#i call this the peanut butter suit it looks like peanut butter
roosterforme · 2 days
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley intended to take care of a few important things while he had the week off from work, but a quick visit to base brought with it a change of plans.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, adult language, smut, very hands-on Bradley, spanking, 18+
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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The following day, instead of dressing in a uniform or flight suit, Bradley pulled on jeans and a tropical print shirt while he watched you get yourself ready for work.
"You look cute," he murmured as you wiggled into a dress and some simple flats. "And I like it that you're officially living here now instead of just staying for a few days."
"The commute is not ideal," you told him immediately. "But this is." You placed your hand on his abs before giving him the sweetest kiss that left him soft inside. "This is ideal."
Fuck. He was so in love it was insane. As soon as he was back in your presence for a few hours, having sex and eating pasta, he could barely remember how miserable he'd been on that deployment. It was like nothing else mattered as long as he kept coming back to you.
"Let me pack your lunch," he whispered, tilting your chin up for another one of those kisses. Then he was on his way to the kitchen before he could make you late for school. Before he got home, you filled the refrigerator with everything he liked to eat, and he inhaled two yogurts and some peanut butter toast while he made your sandwich. 
The notes you opened from the box he sent were on the kitchen counter, and he smiled. Nat covered for him big time on Christmas Eve so he could make that happen. He was excited to get to see her when he stopped by North Island, but he had to get you to work first.
"You don't need to drop me off. It's so far out of the way," you told him as you appeared with your tote bag. "I'll drive myself."
When he pouted, you laughed. "Come on, Gorgeous. I want to. I need to stop on base anyway."
"Oh, can you remind Marty and Nat about Career Day?" you asked, holding your bag open for your lunch.
"Nat's coming, too? You'll have the whole of the Navy there, Baby."
"The kids would love that."
Bradley narrowed his eyes. "As long as I'm still the favorite."
"You're irreplaceable," you promised.
You weren't exaggerating one bit when you said the commute was a killer. Bradley hummed along to the radio and held your hand, barely making it through the Starbucks drive-thru line and up to your school before the last minute that you needed to be there.
"I love you. Bye," you told him, kissing him quickly before jumping out the passenger door and running up the sidewalk with your enormous drink in one hand. He was absolutely addicted to the coffee now as well, and after he was sure you made it inside, he sipped his own cup as he drove back down the highway.
It was strange to be going through the guard gates this late in the morning, and when he approached the hangar in his street clothes, he heard Nat's voice and sassy whistle immediately. 
"Looking good, Rooster. Did you forget to do your laundry? Did you forget what time work started while you were deployed?" she called, and he made a point to mess up her hair when she gave him a tight hug. "You're the worst."
"I missed you too, Nat," he told her with a laugh. "Thanks for looking after my girl."
She shrugged and said, "I'm always in the market for drinking wine and talking about you behind your back. Plus, she's actually great. Hanging out with her is the best."
"Yeah," he replied, laughing harder. "That's why I want to do it all the time. I intend to do it forever."
One of her dark eyebrows shot up, and she smirked as she said, "Like forever, forever?"
He ducked his head and cleared his throat. "Yeah, but engagement rings are expensive." Natasha screeched and punched him in the shoulder. "Why are you like this?" he asked as she smacked him several times and jumped around excitedly.
Bradley was saved from being attacked when Maverick walked in with his familiar clipboard in hand and a frown on his face. "Phoenix, you're supposed to be in the tower. Rooster, welcome back. Why aren't you dressed?"
"My vacation days got approved," Bradley replied as Natasha quietly crept away. "I'm off the rest of the week. Didn't anyone tell you?"
"It's probably in my emails." Maverick's frown faded away as he pulled Bradley in for a hug. "I was a little worried for a minute there that you'd end up back in Norfolk." He slapped him on the back. "If you're off all week, why are you here?"
Bradley chuckled. "I just wanted to see everyone. Like you said, I was a little worried about Norfolk, too."
Maverick eyed him closely. "And did I hear you say something about an engagement ring?"
It wasn't like there was anything to hide. Bradley figured it was pretty obvious to everyone by now that his relationship with you was the real deal. Hell, Maverick even compared it to his own parents. "Yeah, I'm going to buy one this month. I just need to juggle some finances around to make sure I can get her something really pretty. But I'm going to start looking today."
A slow nod turned into a beaming smile, and then Maverick said, "Before you do anything, I have something you might want to know about."
You were dead on your feet at work. Staying up half the night making love and snuggling left you with a smile on your face, but you couldn't stop yawning. Your students noticed right away as you drained your coffee and groaned when the bell rang signaling the start of class.
"Did you have a hard time sleeping?" Jayden asked.
"A little bit," you replied, remembering the way you had to keep pinching yourself to make sure Bradley's strong arm wrapped around you all night was real.
"Was there a loud noise that kept you up?" Nia asked.
You tried not to snort as you thought about Bradley's moans and grunts in your ear as he fucked you from behind. "Something like that. It's time to review our spelling words."
Even though you insisted that Bradley didn't need to drive you to work, he did, and he promised he'd be back right on time to pick you up at the end of the day. But he was such a liar. He arrived at your classroom fifteen minutes before dismissal time with rosy cheeks and eighteen envelopes.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw's here!" Nia called out when your boyfriend knocked on the door before slipping inside. 
He made a beeline right to you, placing a rather innocent kiss on your cheek. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to drop these off," he said, holding up the envelopes. The top one had Jackie's name on it, and your heart soared. Butterflies took off. You had to work really hard not to kiss him again.
"We don't mind," you told him, and you watched him pass out the individual notes he must have written for your students while he was deployed. All eyes were on him as he walked around your classroom, delivering envelopes and answering questions.
"When did you get home from the Atlantic Ocean?"
"Was the food good on the aircraft carrier?"
"Are you coming back for Career Day on Friday?"
Bradley took everything in stride like he always did, but his eyes returned to yours frequently, and his flushed cheeks left you feeling dizzy.
"I got home yesterday," he said, voice deep and commanding as he set the last of his envelopes down on Violet's desk. "The food was terrible. So bad. Nothing like the Pacific Fleet. Nowhere near as good as what you ate on your field trip to North Island. I'm thinking about writing a letter to complain."
"You should," Violet told him seriously. "Yummy, balanced meals are so important."
"You're so right," he replied with a nod. "And yes, I'll be back on Friday for Career Day. Your teacher worked so hard on it, I wouldn't miss it for anything." You were gripping the edge of your desk now as he smiled at you.
"I didn't know you were allowed to wear anything except your uniforms," marveled Oliver.
Bradley looked down at his patterned shirt and laughed. "Should I stick with the flight suit for Friday?"
Then the dismissal bell rang, and your kids started to scramble. You usually had them packed up and ready to go a few minutes early, but Bradley was clearly more exciting than the end of the school day. 
"Don't forget about the spelling test tomorrow!" you called out as they all exited the room in a mass of chaos after high fiving your boyfriend. "Thanks for surprising us," you said as you spun to face him.
"Thanks for being so perfect that I can't stay away from you."
Your cheeks blazed with warmth as you ducked against his chest. Muscular arms wrapped you up in a hug as you muttered, "Did you remind Natasha and Marty about Friday?"
"And did you get to see Maverick?"
He paused before squeezing you a little tighter and kissing the top of your head. "Uh, yes. I did. Now will you let me take you home so I can get back to my busy schedule of eating delicious food, napping and fucking you senseless?"
Bradley spent the following day unpacking more of your stuff while you were at work. You had all these fancy things he needed to make room for. Like an air fryer. And a rice cooker. Things he would have never used otherwise, but he didn't mind having them here now. 
He took breaks to read from the journal you kept while he was away, often smiling and laughing at what you'd written in your daily log. It was no wonder he fell in love with you through your writing; you were just the same as you were in person and so authentic this way. Then he read about the day you helped Edith with some chores, and he sprawled out on the couch with a groan.
You were the sweetest thing in his life. One time, Vanessa told him that Edith was annoying and only wanted attention. He rolled his eyes then, and he rolled them again now. She was elderly. Of course she wanted attention. But Bradley knew she also had arthritis, and helping her with yard work was fast and painless for him. He couldn't imagine you saying anything like that.
Bradley slipped into a hazy daydream, thinking about how he wanted to propose to you as his feet hung over the end of the couch. He wasn't going to last long now, and he knew it. Not with that ring tucked away in a Zip-lock bag which was duct taped underneath the bathroom sink vanity behind the pipes. If nothing else, he knew it was there, and he could rip it down any time he felt like asking you to marry him, but he wanted it to be special. Really special.
Maybe he could write something for you. Maybe he should take you out to dinner again. There had to be a way to make it just right so you couldn't say no.
After a few more minutes of indulging in the fantasy of having you as his wife, he stood up and attempted to use the air fryer to make lunch. Pretty soon he gave up and made a sandwich instead before walking next door to knock on Edith's door.
"Bradley!" she said, pulling the door open for him. "You're home. Your girlfriend told me you were deployed earlier this month."
"I just got back on Monday. A little bruised, but no worse for the wear," he told her with a smile. "I wanted to see if you needed help with anything."
"Oh, your sweet girlfriend already changed my light bulbs for me," she told him. Then she lowered her voice and smirked. "She's a looker."
"Yeah," he confirmed with a nod. "She's Gorgeous. She also moved in with me, so if I'm not home and you need something, you can always ask her, okay?" 
Edith fretted her hands, and Bradley leaned back out the open front door, knowing she wouldn't agree to his help unless she paid him in some way. Truthfully, he really did feel like playing the piano anyway. "It looks like you've got some weeds that need to be pulled, and your downspout is loose again. How about you think of a cool song to teach me, and I'll be back in like fifteen minutes?"
He ducked outside before she could answer, but he could hear her tapping away at the piano keys as he yanked some dried up weeds out of the soft soil. While he worked, he pictured the sheet music that Edith kept stacked up inside the piano bench, and he started to come up with an idea. The more he thought about the pages stacked up in his own house, the more he liked his plan. 
He was all smiles when he sat down for her to teach him how to play a Bob Dylan classic, and he was still whistling the tune when he went to pick you up from work.
On Thursday night, Bradley had you snuggling on top of him on the couch when you should have really been going over your final plans for Career Day. "You are such a distraction," you whispered, arms and legs wrapped up with his to keep warm since you were wearing nothing but his old sweatshirt.
His fingers flexed on the back of your thigh as he smirked and turned his head to face you instead of the TV. "And you're the best for helping me relax all week." His breath was warm on your cheek, and he kissed you there, saying, "Don't stress about tomorrow. It'll be perfect."
You nuzzled your cheek against his shoulder. "I still have to put all of my guests in order. I need to schedule the most impressive presentation last, for the grand finale."
"Okay, so put me last then, Gorgeous."
You grinned and tried not to giggle. "I was actually thinking Marty."
Bradley's hand slid up from your thigh, smoothing over your butt, and you knew what was coming even before you clenched with need. Bradley smacked you one time, and you moaned as he soothed away the sting with his palm. You were instantly aroused, fingers tingling and ears burning. Bradley's dark eyes were wide, searching your face, questioning what he should do next. When you nodded once, he grunted, and that big hand landed on you again, breaking the silence.
"Fuck," you gasped, rear end stinging as Bradley cupped and squeezed you, pulling you a few inches up his body so he could kiss you. His cock was getting hard in his gym shorts, pressing against your belly, driving you wild.
"You like that?" he whispered between heated kisses, but you barely wanted to take the time to breathe.
"Yes," you replied, mouth mashing against his. Both of his hands came up to your waist, yanking the sweatshirt over your head and dropping it on the floor. Then your lips were back on his as you moaned into his mouth.
The sex had been so sweet since he got home, and neither of you could be blamed for wanting so much of it after going so long without. But this was something else. Bradley's fingers dug into your flesh, and his kisses were rough. Demanding. You spread your legs a little wider, arching your back, silently begging for him to spank you again.
He did not disappoint.
You were aching, whining his name, enthralled by the cocky smirk on his face and the possessiveness in his eyes. "You want more, Gorgeous?" he asked, voice dark as his smirk grew. When you nodded vigorously, he kissed your lips so softly before he said, "You'll schedule me last for Career Day? I think it's where I belong, since I'm the most impressive."
Oh my god. He was playing with you now. You knew he wasn't actually jealous of Marty or Nat or any of the classroom parents, but he knew that you knew that your students would always think he was the most impressive. You would, too.
When you tried to kiss him, he pulled his face away from yours as he stroked your tender rear end with his fingertips. "Yes," you promised, "I'll put you last. You're the most impressive."
"Good girl." 
You gasped as he spanked you one more time, then he kissed you before pushing you up so you were straddling his thighs. When he yanked down his gym shorts, you were treated to the sight of his cock, thick and hard, smacking against his abs.
"Clearly I think you're impressive," he grunted, licking his thumb before running it along your swollen clit. It took no more coaxing before you had your hand wrapped around his cock, guiding him right where you wanted. You sank down on him, already a mess as he thrust up into you, hard.
"Bradley!" His hands were on your breasts, cupping you as he bucked his hips up again.
"Look at you," he rasped, fucking you rough while his hands were gentle. You bounced up and down, bracing yourself awkwardly on the too small couch. "Where do you want me to touch you?" he asked, eyes glued on your face and body. "Show me."
Without hesitation, you wrapped your fingers around his right wrist and moved his hand back to your butt. "A little more," you told him, voice shaking as he fucked you so good. Then he spanked you again and again, and you could feel it everywhere as you cried out. 
It was too much and not enough, and you bit your lip as he alternated between soothing you and spanking you until you were shaking, orgasm building. "Baby, you look and feel too good like this," he whined, wrapping his hands around your hips. "I'm so close."
But you were already there. You came as you leaned down and kissed him, those big hands sliding up, stroking your shoulders and neck as gently as you were used to while your ass tingled. You were making some wild sounds as you rode him until he filled you with his cum, then the two of you were panting in unison as your forehead came to rest against his.
You could feel him smiling, mustache brushing your lips as he said, "That was fun. Didn't know you would like it so much."
You moaned and said, "I'm as surprised as you are. And I'll put you last tomorrow. You're the grand finale. Obviously."
"Obviously," he agreed. "Just keep in mind, I'll be more than happy to spank you when you give me a hard time like that again." His lips found the side of your neck, his cock was still inside you as he murmured, "Got it?"
"Oh, loud and clear."
He chuckled, nipping along your skin as your butt throbbed a bit. You didn't want to move, but his stomach started loudly growling. Carefully, you started to sit up, brushing your fingers through his hair as you said, "It's been hours since you ate. Let's find something in the kitchen."
When you stood on wobbly legs, Bradley stayed lounging on the couch, guiding you and turning you so he could place one soft kiss on the spot on your butt where he had spanked you. Then he got to his feet as well, picked up the sweatshirt, and put it back on you.
He kissed the back of your neck and told you he never wanted to leave you again while you made him a grilled cheese sandwich. "Love you too much," he muttered, hand on your thigh as his leg brushed your tender rear end.
You thought about the weeks he was deployed without communication and how awful it was, but this right here was worth it. Making love in bed and rough sex on the couch. Learning what makes each other tick and sharing meals and enjoying how good it feels to have him hold you. All worth it.
When the sandwich was ready, you cut it into four triangles and took a small bite out of one before holding it up for him to eat it. "Thanks, Baby," he whispered, finishing it in one bite before you fed him the second one and then the third in similar fashion. He was finishing the last piece when he wrapped his arms around you and said, "Okay, Gorgeous, now I'm ready to help you get organized for Career Day before bed."
You laughed. "I just need to write a few things down and pick out an outfit."
"Oh. I wouldn't wear anything too tight," he suggested, smirking once more. "You're about to be sore tomorrow."
Okay, Maverick. Okay. Career Day is up next, and I need something nice to be there for Marty. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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flowered-heroism · 11 months
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
When I was working at the sex shop I was pulling poverty wages. I loved my job but I was on food stamps and still barely getting by. When they hired the stores first male employee and he started at my pay rate after I’d been there for three years I quit.
I was initially really nervous when I saw the post for the mattress job. It listed a pay scale that I couldn’t even conceptualize and I appeared qualified. When I got an interview I was over the moon but also petrified. Reactions to my line of work often varied but most people were very embarrassed or skeptical. I worried about how I’d address it in the actual interview.
I lived far to the north of their headquarters and drove almost two hours to get there. When I finally arrived it was in the nicest thrift store clothes I could find, but I shrank inside to see a room full of older white men in nice suits waiting to be interviewed for the same job.
Why did I bother? I was decades younger than anyone else in the room, shabbily dressed, and I suspected I was the only afab person in the entire building. I stewed in my insecurities until I was called in.
The second I met my interviewer I was instantly put at ease. The man had the energy of a therapy dog, he was abound with positive, good natured energy. He was also incredibly beautiful. I grinned back at his welcoming smile as we said our pleasantries. But still. This very beautiful polished man seemed very innocent. How would the sex shop question go?
“I see here you worked at STORE?”
“Yes,” I said hesitantly.
“And that was sales? Or you just rang people up.”
“No, it was sales. I’d help people find products, we were encouraged to upsell, there was sales spiffs, and most importantly we educated customers on products to help them find what they liked best.”
He grinned approvingly and asked, “Can you give me an example of a time you successfully upsold a customer?”
I paused, wringing my hands before I asked, “How vague would you like me to be…?”
“Not at all!” He assured me. “Go for it!”
“Well. A man came in looking for something to make his fingers vibrate so when he was touching his wife it would enhance that sensation. We had cheap $10 cockrings that I showed him first. But we had a rechargeable waterproof one made of nicer material, and after I showed him a demo he bought that one.”
“How much was that one?”
“Wow! You had an upsell of 100% from what he came in looking for! That’s incredible!”
He was so truly genuinely stoked and not at all embarrassed that for the first time I saw a tiny glimmer of a future where I didn’t have ramen and peanut butter tiding me over between paychecks.
He asked me to wait then came back to tell me he liked me so much that he wanted to send me right into another interview, if that was okay. He didn’t want me to have to drive back later, it was terribly considerate and exciting. I beamed and told him it would be lovely.
I then had the second worst interview I’ve ever had. The worst goes to the time I applied to be a store manager for a pet food place years later. The district and store manager interviewing me passed notes and texted while I was speaking. When the district manager called to inform me I didn’t get the job I told him I’d never have accepted anyway because I’d never had such a disrespectful interview.
The new man sitting behind the desk radiated an aura of a brick wall. As someone with anxiety I’m highly keyed into the emotional states of people I’m talking to. To receive no feedback at all was my personal hell. After a perfunctory greeting he asked me with no inflection to sell him a pen.
I gathered the shreds of my courage and attempted the Herculean task he’d set me. Through my whole improvised spiel he resisted all attempts at engaging him, regarding me with a cold apathy as I touted the benefits of my fictitious pen.
Halfway through I broke into a cold sweat. My smile didn’t waver but it grew strained as I projected friendliness and warmth into the black hole of his heart. My thoughts scattered and my sales pitch grew redundant in the face of his nothingness. I finally concluded with a hard close and he simply nodded.
He glanced at my resume and commented, “You didn’t ask me to touch or hold it. Though I suppose I can understand from your previous line of work why you wouldn’t.” I shriveled and died inside knowing that I encouraged people to touch dildos all day long and had been too frazzled to offer him the pen.
He bid me a cool farewell. I made it to my car before I started sobbing. I had never been so rattled. I couldn’t understand what I’d done to make him so unfriendly or if my threadbare clothes were what had made him treat me like dirt. I drove an hour and a half to get home, weeping intermittently.
I was therefore taken by complete surprise to receive a call the next day inviting me on board for their five week training program. The first man who’d interviewed me gushed on the phone about how the second guy had loved me and that I was going to be fantastic.
I was in shock. When I showed up to training the second interviewer was charming my new classmates, beaming and laughing. He was an utterly different person. To my dismay I learned he was the trainer for my district and would be my point of contact if I made it through training.
He joked with me later that his interview facade was just a tactic to see how people held up under pressure and I filed him into a category of my deepest enmity. I never forgave him for how small he made me feel that day, but I never showed him the depths of my fury.
I aced every test and went on to be valedictorian of the eight people who had survived the rigorous training process to earn a sales position. When I got my first paycheck I bought myself new clothes, the first non-thrifted things I’d owned in years.
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luveline · 5 months
omg jade i heard you asking for hotch reqs and i RAN to your inbox
what about hotch taking care of r after they have a lil baby?? i think if i saw that man hold a new baby id die!!!! he could hole their whole head in the palm of his hand 😭😭😭
Every time you move, your hips and more intimate regions hurt like a hot poker. You probably won’t cry, but you require some tylenol and some sympathy to carry on. “Hotch?” you ask. 
Silence. You tip your head back over the armrest to find him. Even upside down, he looks handsome, sitting in the two seater with your little bundle of agony in his arms. Or, arm. The baby rests neatly in the curve of his forearm, his free hand dedicated to the baby’s small back. 
“Who is she talking to?” Hotch asks your baby gently. You know what he’s doing immediately. 
“You get so hung up on the Hotch thing, if you didn’t want to be called Hotch, you shouldn’t have introduced yourself as Hotch.”  
You’ve been calling him Hotch for years, you aren’t going to suddenly kick the habit now. 
“She was my subordinate,” Hotch tells the baby. “She couldn’t have special treatment, even if she is the prettiest subordinate I ever had. It wouldn’t have been fair.” 
“I wouldn’t mind some more tylenol.” 
He raises his gaze. You twist into a painful but better suited position to watch him move the baby closer to his collar, his hand covering the entirety of the baby’s small head. Hotch said Jack was a little baby too, but you’d been terrified regardless, and no matter the size, it was too big for you to come out of the ordeal unscathed. Tylenol isn’t so much wanted as required. 
“I’ll get it for you,” he promises. 
“Thank you, Aaron.” 
“Oh, you’re welcome, honey.” 
He stands and shifts your tiny baby further into his chest, little snores pressed to his collar. “You okay to take him? I’ll make you some lunch at the same time.”
“I can’t eat.” 
“Just chips and a sandwich, honey. You can manage that.”  
You open your arms, letting Hotch lower your baby down into your arms and the surrounding nest of blankets. “You need to go see where Jack is,” you say. 
“I know,” Hotch says, kissing your cheek quickly. “I’m gonna make his lunch too. I’ll be right back.” 
You cuddle your baby to your chest and lean back. Your baby Hotchner is, as previously stated, so tiny, but he’s a nice weight against you, and he sleeps like a champ. You thought easy babies were a myth until now. So far he’s done nothing but sleep and stare at you whenever you talk. You think it’s love, or the surprise of seeing the voices that talked to him nonstop while he was in your belly now out in the open. He does the same to Hotch whenever he’s awake. 
You haven’t named him yet. You asked Jack for help, but he’d recommended you name your new baby Mister Awesome, so you’re at a loss for now. It doesn’t matter, though. He’ll have a name eventually. Until then, he’s the baby. And he’s very well loved. 
You wish he hadn’t hurt so badly to bring into the world, is all. 
Somewhere deeper in the house, Jack tumbles down the stairs, to Hotch's audible horror. “Are you alright? What are you doing, buddy?” 
“I’m being quick!” 
“Please be careful!” There’s the sound of a kiss. “You sure you’re okay? Yeah? Gonna go and keep Y/N company?” 
“Yeah, dad.” 
“Okay, thank you. I’m gonna make your lunch now, any requests?” 
“Peanut butter. And chips. And pretzels. And orange slices? And–”
“How about I bring you lots of everything, bud?” 
“Yes. Please. Hug?” 
They must hug, though you can’t see or hear it, as Jack walks into the living room with wildly tousled hair and a smile. He climbs over the back of the couch even though he shouldn’t, dropping onto your feet, a tangle of arms and legs. “Hi, Y/N.” 
“Hi baby. You hungry?” 
“Dad’s gonna make me a sandwich.” 
You reach over to collect his hand in yours, squeezing his fingers gently. You’d thought for sure that having a baby in the house would upset him, if only because his usual routine was disrupted —he’d had to make room for you first, and now suddenly there’s a new baby taking all the attention? it’s not what only kids usually want— but Jack’s an easy kid too. He squeezes your hand back, shimmying up the couch to lean on your leg. It aches, every touch to your lower half a reminder of the pain further inward, but he’s not rough. He climbs further onto your leg and rests his cheek on your shoulder. 
“Is this a cuddle?” you murmur. 
“Pretty please.” 
“No please required.” You frown to yourself, trying to juggle the baby into the opposite arm so you can wrap the one closest to Jack around his shoulders. You manage it poorly. “Dad makes this look so easy.” 
“He has longer arms,” Jack says with a shrug. His nose jabs the skin just above your chest. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“I won’t. Thank you, babe.” 
Jack touches the baby’s back. “He’s sleeping?” 
“Yeah. Must be weird getting to sleep all the time and then suddenly being born. At least he’s not crying.” 
You and Jack lay with each other for a while, watching the baby snore as you whisper about what Hotch is making for lunch. You wish he’d brought you the tylenol before he started, but he’s got a lot going on. You’re glad he’s the one making lunch (though you can’t be expected to right now, considering). The idea of having to stand there and butter a sub roll sounds like a low level of torture. 
“Don’t let me fall asleep holding the baby,” you tell Jack, your eyes drifting closed as Jack snuggles closer to your face.
“I can go get dad.” 
“I’m here,” Hotch says swiftly. You drag your face to the side to see him in the doorway, two dinner trays balanced with ease in his hands despite their obvious weight and full glasses on either side. “Don’t fall asleep, I’m coming. Sorry about the wait.” 
Hotch puts your trays on the coffee table and scoops the baby from your chest, leaving behind an awfully warm patch of skin. 
“Tylenols on the tray,” he says, smiling at you lovingly. “You okay?” 
“Fine. Jack’s gonna feed me.” 
To his credit, your lovely stepson offers to really feed you, but you’re not so tired now there’s food in front of you. Your stomach groans in want. 
Hotch stands looking down at you, baby somehow even smaller looking in his arms. “Need anything else?” 
You hold half of your sandwich up to him. “Eat that.” 
“I’m fine. My hands are full.” 
“I’m not asking, Aaron. Take it.” You force the sandwich on him. “We both know you only need one hand.” 
He’s cautious not to rain crumbs down on the baby. You make no such fuss, bread and lettuce falling down into your lap as you eat. Jack can’t stop giggling, “You’re not s’posed to eat like that!”
“Sorry!” you say, “I’m just so hungry!” 
“It’s okay,” he says. “Dad will vacuum you.” 
Hotch’s mouth is full to bursting, but his nod is vehement. He swallows hard. “I’ll mop you, too.”  
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httpknjoon · 4 months
a summer fashion choice | jjk
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plot | This summer heat got you and your friends to enjoy your day at Blaire's beach house in the ocean. While everyone suits in their swimwear, your friends wonder why Jungkook your secret boyfriend is wearing a high-neck shirt.
words | 2.7k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | they are just getting sloppier and sloppier atp 🥴 anyway, enjoy reading!! let me know ur thoughts 🫶
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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“Look at him, all focused on his laptop and work.”
Jenny rested her elbows on the white sand while turning her head to the beach house. Specifically on its porch, where your secret boyfriend types eagerly on his keyboard while answering a call through his Airpod. His eyes were focused on his screen and you swore you could see the gears in his head turning at a rapid pace. You thought he could enjoy this weekend but he got a call after you had breakfast with everyone this morning. You sighed, shaking your head.
“I heard he is working for a possible promotion.”
“Yeah, but we are on vacation right now,” Dara replied while putting on some sunscreen on her arms.
Your two friends shifted their conversation to other things. But your gaze remained on Jungkook. You watch Blaire approach him after his call, softly patting his back. She points out to the ocean while talking to him. Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. Blaire walked away, also shaking her head with a smile. Even though she wore dark aviator sunglasses that matched her lace cover-up, you felt like she was looking at you. You confirmed it when she sat beside you.
“That guy cannot stop working after we had breakfast. Next time that I’m bringing you all here at the beach house, I am confiscating your gadgets,” she spoke out.
“Geez! Mom, relax.” Jenny exhaled exaggeratedly like a teenager, making you and Dara giggle. “You should check on your other kid though.”
She pulled down her sunglasses and pointed her finger to the other side of the beach. Wooshik, whose body is buried underneath a large amount of sand, has been shooing Bam away, who is licking his face.
“Who the hell spread peanut butter on his face?!” Blaire laughed.
Dara raised her hand, “It was my idea. But we all smeared it on his face.”
You nodded, remembering that you were also the one who called Bam to first smell your friend’s face. The sand was too heavy on his body that Wooshik could not even raise his hand to push Bam away. By the time he was able to get off the sand, his face was already shiny clean with your dog’s drool.
You all stood up to run when Wooshik threw sand directed at your area. Bam ran behind you and your friends, laughing and playing on the seashore. You don’t know who ran towards the ocean first but you, Blaire, Dara, and Jenny worked all together to splash water against Wooshik. It did not last long as your arms got tired and you asked for a truce.
“Oh, no. Bam, baby, stay there!”
You quickly ran from the salt water when you noticed your dog running in your direction. Thankfully, you met him halfway, just when he was about to take a step into the waters. That was when you decided to sit with him on the sand. You two watched your friends playing in the water. You were smiling until you remembered your boyfriend who was wasting this day with his laptop. That’s when you pick up your sheer white wrap skirt and tie it around your hips. You also attached Bam’s leash to him again, just to make sure he won’t run away from you.
“Let’s go, Bam.”
Barefoot, you strolled on the warm sand on your way. Even though it was close to the afternoon, you still find the heat endurable to enjoy the beach.
“Hey…” you softly smiled at him.
“Hey.” he was typing on his laptop when he responded.
You pulled one of the vacant seats around the small table and sat on it. You noticed a little thick compilation of papers on the table. You wondered if he planned to do his job here today since he had all of these back in his car.
“Babe…” you called him with a careful tone.
He threw a short glance at you before reading something on the paper, “Yes, princess?”
“You know that today is Saturday, right?” you told him while Bam sniffed your resting hand.
“Yes. But I forgot that I was supposed to do this last night and I didn’t because we drove here.” he reasoned. “And I need to pass this–”
“When is the deadline?” you cut him off, knowing that he is just doing this all for a reason.
“It’s…” he paused, looking back at you while biting his inner cheek. He knows that you know why he was doing this. So, he cannot tell lies even if he wants to. “It’s two weeks from now.”
You leaned back in the chair while crossing your arms, “You know what I am going to say, right?”
He nods his head, “But they will announce the promotion soon and if I pass this report earlier than others, I might–”
“You might end up really tired and overworked.” you cut him off again. This time, sounding more serious. “You have a deadline for a reason. Plus, we came here to enjoy this weekend. You still have time to do that when we get back to the city.”
“But I want to pass this report as soon as possible.” he firmly said, undeterred.
“Okay, whatever you say.” You gave up, getting up.
The moment you said that Jungkook instantly felt the shift in the air. Your back is already turned to him as you walk back to the house. His chest tightened and it’s like something is stuck in his throat. Before he can even call your name again to talk, Bam barked next to him. As if he knows his dad did something wrong.
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Might as well go read a book or watch something, you thought.
Admittedly, you were annoyed that Jungkook is firm about doing that report here, especially when he said that it’s still due in the next week. Usually, you understand him being this workaholic since he has been aiming for that promotion. But it’s not like you will get to go here again next weekend.
You searched around the room for that book you brought with you. Under the bed, under the sheets, and even your luggage. Surely, you brought it with you. You remembered reading it before Jungkook sneaked into your room last night. While looking on the bed again, you heard a couple of knocks on your door.
Busy, you only said, “It’s unlocked.”
That’s when Jungkook steps into your room. He noticed your scrunched eyebrows when you looked at him after looking under a pillow. His heartbeats fastened as he slowly closed the door behind him. You were busy searching for something and he was about to ask but then your expression changed after looking under the other pillow. Finally, you looked at him, holding the book to your chest.
“Where’s Bam?”
“I left him with Blaire. She took him with her on the sand.” Jungkook took a step closer.
You acted naive, walking to the other side of the room where your luggage was left open. You began cleaning up the mess you made while looking for the book.
“Are you done with your report?” you asked without even looking at him.
You didn’t say anything and neither did he. So after zipping up your stuff, you have already decided to leave and read outside. But you wanted to freshen up first. You looked at yourself in front of the mirror, ignoring your boyfriend who sat quietly on the bed but obviously watching you. You meet his eyes through the mirror.
“Then, what are you still doing here, Jungkook?”
No babe? Or even Kook? Jungkook frowned, getting up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist before resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Princess…” his tone was pleading. “I’m sorry.”
With how close his warm breath on your ear, it sends shivers all over your body. You wonder how did the temperature get high gradually, almost matching the heat outside. You tried to keep your composure, not breaking any expression on your face while you asked him again.
“For what?”
Gently, Jungkook turns you around to directly face him. His hands were still on your waist and the space between you two was almost nonexistent. You looked straight into his eyes while clenching your jaw.
“I’m sorry that I’m working during the weekends and I pissed you off when you just want me to enjoy this day,” he said, almost a whisper.
At that point, you already lost yourself. Your gaze went from his eyes down to his lips when he began speaking. After you realized what were you doing, you looked at him.
“I’ll accept that apology if you tell me you won’t be doing any work for the rest of our time here.”
He raised his left hand and stood like a true follower, “I promise that I will not do any reports while we’re here.”
Jungkook waited for you to say something but you simply ran your hands through his hair. You softly massage his scalp with your fingertips just like what you usually do when you know he’s tired or when you two shower together. You figured he was enjoying your thing when his eyes closed as his hold on your waist tightened. Your eyebrow raised before tugging on his hair, causing Jungkook to groan.
“Just… enjoy,” you mumbled.
Jungkook nods, slowly opening his eyes, and the first thing he sees is that little smirk on your lips. He smiled while wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You were the first one to lean in and make your lips meet. But as you were about to pull away, Jungkook held you firmer, deepening the kiss. You once again tugged on his hair. He responded with a soft moan. The kiss became more passionate. You two moved in sync, moving closer to the bed, without breaking the kiss. You straddle him. The next thing you know, your lips were tracing kisses on his jawline down to his neck. Lost in the moment, Jungkook tilts his head back. You move your hips slightly, earning another groan from him.
“Everyone’s outside?” you asked in between kisses.
“Mhm…” he hummed “Princess…”
You mindlessly began sucking the skin just below his jawline. He gasped, his hand squeezing your thigh gently.  You did it a couple of times more before you pulled away and were about to reach and untie your top from the back when you noticed the dark bruise forming on his neck.
“Oh, shit,” you murmured.
Jungkook opened his eyes, “Why?”
You look at him with a look of guilt on your face. You were trying not to smile, pursing your lips. He tried to stop you from getting up from him but you pulled him to the mirror.
“What– Fuck.” Jungkook cursed while tracing the hickeys you left on his neck. “That’s a lot, Princess.”
You were trying so hard not to laugh, “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook was about to speak when you heard knocks on your door. Your eyes widened.
“Come out, lovebirds. We’re having barbecues outside for lunch.” Blaire spoke.
You and your boyfriend looked at each other, silently asking each other what to do with the obvious bruises on his neck.
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“Tell me, why the fuck is your boyfriend wearing a turtleneck in this burning weather?”
After having lunch, you and your friends went back to the beach to play volleyball. You take turns cooking the remaining barbecues and playing. You and Blaire were sitting on the side when she asked you that question. Her tone was not even asking, just genuinely curious and you understand. Because it is really weird why someone would wear a turtleneck shirt on the beach. Worse, it’s not even the swimwear type. It’s cotton material.
Unfortunately, that’s the only remedy you and Jungkook can think of earlier. You cannot really think of any answer so you were relieved when Dara sat next to you guys. You tapped Blaire, asking her to keep her lips sealed.
“I hate playing with those competitive players,” Dara said, referring to Jenny, Wooshik, and Jungkook.
You and Blaire laughed, offering her a drink instead. Jenny was playing alone against the two guys. Her competitive nature naturally takes on every time the ball is served to her side. You and the others just cheered for her on the side, chanting her name. You all cheered louder when Jenny got another win.
“See? I told you, you can’t move properly with that shirt.” Wooshik grunted at his best friend.
Jungkook fought back, “I am literally the MVP of this team. Four out of five points came from me.”
You laughed at their immatureness whenever they were together. Jenny asked for time out and you gave her a glass of iced tea. The guys followed, getting their barbecue and drink.
“Why are you even wearing that? We’re on a beach.” Dara asked.
Jungkook took a glance at you before replying, “I… I got bad insect bites.”
Wooshik, who quietly caught that, asked, “Where? On your neck?”
“Oh, I brought a cream for that!” Dara began searching through her beach bag. “Here!”
Jungkook awkwardly accepted the small tube Dara handed him, “Thanks.”
“You should put it now. It relieves the bite almost instantly,” she added.
“Oh, okay. I’ll put it later when I’m back in my room.” he reasoned.
“Why not now?” Wooshik squinted his eyes.
It didn’t help that your other friends also encouraged him to put it now. You remained quiet, gulping your drink until there was nothing left.. Jungkook can tell that you ran out of ideas too.
“Well, okay…”  he sighed. Fuck it.
He removed his shirt and his friends almost had the same reaction as soon as he got his shirt over his head.
“Oh… Oh.”
Dara has her eyes wide open, staring at the insect bites. Her lips were formed into a small o. Jenny was confused, lines forming between her brows as she scanned his neck. Wooshik choked on something and was coughing for a good ten seconds. Blaire was covering her lips, obviously hiding a smile on her face. And the insect herself, you, looked away when you met his eyes.
“What?” Jungkook broke the silence. “It’s bad, I know.”
Jenny cleared her throat, “What… what insect bit you again?”
“I-I don’t know. I just saw them after I finished doing my workloads earlier.” he lied.
“I’m sorry but why does it look like hickeys?” Dara giggled.
“Dara!” Blaire scolded her.
Then, Wooshik joined, asking, “But is it though?”
“It’s not!” Jungkook exclaimed. “I-It’s actually kinda itchy.”
“It looks bad…” you awkwardly commented, just to break off your personal silence.
You feel bad seeing him cornered like this but embarrassed at the same time with your artwork on his neck. Jungkook turned his head to you with his eyes narrowing.
“I know, YN. That’s what I said.”
His tone seems a little annoyed and you totally understand why. Although this isn’t the first time you gave him love bites, you managed to hide it before.
“Then, you should totally put that cream Dara gave you.” you remind him about the said cream in his hand.
“After you put that, let’s go back to playing,” Wooshik told everyone. He then turned to his best friend, “And you keep your shirt off. The hickeys– I mean, those bites are gonna be fine.”
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The sun was already setting when your friends decided to go back to the house. You decided to stay for a little longer on the shore to take pictures of Bam. Jungkook got back the house too to get his camera.
“Bam, look at here!” you tried to get Bam’s attention.
You were so focused on taking pictures that you didn’t notice Wooshik returning to look for his slippers.
“Do you want me to take pictures of you and Bam?” he asked.
You turned around, “Oh, it’s fine. Just Bam.”
He nods before turning his back, “Okay, Princess.”
You paused, confused, “What did you call me?”
“Princess?” Wooshik faced you and the first thing you noticed was that stupid smile on his face. “Oh, I thought you like being called that.”
Speechless, you just shook your head. Wooshik chuckled at your answer. A mix of confusion and surprise was painted all over your face.
“Okay, don’t stay out here for too long. You might get insect bites. Just like Jungkook.” he reminded you before running back to the house.
You rolled your eyes, whispering, “He knows.”
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy1985 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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maybxlle · 4 months
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭 .ᐟ
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masterlist | home | rules
contains: general jason grace headcanons
warnings: use of yn and language probably
author's note: first hcs! (probs gonna suck 😜)
ooh i dunno how to start
ok this man is so caring an gentle oH ID DIE
this whole thing started with me thinking
“this man would definitely play with your hair”
he would be the calm to your crazy
the smart to your dumb
the peanut butter to your jelly
you guys probs go on picnic dates 🤷‍♀️
i don’t make the rules
he loves to make big, sweeping, grand gestures
like the time he asked you out for the first time
he literally came to your cabin
knocked on the door
in a full suit
one of your siblings opened the door tho
“um, do you need something?”
“is yn here?”
“can i talk to her?”
you lugged yourself out of your cabin
“why are you in a suit? it’s like 80 degrees.”
he looked up, and realized he forgot something
he ran back with a huge sign that said “you’re obsessed with flowers and i’m obsessed with you, will you go on a date with me?”
then he pulled a bouquet out of his ass
you were about cry, this man did all that to ask you out?
finally you said of course while laughing your ass off
he released an audible sigh of relief
“oh i was so worried”
“…i could tell”
he loves to smother you
he isn’t called mother for any other reason
“do you need anything honey? a cough drop, back massage, human sacrifice?”
passenger princess 👑
every single time
then he opens the door for you
if anyone even looks at you the wrong way-
he would not let you buy anything
“oh you want that? lemme buy it for you”
“i can pay-”
ok maybe a bit of exaggeration
everytime yall go out he buys you food
he read somewhere (facebook probably) a fed partner is a happy partner
it works tho
the only thing i’m not sure about is you guys would have a golden retriever or a grimy cat that only warms up to him
ok that’s it (my brain hurts)
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dovesdreaming · 1 month
Hi dove! Recently followed u so hihi. I saw u wanted more Deadpool requests so here is one: enemies to lovers with Deadpool. Maybe like they bicker a lot but actually care for one another. 🖤♥️
Love and bullets
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Hi!! Welcome to my blog- I loved this request!!! It was so fun to write I hope you enjoy it <3
Warnings: mentions of guns/bullets
You always knew when Deadpool was about to make an entrance. It wasn’t just the sound of gunfire or the occasional explosion- it was the running commentary that accompanied it, full of sarcasm and innuendo, loud enough to hear over anything. That, and the trail of destruction he usually left in his wake. “Hey, sweetheart! Miss me?” His voice rang out, filled with that trademark mix of cockiness and glee that never failed to get under your skin. You rolled your eyes, barely pausing as you took down another thug in the dark, grimy alley. “Not even a little, wade”. Deadpool landed beside you with a flourish, his red and black suit practically gleaming despite the darkness. “Ouch, right in the heart. Lucky for me, I have regeneration powers”. “Yeah, lucky you” you muttered, sheathing your weapon and surveying the area. The mission was almost done, all that was left was cleaning up the stragglers.
“You know” he continued, leaning casually against a dumpster, “you really need to work on your gratitude. I just saved your pretty little butt back there”. You turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “You mean the guy I was about to take down before you swooped in and stole my kill?”. “Tomato, tomahto” He waved his hand dismissively. “Besides, we make a good team. You with your ‘I’m so serious and focused’ routine, and me with my devilish charm and razor-sharp wit. We’re like peanut butter and jam”. “I hate peanut butter” you deadpanned.
“Lies!” he gasped, clutching his chest in mock horror. “How could you say such a thing? Peanut butter is a gift from the snack gods!”. You couldn’t help but crack a smile, even though you tried to hide it. Being around Wade was like this—infuriating, exhausting, and yet somehow, undeniably entertaining. As much as he drove you crazy, you couldn’t deny that you looked forward to these moments, the banter, the back-and-forth that seemed to come so naturally between you.
“Come on” you said, trying to get back on track. “We’ve got one more target to take out before we can call it a night”. Deadpool’s eyes sparkled mischievously behind his mask. “Is it a makeout session? Because I’ve been dying to know what you look like under that stoic exterior. I bet you’re a real softie deep down”. You shot him a withering glare. “In your dreams, Wilson”. “Every single night, babe” he quipped with a wink.
Shaking your head, you turned to leave, but Wade fell into step beside you. The night was quiet now, the earlier chaos fading into the background as you moved through the city, side by side. Despite the constant bickering, there was a strange sort of comfort in Wade’s presence. As much as you hated to admit it, he had saved your life more times than you could count, and you’d done the same for him. There was an unspoken trust between you, forged in the heat of battle, even if you didn’t always see eye to eye.
“So, where’s this last target of ours?” Wade asked, twirling a knife between his fingers as if it were a toy. “Up ahead” you replied, nodding toward an abandoned warehouse at the end of the street. “Intel says he’s holed up inside. Shouldn’t be too hard to take him out”. Wade grinned. “Sounds like my kind of party”. As you approached the warehouse, the tension between you shifted. The banter fell away, replaced by a shared focus on the task at hand. This was another thing you appreciated about Wade, when it came down to it, he knew how to get the job done, and he was damn good at it.
You moved through the building like shadows, your movements silent and precise. The target was exactly where you expected him to be, surrounded by a few lackeys who were no match for the two of you. Within minutes, the job was done, the target neutralized. As the last body hit the floor, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. “That’s it. Mission accomplished”. “Piece of cake” Wade said, wiping the blood from his blade before sheathing it. “You know, we really should do this more often. It’s like couple’s therapy, but with more explosions”.
You rolled your eyes again but couldn’t stop the smile tugging at your lips. “You’re impossible”. “And you love it” he shot back, that playful grin never leaving his face. You were about to respond when you felt a sharp sting in your side. Looking down, you saw blood beginning to soak through your suit. One of the lackeys must have gotten a lucky shot in before going down. “Shit” you muttered, pressing a hand to the wound. Wade’s demeanor changed in an instant. He was at your side before you could blink, his usual flippant attitude replaced with something much more serious. “Hey, hey, hold on there. Let me see”. “It’s just a scratch” you tried to say, but the pain was real, and you were starting to feel lightheaded. “Just a scratch, my ass” Wade grumbled, carefully inspecting the wound. “You need to patch this up, now”.
He helped you over to a relatively clean spot on the floor, his touch surprisingly gentle as he supported you. For all his jokes and bravado, there was a tenderness in his actions that took you by surprise. “You’re going to be fine” he said, more to himself than to you as he reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out a first-aid kit. “You’re not dying on me, not today”. You watched him work, his focus entirely on you as he cleaned and dressed the wound with practiced efficiency. It wasn’t the first time he’d patched you up, but there was something different about this moment. The way he was so quiet, so careful it made your heart do an unexpected flip. “Wade…” you began, not really sure what you wanted to say.
He looked up, his eyes meeting yours, and for once, there was no trace of humor in them. “Yeah?”. “Why do you always act like you don’t care?” The words slipped out before you could stop them, surprising even yourself. Wade paused, his hands stilling as he considered your question. For a moment, you thought he might deflect, make a joke to avoid answering, but then he sighed, his shoulders slumping just a bit. “Because it’s easier” he admitted quietly. “It’s easier to be the funny guy, the one who doesn’t take anything seriously. That way, no one expects anything from me. No one gets too close”. You frowned, trying to understand. “But… I thought you liked it when people got close”. He gave a small, almost sad smile. “Depends on the person”.
There was a beat of silence, and in that moment, everything seemed to shift between you. The constant bickering, the teasing, the way you always seemed to get under each other’s skin, it was all starting to make sense now. There was something deeper there, something you had both been avoiding for a long time. “You’re not going to lose me wade” you said softly, reaching out to touch his hand. “I’m not going anywhere”.
He looked at you, his eyes searching yours, and for once, you saw the vulnerability that he usually kept hidden behind his mask of humor and bravado. “You say that now, but… I don’t know if I can trust it. Trust us”.“You can” you insisted, squeezing his hand. “We’ve been through too much together for this to be nothing”.
Wade’s eyes softened, and for the first time, you saw the walls he’d built around himself start to crumble. “I care about you, Y/N. More than I probably should”. The admission hung in the air between you, heavy and raw. You felt your heart skip a beat, a warmth spreading through you that had nothing to do with the blood loss. “I care about you too” you whispered, barely able to believe you were saying the words out loud. Wade’s expression softened further, and he leaned in closer, his hand cupping your cheek as he searched your eyes for any hint of doubt. Finding none, he closed the distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a kiss that was surprisingly tender for someone as chaotic as Deadpool.
The kiss was slow, sweet, and when you finally pulled away, you were both breathless, your foreheads resting together as you caught your breath. “So” Wade said after a moment, his voice a little shaky but still holding that familiar teasing edge, “does this mean we’re officially a thing? Because I’ve got a lot of bad habits you’re going to have to put up with”. You laughed softly, leaning into him. “Yeah, I think we are. And trust me, I’m more than up for the challenge”. He grinned, that mischievous glint returning to his eyes. “Good, because I’m a lot of work, babe. But I think you might be worth it”.
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 11 months
episode 5 moments that live in my head rent free
This is a safe space ship
"The bar is on the floor"
Izzy, stealing Lucius' cigarette, taking a drag, blowing the smoke back into Lucius' face, calling him "twatty", then putting the cigarette back in Lucius' mouth
What the fuck is wrong with them I need to study them in a lab
"...but what did he say about me, specifically?"
*flirty* "Maybe I could teach you a new thing or two" SIR I'M SORRY WHAT
Fang gonna catch some fishies
Stede asking the priest breathing his gasping last breaths if he wants a glass of water
"playing las maracas with the devil"
Jim is so hot in this episode
They're hot in every episode but this episode specifically
Why is Izzy just hanging out in a chair in Stede's room watching him twirl around, I am LOVING it
Someone needs to post the complete sketchbook STAT
Love triangle is OUT, throuple is IN
Roach has invented peanut butter
Stede twirling and flipping his coat all over the ship, he is such a dramatic lil bitch and we love him so much for it
Izzy and Lucius again?? Flirting?? Making heart eyes at each other?? Izzy gives Lucius the little shark he's carved?? Calling him "twatty" as he walks away?? WHAT IS HAPPENING
"Don't listen to the devil suit, it wishes to deceive us"
Izzy crossing his wooden leg over his healthy leg and muttering "rude"
Archie miming stabbing the suit and Jim just looking at her like god she's so hot
The congratulatory post fight recap / compliments
Stede and Izzy's little moment <3 <3 <3 <3
Lucius proposing brb I have a TOOTHACHE this is so SWEET
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 years
Not right now - Five Hargreeves
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Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
Word count: 1658
Warnings: crying
Summary: After Five returns back to his family after living in the apocalypse you ask him how he’s doing.
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Five stood in front of you, putting the slices of bread for his sandwich on the table before blinking to get some marshmallows from a cupboard. Vanya, Allison stood on the left side of the wooden table, Diego and Luther on the other side while Klaus had opted for placing himself on top of said table. You were sitting on a chair beside Vanya, your gaze set on Five. His suit was way too big and it wasn't the usual academy uniform, but that was the only signs visible from his disappearance.
"Where did you go?" Diego asked, however he sounded pretty uninterested in the answer. But the question had to be asked, you all knew it. Five, who was getting some marshmallows, didn't miss a beat before he answered.
"The future," his spacial jump back to the table caused a pause in his answer, "it's shit, by the way."
"Called it!"
You rolled your eyes at Klaus but kept your gaze at Five. It was odd seeing him again, and it was even more odd that he hadn't changed a bit since last time. He was still in the same, young body, the same haircut, the same movements as he'd had then. He looked just the same. Just the same as the portrait above the mantel place. But he had another look in his eyes now. Before he'd disappeared, it'd been determination and a will to prove himself. Now it was something else. It was like a gray layer had placed itself upon his green eyes. Like someone who'd been through way more than they should.
Five gave a sight as he continued making his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, "I should have listened to the old man." He opened the refrigerator to retrieve some peanut butter, "you know, jumping through space is one thing," he threw the refrigerator door shut but it stayed open just a glimpse; he didn't acknowledge it though, "jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He paused and looked up at his siblings, his gaze sliding over all of you before landing on Klaus' attire for the occasion, "nice dress."
Klaus lit up, "oh, well, danke!"
Vanya cut him off at the last second and returned the attention to Five, "Wait, how did you get back?"
"In the end I had to project my conciseness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."
Diego had his gaze locked on the floor, trying to process whatever the hell Five just had laid out on the table for them. He frowned slightly and shook his head, "that makes no sense."
"Well, it would if you were smarter," Five deadpanned and completely ignored Diego when he quickly stood up, taking offense in Five's answer. Luther quickly held out an arm to stop Diego from doing anything more drastic.
"How long were you there?" Luther still looked as confused as he'd done when they all first entered the kitchen. He'd just been standing there listening to what Five had been saying, trying to get the puzzle pieces to fit together.
"Forty five years. Give or take." Five's answer got both Diego and Luther to sit down, completely taken back by the answer. It clearly wasn't what they'd expected. Neither of you had expected it. And Five spoke so easily about it that it almost irritated you that he didn't take it more seriously. Instead he took it with a peanut butter - marshmallow sandwich and a shrug of his shoulders.
"So what are you saying? That you're fifty eight?" Luther's curiosity and his need to understand everything had started to kick in and you could see that it started to get on his nerves. He explained with his teeth bitten together that "my consciousness is 58. Apparently my body is now thirteen again."
"Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya questioned with a shake off her head. You'd given up on trying to understand how it all fit together. None of you were as smart as Five. You'd never been, and you'll never be. All of you had come to term with that. At least you had. Five had turned away from you when he answered, "Delores kept saying the equations were off," he took a bite out of his sandwich, "bet she's laughing now."
"Delores?" Vanya wondered out loud, but Five ignored her. Instead he looked down at the newspaper where Reginald Hargreaves were on the cover. Or at least the news about his funeral.
"Guess I missed the funeral."
"How'd you know about that?" Luther asked, eyebrows furrowed and a questioning look in his eyes.
"What part of the future do you no understand?" Five deadpanned and looked up at him. You shook your head slightly at the banter, it was just like old days. It was like everything was back to how it was seventeen years ago.
"Heart failure, huh?"
"Yeah- no," Luther quickly changed his mind.
Five clicked his tongue and voiced what you'd been thinking about just seconds before," nice to see nothing's changed." He dropped the newspaper on the table again and started walking away. When he almost made it to the exit, Allison spoke up. She'd been quiet the whole time but reality finally struck her.
"That's it? That's all you have to say?" she turned towards him, disappointed when he didn't slow down his determined steps.
"What else is there to say? The circle of life." His steps echoed until they faded away completely. The kitchen got quiet as everyone tried to grasp what had just happened. Allison was the first one to speak up again.
"Well that was.. interesting." Vanya and you nodded in agreement, meeting each other's gazes and silently asking each other what was happening with the world right now.
"I'll go talk to him," Luther decided and stood up to go search for Five. Your gaze snapped to him and you stepped out in front of him when he started making his way to the stairs.
"I'll do it, just, lay low for now," you said quietly. All of you knew that out of everyone you'd been the one with the best connection to Five through the years you'd spent together. Luther opened his mouth to argue with you but you just quietly shook your head at him, silently begging him to stay out of this for once. He raised his hands in surrender and sat back down at the table with the rest of the siblings. You gave him a nod and walked out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs to go search for Five.
You found him in his old childhood room. He had changed out of the oversized suit and was back in his old academy attire. The clothes fit him perfectly and it looked like he wasn't a day older than 13. On the bedside table was a prosthetic eyeball, but you decided it would be best not to question it. Five sat on the edge of the bed, arms resting on his knees and his face in his hands. Your light knocking on the half-open door made him look up. A look of distress covered his face and he pulled a hand through his hair.
"What do you want?" he asked quietly. His green eyes met yours and it was as if you could see the memories he'd made while being gone. It all played over and over again in head and looking into his eyes was like watching a movie roll.
"Are you alright?" your voice was soft and the care that it held made Five wince in his seat. He hadn't heard that in a long time it did something to his heart. He was home again, with his family. With you. He pulled at the tie, trying to make it easier to breathe. He shook his head at you.
"Please, leave me alone, I can’t… I can’t take it right now."
Your eyebrows furrowed.
"Take what?" you wondered out loud.
Five looked away from your gaze and loosened the tie. He frustratedly pulled a hand through his dark hair, getting it out of his face, only for it to fall back again. Tears had gathered in his eyes and he picked at his cuticles.
"Being asked if I'm okay."
You sighted softly and walked over the threshold, shutting the door close behind you. Five slid down from his bed and positioned himself on the floor, back resting against the bed and knees pulled up against his chest. Tears fell from his eyes now and he furiously wiped the away, looking away from you to avoid meeting your gaze. You sat down on the floor with him, resting a hand on his arm, your thumb softly stroking across the material of his jacket.
"Hey, Five," you said softly, trying to get him to look at you. Pulling a gentle hand though his hair and softly titling his chin up so you could see his eyes, he finally looked up at you. The care in your eyes and the gentleness you showed him had more tears falling down his cheeks but this time he didn't bother to wipe them away. He let them fall, the cold tears making his cheeks wet and then fell down on his shirt before getting soaked up in the material.
"It's okay, you'll be okay," you mumbled and wrapped your arms around him, gathering him in your embrace. He fell into your arms, letting himself relax in just a few moments before the world was due to end. He gasped for breath, his sharp inhales and shaky exhales were all that could be heard in the room. He clung onto you, holding you close to him as if you would disappear if he didn't hold you close enough.
"You're not alone anymore." That's when he lost it. Those four little words whispered to him against his dark hair was all that it took for him to just let all the walls fall in. He let himself get lost in your comfort and your closeness. The hard floor under you both was making your legs ache and the position was awkward, but Five didn't care. You were here, right beside him again and he would let himself enjoy that as much as he could. You pressed him into you, falling into him just as much as he fell into you. And it was enough for now. Even with his gasping breaths and desperate hold on you, it was enough for now, for this little moment. For these few minutes.
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sunflowertherian · 2 years
Tips for caninekin
These are just things that have worked for me as a wolfdog, so feel free to suggest things or give feedback!
1. Make a nest indoors. Use pillows, plushes, lots of blankets, and maybe some clothes. Make it comfortable, maybe make it like a “fort” so you can crawl inside, or one you can lie on if you’d prefer. If you don’t want others you live with to know of your alterhuman status, I suggest making a nest late at night, and sleeping in it until morning, then undoing it.
2. Make a den outdoors. The den can involve a nest as well! A forest, a park, a field, a riverbank, maybe even a bench. Wherever feels freeing, and feels like home. If your den is in a forest or field- somewhere private and more wild -make small alterations to suit your tastes. Claw in your initials, make a snow- or moss nest, dig a comfortable pit to lie in, or anything else. If it’s in public and, well, public, spend time there doing more discrete activities if you prefer. Maybe journal about your theriotype, draw yourself, or bring things that remind you of yourself to relax.
3. Dog stuff. You knew it was coming. Collars and chew toys, right? Well, sorta. There are also paw warmers, small accessories, trinkets to put on your backpack instead of collar, a shorter leash to make your keys more noticeable in your bag, and you could sew dog booties into clothes for extra storage. Don’t let yourself be limited to collars and toys; there are a lot more options out there- even if collars and toys are great too.
4. Listen to your theriotypes calls, and replicate them. Be it yipping, howling, snarling, barking, or laughing, replicating the sounds while listening to them can be soothing and make you feel included. If you cannot join in, listening to the noises can be soothing in and of itself, as well.
5. Wear affirming clothes. It can be clothes that somehow involve your species (like a graphic t-shirt), clothes that are the same color as your fur or body, or that just feel like the correct clothing. I tend to like looser clothes that are very neutral, but other may prefer clothes that make them look like themselves more. Patches are also wonderful for clothes and accessories. Choose a pair of old jeans and just go to town with patches, sewing, and painting; it feels great. You can also decorate your bag for school with pins, drawings, and similar items.
6. If you can or want to, do quads! Not only can you walk around like your theriotype, it’s also a shockingly good workout. Just make sure your form is good and you don’t go too fast, as to prevent injury!
7. Yarn tail time! Make an accurate one to your body size if possible, or make a smaller tail to hook onto your backpack.
8. Forage stuff to eat, or to decorate. From edible flowers like dandelions, to wood sorrel, to maybe even mushrooms if you have the knowledge, there are a lot of things you can just eat outside. Eating wild grown foraged items, either on their own or in a salad or similar, feels freeing in a way hard to describe in my experience. You can also gather twigs, pine cones, nuts, and similar items to make things out of, or make your room/den more comfortable!
9. Draw paw prints of your specific theriotype. Try to make it as accurate as possible. Draw it on paper, on your pants, on your palms, or on your shoes- anywhere you like. They are your paws, and it can feel safer when you can visibly see your correct paws type, in my experience.
10. Shake after getting wet. This is also something that’s a-ok to do in public, which I really enjoy. Coming in after it has rained, getting out of the shower, or drying off after swimming in a lake- it feels great!
11. Make treats. No, not necessary dog treats. It can be chunks of shaggily cut bell pepper, pieces of meat to gnaw on, and other treats that don’t feel “human”. It can be the classic “seeds and peanut butter shaped as a dog bone”, or a whole cucumber that your tear apart. Use it as a reward for doing good, or just eat it when you want to.
12. If you like gnawing, get a chew stim toy. It’s less harmful than most other things you could be gnawing on, and works quite well for molars!
13. Claim some territory. It can be your house, or a place in the forest, or your room. Allow only those you want to to come in. Chase out creatures you do not want in. Create a marker along the edges of the territory, for example a specific cloth color tied on trees, if needed.
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captaincapsicle83 · 6 months
Iron Man
The Avenger series, part 2
Tw: cursing, Tony not following directions
Previous Part
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"Dude, you're like a million years old-"
"Excuse me, Ma'am, but I'm a billion! And your closer to zero. You're a baby. Added with the fact that I'm ten times as important as you-"
"Ten times zero is still zero."
"Not the point."
"I just wanna name it," you whined. Tony rolled his eyes, clearly baffled at your audacious manner.
"I picked an acronym before you were even born," He shakes his head, holding up the glasses frames in front of his face, not putting them on.
"Yeah? When?"
"September 21st, of..." He hesitated. "Of 19...93."
"Well, genuis, I was born in 1992-!"
"So me picking the name in the year of 1991 proves me right-!"
"You liar!" You exclaimed. "JARVIS, play back what Tony just said."
Before Tony can object, the ceiling emits his voice, "Of 19...93."
"JARVIS, you're being evicted," was Tony's response. "Pack your things. You're getting uploaded to a surf shop in Daytona Beach."
You laugh, taking the glasses from Tony and putting them into their case.
You were something of an accomplice to Tony's "Iron Man" shtick. You were what he called a "trainee," meaning you didn't fight anybody like Tony did. You practiced, though, and not just in a suit. You did end up giving Tony a black eye, Pepper freaking out over press stuff due to it.
"We can't send you in front of hundreds if people, or broadcast you to millions, if you looked like you run an underground fight club," Pepper exclaimed, pulling his head to the side with a grip on his chin. She looks at you all accusatory like, "You did this?"
"Cool right," you giggle, and pretend to bop Tony on the side of the face again. Peppers eyes roll before she stalks away, heels clicking.
"I'm her favorite," you say as she walks away.
You sat on a gray couch, wearing pajamas and eating a bowl of cereal. A peanut butter reeses brand version of cocoa puffs. It tasted like heaven.
"Iron Man," Tony mumbled, reading a newspaper, standing behind you with Pepper. "Hey, that's kinda catchy."
"Thanks, I came up with it," you say, taking a bite of your cereal. Pepper was doing Tony's "makeup" since he had another bruise on his face, and also, the planned press conference scheduled for today was being broadcasted "everywhere."
Probably not in lesser fortunate countries, but you didn't mention that to Pepper. You wanted to stay the "favorite."
On the TV in front of you, the news was playing. You found the news to be exhausting, and quite morally wounding, but you were to lazy to find the remote and change the channel. You wished you could be watching literally anything else though. You had quite a liking for American children's shows. And Hannah Montana was on at this hour, maybe even SpongeBob.
Tony is given a speech, which he looks over as Pepper thanks Agent Coulson.
You wouldn't. The guy ate the last donut this morning, and he doesn't even live here.
As Pepper and Coulson walk out, you turn around in your seat to look at Tony.
"You aren't gonna read that, are you?" You say, crunching the last bites of your cereal.
"Of course I am, who do you take me for," He winks at you. "Now finish your cereal, and get dressed, we have ninety seconds before we have to be out there, and you look like a bum."
"I'm a squatter, it's the New York in me."
"The only 'New York' in you is Venice Pizza."
"And yet, I'm living in Iron Mans house rent free," you say, putting a false wistful look on your face, as Pepper is walking back into the room.
"He's not Iron Man," she shakes her head.
"Is so," you retaliate, walking away, tilting up your bowl to drink the milk out of it.
"You know, I'm starting to belive I'm not Iron Man," Tony says thoughtfully.
"You're not," Pepper scoffs. "And I'm starting to believe I'm raising two children. Y/n! You better come back out here dressed!"
"And now, Mr. Stark will be making a statement," A man onstage says. You're on the sidelines with Pepper. You follow her lead, clapping when she does. Smiling when she does.
You were a star student. Have a star.
You knew what was coming though. Oh boy, Pepper wasn't gonna be Happy. And, well, the head of security, who really was Happy, wasn't exactly gonna be a basket of roses himself.
But when was he ever?
"-To consider that I am a superhero."
Fuck up number one; they never said he was a superhero. You sucked in a breath, knowing the house of cards was about to fall.
As Tony stumbled over his words, a soldier whispered in his ear. Maybe something taboo, or maybe to read his cards. Guess the world will never know...
You have to bow your head, as you were already laughing. You felt Pepper smack you shoulder.
"The truth is..."
You pulled in another large breath, looking at Pepper to show you had composed yourself.
"I am Iron Man."
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sirtaehyunsalot · 2 years
Tazzy Chris
Chris x reader
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(I know it's not a tazzy chris gif but I like it so shhhhh)
Cw: sexual jokes and implied NSFW
AN: I deleted my OG blog but before I did I saved my first (and only) fanfic and pasted it here
You and the rest of your friends in the Wild Kratts crew were tagging tasmanian devils so you could find a way to stop them from going extinct. Well technically, the bros were doing all the grunt work, you and Aviva were just helping Koki track the animals. You were only half paying attention so you flinched when you got an alert on the computer.
A blonde kid appeared on the screen and introduced himself as Kenny from Tasmania. He explained that he and his friends weren't seeing as many t-devils around as he used to, while a video of the devils eating a dead animal played on the screen.
"Ick, gross! Rotten meat!", Koki gagged as you both turned away from the screen. Kenny laughed, "Yeah they're pretty scrappy!"
"I think it's cool", Jimmy shrugged. "And I think I'm gonna be sick," Koki replied. "Well look at this Kenny, I finished building the tracking system programming. Each of these icons is a tagged t-devil moving around in real-time."
"Very cool Koki!" Aviva said. "Our system will pick up every t-devil that Chris and Martin tag. We'll be able to track them no matter where they go!"
"Ah wow thanks, I'm really glad you guys are here to help! I'd be sad if they disappeared," Kenny stated.
"No worries! That isn't gonna happen our watch," Aviva reassured him. Kenny thanked all you and said to call him if you needed any help.
"I haven't seen you two so grossed out since you watched me down 4 peanut butter cheese burgers topped with brussel sprouts and whipped cream," Jimmy pointed out to you and Koki
"Did you really have to remind me..?" you grimaced as you and Koki walked away.
About half an hour had passed and you were curious to know how the bros were coming along with the t-devil tagging. You decided to call Martin but before you picked up the creature pod, Martin was already calling you. You answered it.
"Y/N help!" Martin screamed. "There's something wrong with Chris's suit!"
You looked behind Martin to see Chris standing there looking totally fine.
"But Chris looks fine to me," you said with confusion laced in your voice.
"Never been better babe," Chris replied with a smirk. He's flirty like that.
"But he was just craving carcass meat!" Martin replied frantically.
"I'm fine bro! Cmon we've got t-devils to tag," your boyfriend said while walking away.
"Maybe you're the one who's malfunctioning Martin," you teased. "But don't worry we're on our way!" you said before hanging up.
You saw Koki pacing around the tortuga while you were getting some water. "Hey uh, aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on those t-devils?" you asked.
"Well I can't get any work done because rotten meat and carcasses gross me out!" she answered.
"Yeah trust me, I can relate.. but as part of the Wild Kratts crew we're gonna meet all types of animals, both alive and dead. We might as well get on with it so that it doesn't matter as much to us in the future," you advised her.
"Yeah but animals that eat rotten stuff? Yuck!" Koki exclaimed.
"Ey somebody's gotta eat all that maggotty meat. At least it's the t-devils and not us," Jimmy stated. And at that Koki ran out of the room to throw up while Aviva laughed and you facepalmed.
The moment was quickly interrupted by Martin calling the main computer asking for Koki.
"Oops," she said while running to the screen. "I'll be right there Martin! ...Oh no!" Koki shouted.
"What happened?" Aviva questioned.
"10 t-devils are quickly moving west together, which is unnatural. And then their tracking lights go out.. And they're gone!"
"Is tag number 9, T-bone, one of the disappearing t-devils?" Martin asked on the screen.
"Yeah," Koki replied.
"And number 8, his mom.." Aviva lamented
You all immediately knew that you had a big, big problem on your hands.
Chris and Martin had followed the GPS trackers to Zach's plane, sitting in the middle of the forest. Chris finally caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of Zach's shiny plane.
"Woah, is that really me-?" Chris asked
Martin threw his arms up in the air. "That's what I've been tryna tell ya bro!"
Chris admired himself, "Hey I'm pretty wild looking! And I've got great night vision, black and white but sharp as a tack"
Chris hopped onto a window ledge to see what Zach was up to. He saw that Zach was using the devils for his security robots and immediately jumped back down to tell Martin.
"He's using our t-devil buddies for evil!" —he growls— "...Did I just growl-?"
"Umm, it was more like, ROOOAAAEER"
"Cool! 😎"
Martin rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Koki, Zach's got the t-devils."
"I'm so sorry Martin! Rotten meat grosses me out so I wasn't keeping track of the Tasmanian devils and I didn't notice when they started disappearing!" Koki spoke quickly, as if she had been holding her breath.
"Woah slow down Koki! Oh no, Zach's leaving!" Martin responded.
The black plane rose off of the ground while Zach jeered and mocked them for not paying closer attention to their creature friends.
Koki had guilt written all over her face, "And because of me, he's getting away with all the t-devils.."
"Don't worry Koki, we'll get 'em back! Can you pick us up?" Martin assured her.
"On our way!"
"Ok, the t-devil tags are sending signals from inside Zach's jet. 42 degrees north and 147 degrees east," you told Jimmy.
"Got it"
"You've gotta deactivate him Aviva, he's been drivin' me NUTS! I had to do all the tagging and he wouldn't stop drooling on me!" you heard Martin complaining to Aviva.
You went over to where they were only to see Chris, in all his tazzy glory, chewing on some of the scrap metal from the teams most recent project.
"Chris drop that!" you freaked out. "Just because you can chew through metal doesn't mean you should actually eat it!"
"What" he smirked at you. "You jealous that the metal's getting bitten instead of you?"
Martin groaned loudly, "Oh for the love of everything holy, please save that stuff for the bedroom..!" all three of you laughed at him while Aviva picked up her screwdriver to deactivate Chris.
"Wait! Don't deactivate me yet! I've got t-devil power! We're misunderstood creatures, but now I understand why. I could have the key to getting the others back," —he growls–
"Don't bite me!" Aviva screamed.
"Come on, I'd never hurt you!"
The team finally made it to Zach's place, and just in time too! There were 2 kids, a boy and a girl, being surrounded by Zach's tazzy bots.
"Don't be scared of the t-devils, they won't hurt you!" Martin announced to them.
"Oh it's the Wild Kratts! Help were being attacked by Tasmanian devil robots!"
You, Chris and Martin made your way down to the ground, the kids faces shifting from fear to confusion in a few seconds.
"Is that... Chris-?" the girl asked.
"Yeah-" —you ran your fingers through your hair— "He's a t-devil, it's a long story-"
"I've got a plan!" Chris lit up. "If you find any rotten food, throw it in front of you, since they like to eat dead and rotting things."
You and the kids went around looking for rotten food for the t-devils. You dumpster diving for food wasn't your proudest moment but you figured you had to do it for the creature rescue. You managed to find a gas station sushi container with a piece of rotting fish in it. Perfect. You ran back to place your fish alongside the moldy sandwich and putrid pizza that the kids found.
Chris smiled with satisfaction and growled, "Oh they won't be able to resist that!"
"Animals are no match for technology!" Zach interrupted.
"Wanna test that theory?" you smirked.
The t-devils began to break through the robot bodies and one by one the clashing and bashing of metal could be heard as each t-devil jumped out to get their share of the meal. Zach immediately started to throw a conniption fit and promptly slipped on a banana peel, causing him to slip and fall directly on his ass. You simply couldn't hold in your laughter as the 5 of you watched Zach scurry back into his house with a bruised ego, and an equally bruised behind.
"Yummy! Last week's moldy pizza! It's disgusting, but I just can't help i-" you kissed your tazzy boyfriend to get him to forget about that pizza as Aviva hurried down to deactivate him.
Chris pulled away after a few seconds, "Phew, thanks for saving me from eating that, sweetheart," he wrapped an arm around your waist as you walked back into the turtle ship.
"You can thank me in bed," you winked
"Who am I to say no to that?," he replied as he picked you up and ran into your shared bedroom.
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filmtv2022 · 6 months
Moving Forward: Chapter Five (18+ MDNI)
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Previous Next Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Kazansky!Reader
Synopsis: Returning to work, Y/N finds herself continuing to struggle with her past while trying to forge a path beyond her mistakes. Y/N tries to open up to Rooster, taking her father's advice to heart. Still, her injuries (physical and emotional) along with the weight of keeping the family together during this trying time are more than she can handle alone. Seeing her pain, Rooster steps back into the fray and tries to soothe the hurt however he can.
Warnings: Language + talk of illness + spicy behavior (not full-on smut yet... but soon)
A/N: This is a longer one, but I hope it will be worth it. As always, I apologize for any mistakes, and I hope that you enjoy it! Also if you feel so inclined to comment and/or reblog... that would be incredible!
The tremble in your limbs remained as the crushing weight of anticipated grief settled over you. With the thick blanket of night closing in like a vice, you gave up any hope of rest and peeled yourself out of bed. The floor creaked as you moved through the darkness and into the living room. Curling up on the couch, you tugged at the heavy blanket from the back and spread it over your body. The glow of the moon lit the space in shades of gray. Focusing on the monochromatic tones, your senses dulled, but it wasn’t enough to slip into a peaceful sleep. Hours moved by unnoticed until the blaring ring of your alarm announced a new day.
Thankfully, the rest of the family was still asleep as you carefully snuck around the house. Grabbing only what you needed for the day, you moved on to taking care of school lunches. One by one, you slathered peanut butter and jelly on bread before plopping them inside the row of lunch boxes on the counter. Next came the snacks. The pickings were slim, but you made do with what remained of the previous week’s groceries and made a note to stop by the store soon. Satisfied that things were as taken care of as possible, you scratched a quick note for your mom and headed out the door. 
The drive to work was guided by sheer muscle memory as no amount of sunlight could sweep away the suffocating hold of anxiety. There had been no sleep to speak of beyond fitful dreams. Exhausted, you hopped off your bike and hoisted your bag over your shoulders. Inside, the locker room was quiet. Your early start put you slightly ahead of the others, but the peaceful silence didn’t last. Getting out of your civilian clothes, you donned your flight suit without joining the rest in polite conversation. You knew that your lack of social graces, and the way you’d lost it yesterday had made a terrible impression, but you didn’t have the energy to give a shit. Everyone else went about their business as if you weren’t there, which was a blessing in and of itself. 
Tying the half-zippered suit around your waist by the arms, you finally finished getting ready. Slipping out, you headed to the ready room for the pre-flight briefing. An empty seat near the window called your name and you slumped back into it. The rowdy noise slowly built as the group made their way inside. They found places to sit, and their choices mirrored almost exactly where they’d been yesterday. 
Staring at the buzz of activity already forming on the tarmac, sudden movement from the corner of your eye brought your attention back into the room. Rooster stood hesitantly next to the open spot, a cup of coffee in each hand. Looking up at him, you said nothing. Instead, you allowed yourself to meet his eyes. They warmed to a golden hue in the morning light. There was something unsettled there, a sadness that left you even more uncertain.
“Can I sit?” he asked without making a move.
Shrugging, you answered quietly, “It’s all yours.” 
Folding his large frame into the space beside you, his knee knocked against yours. Mumbling an apology for the intrusion, he held out one of the styrofoam cups and spoke, “Here ya go…” When you failed to move he continued, “It’s for you. I thought you might need it.” 
Reluctantly, you took it from him, “Thanks," A flat smile pulled at your lips as you brought the cup up to slowly sip the scalding beverage. The heat soothed your throat which was raw from the previous night’s flurry of emotions. Wrapping your hands around the cup, you let the temperature seep into your skin.
“No problem,” his eyes roved over your body, studying you in great detail. The weight of it forced your lungs into heavy slow breaths. 
Turning away to avoid his stare, you could feel Bradley’s focus on you as you drank. Jake’s voice boomed from the other side of the room as he cracked jokes with Coyote and anyone else willing to listen to him this early in the morning. Thankfully, he'd also ignored your presence since walking into the room. You knew it wouldn’t last forever, but you’d take any reprieve you could get. 
Shifting in your seat to get a better view of the screen at the front of the room, the tight muscles in your hip and side twisted into a deep spasm. The charley horse stole the wind from your lungs with its fierce writhing. Sucking air in through your teeth you grimaced and groaned as you tried to relax through the pain. Throwing your head back, it thumped lightly against the padded rest. 
Not wanting to draw attention to what was going on, but worried just the same, Bradley shifted in his seat so that his broad frame blocked most of what was going on from the view of others, and asked “Y/n, what’s going on?”
Grumbling, you snapped back as best you could, “I’m fine, Bradley.” 
Seeing your lie for what it was, he dove into quiet action. Reaching for your coffee he took it from your grip and placed it clumsily on the ledge nearby. With both hands free, you gripped the armrest with one while rubbing gentle circles on the tight muscles with the other. Your eyes squeezed shut blocking out the rest of the room as you worked through it and focused on breathing. 
“Here, let me,” pressing into your space, Bradley’s warm palm gingerly moved your hand out of the way and replaced it with his own. Resting his free arm along the headrest of your chair, he leaned further into you as he worked. The woodsy scent of his cologne wrapped around you in a comforting blanket.
A hiss tore through your lips as the spasm clenched tighter, “Shit.” 
“It’s okay, just breathe,” knowing you needed more, but unsure how to provide it, Bradley acted out of instinct. His strong fingers slipped under the exposed hem of your shirt, pushing it out of the way. The rough drag of his callouses along your sensitive skin was intoxicating, but it was the heat that rolled off of him that finally did the trick. 
Skin on skin, Bradley pushed deep into the knots that sat just below the surface. The relief wasn’t quick to come, but slowly the tension released under his caring touch. With your eyes still shut, he watched carefully, paying attention to the way your shoulders moved as you fought through the last of the spasms. Finally, able to open your eyes, you blinked away the new waves of exhaustion. 
Looking up at Bradley, you whispered tiredly, ��I’m sorry.”
“For this? You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Y/N.” 
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” catching his eyes, your nerves hummed with the sensation of his hand still gently working over your skin. His movements were softer now, no longer meant to relieve physical pain but to keep you close. Something that the pair of you missed more than you cared to acknowledge. 
Realization hit in full force for Bradley stunning him into momentary silence, collecting his thoughts he knew he had to say something, “You’re not the one who should be apologizing.” 
Your stomach fluttered, being here with him… like this… was too much. The memories of the past forced you to sit up in your seat and break away from him. Bradley’s touch fell away as you turned to face the screen again. Maverick already stood at the podium ready to commence the meeting, but his attention was focused on the pair of you. His expression was nearly unreadable, but it was obvious that he’d seen more of what had happened than you’d have cared for him to. 
With the rest of the room ready to go, Mav launched into the parameters for today’s flights. The meeting lasted only as long as necessary. Bless your captain for not bothering with useless fluff. With the necessary information in hand, Hondo stepped in and called the first few teams going up. 
“First up, we’ve Hangman and Rooster. Followed by….” the rest of his words dropped off as bile sloshed in your gut at the thought of those two in the air together. Twisting to look at Bradley your eyes dropped to the thin white scars that decorated his neck and cheek. Clenching his jaw, Rooster rolled his neck to relieve the tension that formed at the sound of Hangman’s callsign.  
“Be careful with him, Rooster. He’s-”
“I know what he’s like, Y/N.” 
Nodding your head in acknowledgment, you stopped talking and listened to the flare of noise as your fellow aviators piled out of their chairs. Some were headed out to do pre-flight checks, while others gathered around the coffee pot to pour themselves another shot of caffeine. Chatting with each other, Phoenix and Bob threw tentative smiles in your direction as they passed you and Bradley. Jake's heavy footfalls came closer as he followed Javy toward the door. He’d just reached you when he finally opened his mouth. 
“So, Riot how’s that leg treatin’ ya today?” 
“I’m right as the rain, Seresin.” 
“Is that by the Navy’s standards or your dad’s?” He grinned from ear to ear as he looked between you and Bradley.
“What the fuck do you mean, Bagman?” 
“Well, it's just that everyone knows the Admiral’s got a soft spot for hopeless cases. I mean look at you two. A bird who can’t get up off his perch and a broken pilot whose ledger is wildly red. Maybe the old man’s judgment just isn’t what it used to be, but hey, what do I know?” 
Standing to meet him, you opened your mouth to speak, but Bradley beat you to it before you could utter a word. Rising firmly between you and Hangman, he came face to face with the other pilot, “You better shut your fucking mouth, Seresin. And you’d do well to remember who you’re talking about. Admiral Kazansky is your superior, and the only damn reason you’re here. I suggest you move along now.” 
“Whatever you say, Chicken Little. Anyway… I’ve got a mission to attend to, you’re welcome to join… if you can keep up.” Scrunching his nose, Jake simply smirked and walked away leaving you and Rooster behind to process what had just happened. 
Turning back to face you, Bradley’s words caught like barbed wire in his throat at the sight of the tears that welled in your eyes. He took a small step in your direction, his hand raised for a moment as if he was going to touch you, but thought better of it. Collecting himself, he spoke, “He’s not worth crying over, Y/N.” 
“They’re not for him.” your voice was thick with emotion. Frustration flushed your cheeks, and you moved away. Wandering over to Hondo who stood in the doorway, you checked your flight partners for the day. By the mercy of god, and probably your father and Mav, you weren’t slated to go with Hangman or Rooster.  
Meandering away toward the small group that remained, you tried to refocus yourself on the task at hand. Today’s flights were still focused on dogfighting techniques. The hope was to figure out who possessed the calm, cool, and collected demeanor to handle the pressure of the mission while also evading any obstacles that stood in the way. On the surface, this was your bread and butter. This was where you excelled, but the minefield occupying your thoughts proved more difficult to set aside than you’d hoped. 
Without Rooster, the room seemed empty even though it was brimming with people. Trying to shake your mind out of the spiral it was caught in, you did your best to engage in light conversation with the rest of the crew as you crowded around the pool table. The radio garbled to life as Maverick, Rooster, and Hangman took off for their run. Standing steady, you listened closely as Hangman wasted no time in his attempt to get under Bradley’s skin.
“So Rooster, mind if ask you a personal question?” 
“Would it matter if I did?” 
“What’s the story with you and Maverick? Or better yet, what the hell’s goin’ on between you and Riot? A little lover’s, I mean… ex-lovers, quarrel? Whatever it is, they’ve got your feathers ruffled don’t they Rooster?” 
“That’s none of your business.”
“Oh come on now, admit it, she’s got a mouth on her,” he stopped for a second, giving Rooster time to fume before bouldering on, “It’s not so bad though… when she puts it to good use.” 
“Fuck off, Bagman. Now where the hell is he?”
“Been here the whole time.” 
“Holy shit.” 
“You see me now? Come on let’s get it over with.” 
“Fight’s on.” 
“What is with these two?” 
Clinging to every word as it came over the radio, the rest of the world fell out of focus. Bradley and Mav were locked in a nasty spiral, the hard deck looming ever closer as the pilots fought for dominance and control. With almost nothing left between him and the solid ground below, Rooster was forced to pull up. The maneuver set him up to take the shot at Mav, but he hesitated, not wanting to risk dropping down further to line up with the captain. Lightening quick Maverick took advantage of this lapse, and repositioned himself behind Rooster. And that was that... another “kill” for Pete and another 200 push-ups for Bradley. The outcome was not entirely unexpected, but your physical reaction to it caught you off guard. Your hands shook as you grabbed your helmet and practically jogged down to the tarmac. Rage and worry in equal parts flooded your body as you waited for Rooster to land. 
Not wanting to lose control of yourself like the previous day, you waited until the shakes had dissipated before heading outside, but it did nothing for the rest of the emotions. Anxiety coursed through you, the fuzzy edges of it left your limbs feeling heavy as you forced your way outside. In the distance, you could see Hondo standing beside Rooster who was working his way through another grueling set of push-ups. Even though you knew that Bradley was nowhere near done, Hondo stepped away and started the walk back toward the building. 
Striding out, you closed the last few paces as Bradley collapsed out of the push-ups and sat sweating on the ground. You didn’t wait for him to notice your presence before you shouted.
“Breaking the hard deck, insubordination. Are you trying to get kicked out?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” his eyes remained glued to his boots
“Look, I don’t know how all of this is going to turn out, but if you get kicked out, you leave us flying with Hangman. Talk to me. What the hell was that?” 
The irony of this conversation wasn’t lost on you. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since Bradley had cornered you in the locker room and asked much the same questions. And yet, here you were, begging and desperate to know. 
“You already know what it’s about.”
Stunned, you couldn’t quite believe it was true, “Come on, this can’t still be about the papers. Bradley that was a long time ago.” 
“Yeah, it was. And it set my career back four years, Y/N. You have no idea what it was like to watch you...” He choked on the rest of his thought, and instead of speaking, he turned his head to look off at the sun. 
Taking another step, you knelt by his side, “You’re right, I don’t know, and I’ll never know unless you talk to me.” 
“That’s rich coming from you.”
“I’m trying, okay. I don’t know what more you want from me.” 
“I don’t want anything from you, Riot.” 
“Whatever you say, Rooster.” 
Standing up, you left Bradley alone on the ground. You were next on the rotation, so rather than return inside, you made your way toward the crew that was forming around your jet. With the same practiced routine as always, you climbed inside and prepared yourself. Despite the earlier flare-up and the fatigue, your mind was finally lasered focused on the task at hand. 
Flying with Payback and Fanboy, the run was less eventful in a good way. Maverick though, was in rare form. He threw every trick in the book your way, and no amount of clever maneuvering was going to be enough to outwit him. Each move was calculated and precise. He was pushing hard, trying to throw you off. For a while, things were looking good for you and your team until Mav pulled out the same cobra move that’d earned you a victory the day before. This time he placed himself strategically behind you. The telltale whine of his target locked on yours sent you cursing under your breath. 
Landing, you quickly exited your jet and made your way back to nearly the same spot Bradley had occupied before. He was no longer there, but one by one you performed your push-ups. The ache of your arms and abs took over your mind and pushed out any lingering thoughts of the morning. Payback and Fanboy weren’t far behind. They joined you in the grind, their heavy breathing was the only noise that passed between the three of you. 
Hondo counted each rep, never letting up on the pace. Just when you thought your body would give out, he called the last one. 
“200. That’s it. You’re all free to head back inside.”
Nodding, the three of you peeled yourselves off the ground and walked back toward the building. Air conditioning poured out the door as Fanboy pushed it open. Sighing, you relished the chilled air as goosebumps ran over your skin. The boys were a few feet ahead of you, but the sound of your voice stopped them in their tracks.
“Hey guys,” you cleared your throat lightly before continuing, “Nice job up there today. We’ll get him next time.” 
“Thanks, Riot. You too.” Mickey smiled back at you, his eyes bright and clear, “Oh uhh, we’re..uhh… we’re all headed to the Hard Deck tonight. You should come.”
“Oh, uhh… I don’t know… I’ve got-”
Payback halted your stumbling words with his own, “Just think about it, okay?”
“Yeah, you deserve a drink after putting up with Hangman’s bullshit. You handled that better than I would’ve,” Fanboy laughed lightly, the gentleness of it lightened the mood considerably.  
“I don’t drink anymore, and I really don’t know if I’d called what happened yesterday handling it well, but I.. I’ll think about it.” 
“No worries. The offer’s always there.” Payback grinned as he held open the ready room’s door for you and Mickey.
The rest of the flights went off without a hitch. With the day over, the debrief took longer than expected, and by the time you were free to leave it was getting rather late. The rest of the crew chatted loudly as they discussed the evening’s plans. Your phone vibrated obnoxiously on the wood bench beside you. Jamming your feet into your boots, you slid out of the fray, taking your cell phone and your bags with you. Free of the noise, you answered the call. 
“Hey, mom. What’s up?” 
“Hey, Y/N. Are you on your way home?” 
“Yeah, I’m just headed out now. Do you want me to pick up a pizza or something for dinner? I’ll make a list and head to the store tomorrow.” 
“That’s okay, I just…” Sarah grew quiet on the other end as barking coughs could be heard in the background through the speaker. 
“Is everything all right?” 
“Umm, today’s been a bad day sweetie. I’m sorry to ask, but I could really use some help with the littles.”
Swallowing hard, you replied, “Yeah, of course. I’ll be home soon. You just take care of Dad, I’ll get the rest. Are you sure you don’t need anything?” 
“No, we’re good sweetheart. You just drive safe, okay.”
“Okay. Love you mom, see ya soon.”
“Love you too, Y/N.” 
Ending the call you stepped outside into the tepid evening air, and quickly got yourself on the road toward home. A sinking feeling churned the empty pit of your stomach all the way, but there was no avoiding the difficulties that sat ahead. 
The inside of the Kazansky household was decently in control, at least given the circumstances. The littles were running wild in the backyard, probably ruining the entire purpose of their pre-dinner baths and showers, but it was okay. A little dirt never hurt anyone, and given the impending situation, their joyful screams and laughter echoing through the open door were soothing to the soul. A spicy scent filled the air as you stood at the stove stirring the taco meat in the pan. The older siblings were in a variety of places around the living room. One folded the pile of freshly washed clothes you’d sat down in front of them about 15 minutes earlier while the others sat on the couch trying their best to avoid helping with chores by “doing their homework”. 
It took only a few more minutes to finish up dinner and lay out all of the toppings. Gathering up your siblings you let them start while you work up the courage to go find your mom. Quietly, you made your way to the master bedroom. The door was cracked slightly, and the soft sound of her voice could be heard the closer you got. Your faint knocks were enough for her to invite you inside.
“Come in.” 
Plastering a smile on your face, you pushed open the door, and immediately focused on your mom, “The tacos are ready. You want me to make you a plate?” 
Sarah glanced hesitantly at Ice who was currently sitting up in bed next to her. His face was drawn, and the dark circles beneath his eyes were a deep purple, “That’s okay, I’ll come down later.”
“Okay. I’ll wrap up some for you.” 
The plush carpet squished between your toes as you crossed the room. Standing at the side of the bed, you leaned down and placed a kiss on the side of your mom’s head before moving to the other side to do the same to your father. Catching your wrist in his hand, Ice held you in place before pulling you in for a hug. There were no words tonight, but it didn’t matter. You knew what he was saying even without them. 
Another rough bout of coughing forced you to part from the embrace. Sarah shifted into the spot you’d just inhabited as you snuck silently out of the room. As calmly as possible, you returned to the kitchen and joined the meal. Most of it had already been demolished, but there was plenty left for you and for some leftovers. Forcing down some food, you found yourself unable to take more than a few bites. Across the table, your youngest sister sat pushing the scraps of taco around her plate. 
“Hey, kiddo, you feelin’ okay?” crossing the table, you crouched next to her chair, your hand outstretched to feel her forehead. There was no sign of a temperature, but clearly, something was bothering the little girl. 
Looking around the table you noticed a similar sense of sadness had settled over the rest of the family. The older kids were certainly starting to understand that something was going on, and even the littlest of the crew could feel that things were off. You wanted to help, but there was nothing that would soften the blow of what was to come. The scrape of your chair against the floor broke everyone from their stupor. With your plate in hand, you let your impulsivity guide you. 
“How about we go get some ice cream?” throwing them a smile you watched as the light returned to their eyes.
Even at eighteen, your oldest brother could hardly contain the excitement as he too pushed back from the table, “You think we can go to the Dairy Barn?”
“Sure, sounds good to me. They should still be open.” 
Collectively, the rest of the family picked their way across the room to deposit their plates in the sink before heading to put on their shoes. 
“I’ll be outside in a second guys, I’m gonna go tell Mom where we’re going. Take the keys and start the van.” 
Not waiting for answers, you made your way back upstairs. The conversion was whispered as Ice had finally fallen asleep. With promises to get everyone back in time for curfew, you were off. The drive was anything but quiet as the boys played DJ, and the girls complained vociferously about their song choices. Staying quiet you soaked in the moment and tried your best to commit it to memory.   
Safely parked near the door, you all clambered out of the vehicle and poured into the nearly empty Dairy Barn. One by one the orders were taken, and the icy treats made their way to thankful hands. Ordering last, you paid the bill without faltering too much at the price. Back outside at one of the rickety picnic tables your siblings devoured their treats. The remaining heat turned them into sticky messes, but it didn’t matter. For the first time that night, things felt lighter. 
As the lights inside the store flickered off you, herded the crew back toward the van. With everyone settled, you slid into the driver's seat and shoved the key into the ignition. The drive back to the house was much more calm than before, a sugar-induced ‘coma’ had taken the wind out of their sails. Soft rock played from the radio as you turned the corner toward the house. Glancing ahead, your stomach dropped. Parked in the driveway of the Kazansky home was a beautiful blue Bronco, and standing beside it, as if was still working up the courage to move, was Bradley. 
Pulling into the garage, you made quick work of the car seats and lovingly nudged everyone into the house, “Go wash your hands and brush your teeth. And don’t pretend, I’ll know if you fake it. Also, y'all better be in pajamas and headed for bed by the time I come in.” 
Your youngest sister shifted in your arms as you stooped to sit her down. Her innocent question caught you off guard, “Who is that, Y/N?”
“That’s Rooster, we uhh… we work together.” 
“He flies planes?”
“Oh… all right.” 
“All right, girly. You head inside, okay?” 
Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, you used your hands on your knees to stand from the squat. Inhaling deeply, you turned back to look at Rooster, ready to pounce on him with your words, but the look on his face kept you from attacking. He’d taken a few steps closer to the house, but there was still a considerable distance between you both. 
“Why are you here, Bradley?” there was no malice in your words, only curiosity. 
“I just… I needed to see you… to… to talk to you.” 
“Now’s not really a good time,” you glanced back at the dark upstairs window of your parents' room.
“Y/N, please, don’t shut me out again. You said you were trying, now let me do the same,” honesty shaped his words and dulled their edges. 
 “Fine, but I… I'm gonna need a minute.”
“Take all the time you need,” turning back to the Bronco, his open shirt fluttered in the breeze. 
Giving him a tentative smile, you headed back toward the door.
As quickly as you could manage, the nighttime routine was completed, and everyone was tucked into bed. You shot a quick text to your mom, just to let her know what was going on, but you had no intention of waiting for a response. Back outside, Bradley leaned against the side of the hood. His eyes were glued to the pavement in front of him until the sound of your approaching steps tore him out of whatever thoughts and memories he’d been stewing over. Looking up at you, he pushed himself free of the vehicle but made no move in your direction. A sharp breeze cut through the Navy hoodie you’d pulled on before heading back outside, but even the chill wasn't enough to force the conversation. 
The sight of you, dressed in that same old sweatshirt, and ratty jean shorts, knocked him off kilter. Clearing his throat he contemplated where to start the apologies. The only thing he knew for sure was that the list was impossibly long. The scuff of your shoes on the ground came to a halt in front of him. Daring to look at your face, he memorized the touch of deep blue that sat beneath your stunning eyes and mapped the marks upon your skin. The tiny scars told of your trials and tribulations much as the same as his. A bone-weary look consumed your features turning them into shadows of what they’d always been. But most of all, he faltered at the fact that it was really you. The person he’d need more than anything, the person he’d pushed away when he should have drawn you close. 
Gathering the courage, to meet his gaze, you found such sincerity in his eyes, and the sight of it broke something inside you. The back of your nose burned, and your throat tightened as you fought the emotions that steamrolled through your body. Nothing had been said, and yet being here like this with Bradley was more than you’d been prepared to handle. So many words needed to be said, to be freed from your heart and mind. But they were locked in a battle with none prevailing. Remaining silent, you turned your face to the ground once more and wrapped your arms around your body as if you could hold the pieces together. Seeing you crumble, he took a swift step in your direction. His strong hands came to rest on your waist and the side of your neck. Taking in quick breaths, you begged for control of yourself. 
Gently, he tilted your face to meet his, “I'm right here, talk to me.”
That's all it took. You broke wide open, and the confession slammed down upon him like a bucket of frigid water, “His cancer’s back,” losing control of your lungs, you sobbed harshly and clung to Bradley’s gaze, “it’s back, and–” 
“Y/N, I-”
“I don’t… I can’t do this without him,” shaking your head, you raged against the tears, “I don’t know how… and my mom-” 
Your voice failed you, the reality of it all was simply too much to bear. In an instant, Bradley was hauling you close. His strong arms held you to his chest and he wrapped his sturdy arms around your body. Your head rested on his chest. He let you ride out the waves of emotions. With one arm around your waist and the other buried in your hair, he worked to control his own breathing. Staring past your shoulder, he couldn’t keep his own feelings at bay. Hot tears pooled in his eyes as he processed what you’d told him. He’d heard through the grapevine that Ice had been sick a while back, but the man was always an untouchable figure in his mind. Nothing could touch Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, but clearly, he’d been wrong. 
Your fists twisted the back of his shirt. The cotton was butter to the touch, and the feel of it soothed your nerves. But it was the weight of him, the solidness of his presence that reeled you back from the abyss. With time, your lungs smoothed out, and your tears slowed. His steady exhales wafted through your hair as he took in the scent of your shampoo. Not wanting to let go, he adjusted his hold just enough so that he could whisper in your ear.
 It took everything in him to speak as the warmth of your breath passed through his clean white undershirt, and sent chills down his spine, “Tell me what you need.”
There was no hesitation this time because every fiber of your being screamed for one thing, and one thing alone, “I can’t go back in there alone… not tonight…stay with me.” 
There was no proper way to respond, but Bradley held you tighter, taking the bulk of your weight in his arms. Resting back against the Bronco, he settled you between his legs as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. Out of need and instinct, you leaned back in his arms. With a clear view of his face, you were mesmerized by the glint of moonlight in his eyes. A flash of it across his skin brought the scars along his neck and cheek into full view. Sliding your hand up his chest, you landed on the mottled patches of skin. Gingerly, you dragged your fingertips across them. All the while, Bradley’s eyes never left your face. 
“Bradley…” you threaded your fingers into the short hair along the nape of his neck and gently brought his face to yours. With your foreheads pressed together, he took in the scent of your perfume. 
The thump of your heart beating in your ears was drowned out by the sound of the wind blowing in the trees. And then, he was there. His lips pressed against yours, soft and gentle, testing the waters. The wide breadth of his hand slid from your waist before dipping into the back pocket of your shorts. Palming your ass, he groaned at the feeling of your free hand as it slide beneath the hem of his undershirt. The chill of your touch was in stark contrast to the heat that radiated off of him. He turned quickly, forcing you between him and the Bronco. With a bit more force than he’d intended, Bradley hauled himself back into you.
You met his desperation and drew him in by his belt loops. Haphazardly, he pushed up the bottom of your hoodie, exposing your body to the chill of the metal and cold air. Gasping at the sting of it, he took advantage of the moment and deepened the kiss. The taste of the beer he’d consumed sat heavy on his tongue. Humming lightly, you relished it, your body relaxed into his commanding touch. The drag of his fingers along the band of your bra sent shivers down your spine. 
Bradley moved his attention to your neck. Nipping at the sensitive skin, he soothed the tender spots with his tongue as he worked his way down. His teeth grazed over a particularly delicate spot, and the quiet sound of your whimper drove him wild. Raking his hands along the outside of your thighs, he slipped under the hem of your hoodie once again. This time he continued his exploration. Ghosting over the goosebumps that had collected on your sides and over your breasts, he swept along the thin barrier in search of more. And he found it. Brushing over your nipples couldn’t contain the noise that escaped his lips. A strangled groan rumbled lowly from him as he savored the way you reacted to his touch. 
Dropping your head back in pleasure, you lost yourself in him. The scrape of his mustache on your pulse point was thrilling. His eager hands reached for the back of your thighs bringing you up to his waist. And with that… everything broke. Pure ecstasy was ripped away by the agonizing clench of pain. Gasping loudly, your body stiffened in his arms. Immediately, Bradley reacted, lowering you back to the ground. There was no need to ask, he knew what was happening. Just like before, he felt for the knotted muscle and began to massage away the hurt. 
"Fuck, Y/N. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so-" The sound of your words stopped him from speaking more.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” you mumble weakly into his chest as he tended to you with incredible care. 
“Don't apologize. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he whispered in reply. 
Tag List: @eloquentdreamer
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cantevenbeachhere · 2 days
One shot - Halloween & bff Ken
Oh I’ve definitely got a story that fits this scenario!
“C’mon, Ken,” I called out with a chuckle, “can’t I help pick out the costumes? You brought me here for some advice, and I wanna help!”
“No!” my friend called back from somewhere else in the store. We can’t see each other because the racks of costumes are taller than I am so as to keep all the merchandise off the floor. He told me to wait at the front of the store so he could bring costume suggestions to me, which translated to my brain as ‘wander around the store and look for a costume for me’ while I waited.
This was last Halloween by the way, and Ken and his Barbie were going to be all matchy this time, and to my friend’s surprise, Barbie asked Ken if he would pick out their costumes. Something along the lines of ‘fun and exciting and can be a little scary if necessary but not too scary’. So yeah, that leaves a lot of choices, and Ken wanted to do this right. So a second opinion was necessary.
That’s where I came in.
“She asked me to pick, and I’m going to pick!...I just need help narrowing it down.”
I’m looking at a really cool Adventure Dude costume with a fedora while I ask, “But like, wouldn’t me showing you some options help you narrow it down more?” There’s no immediate reply, and I can’t help but smirk as I try on the fedora. “Oh dude, you look cool,” I tell my reflection which was totally true because I did look cool. If I look cool in a cowboy hat, I definitely look cool in a fedora too.
Then I hear from a different part of the store, “Welllllll…yeah okay, that makes se–hey!”  That made me stand straight and look around, wondering what was going on, until I heard, “Where’d you go?”
“Oh,” I chuckled, “I’m looking for a costume for me.”
“Oh! Where are you? I’ll come show you–”
“No, you wait up front,” I suggest as I start walking that way, fedora still on my head. “I’ll find you faster than you’ll find me.”
When I did arrive at the front, he proudly showed me peanut butter and jelly costumes and asked, “Ta-da! What about these? Aren’t they great?”
“Totally! But umm…”
His smile faltered a bit. “But what?”
“Well…I was just kinda wondering if those are ‘fun and exciting and a little scary if necessary but not too scary’ enough.”
“Oh.” He looked at the costumes again and hummed super thoughtfully. “Fun? Check. Exciting? Not exactly. A little scary? Not even close.”
I shrugged apologetically. “Sorry. Maybe you can text her a picture of them?”
“No no, not yet. There’s more options to look at.”
Boy were there. After looking at a monkey costume paired with a yellow suit and hat, a chicken paired with a white tux and a bucket, an elf costume paired with maple syrup (whatever that’s about), Princess Peach and Mario, Tinkerbell and Peter Pan, a safari couple, hitchhiking ghosts, a princess and a prince, superheroes, vampires, Victorian era clothes, and coffee matched with a donut, we finally found costumes that Ken could not get over.  One was a blue and white dress with a big bow for your hair, really long, striped stockings that went with black shoes, and the other was another suit - a very colorful suit - with a really big, green top hat.
“This is it!” he said excitedly, and he was practically hopping on the balls of his feet. “This is it! Barbie’s going to love these! I think this checks all the boxes!”
I nod in agreement. “Fun? Totally. Exciting? I would say so. A little scary?”
“Not necessary,” Ken finished for me. “These are the perfect costumes! We’re going to rock this Halloween!”
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One Shot Asks
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I finished watching Quiet on the Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV around 12:30 AM, and I am absolutely speechless and mortified. The amount of sexual innuendo these minors were scripted to do under Dan Schneider's orders is beyond disgusting! Example: Ariana [Grande] was trying to squeeze a potato, which clearly looked sexual, and then lied upside down on a bed pouring water on herself while squealing and moaning. “Mmm, I’m thirsty!”, she said in a youthful yet slightly seductive tone. Another example: Jamie [Lynn Spears] had goo-like substance accidentally squirted on her face by her costar Alexa Nikolas (who's character, by the way, was heavily sexualized alongside Jamie and her character). Given how disgusting of a man Dan was, the substance intentionally looked like c*m. It was supposed to be a comical moment, but Spears clearly looked uncomfortable. Some other points:
The unsetting things the cast members from All That were put through, such as Bryan Hearne. He portrayed a rapper named Lil' Fetus. That alone is just racist. The costume and position he was forced to wear and be in... WOW. I have no words.
I vividly remember the kid version of 'Fear Factor' on Nickelodeon, but I never really watched it. Seeing some of the dares the kids had to do, such as put a live scorpion in your mouth or get peanut butter licked off your bare body by dogs, looked absolutely terrifying and, for some, traumatizing.
Drake [Bell]. WOW. Everything Brian [Peck] did to him at age 15...
"I was sleeping on the couch where I would usually sleep and I woke up to him, I opened my eyes, I woke up and he was sexually assaulting me, and I froze and in complete shock and had no idea what to do or how to react, and I had no idea how to get out of the situation. What? Am I going to call my mom and be like, ‘Hey, this just happened. Can you come pick me up? I’ll just sit here and wait.’ I had no car, I didn’t drive. I was 15 at this time."
There were 41 people that wrote their letter of support to Brian.
"His entire side of the courtroom was full. FULL. There were definitely some recognizable faces on that side of the room, and my side was, uh, me, my mom, and my brother. Brian had been convicted, but getting all this support from a lot of people in the industry and... yeah ... I was pretty shocked. My mom got up, she had a statement. I wasn't going to address Brian. There was no... no reason to.”
Brian pleaded no contest for two charges of child sexual abuse: "lewd or lascivious act" and "oral copulation" to a child under 16 years-old. 'No contest', man, seriously????
He literally only got sentenced 16 months in prison and had to register himself as a sex offender. That's it. What the fuck?! Oh, yeah, and then he ended up working on the Disney Channel show The Suite Life of Zack & Cody some time after his sentence was up. Again, what the actual fuck?!
A few of the petitioners that were stated are James Marsden (not Prince Edward from Enchanted!), Taran Killam (I only know him from SNL, but this still stunned me!), Alan Thicke, Thomas DeSanto, Ron Melendez, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle.
The amount of sexual references is ridiculous and, now, as an adult, uncomfortable to watch. I can't believe all of those [sexual references] went over my head as a kid! Dan said he knew kids watching these actions would find them funny, so that's why he made these minors do them.
The entire incident involving 12-year-old Brandi and former production assistant Jason Handy. Her mother, who was a legal assistant for Hollywood, said she didn't know if she should call the police or not after he emailed 12-year-old Brandi a nude picture (who, by the way, immediately ran to her room while screaming and then crying). She decided to not call the police because she didn't want to be seen as a "bad parent".
(previous bullet point continued) That is your DAUGHTER. I hope Brandi doesn't talk to her mother to this day.
Jason literally had a journal where he wrote about his feelings towards children, especially little girls. He admitted (in writing) that he wanted to go as far as to “r*pe” little girls too…
Penelope Taynt. I loved this character, and The Amanda Show! Please go research what a "taint" is...
Don't get me started on Amanda Bynes and everything that happened to her and her career, and what all happened between her and Dan. He got way too close to her...!
There's a lot more, but I'll end the bullet points here. I recommend watching this horrifying documentary. Dan was a misogynist, racist, egoistical, and disgusting man who had too much power. The more famous he became, the more powerful and rude he was to the cast (most all of who were minors) and crew.
🌷 March 20, 2024 🌷
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anthrofreshtodeath · 10 months
I think the OP just turned on the first two seasons of R&I and jotted down this list of prompts 😂
How about a little " hangouts that start to feel more and more like dates" please and thank you.
I do hope this won't be your last prompt challenge!
Sorry this is so late 🫠 but hey, I wrote something!
The first time they’d hung out, Jane had brought a giant bag of peanut m&ms and extra butter popcorn. Maura had called it a movie night, after all. It was early on in their friendship, and Jane had been excited when she trotted up to the front door with her snacks in one hand, and a six pack in the other. She’d hiked up her long leg to press the doorbell with her boot, and was in the middle of putting it down when Maura swung the door open.
“H-hi,” Jane said, cheeks ruddy from sheepishness as much as the crisp fall air. 
Maura had smiled, and then looked down. “Can I help you with something?”
Jane held the grocery bag with the food in it. “Thanks,” she said, “sometimes carrying stuff is still, uh, kinda hard.” She didn’t brandish her scars, but their pointed eye contact told her Maura had understood.
Maura then nodded to the beer. “I have a place in the refrigerator where you can put that,” she told Jane. “Come in.”
Jane had whistled. “Nice place you got here,” she commented as she looked up at the high vaulted ceilings and the gleaming marble countertops.
“I rent,” Maura confessed. “I just moved back to Boston… well, when we met, actually. And I am being judicious about where I would like to own. So most of the decor came with the house.”
“I woulda never guessed,” Jane said. She pointed to the fridge, stainless steel, wide, and clean. Maura affirmed. “No offense, but rich suits you.”
“None taken. I am rich,” said Maura, with palms against the fabric of the jeans on her hip. 
Jane would have spit beer out of her mouth if there’d been any. “And humble, too,” she chuckled. Both at Maura’s comment and at the fact that Maura could no longer resist the bag she brought in. Maura rummaged through it with equal parts fascination and disgust. “You good?”
Maura peered up. “Do you really eat all this during one film?”
Jane curled a brow. “No…” she elongated it. “I got it for us to share.”
“Oh!” said Maura, then her face fell. “Oh, that… that’s very sweet. I…”
“You don’t eat any of this junk, do you?” asked Jane kindly. Her eyes crinkled and her lips pursed like she was trying not to laugh.
“Not at all,” said Maura on a whoosh of relieved air. “The hydrogenated oils are-”
“Don’t.” Jane held up her hand, “ruin it for me. But, that’s good to know. What do you like to eat during… films?” she asked with no small amount of humor. But when Maura opened her mouth to answer, Jane stopped her. “No no. You know what? Don’t tell me. I’m your friend; lemme figure you out.”
Maura had blushed and said nothing. But she’d smiled and showed Jane to the living room where they’d be watching what she’d picked out.
Subsequent hangouts got easier. Like this one - a long week called for a late Friday night at home. Maura had purchased the townhouse on Pickney about half a year prior, and since Angela moved in not long after, it was the place Jane thought of when she conjured the word home in her mind. And, yes, it was movie night, but a newer venue also called for newer fare - namely, gourmet charcuterie from the deli a few blocks from Jane’s apartment, and a good wine from the Whole Foods in Beacon Hill. Not, y’know, a six hundred dollar bottle a-la Tommy’s FBI debacle the previous week, but something good. 
Something Jane knew Maura liked. 
Something she and Maura had drunk before. And so, balancing everything in one hand, Jane used her key to open the door, and when she heard the muffled voices of a conference call on the second floor - the governor did tend to call Maura late, much to Jane’s chagrin - she set the items on the counter and went to the cupboards to pull out the decanter. She’d peeled off all the horrid labels her mother placed under each shelf when Ian was here, and it’d felt like something she’d had to do.
Strip Maura of the stinging past, restore the present to as it was before him, so that they could move forward into the future. 
Put off by the taste of that experience, Jane pulled out the candles Maura reserved for those truly trying times: decadent spices and citrus that reminded Jane of herself. And she thought it sounded egotistical but she had enough comfort in Maura’s space to own that - she liked the house to smell like that because she belonged there, not because she wanted to mark her territory. Ian’s mountain of medical supplies had felt like the opposite. Felt like a threat. 
Tommy’s bottle of wine had felt more like fumbling in the dark. Like something he wanted and knew he couldn’t have, but had to take a shot at anyway. 
Jane’s bottle of wine, the one she poured into the decanter, and Jane’s candles, which were really Maura’s, the ones she lit to waft up to Maura, to ease her into relaxation on the way down from her call, felt like what a Friday night should be. 
Felt like a well-worn routine. 
To further the routine, she pulled a board out from a cabinet next to the oven, and arranged meats, cheeses, and dried fruits in the pattern Maura liked, the one that seemed most calming. Before Maura, Jane didn’t even know that meat could be arranged in a calming way. After Maura, Jane learned that most perceivable things could bring calm, or bring stress. She’d adapted well, considering. Went for easily identifiable, separate food groups. 
“You’re early,” Maura’s voice roused Jane from her contemplation. She was barefoot, and had changed into yoga pants and an oversized sweater, with her hair pinned up. “Oooh - figs.” She reached over as Jane worked, and their fingers brushed on her way to the fruit. “Thank god autumn is here.”
“Those are all you,” Jane teased, “I’m all about the prashut’ right here.” She lifted the paper thin meat to her mouth and dropped it in. “Things, uh, things go well on your call?” 
Maura shrugged. “The governor is an obstinate man,” she began, “but I know how to bring him down. And explain artfully that Popov is not really my problem, but his.”
“That guy is everybody’s problem,” Jane commented when she pulled a beer from the new, glass-door fridge. “If you need me to forcefully suggest retirement to him, just let me know.”
Maura laughed, bubbly and bright. When Jane returned, Maura placed a hand on her shoulder. “I trust he’d take the hint,” she said.
“I’m good at givin’ hints,” Jane joked. She caught the blush with which Maura stared down again at the spread, and it confused her. She caught the wistful glance toward the wine, aerating in the fanciful glass Jane’d poured it into, and maybe Maura was just hungry. Just tired after a long day and needing a drink to take the edge off. 
“Hmm,” was all that Maura offered in response, like an agreement but about something else.
The something else itched at Jane. “I’ll take this over to the couch,” she said, moving slow, balancing the board in her left hand and nodding toward the living area.
“I’ll bring the wine and start a fire,” said Maura. When she looked up, she smiled softly at Jane, as she often did.
This time, Jane shuddered just before she headed toward the coffee table. 
“I heard,” Maura breathed out when she answered the door. 
Jane stood there, still dressed for the work day, just like Maura. This was what hangouts between them sometimes devolved into now - Jane felt worn out, and felt like she looked it, too. Maura looked just as perfect as when she’d started the day, when Jane had waltzed into the foyer a much happier woman in search of her morning coffee. 
Maura had handed it to her, like Maura handed her a beer now. The clock on the microwave read 11:12 PM and she had work the next morning, but Jane wanted to get drunk. She scrunched her face in displeasure, crossed her eyes to be silly and to note her frustration. “Honestly surprised it took this long for Tommy to knock someone up,” she said. When she walked in, Maura hovered close behind. Jane felt Maura-ness all along her back. 
Maura caught Jane’s hand just as Jane went to pop the top of her beer off on the granite. “Don’t ruin my counters,” Maura warned. She took the beer back, twisted the cap, and waited. 
Jane knew what she waited for, too, so she turned around with haste, between Maura’s front and the lip of the countertop. “It’ll give ‘em character,” Jane teased.
Maura rolled her eyes. “And you don’t know that Tommy… knocked someone up,” she continued, the colloquialism familiar to her brain but foreign on her tongue. “It’s just a possibility.”
“I think it’s more likely than my pop doin’ it, at his age,” Jane grumbled. She lifted the bottle to her lips and let the Blue Moon rush down. Cold, bubbly, tangy. Perfect. 
“Well, I know nothing about your father’s sexual health, but given that we can assume he slept with Lydia multiple-”
Jane’s hand flew to Maura’s soft, soft lips. Had they always been this soft? It made Jane’s fingers jittery with the need to move, to touch. She pulled her hand down when Maura stopped talking. “Please, please don’t. Don’t go there.”
Maura put up her hands in surrender. “I ordered a pizza,” she offered a branch of reconciliation. 
Jane sighed. Pizza? Beer? The night, all because of Maura, seemed to be turning around. “Sounds perfect. You know, why can’t Tommy find something like-”
Uh oh. 
This time she stopped herself, not Maura. Something like this? Something easy, something heady, something in a nice home with a beautiful woman who… Jane needed to run. She’d already said too much. But, Jane was trapped.
“Like this,” Maura chanced. She moved closer. Jane’s anxiety wafted toward Maura on a noxious wave of fear and need, but, Jane watched Maura persist. She watched conviction literally light up Maura’s eyes. Increased moisture catching the light over the kitchen island, Maura would have said, but still. Maura unclasped her own hands and opened her arms, not wide out at her sides like a barrier, but palms out, close to her sides like an invitation. “Like you. And me.”
Jane nodded, and then her face crumpled. What in the hell, besides this very reason, was she doing at her friend’s house at 11 at night, drinking beer and sulking because her brother just made all of their lives so much more complicated? Didn’t women call their girlfriends to vent all about life problems as they had a nice night in at their own places, watching shitty reality tv and drinking? Didn’t they send a text saying something along the lines of “OMG my brother’s an asshole and I’m struggling and really need to talk to you about it over coffee tomorrow?” 
They certainly didn’t show up at their friend’s place close to midnight to stand in front of them, soul bare, and blurt out… feelings.
But Maura didn’t really seem interested in what women usually do with their friends either. She knew what they did. So, Jane slumped forward, into the invitation, and Maura caught her.
“I don’t think many people get to find something like this,” Maura began, wrapping her arms around Jane’s tired shoulders and pulling her even closer when Jane sighed. “Do you?”
Jane still held her beer in one hand between them, with the other clutching at the fabric of Maura’s dress between her shoulder blades. “Nah,” she answered. “I guess not.”
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