#i actually found the whole thing a bit uncomfortable to read
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 4 months ago
morgoth really had a whole gaslight gatekeep girlboss abusive relationship with the humans in the tale of adanel huh. like the way he initially approaches them -- still young, still new to the whole existence thing, still learning about the world, still vulnerable -- and manipulates them into loving and trusting him. and once he has their love and trust he starts pushing the boundaries. he starts to issue terms, conditions, and ultimatums that they have to abide by if they want to keep his favor and backing. he's straight up telling or implying to them things like "if you don't x, i'll y," "you have no one but me, but i have everything without you, don't test the limits of my generosity and the kindness i've shown by helping you as i have." it's legitimately reminiscent of an abuser
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staryuee · 6 months ago
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꒰warnings꒱ not proofread, dainsleif/pantalone may be ooc (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . just cute habits, actions etc that they do, whether intentionally or not, after being struck with cupid’s arrow.
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . jean, diluc, zhongli, xiao, nilou, xianyun, dehya, wanderer, arlecchino, pantalone, dainsleif
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . scrolling through the genshin tag makes me wanna die sometimes…i’m trying to do investigative work and i have to quickly scroll past the same smutty language like it’s booktok torture + also i’ve been playing baldurs gate 3 for the past several days and i think i’ve developed a problem…
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G. JEAN — 琴
ʚ jean is very subtle in the way she loves someone, she doesn’t want to keep it secret per se, but her love is always almost adjacent to a puppy crush; something that seems fleeting but in the long run returns harder and hits oh so much worse.
ʚ she can’t necessarily abuse her powers, and she wouldn’t dare dream of messing up the order she so carefully has managed to maintain, so the way she tries to convey her feelings across isn’t too brash or loud.
ʚ simple things like letting her hands brush against yours when she passes you documents, allowing you to visit her office whenever you please even if it’s to just sprawl down at a nearby couch and read a book you found in the library while meandering, and even letting you join her on her daily walks across the courtyard.
ʚ during windblume festivals she won’t hesitate to strike up a seemingly harmless and friendly conversation, all the while sneaking a flower into your hair that resembles the feelings you stir up inside her fuzzy heart.
ʚ jean is overall quite an awkward person when it comes to anything related to romantic or plantoic ties, she’s a bit of a people pleaser in that way where she prefers to assume everyone’s a friend before an enemy… or in this case, “interested”.
ʚ with backup and sought guidance from her good friends lisa and kaeya, she’ll try a myriad of tactics to get you to notice her; a little shoulder massage there, a heartfelt sticky note placed on your workstation there, inviting you to classic candlelit dinners etc.
ʚ yes, believe me, she even tried the cartoonish “rose bit between teeth and uncomfortably arched side lean on a wall” approach before deciding it’s much better to listen to herself than the flamboyant duo.
R. DILUC — 迪卢克
ʚ diluc is the actual epitome of a gentleman. his love is so pure and genuine you can’t help but flower press every petal from the various bouquet he personally delivers to you on special occasions (anything from you completing a particularly hard or draining mission to doing something you thought you’d suck at).
ʚ his coat is also yours now. it’s like a six sense at this point to notice when you’re shivering out in the cold winds, and it’s become even more of a routine for him to simply shed that fluffy coat of his and drape it appropriately over your shoulders, trying to maintain a comfortable distance between you two as he adjusts it both to ease your tension and assure the pounding of his heart goes unheard.
ʚ diluc doesn’t enjoy using his riches to woo someone, it’s uncouth and just shows a desperation unbecoming of someone who dates to marry. if he wants to know you’re in it for the long haul, he’ll be much more sensitive and thoughtful when picking out gifts for you, each them have to hold some level of significance in your life.
ʚ the whole fiasco with his poor maids and some sneaky, perverse stalkers and diluc’s flaming great sword certainly applies to you as well; he’ll quietly ensure your safety in the night, helping you walk home with his arm hooked under yours, and in broad daylight he won’t hesitate to swing that polished wolf’s gravestone of his against any onlookers.
ʚ diluc is extremely closed off but deeply sentimental, he can so easily find himself rambling about his childhood stories to you; anything from how he used to collect seashells with kaeya to bring back to their dad, or how him and jean used to let baby barbara braid their hair together while babysitting…to things that are slightly more troublesome and heart wrenching to even mutter.
ʚ he may be less vocal than most in terms of feelings, but that doesn’t mean he won’t commit to it if he’s in love with someone. diluc isn’t the slightest bit dumb, he understand in order to get his feelings across he needs to do more than take random days off to spend time with you, he needs to at least hint it in a way that clearly gets his intentions across.
ʚ believe me, whenever you come by to dawn winery per notice, everyone raises a brow at you with curious smirks and gazes as diluc nearly stumbles on his words to get the phrase: “you look lovely tonight” out.
ʚ he has up to thousands years of romantic customs under his belt, he understands the vague signs and ways to further communicate how much he adores you.
ʚ … that would be the case in its full if not for the fact for the first thousand couple years of his life he wasn’t busy maiming other gods and shedding blood. safe to say, his memories of mortal “courting” is slightly, if not absolutely, a massive, weaving and overlapping trail of various centuries and cultures he’s been accustomed to; anything ranging from the days when khaenri’ah was still in its prime to nowadays with newfound slang.
ʚ he’ll recite the most beautifully heartfelt and awfully sincere poem all the while you’re fighting your life in a haunted house (he’s heard this activity is helpful to get couples closer to one another, and given the fact you’re clinging on for dear life at the edge of his coat, he assumes he’s on the right track!)
ʚ he wants to impress you while also maintaining an air of genuineness to his actions, and while that does sometimes end in awkward situations where he ends up wearing regal attire to what’s supposed to be a casual dinner at wangmin, his heart remains completely pure in its endeavours.
ʚ oh, let’s not forget this man is quite literally a dragon too!
ʚ sometimes he can forget you don’t have the same complexion as him and will proudly present you some sort of glimmering relic from his hoard, forgetting that certain materials that existed back in the day were deadly and or toxic for mortals to touch let alone possess.
ʚ with a little nudge in the right direction, he’ll quickly learn everything there is to know for how to properly handle your precious heart. whatever you’d like, you may have — if it’s within his reach, that is. but it doesn’t mean he’ll stop at what’s available, no, just how much he’s willing to risk for you.
XIAO — 魈
ʚ he’s already embarrassed and awkward enough with accepting the fact he likes you, so accepting the fact that he loves you had left him with a lengthy exorcism spree down in some forgotten areas in liyue (it didn’t help).
ʚ in all honestly, not much changes; both because he’s rather emotionally constipated but also because he’s more than sure he’s loved you for longer than he seems to currently acknowledge.
ʚ letters that came only on special occasions like your birthday or his became much more frequent and a lot less poetic, it felt more like he was writing about his thoughts at the time, a little akin to how you’ve made him feel less constricted and much more free; he can finally have the courage to step out of his comfort zone.
ʚ all those small acts of love he used to subtly express (i.e gifting you two crystaflies, personally inviting you to come hang out, etc) he manages to double, he can’t have you thinking his intentions are the same as before. no, they’re much stronger now.
ʚ his guard softens around you regardless, but when you randomly fall asleep on his shoulder on your weekly visits at wangshu inn, instead of taking you to one of the rooms, he’ll sit there and allow you to rest, and if he’s assured you’re not awake to ridicule him, maybe, just maybe…he’ll sneakily loop his arm around your waist.
ʚ even just the thought of you makes him spiral into daydreaming, sitting atop a tree and swinging his leg back and forth carelessly as he stares up at the night to await for a new light, knowing full well the only sun he wants to see is you…just imagining his hands holding your waist like they did so long ago makes him shiver (hopefully this time he’ll get to do it when you’re not falling, and instead are falling for him)
NILOU — 妮露
ʚ nilou is basically a disney princess, if you see her singing to random birds that come watch her performances, everyone in the grand bazaar already knows it’s because you’ll be in the crowd that night.
ʚ each step within her routines are done with the little more passion, if that even is possible given her character, all because she imagines that pride and hopeful heart eyes in your eyes as all the attention is on her.
ʚ sometimes this fixation can lead to dumb mistakes on stage which bring her to sulking away with a hand on her forehead dabbing away at the sweat, but even the mention of your name as you pass by several sumeru streets is enough for her to brighten, do a quick wardrobe switch and run off to tackle you within her embrace.
ʚ nilou is not loud, but definitely not subtle. the exact representation of how she feels when you come to encourage her at her lowest (though those days are few). you’re there for her in ways you don’t imagine, and that alone is enough for her to daze away into the night as she cuddles her pillow, legs wrapped around it and all, and begins thinking about the what ifs of your relationship.
ʚ sometimes it’s a little comedic the way she speaks about you, it almost sounds like she’s reminiscing about a fictional book character with how much she takes pride in whatever little thing you do. no one tires of seeing her footsteps lightly tap against the ground in circles as she gushes about how when you complimented her the other day, you touched her cheek seemingly subconsciously ∩^ω^∩
ʚ she’s a little embarrassed at just how obvious she can be sometimes, it doesn’t help the fact her own children keep using this love of hers to their advantage.
ʚ she keeps nagging them about not taking care of themselves (she’s all too keen about their health and whereabouts now that she dwells alongside liyuean people) and yet just the mention of your name has her slightly stuttering in a ditzy trance as she hooks her glasses back up her nose bridge.
ʚ without hesitance, she’ll show you a photo album she has of all those close to her; would you like to see the drawing little ganyu made when she just barely had her horns? or perhaps the polearm young shenhe broke when she miscalculated her own strength in training?
ʚ her family is her pride and joy, it’s only natural for her to want you to be part of it even if it’s something as silly as raking through photos of a chubby ganyu eating the stem of a flower or teeny shenhe napping on a tree.
ʚ a peaceful life mingling with mortals has left her with ample time to enjoy the trivialities of life, and yet she finds her mind all too quickly wandering to you; had you been taking care of yourself? were you feeling lonely? did you need her to make something for you?
ʚ a secretive worry wart that quickly becomes that ancient adetpus she used to pride herself as soon as your delicate hands accidentally brush against hers; suddenly she’s perked up, chest heaven up high with a confident hand on her shoulder: you wouldn’t even think that flurry of pink hues gushing across her cheeks was real if not for the light providing evidence.
DEHYA — 迪希雅
ʚ oh she’s absolutely ecstatic!!
ʚ there’s genuinely nothing better than love in her eyes, especially just having the ability to love and trust someone fully when you haven’t been able to do so for a plethora of years.
ʚ doesn’t try to hide it, like at all, if anything she makes it rather obvious with the way she constantly pulls you closer as if you were already an item, arms constantly clinging onto you and your sides or her hands messing up your hair as you greet her.
ʚ she’ll take you anywhere you ask, free of charge of course (just promise to smile…and maybe if you’re up for it give her a kiss on the cheek, that’s sure to be enough reimbursement).
ʚ she’s already quite a confident and outwardly friendly person (if the price is right that is) but when in your presence? what’s wrong with just a little bit of showing off…
ʚ dehya needs you to see the best side of her!! maybe then you’ll finally give in and realise that her constantly asking for you to come join her on her travels and commissions isn’t brought out of mere timed coincidence
ʚ i saw that a few people were upset and confused by wanderer’s sudden switch up into being more kind/friendly, but i think we all forget what kind of person he was before his betrayals.
ʚ he loves wholeheartedly, if he adores something it consumes him in a warm pit of mushy domesticity — he doesn’t hate love or being kind, he hates the way it makes him vulnerable and the way it reminds him of the way he used to be.
ʚ that also means he’ll completely ignore you, or, try his best to rather.
ʚ wanderer knows within his heart that he completely years for you, just the accidental slip of his gaze meeting yours makes his brain go haywire, sending volts of electricity down his spine — you make him feel so alive.
ʚ it’s terrifying to return to a person you once were especially now with the knowledge of how being the way you were lead to some sort of tragedy, he’s managed to build up these walls so high and here you were, sneaking in through cracks he didn’t even know he had.
ʚ and he both loves it and hates it; loves the fact he can still feel, but hates how he’s so easily susceptible.
ʚ loving you turns into self-loathing and brooding, his feet pacing up and down every street at night to clear his muddled head. small distractions like taking strolls in meadows or sleeping up in the vines of trees lead to just thoughts of you and you alone.
ʚ wanderer refuses to be overly friendly and buddy-buddy with you even if he’s aware that if you decided to just one day hold him sincerely he’d burst into tears, but he can compromise with being less cutthroat.
ʚ “shut the fuck up” turns into him just rolling his eyes at you as you ramble (he soaks up any piece of information he can and locks it away), items you gift him now are more apparent in their value as he yells at those who dare question the dumb aranara pin you bought him and placed sneakily on his hat…oh and he gives you hat privileges.
ʚ it’s raining? …get close to him so you don’t begin complaining about the way the rain feels on your skin.
ʚ she starts treating you less like an asset in her “contact if in need of assistance” roster and more like a friend — of course, she maintains that distance between you two, but she lets you wriggle around in her heart to see if you manage to fit.
ʚ chances are, you will — unknowingly she’d grown to love you in ways that may have even gone unnoticed by her given how natural they were; inviting you to random gatherings when the whim arises, pulling your chair out for you when out for brunch, or even tucking away strands of hair and twirling it around playfully.
ʚ arlecchino’s love isn’t something immediate or expected, she’s a woman who keeps every card close to her chest and her children even closer, you have to prove to her that you’re worth it, in a way that doesn’t necessarily mean spilling blood but more so answers the question: do you care, and are you willing to accept her blinding love?
ʚ it’s like a shepherd dog with a lost lamb, but that little sheep is just you, and she’s a wolf in need of a muse.
ʚ cute tea parties aren’t uncommon with the two of you, she’ll happily let you indulge yourself in treats as she leans back with scorching tea in her hands while memorising every curve of your lips as you chew and swallow, she loves watching the way your eyes crinkle when you smile and the little sway from side to side you occasionally do as an expression of joy.
ʚ once arlecchino notices that she’s began treating you as another authority figure in the house of hearth, she’ll reach and collar you gently, intertwining her dark, cursed hand into your flowery one.
ʚ one of the most attractive qualities a man can have is knowing when to shut the fuck up and to slide his card over during a dinner — both such things pantalone can do effortlessly, especially when it comes to you.
ʚ arlecchino claims that: “he allows his actions to be governed by the vengeance and hatred locked in the depths of his heart.” something that definitely translates into his love affairs in more than obsessive manners.
ʚ don’t be afraid of the massive hauls of clothing and sparkling jewellery galore that are being trudged in by multiple men, darling, it’s just a menial souvenir from his latest travels and newfound connections that he thought you might enjoy ^^
ʚ while his grandeur usually stems from his deep hearted desire to overthrow the imbalance between immortals and mortals, rest assured the luxury he provides you purely stems from his desire to make you his.
ʚ whether that entails you being his pet for him to seek comfort from on the occasion or a genuine connection where he can comfortably hold you at night purely depends on you.
ʚ oh, you’ll let him chew your ear off about his recent expedition and extravagant plan? consider your rent payed for the next few months and a few kisses on your cheek that certainly aren’t actually part of the snezhnayan custom (let him indulge in those little cravings or else he’ll undoubtedly be petty).
ʚ has a breakdown.
ʚ a little dramatic, but honestly if his entire life wasn’t a disgusting mess already, you’ve come to make it worse. fate is deliberately mean to brooding blondes it seems, given the fact he’s now stuck pacing around back and forth on a trail of dead abyss mages as he rereads a letter you’ve sent him weeks ago.
ʚ everything you give to him, everything you say, do, write, whatever, he remembers implicitly. each word you say is engraved into him as if they were important artefacts regardless of how pointless and mundane.
ʚ it can honestly get a little…scary at times? you’ll mention liking something once and all of a sudden you find it within your possession at least a few weeks later.
ʚ dainsleif doesn’t have enough time to wallow in the glory of mushy, all consuming love despite desperately wanting to imagine how your hand would feel caressing down past each of his scars, but what he can do is protect you, and to him that’s a greater blessing than intimacy he knows will end eventually.
ʚ a big tough man who would honestly fold the moment you call him any variation of a pet name, specifically with the word “mine/my” at the beginning — hey, it’s nice knowing you mean something to someone the point they view you as inseparable.
ʚ the timings at which he comes to aid you are all too convenient and believe me he’ll try his best to downplay it as coincidence, all the while he’s breathing heavily both from the face your eyes are scanning his so closely and the fact he used up so much energy to merely make a portal to sneak into your space.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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parfaitblogs · 8 months ago
you're losing me ❀ s. reid x reader
in which he's an entirely different person after prison, and your relationship is crumbling. 
pairing: spencer reid x reader genre: angst tags: post prison reid. no happy ending. argument/fight. strong language. word count: 2.0k a/n: big fan of soul crushing angst. clearly. i dreamt this one up in an everything shower. likely place for me to plan fics? whole lot of nothing happening i love yapping about sadness!! my least favourite spencer trait is that he doesn't think he deserves good things so he pushes them away so obviously i have to write novellas on him doing just that? this used to be based on tolerate it but i listened to ylm the entire time so erm. things change! lol enjoy xoxo
Perhaps you were stupid. 
Very, very stupid. And ridiculous. And every other synonym for those two words that your brain could not possibly imagine up right now. You were all of them. But also none of them. Because you also felt like there was not a single word that could describe you anymore; if there was, maybe you'd consider yourself a person. But clearly you weren't a person. Not anymore, at least. Not to him. 
An awfully painful year it had been. And maybe that's what stripped you of your right to be a person. Maybe it was the overtime. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Maybe it was everything all at once. Maybe it was nothing at all. 
Three years of dating one man meant you learned quite a bit about who he is as a person to you. Eight years of knowing him meant you knew very well what sort of person he is in general. 
And this wasn't him. 
He was sitting on your couch. A piece of furniture that had, in just one year, erased the memory of you from it, there no longer being an indent on the right side where you always sat. A book was sat in his lap, but he wasn't properly reading it. You could tell from how slowly he turned the pages. From how he stopped every few minutes to rub his eyes, his eyebrows creasing and a quiet, irritated huff leaving his lips. 
It was a habit he had developed. 
This was how it was every night. Three o'clock came, and your body would wake you up from an otherwise restless sleep, and you would drag your feet out to where the man who should be occupying the other side of your bed, actually is. And he wouldn't look up, but you both acknowledged each other's presence, silently. 
And you would watch him for an hour. Until your eyes began to droop, and your feet started to ache, and your heart couldn't handle any more shattering for the night. And then you would drag yourself back to the bedroom, and you would climb into a now cold bed, and you would fall back asleep for another two hours. 
Like clockwork.
You were good with him. So patient. You would make him mugs of morning coffee that he wouldn't drink, and you would wash clothes he wouldn't say 'thank you' for. You wondered if he was actually grateful or not. 
You were too scared to ask. 
"Hey," you said, quietly, when he had come home from work, shrugging his bag off his shoulders, and slipping shoes off his feet. 
"Hi," he answered. As if on instinct, he moved to where you were seated at the barstool to kiss you in greeting, before brushing past and heading into the kitchen. 
You watched him for a few moments as he found a piece of bread to eat, nothing on it. Just... dry. Before your eyes returned to the laptop screen you had open in front of you, fingers tapping away at your keyboard. 
"There's been another terror threat," you said to him, tilting your head to the side. "But they let me work from home."
"Why'd they do that?" he asked, but he could not sound less interested. 
You lifted your head, because you thought he knew. "Because of you, Spence."
"Oh, okay," he answered, and you watched as he threw out half of the bread he did not eat, before he disappeared down the hallway. 
He didn't even care. 
You stared at the empty space down the hall, where he had once been, heart lodged in your throat in an uncomfortable lump you couldn't swallow. This was why you felt stupid. 
Maybe you were sick of feeling stupid. You must be, because subconsciously, your feet had already planted themselves firmly on the floor, and your legs were already taking you down the hall in the exact direction he had just disappeared to. 
He was taking his button up off when you appeared in the doorway to your bedroom, replacing it with a t-shirt. You had never seen him wear so many t-shirts until now. 
You cleared your throat, alerting him of your presence, and he turned, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw you. 
"You know you can talk to me, right?" you said, voice wavering with cautiousness. 
His lips parted, then they closed, and all he managed was a short nod, before he turned back around to find pyjama pants in his drawers. 
"Spencer, I'm serious," you pressed, taking a step into the room. "You need to talk to someone about this."
"I have those counseling sessions at work," he answered, turning back around to face you only once he was wearing pants. 
Your lips pursed. "You hate those."
"Yes, but I'm talking to someone."
"Not someone you trust!"
"And if I talk to you, it would be so different compared to a counsellor, right?"
You froze. He froze. Maybe he realised the implication of his words, you certainly did. That such a simple spoken sentence had your heart stuttering in your chest. 
You shakily exhaled. "I'd hope it would be different," you decided to say. "But I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't anymore."
He stood straighter at your comment. Perhaps not the best thing to say. Certainly not the most mature. 
"What does that mean?"
Right. The reason you decided to follow him in the first place. "I just—I don't feel like you care anymore. And I have tried to be patient, Spencer. I really have. But you shut me out, and we don't even talk anymore. I make you coffee, I do your laundry, I offer to cook, I clean up the house, I do everything I possibly can so you can focus on healing, and I can't even get a proper sentence out of you unless we're arguing."
He inhaled sharply, staring at you. "I don't know if you forgot, but I was locked in a prison for three and a half months."
Your shoulders deflated, your eyebrows creasing and lips pulling down into a frown. "Seriously? I express that I am feeling neglected, and your only response is that you've been in prison—"
"—Well, it kind of changed who I am!"
You fell silent for a few moments, trying to collect your thoughts before you threw them all in his face and actually ruined things between you two. 
"I just feel like you don't care anymore," you repeated, voice awfully soft compared to how hard your body was shaking in anxiety. 
He ran a hand through his hair, and he opened his mouth to speak with that same frustrated frown, so you cut him off. 
"And yes, I know you're dealing with everything that happened to you in prison. I only know what they told us, so I can't even imagine how much you're withholding. Because I know that's what you do. But that doesn't give you an excuse to treat me like I'm not important in your life anymore. I mean, If I'm not, then tell me. If you really don't care, or you've decided that you can't be in a relationship and process everything at the same time, then I'd like to know."
The silence is uncomfortable. And thick. And you're staring at him with eyes that burned with tears you weren't ready to shed yet. He's coming up with a response, so slowly you think maybe prison actually did break his brain. 
"I do care," he finally said, and you wondered if it took him three minutes to come up with that because he was controlling a lie. You pushed that thought out of your head. "But I also don't want you to wait for me to be better, if it's making you feel this way."
"Okay," you manage to say, voice not above a whisper as you stared at him. 
"Okay," he echoed, and the tears you were trying so hard to keep in brimmed your waterline, blurring your vision. If he hadn't become one big blob in your vision because of them, you might've seen his eyes soften and his shoulders deflate. 
Maybe he was waiting for you to confront him about it all. So he could end things. Maybe he's been thinking about this for too long, and this was just the final push he needed. You'd like to hope it was a spur of the moment decision, and he wasn't banking on this relationship ending. 
"I'll stay at a friend's," you then murmured, wiping the tears from your eyes, sniffling pathetically. 
"No, this is—"
"—You deserve familiar walls," you cut him off. "I'm sure anything else would freak you out."
He fell silent, because you were right. But he didn't want to kick you out of your own home. He didn't want to kick you out of his life, a sickening revelation he was having all too late.
Maybe that was why, when you turned around to leave, he called your name. Pleadingly. So, you turned back, and he stared at you, and silence fell over you two again. 
"What?" you breathed out after a few too many minutes of quiet. 
"I don't know how to talk to you. Or anyone. Not—not just you."
"About what happened?"
"In general."
You stilled, confusion sweeping across your features, for the thousandth time tonight alone. "You don't have to talk to me, if you can't. Regularly, I mean. That's not... that's not what I'm asking of you. I just need you to communicate with me. I feel like you don't even have feelings for me anymore. That's where most of my issues lie."
"I do have feelings for you."
"It doesn't feel that way."
More silence. More thick, deafening silence that felt like you had submerged your head underwater. And you really just wanted to come to a final conclusion. If this was the end.
"Then is it just that you don't want to be with me anymore? If it is, please tell me," you said, voice pathetically desperate.
He stared at you some more. Silence accompanying him, like some (annoyingly) comforting best friend amidst this conversation. And you slowly nodded your head as what he wanted became clear to you, your heart stuttering uncomfortably in your chest. Your stomach flipping. 
"Indecision doesn't look good on you," you finally cut through the blanket of quiet. "I need a verbal answer, Spencer."
"I do want to be with you—"
"—Then fight, dammit!" you finally snapped, the tears you had managed to control coming back to you, a sob lodging in your throat. "I am sick of you saying you do feel this, and you don't feel that. Make a fucking decision. Please. I cannot keep up a fight for the both of us anymore. You're losing me here, Spencer."
"I'm scared!" he shouted, and you took a step back, his voice vibrating throughout the room. He waged an internal battle for a few moments at your recoil. "That. That right there is what I'm scared of. I am so scared of scaring you."
"You scare me more when you shut down. I will take your anger over your silence."
"I won't," he snapped, watching you flinch. Again. You wanted to stop flinching. 
"It proves to me that you're actually feeling things. Spencer, I feel like I've been living with a ghost."
"I can't control my anger anymore," he added your name with a voice crack, mirroring your heart.
You blink some more tears down your cheeks. "You don't have to. You are allowed to be angry."
"Not around you," he shook his head, his hands brushing curls out of his face. "What if I—I hurt you."
"What if you don't?"
It seemed he hadn't considered that possibility, because he fell silent, and averted his gaze to the ground. He shook his head after a beat. "I can't take that risk."
You stared at him for a moment longer, weighing up your options, before you sighed. "Fine. Don't." He said your name again. "No. If you're not willing to fight, then... then fine. Don't fight. But neither will I."
He didn't say anything as you took a step back from the room. And even as you stilled for a few seconds longer, achingly but silently begging him to ask you to stay, he didn't utter a word. Which was, really, all you needed in confirmation. 
And so you left.
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly ♡
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industrations · 1 year ago
one thing about your art which makes me uncomfortable is you make remus conventionally attractive. the fandom all agree remus lupin is a wet noodle of a man but actually no artist draws him that and it's getting weird. make him unattractive and he can be loved by sirius. he doesn't need to be that tall and buff like why do you always make him so tall to draw him next to sirius. is it because you're aware of the fact sirius is canonically tall? if so it's baffling indi, you just had the surgery but if you have some time you'd want to read it - www.tumblr.com/carlav-blogs/741256502359228416/i-hate-joining-the-fandom-discourse-because-i?source=share - and look deep inside of yourself and think again about your art. i know you can't publish it but i gotcha. good luck /gen
I have been thinking about responding to this at all but it seems like i have a lot to say, so here goes.
Due to contrary belief i draw for myself. I draw for me because i enjoy it and it makes me happy. And if it makes others happy then thats a lovely bonus. I draw because i love the bit of magic and creative freedom of being able to put that on paper.
What i don’t do is draw for other people to give me validation or to give them satisfaction. What’s getting weird is that you are so upset over characters that are written by a terf. Someone that is extremely harmful. Characters that DO NOT EXIST.
I’m sick of this endless debate of "oh but CANONICALLY sirius was taller" who the fuck cares. In the movies remus had like a whole head on sirius.
You know whats the one wonderful thing about this fandom? Every single artists and writers version of these characters. They take them and make them their own. I love the way i can read 10 wolfstar fics and all ten of them are wildly different versions of them. They fall in love with each other unconditionally and i with them.
I’ve been told I’m not valid, that i don’t deserve to exist, that i should have DIED in surgery. There is really vile and hateful people in this fandom but you know what. I’m not here for you, my art isn’t for you it’s for ME.
I would like to say I resent this fandom but it’s brought me so much joy as well. I’ve met some of the most talented and wonderful people. I met my very best friend because of this fandom. I traveled places to see people i love because of dead gay wizards. I have found a place that is so wonderfully accepting. A queer community that I will never have in real life. The amount of freedom and expression is something that drew me in and will make me stay.
I hope you get the day you deserve, and I will continue my life where I live it for me and no one else <3
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monstersholygrail · 1 month ago
I just found your account and I'm excited to read your stuff, I can't finish reading the free use series because it's not really my thing but I'm curious what if the reader and her husband weren't in an open relationship, did she or he suggest going to that city? Would the husband have suggested it if the relationship was closed? How would he feel if the reader got mad/heartbroken with him if he brought it up with her?
Awe, hello darling! I’m glad you’re excited and I hope you’re able to find stuff that you love and enjoy! I try to write different and fun dynamics on my blog so I hope something will strike your fancy.
And I can totally understand FUC not being your cup of tea. Free use stuff isn’t for everybody and that’s ok! Free use in general can be quite a bit to handle but free use with a whole city can be overwhelming fs lol.
I’m assuming you’re talking about this fic with what it’s like for couples in FUC. And that’s a bit tricky to answer bc the situation is different there and I’d imagine the culture there is very different as well. So I’ll try and answer everything as best I can!
Q1. I actually don’t view their relationship as being open. It wouldn’t be considered an open relationship by free use city standards only bc they’re not dating multiple people. They’re in a monogamous relationship romantically and they discuss each other’s sexual partners and come to an agreement.
That’s typically how all relationships are in FUC, like it’s the standard given they live in a free use city. So it’s not seen as “open.” But some couples are open or poly like people do in other societies. And there are some couples in FUC who only fuck others together which is like the most monogamous they get there haha.
Q2. The couple in that fic actually met when they were already living in that city. So they just moved in together when they got to that place in their relationship. I imagine they had a total meet cute and fluffy rom com love story.
Q3. But if they had met in a different city and wanted to move there, I don’t think sex would be the main reason. Like they’re a cute but practical couple. There are many benefits to living in FUC outside of sex bc they wanna bring more people into these cities. So you get paid more there, there’s better healthcare, and less crime (bc everybody too busy fucking).
So I think reader or the ‘wife’ in this case, would initially look into FUC for the benefits and job opportunities for her career. Her and her husband would have a long talk about everything and if they’d be ok and wouldn’t be jealous over their partner having other sexual encounters. And that’s when they’d come up with their system for how they go about it!
Q4. If it was the monster husband that suggested it and reader was uncomfortable with moving to FUC or would be heartbroken and jealous then monster husband would forget about it completely. He’d drop the idea entirely and comfort reader. It would probably lead to super soft comfort sex.
Monster Husband murmuring praises in readers ear like he did in the fic about how no pussy could ever compare or come close to hers. How it’s molded so perfectly to the shape of his cock. How no one takes him like reader does. That nothing beats the connection of their bodies joining. And if reader had any lingering insecurities than he’d work hard to show her that he’s more than content with the loving partner he has and that he isn’t missing anything by living in a regular city when they can make love at the drop of a hat anyway.
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hyuckiefluff · 2 years ago
tease | lee haechan
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pairing: lee haechan x f!reader genre: enemies-ish to lovers, college au word count: 5.8k+ summary: Playing spin the bottle definitely wasn't what you had envisioned for your first college party. And the last person you expected to see was Lee Haechan. But life has a funny way of throwing surprises at you, and this time it came in the form of the bottle landing on some drunk dude who dared you to kiss Haechan. warnings: oral (m receiving), fngering, cursing, drinking, hc calls reader princess a/n: rushed this one a bit to post it on time for haechan’s bday :D i hope you enjoy! and happy birthday my haechan ilysm baby! - i recommend listening to sweat by zayn while reading
"New girl… what was your name... oh right.. Y/N” the guy's words stumbled out of his mouth, clearly too many drinks deep into the night. He was trying so hard to formulate a single coherent thought, but his speech was all over the place. And there you sat, legs crossed, waiting for whatever command he was about to throw at you.
"You should, ehm... uh… oh I know… you should kiss the person in front of you," he slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open.
You tensed up when the words left his mouth. You expected having to kiss someone in this game but you weren’t all that excited or open to the idea. Sure, you could've just taken a shot and avoided the whole ordeal, but you had already declined way too many requests and had knocked back enough shots for the night. Plus, your friend had disappeared into the crowd a while ago, leaving you to fend for yourself. You didn't want to push your drinking limit any further.
But honestly, the mere thought of kissing anyone at that moment felt too awkward. You didn't know a single person in this circle, and the boys surrounding you seemed ready to pounce at the opportunity. The uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach grew stronger. And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, someone sauntered into the circle, nudging the guy who had been in front of you aside, without a single word of protest. It was as if the universe itself conspired to make the situation even more complicated because there he was, in all his glory, Lee Haechan.
Let me give you a short backstory. Haechan was one of your brother's closest friends, and you practically grew up with him. Well, maybe "in his shadow" is a more accurate description. His larger-than-life personality always overshadowed your shy self whenever you were in the same room. And there was also the teasing. Haechan took great pleasure in getting under your skin. While most of your brother's friends ignored you, Haechan found it amusing to embarrass you at every opportunity. He'd mock your fashion choices and poke fun at your taste in music. Basically, anything he could find that was worthy of a good tease, he'd go for it. Sure, you'll admit that you were a bit of an awkward kid back then, spending most of your time holed up in your room, jamming out to some obscure indie band, and wearing some questionable outfits (you can totally blame your mom for that until you turned 13). 
Anyway, let's just say Lee Haechan wasn't exactly the friendliest face in your memory bank.
It’s been two whole years since you last laid eyes on him, and you honestly thought you'd never have to see him again. Your big brother mentioned that Haechan went off to "some college" out of town, so you assumed your paths would never cross. But your brother also conveniently forgot to mention the crucial detail that Haechan had actually managed to get into your top-choice university. Yes, the very same one you had been raving about since the idea of higher education even entered your mind. Thank you for the heads up, big bro.
Now you were sitting here, about to lose your mind because the first time you’re meeting Haechan after all this time, you're being dared to kiss him...in front of all these people too. There was no way you could do this. Your hesitance was impossible to hide, and everyone seemed to notice. But Haechan, being Haechan, couldn't resist making a comment about it. Of course.
“She won’t do it.” He said, taking a casual sip from his drink. 
Though he pretty much spoke your thoughts out loud, you still paused and looked at him raising an eyebrow. You would've shrugged it off, but there was no way you were going to let Haechan continue teasing you like that in college. You were too grown and fed up to allow him to treat you that way.
“And why won’t she?” You asked, crossing your arms.
He chuckled “Because she doesn’t have it in her.” He said the words slowly to taunt you. 
Maybe it was the fact that he was talking as if you weren’t in the room, or that he seemed so sure that you were too much of a coward to kiss him but before you could stop yourself you started crawling up to him. The circle of people around you suddenly more interested in your every move. Now you were kneeling in between Haechan’s sprawled legs, so close to his face that you could smell the mix of alcohol with his cologne. He put down his drink, the look of bore left his eyes and he perked up a little at your sudden closeness. Without giving yourself time to cower away you closed the distance between your lips. You didn’t miss the slight flinch of surprise he gave when your lips touched, he really wasn’t expecting you to go through with it.
Haechan would sooner be caught dead than admit it but he really enjoyed getting a rise out of you. It gave him this weird rush whenever he saw you getting all flustered or even a little pissed off. Sure, you were usually the shy and soft-spoken type, but deep down, there was a side to you that had some fight in it. It wasn't something you showed to just anyone, but he had managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion.
He never in a million years expected seeing you at this party. It had been a while since he even thought about you. So, when he spotted you in the crowd, he was completely caught off guard. He watched you intently all night, trying to figure out if it was actually you. It hadn't been that long since he last saw you, but there was something distinctly different about you. You were engaged in lively conversations, your laughter floating through the air. It was a stark contrast to the image he had of you in his head.
He only remembers how reserved you were, back then you weren't able to have a full conversation with him or even hold eye contact. So, when he ended up sitting in front of you, teasing you like he always did, he never expected you to do anything more than maybe give him some attitude and walk away. But man, did you flip the script on him.
Before Haechan could even process what was happening, there you were, on your knees in front of him. His attention instinctively went to your tongue darting across your lips, that simple action getting him way too excited. Before he had a chance to react, your lips were already on his. The kiss started off slow, like a cautious test drive. Haechan could tell you weren't exactly planning to go this far, he could sense that hint of hesitance in your every move.
This wasn't the kind of kiss he usually went for. He liked them rough, the kind that leaves you breathless. But, there was something about you taking charge that had him intrigued. Even though it was a simple kiss with no crazy fireworks, it managed to get both your hearts racing.
Your hands went to his chin to keep him in place while your lips fumbled in a slow rhythm that had Haechan going kinda crazy inside. He had to fight hard to keep his cool, resisting the urge to grab you and kiss you back as hard as he wanted to. His hands stayed glued to the floor. He was scared that if he touched you, he wouldn't be able to stop himself, and also because his palms were suddenly a sweaty mess and he doubted you’d like that.
You tilted his head back a bit causing his mouth to slack open. With this new access, your tongue shyly ventured into his mouth, as if following an instinctive cue. Haechan also took a chance and nibbled on your lower lip, causing a soft whimper to escape your lips. The sound made his whole body tense up. Your hands roamed from his chin to the back of his head, testing the waters by gently tugging on his hair. That's when an involuntary grunt slipped out of Haechan's mouth, snapping you both back to reality.
As you pulled away, his eyes slowly fluttered open. Yours immediately darted to his slightly swollen lips, tinged with the color of your lipstick. Acting on some unknown impulse, you brushed your thumb against his lips wiping off the lipstick. He glanced at your finger and then met your gaze again, his eyes filled with an intensity that made your breath hitch. You said nothing and wiped the remnants of lipstick from your finger onto his clean white undershirt, all while maintaining unwavering eye contact. 
You stood up, trying not to make it too obvious that your legs were weaker than before. Seeing the slightly shocked and amused faces of everyone around you would’ve scared younger you into running away but you didn’t feel intimidated at all. 
"I'm gonna grab a new drink," you announced, giving Haechan one final glance before making your way out.
Of course, you didn't actually head to the drinks table like you said you would. Instead, you dashed straight for the bathroom, your heart racing like a herd of wild horses. Closing the door behind you and allowing yourself a moment to process everything that just happened and pretty much freak out.
"Have you lost your damn mind, Y/N?" you scolded your reflection in the mirror, the harsh reality staring right back at you. Disheveled hair, smudged lipstick, and that dazed look in your eyes, mirroring the same one that Haechan had after the kiss. Letting out a heavy sigh, you rested your hands on the edge of the sink, reluctantly admitting to yourself that the kiss wasn't half bad. Who would've thought? Haechan, your tormentor, sure knew how to kiss. His lips felt downright amazing against yours, and the taste…  a mix of alcohol with a subtle sweetness that lingered on your lips, intoxicating your thoughts as you unconsciously replayed the moment over and over in your mind.
But before you could fully immerse yourself, the bathroom door swung open with a force, causing you to yelp in surprise. In your mortification, you had completely forgotten to lock the damn door. Oh, how you wished you had because to your horror, the intruder turned out to be none other than Haechan himself. His surprise at finding you in the bathroom was evident, though you couldn't help but wonder if he had followed you all the way here.
"You could've found a better hiding spot, you know," he jeered, leaning casually against the wall, his eyes meeting yours through the mirror's reflection.
"I wasn't hiding, Haechan. Can't a girl have some privacy in the bathroom?" you fired back.
"Sorry, it's just that you looked a little frustrated when you left, princess," he taunted, his words dripping with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Quit calling me that" you shot back, irritation lacing your voice.
Haechan merely shrugged, his teasing smile still intact. "You're right. A princess doesn't run away like that after a kiss," he continued to taunt, enjoying the effect his words had on you.
"I didn't run away," you retorted, trying to maintain your composure. "But I don't need to explain myself to you anyway, so get out, Donghyuck," you said, turning around to face him with a glare.
His teasing demeanor faltered for a moment, a flicker of genuine surprise crossing his face at the use of his actual name. "Wow, it's been a while since anyone called me that. I like the way you say it," he admitted, attempting to lighten the mood. However, seeing your unamused expression, he raised his hands in surrender. "Come on, the kiss wasn't even that bad. You don't have to be embarrassed. Though it was so short, I couldn't really judge it properly."
"Pity, because you're never gonna get another chance," you replied, determination seeping into your voice as you turned your back to him.
Haechan studied you silently, his gaze fixed on your figure. There was a brief pause, a moment where the air between you seemed to thicken with anticipation. Slowly, he closed the distance between you, his proximity making you grip the edges of the sink tighter. He position his hands next to yours, his larger frame enveloping yours. Through the reflection in the mirror, his eyes locked onto yours. 
With a hushed voice, he leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath grazing your skin as he whispered, "We'll see about that."
The weight of his words hung in the air as he held your gaze for a moment longer. Then, with one final look, he pulled away, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts.
A few days went by until you saw Haechan again at another party. It was insane how quickly you were getting invited to these things. Your social life went from zero to a hundred really quick. Things were finally looking up, and you were having a blast, making more friends along the way.
But of course, there he was—Haechan, lurking in the shadows like some lingering ghost. It felt like he was always in your peripheral vision, pretending he wasn't staring at you. Seriously, why couldn't he just go away? You made up your mind that finding someone else to hang out with would be the perfect way to shake off his annoying presence. Preferably someone who didn't get a kick out of teasing you mercilessly.
Just when you were mulling over your thoughts, a smooth voice broke through the noise from behind you. "Hey there, what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"
You turned to face him and recognized him was one of the players from the spin the bottle game
 "Actually, I'm looking for my friend. She vanished into thin air, it seems," you replied, trying not to sound too awkward. Small talk was never your strong suit, especially with extremely attractive guys.
He nodded, laughing softly,  "Well, I can help you find her, but only if you dance with me."
You considered it for a moment, thinking it might be exactly the distraction you needed. "Sure, why not? Lead the way," you said, setting your drink aside and taking his hand as he guided you to the center of the room where people were dancing.
"I'm Jeno, by the way," he introduced himself, leaning in closer to your ear so you could hear him over the music.
You shouted back, "Nice to meet you, Jeno. I'm Y/N." He responded with an adorable eye smile, and you couldn't help but smile back.
In those few fleeting minutes with Jeno, you were already smitten. He was far more polite and considerate than the typical guys you had encountered in college so far. At first, there was definitely an air of slight intimidation surrounding him, probably because of his tall muscular frame and silver blonde hair, but as you danced together, he showed his soft and kind nature. His hands rested firmly on your hips, providing just the right amount of contact without encroaching on your personal space. As you felt more comfortable in his arms, you entwined your hands behind his neck, and only then he pulled you closer. The swift movement caused a gentle collision against his solid chest, confirming what you had suspected earlier—Jeno was no stranger to the gym. His white shirt was clinging to him in all the right places and you had to force yourself to look away before he caught you staring.
As the music played and your bodies moved against each other, Jeno leaned close to your ear once again. "You know... during the spin the bottle game, I was annoyed," he confessed.
Confused, you raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"
"Because I was supposed to get that kiss from you, before that guy came and took my chance," he explained, his expression adorably pouting to emphasize his disappointment. 
Smiling at his confession, you couldn't help but tease him playfully. "Well, what if I told you I would've rather kissed you?"
His eyes lit up with delight, and you realized that he reminded you of a puppy. Jeno took your words as an invitation and slowly closed the gap between your faces, his lips barely grazing yours. But before the moment could fully unfold, the music abruptly stopped, and a crashing sound cut through the crowd. Turning your gaze over Jeno's shoulder, you saw chaos near the table where the sound system had been set up. 
The whole display had been knocked over, and the DJ  was engaged in a heated argument with another person. The other guy had his back to you, but you recognized that posture and when he turned his head to the side you confirmed who it was. Lee Haechan, his face contorted in anger as he flipped off the other guy who just kept yelling at him. His scorn only intensified when his eyes locked with yours, taking in the sight of you entangled with Jeno.
"What's going on over there?" you muttered to yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene.
"Just some drunk jerk making a mess," Jeno replied, glancing back at you. 
You wished you could have resumed where you left off with him, but the interruption had shattered the moment. Not to mention, Haechan's piercing gaze lingered in your mind making you feel somewhat uneasy.
"Uh... I'm kind of thirsty. I should get a drink," you said, trying to find an excuse to escape the overwhelming atmosphere.
"I'll get it for you," Jeno offered, flashing a quick smile before heading off to fetch the drink. As he disappeared into the crowd, you ran your fingers through your hair, feeling the heat rising within you. The intensity of the almost-kiss and Haechan's intense stare made it hard to catch your breath. You needed a moment alone, away from the suffocating crowd.
You made your way to the bathroom upstairs, your go-to escape room. However, as you reached the door, you discovered it was locked, and the lewd sounds coming from inside let you know it wouldn’t be available for a while. Frustrated, you let out a sigh and glanced around, hoping to find another bathroom. Knocking on each door along the hallway, you realized that most of them were locked too, leaving little doubt as to what was happening inside.
Just as you were about to give up, the door at the end of the hallway swung open when you tried it, and you immediately slipped into the room discreetly. Closing the door behind you, you breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for this temporary escape. You stepped into the bathroom and splashed water on your face and neck, trying to cool yourself down. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel frustrated with yourself for allowing Haechan to disrupt your thoughts once again. You hadn't even exchanged a single word with him tonight, yet he managed to occupy your mind so intensely. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, and with a shake of your head, you resolved to leave the bathroom and rejoin Jeno, who was probably wondering where you had run off to.
But to your surprise and horror, someone stood on the balcony. You hadn't even realized the room had a balcony when you entered. The figure seemed unaware of your presence. So you attempted to make a silent exit, and almost succeeded until you accidentally tripped over a trash can. Wow, you really needed to pay better attention to your surroundings.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice called out, the one that had been haunting your thoughts just moments ago. Frozen in place, you debated whether to make a run for it. Surely he wouldn't stop you, right? He wouldn't chase after you... would he?
"Haechan..." you sighed, your tone conveying your frustration at seeing him. 
"Are you stalking me or something?," he asked, his teasing tone cutting through the tense air. You rolled your eyes at the absurd suggestion.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? It seems like you're always popping up wherever I go… first the game, then the bathroom, and now here," you retorted, counting off the instances on your fingers. "What are you even doing here?" You gestured around the room, emphasizing your point.
"I could ask you the same thing. Weren't you just getting cozy with that Kendoll downstairs?" he asked, hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets as he gradually closed the distance between you. Now, up close, you could see him clearly. He wore a black graphic t-shirt with the words 'they come, they go,' and his jeans were ripped on the thighs. His hair was also somewhat styled. It was clear that he had put some effort into his appearance, unlike his usual messy style.
"You didn't answer my question," you persisted, fighting off the nerves that his proximity was starting to stir.
"Well, this happens to be my birthday party," he revealed, a hint of satisfaction in his voice at seeing the slight shock in your face.
"Oh… uhm… happy birthday," you awkwardly mumbled. His closeness now forced you to tilt your head upward, despite the height advantage your heels provided.
"Anyway, why did you make a scene at your own birthday party?" you asked, trying to kill the awkward silence and stepping away slightly to regain some personal space.
You made your way to the balcony, craving the fresh air as a relief from the intensity of the room.
"I guess you could say I wasn't vibing with the atmosphere, the music, the people... especially the people," he replied, his words hinting at something that you couldn't quite grasp.
"Hm, well, I was actually having a good time for once," you replied, leaning against the balcony rail. He mirrored your posture, but instead of gazing out at the street ahead, he fixed his gaze on you.
"Yeah, I could see that. So, who's your new boy-jock-friend?" he asked, his words dripping with sarcasm and… jealousy? You turned your head to the side, squinting incredulously at the ridiculous nickname he had given Jeno.
"His name is Jeno, and he's actually a really nice guy," you clarified.
"Is that so?," he hummed, his expression pensive. His lack of a proper response prompted you to look at him again, only to find him struggling to suppress a stupid grin.
"What, Haechan?" you demanded, growing tired of his antics.
"Nothing, just...I was wondering if you even like guys like that,"  he asked, shrugging.
"Why does it matter to you?" you shot back, your voice tinged with annoyance.
"It doesn't," he replied nonchalantly, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor as he closed the distance between you. The intensity in his gaze mirrored the way he had looked at you after your first kiss. "But I know you don't like him." He whispered that into your ear, now standing directly behind you. 
Caught off guard by his statement, you instinctively turned around to face him. Bad idea.
"You're wrong," you managed to reply, though the pitch change in your voice betrayed your nervousness. His amusement grew as he leaned against the balcony rail, his hands positioned on either side of you.
"Then answer this..." he began, his hand gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your chin, tilting it ever so slightly, "Why are you here with me instead of with him?"
You were at a loss for words. He was right. You should have been downstairs with Jeno, dancing some more, perhaps even kissing him. Yet, there you stood with this fool, your gaze inexplicably drawn to his lips and the way they moved, and how he unconsciously wet them every few seconds.
"Nothing to say?" he teased, his nose grazing against yours, and you couldn't help but close your eyes, knowing deep down that you were about to do something completely crazy. "I think we-"
"Shut up," you blurted out, unable to hold back any longer, and you closed the gap between your lips in a frenzy. The kiss was anything but slow this time; it was a messy collision of longing and pent-up tension that had been brewing for days. All the warning signs you put for yourself to stay away from Lee Haechan felt irrelevant now.
Your hands found their way into Haechan's hair, pulling on the strands as you tried to make him groan just like before. But this time, he surprised you by firmly gripping your thighs and seating you on the balcony rail. The cool metal against your bare skin made you shiver, but the sensation was quickly overridden by the warmth of Haechan's touch. The kiss grew more intense, a mess of lips and tongues, bites, sucks, and a chorus of eager sounds that escaped from both of you. The world around you faded away as you focused solely on how good his hands and lips felt.
"Please," you moaned against his lips, and he wasted no time. In a flash, he lifted you, carrying you effortlessly to the bed. The kiss never faltered as he positioned himself above you, his hands hungrily exploring your body. Your skirt was hiked up, and he suddenly grabbed your ass making you gasp. Clothes were becoming a nuisance, and Haechan noticed your impatience as you fumbled with his shirt. He couldn't help but chuckle at your eagerness, but he helped anyways, discarding the shirt and revealing a canvas of smooth skin that begged to be touched.
You traced the contours of his torso with your fingers, savoring the sight of every mole and line etched across his skin. Your ogling was momentarily interrupted when Haechan tried to remove your tangled shirt, provoking a dramatic sigh from you when he finally pulled it off your head. He laughed at this and your lips met once more in a short, sweet kiss before his attention shifted to removing your skirt. 
Lying before him in nothing but your underwear, you watched as he straightened up, his gaze locked on your exposed form. You felt self-conscious but the way he was looking at you with darkened, adoring eyes, let you know that there was nothing to be shy about.
You flung your bra aside after unhooking it, meeting Haechan's hungry gaze as he took in your now exposed chest. You grabbed his hand inviting him to touch you. His hand glided from your belly to your breasts, exploring your curves slowly. He leaned and latched his mouth on your right breast, playing, nibbling, and sucking. He wanted to hear every moan and whimper coming from your lips. Each sound you made spurred him on, his body instinctively grinding against yours, his growing hardness pressing against you with every movement. You knew he was growing desperate with every sloppy thrust and lick of his tongue.
You hooked your finger through the chain around Haechan's neck and pulled him up so he was face to face with you "I want to try something," you whispered, planting a quick kiss on his lips. Gently pushing him by the shoulder, he willingly allowed himself to fall onto his back, his eyes fixed on you, filled with anticipation.
"What are you doing?" he asked, a playful tone lacing his breathless voice as you slowly crawled down his body, stopping in front of his crotch.
"What do you think?" you teased, unzipping his pants and sliding them down. His black boxers clung tightly to his arousal, already dampened with pre-cum. Biting your lip, you could already imagine his thickness just by the sight of it over his underwear. Looking up at Haechan, you noticed he had his hands behind his head to get a better view of your actions.
Without hesitation, you pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring up in an almost comical manner. There was no time to waste, you could tell that he might explode if you delayed any further. Grasping him firmly at the base, you used the slickness of his pre-cum as lub, pumping him a few times. Haechan bit his lips to contain his desperate moans, he didn’t want it to be so obvious that your simple touch on his dick almost made him cum.
But you had other plans. You wanted to hear him. You wanted to make him moan, whimper, and maybe  even cry out in pleasure. Propping yourself up, you leaned in and without warning, kitten-licked his sensitive tip. Haechan's head flew back, as a string of curses left his mouth. Delighted by his fucked up state, you repeated the motion several more times before finally taking him fully into your mouth. Slowly, you went deeper, until he hit the back of your throat. Inevitably, a groan escaped him, his self-restraint crumbling as you began to suck him off properly. He moaned, thrusting his hips into your mouth, his grip on your hair becoming desperate to ensure you wouldn't stop. Seeing him in such a vulnerable and desperate state was a sight you never thought you'd witness - Lee Haechan squirming beneath you, completely undone by your actions.
"Oh, f-...uck... that feels so good," Haechan groaned, his voice strained as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked harder. He was thrusting against your face without even realizing it. You didn't blame him; he was so consumed by pleasure that he couldn't control himself. You reached down and gently played with his balls, wanting to see his reaction. The way his eyes rolled back, and his hips momentarily faltered, told you that another touch like that would send him over the edge. With a quick glance at you bobbing your head up and down his cock, Haechan decided he had reached his limit. He grabbed you by the cheeks, pulling your mouth away from his dick. The lewd sight of your saliva connecting you both in a string made him wish he could capture the moment in a picture to enjoy later.
"I need to fuck you right now," Haechan explained when you looked at him with confusion. With those words, he got off the bed and rummaged through one of the night tables, searching for a condom. As he pulled out the small wrapper, you couldn't help but ask, "How did you know that was there?"
"Because this is my room," he said casually, the revelation catching you off guard. Though, it made sense that this was his dorm, given that it was his birthday party. 
He swiftly opened the condom wrapper and rolled it onto his cock. Without wasting any time, he climbed back onto the bed and slowly removed your panties, tutting at the sight of how wet you were. "Look at you," he said with a smile, allowing his fingers to explore your slick folds. The way your mouth opened and your eyes screwed shut in response showed just how bad you were needing to be touched there. As one of his fingers slowly entered you, he leaned in and kissed you, his tongue drowning out the moans that escaped your lips. Sensing your growing desperation, he added an extra finger, expertly pleasuring you. "H... Haechan," you moaned into his lips, and he hummed in response, continuing to finger you with more urgency. 
"Please... more," you managed to gasp out.
"As you wish, princess," he whispered, removing his fingers from you and licking your essence off them. He positioned himself on top of you, aligning his cock with your entrance. Teasingly, he pressed it against you without fully entering. "Haechan..." you said, your tone suddenly serious, using his dangling chain to pull him closer. "If you don't stop teasing me, I swear I'm going downstairs to find Jeno."
He let out a bitter laugh, but the mention of Jeno noticeably changed his demeanor. Before you could say anything else, he plunged inside you. The immediate clenching of your walls around him caused both of you to moan loudly. Haechan gripped your hips and adjusted your position with surprising care. After a few more seconds, you grabbed his hips and pushed him slightly, indicating that you wanted him to go deeper. Without wasting any more time, he obliged, burying his cock further inside you. "Fuck," he groaned, the sensation of him stretching you feeling too incredible for words.
He began to move, his thrusts gradually gaining speed until he was practically ramming into you. The sight of his pretty face, screwed up with swollen lips from all the kissing and biting, dilated pupils, and droplets of sweat on his forehead, drove you wild. 
Effortlessly, he grabbed your leg and propped it on his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate deeper, hitting a new spot that had your mouth foaming. He continued thrusting hard and fast, relishing in the way your breasts bounced with each powerful stroke. 
Your whimpering only made him want to see you come undone even more. He leaned in and kissed you softly, the tenderness contrasting with his hard thrusts. You melted into the kiss, moans mixing between you both. He even slowed down his thrusts, lost in the kiss for a moment. But then he unexpectedly started ramming into you again, thrusting harder and pushing you closer to the edge.
"Cum all over my cock, princess," he commanded, his voice hoarse with pleasure. With a few more hard thrusts and the feeling of his mouth devouring yours, you felt yourself reaching an orgasm more intense than anything you've ever before.
"Fu-...oh my god," you moaned loudly, your legs trembling uncontrollably.
Haechan followed suit shortly after, his thrusts growing messier as you clenched tightly around him. He came with a loud, uninhibited moan that reverberated through the room, a sound that would undoubtedly linger in your mind for a long time.
The air grew still, and the only audible sounds were the heavy, ragged breaths escaping both of you. Lying on your backs, you found yourselves staring up at the ceiling, your legs still intertwined, too exhausted to make a move or utter a word.
But then, Haechan shattered the silence.
"Best fucking birthday ever."
a/n: btw i reached 127 followers right after posting this so thank you so much lol *cue the flute*
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sprunkisunshinesuburbia · 2 months ago
Resident List part I
These are edited forms of the town’s documents and bios written by council member Therman. We omit things that could be considered far too personal for us (The town council) to reveal without consent but are merely to make introductions easier for vistors or new residents.
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Jevin Amyclides
Age: 57
Gender: Male, He/Him
Height: 6’7
Color: Royal Blue
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Quiet and reserved, he seems quite intimidating to talk to with the cloak, the stern looking expression he generally has and well… Alot of assumptions (mainly of the cult variety… Honestly I don’t blame anyone for making them- You really have to be careful out there...Some of them are a bit— Misguided on the whole sacrifice idea… Especially about the Sun!)
But when I actually talked to him he seemed pretty apologetic for— Uh almost everything he seemed to think he did wrong. He’s a very kind shy person just maybe a bit awkward- I feel a little bad for him sometimes, he cares a lot about his son and seemingly others he doesn’t know well. (Got real worried when I stubbed my toe- It was a little silly of me to like double over-)
He keeps to himself mostly, but doesn’t seem to oppose being dragged into things. Even if he seems a touch uncomfortable about it. I hope people don’t push him too much because… I doubt he’d push back….
Sky Amyclides
Age: 14
Gender: Male, He/him
Height: 4’10
Color: Sky Blue
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Mr. Amyclides’ son, He’s pretty protective of his father- (It sounds like they’ve been through… Alot out there.. whoof.) he’s usually around him and often is the first to pick up on his dad’s unease and will let you know when you’re overstepping.
He’s a very smart and capable kid no doubt but it seems he’s trying to grow up too fast- Drinks his coffee black but cringes at every sip kind of person. Not very trusting either… Very curt with his answers.
Though if there’s anything that can get him to open up- It’s bears, he collects plush ones and loves talking about wildlife! Tells me that he has a bunch of books on them and even writes his own observations. It’s cute!
Gray Reindola
Age: 21
Gender: Male, He/They
Height: 4’10
Color: Gray
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He doesn't really come out his house too often aside from going to his job at the theater and filming nature and other things in the park- (Which is where I usually see him- I haven't really seen a movie in awhile... Never found the time to.) I've asked him about his fancy camera which he told me was from his mom and that he used it for his film classes- Like maybe twice? And just kept making short films with it afterwards. I was kind of surprised how much he actually was willing to talk until he looked behind him and just- Suddenly excused himself to leave. I was confused for a moment and realized Wenda was here. (And um... He didn't really leave in time to I think avoid her?) And it was the three of us on the bench. He'd stop talking and just.. Filmed a leaf, On the grass while making this low hum. It was awkward....
Wenda Wilely
Age: 22
Gender: Female, She/her
Height: 6’0
Color: White
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She's... Interesting to say the least- Uh I actually have no idea what she likes- She just seems to show up and sort of insert herself into groups and joke around a bit! I mean her sense of humor is...Er... Making playful jabs at people. (At least I think that's what's intended? She made fun of my lisp and then when Gray kept filming that leaf- I don't know what her deal is???) I stayed as long as I could tolerate the jokes and then her.. Asking me questions about myself and avoiding my own- She's... Maybe just not used to this place (She's relatively new here- Came alongside Gray but he says he didn't know her before moving here. Only that they're from the same city.) Maybe she'll settle at some point? She's odd. I mean everyone's bound to be but... She scares me a little.... She also works at the theater with Gray and I can only hope they're actually good friends and I just can't read people as well as I thought-
Pinned Post << >> Part II
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swallowedbymadness · 1 year ago
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「 ✦ so good at being bad ✦ 」
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Pairing: dom!wooyoung x sub!fem!reader
Genre: ⛓️ smutty smut smuttttttt ⛓️
Summary: Wooyoung surprises you with a pretty little gift one night.
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Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE DEPTHS OF COLLEGE HELL. Not really bc spring semester just started. BUT. I am here with some plotless smut for you. If you’ve read my writing before, you know I love a good romance. But honestly, this video has been rotting my brain for a solid month and it has inspired this little fic. 🫠 also I firmly believe we need more dom woo bc he gives off this vibe at times and it’s not praised enough. You cannot change my mind.
18+ content, so please, minors DNI. Enjoy! 🤍
Warnings: bdsm - restraints, collar (called a choker for the most part), pet names (fr - baby & darling), a tiny bit of throat grabbing, and jung wooyoung bc he himself is a whole warning. 😵‍💫
Proofread: Yes! But you already know…if you see a mistake, no you don’t. Proofread this at like 6am so no guarantees lol
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‘How the hell did I end up here?’ You found yourself wondering as you listened intently to a story that you wouldn’t normally find interesting, but for some reason it was tonight. Probably because of who was telling it. Your eyes were lost in dark pools of chocolate as you listened to the man sitting directly across from you as he was animatedly telling you about his day. Your head was resting in your hand and your heart was slowly pounding uncomfortably in your chest as you watched the way he got so submerged in his tellings.
You were sitting prettily at the breakfast bar inside of the loft that belonged to who was supposed to be a one night stand ages ago. However, there were now candles burning, music playing lowly in the background and two almost empty wine glasses sitting in front of you under the simply lit lights that hung above the two of you.
‘Yeah…’ you thought. ‘This definitely turned into something…more.’ You tried recalling where exactly your heart took over your logic of the situation. Was it when he asked you how you liked your coffee the next morning after a quickie the night prior? Was it when he actually kept his word and called you the next day? Or maybe it was the date he asked to take you on so he could get to know you on a level more than physical. Either way, you couldn’t pinpoint the moment you started associating his eyes to milk chocolate or remembering that his hair smelled like pears. Or even when you had started adoring the mole under his eye. You had no idea, but it threw you into a mild sense of panic when you caught yourself staring at him for longer than you should, and the way his finger shocked you when he reached for your hand while walking you home after date number three.
It was a lot to take in.
You didn’t think you would ever in a million years be caught up with someone like Jung Wooyoung. He was classy and dripping with solid gold sex appeal. He carried himself so elegantly and was anything but innocent like the picture his eyes liked to paint. He was a lion, and he had sought you out as his prey one night at the rooftop bar you never attended prior to your friend’s birthday party in the spring. It was there that he showed up, and when he noticed you it was like he had a target painted on you because he would not look away. He ended up buying you a drink and how could you refuse such charm when he offered you a good time that evening?
The one lesson you learned that evening was that it was not going to be your last night moaning his name in ecstasy against his black silk sheets with the city’s skyline glowing in from his floor to ceiling windows. No…you quickly learned the one thing about Jung Wooyoung that had you baited like a fish on a hook the moment his feline eyes set in on you. The man was insatiable, and you would give him exactly what he craved — you.
He couldn’t get enough of you after that, this you convinced yourself of. And if you had any doubts prior to now, they were long gone by now. The memory of how he groaned as he licked you clean after making a mess of his face while his tongue was buried deep inside your walls. Especially when you recalled how you writhed underneath him when his fingers danced along your overstimulated clit before plunging deep inside you to make you feel so so full. It was a constant that replayed in your head like a rerun.
“Everything okay?” His teasing voice snapped you out of the memory and brought you back to the breakfast bar. You repositioned on top of your stool uncomfortably once you felt your panties damp and walls throbbing at the vivid memory.
“Oh, yeah. I’m good.” You took a sip of your drink, welcoming the bitter taste on your tongue as a temporary distraction to prevent your thoughts from wandering again.
“You sure? Thought I lost you for a minute there.” His coy smile lured a faint blush out and to dust along your cheeks.
“I’m right here.” You confirmed, swallowing as you took him all in when he nodded and stood up from his stool. You were too nervous earlier to really take a good look at him and really see him.
He looked absolutely sinful in his black skin-tight suit pants clinging to him like they were painted on. He had a gorgeous high neck black lace blouse tucked into them, leaving nothing to the imagination. The silver dangling from his ears shined in the moonlight coming in through his window with the dazzling light of the moon that was watching over you. You had to tell yourself not to stare at the birth mark on his bottom lip for too long.
An impossible task, really.
“I got you something.” He had walked over to a table just behind his couch and picked up a present wrapped to perfection. He set it down in front of you, his eyes soft but full of something dark as he watched you open the black box that was decorated with red ribbon ties around it. You could feel the desire he felt for you in the air; it was tense and your heart picked up its pace at the sight of what was in the box. “Do you like it?” He’d asked. “I thought you would look absolutely radiant in them.”
You couldn’t answer right away, your mouth going dry and the heat beginning to build in the pit of your stomach as butterflies swarmed manically in your chest.
“They’re beautiful. But what is all this for?” You definitely could not miss how the lace trimmed collar matched the blouse that adorned his chest.
“Oh I think you know.”
“Well, I know what their functionality is, but why did you-” before you could finish, Wooyoung slid the box away from you and in front of himself. With a twirl of his finger, he motioned you to turn around. You swiveled yourself around on top of the stool you sat upon, the confusion still showing across your features as you heard the faint clanking of the dainty chains in the box.
“Because,” you stared at the wall in front of you and felt the palm of his hand splay over your throat, his hand barely squeezing to get your heart pumping and the arousal in your abdomen start vibrating. Wooyoung took his other hand and placed the choker around your neck and fastened it from the back for you.
“You already look so beautiful underneath me,” he began, his hands making their way to the sleeves of your dress and pulling them down until it was halfway off. He stared down at your breasts, your nipples hardening as the heat between your legs intensified with the way his hands felt against your bare skin. That fueled the demon, it woke the beast inside, and he suddenly felt that insatiable hunger take over.
“But I just couldn’t help myself…” he yanked on the chain a bit to prompt you to turn yourself around again. “Black really is your color, darling.” His eyes locked in on the choker that was now adorning your neck and you saw his nostrils flare. “My god…You’re breathtaking.” He proclaimed under his breath, but you weren’t sure if it was said intentionally to you or if it was a break in his dominating presence.
His fingers trailed down your sternum and feather light caresses were given along the underside of your breasts. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours softly, allowing you two to get a good pace going before expertly slipping his tongue past your eager lips. The first taste of you in his tongue sent him into an animalistic frenzy, groaning into your mouth and the taste of the wine that lingered on your tongue was enough to get him drunk on you.
His hands reached your hips, pulling you flush against his chest and pressing your back into the counter as one hand began making art on your side with his nails — the scratches deep enough to cause the skin to puff and turn a slight angry shade of red, but not enough to inflict any pain.
‘Just enough to claim’ he thought, the obsessive observation not allowing him to think about anything else until he noticed your dress was still hiding you from him.
This wouldn’t do.
He pushed the remainder of the dress down until it hit the floor and you stepped out of it, flinging it out of sight with your foot. His mouth never left your body while his hand reached behind you to grab hold of the two black leather cuffs and bring them between the two of you. He broke his lips apart from yours and saw how blown out your eyes had become just from kissing him. He knew his devilish smirk wouldn’t be missed by you, no matter what state you were in mentally right now.
“Do you trust me?” His voice was barely a whisper as he looked down at the leather in his hands and then back up at you while holding the sultriest gaze. You nodded slowly, your breath beginning to pick up as you felt a spike of adrenaline kick in out of pure excitement. He grinned, taking one of your wrists delicately into his hand and securing one of the cuffs around it.
Once both were secured and your wrists were bound in front of you, he tugged gently at the chain on your choker and twirled you back around slowly, pressing your nearly naked form against the cold countertop. You felt him bend over you, pressing himself against you and completely caging you in with his arms. You heard him inhale sharply when his front pressed up against your ass, the stiffness in his trousers obvious now.
“Ready for this?” He purred into your ear, his lips ghosting your lobe teasingly while his warm breath against the shell of your ear sent a cold shiver shooting down your spine causing the pit of your stomach to feel like boiling hot magma. You clenched your legs together, hoping the dampness between them wasn’t obvious but by the way he chuckled, you knew that was no longer possible.
You felt his fingers dancing lightly across your electrified skin, dragging up and down your arms until they reached your sides. You could hear his light panting between soft pecks to your exposed shoulder blades, his tongue slowly gliding along the skin over the protruding bone, followed by a bite into the plush flesh of your shoulder. You felt the way his body was being pressed against yours more and more as his mouth worked to paint his blank canvas beautiful shades of blues and purples from every love bite he created on your back. You relished in how he felt almost needy and just as desperate to be touching you as much as humanly possible. The need to claim your body as his was evident and it sent you into a hazy spiral.
The irresistible heat that had made your heart race a million miles a minute returned when you felt his weight against you. His chest being flush with your back as he rubbed himself shamelessly against your ass left you breathless, the heated weight of him on top of you and the chill of the marble underneath was intoxicatingly delicious.
You felt as his bulge quickly became fully grown and started pulsating — awaiting to be touched and aching for your attention. You were too lost in your own pleasure to even notice that he had started slowly grinding against your ass, small whimpers falling from his swollen lips as he kept you pinned to the counter, allowing the friction from his trousers to rub him just right.
You dared not look back in fear of what you would see. He was lost in the way you made his body feel, and you knew exactly how primal his features would look if you did.
The weight of him on you soon lessened as he started running his hands down your sides and soon his hands gripped each ass cheek, squeezing them a few times before his fingers hooked into the lace at your hips. You quickly felt his hot breath against your hip bone and his teeth graze the sensitive skin. He began pulling your panties down, and you finally found the courage to look down and saw him dragging the dainty lace down with his fingers and his teeth. Once they were at the floor, you felt a rush of heat sweep over your abdomen as the warmth began to pool from within, preparing to burst at the right moment…when he decided it was time.
You heard him hum, pleased at the sight in front of him. He was now on his knees, and he tapped your leg to get your attention.
“Turn around for me, pretty baby.” He cooed. You immediately turned yourself around and were met with his hungry eyes from below. He looked at your damp pussy and licked his lips, spreading your legs just enough to fit between them a little.
You leaned back against the counter and met with the hard marble again, this time not as cold from it being warmed up by you.
“I’ve been waiting to eat you up all day.” He growled before pulling your lips apart slowly and gliding his tongue along your slit agonizingly slow. When you felt the warm plush muscle glide across your already slick folds, you felt the sharp jab of arousal slam into your core and it knocked the wind out of you.
“Oh, Woo…” you couldn’t find it in you to finish the sentence you had just lost from the fog that took over your thoughts as your only focus was the sensational pleasure his mouth was giving you. Like a kitten, he licked and licked and licked in small flicks of his tongue on every sensitive spot he made a point of memorizing.
When his dark chocolate eyes met yours again, he was melting at the way his name spilled uncontrollably, desperately and monumentally from your lips. How it was caressed by drawn out moans, and the way your back arched against the dark grey marble swirls underneath your glistening skin. He tugged at the chain attached to your collar and pulled you forward so your core was pressing against his smirking mouth as it devoured you like a starved man. His flouncy hair hung low over his eyes as he made a meal out of you, the constant slurping noises and groans of approval vibrating against your sensitive skin made you dizzy. He reached a hand up and pulled on the silver chain again when he noticed you had become silent. A small yelp escaped from your agape mouth at the small tug against your neck.
“Wanna hear you, baby.” He pleaded against your pulsating core, his voice unassuming of what he was truly capable of. Wooyoung demanded your attention in all forms — he exuded an overwhelming amount of confidence that screamed sex, which had your cunt dripping since day one.
“Wanna hear you scream my name.” He cooed with his mouth full of you, his hazy eyes looking up at you half lidded as he worked you in every single way he had learned how.
Oh…fuck,” you cursed under your breath once he had slid two fingers inside of your saturated walls. The way you swallowed his fingers with a vice grip. “Woo please.” You whined as his fingers were slowly inserted and dragged back out agonizingly slow and rubbing against your rigid walls so deliciously. He pulled them out completely before repeating and eventually began to plunge in and out of you at a rapid pace, the heat overwhelming and having you ready to burst like a volcanic eruption.
“Louder.” He instructed, his voice low and demanding. He did not look up at you as he pounded his fingers deep into you and pulled them right back out, letting your walls clench around nothing before sucking his digits right back in again.
“Woo…” you felt the tears begin to form on your lash line with the familiar pleasure peaking in your abdomen. He pulled them back out and put them back in this time but only to the first knuckle, not moving and waiting. The orgasm you begged your body to unleash on you refused to wash over you when his fingers were not inside.
“I said louder!” He commanded, his fingers rubbing around the rim of your hole teasingly before he shoved his tongue deep into your cunt and started fucking you relentlessly.
“Oh my god, WOOYOUNG!” Your legs shook as you kept your back arched as you felt the tide come crashing down on you, a series of moans forcing themselves from your slack mouth. You felt like a thousand lightning bolts jolted through your entire body as you succumbed to him and melted into his touch. You didn’t care who heard you beyond the four walls that kept you two hidden from the world. You only cared about the man with his face buried deep in your pussy as he licked every last drop of cum that leaked from your stretched hole. Your fingers curled into his hair as you pushed yourself against him to ride your orgasm out on his tongue.
When you came back down from your high that lasted an eternity, you felt him chuckle against you as he allowed you to tremble and shake around him. In the midst of your high you didn’t realize you squeezed your thighs around his face and held him in place and you reached your peak.
“What…what are you laughing at?” You asked, sounding just as spent as you felt. He stood up from in between your legs and that’s when you saw the mess you made of his face, a knowing smirk adorning it as his eyes locked with yours.
Nothing…I’m just surprised is all.” He shrugged as he walked behind the counter into the kitchen and started dampening a washcloth. You hopped up to sit on the counter and waited for him to come back around.
“Surprised at what?” You leaned back a bit and your eyebrow shot up slightly while you waited for him to reply.
“I didn’t realize I would be getting a pair of earmuffs in the middle of summer.”
“What do you-” you paused, the light visibly flicking on above your head when you understood. “Oh my god!” You felt your cheeks heat up instantly at the realization. “Are you referring to…”
“The death grip you had on my face with your thighs? Oh I absolutely am.” He smiled teasingly as he crouched back down in front of you and started running the warm washcloth along your now heated skin as he cleaned you up. He wiped away what he couldn’t get with his mouth and was so gentle.
“I am…so…so sorry.” You leaned back embarrassed, covering your face with your hands and hoping you would just evaporate on the spot.
“Why? You completely let go and…” he grabbed your wrists and undid your cuffs. He looked up at you through his lashes, and you noticed a light sheen of sweat sticking to his skin. “You liquidized right into my hands; you surrendered yourself completely to me in that moment and allowed your body to naturally react to the pleasure. If that’s not trust, then I don’t know what is.” He booped the tip of your nose with his finger and chuckled under his breath. “It’s what every dom dreams of witnessing when playing.”
“Wait- are you a dom?”
“You could say that.” He chuckled at your surprised expression, but something in you always knew he was fit for the role when his presence entered a room way before he ever did.
“Oh darling, you only got a taste of what I can do to you. For you.” He lightly caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, his feline eyes glowing with something you didn’t know but wanted to experience. His touch felt like the heat of a thousand suns against your skin as he leaned down and firmly pressed his lips to yours, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip and so you could get the faintest taste yourself on him.
You would never admit that you liked the taste of yourself on his tongue.
At least not out loud, anyway.
“But only if you want it. I know this isn’t for everyone, but I would never force you into something you aren’t comfortable with.” He stared into your eyes and held eye contact to make sure every word he just spoke registered.
“I’ve been looking for someone for a long time who matches my rhythm…someone like you.” He continued, his gaze never wavering. “Honestly, I can’t bear the thought of you with anyone but me. I’m not sure when this started, but now that it has it’s a thirst I can’t quench. It’s a hunger I can’t control. I’ve accepted this because all I know is that I need you.” He tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear and his smile was soft and kind and romantic in a way you were used to seeing him now. It made your heart race even more.
“However, I will respect your wishes if you’d prefer to keep this casual.” You felt your eyes widen slightly at his confession. As he waited for an answer, he reached behind you with both hands to untie your choker. You felt the fabric loosen from around your neck and fall into his hands much like you had.
“Jung Wooyoung…are you asking me if I want us to be exclusive?” You couldn’t help the way the corners of your mouth curled up as your heart grew wings in that moment.
“I am, yes.” He confirmed as he put the delicate lace back in the box that sat on the countertop still.
“Well then…” you grab the cuffs that he had discarded back into the box and dangle them in between the two of you. “you better put these back on. I don’t think I’m done being ruined by you yet.”
“I haven’t even ruined you yet...” He stated, the mole on his lip coming into view when his dashing smile reappeared and his eyes darkened when looking at you. “And no…we were only taking a short break. I’m nowhere near done with you yet.” His voice was low and husky as it vibrated against his sternum, his inner lion pounding at his rib cage to be unleashed once again.
“Yes, sir.” You leaned back, eyes hooded and sultry, spreading your legs for him to see that you had already made a small mess on the counter just for him.
Because of him.
He stood up and pressed himself against you, grabbing your throat ever so lightly as he leaned in. You closed your eyes ready to feel his plush lips meet yours, only you were never met with the touch. Instead, his lips ghosted over yours so you could feel his barely-there panting as he held you in place. You could feel his aching member against your thigh as he stood against you.
“You’re so good at being bad...”
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year ago
I'm the same fluff anon that I didn't know you could cook, now you think you can do something with the indication "I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies", we have to continue loving and caring for that great Dhampir, please?
A/N: Ahh this one is short, I couldn't think much for it but I'm always a sucker for fluff and I love Alucard sm so here you go. I hope you enjoy it anyways! Mwuah!
"I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies." x Alucard
Alucard couldn’t think of a single good thing to say about the day. It turned out to be longer and more difficult than he ever intended it to be. Finally trudging back home, the day simply had to shit on him even more before his boot got stuck in mud, nearly sucking the whole thing into the ground. Honestly, Alucard had half a mind of just leaving it there. He didn’t really need the boot anyways. Decided against it, he pulled it out and uncomfortably placed it back on his foot, squishing within the halls of his castle. He didn’t even call out to you, as he normally would, instead sneaking up the steps and going straight to bathing -- he’d clean up the boot marks later. His sweat and all the muck from the outside made his skin crawl, peeling off layers of clothing onto the bathroom floor to bathe. The water felt incredible, immediately soothing his aching muscles as he dipped in, relishing in the warmth. He’d be quick, just needed to scrub away today’s troubles...
Alucard in fact, was not quick.
He’d actually fallen asleep in the bath. Eyes shot open, scanning the room with a fright. How the hell did he fall asleep? It was difficult enough to sleep, let alone with you, and yet he’d completely dozed off. He wasn’t sure for how long, but there was still some sunlight when he got home and now it was terribly dark. Shit. He wondered if you even knew where he was, if you were scared for him, if you were waiting--
“Adrian, honey, are you awake now?” 
...Wait, huh?
He must have said that out loud, because he heard you giggle and walk over, kissing his forehead. “I saw you in here earlier, but you dozed off and I didn’t want to wake you...I checked up on you a few times, make sure you didn’t slip under.” You teased, combing his hair with your fingers. “Come on, pretty boy--you’re gonna get pruny.” As if he wasn’t already.
He really was still in a daze, not entirely sure what was going on--you just let him sleep? He must have been really out of it if he didn’t wake up to you walking in.. The dhampir sleepily dressed himself, and when he found you again immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Darling, you should have gotten me up, I could have helped with dinner.” He stifled a yawn, inhaling deep after--whatever you had made smelled delicious. And there was something...sweet, in the air. 
“Did you make dessert?”
You nodded, turning around in his arms and kissing his jaw, the closest bit to you. “I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies.” There was no way he could have been out for that long, that you could have made everything from scratch...right? “How did you--” “Just call it a woman’s intuition, you walked out of here this morning so grumpy...I made the batter earlier for tonight.”
It’s like you could read his mind.
He chuckled anyways, tightening his hold on you and swaying back and forth. “How you read me like a book, I’ll never understand my love. But I am very grateful for you, all the same.” You hummed, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your arms around him. “It’s my job to know you like the back of my hand. I’m your wife.” You teased, hands trailing up to caress his jaw, bringing him down to your level and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “I love you dearly, never forget that.” You reminded him over and over again each day, and he silently thanked every god in the sky for bringing you to him.
“Now let’s have dinner, hm? Then we’ll have the cookies later.”
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convexicalcrow · 2 months ago
fic: when the void stares back (ren&false)
a/n: posting a bit late bc i've had family stuff going all weekend oml. written for the @hermitadaymay solstice social event! found out too late that my partner wasn't able to participate in the end due to irl stuffs, so i only have a fic for you, but i hope you still enjoy it. <3
read here, or on ao3
"Yes, Falsie?"
"Don't you ever get…"
False walked to the small window in the bridge, watching nothing but stars fill the view. She wasn't sure how to word her thoughts. Perhaps she'd been cooped up here too long, maybe that was it. Certainly, she'd broken the silence because it had grown a little too uncomfortable.
"Don't I ever get what?"
"I dunno, I think maybe I thought space would be … more filled with people or something. I wasn't expecting the silence."
Ren joined her and stood next to her, tail wagging gently behind him. "Yeah, well. It is pretty empty this side of the galaxy. We got another two months travel though, do you want to go back into stasis?"
She scrunched her nose up at the thought. "Oh, it's not that. Besides, someone has to keep you sane out here."
Ren laughed. "I mean, that's very true."
She turned to face him and smiled. "Don't want you hallucinating again, do we?"
"Hey, it was one time! And it was the spores, I promise! I'm all good now!" Ren protested.
False gently moved past him, shaking her head. "I mean, you say that Ren."
"Hey!" Ren pretended to sound offended, but even he knew what he was like. "At least this new planet won't have spores, or so Gigacorp tells me."
"Yeah, but their planetary intel is 20 years behind at this point. I mean, even this ship is old for one of her size. There's so much she can't do that the newer ships can. We wouldn't need to travel an extra two months in a new ship, that's all I'm saying. And the squirtapods create more than enough spores as it is," False said.
"True, true. I've been tinkering behind the scenes on all the blueprints, trying to modernise them, but it's hard. So much of the new tech these days doesn't retrofit easily! It's such a pain!" Ren said.
"At least you're trying. Anyway. Not sure I like the idea of another two months of this, but there's not really much choice there, right? Company policy doesn't let us pilot alone, you know that as well as I," False said.
Ren sat down at a console, pretending to idly check the dials. In reality, they didn't need to do much to run the ship. Grumbot kept it all running well enough with the maintenance drones while they were in stasis and would alert them to any issues. All they had to do was pass the time.
"I dunno, maybe I wish I had…"
Ren's voice faded off. False turned to him. "More people? I think that's it. More people."
Ren idly scratched an ear. "Yeah, I think that's it. More people."
This ship was too big for the two of them. A Hermetheus class ship needed a crew of at least 50 to feel in any way full of life. With just the two of them, it felt like they were piloting a casket. Maybe if they had crew in stasis, it might feel okay. She could wake them up to get some more company, take her place while she has some time in stasis as well to keep her own sanity. Instead it was just her and Ren, and the vast emptiness of space.
Had she really signed up for this when she joined Gigacorp? Well, yes, actually. That was the whole reason. Get away from, well. Get away from things. And of course, you didn't need a full crew to scout out planets to colonise. A pair will do. Once they find good planets, then the rest of the group can follow to build up the infrastructure needed for the meganodes or whatever they're called.
She smiled grimly at that thought. She was working for a jumped up telco, of all things. Of course, communications were vitally important in space, she knew that as well as anyone, so it made sense. But it still sounded so silly in her head to be travelling around, finding good planets to put big satellite towers on. Hardly felt glamorous, really. They were tradespeople, electricians, not astronauts. Not that she'd go back, of course.
Her hand clasped around her gun again purely out of habit. It sat at her waist, standard issue Gigacorp weaponry to be used when necessary. It wasn't a very good gun though. It had a janky trigger that False did not like, and its accuracy was atrocious. If there wasn't a sensor in the holster to check the gun was still in there, she'd have ditched it for a proper weapon ages ago. But Gigacorp didn't work like that.
She sat on her bed. She'd been having stasis dreams again. Always tended to happen in the few weeks after leaving stasis. She could tell them apart from regular dreams because they were so strange to her. Figments of places, people, memories of building things and rivers and giant eagles and all sorts. Lots of towers on fire and laboratories she didn't really remember the purpose of. Her sister-
She hadn't thought about her sister in a very long time. Hadn't really seen her since she was a kid anyway. Just remembered her standing in the doorway of a burning ship, telling her to run. So she did. False ran.
She'd dreamed of her before, of course, but not like this. She was her sister, seeing through her eyes. Seeing False leaving her behind. Seeing jail cells and dead scientists and fire and a maniacal laughter. It had shaken her to her core. It was just a dream though, right? Yeah, it was just a dream. Stasis hallucinations to keep her mind busy. That's all it was. Perhaps her hand clutched her gun a little tighter, just in case.
False busied herself with inventory. There was still a lot to do before they arrived at the planet, and the sooner they had their equipment and supplies organised, the better. At least, it made False rest easy, and it gave her something to do. Ren usually just took care of the navigation and computers, making sure they had all the supplies on order that they needed. There were always some things they had to order in from Gigacorp, and at least they were finally close enough to tap into the local networks to get more up to date information on the planet they were heading to.
False busied herself in the hangar bay where all the ships were. The exploration ships they would take out to find suitable landing spots needed to be supplied with what would be needed to begin a colony, unpacked from the cargo they'd left with. Sand, dirt, grass, seeds, and, of course, squirtapods and their containment equipment.
The droids were doing the heavy lifting. They were faceless silver things, with simple voices and simple functions. Good enough to maintain a ship at a basic level and lift heavy supplies, but that was about it. But then these droids were as old as the ship itself. A newer ship, and newer droids, would do so much more than they could right now.
She sighed as one of the droids stumbled across a grill and nearly dropped the bag of soil it was carrying. "Oi! Don't you go breaking yourself, or it'll be coming out of our wages!"
"Sorry Ms Symmetry," the droid intoned as it straightened itself up. There was no fluid movement here, just a jerky slow correction to its gait and its foot position as it rebalanced itself.
"Yeah, so you should be. Honestly. You have, like, one job! I have like, sixteen! Get it together!" False said, half-serious, half-laughing at the struggling droid.
She got out of the way once the droid had corrected itself. She didn't really need to supervise them. Grumbot was doing that. But she at least wanted to feel busy, so this was what she did with her time. The thing was, the time would pass faster than she always thought it did. Six weeks very quickly turned into two weeks, and that's when the panic kicked in, even though they were very well prepared.
She sat down on the floor, watching the droids pack the ships up. It occurred to her that Ren was, at least, ten minutes away from her. Maybe twenty if the elevators fucked up like they always did. If something happened to her, something the droids couldn't help with, she was dead. Just, straight up dead. Ren would never get to her in time.
That thought sent a shiver up her spine. She didn't want to die, of course. But they were far too few on a ship that was way too big. The nearest ship could be months away, too. Communications could take days to arrive, if they arrived at all. She tried not to think about this too much. It tended to just make her anxious.
"Falsie, how's the inventory going?" came Ren's voice on the radio, breaking the silence.
"Oh, it's going. Droids are packing up the ships. How's things up there? Still heading on the right track?" False said.
"Yeah, all good up here. You want a break? I'll make you a cuppa tea?" Ren said.
False smiled. "Yeah, sure, be right there."
She wasn't, of course, right there. It did take a while to navigate back to the bridge. But she found Ren sitting there with a thermos of tea and a plate of biscuits, a rare treat they'd been saving for months. Thankfully, they had kept well. They'd moved a spare table and chairs into the bridge as there wasn't really anywhere close to take a break or just sit down without risking spilling things onto the consoles. False took a seat and Ren poured her a cup of tea.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Ren said.
"Oh, you know, the vastness of space, how alone we are, how we really should have more crew here, the usual." She laughed to dismiss the fears in her head. It was fine. She was fine.
Ren laughed. "Yeah I hear you, hey Falsie? Wish Gigacorp would stop hoarding their money and get us more crew members. There's all those stasis pods going to waste for crying out loud!"
"I just can't imagine it's cheaper or more efficient to run a ship this big with only two people as opposed to like, I dunno, fifty, you know? We could get prepared for landing in a week instead of two months," False said.
Ren sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Look, I have told them this repeatedly, but do they listen? No! Of course not! There's too much of the universe to explore, they can't spare 50 person crews for every ship!"
"No, I mean, it's not like they're the richest and only corporation in the universe. Can't hurt those profit margins though, can we now? That's why we run in old ships. Too expensive to get new ones," False said.
"Yeah, well, there's worse jobs out there for sure. At least we get to see a bunch of different planets though! That's good, right?" Ren said.
"I mean, I guess? But you can do that on your own. You can just buy a ship with a warp drive and you're set. Small ones aren't that expensive anymore if it's just you," False said.
"What do you think I did before Gigacorp? I went to so many cool planets, Falsie! And now I get to do it as a job! It's so awesome! Don't you think it's awesome?" Ren said, the enthusiasm clear in his voice.
"I guess so, maybe. If you like exploring," False said.
"Don't you like exploring? Surely you must like exploring! Why else would you sign up for these missions?" Ren said.
False shrugged and took a sip of her tea. "Sometimes you just need to- Never mind."
"Oh! Also! I finally managed to get some images of the planet we're going to! Current ones!" Ren said.
He got up and headed over to the console to bring up the pictures. He flicked through a series of pictures of the planet's surface. They showed a rocky planet with pockets of ocean and green land. It didn't look promising to False.
"I bet it's another uninhabited world," False said, going to join him.
"It might not be! There could be life there! Life can thrive anywhere!" Ren said enthusiastically.
"Hmm." False was not yet convinced. "It's just, thirteen out of the last fourteen worlds were uninhabited, is all I'm saying."
"Look, not every planet can have abundant intelligent life! That's actually what we're doing here! We go to a planet, see if it can sustain life, and leave that information for Gigacorp to deal with. Then we move on to the next assignment. It's a perfectly fine system," Ren said.
"What do Gigacorp do with all these planets anyway?" False said. "Feels like it's just busy work at this point."
"It's for the Giganodes! It's connecting the Gigaverse together! Why wouldn't you want to be involved with that?" Ren said.
"So what you're saying is that we're the chumps installing satellite. We're doing the boring cable laying gruntwork of the Gigaverse more like," False said. "I'm not paid enough to care that much about the Gigacorp vision, if I'm honest."
"Aww, come on, it's great work we're doing here! Spreading the love of Gigacorp to new and exciting planets!" Ren said.
"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Ren."
False ran her hand over her ship, a small Valkyrie class tucked behind all the Gigacorp vehicles in the hangar. They'd been all over the galaxy together, and she'd smuggled her aboard when she joined Ren as crew. She wasn't as old as the ship they were piloting, but she had a knack for upgrades and repairs, so she was as good as the newest ships out there at the moment. Warp drive, chameleon skin, the works.
She could just fly off. She could get inside, open the doors, and fly off. Leave all of this behind. It wouldn't take much. She could stash enough supplies in here and just go.
She got inside, in spite of herself. It was comfortable in here. She knew this ship better than she knew herself. She always had a stash of emergency supplies in here. Sometimes, it was quicker to take her to rendezvous with supply ships and stations than get their Hermetheus to change course.
It was always nice to get away from the ship for a while. Talk to different people. Catch up with contacts and friends. Upgrade her ship. Profit a little on the side when she could. She knew how to take care of herself. Ren was always fine. She put Grumbot in autopilot and told him not to touch anything, and they were fine.
She sunk into the pilot's chair, her hands going to the controls through muscle memory. The desire to fly away was very strong. But she knew it would pass. Part of the training was dealing with that flight response that came from spending too much time with your partner. She knew it would pass. Just breathe. Find a supply station. Talk to other people. She'd be fine.
She closed her eyes. Imagined saying the words to open the hangar doors. Powering up the ship. Disappearing into the void like she always wanted to do.
She opened her eyes, still sitting in her ship. She shook the itchiness from her body and left, softly touching her nose as she closed the doors and powered down the ship. One day they would fly again. One day. But not today.
"Yes, Ren?"
Ren shifted a little in his chair. "Did you know you'd never see your home again when you joined Gigacorp?"
"I mean." False glanced at him. "To be honest, I'd left home a long time ago. It didn't really worry me. I was already homeless. Best kind of person for these kinds of missions, I think. No attachments."
"Yeah, but like…" Ren paused. "I mean, you can die out here, and who'd even notice? Everyone's so so far away! By the time they get here, we'll just be skellingtons in the sand or something."
"You been having stasis dreams again, hey?" False said. "What's brought all this on?"
"I dunno. I guess the distance kind of just hit me earlier. Seeing how far we are from anywhere, really. I mean, sure there's planets out there close by, but inhabited planets? The last one was the one we left hundreds of light years away, you know?"
"I think you should stop worrying. Nothing much you can do about it. I mean, what do you want me to do? Magically make an inhabited planet appear? If it's getting to you, you can always retire, of course," False said. "Sorry, that sounded mean. But you know what I mean, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Maybe we should stop at that refuelling station coming up in a couple of days. I think I need to get out of this place for a while. It's doing my head in," Ren said, resigned.
False touched his arm for a moment. "Yeah, maybe we just need to get some time off the ship. Before we get to the planet, of course. We don't actually need to refuel, do we?"
"I mean, it doesn't hurt to get everyone topped up before a mission. And we've been travelling a helluva long time to get here, you know?" Ren said. "And, I dunno, maybe it's a good idea, you know, stock up on anything we need before we land."
"Ren, you don't need to justify it this much. We can just stop there, it's fine," False said.
"Yeah, but, like-"
"Ren, it's fine. We might as well if it's close by. And you clearly need a distraction, so. Maybe we take inventory tomorrow, and then we'll know what to pick up while we're there. Then at least it's a business expense," False said.
"True, true." Ren sighed. "I'll be honest, Falsie, there's really only one thing I want, and it's some actual good stinking food! I'm tired of living off the supplemental day rations! I'm wasting away here, Falsie, I swear!"
False smiled. "You're not wrong. I know why it's there, of course, it's all that will survive the journey, but god, I could do with some actual food."
"We're gonna dine out so stinking good, I promise. So much good food we can take to the planet with us! That'll set us up for a good start," Ren said.
"Yeah, of course," False said.
Ren fell quiet. He got up and went over to the navigation console. False saw him adjust their trajectory to head to the refuelling station. They were lucky one was close by. Sometimes they were months away, and they would have to get by on base power until they got there. Which, to be fair, was not that hard to do with only the two of them. Sometimes, they could go into stasis if there was enough power, but other times, it was just to isolate themselves in a small corner of the ship, power that for life support, and shut down most of the rest of the ship.
It would be nice to be off the ship, though. Talk to some different people. See some different things. Trade in some of the, well. Some of the things she'd collected over the years. If she'd learned anything at all over her lifetime, it was to keep your own money that your employer couldn't touch. You never know when you'll need to make an escape.
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madlori · 17 days ago
Fandom icebergs
So, lemme take you on a lil tour of the fandom rabbit hole I just fell down for something I didn't even know was a fandom.
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So I like to watch Smosh Pit Reddit story videos, I play them while I work, etc. Reading Reddit stories is one of my online time sucks (it's my life goal to always be current on Best Of Redditor Updates), and having a non-threateningly appealing blond man read them aloud to be reacted to by a rotating cast of two snarky listeners was right up my street.
I started watching more of these a few weeks ago, just thanks to the algo more or less, and then realized that...this wasn't just a random thing that a few people do.
Smosh Pit is one channel among many run by Smosh, which is (I learned) a group of comedy YouTubers who do a variety of things ranging from these Reddit videos, to a podcast (Smash Mouth) to various reacting videos, comedy sketches, and gaming bits. It's a whole...Smoshverse. I don't really care to get into all of it but it's there.
And it has a Fandom.
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So the non-threateningly appealing blond man above is Shayne Topp, who's...sort of the quasi-ringleader of Smosh. He's one of a small group of main cast and has been with the troupe since 2015.
I noticed that in some of the more recent videos he was wearing a wedding ring (he'd commented in previous videos about being single) and I thought oh, Shayne got married. That's nice. I thought no more of it.
But then.
The algo showed me a video that made me realize that he is actually married to...fellow Smosh cast member Courtney Miller, who joined the same time as him.
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Oh, I thought. That's sweet. I'd seen her as one of the rotating cast members reacting to Reddit stories but never put it together.
But then...I found out the whole story.
Apparently, since 2015, a HUGE part of this show's fandom was shipping these two. Hardcore. To the point that they both got pretty uncomfortable with it, and actually made videos/statements asking people to please chill TF out, they're just friends, quit being weird about it.
Ok, fair enough. The RPF shipping of them did seem to calm down a bit after that (reportedly - I have no firsthand knowledge of any of this).
But then.
On APRIL FOOL'S DAY of last year, they announced - out of the blue - that they had gotten married. Instagram photos and everything.
Of course people immediately thought it was a prank.
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Spoiler: It was NOT a prank. They are, in fact, married, and had successfully (arguably) kept their relationship secret until THIS MOMENT when they announced their marriage.
People Magazine did a feature on this. This was big news.
Can you imagine? Being in a fandom, shipping two of the people hardcore, giving up on it after many denials, and then...THEY'RE FUCKING MARRIED? I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall of this fandom last April. Talk about a bombshell. Fandom hed explodey, indeed.
Anyway. I just think it's funny, and props to them for guarding their privacy.
And they're freaking adorable.
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delulustateofmind · 1 month ago
hello, I'm currently going insane over the last part of "can my friend join". And i read your replies to asks related to that. And I'm going to ask something so crazy but I think it'd be soooo interesting, and something to ponder abt (for me at least)
Tw. Narcotics?
Say the reader gets their hands on edibles or something. Maybe weed to smoke or as brownies (because we know Suguru smokes/at least carries lighters. Maybe for this hypothetical scenario, let's assume he has it and that's how she got it). One of the effects can be that it makes you laugh uncontrollably about things that aren't THAT funny. And in general puts one in better mood.
Let's say satosugu see reader laughing her heart out at something random n silly and find out it's because she accidentally somehow consumed an edible.
(For the sake of this scenario, again, let's assume that the depression meds or some medical complications after so many pregnancies lead to reader being rendered infertile. So no question about any baby being harmed. )
In that case... how do they feel? Do they want her bubbly-ness back? Or are they now indifferent? Or do they hate her smiles and the sound of her laughter?
Will Suguru try to forcefully take away the edibles, (after a few times) if satoru is against the idea, coz satoru likes how you seem to have a bit of personality outside of being a cardboard cutout of the person you used to be? Will SATORU too put his foot down on letting you choose if or not you want to have access to these?
I am sorry in case i inadvertently offended you with this ask. I genuinely found it hilarious, imagining their confusion at first. It would be interesting to read about a scene where satoru and Suguru maybe cannot come to an agreement about a situation. And both are stubborn/ want control.
I understand if you won't want to answer this one, and i apologise in case you don't like stuff like this. I genuinely do not mean to make you uncomfortable.
Thank you for reading!
Anon, baby, it takes a whole lot to offend me. You're so freaking sweet, mwah.
TW: Narcotics, unedited, implied dubcon/noncon
I think I hinted at this in one of the previous asks, but yes, they definitely use narcotics. It’s kind of like a date night situation, because normally, you’re so numb. But when you’re high on that sweet little pill they give you? Oh my, you’re back to being the sweetest little thing.
Sure, you might be a little spaced out, and sure, you might not fully understand what’s going on. But Satoru loves the giggly mess you become. You let him hold you, nuzzle into you, and for once, you don’t resist. The sex is incredible for them because you actually seem like you’re enjoying it. You’re softer, more pliable, and sometimes, you even blurt out that you love them during it.
Those moments—hearing you say “I love you”—fuel both Satoru and Suguru’s belief that there’s still an ounce of the old you left inside. As much as they’d want to keep you drugged and loveable forever, Suguru worries about the long-term effects on your brain. So, he insists on keeping it as a weekly date night ritual.
On those nights, they send the kids out of the estate and have an absolute field day with you, indulging in every ounce of affection and compliance you offer under the influence of their little solution.
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sharkboywrites · 1 year ago
"You're Just a Boy, You Are No Man, And Nobody You Know Will Understand"
Twst staff finding out stealth ftm reader is trans (platonic)
Reader is a trans man and implied to pass, misgendering, mentions of dysphoria and periods
A/N: Back with a part two to this post after the poll came out mostly positive. I really love the staff taking on a parental role to Yuu/player, its just so sweet.
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Dire Crowley
Getting teleported to twisted Wonderland was a very difficult experience, and of first the first person you met, and the one causing most of the problems for you, was Crowley. As the headmage of the school, he had to do something with you and generally take care of you. it was only a matter of time before you had to tell him the truth.
This doesn't mean you avoided the inevitable conversation as much you could. You were able to go a few weeks without running into an issue, that being the dreadful natural process that comes once every month.
While you could run to Sam, there was the small issue of the right clothes to wear, after all boxers won't really cut it in this situation, so unfortunately you had to go to Crowley for the right things to wear.
It was definitely an uncomfortable situation , sitting in Crowley's office, having to explain the situation to him. He was also, clearly, made a bit uncomfortable by the situation, but as headmage of the school, it was his job to provide you with what you needed.
you could already sense that dreaded feeling coming in the back of your throat as you explained. You really didn't want to cry in front of him, it was embarrassing, but there was really nothing you could do to stop it. In all honesty, Crowley doesn't know how to react in this situation, he's not really good with comforting and all that, so he isn't sure what to do once you get up and leave once the conversation, tears threatening to pour from your eyes.
You do find the next day, however, the clothes you requested, although you're decently sure he made a guess on the sizing, and a small chocolate bar. A small note sat with the items, reading "You've been excused of all chores for this week, take the break you need". Truly a bird dad at heart, even when he's not good with the talking part.
Divus Crewel
While Crewel can be seen as, well, cruel, he's taken a liking to you as you've made your way into Night Raven College. Now obviously he hadn't thought much of Crowley, knowing he did the bare minimum keeping you at the school, but he didn't expect this.
Other than your school uniform and the clothes you showed up in, you really didn't have anything else to wear, and he was not having it. Of course once he found out he dragged you to the nearest clothing store. Caught up in his anger and disappointment with Crowley, he didn't see how nervous you actually were about getting new clothes.
It wasn't until you had to make decisions did he pick up on your hesitation. he was a bit pushy with trying to get you to pick out things, but it wasn't until it came to trying thing on he realized just why you were so hesitant about this whole thing. It really all had clicked the moment you had to actually try things on, but he had reassured you that everything was fine and took a different approach.
He started to prioritize clothes that would make you feel comfortable over the ones he thought looked fashionable, although don't doubt for a second fashion won't still be considered.
Once you're all done you've got a new wardrobe and Crewel understands you a lot better. After this there's very clear favoritism once in the classroom now, which Ace will complain about until the day he dies. But that's alright, it's worth it to put with the complaining now that Crewel's you're new dad figure who's willing to do anything to make you feel comfortable with the other boys
Mozus Trein
Out of all the staff at Night Raven College, professor Trein is the most of a dad, quite literally, after all he had three daughters. Because of this, he can pick up on those small things that make you different from the other male students at Night Raven College. While he had his assumptions, he never outright said anything. He decided it was none of his business, and that if you wanted him to know, you would come to him instead.
it was during one of his classes that he noticed you seemed really uncomfortable. Not just uncomfortable physically, but mentally. It looked like you were ready to burst into tears with one wrong move. When class ended, he told you to stay after.
In that moment it felt like everything had gotten so much worse. Had you messed up? Were you in trouble? That's really not something you could handle right now. but to your surprise, he asked if you were alright instead.
You couldn't help when you started to cry a bit at that moment, although you did your best to hold back as much of it as you could. this caught him off guard, he didn't want you to cry. After reassuring you that it was alright, you explained to him what was going on. You told him how you were trans, how you were trying so hard to hide it, and how dysphoria had really been eating away at you ever since you got there.
Fortunately, when raising his own daughters Trein had to comfort them plenty, so he was able to calm you down enough to once again reassure you that everything would be alright. He told you that if you had any issues, to come to him and that he wouldn't tell anyone if you didn't want to. if you wanted the rest of staff to know, he'd help you slowly come out.
After that, he's very attentive to you in class, always making sure you seem alright. He really just wans you to be okay, even if he doesn't know that much about being queer. he starts to see you as one of his kids, and he wants to protect and help you in any way he can.
Ashton Vargas
Out of all the teachers you weren't very exited to learn about your identity, it was Vargas. He's like the average intimidating man that you're not sure if you want him to know you're queer. his reaction would either be super supportive, or he'd be the most transphobic person you'd ever met. teaching gym, it was inevitable that he would eventually find out you were trans.
When it came to locker rooms, it was really a challenge. there was no way you could change with the rest of the guys, they'd figure it out in seconds, and no you can't get out of changing for gym. So you had to go to Vargas to ask if there was somewhere else you would be able to change. Of course, he made you explain. it wasn't in a mean way, but he wants to push every student to being the best version of themselves, and being too scared to change in a locker room was not going to help that, a least according to him.
So, you had to tell him. You explained to him that you were trans and not only were you not comfortable changing with the rest of the boys, it would be unsafe for you if in the room with the wrong person. he's very taken aback by this. he probably isn't the type of teacher to think about students being queer, not in a homophobic way, just not something he generally thought about. So he offered to let you use one of the bathrooms nearby, as long as you didn't tell anybody about it.
This does not mean, however, that he'll suddenly go easy on you. you're still expected to do the same exercises as the rest of the boys. you are a boy and therefore will be pushed just as hard as the rest of them. Sorry, no getting out of that one. Vargas doesn't really see you any differently. You're still one of his students and need to be pushed to your limits, no matter how much you may dislike it. In fact, this makes him even harder on you. he's strict about making sure you don't exercise in a binder and gives you work outs that would make you more physically masculine.
So congratulations, you're given even more work than all the other students, but it's in good intentions from Vargas.
In the end, it was inevitable that you would also have to go to Sam at some point. I mean those period products aren't gonna buy themselves. Even though it wasn't really an ideal situation, Sam seemed like the person who'd you'd rather come out to than everyone else.
He's a bit odd, but he doesn't seem like the type to be judgmental, although he might bug you a little bit about it, not in a mean way though, the way he does to everybody. He's a bit of a sassy guy and that isn't going to stop for you.
When you first ask if he has anything that could help, he simply laughs. yes, it's an odd request that he wasn't expecting, but of course he has some. In fact, he even has enough for you to pick out a preferred size of whatever it was that you wanted.
he doesn't tell anyone if you don't want him to, although when you show up, with friends or not, he'll make a few sly jokes about it. Not enough to out you, just enough to let you know that he knows, and it doesn't bother him at all.
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this took me a lot longer than I thought I would, probably because I kept goofing off and getting on my phone instead of writing. I feel like Sam's part is really short but at this point I'm pretty tired and need a hot chocolate lol. ty for reading and have a nice day <3
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s0urw00lf · 1 month ago
Twisted luck
Sam Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: dislocated shoulder, blood, guns, knives, usual spn stuff
AN: to anyone wondering i gave readers mom a name which is Athena. Don’t like it… oh well i do. Also im well aware how long this took, but i was actually dreading writing this episode to be completely honest. But here you go i hope you like it.
Last chapter — next chapter
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After spending a week back and forth between you and sams… homes, you were no closer to finding what killed Jason and jess. So after catching wind of a case in colorado you and the brothers had decided to finally pack up and leave.
Dean was driving, nodding his head to the music and Sam was asleep beside him. You were in the back seat caressing a book that you picked up from your apartment before you left. Even though you weren't reading it, having it close gave you a sense of comfort. You'd gotten over the crying stage mostly.
Only having a few cries a week now, which was a huge improvement from before. You mostly stopped because of the burden you felt that you and Sam were laying on Dean with all the angst and grief, knowing he wasn't all touchy feely and it made him a little uncomfortable.
But also having Sam helped, you never really talked about it because you didn't need to, the two of you found solace in each other's pain.
Even when you sat in silence you heard and understood that you weren't alone and that you were healing together and that was enough.
Your deep thought was suddenly broken by Sam who jerked awake out of his sleep. That was another thing. Nightmares. They plagued your mind even when you were awake but asleep they felt real and that was enough to haunt anyone. Neither of you hadn't been getting nearly enough sleep in hopes to avoid them.
Both you and Dean's attention was on Sam, his frame was tense and he was blinking rapidly trying to fight away the sleep. “You okay?” you asked, which felt stupid to do because you already knew the answer. “I'm fine,” he said shortly.
A lie, both you and Dean knew it but also knew not to push. It was quiet for a while before Dean spoke up. “ ‘Norther nightmare?” he asked, Sam cleared his throat, also another unspoken answer. “Wanna drive for a while?” he asked, a way of trying to provide his little brother comfort. Both you and Sam looked at Dean with shock at his offer.
Sam scoffed out a laugh “dean your whole life you never once asked me that” Sam said. Dean rolled his eyes “just thought you might want to, nevermind” dean said muttering the last part. Sam's expression suddenly dropped, he glanced back at you and you gave him a look of confusion.
He sighed looking back at Dean, “Look, man, you're worried about me. I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay.” Sam said sincerely. It didn’t take a genius to see that he wasn’t but it also didn’t take a genius to know that any more pushing would cause an argument.
That’s why Dean hummed in reply, turning his attention back to the road with a blank expression. Sam looked at you and you tilted your head slightly wordlessly asking if he was really okay. The look in Sam's eyes was telling, he gave you a look that read ‘later’ and you nodded. He turned back to the front, sighing as he grabbed the map off of the dashboard. “Alright” he cleared his throat “where are we?” he asked. You gently laid the book on the leather seat and leaned forward a bit “just out of grand junction” you answered.
Sam inhaled “y'know what, maybe we shouldn't have left so soon” he said, not looking away from the map. In all honesty your heart dropped at the thought of turning around and going back. You hadn't realized just how suffocating the lack of Jason's presence was when you saw him in almost every corner.
“Sam we dug around there for a week and we came up with nothing. You wanna find the thing that killed jessica-""we have to find dad first" Sam interjected. You had not spoken on it but something in your gut was telling you what killed Jess and Jason were two different beings. It didn't make sense for the demon to go off track with Jason and you had a feeling Sam and Dean were thinking the same thing and you think that was the cause of Dean being more on his toes around you than Sam or what.
When you realized you'd been tuning the brothers out again you mentally sighed. This has become a reocurring thing recently. Your deep thought broke and you tuned back into the conversation. Sam was feeling uneasy about the fact that the coordination John left was quite literally in the middle of the woods. “Why are they sending us to the middle of nowhere?” sam asked looking from dean to you.
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Soon enough you and the boys found yourselves wandering around the ranger station of the small town. The station was covered head to toe in artifacts from the town. “So the Blackwater ridge is pretty remote.” Sam started as he walked over beside you leaning overt the table that had a map of the town inside of it. 
You nodded “yep It's cut off by these canyons here. Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place.” you stated as if you were reading from a pamphlet, which technically you did but whatever helps, helps. 
“Dude check out this friggin' bear” Dean said from the other side of the room, grabbing you and Sam's attention. The two of you walked over to dean and stood on either side of him taking in the image of the bear that looked abnormally huge. “And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no natural hike that's for sure.” Sam continued. 
A sound from behind the three caused y/n to turn around, she saw a man who was no doubt the ranger. “You kids aren't planning to go out near black water ridge by any chance?” the man asked, causing Sam and dean to turn around as well. Sam, quick to come up with an excuse, replied“Oh no sir, we're environmental study majors from UC boulder. Just workin on a paper”. “Recycle man” Dean said unconvincingly, holding up a fist. 
You internally cringed at Dean's addition but plastered a convincing smile on which immediately dropped when the words “bull” came out of the man's mouth. But as soon as the smile dropped it returned. 
“You're friends with that hayley girl right?” the ranger asked. You inhaled “guilty” you said, feigning a guilty look. The ranger whose name was Wilkinson based off of the nametag on his suit, sighed leaning onto his desk. “Well I'll tell you exactly what I told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying that he wouldn't be back from blackwater till the 24th. So it's not exactly a missing person now, is it?” wilkinson asks, you feigned worry, “i guess not” you said purposefully not sounding convinced
The ranger sighed “You tell that girl to quit worrying, I'm sure her brother's just fine.”
You nodded before Dean spoke “We will. Well that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?” he joked
“That is putting it mildly.” the ranger replied, dean took a step forward 
“Actually you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother's return date.” The ranger eyed Dean who raised his eyebrows.
Scene cut
You follow Sam and Dean out of the ranger station. Dean held a piece of paper and laughed smugly. Sam huffed irritation flooding his features , “What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?” Sam asks as you stop beside him. Dean looked at sam 
“What do you mean?” He asked. “The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?” Sam replied as he walked to the passenger side of the car while you stopped alongside Dean on the driver's side. “I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?” Dean says making a ‘duh’ face. 
Sam looks between you and dean and you cant control the upset expression on your face. “What?” he asks, “these people could need help. If my mom and john are here waiting for us im sure they'd wait a little longer while we save a few lives sam.” you said.
Dean nodded agreeing with your statement “yeah, since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway?” he asks “Since now.” Sam replied before opening the car door and getting inside. You scoff at Sam's attitude while Dean wears a proud expression “Really?” he says as he gets in. you shake your head following in suit.
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You followed Sam and Dean up to the Hayley girls house and stood beside Sam whilst Dean knocked on the door. It wasn't long before a girl, presumably Hayley, opened the door. 
She was pretty, wavy black shoulder length hair and steel blue eyes, you were absolutely positive dean would be flirting with her. “You must be hayley collins. Im dean this is sam and y/n, were rangers with the park service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. 
We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother tommy.” dean said. Hayley eyed the three of you “let me see some ID” she said. ‘Smart girl’ you thought as dean pulled one of his many fake ID’s out of his wallet and held it up to the screen. After a moment of inspection she pushed open the screen door “come on in” she said 
and before the three of you could step in she took a glance at the impala “that yours?” she asked dean. “Yeah,” Dean replied with a proud smile. 
She nodded with an impressed, slightly flirtatious look “nice car” she complimented before walking into the house. Dean stepped in behind her but turned around mouthing ‘oh my’ to you and Sam before continuing on. You and Sam look at eachother with annoyed expressions before following the older winchester. 
Hayley led you to the dinning room where a boy no older than 16 sat at the table, Sam ever so eager to get started began questioning hayley. “So If Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know somethings wrong?” he asks. 
Hayley comes in the room with a bowl of food and places it on the table “he checks in every day on his cell. He emails photos, stupid little videos but we haven't heard anything in over three days now” she said. “Maybe he cant get cell reception” you offer with a slight shrug. 
She shook her head “he's got a satellite phone too” she said, moving to get another bowl. “Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in?” Dean asks, causing the boy to drop his utensils “he wouldn't do that” he said before going back to his meal, catching you and den by surprise. 
Hayley came back into the room “our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.” she said, explaining her brother's tiny outburst. You looked at Sam who seemed to be in thought “can I see the pictures he sent you?” he asked, the girl nodded before going to find her laptop. 
When she found it she opened it up going to the files of photos and videos Tommy sent. “That's Tommy,” she said, showing us a picture of a man smiling brightly inside of a tent. She then clicked through some photos until she came across a video and played it. You watched intently, hoping to catch something in the video but you didn't. 
The clip wasn't very long, only about seven seconds. You looked at the brother's dean didn't look like he'd seen anything either but Sam had a look on his face that you didn't have time to question. 
“Well we’ll find your brother. We're heading out for black water ridge first thing.” dean said. “Then maybe ill see you there” she said making all three of your eyes snap towards her. “Look, I can't sit around here anymore, so I hired a guide and I'm gonna go look for Tommy myself” she said confidently.
Dean looked as if he'd just fallen in love “i think i know how you feel” he said, and you internally rolled your eyes. Sam cut through the brief silence “hey, you mind forwarding these to me?” he asked. Hayley nodded “sure”
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You sat down on the other side of Sam and Dean as Sam placed his bag on the table. “So black water ridge doesnt get a lot of traffic.” he began to explain as he pulled john's journal full of articles and newspaper clippings out of the bag.
“Local campers mostly but still,this past april two campers have gone missing out there they were never found.” he said passing you a few papers. “Any before then?” you asked. Sam pulls out newspaper articles to show Dean. “Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the Same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack. And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936.”
“Woah sammy” you commented looking over the articles. Sam then opens his laptop
“Every twenty-three years, just like clockwork. Okay. Watch this. Here's a clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out.” he says before pulling up the video and pauses it frame by frame.
A shadow crosses the outside of the tent Tommy's in and the realization hits you like a truck. “That's what you saw? Good eye” you say.  Sam nods “That's three frames. That's a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move.” Sam sighs.
Dean then hits Sam's shoulder “Told you something weird was going on.” he says, Sam rolls his eyes closing his laptop “yeah yeah shout it from the rooftops” you commented sarcastically. “I got something” you said, pulling an article from the pocket of your jacket, unfolding it and placing it in front of the brothers. 
“In 'fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive.” you explained, they skimmed over the article before Dean looked at you “Is there a name?” he asked with a raised brow. You smiled in response.
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The now old man named shaw let you and the brothers into his house. The air was full of the smell of cigarettes no thanks to the one in his mouth “Look, ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's a public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a-” “Grizzly? That's what attacked them?” Sam interrupts. Shaw then tensed, taking a long draw of his cigarette before taking it out and nodding unconvincingly.
“The other people that went missing that year, those bear attacks too?” Dean asks, pushing at the man to give him more information. Shaw paused “What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?” he asked. More silence followed.
“ sir If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it.” you said pleadingly. Shaw shook his head in disbelief “I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make.” he said, sitting down
“You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did.” he said 
Sam moved to sit across from the man “Mr. Shaw, what did you see?” he asked gently.
Mr.shaw paused, as if he was reliving that night “Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like...no man or animal I ever heard.” you sat next to sam leaning forward placing your elbows on your knees “It came at night?” you asked, he nodded. “Got inside your tent?” you pushed. 
“It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door. It unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screaming” he recited that night and you could tell by the look on his face that it still haunted him. “It killed them?” Sam asked
Shaw gave a slight nod “Dragged them off into the night. Why it left me alive...been asking myself that ever since." Shaw said, shaking his head.
After a brief silence on you and the brothers racking your brains for the answer to what you were hunting Shaw began to pull down the collar of his shirt “Did leave me this, though.” he said, revealing a large pair of claw marks down his shoulder. You inhaled sharply at the sight “There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon.” he said
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After you and the boys said your goodbyes you followed them down the dark dim lit hallway. “Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls.” dean said. Sam nodded “So it's probably something else, something corporeal.” 
“Corporal? Excuse me, professor.” dean said, making you snort. “Shut up. So what do you think?” Sam said not feeding into the Dean's joke. Dean sighed “The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it.” he said before walking off. 
You stood in front of Sam with a raised eyebrow surprised at Dean's oddly correct use of the word “Wow deans giving you a run for your money, Sammy” you joked causing Sam to jokingly nudge you with an eye roll before following after dean.
Outside of the apartment building you and sam walked around to the back of the impala where dean was packing a duffle full of guns “ we cant let hayley go out there its too risky” you sighed crossing your arms” watching sam start helping dean. “Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?” dean asks sarcastically. 
You scoffed “not those words exactly but yeah” Dean looks at you. Your expression is completely serious. He then looked to Sam for help but he held the same expression as you. Dean looked between the two of you incredulously
“Her brother's missing. She's not gonna just sit this out. Now we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend.” Dean said picking up the duffel.
“Finding Dad and Thena’s not enough?” Sam asked, slamming the weapons box shut, then the trunk. “Now we gotta babysit too?” 
Dean stares between the two of you like he couldnt believe you. “What?” you ask with an eye roll. “Nothing.” He throws the duffel bag at Sam and walks off. Sam stares after him and you sigh dropping your head. In all honesty you couldnt completely blame hayley for wanting to go out there but that wasnt the reason you’d helped deans case earlier today, it was so you could get any sort of idea on what you were hunting and how to kill it, saving her brother was merely a side quest.  
Later that night in the motel dean decided he wanted to go explore or whatever he said you weren't really paying attention, you were too busy going through the photo album on Jason’s old computer that you had now taken for yourself. You hadn't had the heart to bring it out, let alone open it until you felt the need to change the image that you get in your head when you remember him. 
Your heart both soared and shattered at the sight of his smiling face. In the photo he was behind you with his arm around your waist smiling huge at Lacy, a friend of yours who was behind the camera. 
You never took photos until you met Jason, his family was big on capturing big moments but Jason just captured everything and you never thought you'd be so thankful for it. 
You hadn't noticed the water stop running in the bathroom until Sam came out in a t-shirt and jeans with semi wet hair. 
He noticed you on the computer and tilted his head in confusion “where'd you get that?” he asked, pointing to the computer in front of you, making you take your eyes off of the photo and on to him. “Oh its- was Jason's. I kinda stole it from the crime scene” you shrugged not so guiltily. Sam nodded in understanding “find anything?” he asked. 
You shook your head huffing laugh “no i'm just looking at photos. I uh-figured it would help me more not to see him all… bloody. Every time I think about him” you swallowed thickly. He gave you those gentle puppy eyes that he's had since he was a kid. 
You closed the laptop before facing him fully “wanna talk about your dream?” you asked. 
Sam had been more closed off to you even after your agreement or whatever you called it. He shook his head and you frowned. 
It had been more you confiding in him than anything and you were starting to think he just wanted you to feel better. 
So you sighed standing up to go take a shower, your things had already been set out for the shower so you just grabbed them and went to the bathroom.
You got in the shower fully submerging yourself under the water without care of how it might affect your hair and the extended process of doing it. 
You wished the hot water streaming down your body would help the overall tense feeling you had but it didn't. All it did was bring along a stream of tears from your eyes.
You missed Jason like nothing else, usually you hear of people saying that they always forget their loved one is gone and want to reach out to them but then remember they're gone, you however cant forget it. 
It's like something in your brain won't let you, maybe it's the guilt, or the plain emptiness in your chest. You didn't know. All you knew was it hurt. All of a sudden as if being bought into a dream. You woke up on the ground, clothes wet from the puddle of water you were laying in. You let out a breath reaching for the knife you’d been keeping on you and pulled it out of its sheath. You looked around, you seemed to be in a warehouse. It was dark and cold, the only light was coming from the moon seeping in covering everything in a dark blue color. You stood up waiting for something to happen, until you heard footsteps approach from behind you.
You whipped around to face whoever it was, your heart almost dropped out of your body at the sight, stood right ahead of you was Jason. “Y/n” he said with a smile stepping forward. You took a quick step back “what the hell is this” you asked gaze hardening gripping tighter on your knife.
His smile slowly faded and his expression shifted into anger before he rushed towards you grabbing you by your shoulders and pushing you against a wall.
“This was your fault y/n!” He shouted as blood began to drip from his mouth “you did this to me! You couldn’t save me!” A couple drops landed on your hand as you tried to loosen his grip on you, the knife in your hand long forgotten about.
You began to shake, violently as tears streamed down your face “no, no, no I tried, I couldn’t get to you fast enough I’m sorry” you pleaded, voice broken and full of hurt. “Jason I’m so sorry, I should’ve told you I’m sorry” you pleaded for forgiveness.
You’d never seen him so angry, he looked at you with hatred the blood flowing down his neck horrified you. Just then he disappeared and right in front of you and your father replaced him. He looked at you with pure love, your shaky frame eyed him horrified “dad?” You muttered. “Y/n, my baby girl” he said reaching out to caress your face.
“You’re so grown up, and strong I couldn’t be prouder” he said wiping the tears from your face. “I’m sorry, for what you went through, I’m sorry I wasnt there but that’s how it had to be.” He said
You looked at him in confusion “what-“ he cut you off. “This was how it was always supposed to be. You, Sam and Dean, you must be prepared.” He said. You shook your head “what do you mean- I don’t- I don’t understand” you stuttered, mind racing. He looked down noticing the knife in your hand and smiled “I see you got your gift” he said before sighing
“I dont have much time. Save him, you can’t do this without him, you need each other. I love you. Talk to your mom she’ll explain everything.” He said, giving you one last glance before walking away.
“Wait! What was that, Jason was it real?” You asked. He paused turning back to you “I’m real aren’t I?” He asked.
After that your eyes opened and you were back in the shower. The water was no longer hot and your fingers had pruned up impressively. Your eyes filled with horrified tears. Whatever it was that you just saw horrified you. ‘Does he really blame me?’ ‘Could I have saved him?’ You asked yourself. ‘Was it even real?’
Your father’s voice rang through your head clear as day “I’m real aren’t I?” But you didn’t know. Was he. Was Jason? You stood with all of these questions and no one to answer them.
You were in the shower so long it had started to worry sam. He was sitting on his bed doing a little more research before he went to sleep. When he checked the time in the corner of his screen he realized you had been in the shower for over forty minutes, which was way longer than your usual fifteen minute showers. Cinching his eyebrows he sat his laptop aside and got up, walking to the door of the bathroom.
 He pressed his ear to the door but heard nothing other than the running water. After a few seconds he knocked at the door calling your name. 
You looked towards the door, the sight being covered by the shower curtains.“Yeah one sec!” you shouted back before turning off the water wrapping yourself in a towel before opening the door slightly seeing a worried looking sam. “ is Dean back with food or something?” you asked a little confused as to why he was knocking. 
Sam looked at you weirdly, making you tilt your head. “What?” you asked. Sam blinked “y/n you've been on there for like forty minutes.” he said wearily. You cinched your brows, “Sam, I've only been in there for like five minutes.” you said.
 He shook his head “its twelve thirty y/n” he said. Shock flooded your features before you just closed the door. Both you and Sam stood on opposite sides of the door confused. 
You didn’t believe you’d spent so much time in the shower. The water went cold yeah but your staying in a crappy motel.
But your fingers were concerningly pruned, and the steam that once covered the bathroom completely was gone. Had you really been in there that long?
The lack of sleep must really be getting to you. Unless it wasn’t and you were going crazy. Your mind couldn’t rid itself of the new sight of your bloodied boyfriend with hate filled eyes. Somehow it was worse than when you found him in your apartment.
But you had no way to know if it was read or not, but your dad mentioned your mom knowing so that’s all you had to go off of. You had to call your mother. Even if she doesn’t answer, it’s worth a shot. 
You dried off and exited the bathroom. Noticing Dean was finally back and he wore a similar expression to Sam telling you that he’d been informed of your odd behavior. “You okay?” He asked, eyeing you suspiciously. Your eyes were red and he took note of that.
You nodded pursing your lips looking around the room “I’m fine I uh must’ve zoned out in there or something.” You shrugged absentmindedly. Sam and Dean glanced at each other , concerned but said nothing as they watched you go through your things in search of something. “What are you looking for?” Sam asked.
 “My phone, have you seen it? I need to… call mom” you replied, not sparing a glance at the brothers. Again Sam and Dean glance at each other having a silent conversation. You found the phone at the bottom of your duffel next to the knife your mother had left you. 
You grabbed the phone and started to get up before something on the knife caught your eye. There was a drop of blood on the handle, one that hadn’t been there before.
You dropped the phone standing up looking at Sam and Dean “I think I’m going crazy”
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After multiple not answered phone calls you finally gave up on contacting your mother, leaving her a worried sounding voicemail in hopes she'd feel some sort of sympathy and reply. You even went as far as to contact John but all you got was a recording of him redirecting you to Deans number.
Sam and Dean were worried that you refused to tell them what's going on with you but you still had a job to do and you wouldn’t and act like you didn’t. The tension in the car was thick as you pulled up to the entrance to the woods. You internally sighed when you saw hayley, her brother, and some older guy all looking at the car you resided in as dean parked. You got out grabbing the duffel full of already prepped guns, knives etc. “you guys got room for three more?” dean asks with a smirk. 
Hayley tilted her head “wait you want to come with us?” she asked, “who are these guys?” the older man asks. Hayley rolled her eyes “apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue”. You gave her a sarcastic smile before following Sam ahead of everyone else. Your patience was very low, maybe from the lack of sleep, or the lack of a pickup from your mother, or could be the small argument you had with Dean over you keeping secrets but either way you're still not in the mood. 
Throughout the beginning of the hike you ended up in the back behind Sam, his huge strides making it hard for you to keep up with while holding the bag full of artillery.
Dean was somewhere in the front probably annoying the hunter guy based off of the tone in the man's voice as he spoke. You sighed, throwing your head back, if you knew it'd be this much walking you would have worn baggier pants. And a longer sleeved shirt to keep away the bugs.
Your sign must've caught Sam's attention because he paused his stride, turning to look at you. “You okay?” he asked. You nodded “yeah just trying to keep up with you and your abnormally large steps and regretting not wearing looser pants and a jacket or something” you said, tugging around the thigh of your jeans uncomfortably.
 Sam smiled, taking the duffel from you “i'll slow down if you talk to me.” he said. You looked away, to where the rest of the group was a little ways ahead of the two of you. “Sam i-” “at least tell me if you're okay. Should I be worried?” he asked.
You looked up at his worried eyes. “I don't know sam. I just I wish mom was here it’d be so much easier” you said starting to walk to catch up with the group.
Sam followed in suit while listening intently.  “And here we are supposed to be looking for them and they’re probably not even here. So i don't know.” you finished. The silence that followed let you know that Sam had been really thinking about what you said.
 When you caught up to the group you heard Hayley begin to question dean “You didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers. So who the hell are you” she jerked Dean around to face her.
Roy and her brother are now ahead and you and Sam both looked at Dean for confirmation to keep going and he gave you a head nod. Dean gave her the semi rundown that you couldn't care enough about to hear. “Y'know this thing was supposed to go both ways.” you said to sam.
He looked at you in confusion. “The deal, us getting through this together it goes both ways. I know it doesn't feel that great to talk about it but you're leaving me hanging here sam” you said, watching your step.
Sam sighs guiltily “I know, I'm not even a hundred percent sure of what i'm feeling. If it's anger or sadness I don't know. You seem to keep a cap on it a majority of the time. I just can't weigh you down with mine too.” he said.
You frowned “grief is grief sam. Everyone handles it differently. And you should know better than anyone how much of a cap I’m keeping on it” you shrugged.
After a long while of walking Roy finally stops the group, “this is it. Blackwater ridge” he says. Sam stops beside him looking around “what coordinates are we at?” he asks. Roy pulls out his gps “thirty five minus one eleven” roy answers. 
You and Dean stop on either side of Sam, you were unsettled by the complete lack of noise, which in the middle of the woods was a very unusual thing. “You hear that?” Dean asks, Sam nods “Yeah. Not even crickets.” Sam says. “It's weird man” you said, rubbing at the goosebumps that covered your arms. 
“I'm gonna go take a look around.” Roy says, stepping between you and sam. You put your arm out to stop him “i dont think thats such a good idea” you said. Roy gives you a sarcastic smile as he cocks his shotgun “That's sweet. Don't worry about me.” he said before pushing past you guys. You and Sam look at eachother rolling your eyes. 
Dean turns around to Ben and Hayley who stopped just behind the three of you “All right, everybody stays together. Let's go.” he says.
After a while of looking around you were still right where you started, you sighed following Dean until a shout caught all of your attention “hayley over here!” immediately the group ran towards the yell, leading you to a bloody campsite. Hayley looked horrified “Oh my god” she said. “Looks like a grizzly,” Roy said. 
You walked around the camp trying to piece together what could’ve done this. Fast, sharp claws, mimics voices because given the circumstances you knew the chance of hayleys brother being the one to lure the group here was slim to none. 
You knew you'd heard the description before you just don't know what it was. Hayley had begun to frantically shout out for her brother causing Sam to run up and shush her. “Why?” she asked. “Something might still be out there,” he answered, looking around. “Sam! y/n!” dean shouted from behind a line of trees. 
You and Sam walked to where Dean was squatting just out of view. 
Sam squatted behind him and you just opted to keep standing. “The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanished” dean said before standing up, sam followed “its weird” sam said. “Well I'll tell you what. It's no skinwalker or black dog, "Dean said before walking off. You sighed “how do tracks just vanish, unless…” sam cut in “he took a different route” he said looking up to the trees. 
“So we've got fast, razor sharp claws, mimics voices, and can climb. What the hell are we hunting?” you asked, looking at sam. He shrugged with a sigh “let's get back” he said. 
As soon as you reached the camp another scream rang through the air yelling for help. Immediately you grabbed the gun you had hidden in the waistline of your pants running towards the sound, you all ran towards the noise until it stopped, you stopped in a clearing waiting for another yell. “It sounded like it was coming from this way right?” hayley asked. Nobody replied, “everybody back to camp” Sam said.
When you got back to camp all the gear everyone had was gone. Son of a bitch lured the group away so he could make us defenseless. “Our packs,” Hayley said. “So much for my GPS and satellite phone,” Roy said. “What the hells going on?” Hayley asked. 
“He's smart, he wants us defenseless so we can’t call for help” you said looking around. Wendigo. The name finally popped into your brain, the part about it being smart jogged your memory to a conversation you'd had with John about some creepy lore book you were reading.
“You mean someone, some nut job out there just stole all our gear” Roy said, he was really starting to get on your nerves. You walked to Sam and dean “I need to talk to you both. Alone.” you said leading them to a secluded area close to the camp.
You turned to dean “let me see john's journal” you held your hand out. Dean fished the journal out of his jacket and handed it to you. 
You opened it, flipping through until you found the page you were looking for, and showed it to the brothers. “Check that out” you said.
Dean glanced at the page before looking back at you “Oh come on, wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or, or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west.” he said, you looked at sam asking for help 
“Think about it, Dean, the claws, the way it can mimic a human voice.” he said, you nodded “nothing matches the description better” you shook your head
Dean sighed “Great.” he said unloading his gun “that means these are useless” he said tucking it back into his pants. You looked at Sam, “we gotta get these people to safety” you said.
Sam turned around walking back towards the camp you and dean followed in suit. Sam was first to reach the camp with you and dean not far behind “All right, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten...more complicated.” he sighed.
“What?” Hayley asked. Roy rolled his eyes “Kid, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it.” he said, making you roll your own eyes looking to Dean. “It's not me I'm worried about. If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now.” sam said 
Roy scoffed “One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders.” he said, getting angry. “Relax.” dean warned. You stepped toward sam hoping he'd get the hint and shut up but he didn't. “We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you.” he said. This really ticked roy off as he stepped right up to Sam “You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night.” you stepped forward and pushed him back. 
You'd be damned if you let the group become more vulnerable because two grown men don't act like grown men. “Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you, and it's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid sorry ass out of here.”. Roy laughed, “you know you're crazy right?” he said.
 Sam glowered over Roy “oh yeah? You ever hunt a wen- "Dean pushed Sam away from Roy, cutting off his sentence. “Okay chill out” he said glaring at sam as if asking ‘what the hell is wrong with you’ 
“Stop. Stop it. Everybody just stop. Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him.” Hayley shouted. You Sam and Dean exchanged looks before Dean spoke  “It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it, not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves.” he said
“How?”  hayley asked
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By nightfall you sam and dean had the camp almost fully protected. You were sat a little bit away from everyone else, your head was laid against a tree as you stared at the stars through the trees towering above you. You were in a daze, thinking about what had happened last night. Was it real? A message from your father? Or the universes really fucked up way of trying to give you closure about Jason.
Your daydream was broken by Dean's voice. “Never took you for the stargazing type” he said, causing you to avert your gaze to him. “You n’ sammy are giving me a run for my money with all the angsty teenager stuff” he said. You rolled your eyes. “Wanna tell me what's going on?” he asked. You stared at him. You knew he didn't want to hear about jason. You knew it was what happened last night that he was really asking about.
“How is it that the moment we really need them they arent here. I don't know what last night was, I don't even know if it was real to be honest. But I know the truth is with mom and now she’s disappeared off the face of the earth.” you asked.
Dean looked at you concerned “you ever gonna say what it was or are we gonna keep beatin’ around the bush” he asked.
You sat up to be eye level with him “It was some sort of dream or something. I was in a warehouse and Jason appeard he was happy at first. Smiling at me.” you said, pausing to catch Dean's reaction. “Then he saw my hesitation, and its like something took over him. He was just angry, yelling at me and blood was pouring out of his mouth” your voice shook
He looked noticeably more concerned “then he was gone and my dad appeared. He said he was sorry he couldn’t be here, and that this was the way it was supposed to be. Me you and Sam. He said save him because I can’t do this without him and we need each other. Then he was gone.” You said. Dean wore the same face he’d worn the night he carried you out of your apartment. “he basically told me this is what i was born to do. I wasn't meant to be anything else, just a hunter, my effort to get out and be normal shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have met Jason, maybe he'd still be alive- "
Dean cut you off bringing you into a hug. “We have to find em dean. I have to know who I am. I have to know i didn't get jason killed” you finished with a shaky voice
“That wasn't your fault kid. Now whatever it was that gave you that dream. If it was really your dad we'll find out. We’ll find dad and Thena and we'll get answers. But until then” he paused, pulling away from the hug and grabbing John's journal “I need you here, and strong, just live you’ve always been, okay? Strong heart.” he finished repeating the quote your mom had always said to you growing up every time you wanted to give up. You nodded, “okay” you replied holding back tears. Dean patted your shoulder
“Help me!” a shout rang from the woods catching everyone off guard. You sam and dean rushed to the edge of the circle you cocked your gun, not that it’d be any help against a wendigo but still a safety measure.
The voice continued to scream for help while your eyes followed where Sam was flashing the light. “it’s trying to draw us out, just stay cool. Stay put.” dean said trying to soothe the other three or mainly the brother sister duo behind you. “Inside the magic circle?” Roy sarcastically commented. “Not the time Roy” you looked back at him rolling your eyes.
The voice did one last plead for help until an animalistic growl covered his pleads that turned into yells of agony. “Okay that’s no grizzly” Roy said.
You ignored him, now wasn’t the time to pick fights, Hayley said silent comforts to her brother protectively moving him away from the sound, until it came from behind her, and way closer than before.
The wendigo was fast running circles around you in milliseconds. Roy fired a few rounds into the dark where he thought the monster was until one landed causing the creature to let out a grueling shriek, “i hit it” Roy said before running out of the circle.
“No no Roy!” You shouted after him, you were about to follow but dean stopped you telling you to stay with the siblings “oh come on” you hissed, watching as Sam and dean ran after Roy.
You waited impatiently for Sam and Dean to return. “Should we go after them?” Hayley asked, sounding concerned.
You wanted to more than anything “no, last thing we need is them to come back while we're gone. It'd be stupid to go out there” you said, pacing the edge of the circle.
Your worry had begun to heighten “c’mon guys” you whispered to yourself eyes skimming over the dark woods. A twig snapped causing you to pull out your gun and hold it up towards the noise.
Sam and Dean stepped out of the dark and you sighed, putting your gun back in the waist of your pants. “You guys ever do that again ill kill you” you said, you noticed the lack of one person “where’s Roy?” You asked, looking back and forth between the two.
They gave you a look before Dean glanced behind you “we couldn’t find him” he said but their looks said a little more. You nodded solemnly, going to sit back down.
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The next morning came slowly and your hope for sleep hadn’t graced you.The memory of Jason’s words hadn’t been easy on you and his hate filled eyes were all you could think of. It was all weighing heavily on your chest throughout the night.
You missed the feeling of being held whenever you had nightmares, you unfortunately had got used to the feeling after being with him and it was one of the things you missed the most. You sat against the tree ignoring the conversation between Dean and Hayley until Sam came into your view “hey” he said catching the rest of the group's attention.
“So we’ve got half a chance in the daylight, and i for one wanna kill this evil son of a bitch” sam said, sounding an awful lot like dean. “Well hell you know I’m in” dean said shrugging. You groaned standing up “me too, the bugs may eat me alive before the monster even gets the chance if we stay another night” you said swatting the air. Sam shows a small smile at your annoyance.
The three of you began to give Hayley and ben a debrief of what you were going after. Sam shows them the page dedicated to wendigos in John’s journal “‘Wendigo' is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours'” Sam began
“They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or hunter.” Dean cuts in, bending down to pickup a beer bottle from the ground.“How's a man turn into one of those things?” Hayley asked looking between you and the brothers for answers.
You clicked your tongue “Well, it's always the Same. During some harsh winter a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. Becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp” you explained pacing th. ”like the Donner party” ben says, you nod in agreement. “Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities. Speed, strength, immortality.” Sam explains “If you eat enough of it, over years, you become this less than human thing. You're always hungry.” Dean continues
“So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?” Hayley asked hopefully. “You're not gonna like it.” Dean said, glancing at Sam, then you, then back to Haley. “Tell me.” She demanded. Dean sighed “More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time, but when it's awake it keeps its victims alive. It, uh, stores them, so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden, and safe. We gotta track it back there.”
“And then how do we stop it?” Hayley asked. You looked at Sam impatiently, tired of the wendigo 101 you just wanted out of the woods at this point. “Well, guns are useless, so are knives. Basically-“ dean stops holding up the can of lighter fluid, the beer bottle, and the white cloth he'd picked up. “We gotta torch the sucker.”
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You finally set off in search for the windego. Sam called deans name catching your attention, dean jogged over to Sam who was looking up a tree. You followed his eyes and saw bloody claw marks on it, and so did the next tree. And the next. Dean steps away from the  tree looking to around at the others, Sam follows “You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow.”
a growl caused you to whip around, seeing nothing but shaking bushes. The wendigo seemed to be going in circles around you just like last night. haley let out a loud scream before falling out of the way of something falling from the tree. The thing landed with a thud, it was Roy. The poor bastard. 
Sam moved to help haley up, meanwhile dean checked Roy’s body “his necks broke” dean said. The growling continued “okay we should go like now, run go go go” you shouted being pushed by dean. 
You ran as fast as you could hoping not to trip over your feet while keeping up with the two men whose long legs gave them an advantage. You decided to follow Dean as he was the only one in your line of sight other than haley. They both came to an abrupt stop causing you to too. haley screamed loud and something hit your head hard causing everything to go dark. 
Somewhere along the way the wendigo had dropped you which was what you were guessing because when you woke up your body hurt like hell and you weren’t where you last remembered being. You groaned, sitting up “Sam! Dean!” You shouted, by the grace of god Sam had answered. “Y/n” you heard from the left of you. You stood up, hissing when you tried to use your right arm. “Over here!” You shouted back. 
Pulling down the sleeve of your shirt to inspect your shoulder. “Shit” you muttered, at the sight. You heard rushed footsteps coming toward you. “Y/n” Sam said, running up to you grabbing your shoulders. You hissed louder “Sam my shoulder” you squeezed your eyes shut in pain.
Sam yanked his hands away “which one?” He asked “my right, i think its dislocated” you said pulling your sleeve down to show him. Ben, who'd been hidden behind Sam’s huge frame, walked around to see. “Is she okay?” He asked. You nodded “im fine, Sam’s just gotta pop it back in place” you said looking him in the eye. 
Sam sighed moving to your side, grabbing your arm gently. “Ready?” He asked. You let out a blow of air “yeah, go ahead” you said, you closed your eyes awaiting the pain. It shot through your body and you couldn’t breath for a good five seconds. You groaned “jeez it never gets easier” you said.
Sam inspected you “you okay, does anything else hurt?” He asked. You moved your arm around, your wrist hurt a little but it was probably just a sprain. “Think my wrist is sprained but that’s about it” you said. Sam frowned but nodded. You looked around just now noticing the absence of dean and Haley “Guess I was the heavyweight, huh?” You asked. Sam didn’t laugh at your joke but Ben did crack a smile making you feel somewhat accomplished. 
Sam told you that they were following the trail of m&m’s left by dean so you all carried on like that. Soon enough you reached the entrance to an abandoned mine. You rolled your eyes “this is the most cliche thing ever” you muttered. You eyed the literal warning signs not to go into the mine. Sam reached the half entrance first, he glanced back at you, you tilted your head. He turned back around stepping into the empty space followed by Ben and then you.  
Sam flashed the flashlight ahead as the three of you walked silently through the mine. A growl suddenly cuts through the silence, echoing off the walls. Sam was quick to pull you and ben down a different path and against a wall.
You watched the wendigo walk past you, Ben had begun to whimper causing you to cover his mouth, you held your finger up to her lips “shh” you silently shushed him. After it was out of your sight Sam led both of you away from it. Your heart dropped when the ground below you had begun to creak. You looked up at Sam worriedly, before the ground broke underneath the weight of you three.  
Your arm broke your fall again but this time thankfully it didn’t pop out of place, but it still hurt. You groaned sitting up “you guys okay?” You asked right before Ben yelped “Hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.” Sam said, trying to calm him. You looked around, eyes landing on dean and haley hanging up “dean!” You shouted standing up and rushing towards him. “Dean” Sam shook him. His eyes shot upon “hey you okay?” Sam asks.
dean winced “yeah” he groaned. You grabbed your knife and moved to cut him down “alright big guy easy.” You said in response to his pained groans, Sam healed him steady so he wouldn’t fall on you.
You then moved to Haley but saw that Ben had already cut her down. You led them to where they could sit and they both groaned. You turned back to dean “are you sure you’re okay?” He nods “yeah yeah, where is he?” He asked. You looked back to where you fell from “gone for now” you said. 
haley began crying and stood up, confusing you until you turned to see what she was walking towards. “Tommy” she said.  She reached him and he gasped awake scaring her, she turned around “cut him down” she said, you tossed your knife to Sam, he caught it and cut the rope.
 You watched the family’s reunion with a small smile on your face. “Check it out,” Dean said, grabbing your attention. He was holding two red flare guns. That’ll work” Sam said with a smile. 
You walked in front of the group, behind Dean and in front of the others. A growl echoed through the tunnels causing everyone to pause. “Looks like one one’s home for supper.” Dean said. haley looked around “we’ll never outrun it” she said.
Dean looked at you and Sam “you thinking what im thinkin?” He asked. You nodded “I think so” Sam said. All right, listen to me. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here.” He said
“What are you gonna do?” haley asks 
Dean winks and starts walking and yelling. “Chow time, you freaky bastard! Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, I taste good” he said turning a corner as he continued shouting. “I feel really vulnerable without a gun” you murmured watching Sam who made sure dean was far enough away. “All right, come on! Hurry!” Sam shouted and began to lead the group away. 
Growling drifted through the hallways. Sam points the gun both ways before turning around to face you “get them outta here” he said. Your eyes widened “Sam are you crazy?!” You said. “Go!” He nudged you. 
You glared at him before pushing the siblings the other way. “Okay cmon” you said. It wasn’t even thirty seconds later that you heard a shot. You turned around shouting his name. You saw him running towards you, yelling “go go!” Helping haley and ben carry Tommy.
 You stayed behind the group near Sam, you glanced back and the wendigo came out of the fog where you had just come from. “Run!” You said pushing moving in front of the siblings hoping to help Sam find a way out. 
The tunnel only led to a dead end. You turned around looking back at he windego who was slowly approaching as if taunting you all. “Son of a bitch” you said out of breath Sam moved in front of you and everyone else “get behind me” he said holding his arms out to cover you and the siblings.
The wendigo approached, stopping to let out a loud wail. Before stepping closer, and by the grace of anything holy you heard dean's voice from behind the monster. “Hey!” He shouted, catching its attention. It turned around and he wasted no time putting a fiery bullet Into its chest. 
The windego goes up in flames before it collapses to the ground. Sam drops his arms and you step around him “not bad huh?” Dean said with a smile. You grinned “next time there’s only two guns give it to me, i think Sammy needs a little more practice” you said moving to hug him.  
It wasn’t long before you were surrounded by police and paramedics, questioning you. “Keep that wrapped for a week and be easy” the man wrapping up your hand said. You nodded, offering him thanks  before moving towards Sam, dean. haley and ben had departed to ride with Tommy on the way to the hospital. You sat against the hood of the impala in between the brothers watching the ambulance pull off. 
“Man, I hate camping,” Dean said. You nodded in agreement “me too” Sam said. 
“Hey, you guys know we're gonna find em right?” Dean asked the both of you. You looked down at your feet, a little doubt settling in our gut. “Yeah i know but in the meantime? I’m driving.” Sam said. Catching your attention.
Dean tosses the keys over your head and Sam catches them. “Oh come on” you said looking at dean “when do i get to drive” you asked. He patted your shoulder “when you get your own car” you squinted at him before climbing into the car. Sam started the car, plastering a smirk on his face that you made your stomach flutter a little. 
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yourdailyangel · 5 months ago
Im lovin the nicknames for astarion so I had a req
How would he be if tav wanted a child? Bio or not doesn't matter
Aww so cute anon! I hope you like it! Let me know!
(TW: this mentions pregnancy/Children if you do not agree or is uncomfortable with this please DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!!!!)
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It was a quiet night in the city not much has gone on during the day so everyone was very relaxed actually!
You and astarion are in your own room away from the crowd of people that's gathering downstairs in the inn.
It's a pretty inn actually! Of course it is astarion picked it!
You were quietly reading a nursery book in a cozy corner of the room, you don't know why but you thought hard and long about having a family and you wanted at least one child.
So you with a soft flap of the pages in the book closing as the hit together you walk over to astarion who is pondering while looking out the candle lit window.
"Yes my little love?" He had a soft gentle smile on his face as he turned to you, welcoming you into his embrace.
As you found yourself in his arms you felt so safe and you were! Astarion would burn millions of worlds if it kept you safe and happy, so you thought about how to bring it up to him. So you decided to just blurt it out.
"I want a baby" you said softly but loud.
"W-what?" Astarion doesn't stutter much I mean it takes a lot to get him to that point.
So you repeated "I want a baby"
You looked up at him, his eyes a bit wide with the shock but also gentle.
"A baby?" He paused his brows furrowed down a bit as he gets lost in thought for a bit.
eventually he comes back to reality and softly says "Me? A father?"
It's not like he's never thought of but after everything he's been through he tossed those things away. But after you explained your feelings about it and your reasoning he paused again "If .. that is what you want my love''
(Fast forward a bit I'm gonna throw in some head canons for you anon!❤️☺️)
Of course astarion doesn't mind if your child is biological or not!
He just wants them happy and healthy!
If your child is biological astarion is VERYYYYY protective of you during the whole pregnancy!
He attends to your every need (even more so)
You WILL have the best medical care gold can buy!
During the labor he does get nervous he knows anything can happen so he doesn't wish to leave your side!
After the birth again he will be nervous to actually hold the baby but just give him a bit of encouragement and he'll be okay!
If your child is adopted he's pretty much the same just minus the pregnancy part!
Your child will be the star in his eye!
He's also very protective of your child as well
Obviously they WILL be spoiled but respectful
He will always listen to their concerns and worries and if he needs extra guidance on the matter he will seek you out!
If the child has a nightmare well move over y/n because they will be sleeping with you both right in middle!
Astarion is a great father! He even shocked himself of how much he adores fatherhood!
It's a 10/10!!
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kats-kradle · 1 month ago
ahhh hello! i'm the one who commented on your er fanfic (absolutely loved it, by the way.) and it's so relieving to see more people join the fandom,.,
who's your favorite so far?
boy oh boy you’ve won a rant about ER! Buckle in it’s gonna be a ride. I’ve seen 8 full episodes but my thoughts are Many.
First off thank you so much for your kind words about my fic! I really wasn’t expecting anyone to read it and definitely not the same day I posted it lol since the show is like 30 years old. So it was a nice surprise thank you!
To make a short answer very long, I had heard about the show when my mom told me about the episode where Carter and Lucy get stabbed. It was related to the conversation in some way but I remembered that because. Well. Whump. Fast forward many years I’m now watching the Librarians tv show. It’s funny. It’s good. I love Noah Wyle. He’s a great actor. I wonder if he’s been in anything else so I search him on tumblr and lo and behold the stabbing episode!! I am elated and it is a strange full circle moment. I then search on YouTube for all the Carter whump clips I can find. Then I’m watching all the Carter clips I can find. Then I’m watching other clips and I want to write for this show but I figure I should have some basic information so I find the first season and I get sucked in and—
Carter. It’s Carter. He’s such a puppy of a man. I love how the hospital staff have collectively adopted him. Noah Wyle is an amazing actor my favorite thing about him is how fast he can go from a comedic beat to a serious one. He’s got RANGE man.
Anyways now you get to hear my thoughts on the other characters too!
I like Greene a lot. He set the tone well in the first episode (see what I did there ahaha) and he gives fatherly vibes. He’s just a nice guy. I love his friendship with Ross too it’s really believable that they are friends. I don’t like Greene’s wife she acts like she’s trying to seduce him is every scene instead of actually dealing with their problems?? Ma’am that’s your husband stop batting your eyelashes and biting your lip your making me uncomfortable. Honestly I skip through most of their scenes because I am Uncomfortable.
I liked Ross at first. I found his immaturity endearing up until when he went to Carol’s house to try and win her back. I was cheering when she chased him down to chew him out. Now I just think he’s a bit of a jerk because he won’t leave Carol alone.
Carol is my girl. She needs to decide what she wants but she’s my girl. It was really a bold move for the show to start off with such a heavy topic such as a suicide attempt of a close friend, but they handled it really well. I love her and wish the best for her, but girl make up your mind about which guy you want to be smooching.
Benton isn’t as bad as I thought he was from the clips I saw. He’s a bit brusk but he really does seem to care about Carter and his experience as a student. He seems like a good teacher and he does give out praise and comfort when required. He’s also a good student too. He seems to take his own critiques gracefully, even if it’s clear they get to him. I loved the part where Sarah was like “you’re just mad because you want to sleep with me” and he was like “not only do I NOT want to sleep with you, the thought has NEVER crossed my mind” what a mic drop moment.
I feel bad for Lewis and the situation with her sister but more importantly girl get away from that psychologist can you not see how pompous he is??? I don’t like that man. Bad man. Go away man.
I like how the show feels so real. Ofc I know there’s a ton of medical inaccuracies, but the interactions between the cast members feel real and it really elevates the show to another level. I think so far they’re doing a good job of handling sensitive issues too like suicide attempts, rape, racism, etc. I’m probably not gonna watch the whole thing but for now I’m hooked and scheming other fics to write.
ANYWAY who’s your favorite character? What are your thoughts on the show? I already know all the major spoilers so don’t worry about trying to keep it unspoiled for me
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