The Trapper.
66 posts
TF2 OC Ask/RP Blog. Mod is 18+Follows from @jersey-devil-speakz.
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the-trapper-talks · 17 days ago
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// Feliz San Valentin, Happy Valentine’s day.
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the-trapper-talks · 23 days ago
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the-trapper-talks · 23 days ago
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all my stuff from the @tf2occontest magma board :] vvv characters below cut
@friendlyengie's Marcel & Armani @drdiah's Therapist @meet-the-courier's Brady @ruthytwoshakes' Glider @clovert3a's Mecha @conductor-on-grn's Ray @reptil-enjoyer's Cherry @hawki-doodles' Detective Spy @vixendoesstuffz Conrad @sharkk-fin's Supplier @the-trapper-talks' Trapper and my Qamar, Tāne, Ngaio & Sailor. they can be found here -> @askdusktf2
wow that's a lot of tags...
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
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Modern Trapper,,, come home the kids miss you
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the ref/inspo
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
@meet-the-net :-)
// @meet-the-net
Reading the directions he was given by Miss Pauling, he hesitantly stepped over enemy lines. It was a ceasefire day after all, he would be fine… he hoped. Trapper head been told there was a store around here that sold fish and other seafood items, and boy did he love seafood. Barely even reading the sign on the store when he spotted it, he opened the door and walked in, tense but very hungry as he eyed the food.
“You are… the fish guy, yes? Do you have sales?”
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
“It does. He gets caught many times.” Trapper hums back, although wincing at the weird laugh. It sounded strange, and hurt his ears a bit. What a strange person.
Trapper shakes his head, glancing down at the Cyborg’s metal legs. Yeah, traps would definitely not work on this person. “Yes… you do not have to worry since you are… mostly metal.”
@meet-the-cyborg 🪤
“Hey, I like your piercings, man!”
// @elliotbizarre
Without smiling, the Trapper nodded and reached a hand up to touch at the piercing under one of his eyes. “Eh… Thank you.” He hesitantly spoke, eyeing the Cyborg up and down. And he thought his missing leg was a lot of metal… But, he didn’t comment on it. He didn’t want to offend a man he could only assume probably could overpower him.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
Trapper tensed a bit at the tight handshake, clenching his fingers by his side once he was released. Yeah, he definitely wasn’t going to try and upset this strange person. “I do not make them, I just use them.”
He tilted his head curiously as the Cyborg spoke about the Engineer. He didn’t recognize the certain emotion or tone, but he figured it wasn’t a bad one. Maybe Cyborg admired the Texan that had built his leg. “I mostly use bear traps.”
@meet-the-cyborg 🪤
“Hey, I like your piercings, man!”
// @elliotbizarre
Without smiling, the Trapper nodded and reached a hand up to touch at the piercing under one of his eyes. “Eh… Thank you.” He hesitantly spoke, eyeing the Cyborg up and down. And he thought his missing leg was a lot of metal… But, he didn’t comment on it. He didn’t want to offend a man he could only assume probably could overpower him.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
The Trapper waited patiently, having nothing but time. As soon as she took his offer, he nodded, ready to help. “Yes, of course. I will help. It is no trou- trouble.” He furrowed his brows at the weird sounding word, but Trapper was sure Helena wouldn’t embarrass him for his bad pronunciation.
“Do you need help now? Or… more late? Later?” He questioned, a little hesitant on his wording. Directly translating his mother tongue didn’t sound right… but the second word was a bit strange as well. Oh well, hopefully Helena understood.
— @wastelandtherapist
// @wastelandtherapist
“…Hello, who are you?”
The Trapper speaks hesitantly, staring at this woman. Had he met her before? She looked a little familiar… but he couldn’t remember. All he could do was stare quietly, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned to a small frown. But, he doesn’t attack. Not yet at least.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
With calloused hands, he dragged the bags towards himself, picking out a random packaged fish to unwrap. He held back the urge to roll his eyes, only grumbling to himself under his breath in a language he was sure the fisherman wouldn’t understand.
“I will not get sick.” Trapper snarled out, stuffing the bags in one arm and pushing the head of the now unwrapped fish into his mouth, almost as if to prove his point. With a solid crunch, he finally stepped away from the counter, making his way to the door.
Chewing, and satisfied with the taste of the fish, he finally left the shop, with plans to return very soon to spend another ungodly amount of money on seafood he would eat in the span of a day or two.
@meet-the-net :-)
// @meet-the-net
Reading the directions he was given by Miss Pauling, he hesitantly stepped over enemy lines. It was a ceasefire day after all, he would be fine… he hoped. Trapper head been told there was a store around here that sold fish and other seafood items, and boy did he love seafood. Barely even reading the sign on the store when he spotted it, he opened the door and walked in, tense but very hungry as he eyed the food.
“You are… the fish guy, yes? Do you have sales?”
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
"Cybo... Cyborg." Trapper repeated back, struggling with the last two letters pronunciation. Usually he wouldn't stick to nicknames, but he didn't feel like struggling with a name over and over again. Trying to be polite, he extended a hand, taking his gaze to the floor.
"I am Trapper. Nice to meet you." He mumbled, not as show off-y about his appearance as this half man-half robot person was. Unfortunately, he did have to at least attempt to be polite to his fellow teammates. It didn't go very well when Trapper was rude to them before.
@meet-the-cyborg 🪤
“Hey, I like your piercings, man!”
// @elliotbizarre
Without smiling, the Trapper nodded and reached a hand up to touch at the piercing under one of his eyes. “Eh… Thank you.” He hesitantly spoke, eyeing the Cyborg up and down. And he thought his missing leg was a lot of metal… But, he didn’t comment on it. He didn’t want to offend a man he could only assume probably could overpower him.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
The Trapper furrowed his eyebrows sternly, lips twitching into a frown. He was being serious, why was he being questioned? "Yes, I am eating it... raw. I will not get sick." He grumbled back, not enjoying being practically scolded and lectured on how to eat a type of animal he had eaten so many times before. He wasn't a kid. He knew what he was doing.
Shifting on his feet, he ignored the creak of worn metal, only beginning to scowl a little deeper. "No, I do not share my food. I bought it, and only I will eat it. It is not that much, do not be dramatic." The man snipped back, eyeing how the fisherman seemed to guard the bags of seafood he had already paid for.
He didn't appreciate his food being kept from him. Uncrossing his arms, Trapper set his hands on the counter, finally looking up at the other's eyes with his own dark ones. "I will eat it how I like. Can you give me the bags now?" He tapped on the desk, tilting his head slightly and fighting the urge to simply grab the bags and take them himself.
@meet-the-net :-)
// @meet-the-net
Reading the directions he was given by Miss Pauling, he hesitantly stepped over enemy lines. It was a ceasefire day after all, he would be fine… he hoped. Trapper head been told there was a store around here that sold fish and other seafood items, and boy did he love seafood. Barely even reading the sign on the store when he spotted it, he opened the door and walked in, tense but very hungry as he eyed the food.
“You are… the fish guy, yes? Do you have sales?”
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
Tired. He could relate to that, in whatever way the woman had meant. Trapper supposed he was also quite tired. But, he stays quiet, just listening. The mention of fireworks makes him frown and shake his head. He remembered staying in his room trying to muffle the loud bangs and booms from outside. A quiet New Years celebration would’ve been better.
But, Trapper perks up a little at the mention of Helena cleaning her office. The woman had allowed him to eat some of her cooking before… and he was hired to do work. “Do you need help?” He offered, trying his best to be nice. The best he could do was offer some help.
— @wastelandtherapist
// @wastelandtherapist
“…Hello, who are you?”
The Trapper speaks hesitantly, staring at this woman. Had he met her before? She looked a little familiar… but he couldn’t remember. All he could do was stare quietly, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned to a small frown. But, he doesn’t attack. Not yet at least.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
Trapper listens along, crossing his arms comfortably. “Just working. I am okay.” He replies blandly, though tilting his head curiously at Helena. “And you? How have you been? Doing anything fun?” He mimicked the words back, doing his best to pronounce them how Helena had. Though, his accent still shines through. He hoped he was being nice enough.
— @wastelandtherapist
// @wastelandtherapist
“…Hello, who are you?”
The Trapper speaks hesitantly, staring at this woman. Had he met her before? She looked a little familiar… but he couldn’t remember. All he could do was stare quietly, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned to a small frown. But, he doesn’t attack. Not yet at least.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
He couldn’t understand whatever was mumbled, but didn’t really want to know either. He just wanted to get back to base and eat- or maybe he could eat on the walk back. What an idea! It wasn’t like there was anyone to scold him on enjoying a delicious whole fish. Unfortunately, Trapper was snapped out of his thoughts as he was spoken to again.
Prepare? Well… he could technically cook them. He wasn’t a very good cook though, and he didn’t want to accidentally burn the fish… “I am not sharing, and I do not know what you mean by… prepare.” What a stupid thing to do. Trapper could just eat them how they came! There wasn’t anything wrong with it.
“The fish taste fine how they are.” The man nodded, approving of his own words. Sure, many years ago he had gotten a little sick from doing such a thing, but he had learned to savor and enjoy the taste of raw fish over the years. It was good. He liked the lingering taste of he sea. Food was food.
@meet-the-net :-)
// @meet-the-net
Reading the directions he was given by Miss Pauling, he hesitantly stepped over enemy lines. It was a ceasefire day after all, he would be fine… he hoped. Trapper head been told there was a store around here that sold fish and other seafood items, and boy did he love seafood. Barely even reading the sign on the store when he spotted it, he opened the door and walked in, tense but very hungry as he eyed the food.
“You are… the fish guy, yes? Do you have sales?”
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
@meet-the-cyborg 🪤
“Hey, I like your piercings, man!”
// @elliotbizarre
Without smiling, the Trapper nodded and reached a hand up to touch at the piercing under one of his eyes. “Eh… Thank you.” He hesitantly spoke, eyeing the Cyborg up and down. And he thought his missing leg was a lot of metal… But, he didn’t comment on it. He didn’t want to offend a man he could only assume probably could overpower him.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
At the mention of the party, Trapper seems to relax just a bit. He nods, now being able to remember more. “Yes, from the party.” He could recall the memory now of the nice woman. It was a brief, but nice memory. “I remem… remember you now. You are the woman who had very good cooking, yes?” He questioned, giving Helena a brief look over.
It was rare he met someone who was kind to him from the start. Trapper would have to make sure he could remember this lady a little better now. He could be mean, but he was taught to be kind to woman. Plus, he had been shown nothing but respect by Helena, so he had no reason to be mean.
— @wastelandtherapist
// @wastelandtherapist
“…Hello, who are you?”
The Trapper speaks hesitantly, staring at this woman. Had he met her before? She looked a little familiar… but he couldn’t remember. All he could do was stare quietly, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned to a small frown. But, he doesn’t attack. Not yet at least.
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the-trapper-talks · 2 months ago
Report him? Now, why would he do that? The fisherman sold his favorite type of food, probably the only vendor of seafood for miles. If this guy got in trouble… where would he go get seafood? It would be stupid to report him. Though, the mention of extra fish made him nod. Trapper wasn’t one to say no to more food.
“More fish is good.” He stated, placing the money on the counter and stuffing his wallet back into one of his pockets. The Trapper stared at all the fish he had already bought. Hm, that was going to be a little difficult to carry. “Do you have a… a bag? For the fish.”
A bag would be good. He didn’t feel like looking like an idiot trying to haul 300 Kroners worth of seafood back to base in just his hands and pockets. Plus if he dropped one, Trapper was pretty sure it’d take him a few minutes to be able to pick it up. And he didn’t feel like having to do that.
@meet-the-net :-)
// @meet-the-net
Reading the directions he was given by Miss Pauling, he hesitantly stepped over enemy lines. It was a ceasefire day after all, he would be fine… he hoped. Trapper head been told there was a store around here that sold fish and other seafood items, and boy did he love seafood. Barely even reading the sign on the store when he spotted it, he opened the door and walked in, tense but very hungry as he eyed the food.
“You are… the fish guy, yes? Do you have sales?”
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