#i am deadass
It's the way I'm in love with Papa Secondo that's got me UGH 😫
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khwaabonkishehzadi · 1 year
no offense but why the fUCK has bollywood not made a dishoom 2 yet?? i would die to see john abraham, jacqueline fernandez, and varun dhawan together again!! plus saqib saleem and that one guy who played the super sexy inspector PLS
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thelordofshrimp · 2 years
having so much self-control right now (did not start a fight over someone else's garbage take)
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lad-boyo · 1 year
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oatmealdoodles · 1 month
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“I want you to stay with me, because you want to. Only if you want to”
also a version with strings:
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Everybody raving about the “I didn’t realize you think sow low of me” while I’m still obsessing abt this
edit: forgot to add the second ver. so adding it in now
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kyonshi-8610 · 24 days
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(additional incoherent doodles under cut)
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polin-ista · 26 days
I'm sorry but I think it needs to be stated once again this series is so 90s rom-com 😂😭 like this poor girl has gone from about to get engaged, scandaled by Colin on the dancefloor, rejected, runs from the ball, gets run down by Colin, fingerbanged in the back of a carriage and then two seconds later proposed to, dragged inside to tell his entire family, at night, without a chaperone, and we expect her to remember to reveal herself as Lady Whistledown somewhere here? When bro? WhEN?
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Daphne was serious guys 😂😭
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catkyunie · 7 months
I fucking hate WOOSANSANG. So I was looking at the title of It’s You and I thought it was odd that it’s spelled IT’s You, like the T is capitalized. Well. I ask Siri to play It’s You by Ateez right? Why did she say ‘now playing I Tease You by ATEEZ’ and I’m like…no fucking way that’s why that T is capitalized…
Congratulations, you clever little fuckers. Ya got me.
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sobselpop · 2 months
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Puppeteered by somebody else
Lowkey maybe totally inspired by this masterpiece by the amazing @joycew-art
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hearts1ckness · 7 months
percy jackson tomorrow
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38sr · 8 months
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my actual thought process when drawing other DC characters as if they were in my adventures with superman haha
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deckoftrickcards · 3 months
seeing a voltron post and checking the persons account and seeing “14” in their bio always cracks me up… YES ANYONE CAN BE A FAN IDC but also u will never understand the significance of voltron in its prime… the shipping wars… glass cupcakes… dirty laundry… klance is canon KING… the youngsters will never understand….
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humblenarcissist97 · 10 months
It’s crazy how sometimes I’m just sitting there and suddenly my brain is like “Hey remember when Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Brave, and Tangled had a chokehold on the internet that one time?” And then somehow it’s 4am and I’m reading a Jack Frost x Hiccup fanfiction
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lyrichi · 4 months
Imagine being mc, and you're just chilling in your kitchen cause you live alone. You're in your i-woke-up-to-be-here fit, glasses off and retainers out, hair out of the way messily yet conveniently. And you're just standing in the middle of your kitchen, small pot in your left hand and a wood spoon in your right.
Eating some pasta quietly with the same utensils you used to make the pasta so you didn't have to wash more dishes by putting it in a bowl and getting a fork. Then suddenly you're teleported somewhere that isn't your bland apartment kitchen with buzzing white lights above you. It takes you a minute to realise that anything has happened, shoveling your tasty homemade pasta into your mouth with a wooden spoon.
You look up, making eye contact with some dude with his arms crossed, his hair short and black, and standing about half a foot taller than you. At least that was what you could make out through blurry vision. Pasta strands hanging from your mouth, you eat them quickly while staring directly at this man whom you find conventionally attractive despite just meeting him, if you would even call this a meeting.
Your voice somewhat hoarse from not talking for about two and a half days and from eating off of a wooden spoon, you speak in a tone that is almost sarcastic, yet is questioning. You sound neutral, being caught like a deer in headlights in your most nobody's-gonna-see-me state.
"Who the fuck're you?" You'd say, blinking a few times and having to force your eyes to adjust to the shift in lighting that you had only now noticed, and your voice slightly muffled from the pasta sauce stuck to the roof of your mouth. Your organs rolling like a rotisserie chicken in confusion, almost making your stomach hurt.
You settle your right hand, loosely placing the wooden spoon into the pot, it being about half full of hot-n-ready pasta. Your left wrist feels sore from holding up the pot, but in your delayed confusion you barely feel it, doing mental gymnastics in order to figure out where the fuck you had ended up.
You just wanted some pasta. Now where were you?
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ellsarchive · 4 days
I let out a guttural noise from my throat every time I see him and it’s actually embarrassing
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takaraphoenix · 8 days
Craving a specific type of fic that I thought I would find en mass, but since my searches turned up with... only a small handful...
Anyone know any post s05e09 Lies of Omission after that cursed scene where Stiles isn't believed about Donovan Sterek fics, where Derek does believe him/comforts him? Most preferably with Alpha Derek and a pack-switch.
Please leave me recs.
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