#i belive in just changing the system
n3felibata · 4 months
Another reason why I don't think Stolas should abdicate is because he actually seemed very happy when Paimon explained his duties to him. He even started jumping up and down in excitement.
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He was bouncing off the walls since the moment he woke up that morning because he knew that day is when Paimon tells him about his responsibilities. He only started crying when the hetero marriage part was brought up
Stolas enjoys his responsibilities. He likes astronomy, he enjoys showcasing The Harvest Moon Festival. It's his fuckass family that's the problem
And this isn't to say he likes being a prince as a whole, but he certainly enjoys some aspects of it and it's not fair to have to give that up. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
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motheyes · 2 years
man. i’m so fucking torn up
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radfemtiktok · 6 months
Opinions on trans people? I know a lot of radfems are against them but I can't seem to figure out why.
I view trans people the same way I view religious people. They can have their beliefs, dress how they want, and call themselves what they want and it has nothing to do with me. My problem is when they start to force their unscientific beliefs onto other people and society. Just as I shouldn't be forced to belive in god and change how I live to align with Christian scripture I shouldn't be forced to reject reality and change how I speak and allow my boundaries to be violated. The transgender movement acts very much like christianity in the US, they are trying to force their belief system onto us.
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ewingstan · 1 year
I've been thinking about how Worm differs from Ward in it's approach to action, and I'm realizing that my dissatisfaction with the latter isn't just "the powers got more complicated." Its that action scenes are being used in completely different ways for completely different ends in each text, but are being paced the same way.
In Worm, each fight was a scenario where a problem was set out that seemed unbeatable given what the protagonists had at their disposal. The satisfaction of the fight was seeing the problem being "solved" through clever and unexpected use of the protagonists abilities. We get this time and time again:
The Undersiders plan for dealing with a few wards at the bank heist, and they get the full team plus the Dallon sisters—how will they make it out of a fight we know they're not prepared for? Time to change things up and go on the offensive!
The villains unexpectedly run into Lung during the ABB crackdown, and we've seen how much trouble he gave Taylor last time. How can she fight someone who seemingly no-sells all her powers? Time to get creative with how she uses her bugs!
Taylor's great at attacking an enemy's weak spots, but now someone with no weak points is on her doorstep. How can she fight off not just one of the feared Slaughterhouse Nine, but the one seemingly most built to no-sell her abilities?
Butcher needs to be dealt with, but she's incredibly powerful and anyone who kills her ends up inhereting a host of problems. How do we deal with her and her team? Hey, who left this emotion-manipulator-in-a-face-worse-than-death lying around for us to use?
It's like watching a puzzle being solved. Here's a clearly defined problem, here's how it's especially hard for Taylor because of her limitations, here's how she uses her powers and surroundings in clever ways to come out on top. It also means that basically every fight advances Taylor's character in some way—for it to be convincing, the audience needs to clearly believe in the limitation, which since we're in Taylor's head so much usually means she needs to belive in the limitation. So when we see her overcome this limitation, we're seeing how we (and she) were wrong about her. We learn that Taylor's willing to take insane risks and be agressive in the bank heist, we learn she can take advantage of other parahuman's powers in brutal ways during the Lung fight, we learn how she can use bugs in fully unnatural ways and inspire people to help her in her fight with Mannequin, we learn that she's thriving in the scarred state of Brockton Bay to the extent of utilizing its spankin-new suicide zone to deal with enemies, etc. This is part of why I never had much of a problem with the all-battles-no-breaks pacing that characterizes so much of Worm: it was never just battles! Every fight advanced Taylor's character an incredible amount!
This is a pretty common genre of action, but it requires a few things: namely, a thorough understanding of an enemies abilities. Its only fun to see a character outsmart a powerset if we understand the powerset. And we need to see the way an enemy is a problem for a character's apparent limitations if we want to appreciate how they're overcome. There's a reason why JJBA villains spend so much time monologuing about their stands, or why Sanderson spends so much time establishing exactly how each magic system works. If an enemies powers were vague and unknowable, then deafeating them wouldn't seem clever and limitation-overcoming, it would seem lucky or brute-force. So, Worm has Taylor teamed up with miss-can-explain-everyone's-deal and has her go up against villains famous enough for their powerset to be common knowledge.
But Ward isn't built for this type of clever power-munchining in its action. It's less Jojo's and more Berzerk, with its protagonist defeating her enemies though indomitable power and horrific force rather than cool tactics. Furthermore, Ward is interested in exploring the fog of war and how it affects violent engagements. Victoria is constantly thrown into situations where she has little idea of her enemies powersets, and defeats them without having ever fully grasped their intricacies. And part of this is because the powers in Ward are too complicated to be wholly "got" through simple demonstration, but also because she isn't approaching each fight with the goal of countering the enemy's specific schtick. She's trained to have specific tactics against different broad types, and doesn't typically analyze her opponent past the point of categorizing them as a breaker or a changer. And it makes sense! That style of engagement is gonna be common for anyone who doesn't have a Tattletale! (Kenzie is not a Tattletale. Her specific brand of all-seeing doesn't extend to being able to quickly give the lowdown on a powerset. It does extend to giving a full view of a battlefield and enemy positions, which helps facilitate the more "military engagement" mode for narrating action that Ward adopts). And unlike Taylor's useless-at-first-brush yet endlessly adaptable powerset, Victoria's powers are a blunt hammer that is very good at giving every enemy the nail treatment. Her action scenes are like watching a kaleidescope being smashed to pieces; we're constantly watching someone plunge into a bizzare sitation and smash their way out of it without really understanding what "it" was.
And to be clear I think this low-information style of action can lead to really cool moments. All we get about Mama Mathers for a while is "she can see you when you think about her" and "this is enough to keep the whole compound in line," so the reader's left to speculate on the actual extent of her abilities. And so when she starts driving people into violent spasming fits all of a sudden during the Fallen raid, its shocking and intense! You really get the sense that existing in the world of Parahumans means being subject to countless horrible and unknowable dangers you can't plan around, and when it works, it rocks!
But it also means that when fight scenes can only go on for so long before they start to drag. There's less satisfaction to seeing an enemy defeated without the puzzle component, and there's less character narrative being advanced in each fight outside of "what is Victoria willing to fight for/against" or "how much is Victoria willing to treat this enemy like a nail." Ward needs breaks in its action in a way Worm didn't, and when fights go on for the same length as they did in Worm it feels like Wildbow's using pacing that worked in one area without realizing how it could only work in that area. It might also be why I appreciate the quieter moments of inter-team banter and therapy sessions Ward is full of (besides those moments being, on the whole, really goddamn good).
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selodka-pod-shuboy · 9 months
I think 3rd life is somehow the best plot&system-wise. It's not based on anything, just my humble opinion. I have so much thoughts and they are all so tragic. Like. It was my first ever interaction with theese CCs, I went there blind reacting. It was amazing then, it was even better after getting to know them. Every perspective tells such a drasticly different story. You've got alliances formed throu death, loyalty and sacrifices, broken or cherished till the very end. You have 3 lifes, and that's it. No tricks or some help or twist from the gamemakers. Go apeshit or stay nice, nothing changes it. All your enemies can start from something as simple as a random punch or a shot or a pice of paper. So can friends. No one knows how the server operates, they all come from somewhat-friendly spaces, so every simple fact is a new surprise - everybody kills animals, and ends up suffering with lack of food&lether for books afterwards. They put effort into builds, bother with decorating(not to say they didn't in later seasons, it's just the attachment I'll talk later), fill the places with love and care, get attached to pets and trees, banners of all things. PROTECT THEM and feel sorrow and grief, once they enevitibly get killed or burned or blown up or DESTROYED. The rage is so innocent in it's belive, that they were wronged, that they should be avenged, and not that this is just the reality of the server itself, that that's just - what heppens. The story tells so much about betrayal, about broken trust, and friends that go mad, and almoust no one follows the "all alliances are broken after you're red" rule. You are allowed to kill now, yeah, but there was nothing in PARTICULAR, stopping you before. It is proven by the first death, that it was just a prank, that lead to all the following chaos. Scar gives Grian flowers after his second death, and Grian STAYS. Cleo sticks with Bdubs, calling his castle a toilet, kidnaps the desert lama, burns Joel's home. She goes for the king and dies in the blind rage . Bdubs makes and gives Impulse the clock, that will doom their hearts in the end. Impulse promises his trust to the Crastle. Bigb makes the cookie. Martyn hears voices, and Ren asks him to take his head. He takes so many lives. The Red Winter Comes. Tango saves the cows, only for them to be stolen, he gets shot stuck behind the fire. Etho's dark oak gets burned, he builds a woolen castle, for it to get burned multiple times. Timmy gives Scott a poppy, starting their marriage. They build the flower valley. Timmy DIES FIRST and aquaeres the Canary curse. Scott follows full of sorrow. Skizz dies second, full of rage, and creates the boogieman curse. Joel stays alone, with his dog army, and dies, leaving his pack wandering the desert. The cactus-ring fight. The siege of dogwarts. Battle of the Red Desert. All the monopolies. The state, that everyone leaves the server, the contrast with the start. It's like watching the 1rst anual hunger games, from a perspective of people, who know and love each other, but no matter their efforts, end up slowly spiraling into violence and distrust, spreading pain and destruction. Mu soul loves and aches for it, even though it was the very same thing that broke it in the first place, that took a pice of it and so it will never be whole again. It's so tragic. All this blood was never beautiful. It was just. Red.
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strewwwberry · 1 month
About to do a Rant on shen Jiu coz yeah, so ⚠️trigger warnings⚠️for, you know, him lol
(Additional tw please read beforehand even if its just a skim)
I personalize a lot of my writing to the viewer/reader, if you are someone who tends to input yourself into writing, whether purposely or not, please be aware that it may get uncomfortable or too personal to you, be aware of what you can read through and what is uncomfortable or you simply don’t like, stay safe ♡
Also apologies in advance if I project at all through this.
Shen Jiu's story has got to be one of the most tragic I've read, and not just for his slavery, abandonmet, sexual and physical abuse and then extortion after "freedom", and on top of that the old tale of the abused become the abuser. No, not just that, but because he was willing, he was 110% willing to ignore his feelings, brush aside his abuse an torture, everything, if Yue Qinguen just told him why he wasn't there, just gave him a reason, hell not even a reason, a goddam excuse to why he wasn't there.
He would've, he may not have been a good person even after the fact, actually I'd bet that he wouldn't be a "good person" at all. But, I belive that at the very least, it would've calmed his heart ENOUGH to not repeat the cycle of abuse, even If not for any reason but yue qingyuan.
Even as an adult he was still a child inside wanting the comfort of someone he trusted more than anything, and to be reassured that he wasn't abandoned, that his qi-ge was just late.
And to make it worse, he was, yue qingyuan was simply late. He pushed to hard to quickly, refused to ask for help, refused to explain, got himself in a deadly situation, was late and continued to not explain himself but instead give a look of pity and a stupid sorry every single time as if that changes anything.
Now to go into that, that look of pity. I can literally feel in my soul how fucking cruel that was to have done to Shen qingqiu. Imagine you make it out alive through being sold into slavery, abused in all ways possible, had to fight your way out because your one and only wasnt able to, got basically kidnapped and then further used, escaped THAT, and finally made it to a sect where you see your one and only, hoping that no he couldn't have left me... Did he? No he didnt abandon you, there must be a reason. But nothing, just pathetic apologies constantly. He must've thought himself above me, I'll prove him wrong. You make it to be a head disciple on your way to be a Peak Lord, an impeccable position and a near impossible accomplishment for an ex slave, and still nothing, just pity.
Then you finally get to the top, your on your way to Ascension, already immortal despite being too old to even cultivate when you started and your qi-system (whatever it's called) is absolutely wrecked (miracle you can even cultivate, an insane improbability to have made at to a golden core and immortality). But still, even after all you've been through and persevered through, pity, pity for a man who made it. Pity for a man who went through hell and still fucking made it.
I'm just saying, I'd be mad too.
But no, it doesn't end, of course it doesn't.
Your anger reaches a point unmanageable, you refuse to explain, no one explained anything to you and they won't listen anyway! refuse to try because what good could it do? No one will believe me anyway what's the point? Only friends are brothel ladies, who you pay to be with you, you get called a pervert and a lecher for caring for these woman and that girl disciple of yours who you take pride and comfort in. Are you a pervert and a lecher? Is that true? Only you really know.
And then this bastard kid she just had to point out.
Shen Jiu, refused to acknowledge his REAL flaws and blamed everyone else for everything even when it truly does end up his fault. What. Is he just supposed to deny or admit anything? Of course not! Let them belive whatever the hell they want, I've always acted this way making me seem untrustworthy and because they're hypocrites they wont try to find out why anyway, and I'm always the victim.
Which he was for a long time.
But then he wasn't, not really no, still a victim or course, but right now, with his standing and power?
and then even though they were in the wrong, his refusal to try (understandable but still) was his own choice, his refusal to at least get along with them, not start fights, not ostracize and critisize in the form of snide commentary. No one made him did that, he was traumatized and a child, yes, so was it understandable? Of course! Was it still his own actions that even as an adult he refused to stop, let alone apologize for, even if not literally apologizing? Yes, yes it was.
And then a child. Whose had it rough. Maybe not (yet) as rough as you, but rough. And then to abuse that kid, torture and isolate that child become he was so lucky to have had a mother? A mother who, although still his mother, wasn't even blood? And because his eyes reflected that of a monster, his name reminding you of your abuser just like how your own now does to. hes too much like me, that look just can't be humane, he must be a monster. And you know what you were right he was a half demon child. But not even a demon deserved to be pushed into the abyss to die, no child not even a demon child deserved what you but him through.
That is not how that works. You hand him over to the water prison and figure it out, because the laws are fucked but at least that's something then just acting how you think is right even when you know its not. But no you had to, because what would they say, harboring a monster, you must be one to.
Then on top of all that, you swore to yourself that once you got your peak Lord name, you'd bury your past like you literally just spawned in the moment it's given. And then failed to bury it. Because life isn't that easy. But for once you just wish it was. You wanted to kill that child, so for the one that reminds you to much of yourself? You'll kill that one instead.
Shen jiu doesn't deserve excuses, hell he doesn't even want people to make excuses for him, not for himself and not from anyone else (except if that excuse Is qi-ge giving him so much as "I got caught up drinking my hella fancy tea, I dint mean to leave you there") .
But he was tragic.
He was human, so very human. A human playing the part of a trancendial being. A human boy in the appearance of someone untouchable and inconceivable.
Playing this act means no one can use nor abuse you.
Now, no one can hurt you,
Not anymore.
But they still did
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mysteriousl0ser · 2 months
ragatha yap time yippie!!
hi guys i spoke abt this forever ago and im speaking again bc AUUUGH I GOT REMINDED OF IT
sometime forever ago someone made a comment on how ragatha kind of ignored gangle in ep 2 and was way too hyperfocused on pomni and made the conclusion that she and gangle had beef and as cool as a thought that is I disagree and felt like sharing my thoots- no hate to this person or this point of view/take on her character btw!! i feel like I shouldn't have to say this but id really rather be safe than sorry- but "disclaimer" aside I feel like part of the reason that ragatha was so focused on pomnis well being wasn't JUST due to the fact that shes the newest cast member (it for sure was part of it I feel like it has to be more than just that-) but I think part of the reason was because of kaufmos abstraction kaufmo literally abstracted the DAY prior and nobody even had an inkling that he was about to abstract due to everyone's reactions, ragatha and gangle explaining that he abstracted in shock and zooble making the assumption that kinger would be next and could not belive he just gave up like that also, girl was actually ATTACKED by him!! she knows that the abstracted cant be saved and still got up close n personal to him to try and "calm him down" even if it was pointless and I mean based on her reactions alone even if this has happened multiple times it feels like if this was the first time shes dealt with this (which obviously isn't considering shes been here the 2nd longest) which also kinda reminded me how am from IHNMAIMS can change ted and co's nerve systems to feel everything as fresh so they don't get used to it lol but anyways anyways another interesting detail to me is that prior to the second episode drop some people did think that she was angry at pomni or held resentment here esp because of goose saying she says things just to ease tensions (which is still true BUT)
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as also stated, she was actually far more concerned on wether or not pomni liked her? and was more upset that pomni seemed to be super distant towards her- shes SOOOO focused on her its crazy anywhozys I feel like part of why she seemed to "neglect" gangle and not stress about her as much was because she was probably so paranoid of pomni abstracting, she literally just witnessed her friend die in 4k can you blame her for being way all over pomni? i couldn't at least anyways this was naurt scripetd and i kinda just typed as I went w it so if this makes no sense im so sorry im not a word master <//3 tldr: ragatha was still kinda traumatized by kaufmos abstraction and hyper focused on pomni worrying shed abstract too causing her to kinda ignore gangle even when she was getting hurt as well annnyyywaays ragatha defender till i die and #1 supporter of ribbonyarn /p AND /r depending on ur take of them!!! i love her sm
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blessedshortcake · 2 months
I feel like this has the potential to either be really stupid or very spot on and i need to write it down or I explode.
A theory on the AAHW and their purpose that is a little more than just "Hank kill people so we have to kill them". Long post so more under the cut. Spoilers obviosly.
For disclaimer I am referencing only the games, the series and the wikis so if there was anything else said on streams or something that is canon and I missed it then my bad. Also this is mostly speculation. Also it is 1am I am tired and non native English speaker so if I mispell stuff no I did not. Nuh us.
Also if this is already common knowledge then. Oops. I am a little slow. Lol. Tell me I'd like to know that I am late to the party.
There will be segments I will title since this is long so people can skip parts if they wanna.
Okay starting up we already know that the Employers have a connection to the makers of Nevada as they are not only 5 dimensional beings that like guide people and do other stuff, are compared to angels by Krinkels but also help The Machine apparently.
For people unfamiliar with Madcom Project Nexus arena game lore, The Machine and The Maker are the two creators of Nevada. They are referred to as "brothers" but like is that relevant rn? No. The Maker and Doc team up and get the arena player in a loop to keep defeating the Stweard of The Machine and be the "direct connection to all reality" Doc needs which is important for many reasons.
The player is a gen 01 Nevadaian (how tf do i spell that) they are "quicker to ascend to godhood". There are other confirmed examples of gen1 like Phobos and i cant remember the rest but yeah gen1 is needed for this.
I genuinely belive that the player is needed for whatever revival Doc can do to keep making Hank come back. And I have proof! When we see in 9.5 the text overlay, we see the description "Machine Witness" when talking about Hank which sure could be Hank as he is the person monitored at that moment but how could they Really be it? It is probably Auditor as the thing then commands Hank to be retained immediately and Auditor is most definitely a machine witness as they directly work with it.
But then we see it is 2b helping them get out of the other place. He is sending tips and messages so it wouldn't be far fetched to say he uses the same exact system. Auditor doesn't need a witness to revive people and track them in the other place since they can already do a bunch of stuff and also they Are the witness. Also, why else would Doc need a connection to "all reality" if not to revive people? Possibly to reality restoration but eh. I am banking on the former.
(Speculation about the player, side ramble)
In my opinion, the way the players situation worked was Maker contacting Doc and giving him a hint about what all he needs to do. Maker cannot directly change stuff, they are hiding from the Machine. Since the player is confirmed to be the first grunt from Mashmallow Madness, i think they are ALSO the grunt encased in the marshmallow, a relic that is in a mission where you MUST protect it or you lose. I think its also in the museum in story mode but i could be wrong. They are listed as two different entities on the wiki but like they are also stuck in a time loop and can pick a preset of skills each run so I dont think its that ridicolous to assume this.
So Doc got the hint about a gen1 grunt existing somewhere and got their DNA and did some science bs to link it to a body, hence the no past thing and their ability to gain whatever skills and personality and abilities they want (aka the imprints)
Since we know AAHWs main goal is to, well, kill Hank, do we really get more of an explanation on why? Yeah ok they kill people. So does everyone else let us move past that for a moment.
The AAHW is ran by Auditor and he seems Very adamant about getting that one guy killed for seemingly no particular reason. I mean, Employers are higher beings so one guy just going around killing people should not be so concerning unless they are committing like mass murder to the point the population is running out which does not seem to be the case.
I think Hank is potentially the key to restoring normality to Nevada whatever the hell that actually consists of. Killing the Macine? Killing the Employers? Pushing a button? Shrug man.
The Higher Powers favor them canonically and the Higher Powers are not the Machine or Maker but something equal if not slightly lower than them (perhaps some meta of the audience i dont remember if we got a confirmation or not), Doc keeps bringing him back and Doc has a connection to Maker, who is trying to fix all of this mess without being absorbed by the Machine so to speak. Auditor being threatened by him makes a lot more sense when you think about it.
It also makes sense because it is their Literal Job as an Employer to keep things going as they are. "As they are" being helping the Machine destroy everything with madness so normality restoration would mean they failed.
I feel like Auditor is the one Employer who really doesnt want that happen since no other ones show up (save for Stygian in arena mode but that is a special case and even then its for like 5 frames lol) and it is said that they think Auditor's involvment with all this is kinda dumb... Like if Auditors one job is genuinely to keep madness in Nevada and let everyone die then RIP you got the most caught in this family drama between the creators sorry.
Oh my dearest 1337 agents you keep me up at night.
Someone tell me how on EARTH are dissenters a thing if AAHW agents specifically are supposed to not only lack indaviduality (their s3lf) but also be unable to adapt and learn from their enviroment?
The only known AAHW members who we know the bg of are Jebus and Tricky so it makes sense why those two are like that but if Doc is supposedly past AAHW does that mean he is also a clone or does that mean he was hired by Auditor and ended up quitting like Jeb did? Because if it is the latter, calling him a dissenter is a Little petty Auditor but like fair enough.
I know a widely known hc is that Deimos is also a clone since he is heavily implied to be a dissenter by his wanted poster (or canon tbh) so does that make HIM a clone?
(My thoughts on AAHW units, Doc and Deimos, a side ramble)
I think whatever Doc has going on he is not a clone but has some other history. Possibly old Nexus connections like Jeb and Tricky but most likely not an old agent... But Deimos is. Maybe also Sanford idk his lore is a lot more loose in my eyes. We need more Sanford content.
I think agents have no s3lf (which is yea canon) but they can sorta develop preferences and learn things to an extent on their own. They can have food preferences, they know birthdays, they get bored and play games. They are still people after all. I think Auditor just keeps such a tight handle on them all (read: kills them for playing cards) that they are forced to act more like mindless units at all times. The SQ is already out to get their ass, getting killed by your own boss would suck a lot more probably. This is also further reinforced by the posters literally everywhere, and I personally think the ones in the other place are like that Because of how aimless and fucking boring their job is there. Edit: also since Stygian has seemingly no intention in helping them at all and Auditor likely never comes around hence the "we are abandoned" text. They observe and learn. They ARE abandoned.
But that also leads us to the next segment - observation. Just because they arent smart enough to be tactical in combat, they can clearly learn and evolve. Agents become soldats or engineers after all depending on the skills taught to them. I think dissenters become a thing when an agent has too much time to actually observe. Which is part of the reason why Auditor runs such a tight ship. Too much personality makes them realise this is fucked up, too little lets them die too fast. I think the more they progress the less humanity they actually have tho. Soldats and engineers are above them, they take commands without question (see the time a soldat fired at their own teammates when told to by whom they assumed to be their boss).
Soldats and Engineers are also confirmation that agents CAN learn if actually given the time and direction to do so like i said. I feel like clones if left without direction kinda suck but if given one they have the potential to absolutely destroy in the field. These units can use their enviroment for survival, they dodge and soldats have better combat abilities. Engineers are apparently very smart in mechanical stuff hence also their name but i cant remember if we ever see that in practicality.
(Tho I do feel like engineers only have the better survival ability because engineers constantly dying like agents would be too hard to replace over and over since they are taught the stuff they know. It would be resources lost.)
Doc being such a pain in the ass (hacking their systems, reviving people, seemingly being the leader of the SQ or at least a high ranking member considering the "man in the chair" descriptor he has, The Whole Maker Connection) would make more sense like that too. Deimos being a clone who either advanced from an agent or stayed one would make sense imo. He is a good fighter and his red blood pretty much excludes the other option but alas.
Imo it would also make their dynamic with Doc more interesting as he would still need some guidance. He probably had some training to get to the point he is but needing directions will stay a constant, and what is Doc if not the commander of SQ? Sanford also fits into that whole descriptor too imo with how he acted in the other place but again I am way less confident in talking about him than anyone else.
Also side note:
Before anyone says it, on the wiki Doc and Deimos never have a confirmation to what gen they are. As far as I remember not even Hank has one so the possibilities are pretty up in the air as of now. (But again Hank as Gen 1 would make a lot of sense considering... gestures. But who knows. This post is not about that.)
Auditor wants Hank dead so bad because not only do the Higher Powers favor them, but because they have a direct connection to Maker who is against the Machine's effect of madness and is likely the key to actually restoring normality to Nevada, and Auditors literal job is to keep Nevada in madness as it is.
Thanks for reading if you got this far. PLEASE let me know your thoughts I spent like an hour writing this and I don't know if I sound insane or if this makes any sense. Either way I am. Autistic as hell about this. So yeah
If i forgot something let me know. I will probably edit it if I remember something too lol
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undertalethingems · 11 months
Hello! I've recently been getting back into your works(but like even more the I was, because I got your Ao3) and this popped into my brain.
What do you thing about the "Papyrus never moves" theory(if you don't know what I'm talking about, https://youtu.be/S_Fas0QkWic?si=FQuGOKCnXRDNk5Uq)? It kinda seems like something you'd, at the very least like, even if you don't belive.
Anyways, just thought I'd ask!
Hey, glad you've been enjoying my stuff, thank you ^^
As for the theory, I saw it when it first started going around tumblr ^^ I don't know if I 100% buy it--it seems most likely to me that Toby made Papyrus (and Toriel, another character that doesn't really move in her fight) early on, and didn't want to go back and change it to make them move more. I don't know that whether monsters moved in their fight or not was something meant to have deeper meaning ascribed to it, haha. (Maybe it's an anti-distraction feature? Having enemies move a lot, especially earlier in the game, might make navigating the bullet hell system harder than intended. But that's just a guess)
But, it can still be a fun idea to play with, and I reference it in my "Dog and Bone(afide Friends)" one-shot, in which Doggo and Papyrus become friends, and Doggo can't see him during a sparring match. You don't have to fully accept a headcanon or theory to explore how it might affect things if it were true, and since it made for an interesting interaction between the two characters I went ahead and used it ^^
So, that's my thoughts!
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sanguinaryfreaks · 6 months
[pt: welcome. end pt]
I interact from here for @sangylittlespace, @sanguinarywriter and @sanguinaryclaws
Hi! We are Sanguinary Freaks Massacre you can call us Gore or Visceral, we use any pronouns (and neos) but always ask. Our collective gender is transmascfem and sexuality is omnigay, quoiromantic and ambi, the body is latino. We are 21 years old and are a C-DID system of a lot.
System terms: System, collective, pwDID, multiple, alters, headmates, littles.
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[pt: do not interact. end pt]
Basic DNI criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc)
Transmeds, radqueers, etc, etc
SH, ED or gore blogs
Pro endos, tulpas, endos or any kind of non traumagenic system and their supporters
Pro/comshippers and shipcourse in general
Sexualize age or pet regression
Anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, anti-therian, anti-otherkin
Anti-recovery IRLs or DAs, we won't feed into your delusions (sincerely a delusional system)
TransID, or supports TransID, TransRAMCOA, etc.
Syscourse blogs
Belive in cluster b abuse or any disordered abuse
Pro-contact / anti-recovery paraphilias
Believe in "doubles"
Anti good faith identities / "contradictory" labels, including mspec lesbians / gays (neutrals or without opinion are okay)
Believe that transfem alters can't be in an AFAB body or transmascs can't in an AMAB body.
Empty accounts
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[pt: before you follow. end pt]
We don't mind minors following us and interacting with us outside of dms
We have our own complex opinions on endos (syscourse neutral), depending on the alter and the day we might accept endo neutrals to follow and interact but don't bring endos/pro endos to our account please
Know that if we follow you is because we want to be friends so feel free to DM us (we are too scared to dm first dnjakckwkd) !!!
We have alters from problematic sources, if you don't like this go away
We like problematic media but we don't support their creators or the media itself (like buying the games or watching the show on the legal sites). If you're gonna be morality police and tell us that we are still supporting them by just liking the media (we cant control a hyperfixation), feel free to block us, we don't care
Please don't try to start fights with us, we will just block you and ignore whatever you sent us, this is our safe space, please respect that
We won't post anything nsfw, we will probably post this type of jokes but trigger warn them
Don't try to force us to change our name or source separate, we aren't doing it for a reason. We also use names respectfully and would never disrespect the culture.
Sometimes we reblog stuff about the yandere stereotypy, we have bpd and we use the term for ourselves
We call ourselves freaks (because we can and we want), if you don't like this fuck off, we don't care
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Interests and more
[pt: interests and more. end pt]
Special interests: Psychology, system terms, xenogenders, Simply Plural, art in general, horror in general, etc.
Collective interests: Honkai Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Death Mark, Danganronpa, CoTL, Red Dead Redemption 2, My Little Pony, Fear and Hunger.
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Tagging system
[pt: tagging system. end pt]
#sanguinary vent — me crying and hating my life, if you don't want to see it block the tag
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[pt: extra. end pt]
DNI banner: @/seraphim-coinz
Other blogs:
System terms coining blog - @cdd-system-terms
System help sideblog - @cdd-system-help
Alterhuman archives sideblog - @true-alter-human
Funnier with BPD sideblog - @funnier-with-bpd
Personal alterhuman sideblog - @sanguinaryclaws
Hoard sideblog - @sanguinaryhoard
Regression sideblog - @sangylittlespace
Writing sideblog - @sanguinarywriter
Witchy blog - @sanguinarywitch
Jane's sideblog - @sanguinaryjane
Sparkle's sideblog - @sanguinarysparkle
Robin's sideblog - @sanguinaryrobin
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syscultureis · 10 months
Im sorry if this isnt appropriate to ask, you dont have to answer considering you lean more anti-endo, but I dont understand what arguments are there for pro or even neutral endo? Ive honestly really tired to understand because ive seen quite a few systems now say things like "I use to be anti-endo but now ive been informed" or "I use to be anti-endo but ive been educated" and im just not getting? Whats compelling these people to start beliving in the existence of non trauma based DID? Have I just not been informed enough? I tired doing research about it but all I could really fine were people saying "Well we dont know everything about the human mind so you dont know whats posible, you cant tell people what their experiencing is wrong" (I just dont really agree with this point) or if someone just believes spiritually they have like ghosts in the brain??? (As an ashiest I just cant get behind that one) Or they seem to have a bunch of links to studies that supposably prove that scientists also believe in endos but ive yet to read all of them threw but from briefly glancing at a few of these links most of them dont even link to studies having anything to do with them. Its all just very confusing to be honest and I wanted to get someone else perspective on it.
I think most of it is people either A) being tired of getting hate and giving in and just saying they're pro-endo
B) They read the articles endos link, not realizing a majority of them are not made by unbiased people who have actually done proper study. Most of the articles I've seen endos and pro-endos link are not actually done by people who have the correct resources, or they go into a study already biased and instead of doing a double blind or keeping their biases out of their studies, they do the full study themselves and let their biases effect the results. But if you haven't taken actual psychology classes you likely don't know to watch out for these things, and it's easy to look at them and think "oh yeh, these are professional and real so they're right" even tho they're not
Or C) They doom scrolled through pro-endo shit so much that their brain started to agree with it because they were submerging themselves in the community, and when you do that with anything enough your brain will start to justify it, especially if it's causing you stress because the brain wants to solve the stress issue so it just starts to make you think you agree with what's being said
We've actually had C almost happen to us with a few things because some of us have issues with doom scrolling, but were lucky enough to be able to realize when it starts ro happen and take a step back from it
I really don't fault people for being tricked by the misinformation, or just giving up on getting hate for no reason
It's just frustrating to see people act as if because they used to be anti-endo and now they're not they're suddenly enlightened and must be right
We used to be pro-endo, and now we're not and we don't use that as a way to show our view point as the right one.
We will always encourage people to do their own research, and whether they end up pro/neu/anti endo we don't care after that as long as they've researched with actual good sources
If we could find good sources on non-traumagenic systems being possible we would absolutely change our views again, but we've looked. When we were pro-endo we were desperate to justify things, and we just could not find an actual reliable source
So yeh, always do your own research, form your own opinions, just always also make sure the research you're looking at is reliable
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milkyfederation · 6 months
Felipolis is the youngest city-state in Mars, and one of the biggest tourist destinations in the Solar System. Everyone loves its cute cat-people service workers!
Founded by a billionaire influencer from Earth, this city was created after Mars became independent. It was advertised to possible settlers as a utopia where you can finally be yourself.
Anyone can become a citizen of this marvelous city led by our favourite internet persona! You just have to go through an itsy bitsy mandatory operation to turn you into a cat-human (or other variants).
Don't have the money? Don't worry, the city will pay for it! You just have to work there to pay off your debt. Win-win situation, become your true self and get a stable job at the best city in the galaxy! What could go wrong?
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(Sketches, crudely made in 2-3h or so)
The first guy is the founder and leader of the city. Add the quirkiness of a 30 something years old who wears hats indoors, the lack of empathy of an influencer who invests in real estate, and a lot of money, and you end up with Felipolis.
That charming lady is a propery owner and investor of the city. She doesn't belive in this crazy cat utopia thing, she's just in it for the money. The mandatory operation becomes optional for rich people, but she still went through some changes as a show of status, even if she finds it a bit silly.
This young kitty waitress is still smiling after 12 hours serving tables to tourists, what a champ! Hang in there cutie, only 20 years of this to pay off your debt! (She was gonna be dressed as a french maid to add insult to injury, but I didn't have the heart to go through with it).
Last lady is what happens when you start getting old in this city. The operation starts showing its long-term shortcomings, you are no longer visually pleasing to the tourists, and most of the work available is in the service industry. If they can't find a job or money, these unlucky citizens become, as people offensively call them, strays.
This might be the most evil thing I've made, and I am sorry for it. No shade intended to furries in general btw, just to Youtubers and influencers and such.
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therese-lokidottir · 1 year
You know they CAN make mobius be really someone good person but stuck in worst place, I meant he actual have the pattefn for that but everytime he 'showing' he was different from other agents, showrunners always twist it 'turn out he no different and he is same worst'.
Seriously he have the patterns, he can be some suoer nice agents that actually belive he doing good but question his own doing and not whine about didn't have jet ski and 'close his eyes'
Of course showrunner make him be the biggest mean hypocrite in show because he was supposed be 'loki's best friend ' or 'a person knowing more about himself than his family and himself '. Ugh, they really hate loki, so they make him 'called out' loki, while loki literally know sjot about himself. Oh and they called 'therapy '.
Are they stupid to called torture as therapy?
Then they should called 'therapy ' too when 10 rings torture Tony.
Or when bucky got torture by hydra
They should called every torture in mcu are 'therapy ' either they stupid or cruel or what?
The thing is Mobius is never shown sparing anyone or trying to change the system. The big thing that suppose to set him a part is that he's occasionally nice people, but that's not nearly enough to make him good in any way. So he doesn't want to scare the refugees in the roxxcart, the fact is he's just going to leave them to die and never think about them again. I will point this a million times if I have to, Mobius's introduction had him be complicit in erasing a child from existence and then the next episode has him talk about how lucky he feels being a part of the system that wipes people from existence. He is no difference or better than anyone else on the TVA, in fact having him do that almost makes him worse because he recognizes these are people but lets them die anyway.
Mobius understanding of Loki is one of judgment and contempt. He does nothing but drag Loki down and provides him with nothing. They're friends because the series wants Loki to hate himself. Loki did wrong because he inherently backstabbing and selfish and the child killing fascist showed Loki just how sad and pathetic he is so now they hug.
Mobius does absolutely nothing for Loki other than belittle him, judge him like everyone else ever has, show him his mother's death, tries to recruit him to the fascist cult and tortures him until he's on his knees and then keeps torturing him.
Someone please tell me what new insight Mobius brings to the table? Everyone calls Loki a treacherous selfish power hungry jerk. Why is hearing it from a literal fascist now suppose to mean something to Loki
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mashithamel · 2 years
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Likely unpopular opinion: I like that the Seanchan hadn’t given up slavery by the end of the books.
Before you come at me with pitchforks, obviously they should give up slavery. It’s horrific. But this is a deeply ingrained part of their society they have spent a thousand years beliving. They haven’t exactly encouraged free and independent thought (how many did or offered to commit suicide for often minor issues?). Plus, it is deeply embeded in their cultural mindset that women who can channel are dangerous, to the point that many of the collared women from this society believe it too, and voluntarily submit to it. This system isn’t going to go away overnight just because the Dragon (who hasn’t even been to their home country in any meaningful fashion) said so.
It’s messy and complicated, and that’s what I love about the end of the books. The Last Battle is won, and that’s the end of the books, but the story goes on. The Fourth Age is just starting, and so many of our characters have exciting opportunities ahead of them. Tuon is definately one of those characters.
The Seanchan came over expecting to impose themselves on the ignorant foreigners. Tuon had no expectations of changing herself, but she gets swept up in ta’veren and makes a lot of adaptations that surprise her. She married Mat, and comes to appreciate his unique skills and unconventional approach. She (forceably) adopts Min, and is willing to make adjustments to her approach to her people. She has been in the same room as people who channel, and her preconceptions about them have been challenged.
Most importantly, after Rand fails to make a dent in the slavery issue, Egwene gains some ground. She gets concessions—they won’t collar women outside their territory, and all women currently collared are to be offered the option to remove it. We already know a lot of women from their culture many refuse it, but it’s a start. Most importantly though, Tuon is legitimately shaken to learn Egwene had been collared and did not, in fact, love it:
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That really seemed to shake some of her certainty about the whole thing. Why wouldn’t these dangerous women appreciate being restrained? And of course there is the fact that she has the ability to learn to channel, meaning she herself could be collared. The secret is out, and while it will take a long time to accept, there’s no putting that back in the box.
And the thing is you wouldn’t expect it to go away overnight, just like the Dragon’s Peace isn’t going to solve every problem in the world either. But really important seeds have been planted, and the top person in charge, who really can make change, knows things now that really upset the whole thing. She can’t just write an edict ending it—that would probably start a civil war. But she has Mat and Min, neither of whom are going to just sit on their hands forever. It’s going to happen—more slowly than we would like, but it’ll happen.
We don’t get to see it (although if there are any fanfics out there about it I’d love to check them out), and that’s part of the story too. It’s messy and complicated and real like that.
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ifonly1 · 8 months
i actually wanted to make a post about how taekookers, some armys, jinkookers, yoonminers are making those tweets about as to how jm and jk enlisting through buddy program means they're not dating and how gay couples can't enlist in military without exposing themselves and i actually found this thread and IT IS hillarious specially coming from taekookers out of all people.
taekookers out of all people saying it IS funny because for years like literally years they have been wanting, hoping and waiting for tae and jk to enlist together cause years ago(and Maybe recently too) taehyung said that he's planning to enlist together with jungkook. the problem is not them holding onto that promise but the problem is them suddenly making a 180degree turn to the whole "enlisting together" thing. they all were so sure about tk's enlistmemt that they used to use that thing even in arguments. i remember having arguments with tkkrs here and there and them going "shut up you don't know anything cause tk are going to do ms TOGETHER" and i was like "okay good for them". that was way before group hiatus even. They were hoping for the same, even thought that tk gonna use companion system but as soon as the news of jm and jk going together came they suddenly don't know how to cope so they went with "I'll only belive it when more media talks about it", when more media covered the same thing they were like I'm gonna wait for dispatch (one of the captain of their ship according to tkkrs), when dispatch said the same thing they went with "I'll wait for bighit" and when bighit also confirmed the same thing they went with "there's two different notices and English version of weverse doens't say companionship so I'll wait till they enlist or I'll only belive what tae and jk says" etc etc like jeez so many excuses just to admit one simple and normal thing??? They still haven't stopped mind you cause they're still on their next excuse "my korean friend or my friend who learned korean told me that jm and jk are not together in ms and media won't say it cause they already spread the lie about them going together so they can't back off now". I'm not even lying but that is what they're doing currently.
"gay couple can't do military service together cause it's banned in sk" hmmm then may i know why every single Tkkr was hoping for tk to enlist together? why none of Y'all ever thought about this thing when y'all were holding onto that thing for years? why did none of Y'all said "why is taehyung saying he's gonna enlist together with jk? it means they're not a couple" like why did none of Y'all said this before? why y'all acting woke only now? why y'all caring about sk punishing people serving in military that are gay NOW??? like i honestly want atleast one of them to explain to me WHY ONLY NOW??? what changed?
coming back to jkk being couple and enlisting together, i personally has always thought of these two as very very close friends and they gonna be close friends for me until proven otherwise. BUT to the people who says "jikook enlisting together through buddy program is a proof of them not being a couple" i wanna ask why? why would the sk government think of jkk as a gay couple and punish them? did jm and jk came out as queer? have they ever disclosed their sexuality to anyone? have they told the world that they're gay couple? so why would sk government think of them as gay couple and punish them? let me tell you one thing outside of this shipping bubble to the whole world jm and jk are het and they are only friends. jm and jk has spent half their lives in front of cam for hours a day and IF they're queer then they're doing this job of hiding their sexuality on daily basis so i promise y'all THEY GONNA BE FINE and y'all don't have to worry about them. they knows what they're doing and they are two grown ass men who knows how to behave when there's tens of people around them so they are fine.
another excuse is "jungkook wanted to go to special force with taehyung" like first things first he said"i wanted to do special force service". next is if anyone knows jungkook then you should know very well that this man is known for doing adventures things in BTS. he loves those kind of things so of course his first thought would be going for special force service but then with so many tattoes on his hands on display he might have known he would get restriction in many things. even if he didn't know about it while getting the tattos, idt it bothers him too much that he couldn't do it. now now we know jungkook can't do special force (the one where taehyung is but there's other options open for him ig) so why did taehyung didn't choose to do what jungkook is doing so he can be together with jungkook? why does none of Y'all expect anything from tae's side but always jk has to do? if jk had no options then tae had right? so why didn't he chose enlisting with jungkook?? "why would tae do that when he wants to do special force training" yeah so it's simple he chose the special force service like he wanted to (given that they had to do ms) and nothing like the delulu theories y'all made up in your head. no company is forcing two grown ass men to do anything which will affect their mental health means if being separated would have affected tk's mental health in any way (this is for the people who says "there's no sparkle in jk's eyes he's missing his taehyungie hyung", "bring back these two together", it's also funny how they think jk is unhappy without tae but they don't have any problem admitting that tae looks happy in whatever he's doing currently lol so only jk is suffering according to tkkrs) neither the company nor tk would play with their mental health if they thought being apart from e/o would take a toll on them so Accept it that both jungkook and taehyung are doing whatever they thought is best for them.
yoonminers and taekookers are two sides of the same coin so there's no need to address them separately. about jinkookers then they all think the same that gay couple won't enlist together but at the same time they think jk chose Buddy program cause that would automatically make him serve in frontline where jin is, jm knows about it so he helped jinkook and they're happy jinkook can meet e/o in ms quite contrary if you ask me.
At some point Taehyung MIGHT have talked about the enlistment with jungkook too and we might never know about it (like I'm open for this option too) but what remains as the fact is that even if jungkook couldn't join special force like tae, tae had all the options/choices to get into Buddy program with jungkook and be together till discharge yet it's jm and jk who's in ms now and nothing anyone says can change that fact. So the "tk couldn't be together because of tattoes and they had no option" is a complete lie so get over it.
using Buddy program gives you no privilege cause you're simply gonna serve in one of the most dangerous area that is frontline so it would be helpful for everyone if they they accept that the boys know what they're doing and move along with it. y'all should be happy that atleast they have someone with them to rely on in the difficult times of their life.
anyways, here's the thread i found on twitter if anyone wants to check.
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This is also for the people who thinks jm and jk ONLY enlisted together because they had no choice and that they're coworkers.
p.s. if anyone read this post then sorry for all that bad English nd mistakes.
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protectingtulpas · 8 months
Okay so im an (now ex) anti-endo (i still feel uncomfortable around endos but i guess now that not valid) who discover that im an tulpa.
For more context im the host of a complex polyfrag DID system who always belive endos jist fake for attention and hurt the real system comunity (traumagenic systems) and im just "exist" since this year 2020 i got a blackout of 2 years until 2023 and what the rest of the system tell me when i ask was "you got a colapse and lock yourself in your room for two years and fall in dormancy, when you finally get out you was so confused that you split in the fragment youre now and Gaby and so you cannot remember what happen because of that and Miyamoto (an alter friend of mine) was the host for that time" i got not reason to doubt about it an they have no reason to lie, they say the same thing to all our friends and even to my girlfriend.
I was looking arround of some old papers and pdfs and i find out that they have a diary and it was pretty old and one page have my sigh but the date its supposed to be in the time i was locked and some other papers was the same or some alters mention me like if i was there like really there.
Then i finally discover a paper with the tittle "[My name] (oc lore)
And pretty detailed pages about the process of creation of a tulpa and a character itself and descriptions very accurated about my body and personality plus a background history that its exactly like my memorys and thing about my gender and sexuality also accurate (i get offended for that because i really struggle with that) and and alter called Axel/Alex who i know he exist because and romantic history of the system while i was out but i supposed he was just a fragment of another alter and i discover that he was one of the "original alters" (i mean the result of the first split) and he created me like A TULPA, he say in his notes that the rest of the system is traumagenic and he discover them in therapy but whatever it means we have traumagenic origins but as long as i know im THE ONLY TULPA/ENDOGENIC/WILLOWGENIC ALTER (HEADMATE???) And one of the few that are anti-endo (the big problem there is that were least than 5 and those alters are my friends (probably not anymore)
I really need help of a tulpa to understand this because i have so many cuestions about this and i dont have so many tulpa friends exactly and i guess i have to change my mindset and i was wonder i can have your help...
Oh wow, yeah this is a ton, thank you for reaching out for real! Sorry it took a hot sec to respond, I've been blocked from front a lot myself so I wanted to be in tune enough to give this the response it deserves.
Alrightie, so we have P-DID (we're mixed origin too), so we don't have as much dissociation as y'all, but we do have a bit of experience with host changes and people blacking out/going dormant for waay longer than expected, so that's where we're coming from here. Especially with memory barriers so high, host switches can be really disorienting and some pretty big things can be forgotten depending on the system. It sounds like during the time there was a big host switch, you got created by Axel/Alex, but due to u being affected by the inherent dissociative barriers of your system, you forgot your early memories of being created - as evidenced by things being signed by you and mentions of you that you don't remember, if I'm reading this correctly. That's a lot to take in, but it's good to have all this evidence you can bring up to your alters in a discussion about it if you're able. I know it's probably freaking you out, but just asking the alters that mention you/worked on you in the papers instead of accusing them will do a lot to help with resistance and all. I'm sure they had a good reason for not saying anything to you.
That brings me to my second point; if a good chunk of you are intensely anti-endo, there's a good chance your memories of your creation/origin are blocked behind dissociative barriers because that knowledge woulda been too much for your system to process and bare at the time. Make sure to consider that in what ya do- try not to dump all the pressure on yourself, if you put yourself into a spiral about all this or try to force your other alters to do a 180 it might end up counterproductive. You're their equal, don't ever forget that; take it slow and steady. Things'll end up alright. On the flipside of this, there's a reason you exist, and you were created because somebody (Axel/Alex?) WANTED you here, and that's important. You have just as much a right to be here, and it's not a bad thing that you exist or to challenge the collective opinion of how things work. That's what growing and changing is all about!!
You don't hafta jump full force into the endogenic community of course, take your time and don't overwhelm yourself. I think you'll enjoy a term we're extremely attached to: traumaendo systems are systems that experience both traumagenic and endogenic origins in one way or another, and the label is focused on the specific unique experiences we go through while straddling both worlds. Tulpamancy is particular is controversial because it started out as a separate community developing their own skills before coming into contact with the greater plural community, so you'll find that a lot of terms within it are different and stuff. Additionally, you'll probably run into a lotta controversies, specifically the infamous one about tulpamancy's etymological origin, so make sure to keep your head on your shoulders and put research and objectivity first. Don't forget that we've asked people actually of the culture about this, and that the etymological origin is of an open religion that encourages their meditations be shared and adapted. People will make up anything to try and keep us hated, but don't let it stop you. You're not hurting anyone by existing as u are.
And lastly? Take care of urself. There're a lot of little intricacies I can't predict because everything is different from system to system, but if you pay attention and work as a team with your alters, you'll start to see patterns and understand yourself more. You might find that you operate a bit differently than them, you might not, but regardless, there's no shame in your existence. If you have any more questions, go ahead and shoot me a DM privately- I'll see what I can do. Good luck out there, stay true to yourself
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