#i am not even on my final straw the straws are all gone babes!!
lizardkingeliot · 3 months
you can survive the jam content that's almost certainly coming in the post-episode interviews tonight you can survive the jam content that's almost certainly coming in the post-episode interviews tonight you can
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Sonadow Incorrect Quotes 🖤💙
Sonic: I like your new pants!  Shadow: Thanks, they were 50% off!  Sonic: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*  Shadow: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.  Sonic: Thats’s… not what I meant.  Shadow: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Sonic.
Sonic: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?  Shadow: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Shadow: What do you want to be for Halloween?  Sonic: Yours.  Shadow: Shadow: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
Sonic: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?  Shadow: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.  Sonic: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
Shadow: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...  Sonic: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?  Shadow: Holy moly-
Sonic: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Shadow!  Shadow: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Shadow: Look, last night was a mistake.  Sonic: A sexy mistake.  Shadow: No, just a regular mistake.
Sonic: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?  Shadow: Nope, there's 26.  Sonic: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.  Shadow: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.  Sonic: You'll get the D later ;). Shadow: …
Shadow: Well, it finally happened. Rouge and Omega: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Shadow: That's right... We kissed.
meanwhile with sonic:
Sonic: Well, Shadow and I finally did it!  Tails, Amy and Knuckles: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Sonic: That's right... We fu-!
Shadow: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.  Sonic: That's great, Shadow. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Sonic: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?  Shadow: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Sonic: How do I tell Shadow that I want him to yell at me like he’s Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Shadow: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.  Sonic: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Sonic: Are you trying to seduce me?  Shadow: Why, are you seducible?
Sonic: Are you sure Shadow's even gay? He’s only looked at me for 5 hours.
Sonic: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!  Shadow: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.  Sonic: Stop.
Sonic: Shadow is playing hard to get.  Sonic: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Shadow: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.  Sonic: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*  Shadow: That one. I want that one.
Shadow: We both look very handsome tonight.  Sonic: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."  Shadow: I couldn't take that chance.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer friends.  Shadow: SONIC THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Waiter: What would you like?  Sonic: Bring a milkshake with two straws.  Shadow: ??? Sonic: *puts both straws in his mouth* Watch how fast I can drink this!! Shadow: I am married to a man, with the brain of a 5 year old child.
Shadow: Wow, they really hate us.  Sonic: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic.  Shadow: But we’re not gay, Sonic.  Sonic: Shadow: Sonic: We’re not?
Shadow: Wow, Sonic, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.  Sonic: We literally slept together yesterday.  Shadow: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Sonic: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—  Shadow: We’re married.
Shadow: How much did you spend on this date?  Sonic: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
(thank god shadows immortal then 💀🙌)
Shadow: *angrily presses Sonic against a wall* WHERE'S THE CHAOS EMERALD?!  Sonic: ...  Sonic: Are we about to kiss-
Shadow: Go fuck yourself.  Sonic, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
Sonic: My hands are cold.  Shadow: Here, let me hold them.  Sonic: My lips are cold too.  Shadow: *covers Sonic's mouth with their hand*
Sonic, throwing his head into Shadow's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!  Shadow, lovingly stroking Sonic’s quills with a demonic smile: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Shadow: I feel like doing something stupid.  Sonic: I’m stupid, do me.
Sonic: This date is boring!  Shadow: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.  Sonic: Then why did you invite me?  Shadow: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Shadow I'll do whatever I want!
Sonic: You look good in that hoodie.  Shadow: You know where else I'd look good?  Sonic, zero hesitation: My bed.  Shadow, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
*Sonic comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Shadow’s bedroom.*  Shadow: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?  Sonic: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a boyfriend called Shadow.  Sonic: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*  Shadow: ... Why do I do this to myself.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer dating.  Shadow: Sonic, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Sonic: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.  Shadow: Aren't you forgetting something?  Sonic: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Shadow's forehead before running out.*  Shadow: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Shadow: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?  Sonic: It was autocorrect.  Shadow: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?  Sonic: Yes.
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
Oh my god …if Chrissy really does something and knows about us and would actually cheat on Jason with Eddie …that’s the last straw…and stealing sweetheart and make Eddie to apologise and finally tells us he loves us, is the best option as a revenge. But honestly, if he really fucks Chrissy behind our back idk if I would trust him (that easily ever again) tho…it would take some time at least if I would want to trust him again I guess…oh wait, I just thought of a better revenge, maybe we could flirt with Jason to make Eddie jealous, to make him realise what he lost until it’s gone and make him jealous and regret what he did was out of line and stupid
Hiii babes!! So far Chrissy doesn’t know you even know Eddie’s name so…if she does something with Eddie she won’t know how upset it would make you👀 but I am here for all the ways to make Eddie jealous I love a jealous Eddie 😂💖
Eddie when he sees you with Jason:
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takerfoxx · 2 years
Another day, another year. Afraid I'm still chugging away at that damned RD chapter and will do so for some time yet, but hey, let's kick things off on a positive note! Here's the next installment of WN girls watch The Rebellion Story, this time taking place from when Homura's labyrinth dissolves to the birth of Homucifer.
And yes, I know last time I said that the next update would be the last, but c'mon. When has my predictions ever been in any way accurate?
=Homura’s labyrinth dissolves=
Ch: So, is that it? Is this finally the real world?
Ca: I think so.
H: Well, I guess that’s my corpse.
Ch: I don't think you’re dead yet.
H: It’s kind of an inevitability.
Ca: You know, for someone who just learned that the last several months of her life were a complete lie, I seem to be taking things rather well. I mean, what do I even do now that it’s over? Just go home?
Ch: Hush. Not the time.
Op: And here’s everyone in that fever-dream that was actually real, all safe and sound!
Ch: They’re in for one hell of a rude awakening.
Ok: Okay, I see Hitomi and Kyousuke, that tweaking teacher, some random dude, and Madoka’s family. Again! Where’s my family?
Ch: Who knows?
H: I suppose I just didn’t know them.
Op: I’m more interested in that random dude. Who was he?
Ok: Who the hell knows? Homura’s second cousin, twice removed?
G: What about Hitomi and Kyousuke’s families? Were they brought over?
Ok: Guess not.
G: You’d think that they’d notice how empty their houses are.
Ok: I guess. Maybe they were there, and they’re just sort of offscreen.
Op: That still doesn’t explain that random dude.
Ok: Babe, let it go.
Op: I know, I know, but now that I’ve seen him, I can’t stop thinking about him. Like, who is he?
Op: Well, this is kind of tragic.
H: Everything about this is.
Op: I mean, I get my girlfriend back from the dead, but now that’s it’s over, she’s gone!
Ch: I’m sorry, Ophelia, but I for one am very glad that I’m now out of the picture.
G: It wasn’t that bad, was it?
Ch: A nightmare doll and an idiot child. Face it, I drew the short straw in this.
G: Huh? Wait? What’s going on?
H: You’re coming to take me away, I suppose. Thank God.
Ok: Literally. Thank Madoka.
Op: Godoka.
Ch: There’s that Law of Cycles thing again.
G: Oh, yeah. They never did explain what that was. Hey, do you suppose that their afterlife is like ours? Like, do they have a Freehaven and everything?
Ca: I don't think so. I think whatever witch-erasing wish you made, it changed things.
Op: Nothing stopping the new afterlife from making a Freehaven.
G: Maybe it’s a...a real afterlife! I mean, one that doesn’t try to be like the world of the living, and instead is all...spiritual with...clouds and halos?
Op: No offense, but that sounds boring as fuck.
G: Yeah, I realized that when I said it.
Ch: Well, maybe in going there, you’re changed on a spiritual level? I mean, you lose your mortal body and become one with some kind of all-seeing consciousness or something?
H: You mean like Nirvana.
Ok: The band?
Ch: You wouldn’t get bored in that state, since boredom is a mortal concept!
Ok: And I’ll have you know that Nirvana’s music was absolutely revolutionary and not boring at all-
Op: No, babe. She means Nirvana as if in the religious concept, not the band. The band was named after the concept.
Ok: Oh. Uh, now that I think about it, that’s kind of obvious.
=Madokami descends=
G: Oh, wow.
Op: Jesus. Talk about rolling out the red carpet.
Ok: Pink carpet.
Op: Pink is a shade of red. Just...lightish red.
G: Is that me? Is that what my...uh...
Ok: Goddess.
G: I’m not a goddess!
Ok: Oh, yeah? What do you call that, then?
Ch: You do look pretty godlike.
Op: ...was that a green elephant?
G: Oh. My God.
Op: How can it be ‘your God’ when you are God?
G: Don't call me that. Please.
Op: So, hey. How many prayers gets us holy luck in the lottery?
G: I’m not God!
Ch: Yeah, but it looks like you would’ve been. Regretting things now?
G: No! I don't want to be God! Why would anyone want to be God?
Op: Omnipotence?
G: And do what with it? Like you said, it would all just be so boring!
Op: Yeah, I guess you have a point. Also, care to explain the green elephant?
G: No.
Ok: Well, there we are again.
Ch: Oh goody.
Op: So, you’re like Shinigami or something? Come to take Homura away?
Ca: That would leave the two of us...yeah.
Op: Yup.
G: What’s going on with my hair?
Ok: No matter what, you get the stupidly long appendages.
G: At least with the legs it makes sense!
Ok: ...no, it doesn’t!
Op: Do you think they’re prehensile? Like, can you use them to pick things up or something?
G: If I’m God, why would I need to?
Ch: Oh, so now you’re okay with being God!
G: I’m not, she is!
G: Well, I guess this is the end. Homura gets taken away.
H: Believe it or not, this is actually kind of a relief.
Op: I’ll say. You get...basically what we have now. Together with your honey-bun in the afterlife.
G: Did you just call me honey-bun?
Ch: Kind of dragging this out, aren’t they?
G: I’m starting to get a weird feeling.
Op: Um, why did it suddenly get all sinister?
=Homura grabs Madokami’s wrists=
H: Wait! What?
Ch: What the fuck?
=stares in silence for a bit=
Op: Is...Is Homura turning evil?
H: What. What. What.
G: What’s going on? Why is this...
=more silence=
G: Please. Stop.
Ok: On it!
Op: Uh...well, that was a plot twist.
H: What in the name of all that is holy is going on?
G: Homulilly, please remember, this isn’t you, you didn’t do this.
H: I know. I know. But...clearly I would have gotten to a point that...but why?
Ch: What is she even doing, though? What’s going on?
Op: Yeah, I mean, this is what she wanted, right? To...be with Madoka with no Incubator bullshit?
Ch: You would think!
Ok: Um...hey, who’s up for a break?
H: No.
Ok: No?
H: No. I’m not leaving this hanging. I need to know what she does and why. Play it.
Op: Lilly, you sure about this?
H: I am. I need to know.
Ok: Okie-dokie...
G: Wait, so she pulled me out of...me?
Ch: Oh.
H: Oh, what?
Ch: I’m starting to...never mind. We’ll talk about it after.
Op: Jesus, look at this mess! What’s she becoming?
H: So they save me from being a witch only for...I don't get it!
Ca: I don't think she’s becoming a witch. This is something else.
G: Am I...is she trapping us together or...?
Ok: Did she just eat the world?
H: More than that.
Op: There goes the solar system.
Ch: Galaxy.
G: She’s taken over the whole universe.
Op: This is...Wow.
Ok; And, okay! Random-ass knitting spool!
Ch: These animators just can’t help themselves.
H: Please. Let’s stay focused.
Ch: Sorry. It’s just...okay.
H: Well. There I am. In the void, and...
=frustrated noises=
Op: You okay?
H: I guess? I’m just...Wow.
=Homura crunches soul gem=
Ok: Like an egg.
Op: Finger-lickin’ good.
G: Guys...
Op: I’m sorry, but what else are we supposed to do?
G: Not crack jokes!
H: It’s okay. Let them.
=Homucifer soul gem created=
Ch: Okay, that doesn’t look evil at all!
H: What do I even need it for? What’s even the point?
=Kyubey’s face appears=
G: Times...a lot. That’s a lot of Kyubeys.
Ok: A lot, a lot! Seriously, why’s there so many?
Ca: The Incubator possesses an infinite number of physical bodies, spread out through several worlds. That’s how he manages so many Puella Magi at the same time. That is why fighting against him is ultimately futile. He cannot be destroyed or even beaten.
H: Oh? Would you like to place some money on that?
Ca: What do you mean, Homulilly?
H: I think I see where this is going. And if I’m right, this might redeem this whole movie for me!
Ch: You know you get fucking terrifying when you’re like that, right?
H: I do. And soon, so will he!
Op: Oh, he is scared!
H: Good. He should be.
Ok: I’m lost. So, what, your love for Madoka...broke the universe?
H: The way I see it, if my repeated looping through time gifted Madoka with the magical potential to rewrite reality with a single wish, then surely an equal, yet opposite amount of potential must rest within me. Er, her.
Ok: Opposite how?
=Homura turns into Homucifer=
Ch: Oh, wow.
Ok: DAAAMMMNNN! Homulilly, not gonna lie, but that is a look!
=Gretchen is suddenly very interested=
Op: It’s the black swan.
G: What?
Op: That new dress. It’s the black swan. From Swan Lake. You know, the ballet?
Ch: Oh, shit. Suddenly, that dance-off from earlier makes sense.
H: Does it? Does it, really?
Ch: Well, okay, no, it doesn’t. But it was still foreshadowing!
H: There. The Devil. If Madoka became God, there must be a Devil
G: Stop it! You’re not the Devil!
H: She is. Or at least, I would have been. The equal opposite, the shadow to God’s holy light. Restoring balance.
Op: You’re...awfully okay with all of this.
H: I understand, now. Why it’s called the Rebellion Story. This is the story of Homura’s rebellion. Against everything!
Op: And you get to fuck up Kyubey. For real.
H: Yes!
G: I don’t see how you can think of this as a good thing!
H: It’s the only way.
G: To do what?
H: The Incubators know about you. About the wish that you made. And they almost got you. Yes, I could have just let myself be taken away, but that wouldn’t stop them from trying again until they trapped you. This prevents that. They will never get you now.
G: Yes! Because you trapped me first!
H: I-
Ch: Okay, pause it.
Ok: Don't need to tell me twice...
Ch: Guys. You’re getting too into this. Remember: this is a what-if. None of this happened. Gretchen, you never erased the witches and became God. Homulilly, you never did...whatever the hell that was and became the Devil. It’s not real.
G: I know that! I just don't understand why you all are happy that this happened, that Homura did this to herself!
H: Because I just spent a whole movie learning about all the creative ways the Incubators would have psychologically tortured me to get to you! Forgive me for being glad that Homura found a way to get to them!
=a pause. And then Gretchen runs off. A moment later Homulilly rushes after her=
Op: So, um...
Ok: Do you think they’ll be okay?
Ch: Give them time. It’s...a lot to take in.
Op: You didn’t take how you ended up very well, either.
Ch: No, actually, I’m still fuming about that. But this is a bit different.
Ok: Yeah...
Op: Hey, um, Candy? Hope you don't mind me asking, but what’s your take on all this?
Ca: All of what?
Op: You know! Let’s put whatever it is that Homura’s doing aside for now. Which way would’ve been better? All of us dying together and coming here while the world carries on, or Homura keeps looping until Madoka makes her big witch-erasing wish?
Ca: Why me?
Op: Well...
Ca: It’s because I’m the only one who remembers what witches are like before coming here, right?
Op: Kind of.
Ca: Well, honestly, I don't know. I don't have an answer for you. Do I love the life we have together and wouldn’t trade it for anything? Yes. Does having Madoka come down and peacefully take girls away instead of letting them become witches sound so much better? Yes. Would I give up what we have here, just throw away everything we’ve gone through and experienced together to let that happen? I don't know. Probably not. Would I think someone would be in the wrong to erase everything we have and replace it with whatever she created in its place? Maybe not.
Ok: Yeah, it’s just...I don't even know if whatever she has is even better. I mean, sure, our deal is really weird compared to what we had when we were alive, but at the same time...it’s not that different? Things still kind of work the same way? We just can’t really die or even get permanently hurt, and everyone has magic, and there’s all the other species of Magical Girl, but it’s not that different. But who knows what Madoka’s afterlife is even like?
Ch: I would say no. Honestly, the idea kind of terrifies me. What if it changes us completely? What if we become something that isn’t even human anymore?
Op: I mean, becoming a witch kind of does that?
Ch: But it’s not the same thing!
Ok: I don't know. I mean, you and I got taken away by Madoka in the movie, and we still seemed pretty human. Um, mostly.
Op: Yeah, I’m with Char on this one. I don't wanna be an angel or become one with everything or whatever the hell it is. Maybe I’m not really Kyoko Sakura anymore, but I still kind of am. Eternal peace or bliss actually sounds kind of boring. So, no Nirvana for me.
Ch: But not the band.
Op: I mean, they’re fine, just not really my thing.
Ch: Heathen.
Ca: Let’s not forget that we don't even know what Madoka’s version of the afterlife is even like. For all we know, it might not be all that different than what we have.
Op: Maybe. But would you take that risk?
Ca: Well, fortunately I don't have to. Like Charlotte said, this is a what-if. It’s not going to happen.
Ok: Does make you think, though.
Ch: Maybe a little too much.
Ca: Yeah.
Op: Hope things are okay upstairs.
The door to the room that Homulilly shared with Gretchen was shut tight. Homulilly had already tried the doorknob and found it unlocked, but whether that had been because Gretchen was okay with someone following her or if she had been so upset that she had simply forgotten to lock the door wasn’t clear, so Homulilly had ended up leaving it be.
She just felt so twisted up. Watching The Rebellion Story had been one of the most emotionally harrowing experiences of her life, behind only her first few days of existence and that period of time in which Gretchen’s friend Homulilly had shown up out of nowhere and wreaked absolute chaos. Who would have known that watching a simple movie could be traumatic?
(the answer was Charlotte. Charlotte had known, and had advised against it, but of course everyone’s collective curiosity had won out, to their collective regret).
However, for as upsetting as the movie had been to her, it was now upsetting to Gretchen most of all. And Homulilly couldn’t just let things stand. Taking a deep breath, Homulilly raised her hand and rapped her bony knuckles against the door.
“Gretchen?” she said. “Can I, um. Is it okay if I come in?”
The silence that answered her question filled her heart with dread, and all of the whispering doubts that had plagued Homulilly her first few years, the same that she had worked so hard to push back and ignore, suddenly found their voices strengthened.
You screwed up.
She doesn’t want to talk to you.
You hurt her.
You don't deserve her.
“Okay,” Gretchen said softly from the other side.
Sighing with relief, Homulilly opened the door and stepped inside.
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howisavedtheworld · 3 years
i got you | matsukawa issei
genre: fluffy 2 the max, fem!reader x frat guy!mattsun (but not like the annoying disgusting frat guys LFSJDFJS) college!au  
warnings: alcohol/drinking, drunk ass reader sfsjdfsd, its really up to you if its underage LOL 
a/n: matsukawa is the love of my life. i know he would take good care of his gf if she was drunk as hell. im undecided if i like how this came out but im posting anyways! ty for reading :D
wc: 1.4k (crazy bc i wanted it to be less than 1k lol oops)
you are not a disaster drunk. 
at least, that is what you’d known to be true in all your years of alcohol consumption. oftentimes, you were the assigned mother of the group when your friends spent a night downing shots in a sleazy bar. you’d held back hair and kept a colossal number of heads from falling into public toilet seats when their escapades turned left. 
it wasn’t like you quite minded either. 
you figured it was better to be the safe haven than the one needing saving.
matsukawa issei, on the other hand, is a downright disaster drunk. 
every time he passes his limit, which he often does, he loses most of his motor functions, and becomes heavily reliant on anybody willing. every word he does manage to get out is followed by a hiccup. then a burp. and finally, a foreshadowing gag. 
you’d seen it before, and frequently had to drag his disorderly six foot frame to bed after he hurled into your toilet. 
you knew what you were signing up for. 
after all, you’d met him at his very own frat party. 
he’d been drunk enough to spill an entire white claw on you and promptly begged to make it up to you with your favorite drink of all time. you had to explain to him that it wasn’t an alcoholic beverage, but he still insisted on treating you anyways. 
eventually, he became your boyfriend and you adored him despite his inability to drink in moderation. 
the only thing that you found semi-endearing about his inebriation was the fact that he forgets that the two of you are separate beings. instead, he clings to you like duct tape, his burly arms clutching your waist and head lolling back and forth between your shoulder and neck affectionately. 
he especially likes to speak when drunk, slurring and whining things along the lines of: 
“you are so pretty, you do know that, right?”
“how did i get so damn lucky?” 
“you’re the best girlfriend ever.” 
a sliver of you considers that he says these things purely out of intoxication, but you like to believe a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts. 
you never brought these moments back up to issei in fear of his dismissal of them. instead, you cherish them secretly, stroking his curls while he lays with his head in your chest when the night finally ends. 
you continue to indulge these whimsical scenarios in which he actually does mean the things he says, and it works for a while. the little untold truth feels harmless. 
it isn’t until the roles were reversed that you find yourself in a frenzy. 
hanamaki, issei’s best friend from high school and another member of his frat, decides to throw a party for his 21st birthday. that meant booze was oozing from every corner of the enormous communal house, and sweaty bodies were scattered around every inch. 
issei had told you prior to the party that he actually wasn’t going to drink, explaining that he was still recovering from the previous night in which he and hanamaki drank a dangerous amount that left him vomiting for hours. 
“this night,” he exclaimed earlier that day with a foolish grin. “this night is yours, babe.”
you’d had a stressful week anyways, and figured you might as well take advantage of the free alcohol.
it had been a while since you’d drank. naturally, you’d forgotten the importance of pacing. 
though the shots initially burned in the back of your throat, everything you downed started to taste more and more like water and the space around you felt less and less tangible. you were sure mattsun had been at your side all night, but time blurred to a point where you knew little of what was truly going on.   
unsure of how much you drank, your eyes eventually opened to see you were slumped against issei’s broad shoulders with your legs wrapped around his waist. 
“i cant believe it, babe.” a strong hand rubbed circles into your back as he hiked you up the stairs leading to his apartment. “i thought you only drank a few shots, but next thing i knew you were just gone. look how the tables turned, am i right?”
he let out a soft chuckle, finally reaching the door of his room. your head was spinning rapidly, and you groaned, trying to move back to make sense of the space around you.
he lets out a curious hum, but a hand moves to keep your head in place. 
“no can do, babe.” the sound of a key jingling and door shifting lets you know you’ve finally made it back. “i’m glad you’re up, but if you move too quickly, you might vomit. i got you.”
you let out a whine, but your head drops back into the dip of issei’s shoulder. 
how had you gotten this fucked up? 
again, you didn’t mind taking care of him or any of your other friends, understanding the nature of college, but to be on the receiving end meant to endure your self-inflicted humiliation. 
“alright, let’s get you some water. oh wait—no, i might have some gatorade left in the fridge.” he mumbles to himself, navigating around the kitchen island.
your eyes fluttered, far too heavy to open, and your body focused instead on processing the sounds around you. 
the fridge opening. 
a soft tsk. 
tap water flowing.
the soft pad of his feet.
a door opening. 
he had finally softly situated you (or at least tried to) in his bed, but a heavy pang ravaged your skull from the change in position, forcing you to loudly groan. 
issei hummed knowingly, and his hand quickly moved to support the back of your head.
“here, baby. here. can you drink this for me?” he coaxed. 
your eyes blinked open to see him holding a glass of water closely to your face, straw dangling in front of your lips. 
you complied, hoping the water would make your insufferable headache dissipate. 
“that’s it, thank you. drink it all if you can. if you want more, i’ll get you more.”
you do finish the glass, and your head falls back into the hand behind it.
you’re too ashamed to look at him, but you feel his eyes on you.
the empty glass against the table.
his soft breathing. 
“you feeling okay, baby? do you think you wanna throw up?”
you shake your head carefully, fearing too much movement would trigger another session of heavy pulsating. 
“okay, baby. i’m here. whatever you need.”
his hand behind your head tenderly found its way to your scalp, softly massaging the skin. 
you had no idea, but you were letting out appreciative sighs. 
“that feels nice, babe? okay, i’ll keep going then.” 
you finally got enough of a grip on yourself to glance up at him. 
he was staring down at you lovingly, lips turned upward in an unabashed smile. 
there was no hint of the shame or disappointment you feared he would have towards you. actually, the only thing you could sense from him was love. 
“i-issei.” you managed to whisper. 
“yeah?” he softly spoke, looking at you expectantly.
“i’m sorry.” 
he shakes his head in disbelief, immediately moving to sit in front of you. 
“sorry for what? for having a stressful week? being a college student?” he let out an exasperated laugh, fingers still rubbing your scalp.
“you don’t have to apologize to me. how many times have you done this for me? you’re my girlfriend. i’ll always take care of you, you know? i’m lucky i even have you. sometimes i don’t even believe it.” he murmured.
“that i got you. the kindest, most beautiful girl in this world. that you gave me, some random guy in a frat your time of day. i’m always shocked. thank you for choosing me.” 
your body froze at the impromptu confession, and your feelings of chagrin and fear dissolved into nothingness. 
it was evident that issei loved you, that his drunk words didn’t even compare to his sober ones.  
“i love you.” you weakly whispered back.
he leaned in to press a light kiss to your forehead. 
“i love you, too. you know i got you, babe.” he said, smiling. “forever.”
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Shapes In The Clouds
Request: can I request a Sebastian x reader (age gap) where he proposes?
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
Warnings: nun
A/n: Reposting because tumblr wants to be a lil bitch and not put my posts under the tag🙄 Hope you like it lovely, I’m so sorry for the long wait!💛
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(Source: Pinterest)
You were a simple girl. You didn’t need anything extravagant or too loud just to appreciate something. You found joy in the smallest of things even if it was a bad situation you found the brighter side of things. You didn’t like being the center of attention. Honestly it terrified you if all the attention were on you. The eyes of everyone on you watching your every move made you want to sink into the floor and hide away from it all. You were quiet but you weren’t shy, your personality was the epitome of sunshine, as Sebastian would say.
Weirdly enough you ended up being the girlfriend of an actor. The opposite of everything you avoided. He had a different lifestyle. Movie sets, red carpets, bright lights, and parties were what his life consisted of. While yours was made up of offices, magazines, cups of coffees, and sleepless nights of endless work. Thankfully, Seb was one of the private ones. Yes, he was active on social media but that didn’t mean he shared every second of his life on Instagram.
Soon the messages turned into dates, and the dates turned into overnight stays at each other’s apartments. Now a year and a half later you two are living together in a homey apartment in the hidden streets of Manhattan.
You heard the sheets rustle as the human furnace beside you shifted in the bed. The arm resting on your chest tightened its grip around you, pulling you closer to their body. A content sigh left the body beside you.
“Sebba.” You groggily mumble, sleep still evident in your voice. You interlaced your fingers with his, cuddling his arm.
“Buna dimineata iubirea mea.” He greeted you with his morning voice that you were oh so fond of. You lazily giggle and turn in his grip, snuggling into his chest. A low chuckle emitted from his chest as he breathed in your familiar scent mixed with your shampoo. The scent together made him feel like he was home. You are his home.
“Don’t go jogging today.” You tangle your limbs with his and made sure to hang onto him like a sloth.
“Give me a good reason not to.”
“I’ll cuddle the fuck out of you.” You finally open your eyes and rub the sleep out of them. You were greeted with Sebastian’s crooked smile and his steel blue eyes. His hand reaches to brush some hair away from your face, his hand settles itself on your cheek.
“Hmm, I don’t know.” He feigns a thoughtful look as if he were debating with his options. Jogging or cuddling? Although Sebastian had other plans besides jogging or cuddling.
“But you’re a huge softie when it comes to my cuddles.” You stare up at him with puppy eyes. Sebastian nuzzles his nose against yours before answering, “I am, but I have other plans for today.”
“Like what?” You ask sitting up, “Today’s not an anniversary or something…right?”
“No, it’s not don’t worry.” He assures you. But it will be, Sebastian thought to himself.
You move to sit on his lap. Naturally, Sebastian shifts and rests his hands around your waist, his palms press against your lower back as he gazes up at you.
“Well, what did you have in plan, babe?” You ask threading your fingers into his hair. Sebastian hums in content.
“How about we pick up some food from that cafe you’ve been wanting to try near Central Park and have a picnic?” He suggests with hopeful eyes. He really hoped you would agree to his plan.
“Ooo, I haven’t been on a picnic in a while now. Let’s do it, I’m down.” You instantly perk up at the mention of a picnic. You missed being outside and sitting on the grass eating while admiring the view.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence.
“I guess that means we should get up now, huh?” Sebastian scrunches his nose.
“One more minute.” He mutters pulling you down so your head is resting in the crook of his neck.
“Make it two.”
🕗 Time Skip
You and Sebastian walked hand in hand on the streets of NY. The weather was perfect. There was a nice autumn breeze and it wasn’t too cold nor too hot. Sebastian knew this was your favorite kind of weather. Only because you got to wear knitted sweaters, ankle boots, and one of his jackets that were quite big on you.
The two of you walked towards the park. A bag of pastries in one of your hands and a tray of iced coffees in Seb’s free hand. When you guys finally found a secluded spot to sit at, Sebastian took out a blanket from his backpack. You guys sat across each other on the blanket, the pastries and coffees in between you two.
You open the bag and pull out a pain au chocolat (basically a chocolate croissant) from the variety of pastries. Holding it up to Sebastian’s mouth you ask, “You want first bite?”
He answers by opening his mouth wide and taking a huge bite. He moans as he chewed.
“Holy shit, that’s good.” You decide to take a bite yourself. When the buttery flakes of the croissant mixed with the chocolate filling entered your mouth it was like pure Heaven.
“Oh, wow.” Sebastian took an iced coffee out from the tray and gave it shake. He takes a straw out of the bag and pokes it into the lid. He held the cup up to you and motioned for you to take a sip. You hum in delight as you take the coffee from his hands. The next few minutes consisted of the two of you eating breakfast, feeding each other food, or wiping crumbs off the other’s face.
The pastries were now long gone. The two of you laid back on the blanket. Your head was against his chest and his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You listened to his steady heartbeat as you two pointed out shapes in the clouds. Though his heartbeat began to quicken as you pointed at a specific cloud.
“Hey, that one looks like a ring!” You laugh as you point at the cloud. Sebastian freezes at the mention of a ring. His eyes widen for a millisecond before he regains himself.
“Where do you see that?” You gently place your hand on his chin to navigate his attention towards the cloud.
“Look, there’s the band and then there’s the diamond!” You trace out the shapes with your finger. Sebastian feels his breath get deeper and his hands getting clammy.
This was a sign from the universe that you should do this NOW, he thought to himself.
He pats his jean pocket to see if the box that held forever was still there. He let out a sigh of relief and adjusted himself so he was sitting up. While doing so he sat you up so you were sitting across from him.
“Funny you mention a ring.” He chuckles as he lovingly gazed into your eyes. A smile was on your face but the questionable look on you had was obvious. Sebastian takes your hand in his and runs his thumb across the top of it. He brings your hand up to his soft lips, his scruff tickling your fingers as he presses a kiss on it.
“I love you.” He began eyes admiring the different aspects of your face. “I love you so damn much.”
You laugh as you pat his cheek, “I love you too, baby. What’s going on?”
Sebastian takes both your hands into his.
“You are, the greatest thing that has happened to me. Sure, I’ve been in big movies and have a successful career. But that can all go away one day. One thing that I know for sure is that you won’t. For the last two years you’ve been the only constant in my life. You’ve stuck with me through thick and thin. You’ve been so patient and understanding with me and my horrendous schedules. Even when people hated on us for our differences, you didn’t give up on us. You’re the most amazing, beautiful, and talented woman I’ve ever met. I admire you and everything about you. Every little thing you do, that little nose scrunch, the way you hang onto me like a koala, everything.” Sebastian pauses as a nervous chuckle emits from his chest. You look at him in awe, tears forming in your eyes.
“You deserve the absolute world. I don’t know how I got lucky to deserve someone like you. I know this is a really shitty way of doing it but I just couldn’t help myself. I can’t hold it in any longer. I want all of you, for the rest of my life, if you’ll have me.” Tears are full on streaming down your face as Seb briefly lets go of your hands to get the box out of his pocket. He wipes the tears from his eyes to see you clearly.
“Wait, stand up. I have to at least do this part properly.” He helps you up to your feet as he kneels before you on one knee. He opens the infamous blue box from Tiffany’s. A store you’ve been fond of after watching Audrey Hepburn’s Breakfast At Tiffany’s. The box reveals a ring with a fairly large diamond that shone in the sunlight.
You wipe the tears from your face as you look down at him. Sebastian’s eyes shone in the light as they held your gaze. With one hand in his, he asked you, “(y/n) (m/n) (l/n), will you marry me?”
You immediately nod your head as you move to cradle his face in your hands.
“Yeah. Yes! Oh my god, yes, I’ll marry you!” You lean down as you bring his face closer to yours. Your lips meet in the middle. Time stopping when they touched, as he pulled you down for a passionate kiss, ignoring the taste of the salty tears that ran down your faces. You pull away for air, Sebastian quickly pecks your lips before you’re out of arms length.
He takes your left hand and slides the ring onto your ring finger. The ring fits you perfectly.
“I can’t believe you’re my fiancé oh my god!” You say in disbelief as you wrap your arms around Sebastian.
“Me either. I finally did it.” Sebastian says, mostly to himself. He’s been holding onto that ring for two months now, it’s about time he popped the question.
You lovingly stroke his cheek as your other arm is draped around his shoulder.
“Te iubesc mult.” You whisper against his lips, a smile making its way on your face. Sebastian’s smile grows even more when he hears you speak in his native language.
“Si eu te iubesc.” He replies as he smiles fondly at you.
“Also, are you crazy, Tiffany’s? Seb, that’s so expensive, I would’ve been fine with something else!” You scold him lightly smacking his chest. Sebastian chuckles as his arms squeeze you into his chest.
“I don’t care. You deserve the best.”
“As long as I’m with you, that’s all that matters.”
Buna dimineata iubirea mea - Good morning my love
Te iubesc mult - I love you a lot
Si eu te iubesc - I love you too
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bex-la-get · 3 years
A Very Important Question (Ethan x f!MC)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Natalie Cusack
Special Appearance: Sienna Trinh
Word count: 2012
Summary: Ethan has a very important question for Nat.
Author’s Note: This is dedicated to the anon who asked if I had written Ethan and Nat’s proposal story. Surprisingly, I had not so, of course, I had to rectify that immediately. Hope you enjoy it! 😘 Also this is unedited so sorry in advance for mistakes.
Ethan was acting weird.
He was constantly stepping away from work to attend meetings off-site, closed his laptop anytime someone walked by, and seemed to be in a constant state of anxiety. Whenever Natalie tried to talk to him about it, he always brushed it off, reassuring her he was fine. 
“I’m just under a lot of stress, Nat, that’s all. Being Chief is more involved than I realized,” he would say.
Natalie wasn’t convinced.
“I don’t know, Si. I’m worried about him,” Nat said one night when getting drinks with Sienna. “You don’t think he’s having money trouble and he’s trying to hide it from me, do you?”
Sienna furrowed her brows. “You mean like gambling debts? That doesn’t seem like Ethan.”
Natalie shrugged. “I know it doesn’t. I’m just grasping at straws here. Trying to make sense of it all.”
Sienna squeezed Natalie’s hand reassuringly. “Don’t look too much into it, Nat. He’s probably just stressed; lord knows Bloom doesn’t make things easy and the Chief’s job is pretty demanding.”
Nat sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Si.”
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When Nat returned home that night, she found Ethan sitting on the sofa, watching an old black-and-white movie. His eyes lit up when he spotted her and he jumped off the couch to greet her. “Hey you.”
“Hi,” she smiled.
Ethan pulled her close and kissed her softly, smiling as Natalie immediately relaxed in his arms. “I missed you,” he said, pulling away.
“I just saw you a few hours ago,” she replied.
“I know and then I went several hours without seeing you and I missed you terribly during that time.”
She laughed and caressed his cheek with her hand. “Well, I missed you too.” Her brows furrowed and she stepped closer to him. “Are you okay? You’ve been so stressed this past week; I’m worried about you.”
His eyes softened and he nodded. “I know; I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. This-- this whole thing with being Chief and trying to navigate my new responsibilities while still having to answer to Bloom has been overwhelming. And I kind of bottled it up; I know I have no reason to, it’s just-- just an old habit, I guess.”
Natalie smiled understandingly. “I know, I’m quite familiar with those old habits of yours.” He chuckled and she nuzzled his nose with hers. “You don’t have to bottle it up anymore, my love. I’m here for you, always. And I want to support you through everything, be it good or bad. I’ve got you.”
He held her close and rested his forehead against hers. “Thank you; I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Just talk to me, okay? Even if it’s minor, I always want you to feel like you can come to me.”
“I will, I promise.” His forehead still resting against hers, he closed his eyes and held her close for a long moment, just enjoying having her in his arms. He was fully aware of how lucky he was to have her and while it killed him to lie to her, he hoped she’d forgive him when she realized the reason why. 
Nuzzling her nose with his, he moved to kiss her forehead then looked at her. “Are you hungry? There’s some leftovers in the fridge I can heat up.”
She smiled and nodded. “That sounds great. Let me change though, these jeans have overstayed their welcome.”
He chuckled and watched as she made her way to the bedroom. “Hey,” he called. She turned and looked at him expectantly and he smiled. “I love you.”
She grinned. “I love you more.”
Ethan looked around the apartment, triple checking his packing list in case he missed something. They were only going to be gone for the weekend but he needed to make sure that nothing was missing or left behind. This had to go perfectly; and with a lot of luck, it would. But that assumed he remembered everything-- did he pack enough underwear? What about the wine, is the wine in the cooler? Ring. The ring’s in his suitcase. Should he double check again?
The lock in the front door turned and Ethan had a brief moment of panic before shaking it off. He’d been preparing for this for over a week, everything was set. He just needed to remember to breathe.
Nat smiled at Ethan as she walked in. “Hey you.”
Ethan visibly relaxed and returned her smile. “Hi. How was lunch with Sienna?”
“Good! We got our nails done too. Lookie!” She extended her hand out to him and he admired the bright red she had chosen. He tried not to lose himself in the visual of a diamond ring on the very hand he was looking at, instead focusing on the color. Don’t give it away!
He cleared his throat and smiled. “Very pretty. Good color choice.”
“Thank you,” she said, smiling. Then, noticing the duffle bag that sat on the couch behind him, she furrowed her brows. “Are you going somewhere?”
“We are,” he corrected. “We’re taking the weekend off and going to Martha’s Vineyard, just the two of us. And Jenner.”
She smiled. “Really? Wait, I’m supposed to work tomorrow!”
Ethan shook his head. “Not anymore. I cleared your schedule and got your shifts covered. You’re free until Tuesday. Perks of dating the Chief.” He winked.
She raised her eyebrows. “Thank you, Ethan; that’s so sweet of you. But… what’s the occasion? I’m not forgetting an anniversary, am I?”
He chuckled. “No; I just thought we could both do with a weekend off. I hope it’s okay that I decided that?” The thought suddenly crossed his mind that she might object to having a trip suddenly sprung on her without warning.
She smiled and quelled his nerves with a gentle kiss. “It’s more than okay. Thank you for being so thoughtful.”
“Anything for you, my love.” He pointed to the duffle bag. “Everything’s already packed, we just need to get it all into the car. Will you leash Jenner?”
Their first night in Martha’s Vineyard had been relaxing and romantic. After arriving at the AirBnB Ethan had rented, the two had gone out to dinner and enjoyed a quiet date overlooking the beach. Nat had looked beautiful in her sundress and windblown hair, her smile lighting up the entire patio. If Ethan hadn’t left the ring at the house, he might’ve proposed just then. But he had put too much planning into this proposal, damn it, he wasn’t about to ruin it all with an impulse, no matter how tempted he was.
After a lazy Saturday morning stumbling around the house, Ethan, Natalie, and Jenner made their way to the beach, picnic basket and blanket in hand. “This was such a good idea, babe!” Nat said as she popped a cheese cube into her mouth. “We haven’t been on a picnic in forever!”
Ethan smiled. “That’s why I thought we could have one while we were here. The beach seems like as good a place as any for a picnic.”
Natalie smiled. “This reminds me of our first date.”
“Does it now?”
“Mhm,” she said, sipping her wine. “The two of us and Jenner, enjoying a beautiful day outside. We had a picnic then too.”
“I remember,” Ethan said, smiling fondly. “I was nervous for that date. I wanted to make a good impression on you.”
“Really? You had already made a good impression on me.”
“Not as a boyfriend, I hadn’t. I wanted everything to go perfectly; it mattered to me that you knew how much I care about you. How much I love you. I may or may not have agonized over how much cheese was too much for that picnic.”
Nat smiled and squeezed his hand. “I knew then as I know now how much you love me. It’s as much as I love you, which is a lot. And you made a wonderful impression on me, Ethan. You always do. Also, there is no such thing as too much cheese.”
He laughed. “I know that now.” He leaned towards her and kissed her softly, caressing her cheek with his free hand. “I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away.
“I love you too,” she replied. She looked back at their picnic basket and smiled. “Any chance you packed some sweet stuff in there?”
“Mhm,” Ethan nodded. “There’s some chocolate covered strawberries at the bottom of the basket.
Nat’s eyes lit up. “You spoil me!” 
Ethan watched with bated breath as Nat dug her way to the bottom of the basket, fully aware of what she’d find on top of aforementioned strawberries. His heart pounded as he watched her hands slow in their search and listened to the quiet gasp that escaped her lips. With one final reach, she pulled out a small velvet box, her eyes wide. “Ethan… I-- what?”
He moved closer to her and clasped his hands over hers, holding the box in place. “I love you,” he told her. Deftly, he maneuvered the small box out of her grasp and held it in front of her. “I love you so much and I want to live the rest of my life with you by my side. Natalie, you are kind and intelligent and passionate and beautiful both inside and out. You have such fire in your eyes, it could set the whole world ablaze and I would but happily burn in the flames. 
“You have made my life so much better, from the first day you stepped into it. You light up my darkest days, your embrace is my home; I am a better man because of you and I know true happiness with you. Wherever you go Nat, I will follow. I love you and I can’t wait to grow old with you. Will you marry me?”
Nat was crying, a beautiful watery smile on her face. She sniffled and hastily wiped the tears that were falling away as she struggled to find her voice. “Ethan, I--” she choked back a sob and smiled even bigger. “I love you so much. Yes. Yes, I will marry you!”
Choking back a sob of his own, Ethan pulled Natalie into a tight embrace, her arms flinging around his shoulders and they held each other tightly, crying tears of overwhelming happiness and whispered “I love you’s.”
Eventually, they pulled apart and wiped each other’s tears away before Ethan pulled the ring out of the box and slid it onto Natalie’s finger. Sienna’s tips about Nat’s ring size had been correct and it fit like a glove, much to his relief. The ring looked better on her hand than he could have ever imagined. And now it would live on her hand for the rest of their lives, a symbol of their undying love for each other.
Natalie smiled at the ring and sniffled. “So is this why Sienna insisted we get our nails done yesterday?” she asked.
Ethan laughed. “I suppose so. She had mentioned it to me but I didn’t think much of it. It does make a lot of sense, though.”
She giggled and nodded. Then she looked at him thoughtfully. “You weren’t stressed about work at all, were you? You were stressed about this.”
He nodded and ran his thumb over the ring. “Yes. I’m sorry I worried you; and I’m sorry for lying to you about it. I wanted to keep it a surprise as best I could. I didn’t know how else to go about it.”
She smiled and shook her head. “It’s okay, I understand. I’m just glad to know this was what you were stressed about and nothing more pressing; like gambling debts or something like that.”
“I only gamble when it comes to Declan Nash, you know that,” he smirked.
“Of course,” she laughed. “How silly of me.”
He leaned in close and rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, Nat.”
“I love you more.”
He smiled and kissed her soundly on the lips, very nearly forgetting what they were talking about. “Never.”
A/N: Hope you guys liked it! 💙
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timelesslords · 3 years
fluff 3 or fluff 10 please!!! (i love all ur fics sm)
ty <3! I went with a very loose interpretation of fluff 10 (are we on a date right now?) for this one lol
send me a sentence starter and I’ll fill it for Percabeth
“Are we on a date right now?”
“We’re on a mission right now. Focus, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy had sort of known that already, but if this was genuinely a mission and not a date, Annabeth wasn’t exactly dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a white summer dress, short and flowy, patterned with tiny cherries. The light fabric contrasted with her tan skin, making it seem to glow gold in the sunlight. Her long curly hair tumbled free over her shoulders, out of its usual practical ponytail.
Of course, she had an imperial gold knife strapped to her thigh under her skirt, but that didn’t negate the impracticality of the outfit otherwise. Not that Percy was complaining— she looked gorgeous. Still, it left him a little confused. 
“But we are like, on a date,” Percy said. 
“We’re pretending to be on a date,” Annabeth corrected. 
It was a sunny California day, and they were sitting on an outdoor patio of a restaurant. A restaurant that was in the mortal world, not New Rome, and although Percy had been debriefed beforehand, he was having trouble seeing exactly where the date ended and mission began. 
“You’re my girlfriend,” Percy pointed out. 
“So doesn’t that make this fake date a real date?”  
“No,” Annabeth said shortly, taking a sip of her sweet tea. Her straw was already stained with the lipstick she was wearing, red to match the cherries on her dress.
“I’m confused,” Percy admitted.  
“I explained this before we left.”
“And I was as confused then as I am now.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes, long and hard. Gods, she was hot when she was annoyed at him. Which was a very dangerous thought to have, because if she wasn’t he might be more careful about antagonizing her. 
“We’re pretending to be on this nice lunch date so that we can keep an eye on that server over there,” Annabeth said, tilting her head surreptitiously towards one of the waiters dealing with a table to their right, a kid with dark hair who looked maybe 16. 
“Who might be a half-blood,” Percy remembered. He had been paying some attention when she explained it earlier. 
“Wouldn’t bringing the two of us here drive out any monsters that are here?” Percy asked, frowning, “I mean, not to brag or anything, but I’ve been told I smell tasty.” 
“That’s kind of the idea,” Annabeth said, taking another sip of tea. 
“You didn’t mention that before we left,” Percy said, only a touch accusatory.  
And, okay, he probably should have seen this coming. If there was a monster stalking the kid, which given his age, was likely, Percy and Annabeth’s presence would be enough to draw it out. Then they could get rid of it and send the kid along to whatever camp he was suited for. It was very up Annabeth’s alley, what with its kill-two-birds-with-one-stone approach.
“You hadn’t gotten that far,” Annabeth said. If she was bothered by Percy’s tone, she didn’t show it. In fact, she looked like she was trying not to laugh.  
“Hadn’t gotten that far in what?” Percy asked, playing along. 
“In understanding the plan,” Annabeth said. 
“You made this convoluted on purpose,” Percy said, grinning, and now it was a genuine accusation— an amused one, but an accusation all the same. Annabeth just shrugged innocently. 
“It’s not my fault good plans are complex sometimes,” she said.  
“Were you just counting on me thinking this was a date so I would agree to go?” Percy asked. 
“No,” Annabeth said, though her eyes flickered away from his for just a second. 
“You’re a bad liar,” Percy said, affectionately.
“No I’m not,” Annabeth rebuffed, bristling, “I specifically told you before we left that this was a fake date.” 
“I would have gone anyway,” Percy said. It was true. He would probably go anywhere Annabeth asked him to, but a simple recon mission to pick up a possible half-blood really was no sweat. Even if monsters were involved.
“It was easier this way,” Annabeth said. She was fighting to keep the smile off her face now, he could see the corners of her mouth twitching.
“Easier for you,” Percy said, grinning openly. 
“Well, I wasn’t about to make it easier for you,” Annabeth said, smile finally breaking through. 
“So you lured me on the promise of a nice date out with my girlfriend and instead I’m sitting here as monster bait,” Percy said, leaning back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.  
“I lured you out with the promise of a fake date,” Annabeth amended, “And I mentioned everything but the monsters beforehand.”
“You could’ve mentioned the monsters.”
Annabeth shrugged again, unconcerned.
“I knew you would get there eventually.”
“Thanks. I think.”
“Anytime babe.” 
“I really would have come anyway.” 
“I know, that’s why I didn’t feel bad. It was just more fun this way,” Annabeth said, smiling around the straw of her drink.
“For you,” Percy said, though he was smiling too. 
“I like watching you figure out my plans,” Annabeth said,   
Percy raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, do you?” 
Annabeth flushed a little at that, but unfortunately did not have a chance to respond. At that exact moment there was a loud crash a few tables over, a piercing scream rippling through the air. Percy and Annabeth exchanged a look.
“Looks like our date is over,” Percy sighed, pulling Riptide out of his pocket.
“Fake date,” Annabeth corrected, knife already in hand.
“Raincheck for a real one?” he asked, uncapping his sword. She flashed him a grin. 
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xoxopandapanda · 3 years
InuKag Week 2021: Day 1
Day 1: Battle Couple
It was a long and difficult day to say the least. The baby wouldn’t go down for anything, quickly becoming irate and angry at any attempt his parents made to help him settle down. Inuyasha’s shoulders and arms were of no comfort, and he didn’t want to nurse from Kagome. He cried and cried.
Soon his parents cried with him.
Inuyasha held it together for a while, taking the babe from Kagome when she started to choke up at his rejection of her breast. “Here,” his voice was soft, barely audible over the screaming child in Kagome’s arms. “Give him to me. You get some shut eye while we go out for a walk.”
Kagome had shaken her head at first but didn’t stop Inuyasha when he lifted the bundle out of her arms and tucked it into the crook of his neck. “I’m serious,” he told his wife sternly, “get some rest.”
Kagome felt the burn of tears down her face and saw through the waterworks Inuyasha’s shoulders fall slightly. But he turned on his heel and quickly left the hut they occupied, true to his word of taking the baby out for a walk. Kagome dropped her head into her hands, not bothering to even tidy or cover herself up before falling over to cry.
She felt like such a failure, of a mother and wife.
Kagome had gone nearly two days without a few hours rest, and exhaustion quickly crept on her. She was too tired and far too upset herself to remember that Inuyasha needed far less rest than her and could handle a fussy baby for a while. Once she was rested, she would probably blame baby brain for forgetting such a vital part of her husband’s characteristics, but that was for a rested Kagome to worry about.
Sleep came to her quickly, albeit restless sleep. She kept waking and searching for the other occupants of her home, before remembering they were out on a walk. She moved in and out of awareness, not having slept alone in what felt like eons, but realistically was only two years. Her bed felt cold and the room too quiet without her boys in it.
Sunlight finally peaked through the crevices of the walls. Inuyasha had promised her that he would fill in the gaps that the aging wood had created. But that was before the early labor and dramatic entrance of their first-born son just a few short months ago. Kagome half thought to remind him of the task, but then thought she couldn’t risk his attention been separated from her and the baby.
She wasn’t ready to be solely responsible yet.
Sure, reasonably she knew she could do it. It would probably just take him a few hours to gather the straw and mud to bulk up the walls, and with his speed and strength the longest part of it would be waiting for it to dry before adding more. He could help her out during those times, but the thought of even a moment where he wasn’t beside her with his full attention on their baby was too much to imagine.
Kagome started to choke up realizing she had left him to her own worst fear last night – solo parenting.
She rubbed her eyes, and the voice in the back of her head told her “Inuyasha is his father. He is just as capable of taking care of him for a few hours, if not more so.”
She threw that thought to the wind and continued to berate herself for leaving him alone with a very upset and very inconsolable baby for an entire night.
Kagome forced herself to sit up, stiff from having slept in the position she fell over in, rearranging her clothes. She winced at the soreness of her breasts and was sure to loosely cover herself.
“He should be hungry,” she said aloud to no one in particular. ‘Hopefully’ went unspoken.
As she dusted herself off and walked to the bucket of water in the corner to get a drink, Inuyasha’s head ducked in the room, eyes scanning for her.
When he saw her, he gave her a sheepish look. Kagome panicked for a moment – did he leave the baby with Sango and Miroku? What would they think of them as parents if they just dropped the kid off when he got fussy?
Her thoughts were interrupted when he stepped into the room, a whimpering lump on his chest alerting her to the baby’s presence.
Later she would realize her panicked thoughts were more of a manifestation of her own desire to ask her friends for help but wouldn’t out of an irrational fear of judgement. That was another thing she was going to have to work out.
“Sorry to wake you, but he’s suckling on me.”
Kagome blinked, her brain still foggy and slow. Oh. Inuyasha meant the baby was hungry.
She went to grab the baby from her husband, but then thought better of it. Wouldn’t be good to drop the kid in her exhaustion trying to get herself sorted to feed him.
She put down the ladle she was drinking from and sat back down on their futon, crumpled and unmade from the events of the night before. The smell of it made her speak. “We got to air this out today.”
“Once he’s fed, I’ll bring it out.” Inuyasha stepped up into the main room and crouched beside his wife, waiting for her to be ready for the baby – who was still whimpering, but had at least dried himself out of tears.
Kagome adjusted her clothes before holding her arms out for her son – her perfect, fussy, big, loud, demanding son. He quickly latched and took off suckling, eager to fill his stomach and rehydrate after the waterworks of the last few hours.
Kagome felt Inuyasha settled behind her, his arms coming around to hold up their son with her, so her arms didn’t have to hold up the weight. Sighing loudly, she leaned back into him, her head resting against his shoulder and his chin nuzzling into her opposite shoulder. Kagome closed her eyes and started to drift of.
Okay, maybe she did drift off.
Next thing she knew Inuyasha had switched their baby on her breasts and was rubbing his wet nose into her cheek. “Hey,” his voice in her ear was a nice change from the screaming of the night before, “I need you to lay down. I’ve got to burp the brat.”
Kagome nodded, slumping over on his arm, until he removed it and let her flop onto the futon. She could hear the shuffling of his feet walking and bouncing the baby up and down to help him release excess gas. The wet blech told her that more than likely the fire rat robe was going to need to be washed.
Groggily she called out, “He did drink pretty dang fast.”
“Yeah,” came the reply, “let’s just hope he kept enough down to keep him calm for a little bit.”
“Maybe he’ll go into a food coma, and we can rest to.”
Inuyasha snorted. “If there’s a god out there, then let’s pray it happens.”
Kagome knew she should help her husband. He was probably having to juggle a baby while getting out of his clothes and then having to clean both of them up. She knew she should just get up and even if it was to wipe off their son, at least do something. But she couldn’t even manage to open her eyes to watch what she was sure was quite the scene playing out in her house.
She could say she was surprised when she was lifted up and put onto some blankets, but she wouldn’t because she didn’t have it in her to even register what was going on. Managing just a little bit of strength, Kagome saw her son on his back next to her, his chest going up and down and a very light snore coming from his mouth that also caused his ears to twitch in rhythm. He was naked which Kagome knew was probably a bad idea but couldn’t even find it in her to care.
If he soiled the blankets, he soiled the blankets. They washed.
Besides, it wasn’t like she was exactly clean herself.
Rolling to her side, she gently tucked an arm under her head and the other coming down softly to rest on his chest. The movement of his breath quickly lulled his mother into a far more peaceful rest than before.
The sun had well slid its way across the sky by the time Kagome woke up. Inuyasha was sitting in the genkan, a shallow dish of water before him and the boy in his lap. The baby seemed very fascinated by the light dancing across the surface and was enchanted by the experience.
Kagome could tell that her husband was just as enchanted by watching their son experience the world for the first time.
“Some partner I am.” Her voice was rough and gravely from dehydration. Inuyasha’s ears moved before his head. He looked over his shoulder at her, bemusement in his eyes.
“Didn’t know I married a bear demon.”
Kagome rolled her eyes at his quip. Gods help her if her son developed his father’s sense of humor. “I’m sorry for leaving you to all the work. I’m not a very good wife, am I?”
Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed, whether in confusion or annoyance, she couldn’t tell. She was too far gone in her emotions to care. “What kind of mother am I, even? I just leave my boy alone and don’t comfort him?”
Inuyasha cut her off before she could continue down her path of self-deprecation. “No one could comfort him last night. Miroku told me that babies get that way sometimes, so we’ve just got to stick together and make sure he knows we’ll be there for him.”
Ah. He had gone to see Miroku and Sango last night. Kagome felt a sting of bitterness in her chest, worrying about judgement for no reason.
“But,” Inuyasha looked back at his son, stroking the top of his head and lifting his fine sliver baby hair, “we aren’t going to win the battle unless we rely on each other and have each other’s backs.”
Kagome nearly stopped him, wanting to know what battle before she realized Miroku had probably use an analogy to get through to his half-demon friend.
Inuyasha continued. “You had my back with Naraku, and when I got injured. I had your back when you had to fight off Hobo and the entrance examples. It’s no different now.”
Kagome opened her mouth to correct him like she had thousands of times before about Hojo’s name, but her heart had other plans. “You’re right,” she spoke softly, her eyes beginning to close again now that she was comforted. “We’ve got each other’s backs. Thanks for having mine last night.”
If she had kept her eyes open for a few more moments she would have seen the color light up across her husband’s face before he turned to look back down at their boy, who was now touching the water to refract light differently, although he didn’t understand the science of his actions.
If she had stayed awake for a second longer, she would have heard her husband say, “I’ll always have your back.”
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
quédate un segundo más (1/8)
@911lonestarangstweek day 8 - t is for...tumour, terminal, treatment
title from voy a quedarme by blas cantó, translates roughly to 'stay a second more'
thanks to @halsteadmarchs and @tarlos-spain for the beta!
as shown above, this will be eight chapters if all goes to plan, and i hope to finish it before season 3 begins. much of what is written both in this chapter and in future ones is ripped directly from life and i am only writing from my own perspective and experiences of losing a loved one to cancer.
ao3 | 1.6k | angst, hurt tk, cancer, terminal illness, more warnings to come in future chapters
A rare genetic mutation.
That’s what the doctors tell him when the results come back.
A rare genetic mutation that has rendered his cancer practically undetectable until its latest stages, until all that’s left to do is wait to die.
TK’s hands shake as various leaflets on Managing Your Diagnosis and What To Expect and Looking After Someone With Cancer are placed in them. He feels two steps to the side of himself, his entire world halting in its tracks the moment those words had left the doctor’s lips.
“I’m afraid it’s not good news,” he’d said, eyes wide and empathetic. “Your scans and blood results have come back showing evidence of a tumour on your pancreas. There are treatment options which we can and will—with your consent—pursue, however I have to inform you that your cancer is entering stage IV. It has begun to spread to your bladder and liver. I’m sorry to say that, at this point, treatment is more focused on managing your pain and making you as comfortable as possible; we do not anticipate recovery.”
It’s just… TK’s fine. He feels fine. Like, sure, he’s been a little more tired recently and he’s been getting these weird pains, but they always fade after a while, and he’s fine.
But he couldn’t deny the blood spotting his pee, the last straw which had finally sent him to the doctor’s office.
Too late, apparently.
A touch on his knee brings him back to reality with a start. TK looks up to meet the doctor’s kind gaze, and he wants to cry.
“I understand this is a lot to take in,” he’s saying. “If you have any questions, please ask.”
“I…” TK shakes his head, swallowing a couple of times before dropping his eyes to his knees, the words on the pamphlets blurred through his tears. “How long?”
The doctor hesitates a moment, then sighs regretfully. “I can’t say for certain. People frequently outlive their projected timeframes; equally, it could be less. However, given the way your tumour looks and the rate it appears to be spreading at, I would estimate around six months.”
Six months.
Six—six months.
“Oh,” TK says, and it feels wildly insufficient but it’s all he has. What even is there to say? He’s dying, and that’s...that’s that.
“Do you have a support system in place?” the doctor asks. “This is going to be a difficult process, and you are going to need other people to help you through it.”
TK nods slowly, not looking up. “M-My husband. Carlos. He was supposed to come with me today but he was called into work last minute. He’s a detective, so he couldn’t exactly refuse—not that that stopped him from trying.” He laughs wetly, remembering how he’d insisted that everything would be fine when Carlos had stalled leaving this morning. “And there’s my dad, and my team—my family. I’m a paramedic and I work in a fire station, so we’re all pretty close. I… Shit, I’m sorry. You don’t need to know all this.”
“It’s okay.” The doctor is still smiling, still so understanding, and TK wonders—just how many times has he had to do this? “I’m glad to hear you have solid support behind you; that’s going to be incredibly important for the coming months. I’ve also given you a few leaflets about support groups you can access, that your family can access, and, of course, your treatment team will be there every step of the way.
“Now,” he continues, returning to a semi-professional aspect, “I want to see you later this week to iron out how we’re going to proceed. For now, why don’t you go home and rest, allow yourself to process this? Does Friday at 10.30 work for your next appointment?”
TK nods absently, clutching the pamphlets tight enough to crease them. “That’s fine,” he whispers.
“Okay,” the doctor says, just as quiet. “Are you going to be okay to get home?”
But he doesn’t move. He can’t. In this room, he’s separated from the rest of the world—TK doesn’t want to go back into it, where he’ll have to tell everyone he loves that he’s… That he…
TK’s head snaps up at the doctor’s voice and he flushes a little at seeing his pointed look. “Sorry,” he mutters, scrambling to stand up.
The doctor stands too, much more gracefully than TK, and gets the door for him. “It’s okay. I’ll see you on Friday, TK, alright?”
He mumbles an affirmative then steps out of the office, taken aback for a moment by the bustle and noise in the corridor. It’s strange to witness it now, to see all these people who don’t know him from Adam going about their lives, while his has, in the span of thirty minutes, completely crumbled.
TK takes a deep breath (and how many of those does he have left?) and joins the flow.
He’s home.
That’s… He doesn’t remember it. He must have unlocked the front door because the keys are in his hand and he’s standing in the entryway, but TK has no idea how he managed to get from the doctor’s office to here.
He made good time though, judging by the clock on the wall.
Small victories.
With heavy steps, TK walks to the sofa, easing himself down and tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling. It still doesn’t feel real that there's this—this thing inside him, growing and mutating and killing him. He’s not sure when it finally will.
Maybe in a few months, when his skin is sagging off his bones and his hair is gone and even the very act of breathing is a challenge.
Or maybe in a few hours, when Carlos comes home and TK has to break the news. TK can picture his face now, the way his ever-present smile will crack and break, the shock and hurt and grief that will take its place.
He thinks he understands his dad now.
TK closes his eyes and tries to clear his mind, just for a moment, of everything that’s happened today.
Which, as it turns out, is a mistake, because that’s when he remembers the letter that came for them yesterday and the phone call they’re going to make after dinner.
The phone call they were going to make after dinner.
TK wants to scream at the unfairness of it all. They’ve been waiting for that moment for so long, the moment in which they found out they were finally cleared to adopt a kid. And now…
Carlos is going to be crushed.
As if the universe is reacting to that last thought, the door suddenly swings open, marking Carlos’s return from his impromptu shift. For a moment, TK panics. He’s not ready, dammit, he needs more time to plan and to figure it all out, how he feels and what he’s going to say, but—
But, in the end, it doesn’t matter. He could have had the most detailed and well-thought out plan in the world and it wouldn’t have mattered.
Because all it takes is one look at Carlos’s smile for TK to fall apart.
Carlos is by his side in an instant, gathering him in his arms and sliding to the floor with him when TK can no longer support himself on the couch. TK fists his hands in his husband’s shirt and cries into his neck, all the emotion that’s been slowly building all day exploding from him all at once.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Carlos shushes, which only makes TK cry harder, because how is he supposed to tell him that it’s not?
He shakes his head and clings onto him tighter, feeling Carlos do the same to him in return. TK’s always felt safe in his arms and it’s no different now; he thinks that, if he can just stay here forever, maybe things will turn out okay after all.
But the moment ends, as they tend to do. When TK’s sobs have run dry, Carlos carefully pulls back from him, his hands rising to cup his face and wipe the tears from his cheeks.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” he asks softly, so much worry in those damn eyes that it hurts. “Is it… Did the doctor say something? Are you okay?”
TK opens his mouth, but the words refuse to come out. All he manages is a wordless shake of the head, and even that turns Carlos’s expression into the picture of devastation. He can’t bear to look at it, so he wraps his arms around Carlos’s waist and leans into him again, resting his head on his chest.
Carlos holds him and presses a kiss to the top of his head. “We’ll get through it,” he promises. “Whatever it takes.”
And it turns out that he does have a few more tears left in him; TK squeezes his eyes shut and breathes out shakily as a couple of lone drops fall down his cheeks. “We can’t,” he whispers hoarsely. Carlos stiffens and shifts as if to look TK in the eyes, but TK doesn’t let him. If he has to look at Carlos, he doesn’t think he’ll have the courage to say it. He hesitates a moment longer, a huge lump forming in his throat, but eventually he manages it.
“It’s cancer,” he chokes out. “Stage IV. Incurable. They think… I’ve got six months.”
It’s like time stops.
They’re both motionless on the floor of their front room, neither saying anything, barely breathing as the weight of it settles between them.
TK doesn’t know how long it lasts for, but suddenly Carlos sobs and grips onto him with a bruising strength. Carlos’s body heaves and shakes with the force of his cries, and it’s TK’s turn to hold him as tears drip down Carlos’s cheeks into his hair.
And, in that moment, it becomes real.
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everything-person · 3 years
Last Voyage
Summary: Emma surprises Killian with an old fashioned voyage with his old crew then Killian has a surprise for Emma
*cough cough*
“You alright?”
“Fine love. Just needed to clear my throat.”
Killian and Emma were walking along the beach in the early morning slowly making their way to the docks.
“We’re almost there.”
“What’s with all the secrecy love?”
Emma smiles up at him there was a shine in her eyes, “You’ll see.”
They made their way down the pier where the Jolly Roger was docked.
“Do you wish to have another one of our private adventures aboard the Jolly Roger? If that’s all you could have just said Swan.”
“Not this time.”
They made their way into the deck where they were greeted by some familiar faces.
“Welcome aboard Captain.”
Before them stood Henry, Hope, Smee and some of his old crew.
Killian smiled while also furrowing his brow. Turning to his wife for answers.
“I thought you might wish to have a day at sea. Re-live your glory days.”
“My glory days started the day I met you Swan.” Picking up her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. “Will you be joining me, love?”
“No,” she whispered, “not this time. I have somethings to take care of.”
He turned to Henry and Hope. He approached them with open arms.
“Then it’s looks like we’ll be having all the fun. Don’t worry love I’ll have them back before Sundown and we will eagerly enrapture you with our tales of our adventurous day.”
Henry looked down before meeting his eyes, “Actually we promised mom we’d help her with her stuff today. Maybe tonight we can play dice. I might just beat you this time.”
“Oh then perhaps I should give Dave a call. Show him what a pirates life was like.”
Henry shifted clearing his throat before saying, “Uh Grandpa is taking care of the sheriff office while we are helping mom today. Sorry but you stuck with your old crew for today.”
Killian nodded at Henry before turning his attention to his daughter. She had the same shine in her eyes as her mother, biting her lip, looking anywhere but at him.
“What’s wrong lass?”
She inhaled a deep breath before speaking, “Nothing Papa. I’ll just miss you.”
He cupped his daughters face, “Don’t worry, my little cygnet. I’ll be home tonight.”
She nodded embracing him. She burrows her face in his chest breathing him in. “I love you Papa.”
Killian squeezes his daughter not sure what has her so distraught, “I love you to my little cygnet. From your first breath far beyond my last.”
Hope let go heading to the gang plank quickly, without another glance to her father.
Henry approached the man that’s been a mentor, a father figure to him. Wrapping him in his arms, “Good bye Killian.”
Letting go he followed his sister down the gang plank waiting for his mother at the bottom.
Killian turned to see the love of his life standing there. She took slow step towards him her eyes never leaving his. Reaching up held his face, her eyes scanned every inch.
“What’s wrong Emma?”
She’s hooked her head offering him a smile, “Nothing. It just. . . sometimes I can’t believe that blacksmith I tied to a tree that said I need him alive would be so right.”
Killian chuckled, “Aye. Sometimes I can’t believe I forgot about that damned bar wench that kissed the hell out of me.”
She smiled, leaning up catch his lips in a soft kiss. Pulling away she rested her forehead against his, “I love you Killian. Thank you for everything.”
“I love you too Emma. Forever and always.”
Her hands slid down his cheeks to his neck over his shoulders down his arm grasping his hook and hand. Her eyes never leaving his, she started backing away holding onto his hand until she was to far away to hold on any more. Letting her hand fall she turned making her way off the ship. Henry reaches out his hand to help her off the last step intertwining her arm with him.
“When did you become such a gentleman?”
“I’m always a gentleman mom. I learned from the best.”
They made their way up the pier. They say and watched as the ship set sail. Her Captain on the quarter deck waving to his family before turning to wheel where he belonged.
As they stood watching Hope couldn’t hold in her emotions anymore. A sob escaped her lips, as tears started pouring out her eyes. “He should be home. We should be with him.”
Emma embraces her daughter, “That’s never how he wanted to go.”
“But he was fine. He was walking and knew who we were.”
“He also thought Grandpa was alive. He didn’t see us. He probably saw you as the little girl who would ask him to close the window so Peter Pan couldn’t get her. He probably saw me as the ten year old boy he helped rescue from Neverland.”
Emma pulled away looking at her children who have grown into adults that stood before her now.
“Yes but he is so proud of the people you have become. He was so happy to be a father and be apart of this family. He loves you both so much.”
Hope let out another sob as Henry wrapped an arm around her, letting one lone tear slide down his cheek.
“Besides it’s for the best he didn’t see me as I am now. A wrinkly old crown with gray straw for hair,” Emma let out a breathy laugh.
Henry shook his head, “He saw you as you actually are. He always has. The beautiful Savior.”
Emma smiled at her son, “Come on let’s go home.”
Later Emma was going through some things in their room. Remembering all the good times they’ve shared in this house. The wonderful life he shared with her.
She opened his night stand finding the copy of Treasure Island she gave him.
“This is ridiculous. This person obviously had no idea what they were bloody talking about,” Killian muttered.
Emma rolled over, “Babe Go to bed.”
“This book is an atrocity love.”
“Then stop reading it.”
“Why would I do that when they just started the mutiny?”
She laughed to herself. She would always try showing him how this realm reviews pirates with movies and books. Every time he would get riled up but any time she suggested to turn it off or throw the book out he would refuse having to see how it ends.
The next thing she pulled out was a familiar black scarf.
“So now you’re a gentleman?”
“Giants can smell blood. And I’m always a gentleman.” Hook said before putting liquid on her hand.
“Ah! Ow! What is that?”
“Rum and a bloody waste of it.”
He gently wrapped her hand with the soft material tying it off with his mouth. Her fingers lightly brushing against his cheek.
Emma sighed remembering the spark she felt. Wondering not for the first time how much more time they would’ve had if she trusted him. If they came back together. How different their adventures would’ve been.
Something shiny caught her eye and she reached in and pulled out the last item in the drawer.
It was one of his hooks.
Killian kicked open their bedroom door while his lips fused to her. Her legs wrapped around his hips her latched around his neck.
Coming up for air Emma whispers, “Never do that again.”
“I’ll never leave your side even if the gods try to rip us a apart,” he promised before capturing her lips again.
Falling onto the bed they began divesting each other of their clothing. Killian reaches to take off his hook. Emma reaches her hand up, only in her bra and underwear, looking at him through her eyelashes.
“Leave it on.”
Killian groans, “You little minx.”
Emma sighed. As the memory fades away. So many nights, and some days, filled with passion. Both of them always willing to show the other how much they love them. Always up to meet a challenge.
Moving to put the items back in their respective places the book falls from her lap and clatters to the floor. Emma places the scarf and hook back before reaching down picking up the book. When she lifts it a note falls from its pages. Placing the book on the bed she once again reaches down and grabs the fallen piece of paper.
Unfolding it she is greeted with Killian hand writing.
‘Dearest Swan,
I’m sorry. I never wished to leave and now I have no choice in the matter. It seems to be a cruel joke. To be sent back to you by the gods themselves only to have my mind unravel while I’m still with you. I know I don’t have much time left. And I plan to cherish every moment with you I can.
When I do go, all I wish is to be at your side. For the last thing I hold is our family in my arms. The last thing I touch be your face. The last thing I taste be you lips. The last thing I see is the love in your eyes for me. If I am to drawn my last breath I wish it is your kiss that steals it.
And when I am gone. I will keep my promise I made all those years ago. I will move on but I promise you no heaven the gods can provide will compare to the life I have lived with you.
You are the love on my life. The mother of my children. My wife. My savior. My true love.
However long we are apart that will never change. My love will stay with you and I hope give you comfort in your time of need. And when it is your time I can only hope that the gods will once again reunite us.
Until then I ask that every day you live. Hug our children and give them an extra squeeze for me.
With all my love. Yours from the end of the realms and time.
Tears fell freely from her eyes. They were never sure if Killian knew what was happening to him. Now she had proof that he did.
A noise pulled her from her thoughts. Still clutching the note to her chest she made her way downstairs. Sharp knocking was coming from her front door.
She opened it to find a pair of blue eye that she engraved into her memory.
He bent down wrapping her in his arms, burying his face in her neck.
“Sorry ma’am I know you weren’t expecting us so soon but he insisted on turning around and coming home,” Smee explained his signature hat in his hands.
“That’s alright. Thank you for bringing him home.”
Smee nodded, closing the door as he left.
“Why did you send me away love?”
“I thought you’d like to be at sea when the time came.”
Killian finally lifted his head, his gaze burning into her, “Don’t you know Swan all I have ever wanted was to be with you.”
Emma gave him a sad smile, “I do now.”
They made their way up to their bed laying down curling up together one last time. They not sure how long they laid there just enjoying their time together.
Killian reaches up brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. “I think it’s time love.”
Emma nodded scooting closer.
“I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“You aren’t,” she said with a shaky breath her lip quivering, “You will always be with me. And I’ll follow you shortly.”
She leaned up capturing his lips once last time. She pulls away resting her forehead against his.
“I love you Emma Swan,” he whispered.
She watched as the deep blue eyes that looked last all her walls that have always saw her closed for the last time.
A tear fell from her eye landing on his cheek sliding down his face.
“I love you Killian Jones.”
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Modern!Wormsies Headcanons because I’m terrified wormsies is going to die before 2021 gets here
Tw for mild horror. I don’t think this is that bad but read at your own risk. I don’t l know why I created it I just felt compelled to but don’t read it unless you’re as insane as I am and are fully prepared to read the most cursed thing I have ever created. Seriously. This is by far the most cursed thing I have ever written. Good luck. 💜
So anyway they’re not selling to survive obviously since it’s modern au.
In my modern au they’re all theatre nerds cause why not.
So they’re backstage one day and Race finds this blue thing behind an old set that has probably been there for several years.
Lo and behold, it is a worm on a string.
And Race is kinda weirded out and wondering who left it there but he’s like aight guess I’m keeping this thing.
He ties it to a strap on his backpack and forgets about it for the rest of rehearsal.
Then Romeo (one of Race’s 3 adoptive brothers, the others being Jack and Crutchie) notices it and f l i p s o u t.
Romeo drags over Specs and Jack and Crutchie to show them the worm Race found and they’re all like omg this is the best thing we’ve ever seen.
Race is still kinda confused but like hey whatever this might as well happen and he just figures if his brothers and his little brother’s boyfriend are gonna obsess over worms, why not join in?
They all get worms somehow. Romeo gets a green one, Specs gets a purple one, Jack gets a dark blue one, and Crutchie gets a yellow one.
When they all show up to rehearsal a few days later with worms, a few others pick up on it and are like lmao let’s join in on the insanity.
So anyway Albert gets a red one, Smalls gets a green one, Mike gets a purple one, Ike gets a yellow one cause it’s the opposite of purple, and Elmer gets a green one.
All the others are all kinda just whatever do what you want don’t involve us in your insanity.
Over the course of the next couple weeks, only a couple more people join in on getting worms.
Sniper gets a purple one and Finch gets an orange one.
But what’s strange is that everybody starts noticing...
The kids with worms pick up choreography...
Faster and Better...
Than the kids without worms...
They’re stretchier and more agile...
...almost like..?
Almost like...
They wiggle just like their worms wiggle wiggle wiggle.
And Specs is the most logical of the ones with worms but even he fully believes his worm gives him special powers.
They spend their snack breaks talking about this and a few more people decide to get in on it.
Jojo gets a yellow one, Mush gets a dark blue one, and Blink gets a light blue one.
Davey, Spot, and Katherine still refuse to believe in this.
Sarah got a pink worm and they were all terribly disappointed in her.
But anyway they hold out their lack of belief despite how the kids with worms continue to perform better in dance numbers than the few left without.
Kenny caves and gets a dark blue one somewhere in here.
There are now a lot more kids with worms than kids without and the holidays are rolling around.
Ike gets Hotshot a red worm and Hotshot in turn gets red worms for all his crowd on the stage crew (Bart, Rafaela, Joey, Hildy, York, and Vince).
Hell, even the crew kids perform better with worms, it turns out.
Cause they can run fast to get places they need to be and squeeze through spaces they shouldn’t be able to squeeze through.
But anyway Katherine and Davey and Spot are starting to get a little creeped out.
Cause their friends and partners are starting to act more and more like they’re in a cult, even more than the cult that they’re already in (the drama club).
They pretend their worms have fucking personalities and make tiny hats for them and stuff.
And the ones left without worms are dropping like flies and getting assimilated to the other side.
Buttons gets a light blue one, Tommy Boy gets a pink one, Henry gets an orange one, and
And Sarah gets Les a green worm.
That’s kinda the last straw for Davey.
He fucking waits until his siblings are asleep and he throws their worms in the trash.
But mysteriously
They both have their worms back in time for rehearsal.
And Davey gets home that night and there’s a light blue worm waiting on his pillow.
He throws it away but it’s tied to his backpack strap the next day.
He flushes it down the toilet and it shows up in his favorite hoodie pocket.
He tells Katherine and Spot, super freaked out, but they don’t really believe him cause there’s no such thing as magic worms... right?
Then Katherine finds a purple worm on the seat she usually sits in during breaks.
She’s moderately creeped out so she leaves it there and goes to a different seat but the next break the worm is on that seat.
She can’t remember seeing anyone move it.
Meanwhile Spot is making out with Race behind a curtain (obviously) and Race
Race fucking pulls a red worm out of his sleeve like a scarf trick and gives it to him.
Spot is super weirded out by this and wants to just throw the dumb thing away the minute he and Race are done making out, but he just...
He can’t.
He can’t get rid of the worm, so he ties it to his backpack.
Katherine and Davey are mildly horrified that Spot has given in and won’t give up his worm even though you’re encouraging their cult-like behavior, Spot, come on.
Spot insists that he could throw away his worm if he wanted to, he just... doesn’t want to. And besides, he can keep up with the others on theatre stuff now, so why would he?
So Kath and Davey are
Without worms.
Davey’s worm is still following him around but he refuses to give in and he always gets rid of it as soon as he finds it but it always pops up again.
Katherine’s shows up less frequently, but it starts getting more and more frequent and she starts getting more and more freaked out as one night, she goes into her room and that fucking purple worm is on her pillow.
None of her friends have been to her house in the last 24 hours so this development is fucking terrifying.
She calls Davey and flips out on the phone to him about it and he’s trying to calm her down but Sarah ends up stealing his phone after a few minutes because she’s my girlfriend, Davey, not yours.
When Davey gets the phone back, Katherine is significantly calmer. He asks her if she threw the worm away.
Throw the worm away.
She claims it’s fine, that they might as well give in, Davey, we’re the last ones left without worms, just out of stubbornness. And anyway our friends with worms are doing fine; look at your siblings if you need proof.
Sarah and Les are having a tea party with their worms and Davey is getting pretty scared at this point.
He’s the last one left without a worm, though that blue one still always seems to show up wherever he is.
Opening night
Afterwards everybody’s pumped up and ready to go to Applebee’s to celebrate and Davey is relieved because no one has mentioned worms in the last 24 hours or even really looked at the ones still tied to their backpacks.
He thinks maybe the others got bored with it and this thing is finally dying, especially since that damn light blue worm hasn’t showed up today either.
But then Davey is just sharing a nice coffee alone with Jack backstage (which he hasn’t done since the worm thing started because honestly his boyfriend was creeping him out).
Jack suddenly starts crying, and Davey’s all like hey what is it? Babe look at me what’s wrong?
And Jack just goes I’m sorry love I know it hurts now but it’s better in the long run trust me.
That’s when Elmer, Specs, Sarah, and Mush burst in behind them and grab Davey, shoving a bag over his head and dragging him somewhere.
When the bag is taken off of Davey’s head, he’s tied to a chair in the middle of a choir room that all his friends have somehow squeezed into.
They’re all holding their worms.
And Davey is like guys if this is an elaborate prank it wasn’t even that funny to begin with but now it is very very much not funny.
But Sarah just goes in a sad tone it’s not a prank Davey.
Les not looking like he’s trying not to laugh is what makes Davey believe it’s not a prank.
And Davey is legitimately terrified at this point because even Spot and Katherine are looking at him with a solemn kind of pity and when he asks them for help they just shake their heads and tell him everything will be okay.
He turns to Jack and is still clinging to that last little bit of hope that one of the people he loves might not have gone off the deep end.
That last little bit of hope that the boy he loves is still the boy I fell for. I know you’re still in there so please just untie me Jackie.
Jack looks like he’s trying not to cry but he doesn’t move.
Instead he says I love you Davey. It’ll all be over soon.
Do it, Race.
Race steps forward and Davey just about has a heart attack because
Light blue
And he takes some rainbow duct tape out of his pocket and tapes it to Davey’s shirt.
And the others all start chanting one of us one of us one of us as Davey can practically feel the spine leave his body and travel to another dimension where there’s a man who collects them.
It turns out the others were right that he should just give in.
Now it’s time for them to get the rest of the school.
Edit: here is my attempt to justify myself for this. 💜
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lisinfleur · 4 years
Santa’s Roots
The request:
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Author’s Notes | Some historians claim that Santa Claus’ figure was inspired by Odin. What if it was true? For a certain Modern Viking, it is! Inspired by Harbard’s interaction with young Ivar in the series. I hope you’ll like it! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Modern AU, made for Patron’s Holiday Event Words | 1092 ⁑ Warnings: Religious re-readings, unconfirmed comparisons, and sources.
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"Why do we have to make this stupid trip?"
Of course, he was annoyed. Even more, because he was planning a trip with Y/N to spend the Christian Christmas in a tropical country enjoying the heat; and now he was forced to drag his limp pained leg through the snow of the Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi.
Yeah. Lapland.
In the fucking FREEZING FINLAND!
"It's Yule and Christmas and no matter how you look at it, Ivar, it's a family holiday and we'll spend it together."
He loved his beautiful mother, but sometimes that need she had for them to be all together all the time was suffocating. After growing older, he was starting to understand his father's constant trips and to wish Aslaug would do something like fulfilling Sigurd's emptiness and his lack of motherly attention.
But this time, not even Sigurd had escaped that torture. And for the first time, they were both grumpy and moody at the same time.
At least, Y/N had come with him. Sigurd's girl was waiting for him with her family at the beach they had planned to go to together and that trip had forced him to delay. Ubbe as well was grumpy: dating Björn's ex-wife, he saw his hopes to send Torvi's children with Björn that year going down the drain. After all, what kid would want to exchange Santa Claus' village for a trip to the boring Mediterranean with daddy's brand-new chick?
Hvitserk was the only one having fun along with Y/N and the children - the bastard was finding every source of food, candies, and delights through their ways, putting so many smiles on Y/N's face that Ivar was asking all the gods to get his brother fat at the end of that cursed trip. Or at least some good, long and intense diarrhea, so he would have something to laugh at in the middle of all that red, black, gold, and white mess.
"Sorry!" A gods damn dwarf?
Grinch... No. Elf! A gods damn elf stumbled on his crutch, almost taking Ivar's balance, forcing him to stop his already slow steps to straighten the damn titanium braces under the trousers with a loud grunt of anger.
Because of course, his day wasn't doomed enough. No. The pain of that cold shitty place wasn't enough. Nor the elves everywhere, nor the repetitive music, nor the children's noises, fake gift boxes, bells... Not even the irritant bells weren't enough! Someone had to fucking misplace his braces to get him left behind by his whole family...
Kinda his fault: Ivar had walked slower than them all the whole time, trying to get himself distant and leave clear he wasn't happy. Even Y/N had started walking with Hvitserk since his mood was so terrible that not even her was able to hold it this time. He couldn't blame them for avoiding his presence enough not to notice he had to stop...
But where were they after all?
They wouldn't just disappear like that in a matter of minutes.
Ivar had just lowered himself for a moment to straighten the braces... How come they had managed to disappear in the middle of that fucking colored place?
For a moment, Ivar's heart filled with a cold sensation that spread all over this spine. He searched his pockets. Of course, his cellphone hadn't a single bar of signal in that place. His blues ran around searching for his brothers, the noisy children, his mom, Y/N.
And then it was when he realized...
There was no one to be seen.
The noisy children had gone. The elves were gone... Everything was, all of a sudden, silent, except for those bells.
With his crutch, Ivar walked around some steps, trying not to get lost in whatever the fuck was happening around him. But with a few steps forward, as if everything wasn't strange enough, a thick fog started to move around his legs, covering the place, flying ghostly through the gift boxes and colored trees.
Ivar felt the urge to get the heck out of that place. With some effort, he started walking at a quicker pace not observing when the decorations around him started changing from the usual plastic balls and ribbons to colored flowers, painted pine cones, straw animals... His eyes betrayed him, but his ears weren't failing: the bells were becoming higher. And higher...
"I don't know what kind of stupid prank is this! But I don't like it! I didn't pay for this package! I want this to stop right now!" he yelled.
Just to almost lose his balance once again when a horse exhaled behind his back, forcing him to turn around in a quick movement that cost him a grunt of pain, bending Ivar's body over itself when his hand touched the knee of his right leg. The braces had made a loud sound indicating it was a forced movement and now his knee was horribly aching once again.
However, the pain was something usual for him. Unusual was to see Santa Claus not dressed in the traditional red clothes... Unusual was to watch the old man coming down from a horse... Wait. How many legs did that fucking horse have?
And how the fuck did he have a horse? Shouldn't it be reindeers?
And a sled?
"What in..." Ivar started, swallowing dry and lifting his face to see the man in front of him was smiling.
A visible and open smile in the middle of the big and voluminous white beard covering his jaw and cascading down to his belly.
"Hello, Ivar," the man said with a surprisingly cozy voice, causing Ivar's face to twist in a frown of pure surprise, full of wrinkles on his forehead that earned one of the usual laughs from the white-bearded man.
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"What the heck?" Ivar said, straightening himself even with pain on his leg. "Who told you my name? And why the fuck are we alone in this place?"
The man continued calm and smiley despite Ivar's clear annoyance.
"I know many names, boy. And I know you, since you were, in fact, a boy," the man said, looking down to Ivar's legs. "They still ache a lot, I can see."
Ivar's frown gained two more wrinkles on his forehead.
"What? Where do you know me? Who are you, man?" he asked, fully annoyed by what he was sure was a ridiculous prank his mother had paid for him to fall on, in the hope he would, somehow, like that trip into the middle of the freezing nowhere.
But the man just laughed once again, touching Ivar with a gentle pat that soon became a heavy hand weighing on Ivar's shoulder, forcing his whole attention to detail he wasn't able to notice before but now was clear like crystal in front of his eyes.
That man... That strange Santa Claus...
He clearly didn't have one of his eyes.
Ivar's blues were somehow attracted into the emptiness of that missing eye. And he swore he could hear the bells stopping, and crows cawing. The fog became stronger, but Ivar couldn't stop looking at that empty hole on that man's face until something formed into the dark.
Something that made Ivar's blues large when the voice of that man sounded once again, rumbling into Ivar's chest like a clap of thunder.
"I know everyone that was and everyone that will be. I'm the one who was and remains. And after you're gone, I'll still be here, until the wolf comes to swallow me whole. But before you go, I can still grant you a gift, son. Let us say you were good this year," the old man joked.
His words filling Ivar's ears while his eyes were locked at the image into that man's empty eye-hole.
"Yggdrasil..." Ivar mumbled.
And his eyes blinked, seeing the whole man once again in front of him, smiling.
"Odin?" he asked.
Receiving nothing but a new pat on his shoulder and once again, the traditional giggle that came along the whole noisy environment around, all at once invading Ivar's ears like a wave of noise and mess once again.
"Ho ho ho... Merry Christmas!"
Standing in front of him was nothing but an actor, fully dressed like the old Santa. Nothing different from the usual along with the fake gift boxes and all the rest Ivar could see when he turned his head, confused, searching for that whole illusion he was thrown into one second ago.
Was that a delirium? Was that somehow real?
"What's wrong, Ivar?" Y/N's voice woke him up and called his attention causing Ivar to once again turn himself too quick to look at her.
Another clang from his braces. Ivar waited for the wave of pain...
But it never came.
"Are your legs ok? Are you in pain, love?" she asked, fully worried.
But Ivar looked shocked down to his legs, feeling nothing. Absolutely no pain. Like one of his best-bones' days...
The days he used to say were gifts from the gods into his life.
"I... I... I think I... I'm fine I just... For a moment..." Ivar gasped with the words.
His eyes were still searching around for that image so vivid of Odin he had seen. He was sure he had seen! It was real!
And he took his pain away for a day...
"You see? The cold is starting to freeze Ivar's brain! Can we go home or at least somewhere warm now?" Sigurd complained.
The kids coming closer to Ubbe with their hands full of candy canes from Hvitserk's bag.
Everyone was so close... They didn't have disappeared.
But Ivar was sure he was the only one who saw that man.
"Are you ok, Ivar?" Y/N asked again and Ivar finally focused his eyes on her.
"I am. I'm just... I think I just need some warm chocolate and we can stay a little longer... For the kids, I mean."
"What?" Sigurd complained immediately. "See? Frozen brains!" he said, pointing Ivar's head.
But Ivar just approached Y/N's, speaking low, almost like a secret.
"Do you believe this thing about... Santa and Odin... Being the same person and stuff?" he asked, causing Y/N to smile.
"Oh, this is why you're so bothered, isn't it? Babe, don't be like this, uh? Some historians say that our Santa is somehow inspired by Odin with his eight-legged horse, granting gifts to his followers and knowing who was acting bad or good along his way. If it makes you feel more comfortable then think about this place as Odin's village!" she joked.
Getting a small curve from Ivar's lips.
"Come, let's get you that hot chocolate, uh?" she said, enlacing his arm with her own and starting to walk at his pace towards the coffee shop Hvitserk was already entering for what? The third time?
Ivar's eyes looked back at that man dressed as Santa Claus, complimenting everyone. His steps showing him his legs weren't aching at all anymore. Whoever it was, Santa Claus, Odin... It had really granted him a gift for that day.
The Santa turned looking at him once again.
And Ivar could swear that one-eyed man winked at him before it was nothing but the actor once again.
"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!" the man yelled.
Santa Claus' Village... Odin's place... It wasn't that bad to make that trip after all.
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sukunas-play-thing · 4 years
Keigo Takami(Hawks) xFem!Reader
A/N: This.This sinful display was solely created for pure filth and depravity. I'm so horny for this Bird that I am literally. Writing a fic about fucking him, his ankles. And wings. Yes you heard me. Inspiration hit while talking to @lady-bakuhoe​ and she fully supported this. Also, real quick to that anon that sent me hate, including @makoodles​ rather you're the same anon or nah. We talk to each other. Remember that next time you send hate. this is a big fuck you to you. Because we don't need that negativity. How Dare you attack ppl under the ruse of Jo's name she kept apologizing to me because of YOU. So yeah Fuck you. And to those still reading this. I love you. And enjoy this Hawks smut. Y'know ya want it;)   
Warning: heavily NSFW content, ankle play (possible foot fetish?), wing play, orgasm denial, degradation, minor phone play?, body worship, cock warming, blow jobs, palming, choking, bondage. Whelp. Think that's it for that. 
Description: You and the № 2 hero suffer great sexual frustration due to lack of personal time together, constantly rescheduling, a lot of late nights lying in bed waiting for him to come home safe. You've finally. Had enough.
Hawks x Fem!Reader
°Human Anatomy °
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"I'm sorry baby. I love you-"
 you deleted the voice message Keigo left you on your answering machine. This is the fourth -no FIFTH time he had to reschedule your date. And you were out right floored with anger. And it wasn't even Keigo's fault. "Stupid hero society. Stupid villains." You muttered to no one in particular as you could literally taste the acid in your mouth. If you saw anyone other than Hawks in this moment. You Would, could and will literally. Spit acid and burn through your humiliation and anger. Tossing your keys on a nearby vanity, throwing your coat on the ground you stomped off to the only place you could feel tranquil and relaxed. A long, scolding hot bubble bath with good tunes playing. You could cry. Thinking of the last time you two even had sex. Of course you shame yourself for being so selfish. It truly wasn't his fault, and you were not about to complain about him not having time for you, because it's just that. His job. His life's work. You went into this relationship fully respecting, and understanding exactly what you were getting yourself into. It took you years just to get Hawks in your bedroom, let alone as a couple for the mere fact the relationship was not allowed from the Hero safety commission. When word had gotten out about your relationship you heard from Keigo that they demanded it be cut off immediately. Why?  You weren't sure. Keigo never really told you as to why they manhandled his entire life to evolve purely on work alone. And you were far to respectful to press further on the issue. Instead biting your tongue with such Fury it nearly bled. And taking what you have with Keigo as luck. Yes. You were lucky to get this far with him, and Odin be damned if you gave up on him now. So now, here you were, angry, alone and on the verge of tears while you waited for your bath. Music played on deaf ears, the loneliness slowly creeping. Along with the throb of yearning and desperation between your thighs. You quivered. Moving your hands between your legs to relieve much needed friction. You could play with yourself, you could bring out your trusty vibrator, get a good orgasm and knock out for the night. But you shook the thought out of your head faster than you would blink. Because you didn't want a damn toy to please you. You were far past using toys at this point now, you needed, no craved Keigo. His whole being. You missed his smell, you missed his smile, his eyes, his hair, begrudgingly his wings regardless of the mess they'd leave behind. You whimpered out of pure want, that it hurt. You noticed the water nearly reaching over the tub. Quickly shutting it off you climbed off the edge and made a beeline for your room. Opening the door to the scent of his cologne. You inhaled it and sighed contented. A small smile gracing your features while rummaging through your drawers. While also looking through your closet for that lingerie set you bought ages ago. You stared at it sitting sinfully on your bed. It's vibrant colors desperately calling for you to wear it. Before feeling a pang in your heart. A small voice telling you you'll never be able to wear it for it's full potential, throwing it carelessly in your closet you went into the bathroom stripping and getting into the tub. ¥¥¥¥¥¥
 My neck is breaking, body shaking Sometimes it's so hard to breathe You took in a sharp inhale of breath. Closing your eyes as if the lyrics and musician was reaching into your heart and soul. But no one sees it follows me I always end up underneath You see Keigo's smile. See him laying next to you while you both talked, bodies still covered in sweat from your recent activities until the sun came up. The weight of the world Tears fell from your face. Emotions finally overtaking your entire being until you finally crack under the weight. Shooting up from the laying position you were in furiously wiping your face in disgust. This has gone long enough. As you were cleaning the bathroom up you hear the door closing and shuffling of feet padding against the cold floor. "Baby?." Your heart lept from your throat. Before rushing out of the bathroom seeing Keigo. All in his glory, standing at the threshold of the living room, eyes warn heavy with sleep and his hands in his pockets. You saw the way his face lit up. How his wings flexed upon your figure standing just a few feet away from your towel clad body. You didn't give him time to make another comment, before your body clashed against him. It's been far too long. He chuckles, regaining balance you almost knock out of him. Wings fully enveloping you into a tight, warm embrace as you took in his scent. "God I needed you so badly." You mumbled. Keigo let out a hearty breath. Before tightening his hold on you. "M'sorry baby. For Everything." Your half expecting him to make a sexual, cocky remark. But still enjoyed this glow. Of warmth, safety and love from just the hug. Before you felt the body numbing throb in your loins. You felt you slick pool from your core and you nearly salivate at the thought of him taking you right here on the floor. The feeling was so overwhelming that you mewled deliciously in his chest. Wings feathering up sending a jolt straight to his cock he moaned.
"Damn babe. Can't even make me dinner first?." There it was. 
You slapped his chest playfully before sauntering off into your room. Of course without rolling your hips that reeks of needing dick down. Keigo's eyes never leaving your form. Blood rushing to his dick straining his pants even tighter. He began walking towards the bedroom while simultaneously rubbing himself of the tension. "I wasn't expecting you back until later. Hadn't had time to cook." His smirk soon fell into a frown. She must've been so upset with the cancellation she didn't bother cooking. His heart fell with guilt head low while he mumbled another 'Sorry.' Under his breath. He quickly discarded his over-sized jacket, eyewear and headset on the floor carelessly and flopping on the bed. 
Granted it should've hurt the base of his wings, but they merely unfolded and layed lazily across the bed, the one wing dangling off the side. Turning your head you would've scolded him for leaving a mess. But he ended up making a mess of you. You could see his delicious dick print through his trousers, heavy and hard. Watching the small rise and fall of his chest, seeing how his under shirt hugged his upper body, you rubbed your thighs together for much needed friction. Still clad in your towel, you walked over to the front of the bed, his eyes lidded watching you as you helped take off his shoes for him.   "Why don't ya take that towel off for me too pretty bird." Your body froze. He let out a throaty, husky groan. "Do it for Daddy."
As you were yanking the bastard off your needy body, the sheer excitedness disappeared as fast at it came when his phones call ringtone filled the once quiet room. All tranquility gone along with your last straw. Keigo instinctively took it out and answered, much to your dismay. Not that he wanted to fuck you over in this moment, it's out of pure habit. "Yes?." His voice said from the other side of the phone. Before watching his eyes roll and a grumble escaped his mouth. Lifting a finger he mouthed "meeting. One moment." It was your turn to roll your eyes. Canceling dates is one thing. But right as he's about to get his dick wet? Fucking demented. "Yes I'll hold." His voice brought you from you angry monologue. You shifted in place as Keigo kept mouthing apologies, while he was speaking, you decided to act now, or forever hold your peace. Crawling your way towards his limp body, Keigo almost didn't realize you were hovering right above him until it was too late. He stopped abruptly, watching you with calculate eyes. Before you leaned down and began suckling his skin shown just above the neckline of his hero shirt. His eyes closed in bliss as his cock rose to life instantaneously. It' astounds him the power you have over his body. His Dick was completely flaccid until now, you bit down on his sweet spot as he let out a throaty moan. Which in turn shot a pleasurable jolt to your pussy. Eliciting a moan from you. "Fuck baby." He went to run his hands through your tresses to bring your body much closer, "Excuse me what was that Hawks." The voice rang from the other side. He felt as if he was caught with his hand down the cookie jar, while he quickly reflexes his hand away embarrassed, you couldn't help the playful giggle erupt from your plush lips. Lips he wanted around his cock and on his awaiting lips. "N'othin sir. Continue." He tried to wave you off to keep himself put together. 'such a Meek little bird.' you thought to yourself. Before lowering yourself down till you were eye level with his hard member. You licked your lips, eyes darting up to watch him carefully. Before your tongue came out and swiped at the zipper of his jeans. Keigo's eyes widened his head shooting up to look down at you so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. 'She wouldn't Dare..' He thought to himself. 'fuck' he inwardly groaned as she quickly undid his pants and yanked them down to his thighs. Cock springing free from it's confines as his head lolled back in pleasure. Letting out baited breath while still maintaining a composed voice for the meeting. You began quick work not giving Keigo time to compose himself, before meekly giving his thick throbbing cock a long lick from base, to head. Keigo's eyes shut tightly and hissed out in pleasure. Hand balled up into a tight fist, he muttered a 'not now baby' before you cut him off by shoving his cock deep in your mouth. You gagged, but refused to let up before bobbing your head with determined vigor. Either he'll hang up or don't. You didn't give a fuck anymore.  Keigo let out a loud guttural moan, before cursing himself as an angry voice was heard from the other side.
"I-I-. " his hand grabbed your hair. "I STUBBED MY TOE." You threw your head back from his cock with a 'pop' sound covering your mouth stifling your laughter. You could die at how embarrassed and flustered Keigo was right now. His face red as his wings, while being yelled at by meeting goers on the other side of the phone. Once you contained yourself you smiled coyly at Keigo. Very same cat like grin he'd give you before. "If they wanted a meeting." You said while crawling your way towards him, and whispering in his ear. "They can call you at a more respectful time. Because this is." You kissed his cheek. "Our time." Keigo mentally screamed. He was torn between attending this meeting now, and fucking your brains out. Clearly the later was already decided, as he felt your hot, throbbing wet sex lay flat against his shaft. His pupils dilated in lust while he kept eye contact with you. 
Your eyes lidded over, while your hips rolled up and down motions on his sex. He watched with baited breath, yearning a playful lip bite from you, as you began riding his shaft with so much sex appeal it should be Rated triple X. Something in Keigo snapped, and he found himself smothering you in a heated kiss. His tongue prodding at your plump lips begging for entrance. Which you happily obliged eagerly fighting his appendage for dominance. And Dominance you will get, for you moved your hand between your bodies while grinding against his cock, wrapping your hands around his neck snugly while Keigo gasped in surprised with how you were handling him. "Shhh." His eyes opened. "Let's not piss off your bastard bosses." Your head cocked to the side as you stilled your movements, body downright on fire at this point. 
He can feel your pussy clench around nothing while warming his cock. His smirk soon found it's way on his handsome features, almost causing you to mewl in pleasure from how hot he looked. "Do your worst birdie." Little bastard. As he began talking freely about a recent mission he completed, your eyes narrowed while his eyes would occasionally dart towards you. His newfound cockiness pissing you off further, before finally removing yourself from his body completely. Keigo's once confident smirk turned into a sputter of protests before he watched you move yourself above the top of his wing, his eyes widened in horror.
"What the fuck." He said aloud, voices falling on deaf ears as he watched you lower yourself enough to add friction but not too much weight to keep from hurting his wings. And begun grinding against the sturdiest part of the Appendage. He should be livid that you'd use his wings in such a way. "Babe. Don't-." Words cut short while he watches your face contort in sinful pleasure. Hands moving to play with your breasts, pulling the pert, hardened nipples between your fingers, while throwing your head back and letting out a breathless moan. He shouldn't. 
He really shouldn't indulge in this fucked up behavior. But- he focused on his feathers, moving them lightning speed, sending jolts of pleasure throughout your over stimulated, heated body. His cock twitched, and throbbed in pain at this point. Aching to be touched. Missing your heat. His hand absent-mindedly running down his chest, stomach eventually touching his cock. He gave himself and long tug, precum oozing from the head. Using it to lubricate himself for easier use. Finally the meeting was cut short, something something catch ya later assholes. Keigo quickly tossed his phone to the floor eyes still glued to you as another In coming call was arriving. Little did Keigo know he unintentionally answered the call. You finally let out the loudest moan possible. 
The vibrations of his feathers reaching the base of the wing. Your grinding becoming erratic. Uncaring of the pain he begun feeling Keigo begun working his cock to match your pace. His groans and throaty chuckles filled the air. Fuck you were so hot riding his wing. His orgasm fast approaching he could feel his lower abdomen flex, as his peak was nearly broken his hand was yanked from his cock, eyes shooting open you were back hovering over him with a sinister glint in your eye. Holy fuck that shouldn't turn him on anymore than he already was, before he knew it you sank down on his cock. "HOLY. FUCK. (NAME)." 
you used a rag you brought from the bathroom and covered his eyes with, and then he felt his hands bound and tied to the headboard. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He then felt your body shift off his cock. He whimpered, begged for you to come back. "You make me wait all this time. And you think I'm going to give you what you want Birdie?." He inwardly gulped at your harsh tone. Cock throbbing yet again. He moaned again as he felt you place opened mouth kisses to his stomach before lifting his shirt. Having his front bare. He looked so pretty like this. Wings splayed out. Hands tied, eyes bound. Pants to his thighs and a sheen layer of sweat causing his hair to cling to his face. Legs trembling and his member sprung to life. A panting, horny mess he was, Keigo.
You admired the view as you took a photo for. Later activities. Removing yourself further down, Keigo focused as hard as he could to figure out what you were up to. She already denied his orgasm. And now this?  Fuck he's tormented. She ripped his shirt completely open, he nearly nutted on the spot. "Don't you dare cum Keigo." Fuuuuuuuuuck. He threw his head back down, you began leaving hot kisses and love bites along his neck, chest, hip, inner groin, thighs. Murmuring how beautiful and good he's being. His hands fought the restraints, wishing, praying that he could touch you. Give you his complete utter attention that you so craved. Seems the roles are reversed, and that he's just going to have to hold on. After leaving your fill of marks on his gorgeous skin, you so in begun straddling his right leg. He bounced it in surprise, which enticed a moan from you. "Pretty Bird?" He asked voice barely a whisper. His ankle barely brushed your clit. You bit your lip. Before grinding on his ankle. Subtle. Keigo is writhing against the restraints, refusing the let you come undone by this. 
"Baby.. Please." He knew he sounded pathetic Knew his pleads are going on deaf ears. He jerked his foot upwards, your head thrown back in ecstasy. 
He turned his foot sideways, your clit rubbing against the ball connecting his ankle and joints. You rolled your hips against the bone like a women starved. Your back arching, sweating dripping down your back. Keigo used his feathers to remove the blindfold and cut the restraints then thrown on your back before you could process what was happening. 
"You're not getting off on my ankle little cumslut." 
He threw his trousers off as he crawled back over to you legs spread wide for him as you wrapped your hand around his throat he was so far gone in lust to even care, infact. It further aroused him. Eyes blown completely he bored through you. Chest heaving and panting heavily. In one fell swoop buried balls deep in your shopping cunt. The shrill shriek that left your parted lips pushed Keigo last the teasing. And went at a full blown mind numbing feral pace. He was breathing fast and heavy through his nose while he let out husky groans. Your hand begun digging into the flesh of his neck nearly cutting off circulation but he didn't care. All he cared about was the feeling of your wet cunt sucking his cock in ways he liked. His hands found their way on either side of your head, finding home at the edge of the bed before setting a fast pace, pistoning his pelvis against yours at inhuman speeds.
Your breasts bounced at the sheer force, knocking the air right out of you. Wrapping your legs tight around his waist drawing him deeper and harder into your heat. Keigo was fast. Almost too fast for your mind to process anything at this point, except his thick cock brushing your spongy spot that made you see stars, "you like that birdie?  Like it when I drive my fat cock in your pussy?." He was taunting you, edging you on. "Cum on this cock like the pretty slut that you are." His grunts getting closer together in between pants. His breath heavy. Wings curling in shutting yourselves from the world.
 "Yes Kei-Yesyesyesyesyes-." The dam in your stomach threatened to break. To spill all your secrets onto the bare walls of the bedroom everything long forgotten in the combined heats of your bodies. Mind fogging over in pure haze as your climax came crashing down on you. So much so you screamed till your throat burned. Keigo soon came undone by the tight vice grip your cunt had on his cock. Hot sticky spurts of cum shooting inside your womb. And painting your walls white. His head threw back and let out such a delicious moan you nearly - "Oh-FuKEIGO." You thought you had just pissed yourself, but soon noticed clear hot liquid shooting out of your pussy and covering both you and Keigo. 
You had squirted. Bodies lay limp on damp wet sheets while you both tried to catch your breath. Sweat and your liquids mingling together. Keigo landed flat against you, face in the Crook of your neck. Wings splayed out across the entire bed. And that's how you both laid for the longest time. Completely spent and ruined. When you both came down from your highs, Keigo lifted his face to look at you, smile adorned his rather flushed expression. Eyes softened, and an afterglow you wish you could commemorate to memory. He looked stunning. He kissed you with careless abandon. While stroking your cheek tenderly. Affection far different compared to his earlier treatment. He was in bliss. After your fill of that You both got cleaned up, and got back into bed before turning in for the night, while having mindless chatter before sleep finally succumbed you both. Keigo should've been careful though. In the midst of his heated lust. He didn't realize the phone call was still running. 
Before the man on the other end finally hung up.
Cerulean Eyes peering out into the quiet night lit city outside his window. 
A/N: I proofread as much I could while stoned Af so please bear with my shitytness. 
805 notes · View notes
bhah ch7 can’t stop won’t stop
lmao Dani being like ‘we should wait to discuss kids til after we’re married’ yes doesn’t seem like a giant thing u should make sure u agree on before u make a major commitment at all
Dani is so in love with Jamie sdjkhdfkjg driving to her house on instinct and just like...gazing at her in her old t-shirt and sweats like you’ve finally seen the light girl just kiss her already
god I can’t believe I have 2 more chapters of them as adults just being the absolute perfect match for each other to get through before they finally kiss in ch 11 (i’m maninfesting it no one say anything) I am literally going to scream. Dani will like... feel a little off and it’s all “i need to go to Jamie’s house and also tell Jamie everything and she will make me tea and let me be myself without all the expectations and I will feel better” I AM VERY HAPPY SHE CAN BE THAT FOR YOU BUT ALSO CAN YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE MS CLAYTON (actually I think she kind of does but she must extract herself from her real life first I guess)
oh no the new chapter is almost here I still have so much to read
forget ‘there was only one bed’ this is now a ‘there was only one tent’ stan blog only
thirsty Dani truly is the funniest I am so sorry ur suffering is so entertaining. Dani: literally whacks her finger with a mallet bc horny for Jamie. Me: uncontrollable chortling
the idea of Dani wrangling 8 year olds that are probably just about as tall as her is too funny. tiny legend
aww the lil background Hannah and Owen moments. cute
Dani in a big ol’ straw hat pls that’s so cute
this Jackie and Jamie situation..... GIVE US THE DEETS
hmmmmnnnnnngggg Jamie just straight down on her knees in front of Dani to tie her shoe lace I will absolutely let u have this gay panic Dani u don’t deserve to be made fun of right now
Jamie “I have a story” absolutely NOT
Viola, emerging from the lake in this no ghosts childhood friends story: surprise bitch
these two drunk idiots are literally teenagers dsjkhdfkgjh just get in ur tent
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life: hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
when we finally get a Jamie on her knees redemption moment-
Dani, drunk in a tiny tent w the love of her life currently taking her clothing off: oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck (y’all really wanted to torture her this chapt huh?)
“dawn was a saffron colored suggestion peeking through a pinhole gap in the tent’s zipper” god that’s a pretty sentence can i pls borrow some talent
Jamie and Dani w kids is sooooo cute they have such a nice balance between them
just thinking about if teenage Jamie desperately in love w her bestie could see things now Dani being all into her w all her lingering looks etc how the fuckin turn tables
“Dani kept a firm grip on her sanity” lol
oh my god they’re both drenched in the tent w the soft lamplight and only their own bodyheat to keep warm whatever will they do
oh wait they also have the heat of their burning attraction to each other they’ll be toasty as anything
hhhhngggg abs
that’s like 4 mentions of Jamie on her knees aklhfdkjgkdjh enough
lads is it gay to imagine running ur fingertips over the scar on your friends back before pressing ur lips to it or...?
Jamie taking the time to teach Dani car things aww
lol not the smutty book
eddie honking at her gets so under my skin like my dude... my guy... stop
Dani thinking so hard about rain damp Jamie and how much she wanted to jump her while she’s in the car w her boyf and MIL. girl
imagine if we had to sit through a dani and eddie wedding before she finally managed to call this off how cursed
ayoooo Carson’s show I cannot wait. omg we get it this chapter too gbless this really is the Dani suffering hours
Jamie just so casually like.... not even flirting w Dani it’s all just kinda observations but every other thing she says makes Dani stop breathing skdhfdkfjh this is so good
Dani has like... a lack of object permanence but with Jamie feelings ok
pleeease the Dani Carson road trip that’s so cute I can just imagine what fun they would have had
uuughhh i wanna go to a sweaty bar n listen to loud music again
also would like a Jamie to press their hand to my lower back n make me lose my mind in a sweaty bar to loud music
this lil jamie dani carson trio is my faaaave
“Girls must be all over you.” and Jamie choking on her drink dsfkjsdhkf oh Dani u beautiful naive angel. god that’s so funny
Robin instantly going for Jamie... same bro
Carson’s lil found family band pls my heart is so full
Carson calling them his sisters n Jamie freezing up bby when are u going to accept these people care abt u and love u like family
Robin is so brazenly just like ‘ur hot’. a voice of the people i love her
Dani being lowkey jealous as IF Ms Taylor has eyes for anyone else babe
Carson knoooowwwwws. When do we get the Carson O’Mara biopic please I want his takes on everything I know they’re excellent
oh my god Jamie knowing Dani’s fave kind of pizza pls I love that so much (I can’t remember if it’s been mentioned in the past few chapters but I remember her being mad that Eddie didn’t in CH1? i love this lil detail) (also I literally just ate vegge pizza I feel so immersed in this experience)
dfkgjhdfkjgh Jamie licking her finger and Dani completely combusting this is so entertaining
fuck n then it gets all soft and about how they’ve been in love their whole lives this is emotional whiplash
Jamie constantly in protector mode but in this really quiet comforting way is so sweet I love her so much
god I just feel so bad for Dani that this kind of insane electricity she has with Jamie has probably never been a thing in her relationship w Ed bby u deserve someone that makes u feel like this
awww Carsons bf
Dani’s soul leaving her body when she sees them kissing oh no
Jamie giving Dani her jacket pleeease I am dying here... the romance of it all
and shariing cigarettes and intense looks these two really are somethin else
lmao even Robin is picking up on their vibes you two could level a building with the amount of tension between u
Dani’s moment of Realisation abt Carson n Jamie just being like... well yeah
lmao Dani subtly trying to figure out if Jamie is gettin’ it sdkgdfhkjgh
when these do two finally get together both of them are gonna be like... taken out by all of this. Dani has only ever known Eddie who just does not get her (and the fact that she is a lesbian so she’s never had real feelings for him in that way) and it seems like Jamie has only ever had surface level relationships with people who never really got her either (while also being in love w her best friend who she never thought would love her back). there’s no way this is wont eventually make at least one person cry a bunch (probably me) with how right all of it is
god Dani is so horny for Jamie sdflkdfjgkfdj preemptive RIP for Ms Taylor when Dani finally does get to live out all these daydreams on her I just know someones gonna end up pulling somethin
Does Dani like.... get that she will never love Edmund that way like is she fully aware of the fact she loves him but she’s not in love with him and all these feelings for Jamie aren’t just because it’s Jamie but because she’s not straight??? have we gone on that journey yet
aw Ed waited up for her
the book the book the book
dsfkdhfgkj oh Dani
“Jamie on her knees, looking up at her” listen-
girl u are so fucked
who could this possibly be about hmmmm Dani
“baffled but excited” i think is how I almost always picture eddie lol
dang get it girl take control
aw dani u poor confused little duck. i just wanna give her a hug
Dani dressed as Dorothy is awfuly cute
heh Jamie as a wolf i love her fursona
lmao toto
of course Jamie is well aquainted with the bleachers. cheeky. oh no not the art room. Dani dying inside and then imagining herself there with Jamie girl has got it baaaad u poor lil repressed gayby
Dani is... so thirsty... goddamn
lmao Jamie blatantly checking her out are u trying to kill her she already wants to rip ur clothes off
“To the third floor art room?” dfksdhfgkjdfhgjdhf imagine if this was it they just banged it out in the art room right now n got things sorted
god they go from horny to soft so quick i love the ways they care about each other
Jamie saying the scarecrow costume is fitting for Eddie PLEASE
ooh the infamous hickey
What Dani deseves: snuggles. What Dani recieves: struggles
the MEMES. god bless the memes
this was an excellent companion for my Wednesday hopefully I can churn through the rest of em before we are blessed w ch11 amen
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track nine
Tumblr media
| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
Eden arrived in New York in the biggest coat she could find in a store in Los Angeles, which came equipped with a furry hood and enough stuffing in it to make her resemble the michelin man when she climbed into the car. 
She leaned back against the headrest of the seat with a sigh, an iced coffee in each hand. Her eyes closed for a minute, like she was trying to find her inner peace, and then she sat up and passed a cup to Indy in the driver’s seat.
“Vanilla, oatmilk right?”
“Always,” Indy laughed, taking a sip before putting it in the cupholder. “So uh, I love you and all, but are you finally gonna tell me why you changed your flight and made it so much earlier?”
“Drive to your place, and I’ll explain.”
Eden waited until she got out of the majority of the traffic.
“So, I had my original ticket and I was just gonna rent a car and show up, you know this, we planned it. But then I had the brilliant idea to come early and kidnap you,” she grinned, sipping her coffee.
“You’re kidnapping me?”
“Kinda. Well, reverse kidnapping I guess cause I’m forcing you to host me. You told the boys you were Christmas shopping like I said right? So you’re clear for a few hours?”
“Well good, cause we’re having a girls moment, because you need me.”
“I need you?” Indy laughed. She could never imagine possessing the confidence that Eden manifested every day, but she hoped one day she could have a fraction of it. 
“Yeah, because you’re surrounded by Dolan twins, not Dolan twins girlfriends. And I’m sure neither of them have shut the fuck up about everything going on, right?”
Indy sighed, which Eden took as a yes. The two had been talking more and more, but especially since the absolute blow up on social media. Eden had been the first one to text her that day with a simple message.
Been there, I know how much it sucks but it’ll pass. Call me later when you’re up for it
Indy hadn’t called. She didn’t want to be a burden, didn’t want Eden to think she was weak. Instead she’d gone onto Eden’s instagram, tried to see how she handled things, and from the first few scrolls on her feed it was blatantly obvious that she didn’t give a shit. Just a few weeks prior she’d posted a picture of her and Ethan in the mirror dressed up for a date, his hand fully grabbing her ass with the caption miss you bby. Indy scrolled the comments, blood boiling at some of the shit people said to her. She wondered if she’d ever get to the point where she could even stand to reopen her own instagram, much less post with reckless abandon. 
“We love men who think they know what it’s like to be a woman,” she teased, shaking her head as they continued down the road. “They’ve got such a protection complex, both of them, but Gray especially. Don’t get me wrong, I love it most of the time. Actually, it’s kinda hot. But holy shit does it get annoying when they underestimate you.”
Indy had experienced it first hand in the last week, and she couldn’t disagree. It was like she was on lockdown. Gone were the days of Grayson meeting her in the lobby of the building, or waiting for her outside of Jets. When he came to her apartment he was in sunglasses and a beanie, sometimes even a scarf pulled up over his mouth in an attempt to hide from any cameras he couldn’t see. He relaxed marginally when he got inside, but the only time he really seemed to catch his breath was when the sun set and they were tangled in each other’s arms, or when they were off the interstate on the back roads to Jersey. His shoulders would sink a bit, and his grip on her hand would relax when they took the exit. Something about the trees, still coated in snow, made him feel safer, made him feel like he could protect her somehow. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air to walk into her lobby with someone by her side. There were no cameras, but Eden wouldn’t have cared even if there was. She held her hand and walked in as if she’d done it a thousand times, though she had to wait for Indy to hit the right elevator button. 
When they got inside the apartment, Eden plopped herself down on the couch with a smile and patted the cushion beside her. 
“Alright, spill. Give me all the details, how’s it been going?”
Indy started to talk, and then she couldn’t stop. It spilled out of her like water, every single thing that had happened since her graduation date. Eden listened intently to each detail, from the way they’d changed their walking path to the hospital to the fact that he was looking into a new paint job for the truck to make it less recognizable. 
“And he’s just so paranoid, and I mean I guess I am too in a way, cause I like my privacy too. But it’s like he thinks I’ll die if a picture of me gets out or something, like damn, I’m a little sensitive sometimes but I’m not that fucking fragile.”
“You should have seen Ethan when the pregnancy rumors started for me. One big lunch at Monty’s later and all of a sudden I’m 3 months pregnant and I don’t know which twin’s it is,” she rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee through her straw with a smile.
“No fucking way.”
“I thought he was going to actually murder the dude from Hollywood Fix for that one. We burned through two Relax candles that week. Wild.”
“Jesus christ.”
“But hey, you already got the engagement rumor out of the way, so pregnancy is probably next. To be safe though, never even look in the window of a wedding dress store, and definitely don’t go to the baby section anywhere.”
Eden said it all so casually, as if making sure to avert your eyes from a wedding dress in a window was a totally normal thing to do. Indiana’s breathing picked up at her words, afraid that somehow she’d accidentally start a rumor about herself that would come back to bite Grayson.
“Isn’t that exhausting though? Being worried about that shit all the time?”
“You get used to it, and you adapt. Like the topaz ring for Lisa. That’s from Ethan and Grayson together, but they decided to send Gray in because if Ethan got spotted in a ring shop there would be an article about our secret wedding on DailyMail next week. Of course, that plan didn’t work out for Gray so well either, as we now know. Why the fuck he didn’t think about that is beyond me, but whatever,” she laughed. 
“No one was supposed to know about me,” Indy said, and her words didn’t resonate until they hung in the air. Was that what it was? The sudden shift in him being so damn worried about someone possibly seeing them together? It made her palms sweaty and she rubbed them on her pants before she spoke again.
“When did Ethan get over it?”
Eden scoffed. “He’s not over it. Still makes him want to lose his mind when someone says some shit about me. He broke a knuckle last year punching a wall cause a news outlet got pictures of me in a bikini while we were in Hawaii and said I’d gained weight.”
“That’s… absolutely fucked Eden, I’m fucking sorry.”
“I put it on my instagram story and laughed it off.” She shrugged her shoulders, as most women do when they have to accept unsolicited opinions from strangers. But something about the confidence she exuded when she said it made Indy believe that, somehow, she really had just brushed it off for the most part. 
“Is it hard to do that? Laugh it off?”
“Sometimes.” She sat up, getting more serious as she looked at Indiana. “But here’s the thing babes. Someone is sitting in an office somewhere, probably in their little house, with a bunch of clutter on their desk writing shitty articles about me. Meanwhile, I’m living in a nice ass house in LA with my hot ass boyfriend who bought me that bikini and took me to Hawaii. So who's actually winning?
“People talk shit about you when they wish they were you, that’s just how the world works. It’s shit, but once you accept that it changes your perspective on a lot of things. I mean honestly Indy, who gives a fuck what dolantea with 7 a’s the end has to say on instagram when you have Grayson fucking Dolan in your bed every night?” She raised her eyebrows, happy to see the smile she got out of Indy. “And if you ever tell him I said that I’ll put Nair in your shampoo.”
“My lips are sealed,” Indy teased, suddenly filled with a boost of confidence. “You have a very interesting perspective on the world Eden, I like it.”
“Coming from the college grad, I take that as a major compliment.”
“Believe me, there’s plenty of dumb people with college degrees. Doesn’t mean much at the end of the day.”
“But it gets you into a career that means something,” she mused. “I mean, being a doctor is a big deal, you’ll help a lot of people.”
Indy chewed on her lip. Every intrusive thought she’d had in the last few days that didn’t revolve around Twitter had to do with her imagining herself as a doctor, but it always faded into something else. It was her at a patient’s bedside, her helping them get to their feet, her sending them home with their family. Things that nurses did, not doctors. 
“Yeah. I hope so,” was all she could say. 
“That wasn’t very Indy of you.”
She quirked an eyebrow at Eden and waited for an explanation.
“You always keep a convo going, and you let that one drop, which means you probably don’t want to talk about it. But I’ll listen if you want to get it off your chest.”
“I don’t know… it’s just. The more I think about it, the more I realize that maybe being a doctor isn’t exactly what I thought it would be.”
“Oh. Well, then don’t be a doctor.”
It was Indy’s turn to scoff. “It’s not that simple Eden.”
“Isn’t it though?”
Indiana couldn’t come up with an answer. So instead, after the silence became too much, she deflected, making Eden walk her through the plans for the day.
A few hours later, once they’d gotten ready, they headed out to Jersey for the early birthday surprise, which Lisa was in on. She had ordered a massive vegan cake from one of the bakeries in New York that Indy picked up on the way, making Eden hold it for the majority of the ride. But when they got to the start of the driveway, she pulled over and had her counterpart climb into the trunk of the SUV, sticking a shiny blue gift bow on top of her head while she held one hand on the cake box to keep it steady.
Grayson appeared on the porch at the sound of the gravel crunching, cocking his head to the side when he noticed that Indy was backing in. He jogged up to the window when she put it in park, waiting for her to roll it down so he could lean in to kiss her. She hummed and smiled at him.
“Happy Birthday.”
“It’d be happier if you were out here,” he mused, leaning back to pull on the door handle, frowning when he realized it was still locked. 
“Go get Ethan for me, tell him I need help getting the cake out of the trunk.”
Grayson turned to do as she asked before he did a double-take at the very cake shaped box in the passenger seat.
Indy repeated her sentence with a tight smile, but he still just frowned.
“Is that not the cake? Mom let it slip that she ordered one, I can just get it, cause Ethan is grumpy.”
Eden’s yell was so loud that Grayson jumped, putting a protective hand on Indy’s shoulder, though he didn’t know what he was protecting her from until he peeked into the car.
“Oh thank god,” he laughed at the sight of her, half hidden by the back row of seats. “He’s been moping for like three days!”
“Oh believe me, I know. Now go get him, I’m getting a fucking leg cramp back here.” 
Gray grinned, already feeling his brother’s happiness somehow as he bounded into the house, yelling incessantly until Ethan finally came trudging down the stairs, muttering profanities as he stepped out into the New Jersey cold.
“Bro, be nice, Indy worked really hard to make this birthday nice for both of us, even if Eden couldn’t be here. Just help me carry the cake,” Grayson said, doing his best to keep his voice steady.
Ethan took a deep breath and nodded.
“Dee, open the trunk babe!” Gray called, having to turn away to hide his grin. But he looked back quickly, not wanting to miss his brother’s face when the door lifted and revealed his girlfriend, sitting adorably with a bow on her head. 
Ethan just stared for a moment, mouth hanging open so wide that it made Indy laugh as she watched in the rear view mirror.
“You little shit!” He finally said, closing the distance and pulling her into his arms and out of the car, spinning her around for a moment before peppering kisses all over her face. It was like he couldn’t let go. Every time he went to pull back he caught sight of her face again and pulled her back against him until they were both shivering out in the cold, wind whipping at their exposed hands and ankles.
Grayson helped Indy out of the car, warming her lips with a welcoming kiss before they moved to unpack the car, letting the lovebirds have their moment. Lisa greeted her as soon as she made it in the door and sat the gifts down, her hair smelling like she’d just put on hairspray. Eden and Ethan trailed in moments later hand in hand, with Ethan yelling about how Li had been in on it the whole time.
In terms of birthdays, it was a chilled out evening. The twins birthday used to be a huge event, full of laughter and excitement. Now, there was a blanket over the scene, a silent understanding that one person was missing from the table - one who should have been a year older just a few days prior. But they made the most of their time together, eating the cake first gathered around the table before moving into the living room and starting on presents. 
Grayson kept a hand on Indy’s knee unless he was unwrapping, looking over at her with a warm smile any time that he could. Lisa’s gifts were first - new sweaters, Ethan’s red and Grayson’s green, a bottle of shampoo each, specific to their hair texture. They gave each other such an incredulous look that Eden and Indy couldn’t help but laugh, only growing louder when Lisa leaned over to smack their heads lightly. They got individual gifts too - a new helmet for Ethan for his longboarding trips and a nice drill that Grayson had asked for. They both stood up to kiss her cheek in thanks before they settled back down to open gifts.
Indy was let in on the tradition that Ethan always opened first because he was older, and she was more than happy to lean on Grayson and watch his brother open his gifts. He started with Eden’s, eyebrows shooting up when he pulled out an odd arrangement of things. A bottle of sparkling cider, sunscreen and a pair of swim trunks that were adorned with a pattern made of a picture of Gizmo. He checked the bag for anything else before looking back at Eden and waiting.
“Read the bottle.”
He held it up to his face, reading aloud. “Passionfruit Cider. Made and bottled on Maui. Oh shit. Oh SHIT! Are we going back to Maui?”
“We’re going in March cause that’s the only time when I could put two weeks together where we both don’t have work.”
Indy sunk down even further despite already being on the floor while they celebrated. She looked at the tiny box she’d brought for him, wanting to reach out and hide it behind her back.  
She didn’t get the chance to, because Ethan had already grabbed it, reading the tag. 
“Indiana you didn’t need to get me anything,” he said, and his sincerity made her feel a fraction better.
“Well, it’s no trip to Hawaii, so don’t get too excited. And your mom helped.”
He unwrapped the box carefully, opening the lid and staring down for a moment. 
“It’s a key,” he murmured, reaching in and pulling out the necklace, a silver key which sat on a matching chain horizontally.
“It’s a copy of the key to your house here, but as a necklace. I know you really miss home while you’re gone, and you wear necklaces sometimes, so I thought I could make you a little reminder.”
“You made this?” He looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah! It’s not much, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it's perfect Inds. Seriously, I love it, thank you so much.” 
Indy blushed anyways, not really believing his words but trying to accept them as he leaned over to hug her, grateful for the change of subject when it was announced that it was Grayson’s turn. 
He started with Eden’s, smiling wide at the tool belt that he pulled out, yelling when he realized it was customized with his name on the side.
“You can use that to build that side table you keep telling me you’re gonna make me,” Eden teased, which devolved into a moment of playful bickering. Indy used the time to line up the boxes in the right order, biting her lip when she handed him the first one.
“That’s way too many gifts,” Grayson said, frowning at her a bit.
“It’s really just one, it’s like a - well they go together - just, just open it.”
He did as she asked, pulling the paper off and unboxing the first one.
“A fucking nutcracker! Fuck yes!” He yelled, starting to look at it a bit closer. “Wait. WAIT. Is this Cudi?” 
“What!?” Ethan piped up before Indy could even answer.
“Bro it looks like Man On The Moon End of The Day cover, look at the fucking colors, and the moon.” He pointed to specific parts on the body of the doll, showing his brother who leaned over his shoulder.
“Open the next one,” Indy laughed, passing him the box.
He was quicker with that one, yelling so loud that Gizmo started to yell in the kitchen as he recognized the album art from Man On The Moon II, all tans, blacks and stars. 
“Holy fucking shit these are so fucking cool! Give me the next one, holy fuck.”
Indy passed them along, laughing when each reaction was just as dramatic as the first. The Indicudi was Indy’s favorite, with the mixture of reds and oranges. The collection started to take shape as he sat them out next to one another, adding the simplistic Satellite Flight nutcracker next, followed by the neutrals of Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven. Passion Pain and Demon Slayin’ matched well with the bright colors of Man On The Moon III, and Grayson was so excited by the end of the six that he had to stand up and run a lap before he came back and pulled Indy to her feet. 
“You like them?”
“You got me Cudi’s discography in fucking nutcracker form. I fucking love it, and I fucking love you.” He kissed her like no one was in the room, her heartbeat so loud in her ears that she didn’t even hear Lisa’s ‘awe’ from behind them.  
“I love you too,” she murmured against him, letting him hold her for a minute before he dropped back down to his knees to look at the collection, dissecting every detail like a six year old with a brand new toy. 
Ethan was just as enthralled, and she wished she could be as chilled out as Eden seemed as she sat and watched them. But instead, she was running numbers in her head, trying to calculate how much a trip to Maui for two would cost with airfare and lodging put together. 
She’d thought she’d gone overboard with the $300 collection of nutcrackers. For her, it was anyways - she’d timed her showers for two weeks and left them lukewarm in an attempt to save some money on her utility bill to justify it. Her mind spun for a moment as she thought about the little stack of Christmas presents hidden under her bed. A sweater for Lisa, a roll of film for Charlie to go with the new camera Dev was buying her. Fuzzy socks and a candle each for Eden and Cam that she’d found on a good sale. The thought of them sitting next to big extravagant gifts she was sure would arrive on the 25th made her deflate, so much that Grayson sensed it enough to pull himself away from his new toys.
“Hey, where’d you go?”
“I’m here,” she said, giving him a smile that didn’t make it to her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was have him worried about her on a day that was supposed to be about him. He returned one in hopes it would lighten her mood, but he knew not to push it. In fact, he didn’t bring it up until they were back at Indy’s apartment, in their pajamas after eating extra cake that Lisa had sent home with them. 
“Did you have a good birthday?” Indy asked, tracing H-A-P-P-Y-B-D-A-Y on his chest.
“I did. Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah! Yeah, it was good. But today was for you, it doesn’t really matter what kind of day I had.”
“It always matters what kind of day you had,” he countered. “You seemed kinda upset when we were giving presents.” 
“Oh, yeah, it was no big deal. I just didn’t feel like I got you guys enough stuff. 21 is a big birthday.”
He leaned back enough so he could see her face, frowning down at her. 
“First off, it’s only a big birthday because you can drink, which doesn’t matter to me. Second, you gave us both more than enough, I have no idea why you think that.”
“Eden got Ethan a trip to fucking Maui.”
“I got him a key. On a chain.” 
“Which is probably the most thoughtful gift he’s gotten in a really long time.” 
“It cost $20.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you can buy people whatever you want.”
“We’re just in different life stages,” he said. “You’ll be making bank once you’re out of school, you just have to get to that point. And even then, it doesn’t matter what you buy people for gifts. They only care that you’re there with them.”
Indy resisted the urge to repeat her words back to him again. She didn’t really expect him to understand where she was coming from.
“Yeah, I hope so.” She ran her hands down over his ribs under the covers, smiling when she felt him sigh under her. “By the time I pay off my loans Ethan and Eden will probably have three kids, you’ll have to spot us for all the baby shower presents.”
It was Grayson’s turn to fall quiet. He could see it - see Indy in a little pink sundress out in their LA backyard, celebrating a new baby on the way, talking with Eden and Lisa, helping Adele organize tables. And he wanted it. But he held her in his arms and thought about all that would come for her before that time came, and his heart tightened in his chest when he realized that he wouldn’t be there to see it.
“Tell me about school.”
She sat up a bit, running her hands through his hair.
“That’s what you wanna do with the last hour of your birthday? Hear about school?” 
“Yeah. Just wanna hear you talking to me,” he said, ignoring the tightness in his throat. 
She did as he asked, talked about the classes she had left and what order she’d have to take them in, the application process, the in’s and out’s of medical school as he tried to memorize every inflection of her voice, her laugh, and the feeling of her pressed up against him. 
When they woke up, it seemed that the holiday season had fully taken hold overnight. Suddenly, the days were flying by in blurs of Christmas lights and shopping. The pair were together 24/7, attached at the hip every moment that they could get away with. When Grayson was recording the podcast, Indy was just out of sight on the floor listening. While Indy was clearing out her laptop from the semester, Grayson was sitting behind her on the bed braiding her hair. Before they knew it they were trying to fit Bekah’s presents, and the cookies they made for the nurses into an already packed backseat of the truck on Christmas Eve.
A blanket of snow still rested in the city, muffling the city sounds it seemed as they drove. They were bundled up enough that Grayson wasn’t worried about them being recognized in the short walk to the hospital, and they shed their layers once they were inside the warm walls. They took the elevator, not minding the slow climb up to Bekah’s floor. But when they got to the desk to sign in, the nurses looked weary. Indy chucked it up to having to work the holiday and hoped that the cookies would lift their spirits when she left them on the counter. 
Bekah’s room had a small tree in the corner, covered in colorful lights and generic silver and red ornaments that were identical to those in every other room of the hospital. Bekah hardly reacted when she saw the duo enter in, though she tried. She sat up as much as she could but ended up back flat on her bed. 
“Hey Beks, hold on, let me help.” Indy rushed over to her side, fumbling for the buttons to raise the back of her bed up so she could sit up and see the room. Grayson held up her stack of presents with his biggest smile, the one Indy loved where he would clench his teeth. Bekah lit up, grinning wide at the two of them. Her skin was pale, and they could tell that she’d lost weight, but her smile was just the same. 
“Earrings, you double as Santa on the weekends or something? They already give the sick kids pity presents, you didn’t have to go so hard.” 
“These are from Indy actually,” Grayson said. Indy bit her tongue. She’d picked them out, but Grayson had footed the bill.
“They’re from both of us,” she corrected. “You feel good enough to open them now?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” 
And she was good. But she wasn’t great. Just unwrapping the boxes seemed to zap out the small energy store she had left. Indy wished she’d had the foresight to package them in bags instead of boxes, make it a bit easier for her to open. But the excitement was enough for her to make it through opening the new Christmas blanket, which was covered in cats and dogs in festive sweaters, a Harry Styles crewneck and new fuzzy socks. The last box was an Among Us shirt, with a little purple crewmate peeking out of the pocket - Bekah was notorious for how many hours she spent playing (Gray and Indy would sometimes hop on and play a few games with her when they weren’t there). 
“You guys are the best,” she said, letting the pile of presents rest on her bed. She yawned, so hard she leaned back and her beanie slipped off her smooth head. Grayson watched as she reached for it and winced, and suddenly he was watching his dad there in the bed, trying to get to his phone on the bedside table, wincing in pain. His breath caught in his chest and he blinked hard, trying to come back to reality.
And then Bekah closed her eyes, and laid perfectly still. It was quiet in the room for a moment, and a wave of nausea rose in Grayson, so strong that he raised his hand up to his mouth.
“Beks?” He choked out.
“She’s okay, she’s okay.” Indy rushed to reassurances. “Look, look at her monitor.”
The blips on the heart monitor line meant much more to Indy than they did to Grayson, but he recognized them enough to catch his breath.
“Sometimes, when someone is exhausted like that, they lapse in consciousness for a little while. It’s a defense mechanism, she’s okay.”
“For a second I thought - fuck,” he huffed, running his hand over his face. Indy moved beside him, taking his hand in hers and kissing his knuckles one by one.
“What the fuck.”
They both turned to the bed, where Bekah’s eyes were open again. But they were unfamiliar somehow, none of that usual Bekah charm that warmed the dark pools of brown in sight. 
“Bekah-” Indy tried, but she was cut off.
“You two are dating? Seriously? What is this, community service date night?”
“Beks-” Grayson spoke up.
“I never ask for much, but fuck you two. Fuck you.”
“Bekah, hey.” Indy took a step towards her bed, and Bekah recoiled.
“I try. I try really fucking hard not to think about how fucked up and shitty my life is. I’m 15, and I’m dying. I’m never gonna go back to school. No prom, no graduation, no wedding. Not even a fucking boyfriend before I die and everyone forgets me. The least you could do is not rub it in my fucking face.” 
“Bekah, you can’t think like that. You’re gonna get better, you’re gonna get all those things,” Grayson said, blinking through the tears that had formed without warning in his eyes. They fell down his cheeks in uneven droplets, hot and unfamiliar. 
“Yeah? Just like Emma was gonna get better right? Well, her funeral was last week. She’s never going to play hide and seek again, much less anything else. What about Damion from my last radiation rotation hmm? God was gonna come down and heal him too right? Then why is he dead, huh? Where’s God in all this? Where’s my fucking happy ending? I’m gonna get the inside of a box, that’s what I’m gonna get, and no one will fucking admit it because I’m a kid, and I’m supposed to be here longer than this! I’m supposed to have more time! I’m supposed to get to do stupid shit in college, and grow up, and find my person but no. I’m never going to get those things, so fuck you both for throwing it in my face.”
“Bekah-” Indy’s voice broke on the word.
“Get out. Both of you, out.”
“Bekah please.”
Her yell was loud enough to alert a passing nurse in the hallway, and she stepped inside.
“You two need to step out of the room please.”
The sobs didn’t take hold until they were in the hallway. They ripped out of Indy without warning or grace, and Grayson did all he could to hold her pieces together as she started to shatter. 
“Shhh, Dee, hey, it’s okay, let’s go outside,” Grayson tried to comfort her through his own tears, leading her towards the doors.
A hand caught his shoulder and he turned his head to see Jessica in her scrubs, coming out of another patient’s room.
“What did she say?”
Indy perked up from where her face had been buried. 
“What did Bekah say?” She asked again
“She’s agitated, talking about how her life is being cut short, how she’s dying. She told us to leave.”
Jessica sighed, looking down at her shoes. 
“We’re on our last resort. A final round of chemo and radiation. If this doesn’t work, we’re out of options. And it’s going to be brutal, it’s spread to her brain. You’ll have to be patient with her, she’s probably going to go through some personality shifts. She’ll be more emotional, more irritable. Sometimes she might be disoriented. This type of cancer, when it’s in the brain, it’s unpredictable. One minute she could be fine, the next she could be completely unrecognizable. Give her a few days, wait until after the holidays when everything is back to routine, and give it another try okay? Hopefully it’s better when things are a bit more normal.”
“Yeah,” Indy sniffled. Jessica put a hand on her shoulder.
“Indiana her face lights up when you two walk in that room. She talks about you guys non stop when you aren’t here. She’ll come around from whatever it was, okay? Just give her some time. We’ll be here to take care of her, don’t you worry.”
Indy wasn’t sure why, but she pulled Jessica into a hug. The woman was surprised, but she reciprocated anyways with a squeeze. 
“Sweet girl. It’ll be okay,” she murmured, which only made the tears flow even more when she let go. 
Indiana transferred from one set of arms to the other, back into Grayson’s strong grip which only loosened when he pressed the button for the doors. When they made it to the ocean hallway, it all hit at once, and her legs gave out. She caught herself on the support bars as Grayson lowered her to the ground. They came in waves that she couldn’t control, not for want of trying. 
“I’m s-s-sorry,” she stuttered, trying to force air into her lungs. Someone down the hall pulled a door closed quietly. 
“It’s okay, hey, it’s okay. Breathe baby, just breathe,” Grayson murmured, running his thumbs under her eyes to try and wipe her mascara, which was running down her red cheeks in dark streaks. He waited until she was able to take a few solid breaths before he spoke again. 
“C’mon, let’s go to Jersey. I’ll take you to Jersey.” 
She put most of her weight on him while they took the stairs out into the cold streets. It had begun to snow again, and the cold only added to the stinging in her eyes as he led her to the truck. She wondered in that moment how many times he’d had to hold her together, and her stomach twisted in guilt for a moment at the thought. Even still, she huddled into Grayson until he opened her door for her, immediately moving over as close to him as she could, pushing the middle console up to make it a bench seat and scooting to the middle when he climbed in.
His Dad had once told him it was important to be a confident one handed driver - you never knew what you’d have to hold in your passenger seat, he’d said. At the time, he was referring to the four large pizzas that ended up leaving a permanent grease mark in his jeep seat. But Grayson was thankful for the advice as he maneuvered the car out of the spot and out of the parking garage with an arm still around his girl.
The roads were quiet, and he questioned it until he remembered that it was in fact Christmas Eve. He slowed down when they got to the Jersey neighborhoods, looked at all the lights, all the families he could see in the windows, huddled around their bright trees. He could remember those nights like they were yesterday, him and Ethan sneaking to the top of the stairs to try to catch a glimpse at the big man with the red sack. When they were five they’d seen him and ran to wake their sister. They’d all watched in amazement as he placed presents under the tree and ate the cookies they’d left.
He’d found the santa suit in a box in his dad’s closet when they went through his things after his funeral. 
“Does your family have any Christmas traditions?” He asked quietly, running his arm quickly over Indiana’s arm in a bid to keep her warm as he drove. The cool wind that was whipping the snow around seemed to be outrunning the heater in the truck. 
“We did. We would watch Elf the night before, cause it was mom’s favorite. We did the cookies, the stockings, all that stuff too. But we always had grilled cheese and soup for dinner too.”
“Grilled cheese and soup?”
“Yeah. That was mom’s idea too. She always said we could leave extra room for a good Christmas morning breakfast if we ate grilled cheese and soup. So we always ended up in the living room with our plates and bowls and Christmas PJs watching elf. Turns out, warm soup was always her trick to get us to go to sleep early. Made me and Charlie tired I guess. She told me it worked like a charm every time. What do the Dolan’s do?”
“Ours is more Christmas morning. We do the whole giant breakfast thing. We open stockings first, and Santa presents, then we do breakfast and then we do the rest of the presents. Used to drive us crazy when we were little, cause all the presents would just be waiting for us. But Mom said it was so we were grateful for our food too, cause it was a gift that we had it on our table at all.” 
“Li is a good mom,” Indy sighed, resting her cheek on his shoulder. Her eyes were tired, the kind where your eyelids feel like they weigh ten pounds a piece, but she fought with them and won, still awake when they made it to the house. She hopped out and moved to the backseat, but Grayson caught her.
“I’ll carry the stuff in. Go get cleaned up, take a hot shower and relax. Mom will be worried, she always knows when someone has been crying, it’s like a sixth fucking sense.” 
For once, Indy didn’t argue. Instead, she went in the house as quietly as she could, grateful that even Gizmo didn’t seem to note her arrival. She snuck up the stairs to Grayson’s closet, grabbing an old thick flannel and a sports bra that she’d left, plus some sweatpants, considering she’d left her bag in the truck.
She had never been so thankful for a shower. She lost track of how long she let the warm water wash over her head, closing her eyes and focusing on the feeling of the stream against her skin. It was peaceful, but surreal in a way. She thought about where she’d imagined herself on Christmas Eve night at the beginning of the year, and it looked so vastly different than where she was, on the cold tiles of a New Jersey shower with her boyfriend carrying in gifts downstairs. The thought of him waiting for her gave her enough motivation to get cleaned up, though she had to resort to using Grayson’s shampoo and bodywash, which was an unlabeled Wakeheart sample he’d been testing out it seemed. It smelled fresh, with a vanilla mixture that was reminiscent of Jet’s.
Indiana was in higher spirits when she sauntered down the stairs, and her heart swelled a few sizes when she heard a familiar song in the background - the title screen of Elf, waiting on the TV in the living room. She checked rooms until she found Grayson, standing in front of the stove with two pots and a skillet going. She didn’t have to ask. Instead, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. 
He spun around, spatula in hand until they were chest to chest as he watched the stove over her head, holding her close to make sure she didn’t get burnt. He nuzzled into her wet hair, and then sniffed harder.
“You smell like me,” he noted.
“Had to use your stuff. I like that body wash though, which one is that?”
“Can’t remember. Let me see.” He reached around and caught her arm, smelling her skin.
“Ah. That’s Polis.” 
She looked up at him. 
“Polis? Like… Poland?”
He chuckled against her, flipping over a grilled cheese.
“Polis as in the end of Indianapolis. A smell that makes you seem put together and professional with a sweet note at the end. Vanilla. Like your lattes.”
As he often seemed to, he rendered her speechless enough that all she could do was press a kiss to his chest and wrap her arms around him, under his sweatshirt to trace on his back.
He kissed the top of her head and stirred the soup. 
Ten minutes later and they were cozied up on a makeshift palette on the floor under a few blankets, with soup and sandwiches in hand. Grayson had made himself three vegan grilled cheese and tomato soup, and caved and given Indy the last can of chicken noodle in the cabinet because he knew it was her favorite even if it wasn’t vegan, though her grilled cheese was vegan as well. They watched Elf play, laughing and noting all the familiar NY scenery. Indy swore the man in the red jumpsuit had come into Jet’s before. They sipped their soup out of the bowl, and Indy listened to Grayson talk about the cinematography, trying to follow all that he was saying. 
Once the bowls and plates were sat aside, they found themselves wrapped in each other’s arms, and Nicole’s old trick seemed to work, considering Indy was asleep before the end credits. Grayson carried her upstairs and put her to bed before going back down to clean up.
Though he tried to get into bed without waking her up again, he didn’t quite manage it, his weight moving the mattress just enough for her to stir and open her eyes. 
“Sorry baby, it’s just me. You fell asleep.”
“Hmmm. C’mere,” she murmured, opening up her arms. He laughed, knowing that if he laid on her the way she was asking that he’d press all the air out of her lungs. Instead, he pulled her on top of him and slotted their legs together, revealing in the feeling of their skin pressed together. She was warm for once since she’d been under the covers, and he hoped his fingers weren’t cold as he began to trace patterns against her back. 
“I love you,” she hummed, tracing a swirl over his ribs lazily.
“I love you too.”
“Hmm?” He asked.
“I’m going to love you forever. I can feel it. I’m yours forever Grayson Dolan, and don’t you forget it.”
He pressed a kiss to her head and felt her finger against his ribs. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
“I’ll love you forever too Indy. Forever.”
The tears returned.
Grayson was the first up the next morning, after a restless night of sleep - or so he thought. Lisa was in the kitchen, watching the snow continue to fall outside. It coated the trees outside and muffled the woods in a blanket of white. Lisa turned to greet her son, and frowned. 
“Have you been crying?”
He hadn’t shed a tear since the night before, but he should have known she would know. A mother always does.
“Just some stuff with Bekah. She’s not doing well, and I feel bad cause I won’t see her again until next time we come visit after we leave.”
“You can always call, and she’ll have Indy. She’ll be okay love.” She stood and ruffled his hair as she passed, headed to pour him a cup of coffee.
“It’s not as good as Indy’s, but it’ll do,” she smiled, rubbing her hand over his shoulder. They sipped in silence for a moment as the world woke up.
“Do you remember the year Dad dressed up for Christmas? When we were five?”
“Oh yeah. That was your Poppy John’s idea, he did it for Sean when he was little. Said it made him believe in Santa for a few more years. Your dad wanted to keep you guys kids as long as he could, and he knew Cameron was going to figure it out sooner than later. He also knew you two would be spying. You tried it when you were four, but you both fell asleep on the stairs before you could see any action. He told you Santa must have carried you to bed when you woke up that morning.” 
“Holy shit, I remember that.” He paused for a moment, reflecting. “You all always went all out for us on the holidays, I never really thought about it. Thanks.”
Lisa smiled the warm smile that only mom’s could really give, and patted his hand on the table. “I just hope you’ll do the same for your kids one day. I know you will.” She paused for a moment, and then she smiled. “You remember what he told us, on that last Christmas? About what he was gonna do?”
Grayson could hear his father’s voice in his head for a moment, and it made his throat tight.
“Yeah. Said he’d give us white Christmases for the rest of our lives if he could.”
Lisa lifted her mug towards the windows.
“Merry Christmas Sean.” Her words hung in the air, and Grayson swallowed the lump in his throat, watching the snow fall. 
Eventually he went back to bed to coax Indy awake about an hour later, smiling at her bedhead when she rolled over.
“Merry Christmas Dee,” he said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. Her eyes widened a bit quicker than normal.
“It’s Christmas!”
“Yep,” Grayson laughed, brushing her hair out of her face. She caught his hand and pulled him down over top of her, the covers wedged between them as she kissed him.
“Merry Christmas,” she said against his lips, and he melted into her. He couldn’t think of how many Christmas morning’s he’d woke up wishing to have someone there with him. It brought a new kind of excitement that quieted his mind for the time being, and he happily scooped her up and sat her on her feet so they could go wake up the other duo of the house. 
By the time they convinced E squared to arise - which took jumping on the bed, a promise of lattes and the threat of cold water - Lisa was already halfway done with breakfast.
Grayson hadn’t exaggerated - there was a huge assortment of fruit, pastries and coffee to get everyone started. 
“Stockings first! Well, coffee, then stockings!” Lisa clapped her hands and passed out mugs. Indy channeled her Jet’s days to make the lattes quickly, funneling in behind everyone as they headed to the fireplace to grab their stockings.
She melted when she noticed the I. 
“Lisa, you didn’t need to do that.”
“Oh hush. Okay red E is Ethan, white E is Eden…” she trailed off as she passed them out, slightly confused when she watched Ethan reach underneath the tree to pull out a stocking for his mom that the boys had filled. 
Indy was let in on the stocking tradition when she opened it. Everyone got essentials - a new toothbrush, socks, chapstick, lotion. She also threw in each person’s favorite candy and a giftcard to a local ice cream shop in town with vegan options. Lisa’s stocking was more extravagant, with some of her favorite high-end hair products, a certificate for a free massage, and lots of bath bombs that were Wakeheart testers. She hugged her boys necks when they all stood up, up on her tiptoes so she could reach. Everyone funneled into the kitchen after that, the boys in charge of the vegan meat options while Indy and Eden helped with the biscuits and cinnamon rolls. They ate around a full table, laughing and telling stories of Christmas. Eden won the most interesting story with one about her holiday with her extended family back in the Philippines, in which they’d spent Christmas using buckets to get water out of the house from a monsoon that had made landfall, a rarity for that late in the year. 
Time seemed to fast forward as they moved to open presents. The boys spoiled Lisa, as they always did. A new iPhone, expensive tennis shoes to help her back while she worked. New signs for the garden beds that Grayson built and Ethan painted, a canvas print of the picture Charlie had taken from Thanksgiving. They saved the topaz ring for last, knowing it would make her cry. Her tears were enough to get Ethan’s eyes prickling - forever the mama’s boy, who just hugged her while she let it out, Grayson joining in a few moments later. She opened her sweater from Indy, complimenting the color, and a new set of Airpods from Eden, seeing that she’d lost her first set. 
They moved on to Eden next. She also got a new phone from Ethan, which she smacked his arm for buying considering she knew how expensive they were, ignoring the fact that her phone barely held 20 minutes of battery anymore. Grayson got her a new sketchbook with a set of top line pencils and markers for her to sketch out her work designs, and Indy bought her a pair of Nike’s that she’d had her eyes on. Lisa got her a gift card to her favorite restaurant in LA - a non vegan one that she proposed could be used on a girls date when Lisa came to visit.
Indy was next. She had always hated opening gifts in front of people but she swallowed her un-comfort and proceeded through the boxes. Lisa bought her a nice blow dryer, remembering that she’d complained about hers once and raved about the one that she let Indy borrow. Eden bought her a new outfit - it was a bit out of Indy’s comfort zone, with the patterned pants and bright top, but she hoped she’d be able to pull it off. Both Eden and Gray assured her that she could. Ethan bought her a print of the state of Indiana, laughing at the way she tried to pretend that she loved it. 
“Read the back.” 
She flipped it over, squinting to try to read his messy handwriting that told her to check behind the tree. Sure enough, she found a box with a stethoscope in it. Top of the line, one of the more expensive brands.
“Every doctor needs one of those things, at least that’s what google told me. It’s got your initials on it too, cause apparently people try to steal them.” 
He dismissed her claims that it was too much, and instead urged her to open Graysons gifts. The first was a speaker, because ‘Cudi needs to be played loud and well’, followed by a bag full of clothes. She pulled the first piece out and gasped.
“You bought me scrubs?”
“Yeah. I know you were stressed out about them being expensive, and I knew you’d use them. I bought five sets, I hope that’s enough. And I asked the nurses at Frazier what the best brand was, but if you don’t like those I have the receipt.” 
“I’m sure they’re perfect. Thank you bub, I love them.”
She knew that Grayson had held back, and she was appreciative, especially as they got closer to his gifts. Luckily, Ethan was born first and therefore got first dibs. He got a custom longboard from Eden that she’d designed with all his favorite things, including a thermal painting of a very scandalous picture of her on the bottom that she’s covered with a piece of paper so Lisa didn’t see. Grayson got him an envelope with three tattoo appointments that he’d managed to get with their favorite artist in LA, who was usually booked up for months in advance. Lisa bought him a new jacket and boots, while Indy bought him a pair of headphones designed for the inside of a helmet, so he could listen to music while he skated. 
Grayson was the last to go. Eden got him new sweatshirts since he ‘wore the same ones all the time’, while Lisa bought him a sweater and jacket. Ethan bought him extra organizers for his closet and a minimalistic nutcracker, though he admitted it didn’t stand a chance of taking the spot of one of the Cudi nutcrackers, which stood tall on the mantle. Finally, he opened his bag from Indy, smiling when he pulled out a few things. The first was a journal, made of recycled paper and bound in a dark green cover with his name on the front in gold. The next was a Jet’s gift card, a small inside joke between the two of them. The final one was a picture frame. It was simple, black with flecks of gold along the edges. Within it, the first picture they’d ever taken together, in the mirror of Indy’s room where half his body was covered in her writing, labeled muscles. 
“Can’t lie, I spent most of my budget on your birthday. But I have a matching picture to put on my shelf, so I figured you might like it.”
“I love it,” he reassured her, kissing her cheek quickly, a sweet moment before the bustle of clean up began. The afternoon flew by with movies playing in the background and the snow continuing to fall outside. The boys cleaned off the cars, and after sunset, they appeared with a duffle bag each and a mischievous look on their faces.
“C’mon, we’ve got one more gift to show you guys.” 
Lisa waved goodbye from the front porch as both couples climbed into the truck, the girls in the back.
“Do you know what this is about?” Eden whispered.
“No idea.”
So they waited patiently until they finally put the pieces together - it only clicked when Ethan got out and opened the gate.
The trail looked different from the seat of the truck. Partially because it had been cleared out, but mainly because they weren’t on the back of a quad, with the wind whipping in their faces.
Hidden away in the snow covered clearing, the tiny homes were covered in snow. The lights inside were glowing a warm yellow, inviting them in from the cold. Grayson parked halfway between the two, coming around to get the duffle bag before turning around, a sign for Indy to climb on his back.
She didn’t argue, considering he had the advantage of snow boots over her, and climbed on, hugging onto him tight as he trudged through the snow to the front door. He kicked the snow off his boots on the small front porch and then opened the door, the draft of warm air already enticing. 
The inside was more beautiful than Indy could have imagined it would have been. She remembered trying to visualize it when Grayson had explained where everything would be - it felt like years ago, that warm fall day. But the kitchen was exactly as he had said it would be, minimalistic with dark wood that looked black in the dim light and white cabinets. The stairs were beautifully done, and Indy found herself climbing to the loft to find the queen size bed that awaited them, with the triangular window that looked out over the trees. 
“This is incredible,” she mused, looking down over the balcony at him. He beamed up at her, taking her in. Her skin glowed in the warm light, her hair washed yellow in a beautiful tone as it hung around her shoulders. He found himself kicking off his shoes and climbing the stairs to meet her, abandoning his plan of giving her a full tour in favor of exploring her instead. 
She followed his movement like water in an ancient stream, cut out and formed just for her to flow along, and they ended up on the bed with her back against the soft mattress.
“Are we christening the house?” Her words were muffled by his lips, which were eager and hungry against hers, a feeble attempt to drown out his thoughts. He kissed her incessantly instead of answering, pressing all her buttons to make her melt for him. The heater was small and nestled downstairs, goosebumps rising in the cold air as they lost layer after layer, chasing the heat of each other.
He held her as close to him as he possibly could, blocked out the cold and the doubt as he bit onto her shoulder and rocked her in sync with his hips, watched her head fall back and his name sing from her lips as she came undone over and over again until she was putty in his hands. He came so hard he saw stars, slowing down with her still in his arms.
She was in such a daze that it took her a moment to come to her senses and remember that she needed to go downstairs to pee and get cleaned up. As soon as she was out of his sight, the realization of what he’d just done came crashing down on Grayson. The guilt crushed his lungs as he finally admitted to himself that he knew he was hurting Indy. He knew she deserved to know where his mind was at, where it had been ever since Ethan had brought it up. He’d been selfish, and cruel, and as he sat there naked he’d never felt more ashamed in his life. He scrambled to get his clothes back on before Indy came back up. 
She was still blissful, her legs a bit wobbly as she tried to navigate the unfamiliar stairs. But she frowned when she saw his winter coat. 
“Those aren’t pajamas.”
Grayson jumped at the sound of her voice.
“Yeah, uh, Ethan texted me, he said their heater isn’t working, asked me to come look at it.” 
“Oh. That sucks, you want me to come help? I can hold a flashlight or something,” she offered.
“No, no it’s cold, you just stay here and relax, I’ll be back. Might take a while, but I’ll be back.”
“No promises that I won’t be asleep,” she teased, climbing under the covers. “This bed is better than mine I think.”
“Get some rest, I’ll be back soon.” 
“Okay. I’ll save a spot for you. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
He headed down the stairs, slipping his boots on as quickly as he could and choking back his sobs until he was out of the door. He trudged blindly across the yard, only guided by the lights from the windows, and he knocked on the door.
He couldn’t imagine what he looked like when Eden opened the door. But it was bad enough that she didn’t say a word. Instead, she simply turned and called for Ethan, who took one look at him and pulled on his coat, following him out into the snow towards the truck. 
Safe inside the cab and in the presence of his brother, Grayson fell to pieces. Ethan could only remember a handful of times that his brother had cried so hard, and he held him tight in his arms as best be could, shaking with him as the sobs ripped their way out of him. 
Ethan didn’t even attempt to talk, only to console as best he could until Grayson could finally breathe. He pulled the extra inhaler out of the glove box and made his brother take a few puffs when he started to wheeze, holding the canister up to his lips.
“Breathe Gray, c’mon, you’ve gotta breathe so you can talk to me. You gotta tell me what’s wrong so I can help. Hey, I’m right here, it’s me. You can tell me, it’s okay.” 
Grayson finally caught his breath enough to calm down, with his hands gripping onto Ethan’s jacket collar like his life depended on it.
“I’m gonna break her E. I’m gonna destroy her and it’s all my fault. I love her, fuck, I love her. What am I supposed to do?”
Ethan sucked in a long breath through his nose, looking over at Grayson’s house.
“You haven’t told her.” It wasn’t a question.
“I wanted to, I fucking can’t. Every time I think I can tell her I just think about what it’s gonna do to her. What it’s gonna do to me. I don’t know what the right thing is here E, you gotta tell me.”
“You know I can’t do that.” 
“Fuck that, you’re me, we’re each other, you know me better than I know me. Tell me what to do.” 
Ethan could barely see his brother’s face, but the little bit of light from the moon showed enough pain in his eyes to have Ethan’s stomach twisting. He put a hand on his brother’s shoulder and squeezed.
“You know what I’m gonna say.” 
Grayson’s breath hitched once, and then a new wave of sobs took over. He shook so hard that Ethan was convinced the entire cab was shaking with him. Ethan held him, willed himself to absorb some of the pain, as much as he could, anything to help. 
“If it’s the right thing why does it hurt this bad?”
“I don’t know Gray. I don’t know.” 
“I love her.”
“I know.”
“She loves me.”
“I know.”
“Then how is this the right thing?”
Ethan paused for a moment, holding steady on Grayson’s shoulders.
“What would dad say? If he was here with us, right now, what would he say?”
Grayson pressed into his eyes with the heel of his palms and sniffled.
“He’d say that it wasn’t fair. He’d be mad that I hadn’t told her yet, and he’d say that she’s a good person who shouldn’t have to give up on her dreams for mine. He’d tell me to do what’s best for her, I know that. God, FUCK!” He smacked the dashboard so hard that Ethan heard something crack. He wished there was a way that he could protect his brother in that moment more than anything. Usually, he could step up, take the heat, take the attention off him if he needed. It was one of the few times that he felt truly helpless.
“You don’t have to do it tonight. You still have a few days. Just think about what you want to say, and bring it up whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m never gonna be ready, Ethan. That’s the love of my life, and I’m just supposed to walk away? And what’s she gonna say, when she finds out I’ve been thinking about this for weeks, and I haven’t said shit, huh? She’s not gonna want anything to do with me. She’s not gonna love me anymore, Ethan, and I can’t live with that. I can’t.” His voice cracked, and Ethan’s heart cracked with it.
“If it’s meant to work out, it will somehow. We’ve always believed that.”
“How?” It was a plea more than a question.
“I don’t know Gray. I don’t know.” 
Grayson didn’t know how long they sat in silence. They didn’t need words, just the comfort of each other’s presence as he ran through line after line of what he was going to say. He had to do it then, there was no other option. He had to tell her as soon as he got back, or he was afraid that he never would. But every time he closed his eyes to think, his mind was flooded with her, a kaleidoscope of memories and moments that he couldn’t imagine not making more of. He thought of the way his soul ached every time she cried, and he couldn’t fathom how much worse it would be when he was the cause of it. 
He threw the door open without warning, stepping back out into the snow. It took Ethan a few steps to catch him, but when he did he pulled him into a hug, a real one, and pressed his face into his shoulder. 
“I love you bro. We’ll get through it. You’ll be okay.” 
Grayson always knew when his twin was lying, but he tried his best to believe it. The cold wind stung on his wet cheeks as he went back to the house, kicking off his boots. He took the stairs one at a time as slowly as he could, his panic growing with each one. 
When his foot cleared the final step, he saw her.
She was asleep, curled up under the covers in her New York sweatshirt, hands folded underneath her face. He just stared at her, tried to memorize every feature on her face.
He could have stood there for hours, but she stirred only a moment later. Her eyes peered open just enough for him to see the blue, and then they closed again, a small smile stretching across her lips.
“Come to bed baby. S’warm.” 
Every cell in his body screamed at him, tried to pull him back as he slid out of his coat, out of his flannel, stepped out of his pants. His brain called him every name in the book, told him he was pathetic, weak, manipulative.
But his heart beat just a bit slower at the thought of being in her arms, even if it was just for a moment, the familiar home he’d made for himself comforting enough to let him drown the rest out and climb under the covers and over to her, pulling her into his arms as he pressed his lips together and let his eyes fall closed.
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