#i believe this for a few reasons
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
The fascinating thing about hindsight and Star Wars is that we can tell that Luke does use the Force, even before he knows what it is. And, of course, a part of this is the novel, which spells things out so people like me can tell what’s happening. (I can be a bit slow, so apologies)
The most obvious example is the sandpeople. Luke dodges their attacks without even thinking about it. And we know this isn’t just an inate skill Luke had because Luke is so scared in that instance, he passes out. He dodges the blows based on the Force.
But, there’s also subtler examples. When Owen is talking to the Jawas and the R2 unit blows up, Threepio suggests he get Artoo instead. The novel says that “Luke was in the habit of making instant decisions — for good or bad — anyway” which is a clear sign that he either does things instinctively, or he’s been guided by the Force.
I believe that it’s him being guided by the Force because of how easy it is for Luke to use the Force on the Falcon once he can’t see. Like, he gets it down in just a few minutes! The Jedi are guided by the Force, yes, but the Force doesn’t actively puppeteer them. For Luke to have connected to the Force so quickly is part of the proof that he’s been using the Force without knowing for a long time.
Another piece of evidence is how quickly Luke tends to get over his annoyance or anger. In the forst movie, he’s annoyed for all of a few minutes, then he just kind of accepts that he’s stuck with the droids. And the acceptance occurs before he sees the message from Leia, because Luke’s original plan seemed to be to ignore Threepio and Artoo entirely. But, he only ignores them for a moment, then he gets over it.
As for anger, we don’t see Luke angry very often. In fact, I think the only time is when Vader brings up Leia on the second Death Star. Otherwise, Luke’s most impulsive actions are actually based on grief. Leaving Tatooine in the first place was because of his grief after losing Owen and Beru. And when he attacks Vader in the Empire Strikes Back, it’s not anger fueling him so much as grief. There is some anger, he is obviously upset that this dude killes his dad and Ben, but he seems more sad than furious.
When Luke does get angry, he gets over it very quickly! Luke’s anger lasts about as long as it takes for him to cut off Vader’s hand, then he isn’t angry anymore. He’s disappointed in himself for falling to that level, but more than that, he is emboldened to stand up to Palpatine, to be confident in his standing, and he isn’t angry at all.
“Why is this proof?” you may be wondering. Well, from various sources we know that strong Force users sometimes effect their surroundings inadvertently when they get too emotional. A primary example is Anakin, who breaks things with the Force all the time when he gets angry (albeit, this is more in extended universe canon, as in, the cartoons and comics and such, but I’m positive it is mentioned in the movies).
If, as a child, Luke got angry and Owen and Beru tried to teach him not to for the sole purpose that they didn’t want him destroying things, that would make sense! Of course, a large part of Luke’s lack of anger is that he is very different from Anakin, personality-wise. As I said, he doesn’t get angry often and most of his actions are really fuelled on impulsive desperation more than anything else.
Luke does tend to do the first thing that comes to his mind, he’s “in the habit of making instant decisions,” and that’s precisely why he does things like leave Tatooine or decide that rescuing Leia from a heavily guarded area of a heavily armed planet-destroying ship is a good idea. Or even the times when he decides to forego meeting up with the Rebels at the rendezvous after Hoth, instead making the split second decision to go to Dagobah instead.
If you think about it, Luke is really very good at listening to the Force. He’s portrayed as impulsive, but look at the other character who follows the Force, no matter what it says: Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon is infamous in canon for making split second decisions and going with them. He decides to train Anakin and he jumps through a lot (A LOT) of hoops to make it happen. Qui-Gon is one of the most impulsive Jedi we ever see, and it’s because he listens to the Force, just like Luke does.
You see, I was thinking about the complaints some people have about Star Wars (it rhymes with dinema pins) and I was thinking “so much of Star Wars makes a lot of sense, especially looking back in hindsight.” For example: Vader calls Luke “Skywalker” before Hoth, then later, Palpatine says that Luke is Anakin Skywalker’s son. And, while you could take this as Vader suddenly going “oh my Force, Skywalker is related to me??” it makes a lot more sense to assume that Vader knew that, but he didn’t want Palpatine to know.
It makes sense why Vader is so possessive of Luke, in hindsight, with the knowledge of the prequels. He’s possessive because he watched his mother die and he thought he killed his wife and children and he really believes that the Dark Side is stronger, therefore, he wants Luke join the Dark Side because he doesn’t want another person he loves to be powerless. More than that, Anakin turns on Palpatine because Palpatine is killing Luke, and Anakin doesn’t want to watch Luke die. Anakin doesn’t want to watch anyone he loves die, not again, and the prequels make it all the more bittersweet.
So, why does Luke take to the Force so quickly? It takes years for Jedi to master the Force, and training always started young. Even Yoda says this, when he says Luke is too old. It takes a long time, and it takes a lot of discipline and a lot of help from older, wiser Jedi. But, Luke is able to deflect blaster bolts almost instantly. And we can assume that he hasn’t done a ton of lifting things, since he struggles with his lightsaber. But, maybe he didn’t even know you could lift things with the Force? Who would’ve told him? All he saw Obi-Wan do was a mind trick, really.
Why was Luke able to master the Force so quickly? Why is it so easy for him to stand on the precipice of the Dark Side, but turn back? A feat that is difficult for older, stronger, wiser Jedi, and he just does it. Luke takes to the gymnastics part of training exceptionally well. Luke even lifts his ship partially up. He gives up, but if he had tried for another moment, he definitely would have succeeded. And it’s a bit strange for him to be able to lift his ship even slightly; Yoda’s reaction proves that. Yoda seems surprised and like he expects Luke to be able to lift his ship.
Why is Luke so powerful and talented in the Force, when he got less than the bare minimum of training, started late, is impulsive, is reckless, and has attachment?
I think it’s because he has always used the Force. He just didn’t know it was the Force. I mean, they say that he shot womp rats for fun, and that he raced through perilous desert (that might have been the deleted Biggs scene, admittedly). He was already using the Force, and so he was already training himself in the Force, all inadvertently.
I think it’s a bit unfair to act like Luke’s power doesn’t make sense. Especially since the hints are all laid out in front of us. And I know I shouldn’t complain about YouTube videos that are years old and made by people who nitpick just to nitpick. But, Lucas really did a wonderful job laying down hints of past events without showing them or even directly explaining them. And so Luke being able to deflect blaster bolts once his eyes are covered makes a lot of sense. It’s just another piece of evidence in the long list of evidence that Luke has been inadvertently using the Force for years, and just didn’t recognize it.
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illiaccrest · 3 months
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Aventurine's backstory got me curious to learn more about the Romani people so I did some light research and found out that Flamenco dancing is Romani in origin, which is really neat and really obvious once you know tbh!
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putting my prediction on record now that the coming decade is going to see the rise of viral-marketed fancy at-home water filtration systems, driving and driven by a drastic reduction in the quality of U.S. tap water (given that we are in a 'replacement era' where our current infrastructure is reaching the end of its lifespan--but isn't being replaced). also guessing that by the 2030s access to drinkable tap water will be a mainstream class issue, with low-income & unstably housed people increasingly forced to rely on expensive bottled water when they can't afford the up-front cost of at-home filtration--and with this being portrayed in media as a "moral failing" and short-sighted "choice," rather than a basic failure of our political & economic systems. really hope i'm just being alarmist, but plenty of this already happens in other countries, and the U.S. is in a state of decline, so. here's praying this post ages into irrelevance. timestamped April 2023
#apollo don't fucking touch this one#serious post#not a shitpost#hope i forget about this post and have no reason to ever look back on it one day#fyi i'm aware that access to potable water is already a major issue in parts of the U.S. yes i know flint michigan exists#i'm saying that this issue is going to GROW unless local & federal governments work together to fix it.#so it's a matter of if we trust them to fix it. And well--do you?#what are the chances the government just denies there's a problem until the water actually turns brown#at which point it's already been common knowledge for years and people have just become resigned and that's our new normal#i'm mean come on. how many of us already believe that we're being exposed to dangerous pollutants we don't know about and can't avoid#like that's pretty much just part of being a modern consumer. accepting that companies will happily endanger your life for a few pennies#and the most you'll get is like a $50 gift card as part of a class action rebate 20 years down the line#probably the history books will look back on Flint as a warning and a harbinger that went ignored#luxury condos will advertise their built-in top-of-the-line filtration systems--live here and you can drink water straight from your tap!#watch the elite professional class putting $700 dyson water filtration systems on their wedding registry#while the rest of us figure out how to fit water delivery into our grocery budget while putting 90% of our paycheck towards rent#also eggs are $15
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just-null · 1 month
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Hantengu: 5"5 (166cm) Sekido: 5"9 (175cm) Karaku: 5"9 (175cm) Urogi: 5"9 (175cm) Aizetsu: 5"9 (174cm) Zohakuten: 5"3 (160cm) Urami: 8"5 (257cm)
[little aftermath under the cut]
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they're so annoying. peace is nonexistent... they're the best ever.
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sweettsubaki · 1 month
Ah yes my favorite shipping reason: do they make me laugh ? Are they chaotic enough for that ? if Yes then I'm very likely to ship it.
Bonus point if they're also adorable.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Been thinking about the X-Files recently. A show I have a hazy, but fond memory of.
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handweavers · 3 months
if you are interested in learning more about canada's role as a legal haven for mining companies around the world i highly recommend reading 'imperial canada inc: legal haven of choice for the world's mining companies' by alain deneault and william sacher, it is excellent and goes into canadian mining imperialism both domestically and internationally and has been updated several times to reflect new developments in canadian imperialism
it is often available for free to read in full online but it gets taken down by canadian mining companies regularly and the quebec-based authors have been sued multiple times lol so i can't find it anywhere at the moment except for paid ebook copies. if you want to read it and can't find a free copy msg me i have the full pdf i can send you 🤎
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pseudophan · 2 months
why is it so normal for people to start tv shows (any type, american sitcom to anime idc whatever) from a specific season in the middle of the series because for some reason the fandom has decided the first few seasons aren't worth it? what's even the point of watching it then. sure it might get better from season 3 onwards, but you're not gonna have any of the context. you won't know the characters. whatever great things happen in season 3 won't hit as well if you don't suffer through the mediocrity of the first two seasons.
sorry i just think if you can't handle sitting through shitty or kinda just average episodes of something in order to get to the really good bits you don't deserve to watch it at all. like literally what is the point of watching a series if you're gonna jump into it halfway through
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sherrymagic · 4 months
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If saying I like you first means I'm surrendering Then I think our story is like an unstoppable war 💓 ChanyaAya as VIVIE&KAIMOOK in LOVE SEA THE SERIES
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avephelis · 1 year
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found an unfinished donnie from a while back and spiffed him up
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astrolotte · 26 days
listen guys I love Peri a lot too, I think there's a lot about his character worth studying and that he's a good guy but you all have GOT to stop blaming Dev here when Peri is arguably more at fault!
Sure, Dev was mean to him, but Peri was mean back! And Peri is an adult while Dev is a ten year old child, Peri should have the capacity to not complain about him directly to his face, especially considering Dev has been emotionally abused all his life.
Ultimately, I don't consider it to be either of their faults. Sure, Peri was bad at this, but he straight up didn't have any experience except for Timmy, where he took up the role of a brother instead of a parent, a VERY different dynamic. Peri should've gotten like at least 3 different godkids before someone like Dev, to give him a feel for how different kids can be, and how you need to deal with different situations in their own ways. And that's just the lowest I'd advise going, he should've definitely had more.
So I blame the system for throwing him to the wolves fresh out of schooling, especially considering, iirc, Fairy Academy is canonically pretty terrible, as it's more like a military academy than an actual school. He had no proper experience, no way of knowing how to help a kid that doesn't seem to want to be helped...
But if you're going to blame anyone, blame Peri. Not the child that he was supposed to help, the child that he failed.
Mind you, 10 year olds literally don't even have fully developed minds yet, of course his sense of morality is a bit twisted. His brain isn't fully grown!
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flysafepapi · 2 months
There's something so hilarious and vindicating to me about Daemon in the last episode coming to the sudden realisation that the image he's built up over most of his life is, largely, in his head.
Yes, he has the allegiance of the City Watch, but what else does he have? He's a good fighter, that's true, but everything that's happened in the Riverlands has made him realise that he's not as important and fearsome as he's always prided himself on being. The majority of his influence died with Viserys and the rest of it hinges on his connection to Rhaenyra, none of it is his own.
When his threats didn't work with the Brackens, he did what he's probably accustomed to doing and threatened them with Caraxes and their response was basically "Lmao go fuck yourself bitch" and to call his bluff immediately because they know that he needs them more than they need him.
Oscar Tully insulted him directly to his face multiple times without hesitation, and the rest of Riverlords agreed to follow Rhaenyra to honour the oath that was made previously to Viserys, it had nothing to do with being intimidated by Daemon in the slightest, they could not possibly care less.
His face the entire time the meeting with the lords and ladies of the Riverlands wasn't anger for being called out by a child or frustration that his methods hadn't worked the way he thought they would, that was the face of a man who's just realised that he's got nothing and no one. Sure, he succeeded in his goal and he's got the army he was supposed to secure, congratulations, but he's just now realising that none of this is going the way he thought it would.
Because the fact is (the fact that he's now coming painfully face to face with) if you take away the leeway that was afforded to him by Viserys' station, by being married to Rhaenyra, by the threat of his dragon, what else is left that makes him special? Nothing.
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Probably isn't what you expected (also sorry for responding so late lol)
But anyways lol there's two ways this could go
I think she'd either have PCOS and keep the beard. Or she'd have transfem butch swag. Beard could be a safety thing (passing as a man) or maybe she doesn't shave it off because she feels it doesn't take away from her identity so she keeps it. Maybe a bit of both.
Anyway, Butch Kieran Duffy be upon ye
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every-sanji · 3 months
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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bonefall · 6 months
I personally like Thunder's prosthetic. Explained it to my friend (who does use a mobility device, a cane and wheelchair, and listens to me rant and infodump about BB) and they agreed, it's important to know that not every person needs what someone wants to give them. It's another example of "bad ableist person does a thing that hurts a disabled person because they are bad and ableist".
Clear Sky got Jagged Peak killed and would have killed Sunlit Frost! He would absolutely force his disabled son to be "normal" and present it like a privilege. "I wouldn't do this for anyone else, it's special, why don't you want to be helped?"
Thunder Storm should toss it in Clear Sky's face. (I would say toss it into the river but we do not pollute waterways in this house)
Thank you for telling me this, and tell your friend I'm thanking them too! If they have anything else to add please forward what they have to say
Since BB!DOTC tackles some of the heaviest topics in the entire series because its canon equivalent is so dark, I think very carefully about what I do here and how I show it. I take feedback on its sensitive aspects very seriously. If I'm understanding the criticism properly, it's that I should avoid stigmatizing prosthetics by making sure Thunder Storm's not the only one with it-- which he's not! And I'll add even more.
I don't want to avoid something only because it's uncomfortable if the topic is important, and my portrayal is respectful. Ableism IS uncomfortable! There are some situations where a prosthetic is not wanted! I think the rejection of this particular one is both a good opportunity to show a type of ableism and ALSO is very fitting for the characters.
In BB!Clear Sky's mind, the villain, he's fixing an old mistake. He can't admit that he got Jagged Peak killed or take REAL accountability for it (though he will, occasionally, apologize insincerely), but deep in his bones, he knows what he did was cruel. He'll never tell anyone this because he doesn't really cognate it himself, but Thunder Storm NEEDS to take his gift.
If Thunder doesn't take it, it blows a hole in his newest story. You see, throwing Jagged Peak out was All That Could Have Been Done back then. It was a Tragedy and he simply Made A Hard Choice. He regrets it very much, But You Have To Understand.
But now? Now? Well, behold. Look at what he's accomplished since the tragic death of his little brother. His cats are well-fed, cared for, and stable enough to make such incredible advancements. If only Jagged Peak had been able to hold on longer, if only he could be here now, I could fix him.
Just like I can (MAKE YOU JUST LIKE ME) fix you.
"Everything I've ever done is for Jagged Peak. For Fluttering Wing. For you." Thunder Sky is SPECIAL, but if he rejects any gift, tries to turn down the "privileges" offered to him, in an instant that becomes ungratefulness and arrogance. He both forces him to be special, and then leverages it against him if it's rejected. "Spoiled brat, doesn't appreciate what I've worked so hard to give him."
It all goes back to him and his own guilt. He can NEVER be wrong. He can't accept his family doesn't have to be "normal" or reflect his own ability. He won't see himself as a bully, let alone a murderer. It was never about his son's comfort or finding out what Thunder Storm wants or needs, it was about his own ego.
...All that said I'm still taking feedback if there's anything else I should keep in mind, or if anyone has a counter point, especially if you also have experience here.
(In the interest of having a link trail for posterity, here's the critique/call for feedback this is in response to)
#ALSO also I will take suggestions on other characters who should have prosthetics#Sunlit makes sense and it will make a really nice character moment later for him to have one built#There's also an amputee in RiverClan few people talk about called Stonestream#I can give him one and bump him up into a bigger character. In BB he is the sibling of Willowshine#BB!DOTC#better bones au#Also just as a side note... I love writing BB!Skystar. My ire for the character comes from his redemption arc so I feel like I get to--#--write the character I WANTED to see#Same with Bramble in other BB arcs#cw ableism#tw ableism#ableism#They're fascinating in that they always have to see themselves as the victim or the hero#They believe every lie they tell.#If you ever catch them in a contradiction they will still try to find some way to turn it on you and YOUR lack of understanding.#Interestingly both of them are ableist. Sky's is just more obvious because he's LOUDLY bigoted.#But BB!Bramble is *notably* less close to Jay for a very sad and very subtle reason.#Jay just doesn't serve his ego like the others do until much later in his life.#unfortunately most bigotry is like that.#the type you have a hard time calling out because it's a deniable bias. the constant gaslighting of being part of a marginalized group#Maybe I need to address the criticism by adding a character with a prosthetic to THIS arc even earlier#Problem is that like... Thunder's small merc group is already full of disabled characters and their THING is forming in response to ableism#OH maybe I'll put someone in the Forest Cat group which is lead by Slash?#I need to finish that last book and then gather up all the cats for sorting into allegiances
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