klemen-tine · 5 months
No Prince Charming
(Batfam x Mom!Reader)
Anonymous asked:
Hello, I really like your work.
I saw that you have an open request, so I want to share an idea that has been sitting in my head for a long time.
Reader married Bruce for convenience. (In my head, the reader is a woman, but I'll leave it to your taste) The wedding takes place shortly before the appearance of the first Robin. Bruce and reader have a cold relationship. Reader comes from the wealthy population of Gotham. Therefore, reader is well educated and intelligent. So after a while, when Dick already appears, reader understands what her husband does at night. But reading doesn't say anything about it or hint at it. The reader doesn't want to get involved in any of this, it scares her. And although the reader is planning a divorce, she takes care of all the members of her new family. And although she is neglected in the family, the reader becomes a parental figure for children. But the children won't admit it. When Damian appears, the reader doesn't say a word to Bruce. But Damian treats reader very badly. And that becomes the trigger. The reader slips Bruce the divorce papers.(not to mention that they are getting divorced, since Bruce is likely to protest) and when Bruce signs them, he leaves the estate, leaving the divorce papers and the wedding ring on the bed when no one notices. And only then does the family realize what they have done with their neglect of reader. Their yandere trait is waking up in them and now they need to somehow find their reader.
Sorry if it's too much.
And I apologize for the English, I am writing with a translator
Warning: Non-consensual drugging, not descriptive sex. It's just mentioned, no details. Hinted at Dick's trauma with his sidekick.
It was a marriage of convenience. That's all it was. Bruce Wayne knew Y/N L/N since childhood, and while they weren’t close, Y/N was the only one who never treated him any differently after his parents were murdered. Maybe it's because her own father was murdered, and she understood that sometimes the greatest support was to act like nothing changed. 
Fast forward to young adults, Bruce Wayne was now Brucie in public, and Y/N was the unstoppable woman leading her own company by the reins. Bruce had come to her with an offer, one that had her brows raised and painted lips smirking. For Bruce Wayne, this will help solidify his position as someone who was not Batman, and for Y/N it would finally silence the hecklers that gnawed at her heels and bit into her shoulders. 
A frigid marriage, filled with cold greetings, Brucie still entertaining women, Y/N still controlling her company with painted lips, and rumors surrounding them. Despite the coldness, Y/N knew a lie when she saw one. She knows a front when she comes face to face with one, and it is why when she saw Batman in the hallways of Wayne manor, staring at her in shock and apprehension, she rolled her eyes and continued to sip her wine as she made her way back to her office. 
“Please don’t stain the carpet. Alfred just shampooed them.” They never brought it up again. Bruce was no Prince Charming, despite the front he put on for strangers. There were no whispered promises, no flowers, no gifts, nothing but ‘hellos’ and ‘goodbyes.’ 
Then, along came Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson. A child who had blinked up at her with large blue eyes, and Y/N could feel her heart crumble. She had welcomed him with open arms and smiles. She had welcomed all of the Robins in. Her manicured nails getting shorter each time, so she doesn’t have to fear hurting one of them, and her smiles became softer. Y/N had never tried to replace any of their mother’s, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel like one. 
But it was Bruce they had a closer bond with. Which is why they started following his behavior towards her. Clipped words and rolling of eyes were common, as were the cold shoulders and tense silences. 
“You’re not my mom! So stop asking how school was!” Y/N stared at Jason in shock and curiosity about where that outburst had come from. Alfred was the only one to say anything. A stern, “Master Jason,” and a look that had even Bruce cowering had the young boy apologizing. Y/N ignored the way her heart slowly broke, as the quirky child full of smiles, sass, and who loved classics, turned his back on her. 
As if she wasn’t the one to introduce those books to him. 
Y/N doesn’t blame them for their cold behavior towards her. She doesn’t blame Dick’s disregard, Jason’s hurtful words, Tim’s cynical looks, Steph’s taunts, and Damian’s heated actions.  
Y/N had cried at Jason’s funeral, she helped Bruce fight for custody for Tim, she had consoled Dick after some of his own traumatic experiences, and she sat there and listened as Damian compared her and Talia. Talia, of all people. She had met the woman once, and Y/N had nodded at her. Y/N never judged Bruce for sleeping with the woman. Hell, Y/N would have too.  Y/N can recall the day Damian came to their manor, and the short look Dick had given her when she and the child made eye contact. 
Y/N doesn’t know if it was a look of concern or mockery, but she knows he did look. 
She was there for Richard when his trauma with his sidekick happened. He may have never told her, but Y/N is a woman. A woman who has known people that have suffered the same way Dick has. That are still suffering like he is. 
“I’m sorry Richard.” 
“What do you even know?! You know nothing! Absolutely nothing so just butt out!” Dick glared at her with blue eyes that had put the arctic water to shame. Y/N stood there and took it all. She stood proudly with her shoulders back and chin up. 
In public, she was a stoic mother keeping the children in check while Bruce goofed off. She was the woman who failed her children, because she chose to continue running her business. Her very, very, very successful business. A business that had taken her and her mother from the bottom of High Society, to the top 10%. A series of great investments, smart marketing, and pretty words have lined her pockets with money that she could easily retire on. 
Yet, all that money couldn’t save her mother. The woman died of a heart attack, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing Y/N could do besides bury her mother. 
“Bruce please.” 
“I am busy.” 
“I know but Bruce, this is my–” 
“Ask Alfred.” He had turned his back and Y/N was stuck staring at the retreating man with a new feeling of heartbreak. The tabloids ate up that she was alone at her mother’s funeral. A private event that no one was allowed into besides close family and friends. 
When she came back, eyes downcast and shoulders slumped, Damian had picked the time to make his disdain known again, “–and my mother would have never let herself go like that. You look horrid, unbefitting of a Wayne. A disgrace.” 
Blank E/C eyes stared into raging green and she sighed, “Thanks, Damian.” She spared him no glance after that, and she walked towards her bedroom to take a hot shower. It was there, under the hot spray of water that she finally cried. She cried for the last part of family she had, and the years she lost from marrying a man who didn’t even like her enough to attend a godforsaken fucking funeral. She cried for the children she couldn’t even call her own. 
She cried for the life she missed by marrying Bruce fucking Wayne. 
“Honey, are you happy?” 
“Of course Mama.” 
“You never could lie to me sweetie.” Her mother kissed her forehead and looked into E/C eyes with nothing but love, “You’ve worked so hard, sweetie.” That acknowledgement alone had her almost in tears, “But please start working for yourself now.” 
Taking a deep breath, Y/N hopped out of the shower and called her lawyer. Divorce papers were in her hands within 24 hours, and her bags packed in 3. 
She stood next to Bruce, ignoring the scowl on his face as she ‘disrupted’ his work. Y/N kept her face neutral, because if she smiled it would give it all away, and handed him the page he needed to sign. 
For a billionaire and for a vigilante, he sure didn’t read the damn paper. Which is fine. Great even, because now, after being here for over a decade, Y/N is free. She laughed in her room, laughing so hard that it almost tore her throat. Leaving a copy of it on Bruce’s bed once he was gone, she grabbed her suitcase and accidentally ran into Alfred on her way out the door. 
The old man took a look at her clothes, her bags, and her expression before sighing, “Shall I drive you for the last time, Lady Y/N?” Y/N smiled, bitterly at the thought of leaving Alfred, her only solace in this cold mansion. 
“To the airport, please.” The ride was silent, and Y/N didn’t look back as they left the gates of the mansion. It wasn’t until they were halfway there that Y/N spoke up, “My lawyer will call in a few days, just to hash out the details.” 
“Is that so?” 
“There’s nothing I want. No assets, no money, nothing will be taken, I just want a divorce.” She just wants the law to recognize that she is not a Wayne. That she will never be a Wayne. 
“Lady Y/N, perhaps a check for compensation for the emotional strain would be nice?” Y/N laughed, bitterly and sad, “I don’t want his money. I want nothing to do with him anymore.” 
“And the kids?” 
“They don’t need me. They never did. I doubt they will even notice.” Gotham International Airport wasn’t crowded, and that may be because it was 1pm on a Tuesday. Alfred helped her with her bags, and the old man stared at the woman before him. He remembers meeting her for the first time, a confident young woman who had a way with words and was unfairly intelligent. Matching wits and able to speak confidently in a room of people who thought little of her. 
It's good to see some of that coming back. 
Y/N hugged Alfred, “Thank you, Alfred. For everything.” The older man sighed and watched as the woman took her bags and walked away. Not once did she look back and Alfred decided to stay until her form disappeared in the building. He sighed heavily and when got back in the car, he dialed a number he knew by heart. It only took three rings before the voice of the man he raised answered, “Alfred, is everything okay?” 
“Master Bruce, I fear you may have lost something precious, and I do hope you, and the young masters, have a plan to make this up to them.” He hung up afterwards as he merged into traffic, and he hoped his message finally hit something within his son’s dense skull. 
When he returned back to the manor, he began the preparation for making dinner. All was silent throughout the manor, until the door opened and the rush of the footsteps began marching towards him. 
“Master Richard, I urge you to not run.” 
“Bruce told me there was an emergency and to hurry to the manor?” Alfred sighed, “While it is an emergency, it is not one you can fix on your own.” No, this was something for Bruce to fix seeing tha all the problems stemmed from him. 
Dick raised a brow, “What kind of emergency is it?” Alfred pursed her lips, “Miss Y/N Wayne is now Miss Y/N L/N once more.” He turned to look the man he has considered his grandson in the eyes, and he could see the revelation sink in. 
“Y/N divorced Bruce?” Alfred nodded, “The papers have been signed.” 
“Bruce would never sign those papers.” Alfred raised a brow, “They are signed and waiting for him to read.” Dick slowly walked out of the kitchen, “Is she still here?” Alfred turned back to the food and Dick began speed walking towards Y/N’s room. As a child it never occurred to him why they would they never slept together, but as he got older he understood. 
He knocked on her doors, calling her name like he used to as a kid. 
Dick had always understood that Bruce’s and Y/N’s relationship was not one of a couple in love. He also understood that Y/N’s treatment in the manor by the residents of the manor was unfair. Whenever he could, he would correct Damian’s harsh words, but even he himself couldn’t fully bring himself to be all that kind to her. 
He tried. He desperately tried, because he saw all that she did for them behind the scenes. He saw the mistreatment and judging looks others would give her as her ‘husband’ was out fooling around. 
Dick saw the blank look she had given Damian after her mother’s funeral. The one none of them had gone too. 
“What do you mean you didn’t go?” His voice panicked as he talked to Tim, “I didn’t go. I was under the assumption someone else would go.” 
Y/N could have been Gotham’s biggest bitch, but not even then would she have deserved that. What made it worse was that Y/N was not a bitch. She wasn’t cruel, or unkind. She was as much of a philanthropist as Bruce was. Always aiding those whose needed it and desperately trying to make Gotham a better place. 
Dick opened her doors and was greeted with an empty room. Gone were the picture frames, and the closet was empty along with the bathroom. Her prized jewlery, the things she took care of almost obsessively, all of it was gone. 
He could remember beng 9 and sitting next to her as she cleaned one of her sapphire earrings. Thin fingers with long nail held the earring next to him, a scrutinizing look on her face before she would break out into a grin, “As I thought, nothing could ever compare to our Dickie’s sapphire eyes.”
“Holy shit.” 
“What’s going on- why is Y/N’s room empty?” Tim looked throughout the room, and Dick could see the wonder across his younger brother’s face. Right, between all of them, Tim and Y/N had the least amount of time spent together. 
Dick stared at his brother as the image of Y/N smiling at a string of pearls entered his mind. She had explained to him when he asked that pearls, while feminine, also symbolized new beginnings. She had gotten it when Tim’s custody was signed over to the Waynes. 
“She’s gone.” Tim met Dick’s eyes, “Like… taking a vacation gone?” Dick gave a humorless chuckle, “She divorced Bruce, Tim. Y/N is gone.” This must have been what Alfred saw when he broke the news to Dick. The confusion and then realization coming to light in those blue eyes. 
“Bruce would never sign those papers.” Dick had said the same thing, and yet here she was. Gone. As if to emphasize his point, Dick made an exaggerated expression and motioned to the empty room. 
Tim looked around and he could feel a headache forming, “Bruce is gonna be pissed.” Dick groaned, “Fuck Bruce for a second, the only stable-mentally healthy-adult figure that isn’t Alfred is gone, Tim.” The boy didn’t look all that bothered, “Well, if she’s happier then I don’t mind.” 
Of course he doesn’t mind. Why? Because this little stalker most likely knows where she’s going. Tim did a good job hiding it, but Dick was raised by Bruce. He is trained to spot the mciroexpressions of people, and even if they are his own siblings. 
Tim is panicking. The very thought of Y/N leaving had not once occurred to them, and for Tim who loves planning, this was not once ever in the plans. 
Not once. Y/N had been a staple within the manor, and to imagine her not being here was rough. Evenw hen she left for business trips, it was fine because they all knew she was coming back. SHe would come back with souvenirs, handing each of them something that reminhded her of them, before running upstairs to get out of the family’s judgemental line of sight. 
“Fucking hell.” 
Bruce entered the condo with ease. His steps light as he walked through the dark room, noting the all the furniture. There was no Y/N in the living room or kitchen, but when he looked out the balcony door, he could see her back. She was leaning against the edge of the infinity pool, without doubt a hot tub of some sorts because it was too cold to be swimming in a regular pool. 
She didn’t even turn around to look at him, her attention focused on the view of the snowy mountains and raging seas in front of her. Bruce could see the wine bottle left on the side of the pool and the glass that looked like it was finished only a short while ago. When she did turn around, E/C reflected the stars and dimly lit light around the pool, making them shine and sparkle like they were the galaxy.
Bruce isn’t blind. He knows Y/N is an attractive woman who had many people lusting after her even when they were married. Talia even made a note of it, “You should see if she wants to join next time.” He should have known that his clipped response was a sign. 
It was all there, and yet he did everything within his power to ensure that he would not fall in love with her. Falling in love has always been out of the question, and when Y/N came into his life, Bruce made it his mission to do just that. The woman before him had never complained, and she never seemed to fault him for it, but he could tell there was resentment. If he couldn’t have allowed himself to fall in love with her, he could have at least offered her friendship. One that made life more bearable for the both of them, and set a good example for the kids. 
“What are you doing, Bruce?” She didn’t seem shocked that he was here, let alone in her vacation condo. Bruce took off his shirt and pants, stripping down to his boxers before joining her in the hot tub. He had grabbed two glasses of wine before doing so, handing her one and taking a sip from the other. 
 “Is it wrong of me to want to join my wife on her vacation?” 
“Ex-wife. The documents are signed, and besides this is a girl trip.” Bruce re-read those documents and kicked his foot for not fucking reading them when he first signed them. He should have known she was up to something. 
“Y/N, come back to the manor.” He stared into E/C eyes as she took another sip of the wine. Bruce had come with a speech prepared, ready to convince her to come back with him, but it was all lost as he stared and observed the woman in front of him drink delicately from the glass. Y/N L/N has always been a woman of class, even when she was near the bottom of high society. It wasn’t her good looks that landed her in the top 10, possibly even top 5%, and like every classy woman, she was only allowed to regret a few things. Their marriage is one, but leaving is not even an option on the list of things she wants to regret but can’t. 
He knows this. She knows this. 
And yet, Bruce could only focus on how beautiful she looks, and how beautiful she would look sprawled on the silk bed sheets. Y/N has aged like fine wine, looking even more beautifully and worth more and more with each passing year. Aging gracefully and beautifully as the years passed and still catching the attention of others. 
It's a shame his younger self was more into whiskey than wine. 
He wonders how different their relationship would be if he had gotten to know her before and during the early years of their marriage. Without a doubt it would be easier to talk to her. Easier to convince her to come back to a manor that now misses her.
“And why should I?” It’d be easier to answer her with a compelling reason, one that would have her actually debating on whether or not to come back. Bruce reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, and he’s shocked that she even let him do that. She didn’t flinch, nor did she lean into his touch. Y/N stood still as he moved the H/C lock behind her ears. 
“The manor misses you.” He’s never heard her laugh the way she did in that moment. Throwing her head back and exposing unblemished skin to the night air as she laughed, and continued to laugh. Her shoulders shaking from the force and slightly distilling the wine. 
Once she was done, her cheeks were red from the laughter and she was gasping for breath, “Yeah, okay. So Alfred misses me, I’ll make sure to give him a call then.” She turned her back to Bruce and began walking towards the edge of the pool. 
“The boys, girls, and I do too.” Chateau Petra was on his lips and the feeling of cold wine hitting his face and upper chest had him closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them, Y/N’s wine glass was empty and on her face was a hard expression. Cold E/C eyes glaring into his as she pulled herself out of the pool, and grabbed the rest of the wine bottle. 
“Sleep on the couch. You’re going home tomorrow.” Her steps quiet as she stalked into her home and she headed for the bathroom. Bruce sighed, and stared at the night sky with a new look in his eyes, ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’ He would like to believe that he is above this. He wants to believe that this was the worst case scenario happening and therefore this needs to happen. 
Has to. The very thought of Y/N being away caused an itch to form under his skin and a burning fire in his chest. A fire he never knew blazed in him until it went out. Now, more aware and protective of it, Bruce found himself craving the warmth in ways that had his mouth foaming and muscles tensing. He looked down at the water and saw the red wine diluting and sprawling throughout the pool water, looking like blood for only a second. 
A smile curled on his lips and he pulled himself out of the pool water, drying himself off before making his way into the shower with his ‘ex-wife.’ They may have never been lovers, but they were two adults living under the same roof. 
So, of course they have had sex. 
Hate sex is the best and worst sex. It is the best because Bruce can go as hard as he wants to and Y/N will love it. It is the worse because hate sex is all Y/N will see this as. Y/N will only see it has hate sex and not for the love Bruce feels for her. She won’t feel it in the way he caresses her skin or in the way he leaves his bite marks on her thighs. All Y/N will see this as, is hate sex. 
Which is fine. If hate sex is what Y/N needs to see this as to work then Bruce will take it. He has time. He has plenty of time to show her how much he cares and loves her. Those divorce papers will be long gone, every single one of those copies non-existent. He loves her. He loves her in the way a cactus loves the sun, or how the stars love the moon. 
Bruce was so enamored by her, that he couldn’t help but to fall deeper. Her soft hands, that have never broken a bone but have broken many hearts, cradling scarred shoulders and sharp cheeks. She didn’t flinch when his own rough hands gripped her’s, bruising and secure, and she didn’t flinch when intense blue eyes met hers. In fact, she smiled, like this was all a joke he was the butt of it. 
It pissed him off that even she could have secrets and inside jokes that he doesn’t know about. As she laid there, her eyes now closed and body relaxed, Bruce pulled out a syringe filled with something that will keep her asleep. Only for a few days. Barbara is already working on getting rid of the divorce papers and the kids were preparing for her return. 
Bruce kissed her forehead, smiling down at his Sleeping Beauty. If need be, the manor will be her castle and the kids her vines covered in thorns. Bruce, in all his daunting and terrifying glory shall be the dragon, keeping her locked within her castle because nowhere was safer than the castle. Only she could keep him calm, and only she could make him feel human. 
Batman was never Prince Charming.
Not my best work in my opinion... but I still like tbh.
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a-boca-do-inferno · 3 months
medicine (caesar x human!reader)
summary: The ape colony is short on painkillers for humans, except Caesar learned a lot in his time living with them. Lucky for you.
warnings: period mention, interspecies (mild)smut
words: 1.9k
notes: lol yeah another one... im just enjoying it while i can ok. my vacation ends next month 💀 boa leitura!
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It couldn’t be later than midnight. You hissed as your cramps only got harsher and harsher. In the cold everything became much worse, and this time was no different. You curled up towards Maurice to try and borrow some warmth from his fur, yet it felt helpless; your body shook like a leaf, and the pain in your womb was ridiculous.
Noticing your distress, Maurice wakes up from his sleep and signs with a worried expression, “I call Caesar?”
You shake your head even before he can say his name. The ape king had more important matters to attend to than your stupid human cramps. On top of it all, it was his resting moment now. You wouldn’t bother him with this. “No. Let him sleep.”
“Doesn’t work.” You grunt in frustration, signing with a frown. “I’m fine. By morning it will get better. It’s just the cold.”
“Winter start now.” Maurice argues, still with his gentleness in every word. You only nod in response and he insists, pointing towards Caesar’s tent. “Talk tomorrow. He can help. Lived with humans… before.”
Your eyes fell on the king sleeping a few feet away from you. Could Maurice really have a point? Perhaps Caesar indeed knew some trick to help with period cramps. You did hear he was brought up with human parents, which meant he must’ve had a woman around—you never touched on the subject out of respect, since you two weren’t close. Exchanging a last look with the orangutan, you displayed another short nod. A wave of pain reached your abdomen again and you sighed quietly, burying yourself in ginger fur, despite it being fruitless at that point.
The next day, the colony was awake as soon as the sun was out. It was a rare morning with sunlight and you thanked heavens mentally, appreciating the heat, even if mild, radiating from the star above. The pain had subdued considerably and you took the opportunity to help with supper. Sometimes you helped Maurice in school, but being on your feet proved to make matters worse those days.
You settled around the fire with the girls who tended to cooking. As you were in the middle of grilling fish, a hand touched your shoulder and you turned to face Caesar beating a tight expression. You stood up immediately to greet him, showing your respect for the king. You tried your best to look obedient to his power, as you were well aware of their history with humans, and his reaction was always the same—a dismissive hand gesture, green eyes softening gradually. However, his gaze remained serious now, and you gulped in anticipation.
“Cramps?” Caesar points to your stomach, his gravelly voice a low sound.
Your cheeks heat up and you want to roll your eyes, but refrain from doing so. Maurice and his gigantic mouth. You had hoped he’d forgotten about last night’s talk. Gesturing sheepishly, you stare at the floor. “It’s fine. The sun helps.” You motion upwards to prove your point.
Caesar glances at the pink sky and notices the big star almost fading in the horizon, then back at you. Your inability to keep eye contact with him didn’t go unnoticed, either, making him narrow his green orbs. The muscles in his jaw jump, and he grumbles, his face unimpressed, “sun not here at night.”
“I know, but...”
“But?” He challenges, raising a brow. The king crossed his arms over his chest, a gesture that made him even more menacing. You were used to his imposing presence—the tall and muscular build, the scars on his body, the permanent look of seriousness—yet there were few things more intimidating than seeing Caesar like this, with his displeasure directed at you.
You take a deep breath, trying your best to sound convincing even though you felt like a child being reprimanded. “But I have Maurice to…”
“Maurice... ratted you out. Like humans… say.” Caesar cuts you off with a hint of amusement, in contrast with his dry voice. Carefully, he takes your shirt in his large hands, lifting the fabric to expose your belly without so much as a request for permission; not that he needed it, anyway. His calloused fingers made goose bumps on your skin while navigating your soft form. He lets go of you and signs sharply. “Need medicine. Can’t stay like this.”
You furrow your brows. “They don’t work, Caesar, but it’s okay. It’s just a couple of days. It’ll go away.”
He stops for a moment, contemplating your protests. His gaze flicks to your eyes, acute and intense, making you shrink under his scrutiny. “Not okay. Pain… too much.” Surely the ape would never let you be writhing in pain every night, no matter if it was but a week. With a final huff, Caesar then orders, “you stay with me tonight.”
“But I...” At the look he shoots you, you know there’s no more arguing. The king has spoken. With a defeated sigh, you nod and watch him step away on his hind legs, towering over the others. You mutter under your breath, “God, I miss democracy.” 
As the day went on, you did your best to ignore the annoying throb in your abdomen, knowing you'd be glared at by Caesar if he caught you grimacing again. A low hum of crickets began to fill the night air as the apes settled down around the fire. The hour grew late and the campsite gradually became quiet, the crackling bonfire the only source of light and life. 
You were eating fish alongside Maurice and Rocket, laughing at something the ginger spoke about the kids in school today. On the other side of the circle, green eyes kept vigilant over you with no subtlety at all. You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks burning at the attention. Caesar finished his meal, glancing towards you through the darkness as you remained by the fire after everyone was gone. He slowly made his way over, his massive figure casting a shadow as he approached you. 
With some lightheartedness he signs, extending a hand, “time to rest.” Your eyes follow his gestures and you take his palm. He guides you toward his tent in considerable silence before closing the curtain-like branches draped over the entrance, hooting faintly as he points to his nest. “Lie down.”
You obey him, your breathing slowly increasing its pace. You clasp your hands over your stomach anxiously, intertwining your fingers. “What are you gonna do?”
Caesar scans over you for a moment, noting the tension in your demeanour. “Massage.” He grunts, moving to sit next to you, his muscles rippling with his every movement. The ape pries apart your hands, replacing them with his own much larger ones, his palms settling on your abdomen similar to how he did earlier. He eyes your reactions closely. “May… I?”
You didn’t respond with words, silently granting Caesar permission to go on with his idea. Hooting again, a sound that almost felt like he was trying to soothe your nerves, his rough skin made contact with your tender one, brushing and squeezing it in fairly skilful ways. In spite of the awkwardness of the situation, you found yourself relaxing under his ministrations, your eyelids fluttering shut from time to time. The ape didn’t say much as he worked, green orbs fixated on your expressions while continuing to move his hands in small circles over your womb area. His face was nearly unreadable, the usual stoic frown now replaced by a look of concentration.   
The ape kept going, a low grumble escaping him every now and then as he tried to maintain the pressure at a certain point to make the pain dissipate. You had no idea when it shifted in nature, yet all of a sudden, his movements seemed a lot more sensual than anything. Your interior was only getting hotter by the minute, accompanied by the clear flush on your face. It’s the hormones. It’s the hormones. It’s the hormones. Your attempts at making yourself believe in those affirmations were unsuccessful, pathetic at best; and it all came down crumbling when the quietest moan left your throat, causing Caesar to freeze and stop with the massage.
You stare at him with widened eyes, embarrassment and fear encapsulated in your features, and you immediately sit up and sign in desperation, your tone just as urgent, “I’m… I’m sorry, Caesar, please. It was just…”
A dark look passed over Caesar’s face as he watched you stumble on yourself with apologies. Without a word, his stare dropped to your body once more, the fingers in your abdomen applying more pressure against the flesh, feeling the heat as you reacted to his touch. He could smell your scent changing and a guttural sound escaped his lips as his green eyes glanced at you unblinking, his hand slowly drifting down your womb and stopping on your pelvis deliberately. 
You inhaled sharply, in surprise and excitement, the realisation hitting you like a brick. The ape curled his digits and resumed the massage, his nostrils flaring as he huffed, clearly aroused. Your faces stood inches apart, his hot, heavy breath against you blowing your hair lightly. You put your arm around his neck and he grunted in appreciation, his expression softening at the way you whimpered in pleasure, begging for more. His fingers rubbed circles on your clit through your clothes in a steady rhythm, causing you to bury your face in his furry neck, gasping.
“I’m gonna…”
Caesar heaved in your ear encouragingly and it was the final straw. You came against his hand, squeezing your thighs in reflex whilst he kept massaging your heat through your orgasm. The ape king continued to look at you eagerly and you tried to get out of his grasp, ashamed of what just transpired. He swallowed thickly, holding onto your forearm to prevent you from scooting away, and pressed your foreheads together.
He hooted, grabbing your palm and taking it to his leg. Your gaze followed his movement and you noticed how excited he was, too. Your mind was hazy from your high just a few seconds ago, then it dawned on you that he felt as aroused as you by what happened. It wasn’t just you and your period hormones. It never even crossed your mind that it was possible for him to desire you this way. You cupped his cheeks as your heads stayed pressed to one another, closing your eyes, his scent intoxicating your system.
Caesar nuzzled your cheek, inhaling the sweet smell of you in as much as he could, making sure to memorise each and every inch of your scent under his touch. He ran his hand to place it on the nape of your neck, guiding your body towards his, until you were sitting on his lap, straddling his massive frame. The action brought your chest flush with his, a low rumble escaping him when your curves brushed his bare skin. He found the crook of your shoulder, his tongue trailing a path over the sensitive area, making you shiver. The king huffed again, his free hand sliding up your leg to grip a handful of your flesh, pulling you closer—his grip kept you in place, letting him claim you in any way he wanted.
“Cold?” He hums, still nuzzling you.
The sensation causes you to blush deeper, caressing his chin. “Not anymore.”
“Cramp?” Caesar rasps inquisitively, placing a warm palm on your belly again.
You snort and shake your head. “No. Your medicine worked... Thanks.”
You can swear there’s a smirk on his lips as he nods once, holding your hips protectively. “Good.” He presses you closer to him and huffs, and you understand it right away. Your doctor’s appointment wasn’t over yet, it seemed.
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
prompt 01: gotham academy's mentorship program
“Mr. Wayne, thank you so much for finding the time to meet with me.” Principal Carson, someone Bruce, became more and more familiar with as the years passed, welcomed him into his office. 
“I hope my children aren’t causing you too much trouble, Mr. Carson.” Bruce chuckled lightly, sitting in the guest seat. 
“After your generous donations to the school, I would find that difficult to believe.” Mr. Carson laughed conversationally, before getting right to business. “Actually, the reason I wanted to meet with you in person rather than over the phone despite, I’m sure, your busy schedule was to discuss Damian.” 
Damian had come to the Manor about a year and a half ago, and had been attending Gotham Academy for almost 9 months. Bruce had hoped that going to school with other kids his age would help Damian become more sociable and learn about larger society outside of the Bat, Birds, and League, but that was proving to be difficult considering the almost regular calls Alfred received from the school about Damian’s behavior or actions. 
Bruce couldn’t help the weary sigh that escaped him, “I assure you Principal Carson, we-” 
“I think you're misunderstanding, Mr. Wayne. Damian is not in any kind of trouble.” Mr. Carson reassured, “Well, for now that is.” He chuckled dryly. 
“Ah.” Bruce nodded, letting his airhead persona take the lead, while still showing that he was paying careful attention. 
“In the last few years, Gotham Academy started a mentorship program, where the younger kids usually between the grades of 5-8 can get mentored by their seniors. Damian is a brilliant child, concerningly so I believe. His peers often can’t keep up with him in terms of academics, but he lags far behind them in social skills. I think Damian would benefit from the mentorship program, where he can have someone who can truly keep up with him intellectually as well as guide him socially.” Mr. Carson explained. 
Bruce considered this, letting the idea turn over in his mind. Perhaps this is what Damian would need. “You sound like you have someone in mind.” 
“I believe the best candidate for the job would be Daniel Fenton.” Mr. Carson handed him the student profile. “He’s here on a Wayne Scholarship, which he’s held for the past year. Mr. Fenton is currently in the 11th grade, his chosen career path is astrophysics, which he plans to pursue into college. His grades are outstanding despite his difficult classes, and his professors all share the same sentiment that Mr. Fenton holds one of the greatest minds in the Academy. He shares many of the same classes with Tim as well. He has a friendly personality and gets along well with most people, pretty athletically inclined as well. All around Mr. Fenton is what Gotham Academy hopes our student to be.” 
Bruce looked over the profile in his hand. Daniel James Fenton seemed like an outstanding student. Perhaps it was time to put him to the test with Damian Wayne. 
When Danny had been called to the office, because apparently they had assigned him a mentee, he had been expecting the worst. All the scholarship students had to sign up for the mentorship program to be on standby if a mentee ever applied. All the other scholarship kids had said it was just a formality and that none of them ever got called for it. But classic Fenton Luck. 
When Danny walked into Principal Carson’s office he was prepared to be faces with some snot-nosed brat who wouldn’t know how to take no for an answer and didn’t care about classes because they would just inherit their parents big shot company was what he was expecting. 
So imagine his surprise when he walks into a room to a liminal kid, probably around 12, who looks like he wants to be there as much as Danny does. Danny takes one look at the kid who’s trying to project himself as angry and menacing, but Danny could easily read the kid's true emotions of nervous-scared-anxious thanks to their shared less-alive-than-one-would-expect status. 
“Daniel, welcome. This is Damian Wayne. He’ll be your new mentee from now on.” Mr. Carson smiled kindly, gesturing for Danny to sit down. The liminal kid - Damian - scowled at him, projecting irritation. But all Danny could feel off of him was nervousness.
Danny was screwed, wasn’t he?
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randxmthxughts · 2 years
Avatar Masterlist
JC Avatar Universe fanfiction - constantly updating (*- longer fics)
I write for Neteyam, Tsu'tey, Ao'nung, open to writing for Lo'ak, Jake
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*All For You - Neteyam x Ta’unui ! reader / enemies to lovers! - pt. 1 | pt. 2
when Quaritch attacks the Ta’unui water clan, Y/N flees to the Metkayina clan for safety. She develops feelings for Neteyam but the tensions grow when Y/N finds out that Neteyam is the son of Jake Sully - the man she hates.
*Be Mine - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / fake dating!
the one, where neteyam pretends to court the reader to avoid all of the nagging from his parents and a group of admirers. of course, it doesn’t take long for her to fall for him too
Human Stuff - Neteyam x Human ! reader (afab) / period cramps  
the one, where a confused na’vi teenager tries to comfort his human friend while she’s on her period
Your lips, my lips, apocalypse - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader
when y/n hangs out with the women at the lab and decides to put on lipstick to feel pretty, her friends start to make fun of her. but not neteyam, he thinks she looks cute
*And I cried when you first said, "Oel ngati kameie" - Neteyam x Metkayina ! reader / forbidden love!
despite her father’s wariness of the sully’s and their ‘demon-blood,’ y/n can’t help but feel drawn to neteyam. as the two of them bond over their similar experiences of parental pressure, he finds himself falling in love with her
*Second Chances - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / love triangle!
y/n and lo'ak were destined to be together, or so she thought... after moving to awa'atlu with the sully's, lo'ak starts to fall for a certain metkayina girl, leaving y/n completely heartbroken. it is unexpected when neteyam, who has been secretly harboring feelings for her, decides to tend to her wounds. can y/n reciprocate his love?
Nerves Talking - Neteyam x Crybaby ! reader / misscommunication
after spending months teaching his little sister’s friend how to hunt, neteyam is surprised by the lack of her progress. later on, he discovers then that she is just too nervous to be around him because of her not-so-small crush
Tunutu (Crush) - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / childhood friends to lovers
although neteyam had never reciprocated her feelings, choosing him was always an easy decision for y/n, one of those she could make in a heartbeat. so when another man tries to win her affections, neteyam suddenly becomes aware of what he has been missing out on
*Chosen by Eywa - Neteyam x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
eywa makes no mistakes... in the midst of his preparation to become the future olo'eyktan, neteyam is told to be with a chosen mate. guided by the signs of eywa, tsahik picks y/n, a woman orphaned by the war, whose heart already belongs to another. y/n's whole world begins to crumble, as she is forced into the loveless bond. will neteyam and y/n be able to overcome the odds and find their true happiness?
Child of Our Own - Tsu'tey x Omatikaya ! reader
seeing his friends already awaiting their firstborns, tsu'tey begins to yearn for a baby of his own, but he is too shy to tell you about it
Unrequited Love - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / smut
you had been in love with tsu'tey for as long as you could remember. so when you see his heart break again at the loss of another mate, you offer him comfort, expecting nothing in return
Unrequited - Tsu’tey x Omatikaya ! reader / series (complete)
based on Unrequited Love: y/n had been in love with tsu'tey since they were kids, watching him get his heart broken over and over, until he became hardened. on one particular night, she offers him intimacy with no expectations in return, which sparks up a complex relationship between them. they grapple with guilt, unrequited love, and newfound intimacy, as y/n and tsu'tey navigate the depths of their feelings for each other
Captain Save a Hoe - Tsu'tey x Avatar ! reader
grumpy tsu’tey having to take care of a clumsy avatar!reader, and eventually warming up to her
Let Me Hear My Child - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / headcanons
tsu'tey's reaction to finding out his mate is pregnant
You'll be a great dad - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader / Tsu'tey x Jake
tsu'tey is overwhelmed with anxiety and fear upon hearing the news of his mate's pregnancy and becoming a father, but like a good friend, jake is there to calm him down
Can't wait to meet you - Tsu'tey x Pregnant ! reader
pregnant!reader having to reassure tsu'tey that he will be a great father, despite his fears
Just Married - Tsu'tey x Female ! mate
when you stepped into the public eye for the first time after your mating, tsu'tey couldn't contain the overflowing affection he held for you. but because you felt insecure about the way you were being perceived by the clan, tsu'tey decided to prove you otherwise
Heaven in Hiding - Ao'nung x Metkayina ! reader / secret dating!
ao'nung and you have been hiding your relationship for some time now but there comes a moment when you want more than that
Thinking out loud about avatar (my opinions/analyses/theories):
sully kids watching jake's old diary logs
neteyam taking the move to awa'atlu the best out of the sully's
jake cringing at "my husband was toruk makto" bc of his own insecurities
jake and quaritch making up
-- let me know, if you want to be added to my taglist ♡ 
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Secure in your Lap
ft Nanami Kento
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a/n: I can't believe I finally wrote thisI So this was inspired by this ask from @sitarawrites. It was supposed to be a cute fluffy fic, but somehow devolved into this angsty piece, so idk. Although I wrote this fic with a desi/asian reader in mind, I think anyone with a difficult relationship with their parents can relate to this, and I hope it comes across that way.
Rating: 13+, nothing explicit or sexual
Warnings: difficult family dynamics, mentions of familial trauma, guilt, manipulation
Pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
Summary: A phone call from reader's mother results in her remembering all the reasons she's grateful for her now fiance.
Word Count: 2343
Nanami masterlist
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It’s never a good day when your mother calls. Sometimes you wonder why you put up with it and allow her to test your boundaries, despite setting a schedule that you would not be calling her except for Tuesday and Friday nights.
Even the hour spent on those nights are tedious at best. They never make you feel better; it's all for her. It makes her feel better. And despite the fact that you have graciously made this time for her, she never seems to appreciate it. In fact, most of these conversations are one-sided. You’ll have your headphones in, while she chatters away, as you try to focus on other tasks, like folding laundry, or tidying up the general clutter that always accumulates in the living room, throwing in the occasional ‘uhm hm’ every few minutes so that she knows you’re still on the line.
You’ve learned to tune out most of the conversation because very little of it is ever relevant to you. Unless you hear a few key words such as ‘dad’ or ‘finances’ or ‘house’ you don’t really pay attention to the conversation at all. Because you know how most of these conversations go. They start with her talking about her day, complaining about her job. Then she complains about your dad, despite knowing you’ve heard it all before. Then it devolves into blaming other people for circumstances she’s in right now based on events that happened long ago. 
When all of these topics are exhausted, she gets to her juiciest arsenal; you. Oh, the things she has to say about you, about how you were such a wonderful child, sweet and obedient and how you suddenly became this rough woman who she doesn’t know how to talk to anymore. Or how you’ve stopped visiting of late, that you’re never home for the holidays, and that she blames your boyfriend for this. Then it’s criticism of your life choices, starting with how you moved in with your boyfriend while unmarried, the fact that he’s not from the same ethnic background as you, or the fact that she blames your ‘attitude’ on him because he defends you from her each time. 
Today it was about how you could do so much better than him, and you finally snap. 
“He’s not my boyfriend anymore.”
There’s a moment of silence, then with uncontained glee, she says, “Oh, I’m sorry. Well relationships sometimes don’t work out, it’s ok-”
“Because he asked me to marry him.” You finish bluntly, cutting her off. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore because he’s my fiance.” You wait for the bomb to drop.
“Oh.” Your mother’s voice sounds tight, like it’s been stretched taut between pins on a tacking board. “And when did this happen?”
“He proposed last Sunday.”
“And I’m finding out just now. You really must hate me…”
“Don’t do that,” You warn, keeping your voice deadly calm. You knew if you raised it or gave any signs that her words had affected you, it would give her a rush of satisfaction. “Either you’re happy for us or you’re not. Now which is it?”
“Well, it hardly matters now does it? Although I supposed I should be grateful you’re marrying him after all this time. There’s nasty gossip back in our community…so at least you’ve spared me from the embarrassing idea that you wouldn’t marry a man you’ve been living with like an unprincipled woman.”
“How lovely,” you said through gritted teeth. “Be sure to tell the community I have zero fucks to give them as well.”
“Language…I raised such a proper girl, when did you start saying filth like this?”
“I have to go mom. Your behavior will determine if you’re invited to the wedding or not.”
“You are the type to exclude your mother from your own wedding.I’ve known that for years. So it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Anyway, talk to you later…Friday night now?”
She disconnects the call and you sit there in disbelief, heart racing. Every time you stand up for yourself, you know it should feel like a victory but somehow, she manages to even steal that from you. You sigh and rest your head against the back of the car seat.
You had just driven home after a long day’s work and decided that it would be easier to talk to your mom in the car and finish it off since you didn’t want to detract from the peace you feel at home. You feel tears prick the back of your eyes and your throat feels like it’s closing in on itself. 
Why did you let her in on your life? There’s a strange sense of loyalty to her despite her abuse of you. Because despite everything, there are certain things she did which she wouldn’t have done if she hadn’t loved you. Putting you through your degrees, both bachelor’s and master’s. Letting you live at your parent’s house for free when you were in between jobs. Letting you borrow their car to get to job interviews. There’s signs of love there but why did it have to come attached with this emotionally manipulative price tag?
You let yourself cry for a short while, then hold up your left hand to admire the engagement ring your now fiance had picked out. A watery smile breaks out over your face as you look at it. You feel vain when you allow yourself to do this, but you can’t help it. You weren’t really looking at it for it’s monetary value, but more so for what it symbolized; the peace and balance he brought to your life, the maturity your own parents lacked while raising you, and the security that it didn’t matter if you made a bad choice, he’d never make you feel worse about it.
Wiping away your tears, you turn off the car and quickly look at yourself in the mirror. Thankfully your makeup hadn’t smudged much and you could chalk up the tiredness in your eyes as lack of sleep. You take a deep breath before getting out and entering your home. Your fiance was unloading takeout containers from a bag as you entered. He looks up and smiles warmly at you.
“Thought I heard you in the driveway,” he says as he comes over to embrace you, his arms enveloping you with affection. Nanami presses a kiss to your forehead then pulls you in closer, tucking your head under his chin.
You let yourself rest against the warmth of his broad chest, the comfortingly familiar feel of his body relief to the turmoil inside your chest. Resting your cheek on his chest, you close your eyes and breathe in deeply. 
“Y/n? Are you all right?”
Nanami always notices. There’s never a single moment when he’s out of touch with your feelings. He’s learned all the lines in your face, the way your different facial muscles contract or relax depending on how you're feeling. He notices the tension in your shoulders, the slight drop in energy in your step as you walk through the door. Nanami always notices. 
You slowly shake your head no. The flurry of feelings inside you, the hurt, the disappointment, the inability to cut off your mom for good, the overwhelming feeling of being inadequate, a disappointment, churn inside you to the point that you feel like you may never come out of this cyclone feeling like a winner. It’s so complex that you’re not even sure where to begin or how to put it into words. Your thoughts and feelings tangle like a ball of string, knotting into a mess of strands that are impossible to separate. 
“Yes my love?” His hands run soothingly over your back. 
“I need your lap.”
That was all you could say at the moment. The complexity of everything was too much to bear. Over the years his lap has become a safe space for you. A quiet, designated spot where you could feel everything you wanted to, without any judgment. 
Nanami nodded wordlessly, gently taking your hand and leading you to the couch, sitting down and pulling you on top of his lap. Your feet wrap around his lower back, wedged between the sofa cushions and his body while your head rests on his chest, listening to his breathing and you try to match yours to his, a calming technique you’ve learned over the years.
His large hands play with your hair, stroking it, cupping the back of your head and gently pressing kisses to your forehead. He’s learned over the years that lap sessions meant you were in a state of distress and that it wasn’t his place to force you to talk. You would talk when you’re ready, if at all. 
“Mom?” he asks softly, his voice fluttering through the top of your hair. You merely nod, the thought of explaining it too difficult to even form words. A deep hum of understanding echoes from his chest and you close your eyes at the comforting sound.
Everything about him screamed security. You remember one time breaking a cup while making your morning coffee, the distinct crack of shattering porcelain filling the kitchen. You had flinched, waiting for the tirade of blame and accusations of clumsiness to come at you, only to see Nanami rushing over to you, concern etched all over his face.
“Are you all right? You didn’t get cut?” His words had brought you to tears, that his primary thought had been you and your safety, instead of a very replaceable coffee cup. No one yelling at you for making a mess in the kitchen, or muttering under their breath that you had wasted a usable mug. Nanami had, in a befuddled state, watched as you came to his side, wrapping your arms around him. It wasn’t until 2 weeks after the incident had happened that you had told him what that moment meant to you. 
And now here you were, again, allowing your mom to rob you of the happiness you had worked so hard to build. You're amazed at the patience Nanami has with you, at the way he always reassures you, never letting you forget your worth. That you're more than just your parents’ child. That you are a whole human being on your own, that has the right to live your life without their interference. 
“I don't think I want my parents at our wedding.” The words fall out of your mouth. There's lingering guilt but deep down, you knew it was for the best. 
Nanami adjusts himself on the couch and leans back against the cushions. Most of the time, he leaves handling your parents up to you, despite how much it bothers him that they ruin your mood every time. But there's understanding in his eyes. 
“Not even your dad? I thought you wanted him to give you away.”
“My dad’s an enabler. He'll never come if I don't invite my mom. Besides,” you inhale deeply and continue, “The only person worthy of giving me away is myself.” You gaze into his warm brown eyes, feeling proud that you had come this far. This would be your achievement today. That you were able to say these words and believe them. 
“That’s so very true sweetheart.” He gives you a reassuring squeeze. “Look at you, remembering your affirmations.”
Although it’s not much, you still feel yourself glowing at his praise. Growth on your end. “Besides, if they got involved, they’d hijack all the planning, blow it up into a grand ceremony even though that’s not what we want. It’s just easier without them.”
“Anything you want.” He brushes his lips against your hair.
“No, not anything I want. It’s your wedding too. I’d be ok if you wanted a ceremony. I imagine there’s lots of people you’d want to invite. I just won’t be inviting anyone from my side. Except for my best friend.”
He grasps your chin between his fingers and with sincerity asks you, “How did you imagine it?”
You consider this for a second. Previously, you had imagined the typical traditional wedding that people of your background were expected to have. But the image has been fading lately, and now, unburdened from your parents’ expectations, your mind immediately creates a picture.
“I want to do it at the beach. Just…no expectations, no one grumbling about how we skimped on decorations or other unnecessary things like flowers. I want…to walk down towards you on the sand, barefoot. Feel the ocean breeze on my face. There’s a small group of guests. Very minimalistic.”
He looks like he’s considering it for a moment but his expression doesn’t show signs of objection. “We could do that. Small wedding, intimate ceremony.”
“Really?” You look at him with love in your eyes.
“Really. I think all the people I want to invite would easily fit into this setting.”
You lean forward and wrap your arms around him tightly. There were simply no words to express how grateful you are for him, for his presence in your life. That you could actually be a family, just the two of you.  You lean back to take in all of him, just sitting serenely on the couch, in this shared space the both of you called home now. 
“Thank you, Kento.” You say quietly. You know it’s unnecessary, that his love is so very unconditional, no emotional price tags attached. “I know I’m not the easiest to love sometimes.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” He draws you tightly to his chest. “It’s so easy to love you. Because every small thing you do is filled with love and consideration. Thoughtfulness. Emotion. And that’s enough. You don’t have to be more than that.”
Your heart swells as you hear his words, the only person to ever really understand just how much you needed to know those things. 
“I’m enough.” You whisper softly, still on his lap, resting comfortably in his embrace. You rest your head on his shoulder, eyes closing.
I’m enough…
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all banners and dividers by @cafekitsune
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demxters · 10 months
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frat!jake seresin x f!reader
dagger squad college!au
summary: jake realizes there's more to his feelings for you than just pure attraction or the moment jake realizes he's falling in love
wc: 1.7k
warning(s): 18+, fem!reader, no y/n (reader goes by nickname ace), a little angst, swearing, bad parental relationships, mentions of vomiting, and drinking
part of the loving you universe || find it on ao3 here
Things are different now. You are different now. Not in a bad way, you suppose. Just different. You’re more social, more outgoing, you feel more at peace with yourself. To think that it’s all because of a group project. 
Never would you have thought that a randomized group project would lead you to your newfound friends. Never would you have thought they would be Frat boys. Bradley Bradshaw and Jake Seresin somehow wormed their way into your little friend group, bringing Javy Machado and Reuben Fitch with them. Suddenly, your little group of five became nine. You used to think you’d hate it, but now you wouldn’t have things any other way. 
Even Jake Seresin, who you found absolutely infuriating, added something to the dynamic of the group. Despite your clear distaste for him, it just wouldn’t be the same without him. 
You couldn’t explain it, but you felt complete. Had you told yourself five months ago that you’d become friends with Delta Chi’s most notorious you would have laughed in your own face. Never, in a million years, did you think that would ever happen. Yet here you were, spending your Saturday night in your apartment playing board games and drinking (they were drinking, you were supervising) with your expanded group.
“I call bullshit! That’s a hit!” Javy drunkenly slurs at Bob who holds his hands up with clear offense. 
Bob pushes his glasses up the slope of his nose. His flushed skin and pink tipped ears are a tell tale sign that he is intoxicated. “Is not!” 
Javy shakes his head vigorously. “Is to! Let me see that,” he clumsily reaches over towards Bob’s Battleship board. Javy’s lack of coordination sends the board flying, along with the rain of tiny red and white playing pieces that scatter across the living room. 
The room erupts in a chorus of shouts and groans upon the inevitable clean up of the game and you sigh from your place on the couch. “I think that’s enough of that for tonight.” You wipe your palms on the fabric of your pants before bringing yourself to a stand.
Carefully maneuvering around your friends who are now scattered all across the room picking up little red and white bullets, you gather the last of stray cups of alcohol that was left on the coffee table. 
“Hey!” Bradley catches sight of you whisking away their stash for the night. 
“Nope, no more drinks for tonight.” Bradley opens his mouth in protest as you continue, “Unless you want to spend the rest of the night cleaning the apartment of the mess you guys made.” 
The pointed look you give him makes his mouth snap shut and he sends you a mock salute before clumsily going back to picking up stray playing pieces. 
“Thank you,” you chide, sauntering over to the kitchen. You laugh at the sound of your friends’ overlapping chatter and Natasha’s mothering as she commands the boys to quit stalling and clean. 
There was no denying that your apartment was loud. Louder than it should be for ten o’clock at night. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care about quieting your friends down. You’ve spent so long living in silence that you embrace the sounds of joy and laughter that surround you. 
Silence isn’t unfamiliar to you. You grew up as an only child in a big house with emotionally absent parents. Silence was the only thing you ever knew. Then it wasn’t. 
You found a new home, a new family. One you wouldn’t give up for anything. 
You were too deep in your own musings to notice the faint footsteps creeping up behind you. 
“You missed a few,” a deep voice from behind you makes your heart jump. 
You almost drop the cups in your hand as you spin on your heel to see Jake Seresin standing in front of you with a few more glasses in hand. 
Your shoulders drop from your ears once you get a hold of your surroundings. “Geez, Seresin! You almost scared me half to death.” 
He winces at your wide eyes, biting his bottom lip to stifle the smile that threatens to cross his face. “Sorry,” he shrugs, stepping in front of you to place the cups on the counter behind you. 
You’re unsure whether or not he decided to step into your space intentionally. Either way, he was close enough for your chests to touch. The thought set your cheeks on fire, causing you to shove his arm away with a scoff. “Ever heard of personal space, Hangman?” 
Rather than the witty retort you were expecting out of him, Jake mumbles a soft apology before stepping back to keep an arm's length between you two. 
The silence that follows is unsettling. You realize that you have never been alone with Jake for longer than a few minutes at a time. When you were working on the group project together, Bradley was always around. The one time you tried to help him study for his American History final, you fell asleep halfway into your study session, cutting it short. For some reason you didn’t know how to act around him in any way other than hostile. 
You were glad he fought you back with just as much fire. It kept the strange feelings in your stomach at bay. 
The way he was looking at you now, however, this was different from the Jake you were so used to seeing. There was no puff to his chest or arrogance in his gaze. Only softness and dare you say, ease in his posture. 
“They’re showing the Twilight movies at the theaters this weekend if you were interested in going,” Jake breaks the silence. 
It takes you a moment to comprehend what he’s saying or to even realize that he’s talking to you. You thought Natasha must have stumbled her way into the kitchen but you glanced around to see no one but you two still there. You could no longer hear the noise being made by your friends in the living room. It was like all your senses had suddenly attuned to the man in front of you. The only thing you were aware of was him. You stutter embarrassingly over your words as you respond. “Oh, you mean wi–with you?” 
Jake’s eyes grow wide before he shakes his head. “No, well, yeah if you want to. I wasn’t trying to imply that you should go with me or anything. You could go with anyone you want. Doesn’t have to be me, I just thought that you’d like to know since you’re such a huge fan of the series.” 
Jake wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole right now. Smooth, Seresin, he scolds himself. Just when he thought he might have been reaching some middle ground with you, he had to go and make it weird by making you think he was asking you out. Not that he was opposed to the idea, rather that he wanted to ask you out the right way. Not while he was slightly tipsy in your kitchen. 
Your lips twitch unexpectedly, pulling upwards at the corners. There was something about seeing this side of Jake Seresin–the nervous, rambly side of him– that you found endearing. You preferred him more than the cocky, self centered frat boy he usually was. “How did you know I like the Twilight series?” 
He shrugs nonchalantly, a proud smile over taking his worried features. “You aren’t the only one who pays attention to things, Ace.” 
You put your hands up in surrender with light laughter, shaking your head softly. “Sorry, I’m just surprised that Jake Seresin pays attention to things other than sorority girls and himself.” 
“I pay attention to you,” the words just almost fall from his lips. Instead what comes out is, “And football. I pay attention to football too.” 
You snort, crossing your arms across your chest with a smirk. “Right, sorority girls, yourself, and the Dallas Cowboys.” 
“You got it, sweetheart,” he winks. 
The corner of his mouth lifts slightly when he winks and you find it absolutely amusing. A small fit of giggles erupt from you causing him to tilt his head with confusion. 
“What’s so funny, Ace?” he questions with his hands on his hips. 
His own lips quirk up as he tries not to laugh, finding your own incredibly contagious. That and he couldn’t help but think of just how much he loved seeing you this way. So open and carefree. 
Love. That isn’t the first time the word has popped into Jake’s head when he thought of you. It was, however, the first time he truly welcomed the thought. 
It wasn’t like in the movies, where the main character has this big revelation that they're in love. Rather, it slowly crept up on him. Always being in the back of his mind, but never clear enough for him to make out what it was exactly he was feeling. 
But things have changed lately, he has changed. You made him want to be better. 
You two weren’t close, far from it actually. But he wants to get close to you. He wants to be someone worth your time. He wants to be able to have more moments like this  with you. 
He was willing to prove that he was no longer the immature playboy you think he is. 
The question is on the tip of his tongue. Maybe he should just take this as an opportunity to ask you out. He opens his mouth, ready to take the leap when—
“Bradley!” Natasha shouts from the living room. “Ace, can you grab the Clorox? Bradley just threw up on the floor!” 
Mickey moans, “I think I might be next!”
You curse under your breath sending Jake a look he reciprocated with a tired sigh. 
“Well, looks like we’re on babysitting duty,” you weakly smile. 
He nods halfheartedly, watching you grab the wipes before hurrying out to the living room. His chest physically hurt as he watched you walk away. He was so close. However, he knew his feelings would have to wait. 
The old Jake didn’t do commitment or girlfriends. The old Jake didn’t fall in love. 
The new Jake was falling hard, and he was falling fast. He had a feeling things were only going to get more complicated from here. He doesn’t mind it, though. In fact, he kind of likes it. 
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a/n: i genuinely feel like not many people read my work on here anymore but i've missed these two so much i had to post. as usual, if you made it this far, my inbox is always open and thank you for reading! :D
tgm taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @breezemood @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid @aviatorobsessed @blackwidownat2814 @hallecarey1 @averagereader35 @laneylovesglen @atarmychick007 @kajjaka @urfavelocagirl @clancycumber230 @memeorydotcom @kmc1989 @percysaidnever @thestarspangledcaptain @wkndwlff @shanimallina87 @dracosluvbot
255 notes · View notes
keepyourpantsongohan · 7 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Spy x Family S1
"Proof that the foreign minister wears a toupée. I even have the negatives." "Well done. Now we can force him to resign." How could this possibly be enough to force a resignation? Is wearing a toupée a sign of dishonesty or shame in this cultural context??
"In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight, this man survived the battlefield by being a master of disguise." Ooooh is this a historical anime? How fun!
Update from 1 minute later: The newspaper confirms this as a Cold War-era story!! Colour me intrigued
"Farewell. May you find happiness." What a polite end to such a callous breakup LMAO
Why does Donovan Desmond look so incredibly haunted LOL
"In order to achieve this [spy mission] you will get married and have a child." Ah, there we are with the premise!
Of all the spy strengths they've displayed thus far, I am most impressed with this blond man's ability to pull a newspaper apart without bending it. You must need to generate a lot of force:
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"Yeah, sure. Take whichever one you want." This is about the average regard for orphans in Shonen Anime Societies
"This little girl happened to be a telepath." She's a WHAT NOW? What a casual way to introduce this fact
Honestly the random facts about what Anya likes and the bursting into tears with unclear motivation seems very much a realistic parent and child experience
"I just don't understand this irrational behaviour." I love how quickly Loid Forger aka Twilight, International Spy, has been foiled by this tiny, psychic child
Loid is approaching parenthood very casually so far. Surely a spy (pretending to be a psychologist, even) can recognize the psychological impact of abandonment on a child
Fjlkjfljflf what kind of society allows Loid to barricade his six (or maybe four) year-old child inside their apartment unsupervised all day LMAOOO
SCREAM not Anya immediately revealing their location from playing spy games. Also a very realistic problem to have
"Boss, I think we should just give up on the toupée." [Pulls out a gun and shoots him] "Transparency is essential in government. Toupées are a no-go." WHY ON EARTH ARE TOUPÉES THE ULTIMATE SPY PLOT DEVICE JFKJFJF
Love that the betrayal of the nation is SECOND to the toupée. They said: Wigs are for liars and cowards
"No one reached out their hand to save me. I felt alone, in despair, and so powerless all I could do was cry." We have unlocked Loid's parental instincts AND his tragic backstory in the span of 1 and a half minutes
"I'm a failure as a spy? No. My mistake was putting that little girl in danger to begin with. How could I forget? To create a world where children won't have to cry... That's why I became a spy." Alright Loid, colour me charmed:
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Ahhhhhh I love Loid giving his enemy the chance to go back to his daughter instead of attacking him
Loid deciding to take Anya back with him despite all his misgivings bc he wants to give her a home 🥺💘 HE'S NICE
"Papa is a huge liar. But he's such a cool liar." Awww, Anya
I can see how being psychic and being able to hear every single child's confusion during a test would be distracting
"I... relaxed? What the hell is going on with me?" FATHERHOOD
"It is mandatory that the applicant attend with both parents. Absolutely no exceptions." For a society with such a cavalier approach to violence and orphans (at least where Loid goes), you'd think they'd be more accepting of single parents
Everyone's absolutely on Yor's ass for being a single 27-year-old. [Yor as Charlotte Lucas voice] I'm 27 years old. I have no money and no prospects. I'm already a burden to my brother—
"I have a client for you, Thorn Princess." Is Thorn Princess Yor's sleeper agent activation phrase? Her whole face darkened
Clearly Yor doesn't have the same violence-aversion as Loid:
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Yor ready to fall in love with anyone who's nice to her. Mgkjgkg but same perhaps
"A spy...An assassin...? I'm... so excited!" [Narrator voiceover] "The little girl was straving for entertainment." The narrator's interjections are very funny
HAHAHAHA I love that they're both trying to fake date each other for very different reasons. Incredible, 10/10, love this
It's fun that Franky, spy gadget guy, is also now mission back-up
Also I take back everything I said about Loid's violence aversion
"I'll be sure to tell your brother that you came alone." Why is every woman that Yor works with (and, it seems, every woman with more than one line in this show thus far) seem to be so mean-spirited LOL
HFHLKHGLHGLGH Loid showing up to the party covered in blood and introducing himself as her husband when she needed a boyfriend. We love a spy who is terrible at his job
Loid managing to somehow make a really amazing impression on this party by being hot and defending Yor's past as a masseuse (murderer). GOOD FOR HIM
"The concussive recovery method is the latest in modern medical practices." Imagine going to your doctor for a prescription and having them kickbox you into submission LMAO
"Um, Loid-san, this may not be the best moment to ask, but why don't we get married?" SCREAMING AT YOR BEING THE ONE TO PROPOSE AND HOW KNOCKS THE WIND OUT OF LOID:
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"No matter what hardships await us, let us be there for one another." [Explosions go off in the background] Colour me sold on this grenade-pin ring and spy-assassin romance
I love that they're going on a little family outing to prep for their interview
I can also understand how a political rally would be stressful for Anya
"I've completed countless missions, yet once again I find myself losing heart." Loid will eventually get used to his girls who are obssessed with nuts and knives 💞
All of them calling attention to themselves by helping an old lady deal with a purse snatcher ❣️ I love this family. I've only had the Forgers for two episodes but if anything happened to them I would [redact] everyone in this room and then myself
"I guess... receiving thanks every once in a while wouldn't hurt." "Papa is a softie." YEAH HE IS
"Papa and Mama are flirting." "No we are not!" HEE HEE
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"Anya, are you going to be okay in this crowd?" Dad Mode Activated
Ohhhhhhh Anya helping the cow through her fear. Baby!!!!
OHGHGLGHLKGH setting aside how they managed to have at least three outfits in that suitcase, I really want to know how the quick change is happening in the middle of this cobblestone pathway to the school
"Why are you getting irritated, Loid? She's not even your real wife." I love that whenever someone makes an out-of-pocket insult to Yor (her coworker calling her a whore, this dorm master critiquing her lack of cooking) Loid jumps in and he's like, HEY, THAT'S MY WIFE
"My Papa and Mama are both so much fun, and I love them very much. I want to be with them forever." I also want this family to stay together forever, Anya 💗
Both Yor and Loid ready to fight this jerk for making their daughter cry!! I love them
The hope that Loid has because of his new family. This is really fulfilling a deepseated psychological need that I had to watch an anime that's just about a nice man
"He might just be the best spy in Westalis, so don't worry too much." With all due respect, that doesn't say much for the other spies, considering how suspiciously Loid acts everywhere he goes
Yor genuinely considering murdering someone to get her daughter into school 💝 Parenting!
"I appreciate the attempt at consolation, my elegant boy." This is how I will be responding to all attempts for someone to comfort me from now on
Loid just carrying a party popper around in his pocket for when Anya gets in. I LOVE HEEEM
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Loid can waste government resources on a little play mission for his family. As a treat
"He's requesting agents. As many as possible," incredible how Loid immediately folds to his daughter's request to be attacked by enemies LMAOOO
HAHAHAHA Loid telling them in morse code it's an imperative part of Operation Strix, which is technically true, but not at all for any reason they would think
The way they're all like, "I will JUMP at the chance to attack Loid, been waiting my whole life for this," is also really fun
I was waiting for the spy costume. I am so glad it is a plot point
I can't decide what I enjoy more, Loid's blush over having to put on the costume mask, or the way the other spies are fangirling over him
Loid getting his butt kicked by Yor in this drunk roleplay does make me wonder if we're going to see that her assassination missions run contrary to his goals of peacekeeping
"I've come to save you, Princess Anya." "Papa!" "Wait, I'm supposed to be your dad in this?" AWWWW ANYA JUST WANTED TO HER DAD TO ACT OUT SAVING HER
In fairness to Anya's fear of kidnapping, she has been kidnapped before!
"Though, you're usually on the ball, so [discussing Operation Strix Phase 2] may not be necessary." "Well... I may actually be off my game lately." At least Loid's willing to own up to it LMAOOO
Firstly, what happened just now was definitely an attempted [redacted] crime, which is hideously uncalled for, what the fuck. But secondly: I love Yor and Anya bonding time
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"I know it's really dangerous to be an Eden student now. But it won't be as scary if I train. I can do my best at school without dying!" I do love the idea of teaching this tiny child fighting techniques, but my god, what a thing to say
"Even if I can't be like a normal mother, I'm going to do everything I can for her." YOOOOOOOOOOOOR I love you
"She's already realized how amazing I am and fallen for me." Incredible confidence from Damian Desmond, Very Rich Six-Year-Old LMAO
"Mama, you liar. Smiling didn't help at all." I am very entertained by Anya's psychic child conflict management
Ffjhfkhfk I really do love the way that Anya tries her best to do things in a way that her parents would most approve of. Smiling first, trying to not get in trouble in front of the teacher when she punches Damian, claiming defence of a friend. She's a good kid!
What will Loid, who is not actually a psychologist, be doing during the day while Anya goes to school and his wife does her work. I hope it involves costumes
Update from 1 minute later: At the very least, it involves stalking elementary students from a rooftop
Update from 4 minutes later: IT DID INVOLVE COSTUMES!
Also. Also. How the hell would Loid's plan work if his daughter was NOT psychic. Like yeah yeah yeah, she knows she's supposed to be a good student. But it doesn't seem like he's explicitly told her out loud to be friends with Damian. So is he just hoping for her organic success? It's a good thing his baby knows exactly what he's thinking LMAO
I love that Becky has decided to be Anya's no. 1 supporter. She needs a friend!!
"Why do I find it so hard to speak when she's in front of me?" In a very expected turn of events, lil Damian has a crush:
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"Plan B is done for." You are wrong Loid! Plan Befriend has simply turned to Plan Boy Has a Crush on Your Daughter
This at-home tutoring really resonates with my experience of being the child of Asian parents with high expectations when it comes to their children's innate talent for math
"No, Yor. You're not a stranger, nor part of someone else's family. Right now, you're the mother of the Forgers. I'm counting on you to provide whatever I'm lacking." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love the Forgers
I loveeee this parenting discussion around positive reinforcement
"I wonder what it'd feel like to have a real family," said Loid, tits deep in a family and fatherhood
"My sister got married?" I was waiting for this ball to drop. Can't wait!
"[Twilight] is the villain who is trying to make this world fall into chaos. You could call him my natural enemy." NOT BABY BROTHER YURI ANNOUNCING HIS INTENTIONS TO MERC HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW WHO HE'S ABOUT TO MEET AT DINNER:
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I gotta say, despite them introing with assassinations, I do feel like Yuri represents a drastic tone shift for this show
"Yuri... I mean, my younger brother is coming here today! [Loid's voice raises several octaves] "Today?" The voice crack was funny. Back to family shenanigans
"What could my sister possibly like about this guy?! Just because he can cook a little, and he's handsome, and tall, and considerate, and a doctor," It sounds like Yuri is talking himself into having a crush on Loid????
Wow, Loid has made Yuri as an intelligence agent within like, mere minutes of meeting him. Maybe Loid is a great spy!
Ahhhh, so the reason Yor took up killing as a job was to put her little brother through school. How honourable!
"Kiss here and now." I can't decide if this is terrible or fun. Maybe both. My money is on Anya interrupting to see her Uncle
I do appreciate that Yor has never been kissed! It makes sense, given her murder job, and I feel like we don't often get 20somethings without prior entanglements
HDJHDKJDHDHD this is so unhinged and weird. Jesus. Yuri Briar puts the B in Behnchod
"Loid Forger. You may lay claim to my sister's lips for now." WHAT A THING TO SAY
"So, let's do everything we can to make sure Yor is happy." Loid is THE Husband. There are no other husbands, just him!
"Children are so curiously observant at times," said Loid, about his daughter who is literally telepathic
"It's a terrible idea to date a woman while deceiving her," said Loid, as if that has not been the premise of his ENTIRE romantic history thus far
I think Loid is starting to develop (romantic) feelings:
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You know, I haven't really commented on the horn cap thing, but I do wonder if they are to do with Anya's powers rather than just a fun little design thing
I need you to see what I'm looking at when they tell me this is Bill Watkins, Age Six:
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I do like all the montages of how all of these children (and Bill Watkins, Deeply Suspicious Age Six) were preparing for this dodgeball tournament
Damian taking the dodgeball bullet for Anya. Love u little guy
Calling it right now, with all this lead-up, I don't think Anya's throw is going to work out the way she wants
Update from a few seconds later: Yep, that was correct!
Gnjghkgjhgkjhg Loid loves Anya too much to be strict with her so he is engaging in quite a permissive parenting style
DAD'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I like how they do a count of her Stellas (merit points which lead to the Imperial Scholar Society of Parent War Instigation) and Tonitrus Bolts (demerit points which lead to expulsion) whenever Anya gets closer to her goal
Also, bonkers that getting a Stella doesn't cancel out your Bolt? It's like, forgive, but never forget
Fhkhfkjfhfkjh Anya deciding she'll only respond to Starlight Anya. Very Six-Year-Old Behaviour
"Do you really think we go to some third-rate school that would hand out a Stella by mistake?" Damian continuing his chivalry streak
1) Extremely rude of the people to treat the dogs that way and 2) Does that big white dog's flash to the Forger family mean that we have unlocked a psychic puppy subplot?
I have been thinking since Damian was introduced that he and Anya are paralleling the Syaroan and Sakura Archetypes, but there is no greater Cardcaptor Sakura parallel than the fact this episode is called Penguin Park
"Please wait, Papa, who is a good and normal person." 10/10 spy deception Anya, no notes
Gghkhgkghkg Loid being yelled at by his Spy Juice Lady for not prioritizing this other mission. How does no one overhear this!!
"Mama, I'm being kidnapped," said Anya, as if she did not latch onto this spy herself to help out her dad's Penguin Mission
It's incredible how many of Loid's problems are solved just by him being hot:
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Awwwwww I'm glad they did some actual family time after the Aquarium mission. Also I love how embarrassed Loid is every time has to do something silly, like pretending to be a Penguin Plushy for his kid, but how he'll immediately do it, even in public. Best dad!!
"Being both a Papa and an agent... must be tough balancing the two." Real and true, spy chauffeur
I love how they do parallel plots between family stuff and spy stuff. Anya looking for a puppy... Dad looking for bomb dogs!
They are in fact explaining the psychic puppy subplot
"It is far too early for Anya-san to get married!" Yor, I would like to study the way your mind works (also mom's here!!!!!!!!!!!!)
That was an incredibly morose diatribe from The Handler, who is the only spy other than Loid to get a title/name
How is this baby supposed to disarm a bomb?!?!?!??
Ahhhh, by leaving a ketchup message for her dad on the door that says "NO! (Drawing of Bomb)" Of course! We love a girl who knows how to improvise
Dad has got back in the danger zone to stop the last of the Foreign Affairs Minister's terrorist threats, fair enough! I really hope they don't make him [redacted violence involving animal]
From Yor's perspective, Loid has been in the bathroom for two full episodes
Yor kicking Keith the Radicalized Student Terrorist's car off the road after he has been discovered by Anya and foiled by Loid. We love a team effort!
"How many times must I tell you not to run off alone because it's dangerous?!" [Tearfully] "I'm sowwy." Awwww a very reasonable worry for your daughter who keeps running into every spy mission she possibly can
"I also had a daughter about her age." The Handler's tragic backstory unlocked?!
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"Be prepared to take care of him until the end. I may have no right to say those words." Loid's dog care advice has accidentally turned into existential dread about adopting a child for the sake of a peacekeeping mission
Awwwwwww Yor taking cooking classes from her workplace enemy to be a better cook for her family
"Camilla-san has always been a nice person," said Yor, about the woman who called her a whore in front of a room full of people and tried to scald her with hot food on like Episode 2
"The more I savour each bite, the more I see my life flash before my eyes." Say what you will about Weird Brother Yuri, he is supportive
Admittedly this cooking lesson episode has made me like Camilla
HAHAHAHA the "They are whispering" caption so the viewer can understand why no one's reacting to the yelling about spy intel on Scruffy's potential lover
Awwwwwww Loid opting out of the family outing to comfort his little scruffy friend, who I have just re-learned is named Franky
LMAOOOOO at them just having Henderson-sensei do literally all of the classes. Top-tier writing
The Handler now has unlocked TWO new names, which are Sylvia Sherwood and Fullmetal Lady
"On the one day each month that Mister Moon goes away, Anya's power to read minds goes away too." Oooooh new psychic baby lore unlocked
Even though I don't care for Weird Brother Yuri, it is nice that Anya has someone outside of her parents to rely on for tutoring
Loid covering for Incompetent Spy Daybreak jkhfkhfkjhf
I love that Loid broke into the school, not to boost his daughter's grades, but rather to check that she didn't fail and leave it that way, and then reverse cheat (as in, undo someone's wrongdoing) to make sure two other students got their earned grades. What a man!
Ffljlfjjflkj Becky objectifying Anya's dad. I know they're six, but it's not a trope I love
"I was trying to report the cigarette I found, then he punched me." I know this is a scheme but what kind of society has SIX-YEAR-OLDS plausibly smoking???
"Second Son wouldn't do that! Anya was watching." Heck yeah Anya standing up for Damian (even though her Damian motives are decidedly ulterior LOL)
"Don't try to drag me into these adult matters in the first place!" An incredibly reasonable request from Damian
Gdljljggjglkj I love these kids telling Glooman 'Actually, the biggest problem is you have a bad personality' True and real and cutting
"Don't worry. The West is a safe place." ANYAAAA. Something something children and their ability to see people outside of the confines of politics
"There's saltwater pouring out of my eyes." The implication that George has not cried once in his six years of life LMAOOOO
Genuinely heartwarming to see all these kids singing for George and giving away their favourite school items for his sake (also I bet you $5 he doesn't actually have to quit this school)
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Update from two minutes later: I was correct lol
I've been thinking about this since the hospital volunteering, but it is kind of a flaw in Loid's spy tactics to choose a public-facing job, because at any point someone could just walk into the hospital and realize he doesn't work there kjhgkjhgg like he should've just been some sort of private practice
Loid running home to "check on what Yor was doing at the school" but actually using it as an excuse to ask her on a lunch date <3
As if the show could psychically tell that I was wondering about it, they are now forcing Loid into a "Take Your Kid to Work Day" situation lmaooo
"[Loid] became an important part of our team as soon as he transferred in." How is Loid an important part of the staff if he's constantly out of hospital doing spy stuff??? How is he even capable of giving psychological care???
"To go with the rest of the facade, a number of my coworkers have also inflitrated this hospital." Ah, perhaps the fact he has a research position and other spies in the hospital is enough to cover his absences and maybe make him have fake patients
Honestly, it's a wonder Anya hasn't run into more problems in the spy realm recently other than getting stuck in a secret passage
HHGKJHGKJHGKJGH Loid taking Anya's improvised sandbox of toys as a sign of deep psychological distress
"He golfs at his workplace and creates shady channels." In every class there is one child who has the most chaotic possible interpretation of their parents' job (the kid who says their parent stabs people for money when really their parent is a tattoo artist) and Anya has decided to be that student
"But if Mrs. Forger just happened to retire, that position would have to be filled, would it not?" Why is Fiona so comically evil about getting to fake marry Loid
"But... this woman doesn't seem to have any flaws in her appearance." Even Father-snatcher Fiona Frost thinks Yor is hot
"To think the great Twilight is stuck playing house.. It's a disservice to the world." Loid said: Fuck you Fiona, I like playing house!
This silent spy standoff has certainly taken a turn:
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I actually kind of love that Loid is faced with someone else who has feelings for him, because I KNOW for certain he will choose Yor, and I think that's good for Yor to see
"You're already working hard enough, Yor. That's why Anya is so fond of you. I couldn't ask you to do anything more." HE LOVES HERRRRR
I really resonate with Yor's Girls Who Are Bad At Stuff representation kjhgkgjh
"Agent Penguin suffered honourable injuries in battle." Loid sewing up his daughter's penguin stuffy and making up a backstory for their dog chewing him up ❤️ I love hiiiim
I appreciate that Fiona confirms from someone who knew him before Loid has been changed by love (for Yor and Anya)
Though, now that I think of it, I guess Loid's given last name is Forger, so really this is a pattern of very silly names
"We've been developing a new doping agent called OSO-R along with the government in preparation for the upcoming East-West Sports Exhibition." Every so often they dip back into the crime world, and today it's sports doping
"I wonder what her relationship with Loid is." Yor babygirl, you do not need to worry about her, Loid is fully Team Yor
I love this little look into all the different things that come up in an infiltration (having to be very good at specific things like tennis, dealing with potential poisons, compensating for traps)
"You're still young, and you're clearly talented. From now on, hone your craft properly. I'm sure you'll become an amazing player." "Twain, I'll really do my best from now on!" Aside from being an incredible professional tennis player, Loid's talents also include reforming his opponents into better people:
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Fhfhfkjhfkfjhf Loid every time Fiona comes near Yor: Hey, please leave my wife alone
"Come at me with everything you've got." "Uh, don't, Fiona." Loid knows Yor has enough physical might to beat a hundred tennis players
Yor wanting Loid to praise her for winning the match 🥺❤️
Loid taking Yor on a reassurance date to let her know she's still #1
"Wait, does Yor have romantic feelings for me?!" TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH, BUT YOU GOT THERE, LOID
"I can't let my guard down like that. Somehow, being with Yor throws me off." Loid, you stupid man, who can't see that him AND his wife have feelings for each other
"I would love for you to continue being Anya's mother. And to continue in the role of my wife." This is the most honest thing Loid has said in hours
Anya getting Becky a keychain because she didn't think she was allowed to get one for herself!! Sweet girl
What kind of father has ZERO time to interact with his son LMAO (Donovan Desmond, apparently)
"Anya's a little scared because she's not sure if Papa loves her or not. He always gets mad at me. But I believe in him because I love him." ANYAAAAAAAAAA
Papa Desmond and his truly haunting eyes finally make an on-screen appearance and meeting with Loid:
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"Even the child that shares your blood is a stranger." Is this a general view from Donovan on his parent-child relationships or is this a shot at Loid for not being Anya's biological father?
"People will never be able to understand each other." What a thing to say about your six-year-old, who is standing right in front of you with his friends
"What's truly important is to continue walking them despite [not understanding each other]. I decided that I would accept her regardless, and I try to find every opportunity I can to talk to her." Loid laying spy ground work on top of challenging Donovan to be a better father. We love a man who can multitask
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually dislike you. It'd make me happy if you could be friends with her." "Well, I want to, too..." Gjhgjhgjhfjlfj Loid is also working on Operation Playdate
This has been a pretty delightful show so far. Spy x Family proving to everyone you can fight people AND be nice!!!!
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
Hello, hello <3 How are you?
I loved your writing!
The HC from the Heartslabyul group as parents left me thinking: how would Deuce react if, after getting married and having his own girls (Deuce is 1000% the father of a girl), he met an ex "friend" of his time as a delinquent who hasn't changed much in his ways and REALLY wants to piss off poor Deuce
(sorry, my English is unga bunga ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
Hey 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to share what she knows on the matter. He's happy to see you're sharing the same girl dad!Deuce vision. Here is the information you've requested!
Show of power, show of growth
Characters: Deuce x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed older daughter and unnamed younger daughter
Warnings: threats, mentions of violence
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of confidentiality.
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Being part of an elite anti-mage division was an achievement both you and Deuce were infinitely proud of, but he had to admit the job was very time consuming
And, since he now was a father of two girls that he bent over backwards for to fulfill their every whim, Deuce has his schedule full to the brim
Despite his busy schedule, he loves taking his girls out for walks especially during the evening, an activity he has been doing ever since his cuties were just babies
It started as a chance to give you, his spouse, a few moments to yourself to relax and destress while he bonded with the babies
He'd point at various trees, shops, the sky, and talk about them to his kids, until they were old enough to start doing the same on their own
It was a late summer evening when Deuce came home after a stressful day, and the only thing he could think of to destress was to spend time with his family
Deuce was not lucky enough for his daughters to want any indoor activities, though
So he just accepted his fate and took his little ones for a walk in the neighborhood
His older daughter, the cutest chatterbox in the world, was swinging his left hand back and forth as she pointed with her free hand at the neighborhood cats, giving them names and making up stories about their lives
His younger daughter, a quiet observer, was holding his other hand while she occasionally asked her older sister or dad questions
It was an evening like any other, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary
Yet, something felt...off
Even without his specialized training, Deuce had always been able to tell when someone was watching him, overly curious eyes burning holes in his back
He turned his head around, and saw the person looking at him
A young man about the same age as him was walking towards him
He was wearing a jacket Deuce recognized as a sign of one of the city's smaller gangs, whose members focused on shoplifting and public disturbances
Why was this person approaching him?
“Oi, Spade. Been a while since I last saw ya. Middle school, maybe?"
At first, Deuce had no idea who the guy in front of him was
"Sorry, do I know you?"
The guy scoffed, looking offended by the idea of Deuce not remembering him
"Come on, man. Heard through the grapevine you're a cop now, but that doesn't mean you have to forget your old shoplifting buddy."
The words made his eyes widen and he tightened the hold he had on his girls as an old memory came to him
He was in middle school when him and an old classmate, Kateur Pilla, stole a few bags of chips off a shelf in a local shop without getting caught
"There ya go, ya remember me after all!'"
The memory brought a bitter taste to Deuce's mouth and his face was burning with shame, but he was brought back to reality by a small hand squeezing his
"Daddy, what's shoplifting?"
The guy's eyes fell on the source of the tiny voice, Deuce's oldest child, making Deuce shiver and pull his daughter behind him
“You even have kids now! Damn, man, you really became a good-for-nothing goody-two-shoes.”
The entire existence of this guy in his family's vicinity made his skin crawl
His grip on his older daughter tightened and he picked up his youngest
"At least I did something worthwhile with my life. Now scram."
“Aw, come on, you really can't spare me a chat?”
"No, not really.”
Deuce's response came through gritted teeth
His self control improved tremendously during the years, only because he has learned how to redirect his attention towards something else
In this case, his seemingly oblivious daughters
But he still felt the burning urge to grab this guy by the collar
“Not even if I promise to give you some info? Paid info, of course. Some guys I know got their hands on some stuff that's for sure illegal. How about we have a chat, hm? Or are you still that dumb to refuse such a golden opportunity? Man, cops really are stupid.”
His tone changed into something more condescending, even though he was still a small nobody compared to Officer Spade, member of the Queendom of Roses' anti-mage division
…but Deuce felt his younger daughter cling onto his jacket, feeling the intimidating air Kateur was trying to scare Deuce with
His blood pressure started rising, and he started slightly shaking, trying his best to control the urge to kick Kateur away from the innocent eyes of his kids
"Maybe you didn't change after all. What's that badge for if you're still the same dumbass you were years ago? Wanna go steal some cigs?"
Deuce felt his hands shaking 
But before he got to push his girls away and do something he regretted, he heard a familiar voice call his name
"Deuce? Honey, what's happening?"
With your talent for appearing wherever there's trouble, you made a beeline to your family, disregarding the presence of the guy and picking up your oldest kid
Without a second through, he handed you your second child
“Go home. I have something to deal with.”
You nodded and walked away with your confused and slightly scared little girls
Now that Deuce was finally alone, he had the opportunity to punch this guy for daring to disturb his family
...but he chose not to
“Listen here, ya punk.”
The guy flinched back as Deuce's voice boomed, obviously not expecting to be so rattled
"I am a good man now. I have a family. And I don't allow any human trash to speak to me that way.”
Cracking his knuckles, Deuce stepped closer, and the guy was backed into a corner
“Scram. Don't bother me or my family again, or I’ll forget I'm a good man.”
Kateur realized he has crossed a line, so he just tsked and walked away empty handed
Before he returned home, Deuce walked around a bit to shake off his anger, directed at Kateur... and directed at himself
Why wasn't he able to just ignore the guy?
Was Kateur right after all? Did Deuce really not change at all?
..No, he must be wrong, Deuce did not use violence, which was good
But he still threatened the guy, and that wasn't good
…Not arriving at any satisfactory conclusion, he eventually decided to just go home
You watched how Deuce walked into the living room of your small apartment, your girls welcoming him with open arms and high spirits, a striking contrast to not too long ago
The moment Deuce saw them, he smiled warmly and thought to himself how they inherited your talent to make him better 
When your older daughter kept asking Deuce again about what "shoplifting” meant, you sent the girls to their room so you could discuss with your husband what happened
He told you everything that went down before your arrival, expecting to be scolded for losing his temper, like a small child waiting to be sent to the corner to think about what he'd done
"To be honest, you did great! The girls are safe and happy, and you managed to shoo away the guy without getting physical. That's the best outcome I can ask for."
..You were right
He thanked you and gave you a kiss on the forehead for reassuring him before you walked together to your daughters' room to spend some time together
And you sighed with relief after watching Deuce relax as he played together with his daughters
He would have to change his usual route for a while, just to make sure they wouldn't be bothered again
But if he'd have to face the guy again, he knew he could do even better than that 
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deliciousangelfestival · 10 months
Frosty Affection || Sick Boyfriend
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Character: College!Bucky Barnes x College!Reader
Words Count: 820
Summary: When Bucky got sick.
Frosty Affection Masterlist
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
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Bucky rarely got sick.
Even if he did, a team of family doctors was always ready to treat him. However, now, as a university student living alone, he had been vigilant about his health, successfully avoiding illness.
That is until the rainy season arrived, bringing a busy routine for Bucky as the Student President. Despite his trained strength, there was a limit, and he fell ill.
Thinking a good night's sleep would resolve the issue, Bucky ventured to class, his quiet demeanor concealing any signs of sickness.
However, his girlfriend, Y/N, quickly noticed something was amiss. A gentle touch to his forehead revealed a fever, prompting her to rush him to the hospital where her sister worked.
The doctor diagnosed Bucky with a sore throat and exhaustion, advising a week of rest. This marked the first time Bucky felt such weakness.
Y/N drove him back to his apartment, where his headache intensified, making it painful to open his eyes. Y/N, showing her caring side, applied a cold compress to ease his discomfort.
As Y/N prepared porridge for him, she couldn't help but recall how she had informed Bucky's mother, Elizabeth, about his illness.
Elizabeth replies, “That foolish child. He never told anyone if he got sick. Please watch over him, doctor Y/N😉.”
Y/N chuckled, seeing the message. Looking at the previous chat, both have been sending funny gifs and reels. She would probably not believe it if Bucky told her that his mother was like a tyrant in the underworld.
Y/N fed Bucky with patience and tenderness, a skill acquired from caring for her older sister during illness.
Y/N feeds the food to Bucky. Even if he looks weak in her eyes ‘Damn, even if he is sick, he is still handsome.”
Seeing his girlfriend not being awkward taking care of him, he asked her, “Have you ever fed someone else?”
Y/N replied, "Only my sister." After their parents passed away, her older sister studied hard to become a doctor. Due to Isabel always staying up late, she frequently got sick, and it was Y/N who took care of her older sister.
Bucky shouldn't have felt jealous when he heard that, but because of his sickness, he couldn't control his facial expressions.
Y/N saw her boyfriend become grumpy. He became a cute, angry, chubby dumpling. She put both hands holding his cheeks. “You're so cute. If you're not sick, I would kiss you.”
Bucky chuckled; he rested his head on her shoulder and hugged her waist. Y/N was taken aback for a second by how Bucky was acting spoiled. But she has nothing to complain about; she loves to babysit her sick boyfriend.
Bucky thinks the same, too; it turns out being sick is not that bad.
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When Y/N got sick.
After Bucky got healthy, it was Y/N's turn to get sick. Bucky immediately takes care of his girlfriend. He felt guilty for sure; she got infected because of him.
When Bucky watches over her, there’s an uninvited guest. Surprise, surprise, it was his mother, Elizabeth, and his younger brother, Nicholas.
Elizabeth puts the food she brings into Bucky's hands and enters the apartment. “How is Y/N?”
Bucky answered, “She only needs a good sleep mother.”
Nicholas, who carries flowers, also follows his mother. He looked at Bucky with an annoyed face. His expression is the same as Bucky's. “This is for sister Y/N.”
Bucky scoffed. If only Y/N saw the true face of his younger brother. “Like I want a flower from you.”
Nicholas turned his head and ran to Y/N's bed. He had already put his adorable face on her; he showed her the flower. “Sister Y/N, get well soon.”
Y/N, lying on the bed, was happy she got visited by the adorable Nicholas and Elizabeth. She gently rubbed Nicholas's head. “Thank you.” She felt so touched. Bucky's family cares for her.
On the other hand, Bucky looks back at his mother and brother and feels funny; he’s the one who is related to them, but he feels like an outsider.
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Author Note: Hey everyone! 🌟
Your input means the world to me.
If you've got any cool ideas or prompts, whether for this fluff series or any other series, feel free to share them with me!
Just drop them in my ASK/SEND REQUEST box. 😘💕❤️‍🔥
Can't wait to hear your awesome suggestions! 🚀💬
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happilyhertale · 1 year
Heir to the throne - Daemon Targaryen x niece!reader
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Summary: You and your uncle Daemon have a somewhat sullen relationship. Daemon thinks you are weak. And you think he is insufferable and manipulative. But how long can you resist your growing affection for him?
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Minors do not continue reading!
Author’s note: Hey you (:
A one-shot Daemon story requested by @dreamlandcreations 🖤 I hope you like it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 5.5 k
Other stories of mine
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As the day of your birth dawned, the enchanting chimes of Kings Landing echoed through the city, filling the air with a symphony of celebration. All the people of the realm witnessed your arrival on this earth. As the beloved first-born daughter of King Viserys and his beloved Queen Aemma, it was well known that your father longed for a son. But your father's deep love for you surpassed all pre-determined expectations.
When your mother's womb was filled with new life again, you were still a child yourself, and the anticipation of the arrival of a male heir to stride through the royal halls grew. But fate had other plans, and your sister Rhaenyra graced the world with her presence. From the moment she entered this realm, an unbreakable bond formed between the two of you. Despite Rhaenyra's temperamental nature, you found harmony in each other's company.
During your childhood together, mischievous pranks became part of your playful repertoire, often driving others to despair. While you found solace in the art of needlework and the treasures of old books in the library, Rhaenyra could always be found in the exercise yard, rolling in the earth and eagerly keeping pace with the boys of the court. But you, too, actually took part in such pursuits and proved that your wild spirit burns just as brightly. Countless times you stood by Rhaenyra's side, defending her against the taunts of those who mocked her only because she was a girl. Together, fearlessly and with combined strength, you unceremoniously threw those who dared to challenge you into the dirt.
Yet the longing for a male heir consumed your father Viserys' heart and overshadowed the vibrant love between your parents. Your mother, despite her best efforts, was tired and exhausted after mourning a dead child in the cradle, suffering two stillbirths and two heartbreaking miscarriages. But a glimmer of hope emerged when she became pregnant again, sparking the anticipation of a long-awaited male successor. Even you and Rhaenyra held on to that hope, for you were reluctant to take on the burden of ruling a kingdom. The duties and benefits of being a princess gave you both far more pleasure. But this pregnancy weighed heavily on your mother, sapping her vitality with each passing day. The signs were obvious to you, for she rarely ventured out of her bath anymore.
You and Rhaenyra started spending a few moments together in bed in the evenings at that time. You had numerous conversations ranging from trivia to the prevailing topic of your mother and her exhausting pregnancy. It was during these intimate exchanges that your fear of childbirth was really ignited.
This fear was only fuelled when your mother died in childbirth. Your mother's untimely passing at the birth of the long-awaited male heir shook you and Rhaenyra to the core. But in the midst of the pain, there was a surprising turn of events when your father called you to him. The seriousness that showed on his face set the tone as you and Rhaenyra stood before King Viserys, waiting for his words.
In a calm and serious tone, he unravelled the story of the Song of Ice and Fire and tied together the threads of the prophetic vision of Aegon the Conqueror. As his hopeful gaze fell upon you, a feeling of trepidation crept over you, for you did not know what he was up to. Your father was trying to divert the succession by preferring you to your uncle Daemon and longing for you to ascend the throne. There was silence in the air, broken only by Rhaenyra's radiant smile. But you shook your head resolutely and refused the iron throne that awaited you. And so the path took its course, granting Rhaenyra her rightful place as heir to the throne.
But what you and Rhaenyra also shared was the joyful anticipation that shot through your veins every time your uncle Daemon visited King's Landing. The moment Caraxes appeared in the sky, your heart beat faster and you quickly made your way to the dragon pit. Hastily you traversed the corridors, longing to catch even a glimpse of your beloved uncle. Gasping for breath, you reached the entrance of the dragon pit and waited patiently for his arrival. It wasn't long before Rhaenyra was at your side, waiting as well. And whenever Daemon finally appeared, a radiant smile lit up both your faces.
Without hesitation, you both sprinted towards him, and with effortless strength, he lifted you both up in his arms and carried you towards the keep. Enchanted, you listened to his every word and listened to tales of epic battles and distant lands he had travelled. But over time, things changed. You grew more mature, older and wiser.
Although you still hold your uncle in high esteem, a bittersweet ambivalence stirs within you. You still enjoyed listening to his stories, even if you feigned a certain disinterest. But his shadowy deeds, which always resonated in the depths of your consciousness, repelled you. The same was true of your uncle. He held you in high esteem, considered you his niece and vowed to protect you from the horrors of this world should he have the power to do so. However, he considered you weak, much like your father, King Viserys. It was Rhaenyra, spirited and rebellious, who attracted his affections more. But such things were of no consequence to you. Gaining his attention was not attractive, at least you kept whispering this to yourself.
One day, the whispers of the servants echoed ceaselessly through the air, like a delicate melody. The news was full of excitement - a vibrant festival was to fill the humble streets of Flea Bottom. Enchanting attractions and captivating performers would parade through the avenues, enthralling all who gathered with their enchanting talents. Naturally, your curiosity was piqued, for it had been far too long since you had joined Rhaenyra on a journey through the secret passages of the keep.
As evening fell and dinner drew to a close, you retired to your chambers. Secretly you dressed in the humble attire of the servants and carefully donned a cloak with a hood that concealed your shining silver locks. With great determination, you approached what appeared to be an ordinary wall in your chambers and exerted a gentle but purposeful push. The wall that obeyed your touch gives way, revealing a hidden passageway that lies beyond. A tingle of anticipation flows through you as you enter the hidden passageways and the familiar excitement within you flares up again.
As you arrive in front of the massive keep, you stare upwards, fascinated by the towering walls that seem almost frightening. Relief washes over you, for you knew that tonight you would escape the confines of this fortress and enjoy the freedom that awaited you. Your path leads you unwaveringly to Flea Bottom, a thriving tapestry of life and pleasure. The narrow streets were teeming with happy people, the air was filled with animated conversation and joyous laughter.
At every corner, artists adorned the bustling scene, showing off their talents and attracting the attention of passers-by. The fascination of it all takes hold of you as your gaze wanders upwards to witness a daredevil performer gracefully crossing a taut rope between two old walls. A melodious laugh escapes your lips, evidence of the sheer wonder and enchantment that has captivated you.
The lure of this uncomplicated existence is undeniably great. What is even more enticing is the anonymity it gives you. Here your hair remains unseen, the darkness hides you from prying eyes. Your purple eyes go unnoticed like a hidden gem. You are no princess, but just an ordinary soul among them.
A woman gracefully hands you a glass of wine and a smile graces your lips in response. As you sip the wine, she leads you into the crowd of dancing people. In the square, musicians serenade and enchant those who sway to their melodies. You find yourself in the midst of the cheering crowd, laughing and twirling in blissful abandon. You spill a little wine but pay no attention to the fleeting mishap. Your hood slips briefly, but you deftly straighten it again, preserving your disguise.
But as you turn around briskly, a sudden shock of surprise passes through you. Standing before you is your uncle, Daemon, wrapped in his own cloak.
"Uncle!" you say, startled. Your eyes are wide and you stop abruptly. You are breathing heavily from all your dancing.
But he only grins at you.
"Well, well... What is our little princess doing here?" he asks you.
You clear your throat slightly, "Well... I just wanted to enjoy the festivities," you say softly.
He smiles at you, "I could see that," he grins at you.
"So you're interested in the festivities? And you even sneak out of the keep to do it?" he asks you.
You look at him, "Does that surprise you?" you ask him in return.
He shrugs slightly, "Let's put it this way, I didn't expect it"
He looks at you with a look you can't quite place. Your cheeks flush slightly and you look to the side.
"Well... I have to go, take care princess," he says with a slight grin and continues walking.
You are left a little irritated.
The next day you learn that Rhaenyra was in a brothel with Daemon and you are shocked. You met Daemon on the streets of Flea Bottom, he must have gone straight to a brothel afterwards... When you hear this, you immediately go in search of Rhaenyra.
When you find her, she is standing talking to Ser Criston.
"Rhaenyra," you say, and she responds with a smile.
"Can we talk for a moment?" you ask her.
Ser Criston steps away from you.
When you are alone, you look at her.
"You were in a brothel with Uncle Daemon?" you ask her.
Her eyes grow wide.
"How do you know about that?" she asks you, horrified.
"Well... secrets don't stay secrets here for long... Especially when two silver-haired people visit a brothel," you say.
She swallows visibly.
"So it's true?" you ask her.
She grabs your arm, "He didn't take my maidenhead, I swear," she says to you.
"But how can you be so careless as to go to a brothel with him?" you ask her.
"Do you know what will happen if this gets out?" you ask her further, "Your reputation will be ruined!"
She bites her lip nervously.
"It won't come out... and if it does...I didn't lose my maidenhead to him," she says softly.
But after your father finds out about it, he is furious. He has Daemon brought to him.
"Give me Rhaenyra to take to wife and we will return the House of the Dragon to its proper glory"
There is a brief silence in the throne room as Daemon speaks the words and lies hungover on the floor.
Viserys kneels over him, "Of course... It's not my daughter you lust for, is it?"
He presses the blade a little more against Daemon's neck, "It's my throne"
Daemon grins just slightly.
"You can take her as your wife... But she will no longer be heir to the throne. I will make y/n heir to the throne. Rhaenyra is no longer pure, too wild to rule a kingdom... Hoping that you cannot corrupt y/n, " Viserys finally says.
Daemon gets angry, "You can't do that!"
Viserys stands up, "You'll see what I can do"
And in a moment that seemed to stand the test of time, your father, in a grand production, announced to the realm that you were the rightful heir to the throne. He justifies this monumental decision by acknowledging that he should have recognised your esteemed position as elder sister from the beginning. Deep down, however, both you and Rhaenyra understand the motivations behind this decision, but the revelation leaves you stunned and unprepared. The thought of assuming the role of queen does not suit your heart's desires, but your father, determined and weary of all stormy arguments, rejects all arguments.
The kingdom is in an uproar, and King Viserys hosts an extravagant ball to celebrate this turning point. With unwavering courage, you step into the limelight, knowing that all eyes will be on you all night and your every move will be closely watched. Countless lords vie for your attention, eager to capture your gaze. You, now the embodiment of attraction, become the most desired woman in the realm, igniting ardent desire from all corners. In the midst of this whirlwind, you find a moment of calm, enjoying a sip of wine in solitude, only to be startled by the sudden appearance of your uncle at your side.
"Niece," he says in greeting.
You look over at him slightly and then drink some more of your wine.
"Uncle," you say back.
After a while his voice resounds, "So you are now heir to the throne"
You nod slightly, "I guess that's right," you say.
He smiles slightly, "You don't seem very pleased about it"
You snort slightly, "Well... if you hadn't taken your other niece to a brothel and started rumours about her virtue... Then I wouldn't have to be here," you say.
"So you're not pleased?" he asks you.
You just look at him.
"Why... Why are you taking her to a brothel in the first place? It's irresponsible and immoral," you say.
"'Excuse me... My highly moral niece... but if we are honest, was I ever moral?" he asks you.
You snort again and he looks at you.
"You were out in Flea Bottom yourself...," he finally replies, but you interrupt him.
"... but I didn't go to a brothel!" you say.
He watches you for a moment.
"I had to take Rhaenyra there... I had to show her... To show her what it means to make political decisions… to fulfil duties and also to accept and live out personal preferences," he tells you.
You shake your head slightly, "You can't think of anything better than taking your niece to your brothel?"
You drink from your wine and look out into the crowd again.
He looks at you, a slight smile curling his lips.
"You wish I had gone to the brothel with you?" he asks suddenly.
You choke on your wine.
"Excuse me?" you ask him.
He grins now, "You wish I had chosen you. When I met you on the streets of Flea Bottom... You wish I had taken you by the hand and..."
But you interrupt him.
"What? No! Of course not!" you say to him, but your cheeks blush slightly.
He just grins even more, "Well... If I had known that your father would now install you as heir to the throne... Then I wouldn't have deprived you of this lesson," he says with the same grin on his face.
"Stop it!" you hiss.
"I have no interest in going to a filthy brothel with you," you say to him and you feel the anger rising inside you.
"Well... we don't have to go to a brothel either... I can teach you this lesson in a soft bed," his eyes sparkle as he says this to you.
You just look at him.
"Do you always have to be like this? So manipulative? Maybe you should stop trying to corrupt your brother's daughters... At some point there won't be any children left to succeed to the throne... Or is that what you want? So that you can be named heir to the throne again?" you say to him.
Daemon's gaze darkens, but you simply step away from him.
You leave the ball. You quickly try to put a great distance between you and Daemon. You don't know what it is, but the thought of being in a brothel with Daemon stirs something in you. But you quickly move on towards your chambers.
As the morning light wakes you and you step out of your chambers after your morning routine, a bittersweet realisation comes to you - Daemon has once again left King's Landing.
But in the midst of this recurring absence, a new responsibility now weighs on your shoulders and demands your attention. Your father, concerned for your future, keeps dropping hints about potential suitors who might be worthy of you. Some of these suggestions make you recoil in horror, as they are unfamiliar names of lords you have never heard of. Others, with some logic, sound like good partners. But one name keeps coming up - Laenor Velaryon. Laenor, a kind-hearted soul, would guarantee you a respectful marriage. But deep inside you long for a marriage that promises more than a husband who prefers to spend his free time in the company of other men.
While King Viserys wants to leave the final decision to you, he nevertheless tries in his own discreet way to win your heart for this union. Inwardly, you cannot help but envy Rhaenyra, who now enjoys the freedom of choice, unaffected by the burden of political affairs. Yet you are taken aback when she too suddenly expresses her desire for an engagement. Ser Harwin's proposal to marry her is announced by your father, and the glow on Rhaenyra's lips betrays her joy. After much deliberation, your father has given his consent to this betrothal, sealing the path Rhaenyra will take.
Preparations for Rhaenyra's wedding are in full swing, putting an enchanting aura in the air. Although Rhaenyra is no longer heir to the throne, no expense or effort is spared to ensure a magnificent wedding. While you are busy with your own new tasks, you are all the more surprised when your sister's wedding is suddenly only a few days away.
The capital city is welcoming an influx of distinguished guests, with unfamiliar faces packing the halls. Amidst this swirl, fate once again crosses your path with Laenor. Warm greetings are exchanged, and in the absence of your father's watchful presence, you are indeed able to engage in pleasant conversation. Unfortunately, your father never fails to highlight Laenor's presence whenever he can.
On the auspicious day of the wedding, there is a grand ball where wine flows copiously, instilling in you a sense of calm. This makes it a little easier to bear your father's insistent insistence that you dance with Laenor. Your gaze, however, inevitably wanders to Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin, who always wear beaming smiles on their lips. Genuine joy fills your heart for them.
Suddenly a murmur goes through the crowd, growing louder with each passing moment. As you look up from your seat at the head table, you catch sight of the entrance of your uncle, who has been absent throughout the ceremony. Surprised, but not completely taken aback, it seems only logical that he naturally needs to make a special appearance. He exudes an undeniable charm as he strides into the hall, his lips curved into a subtle smile. Your eyes meet briefly, and you detect a hint of mirth in his eyes. Hastily, you avert your gaze and seek refuge in the depths of your wine glass.
Daemon makes his way to Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin and offers them his congratulations before gracefully walking around the table. Finally, he settles across from you. As you avoid his gaze, your attention is abruptly taken by your father, who suddenly stands before you. A smile graces your face as you lift your gaze to meet him, only to lose it again when you see Laenor standing beside your father.
"Y/n. I thought you were going to show Laenor your new dancing skills?" your father asks you.
You smile, "Where do you keep getting these ideas from?," you mumble.
But gracefully you rise from your seat and put on a gentle smile, as if the weight of the world is light on your shoulders. Together with Laenor, you glide to the dance floor, a harmonious couple amidst the lively atmosphere. Laenor, a skilful dance partner, engages you in pleasant conversation. But his presence does not arouse any feelings beyond the warmth of a cousin.
After a few dances, a growing restlessness overcomes you and you long for solitude and a break from the boisterous mood. Seeking solace, you retreat to the edge of the dance floor, the rim of your wine cup finding comfort at your lips. A single, daring sip empties the vessel and quiets your inner turmoil for a moment. In the distance, your father approaches Laenor once more and engages him in conversation. The scene almost amuses you as you notice that Laenor is beginning to seem annoyed too.
You quickly take another cup of wine and leave the festivities before your father can address you again. Cup in hand, you stroll through the corridors and make your way to your chambers. Weary from the day's events, your only desire is to wrap yourself in solitude. As you enter your private chambers, you free yourself from the confines of your dress and let out a relieved sigh as the lacing at your back loosens.
The garment falls to the floor and surrenders to gravity. Wearing a flowing nightgown, you approach the mirror and carefully untangle the intricately braided pigtails that adorned your head. As you lift the brush and prepare to run it through your silken tresses, an unwelcome interruption sounds in the form of a sharp knock on the door. Irritation flickers across your face as you turn to face the unwelcome disturbance.
"Who is it?" you ask. But no one answers. You sigh and go to the door. You open it.
"What is it?" but you pause as you see your uncle.
"Uncle?" you ask.
He smiles slightly at you, "Niece," he says.
You look at each other for a while.
"Won't you invite me in?" he finally asks you.
"I'm not sure I want to," you reply.
He raises his eyebrows a little, but you take a step to the side.
His hands are behind his back and he smiles at you. Slowly he enters your chambers. You close the door and watch him. You see his broad back and notice that he seems to be looking around.
"Not much has changed in your chambers..." he says somewhat absently as he stands at your desk.
You look at him and smile a little, "Did you come here to inspect my chambers?" you ask him.
He turns to you and has to smile a little again, "No... of course not...", he says almost quietly.
He lets his fingers glide lightly over a book lying on your desk.
"You seemed annoyed," he says finally.
Now you are the one raising your eyebrows, "What?" you ask him.
"Well... At the ball... You seemed upset. Upset that Viserys kept trying to badger you with Laenor's presence," he says, smiling at you.
You roll your eyes a little as you think about it again. "Is it that noticeable?" you ask him.
You walk over to the table and drink from your wine again.
"I don't want to marry Laenor," you say finally.
"I like Laenor, he's nice. But I don't want a man who prefers the company of men," you say, turning to face Daemon.
Daemon grins slightly.
"That's understandable... You want a man who desires you," he says to you.
You have to chuckle a little, but shake your head slightly, "I don't think that's an argument that will meet with my father's understanding," you say.
"Well...", Daemon says, "You will be queen, you should decide who you marry... who will rule with you", he says to you.
You drink again of your wine and look at him. You see a sparkle in his purple eyes.
"I could take you to a brothel, if that would help you decide," he says suddenly.
This hits you unexpectedly and you suddenly have to laugh. Your laughter infects Daemon and you hear him chuckle slightly.
"Thank you very much for your offer, uncle. But I think I will decline," you say with a smile.
You look at each other and notice how close you are. You can literally feel his breath on your skin. Suddenly his lips are on yours. You gasp briefly, but then his hand is on your cheek and he holds you tight. The kiss is wild and passionate. You put your hands on his firm chest and pull him closer to you by his waistcoat. You whimper slightly as he gently bites your lower lip. Daemon breaks the kiss briefly. He is breathing heavily. His thumb wanders gently over your lower lip. His eyes seem to be watching your face closely, as if finding even the slightest sign that you don't want this.
"Do you really want me to corrupt another daughter of the king?" he asks you in his deep voice.
You are also breathing heavily and look at him.
"Shut up, uncle," you say simply.
He chuckles lightly and lets his hand slide down your neck. He pulls you close again and kisses you.
He pushes you backwards slightly and you notice the back of your thighs pressing against the desk. His hands are suddenly on your hips and with one quick movement you are sitting on the desk. Daemon is standing between your legs and he starts kissing your neck. Slowly he lets his lips and tongue glide over your soft skin. His fingers slowly slide along your thigh and you gasp.
"Is that okay?" Daemon whispers as he continues to caress your neck. You just nod and wrap your legs around him.
You feel a slight grin on his lips. You start to unbutton his shirt. More and more of his muscular chest is exposed. You notice slight scars on his skin as he lets go of your neck to pull his shirt over his head. You breathe heavily. You let your fingers wander gently over his chest and feel the scars. You bite your lip lightly.
"Shall we stop for a moment and admire each other's bodies?" he asks you with a teasing undertone.
You look up into his eyes. "Shut up, I said," you whisper. He chuckles softly and kisses you again. His hand continues to wander along your thigh. It slides under your nightgown and you let your hand slide down his neck. You gently grab his neck and pull him closer to you. You notice how your undergarments are getting more and more soaked. When his fingers suddenly slide over your folds, you moan into his mouth. He doesn't hesitate for long and pushes your undergarments aside. He feels your wetness immediately and his fingers are immediately soaked.
A deep groan forms in his chest. His fingers find your clit and start to leave firm but gentle movements on it. You moan again and gasp. You grip his neck tighter and he grins at you.
"You like that..." he whispers.
You just whimper as he moves his fingers faster. You kiss him again and try to undo his trousers at the same time. But you are distracted by his fingers. When he suddenly inserts two fingers into you, your efforts stop.
"Daemon...", you moan a little louder now.
"Yes...? I must prepare you for my cock...", he murmurs simply and lets his fingers slide into you.
You look into his eyes. Your cheeks are flushed and you are breathing heavily. He smiles at you. You moan as he lets his fingers disappear inside you again and again. You close your eyes and pull him towards you. Your lips find his lips and when he inserts a third finger, you just whimper. But you start to move your hips towards him.
Suddenly you hear him open his trousers and they slip to the floor. Your tongues continue to dance around each other as he suddenly stops inserting his fingers into you. Instead, he reaches for your undergarments and pulls them down your legs. You breathe heavily and watch his movements. You see him bite his lip as he just drops your undergarments on the floor. But then your gaze falls on his body. Daemon is standing in front of you without his shirt and trousers. And you see his entire size.
You now bite your lip as you look at his cock. It is big and thick and you can already see a few drops polling around at its tip.
His big hand pumps a few times his hot length and then he lets the tip of his cock slide through your wetness. You hear him grunt softly and can't hold back a moan of your own.
He kisses you again and lets his hand wander to your ass. Slowly he pulls you closer to him and you feel him slowly push his cock into you. You bite your lip. You gasp as his big member almost splits you. But it feels so good. He gives you time to adjust to his size. You start to move your hips towards him. And he takes that as a sign and his thrusts become stronger. With each thrust he is deeper inside you. His grunts get louder and you start moaning in unison with him. He fills you completely. Your arms are around his neck and you close your eyes. His hands are on your hips and he makes you slam down on his cock faster. You cry out in passion. The table beneath you starts to creak with each thrust, it is obviously not designed for such activities.
Suddenly one of his hands is on your shoulder and he pushes you down gently. You follow his instruction and lie down on the table. Immediately his hands are on your hips again, setting the pace. You wrap your legs around his waist to push him closer to you. The slapping of your naked skin and your lustful sounds fill your chambers. With each thrust, he grazes your sweet spot in your wet core. You moan out. Daemon notices how your walls clench around his cock.
Without hesitation, he begins to rub your pearl with his thumb. You reach for his biceps as a wave of excitement floods through you.
"Daemon..." you gasp.
"It's all right, I've got you. Show me how good it is for you... Come on my cock," you hear him say in his deep voice. His thumb moves faster and his thrusts become harder.
And then an incredible feeling floods you.
You moan, but his thrusts don't let up.
"Daemon," you moan and continue to grab his biceps.
"Yes... Yes!" he just grunts. You close your eyes and are a moaning mess. And then you hear him groan loudly. His moans become softer until they subside completely. You are both breathing heavily. You are still lying on your desk. Daemon is still standing between your legs. He lets his head hang down and you feel him slowly pull his cock out of you. You notice his cum leaking out of you and dripping onto the floor. But you can't move. Your eyes are closed and you try to catch your breath. You notice how he gently caresses your thigh.
"I wanted to take Rhaenyra's maidenhead that night... In the brothel...", you suddenly hear him say.
You open your eyes and look at him. He looks at you closely.
Neither of you says anything.
When suddenly he breaks the silence again, "But I couldn't"
You continue to look at him.
"Why?" you ask quietly.
He swallows briefly, "When I saw you that night. You, the perfect, good princess who did something forbidden... That somehow confused me..." he says quietly. His fingers continue to caress your thigh.
"I don't know, I just couldn't," he says a little louder.
You have to smile slightly and sit up.
"So my uncle does have a conscience," you say teasingly.
He has to smile slightly, "Then I guess I shouldn't have taken your maidenhead"
You smile, "Who said you did?"
He looks at you a little startled.
"I was joking," you say before he can say anything.
This time he has to laugh. He starts stroking your cheek.
"Maybe your father had better not find out about this," he says suddenly. But you have the feeling that there is a hint of sadness.
You look at him. Suddenly you have to smile slightly.
"Except... When I tell him I want to marry you," you say.
His eyes grow wide.
"What...?" he whispers.
"Well... He wants me to get married. And I get to have the last word," you say.
"But you are so often annoyed with me," he says with a smile.
"Well... at least that guarantees it won't be boring," you say quietly.
Daemon just shakes his head slightly and leans forward. He kisses you softly.
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@aemonds-wifey @hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemond-targaryenx @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @dreamlandcreations
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soc69 · 7 months
Okay, so I’ve somehow fallen back into my eraser mic family addiction so here are some back stories that I’ve recently been theorising about and can’t let go of:
(Also I fully intend to make another post about specific Headcannons of how each of their dynamics with one and other work. This is pretty much entirely for my own enjoyment but hopefully other people will get something out of this too)
Yamaha Hizashi:
I’m pretty sure it’s canon that when mic was born he deafened both his mother and the midwife so I have a bit of a dark background headcanon for him based on this.
Basically, I think that mic’s mother tried really hard to raise him for a few years but I don’t think his dad was ever really in the picture (or if he was he left pretty early on) so it was just a newly deafened young women dealing with a bit of postpartum depression and a huge law suit from the doctor who delivered mic for his loss of hearing. She couldn’t work and was trying to get by on subsidy and disability checks until, eventually, she just couldn’t take it any more and handed him over to the state when he was about 3 or 4. He doesn’t remember much about his early years and luckily he was only in the system bouncing around different foster homes for a year or so until he got adopted by his moms who loved him so hard and taught him how to see the best in people. He has never once questioned their roles as his real parents and credits them with his becoming a hero for giving him the best life they could.
That being said, he grew up knowing the story behind him being placed in the system and never once held it against his birth mother either. When he was a teenager, she saw him in the UA sports festival and decided to reach out. Despite it feeling slightly awkward for hizashi at the start and his mother battling feelings of guilt when she first met him, they got past that and these days they meet up once or twice a month to check in on one another. Nowadays, mic just counts himself as really lucky to have not one, not two, but three moms in his life who all care about him and want to do what they can for him and his family.
As mic gets older, the early reckless use of his quirk as a crying kid and pre-support-gear-hero-wannabe starts catching up to him and he begins to loose his hearing. By the time he’s in UA he’s already considered hard of hearing and these days he can’t hear much of anything without hearing aids. Of course, Aizawa learned sign language at the same time hizashi did when he was first warned that he might go deaf one day and they’ve been teaching eri since she moved in with them. Hitoshi, however, already knew sign, as I will get into next.
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Soooo, we all know how fond this fandom is of giving Hitoshi the most tragic story ever and I’ve really struggled to break that cycle, so here we go.
I headcannon that Hitoshi’s mom died when he was very young, maybe even in child birth, and his father was absolutely heartbroken by this. He really did his best with Hitoshi but he was so much like the love of his life in so many ways that he could hardly look at him without wanting to sob. They had the same hair, eyes, smile - everything in Hitoshi was inherited from his mother and when his quirk manifested it was, once again, directly inherited from her.
I think, contrary to popular belief, Hitoshi’s dad didn’t see this as a curse. He loved his wife and everything about her, including her quirk, but it was just so painful for him to see it when he couldn’t see her. He turned to some less than healthy coping mechanism and, after a DUI, realised that he needed to get his life back on track if he was ever going to do right by his son.
He ended up relinquishing some of his custody to the state when Hitoshi was around 6 but retained visitation rights and would come and see Hitoshi every weekend, giving updates about his job search and making promises that he could come home soon. However, the visits gradually became fewer and further between until one day, after he had taken Hitoshi out for what he, at the time, considered the best day of his life, his social worker delivered the message that he had emigrated to US and wouldn’t be coming back. He left Hitoshi a letter apologising for not being a good enough man to take care of him and truly believing this was for the best. Hitoshi held onto that letter until he was 13 when, in a fit of rage after being fostered by the worst family yet, he tore it to pieces. Sometimes he still remembers the letter and cries that he doesn’t have it anymore because for the longest time it was the only evidence he had that someone had loved him. Nowadays though when he feels like this he knows he has three people waiting to prove that’s not the case anymore.
Since Hitoshi had been un-fosterable for the first couple of years in the group home, what with his dad still being in the picture, he basically wasted what are affectionately termed the “cute years” in the system, meaning that, as a preteen, he was pretty undesirable to potentially families. He bounced around different group homes and foster families that took in troubled youths since most people were scared of his quirk and didn’t take kindly to him trying to talk to them. He ended up learning sign language form a deaf kid in one of the homes he was in and used that to communicate to most adults so as not to scare them out of taking care of him to the point that it was put in his file that he had selective mutism.
When Hitoshi got into UA and started training with aizawa, aizawa noticed that Hitoshi was a little malnourished and seemed more skittish than the average teen ought to be. He took it upon himself to start taking him out for meals after their training and keeping a close eye on any signs or abuse or neglect in the future. By this point Hitoshi was living in a group home as it was the closest place to UA and, although there was no current abuse happening, Hitoshi had experienced some maltreatment in the past that made him cautious around authority figures and it was still all too easy for him to accidentally be neglected in such an anonymous home life.
Taking Hitoshi out for meals after training eventually turned into inviting him back to his house for meals which turned into quality family bonding for the entire erasermic clan. Eri starting calling Hitoshi ‘toshi-nii’ and asking where he was whenever aizawa came home alone after the first month, hizashi started insisting he stay the night whenever he was there past 6pm, and shouta subtly converted their home office into shinsous private bedroom by adding a fouton, removing one of the desks, and gradually clearing the bookcases so Hitoshi wouldn’t notice the added effort.
Pretty early on hizashi and shouta have a conversation about how much they both want Hitoshi to join their family but they’re equally scared of overwhelming him or putting pressure in him to say yes to them because they’re his teachers so they agree to wait for the right time. The right time eventually comes during a breakdown after Hitoshi has a nightmare when he’s staying over about his birth father. When he wakes up he goes looking for his letter before he remembers he doesn’t have it anymore and cries to erasermic that he’s all alone. It’s then that they tell him how much they want him to join their family. Cue the entire family ugly sobbing.
Aizawa Shouta:
I actually headcannon Aizawa as being the only one with a relatively trauma free upbringing. He’s just a grouch by choice.
He was, however, raised entirely by women. His dad left when he was about three so it’s been just him, his mom, and his two older sisters ever since. The oldest is 6 years older than him and the middle is 4 years older than him so he really is the baby of the family and they all treat him as such. He pretends to hate it but when they all show up for him after he gets banged up in hero work and fret over him he secretly loves the attention and it means the world to him every time they make a trip to see him.
His mother is an incredibly sarcastic women and it’s where he gets all his sass but she’s also very no nonsense and will put anyone in their place if they dare to talk bad about her family. His oldest sister is a lot like him but his middle is criminally similar to hizashi so they get along like a house on fire. That being said, everyone in his family adores hizashi and they had bets on when the two would finally confess their love for each other ever since shouta brought him and oboro over in their first year for a group project. (What they don’t know is that oboro was the one who snuck off downstairs that day and started the betting pool). When it come to eri and shinsou however, my god, ‘adore’ is not a big enough word. They would all die for those children and make sure to visit as often as possible.
So we all kinda know eri’s history already so I’m just gonna talk about how she responded to each of her new family members.
So obviously she immediately latches onto Aizawa as her hero and Aizawa adores her. He is biologically incapable of ever saying no to her (not that she really asks for much) and spoils her rotten, so, within a few weeks of moving in she has a new everything in every color. But that much we know already so onto mic.
I think it takes her a while to get used to hizashi as she’s instinctively very cautious around new people so, as much as it breaks mics heart, he has to spend the first couple of weeks of eris adjustment period staying with nemuri and visiting every other day until she’s more comfortable around him. The change happens when they’re having a bonding day at home and eri takes a tumble and nearly falls down the stairs from the top of the landing. On instinct, mic gets between her and the stairs and pushes her back up to safety but ends up falling down the stairs in her place. Eri immediately runs down to check on him apologising profusely and is absolutely terrified of how he’s going to react but mic just immediately pulls her into a hug and starts asking if she’s okay saying he was terrified she might of been hurt and from that point on eri realised that this man would never hurt her and so when he goes to leave that night she asks him to stay instead and he’s never spent the night at nemuris since.
As we’ve already established, she very quickly accepts Hitoshi as her brother but the exact moment it happens isn’t as easily pinpointed as it is with mic. One day she was shy and reserved around him and the next she was choosing to sit closest to him over everyone else on movie nights. It was such a seemless transition that no one even really noticed (except Hitoshi of course who clocked the change immediately and had no idea what to do with the fact that this little angel wanted him as a brother and definitely went to bed and cried about it the first time she chose to sit with him instead of her dads).
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goldenteaset · 3 months
(After many edits and sitting on this for months...)
I think the shortest answer I can give to the whole "Legato's abuse has defined him too much to even consider what he'd be like otherwise in an AU" is:
Fair enough, but I feel we're supposed to try. I feel to assume Legato or anyone is wholly defined by what happened in their past only dehumanizes them further, and they shouldn't be denied that opportunity to grow and move on, even if that growth is painful. As a fictional character, where he's bound only by our imaginations, why should Legato lose out on this chance?
The nature of fandom, especially "transformative" fandom, is just that: taking what canon gave us and recontextualizing it, doing new things with it, having fun. Legato as a character is ripe for this. Rather than having him be static, it's just more fun to imagine what he'd be like if saved by someone else, if he didn't need saving at all, if he had parents who loved him, while still keeping the core of his character intact.
And for the record, these are the things I personally consider core to Legato's character:
Resilient and stubborn, able to defy death itself if it means he can achieve his goals.
A strong sense of justice/vengeance.
An intense hatred for bullies, or the sadistic preying on the weak.
Relating to that, a dark sense of humor.
('98 specific?) Loyalty to his comrades.
(Also '98 specific, might become prominent in Stampede) A philosophical streak.
If these sound a lot like some traits Wolfwood has, that's because they are, and Wolfwood also has a history of child abuse and murder and changed his ways upon meeting Vash. (So did Razlo, for that matter.)
On that note, I think it's worth specifying that "the ticket to the future is always blank" isn't something the narrative forces Vash to let go of, it's the pacifism and pretending he isn't a Plant. Even that guy who kidnapped Lina during Vash's Ericks era, who seemed so unlikeable, became a member of the community going by that one panel in Maximum. The future being open means that Vash's "tickets" can also be refused, and taken up again at one's will. Change is always possible in Trigun.
And re: "why do we see Legato's legitimately terrible past on the page, then?", I feel the answer is as simple as "Nightow wanted to show that Legato is human, and that his choices come from a painfully human place". He isn't a Plant, and he's not a slavering mindless beast despite his efforts to appear so, he's Legato Bluesummers and there were a hundred coincidences and choices that led him to fighting Vash on the Ark that we can mess with.
(Or atop that canyon in '98. I chose '98!Legato for Ligature for a reason, namely because compared to Trimax!Legato he has those positive traits + a blatant sense of guilt. Thus, it makes more sense for Vash's influence to rub off on him a little when he's young.)
That there are so many ways to interpret Legato, especially ones you don't agree with, is a sign that he's an incredibly well-written character. I just feel that his blank ticket is in our hands and it'd be a shame not to cash it in for him from time to time, you know?
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icarusredwings · 2 months
The Library. Pt 1.
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The TARDIS disobeys her owner... again. Shocker. This time, though.. she takes him and Donna somewhere they REALLY don't want to be. Dinner can wait. There's someone here that needs him more.
A 14/River (RetiredSong) fic following my Retired Time Lords series. Oh and Donnas forced to be here too..
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Standing at the front entrance, the doctor felt his hearts shaking in his chest, pounding so hard that it felt as if they were beating against his ribcage. Everything within him was telling him to run away. To go home. Run. For gods sake run. But he couldn't. His knees were too much like jello. All he could do was stare, frozen in place as multiple people walked around them, heading to read whatever book they could imagine.
Swallowing, he looked at the floor, eyes searching the tile for any sign or clues that might jump out of him. Turning his head, he saw that they each only had one individual shadow, licking his lips as he glanced up at Donna, who was crossing her arms (like always).
"You're counting.."
"How do you know?"
"Well it's either that or you're intrested in the new shoes I got."
Donna's doctor snorted, shaking his head. He's been caught.
"They're nice. I'll give you that.."
"Ssoo..... what?"
"This is the library."
He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets as he rocked on his heels like a child about to admit something to their parents and was extremly nervous about it. "Yu-puh."
"Like.. The Library"
"Okay.... Doctor?"
"Yeah?" Having not paying attention, it was like his attention snapped back to reality, thinking far too hard about something else.
"Why did the TARDIS bring us here?"
"I don't know.. shes funny like that I guess.."
Donna scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Funny??"
"Ereuugh. Yeh..." He shrugs, his voice becoming higher and softer in the end.
"... did you get a note on your paper?"
"No.. not this time. I just... I think she.."
Despite the lack of words, the way his wide eyes stared at the entrance, longing, waiting for someone to come through those doors that he knew oh so well..? Donna knew why they were here.
"Are you... okay?"
"Me? Oh yeah- Im okay. Thats me. Always okay."
"Time lord okay or human okay?"
"Mmmh.... the first one."
"....right. Sooo you're panicking."
"Well... Brianna did say that you should face your fears more often and stop running from them...? Maybe the TARDIS is helping you."
The look that Donna received could kill a man on sight. Luckily, she wasn't a man. She only raised a brow at him, and instantly, his attitude changed, shaking his head and sighing. Putting his hands up, he turned around, trying to push the TARDIS doors open, but they were locked.
"Hey! Excuse me. I kinda live here."
"Not anymore." Donna muttered.
"Well, I have the keys still, so that means Im still allowed in. Hello??" By now, he became almost desperate, beginning to rub the side of the big blue box, whispering. "Ooh, come on old girl, you used to be such a sweet thing... don't do this to me.. please... Are you cross with me?"
Honestly, she should be used to this by now, but the redhead coughed a bit. "Should I leave you two alone?"
"Don't litsen to her. She's a mad woman. What if I leave her here hm? Would you like that?" He asked the box, patting it with a smirk.
Earning himself a slap in the arm, he was quick to flinch and chuckle as he rubbed the spot, pouting. "Ooww!"
"Oh shut it! Now you figure out why we're here! And quick! This place gives me the heebie jeebies.." she mumbled, hugging herself tight. She still had nightmares of this place. Of the children she lost but never actually had... quick milisecind thoughts of Lee. A man who wasn't even real. (As far as she knew)
"Hey, I don't know what her deal is either! You saw me tell her to go to Waksacarnus and she brought us here!"
"Oh great. Yeah, the time machine took us to the most terrifying library in the universe instead of the intersteller grocery store... how ironic.. Were you thinking of this place?"
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Just then, The Doctor went silent, looking at her with eyes as if she had figured it out before him and now he was a wee jealous and embarrassed. "Nope! Not at all, definitely not!"
"What were you thinking about then!?"
"Blood beets!"
"You were thinking about blood beets? And magically YOUR telepathic ship brought us to the death library?"
"Well it's not anymore..." He looked around as if to be sure, seeing people smiling and carrying books to read. "Just seems like a normal library now..."
"Except this library has something no other library has..."
Cocking a fluffy brow he glanced at her, putting his arms up. "Well, no, duh, this is THE library! It has every copy of every book ever written!"
She gave him another look. Silent and staring with a glint of pitty in her eyes, pursing her lips and let her arms fall to her sides.
"... oh... Donna i-.. It's been so long I don't- w-What would I even say?"
"I.. i-cant I..." he looked at his hand, swallowing. "Donna I'm.."
He was married now. Well- he was always married. But he REmarried. He had left her here all alone and went off to be REmarried. His chest hurt just thinking about is actions, regretting them horribly, but the idea of stepping into this library? That was a worse feeling. One that made him want to call his other self to come pick him up and scold his own TARDIS for disobeying him for the millionth time. If he couldn't even trust his own TARDIS... who could he trust? And she knew. OH she knew how deeply this hurt him. The thought alone of his beloved box betraying him made him want to have a nervous break down right here, right now, infront of everyone.
"Yeah. To her. And about 7 others. So get along. You'd probably marry that thing too if you could."
"Huh?" He asked, still staring at the ground when asked, now looking up to her, baffled.
It was now Donna realized just how much this was fucking with him. Note to self. At the Library? Phycologically? The Doctor was screwed. He would have picked up on this tease any other day, and yet? Not a word. Just those eyes that said, "Im terrified because I can't save us." The eyes that she knew all too well. The eyes that he's also given her so many times before. And yet? Every time he succeeded in saving them. (More or less)
She decided it was time for plan B. This always worked on his younger self, maybe it still would.
"Alright. Guess you're just a featherless chicken then." She muttered, making an effort to check her nails and not look at those puppy eyes or else her persona would break.
"Wot? Feather.. less?" He made a whining noise as he suddenly realized that once again, without his fancy toys, he was useless. "Ooh... This is just like that maze all over again!"
"Which one?"
"Right. Sorry... erm...." Okay, that backfired.
"Should I call er... the other you?"
For a split second, he was about to say yes, before realizing that meant he would probably want to see River too and knowing him and her, they'd hit it off a little too well. He grunted, pouting almost, coming to the realization that he had to go see her. It's all he wanted right now.
But it felt so... wrong? Going to the love of your (multiple) lives and reconnecting with them after you told your husband just 10 minutes ago that you'd be back in time to watch The Great British Bake Off with him when you were supposed to be infact going to the store just to pick up some stuff for dinner felt so wrong.
And yet.. his eyes kept shifting to the entrance, the bones in his body wanting to rush down to the basement and see if there was any smidge chance that he could at least talk to her.
"Ugh! I don't know!? What do I do?! Donna!" He whined again, his hands going to his hair and then rubbing his face, beginning to pace the way he usually did before having an inconvenient criss.
"You got yourself into this mess." She giggled. "Stop being such a 'pretty boy' and you wouldn't have to worry about everyone wanting to marry you."
"You think im pretty?" He pulled his hands away from his face, looking at her with excitment. He liked compliments. They fed his ego.
"Far from it, mate."
"Ooh!" He grunted again, grumbling some things."
"Come on, it's not that big of a deal. She's just a computer. I doubt he'll get mad about that."
This, for some reason, upset him greatly. She wasn't JUST a computer. She was IN a computer. There's a difference.
"Tch. Like you're one to talk. What's shaun going to think when you tell him you've visited the same place you met Lee, Hm? I doubt he'll get mad about that." This ending tone was mocking.
"Oi!! Just because your marriage is rocky doesn't mean that mine is!"
"So you're going to tell him?"
Her eyes softened as she thought of how she'd even begin to explain it. So many adventures with the Doctor where 'you had to be there to understand' moments and reciting them to others felt like a fairy tale..
"I... Yes! I-i am! And for your information, YOUR TARDIS brought us here to see YOUR wife. I had nothing to do with this! Besides!...He wasn't even in the system.. remember? Just a guy that I.. i dont know.. dreamed up?"
The tension between them was slit, cut, and a chunk removed. His head lowered, his eyes softened, and his brows looked the way a child might if admitting a mistake to a parent.
"Im sorry.."
"Yeah yeah.." She waved it off, taking a breath.
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"No.. Donna." He takes her hand, pulling her close as he kisses it. His signature 'i really fucked up' apology. "I really am sorry... I just.."
"I know.."
"You don't. You really.. really don't. I promise that you don't." He mumbled. "I dont think there's anything in the universe I could do to make up for how much I've hurt you. I made a promise to make up for it.. and here I am. Doing it again. For what?"
She shook her head, putting it on his shoulder, resting into the hug. "..you're hurt too."
Pulling her away, he held her face and looked her in the eyes. "That doesn't give me an excuse to hurt you back. Never. I promised Shaun I'd look after you. I told him im the one that needs looking after, and he said I know. We have to look after each other, alright? So don't let me do that. That's... That's not who I am anymore. That's not who I want to be." He whispered to her as she nodded.
"Excuse me?"
The two jumped, separating and became defensive only to realize it was just a worker. At least thats what you could assume by the girls big glasses and the fact that it said "Librarian" on her shirt.
"Sir, you and your wife have to move that.. what is that?"
"Oh were not-"
"Pfft! Not a million years!"
"Yeh.. what she said. Anywho. That's a Police box. Otherwise known as my TARDIS. And unfortunately I can't move her. She's being stubborn!" He said this part extra loud, turning to glare at the box who did absolutely nothing.
"Sir, its blocking traffic and by Library saftey policy no large objects are allowed to block the path."
"Right... well.. as I just said, I can't. It's not like I want to be here in the first place.."
"Say doc... do you still have HADS on?"
His eyes brightened as he looked to the redhead with borderline mania. "Oh!! Yes! Donna you're a genuis!"
"Damn right.... wait.. why?"
Again, she spoke up. "Sir, this is your final warning. Please move your vehicle from out of the walkway. It's a safety hazard!"
"Oh wait- If HADS is on.. and shes not leaving.. that means she doesn't sense any threats. Still though you'd think from the last time she wouldn't want to come back.."
"But you had the HADS off back then."
The shorter Liberian blinked, cupping her hands together as she litsened, kind of annoyed that they were ignoring her. Bringing out a digital pad, she clicked a few buttons, and suddenly, with a bright light, some clicky sounds, and a WOOSH, the TARDIS was sent up to the moon, saved into the Libraries file.
"OI!! You can't just take that!! She's sensitive!"
"Bring her back right now! You dont want to upset him, I promise you that, let alone me!"
"Until you can move your vehicle, it's been safely removed and downloaded to the library. See the front desk to retrieve it. Have a good visit!" Handing him a ticket, she walked away.
"Oh I outta!-" The Doctor grabbed her shoulder.
"That miffy little elf thing has it coming!"
"Wha-" Turning, her jaw dropped just as his, staring at the beautiful white goddess infront of them.
"Is that-!?"
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> One stormy night the God of Anemo witnesses a child being left upon his shrine, with no signs of the parents return he has to find a home for the child...
-> They/them pronouns used for reader - no gender mentioned! Reader is a literal baby! Reader is abandoned by their mother! Mostly fluffy with hints of angst! Diluc makes a brief appearance!
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It had been a long time since Venti had witnessed a storm quite like this... The wind was howling like a pack of wolves and harshly shaking even the sturdiest of trees. The rain pouring like bucket was being emptied over Mondstadt. How unlucky he had been at Windrise when it began instead of the Angels Share where he could be cozying up near the fire with a nice cup of alcohol and listening to some soft music being played...
At least he was able to stay mostly dry by hiding in the branches with the thick leaves shielding him, still it was rather cold so he wrapped his cape around himself. He squinted his eyes as he noticed someone approaching from the distance, though it was difficult to see with the heavy rain pour. It appeared to be a woman - quite a young one too, with a bundle in her shaking arms. It appeared to be a child. The woman approached the shrine while cradling the baby's head and looking at down at them. Venti peered down at her curiously, but did not reveal himself.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, but I cannot let you ruin my life." She sobbed.
Venti's eyes widened in shock, as he was quite taken aback by her words. He moved to see her better and continued to listen in.
"May Lord Barbatos have mercy on your soul..." She whispered as she carefully placed down the now crying baby on the foot of the shrine.
She said nothing more as she clutched her hands tightly together in prayer, more tears continued to pour down her face but were masked by the rainfall. She looked more and more distraught by the sound of the baby crying out to her. She looked around helplessly before she began sprinting away seemingly as fast as she could, almost stumbling multiple times on her way - leaving the helpless child behind in the rain and cold.
They were clearly young but leaving a baby out here during the storm and away from civilization was beyond irresponsible - not to mention cruel! Your chances of survival were zero to none! Venti quickly dropped down from the tree to pick you up from the ground. You immediately stopped crying when in his arms, your simply stated at him with big round eyes. In wonder your chubby arms reached out for his face to grab ahold of his nose. He couldn't claim to know or understand your mother's situation, but how could she do this to a child that looked at her the way you looked at him right now. Such a bundle of innocence...
He could feel how cold you were despite the blanket wrapped around you, your fingers felt cold as ice when they explored his features. He used his cape to shield you from the rain and the wind the best he could, but your cold body temperature meant you had been outside for quite some time - meaning your mother was likely not from Mondstadt or any place near it. Surely she would come to her senses and come back for you? No one could truly just leave their child behind like this... Could they?
His answer became quite clear after some hours and still no signs of her return. He could possibly follow your mothers trail with the wind, but she clearly did not want to take care of you. She would likely try to leave you behind again and next time he might not be there. He could not force her to take care of you, so he needed to find someone who would. But most importantly he needed to get you out of this storm before you got hypothermia! His destination was the Angels Share, of course. He needed to get you to shelter - Angel's Share just happened to always open and warm. He could also really use a drink while thinking about what to do with you...
The weather was too dangerous to even attempted gliding, not to mention he had you in his arms and thus his only option was to dash through the rain until he reached the city. The look on Diluc's face as he walked in completely soaked with a baby in his arms was simply priceless - he almost dropped the bottle of liquor he was holding! Venti was almost worried he would get whiplash from how fast he looked to double take that his eyes were not deceiving him. It was truly the penniless drunkard of a bard holding a child inside his tavern. Diluc certainly had questions and worries!
“May I ask whose child you have stolen and why?” It was strange to hear any emotion in Diluc's voice - especially worry!
“Why how lowly do you think of me? I found this poor child at Windrise, left all alone in the storm!” Surprisingly his story didn't appear to be a lie, despite it's ridiculousness.
“And what exactly are you planning on doing with this child?” He gazed down at your smiling face. You appeared calm and content, but seemed to be on the smaller size which was concerning.
“I'm planning to find this child a new home!” Venti smiled brightly at you making you let out a giggle.
“And your first course of action was to look in a tavern filled with drunks and bards that can barely even pay for a single apple?” It was definitely a direct jab at Venti and he could feel it.
“Ehehe... I just needed to get out of the storm first!” Venti's smile faltered as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Fair enough.” Diluc responded as he continued to clean the glasses and occasionally pouring another drink for those asking for it.
Diluc would have given you something to eat or drink, but you were too young for juice and he didn't happen to have baby bottles at his tavern. You appeared to be doing well enough just by being inside the warm tavern as your cheeks returned to normal a colour with the redness fading away. Your body was no longer trembling or cold either, which couldn't have made Venti happier. He was worried about your constant quietness though, you barely made a sound the entire time since he had picked you up... Diluc didn't seem to mind, as crying children were not what he wanted to hear inside his bar.
Despite having no experience with children - especially babies, Venti got along with you quite well. You were so calm and angelic it felt like nothing, you were simply reaching for his accessories like the flowers on his hat. Trying to keep anything and everything out of your mouth was He didn't appreciate you pulling on his braids, though. For an infant you had a surprisingly strong grip! He felt odly warm and content while holding you, you would stare into each other's eyes as if trying to communicate. Still, he knew he of all would not be able to care for you in the long run.
“Say, Master Diluc... You wouldn't happen to know where an orphan child could be placed?” He laughed nervously.
“That depends, are you going to tell me the story if how you got this child in the first place?” He raised a brow at him.
Venti's expression turned surprisingly serious, “I saw them be left behind by whom I assume to be their mother.”
“I see. The best case scenario would be to give them to the church and they find a family to take them in. Otherwise they'll just be raised by the Sisters.” Diluc replied with equal seriousness.
“Hmm, sounds like a plan then.” Venti smiled but it lacked the brightness from before.
Like Diluc suggested he headed to the Church of Favonius with you as soon as the weather cleared up. The towns people looked curiously and whispered amongst themselves about the peculiar sight as he passed them with you in his arms, he didn't pay them any mind. He looked down at you every once in a while to make a funny face that caused you to giggle loudly. He stopped in his tracks before heading up to the church and took a detour to stand in front of the statue of himself, or rather Barbatos. He turned side ways and angled you upwards so you could see the statue better, not that you would understand what he was trying to do.
“Would you like to know a secret?” He whispered even though no one else was around currently. He waited until you cooed in response to him.
“I'm the Anemo Archon - Barbatos! But this has to stay a secret between us.” He poked your squizzy cheek.
After a moment he finally made it all the way to the church's doors and inside. Music was echoing around the large cathedral while some Sisters were singing prayers in the name of the Anemo Archon. Not many people were around right now, but he had his eyes set on a Sister that was not taking part in the singing. With a wide grin boastered on his face he confidently marched up to her. She could see him approaching and was ready to ask him to leave or at the very least not disturb them, but was taken aback by the bundle in his arms.
“Hello, dear Sister! I'm in quite a predicament as I happen to be in possession of an orphan child.”
“Are you quite certain that the child is infact without parents?” The Sister finally asks after processing what he said.
“Yes. They were left all alone before a statue of the Anemo Archon himself.” He didn't need to share the full story...
The Sister would have doubted his story and accused him of being the child's father who just wished to abandon them, but a brief upon inspection it was evident you shared no resemblance to him at all. Even if he was the father and did not wish to have you they would have taken you in, better in their care than out on the streets! The fact you were left upon a statue of Barbatos was what truly picked her interest, your parent clearly offered you to the deity and as such they had no right to turn you away.
“I see! Then we will take the child into our care. Do they have a name you know of?”
You didn't - as far as he knew, but at that moment he glanced down at you once again. Gazing into your eyes and a name just slipped past his lips. He doubted you ever had a name, but this one felt just right for you. The Sister simply nodded before opening her arms to take you from him. He felt the urge of not wanting to let you go... But he needed to. You would have a good and happy life while raised by the Sisters. He could barely take care of himself and oike Diluc pointed out, could barely afford a singular apple. Your eyes continued to stare directly at him as you began crying when removed from his arms.
You hadn't cried the entire time since he picked you up from the ground, it was heartbreaking to hear you do so now. He felt like lyre strings had been wrapped around his heart and were squeezing it tighter the longer he heard you cry. The Sister turned away to take you further inside the church, while he headed outside. The weather was clear and the sun was shining warmly, but he felt like the storm was still raging on. He barely knew you for a day and already grew attached to you... Perhaps it was out of pity for seeing you get abandoned?
Whatever the case, it was not the last time he saw you. He became a frequent sight amongst the church goers! It was only to see you and only a couple times a week on average, but he was there none the less. Venti would even play his lyre for you or for the others attending, the Sisters forbade him from accepting payment for it within the church though. Visiting you became so frequent that Diluc got slightly worried after a week of not seeing him at the tavern - only to find out he was at the church playing peek-a-boo with you for the twelfth time this week... The Sisters didn't mind much as he was not causing trouble, you also became so calm and well behaved when he was around! It was strange that he of all made you this way, but no one was complaining.
He was there when you babbled your first words - he took you around town to showing you off to everyone he possibly could, even just a coo or a babble made him exited now as it could be another word! Maybe even his name next! He was so proud of you! He was also there when you took your first steps, he stood close ready to catch you at the first sight of you stumbling. He raised you high up and bounced around when you managed to finally wobble your way into his arms. He would have thrown you up and caught you, but the Sisters near him didn't approve of this. He would use his abilities to fly up with you in his arms when they weren't looking though, you were never afraid in his arms.
“Great job, little Windblume! Soon I'll be able to take you gliding!” He laughed - the Sisters did not.
He promised that he would teach you to glide as soon as you were old enough. For an Archon that was over two thousand years old he was rather impatient while waiting for you to grow up. He cherished every moment spent with you, of course. But he couldn't wait till he would be able to actually hang out with you and have conversations with you! You still had your whole life ahead of you and he would personally see that you had the best, happiest and most fulfilling life you possibly could! Meeting you was the best thing to happen to him, despite how terrible the situation initially was. You had just about turned his life around by being an unfortunate soul and babbling nonsense to him with those bright eyes looking at him with so much life and hope.
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Wholesome Venti content <3
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acewritesfics · 10 months
His Father’s Son | EDDIE MUNSON
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Request: From Anon.
Warnings: angst, death, fluff, unexpected pregnancy, grief, parenthood. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. Italics are flashbacks
Word Count: 4,020 - this is the longest imagine I've ever written and I wish they could all be this long.
Tag List: Open - acewritesfics taglist sign up
Stranger Things Masterlist
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“What shall we do today?” Y/N asks her 2-year-old son, James, as she finishes dressing him for the day. “Should we paint some new pictures for Uncle Dustin?”  
When the thought of painting and his honorary uncle makes the small boy’s huge doe-brown eyes light up, she smiles. Painting is currently the toddler’s favorite activity. He painted on any paper she could provide him with, frequently himself and even the walls of the trailer they resided in. After the second time he painted on the walls, she made sure it would be an outdoor activity. 
“You stay right here,” she tells him, putting him in his play pen. “Mommy is going to go set up your paint, okay?”  
“Paits!” Although using the incorrect word, the toddler clapped.  
She smiles, tenderly correcting him, “Paints."  
"Pants.”  He cheers again, this time with a completely different word. 
“Close enough,” she shrugs and takes out the container filled with all the painting supplies James would ever need.   
When Y/N revealed that James’ new favorite activity is painting, Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Will, had gathered all the materials they could locate. When Steve and Dustin dropped it all to Y/N, James was beyond excited while she was in tears thanking them all. After most of the town turned their backs on her, the support she received from the Upside-Down crew occasionally became overwhelming for her. 
Because her son, James Edward Munson, was the child of supposed cult leader and serial murderer, Eddie Munson, the residents of Hawkins immediately despised the small child and believed he was the devil’s spawn. As soon as it was revealed that she was pregnant, the rumors surrounding Eddie got much worse. He was accused of sacrificing Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick in order for Y/N to become pregnant with Satan’s offspring, ignoring the fact that she became pregnant three months before the murders took place, with Y/N and Eddie finding out just one month earlier. 
Y/N made numerous attempts to escape Hawkins, but she was unable to do so. The only parent Eddie had who cared about him, his uncle, is still in Hawkins along with her parents. Despite Wayne and her parents’ best efforts to persuade her to leave and their offers of help, she was unable to go. The people she cared about most remained in this town. She wanted her and Eddie’s son to be raised surrounded by their families and friends, not people who didn’t know them. 
Over the past year, the animosity had gradually subsided, but every now and again, someone would say something snarky to remind her of their true feelings about her son. They treated her like a victim for some reason while treating her son the same way they had treated his father. The only difference was that James didn’t have an angry mob of hicks hunting him down and falsely accusing him of murder. 
She was setting up the paint table outside when she saw Wayne’s car parked outside his trailer, letting her know he was at home. She decides to take him some dinner before he returns to work later, knowing he will have just gotten home from his night shift at the plant.  
After returning inside, she lifts James out from the playpen and takes him outside. “Poppa is at home. Should we visit him later?” She asks the young child as she sets him down in front of the table. 
“Poppa home,” he says, his hands automatically going into the paint and making a mess. Fortunately for her, she had dressed him in an old outfit that he was outgrowing.  
“We can cook him dinner and bring it to him. I’m sure Poppa would appreciate it.” She smiles as she sits across from him on a flimsy metal and fabric outdoor chair.  
Wayne is now known as Grandpa, or Poppa, as James refers to him, rather than Uncle Wayne. 
After Eddie died, Wayne continued to let her live with him as they moved into a trailer near their old one.  While still grieving for his nephew, he made sure she had all she needed and along with her parents, he helped her in any way that he could. For her, Wayne had become a second father. She also knew it was what Eddie would have wanted. He had repeatedly stated to her that Wayne had been more of a father figure to him than his own father. Wayne was the one who most deserved to be called grandpa. 
As Y/N watches her son, she is struck by how much he resembles his dad, right down to his captivating big brown eyes, dark curly hair, and adorable button nose. He even had some of the same mannerisms. His small tongue poked out as he concentrated intently on his painting, just like Eddie’s did when he was contemplating or concentrating on whatever he was doing. The way he stood, and even the way he threw tantrums, reminded her of Eddie. Though it didn’t bother her, she had started to question if James had inherited anything from her or if it was just a joke God was pulling. James was his father’s twin in every way, which she loved because, in a way, it reminded her that Eddie was still with her. 
She remembers the moment she learned she was pregnant with James as she dipped her finger in paint to paint a picture of her own.  
A month prior to Eddie’s death, Y/N received a call from her doctor confirming that all the symptoms she had been experiencing were caused by her pregnancy.  
Eddie found her outside the trailer rather than inside, crying and looking terrified when he arrived home after school.  
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says as he takes a seat next to her, throwing his arm around her shoulder and drawing her closer. “What’s going on?”  
She sniffles, placing her hand on his knee and her head on his shoulder, “I got some news from the doctor today. They found out why I’ve been sick the last couple week.”  
She notices Eddie tensing up a little. She was aware that he would be considering the worst-case scenario. He frequently tended to do that. 
After a brief pause, she announces, “I’m pregnant."  
He starts to relax a little and gives her a head kiss. The news didn’t really surprise them. She had visited the doctor because of their suspicions about an unexpected pregnancy. However, neither of them stopped considering the possibility that it might be a false alarm and something entirely different. And even so, the young couple was still absolutely frightened. 
Eddie was still in school, selling drugs on the side, and Y/N was working at Family Video alongside Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, having put her college plans on hold because she didn’t know what she wanted to do just yet. In order to save money for their own trailer after Eddie finally graduates in two months, they lived in his uncle’s trailer, occupying the one available bedroom. And now they need to prepare and start providing for a baby. 
"We’ll figure it out,” Eddie promises. Since they found out he wouldn’t be graduating with her in his first senior year, it had become his go-to line.  
She responds as she always does, “I know we will, we always do."  
She had no reason to doubt it because it was true. No matter how great or little the challenge, she and Eddie always managed to overcome it. That is how Y/N knew that he was the  man she would eventually marry and have a family with. It turned out that they would be beginning a family sooner than either of them had anticipated. 
She leaned in closer to him as he lifted her hand from his knee into the one that wasn’t over her shoulder and brought it to his lips, kissing her palm before kissing her head again. ” You are aware that I’ll be teaching our kid how to play D&D, right?“  
She can’t help but grin at what he says. "And guitar, and metal bands, and-”  
He lifts her head and gives her a soft kiss, cutting her off. His huge brown eyes pierce her own Y/E/C eyes as he ends the kiss. “I love you.”  
She kisses him again and whispers, “I love you, too.” 
“Mommy, look!” James exclaims as he holds up his latest masterpiece. The yellow, blue, and red colors blended to create a purplish brown hue in a painting of his handprints.  
“That’s incredible, my beautiful boy!” She praised the toddler. “Uncle Dusty will love it, I think. Should we go give it to him when he gets out of school tomorrow?” She continues, thinking about the kid she watched grow into a fine young man. 
Along with Mike, Lucas, Max, El, and Will, who returned to Hawkin’s after beating Vecna, Dustin was a senior in high school. She had remained close to them, but Dustin, like he had with Eddie, had a special place in her heart.  She had chosen the teenage boy as James’ godfather despite his age. As she observed Dustin with her son, she was confident that she had made the right choice. Just like he had with Eddie, Dustin also shared a deep bond James.  
She wasn’t surprised when she walked into the living room one day to find Dustin teaching James about all the Dungeons and Dragons characters, telling him about all the campaigns Eddie had thought up, and explaining to him that he was a Hellfire Club legacy and would one day lead the club and serve as a dungeon master like his father had. Despite the fact that James was oblivious to anything Dustin was saying, she could tell that she was raising a future dungeon master because he was listening intently and was fascinated in the figurines. 
James nods his little head, his eyes sparkling with delight at the possibility of seeing his favorite person. She smiles and puts another sheet of paper in front of him before going to hang the painting he had finished on the clothes line to dry since she doesn’t want grass or dirt to get on it.  
“How about painting something for Poppa?” She makes the suggestion after returning to him and seeing him gazing at the white sheet of paper as if he were deciding what to paint next. 
“Maxie?” he asks, referring to the redhead girl who lives two trailers down from them and Dustin’s friend. She believes her two-year-old son has a little crush on her. Most nights when she had work, Max or her mother Susan would watch him until she arrived home.  
“Would you like to paint a picture for Max as well?” she asks, even though she already knows the answer. He nods his head once more. “You could do one for Poppa and another one for Maxie,” she suggests. James appears to agree as he begins to paint with his hands again, creating an even bigger mess.  
She sits back down in the chair across from him and resumes her painting, losing herself once more in her memories. 
“We’re not naming our child Ozzy,” she protests as she sits on their bed, back against the headboard, a large jar of peanut butter and a spoon on her lap, staring at him as if he’s gone insane. She had no idea why they were having this conversation right away. They would not be able to learn the gender of their baby for a few more months. She was just two days short of being 12 weeks pregnant. 
“You like Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath!” he exclaims, his voice rising to a high, raspy tone it gets when he’s frustrated.  
“Not enough to name the baby Ozzy,” she responds, before shovelling another enormous scoop of peanut butter into her mouth. Her ability to consume peanut butter in that manner makes him feel a little repulsed as he watches her. 
“So, what do you suggest we should name him?” He asks with a little more composure and a dash of sarcasm. Eddie was adamant that the baby is a boy. “Dio?”  
She glares at him and slams his words back in his face, “You love Dio!”  
“I do,” he scoffs also using her words agains her, “but not enough to name the baby Dio.”  
“Dio is unique!”  
“And so is Ozzy!”  
“Jesus fucking Christ! Could you two please shut up?” Wayne can be heard yelling at them both from his spot in the living room. 
For a moment, it is silence between the couple until Y/N speaks up again as she moves the jar of peanut butter to the bedside table. “How about James?” 
“From Metallica?” he asks as he takes a seat next to her on their bed.  
She sits on his lap facing him and nods. As he placed his hands on her hips, sliding them up beneath his Hellfire Club shirt that she was wearing, she attempted to ignore the sudden heat that was building up in her lower regions. His rough hands brushed against her delicate skin as he traced his fingertips along her lower back until he reached the tiny, hardly noticeable baby bump. Her voice became huskier as she talks. 
“I know you love their new song. You’ve been learning to pla-”  She pauses to bite her lip to hold back a gasp when he lowers his hand a little. “Play it non-stop sinc-” she moaned softly as his hand slid into the waistband of her underwear. “Jesus Christ,” she exhales, losing all her thought process as Eddie continues to pleasure her with his wonderful, hard-working hands.  
“Nope, only Eddie,” he smirks, pleased that he is the only one capable of making her feel this way. He certainly knew how to take advantage of her pregnancy hormones.  
“Asshole,” she mumbles before crushing her lips against his in a heated kiss to muffle her moans of pleasure. 
Her memory rapidly shifts to a less pleasant one as she recalls what had transpired within the next week and how they confirmed that their son’s name would be James. 
It all began when Chrissy Cunningham, the good girl cheerleader and queen of Hawkins High, went to Eddie to buy drugs from him. Apparently, the weed wasn’t strong enough for her, and she required something stronger than what Eddie would carry his black lunchbox to school. After the basketball game and the conclusion of his latest Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Chrissy had returned to the trailer with him, surprising Y/N who was skimming through a baby book her mother had given her. He asked his girlfriend to help him in finding the Special K that he had somehow misplaced. She scolded him for even thinking to sell the ketamine to the teenage girl who had clearly never done any kind of drug in her life. He made an effort to reassure her that everything would be alright and that he would make sure Chrissy understood how to take it without accidentally overdosing herself.  
When they had emerged from their bedroom after finding the ketamine,  Chrissy had been in a trance-like state, her body was trembling, and her eyes were rolling back as if she were having a seizure. The young couple was horrified by what happened next. Chrissy’s body began to levitate off the ground, her legs and arms snapped in all directions, her jaw was completely dislocated from her skull, and her eyes had been pulled back inside her head as the all the lights around them flickered intensely. Neither of them could fathom what was happening. 
Eddie eventually regained some composure as he grasped Y/N’s hand and rushed outside, ushering her into his van, and sped off into the night, heading to the only location he believed they would be safe. 
After learning that Eddie was wanted for suspicion of murder and kidnapping—his kidnapping victim being his own girlfriend—they managed to stay hidden over the next few days with the aid of Dustin and Lucas, two of the younger members of the Hellfire Club, as well as their friends Max, Steve, Robin, and Nancy. The situation deteriorated even further when they had learned Max had been marked with Vecna’s curse, and survived an attempt to take her life on top of  two other teens being murdered in the same way Chrissy was. They had witnessed the third one while trying to escape Jason and his goon squad.  Ultimately, Eddie had a larger bullseye on his back. He was being pursued by more than just the police. 
Soon, a strategy was developed and put into action. Even if her sole responsibility was to hold a flash light, she was not going to let them or Eddie handle this without her. Eddie had tried to persuade her to sit it out but he eventually caved after Robin and Nancy pleaded for her help. However, he made it clear he wasn’t pleased about it and vowed to ruin everyone’s lives if anything happened to her and their unborn baby. 
She’d been assigned to team up with Eddie and Dustin to distract the demobats. Eddie insisted that she remain inside the upside-down version of the trailer, keeping her near to the sheet-made rope that hung between the two dimensions in case she needed a quick escape if everything went south. 
Up until the demobats began to attack the trailer, everything was going according to plan. Before she realized what was going on, Eddie had left them to go play the hero, and by the time she and Dustin had found him, it was too late. Demobats were surrounding Eddie on the road as he lay bleeding and struggling to stay alive. Dustin attempted to help her in lifting him up, but it was harder to due to his own injuries from coming back through the gate. She couldn’t make out what Eddie and Dustin as she focused on trying to move him. 
It wasn’t until she felt Eddie’s palm cup her face that she became more focused on him than on getting him to stand up. She looks directly into Eddie’s eyes as tears fall down her face.  
“I agree with you,” he tells her.  
“About what?” she wonders.  
“James. It’s a great name” He informs her, wincing slightly from the pain he’s in. “James the Remarkable. He’ll be as courageous and resilient as his mother and as metal as his father.”  
Her chest aches as she lets out a loud sob. “Then he’ll be known as James the Remarkable.” 
“You’re not going to argue with me on this?”  
“Not this time.”  
“I fucking love you so much, sweetheart,” he says, barely above a whisper as he becomes weaker. “And the kid too.” His hand moves to her belly as he looks Dustin. “Look after them for me, yeah?”  
Dustin nods, his own tears streaming down his face as he cries for his friend. 
“Stay with me, alright? We love you too,” she tells him. “You’re leaving this place with us, okay? We’re going to get you out of here and get you help and-”  
“Kiss me,” he says softly cutting her off. She gives him a gentle kiss as he takes his last breath. 
That had been, by far, her worst day ever. The pain she experienced when Eddie passed away in her arms was worse than the actual physical pain she had gone through with childbirth. Due to the overwhelming grief, guilt, and anger she was feeling, everyone had helped in ensuring that she was caring for both herself and the unborn baby. She frequently struggled to get herself to leave her bed. She would lay there crying while wearing Eddie’s Hellfire Club shirt and clutching his pillow, they were the two things that smelt most like him. She had to deal with the death of the person she loved more than anyone else, and the accusations against him only made everything worse. 
She had been interrogated by the police numerous times and attempted to convince them that Eddie was innocent of the killings and that he didn’t abduct and abuse her in order to get her pregnant. She made an effort to convey Eddie’s love for her and their child, and of the fact that they found out she was pregnant a month prior to the murders, and that he would never harm or kill anyone. But no one paid her any attention. A few hours after the questioning, s he found spotting on her underwear and had gotten Wayne to take her to the hospital to get checked over. Everything seemed okay aside from the baby becoming stressed because she was stressed, she was put on immediate bedrest until she got better. Wayne, her parents and her friends wouldn’t allow her to spend a day alone, someone was with her at all times of the day.  James was born a month earlier than his due date, but he was in good health and had very few complications. Two weeks after his birth, she was able to bring him home to the new trailer she shared with Eddie’s uncle. She was grateful to the others who stuck around to help her with him. Without them, she didn’t know if she would have made it through those first few months after having him. 
She took James inside after another hour of painting, washed him up, and then put him back with his toys. In order to keep him entertained as she organized the painting supplies, she switched on the TV and played one of his favorite Sesame Street videos. When she was finished, she put them away and went to get James a snack, only to see him sleeping on the couch. She gives her son a tender smile before heading inside their bedroom to get his favorite blankie, that he always uses when it’s nap time. She kisses his head as she leans in and brushes some of his locks away from his eyes. “I love you, kiddo.” 
She gathers his toys and puts them in his toy basket before going into their bedroom to clean that space as well. Her gaze is drawn to a polariod picture of her and Eddie that was placed on her dresser next to a photo of her holding James in the hospital shortly after his birth. She smiles to herself as she picks up the polaroid. It was captured at The Hideout following a performance by Corroded Coffin. Eddie was holding her close to him with his arm around her shoulders. Eddie had a huge grin on his face as Y/N’s was leaned back, laughing at whatever they were looking at off to the side of Gareth who had taken it and given it to them the following day. 
She is still holding the picture as she sits on her bed. She hated that Eddie wasn’t able to be at the birth of their son. She hated that he wasn’t there for Jame’s important first milestones. She hated that he wasn’t around to watch James grow up and teach him how to play the guitar and to play Dungeons & Dragons. She hated that he wasn’t there to help her raise their son. She hated they weren’t able to leave town, get married, and have more kids. She hated that he had died well before his time. She had no clue how she had made it this far without him.  
But James, who reminded her so much of Eddie, was her entire universe and the reason she kept going. From the moment she felt James kick inside her belly, he had become her guiding light in the darkness, reminding her that he was now her main purpose in life and her reason to keep living. In that moment, she made a promise to Eddie that she would love James deeply enough for the both of them, and that he would know just how metal his dad truly was, as well as the sacrifice he made for a town that hated him. 
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iamsherlocked-1998 · 10 months
A Harmless Indulgence.
You have something very important to tell Din.
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Warning: Just something sweet, reader is blind, petting, a touch-starved Din has his own warning.
Words: 845
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You stood next to the window of your small cabin holding a good cup of cocoa, the signs of an unusually cold winter were beginning to be noticeable in Nevarro. Time in the past few months had passed so quickly and couldn't say it bothered you.
A few years ago you ended up here after a turbulent existence on your home planet. You were never very handy with your hands, but after an unpleasant incident in which lost your parents and the virtue of the sight, you tried hard and investigated some things, without the support of your beloved family had to learn to defend yourself in addition to a endless theoretical questions. When the underworld was expelled and the school established, Karga thought of you, had already helped him on some occasions and he knew that for now you were someone wandering, the magistrate offered you to teach special children and you were delighted to keep active and settle down.
You were on the volcanic planet when the pirates attacked, contributed everything you could and there you met your Mandalorian, who didn't even realize that you were blind at first, leaving him comically confused. After several not very long conversations in the midst of the conflict, you were fascinated by the man and wanted to know more. One day he disappeared and feared you would never see him again when heard that he intended to retake Mandalore with his people.
That's why you almost jumped for joy when the little green guy showed up one day at the school where you worked. They had returned and apparently intended to stay. You saw each other again by chance when he was picking up Grogu at the end of the day and you haven't been apart since then. The man was kind and calm yet reserved, when he opened up to you discovered that he had many incredible stories to tell.
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Today you didn't need your old apartment, you shared a house with them when they weren't on a mission for the New Republic or training the child. It turned out that with your vision missing there was no danger to his creed and Grogu considered part of the clan, which is why in the privacy of your surroundings he wore his helmet less and less frequently.
Despite being as close to him as you ever imagined, there was something that was always on your mind, guilt clouded feelings, couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you came clean.
You heard Din walking in the kitchen, preparing what assumed was an appetizer for his son, you decided that if didn't do it now nothing would never happen.
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-Din, can I ask you something?
You noticed how the bounty hunter turned towards you, giving his full attention.
-Sure, is something wrong? (You heard a hint of concern in his voice).
-No, no! (You reassured him) I was just wondering if the creed mentions anything about...touch, would it be wrong if I touched...your face?
The sense of sight was not needed to notice how the man tensed. Your relationship was physical, but in moments of intimacy he never undressed completely and his helmet was always on, on the occasions when that barrier was eliminated and he was more happy and relaxed you had managed to feel the warmth of his hands or the firmness of his shoulders, brushing them as passed, but never his face against the tips of fingers. The silence became uncomfortable and your nerves ate at you.
-I...I shouldn't have said it, it's wrong, nothing happens, let's just ignore it.
-I want to do it.
Then the words stuck in your throat, he was being sincere, he wanted to do this for you. You would never cease to be amazed by the depth and richness of his unmodulated voice.
-Really? (Your voice came out like a thin thread) You don't have to...it's just...
You noticed that Din approached you, caressing the skin of the arm until he gently reached for your hand. Your Mandalorian was shaking.
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He guided your fingers until noticed his unshaven cheeks, he leaned into the touch releasing a subtle sigh.
You explored his face, feeling his eyelids closed and ending up caressing his tangled curls, everything seemed surreal, like a dream. He had a small scar on his hooked nose that you swore were going to memorize. Then you lowered yourself until met his lips, his forehead pressed against yours.
-Can I kiss you? (You noticed how he blushed, were surprised by his request, didn't realize that this could awaken something in him, you smiled at the realization).
Djarin eliminated the distance between you, it was just a touch of lips but he brought light to your world of darkness like nothing before, as you separated you heard a wave of wind pick up, the temperature was lower.
-Looks like we'll need more blankets.
You could hear the smile in his voice, since then knew that winter would be your new favorite season.
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💕 Hope you have a nice december @immarocketman
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