#i cant get this phrase out of my head im obsessed with it
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daftpatience · 6 months ago
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previews of what's to come next week :)
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jvzebel-x · 2 years ago
#hmmmm.#so as a rule i say thank you when i go out. a lot. bc i was told once that saying thank you instead of im sorry#would make ppl feel less uncomfortable so i swapped the phrases out.#similarly i was told once that compliments make ppl happy&also if im specifically looking for Good Things#i will find them-- as opposed to letting my head do whatever it wants bc given the extremely violent intrusive+obsessive thoughts#directing it towards Good Things works out for everyone if ppl enjoy compliments.#im also like. extremely aware that these facts-- along w my fervent occasionally manic insistence on being Nice when interacting w ppl#(bc i thought we all were told as kids to treat others the way we wanted to be treated??? lmao.)#-- all add up to make me seem insincere at times or to some ppl. i. dont care. LMAO.#its too exhausting to care. like ppl find whatever they want to find&if ppl are so set on my being a certain way#so much so that my being a nice person can only be explained by nefarious intent (to acheive. what. kindness from others? lmao.)#how in the fuck can any of that be my fault or-- MUCH more importantly-- my problem???#however lately its like ppl have been getting like. Offended. by the impulses. which is becoming... boring. for me. lmao.#bc it isnt like i dont mean it when im extensively polite&complimentary-- i mean everything i say bc even when anxiously filling silence#i dont like wasting my time on like. lying for no reason lmao.#its more so that if it becomes a hinderance to be myself ill go the route that benefits me which is the one of least resistance#&i will ALSO mean it when i make someone cry w exactly the same amount of effort lmao#bc proving a point-- even if its proving someone elses point-- correct is extremely easy either way lmao.#its weird to me that ppl would think seeing good in something means that seeing bad in it isnt possible lmao#the same way its extremely confusing to me that ppl would think kindness&abject cruelty cant like. coexist lmao.#i feel accepting that on a micro level would help ppl accept it on a macro level.#either way i know it would save me some time in having to deal w ppl biting off more than they can chew#before realizing that i will rip chunks out of them&lick the tears up like a dog if they insist on tempting me like one LMAO.#at the very least it might help more ppl appreciate the fact that regardless of how vivid the fantasies#i have yet to hit anyone repeatedly w a baseball bat to relieve some stress.#... lmao.
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rotthepoet · 8 months ago
Continuing my mean lorenzo berkshire brainrot, he is so enemies to lovers coded.
Like he’s a 1990’s movie bully. Yknow that scene where Malfoy sends Potter a little animated note of him being struck by lightning??(i feel like it was prisoner of azkaban) yeah imagine that being thrown at your head. Like. Everyday in class
Hes like mean and pathetic and its WILD dude.
He so just shoves you when no ones looking- straight up pushes you into a fountain-
You dont even know what you did to get on his bad side! He doesnt even remember!
Its probably because this pretty(gender neutral) person(you) showed him up in class after he answered a question embarrassingly wrong. He wasnt a fan of that. No one can be that good looking and smart at the same time, that bitch is cheating!
He will be your downfall if you let him. Like. Sabotaging all the way. Your life will be hell.
His friends kinda noticed how hes different around you tho. Like he can be mean but not VIOLENT.
Its Theo that figures out its a crush. And he doesnt let him live it down.
“Ohhh there goes your girlfriend, gonna go trip her again to see up her skirt you creep?”
Things like that but im not a posh Italian boy in a British boarding school so, like, phrase it better.
There are two ways you could get him to stop.
Slapping him or crying infront of him.
Both would make him slow tf down and short circuit.
1. If you slap him, hes going to look down at you with the dumbest look. Like. No thoughts behind those wide eyes. Scream at him, shove him, stomp away. he raises a hand to his cheek and grins so big because you touched him! He lowkey gets a little bit ✨freaky✨and imagines it all over again later. The bullying stops. He cant stop staring at you and following you everywhere though. Youre not sure which is worse lmao.
2. Bless your heart if you cry infront of him. He feels so bad suddenly its not even funny. Hes like half hugging you awkwardly to ‘comfort’ you and is lowkey trying to apologize without saying the words “im sorry” its kinda just pathetic and weird. If you run away crying he feels like a dick and leaves you alone for a bit :/ the cutie is crying and its his fault wtf this is so twisted! He might buy you a little treat to make up for it.
Once he falls he falls HARD. like downright obsessed. Blaise had to knock him upside the head because he wouldn’t shut up about you.
He’ll be talking to a girl and see you and literally push her away by the head so he can walk and talk to at you.
“Hey hows your day going? Did you do something with your hair? Youre going to potions, yeah? Let me walk you.”
And youre like. What?? He was telling you that you reek not even a month ago?? Is he gaslighting you? This new form of bullying is weirddd
and then he starts presenting you with gifts and trying to hold your hand like wtf?? He blows you a kiss from his broom on the quidditch field. Steals the damn mic and says “this win was for ___” and points at you and youre like “hello??? Who are you?? Get away from me?”
But eventually you fold and it turns out hes a nice guy. Somehow. You sometimes look baxk and think “how did i get here?? Where the hell am i??” But then he gives you a big ol smooch and it all gets better.
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enden-k · 4 months ago
Oh yea i didnt mean it in a personal way that was just badly phrased sorry. (Realising after typing it out that "why i need that hug" is only making sense in my head. Or maybe it doesnt make sense in english how i mean it sorry again)
I just like the concept so much of Vika and Saran. The drawing how he gets craddle knowing that he will get eventually eaten but they are so fluffy and healthy and tearing at the boys because AAAAHHH. Im so obsessed with this concept right now, maybe its my sick brain needing something to cling too. Tenderness in a darker concept.
And keeping it short. Do you get the concept of liking a character a certain specific way but everyone else i want to talk with about the character is just like "yea he is hot, yea he looks cool" but they never go into deeper character analysing ways and then i dont want to talk with them at all about that character.
kjasbk its ok its ok
i like to think vika and sarans relationship is like this whole "dark love" themed, but in a consensual, non toxic way as i usually like AHHA (toxic yaoi/yuri my beloved). the super early super first idea was to go into toxic iirc but as i fleshed out their dynamic, saran turned so soft and gentle with vika and i like this so much better. it feels like its supposed to be like this with them: love and tenderness in a gloomy/dark setting
theres genuine, tender, healthy love for each other, both being right there when the other needed it the most. all vika wants is to look into sarans eyes and bask in these feelings and sarans love he finds there, yet every look costs him minutes of his life. their love is literally eating at him but its what he willingly chose and what brings him happiness. and he knows even when his time comes and he will be devoured completely, he will be with saran beyond death. all they do, its all mutual, its all consensual, its all tender.
im aro but whenever i draw them im like whoag this must be what love feels like. my hearts so full haha
overall im kinda trying to give them this "it looks like this but you have to look deeper to properly see" thing like. from the outside it looks like saran trapping vika in his hold and gaze and not letting him escape ever while in truth, its saran keeping him safe and cradled. or whenever saran babbles. the ambiguous meaning?? fooling ppl on first sight?? "look deeper or properly, its not how it seems at first." idk how to describe. maybe i also suck at conveying it AHHAHAHAHKAJSBCKJ
anw im rambling, idk where i wanted to go wtih this. i rlly cant shut up abt them LMAO sorry. im really happy to see how you like them and whats going on with them tho, this means a lot
ALSO I UNDERSTAND THAT SO WELL. i have the tendency to study a character under a microscope if i really really enjoy them and when i tried (i dont talk much to ppl anymore so its all in the past) to talk abt them to ppl who claimed to love them as much as i and then it turned out it was just superficial/surface level, i could feel my excitement shattering and just didnt discuss character studies or lore etc anymore. ofc ppl can like character how they want, im not saying its bad. i just always felt a bit alone/disappointed/embarrassed whenever it happened so im just keeping to myself now. so yeaa i get that
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alcoholicrockstar · 3 months ago
i think im starting to better understand why will still attends therapy to hannibal after being released other then dealing with his feelings’ [spoilers]
of course after prison he loses some part of himself to hannibal and the line becomes blurier but i think it can also be compared or paralleled to a victim/abuser situation. 
for example or rather in my experience [dont shame me] your hate for the person can become obsessive if you search for reasons why they did it or why they act a certain way and on and on, which can cloud hate itself entirely and curiosity transform into a way bigger part of it. so once you have the chance to really step away from them and detach yourself leaving you to find the answers yourself instead of watching them fill themselves out infront of you it can get hard
which leads to the phrase “if you cant beat them join them” becoming one of wills only options after prison, considering the he couldnt escape hannibal by going to work, events, etc. in the same instances as classes, pictures, events, friend groups, through other people, haunting memories. there is essentially no escape from hannibal after the fact which you could argue also overloads wills already high empathy
another factor could be acting as if nothing happend while knowing perfectly well what did as hannibal does to will. it can be very maddening, hes had time to build a mask + manipulate friends/coworkers who on the other hand refuse to believe him because they cant see past it or straight up defend him, rule out trauma, or talk about them in a positive light while having a brief knowledge of how he feels because hes outwardly expressed it multiple times
there is no escape and there never will be for as long as he or i live, even if we go to different schools, stop working in the same field, or even move countries. before or after you treat them horribly back, or have even the slightest taste of revenge, it will always bite you in the ass and end with you up being made out to be the lunatic
it destroys you from the inside out and you just have to find a way to silence it and find peace of mind before it does and you lose your sense of identity becoming a part or them entirely, which happens to will in the process
i think this is one of the points of what makes season 2’s writing so good and why i will be defending his every action starting with going to shoot clark, will has a deep understanding of the situation and feels morally obligated to defend him to prevent the cycles repetition because hes been done so wrong, with hannibal on the other hand who can and does sympathize with clark because they also have a vague understanding of each other because they both treat people horribly and use them for whatevers telling them to in their sick head
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mollyolikeme · 11 months ago
Thoughts as I read TSC: A Stream of Conciousness Part Two!
Filthy Spoils!
classic kevin.
LOL keep saying i see how much you bench as if thats an indicator of someones ability to kickass
HA! i always forget about the sixteen hour days shit, i cannot, i find it too fucking funny it's fucking impossible. mfs would be DECEASED. like DEAD.
they are so hardcore this fantastical has me CACKLING every time
like a ken doll!
ill advised thoughts....
uh oh jean, your crazy is showing.
goddamn. to hate but need. complicated and absolutely screwed up relationship dynamics are fascinating.
okay, i like to rag on our beloved kevin (because its fun and easy) but like props where props are due. i know we didn't get to see his transition from raven to fox but i honestly think the boy would have handled it a lot better than jean jean morose over here. boy isssssss messed up.
foreshadowwwwww SWIM SHORTS!
dangerously low? dangerous for who jean?
do not be slut shaming, lucas. thats fucking gross of you and i'm not even gonna mention the nonconsensual factor...........
oh. my. word. its not funny but i feel the morbid sense to laugh at the ravens dropping like flies.
bad therapist. you cant force it. where is Dobson?
OMG LOL i summoned her!
dont you worry about kevin babe, the foxes got him
thats two hands on chin! thats two!
he's got a big dick! lololololololol boys not tryna be gayyyy
oh the heat! the HEAT! yes jeremyyyyyyyy
fear of water.
what happens when he losses his grip......i want to see you lose control......... hi familiar phrasing and trauma, i ADORE you.
in my head, jean has a very french tsk of his tongue reaction to almost everything people do around him.
yesssss the foxes ARE synchronized.
you tell him jeremy! none of his raven intentionally injuring people bullshit
omg were gonna get a little kevin trip to cali! reunion of the abused buds! (again gotta take the morbid hilarity into account for my health)
LOL wheel throwing! Patrick Swayze where are you?!
not the self flagellating notebooks he kept.....
oooooo intense. it all comes to the surface. the truth will always come out.
this is clever, gives just enough info about the ravens without explaining the crime side of things. go nora.
okay damn lucas.... issues buddy. dont be comin after jean jean. you'll regret it.
chin grab number 3! this time by jeremy 🤩
omg cuuuuuuuute little motorcycle ride and seashell gifty
again. uh oh jean. your crazy is showing to the coaches now. this truth is really spilling out the cracks
pause.......... guys my sanity........ my INsanity upon reading this........... im losin it! ......... okay resume.
morbid laughing morbid laughing morbid laughing fuck fuck fuck
yo. to somehow make me feel like neilio's story is a positive tale................
wow lucas. doubling down are we. his character does have a very difficult truth to come to terms with. its fuckin rough and a hella interesting arc.
you should call dobsonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
OH SHIT! neil's here! Thats not good news for you jean!
fy faen neil. you're kind of a gangster babe!
oh. dead sister. so sad. (typing it out like that looks sarcastic. It's not.)
yaaaaasssss thats the smart mouth we know and love! telling an agent he parked illegally!!! ahhhhh lolololololoolol
OMG Neil!!!! sweetheart! you care so much! awwwwwwwww wow nora seriously, what. a. treat! he cares about his buddy jean.
jeremy...... you got it so bad hun. always with the 'what do you need?' like just promise yourself to him forever and ever.
woah Jer.
i like that jean actually doesn't like exy. such a good contrast to neils pov obsession.
im curious where this whole 'its not freedom its a pretty cage' thing is gonna go. like, yea i dont think you'll ever be 'free' free jean. but honestly this is pretty damn close. professional athletes lives are very straight forward. and if youre that good, fuckin easy.
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tasteleeknow · 7 months ago
hey jade! i recently became active on tumblr again and I saw that you've started a new job!!! congo!!! (also yaas the adhd meds woke a new version of me when I first started them lolll. never knew I could be so productive tbh)
i remember sometime ago you said that your basic outline for hello stranger was for like 10 chapters?? do you feel like that has changed over the progress of the fic? i wanna write some things for myself too but I'm terrible at planning :( do you feel like you have changed significant plot points or character traits instead of how you initially envisioned them??
im sorry but i just love the way you write and I'm soo curious abt the brainwork that goes behind it
(im sorry if the tone of this msg comes off as pushy. I'm on laptop and I'm feeling too lazy to copy/paste emojis because my laptop doesn't support them :(( )
hi! (the adhd meds have allowed me to accomplish things ive been putting off for actual years, its insane)
its def longer than 10 chapters at this point yeah. i'd say maybe 15 but again i dont know bc i end up adding scenes as i go, beyond my outline.
planning sucks and you dont need to do spend ages on it if you hate it (like me). i use a method where i brainstorm at the very start like super super vague basic outline of my idea and how it will progress as a story (start/status quo, external/internal obstacles or conflicts, dark moment, final conflict, closing). then i just say fuck it and see what happens as i go. it usually ends up completely different than the starting outline. i often edit the outline as it changes with each chapter.
THEN i draft without editing bc editing will keep you (me) stalled forever. just write the chapter/one shot without intending for anyone to read it at all. the first draft is just for your eyes. the sentences can be as ugly and as grammatically incorrect as you want.
like im serious, no editing. aim to not go back and edit at all just word vomit into google docs or whatever until ur brain is empty. pretend you cant move the cursor. you are using a typewriter (with a really fancy backspace feature that you get to use sometimes, so lucky and spoiled). NO REREADING AND OBSESSING OVER PHRASING AND VOCAB AND DIALOGUE AND SENTENCE STRUCTURE. attempting to perfect every part as i write it..... worst possible writing method.
then when ur empty and ur ideas are out of ur head... u can begin editing. which is my least favourite part of the entire process. read it over and over and stew and think abt how u could be better and then remember its just for fun and then stew some more and second guess everything and never write again (until u do).
that's my process.
thanks for asking, i love talking abt writing!!
(and it doesn't come off as pushy at all, ur all good!)
p.s i often just give up on editing and let it be bc i will stew forever (i'm a struggling perfectionist) so yeah editing can die
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asahicore · 2 years ago
get to know me game !!!
omg i love things like these cz any opportunity to talk about myself is a good opportunity !! thx for the tag @ozymandia-s i was reading thru ur answers like it was the morning paper, i'll tag @bbujiikseu and @ethereal-engene if u guys wanna do it <33
birthday: dec 13
favourite colour: purple-ish like lavender 
do you have pets? yaaaaah i have a white cat who's evil but also really cute and a dog named elbow
how tall are you? 160-2 cm i'm not sure
how many pairs of shoes do you own? a bunch but i mostly wear my platform docs, my beige platform converse, my black regular super old and beat-up converse or my knee-high brown boots that i got at a thrift shop for such a good price
favourite song: this is like the most impossible question everrrr but invu by taeyeon was my most listened to song in 2022 and i still levitate whenever i listen to it
favourite movie: twilighttt the girls who get it get it but i have lots of movies i love
who would be your ideal partner? my 2 most important things r someone who makes me laugh but also finds me funny and someone with good communication. i dont really care about stuff like sharing hobbies or styles or whatever but as long as we can have a good time doing whatever i'm in love (my ex...)
do you want children?  yessss not now for sure but in a few years like 2 or 3 i think
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i dont think so..?
what colour socks are you wearing? rn they're black
favourite type of music: kpop... 97 of my 101 most listened to songs were girl group kpop lmaooo but just pop in general
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 !!!
what position do you sleep in? i try to sleep on my back but being on my tummy with one leg up is so much comfier
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: people who snore like i'm not a particularly light sleeper but it wakes me up immediately and keeps me from falling asleep
what do you have for breakfast: coffee most of the time but earl grey sometimes, i dont usually eat breakfast but if i'm feeling hungry i'll have a fruit or something. i'll also have a pastry at the uni café if i really cant wait until lunch to eat lmaoo
have you ever tried archery? i dont think i have but it looks cool
favourite fruit: lately i've been obsessed w physallis but that shit is expensiveee. otherwise i'd say mango and cherries
are you a good liar? nooo u can see it right away if i'm lying i get so tense and if i'm lying just to take the piss out of someone then i can only keep it for like 10 seconds cause 1 i start laughing and 2 i feel bad for making someone believe something untrue lmaoo
what’s your personality type? enfp i think?
innie or outie? (it really depends on my mood but i'm usually an outie i think, i just need a day in the week to really relax on my own) i’ve been informed this is about the belly button… well it’s innie then… why do u wanna know that about me tho
left handed or right handed? right handed. left handed ppl freak me out...
favourite food: it is so impossible to choose a fav meal but i'll say tiramisu cz its my fav dessert
favourite foreign food: sushi ig
am i clean or messy? i'd say clean
most used phrase:  i have no idea probably whatever stupid phrase i've coined as mine for the week
how long does it take for you to get ready: not too long cause in the morning i basically just make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my makeup.. but if i decide to have coffee at home or to read before leaving then it can take a while
do you talk to yourself? all the damn time bro i was actually tripping over the fact that you can hear a voice in your head without actually speaking just the other day i think its so weird but im thankful for my inner monologue.. shes a queen
do you sing to yourself? if theres music i'll sing along but i dont usually just sing out loud randomly
are you a good singer?  no lmaooooo but i love singing badly and my friends and i go to karaoke every week which is super fun
biggest fear? this is weird but my legs being wobbly like not havign control over them, so like when you're on those inflatable games or when the ground is slippery.. hate that
are you a gossip? yes lmaooo but only when theres reason to be
do you like long or short hair? ive been growing out my hair and its slayinngggggg but on other ppl idc
favourite school subject: i think french (not as a second language but as a french person studying french at a french school lmao) and english lit
extrovert or introvert: extrovert, like im sociable but also if you're a strange man dont talk to me
what makes you nervous: university deadlines also the amount of books in the world i'll never be able to read </3
who was your first real crush? i think when in like 4th grade i had a crush on this guy named matt, but ive had plennnttyyyy of crushes since then
how many piercings? eight and they're all on my ears !
how many tattoos? 0 but im debating getting one
how fast can you run? not fast lmaoo
what colour is your hair? dark brown
what colour are your eyes? dark brown
what makes you angry: misogyny <3 i had to watch this video of a debate between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.. i was gonna explode listening to the pro-lifers' arguments they're so fucking stupid man
do you like your name? its very unoriginal lol but i dont mind it, also my middle name is my grandma's which is genevieve and i think it slays
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? one of both tbh
what are your strengths? hmmm i think i'm fairly reasonable? like when i have an outburst (and i have a lot of those) after some time i'm able to calm myself down and reason with myself so usually im able to stay somewhat level-headed lol i also don't wallow, i get back on my feet pretty quickly and my friends have told me i'm generous :)
what are your weaknesses? this might sound like the opposite of what i just said lmaoo but i overthink too damn much and i jsut cry all the time like everything pains me but then at the same time im able to get out of that mindset quickly.. so idk bruh
what is the colour of your bedspread? i have like 3 houses but the one i currently am at is my uni dorm and the bedspreads are either white and grey or green/blue/pink and they're both floral patterns
colour of your room: at my moms and here they're white but at my dads they're a light greyish brown
this was fun and took me forever lmaooo good way of procrastinating tbh
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whyarewecalledtheshipname · 2 years ago
i don't really know how to articulate what i want to talk about in this post
Which is the weird feeling i have , about "kh4". I have no real basis, for this feeling, it's literally just, a guess, not a hunch. Just. An opinion, basically.
That, i always get. When i hear this line of thought of like. That kh4, will, resolve some major plot point. That like, the next major arc will all come to a head, in that game. Bc if it did, i feel like. It'd feel rushed. Maybe that's what all the mobile games are for, but . Still.
And i, that's why it feels so weird, odd, to me that the next "main/major" kh game coming out is kingdom hearts 4. Like. Idk? Like i said, idk what exactly im tryna say. So if im just repeating myself, then.
Idk, it just felt to me (whatever that means) that, the next game focusing on either sora and/or riku, would be more of an in-between game? A set-up game? A foreshadowing game? Maybe I'm just too , im probably definitely tunnel-visioning, and framing my thoughts like CoM too much? Lol bc , obsessed. But.
I, basically. Like, Kh4. Does not have to be defined by its "number status". I guess. Given the "side games" can also be main installments that follow and progress the main storyline. Maybe it could be the other way around as well. Where, if com and ddd can be direct direct sequels to numbered titles, then numbered games could also serve to set up future major plot points without resolving them in the same game. If that makes any sense.
I guess now that ive typed shit out, what im trying to say is that i am reminded of this sometimes whenever i see, like i said, whenever i see/hear kh4 being talked about as a game that will resolve a major plot point regarding the main story aka sora and riku's story.
I would imagine the "best" way to continue from 3, is to focus on sora (which, going by the one trailer, seems to be what would be the case). But a good example of what i mean regarding the issue of "resolving" sora and riku's stories, would be to have two separate segments. I don't necessarily mean within the same game, tho it could, ig, depending on whatever length/depth the devs want to go for. Point is, shared game or not, I personally feel like sora and riku both need a dedicated, route. For people to go through.
I dont mean like, sora and riku both need a set-up game/segment each, and then a separate game would resolve what would eventually be their (shared) plotline. If anything, i feel like it could work out if we played through sora's stuff in 4, and then riku's route (again, whether it's within the same game or in a separate one) could serve as the resolution game.
Im not making sense but, i just wanted to overthink and overexplain about the feeling i have. Regarding "everything will climax in kh4!" I just dont feel like it should, ig is what im saying.
And again, im not saying that "bc kh4 is a numbered game, the current arc will be forced to resolve in that game". I like seriously doubt that would be the case. Bc, duh, the last arc just ended in 3. And i also know the phrasing of "x plot point will be addressed and resolved in 4" is literally just the best/only framework we have right now. We cant rly predict what game will come out when, and what would happen in each one. But if we treat this phrase literally for just a moment—
#you get this rambly bs#lol#my ramblings put to paper#kh4 speculation#this isn't like organized thoughts or amazing by far its rly just some spur of the moment bs#in regards to#kh4#riku game#yes yes do not come at me with verum rex i am aware#i /cannot/ think of the right tags atm#im completely blanking#will tag properly later#but yeah a CoM-esque game/approach to the upcoming installment(s) is a perfect example of those potentialities im talking about#kh4 is not a kh2 game#is what i feel will be the case#and this isnt me trying to pretend im smart to cover my ass from 'embarrassment' ?? or some shit? for saying shit about kh4#and then being completely wrong about the timing or whatever#i would in fact prefer that we all be wrong and that kh4 is just the tip of the iceberg so that we can get more food#i already talked about that in the actual post tho so#also im not ragging on the mobile games themselves but i dont feel like a mobile game's content /existing/ would be a decent enough—#—justification for throwing all its lore and unresolved plot points into a major console game without giving enough context within the—#—console game itself. kh3 was mostly fine ig given xehanort and yen sid never stfu about the keyblade war. but in a way. I personally feel—#—like maybe it could've been done even better or more justice if kh3 itself included a bit more khux-related stuff. just a smidge. and i—#—say this bc a lottt has happened/been revealed since then. in the mobile games. and i 1% fear the possibility of mobile game content—#—being highlighted without 'enough' context to make its inclusion. basically to do it justice. like in the moment the novelty alone is—#—enjoyable/interesting but at the same time. it might come across as a touch random or off-beat maybe. im al for the mobile games and their—#—stories. not saying not to make note of their relevance. def give us more. just voicing some 'concerns' regarding pacing ig#lol so this post was overly serious lol how cringe of me 😆#@ the reply in the notes bc im lazy: no I know kh4 isn't meant to be the last game lmao like i said its just the number that throws me off
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theaspen · 3 years ago
The girl next door.
TW: knives, blood, suicide, obsessive behaviour.
That was the first thing that comes to my mind whenever I think of him. 
That was the second thing that comes to my mind when I think of my life in general.
However, these days my body has forgotten what satisfaction was, my entire mind, soul and vision was drowning in guilt, filling my sinuses with unexplainable thoughts and feelings. I've never been good at dealing with my feelings but 5 years were supposed to be enough for me to forget about the things  I left behind.
Theres a reason why I left the town five years ago. Why I wanted to begin new. I thought running away would be enough for the wounds in my body to stitch itself back up. Simply ignoring and running away I could pretend that the scars never existed, and they were simply the tiny inconvenient things that could be dealt with later if I kept moving on. 
However, just one person was enough for me to revive it all back. The scars simply opened themselves back bleeding from every surface like a bandage being ripped open harshly desperate to be exposed to the atmosphere after being covered for so long.
Hoseok moved his hands infront of my face waving again and again trying to get me back to the real world from my train of thoughts.
"Hey hey June you okay?" He asked, a bit freaked out from me blanking out.
Slowly taking deep breaths I tried to give a convincing smile, my teeth gritting.
"Ya, I'm good. What were you saying?"
Hoseok  looked a bit uncomfortable but continued, "It's just....been such a long time since we met, how are you?"
He  looked at me with a bright smile, but I could see from his subtle eyes and his smile that didn't quite reach his eyes that he was just as upset seeing me as I was with him. But as usual I pretend not to notice his demeanour.
"Well," I stopped, thinking for a second while fiddling with my fingers, "Im as good as I can be."
"I'm glad."
There was a small pregnant pause between us, my hands fidgeted even more as I physically stopped myself from biting my nails.
"Is that it then?" I murmured, Hoseok   looked a bit shocked and I could see the flash of hurt on his face, just as I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist making me face him.
I would have shaken myself from his hold, but my body stopped itself partly from surprise at the sight of fat tears rolling down his face.
He let go of my hand but I could see his body trembling a bit. I cast my eyes downwards trying not to be effected, but dammit he made it hard with the crying.
"Please June, its...its been so long, its been hard....its been hard pretending like everything is okay. Can we all meet again?" 
I turned away from his face, I cant be caught into this shit again. I promised myself I wouldn't look back and a few tears couldn't convince me otherwise.
But Hoseok that sly bastard,  knew my one weak point, he always knew just how to make me stop in my tracks and come back running.
"Jimin  wants to see you." 
My fingers froze, hovering over the handle of the door. My heart and brain telling me two different things. Dammit, it's been 5 fucking years all I've wanted to do is run away but how did i end up with Hoseok's number on my phone and a group chat with the four people I wanted to leave?
Furthermore what the fuck was going on in my head when I accepted to decesion to meet them in the same town for a happy little "childhood reunion" as Hoseok phrased it.
It was pathetic how all of us just pretended that nothing happened. A silly little reunion and silly little talks  and we could all be normal.
I wondered how the others agreed to this. Surely I wasnt the only one eager to get out. Smoothening my skirt I looked at  Lily , my childhood bestfriend sitting on the opposite side, and looking just as nervous and twitchy as I was. I suspected Hoseok had used the same tactic of emotional blackmail to drag all of us here. But after an exchange of hellos amd how are you the air between us turned awkward again as we waited desperately for someone to come and fill in the silence.
Our heads whipped around at the sound of the bell ringing as two people entered the cafe we were sitting in. This time Hoseok had a genuine smile on his face but with the person next to him, I couldn't keep my eyes too long on his face.
Jimin and I  locked eyes with each other silently observing. He looked just the same as he did five years ago. His hair just seemed a bit more shabbier and his face didn't have the same glow it did anymore. Forcefully turning my face back front he sat down next to Lily as Hoseok sat down next to me.
To my utter surprise the silence didn't last for long. Soon all of us were laughing reminiscing old memories. And for a while it was nice to forget the troubles of life and the horrors that went down amd ingrained itself into our souls.
One thing turned to other and soon we all were huddles up in a local bar sorrounded  by the noisy masses of drunk amd sweaty people. None of it mattered with the alcohol running through my veins , infact the close contact and the loud noise was something I welcomed after years of being sorrounded by silence. 
Hoseok was dancing wildly as Lily laughed at him. My body shook with the kind of feeling that I though I turned numb to, momentarily allowing myself to live again. 
A cold hand grabbed my wrist and I protested but stopped seeing it was Jimin   who was now leading me outside. 
Unable to contain myself I raised myself up to his eyes kissing his lips feverishly. He hesitated just for a second and kissed me back running his hands  through my messy hair. It wasnt long before we ended up in his apartment with a series of groans and tripping over feet im our drunken haze.
"Wait." Jimin  breathed out, pushing me off him.
I tilted my head a bit in confusion at his sudden lack of eagerness.
"Promise me you won't leave me again? 
And just like that , all the walls that were put up amd glued together were broked down in an instant,
"Jimin- you know-you know , I cant-" I whispered tears streaming down myself, my senses returning back.
"June please, its been so hard. I deserve a chance dont i? You just left... right when I needed you the most. It was hard...I thought you out of everyone would understand.
I shook my head, my body now racking with sobs as he tried to meet my eyes.
I need to leave
The bed squeaked at the removal of my weight, I wanted to do nothing more then to just run away before the past could crush me back into the hole that I had just escaped.
But Jimin  wasn't having it. He grabbed my wrist tightly forcing me to crash into the bed again.
My body stopped by itself, frozen in his  hold that I was trying to escape. No, it couldn't be, he doesn't know about it, there's no way he could.
I looked up trembling to meet his eyes still processing his words. I could see his lower lip trembling  and his breath hitching every second, but his eyes held fire beneath them. Scrunched up in both dissapoinment and fear.
"I know what happened june I'm not a fucking idiot, I saw you that day I saw everything."
"That wasn't what i fucking meant and you know that!"
The young boy sat silently in the midst of the woods, his body covered by thick canopy of branches and leaves effectively keeping him hidden from being discovered. 
He didn't want his parents to know that he was watching them fight. But then again even if they did find him would they really care?
He observed their odd place to argue, usually they had no problem creating a scene in public so why did they come here, near a cliff to do what they always do?
Getting bored of his parents antics , he turned around to observe his sorrounding. He really had just followed his parents but now he realised he was lost. He scanned the place around him, his sharp eyes suddenly catching the view of something he could have easily missed but he didn't.
A girl standing in the corner of the woods, silently watching the scene unfold in front of her. But that wasn't just any girl, that was his girl. That was June. Confused he went to call her out but a sudden ear splitting scream stopped him.
His mom. His only mother dangling beneath a cliff, on a weak branch. The open ground beneath her feet, one slip and she'll die. She screamed once again loud enough for him to slip and fall down.
Jimin's father was just as franctic, his vein pulsing visibly on his neck as he screamed and cried desperately for help. His hands struggling to reach his wife's hold to get her back up. Jimin  should have called,for help. He should  have helped her. But why out of everything did he feel excited? Relieved?.
And why did he feel immense pride when he saw June walk up hesitantly and push his father off the cliff as well?
"You knew and you didn't tell me?" I whispered. 
Jimin smiled sickly  , his eyes wide as he watched me finally connect the dots.
"Why didn't you-why didnt you stop me from doing that?" 
His  crazy smile melted into a frown, "June you know why I didn't stop you. I wanted them dead for s long time.
And the thing is I did know that. Jimin  had complained to me s thousand times, constantly wishing his parents would be removed from his life. But that wasn't why I killed his parents. 
I didn't kill his parents so Jimin could live a better life. I killed them because i wanted to avenge my parents death.
An year before Jimin's parents died, I had watched my best friend, my first love and my soulmate silently creep into my house where my parents were sleeping. I had simply sneaked after him, skipping happily thinking he wanted to scare me and wondering how funny it would be if i scared him instead.
I never found out if he would be scared or not. Because I had watched Jimin  strike a match and set the tiny house we lived in on fire. 
Too alarmed to reliase what happened I quickly fled to avoid getting hurt and watched Conan jump out through the window as well.
Amd for one entire year, I didn't tell a single thing to the cops about what I saw. I didn't tell Jimin  that I  knew what he did. So when I finally saw the chance to relieve the pain Jimin inflicted on me by killing his  parents, I  grabbed the opportunity and inflicted the same damage he had done on me. 
Horrified by my actions, I  had left the place the very next day, changed my number and my last name and any way any of them could contact me.
All this time....I hadn't really done anything, if anything I  did Jimin  a favour by pushing his parents and i told him so.
Jimin grabbed my face with his hand making me face him as he laughed crazily, I squealed and thrashed to get off but he just held me tighter against him, my nails scratched his arms and drew blood but he still wouldn't let me leave.
"June,June you know I  did it for the best right? Hmm? I killed your no good sorry excuse of parents because I cared about you." 
He momentarily paused his actions to watch my face. His hands were near my throat, and what was meant to be a loving gesture to him was choking me as my eyes burned struggling to breath.
He hardly focused, his eyes darting everywhere but not leaving his hold on me for a second.
"June your back now, we cam finally get to live together right? We cam forget about everyone what do you say? I'll do anything for you."
"Your fucking crazy." 
And with that I gave one final attempt at making him leave me. I lifted my legs up with all my strength, his momentary surprise giving me just enough time to  elbow him in the face and remove the knife that was hidden underneath my shirt.
I got up and tackled him on the ground, holding him in place  with my hips , with the pointy edge of the weapon  dangerously close to the pulse on his neck.
"One fucking move Jimin and I'll slit open your throat right now."
"Oh sweetheart, you know you cant do that."
My sweet success was short lived as Jimin single handedly took my hands and flipped me so I was underneath his hold instead. Holding my squirming body with his legs he opened his drawer and took out a knife of his own.
My heart thundered loudly, too rushed and too fast to react. My scream has died silently on my throat leaving it dry and scratchy . I didn't even have the time to process the fact that I  could die, before I took the knife and held it against my wrist.
Jimin paused his actions, looking at me with shock.
"June... what are you doing? We don't have to do this June. We can forget about it and live together. None of us have to know. It will be our little secret."
"And you know what you can do Jimin? You can go fuck yourself." 
And with that I  took my knife, ready to cut my wrist off. Jimin screamed and went forward to stop me. With his body angling towards me, I  grabbed his hand from my free arm, and twisted his  own knife upwards towards his chests. Pushing myself up so that his body would get closer I heard his throttled scream escape as his own knife impaled his body.
Jimin looked at me in shock, his bright blue shirt slowly but steadily getting stained with crimson red. The blood was pooling beneath him and i could sense the thick liquid reaching my jeans as I quickly reliased that he was still on top of me. My body still didn't faze at the blood pooling in his mouth and sputtering out.
His hazel eyes looked back at me one last time, filled with sadness and dissapointment, till he whispered, "how could you?" And with a shuddering breath, his body fell on the ground with a heavy thud. The blood now flowing so much that it creeped out from under the door and reaching the hallways.
Only then did I  allow myself to react. Only then did I allow myself to think about what I did amd cry so hard anyone from miles away could hear me. Only then did I allow myself to get up and reach towards Conan's body.
Crouching to meet his face, I took my fingers and closed his eyes. Laying a gentle kiss on his forehead  which had a thin layer of sweat, I removed the knife from his chest with slight difficulty, the action causing more blood to gush out.
Facing the edge of the knife towards my chest. I finally allow myself to die.
A/N: yeehaw. Again please ask if u have any requests or anything like that I wud love some pointers or interaction. Thanks for reading mwahhh 💋💋💋
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blookmallow · 4 years ago
rating spirit halloween’s new animatronics for 2021
or at least what’s showing as New Arrivals on the site for me. looks like we got 15 new arrivals listed here and im HYPE about them so here we go
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the caretaker
pretty standard reaper character with a Gravedigger theme to it. hes... fine? nothing about this particularly stands out to me, but i dont dislike it at all. i like his gravestone. would be good for a graveyard set. i guess ill give him... 6.5/10
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mr. dark
at first glance he also just looks like a standard reaper character (or voldemort. he definitely looks like voldemort now that i think about it) but it turns out he SPRINGS UP RIDICULOUSLY TALL LIKE A CURSED WACKY INFLATABLE TUBE MAN and the spring motion in the video is actually really fucking fast so, while this isn’t a lot different from other jumpscare animatronics, i gotta give him credit bc i guarantee this would have scared the fuck outta me in person. according to the site he’s almost 9 feet tall at his full height 
i expected him to jump out and scream but i did not expect. That. i feel like if you put him up on a stage or something to make him loom over people even more he’d be very menacing indeed. would also be really good if you put him behind something so you don’t see him until he's suddenly There
i like him, 8/10 springy spook man 
click for more 
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grave grabber
pretty much just a zombie but he’s cute i like him. i like the green eyes. i dont know what it is about him in motion but the video makes him kind of endearing to me for some reason and i dont know why. 6/10
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at first for some reason i thought the monster’s name was ophelia but i think that’s supposed to be the name of the victim? i think the idea here is “girl haunted by a Nightmare” but the fact that the monster itself is so small and doesn’t actually have a body for the most part makes this unintentionally hilarious to me 
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like. it. it’s so small. it’s just a little shoulder demon. it’s so cute 
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psst. hey do we have any more cheetos
anyway i like how the girl’s eyes move back and forth but the sounds she makes are uncomfortable and she just looks so. stiff and solid and there doesn’t seem to be any movement at all other than her eyes and the monster peeking out so it’s just kind of weird to look at. it’s an interesting concept but the execution is just strange and unintentionally hilarious. 7/10 bc i still think its really funny 
someone should buy this and mod it into chrona and ragnarok 
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harriet hustle
WE DID IT KIDS WE FINALLY GOT A FEMALE CLOWN ANIMATRONIC im so happy i could cry i wish my store had her set up i want to meet her  
i love how they have her hanging upside down like this, it makes it so much more visually interesting than the figures that just kinda stand there looking spooky, even though she doesn’t really Do much (she just swings and her head moves around a little, just laughs, doesn’t have spoken lines) 
i love her outfit i love her hair shes SO cute i love this little murder gremlin i love her i love her 
im still waiting on spirit to give us a female clown figure that isn’t “creepy little girl” (ive commented before on how their only female figures tend to be either the Old Hag or the Creepy Little Girl and not a lot else) but i absolutely love this all the same 20/10
this one is fun too because we also have: 
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henry hustle
according to the description he’s actually harriet’s dad!! we have an evil clown father and daughter duo here and im LIVING for it
i dont think ive ever seen spirit do characters that are related to each other like this that’s so cute,
apparently his wife/harriet’s mother left them and ran off with the ringmaster. he’s a single father clown trying to raise his evil daughter clown and i support him wholeheartedly
there doesn’t seem to be any more animatronics on this storyline, we don’t have the mother here and the only ringmaster animatronic they have is the rotten ringmaster who was released previously, but i doubt he’s the homewrecker ringmaster in question. he Could Be. imagine if your wife left you for That. we dont even know if henry’s wife was also a clown or not. spirit halloween clown lore going on here
anyway i absolutely LOVE this clown, he does something INCREDIBLY STARTLING AND UNEXPECTED which i dont want to spoil for you. go watch his video and see what he does its great 
my absolute favorite type of halloween animatronic is the “does something completely unexpected” category and this one is ALSO a clown and a GOOD clown at that
and he’s got this great vintage clown style i really like, i love scary clowns like this that actually look like they could believably be a real guy and not just some kind of mutant Clown Monster 
and hes got cards!! card suit motif!!! i love it i love him this is a great clown 20/10 for him too
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w. raith 
we have this one at my local store and listen to me. im completely obsessed with this ghost
it’s pretty much just a ghost but it’s SUCH A GOOD ghost. especially in this photo here with proper spooky lighting and everything. i would absolutely LOVE to see this in a haunt attraction, it looks SO good even in bright store lighting. i feel like this under the right lights and in the right environment could look SO fuckign cool  
the shredded rag look!!! the ethereal glow!! the weird jellyfishy movement!!! the classic wooOoO oO o o ooo noises!! this may perhaps be the ideal ghost. it is without flaw. a perfect specimen. i fuckign LOVE this ghost i want it so badly but i do not have the space or the money for this thing 15/10 w. raith my beloved. my true love. maybe one day 
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at first i was slightly disappointed to see that this guy didn’t have an actual name, but then in the description apparently his name is Bill “Buzzsaw” Jackson and his backstory is he tried to be a wrestler but it didnt go very well so he grafted weapons in place of his hands. i guess. you know, to be better at wrestling. i dont really understand it and i definitely would not have gone with “disgraced former wrestler” as the concept for this guy  
but anyway we have mr jackson at my store right now, he’s Big, i like him. he doesn’t really move very fast and doesn’t jump at you, he just kinda swings his saw around. for some reason he just seems friendly to me and i dont know why. makes me think of like an uncle dressed up for halloween rather than an actual murderer guy. i dont know i cant explain it but i like him hes my friend 8/10
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wacky mole
this guy’s also at my store this year, i didn’t know his name was wacky mole fsdgjsdg
he’s listed as a new arrival, but i thought i remembered seeing him before, and the description says he’s a returning fan favorite, so. i guess this is a re-release 
anyway pretty standard Scary Monster Clown. his teeth look like candy corn. i like it but i think they should just Be candy corn. i like his colorscheme and his silly giant buttons. light up eyes are always a nice touch. he doesnt really stand out but hes overall a pretty good clown. 7/10
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good ol’ classic skeleton. he’s pretty nicely modeled though and i highly recommend watching the video for this guy because he moves REALLY well for a spirit animatronic, he’s got a way wider range of movement than most of them do and his head moves really nicely. one of the benefits of a skeleton animatronic is you don’t have to deal with lip movement, so his jaw movements match with his lines a lot more realistically. i like the animated glowing eyes too, it really gives him a lot of personality. he’s really interesting to watch. like, it’s just a skeleton, but it’s a really really good skeleton, so, 8/10 
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i love love love franchise character animatronics and spirit has so much great beetlejuice stuff this seems well suited to them but looking at it............. hm. hm
he just looks so. stiff and his face comes across like, deer caught in the headlights to me. it Does Not look very natural but it looks slightly better in motion (he just swivels from side to side and says a few phrases but it somehow looks less. shellshocked when he’s moving) 
maybe not the greatest execution but maybe he looks better in person and im still hype to see him so 8/10 regardless 
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night stalker
we have this guy at my store too, im still not really sure what’s going on with his arms (did he just rip loose from them and leave them behind? did someone do this to him? i dont know) but i love a good spooky scarecrow. love his Wiggles. hes a pretty good boy. 6.5/10
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here we have another pennywise, it pretty much just pops out at you, but it’s still pretty good. i like the full size one they had before better, but this one’s slightly cheaper and would be easier to integrate into a haunted house attraction since he comes with a built in set piece. it looks good but doesn’t do much. 7.5/10 i guess 
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please. please spirit halloween set him up in my store so i can see him
anyway hes got kind of the same issue beetlejuice has where the figure just. looks kind of stiff, and he looks more like a spooky ghost decoration than like, A Person. he doesnt seem to have any lines or anything either, he just kinda pops out. but then again i guess whenever we see ghostface in person in the movies he doesn’t usually talk anyway. i dont really know how id make this better but it seems a little underwhelming somehow. still hype to see it though. 7/10 i guess 
now if we could just get a jack torrance and a bela lugosi dracula id be content 
i would LOVE to see Red from Us but i doubt they’d do one. my other horror beloved is norman bates but i know if they made one of him it’d just be him in a dress waving a knife around (not that i wouldn’t still be hype to see him, but, y’know) (anyway. tangent. moving on) 
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mr. howle 
it’s. a werewolf. he howls. that’s....... about it 
it’s a very nice looking werewolf, it’s a well designed figure and definitely looks very imposing, but it’s... just a werewolf. there’s not really anything particularly interesting or creative here. its a perfectly good werewolf. i dont have anything to say about this. 6.5/10 
i also just am not a werewolf person so maybe someone out there who has a greater appreciation for werewolves might like him more 
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somebodycallixii · 3 years ago
Thoughts about Strangers from hell have been swimming in my head all day and i cant stop thinking about the similarities to NBC's Hannibal and Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, so i starting looking up quotes from both of them and theres just so many that fit with Strangers From Hell?? these are the ones i liked the most so far.
(I wanted to make one of those compliation quote posts but I didnt wanna steal gifs or anything. So if someone wants to use these for something please feel free!!! im just obsessed with all of this!!!)
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gone girl:
“I was told love should be unconditional. That's the rule, everyone says so. But if love has no boundaries, no limits, no conditions, why should anyone try to do the right thing ever?"
“Love makes you want to be a better man—right, right. But maybe love, real love, also gives you permission to just be the man you are.”
“Because isn’t that the point of every relationship: to be known by someone else, to be understood? He gets me. She gets me. Isn’t that the simple magic phrase?”
“Bang bang bang. I understand now why so many horror movies use that device-the mysterious knock on the door-because it has the weight of a nightmare. You don't know what's out there, yet you know you'll open it. You'll think what I think: No one bad ever knocks.”
"The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. I'm not a quitter, I'm that cunt. I killed for you; who else can say that?"
"With all my knowledge and intuition I could never entirely predict you. I can feed the caterpillar, I can whisper through the chrysalis, but what hatches follows its own nature and is beyond me."
"Did you believe you could change me the way I've changed you?" "I already did."
“Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?” “Mine? Before you, and after you."
"killing must feel good to God too, he does it all the time-- and are we not created in his image?"
"You fantasize about how you would kill me. Tell me, how would you do it?" "With my bare hands."
I had a hard time finding quotes from SFH without me basically re-watching everything, so if you have any that come to mind please add on to the list!
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maskedjoker · 4 years ago
We are getting really close to the scene in lost fragment of snow that was genuinely confusing in the book, and it's the scene were everyone in the circus is killed. I think what we will probably get is a scene were mana finally ends up giving into despair after he is hit and then allen is fed to a lion.
I think that with more current info, i can say for sure that sleeve earl and mana are a hybird. This will likely cause a resurgence of sleeve earl into taking over the body and becoming whole. This only lasts for a short time however and when cross confronts him after the rest of the circus has died from the audience turning into akuma(which i suppose are implied to be constantly just around the earl and is probably one of the many reasons cross warned Allen to stay away) some exchange of words or damage causes a lots of control. This damage however also hurts mana(or potentially just being forced out off control) causing him to loose even more memories as seen when mana and Allen reunite the next day.
Now i think we can agree that sleeve earl exists as a third entity, especially since her recent art exhibit interview, as she talked about the suit being a super sophisticated golem. I think in this case as with tim and lero yhat "golem" refers to AI. Id argue with the weird phrasing like helix of life and all the biotech style that magic is more often than not just more advanced technology, and wherever the noahs came from likely was, hence why they say they only seem strong because we have become so weak. This is only further shown with innocences resemblance to machines like its gear like parts and percentage resonance.
The noah memories in general i think are some kind of AI that passes through generation lines, carrying significant portions of its past forward and then fusing with a similar person in their lineage. For example early on road would have been just road, then through some means either became an AI(or was given a piece of someone that counts as one under golem, its unclear). Regardless once connected to the noah memory, it acts like a save file and becomes more sophisticated with time. It carries each life and gives all those memories, feelings and drives to a new body. So new road would remember being road, her life and everything, but also the life they had been living up until the two combined. Over time the noah memory keeps getting larger and larger to the point new experiences are so small, relatively speaking, that it overrides much more than normal. Since they are fuzed as one being they likely cant be separated without mutually assured destruction, were the current entity will die and any remains will not be the origionals, if anything remains at all. An example of this is that tyki could not be made human by Allen I their fight i the arc, despite having a blade that should destroy only part of him. Admittedly tyki is a special case though, and more tyki backstory is needed.
Changes from body to body become more subtle, but the base, which likely has a distinct core function as seen by its response to certain tasks and ideas, remains a strong aspect. This creates an almost reincarnation like effect for them, needing to only find a new body to continue.
The suit is like this, but different. I don't know how the original earl split, but i do think that some aspect of him was placed on the suit. I would like to say its the original version of the noah memories of the earl and nea got like a brand new copy, but i actually have no idea what memories he has of being past earl so its mostly a guess. Regardless the noah actually all seem to transform in some way when they get mega pissed. Im looking at you skinn, jasdevi, and tyki/joyd. So the suit is likely that kind of thing, but way more distinct and capable of acting autonomously. Since they all have different forms it makes sense that his would also be unique. They all probably represent some inner desire related to their memory. Skinn is just rage so big angry man works fine. Jasdero and devit are bonds so they want most to be one. Tyki got all fucked up before he changed so i got nothing, but it had a heavy does of sadism, which I guess is pleasure? Taking into account that killing in horrible graphic ways is his guilty pleasure it kinda makes sense.
So because of that, this sentient AI is constantly trying to pair with half a fucking brain because nea and mana only share one brain cell. Some kind of resistance from mana or strain causes him to constantly fall ill or comatose. Now to be clear on naming, sleeve earl does not refer to themselves as adam in the mirror scene nor does he refer to mana as adam, and only uses "we" when talking to mana about being the earl. Oddly enough the earls self pronouns are we, using wagashi which is kind of like the japanese equivalent of the royal we used in europe for the entirety of the series. For the record, mana in the flashbacks uses male or single they pronouns, i don't remember if he uses boku or watashi, but he uses at least one if not both.
So from this it seems millennium earl is a title, used by whatever is paired with the suit. Adam is the original name of the noah, and is the preferred name of the current earl aside from the title.
This circumstance was likely caused by the rest of the noah, who are using the earl for something related by the pillar. His separation either by accident or by intent was likely by the hands of his family trying to keep control for their ends. This is why the current earl is called a broken puppet and has so many things around him related to acting and stage plays. He is playing a role, the red clown to allens white clown as stated in the ark arc. He even wears a mask. His memories and mind have been damaged though, therefore broken. However broken puppet for both allen and the earl could also refer to a puppet that doesnt work as a double meaning, implying they can no longer be controlled or puppeted.
It is also implied that he is still unaware of this betrayal, but it is likely nea does to some degree as it would explain why he became a traitor and killed his own family. To be clear, i dont think all of the noah know everything, and i dont think they dont actually care for the earl. It seems they still genuinely follow him to their death and see him as one of their own, especially in cases like road, tyki and wisely.
Now early i said that different generations of noah would cope woth reincarnating differently. Since the earl only died once before 7000 years ago, id say resetting to a new body with only 17 years would be just smashed flat by any algorithm with that much data. However manas feelings are still the newest, and so still have an impact even on the current earl.
Now we come to resurrecting mana. How? Why? Well i dont know. But my guess is whatever part was the memories of mana for the 20 or so years he lived, or at least his memories at death, are in allen. His curse and weird hallucinations of mana seem to suggest it. Alternatively that part of his soul may have passed on, or it fuzed with the noah memory making the origional mana part of the hive and much like tyki and his noah memories cannot be seperated. Not good regardless.
As two additional things, i want to mention that hoshino is a twin and has always been obsessed with it, so having twins in her book was inevitable. What is extra weird is hoshino was actually going to be a triplet, but either her or her sister absorbed it before birth. She has mentioned it in dgm interviews and i cant PROVE it translates to anything in the plot but its suspicious. She also still list mana, nea and the earl as distinct in every book up to date in extra novels and at the start of her books. Oh and her favorite hat for the earl right now? The one featured on the most recent chapter? Has two faces on the front that are visible, and one in the back thats hidden, and the most recent art has the back face as the only one visible, angrily staring allen down. Great art foreshadowing if im right. Its also usually sleeve earl, if not exclusively, that wear it.
The second thing is mana talking about love and drive in the most recent chapter just brings up the earl having the noah memory of love or devotion or something for me. Ive written about it before but it just seems to fit. This character is all about that from the ability to fuze loved ones together to the hearts he talks with and his drives being based on grand acts of devotion, being by their side etc. Mana also loved and adopted both and dog and a homeless child and keeps talking about how the world is so beautiful despite all the bad. The earl literally acts like the whole noah clans mom by his own words and cooks for them, and both of them go out of their way to be cartoony to break tension. The earl literally goes and buys a single red rose from a poor girl while tyki pontificate on how he doesnt act like a villain. He doesnt take an umbrella because he wants to feel the rain. He talks about how what he does is in human nature and requires a connection between two people. He is even designed with his ideal colors as red and purple with white, as well as being designed after flowers. I know this probably doesnt make sense, but its stuck in my head.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years ago
Dance with me?
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A/N: @obxmermaid​  this is day 15 omg thank you for the opportunity to make christmas stories this year. im honored that i can expand my writing fandoms. today we find that its before owls, before christmas feast, before their relationship was out in the open. this is the formal, this is the hogwarts winter formal. draco and Yn are not yet a public couple but this night Draco takes the courage to ask YN to dance and no one asks questions cause all cards and rivalry’s are off the table during the dance and for that day. so this is what looks like a friendly dance between a guy and a girl. but it is so much more than that.
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: snowball fight/ winter formal
mentioning @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the yule ball, or in some cases what would be known as a winter formal is one of the most sacred events hogwarts has the honor of throwing every 2 years. its a grand event some people have their gowns and tuxes picked out months or years ahead of the event. 
but you had no gown yet for the gown you wanted was in london at a shop you had passed by so many times and the last time you did you saw a halter peacock teal floor length gown. it took your breath away. 
this was the gown you wanted but alas you had no time at that moment to get it. a few days before the ball you were watching the entire dorm obsess over their gowns, choosing hair and makeup. but you and draco hadnt even discussed going to the ball. 
or at least what would happen at the ball. but meeting draco for your session a few days before the formal, you were distracted and draco could tell.
Draco: something on your mind love.
YN: the formal is in 2 days and well we cant go as a couple no one outside of our friends know, and what if people ask questions. 
Draco: so we wont show up together but the formal is a chance for everyone to forget the rivalry’s and grudges and hard feelings are off the table. no one will ask questions if i ask you to dance. and whats better is this will be the first of many dances to come i hope. 
yn: i just wish i could walk in with you on my arm and not have to worry about a thing. 
Draco: i know what you mean but it will hopefully show the professors that even our rivalry can be put aside when it matters. 
YN: i hope so. i need a dress though. 
Draco scribbles out a quick fire message and sends it off... 
YN: what was that about...
Draco: trust me you will thank me later... just promise me you will have the time of your life at the formal besides we will dance and no one will say anything... besides i look forward to the end of the party, where you and i meet in the courtyard to just watch the stars and hide away for a kiss, all before returning to the charade and our dorms.
YN: so basically you have the entire night planned out. 
Draco: more or less yes... now go you need to have energy for tomorrow. get some rest my love. go before you fall asleep on my lap. 
YN: i guess your right, i will see you tomorrow in class... 
you walked out of the tower and back to your dorm. where you collapsed on the bed as hermione walked in. 
Hermione: so how was your tutoring tonight cuz? 
YN: it was fine... we talked about the formal... he has the entire night planned out but then i told him that i didnt have anything to wear. and before you say it cuz, its fine i mean im sure he will dance with me whether im in a pretty dress or my uniform. 
Hermione: i know we are gonna look killer at the formal or we are gonna fail trying to have a fun night. now what about your wardr... Oh My God! cuz get over here a box with a bow on it just showed up at the entrance.
you get up off the bed and run over to the entrance where Hermione was gawking at the box. 
YN: OMG what could be in such a large box... 
Hermione: well lets get it inside and happily look at this mystery package. 
YN: i think i might know who this is from... but yes lets get it inside before we do anything else with this. 
it was your own mind putting draco’s mysterious fire message with the sudden appearance of this box. the timing of it all was far too coincidential, but never the less you looked forward to whatever lay inside this box. 
You set it on your bed, you ran your fingers over the box, tracing the bow, tracing the box outline. this was when your cousin noticed an envelope on top of the box tucked under the ribbon. 
Hermione: maybe that envelope will explain better as to whats inside and possibly who its from... 
you grab the envelope and open it, its a list of what is inside the box as well as instructions. 
“this box contains the following items: - A-Line Scoop Neck Floor-Length Chiffon Prom Dresses With Beading Sequins in Ink Blue, - navy blue  Faux Fur Fashion Wrap, -a custom bracelet in rose gold, -a gold  Beautiful Rhinestone/Alloy Headband & -  Black Women's Leather Suede Heels Latin With Ankle Strap. do not open this box until the day of the formal. you will look beautiful. save me a dance or several.. love always Draco”
you sat back on the bed and smiled lightly as you tucked the box under your cousin’s bed and hid the note in your dresser, you giggled yourself to sleep that night. for you knew the next 2 days would be torture till the day of the formal anyway. 
you were the one person in this entire school who would ever take the dance not seriously. you were the only one whose heart would not allow you to fall in love with a person who did not share your heart. 
you woke the next morning to the sound of your alarm. you went to the closet and pulled out your uniform putting it on and grabbing your cloak before heading out of the room with your wand in your sock. 
YN (to self): i hope this doesnt mess up anything, tomorrow is gonna be a happy day. the next day is the formal, and I have the opportunity to show this school that even those who are rivals can become chill even in the midst of the old laws. i need to get to class so that way no one suspects anything. 
you made it to potions and smiled slightly as hermione was sitting beside your seat. draco had followed you inside. you knew that hermione could feel the happiness flowing out from you. 
You were the one person that Hermione could trust and likewise her for you. But it was now to your surprise that she passed you her notebook with a few simple words on it.
"Draco won't stop glancing at you. His pupils dilate when he stares at you. It's like he is mentally undressing you or something..."
You reply back with a simple phrase.
"he I'm sure is just removing a few layers, back to when we were in london and we went swimming in a private pool. We made out for hours. Now we will discuss this later."
you slid her back her notebook and both of you paid attention as snape decided to begin his lesson with a pop quiz type thing, you and hermione being the 2 smartest witches in the room decided to let the other students have a chance to answer the questions. 
Snape: yn tell me what is the common use of wolfsbane?
YN: wolfbane used to sedate or subdue a werewolf. it is also known as acanite or commonly found in the form of a blue flower, it is in some cases a rare find. 
Snape: and how exactly does one give wolfsbane to the werewolf?
YN: it has to be while its human, most times wolfsbane is used to snuff out the werewolves in human form before its too late. 
snape: i would like each of you to take one of these flowers and for the next class prepare to brew me some wolfsbane if you wish to pass. now before the end of class today copy down the board, we will be studying wolfsbane for the next week. 
you went to your notebook and copied down the board. it was very distracting when you knew your boyfriend was stealing glances at you...  this made it very hard to concentrate. 
you wrote a note on your notebook and slid it to your cousin... 
“im getting antsy, cuz i am really anxious...”
she replied with the typical responce.
“dont worry girl, im sure you both will have your alone time later... think about it this way, in 2 years you will be able to marry and there will be nothing anyone can say to stop you.”
you had to internally laugh...
“me married can you imagine that... god if i know much more about that than you do... by the way i am so nervous to see what is in that box... like what if it doesnt bring the correct appeal...”
you sighed as your cousin wrote her responce.
“chill girl, your gonna rock that formal... now finish your notes so you can get out of here and be with your man.”
You smiled as you finish your notes and wait for Snape to dismiss the class. You stared at the ceiling for a few moments trying to keep a cool head.
Snape: alright those who finished the notes can leave a few moments early, those who haven't you have 5 minutes to finish those notes.
You and Hermione got up and walked out of the class, you walked by where Draco was sitting you had used a slight of hand to slip him a note.
You knew he would read it after class, you also knew he would thank you for it later. But you and Hermione took off and walked back to the court yard.
Where you both parted ways you both had picked a random slot for your separate ways. You were off to the quidditch tent to prep for the upcoming Christmas match, Hermione headed to divination.
You were one of those few captains who would take half a period out of your entire day to spend it preparing for a match that was a week and a bit away.
You had to come up with a strategy that would knock your match out of the water. you could feel something strange something abnormal as you stood in the tent. 
the earth began to quake, the tent came down on your head before you could move out of the way.... you were covered in tent, and one of the tent pole was on you too heavy to move. 
you held your wand up... 
YN: periculum!
you sent the sparks and then passed out. you knew someone would possibly come find you. you had to have faith, you had too believe that one person above all others would see it. 
meanwhile, hermione had bumped into draco in the hall on the way to divination, she told draco that she last saw you in the courtyard... draco and hermione then saw the sparks. both of them went to find any professor they could cause that was the rules. 
they ended up spying mcgonigal, running up to her in a hurry they approach her with the news of the sparks. 
mcgonigal: miss granger, mr malfoy come with me we will investigate this immediately. 
the 3 of them hastely rushed toward the sparks, seeing the collapsed tent on arrival, mcgonigal waves her wand and sets the tent right, they all went inside and foudn you there after. 
mcgonigal transported herself plus you draco and hermione to the hospital wing. madame pomfry immediately got involved, she was pushing everyone back... but the only person who had to leave was minerva. 
hermione and draco now remained in the room to wait whether and when you would wake. your body had gone into a state of shock, the pole had bruised you a bit and thanks to the miracle potion that madame pomfry had administered to you, you were healing nicely. 
hermione: come on girl, come on we still have to rock this formal, come on please wake up come on cuz... we both need you to wake up. 
draco: don't you dare leave me, you can't, we haven't had any time. Come on YN wake up, open your eyes. We need to have our day in the sun! I need you to open your eyes so we can live our future together our way.
Madame pomfry heard what Draco said deciding not to say anything she just came back round to your bed side and administered a second dose of medicine.
Madame pomfry: take a bed each of you. Get some sleep, you both will be alerted first when she wakes. Try not to worry she will pull through she is a extraordinary girl.
Draco took a bed near you, Hermione took one on the other side of you. They wanted to be the first people's you saw when you woke up.
They tossed and turned but eventually both fell asleep. it was 8 hours later that an announcement rang through the school...
Minerva: attention students the quidditch field is off limits due to an investigation of recent events. someone brought the tent down on ravenclaw Yn. note that the perpetrator who is responsible if a student will be immediately expelled and sent to the ministry to await trial. we take this seriously. please be sure to make good notes for your fellow classmate as she is soon recovered in the hospital wing thanks to madame pomfry, classes go on as scheduled and the formal is still happening, thank you for your attention. 
both draco and hermione sat up a few moments after at the sound of your groans. they both looked at you in time for you to open your eyes. 
hermione: YN...
Draco: YN... your ok!
madame pomfry walked in at that moment as well to see you sit up. 
Madame Pomfry: YN your awake wonderful how are you feeling. 
YN: like i was hit by a unexpected brick wall what happened?
madame pomfry: you were found under the collapsed quidditch tent, you were brought to me bruised and unconcious. these 2 were among those who found you. you are pretty lucky you werent seriously injured. your bruising has gone down, you will stay in here for a few more hours then you can go back to your dorm. it is my recommendation that you get plenty of rest and then you go to the formal tomorrow and take it easy... your cousin will be allowed to stay with you tonight so she can make sure you get the rest you need. 
now that madame pomfry had come to see you hermione got off the cot she slept on and came to hug you... you flinched a bit but returned her embrace, Draco approached from the other side and touched your shoulder. 
hermione let go of you as she went to madame pomfry and began asking her for a written report for hermione to deliver to professor McGonagall. while both hermione and madame pomfry werent looking Draco came to sit on the edge of your bed, he smiled lightly... 
Draco: you are awake. i was so worried about you. 
 YN: strange thing is i dont recall the tent coming down. i remember being in there working on my strategy for the christmas exhibition match, when the earth shook and thats when everything went dark. i wasnt even done when everything happened. i am so sorry i worried you. 
Draco: you are such a brave girl, im very lucky to have you on my arm and by my side. i love you YN. 
YN: i love you too. now go do me a favor and take a shower and change your robes. no offense my love but you need to take a shower. 
Draco: i will take your advice... ill see you in a while. and ill have your homework... 
Draco took his leave to go take a shower and change his robes before class. he went to class but his mind was not completely there. the professors had already gathered a stack of notes for you, so while draco attended the classes he couldnt focus. that was not a good thing, especially for his grades. 
but the professors understood, for they all knew he clearly had other things going on, for at this time you and draco were out to the school. no one questioned why draco wasnt fully paying attention, they just hoped you would be okay. 
a few hours passed, hermione brought you your casual dress to get you back to the dorm. as your fellow students watched you and hermione walk back to the dorms. you smiled slightly at draco who just watched you in passing like any normal rivalry. 
the next few hours were spent with different people coming in to do different shifts of watching you, helping you, taking care of you. finally it was the tutoring time. you were told to be on bed rest, but when hermione didnt return to the dorm you figured she had arranged something. 
Draco knocked at the door before he entered. once he came into view he was entranced by how stunning you looked sitting there, with your pet cat in your lap. (*yes okay yes i realize that this is the first time i mention the reader’s pet... sue me i forgot about that part till just now.*) 
YN: hey.
Draco: i brought you the notes and stuff from classes. YN i feel so awful about what you went through i....
thats when you placed your finger to his lips this shut him up immediately.
YN: its not your fault, there was nothing you could have done. i went to the tent it was my choice. please i dont want you to blame yourself for what happened. lets just focus on the formal. now i want to thank you for the box... and before you say that it isnt from you or that you have no idea what im talking about. the magic signature on the card on the box belonged to you love.  i havent looked inside, but i know that when i show up at the formal im gonna look absolutely smashing. 
Draco: i have to use the money my father sends me somehow, so i went to the shop, and i picked everything out with the measurements that i got from hermione of course. plus it matches us a bit... anyway, here are the notes i had a few questions i knew you could help me solve. snape wants me and you to be among the first to brew the wolfsbane. he says it will be a easy task or at least for you it will be. he also said that you need to submit your formula on wolfsbane by fire message before the end of the day. 
You quickly did that as Draco said it, he looked at you with curious concern in his eyes. he stayed with you for a few hours explaining what happened in the classes you missed. handing you the assignments, letting you explain what he didnt understand. 
*TIME SKIP: the rest of that evening went by pretty quick, you spent time tutoring Draco, who left when your cousin walked back into the room. you were now spending time chattering with her over the hair styles for the formal the next day. well you and hermione got an early sleep for the next day would sure be a busy one. now we go to the showers where you have just arrived to stretch out and begin your day.*
you were in your stall, mulling things over under the hot water. your brain swimming with thousands of thoughts, ones that made you begin humming, something you do quite often and in different situations you hum different songs. in this case it was something celtic something haunting some sort of ancient melody that haunts your very soul.
your hum echoed through the castle. no one could figure out where the sound was coming from except your cousin. for she had heard you hum that tune many numerous times before. 
Hermione: so you thinking again?
you snapped out of your hum, for you had not realized that another person could have walked into the room, never mind your own cousin. 
YN: just got some butterflies about tonight... H what if this doesnt go the way we think it will... 
Hermione: well cuz if you think about it this way, people will expect the rivalry to still take place during the event no one will expect the rivalry to be non existant during the event. to see 2 people who arent normally friends acting like friends even if for one night will do us all proud. now hurry up so we can go open the box to see what your man gave you... 
YN: ah yes thank you for reminding me cuz, thank you for giving draco the information he needed to get these things for me.. i appreciate it a ton. 
Hermione: no to worry cuz you are gonna look beautiful. now hurry up or you will look like a prune... 
 you finished cleaning up, you dryed off and wrapped up in your housecoat to go back to your dorm. twas the only way you were comfortable. your cousin right beside you both of you discussing your hair and what the hell you would do with it. 
Hermione  and you now sat in your dorm and just stared at the box between you both, the blue box that had tormented you for 2 days now sat between you ready for the unveiling of what lay inside. 
you removed the note and slowly undid the ribbon binding the box shut. you reached down to ope the lid, the first thing you saw was the dress, picking it up you stood spinning around holding the dress against your form.
YN: remind me to thank him for this...
hermione: oh im sure just wearing this tonight will thank him enough for this. now come on lets see what else is in here… 
you lay the dress over your cousins lap as you reach into the box and pull out a fashion wrap…
YN: isnt this basically just a cape?
Hermione: yes it is but we dont speak of that… lol it is nice and it looks like it goes in matching with the dress. 
you lay that as well over your cousins lap and pull out a small bag.
YN: wnder what this is…
Hermone: well it must be valuable in order to require its own packaging inside of packaging, 
you ope the baggie to reveal a custom bracelet. 
Hermione: ive seen those before, you can get it engraved with whatevr you want particularly used for couples. 
you flip it over and look at the enraving, “Yn & Draco always and forever 08-22”
you smiled ear to ear, little giggles left your lips, happily of course as you attached the bracelet to your wrist. once it was attached you reached into the box to pull out the next item again another baggie a bit bigger than the last. you opened it to reveal a gold headband. 
YN: so he is gona treat me like a queen
Hermione: at least i dont have to worry about you. 
YN: but you still will anyway cause thats just how you are cuz!
hermione: come on girl whats the last thing in the box.
You reach into the box and pull out a pair of leather strap short heals and smile. 
Hermione: lets become fabulous. cause we all know thats a crime in itself but we have 5 hours before we have to be there for presentations and plus the rivals have the first dance as is in the announcement this year. 
you had forgotten that the ministry had made that announcement… since fudge was supposed to make an appearance at the dance. He wanted to see the rivals of the school have the honor of first dance. It was a new tradition and would remain so for generations to come. 
First was to get dressed. You went behind the change cover, you put on your strapless and a nice pair of seamless bottoms. You were now ready for the dress, but you realized that there was a bra built into the dress already. Well at least into one part of it. ****A/N: yes i know that this wasnt mentioned but the dress that im describing is a two piece, it was one i had done my research on and liked the way it looked in the color scheme i was using for this story. Okay back to the story.****
You removed your strapless as now you knew you didnt need it. You pulled on the skirt fiestas to make sure that you were good in that department. You kinda did a half twirl and then put on the top, well you couldnt do it up as the zipper was at the back. 
YN: hey cuz, can you zip me up?
Hermione: a zipper… how does it look 
YN: its a 2 piece… its in my house color, its soft fabric it feels soft against my skin. 
Hermione: well come out and hold yourself in place. 
You stepped out from behind the shield and watched your cousin turn around in her dress. You both squealed in happiness for it made you both happy to know that you both looked amazing! Hermione did your top up and both of you stood side by side in the mirror.  
Hermione: cuz we need to photo shoot this in the mirror, we are still sure of this plan, we are so certain that this is the night the school will accept the possibility of a union between you and draco. I mean when are you guys planning to tell everyone about your relationship anyway. 
YN: no idea, it hasnt been discussed to much, we know we need to tell everyone we just dont know when or how. But when we do it will be a big event. Alright on a different note ive set the mirror to do the photo shoot of us its taking 5 very precisely timed shots. So lets wing it. Nice one first so we can duplicate it and send it to our folks then we go from there. 
Pose 1: normal, side by side and looking your best. 
Pose 2: charlies angels, missing an angel but smiling anyway
Pose 3: the shocked first look in outfit (hermione shocked at seeing you)
Pose 4: parting the sea, back to back looking away
Pose 5: and finally the hug it out moment
You went round to the window to stare down at the world, the school looked all decorated for the formal and the sound of people gathering around the grounds, the concorse full of people and visitors. You strapped on your shoes and your cousin finished your hair and applied your wrap. 
you wondered how the night would look, you wondered if anyone would question the less amounts of tension between you and Draco.
You wondered alot of things but a knock at the door brought you back to earth. You turned to see Harry and Ron standing at the door. 
Harry: wow, ladies you both look amazing! 
You and Hermione smile as Harry hands you something from minerva
Yn: it's professor McGonagall she wants to see me, says it's of great importance. 
Hermione: that's okay I'll walk down with the boys. Go go… 
You walk out of the room and go as fast as possible without tripping and falling to where you knew the professor would be. 
Minerva: ah YN you look lovely..  
Yn: thank you professor, I got your note you wanted to see me. 
Minerva: yes as you may have heard by now this year the Minister of magic is attending the formal as a honored guest, he has requested that you and Mr malfoy be honored guests as your rivalry is legendary as well as you and Mr malfoy will be receiving something special from the minister. He wants to commend you both on jobs well done this year. Your main task for the dance is to start the dancing off, now i know that you are a little sensitive YN so if you need a minute to process this before we make the announcement and before your fellow classmates begin to gather. 
YN: ya could i actually have a minute… where do i enter from?
Minerva: you will enter from the right side of the staircase, mr malfoy will enter from the left, just be there and ready for the announcement. 
You went round to the right side of the staircase and began pacing, letting your brain sort itself out to be able to go out there and not kiss Draco in front of everyone. 
To not run straight into his arms, to be able to just be a boy and a girl with no connection other than their rivalry for one night. 
That Un be known to you would be the case on this night you would be just a girl, and Draco would just be a boy who would be spending time together during the formal. 
Draco (to self): OK tonight can not go wrong, it's just one night to be just a boy and just a girl. I know she is probably nervous but she will be her normal brilliant self, i will be charming and pleasant and this evening will take the rivalship between me and YN to an 11. I hope she isnt overthinking things. 
You on the other side of things were overthinking everything that could go right and everything that could go wrong. You were also talking to yourself and pacing and borderline freak out. 
YN(to self): i cant do this, i can do this… what am i saying tonight is gonna go horrible… something is gonna mess this night up and screw up the entire eco system that is a almost 2 year secret… i wonder what it would be like if draco and i were out to the school and the public eye as a couple… what am i saying that would be a disaster. The ministry, the school, my parents, his parents, our friends, everyone would reject us… we would end up living as muggles for the rest of our lives, we would be exiled from the wizard records, we would have our legacy dragged through the dirt or worse. 
That's when you heard Dracos voice in the wind. 
Draco: don't stress babe, I'll be right by your side the entire time, trust me babe… Then we will happily go outside for some air later. Now let's get ready… and don't worry about a thing love. 
Thats when you had calmed down a bit more, and listened to mcgonigal speak.
Minerva: settle down everyone, before we all enter the great hall, it gives me great pleasure to introduce 2 people who im sure need no introduction, their rivalry is legendary amongst the entire student body. The minister himself asked that these 2 be given a very special entrance, ladies and gentlemen to kick off tonights winter formal i proudly present YN and Draco.
That was yours and Dracos cues to walk out from cover and down the stairs. All eyes were on the 2 of you as you both united in the center between the 2 staircases. 
Draco: in all my years at hogwarts never have I ever been so lucky in all I do, for my rival and I we know that we will make hogwarts proud in all we do and one day who knows maybe we will end up teaching here as well one day. But our rivalry won't end with graduation or parting for one final time. You all shall hear of our rivalry far and wide as we continue the rivalry even outside of hogwarts. Sorry for the speech slur but I figured on behalf of all of us we should make a statement. 
Draco then held his arm for you to take. That you did and both of you walked the rest of the steps together, the only person who you both stopped to acknowledge was the minister. 
Fudge: in all my time as minister for magic, i have never seen 2 people who just go from rivals one minute to just pleasant normal students, almost like the bond of your rivalry has brought you both closer together. Tell me YN did you ever see yourself and mr malfoy here being friends maybe. 
YN: i honestly can say no i have not seen that possibility but there is an ever changing future and i look forward to seeing what it may hold, if per chance one day this rivalry of ours becomes obsolete we will im sure become the best of friends, as long as that would be viewed as a good thing in the eyes of the ministry of course. 
Fudge: friendship is never an issue… now let the formal commence, music… 
You and draco walk onto the dancefloor, you both had not danced outside of the astronomy tower before you both were unsure of how to act. 
Draco placed one hand on your waist and one hand on your hand. The music started and you both began to move with the music, but no one would be able to hear your conversation….
Draco: you look wonderful tonight…
YN: thank you, i mean it wasnt hard to figure out who sent these wonderful items, but that was also a given considering we talk one minute about the formal and the fact i didnt have anything to wear and the next minute there is a mysterious box with a note saying that the dress and stuff was in the box made me smile. I figured it out when i saw the box, before i read the note. 
Draco: was it that obvious?
YN: yes it was but thats ok, cause i know that tonight we arent rivals, we are just 2 people who happen to be a big part of the school and its events. I honestly didnt know that this was what we had to do till i got mcgonigals note. 
Draco: well tonight will be special i promise. 
YN: ill hold you to it. 
Draco just smiled as more people joined you on the dancefloor, after a few songs you and Draco went to get something to drink. You both picked a table and sat down beside eachother, so as to have a civizled conversation. 
Draco: any plans to go home for break?
YN: nope, as far as my parents are concerned i am staying at the school and just helping minerva… its not like i have much at home anyway. I mean sure my parents are there and they love me but i dont want to go home, see my parents start getting back into my home life routine and then have to come back to hogwarts… its just too hard. Thats why i stopped going home for break, thats why i stay here and help the professors keep the school over break. 
Draco: well what would you say if i stay here as well over break… think of it as we are on one continuous date for 2 weeks. 
YN: now that i would enjoy. But i think we should tell the school… somehow… someway… but we shouldnt wait too much longer, we dont know what the consequences will be… 
Draco: i know you are right… i…
Just as he was about to speak again the minister came up to both of you pulling up a seat beside you… 
Cornielious: having a good time tonight…
YN: yes we are minister thank you… we were just discussing what the tutoring schedule will look like over the next bit before our owls and winter break. 
Draco: are you having a good time minister?
Cornielious: its like nothing has changed at hogwarts, this party is fantastic, it is a good time, it also gives me a break from my work at the ministry.. Oh YN your mom and dad said to say hi… i have them checking into a few strange occurrences for magic bursts. 
YN: well you certainly picked the right people for the job, i know my parents well enough to know that they wont quit a case if there are no leads… as my mom always the hardest case is the easiest case for the answer is staring you in the face. 
All 3 of you start laughing as the music changes again and one student exclaims…
Student A: its snowing!!!
All the students  continued to dance as the music changed to more slow songs, you and draco decided to try to slow dance again. But no one would have predicted the scene that would happen about quarter way into the dance. 
You were having a small convo with draco and he decided to kiss you on the cheek. No one else noticed, your cousin however smart and brilliant for she non vocally slowed time a bit to the point of you and draco could recover and pretend that it didnt happen.
But a few students and teachers noticed… this made you go bright red, you backed away from Draco and turned to run through the crowd, grabbing your cape and going out the doors down the stairs and into the rose garden. 
Time resumed but no one said anything, all they saw was you running out of the great hall and draco standing in the center of the dance floor. Hermione started to move toward the door but saw draco run after you… he realized he made a mistake. She went to explain to the professors what happened and the dance was resumed. 
Draco followed your footprints and got into the maze… he located you in the center of the maze, he was very careful to approach. But you were already aware that he had followed you. 
YN: no need to be cautious, i know you are there…
Draco came fully round the corner and became visible as he appeared in front of you. 
Draco: im so sorry about that in there love. It was… well i just…. I mean… 
YN: its okay i understand what happened… heat of the moment and all. But as my cousin has told me telepathically of course is that she has spoken to those who saw this happen and she told them that it was nothing special. It was just a simple slip of the moment. But she harry ron and crab and goyle all know the truth… one day we will tell the rest of the students and the professors but for now…
Thats when he threw a snowball at you… well now he had started something, this fight went on for a few moments before you realized that he was close enough to you & that you guys were still alone and that no one would know if you shared a moment under the falling snow… 
YN: tonight just being normal was amazing! Thank you so much for this… 
Draco: there is one more thing i feel like we should do… one thing that we are gonna do to remember this moment, how we looked on the floor and for anyone that wants a memory of tonight, i know i will and i know our friends will but we also need to start making memories for our children to see one day… so here is one for the history books...
You didnt have time to respond before he kissed you. the snow falling on your faces and the calm night air made this night even better to just be there together. 
~to be continued~
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dear-space-cadet · 5 years ago
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al horford sleeper agent
anyway by now ive told basically everyone i care about but i had a life changing experience over the weekend. n it sounds dumb as shit but i met a real life dude who was basically a clone of nick from franz. weird hours. guess this is a thread
before we start i want to say i havent thought about franz in weeks. theyve gone away on their own finally but really i think my old obsessions just get replaced every few years and maybe it was my hard work in therapy or my new obsession with rap or
maybe it was just a realization or me growing up and maturing or something but i dont even want to work on my favorite fanfics anymore or anything. it’s just odd. i think im changing
and i don’t think about how my former favorite band members are doing or worry about them or check their socials n it feels really good. but i know there probably is or probably will be a replacement
ok that was a tangent. if they were replaced by anything they were replaced by new friends and the NBA. so there’s the exposition of this story sorted
anyway back to the weekend. the sleeper agent invited me to lunch. and that was the catalyst. god people are being so loud in here let me go to the art library
anyway i just kind of realized "huh i guess there's more out there." i went to lunch n shit. WE went to lunch n shit. stopped caring so much about my math homework. let myself be dumb and in love
that’s a very human thing. lunch. he spilled his stupid chipotle burrito all over his stupid bright green celtics jacket
he’s from italy. never even stepped foot in a chipotle. immediately clowned himself. some world we live in
we hung out all weekend. we went to lunch like two more times and we went to dinner. there was this big threat of leaving looming over my head the whole time. i made him walk like a mile on crutches and i feel very bad about it
i don’t know what’s wrong with him. it’s somewhere between a basketball injury and a chronic disability. either way that just made me feel even more emotionally attached to him. i never saw him without the celtics jacket
it was so cold that weekend. or maybe i just didn’t bring the right jacket. if he were a gentleman he would have offered me the celtics jacket. i didnt even hug him goodbye
and then of course he went back home. theres a million girls all over his instagram comments all the time. theres nothing special about me. he doesn't want to talk. i wrote my ap psych notes in green yesterday bc i was so in love with that stupid celtics jacket
im a sixers fan. the sixers and the celtics have been rivals forever. it was about to be war, except i want to move to boston. but really i want to move to dc. i wish the whole world was philly. things would be less complicated
im in love with a celtics jacket. a celtics jacket. of all teams. and i cant even talk to my basketball friends about it because they think im dumb shit for falling for some celtics fan with a million girls all over his instagram comments all the time
im not like those girls. i don’t think im like those girls. but i definitely exactly am
i have an economics test in fifteen minutes. i think one day ill drown in the atlantic ocean.
the test wasnt that bad. i thought about writing this the entire time. i would just zone out and stare and think about the phrase ‘al horford sleeper agent’
because he has to be. why else would someone put a diehard sixers fan right in front of a diehard celtics fan who looks exactly like the guitarist of their middle school favorite band
in reality i should be calling him a celtics sleeper agent because the whole point is that al horford is a sleeper agent for the celtics. but i hate al horford so i guess it’s more funny to include him in the title
i mean how can one player change so drastically like that? al horford was benched for the first time since his rookie season, like, two weeks ago after being traded to the sixers. how does that happen? why *wouldn’t* he be playing badly so his old friends win the title?
al horford’s gotta be retiring in like, three years, tops. he’s working for the celtics, i know it. and my sleeper agent is trying to convert me to a celtics fan
i understand why people make jokes, though. it’s a very human thing to want to go home. al horford just wants to go home. he lived in boston for however many years let me look it up
god whatever it was only three years i thought it was like eleven that just ruined my point
back to the matter at hand though that’s all we���re trying to do. we all just want to feel at home. we’re all just these little things trying to connect somehow. sometimes we are more desperate than others
i think im pretty desperate right now. sometimes i sit in my bedroom and im like damn when do i get to go home? but im home
i didn’t even want to leave dc. it was all star break and there wasn’t even basketball on. so there i was, in basketball purgatory, wizards territory for some god forsaken reason, losing sleep over a celtics fan and not wanting to go home
and when i say i was losing sleep you better believe me. i was so excited to wake up in the morning that i didn’t want to fall asleep. i wanted to be awake forever, endless, running through the city
i’ll get there soon enough. it’ll be with different people. college, yknow. all that. but sometimes i feel like certain things can’t be replaced.
and im acting like a different person lately. im using my phone at red lights just so i can check for a message from the sleeper agent. it’s always one word responses
yes. ok. maybe. some shit like that. a haha every once in a while. he’s not interested and i should stop trying
and then, INEVITABLY, i send something stupid back, a photo of my hand on the wheel or something, and i get left on read
and i know im stupid for it. everyone i know is screaming at me “disco, you’re dumb shit” but i just want to believe for a minute that im loved, im special
I want to feel like someone out there cares about me that isn’t obligated to, yknow? my mom can say she loves me all she wants but it doesn’t feel as good as some italian celtics fan saying it
some hot italian celtics fan mind you
even if he wasn’t hot or italian it would be nice. and actually it would be better if he liked like, ANY other basketball team
except maybe the knicks
but whatever. main point: i know im dumb shit and should stop trying. but it feels good to feel like if i keep trying maybe i’ll be wanted
sleeper agent is just one of those people tho. he’s magnetic and everyone always wants to be around him. dumb as hell in the most charming way ever. my friends are still all making fun of me
i started crying in a pizza place the other night because even the CONCEPT of italy sent me over the edge. i need to stop before i
wait what’s the word
i need to stop before i immortalize him? no, no
i need to stop before i deify him. soon enough he’s going to be a new canonical character in my head and i’ll start making up legends and stories to myself
we barely knew each other. if i deify him i’ll start telling people he offered me the celtics jacket when it was cold out. he’ll become a perfect gentleman. and he wasnt. he was just some stupid hot italian boy in a bright green jacket
im not going to deify him. it won’t happen. but i love the color green. i always say i love yellow more but i think that’s passed. i wear a green ring on my right ring finger every day. im not going to deify him and i still hate the celtics
overall, the celtics are winning the rivalry. i don’t think the sixers have ever truly been “great,” at least outside of philly. maybe allen iverson. wilt chamberlain. dr j? theyve never had like, a dynasty. idk. i don’t think you’d be able to get a sixers jacket in italy.
it’s his birthday today. i should probably text him. i should probably stop thinking about him. that’s just dumb shit, disco youre better than this what happened to a little self confidence every now and again
sure lets say external validation isnt necessary but also i think that’s something the mindfulness crowd made up to sell more planners and tote bags in 2011. it feels good to be wanted
never waste all your time on it sure. know youre still worth it even when you have no friends and there are a million girls all over his instagram comments. but it does feel good to hear “goodness disco i like how much you like the philadelphia 76ers”
my friends are all making fun of me for being on some romeo and juliet shit because he’s literally from verona and he’s a celtics fan and im a sixers fan god damn it disco why does this always happen
i never even read romeo and juliet but i saw the dreamworks adaptation so i guess ive got the story relatively right i know they die in the end. the gnomes shatter into little pieces i think
anyway tangents aside the sixers won tonight. philly is lit up green. why the hell is philly lit up green? the eagles were done like three months ago and the flyers are orange. why is philly lit up green
oh god, he just snapped me. a zoomed in photo of himself with caption that says “76ers” with like five exclamation points
here we go again, everybody
wish me luck
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01010010-posts · 6 years ago
— fake heart but real me, the same as you.
requests: im gonna put this worm in your ear: au where reader works pretty much as a wall-e type and rk900 is eve
Imagine an android reader interfacing with the robo boys im just so obsessed with this intimate android gesture and im sorta sad not a lot of fics have it aND ALSO HHHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH ITS SO SOFT AND PURE,,,, IT IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SUNSHINE BSBSBHWWJNSNS AAAAAA
Can I ask for a headcanon of the Rks and their S/O if they were a sex worker android?? Or even the Rks can be the sex workers. Anything as long as the reader is an android pls.
ohhhhhhh pick the android reader one. I'm never able to find any on here. I mostly like them cuz if you're human, you'll eventually die. Which is depressing...
me, in the year 2019, still using fictional characters as coping mechanism since i cant love myself: it be like that huh also 60’s one turned out bad im sorry :o
• he actually bumps into you during his eden club case • yep you’re one of the tracis he connects with to find the blue-haired one • there’s nothing peculiar about you • and honestly, the first time he meets you he still isn’t a deviant • but that doesn’t mean he won’t remember you • in fact, his instinct, when investigating a scene after the revolution, and casually glancing your way, is to send you a smile • of course you don’t remember who this other android may be • the club policy was to wipe memories in two hours after all • oh but you’re a curious robot with an empty schedule so you don’t mind waiting the whole half hour it takes for cops to get your testimony • would you look at that he’s coincidentally done as soon as you’re about to leave!! • “hey– I won’t rob you of more minutes” a quip “but I just wanted to say that I’m happy you got free, and, well, to thank you for your help, both then and now. and maybe to apologize for interfacing without asking–” • “umh, excuse me but do i know you?” • and he’s a little taken aback because wow he totally forgot about it • “oh– right, gosh, I’m terribly sorry. we already– I mean, we previously met but maybe this isn’t the best phrasing. I’m– well, we– mh I was–” • is he stumbling through his words? • you shouldn’t, really, but you can’t help but laugh • and he stops, delightfully surprised that he made you chuckle at least a bit • and maybe he blushes blue • “I guess we could still try to get know each other now....” 
• one could say that RK900 is cold, superficial and maybe a little scornful • and one could say that the receptionist model of the DPD is nothing but old, obsolete and surely banal • but then again one would be pretty wrong in both cases • for the receptionist is capable of performing several exaflops operations per second, managing appointments and schedules, even speaking multiple languages • for RK900 is, yes, all of the above, but one thing is yet to be added: he’s terribly in love with the old receptionist model of the DPD. • and he’s very bad at hiding it. • he says ‘good morning’ and ‘good evening’, and eventually ‘good night’, every time he passes through the station’s doors • he, not one day of his career, has been late to work • he makes sure gavin is not rude to you • he sometimes silently helps with humans that might be prone to causing you problems while on the job • he leaves tiny juice-box sized thirium packets on your desk • he got the wrong thirium for your model the first time • and you, tenderly weirded out by the sudden appareance of such thing, had to give it to connor • this dork hasn’t been able to forgive himself ever since • though you don’t know it’s him, he’s the most advanced prototype don’t think he’d leave any traces behind • but being the latest friend shaped iphone has its perks and its cons, for example to not be endowed with social modules as good as yours and not having any idea on how to start a relationship • if it were for him you two would never go past the whole stage of casual conversations and his pining • which, as two androids, could last forever. every human in the present police station could grow old and die and you both would still be there, chatting, smiling, making awkward remarks to each other about the weather. not that any of you really mind that. or maybe he just says those things because you’re not a waterproof model? • but it’s okay because there’s this moment where it’s late at night and almost everyone is gone to their houses and it’s mostly you and him and yes, he doesn’t technically need sleep but you worry about him anyway • and you go up to him and you touch his hand to gain his attention and he, as if sparked by electricity, immediately turns his head towards you • “sorry. i didn’t know RK900 could be so easily scared” you hint a laugh, slightly covering your mouth with the tips of your digits, but don’t let go of the contact with his knuckle • he looks away for a second, fighting his biocomponent to not give away his blue blush “no, it’s my fault, I was too focused on the reports–” as he says this he fixes his eyes to yours and stops “wha– why are crying? is something the matter?” how cruel is it for you to have this feature he does not possess. at this point all of his energy is channelled into not taking your face between his palms and comfort you, whatever it is he can help, as he always does • “is that what you think of me? why you never told me anything?” and suddenly he lowers his gaze to the dark table, seeing your fingers interlacing in a soft white glow, exchanging informations through circuits 
• “can you stop simulating sighing?” • “I’m not simulating it, I am sighing” • “well. can you stop anyway?” • “uhhh, of course not?” • and now it’s RK900’s turn to heave his chest in exasperation whispering a silent “why the fuck are you build like this” • “I CAN hear you, you know” • “I sure hope you do, otherwise I’d have to send a request for repair on a RK800 model” • “shut the fuck up– connor! move! I can’t see them otherwise!” • “60, I have to work, and you should too. stop with the staring” 51 rolls his eyes, not even bothering to launch an annoyed look at his twin, swivelling in his chair as to let the other enjoy his favourite activity: watching the android server from the chinese restaurant across the street that brings lunches to human police officers • “why don’t you just ask them out and spare us with your eternal pining?” • “excuse me? have you perhaps gone mad, nines?” and he deliberately uses that because he knows RK900 doesn’t like it • but, actually, it’s not a bad idea, it shouldn’t be too difficult, just going near them, chatting a bit and using his charm like he always does • but, actually, now that he decided to execute his thoughts, mhh, how to say it, his body is acting against him, making his leg bounce the weird way it always does, making the little wheels in his head going in an opposite motion • “he–” some cough to clear his throat of an nonexistent clot “hey! it’s sunny today, isn’t it?” • GOSH that was such a stupid icebreaker where’s all of his confidence gone!! • but you smile, nevertheless, and your eyes slowly close in that friendly manner he’d grown to love, along with your lips that go up up and up, almost in an inhuman way, flashing a polite face • the same that makes him weak at his knees, makes his thirium pump regulator go crazy from all the blue blood it has to send in the upper part of his freckled cheeks and nose • “yes. we’re having nice weather.” you murmur, gathering back the bags you used to carry all the takeaway in • “I’m– I want to order something.” he has your attention “for tomorrow’s break, I mean” • “oh? you’re buying a plate for a human co-worker? that’s sweet. what would they like?” • “yes– I mean, no– for me, it’s for me.” • “mh? but you’re an android. i’m sorry but we don’t sell thirium based dishes.” • “oh that’s fine. I’m designed to eat like humans do.” he wouldn’t be doing so bad, if it wasn’t for his red LED giving his panic away • “are you? quite peculiar.” you giggle, absolutely delighted by the artificial pearlescent sweat adorning his temples and his fingertips “i’ll get you something then.” • this is probably the toughest order he’s ever asked, and probably the first and last • 51 and RK900 are SO going to mock him the next day they’re gonna laugh at his enamoured ass faking eating just to please his crush he never even picked up a fork in his life what’s he gonna DO
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