#wtf eleonore
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ghost-bison · 9 months ago
I am watching Doctor Who and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure with my sister and we were kind of wondering (Jojo season 3 spoilers ahead): if Jotaro Kujo or Dio Brando stopped time in front of the Doctor, would he be affected? Like, would he just stop? Cause he's kind of out of Time, he doesn't really belong anywhere in a normal time-line, if that makes sense
Also I'm kind of imagining Jotaro stopping time to beat Ten up and trying to hit him with his short range Star Platinum and Ten just goes yeet and starts running on his long-ass legs to get away from him lol
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wtfworldtv · 7 months ago
Nelson Torres and Caroleen Strewart has the very sexy Performer Eleonore The Artist in the studio. Episode: 658  #WTF #WTFTVLive
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voxsremotec0ck · 11 months ago
heard u wanna see everyponys ocs 🙏 here's my main two :3
first is Esmeralda, succubus who has vox wrapped around her finger (ship name is sparkling water)
second is eleonore, witch from the 1600s, also a seamstress who uses her webbing in outfits, kisses velvette in her spare time literally wtf is a phone x 18 hour screen time daily (ship name spiderdoll)
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They are both so pretty omg and the SHIP NAMES???? Stunning I love them sm I wish I could come up with one for Beck and Vox but I have no idea😭😭😭
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frevandrest · 1 year ago
Wait, I forgot (luckily): was it Maurice or Mme Duplay (or both?) who pimped Eleonore out?
Nothing excuses Mantel, but I feel - fear - that Charlotte's memoirs in which she says Mme Duplay wanted her daughter to marry Robespierre (as in, she would do anything) maybe inspired Mantel. ? Which is wtf, because we know that Charlotte can't always be trusted on her word, especially about the whole narrative of horrible harpies that want to take her brothers away.
But we also know how Mantel operates. She takes a rumour and then runs with it or changes it into the opposite (like the whole thing on Danton assaulting Babet somehow becoming Babet's lie???) So it sadly doesn't surprise me that not only Eleonore agrees to be pimped, but Robespierre has dubcon sex with her with zero remorse, AND somehow it's all presented as Eleonore's fault? Like ???
I know I'm forever rambling about Hilary Mantel, but the idea of Maurice Duplay pimping his daughter out to Robespierre to ensure his loyalty to the family is utterly deranged, let alone the idea that Robespierre would play along with it and not be absolutely enraged at them and protective of Eleonore
like I know Mantel was going for some kind of "bleak realism" or something, but she really thought Robespierre wouldn't recognise this as exploitative?
Her Robespierre is literally like yeah, clearly she's offering me sex out of a misplaced sense of duty and to get something out of me (like marriage, no way in hell I'm marrying her unless I'm unlucky and she gets pregnant), she's petrified and there's not an ounce of enthusiastic consent in her, but I haven't fucked in a long time and this is free, convenient sex so I guess it has to happen...
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meteor752 · 5 years ago
Sigrid of Dale
Yep, I’m gonna talk more about ‘em.
If you wanna know more of wtf kinda AU this is, the masterpost is at the end of this post.
So in Eleonore and Bard’s love story, I talked a bit about Sigrid and her personality. So we are going to start about that, and then go over her life after The Battle Of The Five Armies.
Sigrid is not necessarily cold or mean, but she’s the kind of person that sees work and the first priority and fun as the second, in total contrast to her little sister.
She’d always thought that being outside and playing was boring and a waste of time, and would rather stay inside. It absolutely didn’t help that she used to be teased by other children because of the light patches on her skin, and would rather avoid that happening.
Despite what you would think, she absolutely loves music. Some of her fondest childhood memories involve her ma singing her songs to her before bed, or her ma teaching her how to play the lute. It’s the thing the two bonded over the most, and Sigrid loves to think back to it in her adulthood.
When Bain got a bit older, he would constantly pester her about playing outside, follow their Da on the boat, play tricks on the other kids in the town, see who can swim the deepest, find a dog to pet, anything like it. She would rather do anything else most of the time, but she did love her little brother so for the most part she put down her story book and followed him outside.
Sigrid absolutely loved stories, and before bed she often used to ask her da for stories about Dale, and the fall of Erebor, and the myth of the arrow that hit. She sometimes would sit with her Ma’s lute and try to write songs about Dale and Erebor, but never be able to get her thoughts down on paper.
When her ma passed away, Sigrid immediately took on the role of mother figure in the house by cooking most meals, patching up clothes and take care of her younger siblings.
The babysitting duty turned out to be easier said than done, because as soon as Tilda learned how to walk she would just randomly wander off so it was up to Sigrid to find her. It was even worse when she learned how to climb.
It was because of Tilda’s constan climbing and falling that Sigrid started to learn how to mix herbs and create salves to patch up her sister.
After the battle of the armies and she was suddenly the princess of Dale, and Erebor was reclaimed and her da had suddenly started to become very interested the king of elves, she was a little confused of what exactly to do now.
Her brother had started to be trained as a knight while at the same time being taught how to move around without seeing, and her sister had started to hang out with elves and learn archery, and she felt a bit lost.
It was first when she was tasked to return the Arkenstone that her life got a bit of a new meaning.
While returning the stone she met Bofur and Nori, two of the dwarves of the company. They started talking, and the two dwarves liked the girl, and she liked them as well, so they continued to meet up.
Bofur and Nori told her a bit about their journey and dwarves colture, and she quickly grew fascinated.
After a few months of meeting over a drink, she asked if they could teach her how to fight with a battle axe, and after a short discussion they actually agreed to do so.
Sigrid had never been much for fighting, she’d never been interested in learning how to use a bow like her da, or to even use a dagger, and as a healer she wasn’t too much for violence.
Despite that, she absolutely loved to fight with an axe.
It was really refreshing for her, to just let out all of her steam by swinging a heavy object around, and after a while she got really good at it.
Between all the axe-wielding, she’d started to learn more about healing from elves that sometimes came to Dale, and learned new methods of healing, which she enjoyed, and was useful now that Tilda was a fucking soldier and had like ten injuries every time she came to Dale.
It was also around this time that she’d started to play around with her ma’s old lute, and had a sudden struck of inspiration, and she wrote her first song about the Dwarves mission to take back Erebor.
And if you want to hear it, it’s called I See Fire and it’s on YouTube, it’s by Ed Sheeran. And it now exists in universe, congrats.
It’s after ten years since Erebor was reclaimed and Sigrid was made a Princess, that she was coronated as queen of Dale. She’d been told ever since Dale was rebuilt that she would become queen after her da, and she’d been prepared for it, but it was still a lot.
Almost sixty years after the Dale was rebuilt, and fifty after Sigrid became queen (Because these guys are of NĂșmenorian descent because I want to play around with them more, and again it’s my universe I do what I want), she receives a message from her step-brother to get to Gonor with Dale’s army, as they needed help.
And Sigrid did not even hesitate, she sprang up, called on Bain, sent a message to Tilda, got her axe and rode off with their army.
When the war of the ring was over, when everything was calm in Middle Earth, Sigrid could finally take a break. She put Bain in charge for a month and spent some time in Rivendell, just to relax.
Sigrid died at 213, with never having been married of having children.
Other stuff!
If this would have been the modern world, Sigrid would have identified as Biromantic Demisexual.
Sigrid did crush a little on both Tauriel, Arwen and Lindir in her youth, as she had a bit of a thing for elves, despite the dwarf love.
Even though she was an axe wielder, she was still a healer at her core and became one of the best in Middle Earth.
After being queen for about ten years or so, she dyed her hair blue for a while, just to get it out of her system
AU Masterpost
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luseuna · 8 years ago
Thoughts about 4x05 promo
I’ve just watched the promo for ep 5 and now am really worried for Silver. The thing is, Flint told Silver to trust him, but in reality all the respinsibility for a plan he was against of now lays on Silver’s shoulders. Billy presses him, Israel presses him, from the clip we know he also has to deal with Julius. And there is a shot where John is all alone in the dark room, looking exhausted. So what he did was a pretty cruel thing for Flint to do. Well he’s always been cruel towards Silver, intenional and not, and that cruelty kind of forged him into a person he is now. 
Toby said in interview about Flint: “He finds a kindred spirit in Silver. It’s finding this balance between somebody who’s driven by pragmatism but also has this dark side — this anger that’s feeding it, these motivations that are emotional. Flint projects this on him. Because I don’t think Silver can ever live up to that. I don’t think anybody can live up to these things that Flint demands of them.”
This is totally going to end badly. Cast and creators were saying about John becomming that sad bitter man from TI. But. There is no word in the book about him being really sad. Basically he was just a villian, sometimes charming, sometimes fearsome, sometimes pathetic (oh “the pathetic” moments cringed me so bad), but that’s all. What the show is preparing for us? 
I think some resembles of happy ending only Max can achieve, she’s been the voice of reason long enough to be rewarded for it. As for the others - no. Everyone here have been talking about happy ending for Flint, but idk. I love him, but he’s burned so many lives with his anger and ambitions, no sad backstory can cover that (cool motive, still a murder). I just can’t see any storytelling justice it that. Everything is going to be burned and dead, and the man who started it just walks away? Hell no.
And I’ve seen no sign of Madi so far. She is supposed to be on the negotiation with Julius, isn’t she? So where is her story arc heading? 
Nevertheless I am exited to see interactions between Flint and Eleonor (them and Silver|Max were my fafourite brotp), they have a lot to talk about. 
And that shot with a new island and ships - wtf was that?
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robespapier · 3 years ago
The sex is bad in Marge Piercy’s City of Darkness, City of Light (1996), but her Robespierre’s post-coitus thoughts are so weird they’re kinda hilarious 
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I hate Piercy’s portrayal of Robespierre relationship with his sister Charlotte, but here it almost literally sounds like he’s thinking about using Eleonore as a physical shield? WTF 
also arsehole point for lying to the Duplays (he doesn’t plan on marrying, he thinks his days numbered and that marriage to him would actively put Eleonore in danger)
Also how does “I can’t go back to live with Charlotte now that I’m married to Eleonore” works if it’s a secret marriage you don’t plan to tell Charlotte about???
Also Robespierre is Maximilien Duplay now, assigned Duplay by coitus 
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frevandrest · 3 years ago
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Vargas really went: Eleonore Duplay can have Robespierre’s teeth as a souvenir. She certainly needs to be reminded he died in a lot of pain, as a little extra trauma. 
Also, will I one day see a respectful depiction of Eleonore Duplay? There’s nothing suggesting her whole life revolved around Robespierre or that he was “her God”. From the little we know about her she was a revolutionnary in her own right, smart, brave, proud. She certainly loved him, the whole Duplay family did, but the weren’t idolatrous weirdos. They loved him as a person; as a revolutionnary, a friend, and a family member.
“Il Ă©tait son Dieu”
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robespapier · 3 years ago
I've debated over the pertinence of inflicting this upon y’all, but I figured it could spare some of you reading old stuff in French a shock and lots of confusion, so
I was unaware of this until very recently: but hymen, in French, isn’t just an anatomical term — even though it’s the primary use and the only one I was previously aware of. In poetry in particular, it can be used to mean marriage, as illustrated by the examples below, probably because Hymen is the Greek god of marriage? 
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I’m telling you this because I learnt about it while reading Gaston CrĂ©mieux’ play 9 Thermidor. CrĂ©mieux was a leader of Marseille’s Commune in 1871 and executed for it, dying before he could finish the play (the last scenes were written by his friend Clovis Hughes)
but with all the love and respect I think he deserves (and his play is interesting in many ways!), the scene were Elisabeth says “I know someone who, if his wish is granted, will find in the hymen a well-earned happiness”, meaning to tell Eleonore Robespierre is planing to ask for her hand...It hit me like a fucking train, let me tell you. Same for Eleonore telling Robespierre they could have been happy and “celebrating their hymen”. 
wtf Gaston, couldn’t you just write marriage
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So yeah, know this is a thing
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