#i am not here to ship police but to enjoy what i enjoy the way i enjoy it as a reading of the text
mswyrr · 1 month
In s2 Rhaenyra confesses to Mysaria that the driving force of her feelings for Dae/mon was a desire to get to *be* him, to get to do what he does and live as he does. "He was everything I wanted to be. Carefree. And dangerous. A man" (2x06). This can be read several ways, both in terms of sexuality and gender, but I want to focus on how it can deliciously reframe her behavior with Alicent in s1.
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Specifically, she wanted to run off with Alicent and make Alicent her bride, but didn't feel she had the right, as a girl, to do this. She outright told Alicent "I want to fly with you on dragon back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake" (1x01). Phrasing it with just enough room for plausible deniability - which Alicent picks up, dismissing it as a joke. Rhaenyra seems put out (but continues to allow room for plausible deniability) when she says "I never jest about cake."
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When you take this scene combined with the script direction that said Rhaenyra is "(flirting)" with Alicent in a deleted scene [link to script], it's obvious (and has been since s1, despite the bullying and gaslighting!) that Alicent is a girl she *wants* romantically:
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It was a sincere proposal from Rhaenyra to her first love, but cloaked due to the homophobia of this society. Rhaenyra comes as close as she possibly can to outright asking Alicent to go away with her. But she cannot cross that divide, both because of her internal feeling that who she wants to be is something only a man is allowed, and her concerns over Alicent's internalized homophobia.
This idea of running off with a girl comes up again, however - when Rhaenyra tells Dae/mon to run off with her and "Take me to Dragonstone and make me your wife" (1x05). In light of Rhaenyra's confession in 2x06, this has been reframed for me as Rhaenyra--now that Alicent has been stolen as a bride by her own father--transforming her fantasy of running away with the girl she loves into something she projects on to Dae/mon - a man who can socially do what she has always wanted to do and be who she wants to be. She thinks that getting to be with him, near who she wants to be herself, able to live it out through him, will be enough for her. That it will satisfy the hole the loss of her first love--and the seeming impossibility of being who she wants to be in this society!--has left in her.
But it cannot. Again, using her own words from S2, "He wished to possess me, but not to be possessed" (2x06). She tried to force herself to express who she is through him--playing the role of the "girl" she herself wanted and suggesting/pushing him to do the things she is not allowed to do, in order to achieve some subliminal expression of her true self, thwarted though it might be--but he never gave back in the way she needed. He never returned the favor and let her get to express who she truly is in her wholeness.
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As with Cersei and Jaime, incest pairings in asoiaf can be about the deep wound of patriarchy on a woman who feels a drive to achieve and live in ways ladies are not allowed in Westeros. So the passion has different layers in both pairings, but a major part of it is the mirroring of the incest (the male lover is both Other and a male Self who is allowed to move and act freely in the world) and how it allows a woman to feel she can express the parts of her soul she is disallowed through a man who is her "mirror"/part of her already through their shared blood. But it cannot be forever satisfying to hide yourself away like that and suppress your own soul.
Hence Rhaenyra, in her own midlife crisis, finding Mysaria, a woman who can be the lady wife to her (Rhaenyra's "type" in women, as I argue in this meta) that Alicent was too afraid to be in their youth. It's part of the poignancy of their tragic love that Alicent was going through her own midlife crisis -- and also came to a place of bravely grasping for the queer life she has denied herself in the finale -- but by the time she finds that courage Rhaenyra had already committed herself to a different path.
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dutybcrne · 4 months
I am a simple Allie: I see unhinged, I wanna put em with Taru or Kae
#//Secret option: with Luc or Kaveh hdhdbdb#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//This is abt Scar of the WuWa hdhfh#//I am ENAMOURED by he#//And I want to give him the most ridiculous potentially chaos crossover ship jfbfb#//Kav and Taru are winning in my brain tho hfbbf#//Bc I think Kav and Scar is just SO FUCKEN DIFFERENT it tickles my brain#//And then Taru and Scar; they will be a fucken Danger to everyone including themselves#//And they would enjoy every second of it: I feel it in my BONES#//Meanwhile with Kav; he has to try and handle a man who would commit Attrocities for his specialest boi#//And Kav is done a STRESS; both bc the attrocities AND worrying abt Scar in the same breath#//I love the idea of him tryna keep him safe from Cyno; esp if he got too invested in Scar’s wellbeing too soon#//And now he has an Attachment; and would feel AWFUL giving him up to the Law#//Then again; he wouldn’t have to do anything really bfbfb#//Bc Scar just keeps coming back to him like a stray cat findin the person who consistently feeds it; even if he DOES get arrested#//‘Arrested’#//It that one meme of the guy looking up at the girl’s window and she calls police on him and he gets dragged away hdbfb#//Actually I think that’s funnier hfbfb#//Kav being 100% on board with sending him off to be arrested by Cyno#//By also being SO attached; he can’t say no when Scar pulls up asking for a plate of whatever Kav & Haiyi dined#//Hdhfbfb#//‘Here eat well’ ‘this is delicious! Is your matra friend on his way?’ ‘Haitham left the room to call him when I let you in-‘ ‘aight fair’#//I gotta keep playing wuwa i think i wanna let this one cook more before I REALLY ramble jfbf#//For SURE Kav would hexkin EXPLODE at the endearments and coy words#//Taru would just be Confused like ‘me??? You mean me??? HUH! :D’#//The way I see it now; Taru is prolly the one that’d ACTUALLY catch his eye like that bc of his thoughts on doing anything to be strong#//Meanwhile Kav is just the guy he goes to for a quick recharge bc hes so caring; would take a Lot if at all to actually win him over#//Tho Kav being so willing to debate him might give him points in Scar’s book I think. him brushing Kae off as pathetic or weak bc#he disapproves of what Scar’s tryna do/how he carries himself; ends up getting earful startin w lISTEN HERE YOU LIL SHIT-#//And Scar’s just ‘OH. I see now-‘ Prolly why he keeps coming back hdhfb. bc he wants to debate Kav again
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voidy-vibing · 1 month
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Hey, so I've seen that Zerum (the co-owner of the Pressure discord server and game) is getting a huge tons of fucking hate and DEATH THREATS?? for making Sebastian x Zerum (Their Sona) canon!!
I would like to mention that nobody here should give a shit if it's canon or not. Zerum has stated that it is FINE if you selfship, do oc x canon (specifically Sebastian) and enjoy his character. They only requested that no ship art IN GENERAL TOO should be posted in the OFFICIAL discord server of Pressure!!!!!
I am not targetting anyone specifically who is hating on Zerum, but sending death threats, calling them a snowflake and possessive of Sebastian will literally change nothing in canon. Fandoms have ALWAYS went against canon ESPECIALLY when it came to shipping characters NEVERTHELESS MARRIED ONES!! Take Ethan Winters from RE8 for example.
You could technically argue that them adding a wedding ring is to SPITE the Sebastian Simps, but honestly it's only funny to me and not spiteful or petty??? Even Sebastian's voiceline by Gianni (who encourages Seb x Zerum) is funny but people just didn't consider it canon until they saw bro's ring 😭😭 but it's literally... HARMLESS... I'd even argue that he looks good with a ring on (not saying this in any sort of suggestive/romantic way mind you /lh). And no I'm not here to say that 'oh you should ship Sebastian x Zerum!!!' because let's be honest half of the fanbase doesn't do that. And that's perfectly NORMAL, what ISN'T normal is the constant bullying of a creator who made a harmless selfship canon. If Zerum wouldn't ALLOW selfships ENTIRELY that'd be a whole other thing, but they just ask that it simply isn't shown on discord- they never said you aren't allowed to ship what you want.
If Zerum doesn't want ship talk in the discord server, that's valid, and should be respected. Don't go harassing them and saying they're a possessive insecure bitch, and even if they were, going to their DMs and insulting them is just low. They're not stopping anyone from doing what they want. It's a natural consequences that shipping will happen but it doesn't mean some people will WANNA see it, and of course you can't block out everything but yeah.
Apparently, there's stuff on Twitter too but I don't have funny bird app and never plan on that, so if I'm getting this wrong correct me but I am speaking my mind on these matters and I think we all collectively as a fandom should do what every other fandom does.... just ignore canon because that's what has happened for YEEEAAARS on end.
So in conclusion: don't like canon? Move on, and do your own ships because I lowkey love seeing them because they're very adorable, even if I'm not a selfship/oc x Sebastian fellow myself, I'm not a fandom police but I wanted to bring attention to the constant bullying of Zerum and how it really is stupid.
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rubberduckyrye · 4 months
I'd like to point to interpretation that Angie isn't portrayal of a native Polynesian islander because almost all the evidence around her character and what she says suggests she's not living in a village that has cult-like practices, but that she is in a straight up cult and is unaware of it. It explains a lot of stuff from the odd monotheism, why her "village" seems to only employ seemingly dark web shipping company, the police apparently bothering her "village" or her having an English name.
Referencing this Ask
I mean. That is one interpretation, sure, but to deny the fact that Angie is heavily coded to be Polynesian/Native Hawaiian is unfortunately ignoring the problem. Which is the problem I am trying to address itself.
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Right in her promotional art, you can see that Angie is carving a statue--and it heavily resembles a tiki statue. Specifically this kind of Tiki Statue. Though since it is unfinished, it could be a full body version, but I digress.
She also mentions living on an island.
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And the "natural disaster" that made the island smaller--that is probably heavily inspired by how Hawaii was used by US military and bombed frequently--which, naturally, made the islands smaller.
She also greets people in Salmon mode with "Alola," which is a reference to Pokemon Sun and Moon, which has it's main location heavily based off of Hawaii. Alola is a butchered way of saying "Aloha", which is a Hawaiian greeting.
Also, Angie having an English name matches with historical oppression in Hawaii. Where Hawaiians were forced to name their children with Christian White names and their Hawaiian names be their middle names. It was literally a law, at least, according to Wikipedia, for quite some time. (The fact that this is not easily verifiable is the very reason why having this discussion is so important--and why people need to stop trying to avoid the conversation.)
I understand the desire to want to dismiss the fact that she is a racist caricature because it sucks to enjoy a character who is one. I get it. However--trying to deny the fact that she is heavily coded to be Native Hawaiian/Polynesian is just sweeping the racism under the rug, and is a major problem when you have people like me who want to discuss the topic and how one should handle rectifying the canon narrative's bigotry.
The mere fact that she is so heavily coded to be Native Hawaiian/Polynesian makes the whole cult thing part of the racist caricature. Indigenous people (especially Indigenous Polynesian cultures) are subject to extreme racist stereotypes that include human sacrifices and savagery--and while Angie's culture isn't developed in canon enough to know for sure if it was truly as savage as, say, the King Kong Indigenous folk, the cult behaviors are a sort of "cousin" to that savagery. We as a society see human sacrifices as barbaric, as savage, and even when in a cult setting, we still present these topics in that fashion.
I'm sorry, anon--but I'm going to ask you only this one time to not derail the conversation I'm trying to start. I understand that there are interpretations that help explain away the bigotry--and this is one legitimate way to deal with bigotry in canon media, or so I've been told--but what I want is a full blown discussion on the subject. I don't want people trying to tell me "Oh b-b-but she can't be a racist Caricature, because (X)!" Because that is dismissing the problem to begin with.
This is a problem. This is a discussion about racism in V3's narrative. There is no getting around it--no matter how much you explain away the writing with headcanons and theories, these problems are still here.
So please stop trying to sabotage my desire for a discussion.
I'm going to note that I LOVE Angie as a character. I think that, when you remove the racism in her character stories, you have a very interesting and compelling female character of color who's intelligence rivals that of the smartest V3 characters. These aspects of her character I adore--but to ignore the racism, for me, is to just turn away from the problem and, in turn, contribute to the racist way fandom treats these kinds of characters.
So let me speak. Let me find people who will talk to me about it. Let me grow and learn. Please, for the love of god, let me learn.
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hey! i’ve seen you reblog a few posts from proshippers/posts tagged as proship and i just wanted to let you know in case its not on purpose!
I need some of you youngsters to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say because it might open your eyes to a very important concept- when I say ship and let ship I mean I don't give two fucks about what people read in fanfiction because it's all fake. Made up characters in a made up scenario with made up things happening.
Your christian-based concept that thought is equal to action isn't true. You can THINK whatever the hell you want do long as your actions don't cause a problem. A creepy old man can look at a young lady and THINK all the nasty things he wants. So long as he does not take those thoughts and turn them to actions, he's fine. He might want to go see a therapist but at the end of the day thoughts are just thoughts. Standing on the edge of a cliff and thinking "wow if someone pushed someone off this they'd die" doesn't mean you want to push someone off a cliff.
PLEASE separate the concept that thought and action are the same thing.
Even if the topic is a taboo topic, even if it's something you would never in a million years agree with, it's still fake at the end of the day.
I don't personally want to read about canibalism, but its not my job or my right to force other people to never write about that stuff. Policing other people's writing and policing the "goodness" or "badness" of the content they write is not my job and it's not anyone else's. Your morality is yours and yours alone. What you find taboo and never want to think about might just be a weird enjoyable read to someone else. Just like kinks or even random topics, you cannot cater to everyone and trying to force a moral purity in written fiction is just ailly. They're made up. No matter how much you want Azirphale and Crowly to be real no matter how much you are desperate for Percy Jackson to have real feelings, they aren't and he can't. They're not real and they never will be so nothing that happens to them, no matter how fucked up, really matters.
And that's all it is and all they will ever be. A bunch of taboo topics and events done to made up people.
I don't want to read about incest but I'm not going to stop people from writing fanfics about the supernatural brothers doing the nasty. I'm also not going to go out of my way to look for it or tell people to stop because it's all fake. Its not supporting it. It's made up pretend space.
I sit here throwing made up characters into Bad Situations that would be horrible if they were real people. But they're not. They're fake people with fake things happening to them and it's fun to write and fun to read. I torment my characters all the time. I made Virgil go through so much emotional trauma in APP and no one bats an eye because it's fake. Please apply the same critical thinking to the rest of written everything.
Proshipper literally means that a person should have the freedom to write what they want and read what they want because morality has nothing to do with fiction. It does not make you morally a bad person to enjoy a taboo subject in written form. This goes for ALL taboo subjects. People reading greusome murder mysteries don't go out and murder people. The same thing applies to the other taboo subjects. People writing about weird incest ships aren't going to go out and do the incest thing.
If they are it has nothing to do with the fiction and everything to do with that specific person.
Thought and action are not the same thing.
Allowing everyone to write what they want without gatekeeping based on morality is a good thing. We would not have lgbtqia+ stories if the morality policing of Christian values dictated what we are allowed and not allowed to write.
Please understand that I saying all this as a teaching tool. You might be super icked out by certain topics and that's natural and normal and ok. I am too! Everyone is! But what we have to do is be tolerant of the ideas that writing taboo subjects and being a proshipper isnt a bad thing. Also enjoying taboo subjects in written form doesn't make you somehow evil, ok?
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Fr tho I don’t like Radioapple bc I don’t see alastor being in any kind of loving relationship. He’s just so clearly evil and manipulative. He’s only nice to Charlie bc it benefits him! This is not a man who would love someone or could. Not just bc he’s aro/ace either. It’s just his motives as a character.
And Lucifer (totally biased here) deserves to feel loved. He doesn’t deserve to be manipulated. He doesn’t need to face any more trauma. Lucifer just needs to heal. He needs to learn how to dream again. And I just cant see Alastor helping him with that.
Obviously people can ship what they want though. I don’t want to come off sounding like a hater. Imo I think radio static (one sided) is superior. Sorry for the rant haha
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I am totally unbiased about Lucifer needing to heal from his trauma and being in a loving relationship as well
I don't want people to think I hate Alastor because I absolutely do not!! He's a very interesting character with mysterious motives and a maniacal personality!! But with who he is as a character, it's hard for me to picture him in any sort of romantic relationship, not just with Lucifer. I personally have a lot trouble enjoying things where characters are way too OOC from their established personalities in their respective media. Again, that's just me! People can do whatever they want, I'm not about to be the fun police lolol
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three--rings · 2 years
okay so i’m gonna talk about the build thing. 
I’m not going to get into the whole thing and what I think tho.  Like, I have a lot of thoughts.  But the thing is that I don’t KNOW anything.  I don’t know these people.  I can’t speak to them in any way. 
We have literally ZERO facts.  There is not a single fact that we, the public, have received that has any evidence behind it.  We have a bunch of one-sided claims and... some messages?  And some faked photo “evidence” from pinterest.
We don’t have any basis for making a judgement on anything solid whatsoever.  The only people who can do that are first of all police and legal proceedings, which I very much doubt are going to actually come to pass, and if they did would take absolutely forever to shuffle out.
And secondly BOC as an employer.  Which is where we can expect some kind of eventual decision, whatever it may be.
But what has truly upset me since this broke, besides just the natural grief of the situation, is the fandom response.  It’s been truly horrendous. 
The reaction which I expect from a fandom to this kind of news is shock, upset, grief, confusion, bargaining, etc.  And support of each other as we wait for the full fallout.
Instead I’ve seen celebration, I-told-you-so’s, endless attacks on people who refuse to immediately renounce their support of build, or who are at all measured or hesitant in their response.  Calls to reject not only the actor but the ship, the fandom, the production company.  Comparisons to other actors to highlight how their fave could never.  Finger pointing in every possible direction.
In other words, the fandom eating itself alive.  And is it maybe a small minority of people being toxic and most people being silent?  Yeah, it always is.  But it’s so fucking painful to me and to the fandom as a whole. 
Callout culture has reached a point where when anything happens the only performatively pure action to take is to immediately and loudly cut yourself off publicly from anyone at all likely to be tainted in accusation.  Which is exactly why people with bad motives can use accusations to inflict harm on people they want to hurt. 
I’ve seen over and over people being angry and upset that things aren’t moving faster with this situation, that there hasn’t been more statements and official shit done and like, it’s been less than two days?  On a weekend?  Do you really want the official procedures of ANY employer to work so fast that someone is fired within hours of anyone saying something bad about them, because that’s what people are literally calling for. 
I know it sounds like I’m taking one side here, but honestly I’m not.  No I don’t want the accusations to be true, because NO ONE should want them to be true.  But I can’t speak to their truth at all, because I have no basis to do so.  Except that what has been produced so far has been show NOT to be true (the photographs).  But there’s plenty of toxicity to go around in this situation.
What I want is for the actual truth to be known and acted on appropriately.  That doesn’t need to involve dragging facts out onto twitter or into the public eye, either.  The fandom isn’t judge and jury.  Victims shouldn’t be paraded through the virtual town square to be ripped apart. 
People are mourning right now.  What I’m mourning is the loss of a fandom that wasn’t as divisive and at each other’s throats as my last two.  Where I could just go to enjoy stuff without constant infighting.  Well, guess that’s fucking over. 
People are reliving their own abuse.  I know I am. 
How individual fans respond to this isn’t any of your fucking business.  People are allowed to wait to see what happens before making judgments.  People are allowed time and space to process.  Shut the fuck up already.
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margowritesthings · 11 months
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Y'ALL. I can't believe this. 1,000 is such a mind boggling number to me, considering these weird word children would otherwise just be sitting in my brain on their own. I can't thank you enough for your support over the last year. this blog is one of the best things that has happened to be, and now that i'm pursuing my dream of becoming a published writer i truly believe it has changed the course of my life. YOU have changed my life. thank you for being there to read and support. i love y'all.
soooo reading and writing romance is basically my only prsonality trait, so why not celebrate 1k followers with the thing that got me here! im putting you guys as the star role in your own romance- follow along the steps below and send me an ask with your trope and character selection + any extra info.
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STEP 1 - PICK A TROPE (please pick up to 3 tropes!)
➼ friends to lovers ➼ enemies to lovers ➼ s/he falls first ➼ one night stand ➼ grumpy x sunshine ➼ small town ➼ billionaire ➼ mafia ➼ forced proximity ➼ marriage of convenience ➼ fake dating ➼ second chance ➼ one bed ➼ childhood sweethearts ➼ surprise pregnancy ➼ why choose? (send up to 3 characters for a reverse harem ship) ➼ random!- i will use a generator ➼ writer's choice- i will choose based on your profile (mutuals only)
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STEP 2 - PICK A SHIP there are 3 ways to get your ship:
➼choose a fandom (or multiple fandoms) from the below list and I will choose for you (the more info about yourself you provide the better this choice will be) ➼choose a specific character from the fandoms in the list (or multiple and I will choose) ➼(mutuals only) tell me your fandoms and I will choose for you based on your profile/what i know about you/what you provide me with (even if the fandom ISNT on the list below)
FANDOMS PARTICIPATING IN THIS CELEBRATION: ➼ red dead redemption ➼ bridgerton ➼ marvel ➼ starfield ➼ fallout ➼ skyrim ➼ stardust ➼ star wars ➼ doctor who ➼ daisy jones and the six ➼ mad men
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IMPORTANT- INCLUDE YOUR GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IF LETTING ME CHOOSE THE SHIP. Add anything about yourself you want me to know. If you're on anon, this is very important!! I cannot make anything personalised for you if I do not know anything about you. Any icks, anything you want me to include, turn ons, etc. Basically provide me with anything you think might help me make the best gift for you!
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➼ Followers only please, I cannot police this as I have asking on anon enabled, but this is a celebration for my followers so if you are gonna enter please do ensure you are following me
➼ Likes and reblogs are really appreciated! if you do enjoy my work you can also check out my masterlists which can be found here or buy me a coffee here!
➼ At the least, I will be able to make a moodboard for your ship + tropes, but if the inspiration strikes me I will write headcanons and drabbles too. These are a bonus and should not be expected with every entry
➼ 18+ - some of these tropes will include explicit detail, so 18+ only please
➼ Please grant me patience! i am doing this alongside a full time job and have some personal stuff on, but i do want to celebrate so im trying to fit this in as best i can. please be kind and respectful of my lil internet space :)
➼ all posts will be tagged #margo's 1k celebration
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tagging my frens to say THANK YOU cause i couldn't do it without ya <3: @inkandbloodbound @cowboydisaster @musicallisto @saradika @sickvictorianangel @alottanothing @twola @photo1030
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wetcatspellcaster · 8 months
Did you see Neil Newbon’s take that Ascended Astarion is the real him free to act on cruelty and violence and the spawn is the one with the mask? Yeesh.
Ooooooh, THAT'S the disk horse that's happening right now!! I knew something was happening (I felt a tremor in the waters) but I had no clue what it was lmao, I don't follow cast stuff.
I will try to respond to this in good faith, but I'm not very good at fandom discourse and so I'm afraid it may not be the answer you want.
I can see why that reading might make people angry, but I dont have strong feelings about it. Obviously, it's not my take on Ascension, but from the beginning I've been very upfront that my take is serving the genre I'm writing in and the ship dynamics I find hot. My Tav is lawful good to an unhealthy extreme, and that was how she was conceived in her Early Access bullying phase. And meanwhile, I wanted to be in a Gothic horror where he's obsessed (morality chains will do that to you) and they beat the shit out of each other. I have to make the Ascendent a monster, for that to work, and for people not to feel guilty every time they enjoy watching him getting stepped on lmao.
But I do feel like there is a morality policing around Astarion's ending that I don't want to partake in. This might seem dumb for me to say, given that my Tav is a veritavle walking moral policeman, but that is bc I fucking love Villain/Heroine ships, so I am literally right there, at the Devil's Sacrament with everyone else.
While I like the good ending and prefer it for many reasons, I would agree with a reading of Newbon's words that it could be read as a mask. This might be bc I mask with the best of them, am doing it right now even as I write and edit this ask 20 times. There's masking as an outright lie, and then there's masking as 'gotta get through day to day life as a functional adult without everyone suddenly deciding they hate me'... I personally think its nice that spawn!Astarion cares about other people, and cares about being a functional member of society at all! It shows he's no longer a lonely outcast.
I could also go deeper (the autism really shining through in this reply) and say it's a mask, in the sense that this has been deemed the 'polite' and morally correct ending, that is acceptable to others and enables the player to feel good about themselves. Which is often a way we derive pleasure from media, and not wrong in and of itself! Making Astarion good makes players feel good - that's not wrong, but if we're comparing endings, we have to acknowledge it. An Ascended Ending doesn't really cater to that impulse... unless the player really likes to be dommed (more power to them).
Unfortunately anon, I can't sit here with my most popular fic being an Ascended!Astarion fic, and pretend that there isn't a bunch of fascination or interest surrounding the Ascended version of his character. People clearly want to explore the implications of his evil ending and indulge in the excess of it, but feel bad doing so. People don't ascend him in-game, but they go to my fic and other people's fic because they want to have some space to enjoy the implications - in the sexiness, in the timeline where Astarion has revenge, in a timeline where he is obsessed with Tav etc. I mean, just look at me, I can't sit through the Ascended scene, but I'm here writing a fic about it!!
The fact that it seems to happen more in fic than in playthroughs tells me, if I was to get super deep in a tumblr ask, that people feel guilt about it. Some kind of mask is being employed, by someone, somewhere, in that mix. So I'm not about to add to any of that kind of policing. It would be pretty disingenuous of me to get my most feedback from an Ascendent fic I am writing, and then judge people for liking Ascendency narratives...
So while I don't have much interest in pretending the evil ending isn't the evil ending, that doesn't sound to me (second hand, through you, with my brain seeing 7 or 8 different implications) to be what Newbon is saying. He's just saying that the Ascendent is the less palatable Astarion to other people and that spawn!Astarion still has some kind of mask or a politeness filter on. Which... yeah. Kinda. In my world, I like that Astarion decides its worthwhile to restrain himself, because he has things to care about potentially ruining. But that's still in many ways employing restraint. People don't just stop masking, they learn to care about what others think in a healthy way. They have friendships, relationships, other ties to the world, that make them want to be something other than a cruel or violent or evil version of themselves. I think that's nice, and far less lonely but um... yeah. I can see Newbon's point, even if I don't want to like, live or die by it.
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pancake-blogging · 18 days
Transformers: Rescue Bots in Disguise — Prisoners of the Alchemor, and Cybertronians on Earth
( @too-many-blorbos because I know you enjoy these posts :] )
Surprise surprise! I have more thoughts about this au!!! For this post, we're exploring what I think they should've gone with in-canon when it comes to the general roster of the prisoner ship the Alchemor as well as the connection between Earth and Cybertron at the start of the series. This post won't go into EVERYONE who was imprisoned on the ship, but it will provide some examples. Without further ado! The post!
Personally, I think it's kinda silly that Earth DOESN'T know Cybertronians exist. I mean, the arrival of New Kaon in Nevada should've announced to the Whole World that aliens existed! As such, I've decided that for TF: RBiD, the existence of Cybertronians will be a known fact by all of Earth, with there being a Cybertronian Base on Earth that's run by Ratchet — when Chase and the others come to Earth, they'll likely stay at said base. Helps to explain why we'd have an adult Raf as the main human companion as well!
The Alchemor, in TF: RBiD, will have prisoners belonging to a variety of moralities AND factions — not all of them will be Decepticons, and not all of them will be explicitly evil. And we're not going with there being more evil Decepticons or wrongly arrested Autobots, either: there will be just as many good Decepticons and evil Autobots as there are good Autobots and evil Decepticons. Why am I doing this? To help sell the main lesson Chase is trying to teach Strongarm, which I touched on in a previous post!
Will some of the escaped prisoners get locked back up? Yes, some of them should actually be serving the sentence they were given (Thunderhoof is an Actual Mafia Boss who bribed corrupt members of Cybertron's police and oh my GOD what if he was arrested by Chase? Because he made the mistake of trying to buy Chase's cooperation! Rivalry!!!)
However, some of the prisoners who got locked up were an extreme response — the first example will be our favorite Terror Twins returning together, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker! Sideswipe was arrested for going SLIGHTLY too fast in a residential area, and Sunstreaker was arrested for putting up graffiti on too many walls. For the two of them (as well as any other prisoner whose crime doesn't ACTUALLY warrant being locked up indefinitely), Chase will instead issue them a very basic community service based on their specific skillset.
You know what this results in? More background bots! A reason to bring them back in a later episode without them being Problem of the Week: 2!
Now, let's talk about Steeljaw again... Unlike in canon, where he was introduced fairly early on and Strongarm immediately saw through his ploy of "I'm one of the GOOD guys who was on the Alchemor :)" — he's going to be introduced later on (probably still in season 1, but closer to the halfway point if not later), and will be specifically introduced after several OTHER Decepticons who actually were wrongly imprisoned! That way, we can have a version of events where Strongarm actually believes him and willingly brings him into the base.
When in the base, Steeljaw will find a way to incapacitate the Rescue Bots, and when he goes to free his imprisoned Decepticon cohorts, he finds some of them out and about on the base. Believing them to be like him, he tries to enlist them to help him free the imprisoned Decepticons and crush the Autobots...
So imagine his surprise when they reply with "Are you KIDDING? Chase gave me FIFTEEN HOURS of community service and then I can go do WHATEVER I WANT so long as I don't break the law!"
And then they kick him out and help Chase and the others recover from Steeljaw's attack, because they appreciate Chase treating them like actual bots instead of criminals :]
And when some of these Bots finish their community service... They decide to stick around. Earth is nice! They can get JOBS here! A lot of them think Chase is a cool guy! (The first (and possible only) one to say this will be met with Chase asking them to call his old teammates and repeat what they just said. This Will stop anyone else from calling Chase cool to his face)
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Hehe thank you!!
I am happy I managed to figure out how to draw the fishies… Azul is one thicc boy
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of Silver x Kalim? Cater x Leona? LMC + Rook x Idia?
Kalim/Silver is cute but unfortunately too cute to click with us; their interactions are sweet and wholesome, but they don’t really give us anything we look for in ships.
Cater/Leona is hmmm nothing against it, but we’re not invested enough in either of them to ship them, plus we haven’t seen anything from their interactions that would grab our attention yet.
Love Rook/Idia though! We have a tag for them and just posted them a week ago, and I’ll write a hc post about them soon… well, at some point…
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon has arrived once more to thank you for your absolutely delicious art. I had to come out of twst burnout, it's so hard to enjoy the fandom when it's all self righteous antis trying to police the game as if it's not catered to basically young adults and older. These kids have me baffled, it's as if they believe pixels are real people.
I can hardly stand to look at TWST Tumblr anymore either, they're all so white knighted that you'd think they were paid to be piss babies in circles they don't belong in. It's one of those "Why put yourself in that position to see it, if you didn't want to be there in the first place".
Hi 🐩 anon, long time no see! Thank you for being around and still enjoying my art.
I feel you, it really is difficult when you keep seeing people saying the same type of antis bullshit over and over and over again; even if you become apathetic about it, it’s still very annoying. Mostly because it’s impossible to ignore completely – they love to invite themselves to spaces that aren’t meant for them. That’s like the whole idea. No one is forcing anyone to see anything, every ship and triggering trope is always tagged in some way or another, but instead of avoiding this type of stuff they use the tagging system to shit on certain characters and ships directly, just so you couldn’t look for your favourite thing without seeing their outbursts of unsolicited opinions.
It really is very annoying.
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon again, but now with one that's more funny and teehee haha random info that I thought you'd think it'd be interesting or funny
On that note, I came here because I started a DND campaign with a group over a twst based campaign. It reminded me of you, which made me invested in the campaign. Now I have a whore serving with 18th century fashion, giving Vil a run for his money. So far, 10/10. He has major Edmund and Idia vibes, wants no part of it, gets shit luck anyways and so far, has slept with Bird Man for Ramshackle funds on a bad roll. Mans is a survivor and we are barely halfway into chapter 1 😭
It’s so sweet that you got reminded of us and got invested… I am very glad you’re having fun! “Rewriting” your negative fandom experience with a positive one and good associations is so important.
Major Edmund and Idia vibes + a 18th century fashion whore??? SLEEPING WITH BIRD MAN??? An icon and a hustler. I don’t know him but I love him already…
Anonymous asked:
Good lord. I had randomly followed a twst blog but then I saw them posting about how even though there is a two year age difference between the third-years and first-years, it’s wrong to ship them because the first-years treat them, especially the housewardens, like idols and apparently that’s grooming. Like, no, that’s you in Delululand and I’m about to unfollow and block. #staytoxicbestie
Yeah they seem to have discovered this idea and now put it everywhere, harassing JackVil shippers and such. It’s one of those moments when I genuinely hope that they deliberately lie and reach because I am scared of the idea of anyone being this dumb.
It does suck that there seems to be more people like that lately, and they don’t even tag their accs with “proship dni” anymore either. Gee I wonder why.
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cyeayt · 7 months
whats ur tim headcanons :)
oooh i have so many i can sort them into appearance, character arc, and sillies, a lot of these are lifted from fics i like fyi,,, ty so much for the ask, this is very rambly lol
i tend to think of Tim as Malay mostly because of Head in the Lion's Mouth and renwhit's other works with the stoker bros which rewrote my brain although in my mind he has short hair instead of long like he has in those series. i also have fallen to the fanon of him wearing colorful button ups but i don't really like him in aloha shirts just cause i think he has better taste than that, i also think he has his ears pierced and i am not immune to the idea that he wears a shark tooth necklace he got from Danny. I do also think that he had his hair shorter and dyed purple on the ends in season 1 that he then stopped taking care of in season 2 so it was washed out green and all messy by season 3, by which time i also think his fashion had deteriorated and to me he was at the unknowing in the rattiest hoodie imaginable and jeans he had been wearing for at least 4 days. he can have a graphic tee as a treat but he was def greasy.
in terms of his character i have a lot of stuff that i think are headcanons that are actually just canon (like that he knew something was up with sasha before not-sasha was revealed or that he felt comfortable in research before getting drawn back into the horror) because i have a really shitty memory but heres some stuff im pretty sure isn't plain stated in the text: he and Jon bonded in research and were very close before Jon became the archivist, and part of how they bonded was that they were both overworking themselves looking for their answers and also they're really good at breaking into places together. i am also a sucker for the idea that jon and him were involved or dancing around something but had to break it off when jon got promoted. speaking of hcs with high angst potential, i also think a lot about subtle rituals of intimacy between him and sasha and the small ways in which he would have noticed that there was something off with her. i also see him as being estranged from his parents/ them suspecting him of having something to do with Danny's death, which is not helped by the box of photos n such i think he keeps hidden in his closet/under his bed. in terms of his mentality Tim is really relatable to me i think he really struggles to be trusted in meaningful ways and that Jon suspecting him of murdering Gertrude brought back a lot of bad memories of police and his parents thinking he killed Danny. he gets stuck into patterns of though and mindsets esp when hes depressed and has trouble thinking of things in different terms in s3. also he did nothing wrong but thats neither here nor there
sillies! hcs that have little support but i think are funny, shipping stuff, and like whatever.
It's not really supported by canon unless you think he was playing 4d chess with Basira in s2 but in my mind Daisy and Basira were the ones investigating Danny's disappearance and they have a bad history. i like to put this one in my aus/ give him and daisy and basira a weird antagonistic relationship whenever i can because i think its funny when people are bitter with each other.
while i do agree that Tim would enjoy outdoorsy stuff like rockclimbing or kayaking, i don't think he's that good at it. i def see him as like the nerdier brother and think that he got into stuff that he and Danny did together, but it would be like Danny trying to convince him to go on the black diamond while Tim zigzags his way down a blue square. idk what the rock climbing equivalent of that is but i do know that tim cannot do bouldering.
i also see tim as being aro-spec like demi-romantic bisexual or somewhere in there idk im aflux aroflux its all soup to me but he and sasha are queerplatonic to me. also don't @ me i think he at the very least flirted with elias a few times either pre-archives for funzies or at some point in s2-3 when he stopped giving a shit.
hcs are so fun bc they're like little outfits you can put your character in like not every fic i write will have all of these and some of my more minute ones contradic each other but they're like ships to me anywayyy
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instantpansies · 2 months
My friend asked me to send you this ask before they follow you, because they want to be safe, and want A Post with the answer. What's your stance on proshipping/profiction/etc.
fuck. alright. i knew this day would come. here's my stance.
i choose not to align myself or identify with either pro- or antiship labels. i find the debate to be really tedious and blown out of proportion. i also don't want to be involved with any arguments, and i don't mind if you're pro or antiship. i follow people who identify with both, and people of both persuasions follow me.
however, i do believe in "live and let live", and in my mind that also extends to people who enjoy "distasteful"/"unethical" ships. fiction is fiction, and fiction (and shipping fictional characters) can be a healthy and safe way to explore themes, emotions, and interests that may be harmful irl. i read american psycho and loved it and that was the initial spark for this opinion - american psycho is fucked up. it's horrible. i would never enjoy a story like that if it was real. but it's not real, it's fiction, and it's well-written and fun to read and the feeling of powerlessness to stop this grotesque horror going on in the pages is something i really enjoy. that's what people get from fiction: a chance to explore something otherwise impossible.
i don't have a problem with rpf, as long as your enjoying of a ship does not actually harm the people involved, and you don't extend your shipping to assuming that your favorite celebrities are together irl or bashing their actual partners. that does cause harm, when you assume that your *fictional* ship of real people is actually *real*. i have both created and consumed rpf content, and i personally treat those ships the same as i would any other ship: the people involved are fictionalized characters, not the actual people themselves, and i don't purport that those rpf ships are real or possible.
important caveat: fiction can and does affect reality. the media we consume has a profound impact on the way we view the world. but it's not up to the internet to determine what's healthy or harmful for an individual person; that's up to the individual. if you or the people around you observe that you get really violent or aggressive after playing video games or watching violent movies, maybe you should take a step back and examine why that's happening. maybe take a break.******
therefore, i am in favor of letting people ship whatever they want. i do not engage with incest, underage, or noncon content, and you will not find it on my blog. i don't think it's generally appropriate to share that kind of content with people who are uncomfortable with it, and i think it's perfectly fair to block and not engage with anyone who doesn't share your views. i will sometimes block blogs that share that sort of content, not because i hate them as people, but because i dont vibe with it. but if you do enjoy that content, and you find that it doesn't impact your worldview or actions in a harmful way, then i absolutely won't stop you. ship and let ship.
okay there you go. i do not identify with either proship or antiship. i don't vibe with most proship content, but i do think it should be allowed to exist. fiction can have an impact on people, in both positive and negative ways, but it is by definition not itself real. it's up to individual people to determine what's appropriate for themselves, and i don't believe it's appropriate or necessary to police what others ship or enjoy. an attempt to wipe proship content from the internet is a rabbithole that can quickly lead to bad places (blocking of queer content, restriction of sexual content in general, and eventually restriction of educational materials for minors, for example. we're seeing this with the KOSA bill in the usa).
it's up to you to curate your experience. as our fujoshi foremothers would say: dead dove, do not eat. don't like, don't read.
*****THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO SPREAD THE MYTH THAT VIDEO GAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE OR ANYTHING RELATED TO THAT. studies have shown that in general, violent media does not directly spark violence. HOWEVER, on an individual basis, violent content HAS been observed to impact the actions of some people. just because it does not on average cause measurable difference, does not mean that it cannot affect some people's actions and perceptions. it is purely an individual phenomenon.
p.s. just to be clear: i do not reblog explicit sexual content. if you're antiship, you will probably not find much objectionable ship content on my blog anyway. i also don't really engage with rpf content at this point, and i don't think you'll find any here. regardless of your stance, my blog is a fairly neutral zone. just please don't police what others choose to engage with online.
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hauntedjohnny · 3 months
just wanted to let you know that johnnys-breastmilk is a proshipper in case you didn’t know <33
hi i know you mean well but i am well aware of the people i interact with. me and the block button are close friends <3 theres been a lot of hostility from both sides this week so here's grounds for a calmer discussion about it.
honestly i think the pro/anti ship labels are reductive and redundant. just because someone explores darker themes in their writing/hcs doesnt mean theyre open to ship anything. there is no definition to what being 'proship' is other than letting people use their creative outlet to explore whatever themes they want. would i identify with this? no because i have limits. just like you. just like J-B. but do i also believe people should be policed into only writing socially acceptable themes and relationships? also no. the thing about the limits is that it looks different for everyone. am i a proshipper for writing and enjoying noncon fics? to some people yes! to some people no! would i write and enjoy underage or beastiality fic? no because theyre hard limits for me (and probably are for a lot of people). to some people we're all in the same immorality boat but i think there's a nuance that an all-encompassing label refuses to acknowledge. 'proship' is reductive because it doesnt actually MEAN anything. sure they could be a genuinely harmful person and hurting a community through their content but 95% of the time theyre not!
when it comes to something like incest (hot topic in the tcm fandom) maybe take a moment and consider why someone would be into a topic like that, why they enjoy exploring that theme in a safe way through writing or drawing etc. sure fiction can affect reality but often times reality also affects fiction. im not saying you have to enjoy the posts but opening your mind and offering some grace to the people who need an outlet explore these themes doesnt hurt.
in the early days of this fandom i did not enjoy seeing incest posts (specifically johnny/sissy*) so i did what i know best: block the blogs and blacklisted the tags. it worked !! as time has passed ive become much more open to the themes of incest in tcm. for me, when i interact with these themes its not to fulfil some kind of desire, it's usually analytical discussion: realistically what would these people do? what dynamics are formed if you introduced these themes? you unlock a world of potential by looking at things through a lense you normally wouldnt, especially a taboo one. however, just because this is how i prefer to interact with these topics, it doesnt make the people who have a more emotional connection to them any weirder than me, if anything i find myself grateful to not have an emotional reaction strong enough to the point of needing an outlet to process them and you should too!
*i later realised that the reason i initally didn't vibe with johnny/sissy was actually because i didnt enjoy the way people characterised them in that dynamic and not because of the 'incest' (theyre not even related lol).
i just think everyone should be a bit more open-minded and nicer to eachother. and this goes both ways. im not saying you have to be into this shit. if you arent then block it and move on without whining about it in the tags. if you are into it you have to accept that not everyone is. just block any disingenious comments/questions. you will not change their mind.
tldr; im not one to post too much about taboo topics like incest/necro etc but im not gonna hate or even disagree with people who do. if you get genuinely mad over this then just take a moment to think about what kind of people post about darker topics and why they may need to do so.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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OK guys, I have a confession to make today: I am a dudebro. The tech geniuses in my Elon Musk discord sent me here to infiltrate Tumblr. I chug a Toxic Rick energy drink every morning even though it makes my bones rattle and spiders crawl at the edges of my vision. I go to Birdrick threads on Reddit, comment "is rick gay," get two downvotes and leave. Every day, I pray that Rick will say "I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right" in the show so that I can point at the shirt that I'm wearing with the same phrase on it and say "Haha, it's official now! You to want hear me say it out loud? Huh? You want me to throw that badassery right in your face? Fuck up my McDonald's order one more time, and it's coming at you!" Do it, Rick. Do it for me.
I've jacked it to Rick a few times, but I only did that because it was funny. In fact, it was funnier than everything in seasons 4-6 combined. I think that Rick and Morty has been the worst shit on TV since season three, but I haven't stopped watching it. Instead, I watch every new episode and make rage-fueled videos in my $1,000 gaming chair. This week's topic: Rick and Morty has gone woke. What was up with that joke in season five about the cops being racist? The cops aren't racist! They kill ALL races equally, Jesus Christ.
Anyway, back to Birdrick: I KNOW that Birdrick is platonic because I tell my male friends that I love them all the time. That's not romantic. In fact, I say it while looking directly into their eyes, thinking about all the great times that we had together, thinking that they should leave their bitch of a girlfriend because I know more about Rick and Morty than she ever will. I think about how hilarious it would be if we went on a long vacation and shared a hammock and watched the sun set, the light glittering on the waves as insects start to hum in the grass. Haha, it's all a joke, bro.
Once, I was DJing in a club and trying to figure out how to play Kanye West's entire discography at once when a guy handed me an acid tab with Morty's screaming face on it. I flew off into outer space and floated around until Rick picked me up in his ship. We made out for a while so that he could teach me how to make out with all the hot alien babies on Neptune. Of course, I already know how to make out with babes because I kissed a chick wearing a Rick and Morty hoodie once. She was clearly shit at it because I didn't enjoy it, and I should have known better because girls, queers and Tumblrinas don't actually like Rick and Morty. They just pretend to like it because they want male attention.
Oh, I'm sorry--CIS male attention. Is that woke enough for you? And by the way, libsharts: Rick is a CIS MALE. I would know because he runs around naked in every other episode, and I made a compilation of every scene for hard evidence. Cry about it all you want, but you're not going to win this debate. No one's looked at Rick Sanchez naked more than me!
Anyhoo, Rick called out the woke crowd in the season one classic "Raising Gazorpazorp," which brilliantly deconstructs feminazi bullshit, especially Rick's speech at the end. Something about Rick's voice really sells it. Something about the way it's so gravely but familiar at the same time, like rain hitting a tin roof while we're sipping iced tea on the porch. Do you ever feel like you're only going out with girls because all your bros are doing it?
HAHA uh, Birdrick is a sack of puke and just the thought of it makes me shit rage diarrhea. (Uh oh, was that too CRUDE for the purity police? Well, get used to it, because I have to.) If I ever see a Bird Person cosplayer on the streets of LA, I'm going to hit him with my Tesla, killing him instantly. I'm hoping that it might explode a little bit for maximum damage. In fact, I'm just going to program my Tesla to hit every pedestrian that resembles a human-sized bird. It's in Elon Musk's genius hands now!
So what the fuck has happened to Rick and Morty? That show was great before they hired women writers. I'm pretty sure that they hired a bunch of queers, too, because only a gay man would come up with that suit and tie he wore in season six. He looked way too good in that outfit. Which one of you homos designed that shit? Jesus Christ, get out of the writers' room and let the straight men take control again. If I ever win a giveaway or something and get to visit the studio, I better be surrounded by men!
Season one was just winner after winner and winner. We need to get back to the original show--the REAL show--where Rick was a cool-headed and rational scientist instead of the weeping "wah wah I'm so sad morty" baby we're stuck with now. I would know because I'm basically the real-life Rick. I say what I want, when I want. Don't like it? Too bad. You just don't want to hear the truth. Rick Sanchez walked so that white men with beards could run...to their Teslas and run over Bird Person cosplayers, killing them instantly.
And Rick USED to tell the truth. Love is a chemical reaction, nothing means anything, existence is pain, marriage is bullshit (ESPECIALLY when you're married to a female), everyone's too politically correct now, it's stupid that we can't call stuff "retarded," "PICKLE RICK!!!!!", focus on science, girls are too sensitive about everything. Wubba lubba dub dub! Shit, what does that mean again? I'm so used to saying that at parties when someone hands me a Rick and Morty bong and I just smoke whatever's in it because that's what Rick would do. I think I smoked oregano a couple of weeks ago. My nostrils have been burning ever since, but I'm sure it's fine. Nothing can kill a man who pounds Toxic Rick energy drinks!
Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I left the last two words off that last sentence? That would be the funniest shit ever. I'm crying with laughter!
People didn't understand Dan Harmon's genius when they whined about the show, and it apparently made him so depressed that he gave up and surrendered to the woke crowd. Christ, I hate the Internet. I only get on here to check Reddit, scroll through Elon Musk's Twitter feed and see if Dan Harmon updated his Instagram. He reminds me of Rick a lot. They're both geniuses, but the major difference with Dan Harmon is that he's got that scraggly beard. It's probably scratchy when you make out with him. I took a bunch of molly at a party once and kissed a guy who looked like a lumberjack because I thought he was a lady lumberjack, and his beard was pretty scratchy. I said "Wow, that's what kissing Dan Harmon is like!" And he said "Want to go back to my place?" And I said "Fuck no, you're not ACTUALLY Dan Harmon." LOL!!!!!!!
Remember when I mentioned McDonald's at the start? I've been in Mickey D's this whole time, and if you're wondering how I had time to type this, it's because the 16-year-old fucktards behind the counter don't know what they're doing. (And yes, I'm getting McNuggets! Haha! #szechaunsauce) Rick wouldn't put up with this shit. Not only is he a badass, but he's got badass friends all over the galaxy who would back him up. I had a dream a month ago where Rick was hanging out with these buff guys that were probably his personal bodyguards. Some weird stuff happened, and when I told my therapist about it, she said "It sounds like you had a dream about Rick having sex with a group of men," and I said "No, I didn't," and she said "You just loudly and audibly said that you had a dream about Rick having sex with a group of men," and I said "Haha, I was manipulating you! I'm a master manipulator like Rick! It was a social experiment! What made you think about gay sex anyway? If I said 'And then Rick got gangbanged by a bunch of dudes' and you immediately thought 'Wow, it sounds like you had a gay sex dream,' that's on you, honey! Hear me? THAT'S ON YOU!!!'"
So, uh...
Let's close this off with a classic: Wubba lubba dub dub! Haha. Anyway, since you Tumblrites love analyzing every frame of every episode because it makes you feel like you "get it" (spoiler alert: you don't), why is this GIF so hypnotic? I've been watching it for twenty minutes and can't figure it out.
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Lord have mercy.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
.....i hate that you converted me. Fine, you win, may i please request Itward comforting reader? The post about matchmaking(specifically the bit where they get locked up) made me feel. Things.
I just think it would be interesting to see usually laidback and chill reader crumble a little at this. Specifically because i hate hate hate things going out of control when i expect them to be predictable. Outside? Yeah, i cannot control the world, it's not my burden. In a group of people? Well am a part of it only, so i can only do my thing and socialize, not police what they're doing.(althrough i do so.. sometimes.. i just like being reliable..) But in MY LIVING ROOM? Nah, if something unusual is happening i'm stressed. Oh the door is closed? Well fuck, just gonna have to sit here and panic, then rage for a bit and try not to cry. And if its a tight/dark space? OHOOHOOO, a panic attack is waiting!
Itward comforting reader !
Yahoo I'm finally getting to this ehehehe!! Hope you enjoy this!
As for the converting
Evilly smiles
The evil spell has worked (evil spell is my writing and character interpretations)
Also that last bit gave me an idea so this post is gonna tackle two settings, in terms of where you guys get locked up >:)
Side note today today by jack stauber reminds me of itward idk why
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So it may have.. left my mind.. but I forgot that itward can kinda. Teleport. Or at least make little portals, as seen in chapter 1... as well as being able to just vanish as seen when he opens the window for fran in the twins house (not sure if that was him becoming invisible or teleporting, both seem in character)
But let's say, for the sake of plot and perhaps some character stuff... there are rules for his abilities, which can prevent him from using them. Mostly cooldown stuff, which.. wouldnt prevent it much unless hes doing it a lot but.. hush, I dont have many ideas!!
With that said, let's get on with the post!
Assuming you guys are locked in a room within the ship:
At first only you notice the door shutting. Itward doesnt notice it wont open until he goes to exit, only to find you're both stuck. Lets also say this is the only room with one exit; so the chemistry room most likely. Though if it were any of the other rooms, we can assume the second exit is also locked down
Itward would likely think that it's a malfunction of sorts, thanks to the doors not being manual push/pull doors... probably silently curses himself for not thinking about the possibility of a jam
Though, hes very clearly a skilled mechanic and engineer, so hes already thinking of what could be the issue and how to fix it
Probably gets way too sucked in taking off the button panel thing to get into the mechanics and wiring... it's not until he notices you quietly freaking out that he looks over his shoulder to check on you
Oh dear..
Slowly drops the spare tools he keeps on him (I mean.. we DID see him pull a wrench out of no where when he started working on his ship during the fire berry thing... perhaps he keeps them within his bones? Like his rib cage? Like obviously it was just the game trying to save time from hydt having him pull one out rather than animate him picking one up from the ground buuuuut I'm silly)
Quietly asks if youre alright
A silly question, he can admit, hes been around many people and this is no new sight for him..
Barely refrains from putting a hand on your shoulder but stops before he reaches you, afterall hes never seen you like this and he doesnt know if you're okay with touch
Assures you that he will have the door open soon, correctly assumes that that is the issue... I mean, he can understand why it's scary, I mean, to be trapped like that. No one would like that
(Ignore that he did the same to fran, albeit non maliciously)
Refuses to get to work on the door (doesnt even realize hes prolonging the issue) until he can get through to you and help you
Hangs onto every word you say, and delivers anything you need
Need a hug? He will wrap his arms around you, and perhaps even purr. Need reassurance? He'll let you know the door is just jammed and he will fix it soon enough. Need to fill the silence? Itward will rattle on about things to keep it from going wuirt5
As soon as the door is opened he steps out of the way, letting you exit first
Keeps a close eye on you for a few hours after the fact
If you guys get locked in a closet
This one is already way worse thanks to the limited wiggle room as well as the darkness. The only light is coming from itwards eyes, and even then its not a lot
You guys are pressed up against each other, but this little scenario is not at cheesy or romantic... itward can feel your heart beating against him, so he immediately knows something is wrong
How did you guys even end up trapped here?
I dunno :3
It's too tight and cramped to move, so itward trying to force the door open or mess with the button panel is a no go.. really, of all the doors to have a manual door, the broom closet should have been the one to have it..
Honestly I think he tries 1 of 3 things
Force the door open with his strength (can he do that? We know that in terms of his powers hes packs a bit of a punch, he managed to face off remor to buy fran time in chapter 1, but I'm unsure of how strong he is physically)..though hed have to try to twist around to face the door
Knock on the door with his foot to try to get someones attention for help, and perhaps guide them through how to open the door
Or three, try his little teleporting trick and take you with him
Regardless of what option he goes through, he can't deny that theres something wrong with you
Unfortunately of you need a hug he cant, given the limited room.. plus you may feel claustrophobic enough..
Tries to give nervous reassurances as he tries to come up with an idea
Most likely case is the teleporting thing, assuming he has the capabilities of doing so in that moment
But just know as soon as you guys are free hes sitting you down at the table in the main area of his ship and making you a cup of tea
Quietly asks you if everythings alright
Similarly, he keeps a close eye on you for a while after this
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