#i cant believe the state of the election
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weakinthekneez · 8 months ago
it's looking like the chances of trump getting elected are high and i'm actually freaking out about it
like i genuinely don't know what i'll do if project 2025 gets passed- pretty much all of i've been holding on to these past years is being able to medically transition when i'm old enough
if it gets passed i won't be able to. and it's not as simple as just moving either, id just be starting college and don't have the financial means for this
idc how dramatic this sounds but if trump gets elected myself along with many others will suffer immensely. it feels like such a leap but i don't know how i'm going to be able to be alive without transition ing.
PLEASE don't vote third party or not at all bc doing that is a vote for him- you don't have to like Biden but you have to see the damage that Trump will do to the country and hundreds of thousands of people that live in the u.s.
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decaffeinatedscarykoala · 8 months ago
Fuck labour
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catbefriender · 1 year ago
i might regret posting this but i keep thinking about the us election now that the primaries are here and its just really annoying seeing so many posts about refusing to vote for biden. like. yeah hes not as good as we all hoped for but i live in Florida which is a closed primaries state so right now i literally CANNOT vote for anyone else. i can only vote for my own party and the democrats refuse to bother putting up anyone else. dems here arent even on the presidential ballot bc theres no point
and not voting at all just comes off as being okay with trump winning
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sunnys-aesthetic · 4 months ago
Could you please explain where the 20 million number is from? I cant find anything to support it
ohmygod my dumbass forgot to link that with the masterpost.
Right now were counting ONLY the officially released estimates of all the ballots that were challenged, burnt, or uncounted, from what I alone could find here are a few that tally up:
for PA: " 2,193,578 mail ballot applications ever approved. Of those, 1,622,675 have been logged by local election officials as returned, which means about a quarter are still outstanding."
Mind you even with these numbers a quarter of 2 million is still real small in comparison to the current hearsay of 20-18 million, but still a significant amount of sway within important key states. For AZ: its been released that maricopa county received 1.5 million early ballots that have still NOT been counted, because its current turnout is at 2.1 million. for reference i believe AZ's counting is still at 64%. Regarding the ballot turn in boxes that were burnt in AZ, Im not sure if those have been fixed or not.
For Wis:
im not sure whats going on here but tldr for those who cant access links; 30-40k ballots have to be recounted because someone allegedly tampered with one of their tabulators:
I had to stop mid way due to my own mental health but a lot of the numbers for uncounted or challenged votes still switch between 1-2 million or thousands per swing state, while the 20 million mark is still uncomfirmed or not, sadly the rest of these ballots are still to be counted.
For swing states such as NV/GA/MICH theres a *lot* still going on thats moving way to fast for me to keep up with, but all I ask is:
no matter the count, MAKE communities and safe zones! do NOT give into defeatism, protest for your rights, and stay safe!
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underlings-cave · 4 months ago
i cant believe i have to say this but you guys need to stop demonizing deep red states.
there are queer people in red states
there are people who voted blue in red states
there are people who didn’t or COULDN’T vote at all in red states
texas, a deep red state had almost 4.8 million votes for harris, compared to trumps 6.4 mil. the split is not as wide as you think it is.
genuinely hoping that entire states. that MILLIONS of people get killed or hurt is not okay. it should not be normalized.
i understand we are all angry and hurt by the outcomes of this election. it is not fair. the treatment we have endured and will continue to endure is not acceptable.
but all you are doing by saying things like “north carolina and florida deserved to get hit by those hurricanes” is ignoring and alienating the millions of kids, queers, allies, and POCs, in those states.
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sorrowlikefalling · 4 months ago
not my usual post, but i care enough to speak.
tw: mention of rape.
was never so disappointed in the world ever. the fact that felonies, misogyny, rape, and other things arent deal breakers for the so many of us is insane. you would rather a felon lead you than a woman. a woman who wouldve stuck up for women. a woman who wouldve supported this country. america, you are truly disappointing. the world was in your hands and you let that man win. the only people who dont care are the ones privileged enough not to. women and people of color have to fear for our lives now. what about the girls younger than me?. how are they gonna make it. 2028 is gonna be long from now. day one and im scared for the rest of the world. fuck everyone who is privileged enough to where your vote doesnt affect you. you changed lives. ruined some. youre disgusting. you would much rather a man like him run, because to this world masculinity equals qualified. to the men, what would your mother think? what about your daughter? your sister? your niece? why would you only preach to your benefit. donald j. trump is going to fuck a lot of people over. thats what you want? he gave police immunity. they can shoot and kill if they want. he is taking away rights from minorities. the women. the lgbtq community. your votes are rooted in the patriarchy. he is a violent man. the most important election of our lives. ruined. god bless america right? liberty and justice for all? ive always said it was bullshit. they want you to pledge to idolatry and fuck you over. the united states is under a disgusting rule. were under control. we arent being worked with. we are controlled. congratulations to the people happy. all it means is that youre privileged. enjoy your silver spoon before it rusts. some of us needed kamala as president. this is what so many people fought against. you wouldnt be here without a woman. think of that before you vote. i wish i could change minds. hes going to deport the immigrants who moved here for their kids or future generations to have a better life. you took that from them. you took our choice from us. another shot for america, but throw it to the ground. they can afford for glass to break. we are in debt in unity. not just by finances. i wish we were more of the united nations than the united states. we are united by state but not by nation. good job americana. you won. you conditioned the world to bow to you and now you got your reign. words arent meant to be on a watch list. i wish we could fight more. die for what you believe in people. they wont get it until you do. im a woman of my own. not a woman of america. you guys wont do us right anyway. woke up in fear for myself and the rest of the world. what about the children. you selfish things. your mother would never be proud of you. speak up and speak loud. if you didnt vote, youre the problem. kamala deserved that. you let her run like water through our hands. you lost her. let her slip. now our fate is in cardboard boxes. houses are paper. you know how easy it is to break that? good job. racism, fascism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, idolatry, right wing, white supremacists. men upheld by the social hierarchy. you win. give yourself a pat on the back. i hope you throw up and choke. you can call me a liberal, a snowflake, whatever makes you happy. i know based off of that you run most of society. capitalist fucks. bourgeoisie losers. we fought and you took it away. im gonna keep editing this and i will keep saying every word that comes to mind. do it big and do it loud. fight and scream and dont let them forget. brains on pavement mean nothing to those so high they cant see it. god america you disappoint me. fuck you and your eagles. you and your everything. selfishness. trump hates the rest of the world and the minorities in it. hes the majority. dont let him fool you. thank you.
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ikiyou · 4 months ago
To the Undecided Voters
In the last days before the election, I want to highlight an important, and very abnormal, trend.
This trend is the toxic language, badmouthing, swearing, and other rhetoric from the Republicans, and from Trump.
This kind of language has never been a part of mainstream, normal, American presidential politics.
Trump's language includes things like: "the invasion of immigrants." "Immigrant gangs occupying American cities." "Harris as the anti-Christ." And other sexist and racist terms. The Republicans are equating a political party with infection, pollution, and demonic power, and are urging Americans to accept violence and chaos as a legitimate, necessary response to those threats.
This kind of language is not a joke and not an accident. This kind of language is a classic authoritarian tactic used in places like Russia. It is used to prepare the public to accept violence and lawlessness from the state. Furthermore, Republicans are encouraging Americans to ignore this language. But that's the point. Once you become desensitized and believe it is normal (it is not) to talk about political opponents in this way, you are prepared to accept the next step, which is an assault on democracy and human rights.
This is a direct attempt to normalize anger and violence in order to pass restrictive laws and damage American society.
Let's bring up a recent rhetoric example from the Madison Square Garden rally - the comments equating Puerto Rico with garbage.
Here's what Vance said in defense of that rhetoric: "Our country was built by frontiersmen who conquered the wilderness. We’re not going to restore the greatness of American civilization if we get offended at every little thing. Let’s have a sense of humor and let’s have a little fun." He said this 'joke' was told by a comedian with "no affiliation with Donald Trump’s campaign." And, Vance said that he didn't believe this 'joke' would cost the campaign votes among minority groups in swing states: "I just don’t buy that. I don’t think that’s how most Americans think, whatever the color of their skin."
Let's break this down. What is he really saying?
He is downplaying the rhetoric. This is part of the playbook to get you used to it: It's just Trump&co saying dumb stuff as usual, who cares.
He is directly insulting the intelligence of Americans - your intelligence. No real American would get offended at such a tiny thing. But wait - YOU'RE American. He's playing on your identity and trying to brainwash you with group think - the group doesn't think so, and you're part of the group, so you shouldn't either. You need to fit in.
He's gaslighting you: It's just a joke, just some humor. That's what abusers in the office say when they make sexist, racist, homophobic jokes. Oh, can't you just take a joke? You're too sensitive! YOU'RE the one with the issue, not me. It's just humor. You're not normal if you cant accept it.
He is lying about affiliation - every single individual promoting or opening for a politician is affiliated with, and was chosen by, the campaign. Would you really believe they didn't know who was going to be on stage and what they would say??
He is telling minorities to accept racist language and telling you what you should think: I don’t think that’s how most Americans think, whatever the color of their skin. This is a racist comment straight up. He is trying to enforce groupthink - if you are American, and especially if you are not white, you need to think this way to fit in. This is what real Americans think.
This is an attempt to 1) get people angry at Puerto Rico and other immigrants in order to normalize that feeling of anger among the Republican base and 2) normalize the toxic language by downplaying it so opponents and so undecided voters will ignore it.
Stoke the base and gaslight undecideds. That is part of the playbook.
This language is not normal. Trump is not normal. He means what he says and wants you to give him a free pass. That this rally and its location is a direct and deliberate parallel to a 1939 pro-Nazi rally in the same location should give you insight into his intentions.
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bloodcrownedking · 2 years ago
on one hand it’s fucking hilarious that el quackity listed gegg and cellbit as the two candidates whom he believes should not be elected under any circumstances, with him saying gegg is enemy number one. However, on the other hand, the reasoning he gave was that gegg doesn’t possess the intellect to hold such a position, which, from the standpoint of the federation would mean that they’re unable to control/manipulate gegg due to gegg being the force of chaos it is. Him being against cellbit also makes sense then, considering how since he arrived Cellbit’s main purpose on the island has been questioning the federation, so that provides some confirmation as to what exactly the federation intends to do with the elected official. However, what I find interesting is how el quackity framed it, saying that gegg lacked the intellect and cellbit lacked the mental maturity, which seems to be an effort to avoid explicitly stating the intentions of the federation. But I cant help but wonder how aware el quackity is of the role he plays?
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rainbowgothdisaster · 8 months ago
"you only need to vote if your in a swing state" yea and you only need to brush your teeth if you have something important to do, cavities are a myth and wont cause you pain when you drink your 6th can of monster energy today
there are 33 senate seats up for election. 10 republican, 19 democrat, and 4 independent. one of those up for reelection is my senator marsha blackburn, who is against abortion & contraceptives & planned parenthood and signed against ivf protections, she believes the 2020 election was fraudulent, she supports israel, and hates lgbt ppl.
all 435 house seats are up for election. 213 democrat, 220 republican, 4 independent. the tn seats are held by diana harshbarger (what a name) and tim burchett. both are republicans.
whether or not you are voting for biden, you should absolutely be voting for the senate and house. the democrats need to win 24 senate seats to hold majority, 218 house seats.
and if its your state laws that are a concern right now, see if you are one of the 11 states who gets to elect a new governor bcuz i fucking wish i was. see whats going on with your state senate and house, your courts, your schoolboard, your mayor.
theres a million different ppl in charge and only caring about the one on top is how you get the last 4 years we had. you need more funding for your local schools? the president cant do shit for that, but you can vote from your governor to your superintendent to help your area specifically.
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mithliya · 9 months ago
Anon providing context with state ballots again. Frankly, I do not consider voting to be a “moral” thing so much as I consider it to be a pragmatic thing. Biden is absolutely horrific on Palestine and I wrote in “uncommitted” during the primary as a protest myself because of it. However, I am someone who both believes that the tiny degrees of less bad do definitely matter and based on Trump’s comments (including comments he made where he advocated for nuking Gaza) I am confident that he would be significantly worse if you can imagine it. Biden is also markedly better on labor, social policies, and the environment and as a working class millennial lesbian who will have to live on this planet for several more decades that is very significant to me. However, I think the most important thing I can say regarding this election is that I can not in good conscience drop out of the political system entirely because one of those guys is going to be in office come January unless the revolution comes before then and… honestly all of the people who are big talk about that are huge larpers so I absolutely have my doubts here. May as well be the marginally less bad one who doesn’t have explicit dictatorial aspirations.
hmm yeah i just dont know if i think theyre any different. theres some areas where i do think there may be a difference like perhaps if trump came back into power then he might outlaw gay marriage for example but i havent seen evidence of biden being better with social policies or on labour or women's rights or most things rly and i find trump's talk and biden's actions irt israel/palestine to be equally disturbing & therefore i find it hard to argue one would be significantly worse in that regard. ill repeat again bc i dont want this to be misconstrued that ultimately i am powerless to who americans vote for and what they choose to do about their country's corrupt system but i do find the american mindset around it to be disturbing especially how every election theres this pressuring of people to choose between two awful choices bc otherwise theyre ~throwing away their vote~ or ~helping [presumed worse choice] win~ and thus discouraging anything that does not further enable this system. like when people were writing in the "uncommitted" thing during the primaries there were already people arguing that u have to choose biden there bc otherwise ur giving ur vote to trump. and after seeing this cycle repeat over and over again for as long as ive been old enough to understand US politics at least to a decent enough degree (which isnt that long), it just feels exhausting as an onlooker seeing the only people who actually CAN do sth about their govt throw their hands up and say they cant do anything.
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doodlytoodly · 2 years ago
i rarely giggle with glee over stuff, its gotta be like absolutely preem stuff to me, so theres this alt history thing (Kaiserreich, Hoi4 mod, got alot of lore in it, basically Germany beat the entente in ww1, France and Britain became syndicalist, Russian revolution failed, the British government was exiled to Canada ((👎)) austria hungary is still around, also the ottomans, Italy is in 2 or 3 pieces cant recall rn, all that stuff, and america is not doing good at all ((I’m a loser btw did y’all know that))) and I just found a youtube channel all about it, with a little series goin on, i think theres only 2 episodes of it? Ive only watched the trailer but its got me all giddy about it, gonna watch the actual episodes tmrw cause its 3 am and i spent an hour typing all this (i edited this part after finishing the rest lol) its about the second american civil war which happens in this world cause america is all kinds of fucked up since they lost the war, i think there was also the great depression still, but theres also black monday after that (german stock market crashes, everyone that isnt syndicalist or whatever gets fucked over), america splits into quite a few shards (im not yhe best source for all this btw cause i like to play the version that is wackier and less realistic) ((i think in normal kaiserreich theres 7 factions in america, maybe 6, in the wackier version there can ve like 11)) anywya im pretty sure its the pacific states, which is the pacifc states of america ofc, they are progressives, social liberals, that stuff, there might be the western command center, that has the rockies, which is a split off of the federal government, same side of the civil war as the federal gov, idk if they exist in normal kaiserreich, (if they dont its just the actual federal gov who control it), they seperate the PSA from the American Union State, who has the midwest with texas and stuff i believe, their leaders huey long, (one of 2 i remember) in game their ideology is authoritarian democracy or smth, i think theres a lil bit of socialism goin on in there, idrk what their deal is in the lore i havent looked at them much, then theres the Syndicalists, who have the rust belt, they are ofc syndicalists, and below them is the constitutional american republic that controls the south, religious, racist, nutjobs, just imagine the confederacy 2.0, very L faction honestly (they usually get stomped in game <3) , in Washington D.C theres the federal goverment, I think run by macarthur after he takes charge for the war, or coups if some of the other factions get elected, they are the legitimate government, macarthur is still macarthur, and finally (if i recall correctly) theres New england, they control the new england area, ( they are controlled by the feds until they ask canada to come help them out, canada walks in, establishes new england ((in game as a puppet usually, once again i. am NOT the best source for this, they are usually just like normalish i think, idk prolly like the democrats in america today, but 1930s (in the wackier version they typically get taken over by hp lovecraft and go insane but thats all very non canon).
I have no idea where j was going with this, uhhh, im just gonna leave the trailer here for it cause why not, did I mention I get no bitches btw? cause this prolly psychically repells people without either of us realizing. anyway if anyone actually reads all my dumb rambling thanks for taking the time, if you didn’t and your only reading this, thanks for reading any of it at all, yeah.
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dragonsongsblog · 7 months ago
This post, this post right here is why I loathe people who act like the genocide in Gaza is the only thing you can vote for. Like first of all, the entire us government supportsIsrael, we aren't going to get a president that magically makes that not true. Second (and I SWEAR , if I have to see one more "your life isnt more important than Palestinians" NO SHIT BUT VOTING FOR PRESIDENT IS NOT VOTING FOR ONE THING) people's lives HAVE SLREADY AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE RUINED BY REPLUBICANS. It really, really isnt that hard. You aren't having a moral gotcha with "both sides are bad" you're just being an asshole who pretends to care about others but when your moral purity is on the line ah should I vote for the lesser problem nah voting for bad people makes me feel bad so I'll just not vote and ignore the rise in murders of pregnant women in states that banned abortion, or the perpetually high suicide rate in trans people who cant get the treatment they need, or we cant forget that Republicans would looooove to get rid of no fault divorce and gay marriage. But no, don't vote the president that represents the party that doesnt want to do that, ,they support isreal LIKE EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN EXCEPT LIKE TWO THAT PROBABLY EXIST dont fucking at me like that matters in the grand scheme of things and I SWEAR people who say vote third party if you're state is always red, are you trolls. Are you psyops. Because the alternative is that you legitimately believe that even the slightest chance of a flip isnt worth it nah vote third party because uuuuhhh oh yea there ISNT a reason (I am talking about higher elections local elections like mayor, maybe third parties do win those sometimes I wouldn't know cause those elections where I live are always run solo by a Republican but I STILL vote in them because it's the only thing I CAN do there is no revolution coming where all the bad people get kicked out and good people pop into existance)
Sometimes, as much as I love internet communities and spaces, I really think a lot of people have spent so much time in sanitized, morally pure echo chambers that they lose sight of realism and life outside the internet.
I live in Alabama. My fiancée and I cannot hold hands down the street without fear of homophobic assholes. We have an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. We are one of the poorest states in the US with some of the lowest scores on metrics related to quality of life, including maternal mortality, healthcare, education, and violence. It’s not a coincidence that we are also one of the most red, one of the most Republican states in the Union. In 2017 the UN said the conditions in Alabama are similar to those in a third-world country.
Trump gave a voice to the most violently racist, sexist, xenophobic groups of people who, unfortunately for most of us in the Southern U.S., run our states and have only grown more powerful since his rise to power. The Deep South powers MAGA, and we all suffer for it.
We have no protections if they don’t come from the federal government.
I know people are suffering internationally and my heart is with them. However, this election is not just about foreign policy - we have millions of Americans right here at home living in danger, living in areas where they have been completely abandoned by their local leaders. We need this win.
No candidate is perfect, but for the first time in my voting lifetime I’m excited to vote. I’m excited for the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz ticket because they are addressing the issues close to home. They’re advocating for education as the ticket to a better life, but without the crippling student debt. They’re advocating for the right to love who you love without fear and with pride. Kamala has always been pro-LGBT+ and so has Tim. Again, if you’re queer in the South, we don’t have support unless it comes from the federal government, and we absolutely will not have support if the Republicans regain the White House.
Kamala speaks in length about re-entry programs to reduce recidivism and help people who have been arrested and imprisoned regain their lives. Tim Walz supported restoring voting rights to felons. In the South, you know who comprise the majority of felons? Members of minorities. It’s one of the major tools of systemic racism and mass disenfranchisement, and arguably the modern face of slavery (there are some fantastic documentaries and books that explain the connection between the post-Reconstruction South and the disproportionate rates of imprisonment for BIPOC). Having candidates who recognize this and want to restore the freedom and rights to people who have come into contact with the criminal justice system? And keep them from having to go to prison in the first place? That’s refreshing. That’s exciting.
I would *love* to live in a country where women’s rights are respected, where LGBT+ rights and protections are a given, where we treat former criminals and individuals experiencing mental health crises with respect and dignity. I would *love* to live in a country where education is free of religious interference and each and every citizen is entitled to a fair start and equal opportunities.
But I don’t live in that country. Millions and millions of Americans find their rights and freedoms up for debate and on the ballot.
Project 2025 poses the largest threat to the future of our democracy as we know it. We are being called to fight for the future of our country.
We have to put on our oxygen masks first before we can help others.
You don’t have moral purity when you wash your hands of the millions of us who are still fighting for own freedoms right here.
The reality is that a presidential candidate is a best fit, and not a perfect fit. But comparatively speaking? Kamala is pretty damn close.
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pizzahutchan124 · 4 months ago
Life is overwhelming
Can you believe that we're two months away from 2025? Time sure does fly. Im making great strides on both a personal and financial level, though I still think i could be doing better. Alot of political things going down right now in the usa. Its going to be a weird 4 years here. I haven't cried it out yet. Maybe im just numb to current events, but i cant dwell on the election. Just because he got elected doesn't mean im gonna be calling him my president anytime soon.
I'm tired. Its hard enough maintaining a consistent part time job on top of staying up to date with politics. I have enough to worry about without watching the news. This might sound like excuses to some people but im just burned out. I did my part in voting, and that's really all i can do without getting overwhelmed.
I have goals i want to accomplish. I still have courses i purchased, yarn that hasn't been woven, and tons of paint that i impulse bought during covid times. I have resolutions I want to work on. I have dreams I want to make come to life whether that be on paper, google docs or on canvas. I have hope for my mental health. I still count my blessings that I live in a blue state and that I have people who I can count on. Im just taking things one step at a time.
That's all i can do for now.
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thoughtsbeewild · 7 months ago
1 min listening to Kamala speech made me sick., cant listen to her. Starts off with her big headed Title well I was a prosecutor of killa California. let me tell you with some ghetto slang ppl
Just cause you had the title of the prosecutor with a high paying salary doesn't make you a good leader. Remember California is democratic state, where its nothing but puppet and barbie land . Trust me it takes a true survivor to survive the jungles of California people, omg the women are worst like mini kamala puppets with a hint of megg thee nasty stallion aura. That's how people dress in California, naked nasty, booty hanging from tinest shorts, people in restaurants look like thier going to a club, its overdress environment. Especially around certain beaches, nothing but that.
The lies just come out of her mouth and that kind of crowd believes her marketing bullshit.
of course she brings nasty megee thee stallion, it wouldn't be icing to the cake if kamala didn't do that. So thier no reason get upset, stay calm orange man. This is who they are. This is the fight, this is what your going continue to go against. How will you overcome these obstacles, bitch of truth social or find a way to sway her voters to your way. As vivek said because we are dipping into thier army pond of puppets, that will piss the fuck out of them.
We all know ben sharpio going make episode of disgust, your typical Shapiro commentary. They seem to FOCUS ALOT on her on thier show, i really dont know why. Thier alot nasty artist, actress, out there. Why are they just focusing on just her? Makes no sense.
END GOAL OF THAT: she going push other side buttons..
its doesn't bother m. Because I can see what kind of person she is already from the stupid idiot phony 2020 election, like joe we won. And they did the same skit again 4 years later, when old man joe exited out. Now suprise suprise guess what Obama/michella gave her a phone call of endorsement. Don't you see they are just repeating thier fucking behavior over and over again.
4 years later but with a more dumbass audience who don't know shit. that's why i get the delete, censoring because they know people are stupid enough they wont remember that far back. That's problem they hate that people in this world good memory, they don't forget shit, let it go move on. Its never forgotten.
They will do the same repeats, but SAY orange what will you do better? I want see in the debate fucking school the fuck out of her to whole world, that will be great. A historical mark on your record and that is how a good leader should be remembered when we leave this earth.
Anyway: it just shows representation and brand kamala represents dishonesty, no integrity, cares more for the title, last min leader who will install dictator leaders for company's you work for, they will put you through hell by using thier title, power of authority, deceitful, manipulate. MOST IMPORTANT SHE DAMN GOOD ACTRESS TO PLAY THIS INNOCENT ANGEL PART TO SWAY DUMB VOTERS TO STAY IN POWER, CONTROL, POWER OF AUTHORITY(REAL MOTIVE FOR 2024 ELECTION). That's what she sells, i would not encourage any1 to vote for that in your state, your communities, if you never had a direct demoncrat leader to report to, your in for a wild and crazy ride of kill me now and insert me to a mental institution(that's how stressful of hell it is reporting to a leader who resembles kamala. How the fuck these people get away with shit with a smile and takes a photoshoot for thier social media? blows my fucking mind. To build USA off more leaders like that, nah i don't wish that for any state for the company you are employed for or searching as your next job opportunity , you have people who are lazy ass fuck getting promoted/merit increase, while you working your hard ass off. Nah fuck that, too many fucking lazy ass women(bitches) on instagram traveling partying in California with thier fake love puppet squad on a boat, and they dont got lift a fucking finger, while im sure some are taking more jobs to make ends meet .
i rather have a leader with integrity to inspires others to work hard to get to the top of whatever that is.
Verus Demonleaders: demoncrats leaders , they focus more on the title, power of authority, control but they don't bring good leadership qualities to help people. They are know it alls and lazy as fuck to do the work. They will outsource and burden others to pile your work on top off others, aka UNFAIRNESS. They love photoshoots, and focus on the selling you this happily ever after idea, like they are here help you, when really they are not.
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kael-writ · 7 months ago
This lacks a lot of understanding of the nuance here.
(1) While unlikely, it's actually not impossible to get Harris off the ballot too. Im going to be protesting at the DNC, as are many Palestinians and allies..
(2) While difficult, it's actually not impossible to have a third party win, if not now, someday
(3) The threat of and fear of losing votes is pressure on Harris that she needs.
Everyone saying "you HAVE to support her! You can't criticize her!" is doing something extremely harmful right now imo. She needs heavy, strong criticism, right now.
You say refusing to vote has/can never helped push the country left. I disagree. I think the Dems having to court our votes has made them have to distinguish themselves from Republicans more than they would.
(4) Furthermore, voting Dem uncritically, "Blue no matter who" and "shush you cant say that do you want Republicans to win?!" has certainly done nothing to help us go further left. Dems absolutely LOVE being able to use the threat of going further right to keep the status quo. They would rather lose elections than go too left. The right wing nature of the Democrats relies on people feeling like they HAVE to accept the Dems as is and can't possibly ask for better.
(5) Personal convictions and feelings do matter. The people saying she doesn't deserve the support of people she hates and hurts, particularly genocide victims, are doing a good thing for themselves and their loved ones, those victims. You can't look a Palestinian in the eye and tell them they HAVE to shut up and support someone who wants their family dead and works to make it happen. How people feel and their personal morality matters and you can't take it away.
(6) In many states, the decision to not vote of a minority, even a large minority, of people is not going to change who wins the electoral college, and it's frustrating to see people forget how the electoral college works. We know in advance what the swing states will and will not be. Your vote or lack thereof can be nothing more than a personal statement in your state. You actually can be strategic or just personally moral in this way.
Ultimately, one vote is absolutely nothing, even a couple 100 votes is not what swings an election. The knuckle-under libs outnumber the radical left right now. A handful of radical leftists choosing not to support a genocidal cop is not going to break the election.
(7) The idea that Harris or Biden is radically different from Trump is not shared by everyone around the world who have to suffer American oppression. If you actually listen to people like Palestinians, they'll tell you that. And America is a land of immigrants, and a lot of leftists listen to these folks and stand by them. To a lot of people, yea, this is just theater.
(8),If you really wanna persuade radical leftists to support someone so fuckin repulsive, you gotta at least be real and be understanding. The condemnation and condescension, the fucking personal insults (ableist to boot, nice one), the lack of nuance, lack of understanding the full picture, is just not gonna win people over.
(9) You know where I think that energy is better spent? Go write Harris a letter saying, "hey a lot of my comrades don't wanna vote for you unless you make some major changes, like fully committing to divesting entirely from Israel. As someone who wants you to win, I want you to take these potential lost votes seriously."
Or if you havent yet, write your local reps. "Hey if you guys fight to stop arming Israel you'll get more support from the left also it's the right thing to do to not mass murder people."
(10) The pressure radical leftists are putting onto Harris is honestly meant to pressure everyone else too, because ultimately, a lot of us just wanna end the genocide, and the police state, and so on.
Not everyone thinks the same way. You gotta meet them where they're at. A lot of people believe revolution is possible. Or they just have very strong personal morality and they are going to stick to it no matter what seems pragmatic to you.
Calling resistors idiots isn't gonna change the mind of people who admire someone like Aaron Bushnell who set himself on fire to try to save Palestine. He aint gonna vote. And there's a good reason people honor him. They don't care if you don't think what he did was strategically pragmatic to your goals. It's bigger than that. Try to understand why they feel that way.
if you would rather elect a fascist than a liberal you're not a leftist you're just edgy
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 8 months ago
so last night was the shit show of the united states presidential debate between the 2 inevitable candidates
and yes as funny as it is that it went so horribly and has funny as the mems are, this really isnt funny. we are literally doomed. theres no way around it. neither candidate will probably even live thru a full term but the damage the one could do would be so horrifically devastating it wont matter how short the term was. also both will lead us to war. and if putin doesnt kick the bucket soon NATOs gonna end up in WWIII. the only thing keeping countries like the US, Russia, North Korea etc from nuclear war is the mutually assured destruction of it. and trust that these men are just unhinged enough to put those keys in and press that button. as much as id love to think that ill be able to grow old and be happy i doubt ill live past 40 at this rate. this election is between a lunatic, unhinged, lying, womanizer who only cares about himself and a geriatric old man who entertains the lunatic. the worlds gonna end one day and that day seems to be getting closer and closer. we have 5 years before our climate damage is irreversible and no ones gonna do jack shit about it. ive accepted that within the next 30 years i will likely lose not only my rights as a human being but also my life at the hands of lunatic old men who have no sense of humanity. whether the nuclear war kills me, the boiling of the planet, or my own hand to avoid options 1 and 2 ive accepted i probably wont die peacefully at 104 in my sleep. ive accepted death as ive accepted i wont bring children into this awful world, ill never be able to buy a house, and ill be drowning in debt for the rest of my life regardless of how much i make. i try to think of the more immediate future like college and career options but i cant help but think abt these things. im 16 and worried about my future rights as a citizen, world war 3, nuclear holocausts, fascism in america and my inevitable death. i wish i could have some semblance of secruity in my government and in the world but at this point i dont even bother having hope. i want to change it somehow but unfortunately i worry that by the time i can change anything it will be too late. for fucks sake the 10 commandments are now required in louisianna classrooms and in ohio you must teach the bible in public schools. women and babies in the US are dying at an insane rate since the overturn of row v wade (americas federal protection of abortions) project 2025 just straight up exists and makes sure that not only do i not have rights as a woman, a member of the LGBT+ community but also that im a criminal by birth because my parents are 2 diff faiths. trump a felon and presidential candidate has called my fathers people vermin, sees women as playthings and only cares about himself and money. if there is one human on this planet that i thing god truly made a mistake in creating its him. tbh with everything going on in the world im not sure i believe in a god anymore (something that could also be a crime in project 2025). and haha yea laugh at america the laughing stock of the world, the meth lab that lives under canada but god help us if he becomes president. ive mentioned before that if that happens mt family will literally have to flee the states. imagine that, political refugees from the so called land of the free. despite the fact that both candidates suck one is significantly better than the other. if youre a US citzen over 18 PLEASE PLEASE VOTE BLUE.
american politics is a joke and its citizens are the punchline.
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