#i can work for 79 hours straight
tardis--dreams · 2 years
Procrastinating my actual work by trying to formulate that stupid german summary. Every word hurts. Physically.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Hello Vodika!
I don't know if you accept requests, but I would like to make one request. Could I have a request regarding our Commanders (Cody, Wolffe, Fox, Bly, Ponds, Gree, Neyo and Bacara) where they will seen their S/O in 79's dressed in their battalion colors? I wonder how the boys will react to this. 😉😏
I greet you warmly and wish you all the best in your life! ❤
His Colors
Pairings: Commander Cody x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader, Commander Bly x Reader, Commander Neyo x Reader
Word Count: 2041 in total
Warnings: Some suggestive comments and actions
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: hi there! I do always accept requests, so thank you very much for yours! I made the choice to only pick five Commanders of the ones you listed since I felt like it was going to get repetitive (and I don't know Ponds or Gree all that well).
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Commander Cody x Reader - Orange at 79s
Cody’s mouth goes dry when he sees her.
She’s clad in a tight dress. It's tight enough that Cody’s not actually sure how she’s breathing, let alone walking. 
And it’s orange.
The same shade of orange that decorates the front of his armor. 
She sees him, and a blinding smile crosses her face, as she waves at him. He watches her say something to her friend, and then she hurries over to him and flings herself into his arms, “Cody!”
“Cyare,” His voice is slightly hoarse, “You look—” He trails off, not having the right words to describe her look.
Her smile brightens, “You like?”
Cody’s hands settle, tightly, on her hips, pulling her flush against him. He’s still dressed in his armor and, for the first time, he wishes he had something a little more casual to wear.
Her smile, somehow, brightens even more. “Good. I bought it for you to enjoy.”
She leans in so her painted lips hover over his ear, “My lingerie matches.” She whispers.
Cody is pretty sure that her comment just broke something in his brain, because the only thing he can think of, now, is pale orange lingerie against her pretty skin.
“Why would you tell me that?” He asks, “Now I can’t think of anything else,”
She laughs, and Cody’s heart swells, “Good. Now I’m sure I’ll be able to keep your attention.”
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Commander Wolffe x GN!Reader - Grey at the Park
You’re late. You’re very late. 
It’s not your fault that there was an accident right outside your work, and you were stuck waiting for the traffic police to clean up the mess before you could leave.
But you’re still late.
You didn’t even have time to change. You’re still wearing your boring, grey scrubs. You went and bought a very nice outfit for your date with Wolffe.
And now you aren’t even going to be able to wear it.
It’s enough to make you want to cry.
Hopefully, Wolffe will still be waiting for you. He said he would, but you were supposed to meet an hour ago.
You wouldn’t blame him in the slightest for leaving.
You hurry into the park, heading straight for the meeting point. The meeting point is the bench near the fountain, the bench where you met him for the first time.
And he’s still there. A datapad in his hand, his gaze locked on the small device. You slow from your quick walk as you approach him. He really is so handsome.
He must have a sixth sense devoted to noticing people staring at him, though, because he lifts his gaze and meets yours. You watch as his gaze flickers down to your outfit, and you feel a surge of self-consciousness. 
Scrubs aren’t designed to look flattering on anyone, after all.
You nervously smooth your hand down the front of your scrubs as he stands and walks over to you, an unusual smile on his handsome face. “I’m so sorry I’m late,” You start, “I didn’t even have time to go home and change. I bought an outfit that’s more attractive than—”
You stop when his hand presses against your cheek, and he leans in to catch your lips with his.
He breaks the kiss and you stare up at him in confusion. And then you realize that your scrubs are the same color as the grey on his armor.
“You look really good in my colors, cyar’ika.” He murmurs, “How about, instead of going to dinner, we go back to your place, and I show you just how good I think you look.”
And your face burns with flustered embarrassment.
You suppose he likes it.
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Commander Fox x GN!Reader - Red in the Senate Archives
Fox sighs as he folds his arms as he scans the archives.
It’s empty. Of course, it is. No one comes to the archives unless they need something.
He impatiently drums his fingers on his vambrace, seriously considering leaving. He has work to do, he shouldn’t have to wait for them to show up to do their job.
“Sorry, sorry! I’m here!” Fox turns when he hears a familiar voice and the, even more, familiar sound of heavy boots on the tiled floor. He’s not able to smother his smile when they come to a stop in front of him.
“You’re late, little bird.” Fox chides, though there’s no heat in his voice as he looks them over. They ran here from the lifts, obviously, there’s sweat on their brow and their short hair is plastered to their forehead.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. The Chancellor needed me to deliver something to Senator Organa,” They gasp out, pressing their hand over their heart. 
“You need to work out more.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
They scowl at him, and then unzip their jacket and toss it over the back of a chair, “I’m in perfect health, thank you.”
Fox’s breath catches in his throat when he sees the shirt that they’re wearing. It’s silky, and sheer in some places. And the same color as his armor.
His little bird is wearing his colors.
Fox steps closer to them, absently tossing his gloves on the table as well, before he lightly catches the hem of the, surprisingly delicate, shirt. “What’s this?” He breathes out.
They turn so they’re facing Fox, “I bought a new shirt at lunchtime.” Their smile becomes playfully innocent, “Do you like it?”
Fox steps closer to them, his free hand sliding to the back of their neck, “Where’s the archivist?”
“Went home. It’s after closing time,” They reply.
Fox hums thoughtfully, and the hand that was lightly gripping the hem of their shirt moves to the topmost button, unfastening it. And then it slowly moves down the front of their shirt.
“Well, since we’re alone,” Fox murmurs, as he leans in to hover his lips over theirs and slowly continues to unbutton their shirt, “How about you sing me a song, little bird?”
His comment is rewarded with a delighted giggle, and Fox leans in to seal his lips over theirs. 
His little bird wearing red is just not fair, really.
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Commander Bly x F!Reader - Yellow at sunset
Bly’s not sure what he did to deserve the attention of someone as amazing as her. Especially since everyone and their cousin seems to think that he has a thing for his general.
Hell, even his girl thought that he had a thing for his general.
It had been a hassle trying to convince her differently. Luckily, General Secura had been more than happy to talk to her. And tell her all about her amazing girlfriend.
In any event, the conversation had been enough that she said yes when Bly asked her out. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Doesn’t mean that he understands why she wants him, of all men. But he’s not going to question it.
Her voice, soft and musical, causes him to whip his head around, a broad smile already crossing his face.
And there she is.
Standing several feet away from him, her pretty hair pulled into a loose braid over one of her shoulders, her painted lips spread into a warm smile.
And clad in a dress in his colors.
That, and the way that the setting sun paints her in golds and oranges, Bly finds himself at a loss for words. 
Well, not really.
Only his words are all things like, “Marry me,” and “I love you”. Silly little comments like that.
Absently she plays with her braid, “Well, how do I look?” She asks shyly, “I know I don’t usually wear yellow—”
“You could wear a trash bag and still be the most stunning woman on any planet,” Bly says, once he manages to find his tongue.
She giggles, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
If Bly ever has the displeasure of meeting the person who told her that her smile is weird-looking, he’s going to introduce them to his hunting knife. But he quickly shoves the thought to the side so he’s able to hurry to her side.
She smiles up at him as he stops in front of her, “You really like it?”
“I love it. You look amazing in my colors, you should wear them more often.” Bly lightly takes her hand in his and twirls her, pulling a startled laugh from her lips.
“I just need to see from all angles,” He teases, as he twirls her again, the hem of her skirt flaring out, and twisting around her legs. “Yeah,” Bly breathes out, “You look perfect.”
“Thank you.”
He sets his free hand on her hip, “Dance with me?”
She averts her gaze, shyly. But there’s a smile on her lips as she nods. “As if you have to ask?”
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Commander Neyo x F!Reader - Burgundy at the Winery
You smile politely at the sommelier as he approaches you. You offer him Neyo’s name and mention that he should already be here, and the older man smiles kindly, “He’s sitting in the back. Follow me.”
This isn’t your first date with Neyo, you’ve been dating for well over a year at this point, but he’s been deployed for the last six months, and this is your first proper date since the war ended.
As much as you’d like him to move in with you, Neyo refuses. Claiming that you’ve only been dating for six months and that more time is needed to determine if the pair of you are a good fit.
He’s not wrong, of course.
But he’s been your pick since the first day you met him. It’s disheartening to think that he doesn’t feel the same way.
You take a deep breath and smooth the velvety material of your burgundy dress. It’s new, and it might, very well, be the most expensive thing that you own. You had it specially made to match the burgundy of Neyo’s armor.
Hopefully, he’ll like it.
Hopefully, he still likes you.
You see Neyo before he sees you. He’s wearing a dark burgundy button-up shirt and some nice slacks. If you had to guess, the top two buttons probably aren’t buttoned, because that’s the kind of man he is.
He’s nursing a glass of wine.
You feel your heart clench. You really do love him more than life itself. You hope he knows that.
You can tell when Neyo sees you.
While your handsome Commander would never slouch, he was sitting casually. And the moment he sees you, he straightens in his seat. As you approach, you see his gaze dart down your body, and you see his severe mein fade into something more welcoming.
Well, welcoming for him, at least.
Neyo stands as you stop by his table, “Cyare,” He lightly takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles. Now that you’re closer you can see just how much he appreciates how you look right now. “You look beautiful,”
You smile at him, all warmth and affection, and you watch as something soft creeps into his gaze, “Well, I wasn’t trying to match with you, but we do make quite a striking pair, I think.”
He chuckles and brushes the backs of his fingers against your cheek, “Well, we certainly look better than some of the people here,” He agrees, and then his gaze sweeps down your body again, and something like hunger slides into his gaze, “I’ll just have to behave myself until we’re alone.”
You tilt your head, questioningly.
“Ah, cyar’ika,” Heat runs down your spine at the molten way he says his pet name for you, “You’re wearing my colors. You didn’t expect me to not react, did you?”
A small smile lifts your lips, “Well, that’s something to look forward to, isn’t it?”
Neyo’s grin is small and secretive, but he lightly releases your hand and pulls out the chair next to him, “Your chair, cyare.”
“Well, thank you, Commander.” You sink into the seat and have to muffle your giggle as he sweeps your hair off your neck to press a lingering kiss against your neck. Tonight is going to be fun.
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raisethestake · 1 year
Tech x reader (NSFW) pt. 1/2
Excuse some of the crude language, I dont picture a relationship with Tech being overly romanticised so it felt weird to have especially eloquent and descriptive words for some reason 😂
Mostly fluff, gets more NSFW the further down you read. Enjoy!
(pt. 2 in development)
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· I am a retired bounty hunter who gets employed by the Republic as a reconnaissance contact
· I was born on Ord Mantell
· I am quite paranoid, which makes me a great scout as I am always on the lookout.
· I am covered in piercings and tattoos
· Tech is also covered in tattoos
[reference 👇]
· I work in 79's when I'm not on missions. This is where I was briefly acquainted with the Batch.
· I then got put on a mission with them about a month later.
· He is fascinated by my creative knowledge and wisdom. It is different than his own knowledge and while he's actually quite good when he joins me to paint sometimes, he struggles with conceptual ideas and prefers cold, hard facts.
· Me and Tech really hit it off with intellectual debates. I learnt stuff from him and he liked it when I asked for advice, but he also learnt about social and moral concepts from me.
· I am a trained night owl because I work in a bar, but i also enjoy the mornings, soaking in the peacefulness of either sides of the day.
· We are always the last 2 to go to bed, working in silence or having hushed conversations in the cockpit.
· Tech started to look forward to this undisturbed time with me.
· everyone noticed that I was Tech's new favorite person.
· he was sat in the corner in 79's one night looking a litle distracted. I asked Hunter and Crosshair what was up when they were getting drinks. Hunter wasnt sure, but Crosshair said
· "he's hung up on someone and doesnt quite know what to do with himself."
· Hunter looked incredulous "who??"
· Crosshair's gaze went straight from Tech to me. I responded with a snort.
· he'd gotten onto Tech's data pad and seen mission reports filed by me. It looked like he was researching me, analysing my speech and thought process to be able to talk to me better.
· they asked me what i was going to do. I made a 'fuck it' face and finished my shift half an hour later.
· i came out with shots and offered one to Tech. "Come one mopey, we gonna dance?"
· as he stood up and shotted, "theres just something i gotta do first" and I took his chin and met his lips to mine.
· he got very flustered and started babbling about something in a low mumble. I took his hand and led him to the dancefloor.
· his dancing was a little awkward and self-conscious, but he was glad it was jazz so he didnt have to let loose to blend in. He was watching me intently the whole time. Me peppering him with kisses and him beginning to reciprocate, letting go of my hands to pull my waist in close. My arms thrown around his neck, we danced in an embrace.
· as we were around the boys all the time, we didnt get ample time to ourselves.
· Tech is NOT a morning person. He will stay asleep as long as time allows and is very grumpy. He will snap at people before he has his coffee.
· The boys warned me after we'd already slept together. I enjoy quiet in the morning anyway so I hadn't disturbed him.
· Morning Tech started to appear less often as having someone wake him up with neck kisses put him in a much better mood.
· we soon worked out that his main kink was love bites. It turned him on to see them during the day and know I was his.
· Tech is a madman. He clutters, scribbles on his walls, accidentally stays up late and tattoos himself.
· I slot into this well. While not as hardcore, I also tattoo myself and I am easy with the clutter. I am not the most tidy person but I like that I never feel guilty for it because he's worse than me.
· We are the lords of parallel play. We can sit in silence for hours. Tech tinkers, I do creative things, sometimes we sit and tattoo each other.
Good Morning
· we were on the Marauder after the rest of the boys woke up early to pick up parts in the city.
· I got up to make caff. Tech came in as I sipped and looked out the window.
· he made a cup and came to stand just behind me. I took his arm and wrapped it around my waist. He relaxed into it and rested his cheek on my head.
· I kissed his hand and he melted. He kissed my temple and made his way down to my neck, his hand moving to my hip. He stretched to set down his caff and squeezed my hips.
· i set my mug down and reached behind my head to stroke his hair. He pulled my pelvis into his as he added little licks down my neck and nibbled my ear.
· i turned around and our lips met. He towered over me as we backed against the wall.
· we jacked each other off at the same time until he lifted me up to curl my legs around his head and sat me on him.
· he began respectfully, but adapted as I encouraged him to go harder.
· i ended up turning round and he took me from behind. One hand reaching to rub my clit and biting my neck.
· he finished just after me.
· i had to brace against the wall to keep myself standing - weak in the knees. Tech twisted around and leaned his back against the wall. We looked at each other panting and chuckled before he took my hand and turned me around, sinking down to bring me ino his lap, where he held me and we kissed and talked.
· Tech is a sex GOD. I've had it good from bounty hunters, but never like him. He learnt everything about the female body when we got together to ensure I had the best time.
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
Your ask box is my kingdom, I am taking it over
But anyway I so badly want your thoughts on Jack and Davey in my college prof au please please please I know I haven't spoken about it on tumblr yet except from a little bit but I love your Javid so yeah
-has watched high school musical thank you very much
ok ok @roideny obvi this is your au but here are my Very Important thoughts bc i love them Very Much ugh. in love w them
David Jacobs-Kelly:
44 years old, born in ‘79
Undergrad: majored in English, minored in Creative Writing
Masters: Poetics and Theory AdvC- NYU
Doctorate: English and American Literature, thesis is over gender and sexuality in Shakespeare
he’s been Dr. Jacobs-Kelly for about seventeen years by the time the story takes place!
as a prof, he teaches a comp class, an honors comp (Critical Analysis and Writing), and some creative writing/poetry courses! he’s a very busy man.
he meets Race, Albert, and Finch because they’re students in his comp class!
when he’s not teaching, he’s really involved in the local queer scene. i feel like he’s a staple at drag brunches and pride celebrations; he’s not a huge club fan anymore but he still loves being Involved. growing up during the aids crisis is traumatizing at the least, and im sure he lost a few friends, so he stays up to date in the queer stuff to sort of honor them.
he marries jack in 2011 when gay marriage is legalized in new york!
he’s a huge shakespeare fan, as seen by his phd studies. he has a hamlet-inspired tattoo because he’s gay
tbh he probably has a cat named after shakespeare (they have two cats im calling it now. shakespeare and bryan, name courtesy of jack)
he and jack don’t have any kids, but he’s a loving fun uncle for Les and Sarah’s respective kids!
Jack Jacobs-Kelly:
45 years old, born in ‘78
Undergrad: Studio Art! but he dropped out after a semester <33
he just decided that college wasn’t for him. why pay money for something he doesn’t need?
he goes straight into a set design apprenticeship that medda helps him get! medda is his adoptive mom, so he’s been around queer spaces and theatre since he was around 15. he loves it, it’s his home
that being said he probably sells his own paintings and maybe does mural work on the side, he likes to keep busy and is invested in the art scene, and he meets davey when davey moves to New York for his masters! he’s the reason davey stays in NYC <33
he’s very eccentric, and very much doesn’t give a fuck. he’s a black queer man- the universe already nerfed him, so why worry about anything else? i can see him being the really go-with-the-flow husband to davey’s more tight-strung academic vibe. they really balance each other out
again, they don’t have kids, but i feel like this jack is very much For The Youths? i can see him volunteering a lot, working for organizations that help troubled kids get into the arts— i feel like it’s his passion project that makes him feel better when davey is busy at the university all day. in another life he’s a foster parent, but he and davey just don’t have the lifestyle to foster, so he focuses his energy elsewhere!
whenever davey “adopts” some freshmen he’s always on board. he really hits it off with Albert!
not as involved in the queer scene as davey, but his career is literally in musical theatre set design, so even if he’s not in the queer scene he’s In The Queer Scene
i don’t wanna talk about him losing medda but i can see him eventually inheriting the theater!
he loves his nieces and nephews! he’s a big family guy
Extra Thoughts:
jack and davey are a pair. they rarely go anywhere outside of work without each other, and they’re so, SO in love.
jack pretty regularly comes to see Davey while he’s at work; he’ll bring him lunch to office hours and pop in to watch him lecture from time to time.
davey attends the opening night of every show jack works on <33
their apartment is always a mess LMAO. davey has papers and books everywhere, there’s paint on the floor, brushes all over the place— it’s what happens when you cross a tired academic and an adhd creative. shit happens.
they actually stay pretty hip and on-trend? idk how it happens but jack is rlly good with youth culture and davey is on top of gay culture so like. yeah they work.
over summers and breaks, they travel a lot! not anything crazy expensive— they love international travel, but they’re also a big fan of road trips and rental cars!
they are my FAVORITES and i love them so much
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parttimedragonslayer · 9 months
Day 58 (Day 79) - Complete 17 January 2024
Went to the gym after work. I’m going to count it as complete even though I don’t think I was there for 50 mins. I started on the treadmill, but it was hurting my calves so I only did 10 mins. I wandered around the machines and did some of this and that under the rower was free, then did about 15 minutues on there. 
Day 59 (Day 80) - Complete 18 January 2024
Rest day
Day 60 (Day 81) - Incomplete 19 January 2024
My usual excuses for a Friday. I was up early, home late and it’s Friday. I stayed in and ordered pizza. 
Day 60 (Day 82) - Complete 20 January 2024
Skipped the easier short run or cross train day and instead figued I’d get the more difficult interval run out of the way on the weekend. 6.5 kms with 6x2mins of hard running. I kind of did it. I ran 6.5 kms and I tried to do 2 mins of harder running each interval, but mostly I had to slow down before the 2 mins was up, and it wasn’t really that much of a faster pace than the rest of my run anyway. But I don’t really care, I’m focussing on just being able to make the distance, working on speed can come later. 
Day 62 (Day 83) - Complete 21 January 2024
7km run. A little slower than I’d hoped for honestly but, distance first, speed comes later. 
Day 63 (Day 84) - Complete 22 January 2024
Rest day. Was thinking of skipping rest day but changed my mind at 6am when the alarm went off. Stayed in bed instead.
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Day 64 (Day 85) - Complete 23 January 2024
8km! New PB again. Took me an hour and one minute. I was surprised at how slow it was, but I think maybe is just how morning runs are. If I roll out of bed straight into a run with no fuel and still half asleep, it’s gonna be slow, right?
Struggling a little to find routes that are the right distance now, that also stay off main roads and don’t make me loop over the same ground again. I might have to do more out and back  runs instead of loops, or run the loop twice. 
I decided not to go back and pick up day 61 yet. I’ll leave it as kind of a free pass, an easy run when I don’t want to do a long one. I’m gonna get kind of creative with the program now, I think. Make sure long runs are on weekends as much as possible.
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daddycephalopod · 10 months
Stars Fading: Chapter 2
A Bet is a Bet
Summary: A night at 79s with a few of the commanders and one captain turns sour, Cody feeling guilty about the whole ordeal the next day.
Fluff. Angst. Stuff. Warning: Attempted mugging scene, violence ensues. People get drunk at bars.
@starstofillmydream is really the only tag I have but if anybody wants to be tagged in fics, let me know 😄
Kyra had enlisted Isla to help her pick something to wear. She had freshly showered, wearing her hair down again. Isla was currently going through her closet, making noises here and there but no actual words. She threw black leggings at her, followed by a black shirt with a questionable slit. The slit started from the plunging neckline down to just above her belly button.
“Why did I agree to this?” She frowned in the mirror as she decided to braid her hair half up, half down.
“Because you’re deeply in love with this man and need to show him your affection by betting on if he can fuck other people or not.”
Kyra shot her a warning look, Isla holding her hands up.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” Isla said
Kyra rolled her eyes but didn’t verbally respond to that. The girls had left, going back out to 79s together.
Rex, Cody, Fox, and Wolffe were the ones at the table tonight. The others were busy working or somewhere else in the bar.
“Not that it isn’t nice to see you, but you’re certainly out here more than usual. Any reason for that?” Rex asked, tone a little teasing.
Before Cody could answer, Kyra came through the door and headed straight for their table. Rex smirked knowingly, Cody shooting him a wry look. He had noticed the slit in her shirt but he had also noticed that this shirt allowed him to see more scars on her body. There was a bigger one, going down the middle of her chest. What was her story and where did they come from? Obi-wan’s warning rang through his head.
“Hello boys. I hope Cody forewarned you I was coming.” She said as she sat next to the mentioned commander.
“He said something about it in the chat.” Wolffe said
“Chat?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, we have an encrypted channel we speak to each other through when we’re on Coruscant.” Rex said
“That goes off at all kriffing hours.” Fox added with a wry look.
“Not that you aren’t already awake, doing the chancellors bidding.” Cody said
“Is that what we’re calling Kavra now?” Kyra asked
Fox nearly choked on his beer as Rex and Wolffe had to hide their smiles behind theirs.
“She’s a senator’s sister. It would be highly inappropriate.” He replied, trying to make it seem like he didn’t almost just choke on his drink.
“Oh come on, Fox. She’s an absolute catch and everybody who walks by her knows it. She exudes confidence and knows how to command a room if needed, but she’s also funny and might be able to actually kill you.”
“Is confidence and command something you’re into, Kyra?” Rex asked, tone teasing.
“Why do you think I agreed to sit here tonight?” She responded with a devilish smile.
She then looked around the bar, “alright, Cody. I do have boring mechanic duties to take care of first thing in the karking morning. So, who’s your first victim?”
Cody’s eyes scanned the room, landing on a brunette who was making eyes at their table. It would almost be way, way too easy. He stood and went over to her, leaning against the bar as he spoke to her. He pointed back at their table and she blushed a bit, giggling. Definitely already drunk.
Kyra took a sip of her whiskey and leaned back, watching.
“Why do you do this to yourself? Don’t you think you should get to be happy too?” Rex asked
“What makes you think I’m so unhappy?” She asked
“Aurora is worried about you.” He replied
She smiled a bit at that, small and genuine.
“I miss my home, I left one war to fix machines in another one because I was tired of killing my own. I have a lovely loft, wonderful friends, and the company of a million handsome men at my disposal. I’m bound to complain sometimes but really….I’m okay, Rex. thank you, though. Besides occasionally Isla and Rory, nobody really checks in on me.”
“No attraction to the Jedi?” Wolffe asked in a teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood.
Kyra snorted, “absolutely not. It’s not even a matter of the Mando vs Jedi thing, and they’re certainly very pretty to look at, but not my thing. Aurora is my best friend though and I’ll take anybody out who tries to harm her. What about you, Wolffe? Any Jetti catch your attention?”
He shook his head, “nah, but I’m okay with that. I’ve got my brothers and I’m pretty sure I won the lottery in generals.”
“Don’t let Cody hear you say that.” Rex said with a snort.
Speaking of Cody, him and his mystery woman appeared.
“This is Cori.” He said, introducing her to the table.
Fox’s comm went off right after the introduction. He had sighed heavily, obviously very tired.
“Duty calls.” He stood, tucking his helmet under his arm.
Kyra smiled, “tell Kavra I say hi.”
He blushed at that and rolled his eyes, leaving them.
“Kyra, would you mind sitting next to Wolffe now? I’d like Cori to sit next to me.”
The woman blushed at that but Kyra did move. She as going to lose this bet and she absolutely knew it the moment they sat down. She wanted to see how far he would take it though. He kept whispering in her ear, kissing the spot underneath it. It was bold and it made her giggle sometimes or blush heavily. Kyra caught one of the questions he asked her, taking a long sip of whiskey.
“Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are the outside?” He whispered into her ear, voice even more deep and husky than usual.
He kept eye contact with Kyra as he asked, almost ignoring the giggle that escaped the woman near him. Kyra could have broken her glass with how tightly she was gripping it now. Something else he said got a giggle out of her before they excused themselves from the table to leave the bar. Cody had kept eye contact with Kyra the entire time.
“With all due respect, you should tell Cody how you feel.” Rex said
“With all due respect, fuck off.”
Kyra didn’t mean it, not really and she could see Rex understood she was upset. The one thing the captains and commanders liked about Kyra is that she was respectful of rank, sure. But she was going to treat you like everybody else, or how you treated her. She was also severely loyal to her friends and they had noticed that from her bond with their significant others, particularly Isla and Aurora. Family was family and it didn’t always have to be a blood family.
After a few moments of silence, she stood.
“Well, gentlemen. This was mostly fun but I’m going home now.”
She tossed credits on the table, leaving after telling them goodnight. Wolffe had offered to walk her back but she kindly declined, needing the time alone to organize her thoughts. The chill of Coruscant rolled through as she walked on, wrapping her arms around herself as she wished she remembered to bring a shawl or jacket of some sort with her. She felt a shift, immediately noticing two individuals trailing her. She stood up a little taller and walked a little faster.
They were definitely gaining on her, though. Before Kyra could react, she was shoved into the alley by one and pinned by the other. She narrowed her eyes at them.
“You want to let me go.” She said
“What is that? Some attempt at a Jedi mind trick?” One of them sneered at her.
“I am no Jedi.” She said with narrow eyes before kneeing the man in the crotch.
She then flipped him over her shoulder before having to grab the other man and shove him against the wall. She got a couple hits in on him, knocking him out before the other got up.
“We don’t want trouble, we just want your credits.” He said, brandishing a knife now.
“Asking nicely goes a long way.” Kyra said before going to attack him again.
He got the upper hand, kicking her knee from behind hard enough to cause it to ache immediately. He had landed two blows to her face and held the knife up.
“Cooperate, bitch.”
Kyra spat in his face, the man growling low before slashing at her with the knife now. She managed to dodge it from her throat but the move got her in the arm. She then threw all of her weight up at him, charging the man into the wall behind her. Kyra kept smashing his head against the wall until he stopped moving. She used the wall next to them to stand up, tasting blood from her split lip. He definitely landed a hard punch to her face. She steadied herself and limped home then, not going back to see if either men were okay or alive.
When Kyra didn’t report in the next day, Isla went to go visit her at home.
“What happened?!” She asked with a frown.
Kyra had a black eye, a bandaged arm, a healing lip, and a noticeable limp from being kicked from behind.
“I put some assholes in their place.” She shrugged.
“You could have called. Where the fuck was Cody or the others?” Isla asked.
“They offered to walk me home, I said no.”
Isla frowned, “you’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.”
“But I’ll go down swinging.” Kyra said
“Kriffing Mandalorian.” Isla sighed
“Stupid Coruscanti.” She replied back to her.
“I’ll be back, I’m going to get you some medicine to help with the pain.” Isla said, heading off to to find Kix.
Cody had been in the med bay, a routine physical that was insisted upon by GAR standards. He didn’t mind it too much, Kix was good company. He was about to head out when Isla almost knocked him over on her way in, and she didn’t say anything either.
“Are you okay?” He asked
“Kyra was jumped, I need some of those pain shots.” She said to Kix.
He frowned at that, “I can’t just hand over medical supplies without doing an exam.”
“She’s limping, cut on her lip, and a black eye. I’ll have her do a follow up with you but I need the shots for her or she’s going to have a really hard time with her leg.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Kix sighed and slipped a few syringes into her hand, “as far as anybody is concerned, those went missing. Understood?”
“Thank you.” Isla said, going to leave.
“Kyra was jumped last night?” Cody asked, walking with her now.
Isla’s comm went off and she groaned.
“I’m so sorry, can you take these to her?”
Isla had already shoved them in his hand and headed off before he could reply, making him almost drop them. He swore under his breath and headed towards Kyra’s apartment. He knocked on the door and waited for a response, wondering how bad off she really was. It took a few minutes but then she opened the door.
Cody’s heart dropped when he saw the shape she was in, immediately helping her back to the couch.
“Isla sent me, she had to go do something else.” He said
Of course Isla sent him, Kyra might kill her later.
“No problem, it’s always nice to see you.” She smiled a bit.
“This had to be a horrible way to end the night.” He remarked as he put the syringes on the table.
Kyra didn’t bother reaching for them yet, distracted by her data pad now as she began putting in orders for parts and tools.
“At least one of us had fun last night.” She said
It was supposed to sound like she was teasing him but it came out kind of snippy. A silence sat between them at that, Cody frowning a bit.
“Sorry. I…I’m in pain and I’m tired.” She frowned.
“It’s alright. I think I owe you some credits though, a bet is a bet.” He said
“A bet is a bet.” She echoed.
Something seemed very off about her and he wondered what would have been different if he had just followed his own actual desires last night. He was looking at Kyra as he spoke to the stranger because it was things he wished he could say to her. He wished it was her underneath him last night, then maybe things would have ended better. His bed might have stayed warmer for much longer. They could have had breakfast, probably joking and jabbing at one another like they did.
He didn’t like the distant, detached approach of one night stands and very rarely engaged in them. Last night, if he didn’t, he might have ruined his friendship with Kyra. He never had his self control slip like it did when he saw her in that low cut top last night and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He stood now though, trying not to think about it, and went to look to see if she had a first aid kit.
“Ah yes, please. Pilfer through my apartment.” She said, her tone dry.
“I’m trying to see if you have medical supplies.” He called out to her from the refresher.
“Cody, I’m fine.”
He ignored that, finding at least a cold pack for that eye. He cracked it and held it against her face, making her look away from her work. She seems a tiny bit annoyed but also tired.
“I have work to do.” She said
“It can wait a minute. I’m going to also give you my direct comm information so if you ever get into a situation again, you’re not dragging your own corpse home.” He said
Kyra frowned a bit that that, did he blame himself for not being there? She rested her hand on top of his, “you’re not responsible for this.”
That seemed to shake something awake in that head of his as they made eye contact now.
“I know you blame yourself a lot for what happens to your men, as a leader and as someone who cares for their brothers. Wolffe offered to walk me home and I said no. I’ve lived in Coruscant long enough to know there was a risk. This isn’t your fault, Cody…”
He looked away from her gaze then, trying to ignore how warm her hand felt in contrast with the ice pack underneath it. She pulled his hand and the pack away slowly, some of the swelling around her eye already going down.
“You wanna watch a holodrama with me?” She asked
“What?” He asked, looking up at her now.
“I’m tired and I think I could fall asleep to a movie. Do you want to join me?”
“I would but I have to get back to work.” He said
Kyra nodded at that before trying to get up but he stopped her.
“What do you need?”
“There’s an extra keycard to my apartment in my bedroom. It’s on the nightstand and I want you to have it.” She said
“Why?” He asked
“You should use a key of your own if you’re going to drag my corpse home.” She said, repeating his words from earlier.
Cody went back to her room to grab it, taking noticing of the bedroom. Her sheets on her bed were black and disheveled, a few more blankets draped on the bed. They looked handmade, he noticed that about all of the blankets in the apartment and then it made sense when he saw she had a loom in the corner with baskets of yarn.
The room was mostly clean besides that, not matching the chaos of the rest of the apartment. She had a few plants in the window too and a beautiful view of the city below.
“Are you going to gawk or grab the key?” She asked, again sneaking up on him.
She smiled when she noticed she had startled him.
“You didn’t have to get up.” He said
“I’m heading to my bed. Work will wait for the day.” She said, limping over and sitting on the edge.
Cody mentally cursed at himself as he grabbed his comm and messaged Waxer about needing him to be a stand in for meetings today. He could work on paperwork from here today. He moved to help her tuck in, a small smile on her face.
“Don’t you have work to do?” She asked
“Nothing that can’t wait.” He replied
A silence fell between them for a few moments and then he could have sworn he’d seen her blush a little. She had injected herself with the pain meds that Cody brought before laying down. She would feel very body heavy soon and realized she wanted comfort.
“Would you…” she motioned to the bed
His eyebrows shot up and she shook her head.
“Didn’t get satisfied last night?” She asked, something mischievous twinkling in her eyes.
Cody didn’t answer that, removing his plastoid instead before crawling in next to her. She immediately pushed him onto his back and put her head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her slowly. She wasn’t sure if it was the medicine that was slowly easing the pain in her, dragging her towards sleep, or if she just felt like being honest because she felt she could trust Cody, but this felt right. Like this was supposed to be.
“Usually Isla is here to do this, but I’m happy it’s you.” Kyra said, sleep starting to lace into her voice.
“Go to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said
“Better be…kick your ass.” She muttered, earning a small smile from him.
Soon Kyra fell asleep and not before long, Cody did too.
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2 11 17 19 20 23 26 27 28 32 35 47 48 49 51 63 70 72 79 81 89 92 93 99
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
That's a difficult choice, because I have met many amazing people on here between whom I would find it hard to choose, not to mention the option of meeting with my idols (I'm specifically thinking Neil Gaiman here). I'm afraid it would come down to a spur-of-the-moment decision.
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have two very common ones, I can't think of a strange one I have
17: What was the last lie you told?
Telling myself it's ok to stay up all night bingewatching the Queen Charlotte Bridgerton spinoff, when actually I should be reading stuff for uni
19: What does your URL mean?
Pretty much exactly what it says. I'm coping by escaping irl life, Tumblr is one of my favourite places to escape to (and besides the one still closest to reality)
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Greatest weakness: probably socialising in any way, shape or form and my lack of bravery
Greatest strength: cleaning, maybe
23: How do you vent your anger?
Distracting myself from it, mostly. Or thinking about the subject of it until it subsides
26: Are you happy with the person you've become?
27: What's a sound you hate; sound you love?
Hate: Kinda depends on how sensitive I'm feeling, but generally speaking I dislike loud, squeaking sounds
Love: Rain pouring and thunder
28: What's your biggest "what if"?
Rn it's probably "what if I just ran away from it all", which is pretty stupid, because I can't
32: What's the worst place you've ever been to?
I definitely hated going to a health resort for 4 weeks two years in a row (objectively speaking the place was beautiful, but emotionally it was the worst place I ever went)
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
On my better days I might say "to enjoy it", but most of the time it feels just entirely pointless to me
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Sandman, no doubt. Trying to broaden it to an obsession with any works of Neil Gaiman.
(Also, I generally have an obsession with fairytales.)
48: What's your sexual orientation?
Straight, I think. Somewhere on the ace spec, I suspect.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Yes. More than once. Never true, but always got under my skin so much that it made me act in ways I'm not proud of.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Whenever I find myself doing so, I try my best not to let it show. But I also try not to hold them in general.
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I don't have one. I have in fact no clue how to get someone to like me and am beyond baffeled whenever anyone tells me they do. I usually suspect that I must have somehow deceived them unknowingly, or else they wouldn't like me.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I don't know. I might be, on my better days.
72: You are at the doctor's office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you're going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be affraid?
a) I'd tell my family, but I wouldn't make a big announcement or anything (I don't want the pity of people who have not talked with me otherwise in ages).
b) Travel and read, I think
c) I don't think so
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
That's hard to say because it feels to me like my good decisions are only ever really small ones, while I feel like I fuck up every major one
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Idk, I feel like it doesn't matter much. I won't be seeing it anyways, so whatever pleases the people who have to live with it, I guess.
89: What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
"How are you?"
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be an half-hour though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Idk. Maybe something from when I was still very young and my older brother was still alive. I don't really remember him; maybe it would be nice to get a glimpse of the person he was
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Well, I would want to keep all the ones that were my fault, because I don't think I deserve absolution on them. The thing is, I can't really think of one that wasn't my fault
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Idk. I know the popular choices are something funny or something chaos-provoking, but I'm not funny and I wouldn't wanna cause chaos. Then there's the possibility of just a positive message, like "stop fighting wars" or something similar, which would be my most likely choice if I didn't know how pointless a message it is. So truly, idk.
0 notes
goboymusic · 2 years
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Upside of being the black sheep of the family is that you can act like a nutcase and your family won’t blink an eye, which is pretty liberating. Downside of being the black sheep of the family is that you’re the black sheep of the family.
The production process was smooth for “Shield,” other than trying to figure out how to start it. The original plan was to start with the “game over” pre-chorus. Opted to go straight into the “you give me a sword” chorus after a brief intro that establishes the key and tempo and prepares the listener for the chorus melody.
The desire to start this song with the chorus stems from the idea that you should start every song with the catchiest part (maybe after a brief intro). It’s difficult to capture and hold someone’s attention, especially in this streaming era where listeners can easily switch to thousands of other songs that they might like more if your song isn’t doing it for them, so the sooner you get into the catchiest part, the better.
Having so few vocals / lyrics resulted in the song being completed in just a few days. Songs that take that short of an amount of time to complete leave me with little to reflect upon for storytelling, whereas songs that take an entire month to complete give me much to say. Hell, you can binge multiple tv series, get shitfaced multiple times, solve multiple complex problems at work, travel around the country and experience loads of human drama over the course of one month. For this song, there’s not much to say (excerpts from post 64).
The creation of songs 74 - 79 was a really healthy creative period. High level of optimism and low stress. I cherish those times when they arise, because they don’t last.
This is GoBoy’s SUPER minimalistic phase. Some will be turned off by the simplicity of GoBoy 4 songs.
After dabbling in bubblegum pop for the 2nd half of GoBoy 3, my original plan was to focus on lyrically driven content for GoBoy 4. The release of ”Everything Will Be Okay (Song 69)” changed my mind, as the focus on dark lyrics impacted my mental state for months afterwards. Focusing on the dark elements of your own life for long enough can turn you into a neurotic mess (the original song “Everything Will Be Okay” had a 3rd verse the delved darker). My focus would shift to bubblegum pop from that point forward, which would impact this song. Music would be made for enjoyment and catchiness, not necessarily for conveying a message. I don’t regret this shift in focus… yet (excerpts from post 60).
In April, 2021, almost all of GoBoy 3, 4 and 5‘s songs were restructured to be under 3 minutes (preferably under 2m 30s), including this song. I became okay with releasing songs around the 2 min mark after realizing The Beatles and The Beach Boys had some songs around that length. In an attempt to increase replay value in this streaming era, most of GoBoy’s songs are now purposely around 2m 20s (excerpts from post 37).
A bass boost was added to songs 37-99 in Nov, 2021, while I was stuck at home with covid. As a result, this song feels more powerful. The bass boost isn’t a simple plugin nonchalantly added to each song. It’s a process that took about 3.5 hours per song, or one whole month to complete all songs. Admittedly, I pushed the bass boost a little too far for some of them. The bass in some songs sounds like a freaking earthquake (unnecessarily pronounced low frequencies 20 - 50 Hz). Might dial that back someday. The bass boost was also applied to every song on GoBoy 6 and beyond (excerpt from post 37).
0 notes
bills-bible-basics · 2 years
Steps Pedometer: Old Fogies Walking Challenge! Hello, my friends! At the rate I am going, I will probably be in my grave by this coming weekend! 😲🙄😬😆😀😂 Yes, as the image shows, I actually did 30,894 steps — or 10.93 miles today. According to the “Steps” app, that included 79 flights of stairs. However, that is not correct, and I am not sure why it is under reporting the number of flights that I do. In actuality, this evening I broke my previous record from yesterday, and I did 140 laps on the outdoor stairs. As I have explained before, one lap consists of going down a flight of stairs which has 9 steps, then a little platform, followed by 9 more steps to the parking lot. So it is 18 steps in all. According to Apple’s “Health” app, it considers one flight to be about 16 steps. So being as my flight consists of 18 steps, it should definitely be considering each of my laps on the stairs as a flight. Therefore, being as I did 140 laps today, I don’t understand why the “Steps” app is reporting only 79 flights for today. It has been inaccurately reporting the number of flights since I first began using the “Health” and “Steps” apps on December the 18th. But as I was saying, a lap consists of going down those 18 steps, looping around in the parking lot, and then going back up those same 18 stairs again. In fact, being as I go down and up the stairs, I would think that the app should be reporting 280 flights for today, or 140 x 2 = 280. I am thinking of writing to the developer and asking them about this. Maybe they can improve the accuracy of the flights ….. unless the problem lies with Apple’s iPhone sensors, or with the iOS operating system itself. Anyway, as you can see, it took me 5 hours and 27 minutes to walk and climb those 10.93 miles, or 30,894 steps, and I burned up 1,201 calories doing so. The reason why it shows 257% completed is because I had my goal set to 12,000 steps for today, and I ended up doing almost 31,000 steps. So how did I accumulate so many steps today — and live to tell about it? 😂😂😂 Keep on reading! • Early this morning I took the bus to go do my monthly lab work. So today’s steps started with doing that. • Upon returning home, I noticed that it was approaching 7:00 AM, so I walked to the Cost-U-Less to do some grocery shopping, and ended up lugging about 40-50 pounds of groceries home. • With just the two above events, I had already accumulated 2,098 steps for the day. • After taking about a two-hour nap, I decided to experiment and see how many steps could be accumulated just by walking around my tiny apartment. I walked around for one full hour. If you are wondering how tiny my place is, well, if I walk in a loop from my kitchen, through my small bedroom, into the little bathroom, then back through the bedroom, and then loop around the small living room, and then back to the tiny kitchen, it is only 40 physical steps! My mom’s mobile home is bigger than that! 😲😆😀 In fact, if I walk in a diagonal line from the corner of the kitchen, to the opposite corner in the living room by the front door, it is only 8 steps, or maybe about sixteen feet. • Anyway, after doing those indoor loops for a full hour, I looked at the Steps app. It now showed 8,311 steps, meaning that just by walking one straight hour in my little apartment, I had added over 6,000 steps to my total! Cool! 👍 • The whole reason why I conducted the test, is because I was thinking of my elderly mom — who is 87 — and other elderly people who may think that they can’t get any exercise, because they are basically shut-ins, just like me. My indoor test proved that they can, assuming that they are healthy enough and strong enough to walk. • After doing one hour of laps, I did my regular indoor exercise regimen, which consists of a combination of body weight exercises — squats, push-ups and sit-ups — and resistance training with two 25-pound dumbbells. That usually takes me about 45 minutes every other day.
• After doing my indoor exercise regimen, I again spent a full hour doing more laps in the living room, just back and forth, back and forth, along that diagonal line. • After doing that second hour of laps in my house, I again looked at the Steps app to see what my total steps was. It now stood at over 16,300 steps, and I hadn’t even gone outside to do my stairs exercise yet! • I then took another two-hour nap. • By the time I went outside later in the evening at 8:20 PM, the total in the Steps app stood at 16,406 steps. • Considering how much hard exercise I had already done for the day, I really wasn’t sure how many laps I would be able to do. But I wanted to try to beat yesterday’s record of 124 laps, which would be very, very hard to do. • As I already mentioned, I did outdoor laps for 2 hours and 10 minutes, and ended up doing 140 laps in all. Yippee!!! 😆 • So, that is how I reached 30,894 steps — or 10.93 miles — for today. That is like doing 10,000 steps for three days straight! One thing is for certain. Tomorrow will definitely be a rest day! I will NOT be doing any indoor or outdoor exercise. This poor old body needs to recover! 😩😩😩 That’s all folks! Are YOU counting YOUR steps? Please share your experiences with us. Let’s help to motivate and challenge each other to live healthier, more active lives. Or do you wish to vegetate, grow stiff, and put on the weight??? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/steps-pedometer-old-fogies-walking-challenge/?feed_id=19892&_unique_id=63a3317613357&Steps%20Pedometer%3A%20Old%20Fogies%20Walking%20Challenge%21
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zoeykallus · 3 years
Clones asking you for a date (approaching you) at the 79's:
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Some Of Our Favorite Clones x Reader (pick up at 79')
Warnings: Partly slightly suggestive
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Rex: creeps around you for quite a while and doesn't quite know how to address you.... When he finally does, he is prepared, well dressed, has used aftershave and has some pick up lines ready. But when he approaches you and you look up to him, his head is completely empty. He can't think of any of the cool phrases he had ready and just stares at you for a moment. Finally, however, he decides on a simple variant and asks you outright: "May I invite you to dinner?"
Fives: sees you, knows immediately he wants you and goes straight to you. He is not shy, maybe still a little nervous, because he finds you just insanely awesome, but he walks towards you with a disarming smile that you can hardly resist from the get-go.
"Hello beauty? Can I buy you a drink? By the way, a no is not acceptable" He is also one of those who are most likely to kiss you on the first night. Depending on what signals you give him, you can also expect more.
Wolffe: takes his time, watching you from a distance for quite a while, almost a bit like a stalker, maybe even for several days. He proceeds methodically, noting which drinks you like, who you talk to and to which music you tap your foot or maybe even go on the dance floor. Finally, he asks the DJ for one of the songs you like, sits down next to you at the bar and simply orders you one of your favorite drinks without being asked. "I'm Wolffee. What's your name?"
Cody: is actually not necessarily shy but unexpectedly awkward. He speaks directly to you, gets flustered with his words, laughs nervously and hopes you won't be put off by it. He makes a joke or two, finally introduces himself and asks for your name. "Y/N, would you go out with me?"
Hunter: tries to approach the matter calmly and serenely, which also works quite well, until you look at him with a flash of your eyes and he starts to sweat. You make him nervous, his senses are flooded by your wonderful scent, the tender sound of your heartbeat and the irresistible smile on your lips. He would love to just kiss you, but he pulls himself together. Should you be so bold and brave to leave the 79's with him this evening, and get involved with him, you can prepare yourself for a hot evening.
Crosshair: knows what he wants and that is you. He makes no secret of it and addresses you directly. He is very direct and now it depends on you. Whether you react shyly at first or go straight for it, as long as you don't reject him outright, sooner or later that night you'll be sitting in a separee, his hand in your panties heating you up and his mouth on your ear whispering dirty, sweet little nothings to you. One of the things he'll whisper to you will be a description of how he wants to drive you crazy in the sheets.
Tech: is initially overwhelmed and tries to proceed methodically, similar to Wolffee. However, he turns around several times and changes his mind when he tries to approach you. You will notice sooner or later and when you do, you should take the lead because Tech is just too shy and insecure. But as soon as you ask if you can sit at his table and engage him in conversation, he will open up and enjoy your company. Finally he asks you for a date, because now he knows that you obviously like him too.
Echo: he is very reserved. Seeks your proximity, but does not address you for a long time. At some point he casually engages you in conversation, he is so incredibly nice, sweet and a total gentleman. You talk for hours, the whole evening and when it's time to say goodbye, he finally comes out with "I had a great evening and would like to repeat that. Maybe we'll go out sometime?" Clever Boy.
Wrecker: is not really shy but similarly awkward as Cody. However, he is more playful, manages to engage you in conversation by showing you little tricks with his beverage cup, inviting you to play darts and accidentally splitting the dartboard with a too hard throw. The whole evening is playful and funny. The question if you want to go out with him he just throws in between, almost casually, that doesn't mean he doesn't care, not at all, that's just his chaotic way. You have fun, he paid attention to that and that you are safe. With him at your side, no one dares to approach you indecently anyway.
Hardcase: is so confident that it's actually almost annoying. He just walks up to you, puts an arm around your shoulder and says, "Hey beauty, doing okay?"
There are only two options, respond positively or blow him off right away. But as soon as you react positively you won't be able to get rid of him for the rest of the evening, as well as every other night he sees you at 79's.
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i made "the 501st goes to Target", "the disaster lineage goes to Target", "The Clone Wars Squad ™ (+Satine) goes to Target", "The Rebels go to Target", "The Original Trilogy Gang Goes To Target", “The Driods of Star Wars go to Target (chaos ensues)”,  and now I give you:
the 104th go to target
Wolffe: whenever wolffe is at target, he makes sure to stock up on eye drops. he has always been super bothered by arid weather drying out his eyes, and when he got his cybernetic eye, it only got worse. desert planets and all of the sand getting in the joints of his eye are tourture and he refuses to go through that kind of pain again if he can help it. he and anakin don’t interact that much, but when they do, they either talk about ahsoka, or s a n d . 
wolffe also likes to walk with plo and they chat about the shenanigans the wolfpack pulled recently. they also use this time to talk about themselves. something about the warm lighting and the close shelves creating a sense of cozy closeness has always helped wolffe relax a bit and gets him to stop calling plo “sir” off duty. plo listens as wolffe talks about the chaotic clone commander (+ rex) group chat. wolffe also appreciates the advice plo gives him whenever he talks about this one girl who works at 79s that caught his eye. plo likes to to tease him, but in the end, he is the reason wolffe had the courage to talk to her at all. 
wolfe also buys a LOT of snacks and tote bags and speeder-bike locks. because he loves his squad. he does. but a man has gotta eat, so he locks away his candy bars in a bag.
the boys always get into it anyway, and wolffe is 87% sure that plo helps break in. they leave his favorite candy for him though, and wolffe has a hard time trying to complain about them. 
Boost: goes straight to the hair isle. sinker stands behind him, making pun after pun about the brand names of different pomade. boost started to frequent using a hair product obi-wan suggested to him. obi-wan was quick to insist that he himself doesn’t use it, but heard it was good through the space-grape vine. however, one time ahsoka told boost that he smelled like obi-wan, and its not like either of the two men wear cologne. 
so naturally, boost and sinker make up elaborate stories about obi-wan being involved in some conspiracy with the hair product company. they build upon it every time they go to target. plo overheard once, and gave them a blank look. they shut up, but then plo quietly added that obi wan hides the product in his underwear drawer, according to ahsoka. 
the story continues. 
boost also has a tradition where he lets sinker guide him around the store with his eyes closed, just to make sure he doesn’t hit any walls. boost will then randomly stop and thrust his arm out. whatever he points to, he has to buy. though sinker is only supposed to make sure he doesn’t run into anything, he has on multiple occasions steered boost into buying goofy things, like lingerie. 
Sinker: though he isn’t even allowed to wear them, he will occasionally buy graphic tees. he really likes studying the art, and he keeps them in the drawers with the pint for their armor and gunships, and calls them “design inspo”. plo got him an actual book about how to create dynamic designs, and sinker looked at it for hours. he keeps it in the barracks on coruscant, and its one of the things he misses most about the planet when he is away. 
sinker also has a love for monster energy, even though it makes him hyper for a full 24 hours. he’s literally had to go out running with some brothers on a different sleep schedule (or with anakin or any other person up at ungodly hours of night), just to get the energy out. his favorite is the meiloorun flavored one. he only ever gets one at a time. once he got two cans and saved the second for another night, but a shiny found it and that Did Not Go Well (the shiny is fine, he just ended up in medbay because he was shaking so badly. ten year olds with 20 year old bodies who are still ten consuming caffeine doesn’t mix well. sinker is 11. its only slightly better.) 
the most noticeable incident is the time sinker bought a can, and then went to walk with boost. while drinking it. it the store. he was going crazy, and boost always returns his energy,
so cue chaos.
they saw a shirt with a wolf on it and started running around, howling. they then ran into the pen and pencil section, and started throwing pencil boxes. they ended up fighting over a handful of pens, all of which snapped, and ink got EVERYWHERE. ahsoka was there with them that day and peeked her head into the isle in time to see it happen. she took a holo-pic before running away, her brothers chasing her. they forgot to tell anyone about the ink. it became an inside joke between the three, and they laughed about it every time they were together. the stain was still there even when ahsoka was all grown up, and boost and sinker weren’t there to laugh about it anymore. 
in fact, that stain outlived all of them. 
Comet: comet is basically dad jr. he walks around with wolffe a lot, and they tend to walk in a comfortable silence. they can only trust each other (and plo) to say they’ll be quiet and then actually follow through. comet holds the list of things they need to get and steers the cart while wolffe puts things in and evaluates prices. 
comet spends the rest of his time in the book section. he especially likes to look at dad joke books. he never buys any, but he memorizes and/or writes down jokes and tells them later. usually he likes to tell jokes when it’s completely silent or there is an awkward pause in conversation. 
comet is also tasked with getting everyone’s caf orders from the space starbucks outlet in the store. he’s the only one who has the patience to actually stand in line. he also gets those glass bottles of frappuccinos but he always gets. so many. he genuinely thinks that they taste good, but its a running joke that the amount of bottles he gets is directly proportional to how many reports he does in one day. 
Warthog: really likes playing tutorial games in the video game section. he doesn't have many games on his data pad, but he really loves videos games, especially ones that involve flying. plo bought the wolfpack a handheld console once, and while it officially belongs to all of the clones, warthog gets to hold on to it, since he uses it the most. plo always gives him enough credits to buy one new game per target trip for the “squad”. it always happens to be just enough to pay for whatever game warthog has been talking about the past few months. 
he also sometimes will join up with boost and sinker to be the chaos trio ™. warthog likes more quiet pranks in comparison to the goofy and large pranks the other too pull, for example, he bought a pack of pens and left it on the bottom bed of boost and sinker’s bunk. the two never found out who it was, but they knew someone else found out about the pen incident. 
(warthog had been one isle over, and figured out what happened). 
warthog also really loves trying on ridiculous outfits with clashing clothes. the pack gets together and votes on the most atrocious outfit, a picture of which gets sent to the group chat to become the new pfp for the time being. 
Plo: plo buys snacks and headphones and blankets and dad things ™ . He and comet and wolffe all pick out fun things to bring home to the pack. either something a brother mentioned they wanted, or a trinket that reminded them of someone, or just an extra blanket because boost and sinker keep fighting over them, the resident parents of the pack will make sure to grab it. 
when doing his quiet walks with wolffe, plo talks about his padawan days, or goes into the detail on the plot of the latest thriller holo-novel he’s been reading. wolffe always gives him crap about buying flimsi copies of his novels for stealth missions, instead of just downloading them to a private data pad. plo always gives some line about the aesthetic, but really, plo only did it once to try it, and it annoyed his troopers so much he only reads printed novels now. 
he participates in some shenanigans himself. he goes over to the bouncy ball crate and chooses one to carry with him through the day. whenever he senses one of his men nearby, he will gently float the ball over the aisles and bonk them on the head before quickly calling the ball back to him and running away. 
he doesn’t buy much for himself, other than the headphones. he always gets cheap ones because often times they break or he looses them. 
the rest of his money goes to buying things for his pack and ahsoka. 
when ahsoka accompanies them, which becomes less and less frequent as the war progresses, he helps her pick out new boots for battle, because she wears out the soles very quickly. jedi are not supposed to have worldly possessions, but he found a lamp shaped like a loth cat, and if anakin can have a pod racing poster in his room, plo figured ahsoka can have a cute-shaped light.
ahsoka named the lamp after r2.
the time they went to target after ahsoka left, plo bought himself a loth cat lamp. 
he named it after her. 
they dragged along baby ‘soka: in the first days of the war, before ahsoka was even anakin’s padawan, they took ahsoka to their target. she goes FERAL oh its so funny. it was only her second time there, and it had been YEARS since she last went, so she was very excited. eventually wolffe stopped her by kneeling in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders. he calmed her down enough for her to hop onto his shoulders so he could give her a tour. plo buys her a lemonade at the space starbucks outlet at the end of the day, and they went to dex’s for lunch, on obi-wan’s suggestion. 
she l o v e s target so much that when she became anakin’s padawan, it was one of the first things she suggested they do to bond together. 
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cherry-blossom5243 · 2 years
As I grow older, I encounter more and more questions about kids. Let's get one thing straight - I never had any maternal instincts nor have I ever wanted kids. They were never in any future plans and still are not. In fact, I don't even like kids! I absolutely hate when people say things like "oh but you will change your mind" blah blah or when they try to almost force it! It's absolutely ridiculous. Long story short, I want to start a thread of reasons not to have a child as I was recently asked for reasons. Well I already have over 100. Please feel free to continue in comments or reblogs.
Reasons NOT to have a child:
1. Exhaustion
2. Nausea
3. Being uncomfortable
4. 9 months of carrying it
5. Restricted movement
6. Kicks
7. Punches
8. Pussy tear
9. Possible ass tear!?
10. Possible C section
11. Possible complications
12. Responsibility FOREVER
13. Moneyyyyy
14. Something can go wrong at any time
15. Long hours in painful labour
16. No more freedom
17. Have to consider the child in all decision making
18. Can't freely travel
19. Can't freely go anywhere
20. Can't do whatever you want
21. Screaming!!!
22. They're selfish
23. Needy bastards
24. Unnecessary crying
25. What if I can't even comfort them
26. Waking up at all hours
27. Sleep deprivation
28. Dirty!
29. No more me time
30. No more us time
31. Can't work for a while
32. Will make haemorrhoids worse
33. My blood pressure is already low
34. My heart problems can make us both worse
35. Oxygen issues
36. Possible death of me and/or the baby
37. Teeth! I don't wanna lose them!
38. Nutrients thief
39. Hip problems forever
40. More stretch marks
41. Body shape changes
42. Flappy boobs
43. Flat ass
44. Increased weight
45. Swollen ankles
46. Swollen legs
47. Swollen fingers
48. Period issues during
49. Period issues after
50. Childbirth!
51. Costs upon costs for at least 18 years
52. Sore titties
53. What if I hurt it
54. It's so fragile
55. No proper sleep
56. No proper rest
57. I don't have the energy
58. I might pass on genetic conditions
59. Depression will get even worse
60. They might end up hating me
61. Might end up hating life and be just as depressed
62. Their vomit
63. Faeces
64. Will not want them in public in case they cry and are, well, like kids are
65. Tantrums
66. No time
67. Can't delve into many hobbies unrelated to the child
68. Teething
69. Doctors, doctors, doctors
70. Sex life??
71. Relationships?
72. Friends?
73. Work?
74. I dislike most children
75. I dislike many humans
76. Have to be conscious of every word, swears etc.
77. Have to act like a role model all the bloody time
78. Want a drink? Alcoholism? Judgement from others
79. Judged on how good am I as a parent
80. Constant "suggestions" from others on how to do things
81. Judged if I have other ways
82. Family will want to be even more involved and present
83. Vegetarian beliefs challenged further
84. Other views challenged
85. I like eating and doing stuff without having to mind another being first
86. Vomit will make me Vomit!
87. I like my personal space
88. I enjoy peace
89. I enjoy quiet time
90. I enjoy watching movies etc. Without distractions
91. I like it just being me, my partner, and our furry family
92. I want animals (unlike kids), which are much better and as much a part of the family as a human would be
93. Have to wipe their ass for a few years!
94. Wiping noses
95. Endless cleaning
96. I'm grossed out by stinky little kids
97. I don't think I have enough patience
98. I like tidy places - kids certainly won't help with that!
99. What if I don't love it? Don't have any maternal feelings towards them?
100. Even further lowered self-esteem
101. My mental health issues will certainly take another beating
102. I just don't want them!!!
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djarrex · 3 years
| masterlist |
Pairing: Captain Rex x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit. 18+ 100%
Word Count: 1.7k 
Warnings: piv shower sex, very brief vaginal fingering
Summary: (See note for explanation) You signaled for your Captain, and he came to you. Instead of your usual spot, you both agreed on a change of scenery. Who’s thirsty? 
A/N: This is just a little Captain Rex oneshot from an idea I had in my head about how the reader could signal Rex by messing with her chrono on her wrist, sort of like purposefully messing with it but while not being too obvious, y’know? It sounds better in my head.
About a half hour ago, you had walked by Captain Rex in the war room, signaling him of your… need… in passing. There was this agreement you both had come to: if either one of you needed some stress relief - or even just missed one another - you’d signal with the wiggling of the chrono you both wore on your wrists. It was weird at first; to play with your chrono so much in front of others because it seemed so obvious, but it worked. It always worked. Most of the time it was in passing while on the ship, other times it was at 79’s while you sat with all the guys in their favorite booth.
If you were on the ship, the go-to location was the medbay. It was usually empty except for the medical droids, but you had powered them down in preparation. You ran the med bay, after all. You weren’t expecting any visitors – other than your Captain.
You leaned on the wall, waiting over by the supply closet. Whenever your activities took place in the medbay, they usually carried on in the closet – just in case someone were to waltz in. You always locked the door, but you never know.
Another few minutes went by until the door finally whisked opened. Rex stood at the entrance with his helmet clutched to his side.
You stood up straight, hands on your hips. “Kriff, Rex. I’ve been waiting f- ”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, cyare.” He sighed, stepping into the room and sat his helmet on the counter nearest him.
“What kept you for so long? You know, I think that’s the longest you’ve ever kept me waiting - and I’m including the months I waited for you to finally make a fucking move before we had sex for the first time.”
“Very funny.” He grinned and rolled his eyes, shutting and locking the door behind him.
You stepped closer, your arms folded across you chest. “In all seriousness though, what’s going on, Rex?”
He sighed again. “Looks like I won’t have as much time off as I’d like to. I’m scheduled on the bridge at 06:00 tomorrow morning for a briefing. I’m accompanying General Skywalker, General Kenobi, and Commander Tano on a mission to Zygerria.” Your brows furrowed. Walking over to sit on a cot, you grabbed his hand and led him to sit with you.
“…Zygerria? Maker, Rex. What the hells is on Zygerria?”
“Well... Do you really want me to tell you, or would you rather have me instead? Because I know what I’d rather do,” He grazed your thigh, “and let me tell you, it’s not going over the story of the missing Togrutas and rescue mission. We’re on a time crunch here, cyare.”
As much as you loved the feeling of his hands on you, you weren’t expecting that answer. “Missing… Togrutas?” You widened your eyes, and he frowned.
“Ha, sorry.” You leaned in towards him, your mouth close enough to his, threatening a kiss. “Well, since you have to get up really early… maybe we shouldn’t- ” He leaned back from you, his eyes shooting accusing daggers at you.
“I’m sorry, but aren’t you the one who signaled me? Wiggling around your chrono, making a pass through the war room? You never walk through the war room. Common, cyare. You got my attention, so here I am.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, and he loosened up enough do to the same. You reached for his hand still on your thigh and held it in your hands.
“Can you – can you come back to my apartment with me? I need to clean off, seriously. I’ve been sanitizing all day – I probably smell like chemicals.” You saw the cogs turning in his head before he answered. His eyebrow raised, then lowered as he released another sigh.
“Alright, fine. I can’t spend the night, though. As much as I would love to wake up to you in the morning...” He took his other hand and ran his gloved thumb across your bottom lip, “I’m needed for a mission. I’m sorry.” Rex never was truly able to relax, and you absolutely felt for him. It seems like the only times he’s ever able to really let loose is when he’s with you, and even then, there is always some metaphorical clock ticking in the background, counting down the seconds he has left with you before he’s needed by his General again.
You nodded and smiled, knowing that he’s doing his very best and you were grateful he was even willing to go back to your place at all. Having him in your bed will always beat the medbay on this ship or the alley behind 79’s.
“Hey, you go first.” You gestured to the door as you caressed his cheek, “I’ll wait a few minutes before heading off the ship and meet you back at my place in an hour. Sound good?” 
About half an hour later you were back home and were beyond ready for some leave time. You tossed your bag haphazardly on the counter, making your way to your room to quickly shed off your clothing, tossing them into a bin. As your top came off over your head you got a huge whiff of chemicals - you were a walking fire hazard.
Turning the sanisteam on the hottest setting, you stepped in and closed your eyes. The showers on the Resolute were fine, better than most probably, but nothing compared to your shower. The pressure of the scalding water dug into your scalp as you massaged the soap into your hair. You turned the setting slightly cooler - so you didn’t acquire third degree burns from a shower - and stood in silence while the water rained down on your tired form. Once your hair and body were clean, you decided to stand under the water for just a little while longer, letting your muscles relax as your head tilted back with your eyes closed for just a little while longer -
“Cyare, are you enjoying yourself?”
Your eyes shot open as you were pulled out of your relaxing trance. He stood just outside the ‘fresher fully armored, sans helmet, and watched you with a cocked head and a smirk. 
“Stars, Rex. Sorry I -” You turned around to shut off the sanisteam but he stopped you.
“No, wait. Don’t turn it off.” You raised a quizzical brow and folded your arms against your chest. Was – was he wanting to join you?
“You going to join me, Captain?” You were unable to hide your mischievous grin. With that, he quickly worked at his armor and tossed it all into a pile in your adjoining room. You watched in amusement as he shed his blacks and threw them in the bin with your own dirty clothes.
As soon as he stepped in the shower, there was no time wasted. You were gently pressed against the wall of the shower, your back making contact with the cool tiles as Rex let his hands travel up and down your waist. His lips met yours; your hands shot up to cup his face while his hands decided to head south.
Before you knew it, you were moaning into his mouth as he worked your clit with calloused fingers.
“Please Rex, I want you. I want your cock. Please.” He smiled against your mouth, still working his fingers, but letting them trail down to the outside of your hole, teasing your entrance.
“Are my fingers not good enough for you, cyare?” He breathed a laugh into your mouth, earing a low moan from you.
“No… no, they’re p-perfect – always – perfect. I just… I need m-more.”
His fingers retracted from your heat. Before you could complain at the loss of contact, your left thigh was being lifted up around his waist and your arms quickly wrapped around his neck in an attempt to hold yourself steady. He teased your clit with the head of his cock, earning whimper out of you.
“Rex, please.”
His voice, deeper than ever, set off fireworks in your gut, “Yes, ma’am.” 
He bucked his hips upward, sending his cock straight up into your pussy until he was fully inside in just one motion. You let your head fall back; the loud thump of your head hitting the wall made him pause. You didn’t even realize you had hit your head until he asked if you were ok.
“M’fine.” You shot him a reassuring smile. “Keep going.”
He resumed his deliberate thrusts – jabs of his hips that would’ve sent you all the way up the wall if his hands weren’t glued to your hip and ass. His lips met your collarbone; the gentle nips he gave the thin skin there send shockwaves through your body. You were close already, and he knew it.
“Cum for me. Common.” He was commanding you with his mouth still attached to your clavicle. It took his one hand to shoot down where you were connected - resuming his torture on your throbbing clit – to make you lose all strength in the one leg you were standing on. He must have felt it, because the grip he had on your ass became harder to keep you upright – to make sure you didn’t collapse; you clamped down hard on his cock with your brutal orgasm, making his thrusts lose their rhythm as he grunted into your neck.
He finished inside you of you – something you always told him to do; this time he didn’t need a verbal confirmation because he already knew the answer – your body was still shaking as you slowly came down from your high. 
He pulled out of you with a tired sigh, completely spent, and went to stand directly underneath the warm water in silence. Rex looked so content as he stood underneath the water, his head tilted back with his eyes shut, just as you were before he arrived. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then climbed out of the shower to dry off. You wanted him to have this moment to himself. He deserved to relax.
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Clone Wars Headcanon: Puppy dog
Fox wasn’t one for animals. He understood Hound’s love for them and has heard the same monthly speech Thorn gives to him about how a puppy will bring up morale in the Coruscant Guard (and maybe bring down the fear and panic within his men) but Fox already has so much to do that adding a dog to his list (with the added consequence of it getting out and a Senator seeing and his men being decommissioned with the dog) would be too much.
But as he stares at this small, skinny to the bones mutt, that’s lying in a alley near the 79s, Fox sighs. Damned Force, always interfering.
Titling his head, he debates for a few moments of just leaving it there when the small pup lets out a tiny, pitiful whine.
Thorn better not whine about the breed, Fox thinks before bending down and picking the poor pup up. Fox winces as the pup weighs less than should be, as he easily lifts it in his arms.
No. Not it. Her, he notices.
She’s covered in dirt and grime and Fox rushes back towards his speeder. It’ll be rough taking her back to his office without someone noticing, but Fox has taken bigger risks.
Making sure she’s stable on the speeder, he rushes back to his office, breaking laws that he’s only able to do so by being Head Commander.
Fox stares at the pup, helmetless as she sleeps lopsided on his couch. The bath took over an hour, as she was filthier than he realized. The rations he gave her wasn’t much (nor does he think is fitting for a dog) but considering the poop she just gifted him near the toilet, it’s better than the rocks he saw in that.
Rocks, he thinks, shaking his head. Starving to near death and the only thing she could eat was rocks.
Fox raises his comm to his mouth, as he orders, “Thorn, my office ASAP.”
There was a static fill before Thorn answers. “On my way.”
Fox steps a little further towards the couch, stopping once when the pup opens one eye to stare at him. She closes it and he kneels down, lifting his hand before gentling petting her neck.
Her fur is soft, which must be from the bath he muses. She stretches out, before settling back down.
Fox’s lips quirk up slightly. Yea, definitely good for morale.
Thorn reaches his office in less than 20 minutes, banging open the door with a “What’s up, Fox!” The pup sits straight up and Fox curses.
“Close the damn door!” Thorn, now noticing the dog, gently closes the door and takes his helmet off, setting it on Fox’s desk.
“Hey, hey, hey now,” he softly says, kneeling and walking slowly with a hand out. The pup sniffs once before jumping off the couch and booking it under Fox’s desk.
Fox just glared at Thorn.
“What?” Thorn has the audacity to ask. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You scared her, you di’kut.” Fox shakes his head at his partner.
Thorn stops before smirking. “So why do you have a half starved mutt in your office?”
“Why are you banging open my office door real fucking late at night?”
Thorn laughs. Full blown laughs at Fox.
The pup sticks her head out from Fox’s desk to see the commotion, not budging to leave real soon.
Fox sighs. “I found her on the streets.”
Thorn snorts. “So? You find a lot of things on the streets. Doesn’t mean you take them home?”
Fox glares. “Well, maybe I was trying to be nice!”
Thorn chuckles, grinning like a maniac. “You saying she’s for me?”
“No!” Fox sighs at his quick response, giving himself more away at each word. Thorn’s chuckles grate on his nerves as he continues. “She looked pitiful and helpless.”
Thorn raises an eyebrow but Fox doesn’t say more. Thorn sighs with a tired smile as he goes to sit next to Fox. Surprise fills him when Fox leans against him, head tilting on Thorn’s shoulder. Thorn cocks his head in thought.
“Why’d you bring her back Fox?”
“Like I said...”
“The truth, vod.” Fox grunts at Thorn’s questioning before sighing.
“I don’t know. She looked pitiful. Sad.” Lonely, his mind supplies.
Thorn hums. “We can’t keep her, you know.”
“You’re the one who’s always asking for a dog to bring morale up,” Fox points out and Thorn huffs.
“I’m mostly joking and you know it.” Fox does know it but still. “Where will keep her? What would we feed her?”
Fox didn’t think of that. Fox didn’t really think far ahead of what he’d do with the pup, just that he needed to take her with him.
“We can have her in the barracks.” Thorn shakes in surprise, staring at Fox incredulously. Fox thins his lips. “You know, for morale.”
“You want a dog in the barracks?” Fox hums. “A mutt with our men?”
“She’s not a mutt!”
Thorn stares for a few more minutes before breaking out with a grin. Fox flowers at his look. “You’re attached. You’re fucking attached.”
“Look, she was lonely.”
“I can’t believe this,” Thorn mutters as he ignores Fox, chuckles racking his form. “Should have brought home a mutt if this is what it takes to get you compliant.”
Fox grits his teeth. “She’s not a mutt.”
Thorn raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Then what is she?”
Fox glares. Several moments passed before he mutters, “not a mutt” quietly.
Thorn laughs. “I guess we’re keeping the pup.” A gleam enters his eye. “Our vod will be happy for the morale boost.” He glances at Fox, who’s still so quiet. “Hey.” Fox hums before Thorn taps his hand. “Hey, look at me.” Fox turns to stare. “She’ll be fine. I’ll make sure they know she’s yours.”
“She’s not mine,” Fox protests but Thorn just shakes his head.
“You found her.”
“She looked lonely.” Fox continues with his protests.
“Like you, vod?” That shut Fox up. Thorn just sighs as he wraps an arm around Fox. Fox stares at the pup who stares right back. Fox turns away, his face hiding in Thorn’s shoulder.
“I’m just tired,” He finally says, words muffled. “I’m tired of everything and I thought...”
“A dog’s a lot of work.” Fox snorts at Thorn’s words. “You see Hound with his massiff. You know what I mean.”
“I know.”
They sit together in silence.
Fox is about ready to drop when Thorn speaks up. “I’ll let the other Commanders know of her.”
“Not taking her to the barracks?”
Thorn laughs, standing up. “Oh no, I am.” He grins at Fox. “But you’re going with me.”
Fox squawks at Thorn’s strength as he pulls Fox up.
“No, no, no. I...”
“You want the dog?” Fox shuts his mouth. Glares. Huffs. Yes, he wants the damn dog. Thorn hums. “Then you’re going to the barracks.”
Fox huffs again before going to the pup. Damn Thorn, telling him what to do.
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bottomlouisficfest · 4 years
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Now that the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020 has concluded, we know that a lot of readers will have more time to catch up on some of the amazing fics they may have missed over the past two months. We encourage everyone to check out the full collection and to scroll through this masterpost of the 70 incredible fics that were posted during this year’s fest.
Please be sure to give all of these fics love - offer kudos, leave comments, reblog their fic posts on Tumblr, and retweet the fic posts on Twitter to help spread the word about these fics. The fest ending does not mean that our appreciation and reading of these fics has to end too.
Thank you for following along with this fest! We appreciate every single one of you - and we’ll see you later this year for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2021. 😊💜
Rainbow Bloom
A fic by dandelionfairies on AO3 | @dandelionfairies on Tumblr | dandelionfairi1 on Twitter
22k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is in denial. Louis has been in denial for far too long. Then Harry enters his life and everything changes.
Breakable Heaven
A fic by amomentoflove on AO3 | @daggerandrose on Tumblr | dagger_rosefics on Twitter
44k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
bang bang (my baby shot me down)
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
16k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I walked in on them having sex again,” Niall says after a beat of hesitation.
Liam still looks confused. “Why’s this different from every other time we’ve seen them having sex?” Liam asks, and oh, Harry knows Liam really doesn’t want to know the answer to this one.
Niall’s gone silent then, and Harry almost thinks they’re in the clear. Liam is back to scrolling through his phone, and Zayn is whispering something to Louis that makes the older boy giggle. They’re going to get through this car ride without a murder.
But then Niall’s covering his face with his sweatshirt, taking in a breath and on his exhale, Harry hears him mutter, “Louis was wearing knickers.”
Liam’s phone clatters to the floor of the car.
Don't You Know That I'm a Moon in Daylight?
A fic by wildholly on AO3 | @bottomlwt on Tumblr | bottomloulou on Twitter
58k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 79. Louis and Harry fell in love in the 18th century, Louis wanted Harry to convert him into a vampire, but he ended up resenting Harry for it. Fast forward to our modern days, they haven’t seen each other since then, but one day they meet again through a mutual friend. Harry was bitter for a long time, but he accepted that being angry wouldn't erase the fact that Louis was the love of his life. He wanted to court and spoil Louis like in their original time period, but Louis avoided him every time Harry tried to reconnect. Happy ending!
practice in pencil, seal it in pen
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
16k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 174: AU where drunk Harry lifts Louis up after someone says “bottoms up”. Louis blushes at Harry’s antics, flustered that his best friend knew him more than he thought. Friends to lovers with a happy ending please
or Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
tastes like summer, smiles like may
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
blinded by the sparks
A fic by wallstracktwo on AO3 | @wallstracktwo on Tumblr
22k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"You can’t even keep your lies straight. Mike has the memory of an elephant and can remember every single detail about every single person he’s ever met, so don’t stand there and tell me that he mixed you up with someone else.” He took back Harry’s cigarette. “I saw you exchanging lower chips for higher ones. I saw you counting the cards. There is no fucking way you won seven thousand dollars tonight honestly. And so I will repeat myself — I want in. Fifty-fifty.”
Harry was completely taken aback by the stunningly attractive man standing in front of him. He made several attempts to say something — opening and closing his mouth at least twice before he was finally able to string a few words together. “What? No. No way. No. Sorry, but I work alone.”
That was the truth too — he had never trusted anyone enough to let them get close, especially when it came to his scamming, so having a partner was completely, utterly out of the question.
“Don’t you think you need someone on the…” Louis’ tongue darted out, licking his lips as his eyes flickered to Harry’s mouth, one eyebrow cocking up. “...inside.”
Or - Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
somewhere in between
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers.
There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant.
On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine
A fic by Safetypinprince on AO3 | @roselouis on Tumblr | femboyIouis on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
Alternatively titled: and they were roommates.
A Silent Whisper (That's Left Unsaid)
A fic by MyEnglishRose on AO3 | @lwtisloved on Tumblr | darlinlou on Twitter
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“So… we’re doing this?”
Louis shrugs, suddenly acting disinterested.
“Your call, Curly.”
Instead of a verbal response, Harry suddenly takes Louis’ left hand in his. The black ring seems to nag him as the fire’s light reflects its polished edges. He ignores Louis’ curious gaze as he quickly takes off one of his own rings — the rose one —, sliding it on Louis’ middle finger. It is a little large and when he lets go of his hand, Louis has to curl it into a fist so the ring doesn’t immediately fall off.
“We’ll tell them it’s a promise ring, not an actual engagement,” Harry declares, trying to ignore how warm his cheeks feel. Hopefully, it can’t be seen as he is facing away from the fireplace.
“Right… could have gotten me a fitted ring though, my Harry ten years ago was more thoughtful.”
Louis’ tone is light and teasing again. It creates a small smile on Harry’s lips.
“Someday,” he whispers before he even registers it himself.
They both ignore it.
Or. A Fake Relationship & Exes to Lovers AU ft a failed proposal ten years ago, an oblivious Harry, an overworked Louis, Zayn as the protective best friend, a meddling aunt and a lot of talks about weddings and rings.
sweet like honey
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Weeks of flat shopping with their limited budget with Louis as a librarian aid and Harry as a barista and arguments about whether a balcony or extended bathroom suite were more important (Harry wanted to be able to feel the crisp night’s air and watch the sun set and Louis just wanted to take long bubble baths) led to them stumbling across the perfect fit. A small flat only ten minutes from campus with a cramped but lovely balcony and an included bath.
It’s affordable too… well, sort of. But they always manage. Louis picks up more shifts as an aid, adapting a habit of bringing his Psych textbooks and homework with him to finish in between duties, and later his script so he can quietly practice lines with little distraction.
Harry also increases his number of shifts at the cafe and valiantly endures the nasty customers who for some reason flock to their establishment like moths to a flame.
For a while, it’s enough.
Or, Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
Spoonful of Sugar
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry Styles.  
A name better suited for a myth than a man. Like the name of the devil, people either whisper it in fear or laugh it off as fable. Cut it open and this city’s heart doesn’t bleed red. It’s snowy white, and it pulses in the tight grip of Lucifer himself.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
Let's Break the Internet
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’ll tell you what,” Sam leans forward in his chair and steeples his fingers in front of his face, “If you actually make an account and sell nudie pics and porn for more than three months, I’ll believe you.”
Louis purses his lips, ignoring the returning blush on his cheeks at the thought of having to film himself in compromising positions or taking photos of himself without any clothes on. Raising his chin defiantly, Louis accepts the challenge.
“Fine,” he agrees, “But when I win, you have to make one too.”
Lips quirked, Sam nods and holds out a hand, “Deal.” -- Or, the one where Louis is an Only Fans baby.
in a sea of mist
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
126k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
Across the Grey, Salty Sea
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr | Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | thetrashpigeon on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen.”
Written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020- Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
Thank you, five.
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | _nouies on Twitter
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
Prompt 195: Hamilton AU
Know I Think You're Awesome, Right?
A fic by princesshalo on AO3 | @princesshalo on Tumblr | tpwkorra on Twitter
60k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
Based on the prompt: a college AU where Louis is a hippie, very good vibes activist and Harry is a punk, anarchist that always gets involved in violent protests.
show you the stars in daylight
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis laughed, the sound loud and borderline obnoxious. Harry winced. “Are you kidding, Haz? I wouldn’t even look twice at someone that couldn’t pick me up.”
And, well. That was new information to Harry. It’s not like Louis had ever mentioned to him that he was his type in any way, shape, or form.  Harry shifted closer into the space between Louis’s legs, even more intrigued than before. “Why not?” he asked curiously, all pink lips and big curls. Louis smiled.
“Tiny, innocent, little Harold. Need someone that can pick me up, don’t I? I like being tossed around a little. You know, pinned down and made to take it. Lifted up like I’m nothing,” Louis said it all with a confident smile, his sharp little teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he locked eyes with the jock across the kitchen. “Think he might come over here. Move over. I don’t want him to think we’re together.”
Or, the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac)
A fic by MsHydeStylinson on AO3 | @mizzhydes on Tumblr | MsHydeStylinson on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Did you like them?” Louis asked in a seductive tone, propping his elbow against the armrest, chin resting against his fingers.
“I’m not going to answer that,” Harry informed, lips pressed in a hard line.
“I don’t think you have to,” Louis smirked nodding slightly towards his telltale bulge and watched as Harry reddened from his neck to his forehead in a flash.
”Please, I beg you to put that phone away,” Harry pleaded with a suffering expression plastered on his face.
“Please…” Harry whined.
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds.  A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret
A fic by lovelykits on AO3 | @lovelykits on Tumblr
16k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments.
“Okay,” Harry shifts.
“Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.”
"You always get asked out.”
“Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
A Place With Skeletons
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here.
Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
Pretty and Pink
A fic by LarryInPanties on AO3 | @larryinpantiess on Tumblr | babielouu on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis points a finger at the man’s pec, “I’ll have you know Harry, anyone would be lucky to have me as a hitchhiker buddy. I’m nice, I don’t take up too much space, and I’m pretty.”
He’s not lying.
“Let me get this straight,” Harry gives Louis a look when he lets out a tiny laugh. “Ya’ want to take a ride with me but you don’t even know where ya’ wanna go yet?”
Harry never lets anyone come on the road with him.
Then, a cute hitchhiker, Louis comes around.
Cold As Ice And Everything Nice
A fic by harriblou on AO3 | @harriblou on Tumblr | harriblou on Twitter
40k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A young boy about Harry’s age was zoomed into the camera, blushing a bright red and breathing heavily and as he bowed. The crowd was cheering for him loudly and every movement he made was bashful and flustered. He had on a very nice skate dress that was purple. His name, hometown, skate scores, and all sorts of information was in a banner on the bottom half of the screen. He was really young, especially compared to all the other competitors, which was the second thing he noticed.
The first was that the boy was easily the prettiest in the entire world, the prettiest boy Harry’s ever seen. He felt his asthma squeeze his throat and his heart beat faster and his hands get a little more clammy.
or in which Louis is a professional ice-skater and he meets Harry, who offers to clean the ice for him.
You'll wait for me only.
A fic by signofthetmies on AO3 | @tired-eyes-lou on Tumblr
9k | Teen & Up | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry nips at the bondmark on Louis’ neck, Louis’ hands go to his hips, grounding him. He allows himself this, knowing that his Omega needs it too. Harry pulls back, “Go on a date with me.” He rushes out, looking at Louis’ eyes.
Louis laughs and shakes his head. “No, Louis, I’m serious. We’ve bonded for life anyway, might as well try.” Louis looks at him, “You’ve been thinking about this a lot.” Louis points out, Harry nods. “Okay.” Louis says and walks out leaving Harry. “Okay what?!”
Prompt 15: Omega Louis is a lawyer that worked on omega rights cases. Alpha Harry is a corporate lawyer. Louis and Harry used to be childhood archenemies, until Louis moved to another school and they never saw each other again. Now, they’re both adults that happen to work in the same place. They behave like children and still share a mutual dislike. Both travel to work together for a case. One night they both bond accidentally. Slowly but surely, they fall in love. Enemies to lovers!
through the wheatfields and the coastlines
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
53k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Hot Cowboy asks, tracking his little lamb with his eyes. Louis frowns slightly, having thought he was doing pretty well at not sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s not like he’s not from around here — it’s not his first summer he’s spent at his grandparents'. But he supposes that the Manhattan city lifestyle that he’s used to is always going to shine through.
“I’m visiting family for the summer,” Louis explains, cheeks a little pink. “Trying to get some work done without distractions.”
Or, alternatively, the one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
The Boy with the Tin Chest and a Glass Heart
A fic by louloubaby92 on AO3 | @louloubabys1992 on Tumblr
18k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Alpha Harry Styles, world-renowned author of fairy-tales, is being persuaded by the Beta, Liam Payne to hire a new illustrator. Since Harry’s own illustrations are too graphic for what is supposed to be children’s stories, Liam feels the need is dire. Omega Louis does not agree with Liam since he believes that Harry’s stories are fine just the way they are. Of course this has nothing to do with Louis being totally biased or totally head over heels for Harry. It certainly has nothing to do with being jealous of the mysterious omega illustrator Liam has in mind to team Harry up with.
Seriously, it has nothing to do with that at all. Nothing, absolutely nothing, zilch, nada.
This Glass House
A fic by BabyPowderLou on AO3 | @compactblue on Tumblr | princessbluelou on Twitter
42k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
While deployed, Alpha Harry gets injured by an IED explosion, leaving him to deal with severe injuries in its devastating aftermath. During his road to acceptance and recovery he learns with the help of Louis and their children just how important family can be for the mind, body, and soul.
singing your praises
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 86: Louis rides Harry while wearing his packer’s jersey/sweater and gets his ass ate.
made for lovin' you
A fic by cuddlerlouis on AO3 | @cuddlerlouis on Tumblr | burntromances on Twitter
52k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’m in,” is all Louis receives. He blinks a few times, making sure he’s reading this right.
“For real?” he asks, just to be a hundred percent sure.
“Yes,” pops up. “How do you wanna pursue?” The alpha adds, like he’s on a special mission or something.
“I’m gonna call us a cab to go to mine. Once I know it’s here, I’ll leave and join you there,” Louis explains. “I’ll text you to go around five minutes before it arrives, so it doesn’t look suspicious, and our friends don’t notice us leaving together.”
So Louis does, and ten minutes later, he’s sat in the backseat of a cab, next to Harry Styles, the person he hates the most but unfortunately still finds attractive. They’re on their way to fuck in Louis’ flat.
Or the one where a quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
Stuck On You
A fic by WritewhatIwant on AO3
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
On the Edge
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
Be a Good Girl For Me
A fic by wannabebestseller on AO3 | @sincetheywere16and18 on Tumblr
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Based on this prompt: “AU where Harry is Louis’ older brother’s best friend. He catches Louis dancing around his room in panties and blackmails him, saying that Louis has to do anything he says or else he’ll tell Louis’ family that he wears girly underwear. Secretly soft for him, Harry gives him easy tasks and uses the whole thing to spend more time with Louis. Eventually, the orders begin to escalate and Harry teases Lou about his secret, making Louis shy and embarrassed. Louis loves the attention though, and forms a crush on his brother’s best friend. Lots of feminization, secret relationship, and enemies to lovers. Thank you!”
dripping like spider milk
A fic by raspberryoats on AO3 | @raspberryoatss on Tumblr | raspberryoatss on Twitter
64k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When he sees the alpha, his brown hair curling around the top of his neck and his broad back that’s filled out over the past couple of years, Louis freezes for a moment. The alpha turns around, Louis’ surprised expression mirrored on his own for a fraction of a second before he schools it into a big, yet shy grin and a wave of his huge hand. With his nostrils flared, Louis knows that he can smell him, too.
They never hired alphas, except for—
or prompt 110: Louis is a retired porn star and he gets invited back to test a new line of sex products the company he worked for is releasing (would include photoshoots and videos of Louis sampling certain toys). Harry is there to photograph, film, and intimately help him along the way (preferably in a private setting).
But It's Useless
A fic by thinlines on AO3 | @thinlinez on Tumblr
26k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis was even hallucinating now. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, you.”
He chuckled wetly, head still leaning against the door.
“Can you get out of the way? You're blocking the door.”
He exhaled sharply before slowly turning around. His eyes fixed onto muddy Nike trainers before it traveled up to impossibly short jogging shorts. The yellow color was atrocious, simply ghastly.
“What happened to being polite, Harold?”
OR Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
Yours To Lose
A fic by loulicate on AO3 | loulicaterecs on Twitter
26k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I think I know the person that matches your descriptions of your dream alpha.”
“Who? And oh not my dream alpha, god you’re making me sound like a teenage school girl. I’m a mum, H.” They laugh as they watch kids gather in front of the verandah, getting ready to go back to the orphanage.
“Well, you’re gonna have to find out.” Harry winks before standing up to start cleaning their spot.
Or Louis always gets distracted with his mummy duty and he eventually catches Harry's attention.
Sweet Scary Creatures
A fic by Specklesock on AO3 | @specklelouis on Tumblr | specklelouiie on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
They stare into each other's eyes for a while until Louis remembers this is too intimate and looks at Harry’s hands on his thigh. It spans a big portion of his thigh and Louis has always been insecure about how thick he is, so he loves that Harry has huge, dustbin hands that hold him and makes him feel smaller, safer.
We Are But Dust and Shadows
A fic by louisbarnes on AO3 | @tomlinsonbarnes on Tumblr | dreamersdiving on Twitter
51k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Um, okay. I’m going to…” Harry gestured over his shoulder and gave the two of them an awkward smile.
“Wait! You got a letter.” Zayn held out the letter and Harry’s face dropped. He took the letter from Zayn, gaze locked on it like it was a bomb ready to explode. “What is it?”
“Probably just from the New York Institute,” Harry muttered. He hurried away, ripping the envelope open as he went.
“Remember when you said you didn’t want to fuck him?” Zayn broke the silence and Louis scoffed.
“Quite clearly, actually.”
Zayn grinned. “Your eye twitches when you lie.”
“Fuck off.”
Or: Louis is part of a well respected Shadowhunter family, and Harry is the Mundane turned Shadowhunter who just can’t seem to get it right.
it's hard to fight naked
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 6: Louis and Harry are roommates, but they cannot stand each other. When Harry heard Louis moan his name while Louis was riding a dildo in Harry’s room (Louis thought he was alone at home), Harry couldn’t stop himself and so he ended up fucking Louis against the mattress. Happy ending!
or where Louis leaves dirty socks on the couch, Zayn does assignments while he's high, and Harry is hopelessly crushing on his roommate.
social cues
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
56k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
A fic by larryent on AO3 | @larryent on Tumblr | oflarryent on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"A legacy is every life you’ve touched. And you’ve touched mine twice."
On the coast of San Franciso in 2024 is when Harry falls in love all over again.
“This thing upon me is not death but it’s as real, .... this thing upon me like a flower a feast, believe me is not death and is not glory.” — Charles Bukowski, old man, dead in a room
smoke between your teeth
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
37k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Alright, fine. What is it, then?" Louis asks. "Give me the best you’ve got. What’s this big reason why I smoke?"
Harry’s head lolls backward on the back of the sofa, a dopey grin on his face even though his eyes are already halfway closed - that look he gives Louis when he’s about to spout some incoherent bout of psychological bullshit.
“Oral fixation,” Harry mutters as delightfully as he can muster, his tone suggesting that it should be obvious.
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
calm me down (before i sleep)
A fic by leeanndarling on AO3 | @erodiansunflower on Tumblr | leeann_darling on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 24: Harry is a sex shop owner that has a crush on Louis, the shy customer who flirts with him while buying cute buttplugs, lace panties, and collars. One day, Louis asked Harry to help him put on a corset (they end up fucking in the dressing room). Things escalate quickly from there, so they start seeing each other seriously while trying other sex stuff.
This World’s Ashes
A fic by sunshineandthemoonlight on AO3 | @sunshineandthemoonlight on Tumblr
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The man stares at him, and all Harry can hear is his own heartbeat, racing.
Then the stranger turns away. He walks a few paces and bends down, picking up a large knife from the ground and shoving it into a pouch attached to his belt.
“I won’t hurt you, you know.”
Harry’s eyes snap up to the man’s face. He’s looking at Harry sincerely, palms held up as though in surrender. There’s still a knife in his right hand, though, so Harry is only slightly reassured.
Harry swallows to combat the dryness of his throat, and then says, “I won’t hurt you either.”
A post-apocalypse AU where Harry, battling his past as he survives in the woods, has learnt not to trust anyone except his dog. Then Louis crashes into his life, with his bright spirit and soft lips, pulling Harry from the depths of a loneliness he hadn’t realised he was drowning in. But there is danger lurking, and Harry’s not the only one wrestling with his past.
A Springtime's Wilt, an Autumn's Bloom
A fic by snowcaplou on AO3 | snowcaplou on Twitter
20k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What about you Harry? Maybe you should apply for the position,” she teases.
“Oi! You better not be trying to get rid of my best driver-- I can’t go looking for a replacement, I’m too busy!” Louis says with a playful slap to Savannah’s shoulder. It's jestful, like the rest of their conversation, but there is a possessive bite to his words-- my best driver-- the words bounce through Harry’s ears until he can just hear the words my and mine. It falls deaf on Savannah’s beta senses, but for a minute Harry thinks he can sense the same words zooming through Louis’ thoughts.
My, mine.
My alpha.
And woah, Harry’s taking it too far. At least, he thinks he’s taking it too far, but when he looks back up from his plate, Louis’ eyes are heavy on his, and for a fleeting second, Harry can pretend he heard Louis say it.
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
Starlight’s Crossing
A fic by smittenwithlouis on AO3 | @smittenwithlouis on Tumblr | smittenwlouis on Twitter
30k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He can picture it so clearly, as he holds onto Louis’ sleeping body. How they’d go exploring every inch of the galaxy without a care in the world. He builds a fairytale future in his mind, one that includes marriage, kids, and growing old together. Even after such a short time together, Harry knows that he’d say yes to anything and everything this man ever asked for. He’d follow him to the ends of the galaxy if that’s what Louis wanted.
And that thought terrifies Harry.
Or: All it takes is one night for Harry and Louis' life to change forever. Fast-forward four years, and they embark on an adventure of a lifetime across the universe.
A fic by littleLouve on AO3 | @larents on Tumblr | louvees on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The one where Louis has control over water in every form but he doesn't know what to do with it. Harry is here to guide him.
don't want no other shade of blue
A fic by padfootyoudog on AO3 | @louisisworthit on Tumblr
43k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I know you’re putting on an act,” says Harry after a moment, and Louis scowls when he realises the prince is actually amused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Louis.
“All I’ve heard over the past couple of years are rumours of Prince Louis’ kindness, and generosity, and oh, he’s so handsome I can barely pour his tea without shaking!” says Harry, putting on a silly, high-pitched voice for the last bit. Louis’ scowl deepens. “I would already know if you were just another selfish, bratty omega prince. You can’t fool me, darling, but I admire your efforts.”
“As you said,” Louis grits out, “those are only rumours. I assure you, I’m a terrible person.”
prompt 339: it was foretold that Alpha Prince Harry would be mated to a beautiful male omega with eyes that could rival the stone amethyst, but Omega Prince Louis refuses to believe it.
Loving You's the Antidote
A fic by neverheartbroken on AO3 | @neverheartbroken on Tumblr
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 302: Alpha Harry & Omega Louis are divorced but still spend each other’s heat/rut together because they only really trust each other but things get complicated when Louis (or Harry, author’s choice) spend it with someone else. Cue angst with a happy ending. (Prompt Inspiration: Prompt 98 from the 2019 BLFF)
dirty laundry looks good on you
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When Louis Tomlinson finds his clothes lying in a sad soapy mess on top of the washing machine in which they are supposed to be, he acts upon his anger and retaliates. What he doesn’t expect is having to deal with a six-feet tall, curly-haired and dimpled man in return, who seems to arouse confusing feelings within him and to make his life take an unexpected turn for the better (or worse?).
OR; the utility room is a great place to fall in love.
no good unless it's real
A fic by fackinglouis on AO3 | @fackinglouis on Tumblr
17k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.”
 Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.”
Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that.
“I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh.
“Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.”
Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
Since the Future
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
49k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"It's done."
The words were barely above a whisper when they left Harry's mouth, but they hit Louis with the force of a freight train. It was done. Holy fuck. They had created a time machine. And tomorrow, they were travelling to the future.
To Love without Reason
A fic by MuggleMirror on AO3 | @mugglemirror on Tumblr | mugglemirror on Twitter
8k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Come on in, soldier,” Louis pats Harry’s chest and walks away, leaving Harry to follow behind.
Harry stands in the living room, looking around at Louis’ dwelling. Family pictures placed high on a shelf, certificates of Louis’ practice, and other trinkets that make Harry entirely too nostalgic.
“I have to warn you,” Louis says as he puts the kettle on, the water droplets from his hair trickling down the golden skin of his back. “The door jams if you lock it so you'll have to leave it ajar.”
Harry acknowledges with a soft hum, too entranced by Louis’ glistening skin to form a coherent reply.
Sedative Duty.
A fic by daddyharrie on AO3 | @daddyharrie on Tumblr | daddyharrie on Twitter
46k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press,  Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
You and I 'till the day we die
A fic by Allmylovelarrie on AO3 | flightlesslarri on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del  Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend  who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in  the 80s)
Give So Much (Not Enough)
A fic by skinsuk on AO3 | @wifeylouis on Tumblr
24k | Mature | Louis/Harry, Louis/Alex, Harry/Tess | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of  Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”  
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the  push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his  lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of  mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a  very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out  loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still  sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook  him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap  and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact  with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
A friends to lovers au with tons of mama Louis and domesticity.
New York's Beauty
A fic by nocontrol_lou on AO3 | @saxophone17 on Tumblr | nocontrol_louis on Twitter
5k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 104: AU where Harry is an alpha wolf and  Louis is a hybrid kitten. They were roommates. While they were arguing  about something stupid, Harry wanted to bend Louis over the kitchen  table and knot him right there. He slowly accepted his feelings and  extreme desire for Louis, so he started to tease the hybrid until he  would beg Harry to fuck him. They fall in love. Louis needs to feel comfortable with the camera so Harry fucks him until he is blushing and calm and gentle.
feeling borrowed, always blue
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
67k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ own heartbeat picks up, eyes widening right as  Dr. Zoyansky hits a button and the unsteady pattern of thumps echoes  into the room. His breathing hitches, eyes watering as the rhythm seeps  into his insides and reverberates in his mind. A heartbeat.
He doesn’t register the tears at first, eyes fixed to the screen and vision blurring.
The  situation seems insane. Here he is, twenty-four years old, sitting in  the examination chair and listening to the heartbeat of his future  child, clutching the worn material of his changing gown with pale  fingers, one of which is weighed down by a gaudy engagement ring.
And  most noticeably - he’s entirely alone. It’s just him in the room with  his doctor, experiencing one of the most groundbreaking, life-changing moments of his entire life and he’s all alone.
Or, Louis has been dreaming of his wedding since he was young - he just never expected that it was going to happen like this.
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
66k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Eight years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart  back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry  Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world  like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never  see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for  him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He's far from expecting the alpha he loved to struggle the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn't  take long for both of them to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the  only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first  place.
moonlit sky over gentle waters
A fic by stardustx on AO3 | stardxstlwt on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"The King of the Pirates! Captain Harry Styles! The one  who conquered the seven seas!" Louis boasts, sarcasm drips from his  tone, mocking him.
The bar is clean, but he still scrubs just as  fervently, his brows furrows and a small pout forms on those pink lips  Harry desperately wants to kiss. He looks down, dubiously, at the  address in his hand.
“Every lass and lad dreams of bedding a  pirate like you.” Louis huffs, gazes up at him with a despondant look  that reminds him of a grumpy kitten.
Silence fills the space as Harry mulls over his words. He finally looks up at Louis, blinking slowly. “Do they really?”
"You're an idiot."
OR Harry left his hometown to sail the seven seas and returns seven years later, yearning for something — or rather, someone  — that he isn't sure he can have.
Short and Sweet
A fic by 5ft9 on AO3 | cinnamouroll on Twitter
29k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of  male omegas.  He's always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered  upbringing,  fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He's  immediately smitten  by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad  shoulders, and the  addictive coffee scent.
under thorn and bramble
A fic by thedeathchamber on AO3 | @louehvolution on Tumblr
32k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 445: A historical AU where Louis is working as a  servant on a farm. The family that owns the farm is exceedingly cruel  to him and he is often exhausted and in pain from his work. A mysterious  stranger boards at the farm and is very intrigued by Louis, but Louis  doubts his interest in genuine. Any pairing fine.
Late night devil put your hands on me (and never, never, never ever let go)
A fic by summerandsunshine on AO3 | sunshine_Iou on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry is a demon that feeds off of people’s nightmares. He finds his next meal in Louis’ dreams where he changes and molds them to become scary nightmares. Soon harry learns Louis is a lucid dreamer- he can act on his own in his dreams. They interact in the real world and have sex in the dream world. when Louis catches feelings the devil, Harry promises to come back to earth once and for all.
No Easy Choice, But You’re Mine
A fic by alltheselights on AO3 | @alltheselights on Tumblr | alltheselightts on Twitter
45k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ feet pound on the pavement as he runs, and the echo reverberates through the alley behind him. He drops the gun near a trash bin as he passes, his gloved fingers ensuring that it will never be traced back to him.
He’s panting, his thighs ache, and there’s a cramp forming beneath his ribs on the right side, but all of that is nothing compared to the exhaustion clouding his brain.  
I can’t do this anymore, Louis thinks.
Or: Louis is an omega hitman with one last job that goes a little sideways. Harry is the alpha bartender that looks a little too closely and cares a little too much.
Joker Is Wild
A fic by Typosmyown on AO3 | @palosquared on Tumblr
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/Various | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 390: A reality show AU where Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall are selected to stay at confined in a luxury mansion for 1 month, where they are required to have explicit, graphic sex at all times, like a porn Big Brother kind of show. Every week there are several different sexual tasks and trials that they must overcome together, which all ends in orgasms for all of them. When the boys all discover Louis is strictly a bottom, and a slutty one at that, they all can’t wait to get their hands on him. Bonus if other hot celebs are there too, like Shawn Mendes, for example. Includes lots of hard gay sex, rimming, blowjobs, gang bangs, ass worshipping (Louis ass, of course) and double penetration.
The Pirate and The Piper
A fic by jacaranda_bloom on AO3 | @jacaranda-bloom on Tumblr | jacaranda_bloom on Twitter
38k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Banished from Neverland by Captain Hook and the evil Siren Minerva, Louis is forced to live in the Other World. He makes a life for himself, resigned to the fact he’s never going to see his beloved home and Lost Boys again. Five years later he’s kidnapped and returned to Neverland, only to discover a far worse fate awaits him. But with an unlikely ally by his side, can he overcome those who seek his demise and restore freedom to his homeland?
Or the one where Harry is Hook, Louis is Pan, and nothing is what it seems.
Coeur de Pirate
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/OMC, Louis/Harry/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He tilts his chin up as the Captain strides across the deck, his footfalls falling loudly against the planks. The crew watches them from afar.
Stepping into his space, the Captain wraps an arm around Louis’ waist and pulls him in. He lowers his head to breathe his words against Louis’ cheeks. “I won,” he whispers, “I’ve come to claim my prize.”
if you're feeling lonely
A fic by ifthat on AO3 | @lovehl on Tumblr | omegalouis on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The guest list is on the desk. Louis runs through it and stops a third of the way down when a familiar name catches his breath.
Harry Styles.
All he has to do is verify whether Harry Styles is the same Alpha whose scent beckoned him closer.
it's a game we play in the sheets
A fic by loubabyworship on AO3 | @strawbabyloucake on Tumblr | pillouprincess on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Louis is… He’s a boy I’ve been talking to.” He bit his lip, grin evident. “After I watched one of his videos during a Harry Reacts a few weeks ago I messaged him and…”
His sentence was cut short by the sound of a timid little “Hi” being whispered into his ears.
Harry closed his eyes for a second, pausing to take in the online presence of the real-life fairy, before he opened them and smiled. “Hey Lou. Ready to play with me?”
Mind Over Matter (You Under Me)
A fic by youreyesonlarry on AO3 | @youreyesonlarry on Tumblr | youreyesonlarry on Twitter
73k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day.
Prompt 21: Harry stopped playing hockey (after 10 years of a professional career) because of a severe injury. The dream he worked so hard for vanished in the blink of an eye. His family insisted that he had to go to physical therapy, even if it only helped his health. Cue to personal assistant Louis, the most efficient and kind PA one could hire.
View the 2020 BLFF collection here.
View the 2019 BLFF collection here.
270 notes · View notes
blonde-in-charge · 3 years
Wildcard, Chapter Four
Summary: Steve Rogers found you on the side of the road after a mission involving Hydra and convinced the Avengers to take you in. You have no name, no memories, and no idea of what you are capable of. All you know is that you are a super soldier with more hidden abilities than you care to admit. The first step to finding answers was to train you. Nobody, including you, knows what is up your sleeve. (Slowburn)
Characters: Bucky x reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Random Hydra guy
Warnings: Fluffy!Bucky, Flirting, bed sharing
Words: 2.5k
The ride to the safehouse was relatively quiet besides the sounds of the road outside of the vehicle you were in. The drive took about 2 hours, and you had no idea where you were. By the time the agents had dropped you off, the sun had started to rise over the small cabin. The SUV that had dropped you off, drove away quietly behind you, while you and Bucky looked at the small house. You looked at each other and then raced inside. You were ahead of Bucky, trying to get to the bed first but he grabbed you around the waist and spun you around with him as you squealed out. He set you down and you pushed him aside to open the bedroom door. Bucky tried to grab hold of the shirt you were wearing but was just short as you threw yourself onto the bed. You rolled over. Your hair sticking up in every direction as you grinned triumphantly. Your face was heated from the small workout racing the soldier provided.
Bucky groaned as he walked back into the living room to fall backwards onto the couch, “How am I supposed to sleep on this thing?” 
You laughed from the other room before walking out and joining him on the old couch, plopping down with a sigh, your thigh resting against his. The last twelve hours has been the most Bucky has ever spoken to or even touched you. You were still processing the way he held you while you slept. That was the first time (that you remembered) you had been held like that. You sighed softly at thought and Bucky turned his head to look at you.
“Everything alright?” He asked and you nodded your head, not looking at him. You knew you were easy to read and you were afraid if you looked into those steel eyes, your fears would come true. You have always had a soft spot for the soldier, you never truly realized what it meant until now. You haven't let yourself really have feelings after your rescue, you wanted to be the easiest to work with. You haven't even cried since you had been found, now when you were around Bucky, your stomach would do flips and you barely even knew the man. You knew what he had been through and how he took his coffee, but who was Bucky Barnes? 
“What did you want to be when you grew up?” You asked him, staring up at the ceiling.
He studied you with his eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed, “I think I always knew I would become a soldier when I was younger.” You smiled at the thought of a baby Bucky running around with toy guns, so innocent. “Did you always want to be…. An accountant?” The question made you let loose a sharp laugh. You shook your head and covered your eyes with your right hand.
“No, I decided I wanted to become an accountant senior year of high school.” You smiled slightly at the foggy memory, “I had always wanted to be a police officer or FBI agent. I wanted to help the world in whatever way I could.” You could feel Bucky’s eyes searing into the side of your face. You cleared your throat, “Do you remember your parents?”
The questions went back and forth for what felt like hours. You learned Bucky spent the most time around Steve's mom, he had two sisters, his favorite color was green, and he hates olives. You had told him what little you remembered of your family, about your little sister. You didn't remember their faces very well but you remembered the dynamic. You told Bucky about your random love for olives and he started dramatically gagging. Your laugh echoed through the cabin you shared with him. For the first time in eight months, you felt light. You had somehow shifted to one end of the couch and wrapped yourself in a blanket, Bucky sat on the over end with your feet in his lap. The more you talked to him, the more memories you accessed. 
“Okay, okay. Who was your first girlfriend?” You asked as you stood up from the couch in search of a bottle of wine. You heard Bucky chuckle as he thought about it. You emerged from the kitchen with two glasses and a dusty old bottle of red. 
You had Bucky open the bottle and pour the glasses as you returned to your spot on the couch. “I think my first girlfriend's name was Ruth?” He said squinting his eyes as if it would help him remember. 
“Damn Barnes, how many girls have you been with?” You asked, taking a glass of wine off of the coffee table. 
He shook his head and leaned back against the cushions, “No, it's your turn to answer now. How was your first boyfriend?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you gently slapped the hard metal of his shoulder. 
You closed your eyes searching the memories that surfaced on your brain, “Josh? His name was Josh Noah, I was 16, maybe?” You drew a blank when it came to remembering faces and you didn't push yourself to. You opened your eyes and smirked, “So, you were a ladies man, huh?” 
You laughed as heat rushed to his cheeks, painting his face but he didn't look ashamed. “Yeah, I got around quite a bit.” You studied his face as he searched through his thoughts. You smiled slightly wondering what a date with Bucky Barnes would be like. 
You sipped at your wine and made a small face at the flavor. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't like what you had at the tower. Bucky laughed at you and you stuck your tongue out at him in defiance. You absentmindedly reached out to touch the cold metal of his arm and he flinched away from you. You gave him an apologetic expression as you pulled your hand back, “Sorry, I should have asked first.” 
“No, no. It’s okay, I haven't really had anyone touch me in a long time who wasn't trying to attack me.” The way he said it made a heat rise to the surface of your skin all over your body. You looked up into his eyes and felt your stomach start to do backflips once again. You reached your hand back out slowly and splayed your fingers against the metal forearm. 
You adored the man in front of you, you knew the types of nightmares he had. You wished you could just take them away. “Bucky, you deserve all of the good things in life.” You made circles with your thumb as you spoke softly. “Your past does not define you. Your favorite color changes and so do you. You are not the bad guy anymore.” You didn't know what possessed you to say it, but you had to. Bucky just stared at you with wide eyes. You smiled softly before leaning back and taking your hand off of his arm. You brought the glass up to your lips and chased down all of the liquid in it. You frown at the uncomfortable burn in the back of your throat as you stood up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen once again. You were hungry for the first time in the last 24 hours. You looked at the clock and realized it was almost dinner time. You and Bucky had sat on the couch for hours just getting to know each other. The feeling in your chest started to rise once again but you pushed it back down to wherever it came from. You pulled the sleeves of the shirt you were wearing, his shirt, over your hands as you searched through the kitchen for ingredients. The house had been stocked with all the things you would find in the tower, you added a mental note to thank Steve for the shopping list he had created. You peeked out into the living room to see Bucky was exactly where you had left him. Oh god, you broke Bucky Barnes. You leaned against the entryway to the kitchen and cleared your throat.
“Do you have any objections to taco soup?” You asked him, crossing your arms.
He snapped out of whatever haze he was in and looked at you, “Tacos in a soup?”
“Yeah, it's actually really good. Wanna help me cook?” You gestured into the kitchen as he nodded and stood from the couch.  “Hey Buck?” He looked at you and tilted his head as you spoke, “Did I say something wrong?”
He looked panicked, “No! You didn't say anything wrong I-” He sighed and ran his hand through his long hair, “I never realized how much I needed to hear that until you said it.” 
You understood where he was coming from, hell you would have shut down if someone said those words to you. You nodded before turning around and disappearing into the kitchen to start the cooking. You want to eat dinner at a decent time so you better start now. 
Taco soup was the poor kids dinner from college. The only real ingredient that wasn't in a can that you needed was ground beef. Everything else was in a 79 cent can. You browned the meat in the pot while Bucky went to work on opening the cans for you while you cooked, you smiled at him as he passed each one to you and you added them to the pot. You finished combining all of the ingredients and placed the lid of the pot on. 
“Okay so,” You looked up at the clock on the wall and did the math in your head. “Let it boil for about 20 minutes, then we can eat.” You walked over to the fridge pulling out sour cream and shredded cheese, setting them on the counter top. You looked over at Bucky, who was eyeing the soup questionably. 
“It looks like we are boiling the rust off of something.” He stood up straight and looked over his shoulder at you as you shrugged and pulled out two bowls.
“I could just let you starve, but I actually like having you around.” You shrugged and swatted him away as he poked at your side. You leaned against the counter top and watched him. The kitchen was not very big, making the space crowded between you two when you were both working around the kitchen. He came to stand next to you as you both stared at the boiling pot in silence. Your stomach growled loudly which made him chuckle. You smiled, the laugh you elicited from him made you feel like you were floating. You smiled brightly at him, watching the way his chest moved as he laughed. He looked down over at you and you realized you were staring. You averted your eyes back to the boiling pot in front of you and sighed loudly, which he dramatically copied. You grinned and shouldered his side, getting a well deserved, ooph. Bucky turned around as the minutes counted down and pulled out two bowls and spoons. You turned off the stove top and lifted the lid of the pot, taking a deep inhale of the delicious scent. You were starving, so you were quick to fill the two bowls with a ladle. You dressed your soup up with a spoonful of sour cream and half the bag of cheese, while Bucky only dressed his with a handful of the cheese. You both carried your bowls to the small round table in the corner of the kitchen. You sat in one of the small wooden chairs, sitting criss crossed as you always did when you were comfortable. You raised one spoonful of the soup to your mouth, blowing on it gently before actually tasting the contents. It was delicious, as it always was. You really enjoyed cooking, it came so naturally to you. You looked up and saw Bucky was thoroughly enjoying his soup the same way you were. You both ate in a comfortable silence until you were full. You stood up from the table and reached to grab his empty bowl.
He smacked your hand away playfully and stood with you, “Let me clean up, you did all the cooking.” He extended his hand out, waiting for you to place your empty bowl in it. You wanted to say something snarky, but you knew he genuinely wanted to help out. You lost the war in your head so you let him take your bowl away to the kitchen. You decided to change out of the clothes you were wearing and into your pajamas. There wasn't much to the cabin, it wasn't an open floor plan and it only consisted of a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and one bathroom. You knew there was a shed out back that served as a weapons vault, and you also knew the bathroom mirror that opened up into a medical supply cabinet. You maneuvered past the couch to the bedroom. You pulled Bucky’s shirt off over your head and threw it onto the corner of the room, you put your bag on the bed and rummaged through it. You pulled out an old tee shirt you knew was Steves, you pulled it over your head and worked on stripping your legs out of the leggings you wore. You wanted to remain in your underwear but you also didn't want Bucky to feel uncomfortable, so you pulled on a pair of cut off sweatpants and walked out of the room. Bucky was trying to set up the couch to be somewhat comfortable for the night. You leaned against the door frame of the room and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Hey, Buck?” You asked. He looked up and met your eyes, “Can you sleep in the bed with me tonight?” 
You weren't able to read his eyes, you watched as he stood up straight and contemplated the offer. He nodded his head, “Yeah of course I will.” He stripped the couch of its blanket and walked up to you. You smiled and led him into the room, shutting the door behind him. “I just need to use the restroom, then I'll be ready.” You nodded as he dropped the blanket onto the bed and disappeared into the bathroom with his duffle bag. You slipped off your shorts and crawled into the bed. The sheets were so soft against your skin, the feeling was welcome. You fluffed up the two pillows behind you before sinking down into the bed. You turned the lamp off besides you and sighed. The bathroom door creaked open and spilled light into the room. You could see the outline of Bucky, the light clicked off and you listened to him approach. The bed dipped under his weight as he pulled back the covers. He laid beside you and covered himself up, tucking his right arm behind his head. You rolled on your side to face him. 
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You said quietly to the figure next to you.
“Goodnight, doll.”
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