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ww2yaoi · 2 hours ago
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ww2yaoi · 2 hours ago
ooh, ooh, bill's got a crush on jay!!
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ww2yaoi · 3 hours ago
the way eugene is just a bitch for no reason sometimes
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ww2yaoi · 4 hours ago
Round Four:
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ww2yaoi · 4 hours ago
letters for the wip game!
I started working on this in my notes app a few days ago just for fun and now I have all these half-formed ideas lmao but it's this other bill'eau fic I'm working on that's going to feature letters bill and jay exchanged after bill got wounded on okinawa (continuing while jay is stationed in china and bill is in the hospital and later home)
basically there's going to be these letters (not 100% sure how I'm working them in yet lmfao) but the main plot is set afterwards when jay returns to the states and gets scared to go straight home so he goes to bill (who he has feelings for after exchanging these letters for several months and there's Vibes but he's like What Are We). anyways I'm just writing the letters first to give myself a foundation of what they've talked about whether I incorporate them or not ANYWAYS
snippet (cw for racial slurs under the cut but that's kind of a given with this show/these characters. nonetheless...)
Headquarters Batallion 1st Marine Division Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands June 10th, 1945 Dear Bill, I hope you don’t mind me writing. I was sorry to hear you’d been hit. Sledgehammer eventually got word back to me about what happened. Had I known sooner, I would’ve snuck away from HQ to see you at the field hospital. By the time I found out, you had already been evacuated. I hope the hospital is treating you well. Giving you the good smokes. How is Hawaii? Knowing you, you’ll probably be doing the hula and eating roast pig in no time. I’m glad the war is over for you, even if it didn’t end the way you wanted. I’m sure the guys in King miss you. As sure as I am that the Japs don’t. Don’t worry about writing back if you can’t. Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you. If that counts for anything coming from this shit hole of an island. Your friend, Jay De L’Eau
U.S. Naval Hospital Aiea Heights, Honolulu Oahu, Hawaii July 17th, 1945 Dear Jay, Sorry about my handwriting. Gene probably told you the Jap shrapnel fucked up my hand. Hope you can read it anyways. This hospital is the same as all the other hospitals I’ve been to. Smells like a swimming pool. The guys in my ward moan and groan all night. I’m fucking sick of hospitals. Rich of me to complain I guess. You’re still over there. I was glad to hear that the Nips retreated. I haven’t been in the mood for roast pig and hula, but you meet me in Hawaii and we’ll make a day of it. Your friend, Bill Leyden. P.S. It counts for a lot, De L'Eau.
thanks <3
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ww2yaoi · 5 hours ago
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ww2yaoi · 5 hours ago
bob and gene's dead poet society!!!!
omg everyone wants her I gotta finish this fic!!!!
another taste >:)
Oswalt rubs at his face. Leyden looks half-asleep. Men start getting up from the coconut log benches and funnelling out of the theater. Among the bobbing heads, Eugene spots Juergens and rises from his seat. “Gene, where are you going?” Oswalt calls after him as he makes his way towards the crowd. “Hey,” he says, approaching Juergens. Juergens is loitering near the exit with Smith and Conley, half-smoked cigarettes hanging from all three of their mouths. Juergens shoots his friends an amused look before turning towards Eugene. “Hey,” he parrots. Over his shoulder, Smith and Conley laugh. At what, Eugene isn’t sure exactly. “Uh, do you know where Leckie is?” he asks, scrambling to take the book out of his pocket as a convenient excuse. “I need to give this back to him.” Juergens smirks. It reminds Eugene of Leckie’s smile, the kind that makes him look like there’s something he’s not telling you. “Lucky got stuck with guard duty tonight,” Juergens explains. “He’s posted at the division water point.” He gestures east past the theater’s rightmost exit. “Down that way. ‘Bout ten minutes. He’s probably done soon but you might still catch him.” “Thanks,” Eugene says and gives Juergens a polite nod. “Hey, tell Lucky he missed a real weepy!” Conley shouts as Eugene squeezes through a gap in the crowd to escape the theater.
leckie’s gang: who the hell is this weird southern redhead and why is he following leckie around like a stray puppy
thank you!!! <33
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ww2yaoi · 5 hours ago
bob and gene's dead poets society immediately stood out to me ... sledgeleckie?👀
just answered an ask about this one explaining a bit about it but YES it's sledge/leckie but sid haunts the narrative of course <3
here's another snippet:
After a while, Eugene turns onto his side to face the empty upturned C-ration crate beside his bed. The book he borrowed from Leckie’s library roosts on the edge, untouched since Eugene set it down there last night. His eyes trace the dull black lettering on the spine. He’s been reluctant to open it, as if doing so will make him relive the hot-eared embarrassment he felt around Leckie last night. He looks at it a moment before grabbing it off the crate. Thankfully, the book still feels comforting in his hands. His fingertips find all the bumps and creases along its old linen cover like knots in a tree. The spine seems to creak as Eugene opens it, as if the bindings are rusted from age. In neat cursive, the top left corner of the inside cover reads: To Bob, This one oughta woo the gals. John Christmas ‘38 Then, written in the adjacent corner in scratchy printing: This book belongs to Robert H. Leckie. If lost, return to 146 Carmita Ave. Rutherford, NJ Eugene runs his thumb over Leckie’s old address, feeling the depression the pen made in the paper however many Christmases ago. Eugene has never been to New Jersey, but he feels an odd longing for it now. Probably because it would be closer to home than here.
gay af to yearn for new jersey. dick winters can testify
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ww2yaoi · 6 hours ago
you KNOW i need bob and gene snacks 😋🙏
YAY <3 I've talked about this one a bit/shared snippets before but basically it's gene's pov of the couple months leading up to peleliu invasion. so it's set on pavuvu and eugene is heartbroken over the whole sid issue lol but he's also crushing on leckie to cope. I wanted to explore the vet vs. boot dynamic and also the anticipation the new guys must've been feeling before going into combat for the first time and also how the experienced guys won't tell them what they're in for
here's a snack:
Eugene fiddles with pebbles and broken sea shells for what feels like an hour, the book weighing down his dungarees. He’s beginning to wonder if Leckie has played a cruel joke on him when he hears boots kicking up sand near the edge of the trees. “Sorry. Got held up at the CP,” Leckie says, half-walking, half-jogging towards him. He’s done away with his rifle and is holding his garrison cap in his hands, his coily hair mussed and springing in every direction. He plops down beside Eugene and reaches into his tidily pressed pocket for a pack of cigarettes and his Zippo. “Nice uniform,” Eugene says without really thinking. “Thanks,” Leckie says, a grin splitting his face. “The trick is to put your pants and shirt underneath your cot and sleep on it. Gets out the worst of the wrinkles.” He sticks a cigarette in his mouth then offers Eugene the pack. Eugene shakes his head. Leckie chuckles. “Right. You don’t smoke.” He flicks open his lighter with a sharp clink. “Y’know, Phillips didn’t either at first.” Eugene should be used to hearing Sid’s name come out of less-than-familiar mouths by now, but it jars him every time. He doesn’t like being reminded that there are parts of Sid strangers know better than he does. That would’ve been unfathomable three years ago, but here Leckie is. He’s experienced what Eugene has only dreamed of: fighting by Sid’s side, seeing what Sid saw, feeling what Sid felt, understanding why he isn’t the same boy Eugene knew back home in Mobile. But Sid is gone now, and Eugene never got the chance to do any of those things. He and Leckie are the ones left behind, and they don’t seem to understand each other any better for it.
I have part 1 of this finished but I need to finish part 2. some research holes are holding me up but I'll persevere
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ww2yaoi · 6 hours ago
wip game !!
I was tagged by @sidleckie! thank you buddy ol' pal <3
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. tag as many people as you have wips. people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I have so many fuck ass wips but these are the only ones I'm actively working on lmao. either by plotting them or actually writing but I've been slackin' sorry
bob and gene's dead poets society
bill'eau (creative title there wow)
I think everyone has been tagged but you know the drill
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ww2yaoi · 6 hours ago
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he’s like a chow chow to me. and yes he bites
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ww2yaoi · 7 hours ago
bill leyden i love u my underrated diva u are so dear to me
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ww2yaoi · 7 hours ago
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ww2yaoi · 7 hours ago
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So... you look well. Nice Uniform!
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ww2yaoi · 7 hours ago
can you imagine what web's hair would've looked like if they shipped his ass to the south pacific
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ww2yaoi · 8 hours ago
why was hoosier always so cold in the south pacific
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ww2yaoi · 8 hours ago
leckie with his sleeveless shirt and chest out vs hoosier with his blankie.... high fashion honestly
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