#i also feel this way about trans Kirk
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fmluder24 · 2 months ago
I try to enjoy trans Mulder headcanons and I know there’s jokes about their periods syncing up all the time. But when I get into a pensive mood I think about how Jewish men have been historically thought to be not “real” men to the point that antisemites believed they menstruated as a result of circumcision. And then I just kind of stew in the unaddressed implications of how TXF exists in an antisemitic culture and how that shapes how Mulder in particular was written.
Absolutely NO HATE if you headcanon Mulder that way. Knock yourself out and do what makes you happy. I get it and it’s a vibe I just overanalyze things. 😕
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gorgynei · 1 month ago
Can you explain being a werewolf type thing? Idk if I relate or not I've been conflicted on how I feel about what I might be
so bad news. to be honest i am totally incapable of explaining why im a werewolf and what it means to me with any kind of detail. maybe i could if i spent time trying with a writer or other person more skilled in communicating concepts like this, but idk. its such a strong feeling but its feels a bit like explaining why im transgender. like i dont know, i just am. it just feels right
werewolf for me is a gender, a worldview, and alterhuman identity all in one. im not literally a werewolf, but im also not not literally a werewolf. im a werewolf in the kiiind of same way that fat hairy gay men are bears. im like a werewolf who doesn't transform that they put on hrt. my werewolf identity is also very closely linked with my butch identity which is very closely linked to my trans identity, theyre all wrapped up together
not to give you required reading, but the werewolves in rules for werewolves by kirk lynn are a great example of people who operate under a similarly nebulous werewolf identity. read that! its life changing
i have a post attempting to explaining my werewolf label on my website but i need to remake it because its messy.
hopefully that provided the tiniest bit of help. sorry anon! being a werewolf is literally kind of just like realizing one day that you are one and then it changes u forever
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I really appreciate what you said about fem Spirk not really working because I completely agree but it’s hard to say that without a lot of people getting quite angry. I just feel like there’s so much of Kirk and Spock that is tied to their masculinity and how it’s displayed/how they wield it, and it just doesn’t translate as well with them being women. Of course I’ve seen some awesome depictions, but I dunno, maybe because I’m neutral about my own gender I’m not really able to explain well
thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate it! :)
I'm new to Star Trek in general and especially its fandom space, so I might've worded it differently if I had known beforehand it was a sensitive topic, lol! But yeah, a huge part of the conflict that both unites and separates Kirk and Spock revolves around aspects of masculinity (and their subsequent relation to femininity, which often comes presented as a third party and is often portrayed as a challenge to their dynamic).
And when I say masculinity, I don't mean only traditional displays. It also includes Spock's worship of logic or Kirk's protectiveness and provider role. I feel like people often downplay how much misogyny is intertwined in the Spirk dynamic! Not only with each other but also with possible third parties that might "interfere" with the balance of their relationship (usually women, as I mentioned beforehand).
And here's where the writer's misogyny and the characters' own prejudices start mixing with each other, creating this weird, accidental homosexual (and arguably transgender) at its core dynamic.
This is fundamentally why trans women Spirk can work really well while simply genderbending them cannot. In both scenarios, their relationship with gender changes in some way or another, making them trans reaccesses the masculinity factor (while simply making them cis women changes the core of the relationship, and suddenly the story is about something else).
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river13245 · 10 months ago
I was wondering if I could ask for Spock, Kirk, Pike and Uhura headcanons with a trans reader who gets annoyed with his body easily? Like, for me, whenever I don't wear a bra and feel the weight of my chest I get aggravated, if that makes sense?
Fighting for just a crumb of trans reader in the star trek fandom ngl 😔
Star Trek characters x Trans reader
Spock, Kirk, Pike, Uhura
(i didn't know if you meant this in a romantic or platonic way. So i did romantic. However if you want platonic i can totally do that too)
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Spock himself gets aggravated with his own body. Maybe not in the same way but in the way his ears are and little things like that. Always wondering if he looks too human or too vulcan that day.
He wouldn't be very vocally helpful. If anything if he tries to verbally comfort you. It would come out very monotone and not help much.
So when he sees you uncomfortable and agitated he would come up to you. "What is wrong. You seem to be aggravated at something"
you would tell him and he would just nod and if you two are very close. He would use his vulcan telepathy. In this he would understand how you are feeling. Then he would show you exactly how he sees you and lets be honest. he shows you and you look absolutely handsome/pretty.
Spock may not be good at verbal communication. But damn was he good at comforting you in other ways.
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This man is very charming. He could charm anyone to get exactly what he wants. However when it comes to you he is also very caring.
He would be hard at work and when his eyes land on you. Seeing how you were pulling at your shirt more than usual. Your breathing unsteady he would instantly know that somethings wrong.
He might not know exactly whats wrong but he had a good guess. So he would tell someone to take over for him. That person usually being Spock. Then he would go over to you.
he would try to cheer you up by going over to you and flirting with you. but when he saw that you barely smiled he took you somewhere and the two of you talked.
He would compliment you and its not in the way most would think. Many people would call him a womanizer and someone that just flirts to flirt. But when he compliments you. His voice is so sincere and he would just tell you exactly how he saw you.
Then when you would start to feel better he would kiss your lips and then go back to work after making sure you were okay.
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Pike is a relatively observant man. After running things for so long you kind of have to be. So it doesn't take him long to notice something is off with you.
Unlike most of the others he wouldn't be so obvious about it.
When he would see you pull at your shirt and that you were uncomfortable with how tight your shirt was. He would just pass by and hand you a hoodie of his.
He really only had like two hoodies that he wore so whenever he let you wear one. You always felt special.
If you needed to talk all you had to do was give him a certain look across the room and he would understand. Giving control to Spock for a bit before taking you to another room.
Pike would mostly be a listener. He would ask what's wrong and let you talk. Talk until you were completely finished and then he would hold you close. His arms would be around you. One of his hands on the back of your head and the other on your back
He would hold you and then bring your hand up to his lips and place a kiss against it. Then he would spend some extra time in making you some food. Making sure you ate something before the both of you went back to work.
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Uhura is both Smart and confident. She would instantly know whats wrong and as soon as she finishes up what she's doing she comes to your aid.
she would grab ahold of your hand to stop you from picking at your skin. Or pulling against your shirt. There would honestly not be much words said at first. Just her saying "come here" then you would be in her arms in seconds.
The both of you would stay like that. Her head against your shoulder with your face buried in your neck. Just holding each other for a moment.
but when the both of you would pull away she would take your face in both of her hands and kiss your cheeks before pulling away and saying sweet things. Complimenting you and even complimenting your brain. About how smart you are too. She really would be so amazing.
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seriousfic · 1 year ago
Strange New Worlds season 2
-Feels like they overdid it with the silly episodes? Just my taste, but the Oops! All Silly episodes should be a sometimes food, and they have just about every other episode being silly. Serious, silly, serious, silly. I get comic relief, but this isn't a very heavy show. If we're going to have a quip machine like Ortegas, do we then need to do a whole episode of that, and often?
-Sam Kirk is Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Episode.
-The fact that these characters are destined to end up at TOS makes some of the wokening stuff hilarious.
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Christine Chapel in her Twenties: I don't do relationships. Let's keep things casual. I have so many fuckbuddies lol.
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Christine Chapel in her Thirties: Y U NO MARRY ME SPOCK?
Which probably wasn't their intent, but it's hard not to read that into this show and TOS supposedly being the same people.
-Also, they have literally twice as many women in the main cast as men, which is a good hint at how Hollywood really sees 'gender equality.'
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Not pictured: Carol Kane
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-I'm just saying, they have this episode Among The Lotus Eaters. One plot ends with Ortegas triumphantly declaring "I pilot the Enterprise!" The other plot ends with Pike apologizing to his overbearing girlfriend for having concerns about their relationship (when obviously their relationship is in wonderful shape when him voicing concerns about them as a couple results in her freezing him out and Pike having to beg for her forgiveness).
-The whole Human Spock episode is cringe. First, in premise. Could you imagine if they did an episode where a biracial member of the crew was changed to be fully black and he immediately started eating ribs and listening to hip-hop? This in the same season that did the most bald-faced minority metaphor imaginable with Augments. Not to mention the obligatory trans rights episode last season where we were supposed to buy that Spock was 'outside the human/vulcan binary' or something. Nope! It's absolutely possible to turn the dial to 100% Human or Vulcan.
I don't know, it's trying to be a character study of Spock, but it's trying way harder to be a "look at Spock do funny things" episode and it ends up feeling just kinda pointless. They themselves mention that Vulcan emotions are stronger than human emotions, so a Human Spock should be even better at controlling himself, but he just isn't for reasons. Wouldn't it be more interesting if Spock became fully Vulcan... something he occasionally seems like he would desire... which paradoxically strengthened his emotions and made them more difficult to control?
It's hard to invest in this Spock as a character when the show's basically telling you he doesn't matter as a person, they're just going to write him in whatever way gets a laugh.
-Call me hard to please, but it'd be nice to have a few arcs. I'm not saying I want one of those 'ten hour movies' like Picard and Discovery do, but even TNG had ongoing plots like the Borg, Lore, the Crystalline Entity, the House of Duras. I'm not asking for this show to go as lore-heavy as DS9 or ENT, but I would like a little more of an ongoing storyline than the Spock/T'Pring/Chapel love triangle. And we all know where that will end up, unless they're going to tell us that sometime after Undiscovered Country, Spock and Christine decided to make it official. You know, now that they're both as old as Carol Kane.
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fundiscrimination · 1 year ago
To make up for missing yesterday as a treat here are all the Star Trek characters who are ace:
(dang maybe a some point they should branch out from STEM huh?)
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Seven of Nine-Voyager (Not Picard)
also winning the coveted A4 spot (asexual, aromantic, agender, autistic) Seven could not catch a break, just 4 seasons people constantly telling them she's doing humanity wrong and pressuring him to conform. It could not be a more relatable character tbh.
My favorite character, always iconic
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Billups-Lower Decks
Come on. seriously. we all know this man is asexual. just watch the show it's not subtle. If you disagree you're just wrong.
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Odo-Deep Space Nine
Another A4, if there's one thing you can rely on Star Trek for it's the A rep (in infinite combination). (btw I also support trans masc readings of Odo, also whatever's going on between him and Quark)
Yes he has canonical romances and relationships, yes I am ignoring them they're weren't good. Odo started the show just completely baffled and a bit judgey about sex, romance, and gender roles and he should have stayed that way.
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Jean Luc Picard-The Next Generation
Remember when Riker tricked him into getting a I-wanna-fuck statute on the sex planet and instead Picard went on an archeological scavenger hunt while dealing with multiple scammers and thieves?
I love him for his genuine hatred of/discomfort with children, his various hobbies, and his lack of time or interest in relationships.
I apologize for finding Q's stalking and sexual harassment of him funny.
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Data-The Next Generation
Honestly I'm just going to point In Theory (4.25). The most annoying thing is the show trying to act like it proves Data doesn't have human feelings. When we all know he has friends he cares about. He's close with various members of the crew including Troi and Geordi. He gave Keiko away at her wedding. And look at that picture, that's Spot and Data loves her very much.
In summary, Data doesn't need to want sex or romance to "be human" or "have feelings". He's fine with friends, and his cat, and his autisum.
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Tendi-Lower Decks
Because I want her to be.
Ok, I do think it'd be fun to explore an asexual Orion and validate her close relationship with Rutherford as important AND platonic. And we need more femme-presenting/assumed ace (coded) characters on Star Trek. And it'd be really cool to have 2 ace characters on a show.
Also cause I want her to be.
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Spock-Star Trek
Did you think I forgot him? The original? The blueprint?
Now, obvious sidenote, I believe in the premise and it's very embarrassing of Star Trek to keep avoiding confirming it, and also I just think Kirk/Spock/McCoy is the ideal dynamic and basically what's already going on. And maybe in either of this ships mentioned, they fucking nasty (or whatever)
However, none of that prevents Spock from being asexual. Which he is.
Please feel free to share your other Star Trek Ace headcannons with me
If you disagree or feel offended by anything on this list please feel free keep that shit to yourself I don't care
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juicezone · 2 years ago
hi time for character rambling re: Ward
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Stuff under the read more just in case!!
(Ward is a trans guy n uses he/him)
-Ward usually regresses to the higher end of 7-9, (rarely less, but when its less its very much ypunger) and generally likes more of a babysitter/older sibling vibe when someone is looking after him! he likes to be very independent in a “I want to show you how much I can do” type way.
-Sometimes he can be kind of a little twerp, in that “i’m annoying becuase I’m 8 years old” kind of way. Will complain about being bored, but deny every suggested activity
-Denies when feeling regressed half the time but also caves with little push. “Are you feeling kind of small?” ��No.” “You want to go watch wacky weather?” “...yes”
-Actually has a softer non-uniform version of his uniform because he likes wearing it. generally doesnt really wear specific outfits when he’s feeling regressed, but does own some patterned stuff (though he will not refuse any clothes for small-Ward if they’re weather themed. he’s a nerd!)
-Loves, LOVES doing science projects when regressed. also making “potions” gets distracted in the bathroom by filling the sink up with soap, shampoo, lotion- whatever he can find.
-Generally goes to Bones/McCoy as his caregiver, or Kirk as an older sibling! Sometimes he’s older than Kirk is though, and he greatly enjoys being an older sibling too.
-Spock is pretty much a babysitter but preferably a science teacher, usually if Spock is looking after him for a bit, Ward gets some assignments or tasks to do, like school :)
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pandorem · 9 months ago
Listen if I like a ship enough I WILL imagine them in every single possible gender configuration. Cis wlw or mlm? T4T in every possible manner? heck maybe even a (cis)m/f ship if the characters aren’t canonically gay in a way that makes me feel icky about it, if done with self awareness it can be cheeky and fun for the bi among us …kirk/spock cheesy cisswap m/f romance fic i remember you….
And yeah I like a lot of cis swap AND trans fic when written well bc it can give insightful views on both characters and culture, but it also can just be fun? Like fictional characters are part of the culture storytelling is important etc etc but also they are dolls to play around with.
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junebugwriter · 2 years ago
Impostor I
I've got the impostor syndrome bad tonight.
I wrote about it some on twitter, but I'll talk about it here some too. This space tends to be a bit easier for me to get complex thoughts out anyways, because longer form works better for my brain sometimes.
I have a lot of moments feeling like an impostor when it comes to being trans. I used to feel like I was an impostor just for being an academic, but writing a dissertation flipped a switch in my brain I think, saying "ah, yes, I am actually writing a book now as a scholar, I have Made It." But now, my insecurity is seizing upon being trans.
I don't feel like I'm "trans enough." And I know it's not exactly breaking new ground. Society tells me I'm a guy. My upbringing tells me I'm a guy. My body looks like a guy's body. I'm hairy, large, and overall have masculine features. But there's a lot of my body that's not masculine at all.
Take, for instance, breasts. I have them! I've had them since I was a little kid, because I've always been a bit fat. I've actually been quite sensitive about the fact I had them, because I was operating with the understanding that I Am Male and Male Manly Men do not have Breasts, they have Pecs. So I'd try to flatten them, I'd work out a lot, but nothing ever got rid of them, so I came to somewhat accept them. I even kind of got to like them, their feel, etc. It wasn't """manly""", but who cares about that, I have them, and I had to deal with that.
Also, my hips! I've got sort of a womanish waist. And I like my waist! It suits me, and that's great. Not """manly""", but it's cool, it's BONE STRUCTURE, what am I going to do about that? So I grew to accept it, and now I kind of like it!
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I might maybe produce more estrogen in my body than a """normal""" male body, but I won't know until my doc screens me for HRT. I'll put a pin in that, but it's something I think about!
But more than anything, in my brain, I *feel* like a I should be a woman. I identify more with women than with men, in general. I like playing female characters in games, and enjoy movies with more well-rounded and developed female characters. When it comes to attributes and behavioral trends, my behavior makes a lot more sense if I was a woman. I'm more sensitive, more empathetic in general, more submissive and accommodating. And yes, I do realize these are BROAD STEREOTYPES and are anything but scientific, or accurate. Yet I can't shake the feeling... I was meant to be a woman.
I feel that way. It's my brain. It's my heart. And I can't shake it.
But I still look and present as a man in my day-to-day. I'm not out at work. I hope, once I go on HRT and begin changing more of my appearance, the outside of my body will begin to match my insides. But I still struggle with feeling trans ENOUGH.
I just went on a whole ass description of how my brain thinks! And I still! Can't! Shake! The feeling i'm faking it!
What does a bitch have to do to feel like they are deserving of being trans?? Why can't I feel valid in my identity!? All I do is question, and self-analyze, and wonder, and postulate. (I'm a goddang theologian, it's what I do best.) But on and on, I keep circling. Yes. I am a woman. I am trans.
It's so frustrating. It's illogical. I want to Spock my way to certainty in my gender identity. I want a math equation to settle the questions in my brain, the feelings of my heart. But life isn't like that. I've got to Kirk it out, and act with what's not only logical, but emotionally true as well.
I just... wish I could feel validation without agonizing all the time.
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stump-not-found · 2 months ago
i <3 creepy hallway
creepy hallway number one <3
alright time for more home life stuff . the bedroom scene came up as a way of trying to reintegrate the gold statue from earlier, since i just really love trying to find old elements and tie them in as plot relevant as time goes on . not usually planned, but it comes through during the editing stage, which is a fun game of deciding what scenes to keep, and which to get rid of . i wasn't so certain about this one, but i loved the idea of baby ford interacting with mabel, who's slightly older... i need to draw art of it, honestly . they're cute
it's really gratifying seeing people pick up on what i've been setting up as part of ford and the statue, the fact i was able to effectively communicate something going on means the world to me . the rest of the story is gonna dig into it more so i won't lay it all out here, but it really is so much fun . makes the whole writing process feel so communicative when people share thoughts and interpretations . especially when the scenes are meant to be read into !
we also get the closet yay . sure that's not gonna be important at all
writing the kids big blow up fight was a trip and a half . the original vision was a pretty shallow "we're stressed out and out grunkles should stop being mean to each other :(", just as a way to try and push forward the dynamics between ford and stan . that still exists, it's just a lot more focus being put onto the kids themselves . they're tertiary characters for sure, but i like thinking about their home life, and how that impacts them
one of the challenges is trying to have the fight feel fairly balanced between the two of them . shoutouts to my brother and wife for the full ass socratic seminar we had about threading that needle . how do you get a conversation where a young trans boy is trying to discuss his fears about his life and his body, and keeps getting shut down ? how do you balance that with a little girl who feels like it's her job to be the sweet, happy, emotionally intellegent adult in the room ? i'm happy with the end result but boy was it stressful
bill also wasn't gonna be here but i wanted more bill so . he got to come back . i really liked tying in nick with the spit to the little chats their having in the paradox dimension . love the lil hand pinch that was just a treat for meeeee, i get to be indulgent in my fics as much as i want . i also like the fact that ford is under some indescribable pain that entire time . they got a dynamic in this story that makes me laugh .
you know whats funny is i didn't even realize ship of theseus was a paradox writing a lot of the stuff about paradoxes . for some reason i just stumbled into that one . very funny . or, no wait -- i totally knew the entire time my brain is the size of three (3) whole apples
oh man and the entire lab scene i just loved writing . i love including bathroom breaks . i love dipper's poor hygiene . i love the fact the kids traded gold for soda, they're such perfect lil con men in training . and again the whole talk about star trek was so indulgent and fun
the brothers grew up queer in the 60's/70's and that's a major part of their arc . i hope to get across the ways they both hurt each other both as kids and adults . they still got so much to work on, and i just don't know if they've got the time
anyways creepy hallway bill time
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favorite part:
“Clark.” Ford stiffens, stops. Looks up. “What?” “That, uh, captain guy. The one with the, he had the big, you know–” Stan gestures over his chest, puffing his pecs out a bit more. “Always had em out, shirt cut off or whatever. Got all hot and sweaty. Great hair.” “...Kirk?” Ford turns in his seat, slightly, to get a better look at his brother. Stan clicks his tongue, points his index finger in recollection. “ Kirk .” He repeats, and the image of the guy blooms in Stan’s head. Ford had a magazine with him on the cover, about as disheveled and beat up as a guy could look, shirt torn open. That particular mag went ‘missing’ into Stan’s stash, and he laughs at that old memory getting drudged up. “I, uh. Was a fan , back then.”
i just love how neither one of them can say what they're talking about out loud lol
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Stan and Ford have a conversation, Mabel and Dipper get a bit absurd, and something gold is given meaning.
If you don't look, you won't see it fading.
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juniebgroans · 2 years ago
I feel like I've made this post before but I'm bored and thinking about Deep Space Nine and so thus I must rank all star trek series on their levels of gayness
The Original Series: literally so gay but in a like. Homoerotic undertone way. Like Sam and Frodo looking longingly into each others eyes. Like the original Holmes and Watson proclaiming their respect and adoration for each other. 10/10 gay
The Animated Series: never seen it. Theres a catgirl tho, so I guess a 3/10??
Next Generation: I love TNG but there is not a single gay on the crew. 5/10 and that's only because Q exists. Its a crime that Picard had to be a brick wall of heterosexuality because Kirk and Q would've made out on the bridge.
Deep Space Nine: ABSURDLY GAY. Dax = trans. Garak exists. Bashir falls in love with anyone of any gender that pays attention to him. Kira has a weird poly thing with the O'Brians and also shes an angry bisexual activist. Odo and Quark are little gay rivals. Ezri is a baby enby. 1000/10 gay, Worf had the biggest culture shock for this specific reason when he joined the station.
Voyager: My comfort star trek despite being almost as straight as TNG. Thankfully the Doctor is a very Frasier-esque gay and Seven of Nine is an asexual lesbian half-cyborg which is enough. 6/10 gay
Enterprise: Shran is Obsessed with Captain Archer and I'm very happy for him. Malcolm is gay and I will not take questions about it. 5/10 gay but also T'pol and Tripp are like the best straight couple in star trek because of the LONGING.
The Alternate Series: great movies, Chris Pine is very attractive. Unfortunately, oops all straights. 0/10 gay
Discovery: First actual gay representation in star trek. Tig Notaro makes me happy. The doctor/engineer (can't remember their names) couple was clearly written by someone that shipped Tripp/Malcolm. 8/10 gay, points removed for making it very normal and background-y and not having the chaos of TOS and DS9
Picard: Seven is a lesbian and Raffi is cool. Overall my least favorite new Star Trek series but in terms of gayness, a good 9/10
Lower Decks: Beckett is bi and Tendi is trans and thats that folks. Also some fun shout outs to Spock/Kirk. 9/10 gay
Prodigy: kids show that hasn't really established romantic relationships between any characters, gay or straight, so I've disqualified it from getting a ranking.
Strange New Worlds: Nurse Chapel is the bisexual Kira never could openly be in the 90s. I'm in love with Ortegas. Spock is technically straight but has the exact same homoerotic undertones with Pike that he does with Kirk so like. Very accurate to the mythology. 10/10 gay.
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swimmingwolf59 · 2 years ago
✨2022 Writing Year In Review✨
I was tagged by @lenievi​! Thanks for the tag, I love doing stuff like this! 🥰
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 17
2. Word count posted for the year: 122,912 (pretty sure this is close to my yearly average which is just like ?????? how tf do I write that much 😭)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: star trek (tos, aos), khr, and pokemon technically
4. Pairings: spones, sarek&spock, mccoy&amanda, 1859, 8018, and platonic 5933
5. Story with the most:
- Kudos: Reciprocal Averaging (373) (thanks so much y’all!! 😭😭🙏)
- Bookmarks: Reciprocal Averaging again lol (110)
- Comments: And, who could’ve guessed! Reciprocal Averaging (24)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Out of the light, my mirrorverse spones fic. I’m really proud of the worldbuilding I did for that fic, especially in terms of adapting tos episodes into their mirrorverse versions. I’m also pretty proud of the emotional journey spones have, I feel like it actually progressed well and I feel like I’m usually terrible at that kind of thing lol. Also figuring out how to fit in the rest of the crew, what their mirrorverse selves are like (including bones, who was SO FUN TO FIGURE OUT!!) was a great time!!
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Uhhh I’m not sure actually? I feel like the ones I’m “not proud of” are because I remember how much it sucked to edit them lol, and I feel like editing always makes me hate my work. So I try not to actually think that way about anything I’ve published 😅
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
A lot of people leave sweet reviews, and I’m really thankful for all of them!! It makes me so happy to hear that people are enjoying my stories 🥺 A few of my favorites were by fellow transmasc people telling me how much they appreciated my fluffy trans!spock fic, but those felt too personal to share here so I thought I’d share this one instead:
I adore how this opens with Jim's POV, and with so many little asides and details that make my heart sing. From Jim's teasing, to 'arguing', to McCoy being too mad to even notice Jim entering the room, to the PDA discussion to... well, you get the idea. It makes the fic feel so deep and layered and an incredible addition to the BW series. And then the whole litany of failed first dates, lol. I don't think I could pick a favorite no matter how many times I reread this. But I love Spock being so determined to make this happen for Leonard's sake (even to inadvertently sabotaging one of the dates), and Leonard's ever-underlying insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Love how they work through it all, and the wonderfully romantic "final first date" at the end - even Kirk's determination that they will have a great one, and that's an order, dammit! Heart-warming and made me laugh out loud several times. I adore the relationship you've crafted between Spock and Leonard and always look forward to the next story in the series. Thank you for continuing to share these delightful interludes with us!
This person leaves a lot of kind reviews, but this one especially was SO nice to receive because I rewrote next time for sure SO MANY TIMES to figure out the failed date attempts and make the story feel fleshed out and real, so it was really nice to hear my efforts paid off~
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Honestly the last few weeks of 2022 were really tough, especially in terms of writing for 12dos and my 100th fic on ao3 celebration. Tbh I think I put too much on myself LOL right around holidays when I was really busy and had a few covid scares so I was just super stressed out and hating everything I was writing. But I’m getting back into some wips this year and things have calmed down so I’m feeling a lot better about things!
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Tbh I was NOT expecting to get back into writing khr again LMAO and somehow I wrote like 4 fics this year??? XDD I think Customization especially was surprising because I had the vague idea for it and then sat down and wrote it in like an hour lol, it was a lot of fun tho!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I wanted to share something from out of the light but all of my favorite scenes are a little too steamy to just post on here I feel LOL so have this excerpt from Held Together:
“Do you even know where you are going, Leonard?” Spock asks, somewhat amused. It would entertain him to no end to watch McCoy try, and probably fail, to navigate the mountains Spock knows so well, but it would be more amusing if it wasn’t nearing midnight.
“Sure.” McCoy stops and points up at the night sky. “That’s Sehlat Kan-bu, over there is the Scholar.”
Spock stops just behind him. “…You are aware of our ancient constellations?”
“Constellations have always been an interest of mine,” McCoy says with a shy smile. “I’ve always thought that what people see in the night sky says a lot about their culture. Once I finished learning all of Earth’s, I started to learn those of alien cultures, too. It’s surprisingly common throughout the galaxy, though of course on Vulcan most constellations were devised before the time of Surak. I’d have a hard time imagining T’Pau pointing up at the sky and claiming that a certain star cluster looks like a sehlat.”
A small smile tugs at Spock’s lips. “Certainly not in public, anyway.”
McCoy laughs and turns to keep hiking. “It shouldn’t be much further.”
Spock’s curiosity is piqued now as he follows McCoy across the rocks. He has to admit he hadn’t been expecting much, particularly once he realized that McCoy was taking him into the mountains. Spock has quite literally seen everything on these mountains many times, so he had wondered what McCoy could possibly show him that he hadn’t seen before.
But now that McCoy seems to actually possess an intimate knowledge of the area, Spock is much more curious to find out what it is.
They walk for 10.6 more minutes before McCoy comes to a stop, staring up at the sky. He is standing in the middle of a clearing that Spock had once named Sehlat’s Bed, due to the unusual amount of times he had stumbled upon a wild sleeping sehlat in the area. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be one here now, but Spock stays on alert as he comes to a stop beside McCoy.
“A-ha! There it is.” McCoy points upwards. “That’s K’diwa.”
“Roughly translates to lovers,” Spock comments, staring up at it. “I too enjoyed learning the constellations when I was younger, and this is one of the only ones that I thought actually looked like its name. You can see the line of stars where the two beings become entwined, one being—”
He turns, only to find McCoy now holding out two of his fingers. Before Spock can even raise an eyebrow, he murmurs in Vulcan, “Spock, will you be parted from me and never parted? Never and always touching and touched?”
Spock’s breath catches. He had not expected this, and it probably shows on his face. Even though he should have known it was coming, it turns out that McCoy managed to surprise him after all.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
God these kinds of questions are so hard lol because I feel like I have no perception of how to judge my writing????I feel like I’ve improved in crafting stories with like actual plots in them lol, which I think was always a weakness of mine. I’ve also tried writing a lot of different kinds of stories this year, so that was cool!
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I wanna get better at writing shorter things, since I think it takes a lot of skill to fit a fully fledged story into just a few thousand words. I also wanna continue improving at plot building and descriptions lol
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
well tbqh the answer seems to be sarek LOL. 1859 and spones ofc are also always my muses 😄
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
hmm other than my obsession with nature and wildlife LOL I don’t think so
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Something I’ve been doing this year is editing fics on my phone (and by that I mean reading them on gdocs on my phone and doing the actual editing on my computer document), but the main thing that’s important about this I think is that it tricks my brain into thinking I’m reading something “new” because it LOOKS different. Like I think part of the reason editing is so hard for me is because I know what it’s SUPPOSED to say, so that’s how I read it even if there are typos/grammatical errors/better ways to phrase/etc. So I think it’s really helpful during editing to read your story on a different document, or with a different font, cause at least for me I’m a lot more likely to catch mistakes that way!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I am SO excited to work on the next fic in my pokemon spones series because I’m introducing sarek and amanda LOL. I also got newfound direction for my sarek & mccoy 5+1 meetings fic so I’m looking forward to working on that more! (I told you my muse was Sarek lololol). Otherwise I’m looking forward to working on new spones and 1859 stories, finishing this spock/scotty fic I have, and working on my original story idea as well! OH also my QPR fics that I’ve been working on and am excited to share hopefully this year!!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
Idk who to tag, so if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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iwannaban0nym0us · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,940 times in 2022
95 posts created (2%)
4,845 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 998 of my posts in 2022
#me - 121 posts
#personal - 27 posts
#snw spoilers - 25 posts
#ex - 21 posts
#ex-grayfriend - 20 posts
#vent - 20 posts
#star trek - 17 posts
#trans - 17 posts
#queer - 16 posts
#picard spoilers - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the fool is a distorted reflection of the witch – he is as intelligent as her but while she chooses seclusion he functions close to power. s
My Top Posts in 2022:
** SNW episode 10 spoilers ahead!!**
First of all ADMIRAL PIKE!?!?! I love how they kept the uniform from the movies but added the little touch of the SNW texture 
Ok now we gotta talk about Captain Kirk what did they do to him, that’s not my Captain Kirk. That is not what he looks like and he’s not nearly brash enough.
Anyway, putting aside my Kirk complaints, holy shit that episode was great. Being the massive Trekkie that I am I went and rewatched the episode that it was referencing as soon as I finished that episode. The amount of lines that the kept the same at the beginning of the episode is incredible, even some of the way Kirk moves around the bridge in tos is very similar to how Pike moves around the bridge in snw. Like y’all SNW clearly did it’s research and that makes my Trekkie heart very happy.
18 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
The Black Ring
Black ring Right middle finger A fuck you to Fucking anyone
It’s a physical reminder Something to rub When I feel Like an other Like I’m missing out That I’m too queer Or not queer enough It grounds me Reminds me I’m not alone
It’s a signal A way to let others know “Hey, you’re not alone” It’s subtle But powerful It’s simple But meaningful
It’s a piece of me I almost never take it off It represents a part of me That can’t otherwise Be seen and understood Even with the ring Only some people care To see and understand But I do and some do And that’s enough for me
Black ring Right middle finger A reminder A Symbol A part of me How I say “I’m Proud, Proud to be Ace.”
27 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Queer as in Myself
Queer As in finally Myself Queer as in Confident and relieved Queer as in Free
I found My true self Within my queerness No more Seeing another person When I look In a mirror No more wondering If something is Wrong with me No more Endless confusion Queerness allowed me To finally be Me
I found A new sense of Confidence In my queerness A relief from Confining pressures Allowed me to be BOLD To show confidence In who I am Without fear Queerness showed me Strength I didn’t know I had In me
I found Escape In queerness A world Where I could Just be Queerness lifted me From unnecessary requirements And allowed me To Live My Life
Queerness has given me A home And a space to discover Who I am And for that I am Profoundly Grateful
33 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
staff start banning terfs challenge
51 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Queer Poetry Collection
Trans Hate
Being trans comes with many joys, finally discovering yourself, finding people who understand you the euphoria of looking like yourself for the first time the pride in breaking the chains of the gender binary It also comes with some unavoidable pain not feeling like your body is your own living some of your life as someone you’re not your voice not sounding like you clothes never fitting quite right and some easily avoidable suffering like societal oppression being abused and made fun of just for living as our true selves being referred to by terms that aren’t your own
Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton Ron DeSantis, Joe Harding Ted Cruz, Donald Trump theses men do nothing to help instead they encourage the torment and through their positions of power they spread their harmful ideas transphobia snakes its way through the republican party spreading it’s tendrils through the darkest corners
Greg Abbott Ken Paxton and their long pointy nails ripping trans children from their parents drawing blood where lives could be spared blocking the pathways to happy healthier lives trans kids in Texas directly under fire trans kids everywhere can feel their pain
Ron DeSantis Joe Harding and their massive obnoxious mouths talking over anyone who’s different or odd running their mouths as if they’re better than the rest of us stopping children from sharing their stories or even learning that they are not alone other people feel that way it’s not wrong to be queer queerness should be celerbrated not erased from our vocabulary
Ted Cruz and his two sided hair cut viewed from one side he is a protector from the other side he is a transphobe one perspective buys into his tale of biological supremacy among children, kids who just want to play the other view point sees the evil forcing kids to hide their true self or leave the game that they love
Donald Trump and his blaring orange skin the bright color acts as a beacon calling similar minded people to his side gathering support for causes that deserve no recognition preventing people from serving their country because their gender doesn’t align with your expectations preventing brave men women and people from serving simply because of what’s in their pants
Six fallen saviors leaders turned corrupt they were supposed to empower the people they serve instead they terrorize them powerful people, political leaders they are supposed to guide the way to a better future not turn us around and send us back to bigotry oppression and hatred
It Hurts
“Women’s reproductive rights” “After a woman gives birth” “Her” “He or she” “Girls” “Ladies and gentleman” [Women’s room] [Men’s room] “Girl’s team” “Boy’s team” “Son or daughter” “Mom and dad” “Brother or sister”
Everyone pretends I don’t exist Everyone tries to deny my existence Everyone implies I’m not there Everything is structured to ignore my existence Every tradition pretends I’m not real
It hurts I try to hide it I shrug it off I ignore it I say it’s ok
But it isn’t Every Little Stab Hurts
I. Exist. Too. Just because I don’t fit Into your neat little boxes Doesn’t mean I’m not real Doesn’t mean you can just ignore me I have a uterus too I play on this team too I’m listening to your speeches too I exist in this world too
How about “Reproductive rights” “After a person gives birth” “Their” “They” “United” “Folks” [Bathroom] “Coach A’s team” “Coach B’s team” “Child” “Parents” “Sibling”
Just change a few words It’s not very hard And it can make a world of a difference It can make me feel seen and heard It can make me feel real It can make me feel like I have a place in this world Because I do Weather or not you care to acknowledge me I am here and I am queer
Transitional Years
Alone Scared What am I supposed to do What is gender How do I stay safe How do I explain these feelings What is going on inside me What is going on around me
I am so glad that time is over The fear The questioning The confusion No more hiding who I am just because I don’t understand it And I’m afraid the world won’t either No more hiding inside Afraid of the plague that’s taken over the world
I can be free now I can be myself I can be unapologetically myself I can be a normal kid
I’m never getting those years back Those 2 years spent hiding in the darkness of my room Or all the years before spent believing in a lie I lost my transitional years To a plague And to a different kind of transition
I went in one person And came out a totally new version of myself
New name New pronouns New perspective on the world
I’m not alone in my struggles, I wish younger me knew that Other people feel the way you do And everyone is there for you You don’t have to question alone It’s ok to let others know you’re confused and scared
I’m happy for my friends Who aren’t going through that alone I’m glad I can be there to support them To show them that they aren’t alone To show them the light at the end of the tunnel To be an example of a happy ending
I just wish younger me was that brave Younger me was too afraid of the unknown To admit to anyone else that I didn’t know Didn’t know who I was Instead of letting others help me to find myself I hid myself from everyone I hid myself from myself I denied who I am Because I thought I had to know To pick To tell everyone I thought I had to know who I was Before I could tell people who I’m not I thought I had to pick between Being truly myself And being a part of my team I thought if I told someone I would have to tell everyone So I chose hiding I chose the past I chose my team
Sure, it made me who I am But couldn’t have there been An easier path to this point? We’ll never know At least for now, I’m just happy to have made it here I hid away for 2 years And in the process I found myself I pulled back the coat of lies That I had been building up my whole life I eased out of it And I burned it The freedom I found Was well worth the pain That the path here caused I am myself And I am never turning back
The Queer Fight
Gay marriage was legalized In the united states Within my lifetime And I’m still in highschool
See the full post
58 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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edzephyr · 3 years ago
I don't know how to start this - so i'm just gonna give it all I've got. I found your blog pretty recently, but already I want to thank you, so, so much. Things have been difficult for me lately, but seeing another trans man be so happy with himself gives me hope and a reason to keep on trying. I know this is overly deep, but seeing that someday I could be a man, like you has actually moved me to tears. I sincerely hope you're having a great day, you're awesome!
I'm very glad - considering also I was hesitant for a while to 'come out' with my Kirk-alikeness, but having done so, it seems to continue to be a very positive thing - partly because of the little-big footnote of my life that you mention, and having a small platform to reach and inspire people such as yourself.
It has been (to trek-roll you with an earworm, sorry) a long road, getting from there to here....it's actually 10+ years since starting my medical route; it wasn't that I was on waiting lists, it was just that it took time to find myself. To an extent, everyone, cis or trans, goes through change and growth; we probably don't ever stop our journeys as we navigate life, and our experiences become part of us, and we learn of ourselves and all that we encounter. Some of us seem to stay pretty much the same on the outside, and it's internal shifts; others physically change, evolve, reinvent themselves to best express who they are and live comfortably in the world.
I would attribute part of my (apparently very much admired!) physicality (+ aforementioned likeness) to being trans, because being what I am (in the genetic/biological jackpot) gave me the 'right' height, body shape, and bone structure/type of facial features. None of which I'd say were necessarily what I thought I'd be embracing some years ago, but the funny thing is, I have a distinct (and until recently, forgotten) recollection as a child of innocently thinking how perfect looking that man seemed to me on a certain TV sci-fi show. It was only by random chance in recent years I got into Trek and once again encountered this figure, and thought...ah. I recognize myself. But not in the way you might think. The exact resemblance was neither manifest nor aspiration (it was to emerge as a collusion of factors, mostly incidental) - at the time I was in the midst of strength training/gaining a bit of general weight (I felt so much happier and 'in' my body); I was thinking of changing my hair (it was long!) and look generally - I wasn't happy but couldn't quite pin it down, but things were already shifting - and I gradually realized where I was going. I made a few brave choices - among them, I finally had chest surgery. I adore the result, I never thought it could be so good nor make such a difference to my life. My regard for that figure on screen, I realized, reflected back on myself, and suddenly, I saw the shape of myself (literally and metaphorically) with new eyes. Admiration for him translated to much needed love for myself.
One thing to note about Kirk, that explains this effect on me, is that while he seems to have a universal appeal, he really isn't all that conventional in many ways; the things I was admiring, and realizing I loved about myself were not necessarily aspirational 'masculinity' (yet, as I will explain, nor are they not masculine). His embodiment of maleness and masculinity is full of variance and incorporates elements also often associated with the feminine; physically he's bold and muscular but is also curves and softness; in personality, he's passionate, emotional; strong, commanding, tender. And yet, he is a man, and this is ALL his 'masculine'. Why, indeed, is one thing deemed 'masculine' or 'feminine'? I recall an interview from the late '70s in fact when Shatner himself was talking of Kirk in similar terms, to quote: "Star Trek, and perhaps myself, had something to do with trying to change [gender expectations]". This aspect of Kirk is something, I feel, very important, if not fundamental to the character, and can be somewhat overlooked until we go back and really observe him in both personality and physical form/embodiment; how both are intertwined to communicate the essence of this unique and compelling character. And all such definitions are inevitably variable and changeable; they have changed the world over in different times and civilizations. You will find all body types and features in all genders and sexes. Men with curvaceous hips; women with narrow hips. Small, petite men; tall, strong women. Long hair, short hair, no hair, much hair. It does everyone good, again, trans or not, to eschew the narrow ideas presented to us as to what a 'man' or 'woman' should be, in any transient period of human history. Nor - I'll add, is there anything wrong with happening to 'conform' either - if that's your truth, that's your truth.
I was lucky to find a 'mirror' that was affirming and guiding - it was the thing I personally needed. We all find our path in different ways. I'm glad if I am, in a strangely meta way, something that others find helps inspire them. I am happy with myself in a way I haven't been before, and never imagined I could be. Kirk, also, isn't just someone I happen to randomly look very much like, though that is, bizarrely, also true; but he actually helped me in my journey. When I 'play' the character it has that extra significance, a story behind it that most won't and don't need to know, but in a way, it's a kind of personal celebration of that journey. And now I hope I'm able to give something back.
Good luck in your journey!
P.S. Actually, I do recommend this song. It's quite relevant!
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battle-of-alberta · 3 years ago
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Battle of Alberta Chapter 6: Cloud Minding pg. 5
Another story about the personified cities (and towns) of the wild rose province in a land known to some as Canada. Cloud Minding  shifts the focus from the big cities to the more rural areas, where  lives and livelihoods are drifting away from traditional industries towards tourism. Updates every other Friday, fingers crossed.
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Again to clarify: Vulcan is nonbinary and uses they/them. Do I spend a lot of time dwelling on how this would have affected them over the past 100 years? In the province of the Severely Normal? yes. Do I have real answers? no.
But I think it’s important to not fall into the trap of assuming cities are inherently more queer-friendly than small towns? I have heard stories of people here who struggled when they came to the city for university and had an easier time being accepted in their home communities and I think about that a lot, although it was the opposite for me.
Drawing random background characters is so difficult I swear. But there will be more of them.
easter eggs
- yes even the Home Hardware in Vulcan is covered in trek references, I was poking around google streetview and thinking “wolf 359 why do i just naturally know that’s referencing the borg conflict in tng”
- I reference Adira and Gray but I haven’t seen Discovery yet and haven’t figured out how I’m going to be able to watch it so shh, no spoilers please! I think Adira is the only character mentioned who is canonically nonbinary (Soren coming close as a trans woman from a non binary species) but I think it’s helpful to have multiple representations of gender to draw on over the decades in any case.
- The small town Captain Kirk ah, Will be born in, is Riverside, Iowa. In the best of all the Trek movies he responds to “Are you from outer space?” with “I’m from Iowa, I only work in outer space.” (and oddly enough I spent some time in Iowa myself lol)
- Re: “the old folks had to get used to me before”: I’m not sure how folks felt when it started coming to light that the town avatar seemed to be ethnically Chinese (at least in part).
things I don’t miss:
- I went to school in rural AB from 2005-2010 when the word “gay” was flung viciously at anything or anyone one didn’t like and used just about interchangeably with “that sucks”. The homophobia was so explicit and prevalent, especially in places like mine where most people worked in the oil industry, that the teachers would assume that it was an insult first rather than a self identification and would automatically shut it down rather than explain why it was not to be used in that way. I had so much internalized homophobia from that time I still struggle with - and I realize in retrospect that I was read as queer by my classmates long before I knew myself and that... that is a weird feeling. I wonder if it’s changed.
- [also thinks about how i tried to get my friends into star trek and they didnt take it seriously because i guess it was pretty gay too] [just another situation in which i was humiliated and ashamed to share things i liked lol...]
things i do miss:
- shout out to the girl in grade 9 who gave me a valentine (and rolled your eyes at the boy who said “oOoO LoOoVerRs”) i hope you’re doing well wherever you are :)
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splendidemendax · 3 years ago
The Frogs in "Plato's Stepchildren": The Source
There's enough going on with "Plato's Stepchildren" that I think I'm just going to work on that for my presentation. Because wow, there's a lot to unpack here. The most pressing thing is the whole Plato bit, but I kinda hate Plato so first I'm focusing on a reference to Aristophanes' comedy The Frogs:
[After Scotty tells Kirk, Spock, and McCoy that the transporters are non-functional, they go to see Parmen. The scene cuts to Alexander performing for Parmen.] ALEXANDER: Great Pan sounds his horn. Marking time to the rhyme with his hoof, with his hoof. Forward, forward in our plan. We proceed as we began. [Kirk enters.] ALEXANDER: βρεκεκεκεξ κοαξ κοαξ.
There are two elements that make the reference here interesting: the source and the significance. Because there's a lot going on here, I'm just going to deal with the first part, the source, here.
This bit is mostly an explanation of my research process, because I found the twists and turns pretty cool. If you're only here for analysis of the significance, that'll be part two, coming later (probably tomorrow). But if you're into weird textual stuff or have always wanted to know what sort of rabbit holes a classical philologist falls into on her days off, here you go.
*N.B. I've tried to make this readable for non-classicists. I've put about zero effort into making this readable for non-Trekkies (sorry), though there's not that much context required for this part. Either way, feel free to ask for clarification. I'm way too ready to talk about any and all of this.
The Source
That weird little bit at the end (βρεκεκεκεξ κοαξ κοαξ [brekekekex koax koax]) is the ancient Greek onomatopoeic frog sound; it's their "ribbit, ribbit." It's used iconically in The Frogs, where the titular frog chorus will not shut up:
FROGS: Brekeke-kex, ko-ax, ko-ax— DIONYSUS: Listen, my melodious friends, put a sock in it, can’t you? FROGS: Ko-ax, ko-ax, ko-ax! What, silence our chorus? Ah, no! (Ar. Ran. 239–243, trans. David Barrett)
So, Alexander is making a Frogs reference at the end there. Cool! What about the rest of the song?
Honestly, it sounds vaguely like about half of the Greek choral odes in existence. I was putting various phrases into Google to see what it would pull up, but I wasn't expecting to find much. And, to be fair, I didn't, but @mintaka-iii did.
The TV Tropes recap page for "Plato's Stepchildren" lists Alexander's song as a shoutout and says this:
The problem with that bit is that it's played slow and dignified, and with a mistake in the lyrics to boot. It's not "Great Pan sounds his horn," it's "Great Pan nods his horn." And the whole chant was supposed to be loud and crazymaking, as the frogs were trying to drive Dionysus batty.
For there to be a "mistake in the lyrics," there has to be a (more authoritative) version against which to compare them. And apparently, it's also supposed to be in The Frogs. Cool! I went back to my translation to try to find it.
I found nothing.
The closest passage I could find was this:
Our plantation of reeds For all musical needs In the very best circles is known... We’ve exactly the type That Pan needs for his pipe When he plays for our chorus... (Ar. Ran. 230–234, trans. Barrett)
Pan's there (it's the only time the frogs mention him) but that's not at all the same thing. I went to other translations. First the Loeb edition (trans. Benjamin Bickley), both because it's the Loeb* and because it would make it easy to find the line numbers for the Greek so I could translate it myself. I also checked the Matthew Dillon translation on Perseus. Both came up with something similar.
*Loeb editions are bilingual (Latin/Greek text with facing translation) and the translations are pretty literal and tradition, if painfully prosaic and boring. If you need a classical text for an academic thing but can't read the text in the original language, Loeb is usually your next best bet. Nobody really objects to a Loeb translation.
I also translated it for myself:
{ΒΑ.} Ἐμὲ γὰρ ἔστερξαν εὔλυροί τε Μοῦσαι καὶ κεροβάτας Πάν, ὁ καλαμόφθογγα παίζων· προσεπιτέρπεται δ' ὁ φορμικτὰς Ἀπόλλων, ἕνεκα δόνακος, ὃν ὑπολύριον ἔνυδρον ἐν λίμναις τρέφω. Βρεκεκεκεξ κοαξ κοαξ. {FR} For the Muses, skilled in the lyre, and horned Pan, the player of reed-tunes, love me; And Apollo the lyre-player rejoices, because of [my] reeds, the lyre-reeds, water-grown, which I farm in the pond. Brekekekex koax koax. (Ar. Ran. 229–235)
Now I had a source on the horn bit (κεροβάτας [kerobatas], "horn-footed, hoofed, horned"), but nothing about the making rhythm or moving forward. I checked a critical edition* for major variations in the text and found nothing. I went back to Google, but this time with the supposed "correct" phrasing, "Great Pan nods his horn."
*critical editions are copies of the text in the original language which include notes about variations in the text in different manuscript sources. If you've never seen a critical edition, rest (un)assured: there are way, WAY more variations than you think. Basically, when you're reading an ancient text, you're actually reading the result of a millennia-long game of telephone that some nerd somewhere has tried to turn back into a sensible, coherent piece of literature; the critical edition is the record of all the possible versions they didn't pick.
Bingo. I turned up an early 20th century translation by John Hookhan Frere, which has this:
Mighty Pan Nods his horn: Beating time To the rhime, With his hoof, With his hoof. Persisting in our plan; We proceed as we began. Brèke-kèsh, Brèke-kèsh Kööash, Kööäsh.
I have no idea where Frere got this (or why on earth he transliterated βρεκεκεκεξ κοαξ κοαξ like that). He doesn't mention the version of the text he used, so I can't figure out if it comes from there or if he just...made it up? It seems pretty unlikely to me that he did, given that his translation was highly praised in a review at the time for its "fidelity," but I can't find a version of the text or any other translation that has anything like this.
But this is clearly the translation that was used for the episode. It's actually quite funny, because the Memory Alpha page for The Frogs has this note:
The title and playwright were noted in the episode's script. Upon his review of said script, Kellam de Forest noted in his research document for the episode: "Advise check with author over translation used, it may be copyrighted and clearance would be required. If translation is author's own, no clearance required." (Note: Evidently it was the author's own translation, as it remained unchanged from the script to the aired episode.)
It definitely isn't the author's own translation. It's blatantly someone else's translation with a couple words changed. But it was good enough for government work, I guess.
(Now I really want to see these notes.)
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