#its 4 in the morning please give me a break
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alcoholicrockstar · 3 months ago
i think im starting to better understand why will still attends therapy to hannibal after being released other then dealing with his feelings’ [spoilers]
of course after prison he loses some part of himself to hannibal and the line becomes blurier but i think it can also be compared or paralleled to a victim/abuser situation. 
for example or rather in my experience [dont shame me] your hate for the person can become obsessive if you search for reasons why they did it or why they act a certain way and on and on, which can cloud hate itself entirely and curiosity transform into a way bigger part of it. so once you have the chance to really step away from them and detach yourself leaving you to find the answers yourself instead of watching them fill themselves out infront of you it can get hard
which leads to the phrase “if you cant beat them join them” becoming one of wills only options after prison, considering the he couldnt escape hannibal by going to work, events, etc. in the same instances as classes, pictures, events, friend groups, through other people, haunting memories. there is essentially no escape from hannibal after the fact which you could argue also overloads wills already high empathy
another factor could be acting as if nothing happend while knowing perfectly well what did as hannibal does to will. it can be very maddening, hes had time to build a mask + manipulate friends/coworkers who on the other hand refuse to believe him because they cant see past it or straight up defend him, rule out trauma, or talk about them in a positive light while having a brief knowledge of how he feels because hes outwardly expressed it multiple times
there is no escape and there never will be for as long as he or i live, even if we go to different schools, stop working in the same field, or even move countries. before or after you treat them horribly back, or have even the slightest taste of revenge, it will always bite you in the ass and end with you up being made out to be the lunatic
it destroys you from the inside out and you just have to find a way to silence it and find peace of mind before it does and you lose your sense of identity becoming a part or them entirely, which happens to will in the process
i think this is one of the points of what makes season 2’s writing so good and why i will be defending his every action starting with going to shoot clark, will has a deep understanding of the situation and feels morally obligated to defend him to prevent the cycles repetition because hes been done so wrong, with hannibal on the other hand who can and does sympathize with clark because they also have a vague understanding of each other because they both treat people horribly and use them for whatevers telling them to in their sick head
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ghost-bison · 9 months ago
I am watching Doctor Who and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure with my sister and we were kind of wondering (Jojo season 3 spoilers ahead): if Jotaro Kujo or Dio Brando stopped time in front of the Doctor, would he be affected? Like, would he just stop? Cause he's kind of out of Time, he doesn't really belong anywhere in a normal time-line, if that makes sense
Also I'm kind of imagining Jotaro stopping time to beat Ten up and trying to hit him with his short range Star Platinum and Ten just goes yeet and starts running on his long-ass legs to get away from him lol
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danyasblogsblog · 2 months ago
WRITERS NOTE: this piece is loosely based off an edit on tiktok made by @adoreghvst. i give credit to them for this idea, especially the text messages. please go check out their page as their work is amazing. thanks!!
- after a late night argument, youre out of the house, needing some air away from your military man, who was so protective to the point it felt unfair to you. three in the morning, you realise why he cares so much.
warnings : AAAAHHHDJDHSK SO ANGSTY, reader is drunk, könig crying in front of you, reader gets hit on by a little asshole in the bar
based on the arctic monkeys song, “why do you only call me when you’re high?”
ps i love thinking of könig as a gentle giant and like so protective and loving towards you. thats prolly what all my fics involving könig will be like aha
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schatz - darling
liebling - darling (aswell)
bitte - please
ja - yes
ich liebe dich auch - i love you too
mein engel - my angel
hör auf - stop
‘Hello? Don’t ignore me, schatz.’
your phone buzzed in your small purse. you took it out, knowing exactly who was lighting it up. 4 missed calls.
you sighed, putting your phone back. at this point, you were so drunk you couldnt even remember what you and könig were fighting about. all you knew is that it was the 3rd night you and him had been arguing, and you needed a break.
‘why are you so protective, könig? im not your fucking dog, im able to defend myself.’
‘im doing whats best for you, why cant you see that y/n? i do everything for you and youre so ungrateful.’
your heart ached at the memory. you thought of könig alone at home, calling you over and over again, not being able to sleep. you opened up your purse again, checking your phone. 3 more missed calls.
‘I need you, schatz. Please come back home.’
a tear snaked down your cheek. you wiped it away swiftly and put your phone on do not disturb. you needed a break- no matter how badly it hurt you. while putting your phone back into your purse, you dropped it, a thud bouncing in the air because of it. a curse dropped from your mouth. while leaning down to get your phone, a hand reached for it before you.
‘you dropped this.’ you turned your head up to be greeted by the face of a stranger. he held your phone out, beckoning you to take it. you took your phone, shoving it back into your purse with a huff. ‘thanks.’ you muttered, avoiding eye contact with the young man. he invited himself to sit next to you, introducing his name. you sat there, staring into space as his eyebrows furrowed from how you didnt introduce yourself back to him. ‘hello?? are you mute??’
you felt annoyed. this cunt of a man was destroying your alone time, and all the vodka you drank was catching up with you. ‘sorry, im not interested.’ you mumbled, finally locking eyes with the stranger. he went on a rant about how he couldve just taken your phone and ran off with it, but he decided to be a ‘gentleman’ and give it you. your mind went blank. all your thoughts turned to könig, who was probably still calling your phone, hoping you would home soon.
tears pricked at your eyes. ‘what, so you are gonna cry now?’ the man said.
you stood up and left.
your mascara ran down your flushed cheeks, and your whole body churned with pain. the alcohol rushed through your blood as you stumbled out the bar. you called a taxi, pulling out some notes to pay to the driver. you felt your whole body sinking into the backseats. the sound of cars driving past the taxi just made you yearn to go quicker so you could see your boyfriend and apologise to him.
you took your phone out again. 32 missed calls. a pang of guilt hit you.
‘Please, liebling..’
‘I miss you’
‘Im so sorry, schatz.’
you rang könig’s contact, staring at his profile picture - an image of you and him on your one year anniversary.
one ring. you looked up, expecting a few more rings before he would answer. you were slightly surprised when he picked up the phone right before the second ring. ‘schatz, are you okay? where- where are you i can pick you up’ he sniffled. his voice slightly broke, and the thought of könig crying over you made your heart hurt in an indescribable way. you hiccuped.
‘um- i dont know where i am but im in a taxi come- coming home. im so sorry könig im so sorry im so sorry.’ hot tears fell from your eyes, staining your cheeks.
‘liebling, bitte, dont apologise. just come home and sleep and we can- we can talk about it in the morning, ja?’
you felt so much guilt. hearing your boyfriend’s voice break, and listening to him be so wary of you made your heart crack into pieces. god- now you understood why he protected you. that guy in the bar, you were drunk. what could he have done to you if you hadnt left earlier?
being entrapped in your thoughts made you forget about the call. ‘okay könig. i lo- love you im so sorry.’
‘ich liebe dich auch, mein engel.’
the phone disconnected. you checked the time, 3:26AM. you left the house at 9. how could you do this to könig? the man who just wanted to protect you from all things bad- the man who just wanted to hold you in his arms and rock you to sleep. your body ached with guilt- and the alcohol ran through your body in a way that made your stomach churn.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
you turned the keys into the hole, desperately missing the warmth of you and könig’s home. the door opened, and you pushed yourself inside.
as soon as könig heard the door open, he ran for you. he held you in a tight embrace- his muscles practically crushing you. ‘im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so sorry’ you whispered into his chest. könig could smell the alcohol on you, something you hadnt even been aware of. ‘mein schatz, please stop apologising.. come into bed, engel.’
you broke away from the hug, but you still clinged onto him. your whole body ached. you knew könig could tell, based on the way he swooped you up into his strong arms after watching how you were wobbling and stepping onto his feet. hot tears rained down your cheeks, staining his shirt as you nuzzled your face into his chest. he carried you to your shared bed, settling you down before sitting right next to you.
looking up into his apologetic blue eyes, you could tell he was crying earlier. one thing you know about könig is that he never cries. you knew you had hurt him. you knew what he’d been through, and he had never crumbled talking about it. you knew you did damage. ‘im so sorry’ you mumbled, staring into his hypnotic eyes. ‘liebling, bitte hör auf. go to sleep.’
you closed your eyes, leaning into könig and his scent. he stroked your hair, whispering sweet german words into your ear until you fell asleep.
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starrihan · 3 months ago
100 Percent (Jay Fic)
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-> Pairing: Jay x afab! Reader
-> Plot: You work at a bar and you frequently see this customer you have developed a crush on and decide to ask him for a generous tip
-> Genre: smut, business man! Jay x bar tender! Reader, dom! Jay, sub! Reader, fingering, oral (f. receiving), piv sex, no protection (wrap it up), alcohol and drinking,
-> Ft. Natty from Kiss of Life, Huening Kai from TXT, all the enha boys minus Sunoo and Niki
-> Warnings: none
-> Word Count: 6,800
-> Notes: not proofread! I was having a bit of trouble ending the fic so if it seems rushed or bad its cuz I couldn't figure out how to end it
༄ ༄ ༄
Tonight was just another average night for you. You had a closing shift at the bar, which you preferred over the morning shift. Seeing the time close in on 5:30 p.m, you opted to grab a snack before touching up your makeup and fixing your shirt, making sure your cleavage was slightly exposed– the best way to earn tips from sleazy men. 
The bar was within walking distance, only being about a 5 minute walk away. You liked this job, it provided good money. Although it wasn’t the most conventional, it was pretty easy for the most part, and the tips were an added bonus. You had a few regulars, ones that you could rely on to make good money. 
After flunking out of college, you didn’t really have many options on what to do for work. You didn’t want to go back home, your parents would just give you a hard time. You didn’t want to go back to school, you flunked out for a reason. So you settled for this. 
You slipped out of your small apartment, grabbing a coffee from a nearby cafe before making your way to the bar. You clock in and start your shift. 
“Y/N!! I’m so glad you’re here! This shift has been rough,”
Your co-worker, Natty, sighed. 
“First, a drunk guy spilled his drink all over me and I couldn’t even change because it was busy. It was at 3 pm and it’s Saturday! Then, like an hour later these guys started fighting over a tab. Kai had to help me break them up and they both paid but neither of them left a tip.”
“Damn, that’s brutal. At least you get to leave now right?” You try to ease her pain a little. She just looks at you and sighs again, wiping down the table before going to clock out.
Saturdays were the busiest days at the bar. You were thankful that your other co-worker, Kai, was working with you tonight. You could always rely on him to break up fights and keep customers at bay. Even though his looks were youthful, he was big and buff, which often intimidated the obnoxious drunk men that would hit on you or give you a hard time. 
Mentally preparing yourself for the shift, it started off calm. There was always a slow period between 5-7 o’clock, as most people were out eating dinner or deemed it too early to start drinking. It was after that time that the flow of customers increased. You were steady making drinks for your customers, engaging in some small talk here and there, making sure to flirt a little. 
It was a little closer to 9 pm when you saw 4 men walk in. You didn’t think much of it until they took the 4 seats right in front of you. All 4 of them were handsome, but the one in the middle caught your eye. His hair was slicked back, two pieces falling at the side of his face. They were all dressed pretty formally, they had probably just come after an event. You didn’t think much of it. 
“What can I get started for you handsome boys?”
The tallest guy with red hair spoke up,
“Can we get 4 whiskey sours please?”
“4 whiskey sours, got it”
You said, getting started on the drinks and opening a tab for them. You looked up from making the first two for a moment, noticing that the one you were eyeing before was looking at you. He gave you a quick smile. You finish making the drinks and set them all in front of the men. The one with longer black hair giving you a quick ‘thank you.’ He had a cute accent. 
One by one, they ordered more drinks. The red haired one and the one with the accent were red in the face, indicating that they were drunk. The other 2 guys seemed fine, the taller one was the quiet one amongst them, quietly sipping on his drinks and listening to the others' conversation. 
“Excuse me, um��? I’m sorry, I don’t know your name but can I close out the tab?”
The guy with the slicked back hair asked, black card in hand. 
“My name’s Y/N. And yes, I can close out your tab for you.”
You take his card, fingers brushing ever so slightly. You swipe it and give it back to him.
“Thank you, Jay”
You say, glancing at the name on the card. He chuckles before putting it away. The other guys patted his shoulders and gave him loud thanks for paying for their drinks tonight.
“You guys have all had something to drink tonight, do you need to call an uber or are you walking home?”
“Oh no, we have our friend coming to pick us up. We’re waiting for him.”
He glances down at the receipt, specifically the tip section. 
“How much do you want as a tip?”
You were thrown off at the question, never having been asked that before. You didn’t want to come off rude or ungrateful. He looks up at you when you don’t respond after a few seconds.
“It's not a trick question. The bill came out to $73.”
You look at him, realizing he wasn't joking.
“$27? Make it an even $100?”
He laughs before writing it down on the receipt before handing it back to you.
“Be more confident in your answer next time. Have a good night.”
He shoots you a wink before walking out with his friends. You look down at the receipt and smile, blushing at his wink.
“Do we think he’s cute?”
Kai nudges your shoulder with his, joking around with you.
“He’s cute.”
Is all you say back to him. You hope you’ll see him there again. 
༄ ༄ ༄
The next couple days go by like normal. Going out in the mornings, hanging out with friends and coming back to your apartment before 3 p.m to get ready for your shift. 
The next time you see Jay was on another night shift on a Saturday. It had been two weeks since you last saw him. Normally, you wouldn’t remember people who you’d only seen once, but you couldn’t get him out of your head. He took a seat a little further away than where he had sat last time.
“Welcome back Jay. What can I get started for ya?”
He smiled at the fact that you remembered his name. He looked even better today. He was wearing formal clothes again, but this time a suit instead of a button up like last time. He was also by himself. 
“Just an old fashioned please, thanks.” 
You nod your head, making the drink in front of him. You hand it to him before imploring about his suit.
“Did you have a party or event tonight?”
“Just a work event. My friends and I all work at this company. The end of the year always has many events, awards ceremonies and such.” 
“I see. You look good.” 
You walk away from him, tending to another customer, but you don’t miss the smirk on his face as you walk off. For the rest of the night, Jay only orders drinks from you. It’s nearing 12 a.m again, when Jay calls you over to close his tab. 
When you hand him back the receipt, you anticipate that he’ll ask you how much to tip again. But he doesn’t. Instead, he adds a 50% tip. 
“Thank you for the drinks tonight Y/N. I hope you have a wonderful night.” 
“You’re welcome. Have a good night Jay.” 
He gives you another wink before leaving the bar. He only had about $12 worth of drinks. You wondered why he was in here by himself. Maybe he just wanted to be alone? You brushed it off, finishing your duties for the rest of night before heading home. 
༄ ༄ ༄
Over the past few months, this became routine. Jay would come in almost every other week, mostly dressed up, so you knew he had come there from work. Other times he was just out with his friends for a casual Saturday night out. You got to know him and his friends a little better. 
Heeseung, the one with red hair, who would try and crack jokes with you every now and then. Jake, the one with the accent, who would playfully flirt with you, but it was all good fun. And Sunghoon, the quiet one that would space out a lot. He didn't drink too much and would contribute to conversation here and there, but he was mostly there for his friends. And of course, Jay, who you learned was the head of the office that he worked at, his friends working alongside him. He was sweet and funny, making jokes and making his friends laugh. And he always paid for their drinks. He always tipped 50% no matter how big or small the bill was. He was also your favorite customer. 
“Hey Y/N!”
You looked over and realized it was Jake that had called your name. 
“Yes? Do you need a refill?” 
“Haha, no. I was gonna ask if you could take a shot with us? Jay just got promoted, so we’re here to celebrate him tonight!” 
You look over and see Jay looking away from you, a very faint blush and big smile on his face. 
“Normally I’m not allowed to drink on the job, but I guess I can make an exception for tonight,”
You said, preparing 5 shot glasses. You turn to Jay,
“Pick your poison,”
Something about the way you had looked at him and agreed to take a shot to celebrate him had Jay feeling excited. The look you gave him going straight to his dick.
You raise your eyebrows at him and pour the vodka into the shot glasses. 
“This one’s on me,”
You say. The boys beside Jay cheered and clinked their glasses together, which you did as well. They all laughed while you took the glasses back, but Jay couldn’t stop staring at you. The way you sauntered off with the glasses had him captivated. You return to see him staring at you. 
“Congratulations Jay. I’m sure you deserve the promotion you got,”
Was the last thing you said to him before walking off to someone else. He couldn’t tell if you were flirting with him or just being nice and he couldn’t tell if it was because you meant it or because it was part of your job. 
“You should just go ask her out already. If you keep staring she’s gonna think you’re a creep,” 
Sunghoon piped up after noticing that Jay didn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“Mind your business Sunghoon,”
He spit back. 
He couldn’t explain why seeing you talk to other men– paying customers who you had to service– would make him jealous. While you didn’t have to flirt with them, you wanted to make more tips. Plus, you were single, so to you, it didn’t matter if you had meaningless flirtations with people that had no significance to you. But to Jay, it was like you were cheating on him. He knew it was a stretch, he knew that you weren’t his to claim. But with the way you acted towards him, he couldn’t help but think that you wanted him like he wanted you. 
Over the last few months, Jay’s friends had gotten to know about his little crush on you. They would always tease him when you would walk away and even on nights that they knew he was going to the bar. At first, it was a coincidence that you were bartending the nights he would come in. But soon, he would come just to see you. He hasn’t had a crush on someone in a while and forgot what it was like to have one. But he knew he had a crush on you, and he wanted to pursue it. 
It was close to closing time and you had been called over by the boys again.
“Hey, Y/N! We’d like to close our tab please!”
It was Sunghoon that had called you over this time. You noticed that Jay had gotten up, probably going to the bathroom. 
“Whose card is it on tonight? Surely you’re not gonna make Jay pay for it, right?”
“Of course not! This one’s on me!”
Jake said, handing you his card.
“This is what Jay would have tipped you,”
He remarks, doubling the bill.
“Normally I would think his usual 50% is too much but 100%? That’s crazy, I can’t accept that.”
“Please just take it. This is what he would have tipped if he was paying tonight, and he would kill me if he found out I was doing this for him but just take it.”
You didn’t want to fight him on it, the sentiment making you blush. You would have to thank him personally. But why would he tip you 100% instead of his usual 50%? You were about to ask when you noticed Jay coming back. You decided not to say anything now. 
“Are you guys ready to go? Jungwon said he’s almost here!”
Jay said, wiping his wet hands on his clothes. The bathroom must have been out of napkins. 
“Yeah, let's go!”
Heeseung got up, collecting all their belongings and putting on his jacket as it was getting cold out. 
“Okay, you guys go ahead! I’ll pay and we can leave.”
“Don’t worry about it! I got it.”
Jake said, to which Jay looked surprised. He looked at his friends fondly, and smiled. 
“Thank you.”
They all turned to you and wished you a goodnight, before filtering out of the bar. You waved them goodbye before noticing that one of them had left their wallet on the counter. You quickly grabbed it, opening it to see that it was Jay’s. You ran out of the bar, hoping that they hadn’t left yet. To your luck, you see them getting into a car down the street. You ran up to the car, slightly out of breath as it was down the road and across the street and there were a couple of cars driving by. 
“Wait! You left this!” 
You yell to Jay. He looks at you with concern before noticing his wallet in your hand. You hand it back to him, placing your hands on your knees to catch your breath. He helps hold you up. 
“I appreciate you running out here to give me my wallet but it’s cold! Here!”
He swings his jacket over you which you grip, the cold only now setting in after the mini adrenaline rush was wearing off, causing you to shiver.  
“It’s fine! I’m about to go back inside anyways, I don’t need your jacket”
“Then why are you gripping onto it like you do?” 
He raised his eyebrow, tonguing his cheek before smirking at you. You glared at him before letting a small laugh slip out. 
“I have enough jackets so you can have that one. Plus I’ll be back soon if you wanna give it back to me. But get back to the bar. You have to close, right?”
You nod and smile at him, saying your goodbyes before heading back to the bar. Unable to wipe the smile off your face, Natty notices and laughs.
“What, were you making out with him out there? What took you so long?” 
She noticed the unfamiliar jacket adorning your shoulders.
“And you got his jacket too? He must be in love with you.” 
You playfully smack her arm at her outlandish delusions. 
“Oh please. I just went to return his wallet.”
“And flirt a little maybe? You know we have a lost and found here right , he could’ve come back tomorrow.” 
“Well yeah but… wallets are important. He probably needs it…”
She laughs at you struggling to find an excuse. 
“You have a crush on him, big deal. You know he likes you too right? Why else would he be staring at you and tipping you 50% and giving you a jacket to wear when you were only outside for 2 minutes?”
Everything she was saying to you made sense. You couldn’t help but feel a little tingle throughout your body, almost buzzing at the thought of Jay liking you back. You wouldn’t call what you felt for Jay a crush per se, but you did get giddy whenever he was coming in. You loved the way he’d stare at you and the jokes he would make. He always made you laugh. His subtle flirting would always get you a little riled up. And you couldn’t miss the little spark you’d feel whenever your hands would accidentally touch. Or the need you’d feel at the end of the night that you wouldn’t notice until after he left. 
Maybe you did have a crush…
༄ ༄ ༄
It had been a couple of days since you last saw Jay, his jacket finding its place hooked up on the back of your chair. You always meant to take it down to the bar with you, but you always forgot. Today was no different, forgetting to take it with you before you slipped out of your apartment. 
The cafe you usually went to was closed for the day because the owners were on vacation so you opted to go to another cafe. There was one in a business building nearby so you went to that one instead. You walk in and wait in line, giving your order like normal when you get up to the register. 
“That’ll be $4.45”
“Alright, here you go,”
You say, handing the cashier the money. He puts it in the register and then stares at you for a moment. 
“You look familiar… oh! You’re the girl that was giving Jay back his wallet at the bar! And the one he gave his jacket to that night!”
You smile at his bubbly personality.
“Oh right! You must be Jungwon then? I know you’re always the one that drives them back. They’re very thankful of you.”
“They better be, I have to be up early for class and work and still drive them around at 12 a.m when they’re drinking, especially now that they go so often. I’m picking them up tonight too.”
He says, rolling his eyes while you laugh at his sassy comments.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how do you know them?”
“Oh you don’t know? They all work here, at Belift. Jay’s the COO while the rest are under him after he got the promotion. I work here at the cafe but they all come down so often I know them pretty well by now. I’m surprised he hasn’t told you about it yet.”
You were shocked to say the least. You didn’t know how successful Jay was, that he was almost CEO of a major company in your city. At such a young age too. 
“We don’t really get to talk all that much since it gets busy around the time that they all come in. He did tell me about the promotion, I just didn’t know what it was for.”
You look behind you, a line having formed during your conversation. 
“I should get going, I don’t wanna hold up the line. But it was nice to meet you Jungwon! And thank you again for the coffee!” 
He says his goodbyes to you before you walk out the door and head to the bar. You smile to yourself at the thought of Jay being at the bar tonight. You walk into the bar and are greeted by both Kai and Natty. 
“What are you both doing here?”
Usually, it’s only you and 1 other person at the bar. It was a smaller bar and while it did get popular on Saturdays, there weren't ever more people than 2 of you could handle. 
“You didn’t hear? It’s the last weekend before finals, and the boss is running a special where drinks are half off for the whole night. The college students are gonna flood in here. It’s gonna be a full house tonight.” 
Kai said to you, cleaning off the tables and getting new bottles prepped and ready for the incoming crowd. 
“Boss said he needed all three of us here today since it was gonna be really busy. But that just means we’re gonna get more tips than ever from those college boys!” 
Natty chimed up, excited about the extra money that will be made from tonight. 
“Not to mention that we’re getting paid time and a half to be here today!”
You smile at them, helping them prepare for the night. 
At first it’s slow. The bar opens at 5 p.m so you didn’t expect many people to be there for the first hour or two. Around 8 o’clock is when it started to get busy. And by 9 o’clock, you're slammed. There are more people than you’ve ever seen at the bar right now, even the three of you working quickly wasn’t enough. 
“I’ve been waiting here for 20 minutes but you’re cute so I’ll let it slide.”
Your ears perk up at the voice flirting with you. You quickly finish your task before walking over to him.
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting love, what is it that you would like?”
“Love? That's a new one. But I like it. And I’ll have my usual, pretty.”
You were so busy, it had totally slipped your mind that Jungwon had said he would be back tonight, indicating that Jay would be at the bar. Your shameless flirting had only progressed the more often you saw him. Flirting was basically in your job description, but you had never enjoyed flirting with any of your customers. Only Jay. You rung his usual, to which he gave you his card to open a tab as always. He was by himself today, which wasn’t odd, but he couldn’t get his eyes off of you. The flirting was definitely getting to him, making it harder for him to resist asking you out. You’d notice his stares burning into you, wanting him to do something about it. You felt hot under his gaze, most nights wishing he would just take you on the bar table. 
You continue about your shift, relieved that it was finally slowing down close to midnight. You know that this was normally the time that Jay would leave so you were surprised when he continued to order more drinks. 
“Don’t tell me that poor Jungwon is so tired from picking you up that you have no ride for tonight?”
He just laughed, sipping on his drink and pushing his hair back and out of his face.
“I appreciate your concern for him but no, he’s still gonna pick me up. I just don’t want to leave yet. Afraid I’ll miss you too much if I do.”
You’re leaning on the counter while talking to him. He can’t help the way his eyes flick down from your eyes to your chest, up to your lips and then back up to your eyes. You smirk, knowing that you’ve got his attention, but playing a little hard to get with your words. 
“You flatter me Jay. Just don’t keep your little cafe worker running around too late. Poor boy probably has finals this week like the rest of these college kids do.”
You shoot him a wink before going off to attend to the other customers, though you wished you could talk to him for just a bit longer. 
༄ ༄ ༄
Usually the bar closes at midnight, but because today was special, you were open till 2 a.m. Little by little, the patrons of the bar see themselves out, only a couple people left, including Jay.
“It’s closing time, love. I need to close your tab.”
With what's basically routine at this point, he hands you his card and smiles. 
“What do you want as a tip tonight, love?”
He asks, using the same nickname you had used on him all night. You pretend to ponder before looking him in the eye. Remembering him telling you to be more confident the next time he asked you this question, you didn’t hesitate in your answer.”
“100 percent.”
He raises his eyebrows before cracking a half-sided smile. 
“100% huh? For that kind of tip I would’ve expected more than having to wait 20 minutes between drinks.”
“Last time you were here when you got your promotion, Jake told me you would’ve tipped me 100% and gave me just that. Why is that? 
He was taken aback and just looked at you like a deer in headlights. He was going to have to pummel Jake later for saying that. You really did want an answer, but before he could speak up, you beat him to it, basically confirming your feelings for him was the same as his feelings for you. 
“100 percent. Your jacket is in my apartment. Maybe I’ll let you come up and grab it.”
You looked at him with the innocence of a bunny but the intonation of a siren. You knew you wanted him, and after his hesitation, you confirmed that he wanted you too. The way you said it, you weren’t inviting him to your apartment to grab his stupid jacket and he knew it too, licking his lips as he grabs a pen. 
“My jacket you say? Consider it a trade.”
You can almost hear the need in his voice as he scribbles ‘100’ on the tip line. 
“That's $100, not 100 percent? Your tab was only $30.”
“Oh really? Well, consider it as an extra tip, for letting me get my jacket back. I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
He grabs his card from your hand and walks out. Your heart is racing, realization dawning on you that you were actually about to have Jay over at your apartment. The idea of it was crazy but the wetness collecting between your legs at the thought of Jay taking you in your apartment was enough to make you forget how crazy it actually was. Quickly closing out the rest of the tabs and helping the other two clean up, you rush outside, seeing Jay standing by the front door. 
“Someone’s eager to give me my jacket back.”
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
He laughs at your rebuttal, standing slightly behind you as you walk back to your apartment. The implications of what the next hour would hold made your panties slick with need, Jay’s pants seeming to tighten at the thought of finally getting to have you. 
You arrive at your apartment door, making small conversation along the way. You unlock your door embarrassingly quickly, silently hoping Jay didn’t catch on to how needy you were just yet. You invite him inside, kicking off your shoes. 
The atmosphere shifts a little, going from lighthearted and lustful to an uneasy silence. He doesn’t know why he can’t say anything, almost like he’s stunned that he’s actually in your apartment. This is not something he’d normally do, go back to seemingly a stranger’s house to have sex with them. Was he nervous? 
“The jacket is in my room. I’ll go grab it for you,”
You say. You don’t know what you were hoping for, but you wanted him to do something. Instead, his eyes just follow your disappearing figure. He was frozen in place, not knowing how to proceed next. His mind was running a million miles a minute, trying to decide whether or not he should follow you to the room, if that’s what you were wanting. What if that’s not what you wanted and he was just in over his head? What if you didn’t want to have sex with him? You walk back out with his jacket in your hand, finding any excuse to keep him here just a bit longer.
“Do you want a cup of water or anything?” 
“I want you.”
He remarks, finding the courage and sliding his hand around your waist and capturing your lips with his own. You bring your free hand up to his neck, the other still holding his jacket, silently cheering that he made the first move. He didn’t know why he was so nervous to put his hands on you. As if you hadn’t been flirting like crazy every time he saw you. 
His hands slowly roamed your body, tongue darting out to swipe your bottom lip, asking for permission to enter your mouth. You part your lips in a moan, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in. His hands go down to squeeze your ass a little, trailing kisses down to your neck while you pant trying to catch your breath.
“Mmhm Jay…” 
You moaned a little, making his semi-hard dick even harder, feeling it against your leg. 
“Fuck Y/N, you’re so sexy I’ve thinking about this for weeks now,” 
He says, lips never leaving your neck. He bites down a little hard, causing you to let out a whimper. 
“M-me too… been thinking about you all night…” 
He pulls away from your neck, grabbing his jacket from your hand and throwing it onto your couch as he takes you to your bedroom. You lived alone so there was no point in closing the door. He takes off his shirt before laying you down on your bed, connecting your lips once again. You hadn’t noticed it, but he came wearing regular clothes today, not a fancy suit or button up. You reluctantly pull away, tugging off your shirt and bra, leaving both of your upper bodies bare. 
“Holy god you are beautiful,”
He says, attaching his lips to your nipple and using the other to rub circles into your waist. You gently pull his hair, moaning at the contact and grinding up into him. The action causing you both to let out moans as he switches his attention from your left nipple to your right, unbuttoning your jeans with his free hand and gently caressing your clothed pussy. Your moans send his mind into a frenzy, kissing down your chest and abdomen until he reaches your core. You lift your hips up eagerly, signaling him to take your pants off. He lets out a chuckle, shucking your jeans and panties to a random corner of the room.
“It’s like I said before, someone’s eager.”
You don’t fight back, needing some form of contact.
“And you’re so wet for me too, what should I do with you?”
He teases, running just his index finger up and down your slit. Your mewls only make him want to tease you more, cherishing the little noises you’re making when he’s barely even touching you. Makes him wonder what you’d be like begging for his dick. He inserts one of his fingers without warning, gauging your reaction.
You almost yell at the intrusion, not prepared for him to enter you so suddenly. You let yourself relax before slightly moving yourself on his finger, needing more. He picks up on your movements, thrusting his finger in and out, adding a second one. His face is so close to your clit, you can feel his breath on it. He tests the waters, gently blowing on your clit to which you jolt up. He smirks before dipping his face into your pussy, giving your clit a little lick.
“Jay please, please use your tongue on me!”
You’re all but begging him at this point, growing increasingly more wet at his teasing. 
“I love it when you beg for me babygirl, as you wish,”
He says, fully attaching his lips to your clit, licking and sucking like his life depends on it. The pleasure is building up exponentially, causing a familiar, yet new feeling to build in your core. 
“Jay I’m…”
And before you can finish your sentence, you’re gushing fluid, squirting all over his face.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Jay!”
You yell frantically, embarrassed at your actions. 
“You just squirted all over my face… Can you do that on my dick?”
He asks to your surprise. He removes his finger from you, causing you to whine at the empty feeling, only to remove his jeans and boxers, pulling you closer to him and lining up his dick with your entrance. He collects your slick on his fingers and pumps himself a few times. He nods his head at you, to which you nod back, giving him permission to enter. 
He slowly pushes into you, groaning every second of the way, until he’s fully sheathed himself inside you. Your eyes fly open as he enters, gasping at how big he is. He slowly thrusts in, letting you adjust as he moves. His hands are gripping your hips tightly, pushing through your tight hole almost ensuring that you’ll be left with some bruising in the morning. Your hands are gripping the sheets underneath you, waiting for the slight sting to be replaced with pleasure. 
“You’re so tight, it's even better than I had imagined.”
He leans down to leave kisses on your neck, your hands flying into his hair. He trails his kisses up your neck and jaw, meeting your lips again as he starts thrusting into you with more vigor. You struggle to contain your moans as he hits up right into your spot, the feeling causing a familiar wave of pressure to build up into your core. He breaks the kiss, breathing heavily as your moans grow uncontrollably louder. He all but growls into your ear at your sounds, like music to his ears. 
“J-Jay, please, go faster,”
In an instant, he speeds up his pace without warning, the feeling of your hole clenching around his length eliciting a low grumble from the back of his throat. 
“Please, please, I’m so close!”
“Let it all go for me, baby,”
The moment you squirt out again all over his dick he's pulling it out of you, praying he did it on time. He’s relieved to see his milky white fluid all over your lips, dangerously close to your hole. Your breathing is labored and your throat is dry. Jay wants to collapse next to you, also needing to catch up on his breathing, but spots the tissues on your desk, grabbing them to clean you up before cleaning himself off. 
“That was close. Your pussy was too good, I almost came inside.”
You laugh at his comment while tugging on an oversized t-shirt, relieved that he didn’t come inside.
“Thanks but I should be the one praising you. I’ve never had a guy make me squirt twice.”
Jay’s ego was slightly inflated at the fact, smiling. He puts on his boxers and pants before laying down next to you, catching his breath. You both sit in a comfortable silence, looking up at your ceiling for a while before he breaks it.
"I'm not gonna lie to you, that was probably the best one night stand I've ever had.”
There was the fear of rejection once again. He knew he wanted you as more than a one night stand, but he was too afraid of rejection to bring it up , not wanting to get himself hurt. 
"You have one night stands often then?”
You meant it in a joking way , concealing your disappointment at the thought of never being more than just a good fuck for a guy you had been crushing on for a while. Even through your jest, Jay could hear the slight uneasiness in your voice, after all, he did pay attention to your speech patterns and grew familiar with your confident tone when making jokes. He decided to bite the bullet, who cares if he got rejected? He wouldn’t know unless he asked. 
“Actually, no. This is the first time I've ever done something like this… but if I'm being honest, I hope it’s not the last. I hope I’m not crazy when I say I’ve been crushing on you since we met and that I had a feeling that you’ve been crushing on me as well…”
He lets his voice trail off, nervous of your reaction towards his unexpected confession. One you can’t help but smile at because of how cute it is, despite the current context of your semi-naked bodies settled so comfortably on the bed. 
“What gave it away? The way I’d always service you as soon as I could or the fact that I would spend more time than I should’ve talking to you when I was busy with other customers?” 
You turn to rest your head on your hand while facing him, another question from you breaking him out of his search for a response.
“And you never answered my question from earlier but I guess it makes sense now. Jake said you were gonna tip me 100% the night you got your promotion but he didn’t tell me why. I guess I can assume you had already started liking me before then which is why I so confidently had asked for 100% tonight. But I don’t need your money by the way, I just wanted to test my theory and see if you’d actually give it to me.” 
At this point you were rambling and you knew it, but you wanted to get every thought out of your head before you forgot it, starting to feel sleepy after your vigorous activities. He turns so he’s face to face with you. 
“Aren’t you quite the detective? I found you attractive since the first night I walked in. I’m sure I wasn’t subtle about the way I looked at you and how often I looked at you either. But I think what did it was when you came running with my wallet that night. You looked so cute, shivering and acting like you weren’t cold.”
His explanation has you sighing, content at his answer. You just blink at him cutely and smile. 
“You’re very sappy. But I kinda like it,”
He laughs and scoots closer to you, slinging an arm around your waist. 
“Can I kiss you?”
Your smile only grows wider as you nod, leaning in so he can close the space between you.  His hand that’s firmly grasping your waist is rubbing little soothing circles into it while you tangle your fingers in his hair, a kiss much sweeter and slower than the ones you’ve previously shared. You part your lips a little, allowing his tongue to roam your mouth freely. 
Once you decide to break away, you both gaze into eachothers eyes. 
“I would love to take you out. Are you free tomorrow night?” 
“I don’t know, let me think about it… I’m just kidding, yes!” 
You both laugh at your little antics, Jay now sitting up on your bed and looking for his phone. 
“Give me your number so I can text you. I’ll come back here to pick you up tomorrow.” 
He says, hanging you his phone to put your number in. 
“Here’s my number but you have like a million messages from Jungwon”
“Oh shit” 
Caught up in the midst of his excitement, Jay had forgotten to text Jungwon not to come pick him up from the bar. 
“Where are you?”
“Come outside I’m here”
“The bars closed where are you?” 
“Bro if you don’t come out I’m gonna leave”
“I just checked your location you could’ve told me you went to someone’s house” 
“I’m never picking you up ever again” 
“If if fail my exam on Monday because your bitch ass forgot to tell me that you didn’t need me to pick you up and I don’t have enough time to study I’m gonna take all your money” 
“You suck”
“Fuck you”
You read the messages over his shoulder and laugh, catching his attention.
“What? You left that poor boy outside waiting 20 minutes for you and you didn’t even tell him that you didn’t need him tonight. You deserve everything he said. You should buy him lunch tomorrow as an apology.”
“Yeah whatever he acts like he studies anyways.” 
He rolls his eyes while you laugh. You get up from your spot on the bed, grabbing you both a cup of water from the kitchen. 
“I’m gonna go shower. Wanna join?” 
You say playfully, walking towards the bathroom and giggling.
“How can I say no to an offer so tempting?”
He laughs and follows behind you, hands already finding your waist as he follows you in, your laughs disappearing throughout the apartment as he closes the door behind him. 
༄ ༄ ༄
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newluvrs · 10 months ago
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Sungchan ₊ ⊹₍ᐢᐢ₎  mdni!! 18+ currently listening to: VENUS AS A BOY - BJORK word count: 3k bb note: sungchan is so Venus as a boy coded
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Its 4:37 a.m. when you finally close your laptop for the evening.  Your skin feels like shit and you’re practically vibrating from the amount of espresso shots that were in your iced latte.  You haven’t moved from your desk since noon, only taking miniature breaks to go take a piss and grab a quick snack.  Finals week always makes you feel barely human.  When you finally turn off dnd on your phone, your met with a trillion notifications, but only a specific person holds all your attention.  Your heart lurches when you see Sungchan’s name under missed calls, you almost feel guilty recalling your demand you made earlier this week, almost. 
“Are you serious?”
“Sungchan, please I am quite literally begging.” 
“Baby, I just don’t understand why you don’t want to study with me...” 
You know damn well he knows why and just wants to make you say it.  You look at him with a bored expression on your face.
“You’re distracting.”
When he feigns confusion at your simple response, you roll your eyes before continuing.  
“Fine.  If you want me to be vulgar I’ll be vulgar.  We both know that I want to fuck you all the time.  You know that it only gets worse when I’m stressed.  I can’t sit there with you and just study when 90% of the time all I can think about is jumping your bones.”
“90% of the time, huh?” 
You want to kiss the stupid smug grin off of his face, but you settle instead for turning your back to him, trying to steel your resolve.  
“It’ll only be a week… it can’t be that hard, right?”
Except that’s absolutely not true because why would he ever make things easy for you?  It’s only been a few days since, and you can no longer count on both hands the amount of times you have had to stop yourself from driving to his place. It’s not even his fault, for the most part.  Your boyfriend is just so hot.  You swear BeReal is plotting against you when the timer has just so happened to go off every day this week when he’s in the gym.  How are you supposed to contain yourself when he walks around looking like that, and always so willing to give you what you want.  You’ve had to pause in the middle of studying a couple of times this week just to get yourself off.  Truly you are no better than a man.  
Sungchan himself has pleaded with you a couple of times to just let him come see you.  Trying to explain to you that you’re being ridiculous.  In his head he can’t understand why you won’t just let him be there to help relieve your stress.  He knows that you’re the insatiable one in this relationship.  You having explained to him after you first slept together that your sex drive tended to be high.  And he’s always been more than willing to help you out, whether it be fucking you exactly the way you need after a long day or bringing you to a tender release with his mouth first thing in the morning before you go to work.  He knows exactly what you need when you need it, so he can’t understand why you’re torturing yourself (and him) now. 
chan <3: plz let me come over 
Needless to say you absolutely weren’t expecting to receive a message from him this late at night.  
You: Why r u up??? 
chan <3: ochem :/
chan <3: I need to see u :(
You want to ignore the message, but you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t subconsciously press your thighs together.  All you’ve been able to think about since you last saw him is how bad you need him.  You can only do so much with your own fingers, and each time you get off has just been less and less satisfying.  Before you even get a chance to respond another message comes through. 
chan <3: im coming over
Immediately you rush to jump in the shower, not exactly feeling the most desirable in the ratty t-shirt you’ve been wearing for the last 2 days and your unwashed hair.  You tell yourself you’re not gonna let him stay over.  That all you’re gonna do is give him a quick kiss and a hug, just so that both of you can see that the other is doing fine.  And then you’re gonna tell him that you’ll see him in a few more days, after your last exam.  You say this to yourself even as you forego throwing on a bra.  You say this to yourself again as you pull up your sleeping shorts without putting on any underwear.  You tell yourself this one last time as you climb under your sheets, making yourself comfortable against your pillows.  When the familiar sound of your apartment door unlocking finally comes, you feel yourself become nervous suddenly, voice shaking as you holler that you’re in your bedroom.  
You try your best to act like you weren’t waiting for him, but you fail when as soon as you see him standing in your doorway you immediately open your arms wide for him to join you.  He lays himself next to you in your bed, wrapping his arms around your middle resting his head on your chest as you leave kisses on his forehead.  Immediately you feel comforted by his presence, your mood doing a 180. The both of you stay like this for a moment, just holding each other, feeling the exhaustion in your bones.  It’s him who breaks the silence. 
“Missed you.”  
He looks up at you when he says it, his tired eyes making your heart turn.  You can tell that he also just showered, his hair slightly damp and face covered in a light sheen from his skincare products, pimple patches and all.  You love being with him like this, tired and both of your faces bare, it feels like the both of you truly see each other.  
“”m so tired.” 
You sigh as you rub your eyes, truly you’re so exhausted.  Stress has been wrecking your body and making you feel wound too tight.  Not seeing Sungchan has only made it worse, making you feel touch starved and lonely on top of everything else.  He can already tell without you having to say it that it’s been a long couple of days for you.  He knows how hard you can push yourself to succeed.  Being told your whole life that you’re a hard worker only fueled your anxieties of being the best you could be, afraid to let everyone down.
“Let me take care of you.”  
You look down at him still resting his chin on your chest as he says so, his pretty lips pulled into a pout.  
“Just want to help you relieve your stress, will you let me do that for you baby?”  
You feel your pussy throb at this.  It makes you feel good to know that just as much as you always want Sungchan, he always wants you too.  When you don’t say anything he moves to slot himself between your legs, planting soft kisses against your jaw.
“I need to make my pretty girl feel good.  All I’ve been able to think about these last few days is fucking you.”
You can feel that he’s already half-hard as he rocks his hips against yours, a gentle sigh falling from your mouth at the smallest bit of pleasure.  
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s pushing your shirt up to your hips, his hands moving to your waist as he pulls you fully against him.  He moves his lips gently against yours as you softly moan into his mouth.  You feel so sleepy even right now, everything feeling like a dream as he grinds against you, panting into your mouth.  
“Felt like I was going crazy without you.  I was waiting for a call from you, telling me that you needed me and I was ready to drop everything.  You’re all I could think about.”  
You might be the insatiable one in this relationship but Sungchan is a close second.  For every time that you needed him to make you feel good, there was a time where he needed to make you feel good.  There’s nothing in this world hotter to him than the effect he has on you.  
“Your stupid fucking BeReals made me have to take several… study breaks.”  
Your ears burn hot as you admit this, casting your eyes to between your bodies watching as Sungchan rolls his hips into yours.  Heat blooming in your chest seeing the way the two of you fit perfectly together.
“I wanted to cave so many times… I’m happy you came over.” 
His heart swells in his chest hearing you say this. Placing a tender kiss against your cheek before he pulls away to pull your shorts off.  When he comes face to face with your bare cunt when he was expecting panties, he feels like he’s gonna combust.  
“Jesus y/n, you drive me fucking crazy.”  
He wants to be cocky about it, tease you for having such shit resolve when it comes to him, but he’s so hard it hurts.  You look so soft and tender, hair still damp from the shower, your old t-shirt still on along with your glasses.  He leans on an elbow as he reaches a hand down to play with you, when his fingers brush against your core you’re already soaked. When he looks up at you in silent awe your hands are covering your face, trying to shy away from his gaze.  
“I can’t help it..” You mumble out from behind your hands.  
He doesn’t want to make you wait any longer, slipping two fingers up and down your slit, coating them in your wetness.  He rubs them along your clit briefly just to hear your gasps, rutting his cock against your thigh as he does so.  He moves to pull your hands away from your face as he lines his fingers up with your hole.  Pressing them in he revels in the way you shut your eyes in bliss, mouth falling open.  He feels cocky now, smirking to himself at the way you moan when he crooks them up once they’re fully inside, rubbing up against your top wall.  
“Sungchan fuck..” 
You reach out for him, pulling him down to kiss you while his fingers play with you.  You stay like this for awhile, just making out as his fingers play with you.  He slides in a third to feel the way you gasp into his mouth.  When you arch your chest into his he almost dies at the way he can feel your nipples through your t-shirt.  
“You’re so needy, baby.”  
He presses kisses all over your face as he says this, sliding his fingers out of you to give your clit some more attention.  
“Why are your clothes still on.. this is so unfair.” 
He laughs to himself when you say this, finding it cute the way you try to make demands even as your body is twitching, caving in on itself from the pleasure.  
“Sorry baby, ‘m just gonna make you cum like this real quick, and then I’ll take them off, deal?” 
You can’t even process what he’s saying anymore, just nodding your head as you rock your hips up into his hand.  He slips his fingers back into your cunt, palm grinding into your clit as he finger fucks you.  You’re so distracted by his fingers you don’t even notice that he’s pushed your shirt up to your tits until you feel his mouth wrap around one of your nipples.  Unsure what to do with your hands, all you can do is claw at the sheets, body so overwhelmed from the pleasure.
You cum just like this, the only warning Sungchan gets is the way your body seizes up, your moans reaching a whinier pitch.  He groans at the feeling of you sporadically clenching around his fingers as he fucks you through your orgasm.  Only coming to a halt when you try and push his hand away.  You shudder as he pulls his fingers out, your throat feeling dry as you lay there, boneless.  He’s tender with the way he treats you after, leaving kisses all over your face.  
“So good to me baby, you feel better?”
You nod your head, slowly blinking, still trying to come down from your first high.  When you finally find the words to speak there’s only one thing you can say.
You don’t even care that he smirks to himself at your comment, he deserves to be cocky right now.  When he moves back between your legs, you can already feel heat blooming again, setting your nerves alight.  You can see how hard he is through his sweats, dick straining against the fabric.  Sungchan already knows that cumming once is never enough for you, which is why you want to slap the smug grin off of his face when you hear him ask,
“You want to go again?” 
When you glare at him trying to seem threatening, he can only laugh at how cute you are.  Bringing his lips to yours to kiss the pout off your face.  He leans back on his heels to pull his long sleeve over his head.  You feel yourself throb when you see his body.  You were never one to care about muscles or whether or not someone goes to the gym, but you can’t help but admire all of Sungchan’s hard work.  
“Chan, you’re so handsome.” 
Sungchan feels himself blush at the compliment, filling with pride when you admire him so openly.  He goes to pull down his sweats, freeing his dick from the restrictive fabric.  
“You’re gonna sit there and tease me for not wearing panties, when you show up at my door without boxers on under your sweats?”  
You can’t even sound mean right now because you just feel desperate.  Trying to sound authoritative while simultaneously spreading your legs a little wider to make room for him.  
“Can’t help it I needed to make myself easily accessible to my baby.”  
Now it’s your turn to blush, rolling your eyes like you’re not affected.  He digs a condom from his pocket before sliding it on, you want to make a joke about why it was there in the first place, but the joke dies in your throat when he’s finally lining himself up between your legs.  He runs the head of his cock up and down your slit a few times before finally, finally, pushing in to your wet heat.  The stretch is so good, as he gentle eases himself into you, bringing a hand to thumb at your clit.  The slide easy with how wet you already were from your previous orgasm.  Sungchan loves the way your body opens up for him so easily.  
When he finally bottoms out, both of you just sit there panting.  You take in the sleepy look on Sungchan’s face and think about how yours must mirror his, recalling how it’s close to 6 a.m. now.  You bring a hand up to his cheek, just looking at him as you whine from how deep he feels in you, making you feel so full.  When you finally nod for him to start moving, he pulls out slowly before pushing back in just as slowly, hips reaching deep within you.  Sungchan knows that now is one of those times where you just needed to feel him close.  He fucks you just like this, slow but making sure to sink all the way in each time so you feel full.  
You’re so tired your eyes are starting to slip closed at the pleasure, just feeling so good and so sleepy.  Sungchan sees this and brings himself up to murmur against your ear.
“‘m I fucking you good?”  
All you can do is nod your head, gasping out each time he reaches deep within you.  
“’m I fucking you like you deserve?”  
When he feels you clench around him he keeps talking.
“My needy girl deserves to be fucked exactly how she likes.  You’ve been working so hard baby, just let me take care of you.  Let your pretty boy fuck you good.”  
Sungchan pulls away to rest his head in the crook of your neck, hips picking up the pace.  You bring a shaky hand to the one he has stationed by your head, urging him to lace his fingers with yours.  His heart feeling tender at the action, the gentle affection a heavy contrast to the way his hips are repeatedly rutting into yours.  The both of you are fighting to stay awake, fueled by the need to get each other off.  Sungchan knows you’re close when your moans start to change in pitch.
“You gonna cum?” 
Your eyes are squeezed shut as you hum a simple “mhm” back to him.  Sungchan uses all the energy he has left to fuck into that tender spot within you, hips refusing to let up.  
“Cum pretty girl, then we can go to sleep.” 
You just nod your head, wrapping your arms around him, trying to bring your face to his.  Sungchan takes the hint, softly pressing his lips to yours as he fucks into you one, two, three more times before you’re whimpering against him, body twitching as he feels you seize up around him.  He follows close behind, spilling into the condom as you twitch around him, fighting to keep your eyes open so you can see the way his face contorts from the bliss.  When he’s done going through the motions, he pulls out of you, hissing from the sensitivity.  He disposes of the condom before pulling his sweats back up, cleaning you up quickly with a damp towel trying his best to be gentle, putting a clean pair of underwear on you before finally sliding next to you in your bed.  
When he cuts the lights off you can see that the sun is starting to shine, both of your eyes feeling heavy as he wraps himself around you.  Before you both doze off you hear him mumble one last thing.
“I really did miss you.” 
You smile to yourself, placing a kiss on his pouty lips. 
“I missed you more Chan.”  
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watarfallar · 2 months ago
Incorrect quotes because I'm rewatching Wild Life
Scar: Hey Grian, check out this funny .GIF I found! Grian: It’s pronounced “jif”. Scar: Huh? Grian: “Dot jif”, like the peanut butter. The creator said so. Scar: That’s dumb, it’s Graphics Interchange Format. Grian: The P in .JPEG stands for “photographic”, but I bet you don’t say “J-pheg”. Scar: “P” on its own isn’t pronounced like “F”, that’s totally different! Grian: It’s exactly the same! Scar: Name one word that starts with “G” pronounced like “J”. Grian: Gentrification. Scar: Shoot, should have thought of that. I was just in San Francisco. Grian: For your logic to be consistent, you’d have to say “skuh-bah” (scuba) or “lah-seer” (laser)! Scar: Yeah? Well, you’d have to say “J-pej”! Scar: …Wait, “laser” is an acronym? Grian: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Scar: Huh. Didn’t know that. Scar: You’re still wrong, though. Grian: You just hate me because I’m right. Scar: I just hate you in general. Grian: You mean in “geh-neral”? Scar: Ugh, I’m “joing” to kill you!
Grian: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Scar: loads shotgun I got this. Grian: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Scar: Okay, Grian, you were right! I was… Less right!
Scar: Grian, wake up! Grian, half asleep: Five more minutes… Scar: You’ve been in a coma for two years! Grian: … Grian: Okay, two more minutes…
Grian: Shut it Scar, I only shook your hand because I had to. We will NEVER be friends. Scar: Lets survive this together! Grian: I HOPE YOU DIE.
Scar: What’s your biggest fear? Grian: I am incredibly arachnophobic. Scar, under their breath: You don’t want spiders to get married?
Grian: chokes on something Scar: Jeez, Grian, don't die on us. Grian: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Grian and Scar are texting Grian: Who are you? Someone changed the names in my phone. Scar: What did they change my name to? Grian: Chosen One. Scar: Don’t change it back. Grian: BUT WHO ARE YOU?!?! Scar: I’m the chosen one.
Scar: Are you mad? Grian: No. Scar: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Grian: Alright, listen up you little shits. Grian: Not you Scar. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Scar: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Grian: …I was hungry.
Grian: Don’t you have any dignity, Scar? Scar: Uh, no.
Grian: Do you want this handful of moss? Scar: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss? Grian: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Scar: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense. Grian: I’ve got plenty of common sense! Grian: I just choose to ignore it.
Scar: I’m serious! They’re watching me! They’ve even got an agent following me! Don’t you believe me? Grian: Look, it’s not that I don’t believe you… It’s that I don’t believe you and I don’t care.
Scar: Grian keeps forgetting which WiFi network they're supposed to use. Scar: So I renamed ours to "Grian, use this one" to help them out a little.
Grian: Please, Scar, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this. Grian: I’m sorry Scar. Grian: I’m begging you. Don’t do it. Scar: It has to be done. Grian: Scar: Grian: Scar: Places +4 Uno.
Scar: Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad single life? Grian: It actually does.
Grian: Amazing! Scar, your just like Sherlock Homeless! Scar: IT'S HOLMES!
Grian: I taught the dog a new trick. throws ball Fetch! Dog: just stands there Scar: He didn’t do it. Grian: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
Grian: What the hell is wrong with you? Scar: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
Grian: Do you have a superpower? Scar: Yep! It’s hindsight. Grian: …that’s not going to help us. Scar: Yes, I see that now.
Grian: You’re giving me a sticker? Scar: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” Grian: I’m not a preschooler. Scar: Fine, I’ll take it back- Grian: I earned this, back off!
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fanfics4all · 4 months ago
Stupid Fight
Request: Yes / No This is based on this post that I saw a little bit ago from @hereforhalstead
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 487
Warnings: Mentions of a fight, but its just fluff! 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The couch creaked beneath me as I shifted for what felt like the hundredth time, trying to find some semblance of comfort. The argument with Spencer replayed over and over in my head, the details blurring together into a mess of stubborn words and wounded pride. I knew it was something trivial, but here I was, lying alone on the couch in the middle of the night refusing to budge. 
Spencer’s silence from the bedroom was haunting and I wondered if he was doing the same thing I was, lying there staring at the ceiling and trying to ignore the emptiness beside him. Normally, he’s right here, curled around me, his hand resting on my waist and breathing softly against my neck. But tonight, both of us were too stubborn to give in. 
I closed my eyes, forcing myself to settle, but every noise in the quiet room seemed louder and every shadow somehow colder. The minutes crawled by, each one stretching longer than the last. I hated this distance, the silence that had settled between us. But I wasn’t about to be the first one to break, not tonight. 
Just as I started drifting off, I felt the couch dip beside me, and a familiar warmth settled close. My heart skipped as Spencer slid beside me, one arm slipping around my waist as he pulled me close. I felt his fingers trace gentle patterns along my arm and I closed my eyes, sinking into the comfort of his touch. 
“Spencer…” I mumbled, my voice barely a whisper. But before I could say anything else, he nudged my head gently, guiding it into the crook of his neck. His chin rested lightly on top of my head and I let out a soft breath, inhaling the familiar scent of him. My heart softened, and all the tension slipped away as I relaxed against him. 
“We can go back to arguing in the morning.” He whispered, his words gentle but filled with something deeper. 
“But I can’t take another second without you next to me.” I closed my eyes, the fight within me softening as his fingers continued tracing soothing patterns on my arm. I knew at that moment, that the argument didn’t matter. Not when he was here, holding me as though I was his entire world. I could feel his heartbeat steady and calm, lulling me into a warmth I could never find alone. 
I wrapped my arm around him, burring myself closer and breathing in his scent. The silence wasn’t cold or stained anymore… it was peaceful, a promise that no argument, no matter how big or small, could keep us apart for long. And as I drifted off in his arms, I knew that in the morning we’d talk, we’d apologize, and we’d make things right. Because with Spencer, I’d never be alone, never be without this warmth and love that anchored us both.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @pettyjayy @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101  @reidssmile @currentfangirl-futuremedexaminer @mggstyles @satans-0-spawn @emofairygay @thesoftestwarlock @liz-owl
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cutiebinni · 2 months ago
172 with myunggi?
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ // i wait for you - exes to lovers with myung-gi
warning !! : angsty, set in incheon south korea, myunggi is a bad bf, cussing, think thats all !
a/n : i love this trope so bad. yes, the title is derived from that one alex g song! (this is SO bad im sobbing guys)
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
you’d send text after text, but you’d never get one back.
it frustrated you, really.
you didn’t understand why he couldn’t just text you back, give you at least some closure.
you’d been texting him for 7 fucking months. would he ever get back to you? if he did, what would he even say?
what do you even say in that position? how could he ever possibly explain himself?
you give up.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
1 month later
the phone ringing woke you up in the middle of the night. you looked up at your ceiling to where the time projected.
3:27 am.
who the fuck would be calling you this late? you grab your phone and look at the number.
a number you didnt know was calling you at 3 in the morning? that’s odd..
it had to be pretty important if they couldn’t wait til morning, so you answered. you tapped answer and pressed the phone up to your ear. “hello?” you mumbled.
“h-hello? is this- y/n, oh my god, is that r-really you?” the voice, which you presumed to be a guy, rambled on.
was he.. crying?
“who is this?” you questioned, “how do you know my name?”
“do you really not recognize my voice? y/n-ah, its myung-gi..”
you froze.
myung-gi’s calling you? after all this time?
“what do you want?” you spat coldly.
“listen, baby, i’m sorry—“
“no, i don’t wanna hear your ‘im sorry’ bullshit. what do you want?”
“can you let me finish?” he said frustrated. “im sorry. i know what i did was wrong. do you think we could meet up..? i wanna..-“ he sniffled before continuing,
“i need to explain everything. i know you pr-probably hate me, but please, y/n..”
you hesitated, part of you wanting to decline and hang up, but you were curious. “fine,” you started, “where do you want to meet?”
“really? u-uh.. remember the park we used to go to? what about there? 8pm?”
you sighed, “i guess i’ll be there.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
it was five degrees out, about 4 inches of snow covered the ground. your feet sunk into the ground with every step you took.
you had put on a puffy black jacket, a scarf and some warm earmuffs.
you saw a bench that was covered in snow and walked over to it. you drew a little heart in the snow with your gloved hand before wiping all the snow off and sitting down.
5 minutes later, you still sat there on the wooden park bench, freezing your ass off.
and then you saw him.
“y/n..” he mumbled. bags under his eyes, heavier than ever. nose red from the cold.. or was it from crying? you stood up and he walked over to you.
“hi myeong.” you muttered back in a slightly cold tone. he ran up to hug you, and you gently pushed him off. “what did you want to see me for?”
“i just wanted to see you. hear your voice in person, you look so pretty, prettier than ever.. my y/n-“
“don’t call me that. im not yours anymore.”
he took a step back, your words feeling like ice cold water to the face, like a reality check. “right.. i uh.. sorry.”
“do you really think you can just walk back into my life like this? like nothing ever happened?”
“i- well, i..” he said before shaking his head, clearing his throat and continuing,
“i had to do what i did. you know how many people are after me. i didn’t wanna risk your life. y/n, i’m 1.8 billion won in debt. other people are in the same amount of debt because of me. im wanted by the police. me being with you risks your life.”
“you could have at least told me something.. i was worried sick. i thought you died.”
"i know," he said, his voice breaking. "i was scared. scared of being vulnerable, of dragging you into my mess. but i realize now that pushing you away was the worst thing i could have done.”
you sighed. "i don't know if I can just forgive you like that. you hurt me.”
"i understand," he said, tears in his eyes, "but i’m here now, and i want to make things right. if you'll let me."
you looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. “it’s gonna take time. you’ll have to be patient.”
he grabbed your hand, frantically nodding, “i’ll wait, y/n. i’ll do whatever i can.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
months passed, and true to his word, he was patient. he showed up, he listened, and he worked to rebuild the trust.
slowly, the walls you had built around your heart began to crumble.
one evening, as the sun set, you found yourselves back at the park, sitting together on that same bench.
he turned to you, his eyes full of love and hope. "i’ve missed you so much. more than you'll ever know."
you smiled, feeling the warmth of his words. "i’ve missed you too."
he leaned in, hesitating for a moment before you closed the distance, your lips meeting in a kiss that felt like coming home.
in that moment, all the hurt and pain melted away, replaced by a love that was stronger than ever.
tags : @ventforu @zuminxtdoor @enhacracy
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akaakeis · 5 months ago
us without me — hinata s.
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synopsis :: it's been 4 months since you and shoyo broke up. of course, being the kind person that he is, you ended up still being friends. it just doesn't feel right, having this kind of relationship with him now. his new significant other? that should be you.
wc :: 1.5k
hinata shoyo x gn!reader(?) (2nd person)
cw//notes :: yeah idk if this counts as x reader cause spoiler yall do NOT get together... anyway,, this is my first solid angst fic be kind please and thank u,, angst angst angst,, crying,, occasional cursing,, based off of us without me by grentperez
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"hey..." the voice fades out, "... good?" the voice tunes its way in and out of your hearing.
"...hey, you're zoning out, are you okay?"
tears are welled up in your eyes as you snap your head upwards to see two concerned faces looking back at you. shoyo's bright eyes are narrowed as his brows furrow at you. he's worried. the face next to his mirrors his own, looking at you with concern.
"you look out of it. do you wanna use the restroom?" they ask, looking at you tentatively. your eyes drift downwards to their hand, which rests intertwined with shoyo's on the table. right. they're with him now. you offer a hesitant nod, pushing your chair away from the dining table and standing up.
shoyo watches as you and his partner walk off to the restroom. he doesn't know what's going on, and frankly, he's not sure he would fully get it if it was explained to him. in his mind, it had already been 4 months; surely that meant you were completely over him. he doesn't have anything but kindness and platonic love for you— it just wasn't working out, the japan and brazil thing. it was hard to make the time difference work. and the distance.
meanwhile, in the restroom, you start crying. shoyo's partner— hell, you can't even remember their name— panics as you start to cry, frantically trying to comfort you. in frustration, you let out a huff.
"look, i'm fine. you don't need to hang around me and comfort me right now, thanks," you choke out. you gesture to the door of the restroom. maybe you're being mean, but honestly, you can't be bothered to consider that right now. what you would give to be them. for your relationship with shoyo to have never changed. the amount is insurmountable.
they nod slightly, gently patting your shoulder. "sorry, i hope you feel better." with those last words muttered, they exit the restroom, leaving you alone. all the memories have come rushing back to you. 
2 years ago.
"i'm home!" his voice echoes through the apartment. he looks past the entryway, seeing you laying on the couch and watching tv. he kicks off his shoes and joins you on the couch.
1 year ago.
"good morning," he says, his voice still raspy from sleep. his arms find their way around your waist as you stand in front of the stove, making pancakes.
"morning," you reply, smiling at how evident his contentment is in his tone of voice. "you slept late."
he hums. "...yeah, but i'm up now." he laughs softly, lightly squeezing your waist as he hugs you tighter. "let's eat!"
you agree, turning around and handing him a plate of pancakes. "yep, let's go!"
...and then after that,
4 months ago.
"brazil?" you echo him.
he nods excitedly.
"but what about us..?" you ask, looking at him in confusion.
he freezes for a moment, his smile faltering.
"well..." he starts, "i don't know if we would work out if we tried to stay together."
did he really think that your love for him was that shallow? you would go to the ends of the earth for shoyo. you loved him deeply. distance and time zones wouldn't stop you from doing so.
"...you don't even want to try?" your voice breaks, tears welling up in your eyes. "we can make it through this, sho, i know we can," you continue, your voice shaky as you sniffle.
he frowns, taking a step towards you and wiping the tears off of your face with the sleeve of his hoodie. "hey. i just don't want you to feel neglected. we can still be friends... you know i love you, right?"
you pull away from him, quietly nodding. it hurts, knowing that he's doing this because he loves you. what could you even say in response to all of that? you'll always love him, he's your best friend and boyfriend. 
"yeah," you clear your throat, "let's stay friends. when you're in brazil, make sure you call me and tell me what it's like, okay?" you say, forcing a smile onto your face. "i'll help you pack for the flight."
why did you have to remember all of this now? when you're visiting brazil to see shoyo? you're out to dinner with him and his partner— now you remember, their name is eden. even their name is pretty. you can understand why shoyo would like them. they have the aura of the sun— attractive, pretty, kind. what was left to be desired? they looked so good together. they complimented one another perfectly.
was that what you guys looked like?
with a look in the mirror and a quick wiping of your face, you head out of the bathroom. you make your way back to the table, feeling two pairs of eyes on you as you sit back down. you place down a couple bills to pay for your food and then gather your things, getting back up. you put your bag over your shoulder and step to the side of the table.
"sorry, i'm not feeling well. i hope you guys enjoy the rest of dinner. i'm gonna head back to my hotel, if that's okay," you mumble, waving as you walk off to your car.
"wait, wait, are you okay?" shoyo asks, looking at you and frowning.
you smile slightly. "yeah, i'm fine, sho. don't worry. i'm okay."
with that, you leave the restaurant, speeding back to your hotel. the music in your car blares as you whiz past the traffic going in the other direction. you want to go back home, but you're stuck here for two more days.
two more days of this. shit.
you enter the hotel, go up to your floor via the elevator, and go straight to your room. the keycard makes the scanner on your door beep, and the room unlocks. entering the room, you toss your bag onto the small desk by your bed and fall face first onto the mattress. a loud groan can be heard as you lay motionless on top of the comforter. 
the room feels much too quiet without shoyo there. there's no casual chatter of his day, no laughter, no humming. it's dead silent. maybe you made the wrong decision, going back to the hotel to be alone.
the silence is broken by the buzz of your phone: a message from shoyo. it reads hey, are you feeling better now? you left so suddenly :( eden and i are worried about you
you don't bother opening the message, tossing your phone across the room and burying your face back into the bed. oh, to be eden. 
shoyo fell hard and fast for them. you would know, since you were the first person he told. their aura was captivating. they were sweet to everyone they met. and they were so, so pretty. it felt unfair, having to see them and shoyo be so happy together while you were still stuck in the past.
you didn't get it. why would he say you could still be friends? he didn't need you, and this is only keeping you from moving on. you love him, but god was this hard.
as you spiral into these thoughts, tears flow. why did you go to brazil? 
even though you wanted to be in eden's position, it was next to impossible to imagine it. they looked so good with him.
your phone, laying on the other side of the hotel room, rings. sliding off the bed and grabbing it, you lay on the floor and answer the phone, only to hear shoyo's voice come over the line.
"hey, you weren't replying to my messages. i just wanted to make sure you're okay. are you sick?" he asks quickly, his voice laced with concern for you.
you probably should've checked who was calling before picking up, damn it. you let out a soft sigh and reply, "yeah, sorry, sho. i'm fine, thanks for checking on me. i think i may fly home early, though."
"wait what? why?" you can practically feel him frowning through the phone.
"cause... i don't know. i'm feeling homesick," you lie.
"oh," he remarks, his tone sad, "well i hope you have a safe trip back then." he follows this sentence with an old nickname he had for you, making you pause. the memories rush back again, making your eyes brim with tears.
"...thanks, sho. i'll see you some other time."
with that, you end the phone call and buy tickets back home. within 30 minutes, you're all packed and ready to leave for the airport. you drive yourself there, letting the music blast through your car on the way. 
getting through security is shockingly quick, and none of your bags get flagged for inspection. your gate was an easy walk, the terminal being right next to security. you were of the first group to get called onto the plane, too. this was a nice change of pace.
as you sit on the plane, you look out the window at the ground below. you haven't taken off yet. coming to brazil definitely wasn't a good idea, but it was an experience for you... which is good, you guess. maybe one day, you'll be content with only having a friendship with shoyo. for now, though, you needed distance to get over your feelings for him. at least the romantic ones, anyway.
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notes ::
⟡ if you're reading this, you are so gorgeous!! don't compare yourself to other people like i wrote for the purpose of this work
⟡ i actually enjoyed writing this it was pretty relaxing for me :)
⟡ tried my best but idk if im the best at writing angst...
⟡ if you wanna read more of my work, check out my masterlist <3
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🏷️ :: @chososcamgirl ,, @anqelfries ,, @cheriisae ,, @bakery-anon + @bokukos <3
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© akaakeis 2024 all rights reserved. please do not repost, edit, or translate my works on any platform.
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dazed--xx · 2 years ago
SKZ Break up Reaction (Maknae Line)
A/N:so I’m uploading this on my phone cause my 4 year old decided to break my chromebooks screen but I wanted to get this posted so I can post the second part to both anyway if you guys have any requests my requests are open any group you want me to write I usually do lol so just let me know anyway hope you enjoy please like comment reblog I love hearing your opinions
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“GET OUT!” You shout, as you feel Jisungs arms wrap around your waist. You can feel his tears leaking through your shirt as he begs you to hear him out. Your tears streamed down your face. “you need to leave Jisung” You growl taking his arms from around you. His head shakes in panic “No! NO! Im sorry okay?! It was a mistake it didn’t mean anything to me” he cries. His shoulders shaking rapidly. You scoff at his words “Yeah for you it was just a fucking tuesday of course it wouldn’t mean shit to you. But the fact that you didn’t even think about me or I don’t know maybe the fact that you werent even single, proves to me that everything youre saying is bullshit. You don’t just go and fuck someone and then say Oops I made a mistake. You made a fucking choice Jisung and just cause it doesn’t mean anything to you now doesn’t mean you didn’t fucking do it and proves how much I cant trust you.” You snap, gesturing to the crying boy. Grabbing the bags you packed for him, you shove them at your ex boyfriend.
“I don’t want to go” Jisung confesses, his hand wrapping around your wrist pulling you back into him; burying your face in his chest. “Please don’t make me go, I don’t want to wake up every morning without you. I don’t want to let you go. It meant nothing then and now please believe me I don’t want anyone else it was a drunken mistake and I will never stop regretting it. I can make it up to you, I-I c-can fix things please—fuck—please don’t make me go. I love you” His sobs take over his body as you begin to pull yourself away from him. You stare at him, wanting to remember every inch of his face. You caress his cheek. Your eyes locking with one another “Im sorry, but I cant trust you anymore and I cant be with someone I cant trust. I want to break up. Im sorry but if you don’t leave. I will” You confess pulling your hand away from him. “Please....” He whines “Im sorry fuck im so sorry theres nothing I could be more sorry about I don’t know how to fix it. But I don’t want to leave please don’t make me leave, I need you okay? I need YOU! No one else I don’t know how to convince you of that” You shake your head at his words “You don’t need to convince me, you never will be able to Jisung, there’s never an excuse and I wont be able to trust you ever again. It will always feel like a lie.” His eyes widen in shock.
“i-I-” You lift your hand, not wanting to hear anymore “Just go, Jisung! Im done you hurt me way to much and I don’t want to hear your lies anymore” You growl. Nodding in defeat, he picks up his bags and makes his way to the door. You hold the door open for him as he makes his way out as he turns to face you once more you can feel your resolve breaking “I will always love you” he cries as you close the door.
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Hey baby, just wanted to tell you good morning and I miss you when can I see you again? Its been too long😞
Your heart races as you read his message. Biting your lip you contemplate replying before deciding to lock your phone and continue avoiding him. You werent sure why he even bothered anymore, you knew he was pretending, and whilst he didn’t know you had learned the truth about him, you felt stupid every time you thought about seeing him. You were torn between the Felix you had gotten to know a bubbly sweet and kindhearted person that would give up their last for anyone in need, and the one that, apparently, likes to make bets with his friends about how long it would take for you to sleep with him. Its been a few days since you had been told the truth by Minho’s girlfriend, and ever since you had avoided Felix. You couldn’t help but feel anxious and idiotic anytime you thought about being near him, apparently he had won the bet, you did sleep with him fairly quickly considering you guys have been going out for only a few months and have been actively having sex since about your third date; and the idea that right after he went and reported his win to the boys made you feel dirty, gross, and used.
Your phone vibrating in your hand pulls you from your thoughts. Staring at the screen youre met with a photo of your smiling boyfriend. Pressing the decline button, you toss your phone on the bed lifting yourself to your feet. You stare around your room, pictures of you and Felix laugh at you as you grab the stuffed bear Felix had won for you on your second date. With a newfound resolve you toss the bear on the ground. Your body acting on its own accord as you begin throwing every symbol and memory of your relationship in a large destructive pile on the ground. Sobs rack through your chest, nausea building in your stomach. You trusted him, you allowed him to knock your walls down and he lied, pretended and faked his way through everything. With determination in your heart you stomp your way over to your bed grabbing your phone opening your messages with him.
To: LIXIE💕☀️
Please stop calling me stop texting me just leave me alone you won your stupid bet just leave me alone we’re done.
Your palms were sweating as your phone began vibrating once more. You stare at the photo of Felix, your jaw clenches as hot tears run down your face. You watch as the photo disappears a missed call notification coming in before the photo pops up once more. You sit in place as a plethora of calls continue to come in as well as messages all unseen. With a shaky breathe you turn your phone off, opting to take a shower you trudge your way to the bathroom. Your movements halt at the rapid knocks on your front door. “Babe! Please—fuck—open the door!” Felix’s deep voice pleads. Your hand smacks over your mouth, as you hear your doorknob rattling “Y/N! Open up please” he cries. “Let me explain!” The knocks continue in quick succession. “P-please! I-I c-can’t lo-lose y-yo-you, n-not like t-this please!” His voice is desperate, you could tell he was crying. “I’m sorry” the door begins to shake. You could tell he was trying to ram the door open. “I’m sorry! Please talk to me, we can’t be over we can’t Im an idiot but you mean so much to me don’t break up with me I’m sorry! I’ll explain I’ll tell you everything please” your sobs unable to be hidden anymore “Y/N?! Are you crying? Please—fuck—don’t cry please I’m sorry please open the door please! I need to see you. I need you to listen please open up!” He pleaded. You stared at the door as your heart pounded on your sternum as Felix pounded on your door. You apologized silently as you sat on the ground your arm wrapped around your waist as you held your hand over your mouth; tears steadily streaming down your face not being able to bring yourself to open the door.
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You stared blankly at the mahogany table, avoiding Seungmins bored stare. “Why did you ask me to meet you here if you weren’t going to say anything?” He questions confusion etched on his features You sat in shock at his words, you weren’t sure why you were so surprised at the cold stoic tone he used. It had always been the same with him anyway always leaving you to feel small under his judging gaze. You questioned the status of your relationship often due to the lack of affection on either part. You felt more like a close friend rather than his girlfriend or even someone he was dating, and whilst you two had never defined your relationship, you did assume from the fact that he had specifically told you that he had considered the time you two spent together as dates. You stared at your hands as your fingers continued to play with themselves in your lap. “I’m sorry…” you murmur, you hear him hum in response “it’s fine everyone has bad days” you shake your head in response “n-no…I’m sorry but I don’t think we should see each other anymore” your voice is almost a whisper but the widening of Seungmin’s eyes has you shocked. “C-Can I ask why? I thought things were going well…” he questions his hand reaching for yours sadness flashes across his features as you shift yourself further away from him “we’re more friends than anything don’t you think” you mumble disappointedly. “Friends?” He scoffs like the term was beneath him. “I’d like to think we are more than friends” he states calmly.
You wrap your arms around your waist “honestly can you name a single time we’ve done anything that could signify that we’re more than friends” you snap. Seungmin leans back in his seat, taking a sip of his coffee. “We go out on dates…umm I talk to you all the time…” he trails as he contemplates more answers only to come up with nothing and letting out a sigh. “It’s okay…you aren’t attracted to me Seungminie, not the way I am to you and I think you should find a girl you actually like” you state sadly as you lift yourself from your seat. “Goodbye…” you mumble as you make you’re way out of the café. Seungmin sat there in shock, a tear running down his cheek as you make your exit. He willed himself to say something, anything to get you to stay. He watched in horror as you made your way out of the door. His heart shattering in his chest as he wills you to turn around and just see him, see how he’s falling apart at your departure. He’s begged for every moment with you and in his idiocy you were wisped away, he felt lost what could he do?
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“You’re really wearing that?!” The disgust oozing out in his tone. You look down at your lilac skin tight dress and white thigh highs before nodding with confusion etched on your features a pout in your lips. “I-is there something wrong with what Im wearing?” You prod your eyebrow raising in offense. Jeongin scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. You stood in your place, biting your lip in frustration “I mean you look really…..interesting.” He grits. You could feel the uncomfortable stares. You knew what he meant by interesting, reflexively you tug on the hem of your dress bringing it lower on your legs. “Don’t listen to him you look great!” Nayeon smiled as she rubbed your wrist comfortingly. You nod dejected, your eyes not leaving the ground. “I-I’m going to get something to drink” you state rapidly as you rush over to the kitchen. You stare down at your dress, you felt stupid and thanked god you had brought a hoodie. Taking a deep breath you grab a red solo cup pouring a small bit of vodka and adding pineapple juice before mixing the drink. You stare into the concoction, as used to Jeongins temperament and the harshness of his tone you are, you contemplate as to why you had even entered this torturous relationship.
You couldn’t think of many times when Jeongin would speak to you without insulting you in some shape or form. From your hair being the wrong way to you just being too annoying for his taste that day there was always something you did wrong. You thought today would be different, you thought for once he’d actually acknowledge you the way he used too when you first began. Your heart completely shattered considering it was your second anniversary. Your relationship was fantastic up until just a few months ago and now it feels like Jeongin would rather drop dead before even looking at you anymore. You don’t know why you had bothered anymore it obviously wasn’t working. You’ve done everything you could to try to save your relationship tonight being your final attempt and as much as you wanted to give the rest of the night a chance; he couldn’t even acknowledge your anniversary all day and then to greet you like that at a party you didn’t even want to be at. You weren’t sure if you could continue this, you missed your loving, sweet boyfriend. You didn’t know who this Jeongin was. You sighed as you take a sip from your drink. The mixture of alcohol to juice lacking so you grab the vodka bottle once more.
“Sure get drunk so I have to take care of you tonight” you hear from behind you, you roll your eyes. “What? I’m literally just making my first drink” you scoff before turning and shoving past your boyfriend his hand wrapping around your arm “oh and thanks for embarrassing me tonight by the way” he spits. An embarrassing heat fills your cheeks “how did I embarrass you?” You growl a fire burning in your eyes. “You’re kidding right?” His lips are formed in a tight line, you press your chest against his in defiance “No! How did I fucking embarrass you Jeongin?”
“So dressing like a slut to a party where you know your boyfriend and his friends are going to be isn’t a fucking problem? It’s not embarrassing?” He snaps, the glare in his eyes challenging you. The rage filling your stomach you toss your drink in his face. “I can’t believe you! You fucking prick” you shout, Jeongins eyes grow wide at your action. He stood there shocked, covered in your drink, his hands reaching for you quickly with a call of your name. You put your arms up preventing him from touching you. “No! I’m done! I’m so fucking done with you Jeongin! For months I’ve put up with your shitty attitude all because I loved you and you obviously don’t feel the fucking same anymore! You made me miserable and I still loved you! Don’t call me don’t text me just leave me alone. Happy anniversary Jeongin, I’m giving you the best gift I could…you’re single congratulations” your resolve completely breaking as tears stream down your face. You can see the panic in Jeongins eyes, his mouth sits agape in shock. With a scoff you turn to make your exit. “W-wait! Where are you going?” He calls, his voice is shaky. “Babe?!” You can hear him following after you “wait! Y/N!” His voice is shaky as you make your way out the front door, you knew if you turned back just one look at his face would break you. You had to keep going; you picked up your pace as the cold air kissed your skin.
Your car was only down the street a bit you just had to make it there and you were home free. Your heart raced as your legs moved rapidly. You felt arms wrapped around your waist pulling you back into a strong frame. The familiar cologne fills your nostrils, you could feel his shaking figure. “Don’t go, I’m sorry” he pleads. You sigh “please let me go Jeongin” pulling his arms from around you not turning to look at him. “I’m sorry please don’t go im an idiot I didn’t mean to forget but I don’t think it’s something you should break up with me over” he scoffs slight annoyance in his tone. A scowl forms on your face as you whip around to look him in his eyes “you know what?! Yeah! You ARE indeed a fucking idiot! If you think I’m breaking up with you over this bullshit ass anniversary then you’re wrong! You treat me like shit and a burden and I’m just done you obviously don’t love me anymore and as much as I do love you I deserve better just…please leave me alone…” tears stream down your face at a rapid pace, your heart shattering at every word. Your eyes drifting to the floor as your bottom lip finds it’s way between your teeth. Your eyes never once lifting to meet his as you turn away from him and make your way to your car. You don’t see Jeongin standing there in horror as you ultimately walk away from him. You don’t hear the sound of his heart shattering in his chest as you don’t look back at him. His jaw clenched as tears stream down his cheeks willing himself to not chase after you because like you said, you did deserve better
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catladyoftheyr · 11 months ago
Too Sweet
Harvey x Reader
Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5
Summary: you’re the new farmer in town and you ended up with an extra coffee. You offer it to Harvey and have a pleasant chat on his break. Fluff fluff fluff. One suggestive line about a kiss but nothing steamy. Reader is ungendered.
Authors note: I have this TikTok of him with that Hozier song on loop in my head. I love Harvey sm like that is my MANNNNN (also the farmer in that TikTok is really short so they kind of look really young)
Word count: 973
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You liked to stop by the saloon in the early afternoon before the evening crowd made their way in. It was quiet and allowed you time to have conversations with Gus before other patrons needed his attention. “Hey, Gus” you called out as you walked in. He glanced up from polishing glasses behind the counter and smiled.
“Hey there! What can I get for you today?” he responded. You’d become a regular at the saloon since you’d moved in earlier this year at the beginning of spring but your order changed too often to be pinned down.
“Coffee today, please” you were feeling tired after spending your morning tending to the farm and needed a caffeine boost. Gus slid two paper cups in front of you.
“Last of the pot. Didn’t want it to sit there and go to waste. Second cup is on the house.” You appreciated his hospitality and generosity. You’d seen him give free hot meals to Linus if he was hungry as well. You slid the cash across the counter and took a sip of your coffee. You thanked Gus again before slipping out into the sunny afternoon.
You wondered silently who to gift your second coffee to, not wanting to keep it for yourself. Just then the door to the clinic across the street opened and you saw the local doctor step outside. “Hey!” You called across the street, trying to catch his attention. He glanced up at you with a confused look on his face. “Harvey, right? Gus gave me an extra cup of coffee today and I don’t need two. I saw you come out of the clinic and I was wondering if you could use a pick me up.” You caught up to him and offered him the warm paper cup.
“Oh thank you! That’s very kind of you.” Harvey grabbed the cup from you. “You're the new farmer aren’t you? I heard you inherited the land from your grandfather.”
“Yeah I just moved a couple months ago. I’m finally settling into a routine and starting to feel like the valley’a a good choice to call home. Oh, the coffee’s black by the way. I hope that’s alright.”
“I actually prefer it that way. I’m glad you’re settling in okay. Farming is hard work, be careful not to overdo it; I’d hate to see you end up in the clinic from overworking yourself. I was actually just about to go on an afternoon walk, would you care to join me?” Harvey looked away sheepishly as he delivered his invitation.
“I’d like that. I actually prefer my coffee black as well. But yeah, farming is tough. It’s a huge change from the desk job I had with Joja back in the city. The farm is still in pretty rough shape but I’m taking it day by day. What made you want to move to the valley? I imagine you can’t get a medical degree unless you go outside the valley.” You watched as the steam from the coffee fogged up Harvey’s glasses. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to clean them before responding.
“I studied in Zuzu city. I’d visited a couple other towns in the valley before, but Pelican Town won me over with its charm. The community is very tight knit here; everyone looks out for each other. May I ask what made you decide to take over the farm?” You hummed quietly, contemplating your response as the two of you walked together. There were so many things that led up to your decision to start over. It was almost impossible to pinpoint it to one particular answer.
“That’s a tough question. I felt the pressure rising for a long time before the bubble popped I guess. Eventually something just snapped and I couldn’t take it anymore. Truthfully I wasn’t very happy in the city. I’d gone through a really hard breakup, and my career wasn’t panning out how I thought it would. Taking over the farm seemed like an impulsive decision, but something in my gut said it was the right choice.” Harvey nodded and sipped his coffee. The two of you sat down on a bench that overlooked the graveyard. An elderly woman with a kind face, Evelyn you remembered her name was, was watering the flowers.
“Sometimes starting over is for the best,” he replied softly. “I hope you grow to love this town and become more integrated in the community.” Harvey held his cup in one hand, letting the other fall close to your own free hand on the bench. The tips of your fingers brushed for just a moment and you felt energy run through you. You’d never looked too closely at anyone in town before, but you noticed now that Harvey was rather handsome. He was clearly older than you, in his late thirties or maybe early forties. He had a neatly trimmed mustache and light stubble on the rest of his face. You felt your cheeks flush involuntarily as the thought of how his mustache might feel against your skin crept in.
“I hope so too. It feels like I’ve been too busy to make many friends in town. I still feel like an outsider,” you admitted. “It’s usually hard for me to talk to people, let alone open up like this. Most of my conversations since I’ve moved here have been with my chickens.”
Harvey let out a small chuckle. “I didn’t know chickens were such good conversationalists.” Just then he glanced at his watch and frowned. “I’m so sorry to cut our conversation short but I have to get back to the clinic soon. I hope I see you again”
“I hope so too. Maybe you can meet the chickens.” You smiled and and gave him a small wave goodbye as he got up.
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pherelesytsia · 2 years ago
Who did this to you? - 8
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/Reader
Summary: Bruised and broken, Y/N, trapped in a loveless marriage, arrives at her best friend's house, desperately hoping someone will help her, aware she cannot return to the estate of her husband.
Warning: fear, anxiety, Angst, swearing 
Word Count: 2.3k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part6 Part 7 Part 9
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The clouds wandered on, a lonely wanderer travelling across oceans and meadows, hills and rugged mountains painted in snow. White greyed, darkened and blackened, turned into pure doom, darker than black. The wind howled, screamed and screeched and the branches, crooked fingers, waltzed in all directions.
Silence blanketed the car driving down the path bordered by fields and trees, but it was not unpleasant, cruel, forcing nonsense to fall to shatter it. Shocked, Y/N noticed with widened eyes they had arrived at the open gates of the estate she called her home. At a rapid pace, the car drove on and on, past other parked cars and parked between them in different shades of the deep ocean. The motor wasn't roaring, turned off and the chanting of the birds sitting in one line on the lowest branch invaded the car smelling of alcohol, petrol and leather. The wind knocked on the automobile. Polly gulped, turned and rested her hand graced by a golden ring cautiously, almost shyly, on Y/N´s lap, but the shivering and shaking woman painted in blue and red, lightened by streaks of purple, did not flinch nor speak her mind. Carefully Polly´s fingers slid across Y/N´s calf and pulled the thick fabric higher to hide the exposed skin. Polly pronounced her name and pulled Y/N out of the dark and dreary thoughts, summoning goosebumps all over her flesh.
            "Thomas is fine. He knows what he's doing. Nothing will happen to him." Polly assured calmly, guessing the reason for the fear in the widened eyes and sweaty palms.
Faintly Y/N smiled.
            "I know, but I'm worried about him. About Poppy. There was blood, too much blood. I thought it was the new wallpaper she had told me about. They, she and her mother, redecorated the house. The pattern, it looked like flowers, large and smaller dots." she replied.
Exhaling, Y/N closed her eyes veiled by tears once fixed on the distance, watching the sun, the rays breaking through the travelling clouds heralding a day full of terror.
            "I'm sure your friend is fine, too. Thomas will take care of her." the woman continued with a gentle, encouraging smile on her features, kissed by the orange rays.
Polly cleared her throat. The smile fainted, and the wrinkles deepened. She didn't need to search for the right words, had already pictured during the ride what she would say to Y/N if their paths should cross, but all Polly wanted to say had dissolved, had lost its meaning.
            "We're home Y/N/N. Ada is waiting, but before we go inside, I want you to know that we are sorry. We have not been good to you, to put it nicely. Please forgive us and I speak on behalf of the whole family. John was the one who opened the door for your friend. After we realised what had happened, we were looking for you. I hope you will give us a second chance even if we don't deserve one. We will understand if you want to leave. We won't hate you for your decision." Polly continued and squeezed Y/N´s hand.
Y/N turned, ignoring the nearly unignorable pain trying to elicit a hiss from her, and turned to face Polly. She wanted to start a sentence; lips parted, but no tone escaped the sore throat. Y/N stared past Polly towards the door, flying back and forth in the fresh morning breeze. Ada ran towards the car as if chased by a ghost, had left the door wide open, ran on tiptoes and hissed and cursed like a witch as the stones dug deep into the soles of her reddening feet. The hem of the dress danced in the breeze. Gasping for air, Ada spread the large checked blanket, usually resting on the floor next to the sofa. The wind painted her cheeks vibrant red, lighter than her evening gown.
            "Come, Y/N/N, we will protect you." Polly assured in a calm, slightly quivering voice, but Y/N heard no falseness, no lie in it.
Y/N could not utter a reply. The air, hinting of winter, invaded the car. The women shivered and balled the hands into fists. Ada hushed a greeting, spread the blanket, glanced at the wounds gracing Y/N´s body, down on the battered feet and the shivering limbs. The pain in her chest deepened at the sight of the shadow of a woman, read in her eyes what she had been through. The lip was chapped. The traces of a fight were evident on her cheek and throat. Ada tossed the blanket over her shoulder, noticing Y/N was covered in one. Wordlessly Ada helped Y/N out of the car. Soft curses blurred with whimpers. Whispering soothing words, Ada pulled Y/N away, closer to the house, kicking the door of the automobile shut and gesturing for Polly to pursue. 
            "I've prepared a bath for you. I'll help you upstairs. If you don't want to bathe, I can put a bucket of water next to the sofa. You can at least warm your feet." Ada said.
With every step, every slight movement Y/N made, the once brilliant white material slipped and revealed more wounds, swellings, and darkening spots not fading in the golden tide of the sun's rays, but grew even darker. Blue turned to green, lit by purple flashes and red veins carrying blue blood. Patiently Ada waited, and stared back at Polly, walking hastily after the women.
            "Thank you. I think the bucket will do. Maybe I'll get in the tub later." Y/N replied meekly, as if speaking to her mother, fearing the answer would enrage her, but none of what she expected happened.
The chilly breeze blew through Y/N´s hair one last time. The door slammed shut, and the keys jingled, chanted a song that faded quickly. All doors were closed and locked. Curtains touched. The first aid box, not battered, holey neither with a worn handle nor dented corners, rested open on the table. Scissors, and spotless bandages lay next to bottles of high-proof alcohol, freshly washed not dried glasses, cigarettes and silver needles drowning in alcohol. Blankets covered the sofa, to which Ada led Y/N and a down pillow. The white porcelain bowl graced by blue vines and flowers was in the middle of the crowded table. Smoke rose from the cup, sweet lavender, and banished the unmistakable stench of blood and gore.
            "May I offer you some soup?" the question was unnecessary, asked out of politeness.
Y/N turned into a tree, rooted deep into the ground, not moving. Her arms swayed forward. Questioningly, the two Shelby's exchanged glances, searching for the reason for the fear in Y/N´s eyes, unable to find it, but then, after a moment that seemed not to pass, Ada took a step forward, let go of Y/N, took the polished pistol and hid it under the table, still handy but out of Y/N´s sight. Polly placed her hands down on Y/N's shoulders, trying not to cause her any more pain, let the blanket slide to the floor and carefully pressed the young woman down on the sofa. Ada wriggled back towards them, took the blanket still hanging over her shoulder and laid it down on Y/N's legs, covering them, reached for the pair of fluffy socks, wiped away the dirt, small stones, dust and dried mud, and put the socks on Y/N´s feet.
            "It's okay." Ada breathed before Y/N could protest.
Smiling, Ada looked up, wiped her hands on her long dress, picked up the bowl filled with soup and placed it carefully in Y/N's lap, handing her the silver spoon.
            "Here, Y/N/N, eat. I'll fill you a bucket with warm water in the meantime. Polly will keep you company. If you need anything, if you feel sick, all you have to do is tell us and we will help you. You are still in shock." Ada said in a calm voice.
Gulping, Ada crouched next to Y/N.
            "We should have taken you into our family. I am sorry, we are all very sorry. It's understandable that you don't want to see us, you have enough reasons to hate us. The only thing I can do is to promise that we will do better. If you need time, I have a friend. She owns a small cottage a few miles away from town. There is a pond and a small forest. It's lovely. I could arrange that you could spend a few days or weeks there." Ada continued.
Y/N merely nodded, unsure of what to say, not knowing how to respond, and kept on smiling. The two women watched Ada as she rose from the ground like a phoenix from the ashes and strode away. Polly leaned closer to Y/N, tidied the blanket and hinted that she should eat, that it would do her good. A soft thanks escaped Y/N, smiled at the women who wordlessly indicated that she should finally start eating and so Y/N did, dipping the silver cutlery into the depths of the bowl whose end she could not see, watching the thinly chopped vegetables slip from the spoon and as the warm liquid flowed down her throat, Y/N realised how hungry she was and ate greedily.
Time had lost its meaning. Y/N had emptied the contents of the bowl. The last piece of sliced carrots had disappeared, yet she did not place it on the table, continued to warm her fingers on the ceramic bowl.
Heels clicked against the dark wood, had put shoes a hue darker than the evening dress. Cautiously, Ada continued walking with her eyes fixed on the troubled waters, fearing the warm liquid was about to spill over the golden rim. A towel, white with a few washed-out stains, hung over her right shoulder, the towel she always used when a brother standing on the edge of the world was carried inside the house. The floorboards groaned, and Ada stopped and noticed Y/N had finished the soup she had cooked for her.
Out of the corner of her eye Polly noticed how Y/N´s eyes were growing heavy and she leaned forward, took the bowl and placed it on the table. The young woman wanted to protest as Polly told her to rest, to say that she had to stay awake, that she wanted to wait for the return of the brothers and her husband.
            "No, Y/N, lay down. You can stay with us or you can go to the bedroom. We will keep watch and if you need anything, you can call us.", "Polly, we should take care of Y/N's wounds first." Ada interjected.
            "That won't be necessary. That can wait. Alfie has taken care of her wounds it's just dirt and scratches. The wounds are not life threatening. Y/N rest, close your eyes. I promise I will wake you up if Thomas is home." she replied.
Carefully Polly pushed Y/N backwards. Her heavy, throbbing head sunk into the pillow. Closing her eyes, Y/N sighed in relief, exhaled as the blanket fell down on her body. Birds chirped, the howling ceased and lulled her to sleep.
            Polly leaned forward happily and noticed Y/N had fallen asleep.
            "Thomas told me that Alfie has taken care of Y/N. No deep wounds or else I would have taken her to the hospital. We can take care of it later." Polly reported.
Ada rose, set the bowl aside on the table, sighed deeply, nodded, listened to the woman and turned to the fireplace, the blazing flames feasting on the wood and fed by the howling air hinting of winter.
            "She was beaten up. I didn't see any bullet wounds. Did Thomas tell you what happened or who is to blame?", "He has a guess, but he couldn't tell me anything specific. It all happened too fast. The gang has Y/N's girlfriend in their grip. At least that's what he thinks. The house was trashed, destroyed, and I think I saw bloodstains on the floor." she breathed softly.
Her eyes kept sliding to the slumbering figure, kept glancing at her right side and noticing with relief that Y/N was still asleep, her eyelids neither twitching nor her lips twisting into a pained grimace.
            "Alfie's going to show up any minute. Thomas called him. He fears someone might pay us a visit." Polly whispered in Ada's direction.
Ada perked up, grinned, felt the weight of her weapon at her side, settled down in front of the blazing flames, gnawing on wood and fed by air on the armchair, threw the pillow to the floor on her side and crossed her arms in front of her body.
            “We don’t need someone to protect us.” Ada stopped.
A soft knock silenced Ada. The women exchanged glances. The rustling, and shuffling of shoes and feet, softly uttered words, the closing of the door and the jingling of keys followed by low grumbles couldn’t awake Y/N from her deep slumber, lying on the sofa, a princess in the shadow of the vigilant dragons.
witchymoonbabe secretdreamlandmentality mysticalpandora kittiowolf210 muhahaha303 dreamy-caramel elinalfrida violet-19999 niyah834 watersquirtpewpewboomm piceous21 elliaze heidimoreton literishdegree99 globetrotter28 thecrazytealady regulusblacksimpsblog torresbarnes nightgirl250 sweet-angely05 allthenamestakenwtd
hellomyweirdos mysticalbouquetwolf-posts batmanbiersack02-blog fulla02 regulusblacksimpsblog  smile-sugar calsjack starry-night-reid chlorrox regulusblacksimpsblog 100percentlazybonez kenny-0909 diabolusdevia stuckinmylittlebubble  hobothejuggalo camomiletangeringe v7nt7
kiara-rose-blackthorn rangerelik abaker74 madsothree kittiowolf210 lucyandersons-world marigold-morelli meyocoko angelicwolfyqueen iwanttohitmyself pennywisesstuff batgurl42 sleepymadmess lolcaca yolobloggers lor-16 randomgirlwriting rs-fanfiction-2001 bohemian-lavender-girl woofgocows evilangel1324 mrkdvidal1989 nervousmumbling camomiletangeringe tommystargirl toxicenough deadunicorn159 nnercreationflower liar-or-lawyer optimisticsandwichgladiator comfortzonequeen nctma15 banksmars twistxdx inloveppp answer-the-sirens justanotherficreader nunya7394 lovemissyhoneybee lostgirl219 yourbloodyqueen
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potato-lord-but-not · 1 year ago
“There’s something aesthetically pleasing about the word noon. Its palindromic spelling feels appropriate for the middle of the day, when the sun is directly overhead and the hands on the clock are pointed upward in a straight line. It’s even spelled with letters found more or less in the middle of the alphabet.” (“What Time Is…” par. 1)
Perhaps unfortunately for my argument, this article goes on to explain how the word ‘noon’ originally referred to the ninth hour of the day, that of course being 3 o’clock; because the sun and with it the people rose at six. It is derived from the Latin word for ‘ninth’, ‘nonus’. The word’s meaning apparently shifted during the twelfth century, because of the prayers of monastic orders. The second of three daily prayers would occur at noon, and the time of this prayer eventually became earlier, landing at twelve. This is believed to have been so the monks could break their fast sooner. Of course, this is not universally agreed upon and other theories include shifts in seasonal daylit hours, and European Medieval people’s struggles to have accurate timekeeping.
None of my sources suggest that three o’clock was considered the middle of the day at any point in time, therefore I would like to argue that the word noon did not originally refer to the middle of the day, but eventually, when it was given to the time that is more deserving of that title, came to do so. I believe that the denotation “middle of the day” is something that is both scientifically and culturally awarded, and that for whatever reason the people (however unknowingly) creating the Old/Middle English language believed twelve o’clock to be so. If you wish to create your own cultural norms, by all means go ahead, just remember that the word culture refers to a group, so you’ll need to find some people who agree with you. (Which, hey, maybe you already have, maybe most people agree with you and I’m just being pedantic.)
Anyways um hi, sorry about this, I did in fact make a tumblr account solely to send you this, because the idea of doing so was too funny to me to not.  Also, I just discovered that the Oxford English Dictionary website has a pay wall these days and I am DEVASTATED I tell you, devastated. But yeah, I’ll stop, have a good weekend, I love you, I hope your morning spent on public transit hasn’t been too boring.
Works Cited
“Culture Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/culture. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
“Noon (n.).” Online Etymology Dictionary, www.etymonline.com/word/noon. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
“What Time Is ‘Noon’?” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/noon-history-ninth-prayer-hour-nones. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
OFC you’re leaving citations on A TUMBLR ASK OH MY GODDD anyway I do believe I’m starting a cultural shift because everyone I’ve asked so far has NOT said mid-day is noon they’ve ranged from 11-1 to 1-2 (albeit a bit earlier than my 2-3 answer but STILL)
Yknow what fuck it let’s do a poll bb
anyywayyyy everyone say hi to my girlfrienddd give them a nice warm welcome to tumblr <3
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earlysunshines · 2 years ago
i fall in love too easily
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader.n (pt.2)
summary: your niece has access to too many romance movies and sana thinks she's in love with someones mother.
wc: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of food
pt. 1, pt. 3, pt. 4
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a/n: hi! I hope you all enjoy this! I'll try to update this little series as fast as I can! I have been a bit busy, but I'll try my best. I have some ideas for it, lot's of fluff, lots of wlw pining-ish idk.
anyways, enjoy!
(again, this whole thing is inspired by @soliarus, their take on the prompt is adorable, go check it out!!)
You check the watch on your left wrist, it reads 3:11 pm, meaning Hana would be out in 4 minutes.
You had just got off your 7 hour shift and were worried that you’d be late to pick up your niece, luckily, the school was only a seven-minute drive away. 
You fiddled with the collar of the white button-up shirt that you still had on from working, and you wonder to yourself whether anyone would care how dressed up you were, at least, compared to the casually dressed parents, grandparents, and guardians around you. You anxiously waited for the moment when the bell would ring, and you waited for when the kids would be spilling out the entrance doors to reunite with their parents.
You checked your watch again and it hit 3:15 pm, and a loud ring of the bell was heard.
It was only a minute later that you started to see groups of kids being led out by various teachers. You scanned the area for a bit, and thankfully you were tall enough to see over some of the parents’ heads, so that you could see your little niece standing with a group of kids, 
You also saw her teacher.
You made your way over to the area where Hana was, and Hana seemed to notice you first because she was already running toward you with her arms out. You wonder how the hell a four year old could make you lose your balance, and you might have to consider her signing up for football due to the way she almost made you fall as she came into contact with your lower body from the hug,
“Y/n!” She grinned, and you kneeled to match her level and give her a proper hug, “I missed you y/n!”
“I missed you too sweetheart, you seem happy.” You say, and you brush some of her hair out of her face,
“Ms. Minatozaki is so nice and sweet, she let us paint and she gave me more stickers for being good! They're sharks too!” the little girl beams, making you smile,
“Is that so?”
“Yes! Does this mean we can go to the cafe? Please? I was good I promise.” Hana pleads, tugging at your rolled sleeve. You hum as you think to yourself,
“Hmm, we’ll have to ask Ms. Minatozaki to make sure, won’t we?” You respond, and you’re really just saying that as an excuse to talk to your nieces' teacher again.
You glance over to where Sana is, smiling and waving to a set of parents and their kid. Her eyes light up with surprise and delight as they meet yours, her cheeks slowly turning a shade of pink, though, you don't notice.
Sana bids a final goodbye to the parents and the kid before you and your niece make your way over to the beautiful young teacher.
“Y/n! It’s lovely to see you again.” Sana greets you, and you feel that warmth in your chest again, your heart skipping a beat.
She still looks as beautiful as she had in the morning, maybe even prettier. That voice of hers is still soft and sweet when she greets you with joy, and her face lights up the same way.
“It’s great to see you again too.” You say, and you subconsciously fix your shirt and dress pants to look more presentable. A smile finds its way to your lips, and Sana’s too. There’s a small moment of silence as you gaze at each other, and you feel that warmth in your ears again, and this time it’s slowly spreading to your cheeks.
You clear your throat and tug at your collar, “How was Hana today?” You say, breaking the slight tension in the air. 
Hana looks at her teacher with puppy eyes as she hopes to get a good answer, and Sana giggles to herself softly,
“She was very good today, she was really helpful too,” Sana says, Hana lets out a big sigh of relief.
“Is that so?” You question, and Sana hums in response,
“She helped me put the paintbrushes back, she’s a sweet girl,” Sana explains, and Hana tugs at your hand,
“I told you! I told you I was good, so can we go to the cafe? Please?” Hana pleads, and you nod at the little girl, then bring your gaze back to the woman in front of you.
“I guess we should get going then…” You begin, your gaze tearing away from Sana reluctantly to look back down at the girl beside you, “Why don’t you say bye to your teacher, Hana?” 
Hana nods and you watch as Sana crouches down to meet the girl's level, patting her head and ruffling it a little before Hana hugs the teacher, and for a moment you think to yourself: gosh, I wish that were me. 
You steal another glance at the young teacher before Hana goes back to you to hold your hand and tug you away. The last look you and Sana share has a sense of longing and an unspoken desire to get to know each other more, and you finally wave to her with a smile, and she gives you that adorable grin back to you and your niece.
“Alright, let’s get going.” You say before taking off Hana’s small school bag and putting it in the front seat, then lifting her up to put her in the carseat in the backseat of your dark green Mercedes. You close the door and make your way to the front seat to start the engine, 
“Buckle up!” the little girl exclaims from the back seat, and you laugh, 
“Of course, I wouldn’t forget the most important step.” You respond with enthusiasm.
You click shuffle on the playlist that you and Hana had made months ago, and a jazz favorite of yours starts playing. You turn down the volume so it turns into a faint melody in the background as you drive, and Hana starts to hum along.
You park near the cafe in your usual spot and grab Hana’s bag from the passenger seat, then open the door for Hana to jump out. The little girl’s smile widens immediately as she spots the exterior of the cafe, and rushes over to the entrance, and you have to run after her.
“Hana wait! Be careful!” You call out, hurriedly shutting the door and fumbling with the keys in your hand to lock your car, all whilst running after the excited five-year-old.
You two enter the cafe and are immediately met with the familiar and inviting atmosphere. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries and the scent of espresso shots being pulled, and you can hear the gentle chatter and laughs being shared in the cozy cafe.
There are a few people present in the cafe, though it’s not too busy at the moment. You spot a few adults in their work clothing sitting and chatting at the table for four near the window, sipping on their americanos and lattes. The dim corner to the right is lit up by a small lamp hanging from above and is occupied by a trio of high school students laughing, and they seem to be treating themselves to a small cake. 
You scan the area and your look shifts over to where the familiar baker and barista are. The baker notices you and stops what she’s doing to wave,
“Ah, Y/n! You’re back, did you miss me that much?” Dahyun jokes, “Oh, and you brought my favorite customer too.” She adds, redirecting her gaze to meet Hana. Hana gives the dark-haired woman a big, gummy, and toothy smile before going to hug the woman as she walks out from behind the counter,
“Ms. Dahyun! I had my first day of school today! My teacher says I was good!” Hana boasts, and Dahyun laughs before ruffling her hair up a bit,
“Wow, I’m impressed. Hmm… maybe I should give you the special treat I prepared then.”
“Please please please please please please-”
“Alright, alright. A special treat for my favorite customer coming up!” Dahyun says cheerfully. The shorter woman heads behind the counter, and you lift Hana onto the chair thats pushed under the marble surface.
You make your way to where the taller barista works, and he’s busy measuring the coffee grinds for an espresso shot. He furrows his brows as he takes a small portion of the ground coffee out from the portafilter,
He jumps a little and you laugh,
“My god, don’t do that.”
“My fault, can I use the steamer real quick? I need to make something for my niece.”
“You’re giving espresso to a five-year-old?” Chaemin says in surprise, he turns his body to you fully and raises his brows and looks down at you in disbelief,
“Of course not, she’s already a handful without the caffeine. I’m just gonna make her a hot chocolate.”
“I see, okay.” He says, bringing his attention back to the portafilter and tamping the coffee grinds, “By the way, where’s Johnny? I thought he would be the one taking Hana to school, you know, since he's her dad and all.”
“He had this last-minute business trip. He complained about it a lot, but he’ll be back in two days.”
You and Chaemin exchange a few more words, creating some small talk whilst you make the hot chocolate, and Dahyun has already given the giddy five-year-old her cream-filled croissant that has a variety of fruits inside, along with a drizzle of milk chocolate. 
“I made it just for you, I even added extra strawberries and chocolate since you like them so much,” Dahyun says, pushing the plate toward the girl.
“Ms. Dahyun you’re the best! It looks really yummy! Thank you thank you thank you!” She says excitedly, and Dahyun pats her shoulder, 
“Anything for the young scholar.”
“You never make me anything like that.” You mumble as you make a design with the steamed milk and chocolate,
“You’re not a scholar; in fact, you lack a lot up there.” she jokes, pointing to your head.
“Ouch.” You respond, looking at her with a pout and setting down the hot chocolate with the latte art and giving it to Hana from across the counter. Hana smiles and looks at the drink and pastry eagerly, but just as she is about to dig in, you pause her,
“Phone eats first.” You say, forcing her to pose and smile for the family group chat, she groans in response before Dahyun encourages her to grin for the camera, giving her a thumbs up.
You sit beside Hana and watch her eat while you hold your head in your palm, smiling at her. Dahyun goes back to rolling whatever dough for whatever pastry she was working on before, and you scroll through the family group chat, talking with your brother and mom.
“These are so good, thank you Aunt Y/n,” Hana says with a mouth full of the pastry,
“You should thank Dahyun, but I’m glad you like them. Also, don’t talk while you have so much food in your mouth!” You scold playfully before taking a sip of the iced americano Chaemin had made you. Hana sticks her tongue out at you and you pinch her nose lightly, making the two of you laugh.
“Aunt y/n, can I ask you something?” Hana mumbles after gulping down the bite she had taken,
You raise an eyebrow, “What is it?”
“Do you… Do you like my teacher?”
“Of course, she’s sweet and takes good care of you, I’m fond of her.” You answer before taking another sip of your coffee,
“No, do you like like her? Like in the movies?” And Hana’s directness nearly makes you choke on your coffee,
“W-what? Why- where did this come from?” You question, sitting straight up. Chaemin overhears the conversation and his eyes land on the two of you,
“You like your nieces' teacher?” He says in disbelief, a hand on his hip and a brow raised. You look at your co-worker and then back to your niece,
“N-no, it’s not like that,” You start, trying to keep your voice and tone relaxed (Chaemin and the little girl aren’t fooled), “She’s just nice, we’re just friendly. She’s your teacher, of course I’m going to be friendly with her.”
“Ok, then why did you look at her like that? You looked all lovey-dovey and your ears turned red!”
“Oh? What is this I’m hearing?” Dahyun interjects, and you shoot her a glare before looking back at your niece,
“I- no, It’s not like that! We just met Hana, don’t be ridiculous.” You say defensively, and Hana’s smile grows, it makes you uneasy.
“Your ears are turning red again, just like in those cartoons and movies!”
“What movies are you watching? You’re like, five! Shouldn’t you be watching some normal cartoons? Like something with mermaids or superheros or something?” You say, and now you’re getting more defensive as Dahyun and Chaemin team up with Hana to poke at you.
You roll your eyes at them, but there’s a small smile that tugs at your lips as you think of Sana.
You do not believe in love at first sight, that’s something out of a Disney movie and love is much more complex than that; however, you cannot deny that the woman that will be teaching your daughter every day is one of the most beautiful woman you’ve seen. You think about her stupidly cute smile and contagious laugh, the way her nose scrunches when she would do both, and the way she held your hand when you greeted her. Her soft, unique, and beautiful features sit in your head for a bit, even as you're being teased and poked at.
You think to yourself a bit more and you won’t admit it, but this woman did have an effect on you, and you were scared that it would be harder to hide the more you saw her.
“Look, I just think she’s a nice person okay,” You say, and you begin(or at least try) to change the topic, “Anyways… how was your first day of school? What else did you do?”
Dahyun laughs at your attempt to change the subject and decides to give you a break by going back to what she was doing, and she also gives Chaemin a cheeky look. You ignore their stupid little exchanged looks and give all of your attention to the little girl,
“You were right Y/n, I made a friend! Her name is Jiyeong, she’s taller than me by this much,” and Hana shows you the height difference by pinching her fingers down, except there’s a space in between that you would assume is an inch, “Also,” Hana begins, “Ms. Minatozaki read us a story, she’s super nice. She smiled and laughed a lot, she has such a nice smile! She smiles like a princess," Hana adds, and you really agree with that statement. Hana thinks to herself a bit, "she also helped everyone with their paintings, she’s so cool! I like her a lot.” She states.
You grin at the girl and take her empty plate, pushing it to the other side of the counter for Chaemin to take, “I’m really glad you made a friend, I told you my genes were passed on to you!” You mess with her hair, “And I’m glad you like Ms. Minatozaki, it’s important that you have nice and caring teachers.”
“And pretty teachers too, right?” She teases, and you laugh, messing with her hair once more,
“Alright smarty pants, Finish up your hot chocolate so we can get going.” You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully before going over to where Chaemin is behind the counter to wash Hana’s dish. 
“How was work?” Jihyo says as she backs up her car out of the parking spot in front of the school. Sana has always taken the bus or gotten a ride from her friend, she doesn’t drive, it’s always been like that. This year Sana is lucky as she’ll most likely be getting regular rides back home from not only her best friend but also the mother of one of her students (and one of the drivers of the century). 
Sana sighs and smiles, then sets her head down against the headrest of the passenger seat, “It was really good, the students this year are great. Your daughter did great too.” Sana starts. Jihyo smiles and looks at her daughter from the internal rearview mirror, 
“I’m glad Jiyeong was good,” Jihyo starts, “Jiyeong, sweetheart, how was school?” 
“Ms. Minatozaki is nice, and I made a new friend.” The little girl in the backseat responds, “Her name is Hana, she’s cool and nice, I like her a lot. We promised to be best friends this year!” 
Sana tenses up at the mention of Hana, and she thinks of the girl’s captivating mother. Sana starts to zone out whilst Jihyo talks with her daughter, and she thinks about the young-looking mother she had met. She replays the memory of shaking the woman’s hand and thinks about her cheery grin, as well as her caring nature. She daydreams of the look the woman had given her this morning, and the friendly greetings they exchanged had remained in her mind for a bit of the car ride back.
Her heart sinks a little at the thought of you being her student's mother, and she tells herself to compose herself, there are always others, right? (but none that were as cute as you.)
“Alright, we’re here. Jiyeong, say bye to your teacher.” Jihyo says, putting the car in park at the front of the apartment complex. Sana smiles at Jihyo and steps out of the car, closing the door and waving at Jihyo and her daughter through the window,
“Thank you Ms. Minatozaki! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye Jiyeong, I hope you have a good night. You too, Jihyo, thank you again.”
“It’s no problem, your place is on the way to our house anyway, have a good night Sha.”
Jihyo waves again before rolling the passenger seat window up again and driving away, Sana turns and walks into the building.
The young teacher unlocks the apartment door and sets her bag on the hook to the right of the door, takes off her shoes, and finds herself wandering over to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 
She leans against the counter in her work clothes, staring at the cup of tea in her hand.
“I really have to talk to Jihyo about this.” She mumbles, taking out her phone and clicking on the woman’s contact. She lets out a small sigh thinking about how the hell she’ll survive the year while having to see your pretty face so often, and having to interact with someone so charming.
The phone rings for a bit before it’s answered by the woman that had dropped Sana off at her home, and the woman sounds like she’s opening the door to her house.
"Sana? Hello? What is it? Everything okay?”
“On a scale of one 1-10, how bad is it to have a crush on your students' mother?”
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irisintheafterglow · 2 years ago
Just Wanna Keep Calling Your Name (gojo x you)
summary: you check on megumi and yuuji before they begin their mission to find tengen and unseal the honored one.
wc: 1.8k
cw/tags: angst/comfort with hopeful ending, swearing, mentions of eating and food, just sad separated found family things
note: part 3/4 of my "i don't wanna live forever" little series. yeah writing this made me so sad i just wanna tell them it'll be okay and this shit hasn't even been ANIMATED yet
likes/reblogs/feedback is appreciated <3
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In any other circumstance, he’d be pushing you away in exaggerated melodrama because of how tightly you’re constricting him. He’d gently wiggle from your grip, saying something about you embarrassing him or that he wasn’t a kid who needed hugs anymore. You’d frown a little bit, staring at him in disappointment until he huffed in surrender and squeezed you even tighter. After a few moments, Satoru would inevitably come over and create a “Megumi-sandwich,” wrapping his lanky arms around both of your bodies and pressing a kiss to your cheek. Sometimes, Yuuji would catch wind of the affection and race over, tackling all three of you to the ground until you were in one familial heap. Satoru would take your hands and help you off the floor just to pull you to his lips. Yuuji would coo fondly at the show of affection while Megumi made a gagging gesture with his finger. In any other circumstance, it would be a perfectly normal hug. 
But, these were not normal circumstances. 
Because they weren’t normal circumstances, you weren’t able to utter a word before Megumi’s arms were shakily wound around your body, hiding his face in your shoulder and trembling. You catch Yuuji’s ashamed gaze from inside Megumi’s dorm and reach out your hand, which he takes and pulls both you and Megs closer to him. As much as you like to remind yourself that they’re capable of holding their own as sorcerers, you couldn’t ignore the reality that the Shibuya incident was not something that seasoned sorcerers should have experienced, much less two teenagers. With Panda, Inumaki, and Nobara in grave condition and Nanami soulless in the morgue downstairs, you were truly the only family the two boys had left. You never allow your mind to drift to Satoru. 
“Eat, Megs. Please.” You set the bowl of ginger chicken in front of him, his favorite ever since he was little. You silently thanked past you for putting frozen containers of ginger chicken and spaghetti in the teacher’s lounge freezer, which you picked up on your way to check on the boys. The picture in front of you was tragically familiar–Megumi on his bed with a bowl of ginger chicken and his stuffed wolf in his lap. You couldn’t guess the last time the two ate, but it must have been quite a long time from how quickly Yuuji scarfed down the first bowl of spaghetti. The second tub of spaghetti is still warm, thankfully, and you slide the bowl over to him in understanding. Megumi, on the other hand, simply stared off into space, the enticing steam of the food unable to pierce his broken exterior. “I’m gonna take the wolf back if you don’t eat.” His eyes are dark and dangerous when they flick up to you, the same look he gave you for the past however many years you’d been using that threat. Despite its age, you’re surprised to find that it still works as he finally takes a bite of food. “Thank you.”
“When’s the last time you ate?” 
“This morning. I had breakfast with Shoko.” You also tried one of her cigarettes again and hated them just as much as the first time. She’d poured a few shots for you before work to make it up to you.
“Coffee doesn’t count as breakfast,” Megumi deadpans and your first impulse is to laugh. But, you can’t stop the memory that breaks loose and it slams into you like a freight train. 
He was giving you that odd look again, something between the lines of skeptical and adoration. You stick your tongue out at him in defiance and his hand finds yours from the driver’s seat of the car. It was an early morning mission and you argued that you deserved a treat after dragging him out of bed. To Ijichi’s annoyance, Satoru stops at a grocery store, running in to grab you a muffin and scolding you for not having enough fuel for the day. He kissed you so fervently when he returned to the car, like you were going to disappear in his absence. He said he could taste the coffee on your lips and that you didn’t make it right; when you looked at him with an offended expression, he shrugged and said he made you the best coffee. You’d never admit it, but he was right. 
“I-I had a muffin, too.” Despite your best efforts, your voice still comes out as a choke and Megumi’s face falls guiltily. He knows exactly what his words had accidentally triggered. “I split it with Shoko.” You take his hand while he avoids your eyes, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles reassuringly. “Eat, Megs. It’s okay.” 
“Did the higher-ups really confine you to the school?” Yuuji asks after he’s finished the second tub of spaghetti. “I heard…some things about you and it made me nervous.”
You hum in assent. “Well, I’m still alive. There’s no way I’d let them kill me before checking on you two.” The words are meant to be reassuring but aren't received that way as their heads both snap to look at you in alarm. “Yeah, no point in lying. We talked about it, before everything happened. I know he didn’t say anything about it because he didn’t want to worry you, but we discussed what would happen in his…absence.” 
“Have they sent anyone yet?” Megumi’s voice is low and threatening but you knew the warning wasn’t directed toward you. 
“No, but I also know they haven’t sent anyone after Yuuji either, right?” They nod but still eye you warily. You give them a weak smile in an attempt to ease their worries. “So, that means the brass is still such a shit-show that they can’t dispatch sorcerers to apprehend Satoru’s associates. We have time, but not a lot of it.” 
“We have a plan. Or, at least, the beginnings of one. To get him back,” Yuuji says carefully, each word delicate like you were a grenade on the verge of exploding. Your walls go up immediately, shutting down to prevent the storm of emotions that welled up at the optimistic hope in his words. “We’re going to unseal him.” The sentence goes in one ear and out of the other; you can tell by their expressions that your eyes have gone empty and blank. It wasn’t anything against them. You just couldn’t handle thinking about him too much, lest you truly break down. 
“Okay. Try your best.” Your smile is pained and forced, but you still nod in weak encouragement. Megumi’s eyebrows suddenly furrow in thought, like he’d remembered something important. “What is it, Megs?”
“Who is Toji?”
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Satoru, Satoru please. Satoru, please look at me,” your voice cracks into broken cries while your hands frantically shake his shoulders, willing him to wake up. “Baby, I need you to look at me, please. Satoru, please, baby. Please, I can’t–” You can’t breathe. The words are getting caught in your throat and staying there. Every inhale tastes like blood and every exhale emphasizes your boyfriend’s lack of a pulse. “I can’t get to Suguru, Satoru. I can’t get to Suguru and he needs you. I need you. I need you, please. Please, wake up.” The tiniest bit of movement catches your eye and you stare in amazement at his hand, drenched in a pool of his own blood, twitching and violently blazing Cursed Energy. “There you are, baby. Come back to me.” 
“He was a sorcerer from the Zenin clan. Why do you ask?” 
“Was?” Megumi echoes, and it’s your turn to mirror his confused expression. “Like, he’s dead?”
“Yeah, he’s been dead for over a decade. Again, why do you ask?”
“There was a guy that Naobito called ‘Toji’ in Shibuya with us. He had no Cursed Energy but was stronger than the special-grades we were fighting.” Dread drops into your stomach like a dead weight. Fushiguro Toji coming back from the dead was the last fucking thing you needed. 
“Is the man still alive?”
“No, and that’s what I’m curious about. He asked me what my last name was and then killed himself when I said ‘Fushiguro.’ He could have killed me, but he didn’t. I just want to know if I have any kind of connection to that man.” 
“I see.” You felt guilty for lying to the boy’s face, but you also recognized that it was Satoru’s decision alone if he wanted to tell Megumi about his family history. “I’m not sure, then. I’m sorry.” He nods, face taut in suppressed disappointment and you rush to change the subject. You could feel time passing too quickly, the instinctual feeling that they had to keep moving hanging over your head. “I read about your fight with Awasaka in the report. Thank you for taking care of each other and taking care of yourselves.” You didn’t mean to strike a nerve, but your chest aches when they simultaneously dart their faces away, contorting in quiet agony. 
“He killed thousands using my body,” Yuuji hisses, squeezing his eyes closed to shut out the memory. “I don’t deserve gratitude for my survival–”
“Stop. Don’t tell me that I can’t be grateful you survived,” you state firmly and you feel emotions start to well up in your eyes again for the first time in hours. All three of you have tears quietly streaming down your cheeks; you have no more energy for the hiccuping and gasping-type of sobs that wracked your body days earlier. “You’re alive to keep fighting, so please recognize that as important.” 
“Would you ever marry me, Satoru?”
He looks at you like you’d just suggested cliff diving into sharp rocks. “Of course. Once all this shit is sorted out with Sukuna and I reform Jujutsu Society, we’ll have a rager wedding.”
You scoff in disbelief. “You want to have a rager wedding?”
“Was that not what you had in mind?”
“Mmm…no. I was thinking something small, you know, with Yuuji and Megs and Nanami and Shoko and the rest of your students. Save your strobe lights and fog machines for the bachelor party.” You both know damn well Nanami would never set foot in a club with Satoru, but it was still a funny image for the mind. 
“You want to involve my students in our wedding?”
“I thought that was self-explanatory. You care about them, I care about you, so I automatically care about them. Whatever you would do for your students, I would too.”
“I’d pull down the planets for you, you know.”
“Just the planets? You must not love me that much tonight.” His eyes shine in the moonlight as he rubs his nose against yours. “Break up with me now and put me out of my misery.”
“You underestimate my abilities, sweetheart.”
“Yep. I’d pull down every planet in the entire universe for you if you asked, not just the ones in this solar system.”
“There’s my sappy Satoru.”
“I’m yours forever.”
“Do your best, okay?” You say before Megumi and Yuuji leave to find Master Tengen, leaving you alone in Megumi’s dorm. Reaching over for his stuffed wolf, you summon a portal and store it in your domain for safe-keeping. You’d give it to him when you were all together again, your boys and your boyfriend. 
I’m yours forever.
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acciocriativity · 1 year ago
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Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of loneliness and insecurities; mentions of hybrid mistreatment and abuse
WC: 3,4k
N/A: It's finally here and a thousand words longer than the previous chapter! Please reblog my work and let me know if you want to he tagged in the next chapter <3
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You were always an early riser. The sun was breaking its first lights on the horizon as you got ready for the day, but there wasn’t a single bone of excitement in you.
Your room reflected the mask you were trying hard to wear early in the morning, spotless and perfectly organized, that was until anyone noticed how messy your bed still was.
You feel asleep early for any college major, but somehow slept a total of 4 hours only. None of them knocked on your door, and you didn’t hear a single peep or saw any lights on from your own slightly open door. They were capable of managing themselves well, you knew that, so you closed the door and were left to your own thoughts for the rest of the night.
Your brain wouldn’t stop running to all the things you needed to do while waiting for a more appropriate hour of the day to actually do them. It was a suffocating feeling, and you hated to feel so impotent. So you cleaned everything you came across at 12 A.M. trying to be as quiet as possible, too restless and tired of all the toss and turn you did already.
You walked out of your room, and it was almost like every single worry you had all night was just in your head. The cop, the plan, your father, they’re now living with you, the shopping you need to do, the paperwork you have to get, their legal documents you have to find wasn’t splashed on the beige walls and the cold porcelain of the floor, so maybe you could just ignore it before your coffee.
“Good morning”, Seonghwa said as you reached the 3/4 of the stairs, now sure that you could see him on the couch and he wouldn’t scare you. Still, he did notice how you grabbed harder on the handrail and had a hard time trying not to smile, but his ears twitching could give him away. “I’m sorry”.
“It’s ok”, you chuckled. “Have you been up for a while?”, you asked as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“No”, he looked over to the windows, the sunrise clear on the horizon. “I did not even notice how early it was until I came up here”.
It was partly true, there were no windows on the basement area, instead a huge glass door that lead to the pool on the other end of the corridor. He did not see the sun rising and did not take notice of the time, he just did not sleep at all.
“Want some coffee?”, you said as you went around the living room to the kitchen.
“Sure, thank you”, he said, but made no moves to follow you.
Seonghwa was enjoying the quiet to put his thoughts in order, something he couldn’t do lately. The last week took a toll on the whole pack to the point their scents changed a little due to stress. Nothing was planned and neither him nor Hongjoong wanted to put their trust and safety solely on your words.
Your presence on itself was something he couldn’t decide how he felt about it yet. It was annoying how submissive and fake most of them got in your presence, including Jongho, which was a shocking sight back on campus. It was in Seonghwa’s nature to be attentive and caring towards others, he was aware of it, but he only offers that to his pack and pack only. There were no humans left that are worthy of that, Jongho himself said to him once. Yeah, he saw you before. All of them ended up on the hybrid protection department at least twice until now. You were just a human child bored out of your mind. What’s so special about it?
“Here it is”, you left the mug on top of the coffee table, eye smiled at him and then left.
Seonghwa was paralyzed on his spot. He did not hear your steps nor your closeness to him. Now the only thing he could hear was his own-scared heart.
There was a dark cloud on top of Seonghwa’s head, so you give him his coffee quick and left him alone on the couch.
Now, you had at least a whole hour until you had to leave to take the subway. It was enough time to make a small breakfast for yourself and revise your notes for today, but not to make a decent meal for 9 freaking people.
You went to grab your coat near the entrance, even though in less than an hour it would be boiling hot outside.
“Can you tell the other boys I’m grabbing food for us?”, you raised your voice as you looked over Seonghwa, at least 10 feet away, still on the same spot as you left him starting at the wall.
He winced because of your loud tone, and you signed, now aware of your mistake.
“It won’t take long, sorry”, you just left, it felt like the best thing to do.
Perfect, you said to yourself.
Perfect, Seonghwa said to himself.
He knew some of the others could mess up this new arrangement out of guilt for searching around your father’s office, but he couldn’t let it happen.
Yunho was the first to walk downstairs, the both of them needed to have a little chat.
You could only hear the click and clack of the cutlery hitting the porcelain plates. For a table with 9 people, it was quieter than when you eat on your own.
The house was always just that, a house, a balance between a safe place for you to rest in and someone else’s property that you had no control over, but never you felt so uncomfortable in it.
The night before you noticed how proper Yunho and Jongho were, but now, looking at all of them, it seemed forced. It was, because it was. Of course, they were trained to be.
“You are really serious about food, aren’t you?”, you couldn’t take the silence anymore.
Most of them nodded, a small chuckle giving a little bit of life to the table. It was true, call hybrid instincts or whatever, but they meant business when it came to food, but they knew very well there was more than that to the atmosphere in the room, and it was best for you to stay unaware of it.
“It’s just that good”, Mingi said suddenly, as he took another bite of the fresh croissant. “Melting on my mouth”, he mumbled more to himself than anything, still a little shocked at how good it was.
Your neighbors glaring at you as you left with four filled bags out of the small bakery three blocks away was worth it.
“You should have it as a sandwich later”, you said, more than happy to have an actual conversation.
Mingi wanted to hear all about your best recommendations, while San, Yunho and Hongjoong had a staring contest.
Wooyoung, San and Yeosang, a trio you never imagined would work well together, but somehow it did.
On the way to university, you found out, actually, the three of them were dance majors, not just Wooyoung. To your surprise, Yeosang did most of the talking for them this time.
In all honesty, Yeosang just wanted to hide in a hole and disappear. Never in his life he thought he’d want Wooyoung to talk more or that he would wait for a miracle, but at that moment, he caught himself doing both.
Every single loud noise made him jump out of his skin, from the sound of the rails to the loud people talking on the phone. It was all too much all at once. Your attention on him and him only was new, his face was all red, and he couldn’t look into your eyes. His hands hugged his bag against his own chest, but the weight wasn’t enough. If it wasn’t for two hands on his thighs, a clear sign of protection and sureness, he wouldn’t be talking at all.
Bless your heart, you gave every bit of encouragement and reaction to every thing he said, but it was not helping.
“S-so, we were trai-”, Yeosang already small voice was interrupted by the announcement of the next station. The doors closed, and you held tighter onto the pole as it started to move again.
“Training for what?”, you asked as you did your best to maintain the space between you and San’s body.
“There is a performance at the end of the year”, Wooyoung said it, faster than Yeosang could think.
“That’s so cool, so there’s a date already?”
She thinks am I cool? It was unconscious how all of them perked up at the compliment. Wooyoung tail seemed like it had a mind of his own, swaying left to right. Yeosang turned even more red in the face, his fluffy gray ear covering the sides of his face as he recoiled between the two bodies on each side of him. San cleaned his throat as he looked the other way, he was not comfortable with how much he enjoyed it hearing such a small compliment from you.
Yeosang was a few beats late when he noticed you were still waiting for an answer.
“Oh, hum, no, I d-do not think so, right?”, he looked over to the other boys, who agreed.
“We’ll let you know so you can come see us”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed Yeosang’s back slowly.
“I’d love that, thank you, but are you sure it’s okay for me to come?”, you asked him, then glanced at San, who was already looking at you.
“We want you to come”, San said.
He said a ‘we’, when you were looking for an ‘I’.
It was a painful and awkward silent the rest of the way, until the three of you could breathe again.
“It’s not here”, Seonghwa said a second time since coming back to your father’s office.
He was already tired due to a sleepless night, now he had to spend all his energy to look for papers that weren’t even there.
“Then look again, it has to be here somewhere”, Hongjoong was loosing all his patience as he analyzed every single paper they found left on his desk.
Seonghwa took a deep breath. Hongjoong was being unreasonable, all of them already knew that, including Hongjoong himself.
“You know there’s no reason for why he would leave that behind, and it’s clear he hasn’t been here in a good while, so why are we doing this again?”, Seonghwa put the old box down on the table, all of it was useless anyway.
“This might be the only lead we get, do you just want to give up on him?”, the last two words barely a whisper as Hongjoong took a step closer to Seonghwa, the papers left scarred inside the drawer.
Both of them did not want Yunho, Mingi or Jongho to hear what was going on up there.
Standing so close to each other like this, eye to eye, they could almost touch the emotions swirling in the room. It was frustrating to Hongjoong. They had a goal and a chance, so why would they fail Yunho now? His anger, resentment and fear towards himself more than anything filled the room and suffocated both of them. Seonghwa looked nothing but empathetic and warm and welcoming to Hongjoong’s fears and worries, even when he could only feel the opposite, Hongjoong’s presence almost physically pushing him out.
It took Hongjoong only a moment to give up, which furthered Seonghwa’s worries.
“We’re going to figure it out”, Seonghwa whispered as he kneeled by Hongjoong’s side. He collapsed on the office floor, now holding onto himself. “We always do, don’t we?”
Hongjoong’s eyes seemed unfocused looking down to something on the ground, Seonghwa’s words barely registered in his mind.
When Seonghwa touched his shoulder, Hongjoong looked up to him.
“We always do, don’t we?”
“We do”, he sighed.
Seonghwa wished to say much more at that moment, but Hongjoong in that state would not hear it.
So he only did what he should do, offered a helping hand for Hongjoong to stand once more.
By the end of the day, you did all you could to not go back.
You called Jongho to tell him to get the food delivery when it was close enough to the house. He was surprised, jacket already on hand to buy lunch himself, but it was too late for a polite decline.
The bell rang and you hung up.
You did not come to eat with them, even though you had over two free hours in between classes, but they did not know that and even if they did, would they really call you out on it? It was more comfortable for them that way, so they could be free to behave like they wished to.
You stayed to study on the library after class, which you never did, you rather the comfort and quiet of your room for that, and it was barely 4 p.m.
The list was your salvation to skip dinner. This time, Jongho had time to thank you for the meal in the name of them all.
“It’s not a bother, don’t worry”, you said as you walked out of the second store, bags in hand and the phone tight between your shoulders and left cheek.
“We can cook for ourselves, you know. Don’t you trust us?”, he had that pouting voice through every word, and it took a small smile out of you.
“Of course I do, but you’re my guests and there’s a clear rule, guest don’t do any work around the house, so get used to it”, those words hit him like bricks when you thought it was a string of fresh water.
It was silent on the other side of the line, and you thought the call ended.
“Are you alright?”, his question caught you so off guard, you stopped walking in the middle of the busy street and a woman bumped into you with full force.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”, you smiled to her, but the woman didn’t look back to see your apologetic self.
Your voice was sincere, so Jongho allowed himself to stay calm.
She does not know, she’s not mad at you, he kept repeating to his stupid mind. Of course, you did not know and were not avoiding them on purpose because of it, but he felt his heart heavy still.
“We were just worried, you didn’t say anything so… but you’re safe then?”
“I’m coming soon, alright? Don’t worry about me, I’m just shopping for some stuff I need”, you walked faster, now feeling guilty to left them without a proper warning.
The moment Jongho hung up, the other 7 were waiting for an update. The winter night and the neighborhood made it seem later than it was. It was only 6:28 p.m., but there wasn’t a single soul outside and barely any noticeable noise.
“She’s coming soon”.
Mingi plopped on the couch, relieved. He barely talked to you, yet your presence and actions warmed him, and maybe he was getting too comfortable too fast, but just the thought of you leaving them now made him want to sob.
Yunho sat beside him and Mingi’s gray ears turned to him instinctively, but he had nothing to say. He knew Mingi well enough to know this meant something else to him, it was the possibility of another person abandoning him, and he was ashamed as it was of it. So Yunho did not point it out how that mentality wasn’t good for him at that moment, just offered his arm, that Mingi was elated to accept and cuddle with.
“Do not forget what we talked about today, can you do that Mingi?”, Seonghwa’s toned softened as he talked to him, a bit different from the actual conversation they all had.
Mingi only nodded.
It was a reminder for Yunho and Yeosang as well, no matter how they felt about the topic, they’d do their best to keep the roof on top of their heads.
Before you could grab the keys in your purse, the door suddenly opened.
You watched with your heart on your feet as a yearning Wooyoung took all four bags out of your hands and disappeared inside, too stunned to say anything.
“Uhm, Wooyoung, were you waiting for me?”, you asked as you stepped inside and closed shut the door behind you.
He hummed instead of answering you.
Beside him, there was no one in the living room, and the lack of noises was enough for you to assume they wanted to keep to themselves.
He carefully laid down your bags on the couch, then stood there with a small smile on his face.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?”, he stood there shy and small in front of you.
The contrast of his behavior from yesterday evening to this gave you whiplash. Is this Wooyoung, or that was Wooyoung? You need to stop trying to figure them out. They carried huge baggage with them, and maybe you’ll never get to see even a small percentage of it, that was clear to you. Still, it is hard to be the one that had to pretend and ignore the elephant in the room.
“Yes, there is actually, but can we talk for a bit first?”
Wooyoung’s tail stopped its course in the air and his smile faltered, he nodded.
Both of you sat slightly turned to each other, but Wooyoung could not hold your stare, so he looked at the painting on the wall instead.
He thought his minds was playing tricks on him, but you seemed much nervous than he was. Your body was screaming to get out of there and run just like his. What could they’ve done for you to be so tense? Surely, you were not scared of him if you weren’t even scared of Hongjoong or San.
You took a deep breath. Your own mind exhausted you the whole evening and night because of this very moment, you were tired of overthinking every single thing they did.
“I just want to make it clear, so we can stop walking on eggshells around each other”, your voice was barely a whisper, still Wooyoung flinched at the reminder of his own confusing behavior towards you, just like San he’s been hot and cold to you for no reason, when you’ve been nothing but nice to him. “I want you and the others to be here, and you do not have to do anything because you feel like you have to please me in return, can you understand that?”
He nodded.
“I am also not mad at you by any means because of yesterday”.
That made him look at you, because you deserved at least that level of respect, even though your face was a bit blurry through his tears. He knew your kindness was undeserving, and he would do anything to compensate for it, no matter what you say.
You wished to hug him, and maybe he read your mind, because a second later, Wooyoung launched himself into your arms.
It was a silent cry at first, you were stunned in place, surprise by the trust and vulnerability he was showing to you, then you heard his sobs and the sound broke your heart, you never heard before and never wanted to hear again.
You held him tight through the soft tears, loud cries and slurred words he muttered under his breath on your shoulder. Even when your arms stared to hurt, he did not let it go, so neither did you.
It was comfortable to be near you like this, for the first time Wooyoung understood why San liked you so much, and that did not leave a bitter taste in his mouth this time. You were warm and kind and really soft, almost better than his favorite blanket.
“Wooyoung”, you broke your little bubble, and he hummed into your neck. “Can you call the others for me, please? I bought some clothes for you all to try on”.
He was perfectly comfortable in that position, leaning into your side and the last thing on his mind was to move away, but the moment he looked at your soft eyes and pretty smile, he got up.
He should not be understanding San in this way.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816 @loveforred @darlingz99 @sundayysunshine @puppyminnnie @officiallydarkgeek
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