#Star Wars the clone wars fic
xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love
Oh boy... ummmm... checks my AO3 dashboard
To Make Less the Depth of Grief Obi-wan mourning Satine; Cody gives him space to grieve away from the Jedi
Atonement Alexsandr Kallus performing an act of atonement for Lasan.
I'll Be Home For Christmas Ted Lasso returns to Richmond for Christmas and arranges a meeting with Trent Crimm under the mistletoe.
Broadway Bound Sam and Bucky go to see Rogers! The Musical.
All that Remains is Faith and Hope AU Braime in the aftermath of the Purple Wedding.
And a bonus: In the Flat With the Blue Door An AU Harry Potter inspired by Notting Hill.
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high-ct5555 · 5 months
Thus Always to Tyrants: Chapter 1 - Gone Too Soon
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cookiesabode · 11 months
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@ladysongmaster-library I love your fics so much they’re just so 🥰✨💖💕💞 they’re so sweet; so cute!!! I’ve been reading every night for the past few days and I- *giddy giggling* AH! I love how much energy and detail you put into each one of them I could just die!!!
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daddycephalopod · 10 months
Stars Fading: Chapter 2
A Bet is a Bet
Summary: A night at 79s with a few of the commanders and one captain turns sour, Cody feeling guilty about the whole ordeal the next day.
Fluff. Angst. Stuff. Warning: Attempted mugging scene, violence ensues. People get drunk at bars.
@starstofillmydream is really the only tag I have but if anybody wants to be tagged in fics, let me know 😄
Kyra had enlisted Isla to help her pick something to wear. She had freshly showered, wearing her hair down again. Isla was currently going through her closet, making noises here and there but no actual words. She threw black leggings at her, followed by a black shirt with a questionable slit. The slit started from the plunging neckline down to just above her belly button.
“Why did I agree to this?” She frowned in the mirror as she decided to braid her hair half up, half down.
“Because you’re deeply in love with this man and need to show him your affection by betting on if he can fuck other people or not.”
Kyra shot her a warning look, Isla holding her hands up.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” Isla said
Kyra rolled her eyes but didn’t verbally respond to that. The girls had left, going back out to 79s together.
Rex, Cody, Fox, and Wolffe were the ones at the table tonight. The others were busy working or somewhere else in the bar.
“Not that it isn’t nice to see you, but you’re certainly out here more than usual. Any reason for that?” Rex asked, tone a little teasing.
Before Cody could answer, Kyra came through the door and headed straight for their table. Rex smirked knowingly, Cody shooting him a wry look. He had noticed the slit in her shirt but he had also noticed that this shirt allowed him to see more scars on her body. There was a bigger one, going down the middle of her chest. What was her story and where did they come from? Obi-wan’s warning rang through his head.
“Hello boys. I hope Cody forewarned you I was coming.” She said as she sat next to the mentioned commander.
“He said something about it in the chat.” Wolffe said
“Chat?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, we have an encrypted channel we speak to each other through when we’re on Coruscant.” Rex said
“That goes off at all kriffing hours.” Fox added with a wry look.
“Not that you aren’t already awake, doing the chancellors bidding.” Cody said
“Is that what we’re calling Kavra now?” Kyra asked
Fox nearly choked on his beer as Rex and Wolffe had to hide their smiles behind theirs.
“She’s a senator’s sister. It would be highly inappropriate.” He replied, trying to make it seem like he didn’t almost just choke on his drink.
“Oh come on, Fox. She’s an absolute catch and everybody who walks by her knows it. She exudes confidence and knows how to command a room if needed, but she’s also funny and might be able to actually kill you.”
“Is confidence and command something you’re into, Kyra?” Rex asked, tone teasing.
“Why do you think I agreed to sit here tonight?” She responded with a devilish smile.
She then looked around the bar, “alright, Cody. I do have boring mechanic duties to take care of first thing in the karking morning. So, who’s your first victim?”
Cody’s eyes scanned the room, landing on a brunette who was making eyes at their table. It would almost be way, way too easy. He stood and went over to her, leaning against the bar as he spoke to her. He pointed back at their table and she blushed a bit, giggling. Definitely already drunk.
Kyra took a sip of her whiskey and leaned back, watching.
“Why do you do this to yourself? Don’t you think you should get to be happy too?” Rex asked
“What makes you think I’m so unhappy?” She asked
“Aurora is worried about you.” He replied
She smiled a bit at that, small and genuine.
“I miss my home, I left one war to fix machines in another one because I was tired of killing my own. I have a lovely loft, wonderful friends, and the company of a million handsome men at my disposal. I’m bound to complain sometimes but really….I’m okay, Rex. thank you, though. Besides occasionally Isla and Rory, nobody really checks in on me.”
“No attraction to the Jedi?” Wolffe asked in a teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood.
Kyra snorted, “absolutely not. It’s not even a matter of the Mando vs Jedi thing, and they’re certainly very pretty to look at, but not my thing. Aurora is my best friend though and I’ll take anybody out who tries to harm her. What about you, Wolffe? Any Jetti catch your attention?”
He shook his head, “nah, but I’m okay with that. I’ve got my brothers and I’m pretty sure I won the lottery in generals.”
“Don’t let Cody hear you say that.” Rex said with a snort.
Speaking of Cody, him and his mystery woman appeared.
“This is Cori.” He said, introducing her to the table.
Fox’s comm went off right after the introduction. He had sighed heavily, obviously very tired.
“Duty calls.” He stood, tucking his helmet under his arm.
Kyra smiled, “tell Kavra I say hi.”
He blushed at that and rolled his eyes, leaving them.
“Kyra, would you mind sitting next to Wolffe now? I’d like Cori to sit next to me.”
The woman blushed at that but Kyra did move. She as going to lose this bet and she absolutely knew it the moment they sat down. She wanted to see how far he would take it though. He kept whispering in her ear, kissing the spot underneath it. It was bold and it made her giggle sometimes or blush heavily. Kyra caught one of the questions he asked her, taking a long sip of whiskey.
“Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are the outside?” He whispered into her ear, voice even more deep and husky than usual.
He kept eye contact with Kyra as he asked, almost ignoring the giggle that escaped the woman near him. Kyra could have broken her glass with how tightly she was gripping it now. Something else he said got a giggle out of her before they excused themselves from the table to leave the bar. Cody had kept eye contact with Kyra the entire time.
“With all due respect, you should tell Cody how you feel.” Rex said
“With all due respect, fuck off.”
Kyra didn’t mean it, not really and she could see Rex understood she was upset. The one thing the captains and commanders liked about Kyra is that she was respectful of rank, sure. But she was going to treat you like everybody else, or how you treated her. She was also severely loyal to her friends and they had noticed that from her bond with their significant others, particularly Isla and Aurora. Family was family and it didn’t always have to be a blood family.
After a few moments of silence, she stood.
“Well, gentlemen. This was mostly fun but I’m going home now.”
She tossed credits on the table, leaving after telling them goodnight. Wolffe had offered to walk her back but she kindly declined, needing the time alone to organize her thoughts. The chill of Coruscant rolled through as she walked on, wrapping her arms around herself as she wished she remembered to bring a shawl or jacket of some sort with her. She felt a shift, immediately noticing two individuals trailing her. She stood up a little taller and walked a little faster.
They were definitely gaining on her, though. Before Kyra could react, she was shoved into the alley by one and pinned by the other. She narrowed her eyes at them.
“You want to let me go.” She said
“What is that? Some attempt at a Jedi mind trick?” One of them sneered at her.
“I am no Jedi.” She said with narrow eyes before kneeing the man in the crotch.
She then flipped him over her shoulder before having to grab the other man and shove him against the wall. She got a couple hits in on him, knocking him out before the other got up.
“We don’t want trouble, we just want your credits.” He said, brandishing a knife now.
“Asking nicely goes a long way.” Kyra said before going to attack him again.
He got the upper hand, kicking her knee from behind hard enough to cause it to ache immediately. He had landed two blows to her face and held the knife up.
“Cooperate, bitch.”
Kyra spat in his face, the man growling low before slashing at her with the knife now. She managed to dodge it from her throat but the move got her in the arm. She then threw all of her weight up at him, charging the man into the wall behind her. Kyra kept smashing his head against the wall until he stopped moving. She used the wall next to them to stand up, tasting blood from her split lip. He definitely landed a hard punch to her face. She steadied herself and limped home then, not going back to see if either men were okay or alive.
When Kyra didn’t report in the next day, Isla went to go visit her at home.
“What happened?!” She asked with a frown.
Kyra had a black eye, a bandaged arm, a healing lip, and a noticeable limp from being kicked from behind.
“I put some assholes in their place.” She shrugged.
“You could have called. Where the fuck was Cody or the others?” Isla asked.
“They offered to walk me home, I said no.”
Isla frowned, “you’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.”
“But I’ll go down swinging.” Kyra said
“Kriffing Mandalorian.” Isla sighed
“Stupid Coruscanti.” She replied back to her.
“I’ll be back, I’m going to get you some medicine to help with the pain.” Isla said, heading off to to find Kix.
Cody had been in the med bay, a routine physical that was insisted upon by GAR standards. He didn’t mind it too much, Kix was good company. He was about to head out when Isla almost knocked him over on her way in, and she didn’t say anything either.
“Are you okay?” He asked
“Kyra was jumped, I need some of those pain shots.” She said to Kix.
He frowned at that, “I can’t just hand over medical supplies without doing an exam.”
“She’s limping, cut on her lip, and a black eye. I’ll have her do a follow up with you but I need the shots for her or she’s going to have a really hard time with her leg.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Kix sighed and slipped a few syringes into her hand, “as far as anybody is concerned, those went missing. Understood?”
“Thank you.” Isla said, going to leave.
“Kyra was jumped last night?” Cody asked, walking with her now.
Isla’s comm went off and she groaned.
“I’m so sorry, can you take these to her?”
Isla had already shoved them in his hand and headed off before he could reply, making him almost drop them. He swore under his breath and headed towards Kyra’s apartment. He knocked on the door and waited for a response, wondering how bad off she really was. It took a few minutes but then she opened the door.
Cody’s heart dropped when he saw the shape she was in, immediately helping her back to the couch.
“Isla sent me, she had to go do something else.” He said
Of course Isla sent him, Kyra might kill her later.
“No problem, it’s always nice to see you.” She smiled a bit.
“This had to be a horrible way to end the night.” He remarked as he put the syringes on the table.
Kyra didn’t bother reaching for them yet, distracted by her data pad now as she began putting in orders for parts and tools.
“At least one of us had fun last night.” She said
It was supposed to sound like she was teasing him but it came out kind of snippy. A silence sat between them at that, Cody frowning a bit.
“Sorry. I…I’m in pain and I’m tired.” She frowned.
“It’s alright. I think I owe you some credits though, a bet is a bet.” He said
“A bet is a bet.” She echoed.
Something seemed very off about her and he wondered what would have been different if he had just followed his own actual desires last night. He was looking at Kyra as he spoke to the stranger because it was things he wished he could say to her. He wished it was her underneath him last night, then maybe things would have ended better. His bed might have stayed warmer for much longer. They could have had breakfast, probably joking and jabbing at one another like they did.
He didn’t like the distant, detached approach of one night stands and very rarely engaged in them. Last night, if he didn’t, he might have ruined his friendship with Kyra. He never had his self control slip like it did when he saw her in that low cut top last night and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He stood now though, trying not to think about it, and went to look to see if she had a first aid kit.
“Ah yes, please. Pilfer through my apartment.” She said, her tone dry.
“I’m trying to see if you have medical supplies.” He called out to her from the refresher.
“Cody, I’m fine.”
He ignored that, finding at least a cold pack for that eye. He cracked it and held it against her face, making her look away from her work. She seems a tiny bit annoyed but also tired.
“I have work to do.” She said
“It can wait a minute. I’m going to also give you my direct comm information so if you ever get into a situation again, you’re not dragging your own corpse home.” He said
Kyra frowned a bit that that, did he blame himself for not being there? She rested her hand on top of his, “you’re not responsible for this.”
That seemed to shake something awake in that head of his as they made eye contact now.
“I know you blame yourself a lot for what happens to your men, as a leader and as someone who cares for their brothers. Wolffe offered to walk me home and I said no. I’ve lived in Coruscant long enough to know there was a risk. This isn’t your fault, Cody…”
He looked away from her gaze then, trying to ignore how warm her hand felt in contrast with the ice pack underneath it. She pulled his hand and the pack away slowly, some of the swelling around her eye already going down.
“You wanna watch a holodrama with me?” She asked
“What?” He asked, looking up at her now.
“I’m tired and I think I could fall asleep to a movie. Do you want to join me?”
“I would but I have to get back to work.” He said
Kyra nodded at that before trying to get up but he stopped her.
“What do you need?”
“There’s an extra keycard to my apartment in my bedroom. It’s on the nightstand and I want you to have it.” She said
“Why?” He asked
“You should use a key of your own if you’re going to drag my corpse home.” She said, repeating his words from earlier.
Cody went back to her room to grab it, taking noticing of the bedroom. Her sheets on her bed were black and disheveled, a few more blankets draped on the bed. They looked handmade, he noticed that about all of the blankets in the apartment and then it made sense when he saw she had a loom in the corner with baskets of yarn.
The room was mostly clean besides that, not matching the chaos of the rest of the apartment. She had a few plants in the window too and a beautiful view of the city below.
“Are you going to gawk or grab the key?” She asked, again sneaking up on him.
She smiled when she noticed she had startled him.
“You didn’t have to get up.” He said
“I’m heading to my bed. Work will wait for the day.” She said, limping over and sitting on the edge.
Cody mentally cursed at himself as he grabbed his comm and messaged Waxer about needing him to be a stand in for meetings today. He could work on paperwork from here today. He moved to help her tuck in, a small smile on her face.
“Don’t you have work to do?” She asked
“Nothing that can’t wait.” He replied
A silence fell between them for a few moments and then he could have sworn he’d seen her blush a little. She had injected herself with the pain meds that Cody brought before laying down. She would feel very body heavy soon and realized she wanted comfort.
“Would you…” she motioned to the bed
His eyebrows shot up and she shook her head.
“Didn’t get satisfied last night?” She asked, something mischievous twinkling in her eyes.
Cody didn’t answer that, removing his plastoid instead before crawling in next to her. She immediately pushed him onto his back and put her head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her slowly. She wasn’t sure if it was the medicine that was slowly easing the pain in her, dragging her towards sleep, or if she just felt like being honest because she felt she could trust Cody, but this felt right. Like this was supposed to be.
“Usually Isla is here to do this, but I’m happy it’s you.” Kyra said, sleep starting to lace into her voice.
“Go to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said
“Better be…kick your ass.” She muttered, earning a small smile from him.
Soon Kyra fell asleep and not before long, Cody did too.
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mearchy · 7 months
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
“General Kenobi, you claim an assassin killed the Chancellor?”
“Yes. Unfortunately, neither I nor Commander Fox saw them, as they used a flash bomb to disorient us and fled too quickly for us to follow.”
“And where, exactly, did they flee? No one reported seeing anyone leave this office.”
“Why, they fled through the broken window, of course.”
“What broken window?”
“That one.” Kenobi points. The previously intact window shatters, as if hit by a very strong invisible force. Neither Kenobi nor the Marshal Commander so much as twitch.
“Are you alright, sir?” Commander Fox asks, all concern. “You must be very tired, if you didn’t notice the clearly broken window. You should go rest. It’s okay, General Kenobi and I can take it from here.”
“Yes,” Kenobi agrees, prim and proper. He raises a hand, fingers slightly curled, and his voice takes on a different note. “Go home and take a nice, long nap. This will all be handled by the time you wake.”
“I will go home and take a nice, long nap. This will all be handled by the time I wake.”
“Very good. Have a nice evening.”
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northern-borealis · 1 year
I am once again showing you all my writing
An AU where Ahsoka Tano ends up as Plo Koon's padawan, part of a larger AU series!
There's not a set number of chapters planned, I've just got the story outlined (to a degree).
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deddav · 5 months
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Sleep well, General 💤
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lightspringrain · 3 months
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This art is thanks to the SUPER TALENTED @collophora . They are pieces for chapter 1 and chapter 2 of my CX-2 Tech fanfic "Return From Darkness". She did an absolutely fantastic job. If you want to see more amazing storyboard art, go check her out!
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veryrockyraccoon · 6 months
So I found a few things like this awhile back but figured I’d share my own thoughts about it.
The Mandalorians thinking of the Jedi as great warriors and to them getting a Jedi in the family was considered a great feat (that no one has managed to achieve yet), they think the Jedi have incredibly high standards, as the great warriors they are should, and continue to follow, flirt with and try to parent Jedi they see.
Meanwhile the Jedi fully believe the Mandos hate them, they specifically warn all younglings to avoid them and it’s one of the first lessons for Padawans.
At one point a Mando sees a Jedi with a Padawan and try’s to compliment the Jedis child rearing skills but they say something like “Your young one is very strong, they would make a great Mandalorian!” Which to the Mando is a compliment and a little bit of flirting, but for the Jedi, who’s already primed to stop someone from kidnapping their padawan because of how popular force-sensitive slaves are (especially those with training who aren’t considered to dangerous, ie Jedi padawans) takes this as a threat and responds with a snarled “Yes they are, and so am I” while projecting every ounce of ‘I’ll beat you black and blue’ they can into the force, the Jedi quickly pulls their padawan close and leaves. Meanwhile the Mando is like “Wow that was hot” and is all proud of themselves for coming up with such a great compliment.
A ton of other shenanigans ensue and it’s great.
Side note I love the idea of the Jedi being very off putting to most others, not in a clear way but a lot of small things (just to fast reflexes, knowing what you’re about to say and responding before you even started etc).
Also here’s a list of reasons Jedi are the perfect spouse to Mandos
They’re great warriors who treat battles as dances, you will never get tired of watching their swirling robes and glowing blades.
They’re amazing with kids, raising their young is a great honor to them.
They stay level headed in the most stressful of situations, remaining competent and calm the entire time.
Their ability to sense danger means they almost always have the upper hand in battle.
Again great fighters, you won’t know true awe until you seen a Jedi cut down a field of enemies in less time then it takes most to fight a small gang.
Anyway these were just some thoughts I had, if anyone has any fic recs with this premise please let me know!!
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the-pineapple-cake · 2 months
I hate when you’re reading an interesting fic and then they through in some stupid subtle anti Jedi thing like ‘Oh the Jedi don’t have mattress because comfort leads to the dark side’ and it’s just like. no the Jedi didn’t do that, don’t be stupid, and so now you just can’t enjoy the fic.
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jedi-starbird · 9 months
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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moriaarts · 4 months
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The Adventures of Trooper Wooley and Knitting!
Who is bby? He is bby and must be protected at all costs. Also i hc that his full birth number literally just says wooley
Edit: Here is part 2 for the Boil gurlies And also the fic that inspired this work
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phoneycam · 3 months
(((((The brainrot 4))
"Whenever your soulmate says your name, you sneeze."
I think this could be really wholesome.
Like, The first months of war go by in The Negociator without much else happening beside, you know, the war, and some really needed plot bonding moments between General Kenobi and his men, getting them to slowly soften their hearts to this brilliant, altruistic, posh little jedi.
Commander Cody, in a jump of good fate, decides to be the first to entrust his general his most valuable possession, his name. The General, too moved by it, isn't capable of doing anything else than smile sincerely and thank him with all his heart for it. If Cody's heart skips a couple of beats because of it, it's no one's business.
And life goes on like that, between battles and small moments, with the only difference being that from time to time, the commmander would have random sneezes that he had never suffered before. They would be spaced long enough one from the other to not be an urgent thing to think about, so he never mentions it, plus he finds them rather embarrassing.
Then one day they are all rounded in front of a hologram, planning and strategising when Obi-Wan, unconsciuslly and for the first time, calls his commander name and not his title.
And Cody Sneezes.
And you know what? The thing is that, clones aren't really accustomed to sneezing since their superior genetics make colds a really rare thing. So when Cody sneezes, it's impossible to ignore. One, because despite the unconscious need to silence it, it still makes a sound, small and breathy and two, is due to the fact that Cody sneezes with his whole body. His head ducks, his shoulders rise impossibly high and he needs to shake his head afterwards, like if he's trying to restart his system.
Instant silence all around. Everyone to startled to speak and the general looking at him in awe while Cody just wants to be ejected into space and get hitted by a starfighter. Obi-Wan's interior little shit comes to light and he decides that he needs to prove inmediatelly his mental theory, and with some badly hidden excitment for a claimed negociator, he repeats Cody's name.
And Cody sneezes again. And chaos bursts all around.
Obi-Wan being the bastard that he is repeating his commanders name non-stop with delight, The troopers shouting in excitment and "collecting evidence" for later and Cody just looking like those cats sneezing videos.
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onlykenobimatters · 7 days
In which the kaminoans make a simple clerical error and hand Prime the wrong clone; Jango spends months doting on and loving his son only for them to come to him and apologize: they confused his unaltered clone with CC-2224. They take his son his Kote the clone from his arms and settle another little bundle there and it pulls loose the thought he’d been so desperate to never think: they’re just babies. Children. If there wasn’t something intrinsically different between them, then Jango had condemned children to death.
Jango can feel a massive headache coming on as he clutches the clone the child his son and wonders where he took a wrong turn in his life.
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clonemando · 5 months
Imagine: Fox has Force-given plot armor, basically nothing is able to kill him.
Palpatine tries to lightning him at point blank and it... Just doesn't work. Fox gives him a tired look and finishes his report.
Palpatine tries to chop him with his lightsabers but they just go out as soon as they get close to Fox and Fox sighs deeply and explains that he can't die. That when he was a cadet he saved a aiwha and it turned into some green force goddess chick who blessed him and ever since no one can harm him. He's jumped from the top of Tipoca city, sat at the bottom of Kamino's ocean, left a ship while in space and walked around outside. His brothers have taken to surprise attacking him for the hell of it. Nothing.
Palpatine grins thinking of how great this is having Fox as his servant after all and tries to activate Fox's chip.
Fox sighs again. The Republic is corrupt and even with basic immortality Fox can't just fix it so he just does his job. He's not going to be controlled or whatever. He'll see Palpatine with the usual report tomorrow.
From then on it's just Fox tiredly going about his day while Palpatine tries more and more creative different ways to try to kill him or make him obey him.
Palpatine completely blows off Anakin because he's so obsessed with Fox and Anakin gets all pissy over it and starts trying to kill Fox too.
Thorn and the rest of the Guard find it hilarious and encourage it even joining in sometimes.
Fox: *sitting in the middle of the flaming cafeteria sipping a cup of caff* This is fine.
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