#i admit this is colored by my personal psychology
aroldpdl · 1 month
i guess i still haven't gotten over the chorus of people on that one post saying that louis is pathologically incapable of seeing other people's perspective because he 1) didn't reciprocate armand's feelings (!!!) 2) didn't want to join the coven. like tags and tags of people saying he kinda maybe had it coming a little bit. that armand kept warning him (about…? what he was going to do? we've seen 2x08 right?).
i guess what triggered me personally and set me on an angry path was the reciprocation/feelings/coldness thing. i just can't believe so many people, without any pushback, were claiming louis was doing something wrong, or malicious, like he could turn his feelings on and off and deny them to armand purposefully. the implication that armand would be justified in being angry because of lack of appropriate reciprocation. like, maybe i'm overreacting but that's like. scary. to me. that in a proper context progressive, consent-respecting people can fall into this kind of thinking
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cosmerelists · 3 months
Travel Games that Kaladin and Szeth Should Play on their Big Field Trip
Very serious predictions for Wind and Truth. >.>
1. "I Spy"
In this game, one person tries to guess something that the other person can see based only on its color.
Kaladin: I spy, with my little eye...something white. Szeth: Is it the sheep? Kaladin: Oh, is that what the hairy axehound things are? No. Szeth: Is it...the clouds? Kaladin: No. Szeth: Is it the white part of your collar? Kaladin: No, but it IS something on one of us. Szeth: ... Szeth: Is it my bald head? Kaladin: Yes, good job! Szeth: ... Kaladin: What?
2. "Rock, Rockbud, Chasmfiend"
It's like our "Rock, Paper, Scissors." Rockbud can crack rock, Chasmfiend can eat rockbud, and rock can kill chasmfiend. I'm pretty sure I got the ecology correct.
Szeth: One, two, three...chasmfiend! Kaladin: Storms! I chose rockbud. Szeth: One, two, three...rockbud! Kaladin: Storms! I chose rock. Szeth: One, two, three...rockbud! Kaladin: Gah! I tried rock again! Kaladin: How are you so freakishly good at this?? Szeth: I am a master of human psychology. Kaladin: ...you are? Szeth: [shrugs]
3. "Never Have I Ever"
A game in which you name things you have not done, and the other person must admit if they have.
Kaladin: Never have I ever accepted a Shardblade that's been offered to me. Szeth: I have. Nightblood: Yeah! Me! Szeth: Never have I ever learned the name of my spren. Kaladin: I...have. You don't know your spren's name? Szeth: He is shy.
4. Twenty Questions
A game in which you have to figure out what person, place, or thing the other person has in mind using only 20 yes/no questions.
Szeth: I am thinking of a person. Kaladin: Is it Dalinar? Szeth: ... Szeth: How did you know? Kaladin: I get the vibe that you are thinking about Dalinar 120% of the time. Szeth: You too are a master of human psychology. Kaladin: Sure, let's go with that.
5. "Two Truths and a Lie"
In this game, you say three statements about yourself, two of them true and one of them false. The other person has to guess the lie.
Szeth: I am very good at ice skating, I used to have a pet sheep named Sweep, and I have killed kings at dinner parties more than once. Kaladin: Please tell me the sheep thing is true. Szeth: You are required to guess. Kaladin: Uh...is it a lie that you are good at ice skating? Szeth: No. I am good at ice skating. I did not, however, have a pet sheep named Sweep. Kaladin (muttering): I should have known you lacked whimsy. Szeth: It is your turn. Kaladin: Okay, uh...I once lost Wit's flute, when I told you the Radiants had returned I was talking about of my ass because I had no idea, and I have killed TWO chasmfiends. Szeth: ...I truly hope the second one is the lie because you saying that sent me into a terrible darkness from which I had to laboriously claw my way to the light, causing cracks in my psyche that have never truly healed. Kaladin: ... Kaladin: A-Actually, I've only killed one chasmfiend! Szeth: ... Kaladin: Y-Your turn?
6. "The Alphabet Game"
A game in which you try to name an object for reach letter of the alphabet.
Kaladin: I can't read. Szeth: Well, we tried.
7. "Fortunately / Unfortunately"
A game in which people trade off naming something fortunate or unfortunate about the situation they are jointly creating.
Kaladin: Oh no! A highstorm is coming and we are outside! Szeth: Fortunately, we can both simply fly above the storm. Kaladin: Unfortunately, we just went food shopping and we can't carry all of our purchases with us. Szeth: Fortunately, we can simply lash the groceries into the sky where they will be safe. Kaladin: Unfortunately, the sky eels are hungry and they are eating all of our sky groceries. Szeth: Fortunately, sky eels do not like spicy food so they will not eat much before they give up. Kaladin: Unfortunately, sky eel slobber is gross, and now it's on our food. Szeth: Fortunately, you and I are warriors and Radiants and we will not be put off by something so minor as sky eel slobber. Kaladin: Man, this game is great! I love being pessimistic! Szeth: Let us trade roles next time. I too would enjoy finding the worst in every situation. Kaladin: Maybe we can be friends after all.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 14 days
Yo man, I like reading your posts and your thoughts. It inspires me.
There were a few questions that I asked anonymously, but reading everything you wrote, and thanks to you, I changed my attitude towards Killer as a character (to be honest, I hated him before, as well as his duo with Color). And also, like one anon person, I love Delta.
How do you do it, inspire and change opinions about characters?
I become obsessed about them and learn everything I can and then yap about it on the internet. /hj
Also a lot of killers story requires even a base level understanding in psychology and abuse and trauma, I feel. Especially things like prolonged intense coercion, and dissociative disorders, paired with severe CPTSD. And I love psychology so he quickly became a favorite of mine.
A lot of my fixation towards killer actually came from the fact that—no one could seem to understand or agree on things about killer’s canon story (which in large part is because a lot of killer’s canon was unfortunately deleted, including an entire ask blog.)
So i went looking myself, found what i could, shared it around everywhere i could reach—and then started doing research and analysis, and sharing those too.
But also from what I can see, the UTMV fandom back then was all really young—focusing more on black and white, “good” and “bad” morality. Creepypasta-esque. Instead of acknowledging Something New for the tragedy and psychological horror it is.
It was never as simple as “sans goes crazy and kills everyone” or “evil Chara possesses sans to kill everyone” or “sans gets bored and kills for fun.” It was all deliberate, pointed towards a goal—and sans completely lost himself until he became something so completely foreign and unrecognizable. which was all intentional.
and another thing I love about killer is that he’s definitely not a “perfect victim.” He was a victim sure, and he was made and taught to be this way, but it doesn’t change the fact that this victim has victims and he’s still an awful, shitty person. there are completely valid reasons to despise that bitch, and everyone is well within their rights to do so (Delta and Delta lovers deserve to punch killer and humble him ong) even as he attempts to work on himself and actually process his trauma that had been going for an unknown amount of time.
(which still fascinates me. there is a period of time in Chara and killer’s partnership that we are unlikely to ever see. we have no clue just how long they were together. killer himself probably isn’t sure—maybe they were always together.)
and color is an interesting piece of psychology too. I completely understand why he inspires hope in killer—hope that change is possible, that safety is possible, that something better out there can exist. that not everyone with power seeks to harm and control, that not everything is control or be controlled or kill or be killed, that some things do matter. that what he wants matters. that someone out there still cares about him, and unlike papyrus or the rest of the underground—is willing to fight for him, too.
(of course, papyrus was willing to die if it made sans happy. but he was never willing to fight to make sans happy, as far as killer can see.)
color has really lost everything and everyone in his attempts to save them. he fought and fought and fought—until as a last ditch effort, he makes a desperate choice. and it works, but it dooms him. only, it didn’t actually work, because the feeling of the Genocide route is coming back—and it’s happening again.
We can see this same exact thing with killer, too. Nightmare replaces Killers when they are killed or no longer useful. Color can see right through Killer—he knows he doesn’t actually want this life. He just doesn’t know anything different anymore.
And so Color spends so long trying to get Killer to admit to what he actually wants—and when he does, when Killer finally just admits he wants his old life back—his brother, his family, he wants to be Sans again. Color doesn’t tell him it’s likely impossible—instead he offers to help.
And when Killer asks Color to save him, Color takes to it loyally. It’s not hard to imagine that Color tried and failed to help save and protect many, many, many Killers.
And yet with each devastating failure, he keeps getting up and going and persevering. Because he has to, because it’s the right thing to do, because Killer asked him to, because Killer needs help, because he cares so much about Killer, because Color can’t leave him alone or forget about him the way he was forgotten. No one else is going to care enough to reach out and try with Killer—and Killer isn’t likely to trust anyone else who tries.
Even Color has to work hard to earn and maintain Killer’s trust. A single slip up could send Killer recoiling and snapping at any hand that attempts to touch him. So despite how desperately Color wants to save him, keep him safe, take care of him—he knows he needs to go at Killer’s pace.
He needs to be patient, and he needs to be consistent, and he needs to be open and as honest as possible—even if it’s hard, and he needs to be careful around Killer, too.
He can’t allow his emotions to drive him completely, to make him blind to Killer’s violence and apathy and manipulation and controlling behaviors—not only because for his own well being, but because Killer would definitely lose any respect he has for him if he thinks Color can’t see him for what he is. He can’t allow Killer to think that he is weak—someone easily trusting, or naive, or easily led and used and taken advantage of.
He has to maintain a balance between that, and just being himself—practicing what he preaches, because killer will notice; he is watching. Color’s goal isn’t to fix him, that’s something killer has to want for himself, he’s just here because he wants to help and Killer asked for the help he needs—even if Killer’s SOUL Stages make him have conflicting viewpoints and desires, if any at all. He has to show up for Killer consistently, show he isn’t trying to use or control him, and be true to himself.
Of course, the journey to actually getting there would likely be a struggle for them both, but they’re both determined enough to try, I think.
Anyway rant over. So that’s basically what I do; get curious, go digging and researching and get obsessed and then make my thoughts and interpretations everyone else’s problem.
{ @ferociousperson }
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coreofmyfruits · 6 months
★ Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
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Stu Macher ↓
Physical traits
Pigeon toed
Has to usually duck down through door ways
Slouchy posture
Has immense upper back pain
Prone to head aches
Left handed
Large hands (Billy calls them monkey paws)
Warm hands
Has a bunch of scars on his knuckles
Has a lot of scars in general but they accumulate in the same general areas
ASD (autism spectrum disorder)
NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)
Stu got diagnosed with ADHD at a young age due to always being an interruption in class and especially silent reading, always having to get up and be doing something. Not too long after he got diagnosed with ASD because of his lack of awareness and his parents concerns about him being behind in class work (he just wasn't doing it). Stu never got properly diagnosed with NPD he never even thought of himself being a narcissist.
Likes and interests
Horror movies (mainly psychological thrillers)
His favorite movie is Eraserhead
Favorite color is black (because when he first met Billy he thought Billy's eyes looked black)
Loves to read
likes to read to Billy in silly voices (especially when it gets to a 'serious scary' part of the book)
Likes Edgar Allan Poe and Oscar Wilde
He likes hip hop and rap but really likes ska punk and surfer punk (queercore is also a must)
Likes low riders
Unironicaly loves the show Pimp my Ride
Actively ghost rides the whip
Wants a jacuzzi in his car because of Pimp my Ride
Likes to compare hand sizes with Billy because it pisses Billy off
Uses Billy's head as an arm rest
Steals Billy's clothes specifically his pants because they're baggy enough to fit but he can wear them as low-rise and he loves when Billy tells him to take off HIS pants because Stu looks 'stupid'
Stu just likes it when Billy turns red and tells him to take off his clothes
Always an opportunity to carry Billy anywhere bridal style never an opportunity not to
The scent of Billy's shampoo and how he naturally smells like pinecones and rain
Antique surgical tools
Bitches, cunts, liars oh my!
Sydney, not because he's jealous of her and Billy but because he used to have a crush on her
Being ignored
Talked over
Fish he fucking hates fish
The beach after it rains
Tooth pain
Unneeded laugh tracks
YA romance novels
White women audacity
Victim mentality and complexes
Billy's stubborness
Love languages
Acts of service
Words of affirmation
Physical touch
Billy Loomis ↓
Physical traits
Slightly bow legged
Overly Straight posture
General neck pain
Tense shoulder muscles
Has Hyperacusis
Prone to migraines
Left handed
Shorter fingers wide palms and strong grip strength
Always has cold as fuck hands
Has a lot of scars mainly on his middle to lower back
Half Mexican
Easily tans
Frizzy hair
(slightly) Allergic to red food dye
ASD (autism spectrum disorder)
ASPD (anti social personality disorder)
Billy has not been diagnosed with either ASD or ASPD he's not even aware of the possibility of him having one especially not both at once. Billy's father was never around enough to notice Billy's acute behaviors or to even think of getting a specialist to diagnose him also Mr.Loomis is a lawyer it wouldn't look good for his job if his son was 'crazy'.
Likes and interests
Horror movies (slashers)
Favorite movie is before sunrise
Favorite color is teal (he would never admit it but it's because Stu looks good in teal)
Mainly listens to the same three bands (pixies, Radiohead, my bloody Valentine)
Loves the song pink triangle by weezer
Has a guilty pleasure for 40s and 50s love songs
Likes to draw
Favorite artist are Keith Haring, Andy Worhal and Francis Bacon
Draws like Franz Kafka (he doesn't know who Franz Kafka is this is just a reference to what I think his drawings would look like)
Really likes playing in the mud and jumping in puddles
Loves worms
Eats the shit out of some Oreos
Plain hotdogs
Likes how large Stu's hands are
How Stu smells like warm wool and fire
When Stu picks him up
Biting Stu (mainly his shoulders)
Stu in HIS pants
When Stu reads to him
Phantom skulls
Sydney, he's never even liked Sydney not before he found out about her mom and his dad and especially not after... He just always had this feeling
Tatum Riley (he looks better on Stu)
Cops pigs and donuts
Healthcare system in America
Being cut off
Being hung up on
Noise in general
Phone bills
Ableist infrastructure
Gender pay gap
Poppyseed buns
Layering clothes (he would rather freeze than put more than over shirt on)
Shoes in the house
Hot weather
Love languages
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Gift giving
Asexual (non sex repulsed) and queer
Tags !
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blond-jerk-tourney · 8 months
Strawberry Bracket: Bracket Finals
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Nanami Kiryuu
She's the mean girl of the show, and a pretty interesting take on the "bitchy vain school rival of the protagonist" trope. She spends most of her early screentime being a bully and most of her later screentime being both the biggest loser imaginable and deeply sad/troubled (which still does not erase how much of an asshole she can be). She even laughs like your stereotypical mean rich girl. Nanami has so many problems and sucks so so bad. I adore her.
Shes a psychotic bully who seeks to ruin the lives and reputations of any girl who gets more of her brothers attention than she does. Reasons Nanami Kiryuu deserves to win: - she has made many attempts at physical and psychological terrorism against Anthy Himemiya (including a plotted wardrobe malfunction at a crowded social gathering) simply for drawing more of her brother's attention than her - tried to fill Anthy's bedroom with wild animals (a snail, a snake, and a live octopus) to make her out to be a freak only to find that her room was already full of wild animals - she bankrolled an elementary schoolers crush on her to turn him into her personal boyservant - briefly non-personed a member of her bully entourage for sharing an umbrella with her brother - received a luxury cowbell due to a shipping error and smugly wore it to school for weeks flaunting it like high coture - when her bully entourage rebelled against her due to her brothers manipulation she brought them back in line by just straight up beating the shit out of all of them - all in all just a petty, goonish motherfucker (she also does the ohohohohoho anime girl laugh)
she's blond: despite being Japanese her hair is yellow, unlike her brother's. yellow is even her image color. she's a jerk: introduced as a jealous and dishonest scheming bully, she is one of the more outwardly antagonistic characters in a cast where pretty much everyone is a Real Piece Of Work she's the best: the quintessential ohoho-laughing ojou, her fully-realized character arc makes people both laugh and cry even her sidekick is a blond jerk! how many blond jerks have their own blond jerk sidekick?
i don't know what you've heard but she's NOT the kind of girl who lays eggs!
The token mean rich girl of the franchise. Does the classic "ohohoho" laugh. Doesn't like either of our main characters. She never actually seems to get her way, and secretly has a lot of her own problems. also she lays eggs and turns into a cow
Absolutely THE quintessential anime mean girl. I mean literally her laughing is THE meme for the hohohoho anime laugh. Needs attention So Badly and straight up bullies anyone she deems a threat to that (so basically Everyone). I haven’t finished RGU but apparently she duels with the intent to kill and drowned a kitten once because it was taking up too much of her brother’s attention? Also she’s 13 which explains a lot
Char Aznable
He's extremely blonde and he's a total asshole. he has had a gay thing with 2 people and tried to kill both of them. he makes a new identity and its arguably more blonde and more of an asshole. look up Quattro Bajeena
Snooty little motherfucker supreme. "I have never betrayed anyone in my life" says man who spent his whole career lying to people. He's in love with his rival and he won't admit it. He's my silly rabbit. He is the "I came here to laugh at you" guy
Char is an environmental terrorist who dropped space colonies of people living in space onto earth so people would leave earth for the earth to heal from human damage. He's a prince that should have been assassinated seducing the new prince while undercover to kill the family that killed his family. Anyway vote for Char. He stole the name Char from some other guy from space Texas who he caused the death of
Excuse me that's not char aznable that's quattro bajeena, why would you ever confuse the two :/
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fantasticarcadefan · 2 months
Teyvat and the Ascended Pt.2: Discovering yourself
Warning: Religious worship, bad descriptions.
STC - Skin tone color
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You didn't know what to say. Too much was going through your mind. Who are the ascended? Why do they refer to you as a god? A million more questions race through your head before a voice calls out to you. "Your Grace?" It was Alexi's voice. "Y-Yes, Alexi?" You respond, unsure of what he asked. "Are you okay? We're not going to hurt you." Alexi says in a rough yet soft tone. A million thoughts go through your mind, unsure of what to say. Do you tell them the truth? Do you lie to them? Do you make up a story? You eventually decide that, due to the ability to transport yourself elsewhere, it was better to admit the truth before you find yourself in a worse position than in Teyvat. "Look, I-I think you got the wrong person. I don't know anything about the "Ascended Species" or me guiding you in person." You say, bracing yourself for a mixture of emotional, psychological, or physical abuse. Alexi looks at you and then smiles, "I'm afraid that's not the case my lord. The soul seeker was set to your soul, and in addition, we're passing through a nebula right now, and usually when we do,we often find ourselves going through what is known as turbulence. And ever since you've arrived, the storm has calmed down." Alexi explains to you. "And it makes sense for you to not know of the Ascended. After all, you're only made aware of the world you'll be descending into, with you starting to get visions of the other worlds you created later on from your past."
You're shocked. How are you supposed to react to that. One day, you're running from hunters in Teyvat who're claiming that you're an imposter, the next, your soul, if what they say is true, is abducted by aliens from various species who're claiming that you made each of their civilizations. But another question came into mind. Are you able to get home? And how many other lives have you abandoned when you descended onto each of their worlds? "Crowner of Champions." The beetle alien says,breaking you out of your existential crisis, getting your attention. "My name is Kul-Tan of the Backatta species, representing the Legion of Hantakka. My people and I pride ourselves in being able to find worthy opponents in all fields, originally in just strength, but your descent into our world showed that there are other ways of combat. And I couldn't help but wonder what great beasts you've slayed at your new creation!" Kul-Tan says, ignorant about what you've been facing on Teyvat. "It's not as glo-" You say before stopping mid sentence as you are looking at your skin.
Instead of the (STC) on your skin, your body's instead a mix of a bright white, a void black, a gleaming gold, and a shimmering purple all jump across your body. "Wha-,ho-, the he- what?" You say, unable to form a word about your body's situation. "And that's another reason we see you as our divine creator." Alexi says, slightly amused at your situation. "The creator, you," Alexi says, as he points at you. "Have been known to be both the kindest of souls, devoting time to help those that need it, both before and after your discovery on each of our worlds, and a nightmare to those incurring your wrath." Alexi continues. "The white and dark energies, I assume, are part of your emotions and part of the balance of the galaxy, what the golden and purplish energies represent, however, may be representative of the balance of the world you descended upon." Alexi says, hoping to help you understand. If you had to guess, the golden energy represented Celestia, and the purple energy represented the abyss. "I wonder," you tell yourself, if I knew about this sooner, would the hunt for me have never occurred?" You ask yourself as you get out of Mary's arms and wander the room while you start to think what this could do. After all, if that was true, then you could reveal this form to the Teyvatians and hopefully convince them that you're their actual god, or at least cause enough debate in Teyvat that the hunt could be cancelled or postponed for a while then- "Your Grace?"
You hear Mary call out your title in a concerned tone. As you turn to face her, you can see a mixture of horror, concern, sadness, and rage on the crew's faces. "What do you mean, the hunt for you would have never occurred if you knew about that form?" Mary asks in a cautious and worried tone.
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keketopia · 7 months
luka couffaine headcanons
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• luka is a pretty laidback person
• he sometimes stargaizes at night, just so he can look at the constellations
• he isn't actually afraid of snakes, in fact, he's actually considering having one as a pet
• he and juleka have a secret communication system through music. like when one of them asks a question or speaks they would respond by playing a few notes on an instrument and they would know what it means.
juleka: "luka, have you seen my phone?"
luka: *plays a few strings on his guitar*
juleka: "found it, thanks!"
luka: "what happened to my toffee pudding?"
juleka: *plays a few strings on her bass*
luka: "really, jules? I was saving that!"
juleka: *plays some more strings on her bass"
luka: "how was I supposed to know that spaghetti was yours? I didn't even see your name"
juleka: *aggressively plays some more strings on her bass while also pouting and glaring at luka*
luka: "okay, it was half finished. but i was hungry and i wasn't really craving any other foods"
juleka: *plays some more strings on her bass*
luka: "whatever, i'll just buy some"
• might want a houseboat when he's older. he just loves listening to the calm waves of the water when he's sleeping or meditating
• writes songs for marinette even when they broke up
• sometimes uses juleka's head as an armrest because he's taller than her. just a way for him to tease her and laughs when she gets annoyed.
• he has really good memory. this stems from his obsession with music. not to mention that he's pretty observant. like if someone places a book somewhere and they can't remember where they put it, luka would tell them where it is.
• luka's love for music comes from when his mom used to play guitar for him and juleka as a kid. in fact, the guitar was the first instrument he learned how to play
• luka goes to the pet store to buy mice because sass admits that mice are his favorite food.
• luka is pretty chill, it's rare for him to get angry. there are only a few times where he gets angry (silencer for example)
• remember when I said that luka isn't afraid of snakes? yeah, may I mention that snakes are his favorite animal? he's considering having a snake tattoo when he's an adult, although he's not sure if he wants it on his arm or on his back.
• an empath
• his favorite flower is the devil's trumpet
• studies psychology & philosophy
• he keeps his hair his natural color for a while because keeping his edges blue can be a pain in the ass since the color washes off very quickly. so he keeps it black until he gets bored and dyed them again
• he has chromesthesia
• he firmly believes in rebirth and that there is life after death
• reads past life regression books
• he doesn't really have any aspirations for fame. despite his dad being a famous rockstar, he doesn't want to be in the spotlight. he instead wants to teach music to other people, which is why his choice of a career is a music teacher
• he is a buddhist. he believes in the majority of buddhist beliefs, including samudaya
• allergic to seafood
• plans on getting just a few more piercings
• luka is explicitly against sass calling him master
• luka will sometimes play with sass' tail whenever the kwami sits in an elevated position
• he knows how to play the lyre (due to being viperion), keyboard, & the cello.
• he is very protective, especially towards juleka. he has gotten in trouble a lot as a child for starting fights with people that bullied her.
• despite being french, he does not like cheese. he once passive-aggressively (but in a good way) gave adrien deodorant because he couldn't stand the smell of camembert
• when luka is stressed. he plays notes on his guitar with his eyes closed and tries to guess what pitch the note is at
• he is pansexual i refuse to believe he's straight!
• jokingly refers to himself as an old man because he mostly hangs out with juleka's friends, who are all two years younger than him
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Derailed [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo from @pennyspearl
Prompt: Characters are sat together on a long train ride. A one shot in which the reader unexpectedly spends an hour on a train with Agent Aaron Hotchner. 
Category: Fluff 
Content Warning: Brief mention of murder / death
Word Count: 3.2K 
A/N: This is another @imagining-in-the-margins prompt for her September/October Challenge! Let me say that I have never been to Boston University, so if my writing is off on that, please forgive me. Trains were part of the prompt, and if you don’t know, we don’t have a lot of those in Texas. Also, Hotch might be a little out of character here, but it was fun to write him like this. Honestly, unless it’s a novel, I find it hard to get his deeper feelings right. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this. Please like it if you liked it, and feel free to send me a request for a Hotch fic if you want. 
P.S. y/n uses she/her pronouns 
List with all stories 
y/n = your name
l/n = your last name 
_y/f/a_ = your favorite album
_rm’s/n_ = roommate’s name 
_f/c_ = favorite color
_y/m_ = your major 
_y/min_ = your minor 
_s/p_ significant person (friend, parent, guardian, sibling, teacher etc.) 
_h/t_ = home town
_m’s/d_ = major’s department
The passengers on the train started to chatter as this announcement came over the PA, “Good afternoon passengers on the green line. The conductor wants to inform you that there’s been a train derailment at the Boylston intersection. Thankfully no one has been seriously injured, but this might mean we are delayed for some time. I will continue to keep you updated as we have more information. In the beginning, there was a sense of camaraderie with people looking up the news and sharing photos of the train that had derailed. However, as the minutes stretched to a half-hour people started getting angry. Businessmen checked their watches and phones every two minutes. Mothers with kids tried to keep their children calm, and a group of students sitting in the corner of the car were elated that they would be missing a freshman-level psychology class. The car was more crowded than usual, or at least more full than y/n had expected it to be on a Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 PM. y/n had to admit that she didn’t normally ride the train at this time, so her assumptions could be totally off. Anyway, she was stuck standing in the isle of the car holding one of those hangers that helped shorter people like her stay steady as the train moved. At the beginning she didn’t mind waiting while she listened to _y/f/a, but now the fact that she was standing and her left foot was in an ankle brace. Her foot was actually starting to hurt her. She wished she had Advil in her backpack, but she knew she didn’t. The bottle of ibuprofen was sitting on the counter in the bathroom. y/n shifted more of her weight to her right leg. Another ten minutes passed and she was getting nervous that she was going to miss the whole guest lecture she had been looking forward to for over a month. 
y/n was pulled out of this train of thought when her phone rang. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw the name of her roommate _rm’s/n_ on the screen. Normally she would cancel the call and just wait till she was outside, but half of the businessmen were on their phones talking to secretaries or business partners and she needed a distraction from her foot, so she answered the call. “Hey, what’s up, _rm’s/n?_” Her roommate replied, “Hey, y/n I totally overslept and the dry cleaner that has my suit is going to close before I can make it there. It’s only two blocks away from campus. Could you pick it up and put it in your office or something and bring it back when you come back? I really need it for my presentation tomorrow.” y/n sighed, she should’ve seen something like this coming. She pinched the bridge of her nose and said, “Sorry, _rm’s/n_, I can’t. A train derailed down the line and I’m stuck here. It’s been forty minutes now and at this rate, I’m going to miss half of that lecture I’ve been going on about for weeks now.” Her roommate put on a syrupy voice saying, “Pleeeeese, y/n. I’ll owe you big time.” y/n was now getting annoyed and said, “No _rm’s/n_, I’m not picking up your suit for you. Take an Uber and get it tonight or wake up an hour earlier tomorrow and get it yourself. I’ve been looking forward to today for a long time and even if I only get to see the last ten minutes of this lecture, nothing is going to stop me from doing that.” y/n’s roommate knew the battle was lost but asked anyway, ���Who is this guy that you’re so excited to hear lecture for two hours anyway. I’ve certainly never heard of him.” y/n rolled her eyes, This was proof that _rm’s/n_ never listened to her when she was talking in the apartment. In a slightly clipped tone, she replied, “His name is Agent Hotchner, and he’s the Unit Chief of the Behavior Analysis Unit out of Quantico. He’s giving a lecture on Criminal psychopathy and the split mind theory. He’s kind of a hero of mine. I’ve been telling you about this for weeks now _rm’s/n_.” There was a hesitant chuckle on the other end of the line and _rm’s/n_  replied, “Sorry y/n, you know I’ve been busy these last few weeks with my research and this presentation coming up. Listen, when you get home I’ll have a pizza and a bottle of wine waiting. Maybe we can catch up a bit, and I hope the train thing gets fixed with enough time for you to make it to that lecture.” At hearing this, y/n let some of her frustrations go. Sure _rm’s/n_ could be inconsiderate, but there wasn’t a point in fighting right now, so she said, “That sounds nice. See you in a few hours.” With that she hung up the phone and looked out of the still window, knowing that right now the lecture hall was filling with anticipatory students while she was stuck here on a train car. 
Aaron was sitting down on the train. When he heard the announcement he knew he was screwed in getting to the Boston University campus on time for his speaking engagement. He emailed the event coordinator in the psychology department who had arranged this speaking engagement, writing: “Jonathan. Sorry to tell you this, but I may be a few minutes to an hour late to the university. I was going to take the rental, but the tire sprung a leak and it was getting late already, so I thought I would just take the train. Clearly, that was a mistake because it’s been delayed due to a derailment. I’ll keep you updated. Whenever the train does make it to a station I’ll hop out and get a cab, which I should have done from the start. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Sincerely, SSA Aaron Hotchner F.B.I. Unit Chief Behavioral Analysis Unit, Quantico Virginia.” With that, he sent the email and waited for a response. While he waited he pulled out his speaking notes and began reviewing them. He pulled out a pen making notes in the margins for his cadence and pauses. As confident as he was in the material he was covering, whenever he spoke to a large group of people who weren’t N.A.T. trainees, his nerves picked up. Therefore reviewing his presentation, he hoped would calm him. The minutes ticked by and Jonathan emailed him back saying that they would push back the lecture until he arrived and that he and the department understood that this wasn’t his fault. A few minutes later the person standing in front of him took a phone call. He relegated the conversation to white noise as his attention turned back to the pages in his lap. However, when his name was mentioned his attention flicked back to the person standing in front of him. The person was turned away from him slightly so he couldn’t see their face. They had a _f/c_ backpack on. She was wearing something formal and Aaron couldn’t help but notice that she was wearing an ankle brace and was highly favoring her other foot. After another minute the woman hung up and let out a sigh that was so quiet that he almost didn’t catch it. 
Aaron put his papers away in his notebook and stood tapping the woman on the shoulder. _y/n_ turned to see who had tapped her shoulder and looked up for a moment. When her eyes met Aaron’s and recognized him they went wide for a second. After a moment of stunned silence y/n said, “Mr. Hotchner?” Aaron smiled and said, “Present.” There was another moment of silence and he continued the conversation saying, “Sorry. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I’m glad to hear that at least someone is excited for the talk that I’m supposed to be giving right now.” After recovering from the shock of being in the same space as Agent Hotchner, y/n replied, “People have been talking about your lecture since the guest lecturers' names were announced at the beginning of the semester. I can’t believe you’re stuck in here too.” Aaron chuckled and said, “Yes, well I wasn’t anticipating such a long delay, or any delay.” Aaron extended his hand and said, “Sorry, I don’t know your name, and clearly you know who I am.” y/n took his hand and shook it, saying, “y/n l/n, Sir.” Aaron nodded and replied, “It’s nice to meet you y/n, and please just call me Aaron.” He was about to say something but the train lurched forward momentarily and y/n grabbed for the railing, her face set in a grimace for a second as she placed her weight on her injured foot. The train stopped again after a few seconds and Aaron said, “y/n, would you like to take my seat? I noticed that maybe standing for long periods might not be a great idea for you.” y/n flushed looking down at the ever-annoying boot on her foot. She tried to seem fine, not really wanting to seem weak in front of someone she had been inspired by for years. However, her leg was hurting her and Aaron had offered, so she begrudgingly switched places with the Hotch. Their arms brushed arms during the transfer. y/n felt a flutter run through her arm as their skin made contact. She sat down and set her backpack on the ground between her legs. She tried not to look at Aaron. The man was commanding, just standing in front of her. His tall height only added to the power she felt from her. Unlike her, who had been grabbing the extended handles for support, he easily rested his forearms on the metal bar running parallel along the train car. y/n was trying to find a place to look that wasn’t directly at Hotch. 
She looked back up at him when he called her name. “Sorry, what was that?” y/n internally berated herself for not noticing that he had addressed her. Hotch smiled with a humorous look in his eyes as if he knew he had this effect on people if he wanted to. Hotch repeated his question saying, “Do you go the the Boston U? What do you study.” y/n looked up to Hotch and replied, “Oh. Yes. I do. I’m studying _y/m_ with a minor in _y/min_ because I can never make up my mind on what I want to do with my life. I’d like to think that I’m giving myself options, but really as a grad student, I’m just putting myself in debt.” y/n let out a nervous laugh at the absurdity of talking so casually to Aaron Hotchner. They shared a bit too casual banter as the train finally started moving again. The train stopped at Arlington station and the attendant stated over the PA, “Well folks, unless you want a long wait I’d recommend you get off here and find some alternative transportation to your final destination. Our sincerest apologies for the long delay. We hope you have a good rest of your evening. There was a sigh of relief from those on the train when the doors opened. Aaron offered y/n a hand up. They made it up to the street and as Aaron flagged down a cab, y/n tried to think of a way to get the few blocks to campus. It was rush hour and she didn’t have the money for an Uber, or a cab. By this time Aaron had hailed a cab. He looked around to see if y/n was still around. He figured he might offer them a ride in the cab, after all the university would be paying for it. He called y/n over saying, “Do you want to ride with me to campus. We’re both going to the same place, right?” y/n walked the short distance to him and asked, “You’re sure?” Hotch nodded and replied, “Of course.” He let her get in first and he told the cab where to drop them off. Hotch took a moment to email Jonathan to let him know that he was on his way pulled his notes back out and looked at them once more to steady his growing nerves. y/n checked her emails and answered a few from her students, as the cab zipped toward Boston University. Her attention was diverted to Aaron. He was silently tapping his foot, causing his leg to minutely move up and down in his dark blue pants. After a few moments, Aaron felt her eyes on him and he stopped tapping his foot. He looked over to y/n but she turned her face just quickly enough for him to not catch her staring. This did not, however, stop him from observing the blush that bloomed from her cheeks. Thankfully the ride was short and they both got out. y/n led him to the main auditorium where he was speaking. It was the largest on campus. When they approached the entrance, Aaron was met by Jonathan who quickly stepped forward and shook Aaron’s hand saying, “We’ve got a pretty big crowd still, so please forgive me if I seem to be rushing you. Let’’s get you inside and mic'd up. Jonathan kind of hustled Aaron toward a side door, but before he was swept out of sight, y/n said, “Thanks for the ride. Good luck.” Hotch nodded and said, as he was being led forward, “No problem. See you inside.” 
The inside of the auditorium was still almost filled to capacity. It was a stroke of luck that y/n found a seat in the T-zone with good visibility of the stage. Just as she sat down and began pulling out her notebook, the lights dimmed slightly as Jonathan stepped onto the and introduced Aaron. The lecture was detailed and held the attention of the audience the whole hour that Hotch spoke. He fielded a few questions after the talk and then said, “Due to the fact that I was an hour late to this lecture, my apologies for that by the way, I’m going to cut off the Q and A here. However, if you have questions or would like to speak to me, I’ll be at the front of the stage for a few minutes. Thank you everyone for coming.” There was a loud round of applause as people in the audience got up and moved to the aisles and exits. y/n got into the line to speak to Aaron. It was about twenty minutes until she reached him. When he saw her, he flashed a smile and said, “Hey, y/n. So, how was it?” y/n laughed slightly and said, “It was incredible. It really was.” Hotch nodded and thought back to the two hours ago when they were on the train and she had first brought him up. He asked, “When we were on the train you said I was ‘a hero of yours.' Might I ask why? I’m rarely given that status if I’m being honest.” y/n looked down to the wooden floor. She guessed that what she had said to her roommate might come up again and even though she had meant it, it was still a painful thing to think about. Now that she was standing in front of the man himself it felt trivial really. Aaron tilted his head and realized from y/n’s demeanor, that he might have touched on a sensitive topic. He shifted his weight slightly and said in a softer voice, “y/n, I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.” y/n cleared her throat and looked back up to Aaron’s sympathetic gaze. She nodded but said, “It’s fine. I’ve, um, actually met you before. It was a long time ago when Gideon was the Unit Chief. My _s/p_ was murdered in front of me and the team came out to my _h/t_. I was interviewed and everything, but you, you stopped and asked if I was okay. I’ve never forgotten that. In the hype of everything that was happening, I was just a teenager, but you saw me.” y/n’s eyes tried to blink back the tears that had formed in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand. Aaron bit the inside of his mouth as he looked over the young woman in front of him. He racked his brain for his past early cases, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t place her anywhere. He gently placed his hand on her arm and as she looked up at him, he said, “I’m so sorry. I don’t remember you. Thank you for telling me that.” y/n sniffled for a moment and replied, “I look a lot different from back then. I’m just glad that I got to tell you in person. You’ve helped a lot of people, not by just bringing criminals to justice, but by seeing people on the sidelines.” 
Aaron was touched by what _y/n_ had said. Not that any of the others who had come before to tell him that he mattered, or that his work wasn’t important didn’t matter. But to have someone remember when he was green to the force. Before he was Unit Chief meant something to him. There was still a line behind y/n and he knew that Jonathan and some of the psychology and criminology professors were taking him out to dinner after this, but he didn’t want to let y/n go just yet. His hand was still on her arm and he realized it had been there a bit too long. He removed it and said, “I have some things to attend to for an hour and a half or so, but would you like to get a drink later tonight. As long as it’s not distressing or painful for you, I’d like to remember you from that case.” y/n’s mouth opened and closed a few times before she stated, “That, that sounds lovely. I’d be happy to join you.” Aaron nodded and pulled out the generic business card he carried with him at all times. He flipped it over and wrote his cell number on the back. He handed the card to y/n and said, “Shoot me a text with your name and I’ll let you know when I” 'm free to meet. I look forward to it.” y/n flushed again. It seemed to be a theme of the evening as she said, “Okay. See you later.” 
y/n almost floated to her office in the _m’s/d_. In her office, she pulled out some grading she needed to do and sent her number to Hotch. A few minutes later he liked it to let her know that he he got her text. It seemed impossible that this was happening to her. In fact, the whole day seemed like a dream. However long it was before Aaron let her know that he was open to getting a drink, passed quickly and she thought that perhaps the man she had dreamed about for so many years wasn’t such a dream after all. Maybe he was just as great as she had imagined.
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swifty-fox · 3 months
Do you have any Clegan fic WIPS or idea/hcs you haven't shared yet? Getting #Clegan withdrawal :'(
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lemme rustle through my bag of goodies
I've got my Sci Fi Au:
Entry Log 2043
-DateStamp: 14th July 5399
-Location: DeepSpace Sector G8677-65HG-76789_I
-Personnel File: Maj. J.C. Egan (Zoot Suit) 
“This is Major John Egan, callsign ZootSuit, aboard the vessel M’lle ZigZag. Today is the dawn of my final day of exploration, putting an end to a sixteen-month foray into DeepSpace. Initial findings reveal little of note. A few developing stars and planets; an asteroid belt; and a total of six planets, two of which I will be recommending for a second more thorough exploration of due to planets possibly location being within the ‘Goldilocks Zone.’ I look forward to whiskey, solid food and to breathe air that isn’t recycled from a fucking can. I can’t wait to fuck my husband-”
John pauses.
“Ah, computer erase the last seven words. Reasoning: Irrelevant to mission. I will be entering Hyperspace within the hour, once I hit proper trajectory to slingshot around the primary sun.”
He taps the record button to end the log, carefully labeling the file and placing it in a folder with the few thousand other logs he’d recorded over the last year and a half. A verified library of data, observations and the occasional love-letter. A year and a half of research; one of the longest expeditions ever undertaken by any pilot. Considered bold by some and risky by far more. Deep space played with people's minds, the long stretches of isolation broken up only by Hypersleep creating the perfect recipe for a light case of mental instability.John had trained for this, ran through thousands of psychological tests and millions of scenarios. There was not a person in the universe more capable of this task. 
John rubs his jaw, feeling the scratchy beard and spins out of his pilot's chair, leaving the computer to guide the craft. 
Two Fingers down(Bikeriders AU)
“I don’t like liars.”
“I’m an honest liar,” John whispers against his lips
“You cheated.” Gale accuses.
“Cheating implies I was playing to win. Throwing the game to lose on purpose is different.” his hands fumble at Gale’s belt buckle, the metallic sound of it undoing loud in the alleyway. Gale sucks in a ragged breath.
“That’s not-” Gale groans as John gets his free hand around his dripping cock, “-even remotely what it implies. I don’t fuck cheaters.”
“You’re gonna let this cheater fuck you.”
“Is that so?” Gale's hips buck into the tight clench of John’s fist, his pubic hair darker than the rest, almost a sandy brown color.
“Yeah, if you call that cheating then I’m disqualified. Winner-” John bends over to spit onto the glistening head of Gale's dick, rubbing the saliva down his shaft, “-Takes all.” 
I've got my Pirate John AU which is just concepts at this point LOL
Little Beasts is still happening! Here's a snippet from part 4:
“You’re really hitting me in the ‘yes daddy harder’ places with that face you’re pulling right now,” John says, swirling his finger through the over-complicated mess of a coffee in front of him.
It tasted awful, but he ordered it just to see if the kid behind the counter could actually pull it off.
Chick continued to keep his ‘yes daddy harder’ expression, which was in fact a look of profound exasperation and disappointment. And didn’t really awaken anything in John, but he found it plenty amusing to see the way the older mans eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“I could have you thrown in jail today if i wanted, you know,” Chick Harding takes a sip of his own soy latte, “I could make up a reason, I hold your life in my hands.” 
“That’s a misuse of power and a miscarriage of justice, and also you like me. I’m your favorite little POW just admit it.” 
“Someone’s going to pop you one in the mouth, mocking veterans like that.”
John spreads his hands wide in a dont shoot the messenger sort of gesture “hey, I can claim it. My great gandpops was a POW. Got his flight jacket and everything hanging in my closet. This is my history.” 
“I think I should arrest you.”
John grins at him.
“You been meeting with Brady?” Chick asks, setting his coffe down with a pleased hum, begins folding his utensils wrapper accordion style until the cheap paper has become nothing more than a little square. It’s the same thing he does every time, restless fingers the only betrayal that the parole officer wasn’t just a robot.
Which John already knew was false. He’d looked the guy up the moment he’d had access to internet again. Had a neatly sealed Juvenile record and an exemplary military record which meant the guy was both secretly interesting and also probably a little batshit.
“Every couple weeks just like those fascist fucks tells me too. Just like i meet you every six weeks and we pretend I’m in need of babysitting and you pretend you’re not hoping that college boy will finally write his number on your coffee cup.” John leans forward on his elbows,the table creaking under his weight  “I could do it for you, if you’re too shy.” 
Chick doesn’t give him the satisfaction of blushing, but John can see the way his sholulders straighten slightly.
“He even looks like me a bit too. Curly brown hair,” John smooths his fingers across his mustache, “ the sexy landing strip. You sure you’re not displacing some sexual attraction?”
“You are the devil incarnate. That barista means nothing to me.” 
“You shouldn’t be so grumpy, meeting your favorite little felon.” 
“Only person around here that seems grumpy is you, Egan.”
“Me?” John stretches, tilting his chair back with one foot until he nearly topples backward, “Whay’ve I got to be grumpy about? I’ve got a shitty dead-end job, a dying grandma who, by the way, isn’t actually even my grandma, and i’ve got to check in with some middle aged drill sergeant with a thing for some guy who looks like Sean Cody’s next up and coming.” 
“I don’t know what that even means.”
“Oh you so do.” John smiles.
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breathlessmorro · 9 months
Read your post about wu, misako, and garmadon and the love triangle. Great post and loved your joke. If you didn't make a post yet, I was wondering what your opinion is on the season 3 love triangle between Nya, Jay, and Cole?
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Part two-
Okay so history lesson: season three is around the time the showrunners figured out that girls watched the show as well, and what better way to appeal to girls than with love drama right guys??? Because that's not stereotypical and insensitive, and butchering female characters for the sake entertainment isn't misogynistic at all!
... Okay so I have some negative thoughts, but the love triangle doesn't necessarily have to be bad? It's not great writing, but NinjaGo writers are known to sacrifice consistency for the sake of the plot a LOT so I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it. Up until Cole was described as Nya's "perfect match," she never had any interest in him. The love triangle between her and Cole comes completely out of nowhere, and gets treated more seriously in the show than most of the fans take it.
So let's try to break it down - Nya and Jay establish at the beginning of season 3 that they have some boundaries. They don't state what they are, but it's implied Jay isn't allowed to fawn over her and get super clingy. Which, after a reminder, Jay actually fulfills. The first episode implies they're in a healthy relationship, with even their students knowing about it. Nya even seems excited by the idea that Jay might be her perfect match.
Then she gets paired with Cole, and she insists no one say anything. Now, I'm gonna dip into my psychology classes and say that Nya's sudden "feelings" and "attraction" to Cole is based off of the power of suggestion rather than actual attraction.
The Power of Suggestion is the theory that when an individual has an idea conveyed to them, and only after that, said idea becomes a reality. The way it works is that your brain has to consider every idea that pops up in it, and how you react to that idea can strengthen it. Nya's extreme shock to the idea that she's meant to be with Cole solidified the suggestion that she should be with him in her mind, and with the way the human brain works, she was already thinking of reasons why. When your brain makes a statement, it automatically looks for proof, and so that's why Nya was able to believe that she genuinely had feelings for Cole - because she had plenty of reasons for why she could.
It's confirmed that Cole didn't really have feelings for Nya. He liked the attention, and because of Jay immediately getting mad at him for it, he amped up his own reactions. I don't think Cole ever had feelings for Nya, and he just got competitive because that's part of his personality.
Jay on the other hand. Since day ONE Jay has been interested in Nya. He wanted to know her favorite color, wanted to impress her. Him unlocking his true potential was because she admitted she actually liked him no strings attached. He's been head over heels for that girl from the start, and he's canonically very insecure about being liked. So when Pixal, someone who almost never lies, says that she's supposed to be with Cole, and Nya doesn't immediately reassure him? He was bound to react the way that he did. That being said, immediately jumping to violence was wrong of him, especially because he didn't technically have proof Cole had acted on anything, but it makes sense.
To put it bluntly, everybody messed up. Nya shouldn't have hid the perfect match thing, or tried to initiate any kind of romantic affection with Cole. Cole shouldn't have reciprocated, and especially shouldn't have endorsed hiding it from Jay. Jay should have asked what was going on, and actually gotten the information he needed before going on the attack - not to mention he should have focused his hurt on the fact that Nya actually kind of cheated on him, but it's understandable why he was mad at Cole.
If someone wants to argue for Mudshock, I'm all for it! I just don't like the way it was canonically portrayed. It did feel very teenager-y so kudos to the team for being accurate to the vibes, but ultimately they ended up butchering two incredible characters (Nya and Cole) for the sake of marketing. I don't think anyone who wrote this actually knows how upsetting it is when you find out your partner is cheating on you with your best friend, so they played up the love triangle for the masses.
TL:DR: in canon? I'm not a fan of Mudshock. In fanon, where it gets explored and balanced out and all three of them are healthy and supportive??? ABSOLUTELY SIGN ME UP BABY
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nemaliwrites · 10 months
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My super secret Big Bang fic is finally not so secret! My @mlbigbang fic, In Pursuit of the Uneatable, will be posted on January 1st!
Relationships: Adrien/Marinette, Marinette & Tikki, Marinette & Chat Blanc Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Bunny, Manipulative Lila Rossi, Self-Esteem Issues, Identity Issues, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir is not Chat Blanc, Introspection, Canon-Typical Violence, Lila Rossi's Downfall, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Psychological Horror, Moral Ambiguity, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Unreliable Narrator Summary: Who do you trust when your own reflection becomes a stranger? In a Paris where Lila weaves tales that blind the city, Marinette stands accused, isolated. Her parents’ trust is shattered, her friends distant, and in battle, illusions blur the line between ally and enemy. As the shadows and uncertainty threaten to close in, Marinette finds herself turning to the last person who claims to be on her side: a boy in a white mask who calls himself a fox hunter.
and here's a lil snippet from chapter 12:
Ladybug’s been crafting her apology in her head for days now, but if there’s one thing she’s certain of, it’s that it’ll all fall apart the second she lays eyes on him. That is, if he even shows up — it only occurs to her now that he might not, that he might be angry enough at her to avoid her.
But he does show up. Of course he does. She never should have doubted that; the fact that she did only has the effect of making her feel more guilty. Because he would never put his own feelings ahead of their duty, and she never should have thought he would. 
He comes, a shadow in the night, to stand before her. For a fraction of a second, Ladybug finds herself doubting which cat this is — after all, noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, are they not? When she sees his eyes, though, she knows truth: his eyes that are one color, the greenest green. 
“Chat Noir,” she says, voice nearly lost in the wind. The only indication he’s heard her is the way he turns. His profile, the only thing that’s illuminated, faces her. “I’m sorry.”
He says nothing. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ladybug continues. Her voice threatens to break, but still, she persists. “I should have told you everything, I know that. I…I never meant to leave you in the dark like that. I just didn’t want you to worry about me—“
“I do worry, Ladybug.”
Chat Noir says the words loudly, confidently, an open declaration. She gapes at him.
“I’m always worried about you,” he says; he turns his eyes skyward, as though desperate to look at anything that isn’t her. “I worry if you’re getting enough sleep. I worry if you’re stressed out. I worry that an akuma might come for you and that this time, there won’t be anyone to save you — that I won’t be there to save you.”
And now it’s his turn for his voice to break. Ladybug steps closer, takes his face in her hands. Turns it so that he’s looking at her.
“Have you considered,” he asks softly, “that maybe you don’t like to rely on people? That you don’t want to show weakness? That you’re too focused on thinking that you can do everything yourself?”
Mirroring her, he brings his hands up to her face. They’re interlinked, intertwined, impossible to tell where one stops and the other begins. If noir and blanc are two sides of the same coin, then so too are the ladybug and the black cat. 
“Maybe,” she admits, hating the way that doing so makes her feel vulnerable. But here, of all places — in her partner’s arms — maybe she can let herself be vulnerable. “Maybe you’re right.”
Chat Noir drops his hands, steps away from her. A stark contrast to his next words: “You know I’m always on your side, right? No matter what.”
“I know,” says Ladybug, because she does. She’d just forgotten it — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Her hands fall to her sides. “And I think…I think I’ve found someone else on my side, too.”
Someone, something, somewhere, somehow. 
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
1) Really glad that you liked my idea about how Gehrman and Maria could've been mutually cringefail to one another over failing "expectations" and thought that dynamic had potential! I have to admit though, you are actually the reason I've started thinking of Maria under less flattering angle and discovered new girlfailure depths in her 2) Tbh it is kind of funny how I always add commentary on Gehrman takes that are TOO unflattering, but you always add a commentary on Maria takes that aren't unflattering ENOUGH. It feels like that Spiderman meme with two of them pointing at one another but with one Spiderman being upside-down and with colors inverted. Maybe users like us can make those characters equal one day instead of defined "bad" side and "good" side. One day..
Sorry for getting back to you late but aw thanks bruh.
The thing with me and Bloodborne is that it's both a horror and a tragedy. And what comes to mind with those genres is that the characters, the human ones in this case, are often portrayed and are meant to be seen in an unflattering light, because they've done awful things/are awful people in line with the themes, motivations, mood, etc. of the story.
Bloodborne is a story about the aftermath of a societal collapse due to rampant, unchecked scientific and medical atrocities, hubris towards the gods (Great Ones), religious and political corruption, and human induced plagues. We're faced time and time again with Hunters and doctors who have done so much damage, so much atrocity, a callous and blatant disregard for human life. Like I don't even have to list them just open a save into any place and it's there.
So going back to Maria it's like. Her reputation precedes her. We enter the Research Hall where we're met with some of the most explicit violations of human life (Orphanage aside) in the game. The patients going mad, being turned into water bubbles for experimental purpose, living in squalor, going berserk. When their experiments fail they're dumped into the Lumenwood garden where in the dream rise up to fight you with the power of the Cosmos. They cry out for a Lady Maria, who based on what they're saying is allegedly helping them and supposedly is going to save them. These cries, uttered by the destitute and the sick. They are not accurate actors. These people are living in desperate circumstances, they are being abused, and the only person they cling to is the current authority figure - logically, this is Lady Maria, as otherwise they would have named someone.
Like, this isn't the place to discuss in-depth the psychology of research subjects vs experimenters but we all know that subjects trust the experiment leader to take care or at least not abuse them. If you want to learn more about this look up Milgram's Experiments on Authority. Anyways, the fact that we see such a contrast between what desperate people need/crave and what they're not getting - someone is failing them. Lady Maria is failing them. And lo and behold, you find her dead in the Clocktower having committed suicide.
So I'm gonna be very unpopular in saying this that I don't feel much sympathy for Maria's own state other than yeah what a crying shame. I know society unjustly villainizes the mentally ill and those who commit suicide, but people don't always commit suicide cause they've been overwhelmed by mental illness. Sometimes, it's to escape a failure or consequences. And Maria I believe, is of that latter example. How fitting, that the Living Failures are placed right before Maria's bossfight. How fitting that they're dead and rise up, just like how Maria we find dead but actually not really. She failed the people of the Research Hall, she failed to help humanity advance to the next stage, which is the goal of all the researchers in the game (and they all failed). She failed to save them.
And apparently, it's not enough that she failed them, but she doesn't even help them while they're alive? The level of squalor we see the patients in the Hall is abhorrent. That's not something that happens in a week or a day. Saint Adeline is largely lucid (before giving her brain fluid) and speaks as though Maria is still alive. The implication is that's what the Hall looked like right around the time she died. She failed them, failed to protect them, and then disrespected them in their last days, after death. Maybe the Hall didn't start out this way, maybe the more demoralized she because with her research, the less she cared, who knows. She still got new patients, and kept doing the atrocities. She placed her research - and her curiosity over everyone else in that Hall. She betrays her principles for it. And what does she have to show for it? She runs away again.
She runs away from the Hunt when she realizes she done wrong (hates the Hunt, but hey could she have done something then?), but instead joins the Research Hall - apparently still enslaved to her curiosity, maybe justifying it with saving people. Clearly that was an excuse cause look at the Hall. (I mean, what kind of person claims atrocity at the Fishing Hamlet then runs to lead a Human Experimentation lab?) She couldn't face her own actions, who she has become as a person, who she is as a person, she ran from it. And by the end of her tenure at the Hall, she realized she could no longer run away from her flaws, her atrocities. What does she do? Does she change course? No, she kills herself.
"Evolution without courage will be the ruin of our race" is a statement found in the game. Evolution, likely referring to ascension. In the Japanese version, it's written as "Pathetic evolution" or something to that extent. Maria is emblematic of that statement. She is a coward. That's why she was only able to produce the living failures. Whereas Fauxsefka had that courage and produced the Celestial Emissary and the minions, Maria never did. Her suicide is emblematic of that, the cherry on top on a long list of personal and professional failures. So so pathetic.
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anhed-nia · 4 months
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It's always a little sad when one of your precious niche fetishes gets popular. I'm not proud of admitting this; on the whole, you should want success for the things that you love. But in some cases it's like the sad stereotype of the childhood weird girl friendship that is doomed by the onset of adulthood. The friendship is such an important of your identity and your sense of place in the world, but then one day your weird girl friend starts to realize that she has more potential than that, she wants other things and she can get them too, and suddenly one day she's back to her natural hair color and she's wearing bad clothes and having sex with jocks, and even worse than your personal sense of being left behind is the realization that she's boring now. It's not just that you don't have that special person in your life anymore, it's that the person no longer exists. Um anyway that turned out to be a major exaggeration of what I was trying to say about the explosion in popularity of folk horror, which was previously one of my favorite flavors of horror; I mean I guess it still is, but the now when I see the trappings of folk horror it's no longer a must-see matter. It's just as likely to signal a generic, predictable, pandering movie as anything else.
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Why has folk horror blown up like this? Kier-la Janisse would tell you that it's because of her epic documentary WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED, which is genuinely great and you should see it. But I have a sense of today's folk horror boom being "an idea whose time has come", something that is emerging in the popular consciousness because of our collective experiences. Like it's probably not a coincidence that folk horror has come into focus at the same time that the trad wife trend is happening, and witchtok has become a thing. I could say some pretty hackneyed things about the psychological effects of the digital age and our increasingly technologized, disembodied existence, but I will just let you imagine them instead.
Even though I know that the whiff of folk horror no longer promises me a great time, I still watch new specimens pretty slavishly, and LORD OF MISRULE doesn't totally suck. Actually it's tense and interesting for quite a stretch, up until you realize that it really isn't pursuing any big ideas. But my favorite part of it is--this is one of my favorite things in general, where something outrageous happens in a movie and the characters have a completely bizarre reaction: A child is abducted during an old pagan festival, and the parents slowly realize this is no ordinary crime. Actually the mom realizes immediately that something fucked up is happening while the husband keeps trying to do things by the books, almost hilariously, even after they stumble upon something so appalling that it's hard to even describe. I wish I had a screenshot for you. They find this piece of...art?...that's like a dripping wet animal hide wrapped around a hideous diorama involving baby dolls and all this shit, and underneath it is text that says HE STANDS IN THE FIELD AND WAITS. The whole thing is incredibly repulsive and shocking and you can't even begin to imagine who would make such a thing, like the fact that it even exists is really bad news in and of itself...and then the husband is driving them home calmly musing, "Hmm, WHO stands in the field and waits?", as if the most interesting thing is the exact meaning of this caption and NOT the fact that they've seen one of the most arrestingly disgusting objects that you could possibly stumble upon. I really wish the rest of the movie lived up to that one construction, but I guess nobody else found that as exciting as I did!
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french-unknown · 11 months
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𝐇𝐈 !
I just came to you to tell you about a trope that really annoys me in BL fanfics and to explain why. I would like to see if you agree or not. Don't hesitate to give me your opinions!
The person I can usually unpack my thoughts with is busy and I won't be able to move on if I don't express them clearly, so… there you go.
If my writings are disturbing or inappropriate, please let me know and why they are inappropriate (it's always better to understand :) and I will delete this post.
(male pregnancy for those who don't know and don't want to search on Google)
The comments I'm going to make are based on the fanfics I've read so, given that I started around 14 and that I'm currently 22, it is around 8 years of reading. Yes, I've just gotten old… And I exclusively talk about fanfics BL about pre-existing universes (mangas, books, films).
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My problem with these fanfics is that they are full of 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 while the point of a 𝐁𝐋 is to be centered around a 𝐆𝐀𝐘 relationship.
This involves several factors
1 - Physically already because the carrier is generally a fairly small, thin and fragile man (and always bottom obviously). Especially next to his partner who is regularly a tall, strong and respected man. And I have a thought for all the tags like Werewolves, A/B/O Dynamics or Omegaverse, where we end up with convoluted anatomical explanations to justify the pregnancy as well as why he has milk flow to feed the child to the breasts. I don't know if the last one is possible for trans men - I admit that I don't know at all how it works in terms of hormones during pregnancy and after - but I imagine that it must be psychologically complicated because of the dysphoria that it can cause. 2 – The couple dynamic also closely resembles that considered “expected” for society. The carrier therefore often has the status of a housekeeper who will above all be a support for his more professionally fulfilled partner. When he is not pregnant - and even during pregnancy except when the partner is going to cook pasta to show how talented and caring he is - he is in charge of meals, cleaning and caring for the other to listen to his day and give him attention. 3 - The family dynamic is that of a heteronormative family. The carrier is the one who is responsible for the children (feeding, washing, emotional care, education, etc.) with even longer parental leave than the non-carrier. Except that longer parental leave is granted to women since they are socially considered responsible for the well-being of the child. Plus the number of times I read about the child who ended up calling the one who was pregnant “Mom”! 4 - The carrier is also totally emasculated during pregnancy: he has the typical symptoms of a pregnant woman (vomiting, cravings, peak of hormones for smut) and that's EVERYTHING!
1 - Sacralization of the status of the perfect family with a dad + a mom + a baby. And the baby must be genetically related to the parents to have one's hair color and the other's eye color. OBVIOUSLY! The child is thus considered more as an object than in tropes where the child is adopted or comes from the previous relationship of one of the two parents. The two latters focus more on building the parents' relationship with the child while the first is just: "Oh, look everyone! He has his daddy's eyes!". And a family does not have to have all three elements: a couple without children is a family, a single parent with a child is a family. Just a group of very close friends may be a family. 2 - Sacralization of pregnancy which is perhaps understandable since, let's be honest, the overwhelming majority of fanfictions are written by girls. The pregnancy highlighted is therefore a very feminine idealized vision of pregnancy with an aestheticization of it. We therefore end up with scenes where the “dad” caresses the “mom’s” swollen belly, supports her during morning sickness and helps her in her moments of doubt related to motherhood.
1 - If girls appear in the story, they have only one role: the stupid, mean slut who dresses extremely skimpy or vulgarly in a pitiful effort to attract the attention of the "man". They are almost all derogatory clichés of feminine pettiness and superficiality who make a fool of themselves by miserably trying to steal the man who is far too faithful to the one carrying the child. The carrier then appears as a saint raised by his lover—not by himself obviously, he must remain modest—above these vulgar people. The only goal in the lives of these girls is to try to attract the attention of men. It is quite ironic when we remember that these stories are written by girls who indirectly, or not, project themeself into the role of the carrier.   2 - The only other role that appears less often but may be present is that of the older woman who already has a child and who judges ruthlessly through gossip and backstabbing.
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Well, that's good for me, I was able to reach the end of my reasoning and put it into shape. I'll be able to stop ruminating about it!
Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments or privately. I'm interested to know if you share my opinions. I admit that I have become quite closed and stubborn on this subject over time, so it might be interesting to talk about it if you disagree. Your opinion is understandable as long as it is justifiable and justified!
Thank you if you have read this far, you have all my gratitude!
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲!
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elluendifad · 6 months
Hi!! Could you talk a little about what following Tolkien elven religion is like for you? (Only if you want, of course.)
I'm a very newly awakened elf and I've just started reading the silmarillion. I haven't even gotten that far yet, but already it's the most connected I've felt to any religious system/religious lore before. I'm considering practicing Elvish religion, but idk. I feel a little strange saying I want to practice a religion from a work of fiction, y'know? (Please don't take this as me saying your beliefs are strange— I think they're incredibly cool. This is very much just a me thing.)
Anyway, I guess my question is something along the lines of How did you realize this was the religion for you/What do you believe wrt Tolkiens work being or not being fiction?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and doubly so if you choose to answer! Have a nice timezone :))
Alatulya, welcome kin! this one is a little long so there is a break. i also accidentally hit publish early, so we will see how editing it works lol.
table of contents: 1. my personal history and variety of practitioners 2. dealing with fictional mythology + my fave paper on this 3. specifics of tolk elven religion
Eldarin religion has been my primary religion (buddhism and my eclectic animistic witchcraft also there and co piloting) for seven years. I have been working with other eldar on our own group experience of this religion for two or a bit more years. I have taken a bit of priestly service role of collecting and organizing materials and keeping track of the calendar, which we call Loa and which assigns different holidays and themes in order throughout the year. i suspect this role is agreeable and natural for me as minya, but that anyone could do it. the degree of demand differs depending on the person, and i would say that much of my time is set to thinking of or practicing our religion. others have less involvement, and some of us feel our cosmology and philosophy is more cultural than religious the way humans might think being a member of a religious group should be. as for my own journey of getting here, i have been otherkin for most of my life and many years of that was 'generally a nature spirit type thing.' which became 'an elf but i am not sure what kind.' which then became 'oh god… am i one of those hoity toity tolkien elves?' bc there is a cultural expectation among elfkin that tolk elves are more dour and care what color clothes you wear or something… turns out that is not true! or, at least, i have not met these grim arbiters of what is becoming of the firstborn! reading the silm and other texts in the legendarium to fill in what i had absorbed from the hobbit and lotr (books and movies) was the lightbulb in the dim cellar. i use a mixed spiritual and psychological theory of origin and function for my several theriotypes and elven kintype, and this experience filled in some gaps i had just been sitting with. i personally feel that i am living one continuous eldarin life--awoken at cuivienen among the minyar, lived and died, spent my time in mandos, and was reembodied here. my sense of memory is dim, and i generally assume that is just a sign that memory is not necessarily important for this part of my life the way it was in arda. it is a great honor to live this life and to find other eldar and folks of all kindreds to share my love of life with. it was natural to transition from my magic and religious work with nature spirits to a cosmology centered on the legendarium-some of the spirits i still work and live with admit they are maiar, others are not maiar and are of the many kinds of spirit and sprite that entered into ea after its foundation to explore. our working relationships and the techniques i use for magic have stayed much the same. so how i do it is just one example in a variety.
2. i will answer first on dealing with the fictional aspect and wrestling with the nature of constructed or pop culture or modern mythology spirituality-the individual beliefs differ there, too!
for my part, i do not think the legendarium is a factual history of this actual world we currently live in. i do think jrrt was channeling something, and may or may not have been kin himself of arda reembodied here.
i think ea, like most faerie realms, is both here and not here and you have to open yourself up and step into it. once most people have experienced the enchantment of an otherworld, they are never fully able to drop the sense of it. i do feel that the legendarium makes a suitable mythopoetic 'history' for powers and themes that apply to both this world and ea and where they overlap, and that the legendarium becomes more historically factual the closer you move into ea and the further you go from current earth.
there is a lovely paper that i surely have annoyed everyone with titled the tolkien spiritual milieu by Markus Altena Davidsen of the university of leiden that really gets into the anatomy of constructed religion and what is present in certain medias that lends itself to that anatomy, which he calls 'religious affordances' in the text. it details a number of groups of many varied beliefs in the tolkien spiritual sphere, some active and some long gone, and i feel that it is a great way to expand one's vocabulary and mental concept of constructed religion and the wide variety that is possible in such constructions. the pdf is available from the university website here
if you check out mr davidsen's other published papers on that website, there are several others also relevant to fiction sourced mythology and spirituality including some by other authors.
3. that being said, there are religious affordances for the eldar in the texts, but not necessarily enough for a fully fleshed out practice as is prepared and given to new members of various world religions. it will take a bit of crafting, but we elves do love to craft! most of us blend legendarium cosmology and philosophy with practices or philosophies we are previously familiar with, like neopaganism or judaism or etc etc.
we have developed some structure in the forms of: a multiply layered observational calendar for the six seasons, eight holidays, twelve months, and seven days of the week; the fourteen valar and several named maiar associated with certain valar; the panentheistic experience of the creator Eru; and the use of witchcraft, meditation, devotional or worship activity, enchantments, glamor, and arts like music poetry painting crochet etc.
most of us practice our own personal flavor by ourselves, and group rituals or ensorcelments are rare at the moment. we are all exploring, and i would be thrilled to hear about your own explorations and what calls to you!
sooo… basically i have a worship and work relationship with our gods and supportive spirits, and give observation on the schedule of the loa. i have daily practices, like offering of beverage an thanks or an oil anointment of my body, and then weekly practices like an eruhini veneration and well wishes for the dead. and monthly practices on the full and dark moon, which is focused on the vala of that month, where i usually do spellwork for the constellation. there are holidays at the start of each season and at the solstices, where i will sometimes do magic for the group but is usually about the personal journey. the one time another elf was physically with me i did do some small rituals including that elda. my herbalism work is inherently religious to me and i also count both learning and practicing herbalism as a devotional activity, same with going on walks or drumming.
i invite you very earnestly to reach out any time and through any means you are comfortable with, and i wish you a very blessed full moon of winds. hantanyel ar namarie!
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maryrouille · 2 months
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Divine intervention, mortal consequences. About MaXXXine (2024) by Ti West
Speaking about Ti West's latest work, I'll start with a quote from Kim Carnes' song, which we hear at the end of the film: She'll take a tumble on you, roll you like you were dice until you come up blue. Doesn't this perfectly describe our titular Maxine? She'll kill without hesitation if need be. She also has no problem doing whatever she's asked to do in auditions and on film sets. She casually drives past people protesting horror films, calling them satanic and completely out of place, while the Night Stalker hunts the city. Considering the earlier X and Pearl, I get the impression that Mia Goth's characters are devoid of human feelings. Even in the face of death, they seem to feel no terror as if nightmares were their profession.
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Adult films are my profession
If we wanted to approach this film from a psychological perspective, we would have to ask ourselves what made our main character behave this way. Why does this young girl strive for fame, and crystal fame at that, because money doesn't turn her on, literally walking under dead bodies? We can look for the answer in a childhood focused on the cult of her own father and rebellion against extremely Catholic values. This would explain the path of a porn star who was far from modest and also was the easiest path for an uneducated girl to enter in her early days. Especially since in those years the pornographic film industry was gaining momentum. But still, rebellion and ease of work do not provide an answer to her downright disgusting pursuit of fame.
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In my opinion, Maxine has not completely abandoned all the Christian values ​​instilled in her since childhood. Her desire for everyone to know her name is a pursuit of a kind of immortality, or eternal life promised in the Bible. It is also a kind of sanctification and elevation in the world of commercialism, because as a star she becomes someone above ordinary people, someone inaccessible to mortals. They can admire her brilliance only on a glass screen that shows icons but not people of flesh and blood.
Blonde Devil
Personally, I must also admit that I am fascinated not so much by the plot, but by the creation of the character of Maxine in this film. In X we see a simple girl dressed only in dungarees and blue eye shadow. Pearl shows us a modest figure of a girl with a bow in her hair and dresses to the ankles, which was a limitation of her time.
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In MaXXXine, on the other hand, there is a much greater variety of stylizations of the character (at least in terms of appearance, because her general attitude - the devil - does not seem to evolve at all). The amount of clothing, hairstyles, and makeup that Maxine wears in different scenes is pleasing to the eye and captures the atmosphere of the 80s, which was basically like our main character: colorful, free, and sexy on the outside, but with an enveloping darkness underneath. This combination makes her opposite of the delicate, fragile and not very intelligent blondes of classic cinema.
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What really caught my eye first was the number of references to characters and events from old Hollywood. Characters such as Theda Bara and Black Dahlia appear here. There is also the horror classic Psycho (1960) and the pornographic classic Behind the Green Door (1972). Ambiguity can also be found in the dialogues, which cleverly refer (often without the characters being aware of it, but only the viewer) to events from earlier films or the characterisations of actors. And so we have, for example, a sentence thrown at the character of Mia Goth herself, that no one has ever made it big by acting in a horror film. Neat, isn't it?
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She's got Bette Davis eyes [song]
One of the greatest legends of the silver screen, Bette Davis, holds a place of particular honor in MaXXXine, as she opens and closes the film. I think it was best described by Julio Bardini, so I'll leave the quote here and the link to the whole article [here].
Both Davis and Maxine had to swim against the current on their own in Hollywood's male-dominated world in order to succeed. Davis started making a name for herself playing willful and sardonic roles on the big screen in the 1930s and 1940s. She challenged the audience's image of women with the fiery Julie Marsden in Jezebel, the hedonistic Judy Traherne in Dark Victory, and the witty Margo Channing in All About Eve. In the years following her breakout, Davis also had to fight Warner Bros. in court to be able to work on the projects she wanted at a time when actors were exclusive to studios.
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In this business, until you’re known as a monster, you are not a star
I'll end with a quote from Bette Davis that opens the film. I think it's a timeless summary of the entire film industry. What are your thoughts on the final installment of the Ti West trilogy, or what are your expectations if you haven't seen it yet? Let me know! XOXO
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