#i am a very sensitive soul ok
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cowplant-pizza · 2 years ago
what is it with game ads being like unreasonably upsetting now with animals dying and ur choice is to save the cub or eat the mother like wtf
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sweet1delusi0ns · 10 months ago
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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drchucktingle · 1 year ago
Chuck, how do you deal with people who are rude about you and your work? I write queer romance and I want to put my writing out there for people to read, but I'm a very sensitive person and I know it will be hard not to take insults personally and let them affect me. I don't want to let that stop me from expressing myself and sharing my art, but I'm scared!
very good question buckaroo. i am a good example of this as pretty much EVERYONE was rude about my work for many years calling it 'so bad its good' (it is just good) and 'terrible photoshop' (i think it has a great and instantly recognizable style) and 'intentionally stupid premises' (i dont think there is anything stupid about sex being fun and whimsical and playful). even these days the reaction of the VAST majority of buckaroos who discover chuck have this reaction AT FIRST, and then learn to appreciate the tingleverse in a more sincere way over time.
all that is to say BEING DOUBTED HAS WORKED OUT VERY WELL FOR ME. art that changes meaning over time can be very powerful, so if someones initial reaction to my trot is one thing and then it evolves into another thing, well that is just good art. while it can feel bad to get a bad review, i would say a bad review just means you have entered a realm of tension and change and discord and WE ARE TALKIN ABOUT ART BUD so that, in itself, is very exciting.
i think of what i do as 'punk writing', and a big part of that means pushing against preconceived sensibilities. not many other authors will proudly say 'there SHOULD be some spelling errors in my erotic shorts because i wrote it in a day and edited it once. that is the FEELING i want to create', but that is my way. by creating what is in my soul i KNOW i am going to bother some buckaroos and that is okay.
now i am NOT assuming you are also doing punk writing (that is okay of course we all have our own styles. what i am doing with tinglers is pretty rare), but it still stands to remember that there are 7.8 billion people on the planet of this dang timeline and some of them are bound to be bothered by your creations. that is not a problem, that is just part of baring your authentic self.
the other thing to remember is theres no REAL right or wrong in art. it can be analyzed in different ways and i tend to look at it in a way of comparing intention to result, but even THAT is not strictly correct. therefore any bad review of something you make is not actually BAD it is just someones information and feedback for you to take or leave. a one star review is just another opinion, it is no more right or wrong than your own opinion, and that is wonderful. it is freeing.
if i see a bad review of my own book, lets just say CAMP DAMASCUS for instance, i do not get upset because i know this: that reviewer is not wrong. camp damascus is five stars for me, but it is one star for someone else AND THAT IS OK. THAT IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. THAT IS GREAT ART. also MAYBE THEY KNOW BETTER THAN I DO. just because i wrote the book does not mean i am the authority on it, and the conversation and tension between those that enjoy something and those that despise it is a creative act. the audience engaging with your work is just your art emerging from its cocoon and saying 'here i am. lets see where i flutter off to now'
do not fear the river of this timeline sweeping away your creations and carrying them where it will. this is inevitable, but it is also beautiful and freeing. you cannot swim against it and that is okay bud, because YOU HAVE ALREADY WON. you have already created something and given a piece of yourself back to this timeline and that is a great honor and privilege. it is literally all there is
by creating ANYTHING you are proving love is real, and that is something to be proud of
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katiascraft · 5 months ago
"Tender is the night for a broken heart" | CL16
Parings: Charles Leclerc x Reader.
Summary: You been feeling very sad lately. Your emotional stress is taking you places you didn’t want to be back in ever again. And Charles knows it - just wanna make sure you know you are loved despite it all.
Now playing: "Space song" by Super Pipo.
Word count: +2k
Warnings: INSINUATION OF SUICIDE - if you are sensitive to these kind of topics please don’t read it. ANGST WITH HAPPY ENDING. VERY SAD. Not a native English speaker so there could be (so many) errors. I do what I can. Not proofread.
Author's note: I may or may not written this one about a real situation. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION. Hope you like it and sorry in advanced if I make you cry. Charles the man that you are in my head 😭. Don’t forget to comment, like or reblog! And follow me so we can be friends :3 (and drink mate together!)
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The wind was brushing the tears that were dropping from your eyes gently. You were shaking, scared. Nature was the only thing that surrounded you. Tall pines with your favorite gradient of green were all around you. You could hear the bird singing. You thought it was morning because the sun on your face was warm - that made you close your eyes to take it all in. that made you sob even harder. You could hear the water of the river crashing against the stonewall of the cliff you were standing on. when you opened your eyes you could see that you were on the edge of it. You took a gasp of fair freezing in the moment. A feeling so overwhelming took over you starting to sweat. Your hands wrapped your own body around. You hugged yourself there. The pain eating you alive was almost unbearable. The wind intensified, sending shivers down your spine. You closed your eyes again, ready to let go of everything. Of this pain you carried along so many years of your life. This burden you carried everywhere. This ghost living inside you is trapped, washing away your personality. Your soul felt in prison by the canvas it got. Your body felt the most uncomfortable place to exist. Your mind was so twisted sometimes you didn't know what was reality and what was your anxiety inventing fake scenarios which will hunt you all night long. Living with you was so difficult. It felt impossible for you that someone could actually love just by who you were. If you are this dark entity then who could love you? Anyone. Your mind convinced you, you needed to end it all to be finally free. You knew you were meant to fly. You just needed to let go. Relax your body and let it float. Let it fall into the immensity of the universe. Let you find a better place to live in. have your happy ending. You finally opened your eyes again out of breath trembling. You were ready. This was it for you. It was time. It was finally time. You even smiled.
But when you were about to let go you started hearing that voice. The same voice you heard every morning and you didn't know why it would choose to stick around your misery.
“y/n! y/n stop!” his voice almost broke your ears of how loud he screamed. You stopped freezing at your feet. Your heart started pounding like crazy. Adrenaline takes over your body turning your face red. Tears started to come out again even more violently. “y/n please don't do it!” his voice was torn in desperation. He was crying as violently as you, you could feel it. You could feel him grabbing your arms. You saw the watered disappear. Now you could only see the stone of the mountain you were standing on. You screamed at the top of your lungs and then everything was black.
“No!” you woke up sweating cold. You were a sea of tears shaking. Charles was already awake. He was trying to wake you up for a couple of minutes and now is really worried about you. You couldn't stop crying stunned by the nightmare you've just had.
“y/n. It's okay, love. I am here. You are ok” he said gently so wouldn't scare you. He grabbed you in his arms carefully. You looked so fragile he was scared he could break you. His heart ached seeing you like this.
These past few weeks were really hard on your end. You started feeling like your old self, self doubting about everything and anything. Insecure you weren't enough anymore for him or your job or your friend or even your family. You started feeling like a burden again lost in your own pain and struggle. Life was always a little harder for you. You've been out of really toxic relationships during your teenagehood that broke you down so bad you had to rebuild yourself all over again as if you weren't ever born. All this trauma you carried made everyday harder to live for you. You developed social issues not knowing how to interact or make friends as the aftermath. You also couldn't trust people or ask for help. Yeah, you were depressed for a couple of years. Thankfully you met Charles at your best self you liked to think. You were starting to feel happier. You liked who you were becoming. It wasn't that hard anymore to talk to people or open up with them.
When you met, you never thought Charles would even like you to be fair. He was the most gorgeous guy you have ever met. Real life prince charming you used to tell your friends. You were only an average girl, a troubled and messed up one, you thought you had no chance with him. But at the end of the road trip with friends he kissed you and you felt so overwhelmed with joy you couldn't believe it was actually your life, the one you were living. It felt strange and at the same time amazing. It was so easy with Charles to open up to him and tell him your story. He never judged you nor ran away from you scared. He didn't see you as a monster. As a broken record never able to be fixed. He fell in love with you because to him you were the sweetest person with the biggest heart he has ever talked to. You were so honest and real to everyone about everything he fell for it. He fell for your loud and weird laugh. So Precious and contagious. With your beautiful sparkly eyes always so honest and crystal clear. You were so you, so real. He felt you were so brave to be so you. In his world it was uncommon for your kind of people. He knew since the first night he met you at Lando´s birthday 5 years ago that you were the one. He didn't know you but he already knew. Destiny told him.
He knew your struggles, of course he did. He always listened to you. Felt so heartbroken every time. If he could, he would literally murder every single monster - because the one who hurt you didn't deserve to be called even humans - that did all of that to you. To him you were so pure, maybe too good for this cruel world. He tried to protect you from it all the best he could. But there was one thing he couldn't protect you against and that was your mind. He knew that your mind was the one who could move earth and seas just to hurt you in the worst way possible.
Heknew something was off with you when you started retreating. You stopped going to friends´ dinners. You didn't assist in the races you were supposed to. You stopped getting out of home more and more. You barely went out to the garden. Most of the time you were in your studio working non stop to preoccupy your mind and not think. He knew you were struggling when I stopped doing your hair the way you loved to do it. Stopped wearing your fancy outfits just to drive him crazy and urging you to take them all off when you two got home. You stopped eating the meals you were supposed to. He knew you avoid seeking help when you feel this down. He knew it was really hard for you so he let you be and wait for you to take your time until you're ready to address your feelings.
Tonight you were asleep when he got home from Max´s. You didn't want to go either and Max was your best friend. Charles was really concerned about you. He hated seeing you like this when you don't deserve to feel this. He would burn the world alive just for you to be happy if needed. You were sleeping peacefully so he decided to take a shower and join you. He laid next to you on his side to look at your face so peacefully relaxed. So angelical. He always felt so lucky to have you around in his life. Even without noticing you were the light of his life. You made him so incredibly happy, heard, understood, supported, embraced. You were his angel. Always reaching for him to give him a hand with anything he needed. So patient and understanding. You were his favorite place and he wished he could make you feel the same. Because he loved you with every fiber on his body and the only wish he had was for you to be happy.
After about 20 minutes of sleeping or so he woke up to you sobbing uncontrollably next to him. You were asleep. He guessed you were either having a nightmare or sleep paralysis. He settled on the bed so he could try to wake you up. His heart was racing in anxiety full of worry. He tried to wake you up for a couple of long minutes until you finally did and he clothed you in his arms. He rocked you gently trying to comfort you in some way.
“I'm sorry baby you feel this way” he whispered with a knot on his throat. You were shaking still but your crying ceased little by little. He kissed your temple lovingly and carefully. You just stayed like that until you could calm down.
When you did you felt drained. Your heart aches as your face from your salty tears and tries to wipe them everytime. Charles cupped your cheeks making you look at him. You felt so guilty and embarrassed to make him go through this. He didn't deserve to be with a broken soul. He deserved better. Someone that could make him happy as he deserved. You looked at him, his eyes glassy with tears.
“Listen to me y/n, i know you may or may not believe me. But listen to me okay?” you swallowed hard, ready to hate yourself for being a burden to him. “I love you. I know you feel like you don't deserve me like you are not enough for me. But let me tell you all of that is not true. I swear I would kill all these people who made you believe all these awful things about you if I could. You don't deserve to feel this pain baby. You are beautiful. You are important to so many people. You make so happy you don't have an idea” his voice cracked making you start crying again and so did he. “You really do y/n, please, believe me. You are an amazing person despite everything that happened to you. You fought so hard to be who you are and I promise it's beautiful to see. And I'm so proud of you baby. Everyone is, I promise. You are really important to me and to everyone that knows you. You are light and I know you don't feel like it. That you feel like a burden but you aren't. And you'll never be for the right people, the ones that see you, the real you. and the real you is so interesting and pretty baby. Yes you are my love” he was crying and smiling. You were sobbing but didn't take your eyes away from him. He was burning your soul with his words. Telling you everything you needed to hear and he didn't even know that. Charlie was so perfect to you even in this shitty as fuck situations with your mental health. You felt so lucky right there in his arms under the sight of his beautiful eyes that looked at you with deep love.
“I love you charlie” you said below whisper and hugged him tightly hiding yourself under his frame. You wanted to hide there forever if possible. He intensified his grip and kissed your head trying to comfort you as much as he could.
“You deserve to be happy y/n, i really mean it. You're the best person i've ever come to know.” he said softly making butterflies fly like crazy on your stomach. The pain you felt was fading away now little by little. You felt so dumb for not talking sooner about your feelings but you forgave yourself. That's what your therapist told you. You need to be more gentle with yourself and give the same understanding perspective as you give to others. Treat yourself as you treat others. Always.
“You make me happy” you said with your face buried in his neck not wanting to get out of there anytime soon. He smiled relieved and pressed gentle kisses on your cheek.
He was the first person who listened to your soul. And you knew right there that with him by your side you could heal and finally be the person you deserve to be and be loved just because.
Charles was the love of your life. And he was yours. There´s nothing to be afraid of.
You will be more than okay.
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weeping-statue · 3 months ago
Hi! This is abit more of a darker/triggering ask so if it makes you uncomfortable thats 100% ok and u can skip this! but i was wondering if you could write antonio (idv) comfort fic with a reader whos struggling with sh or trya recover from it Please! Have a good day/night! ♡
“The knife isn’t always the best option.”
Contains; Self harm; bullying, comfort, sensitive topics; Antonio; Naib; Norton; Alva; and Victor;
Alva's can be platonic or romantic.
Key; Anima mia=my soul
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You were doing so well, but bottled up emotions shatter easily during stressful times. When your loving boyfriend realizes you’ve started again, he’s heartbroken yet nonetheless supportive.
He would refuse to leave your side after it comes to light that you’re hurting yourself again.
He loves you a lot and losing you is out of the question.
Antonio knows exactly what to do in these situations, since I feel like he’s either gone through this before on his own or with someone else.
Antonio had you in his arms while sobbed on the floor. A discarded knife tinged red and a clear reminder of your failures.
“It’s alright, Anima mia. You’re not alone, and you’re not in trouble. I’ve got you, everything will be okay. This will pass.” He reassured you, making small circles on your back, and gently kissing your head.
His words only made you cry harder, you wanted to stop feeling guilty. You just wanted to stop letting him find you this way.
Maybe if weren’t such a disappointment you’d be able to do the simplest thing.
Antonio knew what was probably going through your head at that moment and smiled, “Do you know how proud I am of you? My love, you never fail to impress me. I look up to you in some aspects, and you give me a reason to wake up in the morning. It’s a feat very few can achieve. Let me take care of you for tonight at the very least, I’ll grab us dinner and run us a bath. How does that sound?”
You nodded and turned your head away from the blade that just seemed to taunt you. Instead opting for staring at his shirt in shame.
He keeps a close eye on you 24/7
You’re always being monitored, even if it’s extremely subtle or obvious.
You’re the main reason why he wakes up in the morning.
Naib refuses to lose you.
“Put.. Put the knife down,___” naib carefully inched towards you like you were a wounded animal. He didn’t want to startle you and make the situation worse.
The knife shook in your unsteady hands, as you fought to make a decision, but ultimately dropped it anyways. Letting it clatter to the floor.
He quickly rushed to your side after it dropped, checking for any injuries. When he didn’t find any, Naib brushed some hair out of your face, resting his forehead against yours. “You can’t keep scaring me like this. What happens if you do go through with it? You’d really leave me all alone?”
“I don’t know.” You mumbled, at least you were being honest.
He already worry’s about you, probably more than he should, so this is just adding on.
He makes sure you share a room after the first time he witnesses one of your breakdowns.
It’s not that he believes you can’t take care of yourself, he just doesn’t want you to burn yourself out.
At night he’ll always wait for you to sleep first, and he watches you fondly or sadly, depending what occurred that day.
Norton and you had a rough day. It started with shitty matches, then rude teammates, and then a small argument between yourselves.
The reminder of it made him sigh. Finally after confirming you fell asleep he’d shift to spoon you. Taking his hand to gently run up and down your arms, being mindful of the scars that he learned to love.
“If only you knew how much I need you in my life, ___. I’m not good with words, but fuck, I love you so much.” He whispered to you, placing a kiss on the back of your head.
He’s more in tune with your emotions than yourself.
He understands that things can get hard, and doesn’t let it define you.
He wants to see you flourish, he is a mentor after all.
Alva will stay up with you until you fall asleep in case you’re afraid you might do something you’ll regret.
He also doesn’t mind cleaning your wounds, of course it makes him sad, devastated really, but it’s you, and he’d do anything for you.
Alva kisses away your tears, as he reassures you, your loved.
He makes sure that you bathed, and washes your hair for you.
He’ll hold you at night as well, letting you hide in his chest.
“It’s alright my dear, I’ve cleaned up all the blood, you can look now.” Alva says, and you finally open your teary eyes. Seeing him bandage up the last bit of your legs.
“Next time you feel this urge, or even feel upset, come find me. My door is always open to you.” It comes out firm but gentle, like he genuinely cares. Something no one has showed in this awful place a lot.
Your about to open your mouth but he shuts it down, knowing what your about to say, “No, you are not a bother, No I don’t care how late it is, and yes I do care about you. I love you, and it pains me to see you like this.”
“Alva, I can’t do this to you what happens if-”
“Then we’ll figure it out together. You and me.”
He cried the first time you came too his door bleeding.
Wick was right there next to you both nudging at your leg as he bandaged your stomach.
He couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he could lose you either from the games or by your own hands.
It pained him deeply when he find used razor blades in your trashcan or a hidden knife under your bed.
He wrote you a letter a couple times begging you to talk to him.
Pouring his heart out to you that he needs you and loves you deeply.
On occasion Victor would knock on your door late at night wondering if he could sleep with you when his paranoia got too much.
A knock; then two more.
It was around 11pm and Victor had shown up again holding his pillow in one arm and wick in the other.
“Couldn’t sleep again?” You said lowly, since other people lived on your floor too.
He nodded and walked inside, setting wick down on the end of the bed.
“Do.. you mind if you hold me? I miss you, and I’m scared.” It was barely audible but you heard it. He could talk, sometimes, only when he felt it was necessary. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise when he said this.
“Yeah, come on.” You ushered him to get into bed. Slipping in next to him and letting his head rest on your chest.
You felt his shaky and nervous fingers trace patterns over your scars. Delicately memorizing each and every one.
You didn’t mind, because you trusted him.
But deep down, it hurt you inside that you were causing him this pain. This worry.
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I finally did it! I posted.
I’m hoping to post more soon
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glamourscat · 3 months ago
SWEET LIKE CINNAMON | Ryō Sakurai dating HCS
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I’m sorry but dating Ryo Sakurai?!?! sjdjfowowm
He would be THE CUTESTTT. The most adorable BOYFRIEND. Just, he is so precious
Canonically speaking, he is a sensitive and kind guy. Not only he is constantly apologetic but is easy to fluster
He would blush so hard every time you flirt or compliment him
Literally the audio “oh? I am pretty boy? Pretty?” Cue to him being an awkward, flustered mess while inside he is giggling and kicking his feet 
I can see him with someone who’s just as gentle as him, but that can also bring him out of his shell. Not an extrovert, but those types of introverts who can become extroverts with the right people you know? 
Someone who will show him it’s ok to stand up for yourself. Maybe, even someone who’s extremely confident in themselves and will not take shit from anyone. He would find that so hot 
Also, you bet he will be so supportive of you. He is such a supportive teammate, I can’t imagine him being any less with his partner. Coming to see you at your events. Wanna change jobs? Hell yeah, he is right with ya. Wanna travel the world? He has already packed a bag
However, he also has another side. The more competitive, arrogant if not prideful side, when he knows he is right. When he knows he will win. I see this coming out more when he is jealous. He won’t necessarily sulk, but he will be perhaps overconfident for some. “Why would I be jealous? I mean, look at them and look at me? Why would my partner leave me for that?”
His life motto is literally "Don’t do bad things to people that have been done to you"
One of his hobbies is drawing manga. I like to think some of his favourite subjects in school was art and literature. He would draw his s/o 100% From little sketches from before you two got together to proper artwork gifted to you as an anniversary present once together
His type is literally “a drifter girl”.  Meaning he is attracted to a girl who is free-spirited, independent and doesn’t settle in one place for long
Maybe someone who often moves around and is not tied down by commitments or routines. Someone who doesn’t necessarily fit the societal standard. A spontaneous, adventurous and a tad mysterious soul
I can see him with a foreigner. Someone who is from another culture, someone that brings another side to the equation. Travelling with him around the world is truly something not too far fetched. He would be so down
Lastly, he is very good at cooking. Which I feel is one of his love languages. Acts of service/cooking and quality time maybe sprinkled with some words of affirmation— but more for him to receive honestly
Still, he would most definitely try out new recipes and have you there to try them. Or even cook bentos for you too! 
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cillacantstudysosheshere · 1 year ago
Could Alastor be good?
Ok we all know he was a killer and a cannibal when he was alive, overall not what you would classify as a good guy, he is in hell for a reason after all...BUT there is something fishy about him: his moral code is a total mistery and everyone has been wondering whether he actually cares or not about the Hotel and Charlie.
Now, do I believe he is secretly a total sweetheart? No absolutely not but I do believe he is more caring than he lets to believe and Episode 5 shows that perfectly.
First off I believe his rivalry with Lucifer goes beyond jealousy, because if it really was just that he wouldn't have been quiet and accepting during Lucifer and Charlie's duet. Also the "sadly there are times a birth parent is a dud" line and his sweetness towards females...in the episode about daddy issues...mhhh are you hiding some as well Alastor?
Then Mimzy comes and says how much hell is scared of Alastor, how powerful he is and how many overlords he has tortured, nothing we didn't know...but why? Why target only overlords? Why target heavy hitters? If he really was that powerful from the start he could just collect random desperate souls in no time like Valentino per say but no, he chose to go after really bad overlords and I don't think he only did it for fame. He was cleansing, he was getting rid of bad souls undeserving of power. I know as of now it sounds like a stretch but why keep Husk alive if he only cared about hitting overlords, why listen to his advise about Mimzy and most importantly WHY does he know Alastor is on a leash. Husk is clearly a very caring person, a sensitive guy, we don't know what kind of overlord he used to be but I don't believe he was ever considered one of the most evil of the bunch. Alastor targeted big guys, bad guys. I am not saying they are friends but Alastor certainly values him in some (twisted) way.
I also keep thinking about the comic that was released about him a while back: why are you eating people and then protecting that lamb I just...he is such a mistery, he can't just be a twisted guy he hides something, some motivation we don't know, some goal that has yet to be revealed.
And then what about the Episode 7 sneak peak in which he says he hides behind his smile...
Idk where I am going with this I just think he is a very very very interesting character and yes I am curious to know who has him on a leash as everyone else is but to be honest I am mostly eager to know what kind of motive has pushed him to sign that contract and why does that bother him so much, why he is the way he is and what are his intentions with the Hotel.
I think he cares and I can't wait to find out why.
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ww2yaoi · 2 months ago
could you please elaborate on exactly what you see sledge’s murmuring heart representing on a symbolic level? 🙏🙏🙏
i have my own personal interpretation but it feels like one of those symbols that everyone sees differently
hmmm ok hopefully this is articulate lmao but I think in the beginning most people in eugene’s life see him as too sensitive and kind for war. eugene was sickly as a boy (he got the murmur from rheumatic fever and missed two years of school because of it) so I think his family is especially protective of him. not necessarily because they think he’s weak but because they don’t know if he’ll be able to withstand the horrors of war and come out the other side with his gentleness and generosity intact. because he’s a sweet boy! and they don’t want that sweetness to be snuffed out
his father obviously doesn’t want him to go. his mother doesn’t want him to go. his brother seems a bit worried about the whole thing just judging by that one look he gives eugene. sid says he wishes they were going together but irl after sid experienced the horrors of guadalcanal he also told eugene not to get involved. eugene’s father has that monologue about not wanting the love and life and light he sees in eugene to be ripped away from him by war. to me eugene’s murmuring heart represents his kind and genuine soul. I mean, this is the guy who gives his best friend a poetry book as a goodbye gift, who loves his dog and loves horses and biology and rides his bike to the creek and drums in his school band and is a good christian boy and who weeps after he finds out he can’t join the marines. there’s this conflict within eugene where he’s fighting with his own softness and trying to prove himself to others. but again I don’t think his friends and family see his gentleness as a character flaw. they love him and want to protect him because they love that he’s kind
I think eventually with sid there’s some resentment of eugene’s innocence. because sid has lost his. like the way sid greets eugene on pavuvu by tackling him is very cute obviously and y’know boys will be boys but it is rough and violent and sid even says teasingly "something is very wrong if you made it through boot camp" which highlights his opinion of eugene’s fitness for war. and then later sid seems very annoyed by eugene’s "tenderhearted"-ness when eugene gets mad at him for almost killing that crab. I think the wording is very deliberate and of course harkens back to eugene’s murmur. so I guess the murmur is eugene’s humanity which he loses briefly during the war (the murmur does apparently disappear before he enlists) but I think he is deep down just so kind that he’s able to pull himself back from that edge. and I think that is ultimately his strength because after the war you see how sensitive and thoughtful he still is and also how broken he is in some ways. but it’s not a flaw. in my opinion he is much better equipped and much smarter than sid for not stuffing this shit down. it is brave to confront it is brave not to forget it it is brave to cry and say things aren’t the same and I’m different but I am going to be kind and I’m going to exist in the world. so the murmur is in theory a "flaw" and a "problem" with the strength of eugene’s heart but really I don’t think it is I think it’s representitive of his integrity
sorry if this makes no sense but that’s what it represents to me LOL :P
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nso-csi · 4 months ago
241117 (0:35-0:54am) Taemin bbl live voice call
I was really sensitive because I wanted to straighten my shoulders. I couldn't sleep well. So I checked everything in detail during rehearsal. To be honest, I have a lot of regrets, but I poured everything out anyway, so I feel relieved. So I put my regrets aside and I find meaning in the fact that I can show who I am on this stage. Thank you. (Playfully) Oh~ how can I hold my head up high like this~hm?The two of us are! (Taemates and taemin)we’re both holding our heads up high~ what’s this? Is this a contest? 6v6 is this a ‘feeling proud’ competition? I think I lose? I’m actually really sensitive and can’t sleep well! That’s why, i’ve been checking every details ever since the reheasal. Honestly speaking, of course there’s a lot of things that I feel regretful of but even so, I did it all so I feel liberated. Pushing aside the feeling of regret, getting to show that ‘this is me’ on stage is really meaningful for me. So I’m really thankful for that. Most of all, thanks to the fans, my jjakkoongs, shawols, taemates that are on the venue, thankyou so so so much. I want to look at each of you in the eye and greet you one by one ah, I’m so fond of you, you give me lots of strength. To think you travelled far to this location, inspire arena.. well it’s not exactly accessible (transport wise). When I start feeling that sort of emotion, i just felt so grateful ㅎ ‘I come from yonggung (to see you) Sorry, I made you do all that but i hope you don’t regret the time you spent with me even if it’s only for a short while 6v6 you don’t? That’s a relief~ I’m grinding my teeth when I sleep (to express his happiness) Ah, we should sleep well today~ eat delicious food and sleep! … (KGMA) I wondered how I should do my performance, I also look at others’ during rehearsal and after being calculative, I thought ‘forget it.. let’s just do me (what I do)’ ah, I’m so proud today, how can you even made me win awards. I’m so fond of you, thankyou! Ah! During my winning speech, i suddenly feel like crying ‘oh? What? Why do I feel like crying. But I can’t cry here though~ I’m a great senior.. get a grip’ and then I managed to hold it in and complete my winning speech.. ‘How commendable’ i’m actually very sentimental, I just hold it in everytime. When I was younger too, I am veryemotional but I feel like if I waver my resolutions get shaky as well. (Now) I felt that I’ve become a little more mature, I am an expressive person be it through music or conversing, with a thankful heart and having received love, innocently expressing my honest feelings.. i think that’s all what made up ‘me’. You know, sometimes when you ‘don’t cry’, it is even more difficult. Right, in truth it’s all about courage. In that aspect, I think i’ve become more mature. Rather than ‘this is right, this is the way to do it’, it’s just what I feel as I live. Ah my voice is really hoarse. trans.
It's late sorry for being late always I don't know how to thank you thank you for making me win these 3 awards is it a contest to make each other proud? I've been very sensitive so couldn't sleep preparing frankly I have a few things to be sorry about but still
I give meaning to having the opportunity to show my performance I thank fans for your support you came because I said I ground my soul into it aigoo sorry don't say sorry? ok I'll have sound sleep and try to move forward not stopping here thank you for your support
I felt so proud and fulfilled today I got so emotional but held it in not to be embarrassed I've been like this from when I was young but tried not to show it and be swayed by emotions but as I got older I thought I'd be frank to my feelings right being frank takes courage trans.
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hiro-doodlez · 10 months ago
->Current fav art i've made!!<-
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I'm THE silly little doodler! /j
*warning that most of my art is suuuuper bright, so if you are sensitive to vibrant colors, uhhhh IM SORRY
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Art tag!
UTMV Birthday blog!
Fanart tag!
Sona Tag!
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!!!Links to other socials!!!
Art Fight!
Spotify stats!
Discord! (Moots+friends only pls!)
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I have a ton of different interests/fandoms I'm in, but the main ones I'm fixated on right now are Undertale Multiverse, LEGO Monkie kid, and One Piece!
A couple of my other fandoms are Rise of the TMNT, Steven Universe, Mob Psycho 100 (I AM MOB), Dungeon Meshi, Ok K.O Let's be heroes!!! (TKO AND KO ARE MY SONS), Hermitcraft (grian enjoyer :3) Spiderverse, Soul Eater, My hero Academia, Avatar TLA, The Owl House (HUNTERRR), and TPOT+BFDI
I ALSO LOVE MUSIC A LOT!! If I'm not watching One Piece then I'm probably listening to tunes!! My fav artists are Cavetown, Kikuo, Maretu, Bear Ghost, Lemon Demon, and plenty more!!
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pro-Israel, Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, proshippers/ comshippers, countryhumans (sorry LOL) and thats basically all I got
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feel free to use my art in whatever u want (other than merch ofc), just make sure to use proper credit and that you're not just reposting it!!! (like "This BEAUTIFUL BREATHTAKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART was made by @Hiro-doodlez on Tumblr!" /j)
pls dont be mean to me... i am just a small little guy...
I admittedly kinda suck at having and talking to friends and moots, im sorry about that!! You probably will end up starting most convos because I explode everytime i hit the send button /hj LOL
old pinned because i love it...
might add blinkies soon if i find some good ones LOL
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omghallucinations · 8 months ago
ateez cancer moon squad: the moon... has so much power...
k so we know that ateez has a hilarious gemini moon/cancer moon* split, and we've observed the various ways the gemini moons channel their personal chaos brains so now let's get into our cancer moons: seonghwa, wooyoung, mingi, and yeosang. the moon is at home in cancer, so she is. powerful. the moon/mother archetype is not just nurture happy nurture she is also murder angry murder, don't forget!!
*(and jongho, whose moon is either aries or pisces with about an 80:20 likelihood for aries based on his birth date and like... his personality)
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cancer moon: feelings are the soup from whence i came :) luke i am ur mother :) i am both a magnificent vessel of compassion who truly understands the cycles of life and the divinity of the moon but also i am a tyrant who can and will do terrible manipulation bc i had a feeling about something and had to survive somehow probably by screaming and screaming and screaming :) negative attention is attention :) if a feeling falls in the woods and no one validates my emotions do i EVEN EXIST????
seonghwa: i am completely ruled by my emotions and subconscious search for security but i pretend i do not see it
wooyoung: sure have a lot of generational curses :) anyway bye :)
yeosang: none of your business (cutely)
mingi: i am completely ruled by my emotions and subconscious search for security and i'm going to make it your problem
cancer moon squad: wow these guys could really radiate 'lunar' as in 'killer werewolf' or 'lunar' as in 'majestic icon of bountiful love illuminating the darkness' looks like gemini moon doesn't have a monopoly on duality!!!
ok listen. seonghwa and wooyoung's moons are crazy. their sections are really long. can't believe i am saying this, but in this area at least mingi and yeosang are normal. kind of.
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right off the bat it's clear why seonghwa and wooyoung project cancer moon energy more than mingi or yeosang usually do--wooyoung's moon is up by his mc, and seonghwa is a cancer rising. everything in seonghwa's life is really herded and driven by that moon in cancer energy and his need for emotional security.
cancer moon: i feel safe and happy when i care for others! i need to nurture and to be nurtured :) i can sense unhappiness in ur microexpressions!! let me make u soup :) wait why didn't you make me soup?? >:( i felt the need for soup loudly in your direction why didn't you pick up the hints?? talk about my emotions i shouldn't have to do that it's very clear from my face! and incredible ability to radiate vibes so powerful they fog up the entire building! u don't love me. omg. wait ur yelling at me, u do love me! in the moon decan: extra that :) extra all of that :) crescent moon: u could be anything :) for better or worse :) ur youthful and also kind of tied to the past and ur gonna have to deal with that, but damn girl ur potential!! in the 12th house: my ultra-sensitivity means i can really pick up vibes...omg i'm drowning in the emotions of the world.. ... i need to express them artistically and then be by myself for 5 hours or i am literally gonna ghost everyone and join a monastery i swear to god quincunx neptune: i just do so much sacrifice... all the time... that no one is asking me to do, and yet, in the 7th house: i have no choice but to do this self-sacrifice, because I Think of The Group First, so, again, i don't have to communicate about it or ask if i should, it is obvious, that i must, for the group in aquarius: and it's because of my Higher Understanding and Intelligence About Humanity, don't question me, i know what i'm talking about, again i'm doing this for humanitarian reasons,, that again i do not have to communicate about,
trine south node: my nurturing and empathetic and somewhat self-sacrificing nature can both drag me back into my primordial soup and yet is also the key to my soul learning its lessons???? in the 8th house: union with others is the way to know urself :) subverting my own personal power through relationships to other powerful people or through manipulation worked awesome (??) in my past lives (????) so, in pisces: also, delulu is the solulu!! when in doubt, subsume the self in whatever escapism is convenient :)
seonghwa is truly so wild because so many of his planets are basically unaspected. you can see what happens (1-->2) when i tighten the orbs a little bit and then, with more generous orbs but no minor aspects visible (2-->3).
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SO depending on your view, we have an unaspected moon, a yod with neptune and pluto, or a duet with neptune. so. that's fun! they always work together and they do not have to abide by the laws of any country they have diplomatic immunity and they honestly should be arrested they're doing too much! however seonghwa, as the government, can't even see them! is this metaphor getting too convoluted? buds i'm mercury ruled and you can fucking tell, if you didn't like this narrative style i assume you would not have gotten this far in this thing. i am really trying to keep my thoughts in order here but there are so many variables. but let's keep going!! fighting!!
here are the main interpretations:
his moon is unaspected -- the moon is like "baby i'm not even here i'm an illusion" and seonghwa is like yes, true, very true, again i'm very even-keeled and do not have intense emotions at all. meanwhile, everyone around seonghwa is like, uh... the moon is... very obvious? the emperor has no clothes??? you have so many feelings?
his moon and neptune are in a duet -- emotions and escapism are the same thing. not one feeling is had without neptune's heavy hand. lord the empathy is off the charts but so is the ability to ignore anything inconvenient. delulu is the solulu indeed. also other people can see this very clearly, but seonghwa is like what? me???? i'm so practical and grounded. what are u talking about.
with more generous orbs, we can add pluto to complete a yod. pluto has a lot of aspects and a yod is also. a lot!! an even more intense generational lesson. this one is a little bit of a stretch tbh, but it has yodishness in the vibe, i guess.
well! seonghwa can thank his ancestors, because unaspected planets and yods represent a talent or skill or a potential you have but also something your family has been struggling with for generations (usually by repression or overemphasis) and with you, it's finally time to get some shit done. (i have 3 yods, it's not that bad i feel like it often makes you Majestic and Wise but god it ain't easy)
moon, neptune and pluto in a yod: hey girl... ever spent generations suppressing your emotions and dreams and denying your intense personal power, probably? :) time to sort that out :) 12th, 7th and 5th in a yod: should we subsume our identity in the emotions of others and the suffering of the world? or should we subsume our identity in personal relationships? or should we (and this is crazy, i know) express... our identity... creatively? too bad we will never agree on how to go about doing anything! let's bounce around between extremes!
nobody in this dynamic can do anything without arguing with the other planets.
moon in cancer in the 12th house: safety is found in caring for others and being cared for, but in the 12th house i really believe in caring for the world!! my emotions are porous in a way that may be unhealthy! i need to withdraw into solitude, maybe with an intimate partner! neptune in aquarius in the 7th house: not so fast there buddy. ever considered that real people will never live up to your theoretical imagination of who they could be?? the idea of relationships are cute but actual ones, idk, i agree we should definitely withdraw into solitude tho pluto in sagittarius in the 5th house: ew, withdRAW?? safety??? in solitude?? yuck!! like, dwelling on things, becoming obsessive, that sounds great and sign me up, but how can you possibly express yourself creatively and receive many accolades and awards for said creative self-expression in solitude? i don't think so. use your power! express yourself! the drive for transformation through creative expression is so fucking strong in you buddy. and i brought backup! i have like. so many other aspects.
seonghwa i'm so sorry bro you have a lot of shit to unearth and an eternal searching feeling you will have to learn to live with and enjoy! but ur talents are so many!!
unrelated to his moon journey, his aquarius venus is straight up unaspected. like not even arguably, she is completely unaspected, not even to his ascendant or MC. nothing. no wonder seonghwa has no idea why people see him as a unique beautiful fashion icon (venus) who plays with unconventional, out-of-the-box expression (aquarius) and is high drama and powerful (8th house). he literally cannot see his own gift and talent in this area! he is. so empathetic and observant of other people and yet, about himself, god knows.
and. we're not done. we are not done!!! his aries venus, saturn and mercury (retrograde) are conjunct each other, square the ascendant (more themes of identity and conformity), and that's... it? there a duet for 3. a trio? triplets? is this a thing too? i've read three entire books about unaspected planets and it has not come up, just duets, and yet i feel like... i feel like it's pretty much the same thing as a duet but with three so... lord. i gotta move on or i'll spend all day on seonghwa. wild i am telling u. wild.
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haha. speaking of generational shit.
we don't know wooyoung's exact time of birth so this is just in the window, but let's run with it. in the time given not that much would shift.
cancer moon: i feel safe and happy when i care for others! i need to nurture and to be nurtured :) i can sense unhappiness in ur microexpressions!! let me make u soup :) wait why didn't you make me soup?? >:( i felt the need for soup loudly in your direction why didn't you pick up the hints?? talk about my emotions i shouldn't have to do that it's very clear from my face! and incredible ability to radiate vibes so powerful they fog up the entire building! omg u don't love me. omg. omg ur yelling at me, u do love me! in the moon decan: extra that :) extra all of that :) in the 10th house: also, i need public attention for my achievements to feel safe! gotta make myself vulnerable on national television! my water moon in the 10th means i gotta get creative and artistic and express emotional truth. also i am a little too attached to societal norms for my own good :/ i've really internalized some stuff emotionally... .. . haha? widely conjunct MC: success and praise = safety. same thing. job is life. i love to nurture (cancer) people i work with (MC, 10th house) and make people feel loved! cancer moon in the 10th conjunct MC: i am intensely sensitive to the minute disapproval of others because that signifies a lack of safety :) quincunx the sun in sagittarius in the 3rd house in the jupiter decan: one prob here bud--ego expression should be done by getting the hell out of here??? and never taking anything seriously for one second??? how do you not know this by now?? chat chat chat but keep it cute and be the first to leave, sound familiar??? also, your career? society? gross. i have ideological concerns. also i'm going to make ur personality larger than life ;) u ready :)
his MC (public identity) is in a yod with his sun (identity) in sagittarius (gotta be ME) in the 3rd house (let's TALK about it i am curious about trying out different things!) and neptune (dreams, illusions, creativity) in aquarius (no. seriously. gotta be me) in the 4th house (uh... have u ever considered ur idyllic dreams of ur perfect childhood might not be... 100%... accurate? lol?) conjunct mars (action, will) in capricorn (no wait i love being #normal i was joking before) in the 4th house (no... seriously... about your childhood memories... let's rethink some of that....... ... were u ever, perhaps, experiencing misguided aggression. .. towards u???? at any point?? ha ha???!).
all of this is pretty interwoven with his moon's aspects, so we'll see some of the same themes repeat.
moon in cancer in the 10th: yeah so like i was saying, expressing emotion publicly to many people is awesome and wholesome and makes me feel great-- square libra ascendant: definitely, love that, like it's great to make everyone like you, totally agree, however, about those darker emotions, idk if that's the vibe necessarily-- venus in the first house in the uranus decan: vibe? dude i love vibes. playing by the rules is silly i don't do that because i'm fun :) and cool :) don't you like me??? you like me right??? i feel alienated somehow even though u like me... .. idk venus conjunct astraea, who is an asteroid and not a super mega one but we'll still talk about it: better cling to past behaviors even if they aren't healthy :) too bad u have a complete inability to see urself the way others see u :) almost like ur always desperately striving for love u already have?? quincunx pluto: knock knock, transformation desire for big changes and unconscious soul safety needs here, i'm gonna play a real big role in ur life! every time you find safety through public approval and your job i'm gonna just wiggle in there and be like, is this enough? and it won't be :) because of me :) in sagittarius: also what you've described doesn't sound like finding security through independent thought and/or running the hell away... which it should, imo, time to go! in the 3rd house: no seriously ever heard of seeking security through gathering information? i wanna talk to everyone and experience everything. that's security! duh! emotions are weird! moon exactly quincunx chiron in sagittarius in the 3rd house: knock knock it's me, childhood trauma!! i'm reeaeaalllly gonna destabilize your emotional foundation possibly because of being a kid who asked questions and said things people were trying to hide?? or about being an independent thinker unable to suppress ur unique self-expression in a conformist society?? idk!! oopsie! lilith, conjunct chiron and also quincunx the moon: hey i'm mostly here to really amplify chiron! u know those wounds? they are real loud. i'm also here to just add. so much energy and potency. to everything around me! and also unconventional expression. :) just in case you weren't already torn between your irrepressible personality and your safety-seeking need to please everyone by conforming! haha! your pain can really drive you towards darker behavior and escapism!! trine hygeia in scorpio in the 2nd, who is an asteroid and not a super mega one but we'll still talk about it: self-esteem and the body are the same, which is a very healthy and normal thought that will never become a problem, also i'm a little too comfortable with harsh action as a way to achieve "health", anyway, much nicer, i have a natural gift for healing others emotionally :) with my words and presence, but also my body :) just kidding! unless... full moon: i'm just gonna sprinkle in some illumination for u, some culmination of a cycle, some need for higher meaning, some searching, some power, some witchery, some fertility as in creation, incredibly strong Pulls from different directions that you're gonna have to reconcile with each other, enjoy!!!
tbh you could also argue wooyoung has another yod between pluto, the moon and saturn... which would be more generational stuff about power/transformation, emotional expression, and whether to or how to break free from societal conditioning, so we are on theme. boy. no wonder seonghwa is like, that is my baby kitten. struggles!
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yeosang does have two quincunxes from his moon, but they're a little too far apart to make it a true yod however he still vibes with that energy. interestingly he both has some definite past life stuff and a fresh slate of new incarnation cycle energy. also fun, as an aries rising his houses are paired with their own signs, so they are a little more intense in the sign!
cancer moon: i feel safe and happy when i care for others! i need to nurture and to be nurtured :) i can sense unhappiness in ur microexpressions!! let me make u soup :) wait why didn't you make me soup?? >:( i felt the need for soup loudly in your direction why didn't you pick up the hints?? talk about my emotions i shouldn't have to do that it's very clear from my face! and incredible ability to radiate vibes so powerful they fog up the entire building! omg u don't love me. omg. omg ur yelling at me, u do love me! in the moon decan: extra that :) extra all of that :) new moon: omg a whole new incarnation cycle!! so fun!! so fresh!!! plan nothing!! enjoy spontaneity! it's time to explore the world and discover who i am!!! this is so exciting!!! in the 4th house: i need. a stable home. to feel secure!!! god! i've learned to roll with instability throughout the many changes in my life but it is annoying as hell conjunct IC: do NOT look at my feelings i do NOT have them and if i DO they'd be none of ur business! in cancer: my shell will protect me, get out! opposite mc: family and home are real important to my expression of self in the world and how i feel i fit in the fabric of the universe. hey have you ever tried in capricorn: repressing all of your emotions? :) to succeed and find your place in the world?? ruler of the mc saturn in taurus in the 2nd: feel like that subconscious fear of poverty and deprivation could really help you with all that repression, huh, maybe you should work so hard every day all day :) suffering is normal :) square ascendant: hey i'm also here to complicate ur journey for safety and security! your life path and identity is gonna force you to integrate your emotional self and security needs with your overall purpose and that's not gonna be super comfortable for you, sorry buddy!! although i also bless you with an intense intuition and ability to read people, so, you're welcome for the penetrating eyes in aries: welcome to a whole new soul cycle! i'm excited! i'm here! i'm ready to vibe! let's go! ruler of the ascendant mars in libra in the 7th house: mmm... not so fast there... let's not make decisions all at once... or ever? or ever! or if you want to, like, that's fine with me. i can roll with whatever hahaha honestly it's up to you... . idk i don't want to make a decision ok?? mars in the mercury libra decan: i fear... intimacy... why can't we just keep it cute :( keep it chill :( moon quincunx pluto: knock knock, transformation desire for big changes and unconscious soul safety needs here, i'm gonna play a real big role in ur life! in the 9th house in sagittarius: being safe at home is not enough. you gotta develop a personal philosophy, a wider place in the world, a bigger frame to see the world... honestly you should probably run away from people and maybe society so that you can properly protect yourself... quincunx lilith in the 9th: you are so right society does suck and you should feel an innate desire to rebel that is categorically at odds with your cancer moon's desire to stay out of it and your capricorn mc's desire to fit in perfectly with the structures of society..... wow wouldn't it suck if your intense magnetism in your creative and social life (lilith trine venus in leo in the 5th house) naturally drew you to notice the structures of society and the individual... and idk, just spitballing here, what if everyone fell in love with you, idk... moon in cancer: (inside crab shell) anyway
god it is so nice to see someone who is not caught up in a deeply complex generational karmic struggle right now, only the normal generational karmic struggle! i have been writing this thing for hours. yeosang is so brand new! aries rising, new cycle; natal new moon, new cycle. cute. altho, again, lots of personal soul past life stuff he's just on a new journey now and also not tapped in as much to his own family's psychological neuroses.
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we really don't know mingi's birth time at alljk, we do!!! i'm gonna go further into mingi's chart in a future write up but this is the moon.
moon in cancer: i feel safe and happy when i care for others! i need to nurture and to be nurtured :) i can sense unhappiness in ur microexpressions!! let me make u soup :) wait why didn't you make me soup?? >:( i felt the need for soup loudly in your direction why didn't you pick up the hints?? talk about my emotions i shouldn't have to do that it's very clear from my face! and incredible ability to radiate vibes so powerful they fog up the entire building! omg u don't love me. omg. omg ur yelling at me, u do love me! in the pluto decan: but make it sexy. make it passion. make it fuck you a little bit i'll fuck u up. crab got claws balsamic dark moon: here is some karma for u, hey but with karma comes wisdom!!!, you felt different from other people when you were a kid probably not in a good way and you're gonna have to work thru some stuff for closure!! in the 7th house: i need to be in a relationship like yesterday. right now bro. i'm not kidding bro. i am willing to compromise whatever u want ok i swear, i can make it work, just, semisquare venus in virgo in the 8th: yes i crave deep transformative union with another, and the minute i feel this relationship isn't going well i will torpedo my entire emotional health in one second :) trine mars: man fuck that, energy! style! ability to assert yourself! you've got it all! also your emotions feed into your temper and vice versa so maybe be careful there in scorpio: how do u say... depression? constant need to bury urself in the depths of Truth? idk maybe people are lying?? double check. don't trust anyone!! in the 11th house: yeah better be in charge of everyone because that way you know you will accomplish your dreams!! all or nothing bro! make everyone see it your way!! moon in the 7th house: wait but i... trust... everyone?? bro? sextile saturn: no listen. train try hard, then society approves of you, repeat, and when you work hard everyone loves you including authority figures!! you can finally accomplish a societal ideal of masculinity, look how tall you are right??? just hide several pretty important things about yourself! don't worry about it! think about all the success! in taurus: but do it in a chill way, man. like ultimately... we all die. so maybe let's just work in the here-and-now and acquire some soft items and delicious food, that is also success, in the 5th house: that restrictive childhood was not a vibe, but it sure taught me a lot! for example i love scheduling and policing my own creativity and fun and then punishing myself when i don't live up to my own insane standards :) quincunx uranus: i agree with mars and disagree with saturn, just make a bunch of choices and commit to them without thinking at all lol also authority figures are dumb don't trust them in aquarius: hey also, ever wonder if no one understands you quincunx uranus: mmm.. .very good point.... no one does understand me... in the 2nd house: which is awesome. being different is cool. although uh. maybe don't check your bank account. haha. sextile vesta and hygeia in virgo in the 9th, again asteroids and not one of the huge biggie ones but still gonna touch on it: ever got anxiety from ur own perfectionism and harsh life philosophy so hard ur body stopped working? haha. just wondering. i mean u could also find emotional health and healing through good work habits and a commitment to a healthy vision of the future but idk quincunx south node in aquarius: the profound loneliness of life... and past lives... haunts me... in the 2nd house: man having my past lives spent so much time in survival mode sure didn't give them a ton of space for transforming themselves and dealing with their own issues and themes! bummer. good luck to whoever does have to deal with all this mess lol glad that's not me!! north node in the 8th house: :) south node in the 2nd house: ... it is me isn't it north node in the 8th house: :)
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whumpbby · 7 months ago
Ok, this is lame as hell, but I am quietly working on a JC/YQY I will probably never finish, but so far I'm in the strange of planning plot and characters, and for everything to go smoothly I am creating Jiang and Jin disciples to populate the scene.
And I just got a stupid, stupid idea for onexD
So, at the time the plot is happening, the canon ended some three-five years ago. The Jiang are just plowing along like usual. Wei Wuxian is travelling the world and not visiting Yunmeng, so the Jiang have no contact with him except for JC during some rare conferences in Gusu or something.
No matter.
The disciple in question is as old as long ago Wei Wuxian died the first time.
Actually, almost exactly this old.
The baby was born nine months after the fearsome Yiling Laozu was defeated, in some run down village at the border of Yiling. It was born out of wedlock, so disgrace. And it was born an albino with red eyes.
Instant panic! Yiling Laozu returned! His spirit reincarnated! He slept with the mother! Raped her! She was his disciple! He's taken over her own baby like a demon! Just - chaos and rumours and general backwoods idiocy.
It's so prevalent that the news get to JC, who at this point was in mourning and still looking for any trace of Wei Wuxian (there was no body, so there was still a chance he got out of it) and the demonic cultivation was slowly spreading across the land, so JC went personally to check it out.
What he found was a half-starved baby in a shed, mother gone, people treating the child like it was a demon and demanding that sect leader kills it.
Jaing Cheng got angry.
He couldn't even mourn in peace thanks to all the idiots that decided to take Wei Wuxian's name and run with it!
Zidian was never this bright. The whip slammed into the child (actually next to the child, the bright light made it so people around couldn't tell) once. Twice. Thrice.
"There. Zidian's power separates demons and ghosts possessing human souls. The child is safe now. It's not Yiling Laozu, never was."
And that was going to be it - except no one was rushing to gather the crying infant. No mother in sight. No family that would claim it. No one willing to pick it up.
In the end the Jiang sect claimed the child - fuck it, they already had a contingent of orphans left from the war, what difference will one more make?
So, the child grew in the sect, turned out to have potential, renked in cultivation and became very good at creating talismans, arrays and general research. (The research hall was nice and dark, and cool, better for sensitive albino skin than Yunmeng sun.) Some shixiongs even called them Little Laozu to tease;)
So, like, years later, the plot of my story happens and the disciple - who was always fascinated with the figure of Wei Wuxian - finally gets to meet him. They are a part of a research mission. The disciple aways wanted to talk to WWX!
They finally do.
And I am telling you all that, because it's a long setup for the disciple to ask Wei Wuxian:
"Yiling Laozu. Did you fuck my mom?"
I am so sorry ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I will let myself out.
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
One article and the fandom is on fire again.
The journalist says what he owns the House, not him.
How we like drama lol
Dear House Anon,
Here we go again. The Firebrand Firefighter Syndrome in all its splendor.
I use Mastercard myself, so I am sorry to be just a regular person with no fucking AMEX Platinum access (by the way, try to use AMEX in Athens or even Naples and I guarantee you a pain in the ass). I will also not include *urv's braggadocio screencap from Source, but you can park your drone in there and read the following (bold lettering is mine and very much on purpose):
'While he is still based in Scotland, Heughan also has a house in LA, a city he is not exactly sold on. He toys with the idea of New York as his next home base. He loves it here.'
Ok. May I ask you where is the drama, here?
It is very clear, Anon. At the moment, his home is in Scotland. He also invested in a house in LA he probably rents out for a handsome passive income, because he doesn't exactly like the city. And you should know that very well, if you read Waypoints:
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(SRH, Waypoints, Day 4 - The Hard Road)
The tidbit we, the plebs, had access to, goes on:
'We got a helicopter the other day back from the Hamptons - I don't like helicopters. They're not meant to fly. However, seeing the Statue of Liberty from there, it's so good. New York could be my city."
I have two more things to add:
Could. An English modal verb. It doesn't set anything in stone. It denotes both a preference (I am with you on that one, S - the US East Coast, unlike California, could be home: it will never be, but that is another story) or a loose possibility (if my US projects are promising or exciting enough, I might make NY my home base).
Never forget about the targeted audience. Departures is not exactly The Good Housekeeping. It is a company magazine for well-heeled people who can afford the costs of a Platinum AMEX credit card (and have a matching credit history). Exactly the type of clients that he would like to attract for his alcohol business, especially after the KOTQ America recent gala. I was, therefore, correct in my assumptions. What do you want S to tell these people? That he is a sensitive soul who bags munros while whistling It's a Long Road to Tipperary?
Oh, come on. Sometimes, this fandom really deserves to be lied to, as *urv does when she still has the nerve to claim sources she knew nothing about 24 hours ago. Trust me on this one: she would have boasted loudly and boldly about it, day and night.
Does that answer your question, Anon?
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aer0two2 · 15 days ago
hii! could you answer for your mystreet dr?
🎀 : CLASSIC BOW . . . what do you love about life? do you love hearing the morning birds signing to you as you sit on the porch? do you enjoy partying too much and not remembering it in the morning? or maybe just hanging out with the people you love?
🩰 : DYNAMIC DANCE . . . who is the one person that is the complete opposite of you? are you two friends? why are they the complete opposite of you? what mannerisms do they have that conflict with yours?
💌 : LOVE LETTER . . . what random things do your friends associate with you? a fictional character you resemble? the scent you always wear? a dumb phrase you made up?
hello!! i can absolutely answer for my mystreet dr, thank you sm for the ask <3. for the this little life ask game.
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🎀 : CLASSIC BOW . . . what do you love about life? do you love hearing the morning birds signing to you as you sit on the porch? do you enjoy partying too much and not remembering it in the morning? or maybe just hanging out with the people you love?
oh i love this life so much. just the simplicity of it all… going grocery shopping with lina on a crisp morning, watching dante and laurance fight over who’s winning in basketball on a sunday evening (lol), and so much more. i also enjoy all the trips we take as a group—love love paradise and starlight, my loves <3. holiday’s on the street are also something dear to me. everyone brings gifts and treats on a fun and heartwarming night of celebration.
🩰 : DYNAMIC DANCE . . . who is the one person that is the complete opposite of you? are you two friends? why are they the complete opposite of you? what mannerisms do they have that conflict with yours?
ohhkay, dare i say that katelyn is the complete opposite of me. we are friends and mostly get along, but i would say that i’m not as close with her as i am with the other girls. we are both so different that we butt heads sometimes 😭. she can be hard-headed and competitive, and that is just not my nature. i am a very sensitive and empathetic person, and she has a tendency to mock others which hurts my soul (i feel like i’m bashing on her augh noo). but i still care for her deeply and am so grateful for her 🫶🏻.
💌 : LOVE LETTER . . . what random things do your friends associate with you? a fictional character you resemble? the scent you always wear? a dumb phrase you made up?
this is kind of funny… my friends associate me with does, BUT it’s not because of the fact that i am a deer hybrid—b/c none of them know that. instead, the association comes from the gold necklace i always wear, which has a doe on it, and from my license plate that reads “DOE 1110” (ok can i make it anymore obvious lmao). other than that they associate me with aerial silks and ceramics, because i do those as hobbies. also, garroth associates me with white daffodils because they are my favorite flower and grow around my birthday!
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jackieandwilsonbyhozier · 2 months ago
hi hello is anyone out there ? i need real life adult advice or maybe i just need ppl to pretend to listen to me so would anyone mind pretending for a moment. ok thank u
ill make it quick for the poll but put my actual thoughts under a readmore bc i have a lot to say sry....anyway vote in the poll reply reblog send me asks whatever just somebody help me for the love of god.
basically i hate my job and its killing my soul but im making pretty good money ($20/hour) but now they want to promote me to a manager which will kill my soul even more, but ill be making $27/hour. i kind of just want to quit but now theres that, plus if i stay for 2.5 more years i can sell my company stocks and get another big bonus. but again its fucking killing me working here
so i have been at my retail job for 2.5 years im a department manager and im very comfortable and confident in my position also im making $20 an hour which is great. i just got like a semi promotion i guess so now on days when they dont have a manager to close (usually 2 days a week) im the manager on duty and those days i make $22 an hour
however now they rly want to promote me to a manager full time. like the store manager and assistant manager r both telling me how great i would be and even the fcking district manager apparently agrees and wants me. i would be making ! $27 ! an hour which tbh is the only thing actually tempting me
i honestly kind of hate being a manager. i mean i like working with like the product and planning and paperwork and that stuff im confident in that but i hate hate hate actually having to manage PEOPLE. coworkers AND customers. im an extremely sensitive timid pushover-y person i just am and that is where i face the most difficulty. angry customers make me panic and i cant make myself be assertive enough for any of my coworkers to listen to anything i say
and most of all i hate the like manager culture/attitude. if uve worked in retail or probably anywhere else maybe ull know what i mean. like laughing at ur workers bc they asked for accommodations, making fun of them bc theyre all stupid and useless, chasing homeless ppl out of the store and shouting insults at them, basically just being a bully bc u know u can cuz ur in charge. and i rly rly dont want to participate in that and wont but then the other managers wont respect me lol
and actually bottom line is im sick to death of retail. this job is already draining me and if i become a manager im afraid itll be worse. obviously customers kill me and i would be happy if the rest of my life i never had to serve another customer. but even besides them. it takes me over an hour to bus to work and that wasted time adds up. i kind of put my all into work so when i get home i dont have the energy to do literally anything else. i dont know how to have a work/life balance i only know how to work. im a little bit living in filth it feels like bc i cant make myself do chores or take care of myself it feels like my life is just work, and then being at home waiting to have to go back to work
i havent gotten new piercings or tattoos in a couple years, and i havent cut or dyed my hair in over a year, its back to plain brown which i havent seen since i was like 17. its kind of killing my spirit not to be dramatic but thats the truth. art and creativity are the most important things to me and i feel like im losing myself bc i dont have the energy to keep up with stuff like that anymore the stuff i rly care about like my self expression, i feel like im killing myself in order to turn myself into a normie ass-kissing servant. i dont even draw anymore i dont do shit. im honestly kind of depressed as fuck. i mean i also havent been on my meds for over a year now which im sure isnt helping
but.........if i keep this up i could be making $27 an hour :-) the position is more than just being handed to me theyre practically begging me to take it. also another thing about my job is that u somehow accumulate/earn (?) stocks in the company, and after uve been here for 5 years u can sell them. but only if uve been working for 5 years. if u leave before that u lose them all. so if i stay another 2.5 years ill get another big bonus when i leave. but the thought of staying here that long kind of makes me wanna die😭
because thats the thing too and my final point, i honestly dont need the money. im 100% fine financially where i am rn. i have enough that i can pay my bills and put a lot in savings and buy my fun treats and whatever and i literally never ever worry about money this is the most money ive had in my life ive saved up quite a bit too. even if i just quit my job rn i would be good for like at least six months probably more. but i rly love being in this position financially lol. like im literally just like i love money yes i want more money thats the only thing making me want to stay
so i guess after typing all that out i can confidently say i dont like this job at all i just love money. im earning a lot already but i could be earning even more if i take the promotion but i AM losing my mind and kind of dont even want to work here at all anymore. i honestly dont know whats worth it i know all work is soul sucking and miserable so like should i just be grateful for what i have?? and what im being offered??
what i rly actually want to do is become a tattoo artist. i think i would be a lot happier and freer but my income would be a lot more uncertain as well which im very scared of like idk i havent been like tight on money and struggling in so long i dont want to give it up like ive been running like this so long idk how to stop. i rly dont know what to do
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skylar-325 · 11 months ago
Ok bear with me because I have no idea how i’m going to sound or whether this’ll make sense.
Ever since I got into danmei, specifically mxtx i’ve started to despise the word ‘crush’. Suddenly it feels like such an oversimplification and casual instance of something that has the potential to be so incredibly earth shattering and soul consuming. The concept of a crush just feels unappealable now? And yes I know irl crushes are very normal and this is me being the chronic reader I am.
I saw someone say ‘Lan Wangji’s crush’ and I’m just like????? CRUSH??? And yes i’m being too sensitive but crush feels so insignificant, so temporary that it hurts my brain. Plus the idea of liking someone for a couple of months only to forget or possibly move on because of distance or circumstances which seems more ‘crush’ like, to someone else feels icky.
And I’ve read a multitude of romances from JA classics to SJM and LB. And yet now that i’ve read MXTX the idea of a casual romance makes me cringe so hard internally.
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