#i am SO down bad for this man
mikichko · 1 month
having some thoughts about roommate!gaz
mdni. dubcon. unedited :)
thinking about the possibility that your heating breaks friday night just after the maintenance men have left for the day. you try to brave it out and layer up, keep a blanket around you at all times but that doesn’t stop the chattering of your teeth.
gaz, sweet selfless gaz, tells you that you can cuddle up with him and share some of his heat. it’s enough to stop the chattering but you’re still shivering and trembling around him. he’s rubbing the exposed patch of your hip when he tells you that skin to skin contact helps keep you warmer. even shows you a study for it.
which is how you find yourself completely bare and pressed up against the hard muscular planes of gaz’s body. you try not to think about the way his sharp hips are pressing against the fat of your ass. or the way his fingers pinch and pull at the fat on your hips. or how his other hand has found a home centimeters away from your chest to the point where if you breathe deep enough you swear you can feel his fingers.
and you certainly don’t think about the girthy, lengthy, piece of him that’s found a home between your legs. or how hard it is. or how it pulses occasionally. or how you swear you can feel a drip of something wet on your thigh.
or how when it parted the fat of your thighs to make itself at home gaz had apologized, telling you that it just gets excited when there’s pretty sweet things nearby.
you certainly don’t think about that at all.
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superprofesh · 3 months
The Five Times Colt Seavers Almost Kisses You (and the One Time He Does) — Part 2
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Pairing: Colt Seavers x reader
Description: The second time Colt Seavers almost kisses you — in which he thinks he might be losing his sanity.
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.2k
Tag List: @strangedeerconnoisseur, @icantwaittoliveandlearn, @moonlightandstarshimmer
Author’s Note: As the Colt obsession rages on, I hope y'all enjoy part 2, because it certainly was sizzling when I wrote it :D This one is more from Colt's POV, and it includes some of his inner monologue (which I loved in the film). I appreciate everyone's kind words so far and would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter! Thank you all! <3
Part 1
Ever since the little paint-smudging incident, Colt has been, well… off.
This never happens to him. He’s a professional, he’s been working on movie sets for years, he’s known hundreds and hundreds of coworkers. But something is different. You’re different.
As he leans against the hood of his truck after filming, one leg propped on the fender as he takes a deep breath of the midnight air, Colt can’t stop replaying the events of the day before. You painting a prop sign, you laughing at his dumb jokes, you smearing red paint across his face. The steadiness of your hands, the smile crinkling the corners of your eyes. The sunbeams luminescent in your hair. The way your hand felt for the few seconds it lingered on his cheek.
Get it together, man, his inner monologue scolds him.
Colt can’t deny that he has feelings for you. You’ve been on set together for about two months now, and he sees you practically every day. Every time he performs a stunt, you’re always there adjusting the furniture, dabbing color onto the walls, rearranging props with that magnificent touch that brings every setpiece to life. Colt is amazed by your talent in your job as a set decorator, and your skill pushes him to try harder stunts each time, to try to impress you with his own skills.
But there’s one major problem that he can’t get past — he’s just not good enough for you. Sure, Colt has all the confidence in the world when it comes to throwing himself from a moving car or flashing a dazzling smile at you across the set, but he’s destined to be an unknown stuntman for the rest of his career. Your talent and dedication promises great things for your future, and Colt has already made up his mind that he’s not going to stand in your way by coming on too strong.
He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. Even when he’s trying to be noble and keep himself from getting you distracted from your career, he’s replaying the way your eyes fluttered shut for a moment when his thumb brushed your jaw.
I’m so screwed.
Colt has just agreed with his inner monologue that he will keep his distance from you and turn all his unfulfilled feelings into protein powder when you step out of a nearby trailer, one arm over your eyes as if you’ve been crying.
All thoughts of noble detachments shatter instantly, and Colt pushes off his truck to make his way toward you. He’s relieved when you lower your arm from your face and he can tell that you weren’t crying — just so dead tired that you can barely keep your eyes open.
“Hey, Van Gogh,” he calls to you, keeping a distance of about six feet as he reverts to his usual habit of artist-nicknames. Too familiar, too familiar, abort, abort. “Too much moonshine?”
Your eyes pop open in surprise to see him standing there, but a wearied smile crosses your face nonetheless. “Too much moonlighting,” you correct him, leaning back against the art trailer with a sigh. “Gordon has been on my back all day about the props for the train station scene. I got wooden benches for a rustic vibe, but he wants metal for a grittier vibe. I painted the graffiti mural in multi-colors, but he wants it red for a sharper contrast. I spent the last week distressing the station floor so it would look lived-in, but now he wants it clean. Clean, cold, and clinical.” You bury your face in your hands, rubbing your red-rimmed eyes. “I just finished making twenty neon signs for the depot, but I don’t know if he’ll even still want them by tomorrow.”
Colt’s heart tugs seeing you so exhausted and discouraged, and he elects to ignore his previous inner monologue and take a few steps in your direction. “Sounds like Gordon is trying to direct a hospital soap opera instead of an action thriller.”
“Exactly!” You throw your hands up in frustration, letting your head loll to the side as you look at him through half-opened eyes. “I never want to see another paint roller again. Or at least not until tomorrow.”
Colt chuckles at that, taking another step closer. “It is tomorrow. It’s past midnight.” His brow furrows in concern as he watches your eyelids drift closed again. You look like you’re about to fall asleep on your feet.
“Right. I knew that,” you mumble. “I need some sleep.”
“I’d say you need a hibernation,” Colt says gently, cursing himself for the way he feels the urge to reach out and touch you. “When’s the last time you got any winks?”
Your eyes roll back in your head as you try to recall. “Uhhh… Tuesday?”
Colt shakes his head. “Come on, I’ll drive you back.”
Your eyes open at that, and you automatically shake your head, swaying a little as you do so. “No, you don’t need to do that! I’ll be fine. My hotel is just a few blocks from here.”
“Good,” Colt agrees, reaching out to put his arm around your shoulders. “Then you won’t have to pay me back for gas money.”
You sigh in mock frustration but give in when he starts leading you to his truck. He can feel you leaning on him, drawing from his strength when he knows yours is depleted. Colt has to force himself to focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by the intoxicating smell of oil paints and charcoal and wood chips emanating off your skin. He especially tries not to notice the way your head naturally falls against his shoulder while he leads you to the passenger door.
Once you’ve climbed into the seat, you immediately droop forward and rest your forehead on your knees. On an impulse, Colt pulls off his jacket — his most comfortable one: the brown one with the drawstrings — and drapes it across your shoulders. He suppresses a grin when you mumble something that sounds like “hmmk hmum” but probably was supposed to be “thank you.”
The drive to your hotel lasts all of three minutes, and he parks his truck under the portico so you’ll be closer to the door. Against the pitch black of the midnight sky, the hotel looks cozy and welcoming, street lamps bathing the sidewalk in a halo of golden light.
Colt opens the door to the passenger side, a smile crossing his lips when you turn your head from where it’s resting on your knees to peek up at him.
“Are we there yet?” you mumble, eyes fluttering between open and closed.
“Just a rest stop,” he informs you jokingly, holding out a hand to help you out of the truck. You gladly accept it, so exhausted that you can barely stand up straight. Colt feels another shimmer of worry at seeing you so worn out.
With his arm around your shoulder again, Colt walks you to the hotel door, which opens automatically to let you in. His thoughts are a jumble of worry, consternation, and elation at this situation, but he breaks out of his reverie halfway to the elevator, when you start giggling uncontrollably.
“What?” he asks, basking in the way your musical laugh wraps around him like a melody. Colt, get it together. Stop romanticizing this.
You snicker again, pressing the elevator button to your floor. “I bet the desk clerk thought I was drunk and bringing you home with me.”
Colt goes stock-still at that comment, only moving again when the elevator door opens and you enter the compartment together. Your sleep-deprived brain is so addled that you barely even register the implications of your remark, but Colt’s mind instantly starts racing with his own thoughts. Be professional, don’t make a saucy joke, just play it cool, play it cool, change the subject, change the SUBJECT—
“You should call Gordon,” he suggests, so enthralled with the feel of your head resting on his shoulder that he can barely get the sentence out. “Tell him you can’t make it tomorrow. You seriously need to get some sleep.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, one that flutters across his collarbone like an autumn breeze. He swallows and turns his head the other way, using all his willpower not to completely come undone right in front of you. You have no idea the effect you’re having on him, so sleep-deprived that you’re missing any cues that would clue you in normally.
“I have to be there tomorrow,” you insist drowsily. The elevator door dings open, and Colt leads you through the opening, his arm still tight around your shoulders as you point him in the right direction. “We’re filming the train station scene, and it has to be perfect.”
“What, at the cost of your health and sanity?” Colt quips, though he can’t deny that there’s a note of seriousness in his tone.
You shake your head stubbornly. “I’m fine. This is my job. I just have to do it.” You yawn widely, stumbling a little as you get closer to your hotel door. “I just need a few hours and I’ll be good as new.”
Colt lifts his eyebrows skeptically but doesn’t argue with you. You’re pulling your room key out of your pocket, and he’s suddenly torn between the desire to run before he violates his vow of noble detachment, and the need to confess every passionate feeling coursing through his veins right now. He knows this isn’t the right time, though, and that there may never be a right time at all.
You unlock your door with a swipe but pause before going inside, leaning your back against the doorframe so you can look at Colt squarely. “Thank you for bringing me back.” Your smile steals his breath, makes him imagine a halo of stars around your face. “I couldn’t have made it without you.”
Every muscle in his body is urging him to lean forward, to close the distance between you, to capture your lips against his so he can whisper every unconfessed feeling, every gentle passion, every overwhelming longing in this silent, dimly-lit hallway. His heart is pounding so loudly in his ears that he thinks you must be able to hear it.
“Anytime,” Colt manages, his throat so tight that can barely rasp out the word. He has to clench his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out to you.
You reach up to shed his brown jacket and hand it back to him, but Colt stops you by holding up his hand. “Keep it,” he tells you. Shut up, shut up, shut UP— “It looks better on you anyway.”
The golden light from the street lamps outside must be playing tricks on his eyes, because he could swear that your eyes brighten at his words. Your fingers tighten around his jacket, and all he can imagine is your fingers entwined with his, your head on his shoulder again. The way it should be.
Your eyes flicker closed for a moment, and you sway against the doorway. Colt instinctively reaches out to steady you, his hand landing on your arm and holding you up for the moment it takes you to regain your balance. His skin feels like it’s on fire from this close proximity. He releases your arm so he doesn’t lose his sanity, but the touch lingers on his palm, making his heart race and his mouth go dry. His eyes flit down to glance at your lips again before he can stop them. Another moment, and he won’t have any self-control left.
You seem to feel the tension, too, lingering in the doorway when you should have said goodnight by now. He knows you’re struggling with it, and he knows it’s his responsibility as the clear-headed one to end this before it starts. His breath is rattling in his throat as he says, “Get some rest. Let me know if you need a ride over tomorrow morning.”
His voice seems to break the spell over you, and you give him a sleepy smile as you nod. “Thanks, Colt.” Your eyes linger on him for a moment more, and then you disappear behind the heavy hotel door.
Once you’re gone, Colt turns and leans heavily against the hallway wall, suddenly feeling breathless and exhausted from the intensity of what he just felt. He can’t believe he even let himself think about kissing you when you’re so dazed, but surely he wasn’t misreading those signals? Surely he felt the heat of your own gaze meeting his?
Colt sighs, trying to clear his head while he catches his breath. He can’t even entertain the idea of starting a fling with you, because his feelings have gone way too deep for a fling. He just needs to keep his distance and stop overanalyzing every moment he shares with you. He needs to get a grip on reality so he doesn’t completely ruin your friendship and burden you with any guilt. This has to stop. I’m going to stop right now, and I’m not going to think about it anymore, and I’m going to get hold of myself before it’s too late.
He hopes his inner monologue is right this time, because he knows he’s only falling harder for you.
Part 3
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truefandemonium · 10 days
Hello Beetlejuice fandom, im new
I have two questions and one confession:
1. Is Betelgeuse’s nickname really ‘BJ’? 💀
2. Am I the only one who genuinely finds this weirdo attractive?
And 3. I actually only saw the first Beetlejuice one time when I was like 8 and I remember hating it but now I’ve seen Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and i am madly in love with a moldy demon.
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madl-y · 2 months
✧. ┊— you're the one that I like (I can't deny)
3 times Orter Mádl denied his affection for someone, and the one time he was too tired to defend himself.
sypnosis – the other divive visionaries are sick of seeing orter lovesick (despite being amused themselves) so they try to push him to confess. (they, mainly being kaldo and ryoh. lance was there unwillingly)
> no tw! fluff! hopefully not ooc..? beware of grammar and spelling mistakes (sorry..)
> set in post innocent zero! so mild manga spoilers :"DD
> its also been a while since i've started writing fics again! this was kind of an impulse decision ahahaha...!
> i also didn't expect this to be long! sorry :"D
Orter Mádl never thought he'd see you again.
This is the third time in a row that he, alongside with another person, finished the assigned mission in each class that gives silver coins. Orter glances at the side, where another student slowly walks to the front as the teacher sang praises about them. Of course never forgetting the 'lectures' on how everyone should take inspiration from the two of them. (Frankly, it was getting quite sickening to hear.)
He kept his gaze at the front, while his awareness and attention is still directed at you. You, who always managed to keep up with him in tasks and classes. You, who despite having a weak personal magic, had always excelled at other spells. It was to the point where higher level year spells and advance magic was so easy for you.
You, who Orter thought that the first piece of the silver coin you got was a fluke.
Evidently enough, it wasn't.
Finally, after a lot of unnecessary speeches and praises, Orter and you are able to go back with the rest of the class. It seems most students were willing to run away the moment the teacher announced class was over.
Orter pushed his glasses and sighed. He finally felt the weight of his pocket from the gold coins he acquired recently.
Just from looking at you, Orter knew you felt the weight too.
Its nothing new. Clearly, Easton has a lot of students that were born talented. Easton in itself is a privilege. The best and the talented are here. Orter knew he'll have to face a lot of strong magic users just to carve his path towards becoming a Divine Visionary.
He must become one. Someone needs to maintain order. He needs to punish all those who dare and try go against society. He needs to fulfill his wish—
"Orter, aren't you going?" He blinked. Surprisingly, (or not really) Orter found himself still rooted on the grass. His previous place just a few steps behind him.
Ah, right. Someone called out to him.
That someone gazed up to him. Orter got used to people having to slightly tilt their head up from how tall he is. Though, he never noticed that your height reached his shoulders.
"Orter?" You called out again.
Orter shook his head, trying to keep his mind from wandering elsewhere.
Somehow, this always happens. Its always whenever the two of your interact with each other. Orter gets distracted and gods knows why!
"Sorry, I was just thinking."
It somewhat became a routine from how it always happens when Orter and you interact.
Its always you who's initiating. A simple greeting in the hallway. A simple show of respect to Orter's achievements. A simple saying of "congratulations" whenever Orter finishes first in class quizzes.
And it always follows up with an act of concern to when Orter spaces out.
Because somehow, he always ends up thinking of you. How did you keep up? What did you do? What magic spells were you able to wield so easily, yet you're own personal magic was so weak? Why were you talking to him? Did you want to become a Divine Visionary? Should he expect you as a future enemy? Why do your eyes always look like they're shining under the bright warm sun? Why—
"If you excuse me, I need to go." Orter bowed before walking away. He hasten his pace at the mere sound of your voice that stopped midway to ask something of him.
Why is it that its always you he exerts his effort to think about?
Its irrational. Its... nonsense.
Yet somehow, he couldn't help but think how prettier you are up close.
And its ridiculous to think about.
When Orter thought that you might be working alongside with him, he didn't mean with you as just an assistant.
"You really saved me time, thanks!"
"These notes are so well organized... I should learn from you."
"I'm starting to see why the Divine Visionaries respect you alot."
"Heh..? Not bad from an assistant."
"Be nice, Renatus."
"Shut up, you stuck up hag." Sophina Biblia glared at the foul word.
"Would you like some honey sashimi with me?"
"With all due respect, Kaldo." You blankly stared at the Flame Cane and his abomination of a... food choice. "You're tastes in food and honey combinations are the worst thing ever." Kaldo felt an arrow struck through him. The palm of your hand raised up in front of him indicated that you were rejecting his food taste (like everyone else) and flopped to the floor in pain.
The other two visionaries sighed.
"Orter, here is your schedule for today and tomorrow. One of the chiefs in the Police force would like to schedule a meeting with you. Nerey's still clarifying who's attending though." You handed a folder to Orter while ignoring the bickering behind the two of you.
Orter nodded. "I'll take note of that. Although," He took a quick glance at the cup of coffee on your other hand. "I thought you don't drink coffee anymore?"
"Oh, this is for you."
Orter blinked, before pushing up his glasses. "I don't recall ordering one."
"What? Don't tell me you suddenly dislike coffee?" You leaned in with a teasing grin. Any outsider would think that the Sand Cane looks unamused, but working with Orter for a long time means you've known every expression of his, no matter how stoic.
"I didn't say I dislike coffee." Orter sighed.
"Yeah? Then, here you go." You lightly shoved the cup of coffee towards Orter. It looks so casual, as if its something you've done for a long time.
And it is something you've done for a long time.
Orter accepts the coffee. Gingerly taking care of the cup in his hands. His fingers subtly touch against yours.
Its always the same, and yet Orter still feels that small budding affection in him. (Not that he would show it, of course.)
A coworker calls your name. You immediately follow him down the hallway while giving a quick smile to Orter. He nods briefly as he watches your back retreating further.
Actually, Orter already drank a cup of coffee a while ago. He usually doesn't order a second one. He dislikes the feeling him palpitating in the middle of work. It only happened twice, but he refuses to feel it again.
Still, every cup you give him unknowingly, he takes it.
He licks his lips as the warm liquid travels down his throat. Its sweet.
Its sweeter than he's used to. He prefers it with less sugar, and absolutely refuses to let Kaldo brew his cup of coffee.
He takes one more sip.
Orter doesn't mind as he walks back to his office with the cup of coffee and folder in hand.
The next day, you find a freshly brewed cup of tea on your desk.
You tilt your head questioningly. This is a first that's happened ever.
You look around to see if there were someone nearby. Most of them were walking past and chatting with one another.
It tasted good at least. (After confirming that it wasn't poisoned. You wouldn't know what to feel if there was someone who wants you dead.)
Weeks pass by, and there's been at least two times that it has happened. It happens at random times so you weren't sure what the pattern was.
But clearly, the Divine Visionaries know something. Every time you ask, however, they just smile or sigh while giving you a cryptic answer.
Orter just shrugs and walks away.
"Hey-! I wasn't done talking to you!"
"Well, I am." Is what he always replies.
Soon after, Ryoh slings his arms around Orter and gives him a grin. "So... you like her?"
Orter pauses in his steps, before blankly staring at the smug Light Cane. "Her?"
Kaldo emerged from the sides. "Oh? Never thought you were the type to play dumb." His smile grows at the bristled look Orter directed at him.
"I'm not playing dumb."
"Its just that, she's the one you only prepare tea just right before she arrives at work. You don't do that to anyone else." Orter stares at Ryoh, who just smiles knowingly. Nothing escapes the Light Cane afterall.
"My, my, who thought that I have a rival in finding ways to charm a girl? Me, the greatest creation–" Orter shrugs off the narcissist before he can start his self narration.
Kaldo walks beside Orter, "So, you truly like her?"
Orter sighed, pushing his glasses in habit. "I don't."
Kaldo hummed in thought, "I'm not convinced." The Flame Cane frowned. "You two seem to get along well. No plans of confessing?" He tries to push further for answers, which makes Orter irritated.
"If you're not convinced, that's not my problem." Gold eyes glared sharply. "Again, I don't like her. I'm just giving back favors. I don't know about you, but I don't think gossiping is how a visionary should spend their day."
With that, Orter walks away ignoring the stares from the two.
It's natural to repay favors. You don't need to know Orter was the one brewing the tea on your desk after every coffee you give him.
Kaldo and Ryoh stared before smiling at each other.
"He likes her." Ryoh grinned.
Kaldo nodded in agreement.
The bell rang indicating that class is finally over. Which also means that you have successfully made it through the whole day while teaching.... enthusiastic students. (The amount of headaches you've received from teaching students the most basic spells. Offense spells, especially.)
You greeted one last goodbye to the class before heading out towards the faculty.
While your main job is a secretary position in the Bureau, you were also recruited to teach at Easton for once a week. Mostly classes that are supplementary for those with borderline failing grades.
"Ah, who is more suitable than the student who excels in different spells regardless of difficulty? Am I right?" Walhberg's voice resonated in your mind.
It's been a year since you've started teaching. Right after the whole Innocent Zero world abomination happened. Can't say that you're surprised that Finn is one of your students, but he's currently doing better than you expected.
"I have to thank you for being patient with me, Sensei!" You recall Finn beaming with joy as he finally got one of the hardest offense spells to master. Safe to stay you were delighted that you had an impact to students.
Right after this class, you usually head straight towards the Bureau to take over the night shift-
A tap in your shoulder made you halt in the middle of the hallway, "Done with class?"
You come face to face with... huh.
"I didn't know you had a meeting here in Easton?" You should know, because you were in charge of handling the Visionaries' schedules. So you should know that Orter has no business here in Easton.
He shrugs, "I don't."
"Well, yeah, you don't. I should know that— I'm your goddamn secretary— but I'm assuming its an emergency?" You tilt your head in confusion. Gold eyes meet yours, his stare seemingly calculating and... hesitant?
"No." Orter replies.
Silence assumes between the two of you. You raised a questioning brow at Orter who just stares blankly at you.
"Then..? Care to elaborate oh divine one?" You add a hint of sarcasm which Orter slightly bristled at. He sends a sharper glance at you while you smile innocently.
Its not as if the two of you haven't acted that way before. Working together somehow brought the two of you closer and your relationship is somewhat casual.
Other words, you can be as annoying as you want and Orter won't shove sand down your throat.
"I don't know, you're the secretary." He raised a challenging brow back. You scoff in lighthearted annoyance while Orter seemed unfazed. That is, if it weren't for the ghost of a smile you managed to capture.
If you can be annoying as you want without consequence, then Orter will do the same.
"Okay but really, why are you here?" You question seriously while inviting Orter to walk beside you towards the faculty. He follows while keeping his gaze ahead.
"Hmm... You're headed towards the Bureau after this?"
"Oh? How did you know?" You ask with slight surprise. Nobody ever bothered to know your schedule, except for the ones that are quite obvious.
Orter sighed and sent you a dry look. "We've worked together for a long time."
A laugh escapes your throat, "Yeah, well, I've only started teaching a year ago. Until now, some forget I have to teach weekly then head towards the Bureau. I swear, its laughable at the same time such a headache. They keep on scheduling things when they shouldn't be." You sighed roughly, wondering if you should start scolding your coworkers more.
"They're idiots." Another laugh escapes your throat at Orter's words. "I'm guessing they're the same ones that accidentally added in my schedule that I'm supposed to be here at Easton." You see the way Orter's usual calm expression turns slightly irritated. Not evident that anyone from outside could see, but enough for someone like you who've known Orter since studying at Easton.
"Oh I see, that's how it is." You stifle another laugh, not wanting to irritate Orter further, but can't help the urge to tease him.
"You say its a headache when they do this, yet you're laughing? How annoying." Orter let out a huff while you grin.
"Maybe its laughable when I see others suffer." You teasingly smirk.
Orter rolled his eyes, yet he can't help but feel a minute affection at the casual interaction between you.
"You haven't answered my question, Orter."
Ah right. He hasn't.
Orter paused in his steps. Causing you two pause beside him too before facing him with a questioning smile.
Again, its the same. As if they're back studying at Easton where Orter always sees that smile of yours. Its always the same, so how come he always felt the same emotions where his stomach and chest swirl at the sight of it. At the sight of you.
He cleared his throat, "I did. I told you they sent me on accident. Messing up my schedule."
"That's true, but you could've gone back immediately." You turn your gaze towards the group of students on the field where they were practicing spells or playing around.
"You caused quite a commotion you know? It was hard to settle down my last class because apparently, a Divine Visionary is on Easton grounds." You cross your arms while a playful pout forms on your lips. "They were more focused on the fact that the Sand Cane was here. That was an hour ago, so care to explain?" You sigh in exhaustion. However, your pout was replaced by a smile the moment you see Orter's subtle shift in his eyes while he looked dejected at being caught. Again, only you could see those minute expressions behind his stoic attitude.
Orter pursed his lips, he didn't expect that his presence would be that of a commotion. To think he was confident in concealing his presence right before your class.
Huh, nothing really escapes you.
"That's.." Orter glanced away while pushing his glasses up. "Its not like it wouldn't hurt to—"
"—visit you.."
Orter went silent before sending a glance to the person who had the guts to interrupt to people talking-!
His mouth opens in slight surprise at the look of one of the students he was mentoring.
Additionally, Lance looked equally as surprise to see Orter right behind you. He blinked, wondering if he interrupted something. He was pretty sure he heard another voice overlapping with his once he called for you.
"Sensei, Orter-san." Lance bows politely then turns back to you.
He sees in the corner of his eye how Orter pushed his glasses up (a tiny bit harsher) and looked away. Lance didn't have time to think about it as you call for his name.
"Yes, Lance?" You smile at the younger Divine Visionary.
"Ah, Finn wanted me to tell you that he can't go to the faculty after class to bring you his assignment. His other teacher told him to stay after class." Lance handed you a sheet of paper.
"He asked me to deliver it to you instead."
"Oh, thank you Lance! Its nice to see you taking care of Finn. Please tell him he did a great job and not to worry." You smile brightly as you felt another wave of pride for Finn. Sure he was called as the "weakest" in your supplementary class, but he's improving. A lot. Especially under your guidance.
One glance at Finn's paper, and you already knew he's going to have another high score soon enough.
"Also, Professor Claude told me to look for you. Apparently there's an emergency meeting with the faculty."
At the mention of Claude, you couldn't help but grimace. Lance didn't seem fazed at your expression, yet he also can't help sending a pitying glance at you.
Orter just raised his brow.
"And he couldn't tell me himself...?" You mumbled questioningly.
"He said he was busy." Lance replied dryly.
"Sure, he always says that." You muttered once again, not bothering to hide your disdain at your fellow professor.
You perked at the sound of someone clearing his throat. You turn to Orter apologetically. "Sorry, Orter. I forgot you were there."
While Orter didn't seem fazed on the outside, Lance could see the slight twitch on his forehead.
"I think Lance may have accidentally cut you off." You smiled sheepishly.
Lance thought so too.
"What was it you were going to say?"
Orter remained quiet for a moment before sighing. "Its nothing. I was about to head back to the Bureau."
While you nodded understandingly, Orter took the chance to sharply glare at Lance in displeasure. Maybe he should teach this kid a thing or two on how to not interrupt two adults when they're having a conversation.
Lance stared back unfazed.
"Well then, I have to go! Can you do me a favor and tell anyone who asks for me that I have an emergency meeting at the faculty?"
The Sand Cane let out a sigh, displeasure thinly veiled in his expression. Orter, however, nodded while his stoic look returns. "Sure."
"Thank you!" You bowed and smiled gratefully before quickly walking away. "See you around as well, Lance!"
The blue haired nodded as he and Orter stood still while watching your retreating back.
Once its just the two of them, it seems tension has risen again between them. Despite the fact Orter is training Lance, and frequently sees him around from the fact Lance is the newest Visionary.
Still, Orter can't help but stare at Lance who, of course is one of the known people to be stubborn as hell, stares back as well.
Orter is starting to think he should say something to rid of this awkward silence.
"Are you—"
"Did I—"
Both visionaries closed their mouths.
A sense of Déjà vu passes through them.
Orter tries once more.
....If he wasn't annoyed, he'd be very astonished right now.
Lance quickly spoke before Orter could, "Did I interrupt something?"
Orter just sighed heavily, "Sort of." His shoulders dropping as he recalls that very scenario just a moment ago.
"Sorry, I actually didn't see you there." Lance said politely as he could. Rubbing the back of his neck in slight awkwardness.
"Its fine. It wasn't important."
"It looked like it was though." The younger visionary rolled his shoulders as he looks away in thought. Orter raises his brow at the comment while Lance looked as if he remembered something.
"Ah, so she's the one Kaldo-san and Ryoh-san were saying that you liked?" With the way Lance said it with such a straight face, Orter had to process the words that was casually spoken.
"...What?" Orter's face crumbled in irritation.
Lance continued to look to the side in thought, oblivious to the way Orter was seething. "So that's why your schedule changed all of a sudden. I thought there's someone who was going to attack Easton so I was on guard the whole time."
Lance glanced back to Orter. "But Kaldo-san and Ryoh-san told me not to worry about it. It was quite a headache since a lot of our classmates heard news of you in the school grounds. Although, I never thought you were the type to agree to change your schedule for someone you like—" Lance felt a magical aura out of nowhere and began to get his guard up. Ever since Innocent Zero, its like an instinct at this point.
However, he paused as he noticed Orter who looked the same as usual. Straight-faced and stoic, yet Lance could see how tense he was.
"...I see." Orter said lowly.
He began to stare ahead in thought, before bringing out his wand and turn around without glancing at Lance. "Thank you for providing information. However, I would like to clarify everything was false."
One look at Orter, and you'd think he was just as calm and composed. Lance's glance at the hand gripping his wand tightly made him think otherwise.
The other knew to not say anything further, lest he drowns with sand flowing down his throat and out his ass.
"Everything?" But of course, Lance had a stubborn streak. Maybe Mash and Dot were rubbing off him too much.
Orter replied without looking back, "Everything."
"Even the part where they said you like her?" Lance pushed. Call it curiosity, or maybe the fact that someone like Orter indeed has feelings for someone, which makes it so intriguing for Lance to find out more and risk getting buried in sand.
Orter let out a deep exhale, which got Lance tense for a moment, before the Sand Cane started walking again.
The Adler student watched as his mentor rounded around a corner. He was soon left alone in the hallways.
Lance couldn't help but feel like he caused a murder that's going to happen in the Bureau of Magic.
What's more intriguing, however, was that Lance immediately knew the real answer from the quick moment of silence before Orter replied.
Lance harumphed and went back to his dorms. "...The fact he had to lie even though it was already obvious."
That day, Ryoh and Kaldo struggled to give a lot of excuses to avoid Orter before they were caught.
Orter was getting sick of this.
Its been weeks since that awful interaction with Lance and you, yet Orter keeps finding himself victim of Ryoh and Kaldo's infuriating schemes.
What's worse, is that the other visionaries go on about their day. As if there's nothing going on.
Here, Orter is glaring at Ryoh who keeps on convincing him that Orter should get over it and just confess.
Orter would be drowning Ryoh in tons of sands if it weren't for Kaldo backing him up. "I'm getting sick of this." Orter snapped.
"Well, sucks to be you. We're getting sick of it too!" Ryoh grinned while Kaldo laughs as if Orter wasn't getting bombarded with ideas on how to flirt with someone you've like for a long time!
"It was amusing at first, seeing how you'd suddenly act so soft and caring towards her. Yet it began to look painful at how both of you were acting so oblivious." Kaldo sighed as if it was his personal problem, and the fact that Orter can't even hurt them in retaliation, because damn them and they're actually useful for protecting the citizens.
"I don't-!"
"Quit the act! You like her, she likes you back. Now confess!" Ryoh cuts him off while pushing Orter forward to god knows where.
He's actually going to kill these bastards, visionaries or not.
Of course Orter is true to his words, so he brings out his wand and glares at the two. Ryoh just smiled (even though there's a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead at the sight of Orter's wand so close to him) and Kaldo doesn't seem fazed and watches from the side.
"Oi Kaldo! A little help?"
The Flame Cane hummed playfully, "Why, you're the strongest aren't you?"
"But we're in this together!"
"If you two don't stop this, I swear.." Orter gritted his teeth. He has a meeting for goodness sake. He's busy. He's also getting tired of this bullshit of a—
"Oh? What are you three...?" You had to double take the sight in front of you. Ryoh, who's grin faltered at your voice, still has his arms wrapped around Orter's shoulder while leaning his whole body to push Orter forward. Kaldo, who's playful smile drop and is replaced with a look of surprise as he stands from the sides.
Orter on the other hand, blinks and remains still while his expression remains his usual.
That is, if it weren't for the fact that his wand was gripped tightly in his hand and pointed at Ryoh with tiny bits of sand circling around it.
You raise your brow questioningly. "I think sparring between Visionaries is better suited outside and not in the library, no?"
The three blink once before glancing up at the sign above, which shows that indeed, they're in the library.
Just like what Kaldo and Ryoh planned.
Before Orter could protest, he was roughly shoved inside the library. He managed to stop himself from colliding with you.
Curse Ryoh Grantz and his narcissistic attitude because in the end he's still a strong visionary, and Orter prays that all mirrors nearby shall break once he merely appear in front of it.
Kaldo isn't forgotten in Orter's prayers, as he wishes all stocks of honey shall obliterate.
"Well!" Ryoh claps his hands gleefully, unfazed at the menacing glare Orter is sending his way. "Orter's schedule is cleared for the day-"
"It's not-"
"It is?"
"-And he has something he wants to tell you!"
"I don't."
"You do?" You tilt your head at Orter, who inhales deeply. He can feel his patience thinning.
"I don't-"
"He does." Kaldo interjects, and Orter was one step away into murdering the two before the library doors shut.
"Also! Miss secretary, your schedule is also cleared for the day! So spend more time together in the library. I heard you like to read from Kaldo." You can hear the joy in Ryoh's voice despite it being muffled. Which makes you even more confused as you alternatively stare at Orter and back at the doors.
"There are new selections in the library! Especially that one series about the legends of magical creatures." It was Kaldo's voice this time.
"Really?" Orter looked at you in slight disbelief. From how efficient and quick you are to adapt, you sure are easily distracted at what's really happening.
So of course, Orter will use it as an opportunity to—
"Ah, but first listen to what Orter will say." You don't have to see Kaldo to know that he's smiling.
...Orter hopes Kaldo will enjoy having sand in his honey as soon as he dealt with what he's gotten himself too (unwillingly).
It was silent for a moment. This time its a truly awkward one as you and Orter stood still side by side while staring at the entrance of the library.
You blink before giving Orter an embarrassed smile, "So.. I'm guessing you were dragged here against your will?"
Orter sighed tiredly, "Yes."
"I see, but I am curious as to why they had to force you to come here. Apparently, you want to say something?" You questioned, curiosity and slight worry evident in your voice.
Did something happen? Were they hiding something? Or was it just something silly that the visionaries (Ryoh and Kaldo you're guessing) planned and somehow, Orter was on the receiving end.
You watched with slight worry as Orter continued to send daggers towards the entrance of the library. Taking a small step beside him as you examine his expression. Not knowing if he was deliberately choosing to ignore you or not.
Orter's head jerk up slightly at your voice. Indeed he wasn't choosing to ignore you, but was lost in thought on how to punish his fellow visionaries (mainly the two who shall not be named).
He turned his head towards you, sensing the worry in your tone. An apology for the current situation at hand and reassurance are at the tip of his tongue, ready to reply and.. oh.
For someone with great intuition and reflexes, Orter who prides himself in having great situational awareness— its something he thinks visionaries should have— he wasn't aware you two were this close to each other.
Orter finds himself stunned. A thought he's oh so familiar with immediately floats in his brain every time he coincidentally gets a chance to be close with you.
Again, and again, and again, and again.
Its always the same.
His mind always thinks that you're prettier up close. Not that you weren't pretty if you were far away.
Orter watches your eyes slightly widen at the close proximity you two are in, despite the library being so big. Its as if a spell was cast between you two. Designated to stare at the windows of each other's soul, not wanting to look away.
You think Orter's eyes are pretty. Like sand sparkling with hints of powdered gold that's blending well.
Orter thinks your eyes are glowing. Not physically, but with emotions he himself cannot express. He always finds himself melting at your eyes.
Maybe that's what's getting him soft when he interacts with you. Maybe Ryoh is just mistaken and that anyone you interact with also unwillingly goes soft at the sight you.
Orter blinks once, as he regains his composure. He sighs before looking to the side at the moment before looking back at you.
"Uhm, well, you really don't have to say anything if... you're not ready." You let out a chuckle. "Even though I don't know anything about what you uhh, want to talk about.." A light flush blooming at the tip of your ears and across your cheeks. A rare sight even for the Orter Madl himself.
Orter looks at you closely one last time, as he felt that exact swirling emotion in his chest as he takes in your abashed expression.
He scoffs to himself, earning a confused look from you. Before sighing tiredly. He resigned to his fate that Ryoh and Kaldo put him in.
And maybe, Orter has finally come to terms that he's indeed a liar.
"...Do you have anything else that you need to accomplish in the library?" Orter walks ahead of you swiftly taking the books in your hands as he looked at them interestingly.
Your mouth gapes in both confusion and surprise. Orter turned back to you and raised a brow while holding the books. "Well? I'd rather do something productive even if two... nosy idiots decided to clear my schedule."
Orter had the satisfaction to hear your laugh. "Careful, I might get too used to hearing your composure break. Who knew the all powerful Sand Cane had a foul mouth."
The visionary tilts his head, "Hm? I wasn't the one who turned to a blushing mess at a mere eye contact." He quickly turned away but you managed to catch a small smirk on his lips.
The unexpected teasing made you scoff, this time another light blush spread your cheeks in embarrassment. "I—! That was...!"
Orter feigned ignorance as he levitated a few books to organize them to their correct spot. Still, a light smug expression grew as he watched you from his peripheral vision try to defend yourself.
He took a quick step to the side to avoid the incoming jab to his arm. You glared at him unamused before waving your wand and levitating more books, grinning in triumph as one of them managed to hit him in the head lightly.
Orter stumbled slightly as he grunted at the thud of a book against the back of his head. He glared unamusingly, "That's no way to treat a Visionary."
You shrug, "Yeah well, maybe you should be quicker on your feet."
"I am though."
"Didn't seem like it."
Its been a while since you've engaged in friendly banter with Orter. It reminded you when you two would take quick jabs at each other back in Easton.
Orter stared at you, thinking deeply whether or not if he should go along with what his mind thought of.
"Well? Did that book hit you too hard or what?"
You started to shift in place at Orter's gaze. Not knowing if you should be worried or not if you actually hurt him.
Always one to act without thinking, you lift your hand up towards his head. Hesitating slightly at the way Orter's expression slightly shifted in surprise, before resolving yourself lightly touch his brown locks while feeling around the back of his head where the book hit him.
"Did.. did that actually hurt?"
Orter who finally processed everything, let out an amused hum. He grasps your wrist gently before lowering it back to your side. His eyes, once again, examining your worried gaze.
He really can't believe it.
You thought you managed to hurt him?
Orter let out a light huff.
How cute.
"For someone who's duty is to organize schedules and meet with different kinds of people," Orter finds himself facing his body to you. He grabbed a book on a nearby shelf and raised it in the air, gently hitting your head with the spine of the book. "You still have that quick temper and sharp tongue of yours from way back." He says, and he can't help but let out a more softer tone as he meets your eyes.
Orter sighs (for what it seemed the hundredth time) and places the book back in its proper place. Satisfied at the offended reaction he managed to get from you.
"You-! I was worried and-!"
He watched as you go on and on rambling about how you were genuinely worried. About how he was an annoyance from back then until now.
He sighed, how troublesome.
Orter pushed his glasses up as he faced you. "Really, how irritating." He sighs, "Out of everyone, I had to fall for you."
You paused. Your pointer finger that was in the air that was near jabbing his chest faltered.
Once again, Orter had the satisfaction to see you caught off guard.
"What?" Your heartbeat felt like it was pounding out of your ribcage. If you could hear it, what are the chances Orter couldn't.
Both of you stared at each other, heartbeats beating as one. While silence filled the room, the minds of the two were filled with different thoughts and the sounds of their heartbeats.
Finally, Orter spoke.
"I said," he leaned in closer, bending slightly forwards so his face meets yours directly upfront.
You could see the hint of amusement and affection in his eyes.
"Do you have anything else that you need to accomplish in the library?" Orter questioned.
He smiled in satisfaction at the frozen state you are in before heading off to walk with books in hand.
If Orter had to endure weeks of stress because he was forced to confess, well, you can't blame him for wanting you to experience the same.
He did confess after all. So sue him if Orter wanted a bit of fun messing with you.
He dodges another book thrown at him, a ghost of a smile hidden from the back of his head. Yet, if only you weren't so distracted that you could see the red tints on his ears.
Don't worry though, Orter will do this seriously. He doesn't intend to mess with you for that long.
Not until Ryoh and Kaldo get what they deserve.
well... I didn't expect this to be THIS long.. why is this so long oml im so sorry aksdlajfklashglshdf hope you enjoyed though :"D this is not proofread
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mira-miraaa · 2 years
✧ pairing: husband!nanami x fem!reader
✧ content: domestic fluff, first child
✧ note: i was in my feels writing this
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Waking up next to husband Nanami to find him fully awake alongside your six-month-old baby. The little one sits comfortably on their daddy’s chest, playing with their favorite plushie they never let go of. Too distracted by the stuffed toy, the baby doesn’t realize mommy is awake. So you remain silent, a smile on your lips, watching as your two favorite people in the entire world interact.
Strangers deem the man beside you cold, but you know that is far from the truth. He has a heart of gold. Sometimes you wish people could see what an affectionate man your husband is. Nanami, however, cares little about what others think. All that matters to him is his family. And he confirms that daily with his fond words, ardent kisses, kind gestures, and above all, a devotion to you and your child that fills you with love.
And as Nanami takes the baby’s tiny hand in his larger one, you cherish the moment you and he met.
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sh1-n0bu · 4 months
i wanna braid calcharo’s hair and put random colored bows and bright colored ribbons on it and place a smooch on his tacet mark with a “go. kill your enemies”
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He could literally kill me in cold blood and I'd thank him
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norrisgrl · 11 months
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mochisnz · 1 year
when someone sneezes and you bless them and they give the most embarrassed and whiny little “thank you” ???? man i live for that shit
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recitedemise · 3 months
(launches BG3) Sigh. Back to my Gale Barbie Dress Up simulator.
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God. Why is he BUILT like that. His shoulders? Broad. His waist? SNATCHED. SO. GRABBABLE?
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sleepyjuice · 3 months
jj got me feeling absolutely feral recently. that’s my baby. just wrote a 2k word one shot of just pure smut and i have work in less than an hour lmao
here it is btw <3
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gayautisticraccoon · 5 months
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Inspired by this post I wanted to share my favorite Twitter reactions to the new Connection Trailer and Promo Pics so far
Because they are absolutely sending me and each and every one could come straight from my own goblino simp brain
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gojoskellington · 1 year
Family member: hey can I borrow your phone?
Me: yeah sure one second
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Idk why I'm saying this but I just wanted to point out that I've been a Kris girlie from day one
Like my first post/reblog on here ever was thirsting over him in that singlet (the black one with the purple lights if anyone remembers)
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gruffmage7653 · 1 day
So I've just started playing FFXVI and omg Cid is a work of art, everyon involved in his design was fucking cooking omg.
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