#i am not a wimp. you are just an asshole.
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kiki-strike ¡ 1 year ago
there’s nothing worse than being made to feel wimpy and stupid for having A Medical Condition. like ok you’re gonna bitch about me for fainting and needing to be picked up from the lab?? when it’s a half hour walk home and i can barely stand. why don’t you drive yourself home from the next surgery you get you wrinkly asshole
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theres-whump-in-that-nebula ¡ 10 months ago
Imagine doing so much hard work and persevering through law school to have your failed tests advertised on the internet news. The bar is really hard; he’s not “cringe fail.” I am jealous of his ability to even attend college without committing suicide. He did a good job. Leave my dude the fuck alone.
I don’t care if they’re elites. If they’re elites; then make fun of them solely for being rich nepotism babies. There are non-elites who have failed the bar (or any important test) once or twice as well who will see this and feel bad about themselves.
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#My uncle failed the bar I think three times before he passed and he’s a smart dude. It is extremely difficult#I respect anyone — even if they are an elite — who is capable and willing to put in that much mental work on anything#No one deserves to be ridiculed for moving past failure and trying again#That is a strength.#Or do we as a society only care about the “naturally smart” and “gifted?”#I’ve failed tests and retaken them before and so have you; should the internet ridicule us?#The SPED kids I work with very often don’t understand things the first the time around; should we ridicule them as well?#At what point do we stop judging people for their mistakes?#Also if the roles were reversed and the former princess took the bar three times; would you still say she were “cringe fail?”#or would you be too afraid of sounding “anti-feminist?”#Why? Is it because men are “supposed” to be smarter than women#and tasks that are “expected” from them would make a woman a “girlboss” for completing them?#or perhaps is it because we just don’t like men and think them creatures of lesser intellect worthy of our jeering and pet names?#Because I for one am androgynous and sick of the double standards. They help nobody#Don’t expect more from men than you do from women; don’t expect less from women than you do from men#That includes how one gender group speaks of and behaves around the other#It is the reason why a man feels he cannot physically fight a woman who is attacking him#because if he successfully defends himself he looks like an asshole; and if he fails he looks like a wimp#It is the reason women vastly underestimate and devalue their physical strength and resourcefulness as a tool#because men are the strong resourceful ones because it’s “in their biology”#Even though I am androgynous and would possibly love to be on testosterone#I don’t need testosterone or a man’s body to pull off great feats of strength and cunning and neither do you#Ladies! Build some determination: “I CAN do it and it WILL work because I fucking say so.”#Get angry. Mess your hair up. Break a nail. You are a durable physical beast put on this earth for more than looking pretty#You are meant to break a sweat. You are meant to do things that aren’t “ladylike” because women are STRONG. Physically#Men you are not less manly for enjoying housework; and ladies you are not less feminine for enjoying outdoor labor#Crush gender norms. Vive la résistance!
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autistic-ben-tennyson ¡ 1 year ago
Still Salty About the Flanderization of Steven
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Many SU fans have had to see these memes and are probably tired of them. I really hate the way people who have never even watched the show and probably just LO’s video flanderize Steven into a bumbling wimp or take scenes like him crying about wanting to be friends with Connie or trying to talk down Spinel out of context. People hate him for not killing his enemies on sight and act as if all he does is talk no jitsu. People act as if he’d die trying to redeem Big Jack Horner from Puss in Boots even though he’s met villains like Jack with Aquamarine and Eyeball and not only did he kick their asses but accepted that they were beyond help. Steven prefers to talk over fighting but isn’t stupid and knows when he has to get serious. Even during his “I can make a change” song that’s twisted out of context, he was still fighting defensively against Spinel. He just wasn’t fighting to kill. As for the meme above, did the creator watch Alien Force? The way Ben handled the Dragon, Reiny and the Highbreed would be pretty similar to how Steven would. The idealistic hero who teaches violence isn’t always the answer has already been done so why does Steven get the most hate for it?
I reblogged a post about this but I really am tired of how TOH is propped up as the anti SU when Dana is friends with Rebecca and praised the groundbreaking work Rupphire did. The Owl House crew doesn’t hate SU and wasn’t doing a “take that” by killing its villain or claiming not everyone can be talked down with a hug. They’re two different shows with different stories and themes. Steven would also know that some like Belos can’t be redeemed and he didn’t actually redeem the diamonds. He didn’t like them and acts uncomfortable around them in Future but he needed them to cure the corrupted gems. The point of the diamonds as well as Andy was not that you have to accept bigoted family members but a wish fulfillment where queer people could get their families to accept them. I saw this on Reddit but I think Steven gets so much hate because he teaches the idea that retributive violence isn’t always the solution and because he got a good life with a loving family, girlfriend and adoration of everyone without being a self centered sexist asshole. Internet Dudebros hate the character who showed healthy emotion, treats Connie as an equal and taught stuff like acceptance, boundaries and kindness, as they hate the idea that they don’t have any of that because of how bigoted, self absorbed or toxic they are.
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brbgottagetkfc ¡ 7 months ago
My think piece (lol, I am looking into it 🔍):
Like...I sorta get the dynamic. Because it seems like despite being friends all of them are pretty lonely themselves. Y/N is sort of like a shard that kind of breaks the normalcy for them, so they kind of reject her in that sense. It easier to cling to coldness when its all you've known, warmth seems too scary. Maybe Satoru sees that and thinks he needs to hold them up in a way (not disrupt their normalcy), so enages in the way they like: the shots at Y/N, playing that game to act like Y/N doesn't mean much. Nice got them killed as you mentioned, being treated like weapons from a time when they needed to be nurtured. So maybe Y/N reminds them how hardened they have become, so they cling to the status quo of their loneliness in the friendship. Its like seeing how much more happy Satoru is but needing the reasurance that ‘You're still like us, she'll never get you because she hasn't been treated as disposable like we have, we have the same experiences you are better off with us, we only had each other, so it has to be the same'
Its not Y/N's respponsibility to heal them, but being open to her as a friend would do wonders for them. I just don't get Utahime posting that, it was mean. All of them were very mean. Utahime's reasoning seems like the same thing, she doesn't love Satoru but its that thing about familarity. Y/N's the other one, shining light on the ice in her friend group, the message may not be ‘He still likes me and wants me more' but may be more so ‘We're all fine, you didn't change him, or take him away from us, he's still our friend, with the same blood on his hands, the same fate as us as weapons, its okay, we'll all stick together'
But it would be nice to see it all addressed, because that video was like the final blow, she saw them post it, saw him laugh at the digs, the little jope she had shattered. Its necessary to hash out that instance. Love and friendship does help with wound and scars, both for Satoru and his little group.
Even the most simplest smaus show a lot things. You did an amazing job. Eager for part 3 (I hope you do it, give like a proper ending, I would hope a happy one, it would take him time given the extent to which it hurt).
OMG thank you so much, anon, for taking the time and dropping such an insightful ask, makes me ooey gooey inside knowing some of y'all liked my Smaus enough to put so much thought into it
As for your take of the post, it's almost exactly what I was going for, but I didn't want to make the post longer than it is right now, so I couldn't write all that in.
I think the friendgroup treats reader so horribly is because they never saw her as a permanent fixture to the group in first place, and they're assholes in general, all of them, including Satoru. Satoru doesn't stand up for reader when his friends mock her because (a) he's not sure how to display the "boyfriend" version of him in front of the friendgroup and (b) he tries to convince himself, and reader that they're mocking her as an extension of mocking him, which they actually do, the group is also very mean to each other in general
As for the reason utahime and shoko bully reader is because they think Satoru's gone soft (weak)
Ever since she came into their lives, and that makes them mad enough to extra hard on reader. They don't find it to be wrong, and they enjoy the reactions reader has to their bullying, as well as putting Satoru in that position, because they think Satoru is being a wimp if he wants to protect reader's feelings.
It's not just the girls that are mean to reader. Suguru and Nanami aren't particularly nice to her either, but they're also not invested enough to target her at every given opportunity. They're toxic to each other & horrible. All of them.
Satoru had 2 years to resolve his issues, to establish boundaries within his friends' group and treat reader with the dignity she deserved, but he failed to prioritise his relationship, and chose to be passive and evasive to avoid confrontation of any sort, even at the expense of his partner.
It's not readers responsibility to try to fix a man who doesn't truly want to change. Even if he does alter his priorities to appease reader, it won't be right, because he'd be doing that to hold onto the sanctuary reader provides him with, and not because he finds his current behaviour problematic.
With all that being said, I don't think a reconciliation is on the table for these two :(
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alexihollis ¡ 2 months ago
Mark of an Angel
*religion snuck in here*
"You should get a hickey." Ajax's words caught everyone's attention and her shit-eating grin did not raise Cowgirl's hopes. "Y'know, so you don't have to keep getting it reapplied."
"Eat a dick, Ajax," Cowgirl groaned, throwing one of the couch cushions at Ajax's face, as Ajax dissolved into full-body laughter, not even able to keep herself upright at her own stupid joke. Rembrandt rolled her eyes, pushing at her larger girlfriend.
"That's so stupid," Swan muttered as she flipped the page of the book. "This is a stupid conversation."
"It is not! I need help!" Cowgirl insisted.
Cochise snorted. "Psychological help, maybe. Why the fuck do you want a tattoo, anyways? Make yourself more identifiable? That hat isn't cutting it?"
"Cleon has a tattoo!" Cowgirl gestured vaguely at their illustrious leader.
Who simply raised her eyebrows at Cowgirl, "Care to explain why you know that?"
"Nope," Cowgirl smiled.
"When the hell did you get a tattoo?" So that got Swan to look up from her damn book, the nerd.
"Where the hell is your tattoo?" Ajax looked morbidly intrigued.
Cleon raised her beer bottle to her lips and said, "Somewhere you will never see," before taking a long drink.
"Nope, nope, never mind," aaaaannd Swan was back to reading. Great.
"Guysssss," Cowgirl whined, draping herself over the arm of the couch. "Seriously. I need tattoo ideas."
"If you don't have an idea for a tattoo, why get one?" Cochise asked, ever the suffering voice of reason. Which was complete bullshit, because she was the one Cowgirl could always convince to go blackout with her in a pinch.
"Get a horse," Rembrandt suggested. "Goes with the theme."
"...maybe," it wasn't the worst idea. It certainly wasn't a hickey and at least Rembrandt was taking it seriously.
"Or, like, spurs," Cochise finally took the bait with a shrug. "That'd be bad ass."
"Except for the Harlem Spurs," Swan said.
"Damn, yeah, don't get spurs," Cochise winced. "Those guys are assholes."
"They're wimps," Ajax laughed. "Swan and I chased them into their own turf for fun."
"Ajax!" Swan hissed.
"You and Swan did what?" Cleon asked.
"We weren't in colors," Ajax tried.
"Swan." Ooh, serious Cleon.
"It was months ago, they didn't even recognize us," Swan tried.
"Months ago?!"
"If you didn't hear about it yet, did it even really matter?" Swan tried.
That at least got Cleon to take pause. Then, "Recruit duty, both of you, two weeks."
"Motherfuck-" Ajax went to swear.
"Could be a month," Cleon said.
"Thank you, oh benevolent dictator," Ajax half-bowed to Cleon. "How wise is your leadership."
Cleon just rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath about herding cats. Again, not Cowgirl's desired topic of conversation.
"You are not being helpful," Cowgirl reiterated. She turned to someone who hadn't spoken yet, poking her thigh with her big toe. "Hey. What would you get if you could get a tattoo?"
Curled up on the other arm of the couch, chewing at the end of her pencil and glaring down at her pre-calc, Fox barely gave Cowgirl a second glance. "Don't want one."
"Thank God," Cowgirl barely heard Swan mutter to herself.
"If you could have one, though," Cowgirl poked Fox's thigh again. "What would you get?"
"I don't fucking- A fox, I guess?" Fox shrugged.
Cowgirl gave Fox a deadpan look, "Clever."
"If you get a tattoo just because one of us gives you an idea, you're going to hate it in a month and then complain at us about it for the rest of ever," Fox said. Which may have been the longest sentence Cowgirl ever heard the girl say.
"They're fun! They're decorative! I want one!" Cowgirl exclaimed. "It is ludicrous that in my street gang I am getting this much push back about getting a tattoo! What are we? A youth group?"
"In my experience, youth groups have way less homosexuality and drinking," was Swan's oh-so-helpful added commentary.
"I do not need comments from the cult girl about my brilliant wit!"
"I'm sorry, cult girl?" Fox sounded almost insultingly more interested in the conversation now.
"It was not a cult," Swan rushed to correct.
"No, it was simply a very dedicated small group of Christian worshippers who follow the very detailed, direct instructions of a dedicated pastor," Cleon said.
"Exactly," Swan nodded.
"Who strictly homeschooled their children and refused outside influences," Cleon continued, now looking at Fox. "And practiced for the rapture. Twice a month. And thought that God spoke to said pastor to create arranged marriages. But, you know, not a cult."
"I hate you," Swan deadpanned. But Cowgirl remembered the time when Swan full on said that she was very certain she would go to Hell when she died, but maybe she deserved it and that "deserving" came from the sin of finding women pretty. Not even acting on it, simply the thought crime of having functioning eyes. So, hey, Swan being able to take a half-joke about it? Progress!
"My tattoo!" Cowgirl wailed, completely not-dramatically.
Except no one cared about Cowgirl's poor tattoo and the conversation moved on.
"Are you sure about this?" Cowgirl asked as they stood in front of the tattoo parlor.
Swan nodded, grim determination. "Yeah. I am."
"This is- Look, I know we joke about the cult shit, but this is a lot," Cowgirl said. "No one else is doing this. They don't even know."
Strategic, because Cowgirl needed Swan to have an out. She thought Swan was going to bail before she even got to Cleon's apartment. Then, she thought by the time they reached the subway station. Then, she thought, for sure, by the time they got to the street. The block. The door.
But here they were. At the door of Cowgirl's friend's tattoo parlor. And Swan didn't look like she was turning around.
"Stop that," Swan said.
"Stop what?"
"I'm fine," Swan shrugged. "I've been fine. It's been years. My relationship with God is between me and Him. You guys don't need to worry about that anymore. He gave me my body to do as I please, He gave me free will, and I trust that He is better than what those around me claim Him to be."
"Huh," Cowgirl shifted her weight to her other foot, looking up at the awning of the shop. "Kinda thought you'd go more...anti-religion, Satanist."
Again, Swan shrugged. "It is what it is." Then, "Why don't you want to go in?"
Cowgirl sighed, shaky. "Who says I don't want to go in?"
"Because, as Cochise would say, you're projecting your nerves onto me?"
Oh. Is that what she was doing?
"This is a good idea, right?" Cowgirl asked, looking at Swan. "She would- She wouldn't think this is stupid, right?"
Swan's eyes softened. They had been doing that lately, since Mercy had been around. "No. No, she would think it was sweet."
Cowgirl nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I think so, too."
"But she also wouldn't want you to hate it," Swan continued. "So if you aren't sure..."
"No. I'm sure."
And they walked in.
And they walked out with twin tattoos. Small little foxes, twisting around their right ankles. Full of life and mischief, the way their Fox had been, in her own quiet way.
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nev3rfound ¡ 2 years ago
strike twice : b.b
bucky sure knows how to put his foot in it sometimes. but when a storm causes a powercut throughout new york, he's quick to make amends. (1k word count)
warnings - just a fluffy piece :)
masterlist��/ permanent taglist / etsy shop
feedback is appreciated!
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"Fine!" You scream in response, exasperated from the argument that arose between you two other such a trivial matter.
Scoffing, Bucky picks up his bag and heads for the door to your room. "Night, Y/n." Bucky manages to say through gritted teeth, not daring to spare you a glance in response before slamming the door shut, almost breaking it from the hinges.
"Asshole." The word leaves your lips in a whisper as you collapse onto your bed with a heavy sigh.
The rain lining the windows mirrors the tears falling down your cheeks, all of which slowly link together before disappearing through the cracks and quickly replenishing.
Reaching over, you grab a hold of your phone, only to see it's dead. "Fuck!" You groan, throwing your phone at your wall before bringing your legs to your chest, allowing your cries to increase in the comfort of your own room with the rain battering down on the windows.
On the lower levels of the compound, Bucky sits with a scotch in his grasp, nursing it tenderly whilst Steve sits beside him, slightly dumbfounded.
"So what were you guys even arguing about?" Steve asks, brows remaining furrowed following Bucky's slightly rushed explanation.
"Doesn't even matter now." Bucky huffs, taking another swig of his drink. "But she's not happy, and neither am I frankly."
Humming in response, Steve glances behind him noticing rain starting to hammer against the windows. "And you had nothing to do with that?" He dares ask, hearing his friend's glass slam down on the counter.
"No." Bucky is too quick to respond, knowing for a fact it is his fault this time. "Possibly." It passes his lips softly in defeat. "I might've messed up, pal."
"You don't say." Steve chuckles, now fixated on the rain lashing down, and the rumbles of thunder following suit. "Storms on its way." He motions, oblivious to Bucky tensing at the statement.
"A stor-" Before Bucky can finish his question, the lights above start to flicker, TV monitors start to glitch and FRIDAY blares gibberish. Quick to stand up, Bucky heads for the door just as the entire compound is submerged in darkness. "Oh no." His lips turn to a frown upon hearing a well-known cry from across the compound.
Your eyes frantically search the room for your phone, only to find it and remember it's out of battery. "No, no." Mumbles pass from your lips in a panic whilst the rolls of thunder boom closer to your window, causing you to jolt with every sound.
Reaching for your blanket, you quickly grab a hold of it before stumbling into the bathroom and quietly close the door behind you.
Eagerly running through the compound, Bucky hears numerous conversations happening at once, but none of them concern him as he runs several flights of stairs to reach your floor. Once there, he slowly lets himself into your room, trying to see your silhouette through the lightning strikes.
"Doll?" Bucky calls out, now fully in your room but you are nowhere in sight.
With a sigh, Bucky turns to exit your room, wondering if perhaps you went to find solace in Natasha or someone else. "Bucky?" He pauses, hearing you whimper from the bathroom.
Wasting no time, Bucky opens the door to vaguely see you in the bathtub with a blanket wrapped around your body. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here." Apprehensively approaching you, Bucky can see you shaking frantically and tears lining your cheeks. "Let me get in the tub, yeah, baby?" Bucky ensures his tone is soft, tensing at the drums of thunder and your immediate panic.
"I, I heard the thunder, then I saw," Struggling to form words through your shaking lips, Bucky hushes you into his embrace. "and then the power went." Sniffing, you wipe your nose with your sleeve. "I'm such a wimp." A watery laugh sounds from you, and you can feel Bucky chuckling behind you.
"You're far from one, Y/n. Everyone has irrational fears." Stroking your arm with his right hand, you focus on that feeling, his fingertips circling. "When I was a kid, I was terrified of snails." Bucky smiles at your laughter bouncing the walls.
Glancing up with a grin etched on your lips, Bucky only shakes his head at you. "Of all the things, snails?"
"What can I tell you, doll." He shrugs. "Steve used to help 'em out. He'd see them in a weird spot, pick it up, and," Bucky shudders at the thought, only furthering your amusement. "yeah, so I don't exactly love snails, even now."
Now leaning back against his chest, your breathing has finally evened out. The storm outside is dull whilst Bucky continues to tell you stories, anything to distract you, make you laugh, smile and reminisce.
"And then I stopped in my tracks, nearly went face first into a-" Bucky cuts himself off at the flickering lights above you both. Within seconds you're both submerged in warm-toned lighting. "Would you look at that." He nudges you, now able to see your blanket clad self. "You look so snug, doll."
Sighing heavily, you shuffle to stand up with your blanket around your shoulders. Bucky rests his hand on the edge of the bath to help, following you out afterward into your bedroom.
"Thank you," You reach for your phone, finally placing it on charge. "for all of that."
"Y/n," Bucky starts, reaching for your hand and squeezing it lightly. "I'm sorry for earlier, but I'll always be there for you, through storms and all." He tugs your hand and brings you into his arms.
"I appreciate that, Buck." You mumble into his chest. "And same here, if a snail dares appear I'll show that sucker who's in charge." A laugh sounds from Bucky as he tugs you onto your bed.
"Wow, my hero." He rolls his eyes, now lifting the blanket up to join you for the remainder of the night.
t a g l i s t (thank you for the support!) link in my bio and at the top of this piece to add yourself☺️(if your user isn’t tagged, it’s because nothing comes up sorry!)@bissstuff @psychicforest@lourightm@mywinterwolf@justsomedreaming @stanlux17 @smokeandnailz @supermoonchildbroski @xrosegoldwolfx@courtneychicken@marvelsangels@supraveng@tommy-lee-81@smilexcaptainx@fandom-princess-forevermore@sarge-barnes-sir@pleasantlysecretdream @decaffeinated-fangirl @howdyherron @kirby-boo @florencxs@eldahae @handmesomecoffee @hi-my-name-is-riley @dev1lbella @thanossexual @alissaginger @sambucky8@notbrooklynsblog@nikkixostan @cosmiccaptian @adoreyou976@sarcasticallywitty15@multi-fandom-princess07@16boyfriends-and-me@courtneychicken @mackevanstan80 @torchwoodoctor@pleasantlysecretdream@yougottalovefandoms@magicalxdaydream@soccer-100000 @tenaciousperfectionunkown
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songscloset ¡ 3 months ago
Cherry Magic and The Difference Between Who You Are On the Inside and On the Outside
I have, yet again, fallen into a fandom that's just old enough to not have an active fan group. I just inhaled the Japanese tv version of Cherry Magic. Fucking adorable. Seriously.
Often, while I'm driving, I record myself as I talk things through (I have worked out so many plot holes this way, omg). Yesterday, I was thinking about the tv show and what I want from it/what I think about it. This is that recording, transcribed (with mental jumps retained for humor).
Okay so what fics do I want to read in Cherry Magic Japanese TV show fandom that don’t exist? This isn’t hard. There are many.
One is I’d like to read a fic where Kurosawa isn’t such a goddamn wimp. Why does it take him seven years and Adachi becoming a fucking mind reader – that shouldn’t have to happen. Kurosawa, you’re a go-getter. Like, what the hell.
I do like the idea that he had to get over himself; that fic was really well done and I like that. That’s… anyway.
So, a fic where inside the first two years of his crush turning into something deeper, he then acts on it, because he CAN, because… anyway, whatever.
I lean toward stories where the magic doesn’t exist. I’m not sure why that is.
A lot of the fic that exists are set post-canon. But that isn’t what I want. I want more pining. I wanna watch Kurosawa absolutely fucking squirm and I’m not sure what that’s about, but it feels unkind. However.
That’s where I am with this.
I wanna watch him absolutely have need.
And maybe that’s what it is.
So I could just write … extend the in-canon period where he’s just pining. I could do whole vignettes of him pining during that seven years. Starting with when he and Adachi first started at the company and he ignored Adachi. He missed him. He doesn’t see him. And then go on through… through the whole thing.
This does also … doing this should be a reward. It seems like a lot of fun to do. I don’t know why I’m quite so taken with this.
Some of this is that the actor is awfully cute.  
It’s just that.
Kurosawa's character… and maybe this is a large part of it.
Kurosawa seems like someone I might know. And that’s really the difference, Kurosawa… they seem like people I might know. They seem – this situation is a real world situation. I mean.
Except for the mind reading, but you have to have a plot device.
But it’s a real situation, it’s a real world experience. We’ve all had hopeless work crushes and we’ve all thought terribly about ourselves, even if it’s unreasonable and all of that is true.
I also really like that the story is about people … the way … there’s a difference
A vast gulf of difference between who people think we are and who we think we are ourselves. The reality of who we really are, of course, is somewhere in the middle.
But that’s what this story is about. This story is about the fact that … that on the inside, most of us are pretty wrapped up in… you know, seeing only our own insecurities and negative bits and on the outside we project these images of security and confidence and ability
And so other people make decisions. Make assumptions.. other people react to the persona.  
This reminds me of the reality of worksonas. Who doesn’t have a worksona? Right? Everyone has one.
We all live inside these different personas.
Sometimes who we are on the inside and who we are on the outside don’t match. And it’s because we’re often deliberately projecting an external image that isn’t the entirety of ourselves.
This is not a bad thing. We don’t need to show everybody in the world who we are on the inside. None of this should be taken to imply that we have to be perfectly exposed and vulnerable to every single fucking asshole out there in the world. We don’t.
We don’t.
We get to defend our vulnerable little soft bellies.
Because we do!
Our vulnerable selves can stay inside our vulnerable you know, inside where it’s safe.
So that’s… I think that’s a large part of why I find this appealing and why I want to re-tell canon.
Because canon is showing us a lot of what… canon shows us Adachi’s side. That’s all we’re seeing, really. We get glimpses of Kurosawa’s side, because we get the little snippets of his internal dialog.
But we don’t get to see the morass of miserable self-hatred that is informing his decisions.
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harrywavycurly ¡ 2 years ago
Idk why I feel like one night reader would stop what she’s doing and go all “hold my beer” if she saw Jason on the streets after she finds out how mean he was to Eddie🥺
Hiii lovey!! This made me laugh because instead of “hold my beer” it’s 100% “hold my cheese fries” and really in her mind no one can be mean to Eddie besides her and for her it’s different 😂 but here I’ll give you a little convo of Eddie TRYING to stop her from doing anything reckless while pregnant😂💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
*You just need Eddie to hold your stuff really quick*
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“Are you sure walking and eating is a good idea? You’re a little…messy when your eating your third order of cheese fries for the week.” “Are you sure you talking to me while I’m in my happy zone is a good idea? You’re a little annoying when I’m eating.” “Got it…no more talking while you’re eating….oh shit…let’s uh go this way and we can walk through the park…” “what? I don’t want to go to the park…who is that?” “It’s Jason and I’m not in the mood for him today so please can we-” “hold my fries��.hey asshole!” “What the fuck are you-” “yes douchebag I’m talking to you…your name Jason?” “How the fuck are you walking so fast? Stop okay you’re-” “i am well aware I’m pregnant Edward I don’t need you to remind me….this will only take a moment.” “Jesus Christ…” “why is the freak’s baby momma talking to me?” “Listen up Mr. I peaked in high school…talk about the father of my child one more time and you’re going to have a problem…and the problem is me because guess what? I only have like four more months until I can properly kick your ass.” “Kick my ass?…you gonna let her handle your problems Munson? What a wimp.” “He’s not the one talking to you right now…I am so look at me and get this through that thick fucking skull of yours okay?….fuck with him again and you’ll regret it because he may be a freak…but I’m a fucking crazy bitch…now get out of my way I’m trying to get my steps in…fries please.” “Uh…here you go…” “thanks…what are you standing there for? Didn’t I tell you to get out of the way?” “Fuck yeah…sorry.” “Did Jason Carver just say sorry…to you?” “Damn it…my fries are cold now.”
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cynassa ¡ 3 months ago
I’ve been a long time follower and really enjoy seeing your thoughts and reblogs on Jason Todd and you’re one of the very few people I feel like I can talk to about this (sorry if not)
But it is so frustrating seeing all of these comics where Jason isn’t used correctly in terms of combat. Character and personality-wise he’s a shit show, but all of these latest comics make Jason seem like such a wimp. It’s like it’s forgotten that he’s trained with the League, All Caste, and Batman, and he has been beat up too many times without putting up much a fight.
It’s so annoying to see such a well trained and intellectual character be typecasted as the muscle man who goes down after two punches. Every time I see Jason ranked lowly on combat abilities it makes me want to tear my hair out because he has so much training, it’s just never mentioned.
Sorry for the rant and the incoherent comments, please ignore this if this is too out of line
Hello hello, welcome to my twisted mind blog! I have been so completely out of it (health+academic hell) I just saw this! Feel free to just DM me next time.
You're super sweet and I am unfortunately ALWAYS up for talking about Jason Todd. I agree with you that Jason is insanely nerfed. Like, yes, he's trained with the League, just like Batman, and with a ton of other people when Talia was desperately trying to keep him for becoming (the wrong type of) terrorist. AND more importantly, he's a sneaky little Jerry (re: Tom&Jerry) fucker. It is absolutely weird to see how he's constantly typecast as the dumb muscle and kinda classist, when it goes along with the 'angry robin' and 'would have always gone wrong' sort of vibes DC brings to him these days.
Jason has absolutely no compunction on running away from a fight he can't win until he's back on his own turf with all of the toys he can think of. If you think locking his arms behind his back will stop him and give you a breather, his gauntlet immediately releases some weird nettles that spray you with chloroform or something. He doesn't have to be a better fighter (he often won't be) he just has to have time to plan.
Even more than making him a bad fighter, what pisses me off is the DC insisting that he's a dumb-fuck who will dive into every fight without a second thought. Like, no, he's a stone cold asshole who has mapped every single contingency out of this. He might still lose, but it should take some EFFORT to out-think him. The best way I have to explain this is if anyone's seen Leverage - the bad guys often face a certain point where all their plans seem to fall apart and then you realise that nope, they planned for this. Him losing a fight could still be a great way to show how much better his opponent is, because they can out-think him, but the writers will not make the effort to actually set that up.
Unfortunately, DC comics (more than other comics tbh) has writers who cannot come up with better methods to show how their faves are good than by nerfing the other characters, and I genuinely think a lot of the writers have no idea of the characterisations of the characters including whoever they claim is their fave.
If it makes you feel any better, imagine how bad it was to be a Cassandra fan all these years, with some of the absolutely insane choices DC writers made with her and her fights. (Cassandra Cain should be able to beat Dick in a straightforward fight, fight Batman to a standstill, and there is absolutely no contest with anyone else in Gotham, unless you're counting Dinah Lance maybe, and that's my final comment on that.)
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aita-blorbos ¡ 3 months ago
AITA for making my human kill everyone he loves?
(oc sumbission)
Okay, I know the title sounds really bad but hear me out.
So I (Immortal Demon, Gender isn't important) have this human that I'm basically stuck sharing a body with. How we met isn't important. Basically I keep him alive, and I heal all his wounds and bring him back from death.
The thing is, he hates me! He constantly is on me about how I "shouldn't be so violent" and "shouldn't have murdered all those people back in the day". Like, he is such a wimp and a hypocrite! He's killed innocents too, but he just hides behind the fact that he was part of a mafia at the time and if he didn't his boss would've tortured him. How pathetic, right?
Timeskip a bit and he's got a family, boyfriend, and he's "happy"
One problem
They're making him weak!! He's shutting me out and refuses to listen to me! Even if it's for his own good!
So what happened was that my human was having a really bad day, and whenever he's in such a bad mental state, it's so much easier to take control, so I did!! And then while in control I decided, why not tie up some loose ends and get rid of some weaknesses? The weaknesses had their guards down, and most were sleeping, so I took the opportunity to get rid of them for him!!
The thing is when my human took back control he was upset and angry at me?? I helped him!! So ungrateful.
But essentially he went back to the old mafia because of me, so at least we both benefited in some way? He listens to me more but he still hates me and insists I'm the Asshole.
So I cam here to ask you… am I the asshole?
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soobinlover127 ¡ 2 years ago
oops- Jeno smut
“I’m starting to believe you like it when I mad, because every time I praise you, you go around and swing you little ass in front of my friends you know how they wanna fuck you’”. jeno says while he slide his hand up and down between your thigh purposely missing you pussy “you gonna let them fuck MY pussy huh? that's what you want for them to fuck MY pussy so I can get mad at you and reclaim it”.  you whimper as jeno finally meet your pussy and rubs it gentle “of course you would your just a slut who love to get fuck am I right?” you just wimped in his hold ��say I'm right” “your right jeno”. with that jeno push you on the bed “ get on four slut” you follow his direction and move. 
you push your ass out more just how jeno like it. jeno takes his vain hand and smack your left cheek you whine to the pain. jeno goes in with another smack and finally pulls your soaked panties down “mhm look at this” he said while rubbing you pussy up and down paying exact attention to your clit. “your gonna take what I give you?” “yes jeno” “good girl baby” jeno takes his cock out of his pant and rubs to collect your pussy juice's, he moves up and pushes his cock in your asshole. “ wait, wait jeno not their” you screech “ you said you would take it baby” you try to wiggles out of his hold “please baby let me take your pretty hole”. “jeno” you moan “I promise it going to feel good just take it baby” “you wanna be a good girl for daddy”. “yes” with that jeno pushes his cock more in your hole you whine in discomfort “its gonna be over soon it ok”.
he fully seated in your hole “are you okay baby” “yes” jeno pulls back to the tip and slowly enter back into you “oh fuck” jeno start to rut into you. you lay pathetic under jeno letting him use your asshole. “pull your shirt down let me hold your tittes baby” you take off your shirt and bra. “ah fuck jeno please’ jeno move his hand to your pussy and rubs your clit  “ah jeno please yes” jeno start to fuck you more roughly “omg your so good to me baby” jeno get a little more harsh on you clit.  “oh fuck I'm gonna cum baby you want my cum to fill up your ass hole mhm baby’ you scream jeno name “ yeah baby oh fuck just like that” jeno hold you hips down and whimper finally cuming in you “now all your holes are mine okay baby mine” “now turn around and spared your legs and let me make you cum baby”.
not proof read 
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mochamoth ¡ 1 year ago
Rant on why I love and fixate over Scratch (sorry for bad writing + Long warning!!)
If you couldn't tell by my profile I am literally OBSESSED with Scratch. I first actually started watching AoStH about a year ago, because of a clip of the show I saw on tiktok. I thought it was funny therefore I checked the show out. And omg I became so fixated on Scratch specifically. Also don't expect a lot of these reasons to be deep, I am NOT a deep person 😭.
So first off his personality. I adore how he's both an asshole, but also a total wimp. Also he is so SO dumb but in a charming way. I love when he acts like an actual chicken, it's funny and cute (plus his LAUGH OMG, MOST ICONIC LAUGH NEXT TO PAPYRUS'S). Scratch is just a total loser who tries to act cool and I love him for it. Oh also the way his mannerisms are. Omg. The way he SITS. He'll casually just do the splits. On the floor. And the way he walks. And how he STANDS. HE STANDS LIKE A CHICKEN WITH HIS WING HANDS. IT'S SO CLEVER AND CUTE OMGG.
Next is his design. It's just- nice. It's a nice character design, especially when paired up with Grounder (I'll talk about him in a bit, dw I'm also a Grounder fan). I loveee his outfit (?) he has going on, it's simple but nice. I like his extendo-neck, it adds a LOT to him, same with his wing-like hands and arms. Also I'm bias but chickens and crows are my two favorite birds, so that alone is just a yes for me. His eyes are cute. Simple and cute. His COLORS OMG. I am autistic and some colors overstimulate me, so Scratch and aosth as a whole just- the colors are so pretty and nice. I love Scratch's blue-ish color. It's a very nice blue. Oh and he is SO fun to draw. Thank goodness too, cuz the last character I was obsessed with was Guzma, I love his design too but it's a nightmare to draw. The only thing I'd change about Scratch's design (not counting headcanons or styles) is his feet. More specifically his lack of claws. Where are they?? His name is Scratch, so why doesn't he canonly have claws? It's not a big deal, I headcanon he has retractable claws, but still.
Third, I kinda relate to him? Not too much like I did, again bringing up the last character I was obsessed with, Guzma, but still relatable. I'm also very dumb and gullible, and I'm the oldest of my siblings not counting step. I know Scratch and Grounder are technically twins, but for the sake of this I'm gonna say Scratch is ever so slightly older. I relate to random quirks he has like copying and playing out fictional media I like, talking very loudly, and being extremely clumsy.
Probably the most dumb reason on this but I adore it; his outfits. Omg. His outfits. My favorites are def the knight one, the astronaut suit, and I'm not sure what it's called but the outfit he wears in the Egypt episode when he tries to trick Sonic's ancestor. LIKE HE SERVED?? HELLO?? And those are just my favorites. He has such good style in my opinion, he ate almost every single outfit up (almost).
Ok so finally getting to this: his duo dynamic. Omg. Scratch and Grounder are like- my favorite villain duo ever. They're perfect. They balance eachother so nicely and are literally siblings. I love the type of bond they have. They fight almost constantly over everything, and are constantly blaming eachother for no reason, yet they still care for eachother. It's just not obvious. It's more obvious in Grounder, but Grounder isn't really mean. Evil and a shitty influence definitely. But he's not really that mean? Grounder kinda looks up to Scratch a lot, no pun intended, but Scratch also cares back. He just won't vocally say it. Like he has saved Grounder's life MULTIPLE times. And gets very defensive of him when he feels like it. They're not perfect, obviously. Scratch especially can be a total jerk to Grounder for no reason. But at the end of the day they do care for eachother. Hell even when they're not up to catching Sonic or helping Robotnik they're hanging out together, very rarely do you see them on their own. Once in a while yes they do their own thing, but they do hang out a lot. Also how their designs balance eachother is so nice. Scratch is this tall, skinny, chicken robot while Grounder is short, chubby, and a mole robot. Also little side note, the chicken robots Scratch is based off of (Cluckers or something) drive me insane 😭. Like I died probably 26 times from them. Anyways the colors too. Grounder's greenish teal compliments Scratch's red details. Idk as an artist I just like that fact. Don't ask me any deep questions about art btw, ik I work as an artist but I'm not that smart 😰. I like how even though Grounder is the short one Scratch will coward and cling onto him 😭 it's funny. And I love how chaotic they are. Just two dumbass guys doing dumbass things!! Coconuts when added is also amazing. I wish we got to see them work together more. But Grounder and Scratch on their own are again, perfect.
Oh. Also. I like how they're ACTUALLY separate characters. With a lot of duos I see one of two things happen a lot. Either they have very watered down personalities, or are literally the same person. I like how Scratch ans Grounder work together, but on their own are great characters still.
The final reason is probably the most.. I guess vague out of the others. I just feel like he could have a lot of depth. Ok I know he's dumb. He's made as a comedic henchman. He's not supposed to be taken seriously and it's a silly kid's show. But how him and Grounder are treated is lowkey dark? Like they LITERALLY said they're abused. And that's normal to them. They thought "hm yes let's force our robot kid to do chores! That's love!" Like no.. No that's not love 😭. I feel like that could also be a contributing reason to why Scratch is so hostile and cold, even to people he cares for like Grounder. It's because he doesn't know how to show it. But that's more headcanon territory so I dunno. And I feel like them fighting for a BIT of Robotnik's love tears them apart and it's kinda sad to watch. Like they could be very close but can't.
This was more of a sloppy rant than anything. And I don't really watch aosth that often. Not often enough to remember every single detail. So if anything is wrong I am terribly sorry 😭. But those are just a few huge reasons why I love Scratch so much. That's not getting into tiny specific details that don't really matter at all. Anyways I'm sorry for this long ass rant, I swear I won't do this often 😰 probably just one more time for another "show" if I feel like it, I just felt like ranting today! Thank you for reading this!
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(Also photo of him. Cuz why not.)
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transsexualhamlet ¡ 7 months ago
I’ve never been part of an ask game before and cannot currently remember what any I’ve seen looked like — probably because that information would be useful rn, do I just type the emojis out like this? Can I do multiple? Idk, but uh — thank you for this, I like your questions they’re really nice, and also here
Thank you again, sorry if I’m doing it wrong, or if this was for a specific group of people and I missed that (I’m just gonna stop typing now, bye ^^ thanks again)
No worries at all! Ask games are for anyone who wants to participate. If you want to receive asks about these as well as asking them, all you have to do is reblog the post so people know you're interested.
tma ask game !!
💔- I have already answered this one, but my answer as to which fear would create the most datable avatars I would say either the vast or the buried, depending on if you prefer heights or small spaces. They don't have any traits that would immediately make them immediately unbearable and I sort of see the romance in both. Maybe I am a little bonkers but yk...
👋- What characters that don't meet in canon would you like to see interact?
Obviously Jon and Gerry did technically meet, but not while Gerry was alive. I've seen people say this before of course but it's such a shame, I think they could have been a really good really supportive duo for each other.
In seriousness though, Alice and Tim. This is the answer for me, because the problem is neither Tim nor Alice have anyone in the office that can match their freak to the slightest. My god they would have gotten on so well. They would have been insufferably catty besties, why do they have to live in different universes...
🏛️- How do you think you would fare as the Archivist?
I honestly think I'm more qualified for the position than Jon, at least I have job, volunteer, and college experience with libraries and archival. However the problem is that it has very little bearing on the actual job because your actual job is trying not to die hardcore all the time.
I think I would make... similar decisions to Jon for the most part, other than not being as much of an asshole to Martin. Jon's not much less of a wimp than me, so at least I wouldn't do *worse* physically. However because of the fact that I am largely tiny and powerless, I would... hesitate a lot less to take on avatarhood, because to me the moral quandry just goes out the window when the other option is "people are trying to kill me and everyone else painfully". So what if I get a little nosy. Admittedly I would also think it's cool as fuck.
👁️- Do you have any experiences you'd like to make a statement about?
I've had several low-key encounters that have baffled me over time, and if I had to place them into TMA categories most of them would have been spiral aligned, but the one that comes to mind first is... weird?
This was back last year, either during Thanksgiving or Winter break, I was out on a walk in the woods with my brother on a vacation up north and we kept hearing these extremely faint repeating strings of circus like music. I know, I know, however this occured before I had listened to TMA or had any associations with circus music. Looking back on it, though, if I had to correlate it, it felt almost more in tune with music related to the slaughter than the stranger. But so at first, only I could hear it and my brother was like... you're crazy, and then it sort of trickled away after a little bit and I was like yeah I must have just imagined it because we were in the MIDDLE of the WOODS. But then it came back again and it was the exact same like, four measure sequence but slightly different? That time my brother did hear it, but it disappeared again. We continued to walk quite a ways thru the woods on the path we had already planned on going, and we forgot about it for a while, but eventually it came back, no easier or harder to hear despite the fact that we were quite far away from where we had originally heard it. It came back a couple more times, always just slightly fucking Wrong in a really weird way, never exactly the same but never part of any like, real conceivable song, just a string of notes that most definitely came from instruments and not natural phenomena, and as soon as we left the woods we didn't hear it again. The only thing we could think it might have been was like, the college band practicing, since we were like... kind of closeish to a state school campus, but it was during a holiday when college was most definitely not in session, and the only part of campus we were even remotely close to was the science and medical sector which would obviously not have a band practicing, not to mention outside and loud enough to be heard a mile away. Even if for some reason there was a band practicing there, there were unreasonably long periods of silence in between the repeating music (I know how band practices go, they don't sound like that) and neither does it explain why the music couldn't be tracked to any location and sounded the same nearly a mile apart.
Not terribly *frightening*, really, especially since I was not alone and it was like, 4 PM, so it wouldn't make very good Archivist food, but certainly something that I keep thinking about.
Thank you for asking again!!
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abubblingcandle ¡ 1 year ago
ankle or pain or stiff or bored
Thank you! This is helping with the football induced hysteria as I lay in bed screaming at the tv. Putting it under the cut as it is long!
Ankle - from Have You Noticed You Are Breathing
“I’m not sticking around here until after lunch with you wallowing and trying to play video games with a messed up brain,” Keeley tossed Jamie his lone slide and laid his crutches next to him. “I’m doing a good job of playing video games with a messed up brain actually,” Jamie protested, hand clutched against his chest in mock outrage but he did slide on his shoe to his good foot and hop up to his feet. “You don’t really need to babysit. I am able to exist on my own with a fucked up ankle. I’m getting good at hopping. God I’m going to be so unsymmetrical after this. My good leg is going to be so mint,” Jamie rambled but despite his protests he now had a coat on and was ready to leave. “Come on Mr I Can’t Shower Alone,” Keeley teased, helping him hop out down the stairs from Ted’s apartment. “I said you don’t need to. Didn’t say I wouldn’t like it babe,” Jamie smirked.
Pain - from Make Me Fret or Make Me Frown
“Nothing to be sorry for Jamie. Just don’t want you to be in any more discomfort than you need to be,” Ted whispered and smiled. Jamie huffed and Roy nearly reflexively did the same. Jamie was visibly in a fuckton of discomfort, what was a little bit more pain when you were currently the talk of the nation? Ted, Rebecca, Keeley, Georgie were all focusing on the slating of Cartrick and Rupert but Roy had been looking deeper. He had seen all the people calling Jamie a wimp and a weak little bitch for going down and hiding in hospital while the real footballers were being punished. He had seen all the people calling for the suspension to be over ruled because Williams was just playing the proper game not the babyish sport that Tartt wanted to play. They didn’t care that Jamie was in pain. They didn’t care that he had nearly died. Rupert was playing the orchestra of online assholes, like the pied piper of keyboard wankers.
Stiff - from Like a Black Hole
Jamie woke up with a throbbing head and a stiff neck. He couldn’t remember the much of the day before after resurrection of Dani Rojas’ knee. He was already plastered then. It would be easy to believe that his chat with Miss Welton was just a really bad dream. But then Jamie opened his eyes to find himself sat on his floor, empty bottles of assorted cheap alcohol around him and still wrapped in the Richmond sideline cape that he had stolen in a fit of anger. It had happened. It wasn’t a nightmare.
Bored - from Snap
“I won’t mind if you take the call,” Jamie muttered. Beard turned it over and it was just a text. His eyes flicked side to side and then the phone was returned to the table. “He’s fine. He just wants company but you need this. Assuming you didn’t just call because you are bored?” Beard raised an eyebrow. “No, no. I,” Jamie stammered, drumming his fingers on the table. Beard, despite his best friend’s requests for companionship, seemed to content to sip his drink and wait for Jamie to find the words. There were only three words that could sum up all of his raging thoughts. “I fucked up,” Jamie sighed, eventually breaking the silence.
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squarebracket-trickster ¡ 2 years ago
Hi, happy blorbo blursday to you!! (As usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own).
How do your blorboes react when they get sick? Who gets sick more often? Who takes care of them? Who pushes trough the pain, and who gets in bed when they have the slightest cold? Who is super mad when they get ill and who does not mind?
Go wild with this one!
Thanks for the ask<3
Isolde gets sick like all the time but she will deny it vehemently until she practically collapses. Once she is in bed though she does not want to leave. Henry normally takes care of her, which means bribing her to actually get some sleep.
Henry pretty much never gets sick, the asshole. It's just good genes. The one time he does get sick he gets really sick and he is pissed about it. It is Isolde's turn to bribe him to actually get some rest.
Uthman (formerly Ulvin) gets little colds every now and then and Alan babies him. Everyone else is pretty sure Uthman fakes the colds (or at least how severe they are) just so Alan will rub his shoulders.
Alan (formerly Mace) does not get sick often, and when he does he complains bitterly about it because it is getting in the way of stuff he needs to do. Uthman tries to take care of him but Alan keeps getting up and making is own breakfast etc. before Uthman can get there.
Wulfrith (formerly Knuckles) gets the absolute worst man colds. No one wants to be around him so the whole group takes care of him by leaving his porridge at the door for him to come get. between boughts of eardrum rupturing sneezes Wulfrith will call them all wimps.
Ieuan (formerly Sniff) gets extra miserable when he is sick. He wants complete silence and complete darkness and for everyone to just leave him alone to die. The others still make him porridge and slip it through the door but according to Ieuan, "I am FINE. Just let me starve. I HATE this [being sick]."
Matilde (formerly Phraelys) gets sick twice a years like clockwork. Everyone dotes on her, brings her her favourite foods, and tells her stories. She gets everyone else sick because she likes to cuddle.
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tobiasdrake ¡ 1 year ago
Entering The Forlorn Temple.
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Yeah, this place looks pretty forlorn alright. But I wouldn't necessarily say it's any more forlorn than the woods I was just in.
Oh, cool, the sun's coming out. It must be dawn.
I. Uh. I guess. That means I could have waited five minutes and not fought the Leaf Monster that only comes out during full moon nights. <.< Awkward.
There's probably a lesson in that about impulsivity but fuck if I'm gonna learn shit when I'm on a mission!
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Wait wait wait, the Demon King destroyed our stronghold? We had a stronghold?
*think think think think think*
...what, Clockwork Castle? Or something else? Sorry, I was super invested in the Luana Fable and didn't pay much attention to any of the other key history lessons. As the goddess teaches, "I have better things to do with my life than pay attention to a boring-ass instructor."
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No, for real, if it's Clockwork Castle, I am going to laugh so hard. You have no idea.
Because that already belonged to them in the first place.
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You can't just say shit like that to a follower of Luana and expect a cautious response, my guy. What you have described is a pristine MBD (Mad Bitchin' Deed) just begging for a bold enough ninja to carry it out.
I am that ninja. I am the night. A shadow dancing around the edge of a moonbeam. A grasping hand around your back. A knife in a locked storeroom. I am.....
...wait, I think I said that wrong. Can I have a do-over?
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This is it. "Oh, Ninja, you're too much of a wimp to make this jump" FUCKING WATCH ME
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That's. That's not supposed to happen. I was supposed to soar like an eagle and look awesome doing it. I don't understand.
Is someone coming to let me out so that I can try again?
Does impulsiveness have consequences?
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I mean. Hi? You look like a very nice... uh... tadpole?
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That sounds horrifying. I'm sorry that you were born some sort of eldritch embodiment of terror.
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Yeah, that's pretty understandable. I was. Um. Pushed. By someone very large. No idea who. He just came along and shoved me. It was super rude.
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Bestie, you're gonna be sad you missed out on this!
Oh. I made myself lonely.
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Yeah, we're down here right now. On purpose. I did this super cool triple backflip quarter axle maneuver into a swan dive and shot straight down this huge pit. It was the best. Sorry you missed it.
How are things? Did you know I just fought a Leaf Monster? It was so cool. Didn't even touch me once. He was like "HAHA Razor Leaves!" and I was like "This ain't fuckin' Pokemon asshole SCHWAZING".
I was amazing.
._. Please validate me fighting a Leaf Monster because it was very scary and you are my only friend. Apart from the shopkeep who I might not be allowed to associate with.
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Purple wizard? Purple wizard! Some sort of necromancer, I guess! Maybe Roro? I remember reading about a necromancer named Roro. I think she was a close, personal friend of Luana's.
Let's see. If that is Roro, then I believe the phrase to identify me as a friend to her is... Right! Ahem.
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Aaaaaaaaand undead horrors. Well, that's rude. Must not have heard me.
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Okay, in my defense, that time was an accident. But it is nice to see you again, all the same.
Please don't be jealous that I was calling the necromancer "Bestie". For you, it's a term of endearment because we're besties, but for her, it's a code phrase. It's supposed to make her realize that we're friends and stop trying to kill me.
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Well, I was getting to that. But then I saw these cool catacombs and decided of my own volition, mind you that I would come check them out. It's like a side quest. Sometimes you're strolling along and you see this whole-ass dungeon and you're like, "There. I'm gonna go there."
So, yeah. Now I'm here. And I'm gonna finish out this deliberate sidequest and see if I get any cool rewards for it. How's life for you?
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