sexy keith david, and no I will not stop bringing that up even outside of it’s own section and why yes it is getting it’s own section, is the kind of revelation you can leave for one last episode. “One of the main cast is a clone” really isn’t and that’s disapointing. 
Especially since thinking back to life and times.. Webby IS a lot like Scrooge was before circumstance hardened him. She’s tough, resourceful.. but also has a peppy spirit to her. It adds interesting shades to her character, where she zigs where Scrooge zags, how much of it is her upbringing with Granny versus his with his parents, how much did Beakley play into it. There’s A lot to dig into and given I have most of the series left to review, I will get to dig into it, and there’s a lot to be explored in fanfic so if I wasn’t already planning a massive one before I sure as fuck am now. So it’s not a bad twist nor bad we get to write the future.. but I do wish the crew THEMSELVES had done more with it. Still my bar for “not fucking up the entire show” is pretty low after Star Vs ended with her committing implied genocide to stop a genocide and How I Met Your Mother ended “But the real journey was in how much I want to bang, bang bangity bang I said a bang bang bangity bang your aunt robin now your mother conveniently died”. I can handle “This twist is kind of weird but also really intresting.” If the twist isn’t for you, as I said i get it. This is my opinion. Now for the thing I won’t shut up about. 
Look i’ve made no secret how thirsty I am for Keith David nor how much of a national treasure I rightly believe him to be. He’s one of my faviorite voice actors, with a mind boggling number of awesome rolls, mostly recently as a fowl mouthed coffe cup encouraging a teacher to sabotage his rival teachers breaks on close enough. Even if I didn’t like Gargoyles, which I do, i’d have an entire section talking about that Manny reveal. 
Manny was already objectively one of the best parts of the show, a hilariously weird addition that was also relatable as he just wanted to fit in. I did not know you could make him better. Then they gave him Keith David’s voice and revealed he’s one of the four horseman of the apocalypse, but doesn’t want to end the world he just wants to be a normal dude, AND turned him into a shout out to the last part of the disney afternoon they hadn’t touched, my favorite part of it and a show i’ve been sitting on watching in full for far too long. Motherfucking Gargoyles. 
But given how unique it was for the Disney Afternoon and how much Disney had no desire to ever reference or use the franchise, still no fucking clue as to why they are sitting on money here, I expected it to be sadly but understandably left out. Instead they made Manny into an expy for them, gave him the voice of their leader Goliath, the voice of an angel, and had him say “I LIVE AGAIN” complete with the utterly transcendent theme song. Seriously give it a listen. 
So yeah I couldn’t not mark out at this. Amazing fucking stuff and almost as unexpected as the clone thing and easily my second faviorite part of the fiinale only NARROWLY topped by the curtain call. Which we’ll get to. Keith David took his time getting to this series but they saved the best guest voice for last. Utter tremendous. 
Huey Season?: I”ll save more of this for my breakdown as the season as a whole but yeah while the finale as a whole was good.. I do feel Huey got short changed. He got PLENTY of development this season, and some REALLY good scenes with Bradford.. but ultimately he got overshadowed by the Webby thing. it just never quite felt like Huey got a real resolution to his character arc the way his brothers did. He still got some REALLY good moments, his “Just cough up the information Bentina!” was one of his finest and Danny Pudi did his best. The BUILDUP was good but hte payoff was non existant and easily the weakest part of an otherwise triumphant finale. I feel the final plot was ultimately just a bit too jam packed to really have Huey feel vital to it the way Dewey was to the Della arc and Louie was to his own arc. Both tgot big emotional payoffs in his finale but the most I could gather here was he accepted adventure? I guess. It just really feels off, like I missed the payoff to everything when it’s probably just nonexistent and that bothers me a lot. In a finale that was almost all hit.. this was easily the biggest misstep. I don’t have as much to say here on it.. but that’s because it’s really that simple: they gave Huey’s arc a ton of build up in this last episode and some of his others, really made him into Bradford’s good counterpart.. then just sorta.. forgot it because “oh shit Webby’s scrooge’s daughter kinda need to pull focus here”. Had they given this arc at least one more episode, we might of had time for it. Granted i’m not sure how much they could get away with but we clearly needed at least one more episode and what they chose to jettision, the climax to Huey’s story.. was way more important than they clearly thought and i’m heavily disappointed. 
Bradford’s Big Hole Speaking of payoffs the missing mysteries payoff.. is a mixed bag. I expected all of them to combine some how into some elaborate plan I just wasn’t seeing. In hindsight it does make sense that wasn’t it: Bradford hates overcomplicated schemes, so his would be incredibly simple and require as few moving parts as possible. It still dosen’t stop the fact that the big plan to cap off the entire series built over a season... was to build a giant stygian hole of non existence to throw people into. 
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Yes really. Instead of using the Payprus to write them out of existance, if carefully worded or try doing it all at once or anything practical.. Bradford just plans to shove everything he dosen’t want in the world anymore into a hole.  Look i’ts not like it ruins the episode, there’s still tons of tension from him holding Scrooge’s loved ones over his hole and threating to throw them into it’s gaping void. And it’s foiled by a 12 year old just.. shutting it off. Like I get him leaving an off switch on, that’s just common sense.. but why wouldn’t he have a remote or something to turn it back on? one with a password or something to lock it. There’s something inherently underwhelming about as series ending plan that can be summed up “hope no one shuts my unguarded hole. “
The finale does make for it by using the missing mysteries all in VERY clever ways. In fact every episode in the season had some sort of payoff here. It’s what makes up for how baffling the main plan is: every other thing, from the missing mysteries to the guest stars has lead up to this one moment, this one final adventure. Which leads me too
An Hurricane of Payoffs:
So from the top Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!: Isabella Finch herself ends up being VITAL to the story and to Bradford’s backstory, as does Junior Woodchucking as a whole. Quack Pack!: Gene is the fuel for Blot’s glove.. though he also fucks off right afterwords.. never to be seen again or help out at any point...
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Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!: This was the most unexpected and elevated the episode in hindsight for me as what seemed like a waste of time.. wound up setting up the first part of the finale, and the final battle with Steelbeak, and in clever ways with Steelbeak using the intelliray on himself, Launchpad muttering the map in his sleep via his smart self and Dewey remembering the base layout. 
The Lost Harp of Mervana: Used as a lie detector for that heartbreaking interrogation scene. 
Louie’s Eleven: Introduced Daisy setting up Donald’s plot which i’ll get to. 
Astro BOYD: My baby boy comes back for this episode! He also gets one of the best lines of it “I’m a Head!”. That is the most ralph wiggum the boy has ever been. I’m so proud. 
Rumble For Ragnarok: Okay I was wrong nothing from this one comes back. Still a great episode. Same with the trickening. Both are VERY stellar episodes though, so I give it a pass. You can’t give a nod to EVERYTHING. 
The Phantom and the Sorceress: The Blot and Super Sayian God Super Sayian Lena, as well as Lena’s character development from said episode.  They Put a Moonlander on the Earth!: Launchpad helping Penny realize her purpose.  Forbidden Fountain: Jeeves is un-babied as a trap Let’s Get Dangerous!: Drake and Gosalyn Return, and Solageo’s Circut ends up being vital to the climax.. in the strangest and funnest way to say possible but still. It counts.  Escape from the Impossibin: Beakley’s near breakdown at the idea FOWL has come back. It was already heartbreaking and the first adventure had made it even more so.. but now it’s out and out DEVISTATING. The one thing after her daughter is not only back.. but SHE’S the reason he’s in Scrooge’s life and home and her giving up SHUSH has now left her wide open. 
The Split Sword: Probably the best out of all of these as it ends up directly playing into the climax in an awesome way i’m saving for Bradfords New Gods: Storkules shows up. Okay so that every episode claim bit me on the ass. Also when did these two meet? I mean probably at end of spear of selene but the more important question is WHY DID YOU ROB  ME OF THESE TWO MEETING AT ANY POINT IN THE SERIES. 
The First Adventure: Naturally the Payprus comes back as Does herons needling bradford to stop denying what he is. 
Fight For Castle McDuck: Suprisingly the blessed bagpipes ended up being VITALLY important. And giving us sexiest man alive infinity years running Keith David for an episode.  Last Christmas; Santa Cameo
Beaks in the Shell: Gandra being taken and the Lost Library being setup for this episode. 
Lost Cargo: The Stone of What Was. And Credit where its due what FELT like simply a filler episode with a tantengal connectoin.. ended up probably being one of the most important episodes. Fair play. 
Life and Crimes: Magica turning Bradford into a non sentient bird, like what happened to her brother.... proving once again this episode really REALLY needed as subplot attached to lead into the finale or something. 
Bonus Round: Pilot payoffs by the pound. Seriously Scrooge and Donald’s last lines to each other, the badass return of “I’m a Pilot”, more on that in a minute, and even other smaller call backs like “Keep Getting Up” and webby sucessfully getting some juice to Louie’s pride. All top notch stuff and it really makes the finale FEEL like one with all this coming back full circle. So i’ve hinted at it enough, let’s bring on the bad guy. 
The First Woodchuck
We’ve had some mixed payoffs so let’s get to one that’s just out and out excellent. Bradford Buzzard.. is the best villian the show ever had. Now I will give the caveat that my favorite forever and always will be
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You know it, I know it. But Bradford is the best genuine threat of the series, with Marc Evan Jackson perfectly balancing his menace and genuine evil.. with his steadfast believe that he isn’t evil, and his calm, controlled business demeanor. It’s one of the best performances of the show and he deserves all the credit for it and after seeing him in supporting roles for his career, even if his role as Kevin on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is fucking awesome and I’m sad that show is ending, it’s nice to see him step into a big meaty role as the big bad and utterly nail it. 
And the finale.. pays eveyrthing off with him, apart from the plan itself perfectly. Starting off him being revealed as Isabella Finch’s grandson... was  a stroke of genius. I didn’t expect her to come back in play but it gives perfect reason both why he knew about the mysteries.. and why he’s like this. 
Like Scrooge did with his nephews, niece and daughter, Isabella dragged Bradford all around the world seeing the unseen, thinking it was fun. The problem was... Bradford HATED it. He hated every minute of it, like as one post pointed out Rusty Venture from the Venture bros, and felt he should be in school. He wanted a normal life and a normal world and not.. this waking nightmare. So to him, fixing the world, stopping this sort of thing is the only way and that doing so is a good thing. His problem is how he adapted to it.
We see that best in his mirror images, the people he’s in direct contrast with and the show knows it. Starting off with the one he’s not like at all is Scrooge. Part of what makes Bradford perfect is he’s Scrooge’s evil opposiite. The Luthor to His Superman, The Joker to his Batman, the Green Goblin to his Spider-Man, the Iron Monger to his Iron Man, the Sinestro to his Green Lantern. Both come from a long line of adventure but while Scrooge embraces that and loves it, Bradford hates it and wants to destroy it. One is energetic and always ready, the other’s calm, calculated. And one sees what he is.. and the other dosen’t. Simple as that.
But his other mirror’s are more like him, moving onto Huey. Their both woodchucks, both prefer caution and planning, and both want to make some sense of a nonsensical world. Both want to feel safe when they constnatly don’t. One’s prone to panic attack the other’s calm. But what makes Huey the better man... is that he accepts the world is the way he is. It goes all the way back to terror of the terrafirmains. While he was all for adventure he started his doubting things, not beliving things were real.. because the reality that there are some things you just can’t prepare for, just can’t know, and you can’t be always ready.. it shattered him. He nearly let himself die rather than live knowing what’s out there. Webby pulled him out of that, literally and figuratively.. and he never went back. Sure he still tries to have an order to things, still breaks when his structure’s broken.. but it’s gone from a paranoid fear of the unknown and weird to embracing it. To relishing in finding unsolved mysteries and new clues to unlock, to finding new things to explore. He went from seeing this chaotic world as something to run from, to embracing and studying it. To loving it the way it is the way his family loves him for who he is. Bradford.. denies reality belongs the way it is and wants to force it into what HIS idea of it is Superboy Prime Style. The world isn’t waht he thought it should be so he’ll MAKE it that way. Huey grew as a person.. while his arc didn’t have a full payoff.. it still pays off here by showing what he COULD’VE been. had he let his earlier fear and his always present neurosis drive him like Bradford has. Let his big brain make him think he knows what’s better for EVERYONE instead of using it to genuinely help people. Bradford lacks the boys heart and empathy and that’s why he fell. Huey had his family backing him, his best friends coming to get him, and his brothers ultimately rescue him. Bradford.. threw his only true ally down a styigan murder hole. 
Finally.. we have the one that’s not brought up directly.. but is very much there. Donald. While the two don’t interact hardly at all... it’s VERY fitting that Donald is the one Bradford picks to threaten Scrooge with. Like Bradford... Donald grew to hate adventure, he wanted to get as far away from it as possible and took it from his boys for as long as he could. Granted that was in part Bradford’s fault, and that was an INCREDIBLY clever twist: it dosen’t make him entirley responsible or anything that robs the moment of it’s imapct, Della still chose to take it out by herself, she still lied to Donald and she still got lost all by her own decision and impuslviness. But it fits perfectly into it: Bradford’s horrifying smile when Scrooge gets taken away from saving her is even WORSE now with full context, and it still fits that knowing about the project.. he’d want to set it up to screw up Scrooge’s life. I don’t think he sabotaged the rocket or anything, too obvious and something Della would’ve mentioned by now.. but he knew it was unfinished. 
Back to the parallel the diffrence is once again.. change. Donald let go of his hate of scrooge and his past and realized it wasn’t all bad. He let himself grow as a person after a decade of bitterness and anger. But most tellingly and poignantly is Quack Pack... both had a chance to make a world that was safe, normal and what they always wanted. Both out of terror of the danger of this world.  Thing is.. Donald’s was noble. He feared for his kids, his sister, his uncle.. loosing one again and any of them at all. He wanted a normal life to be safe, to hide from that.. but it’s not what THEY wanted or who they are. He accepted that’s not how the world works and how it does.. is still pretty great. And his growth shows: he’s ending the series planning to go off with his girlfriend globetrotting, KNOWING things might not be safe, but diving into adventure, having accepted it as part of him. He even finds some new family and takes in two girls who badly needed a home. He learned to accept things how they are... and Bradford refuses, not beliving in this world as it is and vowing to force it into the way he wants it to be. 
And it’s that inherent selfishness.. that makes Bradford the Cartoon Supervillian he desperatley claims he isn’t. Bradford dosen’t care how many lives it takes, how much worse it makes the world, or how many people he has to stab in the back... the world WILL be “normal”. Bradford cares for no one and nothing except his own ambition. He kills Heron despite her loyality, and his own clones who loyally served him.. simply because their chaos too. No one or nothing else matters, not how they feel, not their right to exist.. only HIS vision. If he wanted to keep the world safe he’d be more of a hero, if still throughly a bastard... but he dosen’t. He wants to make it “normal”. He wants the world the way he thinks it shoudl be and damn anyone else and perfectly represents all the old assholes like him today who refuse to accept something diffrent or against the norm because “that’s how it’s always been”.  Like those real world assholes.. Bradford is wrong. The Duckverse is beauitful how it is in it’s chaos and risk and love. And he just can’t see it because it’s not what he WANTS to see. 
And that’s why I also love the Sword giving him big, black and red classic villianous monster, slowly mutating him as he fights the duck family. Because that’s his inner strength: he may deny he’s a villian but he’s forcing his will on others, refuses to see the world as it is for selfish reasons, and is willing to kill his own friends and allies if it means getting it. He’s the bad guy. And while he denies it to those around him... it’s clear from the fact the sword is working for him that he KNOWS IT, he knows he’s a villian and this is just what he wants but is so up his own ass he can’t SAY it or admit it. And in the end he’s fully beaten by the fact that his forcing his will on everything’s what’s unnatural: While his plan was ingenious, have scrooge sign a contract agreeing never to adventure again, since he’s right Scrooge would solve nonexistance it’s the same reason “launch hulk into space” only resulted in a smarter, more skilled hulk coming back with a space army to get revenge. He just didn’t bank on the inherent rediclousness of the unvierse: family really is the greatest adventure of all.. and the papyrus accepted it. It was the one thing he coudln’t palnf or because he can’t see the woirld how it is.. and that’s why he lost. He was so confident how he saw the world and how he worked was the only way... another way beat him. 
His fate.. was also awesome and endleslly apporirate. Being mocked by the other villians who while less capable aside from Magica, at least admit what they are and what their doing.. and turned into a Vulture for Magica, left to be a mindless lackey in tons of chaotic schemes for the rest of his life. It couldn’t of happened to a nicer jackass. Okay three more sections to go. Let’s go.
Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away With Daissssyyyy
Donald’s leaving for a long, romantic adventure with Daisy is the perfect capper to Doanld’s character. Donald started the series hating adventure: blaming it for della being gone, his rough times during it, and wanted to escape it in the boat and keep from loosing his kids to it. He felt like a looser for not having reached his dreams or properly provided for his nephews, when really he did his best and still raised three wonderful kids. A bit overproective, god yes.. but despite his grief and anger he still got through ten years with them on his own merits, hard work and determination. 
As the series went he reconclied with his past, realized Scrooge lost something too and that blaming him soley when it was Della’s choice was just taking his anger out on the one person he had left to take it out on instead of embracing his only family left, accepted Storkules as his friend (JUST his friend), accepted adventure through quack pack realizing that while it may be weird, dangerous and sometimes stressful for him... it’s what his family love doing and they should be who they are instead of who he wants them to be, and finally.. accepted himself by finding Daisy, someone who loves him for who he is, and literally and metaphorically understands him and turned right back around from dumping him to save him from a giant monster she roared at. He’s finally at peace. 
And that’s why leaving. Not forever, He , Daisy, and his girls will be back in a few months or even a month. It’s very clear this is a vacation.. but it’s one  he’s earned.  He’ll always love his boys, his surrogate daughter/cousin, his sister, and his best buddy launchpad. But it’s okay for him to want to form his OWN family, to spend time with his future wife and show her the world. To make his own story for once instead of sharing it. To find his voice. 
I also find it very poetic that a story that started with Donald raising his nephews like their dad.. ends with him adopting two more children. Two kids whose lives had been misrable: rapidly aged in tubes, deemed failures, constantly bellittled by the closest things they have for parents, so desperate for answers they’d kidnap their own sister and betray her trust and do things they know are wrong, And all this.. for nothing as their  Dad kills their mom, bad as she was, and plans to kill them. And Donald’s first thought when given the chance to have a kid free time to himself, with no guilt having earned it? To take these girls in, start his own family, if Daisy’s cool with it mind he thankfully clearly called to talk this over first, and give them their own. Because that’s who Donald is, a good man whose finally earned his happy ending and the life he always wanted.. and accepted who he always was. An adventuerer, a loving fiance.. and  dad. 
The Real Hero: One last one before the bonus round and a quick one. The Launchpad Scene.. was one of the shows best. His arc in this episode of thinking he’s not a hero.. made sense. He’s been plenty heroic.. but his boyfriend is a martial arts and gymnastics savant and one of his three best friends has a giant suit of armor and is a genius. But the payoff made even more: He may not be the strongest, the most skilled or the smartest.. but he has the heart of a hero. He’s always been the kindest, most trusting, most friendly one of the main family, a guy who never gives up, even when he should, never surrenders and loves everybody. And that’s why he’s inspired so many people: Fenton to not give up after his firing and keep going, leading to his path as Gizmoduck. When Drake was lost, his fllm gone and his mentor seemingly dead (In fact skulking around the sewers like an evil ninja turtle), and his future unclear... TOLD HIM he could be Darkwing, that he could become the hero they both ihdolized and the inspiration to kids he wanted to be by his own bootstraps, and he gave Gosalyn faith in darkwing and hope at at time she had none. He also gave those mice their freedom. Not as poignant but you try creating the rescue rangers and see how far you get. I’ve lost a lot of chipmunks and mice that way. 
Launchpad’s last stand makes up for his lack of being in the season during the final  half. Launchpad realizing that despite his quirks he’s just as noble, valuable and wonderful as his families, both of them. And that he is a pilot. Sure he gets the gizmoduck armor.. but the armor isn’t what makes hi ma hero... i’ts being launchpad that makes him a hero. Loving adopted dad, wonderful partner, best friend... and a pilot
Bonus Round:
Okay this is just stray stuff from throughout the episode I didn’t have several paragraphs worth of material on before we get to the final thoughts. But it had so much good I can’t not talk about it. So...
Gyro calling Little Bulb BOYD’s brother. My heart wept. So sweet. As was him fixing his son at the end. BOYD has the two loving families he deserves.. and the brother he deserves.. and the brother he dosen’t deserve who will probably also is skulking around the sewers like an nafarious ninja turtle as the series ends. 
Gosalyn fixing up Darkwing’s outfit for him. Awwww. Adopt that child you coward. Also if they don’t base the reboot on frank’s work here, I will riot. 
“Just cough up the information Bentina!” that was just pure comedy gold especially the sheer fear radiating off him. Also right. 
Manny’s “I can explain” and , once he has silky smooth keith david voice going “Come on man I just want to live my life.” That man is a legend. 
Dewey and Louie just not talking the “you kids stay behind shit” pointing out both their stake in this and how they’ll just go anyway and him proudly accepting it. Given the kids turned the tied of things a lot, good call. 
Dewey and Don Karnage singing their own background music as they air joust. Hell yes. 
Pepper got a promotion! Goodf or her... it’s meaningless now but hey she has a partner in both senses. 
Speaking of pepper she had the best line of the episode “He’s a grown man who has the strength of a baby!”. Only Amy Sedaris could’ve given that delivery just the perfect way she did. 
The Funzo’s opening sequence was dynamite, from how well set up it was as an infilfration, to Webby having learned how to scam free drinks (Louie was so proud), to Lena cheating for her sister at DDR, to Scrooge paying full price.. it was wonderful> The payoff was also great as rather than be mad her special day was used as part of an elabroate spy operation.. she’s giddy. Because of course she is. Two specitic  bits that get their own items
The Cabs came back one last time! It dosen’t effect my now finished retrospective, but after spending all that time with them it was nice to see them for what will probably be the last time for some time. 
The whole scene where Della finds out about the trip. Just all of it. Her casually and accidentally choking daisy TWICE, Fethry, who sadly did not get an episode this season, being the one to blab about it and only realizing it .. after repeating that they told him not to, and Gladstone who not only was casually winning at Skeeball while his cousins both got pissed at it, relateable as hell, but then awkwardly escorting his baby cousin out of the situation. 
“Satstically with Hubert gone one of us should be pancking but WHO I ASK YOU WHO?” As if I needed more evidence they were perfect for each other. 
Lena just.. slumping over after Dewey finally has her drop the cloak. Comedy gold. BOYD scanning her later likewise so. 
The second best line and line read of the episode goes to Louie/Bobby Monihan. “That is not comforting, I do not want to die”. He couldn’t of summed up Louie in one line any better. 
Ludvwig was a national treasure.  Not only did I squeel internally when it turned out he was alive but the explination for it was hilarious as it was batshit, and him just causally revealing Webby’s origin was fucking amazing “Ill give you all a moment ot process” The acomplanying “bless me bagpipes” was also amazing. 
I do wish we found out where FOWL went but it was probably to leave the remains all free to come back as villians of the week. Frank outright said they had a tailspin sequel episode ready to go.
The Webby and June fight was a masterpiece and I REALLY need to do a top 12 fights list someday. 
Lena connecting with the new twins , having pretty much the same background of being created by a villian for shitty reasons. 
“one is silver and the other is “ “Flintheart glomgold!” they should consider a teamup. What’s a little brainwashing between friends?
“We’re sisters’. No you and violet are sisters, Webby is your girlfriend your both just in denial. I only say this because Webby also thinks Della and Penny are just friends and I feel she simply dosen’t know what being gay is or again is in denial. They’ll get there. Plus it feels like Lena just didn’t want to loose her and would say anything which is valid. 
Curtain Call and Final Thoughts:
The Curtain Call was the perfect way to end a spectacular finale. Each bit of it’s a masterpiece, and every character gets one last awesome, heartfelt and hilarous goodbye with the camera and ending how it should: on our five most important characters, in a circle, together, smiling, freefaling into the next adventure. I”d have it no other way and any other series finale credits and last moments will now pale in comparison. 
So the finale as a whole is messy, some bits aren’t resolved as good as they could’ve been, Huey go the shaft, and it REALLY needed another episode leading into it to help take the pressure off. While it needed 90 minutes for the plot it had to tell, it needed more to build up to that and while the season was tight with episodes they BADLY needed one more they didn’t get or even a subplto to help take the load off this episode. 
But even with that... it was an utterly awesome finale on par with other recent standouts like “Let’s Fight to the End”/ “Thank you For Watching the Show” (Both feel like finales to me but in diffrent ways), “The Future” and the whole arc leading up to it, both parts of “Heart” and “Nice While It Lasted” . It was heartstopping, heartrending and heartfelt and ended the show as it should be: with over the top insanity, big reveals, a hell of a final battle.. and a focus on family. It’s not the perfect finale, and I defintely need more ducktales.. but it’s still a classic one and one of the series finest hours.. literally in this case. 
I.. am going to miss this series. I went into it before but it’s thanks to this series I make a living. If you’d like to contribute to that, I have a patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, my next stretch goal is a darkwing duck epsiode a month so  kick in a buck won’t you? and take comissions so if theres an episode from the first two seasons that’s not part of the season 1 arc (I’m almost done there) or Lena’s story (already being paid for that) feel free to shoot me a line to comissoin it for five bucks an episode. 
But more than that it was an excellent well crafted show that took a franchise I love and updated it for a new generation. My nieces love it, I love it, and I will always love it for that. Young or old, this show as phenominal, it was stupdendous.. it was a duckblur. It will remain in my heart for probaly the rest of my life among such shows as Steven Universe, Parks and Recreation, The Venture Bros, Letterkenny, DBZ Abriged, and so many more that have touched my life. It was simply the best. And i’m going to miss it. Thank you for reading this, i’ll see you at another rainbow, if not one quite like this.
Next on this Blog: Duck week continues after this review took two days to complete. Sorry about that. Our heroes head to castle McDuck and Dewey is forced to face the consequences of his actions, while Scrooge yells at his dad , his dad yells at him and his mom is the most precious thing tha’ts ever lived. Also Launchpad in Donald Cosplay. And it won’t stop there as till saturday the rest of the week is all dedicated to Ducktales as I finish up the Della and Lena arcs for season 1 and get started on Lena’s last three episodes. So if you liked some ducktales, stick around. And once again.. thank you. 
61 notes · View notes
wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Her Father’s Daughter
Request: Could u do tommy shelby and his daughter (possibly around 4-5 years old) with the fluff print list 2 “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed.” if that makes sense idk i just want some dad tommy fluff
i was wondering if u could write a singe dad tommy shelby 🥺🥺 like at he start of season one and she’s 5, base it off the first episode? sorry if it’s too accurate it came to me in a dream and i’m sure as hell not talented enough to write it🤣 love ur work !!
I have a request for Tommy Shelby! He gets really over protective with his daughter! ❤️
Requested by Anonymous, Anonymous, & Anonymous!
Thomas Shelby x Daughter! Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Language, mention of drugs & alcohol
A/n: The amount of requests I got asking for Tommy as a father is amazing. I love the idea of this man with kids, he’d be so gentle and caring. Let’s be honest, though, I would rather be nice to children than I would adults. Adults can be assholes. I hope you guys enjoy this because I loved writing it.
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The world was forever changed after the chaos that was the Great War. Men came back in casts, bandages, and body bags. Some never returned home, stuck in the trenches of war that other’s were lucky enough to escape. There was not one person that returned home the same. All were just as messed up in the head as the next. The Shelby brothers weren’t exempt from that.
Tommy was, by far, the brother most affected by the war. His boyish smiles all but disappeared, only given to one special person. He kept to himself, spending most of his time at home, and when he had to go out, it was with his family. Tommy no longer pretended to be a simple man. That wasn’t him anymore. He had done violent, bloody deeds during the service of his country and he wouldn’t hide that. That was the man he was now: violent. 
But that wasn’t what his daughter saw.
Only five when he returned, she didn’t see a broken man. She saw her playmate, her knight in shining armor, her father. Y/n knew nothing of what he had seen, the horrors of modern war, only that he was home once more. 
“Where are we going?” She grasped onto her father’s hand, eyes jumping between the different people in the street. 
Tommy couldn’t help but smile at her behavior. Everything caught her eye. He knew she would be too smart for her own good when she was older. “We-” Tommy slowed his pace and scooped her into his arms, deciding it easiest to carry her the rest of the way. His legs were too long for her tiny ones to keep up. “-are going to a family meeting.”
“Oh,” she drawled, playing with the collar of his jacket. “Is Aunt Polly gonna be there?” Eyes wide in excitement, she waited with a smile for his answer. 
Her father nodded, earning an eruption of giggles from his daughter. 
It was moments like these that he cherished the most. Polly had told him, with his work schedule, it was best to let her or Ada take care of her while he was away, but Tommy just couldn’t have that. Y/n’s mother, who he’d made the mistake of marrying, had fucked off when she realized she didn’t want to be tied down. Leaving her baby girl and husband in Birmingham, she fled to Rome with a painter and made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with them. Of course, Y/n was too small to understand that, the love that her mother didn’t hold for her, but Tommy would never make her feel unloved. And so, there was never once that he wished to pawn his daughter off onto other people. She was his responsibility and she would accompany him everywhere he went.
The solution was a win-win for both of them. Tommy was able to keep a watchful eye on his daughter and take care of her every need, while Y/n was able to experience new things and spend time with her dad. Both were extremely happy with the setup.
Within minutes, the pair were upon Polly’s house, squeals of excitement came from his daughter’s lips when he opened the door. Warm air and cigarette smoke wafted around him as Tommy dropped Y/n into a chair at the kitchen table, Polly across from her.
“Look at my lovely girl,” Polly cooed and extended a hand to stroke the coils in her hair. “I see someone has learned a thing or two from their sister.” She raised a brow at her nephew.
Placing a tray of biscuits on the table for Y/n to snack on, Tommy shrugged. “Ada said it was hard, real easy for me.”
His aunt nodded, her lips turned up in a smile as she watched the little girl in front of her. Polly was far from pleased when Y/n’s mother left, reminded her too much of her bastard brother. While her nephews were off at war, she took Y/n in and raised her while her father was away. Once Tommy returned, though, that all changed. No matter her protests, Tommy would hear none of it when she offered to help him with his daughter. His little girl was the only good thing in his life and he wasn’t going to pawn her off onto other people like she was a burden. 
Knowing her nephew, Polly knew there was no arguing with Tommy and just let him do as he pleased. As long as Y/n and Tommy were happy and healthy, she had no reason to worry.
“What did you want to talk about?” she asked, peering up at Tommy from where he was leaning against the counter. 
“About horses!” Y/n shouted while searching for the perfect biscuit to eat. “Lots and lots of horses!” In recent months, it wasn’t hard for the family to see how much she resembled her father in every way. His love for horses, strong as an ox before the war, had soon become her’s and she wasn’t shy about it.
“Horses?” she raised a brow. “What about horses, Thomas?”
“The races, pol. The races.”
“And how are we gonna do that?” She all about shouted, keeping her voice down once she remembered there was a child in the room. 
Tommy waved away her question, instead turning his attention to his daughter. Kneeling down to her level, he brushed a loose curl out of her face and tucked it behind her hair. “Have you ever made biscuits with aunt Pol?”
Y/n nodded, licking the sugar off her sticky fingers. Once finished with the task at hand, she said, “We made ‘em for Christmas.”
It was his turn to nod, an idea sparking to life. “Aunt Polly makes the best biscuits.”
“Don’t change the subject.” His aunt glared at him. “We don’t have the money to even touch the races.”
“We’ll get the fuckin’ money,” he mumbled, standing straight once again.
Unphased by his words, she’d heard worse at home, Y/n laid her head against the table. Perhaps it was the fact that she’d stuffed her face full of sugar or that she didn’t want to sleep the night before, but exhaustion hit her like a freight train. 
“Poor dear,” Polly’s attention quickly shifted from Tommy to his daughter. “Oh, she’s already asleep.” She motioned to the closed eyes and even breathes.
Tommy should have known she wouldn’t make it halfway through the day. She played rough and that’s what she had done before they’d left to visit Polly. It didn’t help that she refused to go to bed the night before. Though she could manage off a few hours’ sleep for a while, her father was like a dead man walking when he’d first woken up.
  “Put her on the sofa and then we’ll finish discussing your outrageous idea.”
Doing as he was told, Tommy gently picked the sleeping child up, doing his best not to wake her and anger his aunt. Careful not to brush the doorway, he walked through the house and into the parlor, stopping in front of the sofa. With one hand he moved a pillow to one side to support her head and then guided her to the soft cushions. Y/n grabbed the pillow out of habit as her father draped a quilt over her. Hopefully, she would be able to get some sleep. If her uncles’ burst threw the door, Tommy wasn’t sure much would keep him from killing them.
Before leaving her to nap, Tommy brushed the hair out of her face, placing a kiss on her temple, he muttered, “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed.” 
And, indeed, she was. Without that little girl in his life, Tommy would be another one of the war’s lost boys, walking down a road with no hope, no light at the end. Like so many, he would know nothing but the dark nature of the bottom of a bottle and a pile of cocaine. Without Y/n he would be a dead man walking and he couldn’t thank her enough for all that she’d done for him, whether she knew it or not.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Bay Breeze - ep. 04 - Rafe Cameron
Summary: A good day takes a bad turn. 
A/N: Chapter 4 rewrite...hopefully I’ll get the last two chapters out too.
Holiday in the Sun Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
“Rafe!” Ward’s voice traveled through the door in something of a harsh whisper followed by a quick rap at the door.  
You pressed your lips against Rafe’s shoulder and closed your eyes, trying not to make too much noise as Ward called through the door once more. Ward’s pounding on the door had startled you awake first and, once you realized where you were, you had woken Rafe though he seemed far less bothered. The last thing you needed was his dad coming in to find the two of you in his bed.  
“Rafe, let’s go! Everyone else is already awake and ready!”  
“I’ll be right there!” Rafe promised, the volume of his voice so early in the morning a little shocking to your system.  
“Where are you going at,” you rolled away to look at your phone on the bedside table, “4:30?” You and Rafe might not’ve known too much about each other but you were fairly certain that nothing about him screamed morning person.
“God I hate your family,” you groaned as he pulled you back into him, shifting so that you were beneath him. You tried not to laugh as he pressed kisses into your collarbone and neck, all the way up to your mouth, “stop, you have to go remember?”
As if you had timed it with him, Ward called through the door again, “Rafe!”
“Fuck.” Rafe cursed, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. He wanted to will his dad away, to prolong the best thing that had happened to him since the last time they took a family trip. If he could have just five more minutes.
You tilted your head back enough that you could kiss him, brushing away longer pieces of his hair that fell in his eyes and moving your hand to hold the back of his neck. Rafe kissed you back eagerly, tongue running along your bottom lip before he bit down on it gently, pulling on your lip as he pulled away.  
“I’ll see you later?”
You nodded, humming as he rolled off the bed and hurried to get dressed. Once he was gone, you got out of bed, grabbing your clothes off the ground and slipping them back on before sneaking across the hall to your bedroom. You doubted anyone would think much of finding you wandering around the house except that you were wearing the same outfit you’d been in at dinner and you were leaving Rafe’s room. That would definitely raise a few eyebrows, not to mention it would out Topper and Sarah as sharing a room.  
It wasn’t until you were back in your bedroom, changed into actual pajamas, that you realized you had forgotten your phone in Rafe’s room. It was still sitting where you left it on the nightstand. You could leave it and chance going in when everyone was awake or go back in now. You got out of bed and snuck back into his room, swiping your phone off the nightstand.
“Rafe went fishing with the guys.” Wheezie piped up from behind you and you jumped, turning to the door to find her standing there with the flashlight from her phone shining into the dark room.
“I know,” you replied, “I was just coming t get my phone, I left it in here.”
“When?” Wheezie asked, walking further into her brother’s bedroom as you clutched your phone to your stomach. This kid needed to pursue a career in the FBI at this rate.
“When did you leave it in here? Last night?” She continued the interrogation, flashlight shining at your face for a moment before she lowered it, “I saw you and Rafe go into his room last night.”
“Uh, yeah, we were...talking.” You offered, not sure why you felt the need to justify yourself to a kid.
“I’m not stupid, you know. I’m thirteen.” Wheezie said, fixing you with a surprisingly icy glare for someone her age. “Did you have sex with my brother?”
“Whoa, okay...listen Wheezie, whatever I do or don’t do with your brother is not your business.” You replied, walking passed her out of his room. There was no way you were going to discuss your sexual history with the youngest Cameron
“Where are you going?” She asked, turning off her flashlight and following you down the hall toward your room.  
“My bedroom, can I go to my bedroom?” You said, turning around to look at her. A pout on her face similar to the one that Rafe gave when he didn’t get his way, “What?”
“I can’t sleep.”  
You sighed, “okay, come on, we can watch a movie or something.”
“Can we watch gossip girl?”  
“Are you allowed to watch gossip girl?” you asked, holding the door open for her to walk into your room.  
“I’m 13!”  
“Just checking,” you laughed.
Wheezie climbed up on your bed, settling back against the headrest like she was in her own room while you grabbed your laptop off the nightstand and set it up between the two of you. Gossip Girl had been an obsession of yours for a significant enough amount of time that you owned all the seasons.
“You’re from New York, aren’t you?” Wheezie asked, looking over at you as the first episode started, Penn Badgley’s unfortunate hair cut coming into view.
“No, I’m from Connecticut.” You replied, “we’re kinda close but not New York, definitely not their New York.”
“Do you like it?”  
“Where you’re from?” She asked. Geography was not Wheezie’s strong suit but she definitely knew Connecticut, and New York for that matter, were far from the Outer Banks. “Do you like it or would you ever go somewhere else?”
“Well, I’m 17 so legally, I can’t just leave my house. Plus I’m still in high school.” You replied, “but yeah, I guess I like it. Why?”
“Cause if you date Rafe he’ll be in the Outer Banks and you’ll be up in Connecticut and if you don’t come down he’ll move up there-”
“Whoa, slow your roll Wheez, no one is moving anywhere.” You assured, “and your brother and I aren’t really...dating.”
It didn’t really matter what you said about it. Wheezie had been giving a lot of thought to the distance between you and her brother ever since she caught you kissing the day before. If you were dating her brother and he moved away to be close to you, because he could, she would be alone with Sarah, Ward and Rose. Not the worst thing in the world to happen but she was partial to Rafe over the rest of her family.  
Her freaking out thinking about you and Rafe dating wasn’t helping your internalized freak out trying not to think about the two of you being together and what that could possibly mean.  
“Do you wanna date him?” She asked.
“I don’t know,” you replied honestly. Right now was fun and you had always dreamed of Rafe liking you the way you liked him. But you weren’t sure if it was that thirteen year old in you finally feeling like she mattered or if the two of you really had something as natural as it felt. Did you like him because you liked him or because he liked you? “I don’t really know that much about your brother, to be honest. We haven’t seen each other in four years.”
“You could get to know him.” Wheezie replied. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the two of you possible dating or her brother catching feelings for someone but she did know that she liked you and that Rafe had been considerably nicer this trip. It was rare that Rafe be this happy when Ward was always around but Wheezie was definitely benefiting from the positive mood boost.  
You and Wheezie fell asleep before the first episode was even finished, ragging on the ridiculousness of the plot and talking about how creepy Chuck was. By the time you woke up again your mom was talking about going shopping. There was no arguing the matter either, with the guys gone for the day Rose had decreed shopping as the go-to solution.  
“I hate shopping.” Wheezie mentioned, following you and Sarah through one of the small stores along the shopping district. It was filled with all the cheesy tourist stuff that made gift shops so profitable, Sarah nabbing a couple of bathing suits to try on.  
“Maybe we can go to the beach later or something Wheez?” Sarah suggested, clutching her findings to her chest as she turned to look back at you and her sister, “for now, just try to appease Rose so dad doesn’t throw a fit later. I’m gonna try these on.”  
“Why do you hate shopping?” You asked, thumbing through a rack of coverups.  
“Cause my mom is always like, ‘no, don’t wear that, wear this, it’s more feminine’ and it’s always something ugly.” Wheezie replied, pitching her voice to mock Rose.  
“Trust me, that never ends.” You replied, “but we’ll hide from them, promise.”
“Who are you hiding from?” Rafe’s voice sounded from behind you, his hands gripping your waist, “sup Wheez?”
Wheezie’s smile grew at the sight of her brother, a little bit of the afternoon saved now that he had shown up. “Rose forced us to come shopping.” She looked passed him to Topper, “Sarah went to the dressing room in the back.”
“Thanks.” He nodded, heading back through the racks of clothing to find his girlfriend.  
“What are you guys doing back? I thought you were ‘spending the day’ on the boat?” You asked, twisting out of Rafe’s grip, suddenly conscious of the position with Wheezie around. You didn’t need any more interrogative questions from the youngest Cameron. You definitely didn’t need her spying on you at four in the morning to determine whether you were dating her brother. There was enough confusion around your feelings that you didn’t need to make sense of them for a thirteen-year-old.  
“It was overcast.” He shrugged, “my dad decided to turn around. Rose told us you guys were here and I just followed the sound of Wheezie bitching,” he teased, ruffling his sister’s hair.
“Stop it!” She jerked away from him, trying to fix her hair.  
“I’m just teasing.” He laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. Wheezie stuck her tongue out at him as she passed the two of you, walking over to where Ward had just come in. Rafe watched them for a second before turning back to you, ever mischievous grin on his face. “So, Top and I were thinking that the four of us could take the boat out tonight.”  
“Tonight?” You echoed, trying to keep your attention on the rack of brightly colored cover-ups and not on Rafe. It was useless really, you could feel his presence as he stood there, hands in his pockets, waiting for you to give him some sort of yes or no. “Why tonight?”
“Midnight swim.” He replied easily, “boat’s got lights, it’d be chill.”
“What if we get caught?” You asked, finally looking up at him.  
“Get caught by who?” He asked, grinning, “it’s my dad’s boat. Him and Rose’ll be sleeping and so will your parents.”
“Fine but I better not get into any trouble.” You replied.  
“I swear,” he made a motion of crossing his heart, “no trouble babe.”
You hummed, pulling a cover-up off the rack and heading for the changing rooms in the back of the store. Rafe was about to follow you when Wheezie called him over, asking if he would walk her down to get smoothies because no one else wanted to go.  
“Get me one!” You called over your shoulder as you.  
The yacht that they took out that morning, that you were standing in now, was imposing but not unfamiliar. You could remember a trip out in it with Rafe, Sarah, and Scarlett when you were thirteen.  
Topper offered to drive the yacht out of the dock and Sarah had gone up with him, leaving you and Rafe alone again. You weren’t sure if he planned it that way or if that was just how your luck was going lately but you didn’t fight it, standing in the middle of the lounge area, bare feet sinking into the plush carpet.  
“What’s with the face?” Rafe joked, grabbing a beer from the mini-fridge.
“I don’t have a face.”
“Yeah,” he sat on the couch, the very definition of man-spreading, “you do. It’s your ‘I don’t like this’ face.”
“Last time I was on this boat Scarlett told me I looked like a fat troll in my bathing suit.” You replied, walking close enough to him that he could pull you onto his lap. You grabbed the back of the beige leather couch as you fell against him and he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“I don’t remember that,” he admitted, “but I’m sure Scarlett was just being a bitch.”
“I don’t know, I was pretty rough back then.”  
“Yeah okay,” he rolled his eyes, “well, you look gorgeous now.”
“You’re really good at giving compliments, you know that?” You teased, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“How long do you think they’ll be up there?” He asked, nodding his head toward the ceiling before leaning toward you, placing a kiss against your jaw. He continued kissing your neck and you shifted on his lap, angling yourself away from him a little.  
“Not long enough, I’m sure. I thought we were supposed to be swimming anyway.” You replied.
“Yeah, once we get away from the coast.” He said, trying to kiss you again. When you tried to move out of his lap, he tightened his grip on your waist, “nice try.”
“I thought so,” you laughed. You finally surrendered, kissing him and brushing your hand through his hair and down to the back of his neck. Rafe deepened the kiss, tongue slipping in your mouth as his hand slid up under your cover-up. Before you could go any further you heard footsteps rushing down the stairs from the deck and pulled away, standing up.
Rafe laid his head back against the couch and groaned as Topper came into view. “Hey guys, hate to interrupt but we got a problem.”
“What do you mean ‘a problem’?” Rafe asked at the same time that you turned to him, eyes narrowed.
“You swore no trouble.”  
“What kind of problem Top?” Rafe asked, getting up and leaving his beer on the table as he followed Topper out onto the lower deck, you right behind them. Sarah had come down as well and she was standing there, watching as three coast guard boats got close enough to turn on their sirens, calling for the yacht to kill it’s engine.
“Is that the coast guard?” You said, leaning over the railing, “Rafe!”
“Shut up, let me think.” He snapped, waving you off.
“You guys told dad you were taking the yacht right?” Sarah piped up, looking at her brother as Topper ran up to cut the engine, “did you tell dad?”
“Shut up Sarah.”
“My brother,” Sarah said, turning to you, “so glad you decided to hook up with him, aren’t you?”  
“Sarah! Shut the fuck up!” Rafe shouted.
“Just fucking stop talking, both of you!” Topper cursed as he came back down the steps. He looked over at you apologetically, as if he was used to this kind of thing, and rubbed your back, “it’ll be fine.”
“This is not fine.”
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(Accidental 150 Follower Special) IOTA’s Top 10 Worst Episodes of Miraculous Ladybug (Part 2)
Here’s Part 1
#5: Glaciator
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Here's a good lesson to teach these incredibly impressionable children watching: If you're not in a romantic relationship by the time you're a teenager, you're a loser! And if someone says they just want to be friends, ignore that obvious hint that they're not into you and keep trying to impress them.
Marinette joins her friends to get some ice cream sold by the worst ice cream vendor in the world, Andre. Like, they have to find out where he's going to set up through a series of clues, they don't get a choice to order the flavors they like (and that's not even taking allergies into consideration), and he only gives a single cone to a couple to share while going on and on about how he knows about who someone really loves, and oh my God, why is this man still in business?
Surprisingly, as dumb as it is for Andre to get akumatized over a single customer doubting his magic ice cream, he's not the reason this episode is on the list. That honor goes to Cat Noir.
At the beginning of the episode, Cat Noir drops the pretenses and asks Ladybug out on a date.
Cat Noir: What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?
Ladybug: For dinner? As superheroes?
Cat Noir: Well, yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?
Ladybug: I... That's so thoughtful of you, but I can't. I already have plans with some friends.
Cat Noir: Well, if your plans end early, come and join me.
Ladybug: We'll see.
Cat Noir: I'll be waiting, my lady.
Notice that Ladybug doesn't say that she's coming, and mentions that she already has plans. Even the irresponsible Plagg points this out.
Plagg:You seem in a hurry to get stood up.
Adrien: She didn't say she wasn't coming.
Plagg: But she didn't say she was either!
So when Ladybug obviously doesn't come, Cat Noir just decides to mope around, acting like he was left at the altar, and when they meet up to take on the titular Glaciator, Cat Noir gets all pissy that Ladybug didn't come.
Ladybug: Hello, Kitty. Did the bad guys leave you cold?
Cat Noir: (sounding like his staff got shoved up his ass) How was your amazing evening with your “friends”?
Again, Ladybug never said she was going to meet up with Cat Noir that night, because she had plans. Even later episodes like “Stormy Weather 2” claim that Ladybug stood up Cat Noir, when she DIDN'T! There was never anything set in stone, so Cat Noir can't say that Ladybug stood him up.
Even after the fight, when Ladybug tells Cat Noir that she only sees him as a friend, afterwards, Adrien still thinks he has a shot with her.
Adrien: Perhaps Ladybug will love me someday. I mean, like, I love her. I have to believe. In the meantime, her friendship is the best gift of all.
Dude. Take. A. Goddamn. Hint.
As ironic as the circumstances are, Ladybug just said she isn't into Adrien, and he's still going to go after her. And spoiler alert, his attempts to woo her are only going to get worse from here.
Yeah, this episode is heavy on the romance, and the idealized vision of what the writers think being in a relationship is like. Admittedly, I have a more jaded view of romantic plotlines, as the only real relationship I had ended right before my senior year of high school, and it gave me serious trust issues as a result because of how badly it ended, so I don't want to consider myself an expert in relationships.
But at the same time, that breakup helped me learn to not prioritize being in a relationship, and just focus on self-improvement. If that was the lesson the episode was going for, I'd get it, but we never get anyone say that. All everyone in this episode talks about is how awesome being in love with someone is.
The fact that the audience is supposed to find Cat Noir's behavior charming is disgusting, and I can't believe that Astruc condones this kind of writing.
In addition to continuing the trend of making Cat Noir oblivious to the word “no”, This episode also managed to do the impossible and make me hate ice cream with a fiery passion.
#4: Copycat
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This show is really bad with writing episodes about evil doppelgangers, and like with “Antibug”, it's about Ladybug getting blamed for something she had nothing to do with.
A statue of Ladybug and Cat Noir is being unveiled, but because Marinette is preoccupied with trying to make sure Adrien doesn't receive an embarrassing voicemail she accidentally sent him, she isn't able to attend the unveiling ceremony as Ladybug. So when the sculptor mentions he has feelings for Ladybug, Cat Noir says this:
Cat Noir: Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know?
The Sculptor: Really?
Cat Noir: Yeah, we're like this (crosses his fingers to show how close they are).
This exchange is never mentioned in the episode ever again, despite being what gets the sculptor akumatized.
Copycat, the akumatized form of the sculptor, is a reused character model copy of Cat Noir, and so like every impostor storyline in every TV show ever made, the public immediately turns on Cat Noir when Copycat frames him to the point where the police try to arrest him.
In case you couldn't tell, once again, Cat Noir is a big part of why this episode is so awful. If his entitlement issues were actually brought to light and he learns to not act like he and Ladybug are meant to be, it would have worked. Instead, it's Ladybug who is blamed for Copycat happening. Seriously, Cat Noir gives Ladybug heat for not being at the statue unveiling, like it was her fault the sculptor was akumatized.
Even later on, when Ladybug has trouble telling the difference between the two cats, Cat Noir has the gall to say “Have I ever lied to you, Bugaboo?”
HEY! Shat Noir! Lying is the reason you're Public Enemy #1 right now! You have no right to act like Ladybug deserves your trust, especially after you lied about your relationship with her!
This episode was also a little... uncomfortable to watch for a reason. For point of reference, here is the sculptor before he got akumatized.
While I can't read your mind, I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that you, the reader, are thinking “How old is this man, exactly?”
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For a while, people in the Miraculous fandom were a little creeped out by this man because the episode unintentionally made it look like this grown-ass man was in love with a teenage girl. It wasn't until March of 2020 that Astruc clarified his age.
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But by then, the damage had been done, with some fan works, most notably Zoe-Oneesama's Scarlet Lady, calling his age into question (though ironically, the comic ended with the revelation that he is around the same age as the main cast about five months before Astruc's tweet).
The only thing this episode really accomplished was set the stage for Adrien's worst moments by showing how self-centered he can be, no matter how the show tries to portray his feelings for Ladybug.
#3: Ladybug (The Episode, Obviously)
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This is where the Lila subplot comes to a head because Astruc didn't think it would make sense for Lila to play a part in the season finale, and it doesn't fail to disappoint... mostly because everyone had expectations so low, they've made their way to the Earth's core.
Lila frames Marinette for cheating on a test, stealing her grandmother's necklace, and pushing her down a flight of stairs (despite showing no visible injuries). Despite no investigation being launched, Marinette is immediately expelled from school with nobody believing her except Alya. Why is she suddenly on Marinette's side again, despite falling for Lila's lies so many times before, while reiterating that she's still her best friend? Because the plot says so.
And if the episode was about Alya investigating Lila and proving Marinette's innocence, it would have been okay, and could have led to some great character development for her.
Of course, that doesn't happen, as the idea of Marinette being expelled was that gripping of a plot, as the focus of the episode immediately shifts over to Hawkmoth attempting to create another army of Akumas like what he did in “Heroes' Day”... only for Nathalie's failing health to force him to abort the plan, making the entire moment pointless.
Instead, despite how dangerous it is to transform using the Peacock Miraculous, Nathalie becomes Mayura and creates another evil doppelganger of Ladybug. What is it with the writers and evil doppelgangers of the heroes? Did someone on the writing team really like the Spider-Man Clone Saga?
And when Cat Noir sees the doppelganger, well... I didn't mention a certain scene in “Puppeteer 2” because I felt it would be better to talk about it here.
During the battle with the pathetic wax statues, Cat Noir briefly lets his guard down around yet another evil doppelganger of Ladybug, this time, it's a wax statue being controlled by Puppeteer 2 (even though the way she talks is nothing like the way Puppeteer's minions talked because it was five-year-old girl doing the talking). The wax Ladybug goes in for a kiss, and Cat Noir almost lets her take his Miraculous if not for the wax smell giving it away, and not, you know, the complete 180 she took in terms of suddenly wanting to kiss him for no reason.
Okay, it's a little shaky, but Cat Noir still caught on. He'd never fall for a fake Ladybug just because she said she loved him, right?
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Yes. He seriously took the side of the impostor all because of the sudden love confession. Just how MORONIC can one person be? If Caity Lotz randomly showed up at my doorstep and claimed she loved me, I wouldn't immediately start making out with her. I would want to know what the hell she's doing here, and why she suddenly declared her love for me.
But Cat Noir seriously falls for the fake Ladybug for the dumbest reason possible. He seriously doesn't think it's weird that Ladybug suddenly confessed her love for him?
And then Ladybug gets the charm that the fake Ladybug was created from, and suddenly, she's a good guy? Before we even get time to think about this, Mayura just erases the fake Ladybug from existence, and now we're supposed to feel bad that she's gone?
Even the expulsion subplot is easily resolved, as after an interesting scene with Adrien coercing Lila to confess in exchange for letting her model alongside her, Marinette is just let back into school with no difficulties. I mean, it's not like her parents would be pissed that their daughter was framed and possibly want to take legal action against the school, right?
And I have to reiterate, this is the last we see of Lila this season because Astruc thinks Chloe is far worse and deserves to be punished for working with Hawkmoth.
Between Marinette getting expelled, a second Scarletmoth attack, and the fake Ladybug, this episode just has too much going on, and it makes it incredibly hard to follow. If it was a two-parter, I think it could have been better paced, but from we got, it's just a mess of a poorly paced episode.
#2: Frozer
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Wow, you probably didn't expect to see this episode on this list. I mean, everyone in the Miraculous fandom loves this episode!
Where should I even start? Maybe the scene from the trailer where Adrien reveals his identity to Ladybug... only for it to be a daydream. Because why would we actually want a reveal or have Adrien confess his feelings to Ladybug without the mask?
Yep, despite Ladybug saying that she only sees Cat Noir as a friend, as well as the fact that she loves someone else, he still can't help but try to make her fall for him. But don't worry, I'll get back to their relationship later on.
After that, Marinette agrees to come to the ice rink with Adrien so he isn't as nervous around Kagami, who is awful in this episode. Remember when Astruc elaborated on Kagami line telling Marinette to not hesitate as a warning to move her ass or Adrien was hers
Doesn't that just make everyone love Kagami as a character, and not as a forced love rival instead?
And this is the episode where the romance subplot in Miraculous Ladybug went from having an interesting concept with the Love Square, and turned it into a generic love triangle plotline thanks to Luka. I love Lukanette, but the whole love triangle only gives less time for the four sides of the Love Square to shine. It doesn't help that Marinette's conflicted feelings are brushed over so we can focus on the titular Frozer, who only gets three lines while akumatized.
And now back to the Whiny Cat Noir Show. For no reason, Cat Noir is suddenly all angry when he sees Ladybug, and just like in “Glaciator”, it's never acknowledged. Though at least here, Cat Noir admits that Ladybug's plan to defeat Frozer is right.
And then there's the ending, where it looks like Marinette is going to confess her feelings to Adrien... only for that to also be a daydream.
Hey, if any of the Miraculous Ladybug writers are reading this... STOP TEASING THE AUDIENCE LIKE THIS AND CUT THE BULLSHIT ALREADY!
This episode is proof that the romance subplot will just be drawn out even more, all while teasing the audience with potential confessions and reveals just to keep them hooked. And yet, it was only a taste of what the romance would be like in Season 3.
And even then, I still think one episode is worse than this.
#1: FELIX.
I hate this episode. It is among the worst episodes of any TV show I have ever seen. Not just for the writing, but for what it represents. Let's just say that like “Animaestro”, Astruc had a hand in the way this episode turned out, and unlike “Animaestro”, there was a big fallout on Twitter.
In fact, I'm sorry to keep leading you down the rabbit hole like this, but I think this episode deserves its own post. Or rather, its own posts.
For now, I'm going to work on the list of the best episodes to help me recover my sanity.
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