#i actually imagine part of what gets her to skip town and start jumping through the mists is like.
gristlegrinder · 3 months
the best thing about siya sharing a canon with my partner’s commander is that i never have to figure out commander and/or wayfinder stuff. unfortunately that means i’ve put zero thought into figuring out what timeline stuff is relevant for khismat post-IBS because that’s around the point her canon divergence goes off the rails
me, trying to figure out what is going on with soo-won and cantha in this setup. to say nothing of the wizards. at what point do i give up
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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(gif from Jason Passaro’s youtube edit here)
Title: One Shitty Friday Night (Part 2) *contains some smut*
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Set after the events of Deadpool 2, this is the conclusion from the previous part here. After your semi-disastrous double date night, you, Peter, Kitty, and Colossus head home with Deadpool and Russell in tow to face Logan, Charles, and Erik back at the mansion. You also get some well earned alone time with Peter at last, only to go back to chaos the following morning with Peter confronting Gambit, and Deadpool popping back in.
Warnings: It’s still a bit of Deadpool and all that entails, but only at the beginning and end. *In this part there actually is some Peter x Reader sex.* But you’re welcome to skip over that if uncomfortable with it. I clearly mark in red before and after any smut within the story so readers can choose what to read and still enjoy just the fluff and character interactions before and after if wanted. ❤️
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
The ride home was surprisingly quiet actually. Colossus driving, with Kitty sitting shotgun in the front with him. Russell was in the second row seat behind Kitty, but the seat that normally would have been behind the driver had been taken out specifically with Colossus in mind to let his seat sit further back with his large height.
That just left the third row of three seats. With Peter still not in the best mood, you’d chosen to sit between him and Wade. But they’d mostly just been snacking on the cannolis the whole way home rather than saying or doing much of anything else.
You’d only eaten two in all, hungry but not wanting a stomach ache from the sweetness. You’d felt your own phone buzzing in your pocket most the way home too, but you refused to look at it yet. You could only imagine which friends were trying to call or text you about whatever was being said on TV and the internet now.
Kitty only told you that she’d messaged Xavier to tell him you were all on your way home. But you weren’t sure if she’d warned him about Deadpool and Russell coming with you. Or if she’d kept her phone out at all either afterward, afraid of what the Professor might say in response.
It could have been worse was what you kept thinking. It had been worse actually. Deadpool had once killed an Essex House staff member on live TV, while wearing an X-Men shirt, and with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead also in camera view. But, given that that trouble had already come from him once, would the Professor be harder on you all this second time around? Would he still think you handled the situation as well as you could have or not?
By the time you felt the familiar turns up the long drive to the mansion, you realized that the period for anxiety was over. Whatever would be would now be.
Colossus had decided to park right in front the main entry doors instead of pulling down into the garage. Mostly just in case Wade’s welcome wasn’t a warm one. He could step right back outside if needed instead of already being in the depths of the compound.
Russell was actually the first one to speak though as you all climbed out the vehicle in front of the well manicured landscaping and dim accent lights.
“Holy shit, he is a rich son of a bitch.” The boy spoke, gaping a little at the sheer size of the mansion and the number of floors still above you.
“The cursing, Russell, please.” Colossus reminded. “There are younger children who live here.”
“Though they should be in bed,” Kitty responded, albeit sounding doubtful herself as she started up the entryway stairs.
They might normally be yes, but probably not if the rumor mill of tonight’s excitement was already burning through the place.
“Well I’ve actually never seen more than three people anytime I’ve been here. So there’s that,” Deadpool quipped.
“Yeah well, we were probably busy.” Peter retorted.
“Oh? Well yeah, maybe you were.” Wade replied, eyeing Peter. “Here’s a thought though, Peters. Maybe next time Ryan Murphy calls, just say N-O. No means no, right?”
“What-” Peter started to ask, but then thought better of it. It really wasn’t worth trying to piece together anything else Deadpool said into something more sensical right now.
As Kitty pushed open the doors and you all strode into the large foyer in front the main staircases, you weren’t sure what would be awaiting you. But the immediate, utterly ecstatic squeal that erupted from Deadpool next had all of you jumping before a gruff voice responded from up on the second floor landing.
“You have to be goddamn shitting me. You actually let that idiot follow you home?” Logan responded, the odd mix of disgust and annoyance so clear on his unshaven face.
“I thought you said no cursing here,” Russell complained.
“Logan is sometimes another matter...” Colossus attempted to answer with some neutrality, even as Deadpool was now bounding up the stairs towards the older man.
“Finally! Finally! I don’t even care if it’s just Tumblr and like two people and their FBI agents will see this! Beggars can’t be choosers! I missed you so much, papa bear!”
You stood there staring in complete disbelief, Deadpool looking as if he was actually going to try and hug the Wolverine.
You were likely all of the same mindset about the only way this could possibly play out, but Colossus was the only one to speak, pleading really. “Please, Logan! No blood on the inside of the house! You know how badly it would stain the floors!”
But Wolverine only growled, claws already aimed as Wade stopped just millimeters short, the metal tips now grazing the mercenary’s throat. “You heard him, Wade. Don’t give me a reason and you won’t be having to regrow limbs tonight.” Logan replied.
“You salty old bastard. We haven’t even seen each other in ages, you won’t return my calls, and this is the welcome I get?” Deadpool pouted.
“You’re bad luck walking, Wade. These kids don’t need you hanging around here for long.”
“Oh, and you’re such a tasteful role model. Grandpappy Wolverine teaching a class on cigar chain smoking, and stabbing your problems away this semester?”
“The fuck are you on about? How many people have you killed this month alone, Wade?”
“Twenty four and a half, thank you. And ask me how many of those never killed or raped someone themselves. How many the police never would have touched. What do you think I’ll say there?”
“Reason it all you want, bub. You’re just a wack job vigilante.”
“This could go on all night.” Kitty sighed. “Logan! Where is everyone else? We brought Russell with us, we need to take him to the Professor.”
Wolverine only softened slightly at Kitty’s voice, answering her. “Charles put in a curfew tonight, all students back to their rooms. Wade’s not allowed past the entrance, but the Professor is waiting for you in his study.”
“Discrimination.” Wade huffed, yet then posed in a mock seductive look. “But if you wanted me alone tough guy, all you’d have to do is ask.”
“Please do not make a mess, Logan. We will be back to collect him as soon as we can.” Colossus said with some concern, you all just starting towards the hallway that lead to Xavier’s office.
“No promises.” Logan called back before continuing, louder then so you could hear him even as you walked away. “And hey, Peter-”
“Yeah?” He answered back from your side, glancing over his shoulder at Logan.
“Your dad’s here, kid.”
Peter paused in his tracks, staring for a moment. You could see the emotions process through him before he took a deep breath. There was nothing more that any of you could do though. He just lifted a hand up in a wave of acknowledgement, finally starting to walk again. “Thanks for the warning,”
Even in all that had happened through the years though, going to see Xavier like this still brought back an odd sense of childhood. And that little feeling of dread to be honest. Not because you really thought he would be angry, but because you worried that you may have disappointed him. Which would have always been the worse of the two options in your own mind.
Colossus was the one to slide the ornate pocket doors open, you all trailing in behind him as you entered the study.
It was warm inside, the fireplace crackling and dancing. That fire was the only light besides a couple small table lamps and a TV now on mute, but still running the late night news.
You were but weren’t surprised to see Erik sitting there as well, a short glass of what looked like scotch in one hand. There was a chessboard as well, positioned between himself and Charles on a little table, the pieces clearly still in play.
As the TV flickered again though, you glanced back to it reflexively. You saw an exterior shot of the restaurant you’d been at only a short time earlier, now with police tape all around. It cut to a video of Colossus walking up to police cars with Giovanni in hand, but then just as quickly the flashing red and blue lights changed to the white flashes of cameras and yourself and Peter talking before the sudden kiss. You only looked to the floor in renewed embarrassment then, choosing not to read the ticker captions currently scrolling beneath the now looping video.
“Hey, Dad...” Peter said somewhat unsure, but still the first to speak. He’d shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket now, as he often did when nervous. “Didn’t know you were in town.”
“Peter.” Erik answered plainly though, taking a sip of his drink before setting it back down. “I only arrived this afternoon. I had been hoping for a quiet evening.” He looked briefly towards the television, but then coolly back to Peter. “But here we are aren’t we?”
“Erik,” Xavier warned lightly though, no doubt sensing Peter tense further at the tone.
“They aren’t children anymore, Charles.” Erik responded sharply. “And it never should have been allowed to get to this point. I told you from the beginning that they should have worn masks, they should have been discreet. Trying to craft this foolhardy public image of the new X-Men as some celebrity clean up crew for humans’ mistakes, it’s making a mockery of us all.”
The exasperated breath that came out of the Professor next told you that this was far from the first time that this subject had come up as a point of contention between the two. But the rest of you were quite helpless whenever Erik and Charles would start to argue in front of you.
Xavier countered, “As I have also said before, Erik, we all knew there would be some negatives from moving more into the public eye with our team. But how can mutant kind ever be accepted for who we really are if we only kept slinking in the shadows for the rest of our lives? It’s no different than Raven showing herself on camera all those years ago. You know what an impact that made on the youth in our community then.”
“But the humans are fickle. The magazines and the talk shows only jest at you now. What happens when they turn on you? When my son’s face is only on a wanted list in a database, Charles? What then?”
The anger and protectiveness flaring up in Erik’s tone only made the room even more uncomfortable, yet you didn’t find yourself surprised. Peter’s relationship with his father would never be an easy one, but you knew in the end that Erik did feel a sense of responsibility towards his progeny. And hell have mercy on anyone who did ever truly harm Wanda, Peter, or Lorna and word of it get back to their father.
Charles remained patient though, likely understanding those paternal emotions all too well himself. The Professor treated you all as well as his own after all. “The ones that wish to harm us already knew who we were, Erik. They don’t need to pick up that gossip drivel to find us. We protect ourselves by staying together, as we always have. They want us, then they’ll have to face us all. And Lord knows even gods have tried.”
Erik frowned, and for a moment you wondered if Xavier was saying something more to him telepathically. Something to make him finally quiet or at least agree to postpone the argument’s continuation for later in private.
Regardless of whether your instincts were correct or not on that, their conversation did end abruptly then. Charles switched to a warmer, but still slightly tired tone as he looked back to the rest of you. “Well, I know you’re all ready for tonight to be over. I won’t keep you much longer. Kitty, if you could make sure that weapon you confiscated ends up locked in Hank’s lab tonight, we’ll see about it later. Given that those men would not need something so extravagant just to dispose of other humans, I’m certain it was developed or at least purchased with our kind in mind. We will learn what we can.”
She nodded in agreement before he then turned his attention to the, to this point, uncharacteristically silent Russell with a kind look. “And Russell, I appreciate you deciding to give us a second chance. You’re welcome to stay of course. Did you still wish to speak to me? I know it’s late. Don’t feel obligated to stay and talk if this is all a bit much right now. We can always go over more about the school in the morning.”
“Um...” The boy blinked, not quite ready it seemed for any of the focus to be back on him so soon. And it was only then that you realized it was Erik that Russell kept staring at as he tried to formulate a real response. Actually Erik and briefly back to Peter, that tell tale look on the boy’s face that you’d seen so many times before when people realized who Peter really was, who his father was. Russell was maybe even regretting picking on Peter earlier now.
Charles certainly hadn’t missed that though. Surely sensing all the boy’s thoughts and feelings now as he continued. “It’s alright, Russell. Yes, Magneto does stop in here from time to time. We’re old friends. Yet I hardly think you should be so concerned with him when you’ve already gotten on quite well with my stepbrother haven’t you?” Xavier was actually smiling then. “To get on the Juggernaut’s good side, if even briefly, is quite impressive I must say.”
That did seem to finally break the ice a little then as Russell looked back to Charles. “Yeah, I... I needed a prison friend. A big one.”
“He is that, certainly,” The Professor responded. “Yet to answer the other questions still running through your mind -and forgive me to read you- but of course you can absolutely train with us to better learn to control your fire powers if you’d like. And yes, you may also have a television in your room. I think that’s a reasonable request after living in less than desirable conditions with Wade for this long.”
“Yeah, there were rats and the old blind lady sells cocaine.” Russell answered so matter of factly that the rest of you, minus Charles who was evidently now fully aware of Russell’s recent memories, all just stared.
“Despite his, ah, unique flaws, I can say that Wade would never willingly let anything happen to you.” Xavier just continued. “But yes, it would likely be best to give you a bit more sanitary and less illegal living conditions. And of course this would all be voluntary, if you find you don’t like it here after all, you’re always free to go as well.”
“Cool. Yeah.” Russell agreed. Though not really sure what else to say.
“Wonderful,” Charles just looked back to Colossus and Kitty then. “Can you two please see Russell to one of the empty rooms so he may pick one out to sleep tonight? And please let Wade know of his decision to stay for now.”
Colossus spoke up though before they all walked out together, “And am I sending Wade home as well? I do not think he and Logan can be peaceable for a whole night in the same building.”
“Agreed. Like oil and water there. I would prefer not to have to repair cerebro again either, as we’d had to from his last stay with us.” Xavier looked apologetic though to Colossus. “Is it too much to ask that you offer him a ride back home tonight?”
But Russell just cut in before Colossus could respond. “Nah, Wade already called a cab to meet him back here before we left town. You can just dump him outside now. Let him be their problem.” But even Russell knew to elaborate a little. “And it’s not some random person he might scare off. It’s his friend Dopinder. But you might want to give him some money first. He never pays the guy. Wade doesn’t carry a wallet. Tightwad.”
Kitty sighed. “I’ll cover it. I have cash. Never got to eat or pay for our dinner after all.” She glanced to you and Peter briefly. “Maybe next weekend?”
“We can try,” You offered quietly.
She smiled, understanding that sentiment that you all might want to lay low for awhile after this fiasco of an evening. “I guess we’ll see how we feel. Night, guys.”
“Night.” You and Peter responded to her in unison.
When Kitty, Colossus, and Russell had left the room, you happened to glance back at the TV, though you were at least a little relieved to see the news had finally gone off and by the captions it was just some talk show host joking about whatever a bigger idiot politician had done now.
But Peter’s voice brought your attention back to him.
“Are we free to go too?” He asked cautiously, maybe even more uneasy now that it was just the four of you as he looked to his father and Charles.
The two older men exchanged a glance of their own as silence hung for a moment.
Erik sighed eventually though to break it. His voice serious, but lacking it’s usual coldness. “You can’t keep diving into everything headfirst, Peter. You’re going to get yourself killed.” He seemed to be studying his son’s face a moment. “And what are those bruises even from?”
“I, uh...fell down a flight of stairs.” Peter answered, taking a breath as if to steel himself for further scolding, obviously that admission only adding to his father’s point.
Yet you interjected before Erik could respond. Before you could help yourself, as it wasn’t fair for Peter to be singled out here. “I’m the one that told him to go to the basement.” Normally Scott was mission leader, or maybe Ororo. This wasn’t a role you were used to, but you’d take responsibility where it was due tonight. “I thought it would be safest for him to go first, to disarm them all, but-”
“But you sent him straight into an ambush.” Erik countered. And when his gaze shifted to you with those words, it was clear that even after this long, it still had an effect. An intimidation factor that you could only hope didn’t show through in your expression.
But it was Charles that came to your defense. “That’s a gross over simplification, Erik. Peter had already examined the area on his own accord moments before to no harm. There would have been no reason for them to think he couldn’t return to it.”
For Xavier to already know that level of detail, meant he’d already searched you and Peter’s minds tonight as well, just as he had Kitty about the gun. Which honestly was okay with you as it meant you wouldn’t have to really explain everything that had happened and risk making things sound even worse.
But Erik was still staring at you both, looking displeased.
Peter shifted, uncomfortable with the quiet. “Look, if you’re going to yell at me for what I did on TV, then just get it over with. It wasn’t (Y/N)’s fault. I was the one that made us stay as long as we did, and I was the one that got pissed off at what those guys were saying. It’s always like no one can believe we’re still together. Like I have to keep proving it.”
That admission actually did catch you off guard. Especially to be said here in front his father, and well in all honesty sort of stepfather that Charles was for all intents and purposes. You immediately felt you should say something, but were even further stunned when Erik beat you to it.
“Peter, for God’s sake. You may have problems, but I assure you that (Y/N) is not one of them. Quit being so dense, boy.”
You blinked, unsure if you’d actually just received a rare semi-compliment from Erik.
But Peter just rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the pep talk, Dad. Yes, I know that. I’m saying how do I make everyone else know that? Some fatherly wisdom would be great right now.”
Erik frowned, looking annoyed at Peter’s reaction. “I’ve told you before, I can’t teach you self-confidence, no one can. Though I’ve always been willing to fight for what I wanted. That’s a start.”
“Erik, no.” Charles interrupted. “Peter, we all question ourselves from time to time. But when it comes to relationships, nothing going on on the outside will matter as long as you focus on keeping things strong between the two of you. Weakness there is the only way those outside troubles can get in to break things down.”
“Oh typical, Charles. So it’s still turn the other cheek to everything else then? Pacifism is not how love is won.” Erik replied, now staring back at Xavier.
“Love is not a thing to be fought over, Erik, and neither is (Y/N). People are not trophies to be claimed.” The Professor responded, meeting Erik’s gaze easily.
“Okayyyy,” Peter said, glancing to you and the no doubt really uncomfortable expression on your face now. “I think we’re just going to go to bed now.” His voice was getting a little quicker as he touched your arm as if to usher you out with him. “We’ll be more careful next time, we learned our lesson, so sincerely sorry and humbled, good nigh-”
“Peter.” Erik called back though before you could both reach the doorway.
Peter looked back reluctantly, only to see Erik now holding up a phone.
“Do at least message your sisters tonight to tell them you’re alright. As refreshing as it is to be receiving so many calls from them this evening, it’s only you they wish to speak to.”
“Uh, sure,” Peter offered, a little surprised. “I haven’t even looked at my phone. I will. Night!”
“Good night.” You also managed, speaking back at least politely to the two men just before Peter hurried you out into the hallway.
You’d both chosen to take one of the other halls afterward, as to avoid the front foyer and any drama that may still be occurring there if Wade and Logan were still facing off. There was another set of stairs at the back of the house, and it’d been a real relief not to run into anyone else on the way as you took them up to your floor.
By the time you finally got to your bedroom, you didn’t bother to turn on the ceiling light, just switching on the lamp at your bedside end table as you sat down on the bed. You pulled off your shoes, and heard Peter’s jacket already hitting the floor before his own weight hit the bed, making you bounce slightly.
“Ugh,” He said, already barefoot and stretched out behind you laying on his back. “That was awkward right?”
“What part of the night specifically?” You questioned, throwing off your own coat into a then indiscernible pile in the darkness outside of the lamp light. Normally you were the one picking up after Peter, but you weren’t in the mood to hang up or fold anything tonight.
“Good point,” He conceded. “But I was mainly thinking of Dad and Charles. Sorry to drag you into that.”
Yeah, that had been pretty weird. “Well, Xavier was just trying to help. And I think your Dad was too...in his own way. I guess.” There wasn’t a whole lot you could add to that. Peter’s insecurities could flare up from time to time still, but he’d actually gotten a little better over the years. At some point he had finally realized you really were going to stick around. It wasn’t just pretty words and passing teenage hormones.
After you’d actually started rooming together officially, you knew there had even been some joking from your friends about Magneto one day becoming your father-in-law. But you tried not to humor any of that. You were in no hurry, and felt further commitment to that level would have to be Peter’s decision. It wouldn’t be fair to put him under that kind of pressure.
You knew he had reservations on the subject when none of his father’s marriages had ever worked out. He wouldn’t say it outright, but you were sure Peter felt there was still some sort of family curse there that he didn’t want to tempt fate with. As if making you his spouse would be the final straw and something would come to take all his happiness away.
You felt him moving a little then as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Alright, before I forget, group message to Wanda and Lorna...” But he paused, looking up at you with just a blank white screen on the phone. “What do you think I should tell them?”
“Peter, they’re your sisters.” You smiled, not sure why this would be a question to you. “Just say you’re fine, you’re back at the mansion, and you’re going to bed. You can always call them tomorrow.”
He made a face at that though, “What if I don’t want to call them tomorrow? They’re just going to lecture me. Oh, I know!” He smirked as if he’d thought of something clever, adding to whatever he was already typing. “Dad already fussed at me. So don’t worry about it. Wanda, tell mom the same thing. ❤️👍”
He turned the screen to show you. “Think that will work?”
“Genius.” You replied.
“Smart ass.” He grinned, but sent the message before quickly turning his phone back on silent and setting it on the other end table.
You took your own phone out your pocket, intentionally not reading the number of notifications left on the home screen as you also set it to the side before standing up to take your pants off.
You’d just slid them down, trying to step out of them when a sudden pinch to your backside almost had you stumble forward, one foot still stuck in a pants leg.
“Speaking of ass...” Peter teased, pulling his hand back before you could smack it.
“So the cannolis gave you a second wind, huh?” You turned, not surprised to see that devilish grin starting as he now looked you over while you next removed your shirt. You’d think he’d be used to this view by now.
“I was feeling hopeful, yeah,” he replied, though remaining where he was in the bed as your shirt joined your pants on the floor. “Of course I am still pretty tired,” He added, “Maybe you could help me out here?”
You raised one eyebrow as he motioned to the zipper of his jeans. Oh, so this was how it was going to be? He seemed so pleased with his idea though, you couldn’t help but be amused.
***smut starts here, scroll on to skip*** “So pitiful, my poor speedster.” You said, albeit smiling as you climbed into the bed. You straddled him gently, seeing that needful look already beginning to cloud his eyes as he still laid on his back beneath you.
You were tired yourself, and hungry still, but you’d survive until morning. This effort for some physical intimacy seemed worth it to at least end this bizarre night on a good note for the both of you.
And you knew you both wanted it. He might be making a play that he was going to make you do all the work right now, but you highly doubted he’d have the self control to not jump in once things actually got going.
You pushed his shirt up, running both your hands up the sides of his torso. Like anyone would expect for someone as fast as him, he was built lean, though there was sinew there. Just that bit of muscle, storing all that energy, ready to take off at a moment’s notice.
The room was cool. It was still winter and the high ceilings didn’t do much to keep heat near the floor. You knew your hands would be a little cold as well. So you willed just the slightest bit of your energy field from your palms, warming them as you stroked his chest. You could see the bit of bruising here and there from his earlier fall, but luckily nothing extreme.
He relaxed his head into the pillows behind him, clearly enjoying the feel even as you heard his breathing increase slightly. He liked to be petted, but you knew it would be too much of a tease for him if you focused above his waist for too much longer.
You left his shirt pushed up to bare his abdomen to you, even as your hands ran carefully back down, stopping at his belt. Never quite the typical guy when it came to fashion, it wasn’t a normal peg and hole type, but actually an old seatbelt buckle. You undid it with a click, pulling it out through the belt loops of his pants as he arched a little to take his weight off the back and fully free it.
Once that was out of the way, you unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans with little fanfare. His normally loose boxers were already a little tighter though you noticed.
He made a noise, shifting into the touch as you cupped him with your hand. You massaged the area through the fabric, feeling him gradually stiffen as you got a little more forceful.
By the time he was fully erect, it was all too simple to slip him through the now stretched open flap in the boxers.
You had been intending to stroke him now, but on a whim you decided to go another route. Something a little less predictable you hoped, but what you knew he would still like. You doubted you were all that good at it really, but he’d never complained before.
And you could tell he was surprised, you heard him take in a quick breath as you lowered your mouth down on him, sucking him as he spread open his legs for you. You couldn’t take him in too deep without gagging yourself, but you tried to make up for it by moving up and down gingerly as you used your tongue as well.
It must have been stimulating enough for him though as you felt his hand on the back of your head shortly after, and felt his hips starting to rock rhythmically against your mouth.
He gave a quiet moan, he was so very hard now, but you didn’t let up. You knew sometimes, especially if it’d been a while since you’d last had a chance to be intimate together, he may actually cum fairly quickly. But if he did, then he did. You weren’t worried about whether you got anything in return tonight. Truthfully, your heart was already pounding, the heat in you building, just because you knew he was so aroused.
It was always give and take, and there was no rule of whose turn it was at any given time.
His whole body stiffened a little and for a moment you thought that would be it. But his hand moved to your shoulder suddenly instead, pushing you back as you released him in response.
You pursed your lips as you looked back up at him, that little bit of irritation still felt on them of where they’d dragged against him.
He was already sitting up though, pulling his shirt off completely before he tossed it off the bed. “Come on, babe, clothes off please.” He breathed, his silver hair falling into his dark eyes as you moved off of him and he laid back again just long enough that he could pull off his jeans and work his erection free from his boxers before they ended up cast out into the darkness as well.
While you’d been watching him, you’d also been unhooking your bra as requested, tossing that away. Which left only your underwear before you’d slid it down your legs, flicking it off too once it’d only been left swinging from one foot. He closed the small distance between you so fast then, you were sure he’d actually just used his powers before you felt his lips against yours. Desperate almost, as his tongue pressed through immediately afterward.
You shivered, not expecting the feel of his fingers against your entrance almost simultaneously. Just two of them, moving methodically against you. The room felt far from cold now. But you were just kissing him equally as hard now as he started to push his fingers in further, testing your readiness.
By the time you trembled again from his probing, you knew you were fully wet enough. It was a mutual realization evidently as he broke the kiss, urging you to turn so your back was facing him as he moved behind you on the bed.
You understood what he wanted as he kneeled behind you. You let yourself lean down onto your elbows in the pillows, but also on your knees in the back as you felt him grab your hips from behind. You arched your back, curving your back downward to help angle yourself into him as you felt his tip pressing into you.
As wet as you were now, he only had to try a couple times before he was able to slide fully in. To the hilt so to speak as you felt his torso now pressed flush against you. Already that slight sheen of sweat was starting where your skin touched together as he began to thrust.
The bed was creaking, and you bit back a moan of your own, never quite sure how thick the walls really were in this house. It was kind of an unspoken thing that as long as precautions were taken, and the others in the house didn’t have to hear or see anything you did in the privacy of your own room, then no one would care if people coupled up. For the two of you, precautions only meant a birth control pill, not worrying about condoms any longer after several years of monogamy.
His thrusts were getting even more uneven though, which told you he was close to orgasm. But you couldn’t help but push back against him yourself, panting a little as you felt him grab and squeeze one of your breasts. He was supporting himself with his other arm as he leaned forward suddenly, still inside you as he nipped you lightly on one shoulder, then kissing the same spot before he breathed in your ear.
“How do you always feel so good?” He murmured.
As he let go of your breast, you felt his hand go back between your legs. Even though he was still buried fully in you, his fingers went back to teasing the outside. The over stimulation left you shuddering, and you knew he was trying to get you to orgasm first.
His fingers just kept moving as he started to thrust again. You loved that feeling of fullness, when he was all the way inside, but it was the added teasing of his fingers where you were most sensitive that finally sent you over the edge. Your muscles inside spasming around him then as that unmistakable burst of euphoria went through you, leaving every piece of you trembling.
He clearly felt your orgasm, only moving both hands back to your hips then. Pulling you back against him as he thrust roughly several more times, enough to get his own release as you felt his erection pulse in its own right, knowing he had then let go inside you as you felt that warmth already dribbling back out onto the bedsheets.
Even though you’d started the foreplay, he’d done most the work for the finish. Yet you still felt spent now, only rolling onto your back after he pulled out, trying not to let too much of his seed run back out of you and onto the bed.
He was still breathing a little unevenly as he left the bed only long enough to go grab a clean hand towel from the bathroom. One of those pluses of having had the mansion rebuilt back then was that so many more of the rooms now had their own bathrooms. And after he’d wiped the residue off of himself, he handed you the towel. You dabbed up the small spot on the bed, before wiping off the remainder from your skin as well, then tossing the towel unceremoniously onto the floor with everything else.
Peter turned off the end table lamp before climbing back into the bed beside you in the darkness. The only light then coming from the moon and starlight through the thin curtains at the windows.
You were both still naked, and a little bit hot as you only pulled the covers as high as your waists, knowing the room’s cool air would chill you quickly enough now that no more physical exertion was taking place.
Hot or not though, his arms went around you as he then pulled you into a spooning position in the darkness. You actually felt that he was still about half hard too as it touched against your backside again, you now both laying on your sides with your back to his chest.
***sex over, you’re safe to start reading again*** “That almost made up for this entire night,” He joked quietly, kissing the back of your neck a couple times before you felt him smile against your skin. He moved one of his hands to trail it lightly over your hip, the sensation tickling you slightly as he spoke again. His voice was soft, a true contentment in his tone. “Love you.”
That wasn’t a phrase he said often. But the both of you seemed to save the word as to never water it down. When it was said, it made it really mean something more.
You reached down for his hand that’d been playing with your hip, grasping it warmly and weaving your fingers between his. “I love you.” You said simply, no need to elaborate on what was just a fact.
He squeezed your hand a little harder, but said nothing more, you both just enjoying the touch and comfort of each other’s presence.
You moved your head a little more into the pillows, getting just right as you closed your eyes.
Your dreams faded in and out, nothing you could remember in detail though as the sunlight on your face now had you squinting. You thought of just pulling the blanket back over your head, but your brain started to register the smell of food as well. Bacon specifically as you lifted your head a little, trying to focus.
“It lives!” Peter joked from beside you, sitting cross legged on top the blankets and just in his boxers again. Two plates of food sat in front of him, the source of the smell you realized as you sat up a little, pulling the sheet up enough to cover your bare chest in the cool room.
Very rarely did he ever wake before you, and your still half asleep stare of confusion only made him smirk a little.
“I had to pee.” He said through a mouthful of food, a sausage biscuit with a large bite already taken out of it in one hand, and a video game controller pressed down into the bed with the other. His hand with the controller was blurring slightly as he moved it just fast enough to work the joy stick and buttons simultaneously. “Then I remembered they released that new DLC last night. Had to try it out. I turned the volume down though. Considerate right?”
And it was indeed silent, not the usual grunts and blasts and screams from that gory fighting game he loved so much. His character was currently comboing another into oblivion on the small TV across from the end of your bed.
Your lack of any real dinner the night before had you focusing back to the food in front of you though.
“Go on,” Peter encouraged. “I knew you’d be hungry. It’s not all for me.”
Normally you were against eating in bed, just from the crumbs and general mess it could make. You’d had the misfortune to find the sticky remnants of Twinkies and the like from Peter’s late and early snacking many times.
Yet even as you picked up one of the amazing looking sausage and egg biscuits for yourself, you wondered if anyone else was now going without. Was it stolen goods? “Where...did this come from?” You asked, voice still a little hoarse from just waking, even as you bit down hungrily.
But the implication of your question didn’t even faze him. “Oh there was plenty. Raven told Hank he didn’t know how to cook, so guess who wins? Us when he made three damn trays of these things.”
“Sounds like she had a plan.” You responded, also grabbing a couple pieces of bacon now.
“Totally.” He agreed. “And orange juice is on the end table, babe.”
You glanced to your side, indeed just noticing the glass beside you then. “Well, you’ve been busy.” But your attention eventually drifted back to him only sitting there in his boxers after you’d taken a few sips of juice. “Did anyone even see you?”
“Nah. Maybe they felt an errant breeze or two.” But he was grinning in a way that still gave you pause.
You watched him a little while longer, only feeling more and more sure before you finally offered out the accusation. “No. You did something. Something else...”
He’d already emptied his plate now, both hands on the video game controller then as he seemed to put his focus solely back to the TV screen. Intentionally of course before he grabbed the nearby remote to start turning the volume back up.
“Peter.” You spoke anyway, knowing full well he could still hear you. “Did we not just scrape by last night without any big consequences? You’re going to put that goodwill to the test already this morning?”
“It’ll be fine.” He answered. “It’s nothing.”
Your eyebrows raised a little. His ‘fine’ and yours could sometimes be completely different things. You sighed, going back to eating the food in front of you as Peter’s character liberated the head off another in a ridiculous fountain of CGI blood.
If you could just finish your breakfast before the next possible calamity-
The bedroom door absolutely rattled in its frame with the pounding on it that almost had you spilling the juice in the bed. By the time your annoyed look moved to the spot Peter had just been, the video game was already paused. Only yourself now alone with whoever was on the other side of that door.
“Just say I’m not here!”
You couldn’t even tell where the whisper came from. Peter either hiding in the closet or maybe the bathroom, they were too near each other to tell.
“I’m not even dressed!” You retorted just to him, quite literally naked as you tried to disentangle yourself from the blankets without dumping your food plate, while simultaneously setting the glass of juice back onto the end table.
Peter said nothing more, so you could only call out that you were coming as you anxiously tried to find some of your clothes from the night before. You were able to find your underwear, and the um, incriminating towel, but that was about it. Sure it’d been dark, but how on Earth anything else could have gotten much farther or under something so quickly was beyond you. You kicked the towel under the bed, and you just had to settle for Peter’s t-shirt crumpled in your path as you grabbed it up and yanked it over your head, hurrying for the door.
You still tried to tug the shirt down as far as you could though, at least covering your panties and butt you hoped before you finally pulled the door open. Pantsless, barefoot, and probably with bedhair as you stared up into the glowing red eyes of a very irritated looking, and entirely shirtless Remy LeBeau.
His expression softened just slightly at the sight of you, his lips curling into a handsome smile. But one that didn’t quite reach those crimson eyes. “Mornin’, cher...so sorry to intrude, but I need to have a few words with that boy toy of yours.”
Yet you were staring still, taking time to process the sight before you. There was black...large black streaks all across his face. It circled his eyes in a cartoon like representation of glasses. Though he already had some stubble on his face, the streaks condensed around his mouth as well, like the upturned mustache and goatee of an old timey villain. As if he should be going to tie up some poor girl to train tracks somewhere.
“Oh my God,” you breathed. Permanent marker, seriously? How old were all of you again? “Remy, I’m sorry.” You thought about saying something about how Peter had let those paparazzi get under his skin last night. But it wouldn’t matter. Not if none of these boys were in the mood to be reasonable right now.
“You know you’re not going to catch him.” Is what you finally said. “Please don’t blow up my bedroom trying.”
“And he ain’t worth my chasin’, petite. I just want to talk,” Remy insisted though, voice as smooth as you’d ever heard it as he leaned against your doorframe in only a pair of pajama pants.
But the few playing cards now flitting between his fingers told you otherwise on his supposed peaceful intentions. Yet when he saw you look down at them, another one appeared seemingly from nowhere in his other hand.
He offered it to you, “But if he isn’t man enough to show himself, at least I get the pleasure of your company, non?”
The card was the king of hearts of course as he palmed it into your hand before you could think to stop him. But you knew it wouldn’t be charged if he was handing it to you like that. You trusted him at least that much.
Yet you were quite sure he was still only trying to lure Peter out by audibly flirting with you now. And sadly, it would probably work. “Remy, can you two just save it for the danger room?” You tried again. “It’s too early, really. I was just trying to eat breakfast.”
“Well, seeing as how you’ve been ditched, I don’t see why someone like you should have to eat all alone.” He answered effortlessly, just strolling past you further into the bedroom as if there was no awkwardness in this at all.
In a moment of panic you wondered if it’d be best to just call for backup. Your cell phone wasn’t very far. Was everyone awake already? What if you just called Rogue? That’d be the most straight forward right? Oh, but you could imagine that conversation. Hey girl, come get your man out of my bedroom please? Yet she totally would. He’d be as helpless as a toddler if she decided she was dragging him out.
“You know,” Remy said, considering a little as he palmed one of the uneaten biscuits right off the tray like it was a bauble to steal. “I did think we looked good together in those pictures they printed from the beach. It’s only natural you know. When two people have chemistry, everybody can see it.”
And that was it, the final straw. You didn’t even know why you still jumped when the bathroom door flung all the way open. The window opened too, a couple cards Remy had already thrown then exploding out there harmlessly like little fireworks as Peter had redirected them outside.
Your bedsheet seemed to have a mind of its own as it ripped off the bed and tied around Gambit as well, pinning his arms to his sides as he was forced to then kneel in front of you.
Peter reappeared at your side, looking down at his handiwork as he scowled at the other man. It was a rare expression on Peter’s face, but a little more jarring for that reason.
“Apologize to (Y/N).” Peter demanded. “Or you’re going out the window next.”
But you knew Remy’s wounded pride meant there would be no such possibility of deescalation now. They were going to have to be physically separated and given a cool off period no matter what. As you considered whether to actually put a shield around one or both of them to essentially begin preparations for mutant time out, Remy was already countering back at Peter, a mocking tone rolling off his tongue.
“Alright. I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry that you got saddled with a jealous little boy who goes after rivals in their sleep rather than face them like a man. And then just hides behind that same woman he thinks they’re going to take from him, yeah?”
Oh for God’s sake! You dropped the card Remy had given you, that you’d for some reason still been holding. You powered up, trying to catch both of the guys in two of your force fields, Peter had already been in movement though. In actuality you’d only ended up shielding Remy just before Peter had kicked the field, looking as if the hit had been intended for the Cajun’s chest.
“Don’t protect him!” Peter looked to you in surprise.
“I’m protecting both of you!” You responded, then glowing white and hovering now several feet off the floor in your annoyance.
“Kinky.” A new voice spoke, followed by a sing song voice that unfortunately you did now recognize as Deadpool continued. “I see London, I see France, I see (Y/N)’s underpants!”
With your energy humming around you, Peter’s shirt you were wearing was now billowing up a little you realized. Indeed giving a full view to all those below you. You dropped back to the floor immediately, but didn’t power down, keeping the field around Remy as you turned to look at the several people now standing in your doorway.
“You know, this is exactly how those rumors start,” Ellie said in her usual dry tone, taking in the truly bizarre scene of the three of you. “Putting on some clothes might be a good first step. Or you know, at least closing the door.”
The girl otherwise known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead was never one to mince words, even to you all, her sort of superiors. Her girlfriend Yukio only stood beside her, smiling a bit sheepishly.
“Yeah, don’t mind us you little OT3, I just came back to bring Russel his stuff.” He motioned to the boy, who was now also staring at you all. “And your boss Charlie X said I had to have an escort, so I got my old buddies here Nega-angst and Yukio-chan. Oh and-”
Deadpool suddenly grabbed another man who had been standing behind them, bringing him to the front. “This is my all time best buddy Dopinder, he wanted a tour of mutant Hogwarts as well.”
“Hello.” The young man waved a bit shyly. “It is an honor to meet more of DP’s superhero allies.”
“Hey.” Peter said oddly to them after a moment, then looking back to you again. The randomness seemed to have snapped him out of his fixation on getting even with Remy at least for the moment. It now looked like he was waiting for guidance from you on what to do next.
You heard an audible sigh from Remy then as he spoke up. “I rather not destroy your sheets, cher. Truce for today?”
You glanced back to Peter first though before letting down the shield. Making sure he’d agree to untie him. Peter looked reluctant still, but eventually nodded.
And with that you powered down, your field around Remy disappearing as all the energy faded back inside you. In another instant he was completely untied, the sheet semi neatly back on your bed then. You knew some of the food had to have gone flying wherever when Peter had ripped off the bedsheet earlier in their scuffle. But you didn’t really care right now.
“Woah, woah. Is that the new MK game?” Wade just questioned suddenly, then seemingly oblivious to all else as he strode into your room as well.
Why no one had any boundaries today, you had no idea.
“Wait, we get video games too?” Russell also sounded impressed, just following.
“Some of us,” Ellie replied though, giving Peter a skeptical look. “That one might have had a five finger discount.”
Peter huffed at her, non committal on the truth of that statement though, “It’s the new one, yeah. The new DLC just added more characters too.”
You didn’t even care anymore honestly as Wade pulled off his mask and hopped immediately onto your and Peter’s bed, grabbing a controller. “Dibs on Johnny Cage, mother fuckers. Let daddy show you how it’s done.”
“Hey, I want to be Scorpion!” Russell replied, actually sounding like the fourteen year old he really was for once.
And you saw Peter was already digging out another controller from his gaming pile as he scoffed at them both. “Man, you can try. I’ll wipe the floor with you and buzzcut you down to bloody stumps with Kung Lao.”
“Dopinder, google Johnny Cage combos, stat!” Deadpool requested as his friend hurried in, dutifully sitting on the floor and pulling out a cell phone to do just that.
Remy was actually the only male in the room to not be sucked in as he gave you a little look while walking back out. “Later, petite. Sorry for real about the fuss. You know he just irks me.” He leaned in a little closer just to you though. “And I know you’re faithful. He just needs to leave me out of it. Quit readin’ dem damn gossip magazines, yeah?”
“Yes.” You agreed with a smile. A little optimism returning that maybe the two of them could be reasoned with after all. “See ya, Remy.”
He nodded, winking at both Ellie and Yukio as well before he slipped past them and out down the hall. Yukio giggled, but Ellie only rolled her eyes.
“Well, if you put some pants on, maybe there’s still some breakfast left down there. Want to go?” Ellie asked you, crossing her arms. She smirked then though, the guys now commentating and mocking one another like there was some big sporting match going on just a few feet from you. “Let Wade be Peter’s problem for a while, I think you’ve earned it.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed without much hesitation. If Peter needed you, it’s not like it’d even take him two seconds to find you, even with the size of this house.
You did see him glance back ever so briefly as you dug some sweatpants out your dresser drawer and pulled them on though. You made an eating gesture and he nodded, understanding where you were going.
He also made a motion like drinking and you knew that meant he wanted you to bring him back some soda. The more sugar the better for him.
As you walked back downstairs with Ellie and Yukio, Ellie chuckled to herself a little. “You know Wade’s going to think Peter is his bff now. Better buckle up for that ride. Colossus can probably give you some pointers.”
You sighed, looking at the younger two girls. “We’ve survived everything that’s been thrown at us to this point. Could always be worse.”
“Oh yeah, it’ll get worse.” Ellie answered.
Yukio nodded, yet still smiling. “Wade is very special. And deadly.”
“Like a contagion,” Ellie added.
It still didn’t matter though. New, strange friends, or old sometimes combative friends. Gossip and rumors, or anything else. In the end you had to agree with Xavier as you so often usually did. As long as you and Peter kept strong together, none of that outside noise could ever tear you down. You had each other and that was all you needed.
End. Thanks for reading! Art by NACCHAN96.
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
back to bother u again but!! could u tell us more about azula and the gf u made up for her? the gears in my mind are clicking and im tempted to write about them 👁
i will literally talk about them until you guys dont want to hear it and then, probably long after (also im sorry bc i think this is longer than the first one SKSK)
- so when sokka notices that azula is flustered by nasim, he immediately makes them go over and talk to her, and he spends the whole time talking about how “into lettuce” azula is.
- - nasim thinks she’s really gorgeous, obviously, and as soon as she opens her mouth and is a disaster-- nasim realizes she’s adorable and starts to flirt.
- - - azula basically shuts down like “fairest advisory, i hath never before tasted lettuce but i am well verse in tea pairings for--” sokkas like “why are you talking like an old timey pauper,”
- they get back to the house and sokka tells zuko about it and zuko immediately is like “well i have to meet the woman who has converted my sister into a human being,” 
- he goes with them the next day and abandons his fiancé as soon as they get there to have azula bring him to nasim.
- they find her and nasim is just like fuckin HUH
- - because from nasim’s perspective; the cute awkward girl who tried to talk to you panics when you flirt back and drags her nice, obviously bi sort of familiar looking friend away. aw bummer she left, but whatever that was fun. next day, shes back and this time; she’s with the leader of a fucking soverign country but he introduced himself as “lee” and he’s just as awkward as she is and my god, there’s two of them.
- - - zukos like awkwardly trynna find out if she likes girls while also trying not to lose his mind at azula breaking down. and nasims just like “how DO i respond to this.”
- while the gaangs out and about that night, azula runs into nasim and nasim asks her out to get tea because azula mentioned knowing about it and nasim’s never really gotten into it.
- - azula accepts because she loves knowing about things, and they really get along; like azulas telling stories about iroh being tea obsessed and making jokes and nasims like… actually laughing which has never happened with no threat of violence?? 
- - - and nasim is really enjoying herself because azula’s really funny and actually listens to her talk about the boring shit nasim’s into like the environment and agriculture and seems like genuinely interested (azula never really got to learn about that stuff since ozai always made her focus on military history)
- they part ways and azula finds her brother whos like where’d you run off to? 
- - when she tells them, sokkas like “thats was a date” and zukos like “lmao no that’s was not a date, you and i did that all the time when you were an ambassador!” and sokkas like “... yeah those were dates,”
- anyway, the rest of the gaang finds them and is like “what are you talking about” so zuko spills the beans which is when they all decide to get involved because azula’s like never dated.
- enter: mischief 
- after a week of them being there and seeing each other a lot between random happenstance and the gaang’s interference, nasim invites them all to go on a tour of her family farm (“however, under no circumstance is the avatar is allowed to come” aangs like “understandable and justified! have fun!”)
- - they go and single-minded azula gets really into the farm work which sends nasim’s heart a flutter because hot girl moving hay, helps cow give birth, error error. 
- - - they meet her family too, who mentions they’ve never seen nasim so excited about someone which the gaang is like “hell yeah you go azula” but then azula is like “oh FUCK”
- because of course, azula thinks that nasim if likes her, that means she doesn’t realize who azula is and as soon as she finds out, she will not be interested so she starts to self sabotage bc like that’s her nature.
- after being ghosted for a while, nasim is like “wtf i thought we had something going” and after azula’s talk with katara, she admits her identity and nasim is like “... and?”
- -  she’s like “i knew who you were since the second time we met.” “how?” “... well, you were with the fire lord, who you look exactly like and your name is azula. hop skip and a jump….”
- they start dating and do long distance for a little bit when their vacation ends and azula heads back to the palace, but azula surprisingly, keeps wanting to go back.
- - she has her own hang ups about abandoning zuko and leaving her old life behind, but eventually iroh helps her get through it (i imagine theyve repaired their relationship at this point and iroh’s apologized) so she decides she’s gonna stay until sokka and zuko’s wedding then she’s moving back to nasim’s town and really gonna give being a person a shot.
- (also, i think katara and aang bring nasim to the wedding as a sweet gift and its then azula realizes “oh fuck we really are friends”
IM SORRY ITS NOT MORE DETAILED im not the best writer, but i would love to see what other ideas anyone would have if you’d ever want to write about it 👉👈
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
can you do something with bev🥺 like it can be literally anything - it’s just so hard to find stuff on her
I KNOW RIGHT!!! bev content is lackingg!! don’t worry, i got you
the right words to say
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warnings: bev x fem reader!!! soft fluffiness heh. and smoking. aaaand language.
word count: 1.2k
her fiery locks bounced short on her head as she road fleeing sherman lane. her crew socks and worn out reebok’s peddling her rusty bike down the slope of the asphalt. lose floral sundress flying back from her sped, the cuts and scars on her legs exposed. some fresh, from your recent adventures.
she is your best friend, always will be. ever since you two met each other, your souls intertwined. she’s cool, cooler than anyone you’ve ever met. she’s stubborn, can be such a prick sometimes. but she’s beautiful, in a friend sort of way. yeah, just in a friend way. right?
to be honest you had no idea. sure, you were in highschool, you had boyfriends and you liked your boyfriends. but your boyfriends didn’t act like bev, they didn’t speak like bev, and they sure and hell didn’t smell like her(like the perfume she stole from the mall; citrusy with a touch of musk.
it was just a girl thing though, it was normal to think your friends were pretty and shit. everything you were feeling is NORMAL. it’s normal to blush when you think of your friends, it’s normal to stare at them when they’re not looking, and it’s normal to imagine their lips on yours so soft an-
“l/n” bev mused “you seriously need to go to bed earlier, it’s like i’m pulling you down from jupiter.” you shook your head and looked back at bev, her break stand on the gravel and her foot dangling from the bike seat where she perched.
“sorry marsh, i’m good now” you threw your bike on the ground and began walking with her toward the quarry. the water was a deep turquoise today, matching your bra you used for a bathing suit.
you both stripped eagerly, the summer sun making your skin hot to the touch. she wore a white bra and pantie set, with little pink polka dots. “nice lingerie” she joked, pointing at your black underwear with a small duck on them. “shut it bev.”
you held yourself hand out in an invitation to hers, you always held hands and jumped in together. her hand clasped yours, it was rough and calloused from the days she spent climbing up trees to get away from henry and gretta. before you had time to think bev had jumped, her weight pulling you with her.
the water always felt the same, frigid. it was refreshing on the days that you couldn’t walk on the asphalt barefoot without burning the soles of your feet.
beverley’s head popped up shortly after yours, she slicked her amber locks back and inhaled deeply. your bodies floated on the stagnant water, for a while actually, it was so peaceful.
your bodies migrated to the shallow part of the quarry, a little place you and her called ‘pebble palace.’ she handed you a opaque stone “pebble for your thoughts” she always did that. you took the pebble and rubbed it in between your index finger and thumb. “dont really have any right now” you breathed, your mind crowded with every thought imaginable.
“well i have one” she stole the stone back from you, “scared for highschool to start back up, if ‘m bein honest” she skipped the stone into the water, that’s what you two did. after a pebble-thought has shared, you had to throw the pebble back into the water.
school was closer then you’d like to admit, a week left of days like this. you picked up a pebble and threw it in the water, “still get to see you though, so i’m not too bummed.” she smiled like the always did, “yeah, it’s that aspect isn’t as sucky”
she laid back on one of the rocks, she usually naps around this time after we are done swimming. the sun captured her perfectly, her freckles looked like constellations and her limbs were loose and relaxed. she was alluring.
her nap was short lived, the sun was hot, you both mutually agreed to go back into the water. she splashed you "so, you still talking to kent?" she asked, you looked down and smiled "nah, too boring." you both splashed each other and she prodded "but why not? too pretty to be riding solo"
that made you blush under your sun burnt skin, she took noticed and continued "probably the most gorgeous girl in this town" she traced her fingers along your jaw "soft on the eyes" she slurred.
you stood there idle, why was she doing this to you?
"such pretty hair" with her other hand she rain her fingers through your damp ends "and eyes" she titled up your head to make eye contact with her. she was close now, you could smell the lilac candies on her breathe. you both subconsciously gravitated closer to each other, you lips almost brushing. your breath became audible, the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
you turned around and regulated your air flow. "what the fuck marsh" you cursed "what the fuck is happening?" you carded your locks through your fingers, your world running in circles around you. "im sorry y/n- i thought you liked it!" she sloshed her legs through the water to be face-to-face to you once again.
"what are you trying to do to me?" your feeling welled up in the corners of your eyes and began to drip down your face. " y/n, i thought you and me and some -eh- chemistry?" your eyes went blank, homosexuality was a ew concept in the 80's. sure, men homosexuality was well known but female? barley heard of, basically only in porn (which you may or may not have watched.)
"bev- we cant be into each other" you laughed nervously "we are friends, we are GIRLS, we cant like each other." beverley's face dropped in disbelief "i see the way you look at me l/n, you cant fake that type of shit" you tried to stop her but she kept going:
"youre the only person who makes me feel something, youre the light of my life. youre not like anyone else, better than any stupid boy. youre everything y/n, everything."
your words stumbled together, you couldnt form a sentence if your life depended on it. "i- well thats so nice of you ca- i feel that som- well no that you r- like agree-" she hushed you with a kiss, fire works went off in your head. kissing a girl felt so much better then kissing a guy.
you spent the rest of the evening holding hands and walking around the forest 'no i thought you were so pretty' 'i think ive like you forever, swear to god!'
bev and you road back to your house, your curfew was soon. "so" bev started "ive been dropping hints for like- ever- why didnt you stay anything?"
you bit your lip in contemplation; you were never really good with phrasing things. "i guess i was just looking for the right words to say" you bashed. "and that is" bev leaned in "i love you" you whispered, she answered by kissing you one last time before the sun fell behind the horizon.
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deppsessed · 4 years
Good luck charm #2
Part one here
Pairing: Johnny Depp x reader
It’s taken me a few weeks to write and be happy with this part to post. I hope that you all enjoy it and that it was worth the wait. 
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  A few days later, I swear I can still smell the musky scent of Sauvage, and the taste of cigarettes on my lips. It’s hard to comprehend any of the last seventy-two hours being real, and going by Alex’s (who I’m sitting opposite having coffee with) reaction and raised eyebrows at me retelling the whole story, she’s having a hard time with it too. And in all honesty, I don’t blame her, it’s a lot to process.
“So, he invited you to the concert after party?”
I nod my head and take a sip of my coffee. 
“And he took you back to his hotel room? Where you-”
My lips curve into a smirk.
“He sure did.” 
“And you’re aware of the fact this all sounds like a badly written fanfiction?”
I have to burst out laughing. There’s no denying it because it really, really does. I couldn’t have made it up if I tried.
“Did I tell you about the part where he had to get his security to smuggle me out of the building unnoticed the next morning?”
For me, that had been the most amusing part of the story. Having breakfast with him as if it was the most normal thing in the world. After a few more spent kisses and I’d decided that it was time for us to part ways, he’d sent in his security in to make sure I got out of the building safely.
“But the real question is… Has he called or texted you?”
He hadn’t yet. The band had played a show last night, and would be travelling again for their next tomorrow. I wasn’t hanging on and waiting for him to reach out to me either. It would be pretty easy for me to pick up the phone and call him too, but I refused to be that desperate. 
I shake my head in reply to Alex’s question.
“No, but he gave me his number.”
“So, he’s waiting for you to call him then?” 
Realistically, the chances were that it was a one night thing. I wouldn’t hear from him again and we’d go our separate ways. I’d rather be hit with the reality of the situation than holding out on hope for a phone call and being disappointed when it didn’t happen. 
“I’m not going to. I don’t want him to think that I’m pining over him and completely desperate!” 
“You’re insane… You know, if he wasn’t in the slightest bit interested then he wouldn’t have given you his number to begin with.”
That was a true enough point to make, but I’m still not deluded enough to give into the fantasy. I’m ready to give her a reply when my phone, that’s been sitting on the table in front of me, starts to frantically vibrate. 
“Oh my god!” 
Alex spots the name on the screen before I’m able to take a glance. 
“He’s calling you! This really is a badly written fanfiction!” 
I shrug my shoulders and continue to let the phone ring out. If it’s important, he’ll leave a voicemail. 
“If you don’t answer that, I will!” 
I scowl at her and shake my head, it’s hard to believe that I’m the one that’s being responsible about handling all of this. Before she’s able to reach for the phone, I’m swiping it off the table and standing up. “I’m at least taking it outside.” I grumble under my breath.
“Uh, hi-” The voice on the other end is raspy and familiar. I can just about see him fidgeting around like he does in interviews when he’s nervous. “It’s Johnny.”
 I’m confused. Does he want me to make the next move?
“Right… Your name rings a bell. There was this Johnny, that the other night I went to go and see his band and ended up spending the night in his hotel room-”
I don’t even mean for the words to sound as aggressive as they do .
“I feel like I owe you a little of an explanation -- I don’t usually do this. I, uh, I don’t usually invite girls - especially fans -  back to my hotel room, and not call for three days.” 
So it’s one of those phone calls, where he’s expecting to let me down gently and feels the need to explain everything that I already know to be the case. 
“There’s no need to make a fool of yourself… I get it.” 
“I don’t think that you do.” 
What isn’t there to get? 
“I get it. I mean this is probably the part where you offer me an obscene amount of money to not go to the press about it. You don’t need to worry--”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
I freeze dead in my tracks, the thoughts of my overactive imagination and the words that I’m about to hit him with come to a close. Am I hearing things? Did he really just say…
“It’s probably a really bad line. I don’t know if you heard me, I said….”
God, he’s insufferable. 
“No, I heard you… I just don’t get it.”
He has his choice of any girl in the world. Models, actresses, and here he is calling me.
“The other night was special for me-”
It’s a cliché, and just about the worst thing that he could come out with, but I’ll let him continue. 
“Listen, this probably sounds insane… but I want you here for the show tomorrow-”
He can’t be serious or that disconnected with reality. But then I remember the industry that he’s been working with the past thirty years, where he doesn’t have a nine to five job to cling onto, with a snap of his fingers he can pack his bags and travel somewhere else.
“I can fly you out, get you into the concert.”
That’s it. I can’t hold in my laughter, and I can just about see him pondering on the other end what’s so funny about his offer.
“I have a job-”
“So, call in sick?”
“It doesn’t work like that or that I don’t want to. It’s just, if I let you pay for the tickets and fly me out then that’s cheap, and I don’t want to be that person.”
There’s a long, drawn out sigh on the other end of the phone.
“Let me call you back.” I tell him, “I’ll see what I can come up with.”
A family emergency had been the most inventive thing that I’d been able to come up with, but it at least stopped any questions and pestering from work and friends about skipping town all of a sudden. The process of getting there had been planned to perfection, he was going to have one of the band’s security head on out to the airport and take me back to the concert venue - even if I had told him ten times how ridiculous it was and that I could get a cab, he had been insistent. 
The journey from the airport to the venue has me pondering the insanity of it all. Both in him actually wanting me here, and me going as far as to make it happen.  
The car pulls into the loading bay of the venue, where the tour buses and trucks with the band’s gear are on it. It’s when I get out of the car, that I notice him, like he’s just stepped off a photoshoot, puffing on a cigarette. I make the conscious decision to take him by surprise and sneak up on him.
“You know, those things are going to kill you one day-”
He startles, just about jumping out of his skin and choking on his cigarette in the process. 
“Too bad we’re all going to die anyway, so we might as well indulge in the bad things while we’re alive and kicking.”
“That’s a little of a morbid stance to have.”
He laughs and shrugs his shoulders, unphased, “Calling me out on my smoking and then calling me morbid might be the best ‘hello’ I’ve ever gotten.”
He flicks the cigarette to the floor before stubbing it out with his shoe. He stands there with outstretched arms, ready to welcome me, but in blind panic I go for a handshake rather than a hug.
His eyes widen, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I can almost see his thought process of just how he’s going to redeem himself and move on from the award pause.
“Hi,” There’s a long pause. “Was your flight okay? You got here safe?”
Thankfully, the flight had only been a couple of hours long - but that was more than enough time for me to spend on a plane. There was something about being in a constricted space, thousands of feet up in the air that made me nervous. Plus, without fail, I always felt disgusting afterwards.
“Guy beside me was snoring and drooling the whole time, I felt incriminated.” 
“Should’ve taken my offer to fly you out first class.” I snort and roll my eyes at him. We’d already been over this, I’d made myself clear, I wasn’t going to be his groupie.
“Actually, without being rude, is there a place I can go and shower first? Being frisked at security and sitting on a plane kind of makes me feel gross.”
His eyebrow raises in amusement, I can almost see the cheeky comment that he’s threatening to make on the tip of his tongue, but something stops him.  “Tour bus is free at the moment. I can give you the exclusive tour, too.” 
Showering on a tour bus. Great. Exactly what I had in mind. 
“Ladies first,” He gestures with his hand for me to move in front of him. It doesn’t take a scientist to work out that the giant black RV with the band logo across it is where we’re headed..
Much to my surprise, going inside, it’s more like a luxury hotel room on wheels. It feels a better standard than my apartment back home.
“This part is the kitchen…. We don’t use it much, aside from the mini bar.” 
It doesn’t even qualify to be called a kitchen. It’s a tiny little counter space with a microwave, a coffee machine, and a mini fridge. 
“And this is where we sit and relax, talk, play guitar...” He points towards the plush leather sofas adjacent to each other. “The cool part here is that the wall slides back if you need more space.”
“These are the bunks where we bring back the groupies.” 
I’m unsure whether they look claustrophobic, like I’ve heard many complaints about, or if they look quite cozy.
“There’s a proper bedroom through there too, but Alice and Joe usually fight it out for it. I don’t mind sleeping it rougher.” He explains with a shrug of his shoulders. “Bathroom is through the back. Take as much time as you need. I’ll stand guard for you.” 
“Thank you.” I look up at him with a smile before brushing past to open the door on the back wall that extends out into the bathroom. Much to my surprise, the room isn’t all that smaller than the bathroom in my apartment back home. The shower, that I assumed was going to be a small, cramped space, is quite spacious. The only strange thing is stripping down and knowing who is standing guard by the door.
He’s in every way true to his word, too. As I turn the water off and grab a towel to wrap myself in, I can hear a disagreement going on outside between Johnny and Tommy about the bathroom being otherwise engaged.
“I’m telling you, dude, you’re just going to need to find somewhere else to go and pee… Bathroom is off limits!”
“But I can’t hold it in, man! I’m dying! You think I can use the kitchen sink?”
Johnny starts to laugh at him, “You can’t be serious!”
There’s a little more toilet talk back and forth and laughing still going on by the time I’m dressed and nudging the door open carefully.
“Um, hi, Tommy.” I greet nervously and fold my arms over my chest.
“Oh! Now I get it… You have a girl here!” 
I can feel a blush rise to my cheeks just thinking about what is no doubt going through his mind. Thankfully, Johnny comes to the rescue.
“It’s not -- it isn’t that, Tommy.” 
“Oh, I’m sure.” He gives a wink at the two of us. “I’ll leave you to it, J-man!” And just like that, Tommy is off the bus.
“I’m sorry about him.” Johnny sighs, “He says what he thinks, there’s no stopping him.” 
“It’s fine,” I brush off, acting as if I’m unbothered. But in reality, that one comment has gotten to me. I can’t help but have the niggling thought in the back of my mind, if that’s the way that Tommy is going to react, then what is the rest of the band going to be like? 
The concert was amazing, even better than what it had been a few nights ago. I’d watched the show from the side of the stage, and could safely say that this time, Johnny had been looking and smiling at me. 
I hadn’t wanted to face the confrontations of the band after the show, so after the encore, I had decided to hide away in Johnny’s dressing room to look at my phone for a moment of peace and quiet. If I was to exclude the fact that it was Johnny Depp’s dressing room that I was sitting in, it would have felt like the first normal moment of an otherwise bizarre day. 
The door flying open makes me look up from the screen, to see Johnny standing there, still hot and sweaty from being under the lights. 
“Everything okay?” He asks with a concerned expression, “You weren’t there when I came off stage. I was a little worried that I’d scared you off.”
I’m hardly going to tell him that I’m scared of running into the band when he’s the one that’s brought me out here to be with him. “I just didn’t want to get in the way, I thought you guys would be in a race to hit the showers.” I lie coolly. It seems to be good enough, since he goes to change the subject.
“What did you think?” He asks, a grin firmly in place on his lips. “Could you see and hear alright? The speakers weren’t too loud?” 
I grin and nod my head eagerly. “You sounded amazing! Heroes was phenomenal...” I probably sound like I’m trying to impress him, but it’s my favourite song that the band do.
“Ah, you see,” He pauses to take a drink from his water bottle. “I think I had a little bit of extra good luck, with being cheered on the side front.” 
I can feel that warm feeling of heat going up to my cheeks, and certainly not for the first time today. It makes me feel so powerless and awkward to just stand and say nothing.
“Um,” He scratches the back of his head, “You must be hungry?”
Starving, actually. I hadn’t had anything to eat since getting here and been too shy to pluck up the courage to ask about food since getting here. I’d accepted my fate and growling stomach a good few hours ago.  But regardless, I downplay it, “A little, I guess…”
“Do you want to go and grab something to eat? I need to get showered and changed first… 
I’m not certain what prospect makes me more nervous. Dinner with him. Or dinner uncomfortably sitting around all of the Hollywood Vampires eating. Both make my stomach flip. Especially since he isn’t going to specify.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x reader) Chapter 6
Okay so you asked for fluff here it is, I hope I did okay... this chapter will be split into two parts because it was so damn long <3
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.2k
“Wrap up warm, were going out. Meet you outside in 10” Saul smiled at you like a little kid through the door to your room. You hadn’t heard him come in so you jumped, one of the other girls must have let him in. Going where? Before you could ask he’d gone, leaving you slightly confused while the rest of your roommates filled in one by one smiling like idiots. 
“What are you guys planning, what’s going on?” You eyed your friends wearily, you couldn’t help the smile that fluttered on your face. 
“You heard the man, get dressed up warm, you’re going on a date!” The girls squealed and you jumped up excited. It was like a typical scene from any romcom movie, cue the cheesy 90’s music in the background, there you were being dressed up by your friends, searching for the perfect but comfortable outfit. 
The air outside was mild, almost sunny, it was early in the morning so the fog hadn’t lifted yet, you know that the day would be a hot one, so why were you wearing a padded coat? He was leaning lazily against the gate at the front of the school, he hadn’t noticed you yet. You couldn’t help but admire him and just watch as he looked so at ease, at peace, if only for a moment. There was still a lot going on, but it was moments like this that made you remember that the burned ones were a temporary problem, life wouldn’t be like this forever. He wasn’t hurt anymore, you weren’t hurt, apart from the graze on your head, and for the first time since you’d arrived in Alfea, the day felt like it would actually be normal for once. 
Looking around, the grounds were clear and from where you were standing you knew that no one would be able to see you and Saul, most people were still in bed, others studying or just hanging out with friends. You stifled your giggles as you snuck up behind him, all the while not noticing the grin that was plastered on Saul’s face. When you got near enough, you ran a couple of steps and attacked him from behind and by attack, you meant you jumped on him knowing he would catch you, planting kisses over the back of his neck. 
“You know I knew you were behind me right?” He jumped you up his back a bit, making sure your legs were secured around his waist, taking your hand in his kissing it softly, his other hand supporting your legs around him. 
“Yeah yeah whatever Mr soldier man. So, you’re going to piggy back me to wherever were going?” You felt him shrug. 
“Do I need a reason to hold my girl?” You blushed and rest your chin on the top of his head as Saul walked to the barrier, if you didn’t know any better you swear he could feel your heart stutter as you moved closer the the protective shield that hid you from the monsters on the other side. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I had people scan the area before we left, you won’t be able to see them but there’s senior specialists hidden in the woods, we’re just going to the portal door, it’s not far.” He let you down slowly, settling you on your feet now that you’d both reached the barrier. From under his parker you watched as Saul removed his sword, now on alert, just as a precaution. You could feel the magic inside you swirling around, ready for anything. Luckily none of it was needed, you made it to the portal door that you and Bloom had slipped through that time and watched as Saul produced a familiar ring from his jacket pocket. 
“Wow, Stella let you have her ring? I didn’t think she’d part with it after what had happened last time.” He winked at you, pushing you in front of him slightly to make sure that you were still safe as he operated the portal door.
“You ready Y/N?” He reached for your hand smiling, taking it and pulling you into his side. He looked down at you, it wasn’t difficult when he was a whole foot taller than you. Slowly, he leant down, still looking in your eyes, connecting his soft lips to yours. It took your breath away just like always, it still surprised you that it was capable of doing that every time, you didn’t know if you’d ever get used to the butterflies that swam around your belly every time he kissed you, looked at you, said your name. You just knew you never wanted it to end. 
“I’m ready, lead the way."
Where you arrived was nothing you could have imagined. Being from earth, you knew of places around the world, you’d never got to travel, but you liked to read and watch documentaries when you could. The place you were in wasn’t one you recognised. You could feel the magic coming off everything. The bustle of people, the shops, the hovercraft cars that wizzed through the middle of the town. It was something out of a fairytale. You laughed to yourself, who would have thought that you, a mere human.. or so you thought… would be rescued by your handsome prince and taken away to some fairytale kingdom, girls in your situation dreamed of the day it would happen, and luckily for you your dreams had become a reality. 
“Why does it feel like i’m standing in the fairy version of Diagon Alley.” You whispered in awe to yourself.
“Babe, you know I don’t get your otherworld references.” Silva laughed at you. The expression on your face priceless. “Welcome to Magix City.” What a suitable name for somewhere so magical. The whole place was alive. It was completely different from your school. Come to think of it. This was the first place you’d been since moving to Alfea that wasn’t the dreaded woods. Men and Women walked around laughing and talking like it was the most normal thing in the world, but then it would be, this was their world, your world now… You guessed that the only place that had to be on the look out for the burned ones threat was Alfea, but then you noticed men and women clad in black uniforms pop up on the top of buildings every now and again adorned with multitudes of weapons. The only way your mind could describe what you were seeing was a mixture between the stories you’d read of Harry Potter crossed with The Hunger Games. 
“Sweetheart, today is all about us, this is where, if the school wasn’t in danger, you and your friends would be able to come and spend your free time. When I was a student at Alfea, they used to have portal busses that would take us back and forth, but they stopped them to have more control over who could come and go. The plus about us being here, is there’s no students, no one will care if were openly a couple.” He wiggled your eyebrows which made you snort, earning a belly laugh from the man in front of you and a shake of his head. 
“I’ve never seen anywhere like this in my life, thank you for bringing me here Saul.” You flung your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest, his heart audibly skipping a few beats. “What’s with the jackets though? Isn’t it a bit warm to be wearing them.” You comically tugged at the collar of the parka and fanned your face. Saul just rolled his eyes. 
“Come on drama queen, this way.” He took your hand in his, walking down a couple of streets to your destination. On the way you couldn’t help but look around at everything. The plants seemed to be alive, swaying a moving as if they were animated. Lavish buildings lined in a row, all different shapes, sizes and colours. The street you had walked down lead out to a big square where restaurants and small art cafes littered the cobbled stones. A grand building stood off to the side, books made from wooden sculptures adorned the roof and in big bold letters across the front of the door read “Magix Bookland.” You knew you’d have to stop off there before you went home. 
Your attention was grabbed when you stumbled a little, Saul had come to a halt in front of two large glass doors. You could already feel the chilly air coming from inside. Maybe this is what the jackets were for. You were too caught up in awe that you hadn’t noticed the sign on the door. 
“I know you’ve always wanted to do this, but you said you’d never got to on earth.” No, he couldn’t have remembered that story you’d told him.. it was the week you’d first met, surely he hadn’t remembered. But he had. Your eyes lit up when you entered the arena, big bright lights, stadium chairs lining the walls and in the centre of the building, an ice rink surrounded by plastic walls, the place completely empty, you had the place to yourselves.
“Ho-how, what. Oh my god Saul you remembered.” You didn’t know wether to laugh or cry. Saul came up behind you slinging an arm across your shoulders, kissing the side of your head, his favourite thing to do. 
“Of course I remembered darlin, I remember everything you say to me. We have the place to ourselves, a buddy owed me a favour.” You squealed in excitement and grabbed his hand pulling him along eagerly. The want for trying ice skating had been something you’d dreamt of since you were little, but with no family, friends or stable living situation, there was a lot that you’d had to sacrifice. So there you were, a week from turning 18, and only now were you ticking off the very first thing on the top of your bucket list. 
You’d both skated for a couple of hours, Saul a pro, funnily enough the ice rink was used regularly by specialists for training, they had to be able to adapt to any terrain, you thought it was pretty clever actually. It hadn’t taken you long to get the hang of it either, in the beginning you’d fallen down.. a lot, making Saul laugh and panic all at the same time, but by the end of the second hour, gone were your great big jackets and you’d successfully mastered the art of stopping without crashing full force into the plastic shield walls. Both deciding to leave when your stomachs started to rumble, Saul lead you through the streets to one of his favourite places. You enjoyed that he was showing you so much of his world, now your world too. It was nice to see this other side of him, the carefree, child like, giddy side of the normally pretty strict, strong, rough man you’d fallen for.
The building you stopped in front of was small, the windows crooked in a charming sort of way, wooden benches and flower baskets lined the outside and the smell of coffee wafted through the french doors. 
“I know how much you love coffee, this place does the best around, and I promise it won’t taste like any of that shite they call coffee on earth.” Saul rolled his eyes playfully and you nudged him, both of you making your way inside. Pastries and cakes lined the glass cabinets in front of the till area, the waitresses wore different coloured pinafores and you could hear the busy noises from the kitchen floating through along with the wonderful smells of food you couldn’t place. Saul had found you a cosy booth at the back of the cafe, private, cosy, quiet. You appreciated the time the both of you were getting to spend with each other. Part of you never wanted it to end, but you knew that at the end of the day you’d be pushed back into reality. 
You sat opposite each other, both smiling like idiots. You were so in love sometimes it made your heart hurt. A big part of you thought that you’d never find love, that you were destined to be alone forever, but you couldn’t have been more wrong. Your hands crossed the table and Saul took them in his larger ones, using his thumb to trace patterns across your knuckles, your foot inched its way up his combat clad leg and his breath faltered, moving it ever so slowly you continued teasing it up, higher and higher until the tip of your foot was resting above his crotch. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down and your stomach flipped when you noticed his perfectly sculpture jaw clench.
“Sweetheart, you’re playing a dangerous game.” Your eyelids fluttered and you wiggled a little in your seat the warning tone sending shivers through your body. You dint know how far you would go in your secluded booth and you weren’t about to find out as you were abruptly interrupted by a sugary sweet voice.
“Saul Silva? Is that you?” 
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It Was You All Along (Part 2)
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Part Two is here! I haven’t been this inspired to write in so long, and I promise I will get to all the Criminal Minds and Supernatural requests in my inbox. I was just so excited to get this out. This part is all fluff and realizations, with a sprinkle of pining thrown in. It was partially inspired by the scene in Tangled where Eugene and Rapunzel enter the town and start dancing. Enjoy and please leave feedback! 
Since we had come to a stop, I looked around to try and figure out why. Geralt never really says anything. He just does stuff. 
He got off Roach in a very not graceful manner, and began to walk towards the trees on the side of the path we stood on. I felt Jaskier shift behind me. 
“The hell is he doing?”
I shrugged. Then I wondered if he even knew what he was doing. The thought made me chuckle to myself. Until Geralt came out of the trees and stood impatiently on the side of the path. 
“The town is this way. It’s covered by the trees.”
Without waiting for our response, he turned and led Roach through the trees by her reins. I guess that meant it was our turn. 
Jaskier got off Lily first, then I followed suit. The two of us walked over to where Geralt went, Lily’s reins in my hand. Jaskier walked a few feet ahead of me, swatting branches and leaves out of his way as he went. Luckily, I didn’t quite reach them, so I could duck instead of doing that. As we walked, I watched Jaskier in front of me. The past few days had felt...different around him. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt different when I was around him. He felt different. The air...everything was just different. Not bad, however. It made my head spin and my chest flutter just thinking about it. Only, I didn’t even really know what I was thinking about in the first place. I had never felt this way before. And I wasn’t even sure what had started it. Jaskier was the same person. I was the same person. Yet the feeling was beyond off. 
Jaskier humming drew me out of my thoughts, and honestly I really didn’t mind. There had been many a night where we sat up late, talking and singing around the fire when Geralt fell asleep or was off doing something violent somewhere. It was a way we bonded. It took forever for me to start feeling comfortable enough to sing or even hum around him. But it had become one of our favorite things to do together. 
It was then that I noticed he had started to hum a new song that I didn’t recognize. 
“Jaskier, what song is that? I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”
His tune stopped abruptly, and he looked over his shoulder at me with a small smile. 
“A new piece I’ve been working on. What do you think?” 
I smiled back at him before saying, “I like it” a little too loudly. 
He laughed and it made my heart skip a beat. There’s that feeling again! What is it? 
“Good. I’m glad.”
“But what about the words, Jaskier? Are there any words yet?”
He laughed again, this time a bit nervously. 
“Th-those are a work in progress, my fair lady.”
My breath hitched in my throat. What in the world is wrong with me? Am I falling ill? He calls me names like that all the time. It’s what best friends do. Right?
We walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Then we finally reached a clearing past a large break in the trees. And it took my breath away. 
All sorts of small huts and shacks and buildings lined the field in front of us. Some were on small hills, others in the valleys that had been created between them. Cows, chickens, and every animal you could imagine grazed on the grass surrounding us. The greenest grass that I had ever seen. Each blade seemed to blow in the breeze to its own rhythm, but together they made a song. 
“Geralt, how did you know this town was hidden like this?” I asked him incredulously. 
“I heard it,” the Witcher said simply. 
He walked off with Roach, leaving us behind as he usually did. 
I turned to Jaskier, the weird feeling from before completely dissipated in the present moment. He stared out towards the town as well, completely in awe. 
“Why would they want to hide something like this? Something so beautiful?” 
“Maybe...,” Jaskier said beside me, “maybe they want to keep it hidden. Until it’s ready to be seen.”
I glanced at him. He had an almost forlorn look on his face. But only for a split second. Then he was back to his regular smile. But his smile...it looked different now. Had it always looked like this? Maybe it was the lighting.
Upon walking into the town, we soon found the inn. Geralt and Jaskier got a room to share with two beds, and I got my own room with a single, small bed. I couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Geralt’s face when he found out that he had to share a room with Jaskier. 
“Come now Geralt, it won’t be all bad! I can sing you to sleep if you like,” Jaskier said grandly as we walked up the stairs to put our things away. 
“Try it and see what happens,” Geralt growled. 
A slightly terrified expression fell upon Jaskier’s features, and I couldn’t help laughing once more. 
Once our things were put away and Jaskier finished complaining, Geralt left us to our own devices with only these words as a parting gift: “Don’t fuck anything up while I’m gone.”
We watched him ride Roach away to the edge of the town, to wherever his contract took him. Then it was just me and Jaskier. 
“Well, what now?” I asked, turning to the bard. 
He put his hands on his hips and looked around. 
“What is there to do around here, I wonder?” 
I jumped in front of him excitedly before asking, “Want to find some trouble to get into?” 
He bent down to meet my height with a smile that I thought would split his face in two. 
The more we walked around, the more I didn’t understand how this beautiful, bustling town could fit into what seemed to be a small corner of the woods. All sorts of shops and stalls lined the street we were currently on, but one in particular caught my eye. 
“Jaskier, look!” I grabbed his arm and pointed in the direction of the stall I wanted to see. “There’s a woman selling flower crowns over there. They’re so pretty, I want to see them up close.”
I dragged him along behind me before he could say anything. 
He laughed and said, “We’ve gone into so many towns and seen so many things before, and yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited.”
“Well, today is different!”
There’s that word again...different. 
He smiled and my heart seemed to stop in my chest.
“Yeah, it is.” 
We finally approached the stall where the woman had her flower crowns laid out. There were so many different colors and flowers, I hardly knew where to look first. 
“Jaskier, which one would suit me? I don’t even know where to start, they’re all so lovely.” 
He looked around at the vast display in front of us, seemingly deep in thought. Then his eyes twinkled and he reached forward to a crown made out of small yellow buttercups and tiny clumps of white baby’s breath. 
Before I could say what I thought, he leaned down and placed it gently on my head, adjusting it so it would sit straight. 
“What do you think?” I asked, holding my skirts and spinning around in a circle dramatically. 
Jaskier thought for a moment, his finger pressed gently against his chin in concentration. 
“I think it was made for you, dear lady.”
I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and I hoped to the gods Jaskier didn’t see. In order to conceal it, I turned to the merchant who was watching us with an amused look on her face. 
“How much for this one?” I asked, pointing to the crown on my head. 
“Twelve marks,” she replied. 
I dug around in my pockets for the money, but stopped when I felt a hand on my arm. 
I turned and saw Jaskier was the one who had placed his hand on my arm, but his other hand was in the pocket of his trousers. 
“I’ve got it,” he said with a half-smile. 
Before I could protest, he handed the woman her money and thanked her. 
“Jaskier! What did you do that for? You know I don’t like people spending their own money on me.” 
He began to walk away, and I followed, almost jogging to keep up with his long strides. 
“Then pretend I didn’t do it,” he quipped over his shoulder at me. 
Finally I caught up to him and walked at his side. 
The bard smiled down at me. 
“If you feel that badly about it, then buy me something in return. We’re best friends, remember? Or have you forgotten that revelation we came to already?”
No witty response came to mind. So instead, I settled on thanking him. 
“It was my pleasure, (Y/N).” 
At some point, we made it to the town square. Some sort of celebration was going on, and everyone was dancing around while a group of musicians played an up beat song made for parties. 
“Eh, I’ve heard better versions of this song. One done by yours truly, of course,” Jaskier said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. 
I pushed his arm lightly. 
“Jaskier, the only thing bigger than your ego is your head”
“There are some women out there who might disagree,” he said with a wink.
All of a sudden, someone roughly grabbed my arm and turned me around, pulling me further away from where I was standing with Jaskier. 
I shrieked in surprise and Jaskier yelled for me, reaching out with one hand, a startled look on his face. But before I was spun around again, I saw someone grab him too. 
Then I noticed who grabbed me. A breathless young man, probably about my age. He had his hands in mine and was twisting me about the square. I realized that I been pulled into the dance by accident. 
“You know, you should really ask permission from someone before you grab them for a dance!” I yelled over the music and commotion. 
“Do forgive me! Once you’re in the thick of this dance, you can’t help but become impulsive.”
Against my better judgement, I started actually performing the dance as well. I suppose the man had a point. At events like these with the music, the wine, and the people, you tend to get carried away. I must have looked like I was waiting for my turn in the throng of people. 
Once I let myself relax and the feeling of panic left me, I began laughing with the man in front of me. It was fun. I don’t remember the last time I had danced and celebrated something. Whatever it is the people in the square were celebrating seemed important. 
We stumbled and twirled about, passing other dancing couples. It was so unbelievably loud. But it was a good type of loudness. The kind that made me giddy and feeling as if I was floating. 
Part of this dance was to switch partners every few rounds in order to get everyone into it and to meet new people. Meeting new people wasn’t really my thing, and I slowly started to feel more and more drained and nervous as the dance went on. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.
I had been thrown into another man’s arms now, the first one I was dancing with long gone. But I just wanted to find Jaskier. Or even Geralt. Someone familiar. 
The song was coming to a close which meant this dance was also ending. But there was still no sign of Jaskier anywhere. In my defense though, there were so many people and it was hard to focus on a specific person when you were in the middle of something so chaotic. 
At the last second, I was shoved into someone else’s arms, right as the song came to an end. My hands gripped his forearms to steady myself, although my vision was still reeling. 
“I’m so sorry! I’m not used to these types of dances,” I mumbled before trying to focus on the man before me. 
Lo and behold, it was Jaskier himself, looking almost as unsteady as I felt.
“(Y/N),” he said, out of breath, “Thank the gods I finally found you. I thought you had been kidnapped.” 
My vision finally settled, and I looked up at his face to get a better look at the state he was in. 
His hair was disheveled and a bit of sweat made his face shine in the evening light. He was breathless, breathing through his lips with an exhausted smile. The shirt underneath his doublet had fallen to the side a bit, exposing the dark hair that decorated his chest. With each rise and fall of his chest, my pulse increased slightly. I caught myself wondering what his heartbeat sounded like. How it would feel to have my hand resting on his chest as he breathed and talked. What would it have been like to dance only with him? Then I felt myself become sad, and almost angry that I hadn’t been dancing with him. But more than anything, I realized that this isn’t how best friends think about each other. 
I blinked rapidly to get myself out of my thoughts. 
“Jaskier, let’s get out of here. I’m exhausted. Please.”
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
airplane, pt. 2 | jjk x reader  chapter two: san juan
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pairing: jungkook/reader word count: 6.6K rating: 18+
genre: smut | silly smut | nonsensical smut
warnings:  criminal!jungkook, koreanamerican!jungkook, reality has left the chat, plausibility has left the chat
A/N: okay, ya’ll. I really never intended to make this story anything more than a one-shot...but a couple of people asked for more and then the wheels started turning, and I had more than a little crush on this sexy, smartassed jungkook. so here we are! I hope you guys like it.
Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
artwork by the shmexy @ppersonna​ who’s smut is even better than her art
You still think about Jungkook Jeon.
You think about him when you spot his beautiful face on the poster in the hallway at your office, with the word WANTED emblazoned across the top.
You think about him every time you fly because you leave condoms behind in the bathroom like some kind of kinky Fairy Godmother.
And sometimes -- late at night, after you’ve had a glass of wine -- you shut your eyes and think about him when you slip between the sheets and then slip a hand into your panties.
You wonder where in the world he is and how he’s getting away with life on the run -- again.
Though technically he’s not your problem anymore.
The Marshals took over his case after he pulled his vanishing act in Los Angeles, so it’s some other poor sap’s job to find him and bring him in.  You’d done your part -- you’d tracked him down and brought him to the States, even got him before a judge.  
So what happened after that didn’t happen on your watch.
Totally out of your hands.
No reason for you to still obsess over how it all went down.
At all.
The humidity in San Juan hits you like a wall the second you step out of Muñoz Marín International Airport.
You quickly scan the throng of waiting drivers and find the one holding the sign with your name on it.  The suit you’d worn on the plane is already sticking to the backs of your thighs in this heat.
“Welcome to Puerto Rico,” the driver smiles warmly, offering to take your luggage off your hands. You smile back as you follow him to the line of cars idling outside.
The ding of a text alert distracts you for a moment.  
You pull out your phone and see it’s your boss, checking to make sure your flight landed on time.  The driver opens the car door and you slip inside while he pops the trunk to put your bags away.  
You’re so busy tapping out a response that you don’t realize something is off until the driver raps twice on the back of the car.
Because that’s a signal for the car to go.
Because the man behind the wheel is not the man who just loaded you and your bags into this car.
Because the man behind the wheel is --
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you breathe, eyes wide on the reflection in the rearview mirror.
He’s got a snapback pulled low over his face but you can still see his eyes. And you’d know those eyes anywhere. You’ve thought about those eyes a lot more than you’d like to admit.
“That -- “ Jungkook says, pressing the gas, “-- is the weirdest way to say you missed me, too.”
He tilts his head up so you can catch the reflection of his wide smile.
You are in a car with Jungkook Jeon. In a moving car with Jungkook Jeon.  
“Start talking,” you snap.  
“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”
You slump back into the seat and clap a hand over your face. Damn this man and damn his stupid, smart-assed, beautiful mouth.
“Where are you taking me?”
Jungkook snorts at the note of panic in your voice.  
“To your hotel, dummy.  You have a meeting in like, two hours.”
“Unbelievable,” you sigh after a moment. “Do I even want to know how you know all of this?”
“Well in my defense,” he starts, “you guys still have really shitty firewalls.  You’ve got a lot of nerve calling yourselves an intelligence agency with that set-up in place.”
“I’ll be sure to pass along your feedback,” you mutter.
“You should. So anyway, I was reading through your emails one day -- you know, as I do -- and I saw you were coming to town. I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you.”
Holy shit.
That’s a lot to take in right now and you’re still trying to process the series of events that led up to you, in a car with Jungkook Jeon.  You keep asking questions because it seems like the only sane thing to do in this entirely insane situation.
“You read my emails.”
“How often?”
“Uh….all the time?”
You blow out an exasperated breath.  
“You’re a real piece of work. Just what makes you think I won’t have this car surrounded by Feds by the time we get to the hotel?”
“You could,” he concedes thoughtfully. He looks up from the road for a moment to lock eyes with you in the rearview. “But we both know you won’t.”
His certainty makes you bristle.  Is he right about that?
You force yourself to look away from him and redirect your gaze outside to watch the carefully landscaped palm trees speed by.  He’s been here for some time, you think, as he navigates the streets with ease.  He doesn’t seem to be looking for his next turn or second-guessing which way to go. He’s not even using GPS.
“You are in some deep shit back home, Mr. Jeon,” you say, finally. “You embarrassed them. They hate being embarrassed.”
He chuckles.
“Don’t you think it’s time to drop the formalities, Agent? I’ve had my tongue in your pussy, you know.”
He startles a laugh from you with his casual, crass statement of fact.  You forgot how funny he is -- how smart and affable and completely disarming he is.
“Anyway, that’s their problem, not mine,” he continues. “And not yours anymore either, from what I understand.”
Boy, he really wasn’t kidding about those emails.
You mentally rummage through your inbox, try to imagine what information he’s had access to these past few months.  Countless agency messages, a few personal ones and at least one exchange that could qualify as both. You wonder if he’s seen that one, too.  
You clear your throat, uncomfortable with the thought.
“So what’s your plan, then? Hide out in plain sight in a territory of the United States?”
“It’s worked for me so far, hasn’t it?”
You roll your eyes.
“Anyway, my plan right now is to drop you off at this hotel,” Jungkook says, turning into the drive. “Then you’re going to skip that reception they have scheduled for tomorrow night because you’re going to have drinks with me instead.”
You say nothing for a moment.
It’s absurd that your first reaction to his words is a tingle of excitement. It’s ludicrous that you haven’t picked up the phone to call this in by this point. It’s fucking bananas that you’re picturing yourself sharing a drink with this man instead of having him arrested.
The car rolls to a stop.
“Now, as much as I’d love to act the part of a perfect gentleman and help you with those bags, I can’t,” Jungkook says, reaching for his wallet and pulling out a small piece of paper. “Your hotel is crawling with cameras and believe it or not, I’m trying to minimize the number of stupid risks I take these days.”
You snort.
He reaches behind his seat to hand you the note.
“Meet me at this address tomorrow night at 7 o’clock. Be sure to wear something tight, yeah?”
“You are out of your mind,” you say from between clenched teeth, snatching the paper out of his hand.
Jungkook laughs.
“I know, right?”
You should call the Marshals.
You should really call the Marshals.
Why haven’t you called the goddamned Marshals?
“ -- do you think, Agent?”
You can’t seem to keep your mind focused on this meeting and now everyone around the conference table is looking at you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that,” you’re forced to admit. “Catch me up?”
“I was saying,” Agent Dominguez starts again, “that given the damage done to the office here in San Juan, we should move agents to the mainland temporarily.  Miami, preferably.”
“Yes,” you agree. “That would be best.  Until we can get things back on track.”
Dominguez smiles in a skeptical way, like he knows you’re preoccupied and he’s curious as to why.  You smile back and hope it’s convincing.  
“We’ll have to go over some logistics, of course, after the final decisions are made,” he continues, turning his attention back to the room at large. “But for now, let’s consider that a flight from Miami is just a hop, skip, and a jump.  It makes sense.”
The rest of the assembled meeting guests murmur in agreement.
Your mind wanders back to that slip of paper tucked away inside your bag at the hotel, back to the man who gave it to you.  The ridiculous, self-assured little asshole who just knows you aren’t going to rat him out. Who just knows you’re going to join him for drinks like he’s not an actual federal fugitive and you’re not an actual federal agent.
Dominguez continues to drone on in the background.
“...and if you look at the numbers, you’ll see post-storm crime is actually way down…”
What you would give to be anywhere but this meeting right now.  You pinch the bridge of your nose, shut your eyes and go down the list of facts as you know them.
He’s been reading your emails.
Following your every move.
He wants to see you tonight.
What the hell is wrong with you that knowing all of this excites you instead of freaking you out? What does it mean that a part of you -- a really big part of you -- wants to take him up on his offer?
Dominguez pulls you aside after the morning round of meetings wraps for lunch.  
“Hey,” he says, stopping you in the hallway.  “Are you alright? You’ve seemed just a little off since yesterday.”
“Yeah, sorry,” you say apologetically. “Been feeling a little off these past two days.”
Not technically a lie?
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” Dominguez replies smoothly.
“Hope you’ll be feeling up to attending the reception tonight,” he continues. “I’d hate for you to miss it.”
You offer him a weak smile.  The look on his face right now is making you a bit queasy.
What if they knew? What then?
Once was insane enough. Once could be written off as a mistake, a terrible lapse in judgement.  An embarrassing and regrettable fluke.
But twice? Twice is a choice, a conscious decision.  
Twice would make you complicit -- a co-conspirator, a co-defendant and a whole host of other “C” words you’d rather not contemplate right now.  
There would be no explaining away twice.
You busy yourself with getting a bottled water from the vending machine just to have an excuse to look away. You tell yourself not to be paranoid. You have no reason to suspect they know anything and this is not the time to borrow worry.
“I’m going to try and get some rest after we wrap for the day,” you say finally, opening the bottle to take a drink.  “See if I feel better after that.”
Dominguez’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes.  
“You do that, Agent.”
Wrapped in a towel, fresh from a shower, you alternate between staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror and looking back at that damning piece of paper in your hand.
You should put on the nice-but-work-appropriate cocktail dress you’d chosen for the reception that you should be attending tonight.  You should drop this piece of paper in the trash, forget Jungkook Jeon exists and move on.  You should be having drinks with your colleagues from the San Juan office in an hour, making decisions that don’t amount to career suicide and living life on the straight and narrow like a normal fucking human being.
Should, should, should.
You walk over to your suitcase and pull out a slim-cut sundress with spaghetti straps instead. You smooth your hands over the delicate material, imagine the light weight of the fabric would feel just right in this humid weather.  You slip the dress over your shoulders, smooth it down with your hands, turn from side to side to assess the fit.
For a moment you close your eyes and allow yourself to imagine Jungkook slipping his hands underneath this dress, pushing the hem up your thighs. You imagine his thumbs and fingers circling the sensitive skin there.  His lips on your neck.  His voice in your ear.
The sound of an incoming text knocks you out of your fantasy and you open your eyes to see your flushed reflection staring back in the mirror. You reach for your phone.
you gonna make it out tonight? [ 5:48 PM ]
You stare at Dominguez’s message for a moment.
Decision time.
Are you?
You’ve been over every step you took before leaving the hotel at least a dozen times by now.
You’d sent Domniguez a text, claiming to be under the weather.
You’d left your phone in the safe in your room.
You’d walked out of the hotel through a service exit and into a waiting car.
All clear, decisive, sane choices despite the fact that you are obviously a crazy person. Because no one in their right mind would be pulling this kind of stunt.
The ride is short, only a few minutes from your federally-funded accommodations to the much more humble beachside hotel where Jungkook told you to meet him. You give the driver more than enough money to cover the fare and tip and step out into the thick night air.  You spot him a short distance away, sitting at a tiki bar just off the water.
Puerto Rico has apparently been very good to Jungkook Jeon.  
He is reclined casually in a barstool, drinking a bottled beer.  The creamy off-white of his linen shirt is a perfect contrast to the deep golden tan he’s managed to acquire these past few months. He’s let his wavy black hair grow long again and it falls just below his ears. The laugh he shares with the bartender reveals his smile and makes him look relaxed and radiant and fucking perfect.
Jungkook turns in his stool just as you approach and the slow, appreciative once-over he gives you makes your entire body feel warm. The corner of his mouth curves up in a half-smile.
You’ve got to get your head on straight.
Jungkook isn’t some hot, available guy you’re trying to land. He’s a wanted man and the fact that he’s sitting out in the open at this tiny outdoor beach bar makes you nervous. It’s a saving grace that the bar is damned near dead but there are still too many angles, too many clear lines of sight. You’re annoyed that he’s being so flippant about keeping a low profile.  
You wait until you are close enough to whisper before you speak.
“This is a terrible idea.”
He cocks a brow. “Drinks?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” you hiss. “We need to go somewhere more private.”
“Christ woman,” he groans. “Don’t you know it’s polite to wine and dine me first? I’m not a piece of meat, you know.”
He grins when you huff your frustration.
“Besides, if you were really worried about drawing attention --” he pauses, rakes an appreciative gaze across your décolletage, “-- you certainly wouldn’t have worn that dress.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake, does he ever turn it off? Is he incapable of recognizing how risky and fucked up this situation really is?
“You’re an idiot,” you bite out, turning to leave -- but Jungkook grabs for your wrist.
“Relax,” he soothes, pulling you back.  “Seriously.  I have the situation under control.”
A charged moment passes as you give him a long look. His hand remains firm and warm around your wrist.
“Do you trust me?”
What a ridiculous question.  
What you know about Jungkook Jeon could fit on an index card, and what little information you do have doesn’t exactly do him any favors. You’re putting your career -- potentially even your freedom at risk even being here.
But something about the naked sincerity on his face makes you want to trust him.
God only knows why.
You take a deep breath in and out before sliding into the barstool he’s pulled out for you.  The bartender smiles from a few feet away, makes his way over.  You tense, turning to face away and Jungkook puts a steadying hand on your knee.
“It’s cool,” he murmurs. “He knows me.”
“Why on earth do you think that’s supposed to make me feel better?” you fire back.
“I think -- you just need to have a drink,” he reasons, eyes sparkling. He lifts his beer to his lips and you catch yourself staring for a moment at the way the tendons in his arms flex, the way his lips slide over the mouth of the bottle.
Has the simple act of drinking a beer always looked that masculine?
Shit, you do need a drink.
You order a mojito without ever looking the bartender in the eye. Whoever he is -- Jungkook’s buddy it would seem -- he’s understanding about your appalling lack of manners. He can probably recognize a truly fucked-up situation from a mile away and is steering clear like someone with an inkling of common sense.
For his part, Jungkook has dropped the flirtatious act for a moment and the small smile that plays across his face is calm and reassuring.
It works.
“Alright Jeon,” you sigh after a moment. “Let’s talk. How did you do it?”
He takes a long drink of his beer.
“You know I can’t tell you that.”
You’d expected as much. You would bet everything in the bank that his parents helped him get out of Los Angeles.  The kind but guarded look on his face is the closest you’ll get to a confirmation of that fact.
“Ask me anything else.”
“Fine.  How did you pull off the stunt at the airport?”
“Oh, that was easy,” Jungkook teases. “I found the driver holding your name card and offered him twice the fare. He was happy to help me out. Nice guy, actually.”
“He’s lucky you didn’t cut me into pieces,” you grumble.
Jungkook laughs. “You’ve got a wild imagination. Besides, who wouldn’t trust a face like this?”
To make his point, he turns from side to side to offer you a better look at his profiles. Outwardly you roll your eyes, but inwardly it’s hard to ignore the sharp line of his jaw, the perfectly symmetrical angles of his face.  You take another long drink from the cocktail in your hand.
“Why Puerto Rico?”
“Why not? The scenery is beautiful, the food is delicious, and people know how to mind their own goddamned business,” He takes another sip of beer. “Besides, you guys didn’t exactly leave me with a lot of options when you took my passport. And hey -- thanks for that, by the way.  Finding a good fake is a real bitch.”
“We’re not travel agents, Jeon,” you snort.
He laughs.
“So this -- “ you motion to the small building attached to the tiki bar, “ -- is where you’ve been staying?”
“Dammit, woman — I said ask me anything, not everything. You’re not wearing a wire, are you?”  
He grins at the glare you fix him with.  
“I’m kidding, obviously. No way you’d be able to hide a wire under that delightful little number.”
He chuckles when you flush.
“So yeah, this is one place I’ve been staying. Mostly locals around here.  After the storm, so many new people turned up to help rebuild that it’s been pretty easy to blend in with the new faces.  Plus, it’s not hard to find work.”
“So you’ve got this all figured out, huh?”
“Some of it,” he demures, and you can’t help but notice he’s managed to slide a little closer.  His proximity is distracting. You’ve only had one drink and you already feel a bit lightheaded.
Jungkook scrubs a hand down his mouth, fixes you with a long look.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“Fair enough,” you concede.
“You gonna go to dinner with him?”
You exhale a nervous laugh against the rim of your glass. You’d wondered if the series of back-and-forth emails between you and Agent Kim Namjoon would come up. You should have known it would.
Agent Kim’s last email came this week. It said he would be traveling to Los Angeles for some training soon.
It said that he wanted to take you to dinner.  
You should have fired back an enthusiastic yes! right away because Agent Kim is hot and smart and to your knowledge has zero outstanding warrants.
But you didn’t.
Jungkook tilts the mouth of his beer against his lips.  
“Yes,” you say, finally.
The reply is so abrupt, so emphatic that you have to laugh.
“He’s an empty suit. A cardboard cut-out. Not right for you at all.”
The smirk on Jungkook’s mouth indicates he’s teasing, but his tone indicates something else entirely. The territorial current that runs under his words is annoying and exciting and complicated.
“He’s just trying to fuck you, you know.”
You raise an eyebrow at that.
“Oh, and you’re not?”
“No,” he murmurs, leaning close. “I have fucked you. I plan on fucking you again. He and I are not the same, at all.”
His words set off a throb between your thighs and you shift uncomfortably in your seat, uncross and recross your legs.  Jungkook leans back, looking satisfied with how much he’s managed to unnerve you.
“So this is some kind of pissing contest?”
You laugh to keep the sounds of your words light, but your words come out uneven. “You stalk my inbox for months and abduct me from the airport to what -- keep me from fucking Agent Kim? You hate him that much?”
“I don’t give a shit about Agent Kim,” he snaps. He takes a deep breath before speaking again.
“You know what this is about. Don’t play with me.”
He’s right, of course.  You do know what this is about.  
It’s why you fucked him in an airplane bathroom against all rules of decorum and common sense.  It’s why you’re here, making stupid decisions and taking dumb risks instead of back at your hotel playing it safe. It’s why you’ve never been able to stop thinking about him.
Something connects you to this man, something you don’t really understand -- and now you know for a fact that whatever it is, it isn’t one-sided.
Your body is rigid, unnaturally still as the bartender drops off new drinks and you immediately reach for the glass, if for no other reason than to stall.  Jungkook takes a long sip from his new beer before speaking again.  You can feel his eyes on you but you don’t look back.
“I like you.”  
No sarcastic quip follows. No charged sexual innuendo.  Something about that simple admission is more intimate than the fact that he’s literally been inside you.
“You don’t know anything about me,” is the only thing you can think to say.  
Jungkook shoots you a playful smile.
“I know you like mojitos.  I know you have a standing appointment with some fancy hair salon in LA every six weeks.  I know you order Chipotle far more than is necessary or probably healthy.”
He leans closer and the look on his face changes into something different -- something that makes you shiver.  He slides his hand under your jaw, tips your head up, strokes a thumb across your cheek.  
“I know what you sound like when you come,” he whispers. “I know I’d like to hear that again.”
Oh, God.
This must be what it’s like to drown. To see your demise play out before your eyes but still feel powerless to stop it.  Every smart-assed retort you could fire back dies on your tongue and all you can do is blink when Jungkook brushes his lips against yours.
“And I know you like me too,” he whispers against your mouth.
He’s right.
You do.
You really, really do.
It’s like a switch flips inside your brain.  Once you start kissing him, you can’t stop.  
You both fall through the open door to his room in a tangle of limbs and lips.
Jungkook lifts you up off the floor and you immediately wrap your legs around his waist, never stopping the assault on his mouth and skin.  He moans when you lick a stripe up his neck. He tastes like salt and sunscreen and sex and you are so desperate to feel him inside you that you can’t think straight.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he protests, walking you both over to the mattress.  He drops you unceremoniously on top of the bedding.
“God, no,” you groan, panting.  “Why?”
He takes a deep breath in and out, shoves a hand through his hair.  
“I promised myself I was going to take my time with you if I ever got this chance again,” he explains, voice ragged with arousal. “No cuffs. No rush. Not this time.”
You huff in exasperation and climb up onto your knees on the mattress.  
Jungkook’s eyes widen when you drop both hands to the hem of your dress and pull it up and off in one swift motion.  You’d had to forgo a bra given the skimpy nature of your sundress and it’s easy to forget he hasn’t really seen you naked. The look on his face says he heartily approves.
“Take your time later,” you fire back.  “Take your clothes off now.”
Jungkook laughs.  “Are you always this bossy?”
“Yes.  If you wait one minute longer I’m going to sober up and realize this is a terrible decision. Take your clothes off.”
“Hush woman.”  
He silences you with mock annoyance as his fingers drop to work the buttons of his shirt. You catch your mouth before it drops open as he pulls the shirt off, exposing the chiseled planes of his body.  You swallow thickly when he drops the garment to the floor.  
No human being should be allowed to look like this.
It’s obscene.
The tattoos that run across his hands and forearms extend up to his shoulders, across his chest. The defined lines that outline his abdomen are made even more plain by his deep breaths.  He is -- hands down -- the sexiest man you have ever seen in your life.  
“Shit Jungkook, you’ve been holding out on me,” you breathe, a note of awe in your voice.
“And I knew you had amazing tits,” he grins, shoving his jeans off his hips. “Lie back.”
The gruff command makes your body tight with anticipation.  Jungkook’s face is damp with sweat, locks clinging to his brow when he sinks down onto the mattress and crawls until he’s hovering over you.
“Goddamnit,” he whispers, slanting his lips over yours.  “Goddamnit, I’ve been thinking about this for so damned long.”
You sigh into his mouth.
Me too, you want to say. But you don’t.
“I’ve thought about the way you taste every single day, did you know that?”
He circles one aching nipple with his tongue and teeth.  You whimper at the heavy drag of his tongue.  
“I’ve imagined getting my mouth on you again far more than is normal or sane,” he whispers against your skin, pulling the damp lace of your panties off your ankles and tossing it away.
“Jungkook,” you whine. “Please.”
His lips skate over the sensitive skin between your breasts, across your stomach as he slides downward.  Your body stills when you feel his lips at your entrance, breath warm against your wetness.  
The first touch of his tongue is quick, teasing.  You’re wound so tight your hips jerk off the bed at that light contact.
“Easy girl,” Jungkook teases, sealing his mouth over your clit.  The strong fingers of one hand press into your hip, grip you tight to keep you from pulling away.  He slips one long finger from his other hand inside you to join his tongue in the all-out assault.
“God you are sexy,” he groans, licking deeply into you.  You grab handfuls of his damp hair in between shaking fingers.   “You’ve ruined me for all other federal agents, you know.”
Your laugh bleeds into a gasp when Jungkook slips a second finger inside of you, presses harder against you with his tongue.
“Oh, shit,” you whine, legs trembling. You roll your hips mindlessly, enjoying the way he moans in response.
“You gonna let me hear it again?” his words vibrate almost painfully against your already aching clit. “Be as loud as you want this time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sigh in agreement, feeling that telltale prickle building between your thighs.
He sets you off with the firm press of the heel of his hand on your mound.  You can’t control your body’s reaction when the pressure against that sensitive wall and the stimulation of your clit combine.  Your back arches high off the bed when you start to come apart, moaning wantonly.
Your orgasm seems to go on and on forever and Jungkook whispers words of encouragement as you ride it out.  He doesn’t stop with his tongue and fingers until you start to quiver from the overstimulation, breaths hitching when shudders run up and down your back.
“Dammit, Jungkook,” you gasp once you regain control of your ragged breathing.
He laughs as he kisses his way back up your body, across your chest and neck.  You welcome the press of his body when he settles over you.  He grinds his hips down and you whimper at the feel of his rigid cock straining against his boxers.   You clench hard at the memory of him deep inside you.
“Take those off,” you order, scraping your teeth against the damp skin of his neck.
“Ask me nice and I might consider it,” he teases.
You shoot him a playfully disapproving look before pushing against his shoulder until he rolls over.  His eyes fall shut when you climb over him and drag your drenched center against the firm outline of his cock.
“Fuck, that feels good,” he whispers, and you lean forward to seal your lips over his.  He pants into your mouth as you rock against him.
You slide down his body after a moment, hooking your fingers into his boxers and pulling them down with you.
The thing about your hurried little encounter inside that airplane bathroom is that it’s hard to remember the details.  It was so rushed and illicit and bizarre that you can barely recount what he felt like, what he looked like in the moment.  But right now -- when his cock springs free and he looks down at you from beneath heavy lids and he looks so sincerely fucked out -- you make sure to commit this moment to memory.  
Jungkook sucks a strangled breath between his teeth when you take him in your mouth.  His fingers immediately wind into your hair and you sigh around his length when he groans his satisfaction.  His hips jerk when you pull off of him, dragging your tongue against the sensitive spot under the head of his cock before releasing it.
“Shit,” he moans, “I forgot how good you are at that.”
You laugh and wrap one hand firmly around the base of his cock. He’s already leaking at the tip and he hisses when you sweep your tongue across the swollen head. He gathers your hair in his hands, pulls gently on the strands but you can feel the restraint he’s exercising. His body is radiating tension, taut with unspent energy.  
“You can get rougher if you want,” you breathe, pumping him steadily with your hands.  
His agonized groan tells you he’d love to take you up on that offer.
“You can’t talk to me like that,” he pants, words sounding pained. “I’m doing everything I can not to literally blow my second chance here.”
You release his cock with a smile and he pulls away to shift his body up the bed. He reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a condom.  He holds it up for a moment and the two of you share a knowing laugh.
The laughter dies the moment you crawl up the bed to join him and take the condom out of his hand.  Jungkook’s eyes are dark and focused as you rip it open and roll it down his straining cock.  Once it’s in place he steals the air from your lungs with a deep kiss and pulls you onto his lap.  
You’re struck still for a moment when you look down at him just as you are lining him up with your entrance. He looks back at you with those blown-out pupils and kiss-bitten lips and you lose your momentum.  You should say something or do something but it’s so damned hard to focus when he’s looking at you like that.
He brushes a damp lock of hair away from your face with his fingers and fixes you with an expectant look.
You want to tell him how handsome he is.
You want to tell him that he’s the most interesting person you’ve ever met.
But you don’t.  
Jungkook rescues you from your sudden crisis with a well-timed tease.
“You’ve been rushing me since we got here,” he chuckles, brow raised. “You’re gonna leave me like this?”
He grabs the base of his stiff cock with one hand, rubs the head against your clit to make his point. You answer him with a desperate kiss, swallowing the groan he makes when you finally sink down.
His hands move to either side of your ass to guide the movement of your hips.  Your first few thrusts are hesitant, shaky as you adjust to the feeling of him deep inside you.  He feels harder and thicker than you remember.
“Oh, god --” you moan.
You feel his faint hum of satisfaction against your breasts.  He tongues messily at your aching nipples, sucks them into his mouth.  His fingers dig into your ass as he thrusts up to meet your thrusts down.  
His mouth is full of you. His hands are full of you.  You are full of him.  The feeling of filling and being filled is unbearable at this point.  It’s so much stimulation at once that it borders on painful.
“Feel so good wrapped around me like this,” Jungkook groans. “I can’t get enough.”
Me neither, you want to say. I’ve been dying to feel you like this, you nearly whisper.
But you don’t.
You feel disoriented for a moment and grab onto the headboard for desperately needed balance.  It gives you the leverage you need to take him deeper, faster, and the steady rhythm of his thrusts and breaths starts to pick up in speed.
Then you make the mistake of opening your eyes and looking down into his face.
He is covered in a sheen of sweat, eyes hooded and mouth slack with pleasure. He fixes you with a look so erotic you nearly blush.  It’s pretty ridiculous to be literally riding a man’s cock and feel suddenly shy, but that’s exactly what happens.  
You force yourself to close your eyes.
Jungkook buries his face in your neck. You feel one of his hands move away from your hips, down to where the two of you meet. The rough pad of one thumb starts to work your clit and the stimulation distracts you for a moment, makes your rhythm sloppy.  
“I want to feel you come,” he breathes, teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your collarbone and neck. “I want to know what it feels like when I’m inside you.”
“So close,” you whine on a shaky breath.
“I’m gonna go off like a bomb,” he groans, stroking so deep you see stars.  “Take me with you.”
If it weren’t for the one hand keeping you anchored to the headboard, you’d have collapsed onto him with the sheer force of your orgasm.  You whimper as Jungkook’s orgasm rips through him, body shuddering as he pounds harder and faster.  It takes a few frantic, frenzied moments for his rhythm to slow and his moans to subside.
Then you do slump onto him, spent and sweaty and rubbery with utter exhaustion. You’re both still for a moment, damp bodies pressed together as you both catch your breath.
He brushes your hair away from your face and presses a soft kiss to your temple.
You take a shower together.  
Afterwards, you both fall back into bed clean and warm.  
You make good on your promise to let Jungkook take his time this go-around.  He fucks you slow and relaxed from behind while you lay side by side.  The steady lap of the waves outside his window is a perfect backdrop as he whispers into your ear and buries himself deep inside you.
Afterwards, everything is still but the waves.  
You both enjoy the complete silence for a while.  Your stroke your fingers across the strong forearm Jungkook has wrapped around you and he breathes deeply into your hair.  It feels natural, somehow.
It feels good.  
You can’t remember the last time anything felt this good.
“Stay with me,” Jungkook whispers after a while, nosing into the nape of your neck.  He drops a soft kiss on the sensitive skin just below your ear.  
“I can’t,” you whisper back.  “I have a meeting first thing in the morning. Don’t tell me you skipped that email.”
He’s quiet for a moment.
“I wasn’t talking about tonight.”
You go rigid from head to toe.  Maybe you didn’t hear that right.
“Stay with me,” he says again, like it’s going to make more sense the second time he says it. “We could go all over the world and eat the best food and fuck in the most beautiful places.”  His fingers stroke up your side, sending chills up your back. “It could be great.”
You wait for him to laugh.  He doesn’t.
You pull out of his hold, flip your body so that you’re facing him.  You expect to see his teasing smirk staring back, but you don’t. He looks serious.
“What the fuck was in that beer, Jeon?”
He rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now,” he says quietly. “You could think about it for a while.”
You stare at the side of his perfect profile, dazed for a moment by the strange combination of feelings swirling inside you right now.  
There’s disbelief at the insane Bonnie and Clyde fantasy he’s decided to pitch.
There’s disappointment because there’s a tiny part of you that wants to entertain that fantasy.
And there’s a little bit of heartache because right now he looks so lonely.  
That’s the part that gnaws at you.  It makes you feel raw and exposed.  So you do what you know best and try to redirect with humor.
“Who’s got a wild imagination now, huh?”
His lips twitch into a wry smile.  
You’d waited until you were certain he was asleep before slipping out of his arms and out of the bed.  He slept heavy, not stirring once while you slipped into your clothes and shoes.  He slept like someone without a care in the world.
It had taken a moment to find a piece of paper.  It was only just as you were about to give up that you remembered Jungkook’s note, tucked safely into your bag.
You looked back at him in the bed -- studied him for a moment before quietly scrawling a note on the other side of that piece of paper.
you know i can’t. i’m sorry.
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kaitycole · 4 years
you broke me first (part 2)
Summary: You and Oikawa dated all three years of high school, that is until he broke up with you out of nowhere. Then three years later, you open the door of Iwaizumi’s apartment to find Oikawa there.
Word Count: 2825
Rating: Angst. Pinning. Mentions of anxiety. Talks of a break-up
Pairing: OIkawa x Female Reader (past tense), Iwaizumi x Female Reader
A/N: Fingers crossed I’m capturing these guys right lol I think maybe it’ll have one more part, I'm not sure. Let me know your thoughts though! 
Also, I’m thinking of having two different ending, let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in!
Song Choice: you broke me first by Tate McRae
Tag List: @yatoatyourservice​  
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When Iwa finally gets back to his apartment, Oikawa is sprawled out on the floor on his phone. Shaking his head, he simply walks passed him, grabbing two beers from the fridge. He just knows he’s gonna need some.
“Oi. Here.”
Oikawa takes the beer, clinking it against Iwa’s before taking a sip. While the two of you were gone, Oikawa practically dissected all the posts on both your social media profiles. He came up empty, either you weren’t dating or weren’t making it public. It’s driving him crazy to not know, while he wasn’t expecting you to be here, he’d be lying if he said seeing you didn’t stir something up inside him. Didn’t make him rethink the last three years, comparing them to the three you spend together.
“How long as you in town?”
“A week.” He makes eye contact with Iwa, “But I’ll find somewhere else tomorrow.” Iwa shakes his head in protest, “Just stay in the spare room.” “Is Y/N okay with that?” Oikawa raises an eyebrow, trying to see how he react; but he’s stoic as usual.
He nods, “As long as you don’t act like shittykawa, I’m sure things will be fine.”
A few beers later and Iwa’s phone goes off, he excuses himself to take it. Oikawa leans back on the couch, trying to not think about you but failing.
It was just like every other day, an early chilly morning before school. You and Oikawa were sitting on a bench close to the school, he had just finished up a brief practice. He enjoyed this time with you, before the campus filled with tons of students especially his “fan club”.
“Oh, I brought you something!”
“Oh really? What is it, princess?” You pulled out a small bag and handed it to him: milk bread.
“Y/N, you’re the best. I love you.”
Your face turned bright pink.
“Oh, I…uhm…well, no, I love you.” He shrugs, “Wasn’t how I was planning on telling you.”
It made your heart skip, he had been planning on telling you that he loves you. And instead of some grand gesture or in some super overthought way, your dork of a boyfriend told you after getting milk break.
“You are such a dork.” You pulled him close and kissed him, “I love you too.”
There had been great days in Oikawa’s life; most of them included volleyball, but this day topped all of them. He draped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head.
“Say it again?”
Your face turned even redder, it extended to the tops of your ears, “I love you, Toru.”
Oikawa could’ve died right there and he’d have been a happy man. You and volleyball are all he needed in life and luckily, he wouldn’t have to choose one over the other, right?
Two years and three months later, he had to choose one and it wasn’t you.
Iwa comes back into the living room, “That was Y/N. She’s back at her dorm.”
“When did she start calling you Hajime?” His voice is full of regret and Iwa instantly picks up on it; his heart sinking.
“I’m not really sure, sometime during our first year here I think.”
“You two are together, aren’t you?” Oikawa asks, not really wanting to hear the answer. His eyes are closed and he feels like he’s going to be sick.
“Yeah. We are.” Iwa rubs the back of his neck, he never intended to keep this from his best friend.
“How long?”
“Three months.” There were several days within those months that Iwa had dialed Oikawa’s number just to hang up or not bring it up. He wanted to tell him, there was nothing keeping him from it other than himself; there was just some mental block.
“Guess you picked up all the piece, eh?” Oikawa stands up, chugging the beer on the table before grabbing his bag. He tries to think of where he can go because he can’t stay here. He doesn’t want to hear about how Iwa was there to catch you when he had left.
“It wasn’t like that. We…she didn’t even talk to me that summer or the first few months of school.” Iwa hates thinking about how you were back then, remembering just how broken you were when Oikawa left.
“Then enlighten me.”
“You broke her, shattered her, destroyed her.” He runs his fingers through his hair, “You were it for her and when you just left she fell apart. I honestly thought she didn’t come to university until we had a class together the second part of our first year.”
When Oikawa first left, Iwa assumed you’d need a few days to adjust, but it was after a few weeks that he tried reaching out. You ignored him. He eventually swung by your job at a local convenient store, only to find out that you had quit. When he went to see you at home, your mom had been the one to tell him of the break-up and that you had gone to stay with your aunt in Tokyo for the summer.
Iwa sits down, elbows on his knees with his head in his hands. Oikawa drops his bag, he didn’t realize how hard the break-up had hit you. With him going abroad, he thought it’d be easier for you. Though it hadn’t been easier for him either.
“I felt horrible, she’d become my best friend through high school and there she was and I didn’t know the slightest thing about her anymore. So, I sat next to her, made study plans with her, invited her to meals; anything that I knew she’d agree to and not see as unnecessary like parties.” He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
Iwa tells Oikawa about how you’d practically jump each time your phone went off, praying that it was Oikawa. How you flinched every time someone brought up volleyball or when people would eagerly ask you if you knew Oikawa when they learned where you went to high school. Or that you missed two days of classes when she learned he had injured his bad knee again and that it was almost a year later when you actually gave Iwa a sincere smile and laugh.
Iwa doesn’t look up Oikawa as he recounts the last few years; part of him want his best friend to feel guilty and miserable, but the other part of him feels guilty for wanting that. He recalls the time when you called him first to make plans that didn’t include the library, studying or a lecture.
He laughs, “You know she came in here about a year and a half ago now, randomly telling me she hated all my furniture and over the next four months, she had completely redecorated the apartment.” Oikawa smirks, that sounded just like you.
Oikawa continues listening to Iwa. Learning that it may have taken you a bit longer than expected, but you learned to be happy again. That a day came where you could hear his name again without cringing and how one random night you brought up a memory of the three of you out of the blue. Oikawa isn’t sure if the ache in his chest is still from hearing about how you were or from the proud smile Iwa sports talking about you.
He stands up, once again picking up his bag before nodding his head towards the hallway. “I’m beat.”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Iwa stands up, motioning his friend towards the guest room.
In three separate beds lay three individuals, minds all filled with a mix of worries, regrets, and memories. In the room at the end of the hall is Iwa, trying to convince himself that laying in the middle of the bed will prevent him from missing you. It’s been months since he’s slept alone; even before an official relationship, you slept in his apartment. It started by innocently crashing on the couch after a long day to Iwa saying you could keep a few things in the spare room until the start of your third year of university, about six months ago, when you found yourself in Iwa’s bed, cuddled to his side.
It’s not until his head hits the pillow that he finally realizes why he couldn’t tell Oikawa about the two of you; he never wanted Oikawa to think he liked you during high school. He didn’t want his best friend to try to tear apart every memory, wondering if Iwa had ever tried to sabotage the two of you. He didn’t want him feeling that all his advice through your relationship was in hopes to break you two up. Because that wasn’t the case, although he couldn’t pin point when he had fallen for you, he knew without a doubt that he didn’t look or think about you in that way during your time with Oikawa. All Iwa wanted in the world was for you and Oikawa to be happy.
Just down the hall, Oikawa finds himself sitting on the edge of the bed thinking about what Iwa has just told him. He didn’t want to imagine you the broke mess he learned you had been, it’s what got him through the last three years. It was the immature reason why when he got on the plane, he didn’t glance back. He falls back on the bed, his face in his hands as he lets out a groan. This isn’t what he expected when he came to visit, he thought he and Iwa would hang out, talk about old times, and just have a good time; seeing his ex-girlfriend aka the only girl he’s ever loved was not part of his plans.
He doesn’t like that Iwa was the one who helped you get through the break-up. He doesn’t like that you were completely destroyed. He doesn’t like that three years ago he took the coward’s way out and broke up with you. Seeing you just brought up all the feelings he’d been burying for these last few years, reminding him of all the reasons why the two of you fit together so well and why he fell in love with you. And he definitely doesn’t like feeling like he’s too late because all he wants is to beg for you back. He groans again, wanting for just a moment that he could turn off his thoughts.
Across the city you’re in your college dorm room, laying on the uncomfortable twin mattress that creaks every time you roll over to adjust. Even when you move as slowly as possible, it squeaks and you feel awful for your roommate; even though she’s assured you that she can’t hear a thing. Tonight isn’t going how you originally planned, you woke up this morning thinking that you’d spend the night at Iwa’s, wake up early to him cooking breakfast and then rush to campus to work on your project. But with the slight turn of events, you probably won’t eat until lunch and be early to your group project.
There’s a pit in your stomach, thinking back to the moment you opened the door to see your ex-boyfriend standing there; looking way too good for someone that you wanted to hate. You smack your hands to your face letting out a low groan as your mind wanders. You have worked so hard to get over Oikawa; to be able to breathe and live again after he just left you. His sun-tanned skin, soft brown eyes, all have your stomach in knots and you don’t realize just how long you’ve been holding your breath until your phone vibrates.
Oikawa: You awake? (2:34 am)
Oikawa: It’s Oikawa Toru (2:34 am)
Oikawa: I’m so sorry if you’re sleeping (2:35 am)
Your stomach twists more, surely this was a coincidence and not the universe sending you a sign, right?
Y/N: Did you just send your ex a ‘you up’ text? (2:39 am)
Y/N: Classily Toru (2:39 am)
He sharply inhales, the use of his first name leaves him shocked. All night you had avoided his name altogether, going to the lengths of talking to the wooden table, but here you were using his first name. He has two favorite sounds: a volleyball smacking his hand and the way you say his name, especially his first name. You stare at the text, mentally kicking yourself for the slip up, but it felt comfortable.
Oikawa: I didn’t mean it like that (2:41 am)
Oikawa: Just wanted to talk (2:41 am)
Your hands shake as your thumbs hover over where the J and D are located. Could you? Could you just talk to Oikawa? Act as if he didn’t carelessly toss everything in the closest airport trashcan as he walked towards his gate three years ago? Could you talk to him like you did back when you first met and had become friends? Before you have time to type anything, it buzzes again in your hand and your chest constricts.
Oikawa: I know this is three years late (2:45 am)
Oikawa: And this won’t mean much at all (2:45 am)
Oikawa: Wait, I’m going to call. Hold on (2:46 am)
His hands start to sweat, feeling clammy as he tries to calm his nerves. You start to slightly panic before practically jumping out of bed and rushing into the bathroom. The light blinds you momentarily and the door clicks shut just as his name pops up on your screen, your phone buzzing repeatedly.
Taking one last breath you swipe the screen, putting your phone to your ear, “Hello?
He picks up on the shakiness of your voice, hoping his will sound more still, “Hey.”
Your stomach is all but completely knotted up as his voice fills your mind. It’s soft, like it usually was right before school in the early mornings or when he answered the phone right after he woke up. But you pick up on how it shakes just like yours, wondering what has him so nervous.
“Y/N, I am so sorry.”
“It’s…” he cuts you off.
“Wait, please let me get this all out.”
You nod, instantly realizing he can’t see you.
“An apology won’t ever be enough for what I did. What I put you through. But I am so sorry.”
Tears gently fall down your face, you wanted those words for years. Dreamed about hearing him call and apologize, saying that he made a mistake. Here you were, squatting on the floor in your dorm bathroom at nearly 3 am getting exactly what you wanted all those years ago, but is it what you need now?
“I know and I forgive Toru.” You feel winded, wondering if you really did forgive him. You know that you did, you had years ago because it was once you did that you started to feel better.
There’s a wide smile on his face, “Thank you, Y/N. Could we maybe get together? To just catch up, that is.”
“I have a project tomorrow, but I’m free Sunday.” You bite your lip nervously, but feel your stomach untwist only to fill with butterflies? Are you allowed to get butterflies with an ex? Maybe they were more like moths.
“Sunday. It’s a date then.” He catches his words just as they leave him, he leans against the wall feeling like an idiot. You were dating his best friend, he needed to word things more carefully, he didn’t want to come between you and Iwa.
“Yeah. A date.” You don’t think twice about the term, it was just an expression.
What you also didn’t think twice about is that the room Oikawa is in shares a wall with Iwa’s. The exact wall that Oikawa is leaning up against and the same Iwa who heard just enough of the conversation to feel heartbroken.
This was part of the reason when he tried telling you where Oikawa had been planning to stay, he didn’t correct your when you said girlfriend even though he knew that wasn’t correct. He was going to stay with his sister, but his nephew was sick and he didn’t want to risk it. The same way Iwa didn’t want to risk giving Oikawa an in with you. He trusts you, more than anything, but that doesn’t stop his insecurities from creeping in convincing him that he’s not worthy of anything; especially not someone like you.
When he asked you if you were still okay with dating him, it was more for him than you. He needed to know that he hadn’t been some last stitch way for you to hold onto Oikawa. That you had picked him for him, you had picked Iwaizumi Hajime and not Iwa-chan Oikawa’s best friend. And now at 3:10 am, those same insecurities wrap around him as he can’t help but wonder if your relationship is on stolen time.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Five Birthdays
summary » five birthdays from the life of lisa petalon.
warnings » light angst in one part
note » LISA'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! But I couldn't wait to post this one-shot lol. Illustrations included!
age 7 » sweet and bitter
“Happy birthday!!”
Lisa blinked slowly as her dad appeared from the kitchen, carrying something on a platter. He was covered with flour, egg stains on his shirt, but he was smiling wider than he had for a while. Her aunt and cousin giggled at the sight, clapping from where they sat next to Lisa at the table.
“What is that?”
“Look at it!” Her father grinned as he set it down in front of her. It was clear that it was some kind of food, maybe a fancy type of bread, but it was covered in some sort of shiny coating. “It’s a cake… a birthday cake! I realized that we never made one for you, so I decided to do it this time. Seven is a big age, after all!”
“A cake…” Lisa’s eyes lit up. “A cake! Wow!” In their little town in the woods, they foraged for most of their food, so Lisa was more used to the gamey taste of turkey, potatoes, and berry juice. Confections like cake were rare.
Her dad chuckled, crouching next to his daughter’s chair and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “It’s all yours, Lisa. Dig in!”
Lisa nodded, eagerly grabbing her fork and taking a big scoop of cake. It was soft, easy to cut; her father did a great job baking it. But before she tasted it, she paused.
“Wait… where is mom?”
The silence in the moments following the question should have told Lisa everything she needed to know. But she was just 7… she had not yet realized why her mother failed to acknowledge any of her birthdays.
“She… she’s tired.” Her father exchanged a glance with her aunt. Out of everyone here, he was the most weary, but he willed himself to smile again before turning back to look back into his daughter’s eyes; eyes that matched his own.
His daughter was almost his mirror image, with her black eyes, her jagged brown hair, and the power she inevitably would discover one day.
But he smiled anyway. Because she was his pride and joy. She was a miracle.
“But the rest of us are all here to celebrate. So let’s dig in!” He reached down and ruffled her hair.
Lisa grinned, giving him a nod before finally taking the first bite.
“Ah! It’s so sweet!”
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age 19 » anything you want
Lisa jumped a little in surprise as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She was standing by one of the shelves of books in the royal library, a place that she had been frequenting more and more these past few weeks. She turned around towards the feeling, a little perplexed when she saw that she was still alone. Huh? That’s weird, I don’t think I imagined that-
“Over here!”
She turned the other way, her heart skipping a beat when she saw none other than Julius there, leaning against the edge of the shelf, a place that he was definitely not only a moment ago. But Lisa couldn’t bring herself to be annoyed, despite the fright. “Oh, hi.”
“Hi.” Julius smiled, his eyes avoiding hers for a moment before he straightened up to walk over to her side. “I see you’re hard at work again, any discoveries?”
“N...Not yet.” Lisa quickly looked back down at the book in her hand, trying not to seem too nervous. She would have thought that she would be more used to being in his presence, since they had been meeting up here often to sift through records for any information about Lisa’ magic mark. But that wasn’t the case…”There are so many books, we might never find it, even if it’s here.”
“Well, I just finished my work for the day. I can be your helper for the rest of the evening, if you’d like~”
Lisa almost hid her face in her book as her face heated up. Help!!! Why did he say it like that- “Um, actually-” Lisa closed the book with a soft snap. “I was about to head out.”
“Oh.” There was a hint of disappointment in the Wizard King’s voice. “You have plans?”
“Yeah, actually…” Lisa smiled a little. “It’s my birthday! Yami and William wanted to go celebrate tonight.”
“Your birthday?!” Julius’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh- I had no idea! You should have told me, I would have gotten you a present!”
“P-Present!? No way!” Lisa shook her head, her smile falling. “I-I couldn’t accept a present from you, I mean- It wouldn’t be right for me to expect something, you know-”
“Nonsense! I’m your research assistant, remember!”
Julius winked, and Lisa felt that she was about to pass away right then and there.
“... I guess so… but still!” Lisa scowled playfully. “You don’t need to get me anything… I…”
“I feel happy enough just to be close to you. That’s the only present I need.”
Of course, Lisa couldn’t say something so embarrassing.
“I don’t need presents, really. I’d rather just spend time with my friends and other… people I care about.”
Julius’s eyes softened a bit, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. “Oh… I see.” His smile quickly reappeared. “But still, I insist! How about this- You can take a book in this library home with you. Permanently.”
Lisa’s eyes widened. “Really? But, isn’t that stealing?”
“I’m the Wizard King, and I’m saying it’s ok. Plus, I’ll cover the overdue fees.” He grinned, closing his eyes for a moment. “How does that sound?”
“...alright. Thank you!” Lisa quickly put the book away, biting her lip to keep from smiling too widely. A birthday present from the Wizard King! More importantly… a present from Julius… “There’s so many books here, though… any recommendations…”
“Actually, there’s one I was hoping you would take.” Julius cleared his throat. “One moment. I’ll be right back.”
He quickly turned away and disappeared down a different aisle. A moment later, he reappeared, holding a book with an elaborate leather cover. “Um.. see for yourself.” He held it out for Lisa to take. It was heavy, but the texture of the cover felt nice under her fingers. Her eyes fell on the title, and she let out a soft gasp.
“Origins of Magic: The sources of mana in this world and the Mystery of its usage. By Julius Novachrono…”
“Heh, I wrote that when I was still captain.” Julius chuckled nervously, awaiting her reaction. “I might have to write a second edition, I’ve learned so much since I became Wizard King… maybe you can be my research assistant for that one.”
“This is amazing… I can’t wait to read it!” Lisa grinned, looking back up at his face. “Thank you, Julius.”
It still felt strange to say his name. This man was revered by almost everyone, yet here Lisa was, receiving a present from him. And a very personal present, at that.
“You’re welcome… let me know what you think.” Julius smiled, gazing down at her face.
There’s so much more I want to say to you… Lisa…
When Lisa got home soon after, she had a few minutes before William and Yami wanted to meet up. She collapsed on her bed, face down. After a moment of silence, she let out a long squeal, muffled by her pillow.
Oh god… I need to stop hanging out with him… or I’m going to fall in love for real.
But… maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…
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age 23 » forgotten nights
“Ouch… ouch ouch…”
Lisa rolled over, consciousness finally filtering back into her weary brain. It was strange at first, unfamiliar to Lisa.
Was I… sleeping? How is that possible?
She let out a soft groan.
I haven't slept in 3 years-
Suddenly, pain throbbed in the back on her head, and Lisa let out a cry.
Oh… not sleeping, then... Was I bludgeoned?
"Oh! There, there, don't sit up!"
Hands gently grabbed her shoulders to push her back into the sheets when she tried to raise her head. Lisa winced at the feeling, blinking her eyes open. Her eyesight was foggy, and it took a few moments for the other person's face to come into focus. "Oh… Julius? What on Earth is happening-" She cringed and squeezed her eyes shut again at another pang of agony. "Did I get in a fight?"
Julius sighed, glad that she was awake and recovering. "Sort of… here-" He picked up the glass of water he had been keeping on the bedside table. He carefully held it up to her mouth, and she immediately started sipping away at it. "How do you feel?"
"I'm in pain… tell me, what happened?" Lisa scowled up at him, sensing how hesitant he was to speak further. "What do you mean, I sort of got in a fight?"
"Well… I'm surprised you didn't figure it out already," Julius chuckled nervously. "You… you weren't knocked out. You're hungover…"
All the sudden, everything flooded back.
Lisa cackled wickedly, one foot planted on the edge of the bar and the other precariously balanced on her stool. In one hand, she gripped a glass of mead. The other formed a fist, blue fire circling in tandem with time magic. "Anyone who can beat me can take my title! I'll share this power with you!"
There was a roar of approval from the other patrons at the bar. Yami howled with laughter and hit the bar surface with the palm of his hand a few times.
"That's hilarious!!! What are you gonna do if you lose!!?"
"I won't." Lisa smirked raising her glass back to her lips and chugging it in one go.
"Lisa!! Get down from there-" Fuegoleon tapped her shoe, frowning. He was only a little red in the face, not nearly as drunk as the others. Jack was giggling next to Yami, and Charlotte and William were already asleep at a table in the corner. "You're going to get hurt, and-"
"HEY!" Lisa's foot lashed out, and she wobbled dangerously. "I knew you wanted my job! Come at me, then!"
"What? No!" Fuegoleon stumbled back. "You're acting like my sister!"
"Yeah? Then fight me!"
Lisa stepped forward, ready to attack- however, she was still up on the bar. Her foot didn't land anywhere… and she fell
Fuegoleon jumped forward, arms outstretched, ready to catch her. However, to his surprise, the elderly bartender rushed in front of him. Lisa fell into his arm, limp as a ragdoll.
"Dear me- I'm glad I was keeping an eye on this one." He chuckled before turning back to Fuegoleon. "Thank you for trying to keep her out of trouble- but I'll get her somewhere safe."
"Oh- okay." Fuegoleon watched the man carry her away, then reappear a few moments later.
"Oh god…"
Lisa buried her head in her hands, her face bright red. "No way… no way I did all that!"
Julius chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. "No harm was done! And you had fun, didn't you?"
Lisa shrugged. "I don't really remember…" her hands fell back into her lap. "It sucks… I used to be able to drink all night and feel fine… but after we formed our Dyad…"
Of course, her alcohol tolerance wasn't the only thing about her body that had changed. She couldn't eat, or sleep, or… worst of all-
"I know. It'll be alright. It just takes some getting used to, right?"
Lisa nodded, and felt his lips press against the side of her head. Her eyes fluttered closed for just a moment.
"Why was I at the bar with all of them, anyway?"
Julius's eyes popped back open in surprise. "Huh? You don't remember?" His lips twitched into a smile. "I suggested the outing in the first place… thought you'd want to have a celebration with your friends."
Lisa blinked. "Celebration?"
She was still confused, until Julius chuckled and gave her a gentle squeeze.
"Happy birthday, Lisa."
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age 27.1 » the life of an insect
It stayed hot all the way until September. The sun blazed down into the garden, unhindered by clouds. The bright atmosphere contrasted with the dark shadows that were quickly closing around the Clover Kingdom.
It’s so loud…
Lisa spent most of her time alone, now. Part of her wanted to surround herself with people, with all those she loved. But even then, she knew it would just make herself feel worse. Seeing their faces, watching them talk, and laugh… it just forced her to draw further and further away.
I’m not like you… I never was.
So, she spent her days alone. It would be easier for them if she stayed away. Even if it hurt.
Yet it was still so loud.
Cicadas screamed from every corner of the forest, swarming the treetops by the million. Their song permeated almost every corner of the kingdom, allowing none to escape.
In a way… it was almost nostalgic.
Lisa stood at the base of a tree, pausing her walk for just a moment. Above her was a group of cicadas, circling each other on the bottom of a high branch, no doubt evaluating each other to decide if they wanted to mate or not. Their song was earsplitting, but Lisa was already numb. It didn’t bother her.
In her hometown, out in the woods, the cicadas were a fact of life, appearing every summer without fail. They were like a booming voice, nature’s fury swept across the land.
Yet… they were fragile.
They slept underground for 17 years. Then, for just one day, they rose up to the heavens, singing their glorious song. They soared, they mated, they laid their eggs…
And then they died.
They fell back to earth, their voices and bodies spent. Their last act would be to plant the seeds of their offspring, before the dirt reclaimed them.
Their lives… were fragile.
Utterly and completely meaningless.
Two of the cicadas lost their grip on the tree. They fell down into the leaf litter, letting out one last scream before they went silent forever.
But at one point, they had screamed. And the whole world heard them.
I can’t even do that. How I wish I could just scream… but I can’t.
A moth could not scream. It would never see the sun. They just fluttered through the night, like a ghost. They were swallowed silently by that darkness.
This is my last birthday.
Lisa lowered her gaze, before restarting her lonely stroll.
At the very least… I got to see the sunset first.
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age 27.2 » the future ahead of us
Summer melted into fall at last. The heat evaporated, leaving cool winds to quench the thirsty land.
The winds were gentle; like a nourishing pair of hands. Lisa closed her eyes, sinking into the feeling of those hands touching her. They brought her comfort, and they eased her pain.
They belonged to her.
“Just a few more months…”
Julius whispered the words, so soft that Lisa could barely hear them. But that was okay; they weren’t meant for her.
“I can’t wait to meet you.”
Lisa’s hand moved to run through his hair. Julius let out a happy sigh, his eyes flickering closed. He could hear two heartbeats with the ear pressed against his wife’s stomach, harmonizing with the sweet sound of her breathing. Life thrived there, and life was thriving within him as well. Never before had he felt so much excitement, so much anxiety. It was a rare, beautiful thing; an opportunity that had almost slipped away; like a stunning sunset that you didn’t notice until it was too late.
But it’s not too late.
He pulled back a little, just enough to stare up into Lisa’s eyes.
Because of you… your strength… your sacrifice. Because of you, we have this life. We have a second chance.
I won’t ever let that chance slip away.
“Her birthday is going to be after both of ours… a December baby.” Julius said happily. “A “Joy” to the world, you could say.”
Lisa let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head a little at the pun. “A joy to all of us, for sure.”
She watched as Julius nodded, his expression drowsy, before he lowered his head to listen once again. He couldn’t get enough of the sounds; the sounds of his daughter, and the sounds of his wife.
“She’s a joy… and a gift.”
The world was changing. The future ahead was uncertain. But Fate was alive and well; Julius and Lisa would always be bound to it.
Whatever fate had in store for them, they would be together. And they would have this child, who they had wanted more than anything else on this Earth.
“I love you, Lisa.”
“I love you, Julius.”
It was the happiest birthday Lisa ever had.
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maggyoutthere · 4 years
That AHIT au shiz
If u think you've seen this artwork or story before on Amino, yeah you probably did. That was me on the AHIT Amino XD
Tagging @xxfaylinnxx cuz they know me from there '^^ (sorry I tagged your other account '^^)
The au starts after Hat Kid got her soul taken by Snatcher, more specifically when she's going to Vanessa's Manor.
 She would get the Time Piece Vanessa had with her and sprint out of the manor as fast as her little legs could. However, Vanessa would find her halfway through the manor and actually follow her all the way to Snatcher's lair. I imagine that Vanessa never really found out about what happened to her prince. She locked him away and, a few days later, he mysteriously disappeared.
 Hat Kid would run as fast as she could back to Snatcher's domain and try to find him. She would be screaming and waving her arms in the air as she ran around Subcon Forest, ending up falling on one of his traps with Vanessa. Snatcher is just annoyed to see the kid wasting his time again, but he immediately stops when he recognizes the other figure.
 As he recognizes Vanessa, he immediately lashes at her to kick her back in the mansion, and a fight breaks out. Hat Kid quickly hides behind a tree with other Dwellers and minions, observing the fight between the two former rulers of the Subcon Forest. Against all odds, Vanessa gains the upper hand. As she prepares to freeze Snatcher to death a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶, he panics. All those memories of being locked away flooding his mind made him feel small again. Small compared to her. Then, with a desperation he barely know he still had, he let out what would start this whole au: that he only wanted to give her flowers.
 And, from that little sentence on, everything was about to change. Finally, after God knows how long, he was given a chance to explain himself. To explain who he was, to explain her what really happened that day, how he was merely buying her flowers. Oh, how one little misunderstanding lead to such a catastrophe. Hat Kid still watched in fear of what might happen next. Behind her, Dwellers and minions also felt concerned about this odd situation.
 After what seemed like the longest and hardest talk they'd ever had in their lives, both felt somewhat relieved. After all these years, this inconvenience was finally out of the way. Vanessa immediately jumped to her prince's arms, but Snatcher just backed away and hissed loudly. She wanted to go back to the good old days, when all that mattered was the kingdom and whether there was bacon in the fridge or not. Snatcher was about to let out one of his signature laughs and decline the offer, but he quickly realized something. If she unfreezed the kingdom, his minions could go back to their old houses and, with a bit of luck, he could regain his rightful place as a king. He also thought about taking over the kingdom and kicking Vanessa out as soon as he could. Now that... was a tempting offer.
 He agreed to be the king again, but with one condition: he would be in total charge of the kingdom so that nothing BAD were to happen again. Vanessa blindly agreed, telling her prince that she would go back to their kingdom to try and unfreeze everything before he moved in with his minions. He bluntly agreed and shooed her off the forest and back to her place. Hat Kid quickly tackled Snatcher, worried about what just happened between her BFF and the scary old lady of the manor, the rest of his minions eagerly curious about it as well. He grinned and explained his plan.
(Time Skip - After Hat Kid leaves the planet)
After Snatcher and Vanessa -somewhat- started to get along and catching up on eachother, and Hat Kid leaving the planet, Snatcher agrees to move into the village again with his minions. Vanessa immediately takes that as something cute her prince is doing for her, but in reality, Snatcher saw a chance to give his minions better living conditions and took it.
Things go fine for around a year: Vanessa slowly starts unfreezing the village, the minions move in their old houses, things seem to be looking great for this re-growing kingdom. Until, one day, Hat Kid's ship appeared once again in their sky, crashing in the Subcon Forest. Since most people recognized the little brat's ship right at first glance, they all went in a hurry to see what the peck was happening. Why was she there? How did the ship crashed? Was she alive??
Snatcher and Vanessa would immediately run to the place with almost the whole village right behind them, everyone curious and concerned about the sudden incident. As the flames swallowed the wrecked ship, they all grew even more concerned and scared.
The royal couple quickly rescued the still breathing kid and took her to the manor. After letting the kid rest for a while and taking care of most of her wounds, Hat Kid finally tells them why she crashed on their planet (not that it was on purpose, she said).
After getting back to her home planet, she had to face the consequences of the major disaster that was losing all the Time Pieces. Since they were so precious on her home planet, the incident was seen as a scandal and she was blamed for it. Her punishment was for her title as a Time Piece Retriever to be taken away, and to be kicked out of the planet. No food, water, Time Pieces, nothing was given to her as she was kicked out and sent to the vast and empty space. She'd been drifting without coordination for what she described as an eternity. She told them that she tried to remember the path she made from their planet to hers in a desperate attempt to, somehow, land there and at least be in a familiar place. Her spaceship was so destroyed from the long journey that it didn't made the landing and exploded.
Since she was so tired -and literally had nowhere else to go or even transportation at all- Snatcher reluctantly decided to let her stay in one of the rooms in the manor until further notice. Vanessa actually got extremely happy about it though.
Her habits had changed alot since Hat Kid left. Now that she was with her prince, and that the town was slowly regaining its former glory, she felt more lighthearted and excited about the future. She was still very possessive, but her prince wasn't someone who she could just tell what to do since he established a slight authority over her the moment he moved in. He immediately told her not to spoil the kid while she remained there. She.... somewhat agreed with that.
Au designs because they're my fav part to do in an au XD
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bi-bard · 4 years
I Stumbled in at the Wrong Time (Part 1) - David Budd Imagine (Bodyguard)
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Title: I Stumbled in at the Wrong Time (Part 1)
Pairing: David Budd X Reader
Other Parts: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Requested: Nope... but please send in requests
Word Count: 1,005 words
Warning(s): Trauma, spoilers for Bodyguard, talks of death
Summary: The universe has a funny way of messing with people. It will bring them together just to find any way to tear them apart. It will tear people apart just so they can be brought back together. In a cruel game from the gods, David Budd and (Y/n) Montague arm thrown through hoop after hoop, each one becoming more difficult than the last.
Author’s Note: Due to what I want to do, this is going to be in multiple parts. I think I’m going with either three or four but that may change. I hope you enjoy!
I let out a quiet sigh as I tried to get comfortable in my seat again. I knew how convenient the train was for me but the amount of back pain it gave me took away from the sparkle of the whole thing. With a quick roll of my shoulders, I tried to focus on reading my book again.
“Excuse me,” I looked over to the other side of the aisle when a man tapped my shoulder. I fought to keep my eyes from widening when I saw him. He was not a bad looking guy. “I’m sorry but can you look after my kids for a moment? I’ll only be a minute.”
I slowly put my bookmark between the pages and glanced at his kids, both asleep with their jackets as blankets. I nodded, “Sure.”
“Thank you,” the man pretty much jumped out of his seat, rushing off to do God knows what.
I tried to keep my eye out for things. Every now and then, the guy would walk by quickly, only once actually stopping to ask for a little more time. Each time he passed, he looked more panicked but I thought it would do more harm than good to ask any questions. 
I was especially concerned when one of the women that was working on the train started to evacuate people to different carriages. I stood up and leaned over the table across the way.
“Hey,” I said, shaking each of the man’s kids by their shoulders. They looked at me with tired eyes. “Hi, I’m a friend of your dad’s. These nice people are asking us to move. Grab your stuff, quickly, come on.”
The kids grabbed their bags and coats and I moved them in front of me as we walked out of the carriage. The two of them were asking me questions about their dad but I didn’t have any answers. I assumed this man was going to the toilet or something but now we were all terrified.
I subconsciously guarded the two kids when the police put handcuffs on a man in the carriage. I didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t know if I wanted to.
Eventually, they had us exit the train so they could carry out their mission and do a sweep of everything.
“Daddy,” I jumped to stop the little boy when he ran away. 
The man that had asked me to watch them knelt down and hugged the boy tightly, which made me grin. The little girl looked at me for a moment and I nodded. She followed her brother’s footsteps, hugging her dad as tight as possible.
“I’m guessing that I probably owe you my life,” I said, walking over. 
“Oh, no,” the man shook his head. “Thank you for watching them.”
“Of course,” I nodded. “They’re nice kids.”
“I certainly hope so,” the man looked at them with the first grin that I’d seen from him. “So, thank you again.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded and shrugged before starting to take a few steps away from the small family.
--Time Skip--
“Ms. Montague, (Y/n) is here to see you,” I smiled and thanked Chanel after she let me into the office. 
“Julia,” I said happily and opened my arms.
“Thank goodness,” she replied, standing up so she could give me a tight hug. “I heard about the train. You must’ve been terrified.”
“I was for a little while,” I shrugged. “But I’m here and I’m not hurt. I’m okay. I would’ve come for a proper visit earlier but work has been killing me.”
“Actually, I want you to properly meet someone,” Julia stuck her head out the door and called someone in. “(Y/n), this is Sergeant David Budd, he’s my PPO. He’s the one who prevented the October 1st attack.”
“Oh my god,” I chuckled. He looked like he was biting back a laugh as well. Julia looked at me. “This man asked me to watch his kids while he went to take of the bombers on the train. I never realized I hadn’t gotten your name.”
“I didn’t get your’s either,” David stuck a hand out for me to shake. “As she said, PS David Budd.”
“I’m (Y/n) Montague,” I replied. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“You too, ma’am,” David nodded before stepped back towards the door. 
“Alright, I’ll only be a minute and then I’m out of your hair,” I told Julia as she moved back to her desk. “I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner tonight since I’m in town.”
“Can we make lunch work a little later in the next week... maybe two,” Julia asked. “I’m so sorry but with the potential attack-”
“It’s fine, I get it, you’re a politician,” I chuckled. “Just give me a call and tell me when to be ready, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she stood up and gave me another hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”
“I’m happy to see you too, Julia,” I said before stepping back. 
“Will you please show (Y/n) out,” Julia motioned over to David. He nodded and held the door open for me so we could head out.
“Thank you,” I said as we walked. “I didn’t realize you were a part of the police... or working for my sister.”
“I just started a few days ago,” David explained. “After the attack and such.”
“I see,” I nodded as he pressed the button to the elevator. I stepped inside and he stayed where he had been. “I hope you and your kids are doing well.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he stepped back as the elevator doors closed. 
I let out a heavy sigh. What kind of dumb luck was that? He literally worked with my sister. It was a new job. I chuckled to myself, thinking about how the universe was giving me a sign, but promptly forgot about it when the elevator doors opened and I left the building. Maybe stopping by for a visit every now and then wouldn’t be as awkward as I feared.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With...
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
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gambitimagines · 3 years
J’tadore Vous Part 3
Sorry this isn’t as soon as I/you would’ve liked. Insomnia weeks again! Also, I figure everyone understands I’m human and need breaks to recharge, have other responsibilities and can’t write fics all day, as fun as that would be. Thanks!
The legend is my own imagining based off Remy’s less-than-flattering nickname for the purpose of the story.
Warnings: Jack the Ripper references, but nothing graphic. Mentions of women being accosted and other stuff, but nothing too horrid. If men locking car doors triggers you, skip where the asterisks are.
You we’re up late researching Remy, but not so late you couldn’t get up the next morning. You headed to the museum to look into a lead. The legend of Le Diablo Blanc-the white devil. (Not to be confused with Daredevil.) 
Legend had it that a mysterious figure showed up around New Orleans around the 1900s, the same time as a man was doing some horrific “Jack-the-Ripper” inspired killings, but a bit less dark. Young women were accosted, preyed upon and several were killed, or wounded if they managed to somehow get away. Then, one day, mentions of a savior started spreading like wildfire through the town. He would pull away damsels in distress, but they never saw his face. He wore a black mask to cover his features, but all you could see were glowing red eyes and white skin, so the papers branded him Le Diablo Blanc. Stories went around of him throwing playing cards that exploded at the murderer, but he didn’t catch him for about a year. Until 1915. The killer was dropped off at the local police station tied up with some rope, looking worse for wear, and the queen of hearts card stuffed into a large gash in his arm.
After that, there were a few stories in surrounding southern states about the hero rescuing people, but they completely stopped in 1918. The hero had hung up his mask for a quieter life. 
You weren’t positive that he and Remy were one in the same, but it was worth looking into. Then there was the picture. You planned to take it to your friend at Kensworth’s Copies to be blown up for a better look. 
At the museum, you looked through the historical books and files for anything on Le Diablo Blanc or Remy LeBeau. Despite being a museum of _Natural_ History, the place had many books, files, CD’s, and other media on general history about the nation and the world. You also planned on going to the library, because they might have something there. Newspaper articles or something. You didn’t know how much fame Remy had garnered over the years, if any, but billionaires never seemed to stay out of the limelight. 
“You’re here? On a weekend?” Jenny entered the office looking exhausted. Her hair was a mess and she looked frazzled. What the actual frigging heck?
“Personal project,” You murmured, barely looking up from the many open books in front of you, “If I’m in the way, I can step out for a bit, but this is important.”
“No, no.” Jenny waved her hands, “I’m just a corporate slave. There’s a meeting with the higher ups at freaking nine-am and I was instructed to come, take some notes and be amicable to that snake, Misses Winters.” 
Mrs. Winters was a 70-something year old woman who was the head of the museum. You crossed her, you were fired. She was known as cold-hearted and ruthless. Not a warm person.
“How did yesterday go with the mutie?”
“I told you not to use that word around me. It went fine.” You looked up a moment. Jenny really did look like garbage today. “Why do you look so...out of sorts?”
“Didn’t sleep good. Sister and her five-month old twins needed a place to stay at two this morning. She got into another argument with her husband.” Jenny drank her coffee, “I’m gonna go freshen up. Have fun on your _day off_. See you _Monday_.” She was venomous, but you couldn’t blame her. Everyone needed their sleep.
In moments, you forgot her. Somewhere between ancient Mesopotamia and the California gold rush, you found more stories of a dashing red-eyed savior sprinkled throughout history. You went back further in history, jumping around books. 
1842-Colombu’s travels include a snippet about a red-eyed man saving one of his ships from thieves before leaving port by somehow blowing up several barrels.
1924-Remy’s picture is clearly snapped in a crowd at the opening of one of the first Ford Automotive companies.
1912-The Queen of England is saved by a man only known as LeBeau. No other description is given.
1202 A.D- The Mayans have a symbol carved into a wall of a hand seemingly on fire. One of their villages had a rockslide the week before, but the casualties hadn’t been that bad.   
1995-Remy Picard gets his picture in the New York Chronicle for making 500 billion and donating some of his money to a new children’s hospital. 
You sit back in your chair a moment. Taking it all in. Was it a trick? Coincidence? You needed to know more. You got your bag and headed to the library.
You went through the history section at the New York City library, getting out book after book again. It took over two hours, but you’d made out a hypothesis.
Remy was possibly born around the time Egypt reigned, if not earlier. He had to survive because of his mutantcy, you knew that much. He’d obviously amassed billions, keeping his profile low key over the recent years, for the most part. Hide in plain sight and you wouldn’t get caught. As far as the public knew, he was a rich mutant, nothing more. He’d hung up his hero status for reasons unknown, but he wasn’t as “young” as the history book claimed.
The figment, the savior, the man with the seductive, beautiful red eyes wasn’t a myth shrouded in stories and half-truths. He was real. And he wasn’t hundreds of years old. He was _thousands_ of years old!
The book you were looking at in the library shut loudly, making you jump. Remy was beside you.
“So, you found out my secret, after all, Cherie. You come with me. We need to talk.”
Remy drove the two of you to an empty parking lot away from the city. You were suddenly terrified. What did he do to people that found out his secret? Kill them?
Your anxiety wasn’t helped when you heard the doors lock with a click.
“Wh-wh-what are you planning on?” you stuttered.
“Easy, (Y/N). I just want to talk and don’t want you storming out on me. We’re gonna have a talk and I’m going to explain everything.”
“Okay,” You couldn’t stop shaking. You wished you’d bought pepper spray, but your fears were calmed a little as he placed his large hands over yours.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never think of hurting you, please don’t be so scared of me,” Remy insisted, his eyes soulful and pleading. He really seemed to mean it.
You just nodded.
“I was born in the time of  Pharoh when Egypt was the ruling power.  A scholar took me under his wing and raised me, but was killed in battle. I was trained to fight, but because of my eyes and powers, the Pharoh Rama-Tut tried to have me assassinated, thinking I’d take over. I didn’t have any desire for prestige or kingship, I just wanted to live my life out and die as normal, but we don’t always get what we want. That’s the secondary part of my mutation; I live a long time. Maybe forever, I don’t know. I do know that I’ve forced myself into isolation and it’s getting boring. I gave you that picture on purpose, hoping you’d be curious enough to find out my secret. You’re cute and sweet. I meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you, and I want you to know me as well. No secrets. But there’s something else, and I don’t want you to get angry,”
“Oh, what? My manager is in the trunk because you’re out to stop bigotry?” You scoffed. You’d gradually stopped shaking, feeling better. Safer with him.
“I tried to save people, but I couldn’t save everyone. Women and children have died in my arms. Men hunted me down for what I was, even when I was trying to do the right thing. The best thing. To help and save others. I’ve made mistakes and people got hurt, people died. I just don’t want that to make you see me differently,” Remy said, “Someone else did once. Renay LeFluer. She never forgave me.”
“I’m not her, Remy.” You tentatively touched his shoulder, “I get it. You can’t save everyone. No one can, not even superheroes. You can trust me too.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). I’m glad we understand each other but are we on the same page? Would you like to go out with me?” Remy asked.
“I’d love that, Remy. Now?”
“Tomorrow night,” Remy said, “You’ve had a long morning and it’s only Saturday. The place I have in mind is upscale, so you have to look your best.-Not that you aren’t cute now.” He brushed some hair out of your face.
“I’ll look forward to it,” You smiled.
Remy took you back to your car. You had many questions but didn’t want to bombard him all at once. That could wait until you saw him again.
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Tick Tick Tick
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Jason ‘J.D.’ Dean x Reader
Words: 2552
Part One of Two
Summary: After killing your perverted ex boyfriend, you finally learn to accept the dark feelings inside you. J.D. copes with real feelings as you pull him out of the numbnesses of his life. 
Notes: This imagine is not for the faint of heart guys. It’s gonna be dark and the reader is not going to be a good person. Murder is going to be depicted as an accepted part of her life and she is going to like it. Both parts of this imagine will be dark and bloody. I mean, it’s J.D. from Heathers. That’s the point. So please please please, if you are uncomfortable, just skip this. It won’t be for everybody.
Warnings: Murder (duh), sex (not smut, but definitly more than I’ve ever done before), language, the whole shabang. 
He was dead. Holy shit, he was actually dead. As far as the rest of the town was concerned, Tommy killed himself with a handgun. He’d rather die than spend a single day in prison for molestation and child porn- all of course he ‘admitted’ in his suicide note. Half of his brain was splatter against the concrete outside the football stadium. The other half covered your face. 
You could honestly say that you hadn’t expected to kill your ex boyfriend. But you couldn’t exactly say that you regretted it. Hell, you couldn’t get the grin off your face. You looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Ew. You looked like shit. Not only were you covered in blood, sweat matted your hair down from running through the parking lot. You’d also have a bruise from where Tommy slapped you, but you didn’t care. He’d never touch you again. He’d never touch anybody again. You had to bite your lip to keep your smile from growing even more, tasting just a tiny bit of blood on your tongue. 
You stripped out of your clothes that you would probably be burning later and stepped into the shower. You turned the heat up until it was scalding. You listened to the water thunder against your skull, massaging the brain matter out of your hair. You didn’t hear the creaking bathroom door open or the click of it closing again. With your eyes closed, you didn’t see the shadow of the figure lurking on the other side of the curtain. You didn’t open them until you heard the curtain being pushed to the side. 
You felt your heart start to pound. His green eyes scanned you hungrily as he stepped into the shower, his t-shirt quickly adhering to his chest. Your breathing hitched, his finger tracing your jawline while his other hand snaked behind your back. You pushed down the nervous feelings stirring in your stomach and lifted your chin to confidently meet his gaze. J.D. smirked. 
“Hi.” He greeted, his hand slowly making its way up your spine. You didn’t waste a second before pulling his bottom lip between your teeth. J.D., spurred by your enthusiasm, pulled you closer, one hand on the small of your back and the other cupping the back of your head. You pulled apart just enough to peel his soaked t-shirt off his chest, raking your fingers down his torso. Before long, his clothes were discarded beside yours on the floor. 
With your bodies pressed together, you could forget about everything. Tommy, your piece-of-shit house occupied by your piece-of-shit mother, and that fucking school that Tommy and his band of rapists disguised as the football team used to rule. With J.D. kissing you, you held the world in your hands. With J.D. fucking you, you threw the world into oblivion. 
A couple rounds in the shower lead to a couple rounds in his bed before you finally settled with a post-sex cigarette. With his arms wrapped around you, you took the cigarette from his lips and brought it to yours. He watched you blow out a puff of smoke, watching the grey haze linger in the air for just a moment before vanishing. 
That was his life. Briefly existing in a dark cloud of smoke before scattering into nothing. Smoke didn’t feel. It blinded and it choked and it only came when something was burned. Everything he touched went up in flames and he was all that was left behind. He knew that whatever the hell this was would end the same way. And that gave him a weird, stirring feeling in his chest. Shit. 
“Do you think they’ve found him yet?” You asked, flipping onto your stomach so you didn’t have to strain your neck to look at him. He shrugged, plucking the cigarette from your mouth and taking a drag. 
“It’ll be the talk of the town tomorrow, that’s for sure.” He clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes at you, trying to read your expression. If there is one thing the six high schools he’d gone to taught him, it was how to read people. “Do you regret it?” You almost laughed. 
“Are you kidding?” He raised a brow to tell you he wasn’t. You kept your eyes on his and kissed a freckled on his shoulder. “No. I don’t regret ridding the world of that sad excuse for a human. Besides,” You traced circles around the spot you kissed. “It was, like, self-defense anyway, right? Who knows what that asshole would have done if you didn’t blow his brains out?” 
The original plan was to knock him out and drive his car off a cliff. You lured him out by telling him you wanted to get back together with a little blowjob under the bleachers. When Tommy figured out he would be getting off, he got pissed and slapped you. That's when J.D. jumped out from his hiding spot and Tommy turned around to get a bullet between the eyes. 
“The only thing I regret is not pulling the trigger myself.” After everything that pig put you through, you would have loved to be the one to send him to hell. J.D. ran a hand from your thigh to the nape of your neck, the motion sending chills across your skin in its wake. You closed your eyes and laid your head against his shoulder. 
There it was again. That feeling in his chest that almost made it hard to breathe. What the fuck? Something was tearing through the numbness, making him feel shit that he hasn’t felt since, well, ever. He didn’t feel things. Feeling shit meant he was tied down to something or someone and that was never part of the plan. 
He sat up suddenly, letting your head fall onto the pillows. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked over to his dresser for a t-shirt and some flannel. After he got dressed, he clapped his hands together and faced you with his usual smug smile. 
“Who knew the combination of murder and fucking could work up such an apetite, but I, for one, am starving.” He grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt, tossing them at you. 
“What are these for?” He rolled his eyes. 
“Well, darling, we can’t have you wondering town in my bed sheets.” His little term of endearment was said with sarcasm, it still made you smile. You stood, letting the sheet fall around your feet. J.D. bit his lip, starting to regret his hurry to leave. You smirked and pulled his shirt over your head. It was a little big so you tucked it into the jeans and found a belt. J.D. tried to ignore how fucking good you looked in his clothes, but he couldn’t help it. He pulled you to him by the belt loops and caught your lips in his. 
“Slushies on me?” You offered, walking your fingers up his chest. He chuckled and nodded.
“Our love is god.” 
You didn’t know it was possible to feel like this. If what you felt for Tommy was a spark then this was a wildfire. After grabbing a bite to eat, you went back to his place to burn your clothes, watching the blood stained fabric shrivel into ash. J.D. dropped you off at your house on his motorcycle. It was almost midnight but you knew you wouldn’t be getting any sleep. You stopped at the fridge to grab a bottle of cola among the endless cases of beers. 
“What the fuck are you wearing?” Your mother stood in the doorway with a joint dangling from her lips and a half-empty bottle in her hand. You rolled your eyes. 
“Why the hell do you care?” She laughed, tossing the butt in your direction. You had to jerk away to keep from being burned. 
“You and I are the same, kid.” She took her lighter out of her pocket and flipped it open and shut. 
“Fuck you.” You scoffed, moving towards the stairs. Her hand latched onto your arm. 
“He’s gonna leave you just like your daddy left me, sweetheart and do you know why?” She shoved you against the wall, keeping an arm on your neck while her other hand brought the lighter up to your face. “Because you are a pathetic whore.”  
“Get the hell off of me!” You shrieked, trying to break away. Her arm started to press against your windpipe, making it harder to breathe. 
“Say it.” She spat, flicking the lighter on. The flame danced menacingly, inching closer and closer to your left eye. You stared at her with as much malice as you could. “Fucking say it!” 
“Go to hell.” She clicked the fire off and pressed the burning metal against the skin of your shoulder. You tried to hold back your scream, but you couldn’t help it. Your mother brought the flame back up to your eye, slamming your head against the wall again. 
“Say it!” The heat made your eyes sting, already watering from the searing pain in your shoulder. You leaned towards it. 
“I’m a pathetic whore.” You submitted, gritting your teeth. 
And just like that, she dropped her arm and walked into the living room like nothing had happened. You broke into a sprint, running up to the upstairs bathroom and hurling up the french fries and coke slushie you had less than an hour ago. Your shoulder was screaming at you, the smell of burned flesh stinging your nose. You felt empty and stupid and worthless. Most of all, you felt weak. You felt the tears stream down your cheeks before you could even think to stop them. You collapsed onto your bed, screaming as your shoulder hit the mattress. 
J.D. carefully climbed in your window, silently moving in front of your bed. The gun felt heavier in his hand than it did before. He had to do this. You were breaking through the ice that kept him numb and he couldn’t let that happen. But as he raised his weapon to fire, he heard your sob, muffled by a pillow, but still loud enough to send his mind reeling. There was that damn feeling in his chest again. The feeling that wanted to hold you and never let go, taking down anybody who stood in his way. This couldn’t be what love was. Another cry filled the room and he turned the safety of the pistol back on and tucked it in his waistband. You heard a strange click and looked up. 
“J.D.?” You wondered, seeing his figure looming over you.  Please, not now. He couldn’t see you like this. Pathetic. Just like she said you were. “What are you doing here?”
“I, uh, I wanted my clothes back.” He lied. He didn’t give a shit whether or not you kept them. In fact, he thought it would be fitting. Watching your blood stain his shirt. Come on, just kill her. 
“Oh, right.” You felt your body shrink a little as you slid off of the bed, walking towards your dresser. “Just let me grab something to change into.” You hoped that in the dark room, he couldn’t see the tears on your face. As you brushed passed him, J.D. grabbed your arm, making you cry out as your shoulder jerked back. He roughly pulled you back to him and examined the hole singed into his shirt and the bloody and blackened skin underneath. “I’m sorry about the shirt, I-”
“Did that bitch do this?” He snapped. Seeing your eyes filled with tears set something off inside him. A feeling that was familiar to him. Rage. 
“J.D. it’s fine, I can handle her.” You couldn’t let him think you were weak. His jaw clenched and he stormed out of your room, his booming footsteps thundering down the stairs. You quickly followed, figuring he was just running out after seeing how fragile and pitiful you were. 
Luckily, your mother was fully passed out on the couch so J.D. wouldn’t have to deal with her intoxicated criticism. Instead of running for the door, he stopped in front of her, pacing back and forth. He had hoped she would be awake. He wanted to see her face as she paid for what she did to you. But he would just have to settle for this. 
He rummaged through the drawers until her found her stash of heroin and a syringe. He filled it as much as he could.
“J.D., what are you doing?” You asked, watching him hold out her arm.
“It’ll look like an accident, right? An overdose.” The needle punctured her skin and he injected the drugs into your mother’s bloodstream. She stirred slightly so you had to act fast. You grabbed a pillow from the couch and put it over her face, holding it there firmly until she stopped moving. And just like that, your mother was dead. Similar to the feeling you had when J.D. shot Tommy, any weakness you felt was gone, replaced by pure power. 
“She’s dead.” You gasped. J.D. couldn’t read your expression. Were you upset? 
“Look, I know that there’s that whole mother/daughter bond thing, but-”
“She’s finally dead.” You laughed, throwing your arms around him. You’d been waiting your whole life to be free of her and now you finally were. “We can get out of here. Run away. Together.” You ran back upstairs to your room to grab a bag. J.D. followed hesitantly. Hearing you say you wanted to run away with him brought back that stupid grip around his chest, squeezing and suffocating until he faced what he feared. 
“Y/N, I need to tell you something.” He said softly. You paused. You’d never heard him talk like that before. Almost like he was… nervous. You wrapped your arms around his waist and gave him a smile. 
“What’s gotten into-” You froze, your hands brushing against the cold metal tucked into his jeans. You lifted the gun into your hand and backed away. “Why did you bring this?” The look in his eyes told you before any words left his mouth. Then you remembered. The click right before you saw him. It was a fucking gun. You scoffed. “You came here to kill me, didn’t you?” 
“No, no. Don’t let me stop you.” You put the pistol in his hand and wrapped his finger around the trigger. You sat on the edge of the bed and aimed his arm up at your face. “Do it. You’re afraid that you feel something for me. I saw it when we were in your room. So go ahead, J.D.” You leaned forward so that your forehead was touching the barrel. “Do it.” 
There it was. The aching in his chest. The reason he came here to shoot you. Your eyes stared into his and he decided that he wasn’t going to be afraid of this anymore. He controlled it. He tossed the gun aside and crashed his lips into yours, climbing on top of you and lifted his t-shirt over your head. Is this what love was? 
Who the fuck knows?
Christian Slater Tag list: @staxryskxes; @adeliness​
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pagesandmagic · 4 years
folklore || this is me trying
description: she left the outer banks two years ago and now she’s coming back for the summer. they haven’t seen each other since she skipped town without telling him. they’ve both hurt each other, so how do they come back from heartbreak?
warnings: swearing, angst, S L O W B U R N.
series based on songs from the album ‘folklore’ by taylor swift.
author’s note: hiiii sorry i’ve been gone for a HOT second. life has been busy and inspiration has not hit me lately, but here we are and i’m excited about where this is going. pls let me know if you would like to be a part of the taglist! 
Part One (the 1) | Part Three (mad woman)
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growing up, your favorite story was Peter Pan. 
the boy from Neverland stole your heart quickly and you dreamt of a place where you would never have to get old. the adults in your life always seemed stiff and unlikeable. they complained about being invited and not being invited to parties. it seemed like they were confused about what they wanted.
being raised in figure eight meant too many fancy parties with stuffy adults and pretentious kids. through most of high school, you would show up at the beginning, but sneak out half way through to spend the night surfing with JJ. he had always been your escape from the uptight life that your parents made you live. they had dreams for you to go to college or marry into money, maybe both if it worked out for them. but that wasn’t what you had wanted. 
college wasn’t your scene, you couldn’t imagine spending another four years learning about places and cultures, instead of actually experiencing them. you quickly wrote college off your list when you picked up a camera for the first time. at first, you was mediocre, at best, but eventually people were paying you hundreds of dollars to shoot their weddings in your first year. your senior year of high school, you created a name for yourself and through the power of social media, you was noticed by a multi-million dollar wedding company who offered you the internship of your dreams. 
your parents didn’t approve of the offer, but at eighteen, you knew you wanted this and they couldn’t stop you. you packed up your entire life into her little Subaru and left. 
this internship was the gateway out of the outer banks, away from kook life, away from the heartbreak, towards a new life. a fresh start. 
he would have asked you to stay, but it wasn’t that easy. JJ brought a love you had never known into your life, but he also brought a heartbreak you had never felt before. 
you had an hour left in your drive and as your stomach turned, you had to remind yourself that it was your choice to come back for the summer. JJ was a part of the package deal of returning. you pulled over to the side of the winding country road. in one swift motion the car door opened and you found yourself hurling out onto the dirt road. 
“I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying,” tears were streaming down your face as the anxiety washed over your body. there was a certain desperation in your voice that scared you. knowing that if you were near the side of the road, maybe your car would get just a little too close and you’d go tumbling down, never having to deal with what was to come. 
“fuck,” you slammed the door shut, breathing in through your nose and out your mouth, watching your breathing and gripping the steering wheel like it was a lifeline. as your breathing slowed, you shifted gears and the wheels of your car found the road again.
the love you had for him was still there and it scared you more than anything in your life. and here you were, driving straight into the storm that was JJ Maybank. 
JJ felt like he was floating as he rushed around the chateau, to clean up the mess his friends made the previous night. so many things have changed, he thought, three years ago, there’s no way in hell I’d be doing this. which was true. when she left, his entire mindset shifted. she was the one person he thought he would have forever, and with the rest of his friends out of the outer banks during the school year, he had to grow up. 
john b left him the chateau during the school year. free rent in order to keep up the house? sold. he made the house his home. completely renovating the little shack on the water. it was the first time in his life he was fully responsible for something big, and he wasn’t going to fuck it up. so he kept to himself, fixed up the chateau, praying every day that it would pay off. praying that she would come back to him.
he knocked on john b’s door. 
“come on, man,” he yelled, “you gotta get up and clean, she’s going to be here in like an hour.” 
he could hear both john b and sarah groan and shuffle around the room. sarah opened the door, rubbing her eyes and yawning. “J, you need to chill out.” she said, making her way to the kitchen. 
john b was still in bed, his mouth hanging open, trying desperately to succumb to sleep again, “dude,” JJ threw a shirt at his face, “get up.”
“why does everything have to be perfect, JJ?” his voice hissed and was raspy from the early morning wakening, “it’s not like you guys left on the greatest terms, so what does it matter?”
JJ shut the door muttering a “fuck you” as he walked to the kitchen and threw the beer cans into the garbage which made an audible clang. sarah jumped as she closed the cabinet door. “JJ, chill,” she poured herself a cup of coffee as he paced around the house. 
“sarah, if your asshole of a boyfriend does anythin-”
“he’s not going to do anything, JJ” she leaned against the countertop, her face almost buried in her morning coffee, “he loves Fin as much as the rest of us. she left on a high note with us, but on a bad one with you, so i get why you’re freaking out.” she paused, thinking of the best words to say, “but you can’t let her see that. she doesn’t need to have that power over you. you’ll talk it through with her this summer. i’ll make sure of it.” she touched his shoulder as she made her way back to the bedroom. 
he collapsed onto the chair in the living room. closing his eyes and placing his head in his hands. “i’m trying. i’m trying so hard.” 
she was coming back. this was what he had been waiting for since she left two years ago. he wanted more than anything to prove that he had changed and wasn’t the same boy she left. 
you wiped your hands on the side of your shorts as you pulled into the driveway of the chateau. you could feel tears pricking in the back of your eyes, and blinked in hopes of pushing them down. you put your car in park and turned off the engine. “it’s now or never, get out of the damn car.” you whispered to yourself through your teeth. 
the front door of the shack opened and john b was the first to emerge the little house. you stepped out of the car just in time for him to wrap his arms around your waist and lift you off the ground. it always shocked you every time he was able to take your feet off the ground. in no way were you as physically small as sarah and kie, your curves were prominent and there were times you couldn’t shop at the same store as the other two girls, but john b always made you feel just as beautiful. he smelt of a mixture sea salt and tea tree shampoo. it felt like home. 
“i missed you, Finny,” he smiled against your neck, it felt right that john b was the first one to hug you. he was the one who had been there for you the longest, and even though you didn’t want to admit it (because he was a real dumbass sometimes) his friendship meant the most to you. 
“i missed you, too, JB,” you said, as he broke the hug to kiss your cheek. 
sarah let out an audible squeak as she wrapped her arms around your neck. “it’s been too long!”  you both rocked back and forth. until sarah let go, knowing you had a lot of people to hug. 
pope and kie were next, it only seemed fitting that they both went in for a hug at the same time, forming a little circle. when pope left the hug, you grabbed kie to hold a little longer, whispering, “where is JJ?” kie could feel your hands shake slightly, clearly nervous to see the blonde boy. 
you could feel her playing with the hair on your back, “i’m not sure, Fin. he’s around here somewhere. i think he’s just as nervous as you, if not more,” she placed her arms on your shoulders, separating the hug. “he loves you a lot,” she whispered for only you to hear.
“well, he had a pretty terrible way of showing it,” you sniffed, feeling tears streaming down your face. the entire scene was so overwhelming. 
you had missed the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and watching the HMS pogue sway with the waves. you missed the salty air and the humidity that summer brought. you missed the sight of the chateau, while more fixed up now, just a little shack on the beach. you had missed this little family of yours. 
“so,” john b clapped his hands together. “dinner?” everyone agreed in unison knowing the pizza that was awaiting them inside. kie and sarah wrapped their arms around your shoulders as everyone walked up the steps of the chateau. 
it felt like a little piece of your heart was getting put back together. your friends were more of your family than your actual family ever had been. you breathed a small sigh of relief knowing the one person who you didn’t want to see wasn’t inside. whether you liked it or not, he would be around the next three months. 
stepping inside you could see the amount of work that had been put into the home since you had last left. there were new coats of paint, new pieces of furniture, and there was a wall of pictures hanging up of the six friends in the different seasons of their lives. even the photos you had sent of your adventures in colorado were up there. you felt your stomach drop with the thought that your friends never actually forgot about you. instead, they were always supporting you from afar. tears pricked at your eyes. it was like coming home. 
your eye caught a particular picture. it opened up an old wound you had spent so many years pushing down. it was you and JJ the summer before you left at the beach. his sandy blond hair pooling over your face as he looked down at you. it was a particularly warm day and instead of spending the day on the hms pogue, the gang had ventured out to the actual beach. it was one of your favorite days with JJ. you remember it being a day of snow cones and sandy butt cheeks and hitting a volleyball around the beach. it was like everyone agreed to fill an entire day with all of the summer adventures. it was a dream. until it wasn’t. 
he stood in the driveway of the chateau two hours after she arrived. 
while the outer banks always had an ungodly amount of humidity, his hands were sweating more than usual. he chewed his bottom lip, unsure of where to go or what to do next. did he wait for her to come out? should he just walk through the door? it was technically his home and she was just visiting. no, it was definitely her home once too. 
he ran his fingers through his hair, he knew he needed to see her. it had been two years since he had spoken to his best friend. but she was within walking distance. he could yell her name like all those nights after she left, but this time, she would hear him. he could run to her and wrap his arms around her waist and feel her warmth, her curves, her beauty and never let go. he could hear her laugh and listen to the stories of the adventures she’s been on, see the pictures she had taken. he wanted nothing more than to kiss her lips, and feel her love again. 
the outer banks wasn’t big. so the entire town had known what he had done when she left. it was clear that she was running from him, but he didn’t blame her for any of it. if he was in her situation, he would run too. 
he started to walk to the door, his legs felt like jelly, but it had been some time since she got there and he hoped she would be distracted by the others that he could just slip inside and listen to her talk from his bedroom. 
the first thing he saw was her walk down the stairs, she was barefoot and her skin a golden brown. her t-shirt came down past past her hips and he was unsure if she was wearing any shorts underneath. it was by far his favorite thing she wore when they were dating. her hair had grew and was now far past her shoulders and cascaded down the front of her chest. 
as his eyes came up, he locked eyes with the girl he loved since he was ten. and then his entire body went cold. 
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: At first? No. Ran was the first one who noticed when something was off but Ranbob brushed it off as him being tired. Though when he saw that his brother was still acting that way he kept checking in, til "Ranbob" eventually snapped at him one day, scaring and hurting Ran enough to get him to stop. His parents and Lias and Memi also noticed, but Lias and Memi didn't ask as often because Ran told them not too, and when Memi asked Ranbob gently told her its ok and to not worry. Lias was hesitant to accept this but eventually did, with Ranbob promising to tell him if something was wrong, a promise he sadly broke. Ranbob was close to his family, especially his younger siblings, and loved to play and study with them. He had a lot of friends at first that he played games with and joked around with. Though after he started to get out under more pressure and the introduction of Dream he got distant, lost all of his friends (even though he still cared for them), didn't play with Lias or Memi nearly as much, started skipping dinners and not talking to his parents or Ran. And when Dream was mostly and fully in control, he stopped talking at all, and ignored everyone. Lias desperately tried to get him to talk but that just resulted in a harsh stare with a silent promise, Memi tried to hug him, which he then pushed her away, and when Ran tried one last time to talk to him, but "Ranbob" just punched him and walked away. When his parents tried one very last time to intervene, that's when it got fatal. The Gladiators where horrified at what they read, finding it hard to believe and making them sick to their stomach. Benjamin caught them reading it, though he simply sadly smiled at them and said, "I read it too. Its horrible isn't it? He didn't deserve to go through that. But we'll help him. We'll help him be free and be himself again, I promise you, and everyone else. We'll save him." They felt like they where staring at a ghost, it was unnerving, to see such a happy and young Ranbob, knowing what will happen to him that will wipe him clean of all happiness. And it felt disrespectful when they caught sights of Ranya, Seth, Lias, and Memi. Cause they never knew them, and now they where looking into the such happy and gleeful eyes of dead people who don't know the torture their son and brother is going through. (And that went for everyone)
3: This is literally Ran's mentally when it comes to being stabbed, "I've been stabbed multiple times before and I haven't died. Therefor, I am immortal." Yes he is :). He gets threatened with Benjamin because if Benjamin finds out he isn't eating or sleeping Benjamin will force him to eat every bite of a full meal and force him to go to bed, sitting next to him and reading to him until he falls asleep. Which sounds nice, but considering Ranbob doesnt want to "bother" them, its a threat to him. Raq will always cause problems, he's a expert tracker and because of that he's able to hunt the groups down. He often will pop out of nowhere and attack the group, chasing them down until someone turns around and attacks him. Often Ran attacks him by looking Raq directly in his eyes, causing him to flee. Cause even though Raq wants to get Ran, he knows very well if they make eye contact he will lose a battle no matter what he does, so its best to run and attempt to blind him at a later point. Ran his very happy to be on the road again, and if Ranbob wasn't there (who's keeping Ran on edge and preventing him from fully enjoying the trip, though its mostly just Ran doing it to himself), he would be non-stop talking and running ahead of the group. But even with Ranbob there he's happy to finally be moving again. 
4: The gladiators did not witness it first hand, rather they heard screaming and went to check it out, worried and alarmed. And when Ranbob went into the depressive state did Benjamin come over to them and explain what was going on and what was going to happen. When then Jackie offered to help keep Ranbob company while Grievous and Watson offered to go along with Cletus to find Ran. When they heard the scream Jackie was scared and nervous, Grievous was anxious and on edge, Watson was calm yet curious, and Ran was mad and on edge. And when they found out what happened, Jackie felt bad and sympathetic, Grievous felt sad and a bit guilty, Watson was sympathetic and felt bad for him, and Ran was pissed. 
5: Isaac and Benjamin just kinda accepted it and went "Yes he is like a lost puppy and we love him for that.", Charles was embarrassed and instead of responding properly he muttered out an excuse and left, cause he was not expecting to be confronted with Ranbob being like a puppy at all and didn't know how to respond, and Cletus just stuck his tounge out and blew raspberries. And Ranbob was just purely embarrassed. 
6: Actually first thing Ranbob got when he arrived to the fishermen house was wrapped up in multiple fluffy blankets and had a hot chocolate shoved in his hands. Also whenever he goes into a depressive episode or wants to go back the fishermen just bring out emergency blankets and quickly make either hot chocolate or tea and Ranbob loves it every single time. 
7: Ranbob is mixed, he loves it being back as it reminds him of such good times, but it also doesn't feel right when Charles says it because Ran was the one who made it. It only sounds right when Ran says it. Ran is angry that Ranbob is letting someone else call him Bobby (which he is also sad about), but is also mad that he's mad that someone else is using it. But he's also happy its being used again, and is happy to see Ranbob still enjoys it. Grievous of course notices it, but doesnt look into it, and so does Watson but he also doesn't ask about it, determing it to be something the brothers themselves have to talk about. 
8:Because if it was Porkius or literally anyone else, they wouldn't of helped and would've watched happily as the two fought, waiting until one fell and even encouraging the fight. But they also jumped into the area from the stands and Cletus specifically placed himself between the two, pushing Ran back and yelling at him (which rarely anyone does) when Benjamin then came up to try to calm the raging enderman down, while Charles checked on Ranbob, and Isaac kept look out for any sudden movements between the two so he could intercept the potential attack. Plus when Isaac saw the other group approaching he ran to meet them, asking if they knew Ran and when they said yes, quickly stating a plan to safely restrain Ran long enough until Ranbob was taken to safety. Then leaving Ran to the group, but also saying how he wanted to talk later. 
10: Sounds like the certain town just may be the ruins of the Greater SMP. So I'll probably have Wilburs Decendent (which I dont currently have a name for, if anyone has one please feel free to suggest one!) As a popular performer there and also the towns historian, so when our groups get there Wilbur is able to provide information about Dream, Ranboo, basically everyone and the history of the SMP. Most likely going be a part of the story when Ran truly starts to slowly believe that his brother didn't meant to do everything he did. 
11: Yep, he knows Ranboo used to have bad memory (not how bad it was, just that it was bad) but he's never read it because Mizu never had the actual book, it was only told in tales and stories that Mizu had. If that makes sense. Ranbob will get plenty more hugs I promise you, though that also means he gets hurt more. 
12: Kinda but also cause I enjoy writing angst. 
Ok ok here's some fluff: These all take place a good week or 2 (or longer) after Ran forgives his brother and the relationship gets better. Watson walks in on the two sharing a blanket and sleeping against eachother. With them leaning on eachother and leaving almost no space between them. Ran finally calls Ranbob Bobby again and Ranbob cries and hugs his brother tightly, Ran is shocked but quickly hugs back just as tightly. Ranbob gets to finally pull a big brother move and tease Ran about his "nerdy" habit of reading so many books, Ran tries to fire back that Ranbob literally picked a idol that requires you to be a bookworm but he simply shoots back that Technoblade also requires you to be a bookworm. Its been spotted multiple times of either Ran or Ranbob having their tail wrapped around his brothers wrist or leg, and the two aren't very far apart now. Jackie jokes about being replaced by Ranbob and being heartbroken, basically draping himself over Ran and whining while everyone else laughs at Rans distress. Ran and Ranbob eventually agree to merge their two hauntings, which is extremely rare and is the biggest sign of trust and love there is in enderman language. Ran reads to Ranbob one night after a bad relapse, which ends up soothing Ranbob much sooner than anything else. 
I also have a more mythical idea of fluff that probably wont be in the main story, but im willing to share it if you want. 
2: Only his family noticed? Dang, okay. I’m irrationally attached to his siblings now that they have names, and this only hurts me. Do the gladiators have any noticeable changes in behavior towards Ranbob and Ran after reading it? Also, who may Ranya and Seth be? I don’t believe I saw them mentioned earlier.
3: Technically, he’s right. He hasn’t died yet, anon, and he’s been stabbed multiple times, he could very well be immortal. I guess he should probably do his best to not get stabbed again though, I hear it’s kind of bad for you. 
Ranbob: *Not doing something he should do for his own health*
Benjamin: *Self Care But As A Threat(Gently)*
Ranbob: *Does it*
Also, even though I acknowledge that Raq could be a genuine threat, all I can imagine are Team Rocket shenanigans. He keeps trying to blind him in various, complicated ways, and fails hilariously. One time he actually manages to do it only for Jackie to take him out or for him to turn around and accidentally look Ranbob straight in the eyes cause the poor hybrid was trying to knock him out without a fight.
4: Yikes, that must have been pretty scary, just hearing everything go down. If I may ask, what exactly happened with Ranbob? You said there was screaming?
5: Well, at least everyone’s come to terms with it. Ran uses people as tote bags, and Ranbob is the local puppy, and it is what it is.
6: Very good! He needs it! Also, do they just keep them on hand? Just-he looks a tiny bit sad and Benjamin pulls blanket and tea out of thin air and burritos him. 
7: Aww. But also, ouch. Oh well. At least we can get Ran eventually picking the nickname up again.
8: Oh? Interesting. Sounds like these guys are pretty quick on their feet. I can see why it’d impress the gladiators.
10: That? Sounds so cool? Oh, I really like that honestly, I can’t wait to see where you take that.
11: Neat. Is that where he got the idea for his diary, or? And why? Why must we suffer in order to take comfort from the kinder things in life? Why can’t Ranbob just have hugs without pain? 
12: Did you genuinely just admit to aiming for my feelings with that last one?! Anon, how could you! I’ve been injured! My heart, Anon! 
13: AWWWW. To all of this. So fluffy, and cute! Just what we needed, thank you! Also, more fluff, you say? Please share, we need all the fluff we can get.
Have a good week, Brothers Anon, and thank you for the lovely fluff, and equally lovely pain. I’m excited for more!
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