#i am taking courses and there was block about drawing anatomy
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yudol-skorbi · 7 months ago
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i am going insane
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meanbossart · 8 months ago
Ask Compilation: Advice, influences and Misc.
Apologies for taking so long on some of these, admittedly I'm much more likely to entirely forget about asks that are about me and my interests 💃 Thank you for all the questions regardless! And thank you specially to everyone who just drops nice messages into my inbox out of kindness.
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I'm brazillian and a native portuguese speaker!
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I'll probably return to twitter eventually, but a) I hate that place and b) It didn't make much sense to me to turn it into a BG3 account out of the blue. I am considering making an Instagram or a new twitter just to have more places where people can follow in case they don't care for tumblr, but it's just been a very busy year so far and so that's kind of low on the list of priorities. If I ever do that I'll be sure to announce it here. Have a nice day yourself!
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Sorry to hear that! I've gotten a few messages before about this issue, and the problem is that since I am myself not from the US, my options are also limited :( a lot of patreon alternatives don't work for me because they either don't go through paypal, take insane currency conversion fees, or just straight up block me from signing up.
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Speak for yourself, I just assume everyone I speak to online has committed some sort of atrocious crime until proven otherwise. Except for me - of course. I have never done anything bad in my life.
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I still have a lot to learn! But I will basically use whatever works for me at the moment, as well as make a sincere effort to learn about musculature and anatomy so I can understand those components and how they move, instead of only knowing what they look like when still - that's how you get better at drawing from memory. Volume mostly comes from coloring and understanding light, which is it's own beast but can very much be learned from similar reference materials and observing it IRL!
My favorite places to get reference are medical diagrams, weird pictures I take of myself, 3D software (often Virt-a-mate) and questionably phrased image google searches.
My favorite artists are Jason Shawn Alexander and Sean Murphy, but I'm not sure how much of it reflects in my art nowadays! I generally seek to pick up techniques from artists rather than to emulate style.
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Honestly I love that you guys generally do the thing he would hate the most: take him very non-seriously LOL
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I've been in a real Chelsea Wolfe and Amyl And The Sniffers kick lately! But usually you'll also find me listening to stuff like Boy Harsher, Swans, FWF, JK Flesh Lingua Ignota, Nick Cave, David Bowie, and so on. Music for the weird gays, basically.
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I went insane and wrote a 23-chapter-long-and-still-ongoing fic in like four months. But also - I'm not that good, I'm just shamelessly pretentious LOL
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Hm. That's a good question, but I'm not really sure. Sincerely not trying to be a edgier-than-thou here (in fact, this has made me a little self conscious at one time or another) but a lot of art that I don't mean to be horror-y in nature at all has been associated with the genre. So perhaps I don't know what I'm doing either, LOL.
I think just leaning on making things look slightly "wrong" or "ugly" on purpose is the way, but I also find that if you just seek to depict people as they are instead of idealized versions of themselves, you will arrive at that either way.
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Thank you for reading! Honestly, I'm guilty of having not read much at all since I was in my late teens, and the style I'm employing for ANE is very different from the things I would call "influential" for me, or even that I used to enjoy reading at all before. I read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk as a youth (and, no slight to people who do like him still, but nowadays I'm not sure why I ever did. His stories don't speak to me at all anymore) as well a lot of weird experimental lit that I didn't even care to remember the name of. My last book stint from one or two years ago was composed solely of historical and medical literature, and last year I got really into Cormac Mcarthy thanks to the internet.
So, all in all, I'm absolutely all over the place LOL if you put a gun to my head and told me to list my favorite books, I'd say The Indifferent Stars Above and Blood Meridian.
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(Consider the reading portion of the question to have been answered above) I really really liked Beau is Afraid and think it's a really great "horror" movie. Sue me.
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a-s-levynn · 6 months ago
How i draw hands
under the cut, sorry for the wait, love you all
OKAY so it has been a while i did one of these. I have a vague memory of @ghost-raven-7 you asking for hands.
I also have a foggy memory of @takemetoasgard you mentioning mouths, so if you want, i could do one for that as well? I'm kinda enjoying doing these. In all fairness, these also help me to figure out how i do stuff actually.
Mind you, i am still neither a proper artist not particularly good at what i'm doing. It is just what i'm using or looking out for currently.
Also there is a lot of text, sorry about that.
As always references references references. With hands it is nice, because you have ready made reference package a ttached to your body. But you still gotta find what helps you understand how it works in 3D.
As always i have to preface, that if you know anatomically how your hand works and looks will help. I mean if you know where are the larger muscle groups or the tendons, etc. We all love cool lines on a back of a hand drawing, but it is more satisfying to look at if the line indicating the tendon is actually at the correct place. So i can only recommend to look at at least some anatomy illustrations.
But beyond that, what helped me a lot, was to simplify the hand to 2D shapes and figure it out from there. But how i do that?
Take pictures. It makes it so much easier, than just simply holding my hand in a certain position. I can do that as well, but if i take a picture it usully helps more with the "understand it in 2D" thing.
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I segment it roughly like this, but others do it differently. It doesn't really matter as long as you are consistent with it, and you understand why you put a segment where you did.
Usually the segment edges are at joint lines of your hand. For one, because the natural lines of the hand can guide it. Secondly, joints are the movement points. It is where the parts of the hand will bend.
And simplifying a pose and trying to make it work on paper, at least for me, is much easier when i moving 2D panes around the space, instead of a complex 3D object. At least this is how i understand it. But how that works in practicality?
Let's have an other picture of my hand. Excuse the quality. Also the lack of ST bracelets, but i need you to kinda see the lines of my otherwise amorph upper appendage.
So using the same blocking, this is roughly how the segments go. This is a tricky one, because of the the bending pinky and the general angle of the hand. But most prominently, the yellow pane folds in on itself, as if you are curling one corner of a piece of paper in front of itself.
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You may notice that the blocking's edges are not as straight anymore, more curved. It is because of the perspective. If you want, you can think of your hand as a series of cylinders or tubes attached to each other. If you are not looking at it dead on, but from an angle, it is going to look curved.
Imagine a roll of toilet paper with a straight line running across it horizontally. From a very specific angle, it looks like a rectangle with a line. From any other perspective, you see that it is actually curved, amd the line won't be straight anymore. Also the top or bottom of it going to have a circe and all that. No more 90° angles. Same goes for the hand.
But with your hand, it is helped by the fact that your hand comes with build in lines, to guide you, and help you sell the 3D feel.
So have the above photo as a reference and do a step by step. Excuse me for not scanning or making a video, i am not on top of my game right now, but i'm trying.
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Also watch me throw on my cord bracelet on there, to sell the illusion of curviture even further. I am not above cheap tricks to make it more believeable.
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Of course if you throw some shading at it, it is going to further the illusion of the curves and 3D nature of a hand. It helps if you pick a proper lightsource not like me, but still. In general, if you shade the recesses and creases darker, then you can't miss too hard.
These are just the basics, you can refine or stylize it from here as much as you feel like it really.
Also, nails. I don't really like them, for me it messes up my anatomy more than i'd like to admit it, because i am way too lazy with them, but i know people who actually find adding them super helpful. So experiment!
And i think that's it for hands? If there is anything i should add, or needs more clrification on, please let me know and i'll either edit this, or add it in a reblog. And again, i apologize for taking this long.
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a-clown-with-wings · 8 months ago
can I have an outline of how you draw bodies for reference please ^^ if u can and want too
I’m not good with tutorials because I’ve never been asked, but I’ll try my best tee hee
Also forgive the crusty art, it’s 2 am and I’m drawing mermaids.
Now, personally, I have a very different style that’s mainly culminated of many other styles that I have studied from other artists that I like, so this might not work for you or any other person that sees this, but I think trying in general is a big step in the right direction!
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Funny enough, I just started this step very recently, so if anything, it’s just an extra step to make sure everything is right. It’s actually helped me quite a lot since I have problems with anatomy and posing, so I really recommend it as a first step.
Think of it as a really messy sketch. In this step, you can do literally anything without being upset for getting frustrated because it doesn’t look right. It’s just a silhouette of an idea that you will expand on in the next step. I also recommend this for character design since silhouette is a BIG part of it and can make or break a line of characters. The last thing you want is for everyone character to look like a recolor of each other. ^^’
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I cannot stress enough how important shape language is for literally every single thing. Everything is made of shapes. People, animals, buildings, food. It all can be broken down into squares and circles. This is a part of anatomy that takes a little study, but once you get it, you get it.
For me, it’s changed a lot, but to put it simply: trapezoid and triangles. That’s all you really need for torsos really.
Now, for people of different body types, that’s a whole different story. Of course pear shaped people are not going to be built the same as people that are under rectangle or apple. That’s for another day, though. Slow and steady winds the race. If you take in too much, you’ll stress yourself out.
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Warning! If this part stresses you out the most, you are not alone.
I am better at drawing women and femmes because that was what my first Ocs were, so I’m still learning maize anatomy, but whatever. Nothing to worry about now.
This is completely reliant on what the person looks like. People have different bodies so not everyone is going to have a perfect hourglass figure. That being said, simply making the body wider or taller is not enough!! People have fat, it’s just one of the many things we are made of. Some people have more, some have less.
Think of it like a blanket almost. If you were to put a bed sheet over a chair, you would be able to see almost everything regarding the shape of it. If it was made of something thicker, like chunky crochet yarn, it would be harder to see the shape of the chair underneath. That’s putting it very simply. Things like muscle and stuff would be like throwing clothes onto the chair before putting the blanket on. Not a nursing major or anything, so take this with a grain of salt. I’m a stupid little guy.
It would take me forever to explain all of this, so I suggest looking into it on your own time in order to get a more in depth understanding of bodies and stuff like that. :)
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If you haven’t noticed already p, which I completely understand, I am not that good at robots. I joined fnaf when Security Breach came out cus I like Suna nd Moon and I started this account with the intent of gaining an audience for my other Ocs. You goobers reeled me in and now I’m stuck here.
Anyway, when it comes to metal people, I draw them slightly different. They don’t have organs or anything, and are video game characters, so they don’t need a space for them. And nothing is better than saving space :)
I also make their bust a literal circle because I come on this app each day and see someone else draw them better and I start to sob uncontrollably. /j
This is completely up to you since people draw them all kinds of silly ways and I see no problem with that.
I don’t know how to end this but I hope this helped in some way :)
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gt-jar · 5 months ago
The poll is far from being over and the majority of the g/t community probably doesn't know about secret santa 2024 yet, but I wanna start with organizing everything as soon as possible!!!
I'm not gonna explain what secret santa is in general (or is that necessary?) and will skip to the important changes right away.
Here are a few things I want to exclude this year.
- fandom g/t (This secret santa is going to be for original artists/writers only. If your blog is centered around fandom g/t, no problem :) But the gift you're going to make has to be original!)
- vore (Sorry, guys! Last year only a small portion of participates was into vore, which will probably be the case this year too. And the chances of a vore blog drawing a giftee who's also into vore are so low that there's no point in including it. Also last year I was exposed to many different types of vore (the list you had to sent me) and... I want to avoid that this time. If your blog includes vore, no problem! But make sure it's tagged properly, if you want to participate, so your secret santa can block it in case it makes them uncomfortable.)
- nsfw (This one is a given. And doesn't count as change, since it wasn't allowed last year either, but I wanted to make this one clear. Also! Don't participate with a blog that includes nsfw stuff! I have 'NSFW DNI' in my bio for a reason!)
Something else I want to adress:
If you're going to participate I want you to take this event seriously.
What does that mean you ask?
Well, it means that you should put effort into the gift you're going make (and don't participate if you know you won't have the time, obviously) :)
I don't want people to think they can get a commission basically for free and can get away with spending like 10 minutues on the gift for their giftee...
How do I make sure that doesn't happen?
For writing it's easy. If you want to participate solely as a writer (or already know you're going to write a one-shot as a gift) the one-shot you're going to write has to have a certain word count. Aiming for at least 1k words.
When it comes to art, it unfortunately gets a little tricky, because you can't really measures art. Well you can based on the time you spent on it, but that's something I can't supervise and also depends on the artist's skill level. Speaking of skill level, I don't want to exclude anybody depending on their skill level nor do I want to discourage beginner artists, BUT!
You don't have to be a professional artist nor do you need years of experience to ensure (This mostly applies to traditional art. Digital art will be allowed as well, of course!):
- you erase something completely, if you need to use an eraser
- the pencil lines look clean and aren't smudged or wonky
- that if you use colored pencils the color is applied evenly (no visible pencil strokes, no paper showing)
- the drawing is on paper made for drawing and not writing (don't use checkered paper for example)
And I know anatomy is hard (I know shit about it myself, so who am I to judge?), but I believe it doesn't take years of anatomy lessons to not draw one arm/leg/eye twice as thick as the other.
And just so you know... if I can't find any art/writing on your blog, I won't let you participate.
Which brings me to one of the most important and drastic changes:
Sorry, not sorry!
Like I said in my last post, if I'm going to host secret santa this year, I want to guarantee the exchange runs soothly. Last year definitely taught me a lesson and now I know I was way too naive :)
I let anyone who wanted to participate, even though I never saw that person in the g/t community before, even though that person didn't have a g/t centric blog and I needed to scroll for ages to find a g/t related post/reblog (if I could find any at all), even though my guts were telling me 'maybe I shouldn't let that person participate'.... BIG MISTSKE!
Also this is something that @might-be-tiny-gt point out to me (and I'm kinda dumb for not looking at it from this perspective), but I want you to know that not a single one of the participates who never posted the gift for their giftee reached out to me to inform me about being unable to provide a gift, so yeah...
I won't be so lax this year!
There will also be some organizational changes, I'll go into more detail about it in a separate post (general guide how to participate), but something I want to adress now is the "Do's & Don't's" lists.
First of all, you won't send me your list/I won't send you the list of your giftee. Waaaaay too much unnecessary work for me.
All the participates are going to post it on their blog, so your secret santa can look it up for themself. But more on that later!
What's more important is the list itself. Something I noticed last year was that the people were waaaaaaaay too specific. Remember that the "Do's" are merely a suggestion for your secret santa, so me pointing this out isn't all that important, but if you're looking/hoping for something super specific as a gift, maybe you should look for people who are making commissions instead.
"Do's" are supposed to be things like general g/t genres, like romanctic/platonic relationships, fluff/angst/fearplay, shrinking/size-shifting, fantasy (fairies)/classic borrower stories, etc...
Or simple prompts like first meetings, giant finds tiny in the snow, sick fics and so on.
That was the most important information for now, I think...
If you want to participate, you can let me know already :)
So far not too many people have voiced that they want to participate, I hope that's going to change in the next few days, I also think last year was such a success (participate number wise) because some really popular g/t blogs reblogged my original post, and maybe it's not the best decision to post this when most of the g/t community is asleep, but... meh!
Let's get this party started!
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galzydraw · 10 months ago
Omg where do I begin.
Im a beginner artist and I just found your blog not too long ago. Can you please tell me how you learned to draw character art? And also how/where you learned character anatomy? I’m tired of just drawing shapes, Undertale hearts/souls, and whatever random crap my brain comes up with. I want to draw character art and I thought; Why not ask someone who’s amazing at it. So I asked you!
Hellooooo! :D
Hey, I honestly read your message and it touches my heart. Because honestly, when you mention to me that you like how I draw. And ask me this question about how to draw both the anatomy and the design that I gave when drawing.
Well, just to be clear, I have to tell you that how I draw now does not compare to how I drew years ago. (And I tell you that I have been in Art for 8 years)
Since at first I only drew sticks and circles. I even looked up images to learn from them based on their anatomy and create my own version. And I was literally breaking my head. (It was terrible and I still think that I should improve more and polish my way of drawing since now I am suffering with the section of deepening the drawing)
Then I took online drawing courses and at least I can tell you that it took me the first 3 years to find my own style.
I even forced myself to ask another artist the same thing as you. and I feel happier to tell you this anecdote.
My advice as such that you can follow as I did.
1- Several references are being implemented on Pinterest. It's also acceptable to base yourself on a character's pose. This is in case you have your own creative block.
2- Use the pen if you draw in a traditional way. (This is to prevent you from erasing your anatomy mistakes. "This is how I learned to improve my weak points.")
3- If you draw digitally, use the opposite of the pen with “red”. Here I show you some of my sketches using this method. Yeah! Practice hands and legs "first" since if you master this part you will take away the fear of drawing the rest of the body.
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4- Este es el curso que tomé (Página de Domestika): https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/2227-daily-sketching-for-creative-inspiration
5- Utilizo este programa para poner en práctica la anatomía. https://posemy.art/
I hope my advice will serve you. since I appreciate that you take me into account. If in the future you have more questions. I am here to serve you. Postscript: Don't be discouraged. I have always said even though I didn't know anything about drawing… That all artists have their own unique talent even if it takes them more than 10 or 20 years to try. Look at me, I've been here for 9 years and I'm still learning new things.
a hug :3
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starmangeek · 4 months ago
Hey! I'm Vance, a transmasc guy who likes to draw and listen to music. I use he/him pronouns. I AM A MINOR! I'm 13, so I'm allowed to be on here, but I'm still young and kinda stupid. I don't interact with stuff 18+ because I'm savouring my childhood innocence before it gets shipwrecked through health class this year ^^. If you're accounts a minor dni account but a normal post, like fanart that's not dirty, of yours shows up on my home page and I interact with it, I probably didn't click into your account and see that, so don't block me or do block me, idc, just don't yell at me or smth. Idk, anyways- this is just some info about my account and what I plan to do here. Sorry if my grammar is bad, I'm a reader, not a writer. I also type very fast.
As a little summary if you don't want to read all this,
I draw (horribly), listen to music religiously, talk about my opinions on things and my hyperfixations. I'm currently pretty into Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, and RTC.
Now for the essay of details. Yay!
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I mainly draw my hyperfixations, which I'll talk about next. I only draw people because I suck at drawing animals and objects. I'm still learning since I literally just picked up drawing again after not drawing since I was 10-ish. I can't really draw anatomy and hair is so complicated! I try though, and if you have any art tips, please share! They all help! I mainly do traditional since my tablet is small and I have little to no experience with digital art. I've been trying to save up for a drawing table but money's tight :<
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Ah yes, my hyperfixations. I'm in quite a lot of fandoms, so here's a list of the main one's that I'm into right now:
Rick and Morty
The Outsiders
Bully SE (yes, I know it's a video game from 2008, I don't care, it's fun to play)
South Park
Astronomy (yes, I count astronomy as a fandom, sue me)
RTC (Ride The Cyclone)
And many more! I take requests for these fandoms.
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I'm heavily indulged in music, and I'm not exaggerating, I have a 70+ hour playlist. Speaking of which, is on Spotify and is called, A Transmasc Guy's Favorite Songs 💫. It has a meme as the cover. Very funny. If you're interested in finding new music or playlists that can go from Hozier to Ghost to David Bowie, then this is your playlist! Just a warning though, I've had this playlist since I was 11, so some songs might get outdated. I'm too lazy to go through it and remove songs. Maybe one day I will. I welcome music requests with open arms! I love finding new music. Also, French music is soooo good.
Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vH1LV9iBSPWgoe9sOxSMs?si=UuVuFMwmSkeqlx-5fp1a-A
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Last, but certainly not least, is questions and requests! I'm open to answering questions about myself and opinions on fandoms, music, games, and stuff like that! Please don't ask anything political or be rude (transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.). For requests, I accept art and music requests! As I stated under fandoms, I draw my hyperfixations listed, but I draw others aswell, depending on the fandom. Feel free to leave a request for any fandom and I'll do it if I can. Requests might be slow, but I promise I'll get to it! You can also state if you just want line art, a colouring, shoulders and up, full body (might take a long while) and if you want traditional or digital! Just a heads up if you do, my drawing skills aren't the best, especially with anatomy and hair, so be aware. I also have limited colouring supplies for traditional and ability for digital, but I'll try my hardest!
And remember, I am a MINOR.
Thank you for reading all this and if you're interested, then follow, if you'd like of course. I know basically no one is going to see this, but for those who do, I hope you stick around. Obviously just don't be rude it disrespectful. Have a lovely day! - Vance, aka StarmanGeek
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ct-hardcase · 1 year ago
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2023 art summary, coming in fashionably late. Director's commentary under the cut:
January: I feel proud of this one, but also feel kind of sad that over the course of a whole year, that January is the artistic highlight. I had a few free days at the beginning of the year where I was alone, and got this wild drive to draw something that I very rarely, if ever, get anymore, especially for a piece that includes a background. Pessimism aside though, I'm really happy with how this came out, barring some aspects of Kanan's facial anatomy I could improve on and Ahsoka's hand (I gave up here, don't look too closely). I've had the scene in my mind for a while, and I'm glad I could finally take it on artistically.
February: Yes, technically this was published in March. As far as I can find, this is possibly the only thing I drew in February, sketches included. I published it on twitter and tumblr in Feburary, fully intending to leave it at the flats, but decided to render a bit on 03/01. On account of my literally having nothing else for the month, I let it slide. I'm also happy to have finished a piece for Seventh/Fifth, and it received pretty decent reception considering it's a bit of a rarepair.
March: I didn't do much, but I did draw Trilla, Eighth, and Reva; and the dynamic has been shamelessly influenced by To Gain The Harbor on Ao3, which has occupied my head rent-free this year.
April: I actually drew two things this month, but I chose Voe, since I always have to have my annual Voe in these, and I'm really happy with how I drew her, here. It's also unpictured due to the formatting constraints, but this one also contained one of my best Kylos. 
May: Work started getting very busy here (and never really stopped), so this is where ~sketch season~ starts. I noticed that I sketched a lot of sitting and kneeling this year, which is a bit of a flex, since I've historically had trouble with that (and am still not perfect, but getting there).
June: Credits to Senshistock for the pose here, but I decided to focus back in on anatomy, which was honestly driven by my beginning to consistently exercise for the first time since college—I got a lot more in tune with the practical aspects of how my own and other bodies could move, and though a lot of my poses are static, I find that it's a pretty big influence on my art this year.
July: It's at this time that my love for Reva also turned a corner—I objectively loved her as a character from the beginning, but around this time or June is when she rocketed herself to my third-favorite (hehe) inquisitor. She really grips me as a character, and she featured pretty prominently in my art this year.
August: Was busy touching grass this month, so didn't do a ton of drawing, but did a quick sketch of a village babushka.
September: I decided to color a drawing of Samantha Trapp and Kilner from We Fix Space Junk, which has carried me through many a hard day, and while the drawing feels just a little off, I think I at least somewhat maintained my ability to color something in.
October: I decided to treat myself and buy some fancy pens, and decided on the Sarasa pens on a whim. While they haven't been the cure-all to my art block, they are so much fun to draw in, and about half my sketches from October-present have been with these. Also, Rey!
November: Reva brainrot feat. The Grand Inquisitor. A friend and I were talking over an AU where the Grand Inquisitor (as a Jedi) takes Reva on as his Padawan, and I had to draw it.
December: I sketched a fair bit this month, but decided to go with Eighth.
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lilleuglesartfarts · 5 months ago
Hi, I'm Lilleugle!
I'm a 95 version feral pagan residing in the mountain valleys of Norway.
My favourite subjects to draw are dragons, animals and my favorite fictional characters.
I am mainly self-taught but I've learned a ton about anatomy from various books, miscellaneous video courses and former Disney-animator Aaron Blaise.
Other artist on social media are a contant source of learning and motivation.
When I'm not drawing and drinking coffee, I am usually taking care of my animals, watching birds, working in the garden or foraging in the woods around my home.
Other interests include nature and wildlife, natural history, story-telling and animation.
When chronic fatigue and/or art block aren't kicking my ass, I sometimes do art streams over on Picarto. I do post here when I do go live! :)
I do occasionally post spicy art - this will be hidden under a cut and tagged with NSFW.
Feel free to use my art for personal use, but please don't repost it, sell it or remove my signature.
My art tag
Commision info
OC tag
Current obsession : The Dragon Prince
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yyshcul · 3 years ago
Holy crap you are sooooo talented for your age!!! Seriously looking at your stuff is extremely impressive, what do you do to practice? Any tips you can share that got you to where you are today? (Aside from drawing consistently which is the obvious lol)
aaa thank u so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think what made my art improve more rapidly is stepping out of my comfort zone & trying new things, for example by drawing backgrounds!! i used to be scared of drawing backgrounds because they usually took a very long time but now that i've drawn more of them over the past few months they're actually kind of fun
i also recommend doing studies on a regular basis & doing warmups, especially if you're going through an art block and have no idea what to draw (i force myself to draw daily even if i'm going through an art block which might not be healthy at all but it helps me personally jhdshdkl)
i think what also helped me a lot over the past 2 years is taking advanced art classes at school!! the class only consisted of 10 people and our teacher took the subject a lot more seriously than regular art teachers, because she taught us many things about anatomy, color theory and compositions. of course not everyone has the opportunity to take advanced art classes at school lmao, but i think intensely learning about these topics contributed a lot to where i am right now
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embryolk · 2 years ago
About ME
In case you want to know!!!!!!!!!!! Im nosy too :) so i get it
Hello, I'm Johnny, I'm a completely self taught digital art hobbyist. I draw, animate, and develop gamie games using rpg XP. I'm 19, I use they/them or any/all pronouns. I am born and raised in Oklahoma, I live on a cow/chicken ranch. Our main export is meat and eggies. I work at a tourist trap as a scare actor, and hopefully later this year, a renn faire actor. I am a full time student otherwise, I'm currently studying allied health, but plan on studying Funeral Services later on. --
ALT SOCIALSInstagram - @ Embryolk Twitter - @ ShakrrSalt Ruby Ru Discord (shared between myself and my friend) -- Bounaries
You can: Pitch drawing ideas at me using my suggestion thingy, use my art as profile photos (without credit), repost my art (with credit), DM about commission inquiry, take inspo off my art, trace FOR LEARNING purposes (if you so choose) Please do not: Try to be my friend, claim my art as your own, spam my dms like crazy, ask me to draw freak shit (see below for what qualifies) you WILL be blocked. FREAK SHIT (GET OUT. GET OUT. LEAVE ME ALONE. no one LIKES you): underage/adult, feral/nonferal, incest, anything that can be considered nsfw involving minors, and also the fetishization of non-con or dub-con (of course not referring to stuff talking about trauma from events like these, that's fine) I have no issue with other generally touchy content like toxicity in relationships or gore but the moment you fucking even dare to suggest pedo shit I will block you here and anywhere else I can find you. there are no second chances, leave me alone. you are sick in the head.
So now some funny sillies Special Interests: Ruby Ru Multiverse (Jikyru ocs), Pokémon, The Elder Scrolls, Brutal Legend, Anatomy or anything relating to Anatomy, Arachnids Favorite Color: Yellow!!!!!!!!!! Favorite Bands: KGATLW, The Murlocs, Ghost B.C., Gorillaz, Bathory, ROAR, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Dark Fortress, Candlemass, King Crimson, The Antlers Favorite Movies: A Clockwork Orange, Kung Fu Hustle, Little Nicky, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Alice in Wonderland (1951), Alice in Wonderland (2010), Beetlejuice (1988) Hyperfixing on RN: Pokemon, of course
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hellodeedles · 4 years ago
Dancing in the Dark
The bass of the song playing over the speaks pounds through Aelins head as she nods along to it happy to get lost in the music already a little tipsy. Half of the reason she comes to these parties is for the chance to let loose and dance the night away to the music. The other half, though she would never admit it to anyone, is for the guy leaning against the wall across the room laughing at something Fenrys just said. Rowan. He looks good tonight, dressed in ripped black jeans and a casual green shirt that shows off the tattoo that travels from his neck down his left arm. 
Rowan had been her best friend ever since he plopped himself down in the desk next to her, in their mandatory freshman year history class. They had almost gotten kicked out of class that first day when Aelin couldn’t stop herself from cackling at all of the comments he was making under his breath about their professors eccentric teaching methods. 
Aelin smiles to herself remembering the grin he gave her when they were openly called out, in that five hundred person lecture hall for disrupting the lesson. Rowan had apologized and promised that they would be quieter, then he rolled his eyes at her once the professor went back to flapping his hands around while making dramatic statements about well known historical facts. Aelin thinks she may have started to fall in love with him then. She makes her way across the room towards Rowan and her smile growing bigger as she nears. Rowan notices her first and opens his arm to pull her into his side. 
���What do we have here?” She asks wrapping her arm around his middle as his arm settles on her shoulder. “Rowan Whitethorn laughing at something Fenrys said? I never thought I’d see the day.” Aelin loses all sense of thought as she feels Rowans fingers starting to play with the end of her hair. He had started doing it recently and every time he did it makes her heart skip a beat and her breathing become a little rapid.
Fenrys gapes at her. “Excuse me! I am hilarious, everyone laughs at my jokes.”
“I don’t.” Lorcan says coming out of nowhere with his girlfriend Elide in tow. “In fact, I don’t think you’re funny at all.” 
“We’ll thats because you have no taste. Except when it comes to women. Hi Elide, looking lovely as always.” Lorcan scowls at that while Elide giggles. 
“Hi Fenrys.”
Rowan grins and looks down at Aelin and nods in the direction of the kitchen just as Lorcan starts to tell Fenrys for the thousandth time not to hit on his girlfriend. Aelin smiles to herself happy to allow Rowan to pull her along with him, his hand going from around her shoulder to her hand as they begin to navigate the large group of people blocking the entrance to the kitchen. 
They make it to where the drinks are being served by Fenrys twin Connall. Rowan grabs a cup of beer and passes it to Aelin never letting go of her hand. Aelin doesn’t mind at all. They stand in silence as they each take a few sips of their drinks, content to be in each other’s company.  
The music is quieter in here but still Rowan leans down and says in her ear, “I like your outfit.” Aelin smirks internally. She knew exactly what she was doing when picking out the gold silk top earlier this evening. “Thanks, a little birdie told me I look good in gold.” 
He smirks down at her as his hand slides out of hers and over to her waist his thumb brushing the small sliver of skin that her tank top exposes. Aelins breath catches in her throat as she looks up at Rowan. He chuckles. Apparently, Rowan knows exactly what he was doing too. 
The lines between the two of them had started to blur over the last year ever since she finally dumped Chaol. The casual touching, late night conversations, one on one hangouts, were only getting more and more frequent. Aelin didn’t know what to make of it. There were some days when she was absolutely positive that Rowan wanted more than just friendship, hell their position now him towering over her, practically hiding her from the view of the rest of the party as his free hand held her hip, and her hand placed delicately on his chest, screamed it, but he never said anything to her to make her think otherwise. The two of them had always danced around the topic of them, it seemed to her. 
Rowan brings his drink up to his mouth to take another sip his eyes never leaving hers. A drop of beer slips past the lip of the cup and appears on his lower lip. Aelins tongue swipes over her bottom lip subconsciously wiping that drop away. Rowans eyes track her movement and he bites his bottom lip. He opens his mouth to say something when- 
Aelin snaps back to reality and steps out of Rowans towering embrace looking around for the person who called her name. Rowan frowns but lets Aelin pull away from him as she turns. His hand finds hers again though and her heart gives a little jump. Rowan has had more to drink than she thought if he’s touching her this much. He never touches her this much when there are other people around.  
“Sam, hey, how are you?” She asks finding a boy from one of her classes making his way over to her. 
“I’m great! I missed you in Anatomy the other day. You should have been there. Hammonds was wearing the most ridiculous outfit. I almost spit my water out when she walked into the auditorium.” 
“Oh yeah. I’m sorry I missed it I wasn’t feeling super great.” A lie, she had skipped to hang out with Rowan at his apartment to watch a new show that had just come out. 
Aelin could feel Rowans eyes slide over to her fully aware of her lie. She ignores him keeping her attention on Sam. The song changes and she hears ROXANNE come on. 
“Ooh, I love this song,” Sam says. “Come dance with me.” 
Aelin nods, handing her drink to Rowan without looking at him. She needs to get away from him and the alcohol before she does something stupid like kiss him. Sam grabs her now empty hand and pulls her back into the living room onto the makeshift dance floor. 
Sam starts to move the music, not entirely with the beat. Sam has never been a good dancer and each time they are at a party together he asks her to dance and each time Aelin swears he gets worse and worse. Aelin laughs at him and Sam laughs with her completely aware of his horrible dancing skills. Aelin gets lost in the beat of the song, closing her eyes and moving to the music. The song ends and another one seamlessly starts up continuing the never ending noise. Aelin stays and continues to dance with Sam having too much fun losing herself in the music once again. 
“Is Whitethorn going to kill me for stealing you away?” Sam asks a few songs later. 
“What?” Aelin asks opening her eyes. Sam nods over to the other side of the room where Rowan is standing glaring at the two of them. His face softens when he notices her looking at him. She glares at him. 
“No of course not,” Aelin says turning back to Sam. “He doesn’t own me I can dance with whoever I want.” 
Sam nods but takes a small step back putting a little bit of space between the two of them. Aelin huffs and rolls her eyes but doesn’t comment. She stays and dances with Sam until a song comes on that she doesn’t really like. Aelin tells him she’s going to get another drink. Sam smiles and bows at her thanking her for dancing with him. Aelin smiles at him as she makes her way off the dance floor towards the kitchen completely ignoring Rowan in the process. 
She walks right up to the makeshift bar and pours herself a shot of cheap tequila. She doesn’t have to look to know that Rowan has followed her. Just as she downs the shot, he comes up beside her taking her glass and pouring himself one. 
Neither one of them says anything.
"Why don’t you ever dance with me?” Rowan asks after a few minutes of tense silence 
“What?” Aelin turns towards him and raises her eyebrows. 
“You always dance with him or someone else whenever we come to one of these,” he says not turning to look at her but glaring at the wall. 
“That would be because he actually asks me to dance Buzzard,” she responds getting really annoyed with him now. 
Rowan stops his staring contest with the wall and looks over at her and smirks as he steps closer. “Well if I had known that it was that easy princess, I would have done it a long time ago.”
Aelin scoffs at him as his hands go to her waist again his thumb finding that small bit of exposed skin again. Aelin knows that Rowan can feel the goosebumps that appear with every pass of his finger. 
Aelin is suddenly angry. He doesn’t get to do this. He doesn’t get to touch her like this, get pissed off when someone else asks her to dance. She is single and she does not belong to him. He is her best friend and that is it. 
Aelin shoves his hands away. “What are you doing.”
Rowan stiffens. “I thought it was obvious.”
Aelin doesn’t think it is. It’s not like Rowan has ever said anything to her that would indicate that he wanted more. His actions though, especially tonight, say something else. That has always what has confused her more than anything. His words and actions always contradicting each other. Then again Rowan has never been once for words. He has always let his actions speak for him. 
Aelin looks at him considering, her anger slowly fading into curiosity to see where this would go and says, “If you want to dance with me Whitethorn, then ask me to dance.” 
Rowan steps closer to her, “Aelin Galathynius, will you dance with me?” Aelin nods lost for words with how he is looking at her. She allows him to lead her back to the dance floor where he takes her hips in his hands and pulls her close until she her front is flush with his. Her arms instinctively wrap around his neck. A new song starts up and they begin to move to the beat practically grinding on each other due to their position. 
This is nothing like dancing with Sam. Rowans eyes never leave hers the intensity of his stare draws her in, in a way that she can’t look away. All she can feel is the beat of the music and the small puffs of Rowans breath on her face. She bites at her bottom lip when she notices his eyes flickering down to her mouth. Rowan licks his lips in response. 
The song changes and timing of the music picks up slightly. They move seamlessly with the change in pace his eyes now completely focused on her mouth. 
“I’m going to kiss you,” he says. 
Aelins mouth parts with his statement. Completely at a loss for words she just nods. The pair have slowly stopped moving as they stand in the middle of the crowded dance floor. Rowans green eyes darken as he leans down. His lips just barely brush hers. Aelin makes a small noise in the back of her throat before she raises herself up her toes kissing Rowan fully. Rowan kisses her back with such enthusiasm, she can barely believe it. Aelins hands slide from his neck up into his hair pulling slightly as Rowan tightens his grip on her hips then sliding down into the back pocket of her jeans.
Aelin opens her mouth for him at the first brush of his tongue. She sighs into the kiss as she feels Rowans tongue in her mouth. The people around them, the music, the world fades as Aelin stands there kissing Rowan. Aelin thinks that she could die right here right now she's so happy. Rowan smiles into the kiss ruining the intensity of it but Aelin is too lost in bliss to care, this has been everything she has been waiting for with each and every touch he has given her over the last year. Too soon Rowan pulls away smiling like a fool.   
“How was that?” He asks her a little shy for the first time tonight. 
“I think you should ask me to dance more often buzzard.” Rowan laughs at her shaking his head. 
“I think I should too.” Then he kisses her again and this time neither pulls away for a long while. 
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years ago
Good Omens - A Historic Blunder (Rated NC17)
Summary: Crowley shows up in the Bastille to rescue Aziraphale, but for some reason, when he snaps his fingers, it doesn't only release Aziraphale from his chains, it switches their places. Miffed at all of Crowley's mean comments about his beautiful suit, Aziraphale doesn't just opt to free Crowley, but forces him to earn his way out of his chains by putting his smart mouth and sharp tongue to better use. (1999 words)
Notes: Written for the @coldomenszine - nsfw digital-only edition. Warning for bondage and oral.
Read on AO3.
“What in the …?" Crowley glares at the shackles clamped around his wrists and Aziraphale's gold brocade suit miraculously tailored to his body. His eyes dart over to Aziraphale, clothed in the burgundy coat he arrived in. "Why am I wearing your clothes? And your chains? How the Heaven did this happen?"
"I don't know," Aziraphale says, massaging his wrists, rubbed raw by the shackles he'd been locked in. Indeed, how did this happen? Just moments ago, between pleasant banter and derisive remarks in regard to Aziraphale's unfortunate clothing choices, Crowley had snapped his fingers, performing a demonic miracle to set Aziraphale free. Which he did, so, of course, well done him. But now Crowley is the one in chains ...
... while Aziraphale is dressed like a peasant. 
"Are you losing your touch?"
"Very funny.” Crowley snaps his fingers again. And again. And again. But no matter what he does, he can’t break free. 
Most of what he'd intended when he snapped his fingers happened. Aziraphale is unbound, and the guard who had been sent to fetch him standing paralyzed in the corner. Other than that, nothing else worked the way it was supposed to. 
It's almost as if his spell backfired.
"Could this be a punishment from Hell for you rescuing me?" Aziraphale asks with genuine confusion. "You said your lot don't send rude notes. Could they have taken away your power instead?"
“Don’t know," Crowley says, examining his hands for answers. "Does seem like something they'd do.”
Aziraphale gasps. "Maybe they know you're here, and this was a test! Or maybe this isn't Hell's doing at all! Maybe this is Heaven's!" He looks up and around, trying to sense any Holy influence in their midst. If he finds any, he's going to be very put off, seeing as they made no move whatsoever to aid him.
"All interesting theories," Crowley agrees, giving the shackles a tug, checking their strength. "Theories I would love to discuss with you at length somewhere other than here. So why don't you get me out of this mess?"
Aziraphale tuts at Crowley's tone. He's every inch a demon of Hell, with demon manners, too. "What's the magic word?"
Crowley rolls his eyes. He considers not saying it out of spite, but what other option has he? "Please."
"Could you possibly say it nicer?"
Crowley fixes Aziraphale with the fire of his fierce, yellow eyes. "No."
"Fine." Aziraphale raises a hand to snap his fingers, but he hesitates. 
"Wot?" Crowley shakes the chains to remind Aziraphale what he should be doing. "Wot's the matter?"
“I don't know."
"Wot do you mean you don't know?"
"It was nice of you to sweep in here and help me, but you're being mean to me."
"I'm being mean to you?"
"You made fun of my clothes!”
Crowley sputters like a car struggling to start. “You’re ... you're ... you're going to let me get discorporated because I made a comment about your outfit?”
“It was rude! I'll have you know that suit was a gift from Marie Antoinette herself!”
"Pfft. Fitting you'd be wearing it here then."
Aziraphale tsks in disgust. "Was that really necessary?"
Footsteps overhead, coupled with the sounds of cells opening and shrill cries for mercy, draw Crowley's attention away, make him swallow hard. "Okay, look, none of that matters right now! I got you out of your chains, yes? Tit for tat, angel. Bust me out!"
"Quite right, quite right. I could do that. Bust you out, as you say. But what’s in it for me?”
"Aside from you not losing your head?"
"Yes. Obviously. Aside from that."
“I’ll take you to lunch," Crowley offers.
Aziraphale shrugs. “Alas, I’ve already eaten.”
Crowley pulls a face. “That’s never mattered before!”
“Yes ..." Aziraphale grins "... but today it does.” 
"Wot else could you possibly want?"
"What are you willing to give me?"
Crowley crosses his arms over his chest, fumbling with the cumbersome metal links so he can manage it. "I know you've got something on your mind, angel. So could you help me out? Give me a hint?"
"Well ..." Aziraphale rolls his eyes to the ceiling, stalling in the hopes Crowley might figure it out "... it's been terribly stressful here, locked up by myself, waiting to be executed ..." He busies himself picking nonexistent lint from Crowley's jacket, feigning nonchalance. He has no intention of letting Crowley lose his head. He's having a bit of fun with him. 
But maybe he can finagle a little something more. 
"So you're wanting something to relieve your stress, is that it?"
"Perhaps ..."
Crowley smirks. "The stress of being locked up or the stress of being an arsehole?"
Aziraphale huffs. “Remember, my dear, I can’t stop time the way you can so we don’t have a lot to play around with.”
“How much time are we talking about exactly?” Crowley asks, dropping to his knees. Aziraphale hides his triumphant grin behind a scowl when he sees the immaculate hem of his pants and the toes of his satin shoes come in contact with the grimy floor.
“There are guards strolling the halls, checking on prisoners several floors above us. There’s one a few floors down doing the same, coming up this way. So I’d say you have roughly twenty minutes.”
"Twenty minutes!?”
“Nineteen now.”
“Knowing the response time of your cock when faced with my tongue, I’d say that’s more time than I need.”
Aziraphale glowers. "Eighteen ..." 
"Alright, alright! Help me out! Undo your trousers!"
"You're already down there. I'd say you're in a better position to undo them, don't you?"
"Bastard!" Crowley growls. He snaps his fingers, quadruple checking that it won't work. Wouldn't it be the dog's bollocks if his magic came back in time to shove Aziraphale's snarky attitude right back in his face? 
But it doesn't.
Crowley unfastens the fall-front of Aziraphale's trousers, the rough metal of the shackles doing no favors for his wrists in this position, but that barely fazes him, focused on this particular task.
It's been ages since he's seen angel's cock.
He removes it from the confines of angel's trousers, holds it in his hand, and wonders - has it gotten bigger since? Has Aziraphale been putting extra effort into this part of his anatomy since the last time they were together?
Or is he doing this now for Crowley's benefit?
To make Crowley desire him?
Crowley opens wide, takes him in his mouth, but slowly. More slowly than usual. They might be pressed for time, but Crowley feels a need for vengeance. He's going to drag this out, use all of the eighteen - no, seventeen - minutes they have to frustrate the Hell out of Aziraphale.
Teach him a lesson he won't forget anytime soon.
Crowley's lips around Aziraphale's cock nearly discorporate Aziraphale in an instant. It's been too long since he's sampled this demon's pleasures - his warm mouth, his quick wit.
His exquisite company.
"That's is," Aziraphale moans as Crowley wraps his serpent tongue around him, then drags it down his length. "That definitely hits the spot."
Crowley pulls away. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. My knees are aching like Christ on the cross."
"Too soon, my dear," Aziraphale mutters, eyelids fluttering shut to block out sounds of clattering chains, guards coming ever closer, screams of prisoners dragged to their deaths, the ominous drop of the guillotine. "Too soon."
This is the way things have been between them for as long as Crowley can remember. These small indiscretions, stolen taboos, are all they're allowed. They never know when they will have time together, so they relish it whenever it comes along. As fun as it is riling angel up, Crowley can't help wishing he could do things up proper: in the quiet of his flat, on a bed of rose petals, with a bottle of champagne, a bowl of fresh cream, and all the time in the world to enjoy it.
“Crowley!" Aziraphale whines, hips bucking, desperation saturating every breath. "They're coming!"
"Are you?"
"This isn't the time for humor!"
"How much time do we have left?"
"We don't have any left!”
As if on cue, the guards Aziraphale has been sensing arrive, going on loudly about what could have happened to their companion (Marcel - the man stuck in the corner). They stop, do a double-take, then go bug-eyed when they spot Crowley, dressed like a member of the haut monde, on his knees in front of Aziraphale.
At first, they don't know what to make of it. They would chalk it up as a victory if not for the fact that, even dressed like one of them, they have no idea who Aziraphale is. And though they recognize the fancy suit Crowley is sporting, they have no clue how the man inside went from plump and pale to thin with flaming red hair and dark glasses.
They try to think up a practical explanation, but as former men of faith, they come to the conclusion that what's going on inside the cell is the work of the Devil. They hurry off, presumably to summon back-up, screaming about witchcraft and perversion. Aziraphale doesn't know for sure. They could be yelling about the weather. His grasp of conversational French isn't as good as it should be. He could ask Crowley to translate, but he wouldn't remove his mouth from his cock for anything.
Tragically, Crowley does so himself. "I think we've been spotted." 
"How did you guess?" 
"Are you even close?"
"Yes! Yes, I am! I ... oh, let me! May I?" Aziraphale grabs Crowley's head but waits for a consenting nod before he holds him still and fucks his mouth to the finish. And Crowley lets him. He may as well have some fun with his mouth before he and his head become strangers. Not that he thinks Aziraphale would leave him there to be beheaded.
But would he? 
"Oh! Oh, dear! Oh for Heaven's ...!" Aziraphale comes down Crowley's throat in a wash of Holy light enough to burn straight through to his stomach, but that's part of what he enjoys about letting angel use him.
That taste of Heaven that accompanies his orgasm.
"Oh my goodness!" Aziraphale pants. "That was exceptional, my dear. Bravo. You really know how to rise to a challenge."
"I'm glad you're satisfied." Crowley wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, then licks up every last drop. "But there's still the matter of you breaking me out."
"Yes ..." Aziraphale awkwardly clears his throat "... that."
"You are going to free me, right?"
Aziraphale shoots Crowley an offended look. "Of course, I am! I'm an angel of my word!"
"A-ha. And how do you intend on doing that when you didn't want to use a miracle to free yourself?" Crowley asks, kicking himself for not considering that at the beginning of all this.
"Oh! Well, you see, I nicked the key from that chap over there ..." Aziraphale pats down the pockets of Crowley's coat, then the pockets of his own, chirping a tiny, "A-ha!" when he finds it.
"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"You didn't ask!"
"How did you get it off him without his noticing?"
"Nu-uh." Aziraphale sticks the key in the lock and gives it a twist. "A magician never reveals his secrets." 
"Wait! That means you could have gotten yourself ... and me ... out of those chains this entire time!?" Crowley hisses, shaking out the throbbing in his wrists as the chains fall to the ground. But Aziraphale sidesteps Crowley's question and helps him to his feet.
"Come come now! Let's get moving!" With a snap of Aziraphale's fingers, Crowley is re-dressed in his original clothes while Aziraphale reluctantly switches outfits with the still frozen guard. "We mustn't hang about!"
When the guards return, there's only one prisoner in the cell. 
The aristocrat on his knees and the revolutionary he was servicing are gone.
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genderhoax · 4 years ago
I used to want to be an artist but then i stopped drawing for like 7 years. I want to go back but i'm scared and dont know where to start. So yes, i am interested in those drawing videos can you post them if you dont mind? ^_^
Of course!! I am in the same situation as you actually. I used to draw a lot in middle school (2010-2012) but my depression worsened during high school and in college, I’d only draw as a distraction, never seeking to study or improve. I decided to get back this year, since I decided drawing was the only thing I could see myself doing professionally. I felt very lost, because how do you get back? How do you know what’s your actual, current, art skill? What are your weaknesses? Your strong points?
That’s how I learned to study the fundmentals of art. Because visual art is not a skill. It is a set of skills, if you are very good at anatomy but not really when coming to painting your art is going to look differently than someone who learned anatomy in how to draw manga books but paint like a pro. I am going to divide this post in categories, Also, all the videos I link I also recommend all the channels they are from! My favorites are The Drawing Database, Sycra and Ganev, Sycra and The Drawing Databse have a little of everything and are great at explaining. Ganev is a bit sarcastic but I like the way he teaches. I took some parts of the text of this post from here.
How do I begin? How do you even get back at art? What tips should you use? These are general tips videos, usually nice to draw along. /the fundmentals and how to get started/ /5 tips for better drawing/ /perfect pratice/  /beginner’s guide/ /5 tips for digital art/ /10 tips to improve/ /why your drawings are stiff/ /what level is your art/ /improve your art fast/ /drawing basics/ /how to hold and control your pencil/ /intuitive drawing method/ /iterative drawing/
The Fundamentals: Proportion & Placement Proportion is relationship between one element and another. In the visual arts proportion relates most importantly to the abstract quality of scale and placement. You know how stereotypically an artists puts a pencil to their eye when looking at an object? They’re mesuring the proportion of the object in question and how to represent it corectly in the drawing. /principles of proportion/ /ways to create illusion of space/ /drawing the human figure/ /how to draw proportions playlist/ /how to use proportion in character design/ /basic anatomy and proportions part one/ /part two/ /part three/ /part four/ /proportion basics/
Form & Construction The idea of form is how we see the 3D objects in or world and transform them into 2D in the paper/canvas. It’s understading that eveyrthing is made up of basic forms. /dynamic sketching part one/ /part two/ /how to draw forms/ /structure/ /building form/ /another how to draw forms/ /how to visualize 3D forms/ /form study process/
Perspective & Depth Perspective is knowing that as things move away from the viewer’s eye, things seem to get smaller. Get familiarized with terms like horizon line and vanishing point. This is the basic that must be understood to learn perspective. Here’s a good article about this. /an intro video on the subject/ /step by step tutorial/ /perspective basics part one/ /part two/ /part three/ /part four/ part five /part six/  /another basics video/ /20 perspective lessons/ /eye level tip/  /linear perspective/  /simple form perspective/ /drawing the figure in perspective/
Anatomy Anatomy is something I think it’s one the most crucials things to learn in order to make your drawing look good. Once you understand how joints work you’ll be able to see how bones and muscles move. And this goes for anything with a skeleton. It’s one of those things of you learn the rules before breaking them. I am linking different playlists, since linking different videos on various parts of anatomy would take forever. Just study a body part at time: head, eyes, nose, lips, ears, shoulders, neck, hairline, breats, torso, hands, feet etc. /how to do an anatomy tracing/  /playlist 1 /  /draw the head from any angle/  /anatomy for artists/ /draw facial features/ /how to draw and paint/ /playlist 2/ /draw 3/4 head with loomis method/ /playlist 3/ /drawing a head in 3 hours (this one is great to draw along with the artist)/ /how to draw a body/ draw a head with loomis method part 1/  /part 2/ /part 3/ /decipgering bridgman’s anatomy/ /anatomy quick tips/
Gesture Gesture drawing is a method of capturing figures in exaggerated poses, usually drawn quickly. It is important to undersand that the goal of all gesture is to study the figure and see how it moves. I like looking at poses and copying them. Here’s a good article. /how to draw gesture/  /how to draw any pose/ /draw interesting poses/ /a guide on gesture drawing/  /tips for expressive dynamic poses/  /figure drawing tips/
Composition The overall layout of a piece is very important. Artists often consider things like the rule of thirds or the infamous golden ratio. Neither truly defines a composition, but they can both go into your decision making. /composition in art/  /understanding composition/ /10 composition tips/ /beginner’s guide to composition/ /art fundamental: composition/
Value Studying value is very much the study of light and shadow. But there is a technical side of light that you’ll want to pay attention to if you’re going for technical rendering. /guide on rendering/  /seeing light and shadows in daily life/  /10 minutes to a better painting/ /understaing colors and values/ /shading basics/ /ambient occlusion/ /shadow colors/ /tips on how to shade/ /draw shadows on objects and people/ /lighting tutorial/
Color Theory Color theory is understanding which colors go good with eachother, and knowing the pyschology behind it. (what are cool colors? what colors make someone feel comfortable?) It is fundamental in art for you to understand the relationship between colors and what makes them look good. Best color theory books. A comprehensive guide to color theory. /hue value saturation in photoshop/ /color theory for noobs/ /understanding color/ /what you should know about colors/  /warm and cool colors/  /the basic elements/ /choose colors that work/
Traditional Media If you draw in traditional media, all videos above can be used easily. These are just videos for general tips in traditional media, there isn’t many since my focus is digtal ^^’ /watercolor tips/ /draw with colored pencils/ /blending colored pencils/ /4 how to draw lessons/ /Block in colors/ /holding the brush/ /
Digital Media Digital art is how everyone’s been doing art these days. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing with your phone or your computer. I don’t do art on my phone, I know the most used app is mediabang for android and procreate for apple, and I think anyone who is able to do art with their finger is very skilled. If you are like me and prefer doing art on your computer, you probably have your tablet. If not, well you should have. Not having a tablet is not an option if you want to get better at art ^^’ Best tablet for beginners in 2020. Or you can just buy an old used one, if it still works, and you are a beginner, a small intuos is all you need. When talking about softwares, the three big ones I see people using are: Photoshop, Clip Paint Studio and Paint Tool Sai. The best one is CPS, but I find Sai easier to navigate, but CPS is extremely complete and I hope to be able to master it someday. CPS Tutorials. I don’t have much to say about photoshop, people use it mostly because they’ve been using it forever lol I divide my digital painting process in steps: Sketch/Lineart/Color Blocking/Shading/Blending/Color correction. Sketch is the basics, draw your idea. Lineart is to clean your sketch. Color Blocking is to color your drawing one color, so it’s easier to work in it. Shading is to understand where the lighting sources are coming from and apply them. Blending is to blend the colors of your drawing with brushes. Color correction is when I use filters of hue/saturation and others to make the drawing more appealing. These require understadings of the software of your choice which I am not very good at the moment so I can’t give you more tips than that ^^’ Hopefully these videos can help. /perspective grid/ /clean line art/  /coloring process/ /make lineart interesting/ /best brushes for digital painting/ /skin shading tutorial/  /lineart vs painting/ /art in clip studio paint/ /hair tutorial/ /3 tips for improving/ /10 digital art mistakes/ /color block tutorial/ /shading skin/ /from lineart to painting/ /cleaner lineart/ /add texture to your art/ /improve your art with better shadows/ /the importance of brushes/ /use layer modes/ /improve your lines/ /how to blend colors/ /another blending tutorial/  /color blocking/
Exercises It’s no secret that to improve on art, you must pratice. Everyday, even if it’s just a little! A great way to pratice is make use of youtube picture in picture function to draw along in your software of choice. /pratice drawing forms/ /proportion exercises/ /perspective exercises/ /value studies/ /creative drawing exercises/  /simple drawing esercises/
Resources Senshi stocks, a deviantart page full of poses photos. Quick poses,  pictures of models, contains nudes. Character design references DesignDoll, create a personalized sketch doll and make it pose.
Phew!!! This took forever to make and is way more than you asked for, but I decided to go all in so I can have a masterpost for me too and for anyone else interested in art. As soon you can understand the fundamentals, you can do your own research and study, youtube is really great for this. I hope this helps, let’s get better at drawing together!!! Ganbarimashou (ง •̀_•́)ง
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sunsumu · 5 years ago
Can I request ushijima and tendou with an artist s/o? Like it’s a serious hobby for her just like their volleyball so they are known as the sporty and artistic couple? S/o has many canvases in her room and always carries a sketchbook. She can get really focused on her work and forget to sleep or something lol. Headcanons please! If you are ok with doing this, thank you!!
a/n: HI WE WROTE THIS A WHILE BUT WE FORGOT TO POST IT WE’RE REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT!! tendou was written by admin lisa and ushijima was written by admin oli. hope you enjoy!!
ushijima x artist!y/n hcs
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he totally gets how you feel about art, because to him it’s the same but with volleyball
he’s glad that you can understand him too!
this way there won’t be much hard feelings or miscommunication about not being able to spend much time together
you often go to his practices and games!
it’s a really good way to study anatomy
you draw him the most
there are at least 10 pages probably more filled with ushijima spiking, blocking, etc.
the rest of your sketchbook is filled with him just being ushijima ((:
if tendou sees your sketchbook he will tease you nonstop about it
“looks like toshi toshi really got himself a loving girlfriend hmm~”
ushijima blushes a little when he sees that your sketchbook was filled with him
is so happy you’re just looking at him and no one else ((:
first time he went to your house and saw your room he was like 00:
“y/n there’s there’s so many canvases..”
“yeah i know! i have some commissions to do so i bought some extra canvases”
“but y/n....where do you sleep?...”
“on a c a n v a s”
he picked up on you skipping meals and not sleeping real quick
one day you walked into class with dark circles around your eyes and looked more bony than usual
he is concerned. pls. EAT AND SLEEP.
makes sure that you don’t skip your meals and always. always. feeds you after school
if this was in his professional volleyball years, than he would make sure to leave you little notes around your shared apartment reminding you to eat and rest well
would also text you reminders as well
toshi toshi: y/n it’s about lunch time remember to eat well [sent 11:00 AM]
toshi toshi: remember to take breaks while you’re painting i love you ((: [sent 3:30 PM]
if that doesn’t make your heart go 📈📈📈 idky what will
for sleeping, if he thinks you’re overworking yourself he would just simply carry you and bring you to bed with him
[carries you to bed]
“w-wait toshi i still have to finish this commission”
[already has you caged in his arms]
no ifs, ands, or buts
sleep now.
if you’re painting though, he makes sure you’re paints won’t smudge or dries up, or ruin your work
extra careful about that
he just wants you to sleep )):
tendou x artist!y/n hcs
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you often attended his games with a sketchbook in hand
you loved drawing him in action, especially in his incredible blocks
“draw me like one of your french girls”
“tendou... shut up please”
he checks up on you a lot with random phone calls
and you always answer cause YOU NEVER SLEEP
“go to sleep y/n~”
“how about you?”
“im only awake for you”
tendou likes coming over and hopping around just complimenting your work
and he likes bragging about you to everyone
“MY girlfriend can draw SO WELL”
“tendou you’ve said this ten times today, we kno-“
you have like fifteen studies on his hands
hand kink? good anatomy practice
you cannot match his red hair w your paints and youre always so frustrated about it
he likes looking through your sketches (with your permission of course)
after a good block he always looks at you
“tendou pls everyones looking-“
he probably has seven paintings of himself bc they were gifts from you.
they are ALL up on his walls.
tendou’s super supportive and he loves you
always encouraging
“ugh this sucks i hate it”
you miss your meals a lot
so he comes over w snacks and food and just lays there admiring you and your work
he feeds you
“tendou im not hungry”
“you havent?? eaten the whole day?? its literally 2 pm rn...”
yeah in da end he loves u and your art <3
op if ur an artist... i love you <333
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jannaphia · 5 years ago
OMG JANNA! Ok so really, I remember when you said something along the lines of: if you're buying lotsa tutorials and watch lotsa videos, you probably only need half of what you're doing to rly improve. I really need help with this because i DON'T know how to start a piece. Like. What ? I know how to paint.. a little. Okay painting actually scares me. uhh I know how to DRAW. I know perspective, id say fairly well. I know some anatomy. But I default to paid tutorials. i figure that its the way :/
Part 2 : I figure that somehow,those tutorials are going to walk me through starting a project and so on. I feel it in my gut that it might just be a "just do it" situation but I find it so DIFFICULT to tackle O: Im turning to you, janna. Can you help me with advices ? What was it like to you ? Have you ever felt like this ? Is your process for starting a project online ?
I feel like this a lot haha sometimes I still sit in front of my sketch, ready to paint and I’m like ‘the fuck am I supposed to do now’. I often sit in front of an empty page, scared to put a mark down because my brain tells me it needs to be perfect immediately otherwise I’m a complete failure. After all SOMEONE on the internet is able to do that which means I should be too.
Which is bs. You just didn’t train for that sort of thing. And it is a matter of training. The only thing that helps is just get going. Start walking and you’ll end up somewhere.
Ok with big paintings it’s like starting a sea voyage (bear with me here pls), you cannot know everything when you start. You just gotta leave. And you should have a plan where you want to end up, but you might run into bumps along the way. Maybe there’s a bit of a storm that blows you off course. Maybe you get into some shallows you didn’t see coming. So what you do is stop, readjust, get some more knowledge and keep going.
In art terms that means, you might find out you messed up the perspective. You have no idea how that hand works. There’s a material that doesn’t look right. So you stop. Take a look. Find some references. Do a quick study. Now you know more about the thing and you move on.
In the beginning you might have to take a lot of stops, but the more you paint the easier it will be.
My process is no different from all the tutorials you’ve probably watched by now. Thumbnail - Sketch - Refined Sketch - Color Block Out - Paint Over That’s it, there’s no magic involved.
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