#i actually cannot get over this movie btw
dr-spectre · 20 hours
I need to get some old and built up feelings out of my chest before i explode into a trillion pieces, if you do not wish to see a LONG rambling about me getting mad and rageful about this important character to me then by all means skip over and have a good rest of your day or night!
If you can handle me getting a bit pissed off and mean then keep on reading!!
This will also be a VERY LONG POST!!! Because I have a lot to rant about. Some of it i have talked about before many times but i need to talk about them... Again..
So anyways. If you wanna move on, that's okay, if you wanna stick around? That's all good as well!!! I highly HIGHLY encourage you to read all that I have to say. Okay? Thank you!
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You know, as someone who has put in a lot of time and research into Hypno Callie and the others. What I've come to notice in media is that people tend to use the words mind control, brainwashing, hypnosis, influence, indoctrination, corruption, all interchangeably despite each word having vastly different meanings and connotations and effects.
Brainwashing has been used as an incorrect word to describe a lot of these kinds of plots in TV, movies, games, etc. and it really bugs me personally. Like, if you see something as clearly hypnosis, they explain that it is hypnosis and there is a hypnotic element at play here, you cannot just slap the word brainwashing onto it. It's like if I called a mango an apple you know? Or if I showed you a squid and you called it an octopus and you were REALLY adamant that it's an octopus.
Another example, if there's mind controlled zombies that are being controlled by aliens or something, slapping the word hypnotised or brainwashing onto that scenario is stupid because they clearly explained it in the story with evidence that it's straight up direct mind control and nothing else.
This doesn't just to apply to Splatoon btw, this annoyance goes for every other time a "mind control" plot has occurred in fiction.
I don't wanna sound rude here, I really don't! But guys, do you realise that we have this cool thing all across the world called a language? And languages have words in them!!!! And words have meanings in them that are brains understand and interpret!?
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If I say the word "fluffy" what do you think of? "Fluff, fur, cute, huggable, adorable." You think of cute fluffy things, yeah?
If I say the word "hypnosis" what do you think of? A trance like state, a weird altered state of consciousness, maybe even a weird sleep/flow state?
If I say the word "brainwashed" what do you think of? Cults, militarily, experiments, evil, etc.
You guys see why I take issue? You guys see why I am extremely picky and laser focused on people's word choices when it comes to Callie and what happened? You guys see why I get really angry when people who do fuck tons of research into the events of Splatoon forget that languages exist and fail to see things past a fucking Wikipedia article?!? Is it seriously THAT hard for some people to say hypnotised?
I don't even necessarily blame most people for the words that they use, they don't know any better! And you know what? That's okay! I don't wanna get mad at SOME people since that word has been used incorrectly in media for a long ass time. And you wanna know another reason why i don't blame the casual fan or someone not in the know that much too? Because even the SPLATOON DEVELOPERS use brainwashing to describe Callie which is just... from my research and posts, incorrect.
I have yet to find a single person who can confidently explain to me that Callie was actually brainwashed and provide evidence to me to prove their points. Cause all I see is people just saying that "oh, a wiki and an artbook said so, so it must be true." Instead of looking at the actual game and looking at Hypno Callie's personality, behaviour, actions, etc. and comparing them to regular Callie.
Why do you think 99% of people call her Hypno Callie? Like there's a reason as to why her name is that in most circles... Have you ever talked to someone who calls her brainwashed Callie? Probably not...
God... I'm really sorry if i come off as some gatekeeping fan or elitist snob or some shit. I'm not trying to be and i don't wanna be like that. I wanna educate people, make people think of a different perspective and make people think a little more you know?
I'm just getting tired of it all... It affects how I see Hypno Callie and the events of Splatoon 2. I can't enjoy it when some people throw out these certain words, and it makes me feel so sad and terrible. And not in an engaging way, just a sadness that fucking stings my chest and I'm SO SICK OF IT!!!!!
I just despise this notion in the Splatoon community, Inkipedia, YouTube videos, social media and official sources that Callie was kidnapped out of the blue when she was alone and Octavio forced the shades onto her, brainwashing her and removing her memories. I hate it so much. It's something that truly fills me with great sadness and pain and pure anger. Callie is a comfort character of mine and to hear that scenario for her in official canon is just... no. I can't accept it. I refuse to accept such a vile and awful thing. It makes the Octarians more evil and way less sympathetic that way too, it makes DJ Octavio's eventual redemption make less sense because in one game he's this fucking monster and the next he's like "Hey guys imma help you out!" It makes his character incredibly inconsistent at that point.
it makes his appearance with Cuttlefish at the Grand Fest feel less satisfying because there this huge black spot on his character from Splatoon 2 where he apparently did something truly evil and unredeemable. Why would Cuttlefish be okay with standing next to a man who """kidnapped and brainwashed"""" his grand daughter?! I don't care about their history together, if i was Cuttlefish and I heard about that kind of event for my grand daughter, I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE OCTAVIO!!!
Hypnosis by nature is less evil and has more nuance and agency for Callie and the Octarians. Sure it's still fucking bad but not as extreme and dark as brainwashing is. The two terms are so vastly different and using either word willy-nilly is extremely annoying and frustrating to me.
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Hypnosis ≠ brainwashing and you cannot prove to me otherwise. You literally cannot mind control someone with hypnosis, that's not how it works. They are so opposite of each other it's actually insane. I DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE USE THEM INTERCHANGEABLY ALL THE FUCKING TIME?!?! WHY?!?!!? Is it a lack of knowledge?!? Lack of caring?! Is it because of how hypnosis is portrayed?!?!
And the whole "Callie was kidnapped/abducted." My god... Do people understand what words are coming out of their fucking mouths?
Callie was more than willing to join the Octarians and she said to them "okay fine I'll hear you out." That is not KIDNAPPING!!!!!!!!!! THAT STATEMENT MADE BY CALLIE GOES AGAINST THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD!!!!
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I don't know why they say this in some official sources either, i don't know why Inkipedia lists it on their pages. i don't know why fans keep wanting to push this idea that Callie was kidnapped, is it because an artbook said so and nothing in the game? I don't know why timeline explainers and people who do a fuck ton of research into Splatoon push it too. If Callie was kidnapped you figure she would mention it. But she doesn't!!!! Marie does and says she was brainwashed in the North American (NoA) localization, but of course she would think that and from her perspective she would figure that is the case from her limited knowledge of what happened to Callie.
God I just.... I hate it when people say Callie was brainwashed. I fucking despise it. It makes me so violently angry and upset and EVERYONE WHO HAS A LOUD VOICE IN THE COMMUNITY SAYS IT!!!
This doesn't even impact just Callie. It impacts the entirety of the Octarians as a species and DJ Octavio too. I LIKE DJ OCTAVIO!! I THINK HE WAS FUNNY IN SPLATOON 1! I like his role in Splatoon 3 and how he redeems himself and how he appeared in the Grand Festival with Cuttlefish. It ties back to before the Great Turf War when the Inklings and Octarians were on good terms and now finally that peace is back....
But this enjoyment... this appreciation of his character growth gets ruined because of the shit Nintendo did and what the fanbase did when Splatoon 2 rolled around... I can't enjoy Octavio as a character anymore because of the notion that Callie was brainwashed by him.
I can't look at his inkipedia page because IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH THEY SAY HE BRAINWASHED HER!!!!
And don't you EVEN MENTION the line "I remixed Callie's brain!" My brother in Christ, that is not only a call back to a line he said in the final boss of Splatoon 1, but it's also because DJ Octavio is a.. idk... DJ!!!! A DISC JOCKEY!!!! In the NoA version of Splatoon, Octavio's personality is very loud and in your face, compared to his more sinister and intense personality in the European and original Japanese versions. This serious personality was only given to Octavio finally in the NOA version of Splatoon 3 ROTM where his personality actually matches his Japanese and European versions from Splatoon 1 and 2.
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Octavio says puns and musical terms to describe shit in the NoA versions of Splatoon 1 and 2. Remixing by definition is taking a song and altering it to make something new. What is Hypno Callie? A REMIX OF CALLIE!!!! It's Callie but she's more aggressive, emotional and impulsive. And you know where we've seen this remix of Callie before? IN SPLATOON 1!!!! IN THE SPLATFEST DIALOGUE!!!!
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Octavio didn't literally mean that he "remixed her brain." via actual brain, washing. He just means that he gave Callie a new twist, and Callie in her hypnotic state was like "okay fine I'll hear you out."
Octavio hypnotising Callie who wanted to help the Octarians anyways out of her own free will, planting suggestions into her head that SHE HERSELF ACCEPTED AS DURING HYPNOSIS, SUGGESTIONS GIVEN CANNOT GO AGAINST THE PERSON'S MORALS AND IDEOLOGIES!!! So that Callie would be more likely to stay in Octo Canyon and not decide to suddenly run off as Callie was under a lot of mental distress and emotion from her busy and lonely life, and allowing Callie to put her influence onto Octo Canyon to help his people and boost motivation, fits more in line with Splatoon as a series and Octavio as a character than the whole "he brainwashed Callie" bullshit that has plagued the internet for 7 years and continuing. Why do you think Callie is so chill to see DJ Octavio come back in Splatoon 3 huh? Why do you think she misses shaven Octarians in ROTM? Why do you think she calls Octarians cute? Hmm... I WONDER WHY?!?!?!
Is Octavio still bad? Yes! Did he use Callie to benefit his people? YES!!!! Was Octavio being manipulative and selfish? FUCK YES!!! HE'S THE ANTAGONIST!!!! I AM NOT RESOLVING THAT MAN OF BLAME!!!! DONT GET MY WORDS TWISTED!!! HE'S STILL BAD! just not unredeemable... because once you say he brainwashed someone and forcefully removed Callie's memories like a pure evil monster, then you have a character who is pretty much unredeemable at that point. You have made him cross a line that he can't turn back from. You implanted these disgusting and disturbingly sexual suggestions about Octavio and Callie and her outfit. Why the FUCK do you want that? Why?! Why do you wanna even suggest the idea that Callie was forced to wear skimpy clothing against her consent and knowledge? Do you know how fucking DISGUSTING AND EVIL THAT IS?!?!?! FOR A SERIES SUCH AS SPLATOON?!?!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO FUCKING IMPLY HERE?!?!?!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?! GOD!!!! WHY DO YOU WANT THESE AWFUL THINGS DONE TO CALLIE AGAINST HER KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT IN THE MAIN TIMELINE!!??!?!?!?!! For AUs I get it, it's your right as a fan to make fanfiction and explore darker topics. I personally won't read it but I won't EVER stop someone from making a darker AU. It has its place in the community and I 100% respect it with all of my heart. I truly respect those who make dark AUs and darker takes on Splatoon because I'm sure it's fun and interesting for some people. To each their own! I actually like hearing my friends talk about Fuzzy AUs and stuff like that, given the time and place, darker toned AUs are something that i find really interesting but I'm not super duper in love with them.
But don't you DARE put these disgusting and sexual undertones about Callie and the Octarians in the main canon. Fuck off. Don't you even try and suggest that the Octarians are this purely evil race that forced Callie into a revealing outfit while she was completely unaware and it was against her consent. And that they just grabbed her... god... Jesus Christ man. Fuck. I hate thinking about that so much dude.
This type of scenario that people push did NOT happen.
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I'm so angry. I'm so sorry for this giant humongous rant. I care a lot about Callie. I only want the best for her. I only want a more engaging and more in-depth take on Splatoon 2. I want to enjoy Tidal Rush, I want to enjoy Spicy Calamari Inkantation, I want to enjoy Fresh Start, I want to enjoy the Bomb Rush Blush remix like how i enjoy Unconscience by Marina Agitando. I want to enjoy Hypno Callie in general, BUT SOMETIMES I JUST CANT AND I GET SO SAD AND MY CHEST HURTS!!!! This has been going on FOR SOOO LONGGG!!
I keep making all these posts about Callie because I still see that kind of bullshit being thrown around. Imagine having a perspective on a character you really love and you try and hold on to it. But everyone else around is pushing that perspective down and you feel so sad and stupid and ridiculous... And so your only option left is to scream and bark and yell....
I am literally gonna keep ranting until I can see the word "brainwashed" in media without having a fucking heart attack. I wanna just be able to enjoy Callie's arc and see it for what it truly is...
A story about two cousins drifting apart... Callie becoming so popular and famous... and lonely... that she became so mentally distraught and overthought everything. She did something incredibly irrational. She went to Octavio and the Octarians. Octavio knows that Callie can be a huge help to him after his loss and so he enlisted her help. And she just said, "okay, fine."
She was given hypnotic shades by Octavio in order to keep her more under control as she was ridden with mental illness and could leave Octo Canyon at any point with her overthinking. But he did NOT put her under total control and brainwash her, he needed Callie's influence for the Octarians, to decorate bases and add her touch into their music. The Octarians became happy and more motivated then ever. He didn't need a drone to help him. He needed, CALLIE.
However... Callie, in the canyon, lost herself, she gave into bitterness, hatred, sadness, anger... She knows who she is, but her memory is so cloudy and muffled by emotion and the shades... She needs help... Proper. Help. You can hear it in the songs found within the Octo Canyon, her reversed vocals sound so sad and deeply emotional...
When Marie arrives, Callie is mad at her, she wants nothing to do with her. But when Marie shoots the shades off of her, Callie is still dazed, upset, emotional, sick, she dances and continues to sing back against Marie's desperate words and pleas... Marie only wants to repair their broken relationship and lend out a hand to her cousin who needs to see the light....
But, when that heavenly melody echoed in that stadium, it was like a rushing tide of memories and feelings flooded into Callie. All of her and Marie's time performing, hosting news, celebrating Splatfests, and arriving to Inkopolis for the first time, came back to her and dispelled the darkness in her heart.
Callie heard the melody and went "wait... This isn't me! What am i doing!? YEAH! I REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And well... The rest is history, the pair healed their relationship over the course of a few years and are stronger than ever.
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They fulfilled their fresh start, they helped redeem an angry vengeful man from the past, they inspired the present with Off the Hook, and they planted the seeds for the future in Deep Cut.
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and they won the Grand Festival... TOGETHER!
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Well... At least that's MY interpretation on things ;). And i want my interpretation to be held strong in my head... I'm tired of getting chest pains man... I'm tired of feeling this sadness and pain... I'm tired of going on Inkipedia and seeing that FUCKING word. I'm tired of being scared to watch YouTube videos focusing on lore and the story of Splatoon because deep down i KNOW they will say that word that has such fucking horrible connotations and meaning behind it...
Anyways. I think I'm done. I think I'm just in a huge ranting mode and I had to get it out, my autism was really acting up and i wanted to vomit this stuff out of me. I hope you guys feel what I'm feeling and if you have a character who you feel similar towards, let me know! Let the anger out. Okay?
Have a Callie for sticking around and actually reading. You're amazing.
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shit-talker · 1 year
The only question I have for Across the Spiderverse is [SPOILERS IF U HAVENT SEEN IT] How can Miles have a canon event if he isn't supposed to be Spiderman. Surely, the original Peter Parker in 1610 would have already lost a captain. Maybe Miles' dad is determined to die, but changing that shouldn't affect the Spiderverse as drastically as Miguel seems to think it would. Miles already isn't supposed to be Spider-man in his universe, how can he possibly be forced to line up to the canon events of Spider-man when he isn't the "canon" spiderman of that universe.
If anything, Miguel should be more concerned about 42!Miles and the complete lack of a Spider-man over there.
I don't think it's a plot hole. Don't get me wrong, because we only have the first half of the story, but I really wanna see how they deal with it.
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lorephobic · 9 months
“Lovely. Smells good. It smells like Jacob. Weirdly. Nah, it smells good.” Barry on the red carpet last night. My love/hate relationship with the interviewers who keep asking him these type of questions is so complex like we get it and you need to stop right this second bur also PLEASE KEEP GOING 😩🙏
was literally talking with my work bestie today about how much i love hearing barry talk about jacob but if it’s a red carpet interview and u get the chance to ask him any one question in the world and u decide to make that moment about jacob??? sorry but u deserve to be shot.
ask jacob about jacob. this is barrys moment and barrys night. if ur not going to ask him an interesting question about HIM then go bother literally any other celebrity.
also if ur going to ask him about jacob at least be serious. this bathwater candle shit “describe jacob in three words” “what was it like when u first met him”, its all SO TIRED!!!!! NOBODY IS INVESTED IN THEIR LOVE STORY MORE THAN ME!!!!! but i would not be caught DEAD asking barry keoghan what the jacob bath water candles, that he DID NOT BUY BECAUSE HE IS NORMAL, SMELL LIKE!!!! WHEN WILL U PEOPLE LEARN WHAT A BIT IS.
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astrophileblogs07 · 7 months
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⚫ Opposite to the stereotype of Leo being a narcissist, its the Aquarians who are more narcissist than ANY other zodiac. Esp its the Dhanishta naks out of the Aqua naks who are so.
⚫ I have seen 3 Aquarian moons (of Dhanishta nak) who had a poverty stricken first half of life (childhood, teenage years) but then they become well off like rlly very well off in their second half (esp after marriage). They marry rich 🤑 too. What i am saying here is the dramatic transformation of their financial life.
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⚫ Pisces men are physically abusive. That's it. Esp the March Pisces. They literally are a bully. (Dont be fooled by the beautiful doe eyes lol)
⚫ "WOW What voluminous and luscious hair he's got!" -my ♌ rising and moon mom commenting on a side character with insignificant role in a movie 🤣. I wasn't noticing that at all...but she seemed to be stuck on that feature 😂.
⚫ Martian influence on a chart can actually have a liking to dangerous weapons and ammunitions. (Like idk I weirdly love them 😂😂)
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⚫ Females with Ketu ruled naks are the first group of people whom male perceive as "threat". (Second is mars btw). Like if the other person is a typical male (egoistic, chauvinist) they will literally hate you to the core coz they know you equal them in all ways (except you know what LMAO 🤣). So they'll try to pin you down or belittle you etc. (sad, but since I have experienced I wanted it to share w you guys)
⚫ Also I love the way Ketu Nak women get along becoz mostly they have so much in common. And by that I mean how the society (male dom) treats them. I am not saying they're an "outcast" but the reaction they face just coz the male species get intimidated by us which has an cascading effect on our mental peace is beyond tolerance.
⚫Ketu naks are sexyyyyyy 🖤👁️🫦👁️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
(I always imagine a smokin hot biker girl 👩🏻‍🎤with leather jacket and smoky eyeshadow whenever I hear "Ashwini, Magha and Mula")
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⚫ I have seen a Chart which was totally "Mars" chart and I'll tell you, that person has Aries asc, Moon, Mars and (Mercury ig is in Scorpio?idr) along with Scorpio sun. And that person is like personified version of the planet itself. So cunning and so shrewd, potentially be a mastermind. Statergic. Secretive af. (Might be their middle name to exaggerate). Close to their mom. Loves friends (friends over anything). Also they have a "reddish" tint to their skin (no health probs, but yeah that planet does that). Knows how to tackle any embarrassing moment in public and deal with it. (I am jealous of him coz i wanted to be like him in every way 😂)
⚫Lilith and Pluto aspects in natal chart can actually survive 8H synastry. Almost same energy and themes. 💀
⚫Why are Maghas the "scapegoat" of the family? Like they be framed in a situation with which they have no relation with. Its annoying to see. Its like you're locked in your room chilling and as soon as you step out, everyone in the family is blaming you for something or the other. Now you're the "bad guy". (Yo wtf 🤡). Added to the generosity of Leos, people target you often. 😕
⚫Libra men CANNOT stand loneliness and being ostracized at all in any way. I have seen this in every Libra I came across. For eg: if you're the "black sheep" they won't talk to you and will go with what the crowd says. And if people have outcasted them just becoz they're with you/involved with you, they'll drop you like hot potato. People say and stereotype Capricorns for being the one who cares about reputation and all, but her 'Venus-ruled-Saturn-exalted' sister also is same. 💀
(no wonder they're besties lol)
P.S: I read a post here which said "Eye contact with 8H synastry hits different" ( i am not copying, i don't remember the username) and boy is that true 💀💀💀. Like I was -->😯😳🫣. Coz I have experienced that 🤣🤣. It does, than any other eye contact I have seen. Lmao 🤣🤣.{Edit: its @zeldasnotes 🖤😁}
Hope you liked it 😁😊. Until next time! 👋🏻
Love you y'all ❤️❤️❤️
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adambja · 1 year
✨Law of Assumption | Reality Creation✨
I offer tapes and coaching btw ;) the self-concept tape is guaranteed 100% 🫶🏻
The only post you would ever need.
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳
I am a Neville Goddard follower, it took me 2 YEARS to understand the law fully well. Through trial and tribulations it FINALLY clicked for me. I do NOT just follow any YT coach, only who understand the law, so my knowledge might contradict what you know but I hope you get something out of this thread, I want you to use your common sense, have an open mind, you never know, it might be of benefit for you.
Had to lay that out there, let's continue with the post.....
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
Wake up! It is time for you to realize you were the operant power all along, life never "happened" to you! It is happening through you! You can realize this by seeing how life is going around for you, any area in your life if you do a little reverse engineering you would realize you created ALL your circumstances, good or bad! There were never coincidences, you created it. With this realization comes more questioning, how does it actually work? It is through your mind, your consciousness, your awareness I want you to realize that EVERYTHING you see in your reality is perceived by your mind, ALL IS MIND, studies show that if consciousness doesn't exist, reality that you know now does NOT exist
Source 👇🏻
When we say "the 3D is an illusion" it really is. You're the one assigning meaning/creating whatever the circumstances, the problem is that you were on auto-pilot, the human's non-understanding of reality made you that way, but that will be over now as you realize you hold the power.
Science calls it "the simulation theory" You're the one simulating it with your mind, your awareness, your consciousness, as consciousness is the only thing that we can call as real, spiritually speaking, you're a soul living through body, you are NOT your body.
There are people who went to experience the 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘬, where you get into a tank and restrict environmental sensory, people report that they don't feel their bodies at all and that they are only "aware" goes to show how consciousness is ONLY real (video from the movie: 𝘈 𝘎𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘹, I highly recommend)
I CANNOT stress it enough when I say that you're 𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘴 as Neville says it, to think this reality is real and that you can't change it and can't be malleable, you do that EVERY single day but UNCONCIOULSY until you awaken to this truth
The truth that you've always been a conscious creator you were just deluded by society from birth that you can't be "supernatural" and alter reality...that this 3D world is real... but this is over! It's time for you to WAKE UP!
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙨
How do we consciously create, you ask..
Let's read what science talks about reality creation..
In Quantum Mechanics there's a theory called "the observer effect" which states: the phenomenon in which the act of observation alters the behavior of the particles being observed" Which means whatever we focus on, be aware of; is changeable, more on that in this video:
If we explain this in more layman words, we will come to an understanding that reality CAN be shifted, with OUR MINDS through focus! There's also the theory in Quantum Physics where there are multiple version of you out there in the Quantum Field and the minute you observe that you become it!
Here's where the fun begins!
𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
Neville Goddard says "creation is finished" What does he mean by that? It means ALL things exists in the NOW, there was never past or present, there is always NOW It all exists. "All possibilities, all the things you desire, your healing, your job, your house, the wisdom you desire, the spiritual attainment you seek, the answers you seek, the partner, whatever it is, because we all desire different things, it's all finished and available."
So when you desire something, you're not trying to get it! It already exists, "Nothing needs to be summoned (manifested), but EVERYTHING already exists!" - Neville, all possibilities exist in the quantum field, all possibilities exist in the 4D. All you have to do is just SELECT that reality, with your MIND, your imagination.
• What's the difference between the 4D and the 3D?
One is where your mind generates images and thoughts so they can be reflected, it is your Godly power of accessing past, present, and future, the real reality, the 3D is just a reflection. 4D is where you CREATE
• How does the 4D pertain to the parallel realities where everything exists?
You access the 4D to choose what you want to experience in the 3D! If you desire it, know that the possibility of it EXITS! Your imagination is the TRUE reality, as Neville says: “When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality” Remember when I said your senses (operating on the 3D realm) make you think your reality is fixed? It is not, it is always changeable.
• How do we choose/select/shift to the desired reality?
It was never about techniques and I will explain how you can CORRECTLY do this.
So we already know that imagination is the true reality (the 4D) and the 3D (physical reality) is just a reflection, a mirror, a shadow! And we already know there’s infinite versions of you out there and one of them that ALREADY has your desire
• How do we access it?
By shifting your focus, your conciousness, your thoughts! Neville calls it “states of consciousness”
When you change how you’re aware of your desire, how you “assume” it, that is what it’s gonna reflect! Remember the observer effect? What we are conscious of it will manifest
What do I mean by “Techniques don’t manifest, you do!” Most of you go through the mistake of putting importance on them thinking that “if I don’t do it right, I won’t get what i want” here’s why they don’t matter! We already know creation is finished so every possibility exists!
And we already know we create everything effortlessly with our minds! And we also know there’s infinite version of us in the quantum field right?
• Let’s take an SP example (since it’s the most popular topic on loatwt)
Let’s say I am in a version of reality where I don’t have my SP, knowing about parallel realities, I know there’s a version out there of me where I have them! So how do I shift to that version? I just simply ask myself a simple question (this where imagination comes in play the real reality) I ask myself “How would I feel if I was ALREADY in a relationship with them?) I would feel all the feelings of having them ALREADY, I shift to that state, I embody it! I shift my awareness to KNOWING I already have them! Its not about “attracting” things to you, it’s about SELECTING the state, the awareness of my desire! How would I think if I had it already? I jump to that timeline (that I know it EXISTS) and experience what I want so it will be reflected in the 3D, because I experienced in my imagination (4D) so I KNOW It’s REAL, IT HAPPENED! The minute you don’t GIVE AN EFF ABOUT THE 3D IT’S WHEN YOU KNOW YOU CAN CONSCIOUSLY CREATE!!!! Remember 3D is a MIRROR of what you selected in YOUR MIND! When you feel it is ALREADY done! 0 to 100 REAL QUICK!
“So like what about techniques, I don’t affirm anymore?”
Most of you use techniques to produce results. You are still operating on the 3D realm, thinking affirming or whatever will make your desires come true, when in fact you have TO ASSUME the STATE FIRST!
Think about it..if you ALREADY have it would you still be affirming non-stop? How did you manifest when you didn’t know about the law before?
After you assumed the state (conjuring the feelings of ALREADY having what you desire and playing with your imagination) that’s when techniques come in handy! You start affirming NATURALLY and EFFORTLESSLY! You don’t strain yourself by doing it! You are living in the END!
Always LIVE IN THE END! It is done.
Just how this post is. 💋
i reposted it here because I know it will help a lot of people!!!!
• Credits goes to @x3n97 on twitter
The link to @x3n97 post on X (previously Twitter)
Have a good day/night 🥹🫶🏻
I have coaching for the void state and self-concept also tapes and it's guaranteed from my side but it depends on you
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byhuenii · 11 months
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ matching halloween costumes w/ jjk men
AN: listen yes i know IM 5 days late to halloween but who gives a fuck! i love me halloween i love me some matching halloween costumes and i love me some jjk men. simple girl with simple needs 🤷‍♀️ Fem!reader BTW
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Included: Gojo Geto Nanami Toji Choso !!
Gojo Satoru - Beast Boy and Raven
at first he was totally against the idea of turning his hair green because duh it was what made satoru satoru! but with some little convincing he caved in (YES!)
he knew of beast boy and raven is what he told you but he didn’t he really didn’t have a childhood to which he could watch cartoons, so he had to look up beast boy and robin he even watched some clips of just beast boy and raven. he wanted to fit the role—the more he watched the more he was convinced yeah he is beast boy.
and when the costumes finally came in on time for shoko’s halloween party, he was already in character. instead of calling you princess baby he now calls you mama. you can’t lie it makes you giggle at how dedicated he is. and to be honest he really just wanted to see you in that body suit with tights and a cape. before and during the party he couldn’t keep his hands off you. (he is so beast boy :c)
Geto Suguru - Woody and Bo Peep
at first he was confused like, why would you want to be dolls? why couldn’t you be like mario and princess peach? but no you had to convince him to be woody and bo peep. it took some actual convincing a whole powerpoint presentation.
he knew of those two already since you loved doing toy story, it was your comfort movie. your go to movie. your my personality movie. he still never got the whole appeal of it still. it wasn’t like you two were doing anything it was just going to be a simple chill at home handing candy to kids while satoru and shoko were there being themselves annoying geto. so when he put the costume on the day of halloween he looked himself in the mirror laughing. you who was confused thought he liked it oh so wrong. he thought he looked stupid,
you were already in the living room with satoru and shoko talking. he wanted to walk out without the costume but he knew you had always wanted to match as bo peep and woody—he put it back on and sucked it up. satoru being satoru of course laughing at suguru but he didn’t care suguru did it for you. (he would look so cute as woody with his long hair/man bun DONT @ ME.)
Nanami Kento - Flynn Ryder and Rapunzel
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON NANAMI. that man is such a gentleman he doesn’t care what you guys are for halloween, as long as you’re happy that’s all that mattered to him. he never cared for halloween it was just a silly holiday to dress up, this was serious for you SERIOUS BUSINESS.
the two of you binged watched every single disney princess movie and you came to the conclusion he liked tangled the most. there was just something about the movie he liked it. you immediately ordered everything for the costume so when he finally out it on, it was game over. it was like he was fit perfectly for the role as flynn ryder. he thought he looked good but when you put on the costume you looked amazing to him,
something about the corset and longer hair did something to him, got him giggling kicking his feet! you could say the same. the white open top button with the vest…it was like his normal attire but just more flynn ryder. safe to say he had kiss stains all over his face
Fushiguro Toji - The chef and Remy the rat
Listen you are basically already toji’s sugar mommy cause that boy cannot hold a job and for that why don’t we give him a job on halloween as a one of the many chefs from ratatouille!
you moreover the rat wouldn’t maybe say remy but definitely a cute ass rat! toji was all for it until you put on the ears. he looked at you all weird like you were some human sized rat which you weren’t. you literally had a grey corset white skirt and rat ears. CUTE rat ears. he wouldn’t even kiss you or hug you because he thought he would be seen as a rat lover like what??
you didn’t care you looked cute and took picture cause at the end of the day your goal was just to make you and your greasy boyfriend look cute together, maybe you should’ve done ghost face but who cares you were a cute rat.
Choso Kamo - Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy
it was a last minute costume, both of you weren’t going to do anything but remembered you could just walk around Shibuya! …well itadori invited you two because he knew you two would laze around on the couch watching cheap horror movies on the TV with some popcorn that was probably too stale for you two to eat.
and with last minute costumes calls for last minute shopping and what did you find? some spiderman suits. i mean take what you can get and don’t throw a fit! choso was skeptical cause its just a bodysuit, he would be exposed! but he still bought it, and man that shit formed his body perfectly, his abs were outlined his biceps.
the two of you ended up just throwing on some sweats/cargos over the bodysuit and called it a day. choso had the mask hang out of his front pocket, you just wanted to grab it wrap it around his neck and pull him into infinite kisses. yuuji thought you two looked so cute with the matching costume! if yuuji likes the costume and you like the costume that is all that mattered to choso, he was happy loving every moment he spent with you and yuuji.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Date nights with Eyeless Jack include...
Kinda miss writing creepypasta stuff but I'm a little pressed for ideas <\3 doing this in between requests so ! I'll get to them some time today; likely tonight
I think I might do more "date night" stuff with other creepypasta characters bit we'll see!
Very au/hc heavy btw!!
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A lot of the dates you guys have together is usually at his place or yours; or sometimes you guys walk around the woods he's made his home! Just.. please stay close by, hes set up traps around to catch any trespassers
Plus even if you guys try to go out to eat and you guys manage to get in there without raising any suspicions, it would all be for nothing. Jack doesnt really
Eat human food
Like it's not like he prefers flesh over food, in fact if he could undo what was done to him he would in a heartbeat. But he genuinely cannot eat human food without getting violently ill
Think tokyo ghoul rules
So dinner dates are out of the question, if you feel bad for eating in front of him while he gets nothing (he doesnt like eating in front of others, anyway)
Movie dates, however, are very nice! Eyeless jack already has a lil tv and a DVD player, so if you bring a couple disks you guys can have a movie marathon!
Cuddles :)!
You guys sitting on his old couch and snuggling up under the blanket
Jack has a very low body temperature, so be sure to bring extra blankets!
Since I personally hc jack to be short and thick hes like a teddy bear! Very good for cuddling!
Honestly date nights are very similar to your normal hang outs, given the limited options... but eyeless jack goes out into the woods and picks flowers for you! So theres that!
Just dont ask why it looks like he got in a nasty fight (he maaaaaay or may not have strayed top far into slendermans portion of the woods)
(Casually slips in personal au lore)
Date idea where you patch jack up after that, or after he bonks himself from flinging himself around
Is actually kind of sad since in my interpretation Jack doesnt want to be this man eating monster, he doesnt want to eat people. But he physically cant eat anything that isnt flesh, and he literally goes feral when he gets too hungry. He literally tries so so hard not to go into a blood frenzy that it can end up in him hurt
Sucks, actually
Moving on if I recall correctly I had a post somewhere where you and eyeless jack walk around the streets late at night when no one else is out, and it helps jack feel like hes still a person. Let that man get a taste of his old life, as a treat
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 4 months
#47 (normal childhood au) + #44 (first date) for the gallavich headcanon prompts <3
Good morning Michelle! thank you for asking but NO thank yous for putting yet another AU i want to write into my brain. now this is just going to ping around up there like a pinball machine until i write it, all because of you
47. AU if they had a more normal childhood- How would they be in high school? + 44. When was the first real time they went on a date? 
So if Ian and Mickey had a normal highschool experience, I think Ian would be very academic and involved in various clubs. He loves English lit, but studies with the goal of raising his GPA and getting into a good college. He’s probably on the track/cross-country team and is generally pretty popular in the sense that people get along with him and he’s out pretty publicly among his friends and people that know him, overall kind of a goody two shoes but lets a little looser at parties.
Mickey is an art kid through and through. Dedicated enough to skating by with C’s in the classes he can’t stand (English, Spanish and science I am looking at you!) and actively engaged in math and history. He pretty much lives in the art classroom though. Definitely sneaks out at lunch to smoke weed sometimes and gets in a little trouble for tardiness and language. He’s also on the wrestling or maybe boys waterpolo team, and has the same deal where his friends know he’s gay but his circle is smaller and closer. Maybe he has an after school job at a coffee shop (an: the self projection in this is crazy btw)
They get paired up for a project together and Ian thinks Mickey is totally brilliant and so funny and talented and Mickey just thinks Ian is just the cutest thing since the invention of puppies (even though he’d never admit it) so they start hanging out at Mickey’s house a lot because his mom works late most nights, and Ian comes and does his homework at the coffee place Mickey works at, fighting off grins every time he looks up and Mickey’s already looking at him over the espresso machine.
They go to a movie for their first date a couple months into hanging out, and its mostly a formality and a way to make out in the back row the whole time, but when they stop at a dinner on the way home Ian basically sits him down with friction red lips and explains how much he likes mickey and how he thinks they should be boyfriends, officially. And Mickey, who usually thinks he’s the coolest person in the room feels very uncool as he stutters and explains that yeah, he thinks Ian is the brightest thing in the universe, they can be whatever he wants them to be. 
So they go to each others games, Mickey cheers the loudest and Ian cannot for the life of him get over how hot he thinks Mickey is on a wrestling mat. Mickey calms Ian down when SAT studying is driving him crazy and Ian cries at Mickey's AP art showcase. They go to prom together, dancing with their friends and each other and going to parties together after. 
And when their senior year rolls around people start giving them sad, knowing looks and their parents start trying to gently warn them that college might make it hard for them to be together all the time, but they’re both like, yeah no actually we’ve (Ian) planned for every contingency. They go to different colleges in the same big city, or colleges less than a couple hours away from each other and spend the rest of their lives telling people that they’re highschool sweethearts. 
i had a very unusual highschool experience and sometimes it shows. hopefully this is not one of those times, thanks again for asking
headcanon ask
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centrally-unplanned · 6 months
I was listening to this cast by The Weeb Crew, with SteveM as a guest, going through some other Evangelion video and dissecting the mythical memetic tropes it buys into. Which was a lot of fun, I recommend the cast, and the video they are critiquing is a bit of a grad-bag of zombie memes about Evangelion from the 2000's, which yeah have aged poorly.
One of the ones they get into is the idea that Evangelion's TV ending was "intensely unpopular", and Anno & crew were getting like bombarded with death threats and stuff. Which happened at some level sure, but certainly wasn't the median response. The video actually sites the "emails" shown on screen in End of Evangelion as evidence:
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And like, bro those emails are fake! The staff wrote them for the movie, they didn't use real death threats or fan mail, that would be a huge legal liability. Not saying they are analytically useless or anything but, you know, you need to know that.
Anyway, SteveM mentions that of course there was pushback against Eva's ending, but actually the big wave wasn't interior to the fandom - instead it was sparked by Eva "going mainstream" discourse-wise. In particular a review essay by social critic Eiji Otuska (who is also a former lolicon creator ding ding ding) that was published after the finale aired sparked a widespread discussion in the media by other critics. He links to the essay in their discussion....except he doesn't. He thinks he did, and then when they look, its just someone else mentioning it in an article in 2003:
Bitter disputes broke out on online bulletin boards, with some critical of the producers for failing to provide a clear-cut end to the story, and others who praised the finish for being "typically Evangelion-like." But when commentator Eiji Otsuka sent a letter to the Yomiuri Shimbun, complaining about the end of the Evangelion series, the debate went nationwide. "The debate that erupted over the ending went way beyond our calculations," Gainax's Sato chuckles. "Anno probably knew what was going on. He realized that media other than anime had taken notice of Evangelion."
Which triggered in me the thought - why doesn't he have it? He references it in his own work after all. As you can guess, after some searching I am pretty sure I know why; no one has it. Its never been scanned or reprinted in an accessible format! It definitely is important in the history of Evangelion - I have seen this claim in other contexts, the essay that sparked a discourse, and you can find many works about Evangelion citing Otsuki (generally later works, like an article published in September of 1996 which you can buy) But what the article article said is only discernable via the clues dropped from second-hand accounts.
So can we find it?
First of all I need to figure out what is even being referenced. Searching through contemporary Japanese sources, I dug up an extremely handy find:
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A somehow-still-existing 1997 fan page by a Japanese otaku (I'm giving you this stuff auto-translated btw, what would you do with a wall of kanji?) who extensively catalogued every media mention of Evangelion. I am sure they missed some, but they didn't miss a big one like the Otsuki letter - which we know from the above interview appeared in gigantic newspaper Yoimiuri Shimbun:
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This gives us three candidates; given that we know it was written after the finale aired, and that was March 27th, 1996, our most likely candidate is the April 1st essay; I was able to find a secondary source mentioning the review was "immediately" after the finale, so I think that nails it.
Which alas does not bring up anything! Try as I might I cannot find any extant blog post, or scanned image, or long quoted form. But after trying the usual methods I did realize something - unlike my average document hunt, this is Yoimiuri Shimbum, a newspaper, a big newspaper. Which means they probably have their own archive, which I might be able to access. and low and behold, they do! And my university research services actually have an account!!
Incredibly blessed by this stroke of luck, I went digging for everything containing "Evangelion" and "Eiji Otsuka" in 1996, and found it:
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And it's fucking blank. If the article is scanned or anything it will have that "Japanese Text" you see on the first result, or "Scanned Image" tag or something. I swear its like the only ones not scanned, all the random ads and list of best sellers are all there, but the entire cultural essays section is just an archival void. Shot in the skull right at the finish line.
Alas I am out of ideas of this one - its a newspaper, no one is selling this on Yahoo Auctions. Though hey, at least now we know the title:
"オウム」を超えるはずが... / It should surpass Aum...", 876 characters long.
"Aum" by the way is Aum Shinrikyo, the cult terrorist group that conducted the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack. Which you can imagine really took the chattering classes by storm; it was the culmination of a series of "extremist" actions that began in the 1980's that built up a narrative of societal decay and alarm. It really isn't surprising that Otsuka linked Evangelion to Aum Shinrikyo; the apocalyptic connections were obvious, there was even an episode of the show that had to be changed due to the attacks as the production team thought the events were too similar. And additionally, if this essay was gonna spark a "societal backlash", it has to say something controversial right? I have definitely seen other critics like Hiroki Azuma discussing Eva in relation to Aum as a "social phenomenon" - I am betting Otsuka is the source of that comparison being so ubiquitous.
From other sources like people on twitter and other articles, I can pick up a few other details on what it contained; apparently he referred to Evangelion's finale as a "self-help seminar" for otaku and lambasted the idea of airing one of those on TV. And from his other writings I think you can certainly piece it together - essentially seeing Evangelion's self-involvement and hyper-introspection as a product of the same societal malaise that birthed Aum Shinrikyo, while failing to deliver a solution that could "go beyond" that. Which, the shit you said about media in the 90's, I want a hit of what he's having! But while today its quite obvious that groups like Aum were, sure, saying something about society but turned out overwhelmingly to be fringe weirdos as opposed to canaries in the mental institute coal mine, at the time this was very much the zeitgeist.
Still, I don't really care all that much what it says - its an important artifact! It started the "Eva discourse boom" that broke out of otaku circles and launched Evangelion into a cross-societal phenomenon! We should have a record of it, it should be preserved. I will ruminate on it, and see if any other ideas pop up. And meanwhile if anyone out there happens to see what I missed definitely let me know.
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mercymermaid · 2 months
dark remains dark remains dark remains dark remains (spoiler alert)
my live reaction + ramble
first off, live reaction, copy and pasted:
okay they changed the actor for lizzy but that’s okay that’s okay
a little off-put by the voice-over for the stuff between songs but that’s okay
“… or you can marinate to death in a trash can. Not even I can make that sound cool.”
also the afton angst is wild not him singing about how insane he is
also rip alexandra we loved you o7
i love just how non-canon this entire mess is this is an entirely different fnaf universe like dsaf
like alexandra and eggs (miyh and gz) sharing the Benedict last name, lizzy (wol) being afton’s niece but also being siblings with eggs, this is all such a web (of lies) i love itttt
afton being a psycho >>>>> “furry, one eye, RAAGAGAHAHAGFGDHEHAHSGD-👹”
anyway now my after-thoughts
dark remains (the song) actually slaps, i am so so glad they finally let matpat go true theater kid and actually sing (although his acting is genuinely amazing, he in actually one of my favorite aftons) (I’VE RUN ALL OUT OF PATIENCE TO TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, SO NOW THE WORLD IS PAYING FOR MY SINS is a banger fucking lie)
his part jumpscared me because he was the last person i expected to sing, also he sings a lot lower than i thought he would
still cackling about how he’s still on board considering that this is literally as divergent from actual fnaf as something like dsaf, but that’s the magic of it, it’s completely it’s own story
i didn’t really like how random encounters did voice overs for some of the speaking scenes but then the others weren’t voice overs? i liked it voice over-less but be consistent 🙏🙏
i really hope they bring back older characters for the last few parts, i wanna see eggs (cg5), nate, mark, and aj/purple guy in one room (yes eggs and aj are dead but it’s fnaf let’s be so honest)
actually speaking of the timeline is so confusing - is blood and tears and everything after that a prequel to the original fnaf musical? because isn’t the pizzeria burnt down and the animatronics work at the news place? i feel like this has been mentioned before and i’m stupid enough to forget (if this is true, we’re not getting any aj, nate, or mark content as their characters)
that would make aj’s death the second chainsaw death rather than the board director’s death
okay yeah no everything being a prequel would make sense since bb dies as well in the original musical, same with springtrap (btw poor guy didn’t deserve to be marinated #justiceforspringtrap)
the interview with alexandra was actually so sick she genuinely looks so asylumy, rest in pieces bro (i need to rewatch monster in your head)
lizzy bonding with bb tho 🫶🫶 wait until she sees what happens to him in the musical
that technician disguise was extremely realistic guys you guys are awesome (pls don’t hang yourself)
also the fucking “are you ready for freddy” and the stuff we’d pull with fnaf movie memes was amazing
that cliffhanger wants me dead and i’m not forgiving random encounters until they release the next part
time to go rewatch all the musicals and also the bloopers because those are the best thing on earth
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
opposites attract - chad meeks-martin
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chad meeks-martin x goth!reader
❤️🔪 no spoilers for scream 6 🔪❤️
warnings: nsfw at the end, i got carried away because i love chad so much
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in high school:
* when you and chad had been paired up for a project in one of your classes, you expected the worst. not to judge a book by its cover, but in your experience most jocks were not the most friendly to people who dressed the way you did
* you instantly relaxed once you actually met chad however; his loveable goofball personality a welcome surprise
* your parents are shocked when you bring home a tall, handsome football player, but you assure them it’s just to work on a school project
* you realize you have a crush on him when you both get an a+ on the project, and he can’t help but hug you to celebrate. you tense up at first, but relax and hug him back
* golden retriever & black cat dynamic >>>
* chad is a romantic, and always buys you little gifts or brings you flowers. he brings you a black rose when he asks you out
* he’s the perfect amount of clingy. he loves holding your hand or walking with his arm around you. he walks you to all your classes always kisses you before he leaves
* his football teammates can’t believe it when you show up to school together with you wearing his letterman jacket (you’ll excuse the bright colours just this once)
* sitting with his friends at the football games. you and mindy bond over horror movies (assuming you’re into them)
* he gets (playfully) jealous when mindy steals you for movie nights. chad usually ends up third wheeling, holding you close on the couch while he pouts because he’s not getting all your attention
* martha loves you, and you cannot tell me that she wouldn’t buy you anything with a skull on it that she saw, because she thought you would like it 🥺
* some of your more popular classmate are insanely jealous btw (mainly the mean girls) but chad only has eyes for you.
* chad is super protective of you. if anyone says anything bad about you he will tell them off, pulling you close to him
* when the ghostface attacks start happening, he somehow becomes even more protective. some people at school are quick to (jokingly or not) accuse you of being the killer just for the way you dress / your interest in darker things, but chad is having none of it. (you’re not off the hook just for dating him, but he is no more suspicious of you than he is of anyone else)
* he tells you he loves you for the first time when you both make it through the attack at ambers house alive
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in college / new york :
* when you both get into the same college together, he’s so excited. he couldn’t imagine you being anywhere far away from him after everything you both went through
* alternatively, if you don’t want to go to college, he asks you to come to new york with him anyway, and you move in with sam and tara
* if you have tattoos, he loves to trace them with his fingers, admiring the designs
* you were *this* close to convincing him to get a nose ring when he chickened out. maybe one day
* there’s a drawer of his clothes at your apartment / a pile of his clothes in your dorm because he sleeps over so often
* chad gives the best cuddles and you cannot convince me otherwise. he’s always warm and you fit so perfectly into his arms he never wants to let go of you
* you can disagree if you want but i think he would let you paint his nails at least once
* he loves watching you do your makeup; he thinks it’s very interesting. one time when you were both drunk, he let you put eyeliner on him. the way you straddled his lap and bit your lip to focus while delicately holding his face to apply the eyeliner drove him crazy
* he loves the way your dark lipstick stains the skin of his neck when you kiss him / leave hickeys there
* speaking of hickeys, he knows exactly where to place them so you can’t hide them :)
* chad is always gentle with you in bed, since he knows he strong and could potentially hurt you
* of you want him to be rough with you, you have to assure him like a million times that you’re okay / that you’re enjoying yourself
* as time goes on he grows more comfortable as he gets to know you better intimately, and he absolutely aims to please you every time (he 100% knows what he’s doing)
* he would be the best boyfriend ever and i stand by that
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evajellion · 10 months
SMRPG AU where Smithy wins
So hypothetically, let's say Mario, Peach and Bowser just completely vanish after Exor crashes down. Either they straight up died or got isekai'd to Smithy's realm by accident, idk I will let the rest of you figure it out.
Years and years pass, Geno can't really get the Star Pieces without Mario and co. so… Smithy just, straight up takes over Star Road and lets his minions do whatever.
Here's what we thought up-
Smithy: Bowser's Castle was nice, but after learning what the Star Pieces did, Smithy went directly to the source and took over Star Road himself as its new overlord. He built an entire factory around it and over the years, is now known as "he who grants wishes".
Of course, much like the main villain in "Wish" (terrible movie btw), Smithy only grants wishes that he likes. He ignores wishes that are selfless or relevant to one's family, and only grants stuff relative to wealth, gain, or wanting to win.
It's less out of malice and more out of ignorance, really. He doesn't see any value in wanting things that have no material value or glory.
Mack/Claymorton: After ambushing the castle, Mack became the new ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, but he said the name was stupid and changed it to the Claymore Kingdom.
There are, a lot of parties, almost every week. He's a complete tyrant who threatens and torments the Toads to the point where the Chancellor actually wishes Bowser would come back. If he gets bored? He decides to wage war on another kingdom "for fun".
He's getting an ego about it too, which some joke is just "him compensating for his size".
Bowyer: Honestly no one has any clue what Bowyer does. Some treat him like an actual forest cryptid that haunts the maze because he's been in there so long. People who enter the forest now never come back.
Bowyer doesn't understand the concept of killing anyone really, so it's not like forest intruders are dead. He just thinks it's fun to play "freeze tag but you're frozen for good" with anyone who comes by. Essentially, it's all a hunting game to him.
He probably views all his immobile visitors as trophies more than anything else.
Yaridovich/Speardovich: Eventually, he succeeds in duping someone to fight Jonathan and takes the Star Piece for himself. Smithy grants him his promotion and he is made mayor of Seaside Town, and he is a captain of his own crew of Drill Bits.
Jonathan is none too happy about this and makes beef with Yaridovich every day over what he had done. Jonathan prides himself on being a good fighter, but unfortunately, Yaridovich fights dirty.
Eventially, Yaridovich made a habit out of pirating other incoming ships himself. He wonders if doing this will get more promotion from Smithy, but… Smithy seems to have been ignoring him.
Axem Rangers: After beating up the Czar Dragon, Smithy suggests they take care of Nimbus Land since it's "uncomfortably close for his liking". They immediately make themselves known by exposing Valentina's lies and kicking her out, inadvertently making them heroes.
Axem Red and Pink take a lot of pride in removing Valentina and being adored by residents of Nimbus Land, but Black isn't happy with it at all and wants to go back to causing chaos. Green is neutral about the whole thing.
Axem Yellow meanwhile, managed to turn Dodo to their side simply by calling the large bird a "good boy" and giving him legumes as a treat.
Boomer: He's the shogun of Bowser's Castle, but nothing more. He guards Exor as he always did, and commands Smithy's Army, striking down anyone who dare cross his lord.
However, he isn't exactly happy with his position. He knows not to question Smithy, so he just… remains quiet about it. At the very least, he's humored by Axem Red's new heroic personality.
But he also fears if Red will turn on Smithy since he's so bent on appearing as "hero" for Nimbus Land. Boomer dad moments. :')
Exor & Count Down: Stationary. Exor is happy but Count Down seems bitter he cannot do more, he's kind of stranded and stir crazy.
Cloaker & Domino: They moved out of Smithy's dimension (much to Count Down's further frustration/loneliness) and settled into Marrymore for… obvious reasons.
Smithy doesn't mind so long as they can distribute. Domino quickly took advantage by becoming the most well-known medicine/potion seller in the land, kinda like Fairy Godmother. Excuses to depict Domino in sexy business glasses for my one friend who thirsts for him lmao.
Factory Chief: A second factory was built up in Star Road, that Smithy had taken charge of, so the Chief is now fully in charge of the old one inside of Exor! He's pretty happy about it.
The Director's son (because he has one for some reason?) is also working in the new factory while his father, the Clerk, and the Manager remain in the old one with the Chief. They all seem very happy, but the Director's son wonders if what Smithy is doing is right…
Gunyolk: Not used to having brothers. He was created by the Chief exclusively, and is now being mass produced, but… he liked it when it was only him and "papa".
Hypnosis Priest: She resides in Star Hill, discarding of wishes that Smithy tossed out. Essentially, she turned the entirety of the Mushroom Kingdom into a cult that worships Smithy as their Star Road overlord, with her as the leader of it.
And that's all I got, hi, feel free to throw anymore suggestions!!! :D
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 5 months
Every Single (Hermitcraft/etc.) AU Idea I Have Ever Had
This is... what it says on the tin. It is a long post. I do not expect it to get any traction. I am doing this for autism reasons. Some ideas are actually excluded because there is zero substance to them. Sorry I don't think anyone wants to hear my 1000 'what if Grian... was sad' ideas.
Many of these (most of them) were made in collaboration with @angeart which explains why they are so sad and also Mostly Scarian. It doesn't always say it's shipping but it usually is. We are Grian Girlies. Sorry.
If you want to hear more about ANY of the ideas listed here, feel free to shoot me an ask :) I LOVE RANTING ABOUT THESE IDEAS. There are even links to fics where they exist.
Each idea needs different warnings so any major CWs will be listed at the start of each summary so you can skip any one you want.
It begins... below the cut
My main multichapter fic, ongoing and insane
A multiverse nonsense trip wrapped in an audio transcript format
Grumbo Apocalypse Monster AU
CW: minor character death, existential dread, gross / graphic imagery
Grian is a shapeshifting monster drawn into human life by the apocalypse, and Mumbo is a human who attempts to survive the horrors
Main characters: Grian & Mumbo (duh!)
Side characters: Pearl, Scar, Cub, Joe, Cleo, Xisuma, “Evil Xisuma”, Martyn
Tumblr Masterpost
Vex Hunger Kidnapping Griangst AU
CW: discrimination, starvation, cannibalism (non-consensual), gore
Grian (avian) and Cub (vex) are kidnapped by scientists on their way back from MCC. They are kept in a cell where Cub is starved until he goes feral and starts attacking Grian out of Vex instincts.
Also eats Grian a lot. Don't worry, Grian can respawn, but he respawns back in the cell in a puddle of his own blood, only to be torn to pieces again.
They are rescued by the hermits. Now traumatised! Yippee!
Things get worse before they get better
Basically, Grian’s self-destructive trauma urges: the movie
Main characters: Grian, Cub, Scar, Mumbo
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Evil Scar Corruption AU
CW: mind control, kidnapping, torture, amputation, manipulation / mindbreak
Scar gets corrupted by the Vex which take over his mind. His love for Grian is mutated into selfish obsession, and eventually he kidnaps and tortures him in an attempt to make him stay forever.
Cuts off his wings and everything. (they grow back)
Eventually the hermits find out and lock Scar up while trying to heal Grian - but Grian broke somewhere along the way and now thinks what Scar was doing was true love.
Scar comes back to his senses and the guilt hits him like a truck. Eventually he leaves the server and runs into his own Bad Relationship but don't worry about this.
Grian’s self-destructive urges: the sequel
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Xisuma, Cub, Pearl, Mumbo, hermit ensemble
The Facility AU
CW: near-death experience
Xisuma runs a top secret facility dedicated to the safety and containment of supernatural/otherworldly beings and entities.
Kind of like SCP but nicer.
Field workers Scar, Grian, and Cub are continuously put through the wash while other facility employees (namely Etho and Bdubs) have quirky little romance arcs. 
Grian nearly dies because of a swimming pool btw. There is so much to this fic I cannot possibly explain here.
Main characters Arc 1: Scar, Grian, Cub, Mumbo
Main characters Arc 2: Scar, Grian, BigB, Cub, Mumbo
Side characters Arc 1: Xisuma, Keralis, Zedaph, Joe, Cleo, Bdubs, Etho
Side characters Arc 2: Martyn, Scott, Ren, Tango, Impulse, Gem, Skizz, False
Superheroes and Villains AU
CW: not mentioned here but there is gore / surgery and alien mushrooms that kill people
In the city of Blackstone, vigilante HotGuy works alongside the Hero Bureau to catch villains and keep the city safe.
Between trying to save the person behind Mother Spore, and rebuilding his old friendship with Cub - now turned villain - HotGuy must look through the gaps of the Hero Bureau to see the corruption lurking within.
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Cub, Pearl, The Watchers
Side characters: Mumbo, Joe, Cleo, Gem, Ren, Doc, Keralis, Beef, Tango, various hermits
Read the summary here
Hero AU 2
CW: discrimination
Grian and Scar live in a city where hybrids are second-class citizens
Grian is an activist who gets beaten up and arrested a lot
Scar is secretly the superhero HotGuy, who is controlled by the city's government - as HotGuy, he pretends to be human
Grian thinks HotGuy should use his power for good, and dislikes HotGuy because he upholds the human power structure - he does not know Scar is HotGuy
Main Characters: Scar, Grian
Side Characters: ?
Respawn Enabled Hybrid Farms AU
CW: extreme dehumanisation, cannibalism, abuse of power
Global Moderators have passed cross-server laws denying the rights of hybrid players and placing most hybrids in farms to be butchered like cattle for food and resources.
Grian, born and raised on one of these farms, escapes to Hermitcraft where he learns how to be a person with agency and freedom (ahem. only to have it taken away again. and again...).
Main characters Arc 1: Grian, Mumbo, Ren, Scar
Main characters Arc 2: Grian, Pearl, Mumbo, Scar, Ren, Xisuma, Evil X, Keralis
Main characters Arc 3: Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Pearl, Gem, Ren, Impulse, Doc, Cub, Xisuma
Side Characters: hermit ensemble
Hybrid Farms (Worse Version)
CW: mentioned death, extreme discrimination, cannibalism
Hybrids are farmed as food but this time there is no respawn
More of a modern AU
Main characters: Mumbo & Grian
Side characters: Life series ensemble
'Introduction to Being a Person'
CW: human experimentation
In a desperate attempt to subdue the rebelling masses, a corrupt government begins experimenting on people to create war machines. In the dystopian wastes of civilization, escaped experiment Tango must grapple with his identity and newfound freedom, while turf wars and deception lie around every corner.
Main characters: Tango, Grian, Ren
Side characters: Experiment Army: Scar, Cub, Cleo, Joe, Gem, Pearl; Steel Wheels: False, Etho, Keralis; Helping Hands: Iskall, Stress, Xisuma; Connected Mankind: Mumbo; Last Stand: Doc, Bdubs; Unaffiliated: Impulse, Zedaph
Tomorrow AU
CW: death / existential themes, human experimentation / dehumanisation, torture
Based very loosely on World Of Tomorrow by Don Hertzfeldt
Scar, co-CEO of ConCorp, buys a body that was grown in a lab with the intention of dissecting it
Despite the body being suspended in fluid all its life, it wakes up before Scar can do anything - it's alive, but doesn't know how to speak or move
Later, this lab-grown creature becomes Grian, learns how to speak and walk, and finds out about the impending heat death of the planet
Meanwhile, we have unethical treatment of prisoners, moon science, dogman and the existential existence of clones
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Bdubs, Doc, Ren, Pearl
Side characters: [The Prison Cube], Mumbo, Xisuma, Cleo, Etho, Cub
Secret Life Watcher AU
CW: none?
All the life series players find out Grian is a Watcher at the start of Secret Life and then they are mean to him. 
Also Grian may become evil at some point. But he deserves to have a villain arc.
Main characters: guess
Elliot Smith AU
CW: major character death, self loathing, existential themes
Based on my Watcher Lore
In which Grian is killed at the end of Evo and his code and memories are placed into a Watcher version of him, creating a Watcher-Vessel in a process called ‘Transfer’
Mostly about both the grief of Grian’s old friends as they discover what happened to him, and the ethical / philosophical debate Grian has with himself about who he is and why people are upset about it - he's the ship of theseus kind of
Called ‘Elliott Smith AU’ because each installment in the series has a different Elliott Smith song title as a title
Main characters: Grian(?), Pearl, Jimmy, Scar, Xisuma, Martyn
Side characters: Watchers, Listeners, BigB, Scott
Elliot Smith AU AU - a different timeline
CW: major character death, existential themes
Grian gets taken by the Watchers after Limited Life and they kill him & replace him with a perfect copy of himself. Moral, ethical, and emotional dilemmas unfurl. Offshoot from my main Watcher-Grian fic (Elliott Smith AU) of the same concept just with a different timeline as to make it way more evil.
Main characters: Grian(?), Scar, Mumbo, Pearl
Side characters: hermit ensemble
Elliot Smith AU AU - a worse outcome
CW: major character death, existential themes
An offshoot of the Elliott Smith AU where the hermits (or some of them) are much more aware of what a Watcher is and are much more afraid when Grian is found out
Grian is put in a code prison while the hermits figure out what to do with him (delete his code entirely, ban him, let him stay)
Many conflicting opinions. Many horrible things said and done
Main characters: Grian, Xisuma, Pearl, Scar, Mumbo, Joe Hills somehow
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Elliott Smith AU: Continuation 1 - BigB
CW: major character death, existential themes
BigB is a Listener - he went through a process called 'Hollowing' which is similar to Grian’s ‘Transfer’ (death and copying) except (as far as BigB is aware) it did not kill him, simply re-made him
Grian doesn’t agree that BigB didn’t die
A lot of philosophical debates here
Main characters: BigB, Grian
Side characters: Martyn, Pearl, Joel, Jimmy, Listeners, Scar
Elliott Smith AU: Continuation 2 - Scar
CW: discussions of major character death, existential themes, betrayal
After winning Secret Life, Scar is taken by the Watchers and nearly turned into one before Grian, Martyn, BigB and the Listeners intervene 
However Scar’s code is damaged and decaying, and Grian needs answers to fix it before Scar is lost forever
He seeks out the Watchers and is told to bring Martyn to them in exchange for Scar’s life being saved
Grian does this, like the sad little bastard he is
Queue Martyn escaping the Watchers anyway and now everything is awful and no one likes anything that has happened
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Martyn
Side characters: BigB, Pearl, Xisuma
Zombie Apoc AU
CW: death, zombies, I think you get the idea
Zombie apocalypse but Grian and Scar just moved in together (gay intent).
Scar gets turned, Grian keeps him in the basement and lures survivors in to keep Scar fed, despite Scar asking Grian to kill him before he turned.
Mumbo shows up and everything goes wrong. And maybe some things go right.
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo (are you tired of seeing their names yet?)
Side characters: Cleo, Etho, Bdubs; Zedaph, Cub
Zombie Apoc AU 2: this time it's sadder
CW: zombies, death, suicidal thoughts
Long story short is that Grian gets bitten
Scar and Grian live in an abandoned apartment block called ‘Desert View Apartments’ (though they move to Jimmy's farm before Grian gets bit)
Ren, Martyn, Impulse and Skizz hunkered down in the ‘King’s Court Shopping Centre’
Cleo, Bdubs, and Etho are taking refuge in an old castle-turned-museum 
Jimmy, Scott, and Tango live on a farm together
Joel, Lizzie and BigB live in the woods and use plants to stave off the disease
Gem is a travelling mercenary with a pet reindeer who believes the only way to save society is to eradicate all zombies and infected people
Pearl is a nomad with a pack of stray dogs
Mumbo is some guy I'm sure he has a role somewhere
Main characters: Scar and Grian
Side characters: the rest of these idiots
Space Age AU
CW: space colonisation, slavery, death, military stuff
Humans have colonised a large chunk of the galaxy
Grian comes from a group of humans who were against the human empire - said group was attacked, slaughtered, and disbanded
Scar used to be a part of the empire’s militia (though he is an alien, not human) but is no longer part of it
Mumbo does not know whether he is an android or not - androids are a slave class / killed on sight since their war with humans, and humans need to carry ID to prove they are human. Mumbo has an ID, but the tests for humans vs. androids are basically meaningless and inaccurate
Pearl was part of the same group as Grian, was captured and sold into servitude
Scar stows away on Grian’s spaceship (stolen) - Grian freaks out but they become somewhat friends
Scar and Grian go to a planet notorious for hating humans, because Scar wants a job there and Grian wants to get rid of him - Grian gets caught and thrown in prison 
Scar meets Mumbo, a member of the planet’s court, and they work together to break Grian out and the three of them escape 
They journey through space, meeting up with folks like Tango - eventually the gang find a ship run by Watchers (a powerful alien race) and they discover Pearl on board
Main Characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Pearl
Side Characters: Tango, Ren, Jimmy, Scott, Martyn, Gem
Hunger Games AU (Based on Floor 6, a now-deleted Lunch Club AU)
CW: hunger games, unnamed character death, cannibalism, trauma x 10000
Hunger Games universe but the winners all live in a big tower apartment complex with each floor being a new decade of winners
Grian is the most recent winner!
Yes I put him in district 9 for a bread joke.
Scar is my favourite victor because he ate people.
Main characters: Tango (70; 3 - electronics), Ren (71; 2 - weapons), Pearl (72; 10 - animal farming), Scott (73; 4 - fishing), Martyn (74; 4 - fishing), Scar (75; 10 - animal farming), Gem (76; 7 - lumber), Grian (77; 9 - grain), Joel (78; 2 - weapons); BigB (79; 9 - grain), Mumbo (avox, 9 - grain)
Grian Chrysalis AU
CW: insect stuff, body horror
Note I am autistic about this one.
Grian is a weird little guy who has to form a chrysalis and turn into goo before reforming
He needs to do this every few years to keep himself alive, as he is a unique cross between Watcher and player - except no one on Hermitcraft knows this about him, and Grian may have gotten distracted building for so long he forgot to take a vacation away from the server in time to go Bug Mode
So all they know is Grian is missing, and Xisuma is getting corrupted life signals from inside a mysterious chrysalis that has appeared - so they cut open the chrysalis while Grian is still reforming in there
He's goopy (body horror intent)
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Xisuma
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
The Crafting Dead (vine boom sound)
CW: medical torture, zombie apocalypse, captivity
Hermitcraft gets attacked (Watchers?) and lots of hermits are sent off to their own personal hells, with no memories of Hermitcraft
Xisuma has to go find them and bring them home and help them heal and re-introduce them to Hermitcraft and hopefully get their memories back
Scar is our main focus here - he’s stuck in the zombie apocalypse world of The Crafting Dead, where he spent his childhood and teen years before being rescued by Xisuma - now in his 30s, he thinks he’s been stuck there his whole life 
Grian is having a bad time being fledged into a proper Watcher, forced to Watch, since he never escaped
Mumbo's in a cult and might be evil (it's fine. He's fine.) (Lie)
Pearl is roaming the forests with a ghostly wolf, her enemies blood long gone but still fresh on her hands as resources dwindle in a tiny world (Double Life)
Tango is chained like a beast in an underground fighting ring, labelled with a nickname that isn't his and placed in a betting pool with odds stacked highly in his favour (he always wins) (he has to win) (there is no respawn here)
Impulse has been freshly captured and put in the same lineup, odds stacked quite tremendously against him (they don't know what he is) (he could end them all with a snap of his fingers) (don't corner a demon)
Doc is huddled in the corner of a lab he never left, scientist-turned-experiment, taken apart and put back together again different, wrong, as more additions pile onto his growing list of hybridities (they've given him wings, and taken his eye)
Main characters: Scar, Xisuma, Grian, Pearl, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Doc
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Pirate Boatem But Evil And Mean
CW: major character death, cannibalism, ghost stuff
Pirate crew Boatem get kicked off their ship and put on a desert island by Captain Scar
Survival cannibalism
Magic / curse ending
Ghost Grian
They go hunt down Scar at the end 
Main characters: Impulse, Grian, Mumbo, Pearl, Scar
Side characters: SKIZZ !!!!
I can be your angel….. Or yuor devil….
CW: religious implications?, also death mentions, body horror
Scar is some guy obsessed with the occult who is part of a ghost hunting team with Impulse Gem and Skizz
He finds Grian, a “fallen angel” and decides to take care of him
Grian is actually a demon sent from the void to find a human and bring it to his masters (the Watchers) for harvesting 
Grian used to be human maybe 
Grian is blindfolded - he claims it is so he doesn't taint his purity with the image of the imperfect world but it is really there because his masters don't want him to see the world and fall in love with it. The void is all he knows
Scar teaches Grian self-worth while Grian slowly turns into an eldritch horror beyond comprehension
Main characters: Grian & Scar
Side characters: Impulse, Skizz, Gem, the Watchers
Monster-Pet AU
CW: dehumanisation, discrimination, medical abuse
Hybrids seen as either free labourers or pets depending on how rare they are
Grian is a Watcher, a very rare type of wild hybrid
He’s been a pet for a long time - taken from his flock and completely changed mentally
They de-clawed my boy, they took his sharp teeth away
One day he wanders away from his owners house by accident and stumbles into Hermitcraft (a free, hybrid-run town)
Healing arc but he struggles very hard to understand he isn't a pet
Pearl, former flockmate-turned-feral Watcher, attacks him when she finds him, reduced to believing any weak flockmate will lead to them being captured again
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Pearl
Side characters: hermit ensemble
Solaris AU
CW: major character death, existential themes, spoilers for Solaris (1972)
Solaris (1972) AU
But with my own added flavour and twists
Scar is Kris Kelvin, Cub and Mumbo are the other two scientists, Grian is the dead wife
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Cub
Fantasy AU (Kingdoms AU)
Monster Hunter AU
CW: vampires & blood drinking, unnamed character deaths (many), discrimination
Grian and Mumbo are vampire hunters, part of the Hunter's Guild, dedicated to killing monsters
Dramatic backstory time: Grian's home village was slaughtered by vampires, leaving only orphaned children behind - he has a lot of vampire related trauma and has channeled that into becoming one of the best hunters around
Problem: Mumbo is secretly a vampire
Problem 2: Grian is about to find out
Angst 🙂 lots of it
There are humans, vampires, were(wolves, etc), fair-folk, demons/gorgons/devils, and potionmakers
Main characters: Grian, Mumbo
Side characters: Scar, Cub, Etho, Cleo, Bdubs
Popstar Grian / Ari AU
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Disaster Rescue Team AU
CW: survival cannibalism, systemic discrimination, torture, medical abuse
Scar, Pearl, Skizz, Impulse, Bdubs, Tango, Etho, Cub, and Mumbo are a disaster rescue team who specialise in helping hybrids
Grian is an avian living on a remote island that is destroyed by a storm, and he is trapped there for years until he's the only survivor left, the mainland government ignoring the situation
He's forced to resort to cannibalism to survive, then he's rescued
Scar is the therapist of the group who spends time working with Grian to rehabilitate him
Sadly most of his clients end up in bad situations, going missing, or in prison because the mainland is incredibly discriminatory
There is a government conspiracy happening where hybrids are being taken away after leaving the rescue facility and used for medical or scientific experimentation
Bad things happen to the gang.
Main characters: Scar, Pearl, Skizz, Impulse, Bdubs, Tango, Etho, Mumbo, Cub, Grian
Side characters: Ren :)
The ones who walk away from Omelas AU
CW: torture and abuse, like, a lot of it
Based on the story 'The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas' but with my own changes, for fun. This is actually one of my faves.
In the city of Omelas, life is perfect - there is no crime, no homelessness, no suffering. It is a Utopia
This Utopia comes at a cost, a single citizen, chosen randomly, must bear the suffering of all others, kept alone, starved and entirely isolated, underground, their whole life
The children of Omelas are shown this suffering early, to get them used to the idea. When they are horrified, they are told about the greater good of this sacrifice.
When Scar is a child, he sees the suffering scapegoat, at the time around his own age, and vows to rescue him one day
Twenty years later, he makes good on that promise
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Joel, Impulse, Skizz
City Blues AU
CW: organ harvesting, gang violence, references to drugs
Architect Grian gets fired from his job, and has to move to the bad part of the city for the first time ever. There he is very quickly noted and attacked, but a cunning drug dealer saves him.
He's given a place to stay by the salesman, Scar, but he owes the man. He has to work as an errand boy for a while to earn his freedom.
I mean, how hard could it be?
(it's considerably more difficult when he develops a crush)
(and because everyone in this place wants to get their hands on his kidneys)
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Mumbo, Cub, Stress, Iskall, Cleo
Convexian Serial Killers AU
CW: murder, no seriously our protagonists are killers and they get away with it, no moralising here they are just evil little freaks for fun, also cannibalism
Scar and Cub are serial killers who kill while their housemate, Grian, is out working for days on end
Grian happens to come home early one time and finds them mid-kill
After a series of breakdowns and a lot of throwing up, Grian gets kind of into it tbh
He watches the kills (and enjoys taunting the victims) and acts as friendly, harmless bait for other victims
Scar and Cub also introduce him to cannibalism, and he gets a little bit obsessed with trying to hunt down other avians to kill
Scar and Cub are human, while Grian is an avian, and though Scar expresses his love with violent fantasies, they would never hurt Grian
Grian's friends: Mumbo, Jimmy and Pearl, may have a little to say about this when they find out ^-^
Main characters: I just listed them
Side characters: Gem yayyyyy
AAAND THATS IT. I missed quite a few shorter / less dense AU ideas and possibly some bigger ones I have forgotten. Oops if so.
Remember, if you wanna know more about any of these, please send an ask, and specify which AU youre asking about obviously! If you read this far I am honestly shocked at your ability to put up with That Many scarian ideas.
Also feel free to riff on any of these if one stands out to you as interesting. I love hearing / seeing other people's interpretations of my stuff :D
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
Gulps....afab suguru...byeee
she has arrived on my blog and she will be loved and cherished and treasured and kissed and ******** and ****** and etcetcetc. she looks so beautiful in skirts btw. i truly believe skirts would be one of her favourite things to wear. long or short – it doesn't matter at all. if it's a short one, i like to think she'd pair it with like an oversized shirt that falls of her shoulder...... she's bewitching.
she's so tall and she's so smug. she likes to kiss just below your jaw when she stands behind you, her long black hair tickling your shoulder as she pushes herself into your back. her voice sounds like a deep purr as her hands snake around your middle, pushing your hips back into hers. she just likes to be a bit of a tease. she likes to fluster you. she loves it.
she's super sporty!!! she likes to go jogging and then she comes back home all sweaty and sexy and she presses a quick kiss to your lips before hopping into the shower, all while knowing that you're now needy and desperate. she knows the effect she has on you. she's way too hot............
i cannot decide whether she's the type to have you sit on her lap or she'd sit on your lap. i kinda think it's both. she pulls you into her lap by your wrist and she lets you melt into her. but then she also likes to plop down onto yours to fluster you a little!!!
she loves it when you do her makeup btwwww!!!!!!! we all know the iconic pics of girls straddling each other while they do their makeup and that's her and you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's tracing shapes into your thighs as you settle onto her and she's just sooo fucking smug and hot and i'm getting dizzy by just thinking about it.............
18+ loves fingering you. she throws her hair over her shoulder with a grin as you're falling apart on her pretty fingers and she's soo proud. and she prefers giving handjobs to blowjobs actually. ofc she's gonna suck you off too if you want but she likes using her hands more bc she really likes her fingers. easy as that. she likes to watch you lose your mind just from her hands. makes her ego grow so much.
she's a bit of a head-pusher. she likes to guide you with her hands as you're giving her head. she's giving you instructions not bc you're doing badly or anything, she just likes to feel in control yk.
likes wearing lingerie and heels. don't get me wrong, she likes her boxers and sneakers too. but every so often, she puts on a gorgeous gorgeous set and sexy heels and a trench coat just like in a movie and fuckkkk she loves your expression so much when she shows you what's underneath.
+ i typed all of this out and only then thought abt the fact that u did say afab and not fem but fuck it we ball. if u want more of getussy u let me know. anyway ily nonnie<3
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I have a really weird hyperfixation on The Mummy, but not the Boris Karloff or the Brendan Fraser versions, those would be completely acceptable movies to enjoy (and I do so enjoy them)
but I cannot stop thinking about The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise and it's a problem
I love bad movies, I love them so much, I own so many b-grade horror flicks, old classic films with terrible acting and awful special effects, I love absolutely shit tier cgi, I love Ed Wood disasters, I love cult classic bad movies, I love really weird niche bad movies
but this one is like, such a special kind of bad movie, I can't really put my finger on exactly why though?? but I am damn well going to try, in this essay I will-
they fucked up from the get go by casting Tom Cruise, like this movie is sometimes deliberately goofy, but a lot of the time it takes itself very seriously, SO seriously, and I cannot physically take Tom Cruise seriously, he turns every single scene he is in into a joke by virtue of his mere presence
but when they have actual jokes, they are so not funny they cycle back around to being really fucking funny
I am watching this movie fucking whiff every god damn beat it tries to hit and it does it so beautifully it's a god damn marvel
Russel Crowe as Jekyll and Hyde??? I actually somehow missed the part where he introduced himself as Jekyll on my first watch, so the Hyde reveal was a true surprise to me and I was very genuinely disappointed on my second watch when I realised it was not supposed to be a surprise, because that was a really fun reveal
and Russel Crowe seemed to be having an absolute fucking whale of a time as Hyde, I loved every moment he was on screen with his stupid cockney accent, I would watch his movie, I know it would be bad, that's why I want it, because there is nothing quite like a bad movie with an actor still giving 110%
and the mummy character herself? she was supposed to be pharaoh and then her dad had a son with someone else and now this baby is jumping all up in her place like, okay baby murder might not be the coolest thing in the world but like, she's got ambition, she's getting shit done, she's hustlin' like go get it girl I'm rooting for you babe
also when she sucked the life out of some dude and turned him into a shrivelled husk my roommate said 'she could do that to me and I'd thank her' so she's got that going for her, like girl's a half rotten corpse wrapped in decaying bandages and she still slays
and then we have the completely ridiculous female rivalry??? like this mummy could kill this woman SO MANY TIMES and just doesn't???? for reasons?????? like she could literally kill her in an instant at any moment but no they gotta girl fight for a bit because Tom Cruise is at stake and why wouldn't two hot women fight over Tom Cruise right?? right????
nevermind the fact that he has been practically nothing but ✨The WooOOOOooorst✨ to her the WHOLE first act of the movie, oh and uh let's not forget the 'duh huh guy bad at sex' jokes that they just could not put down for a good chunk there (but wait! uh he's good at sex actually she's just being mean because he hurt her feewings)
like, this movie hits every fucking branch of the bad trope tree, this movie is playing bad trope bingo, it is collecting bad tropes like pokemon, it has to have them all
also a really bizarre ongoing American Werewolf in London reference?? it was not unwelcome, it was some of the best comedy in the movie (that is an easy bar to jump btw), the actor had some great wry line delivery, I enjoyed it
I think the biggest issue, and the reason I can't stop chewing on this magnum opus of garbage, is that it reminds me of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in several different ways
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen also happens to be another of my favourite bad movies, but it falls into the particular genre of bad movies, a fucking cool as shit concept, and some really cool as shit visuals, and some very cool as shit characters, but an absolute swing and a miss on the delivery
The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise has That Vibe to me, there is some cool shit here, we know this because the previous version utilised that cool shit very very well, but this one was the only one who made the villain a woman pursuing a man, and not just any man, the ✨worst✨ man, you did not feel very sorry for this guy, honestly watching him go through the constant torment of being stalked by a bodacious supernatural babe who put a sexy little curse kiss on him was fun, he's a sopping wet little meow meow and I wanna see him thrown at a wall, and I get to see that several times, and it is a delight every time
in the previous movie the mummy went after really likeable characters, people who were just generally nice, a roguish scamp with a heart of gold, or just really hot, seriously that cast was beyond smoking what the fu
I did not like Tom Cruise as a character, and to be fair that was the point, he was supposed to have a redemption arc, the story and his sacrifice at the end were supposed to be about him becoming a better person
but he fucking doesn't??? it's like 'oh boo hoo I have made this great sacrifice and now I am a monster and I did it to save my lady love's life even though we had zero chemistry and I was just ✨The Worst✨ to her' and then he fucks off to go and do the exact same shit he was doing at the start of the movie, fucking around in the desert looking for boy adventures
it was a great ending and I loved it because it was so dumb and also he abandoned the woman he brought back to life to go fuck around with his bro who he also brought back to life, I love that for them, go have some boy adventures you madlads you sure didn't earn it but don't let that stop you, just heterosexually ride off into the sunset together it's fine, she is literally better off without you in every way you made the Correct Decision
and then there's these moments, moments that are treated like big moments, and could be really cool moments, but just don't fucking land
there's a part where Tom Cruise starts talking to the mummy in her own language (they got a psychic bond and shit which is it's own cool little thing we'll get back to that) and everyone is watching like 😮 oooh didn't know he could do that wow there really IS magic bond between them oooh, and it's like a Big Deal and Very Cool
but Tom Cruise just sounds like he's speaking gibberish with a mouth full of novocain???? it doesn't sound cool at all??? it sounds really goofy???? I half expected him to start drooling on himself
then there is the ending, leading lady dies, he completes the ritual to invite the god of death into his body (a fucking baller move honestly), he fights it for control as the mummy attempts to sway the beast inside him to her side, but when he sees his beloved laying dead he fights her off, using his newfound powers to defeat her, and then weeps over his lady love begging for her to wake up
and then as he lets the god inside him loose, a terrible monstrous visage takes him over as he bloodcurdlingly screams in her face WAKE UP!!! and the power within him that he doesn't understand and can barely control listens
she wakes, and sees him hiding in the shadows, unable to face her now that he has become something terrifying
at least that's what I think they thought the scene would be like, it was a little more like, some crappy flashback and speed up effects as he becomes the god of death, a really pathetic and uneventful 1 minute of him fighting for control, after which he has a really pathetic and uneventful 1 minute of fighting the mummy, and then as he screams for his lady love to wake up, we get a shot of some absolutely fucking god awful cgi and the most uninspired monster face I've ever seen
I mean, half seen, it was a very dark shot, in fact most of the movie is shot in the dark, a very blatant attempt to obscure the shithouse cgi
except in one scene where it kinda fucking slapped, where the mummy sucks the life out of some guys, and then reanimates their husky corpses as thralls, the way they stand like jerky unstable puppets being dragged to their feet by unseen strings was actually pretty fuckin' dope and the dark scene obscured the details in just the right amount to make their uncannily decrepit silhouettes appear super creepy
this is the only time that trick works, every other time I just want someone to turn on a fucking torch so I can actually see what the hell's going on
okay now let's get back to that psychic bond thing
our main character was chosen not because he was a descendant, or a reincarnation, or just Looked Real Pretty (although I think she did have the hots for him a leeetle bit which is like, girl raise your standards, it's Tom Cruise, he's about as sexually appealing as a wet potato, you can do better), he had absolutely zero in common with the mummy's original choice for this ritual, in fact that guy was not significant to the story at all, I think he was just some dude who was down for some ritual shenanigans 'cause a hot lady asked him (also he was hotter than Tom Cruise so this is a significant downgrade, I feel like if she had the opportunity to shop around a little she might have picked better)
so Tom Cruise wasn't chosen for any reason other than that he's the one who released her, and she sees this as her way of saying thank you, and I love that, it's real sweet, would love if I opened a door for someone and they repaid me by summoning a god of death into my body, that really shows they care you know?
she gives him a little hallucinatory kissy kiss and then manages to follow him everywhere, while also compelling him to follow her without him really knowing it, there is a very cool part where he's trying to drive away from her, but somehow ends up driving in a circle and falling right back into her clutches, that was cool, that had the potential to even be super fucking creepy, she can manipulate him without him even realising, it doesn't matter where he goes or what he does, he will always somehow find his way back to her, that's so good, I love that
and then back to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comparisons
The Mummy 2017 starring Tom Cruise established a concept of an organisation who hunt down, collect, and research supernatural phenomena, with a leader (Jekyll) who also has ulterior motives and is actually not really the good guy, this movie was also supposed to be part of a monster movie cinematic universe, so this really could have become like, the Universal Monster Movie equivalent of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I would have watched the hell out of that, and I am crushed that this movie bombed so bad and ruined the whole plan
like could you imagine a whole series as bad as this movie? all culminating together as the most god awful Avengers style team up? fuuuck I want to live in that universe so bad
I think my fascination comes from this ungodly mix of real pure potential, those fleeting super fucking cool moments and concepts that, if given to literally any other actor, could have really been something, and the just pure insane failure to make literally anything in this plot successfully land a hit
somehow this movie felt like the completely dead and soulless corpse of a cheap party clown, while the ghost of something incredible flickered in its eyes
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t00thpasteface · 7 months
Hiiiii₍⁠₍⁠◞⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠₎⁠₎
Could you explain the hipster Vs fandom war. I've been on here for like four years and I never knew that existed lol and btw I really really love your art and you are one my biggest inspos for how I imagine and draw my Clark.
i'm not sure i can explain it in a way that makes sense, and certainly not in a way that makes you say "i understand why this was such a big deal", but gl'bgolyb knows i can try.
first, let me take you on a sensory experience... picture in your mind the following things... skinny jeans... nerd glasses... a weirdly dapper fashion sense in a time where everything is baggy and neon... boom, you have 2010-2014 online tumblr hipster culture. and also 70s elvis costello, oddly enough.
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although admittedly i don't know his stance on pumpkin spice lattes.
anyway. now that that's burned into your brain, consider a significant population of this exact type of person that has already been well-established on this microblogging platform around the turn of the decade. tumblr doesn't really have an app yet because smartphones haven't taken over everyone's life yet, and online fandom culture is still largely dominated by deviantart as the main "fandom hub". most people, myself included, are getting their main meme fixes from facebook (which your parents were not yet on) or the icanhazcheezburger image-aggregator network. THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FANDOM NATION ATTACKED.
somehow, a huge crowd of people who considered their favorite books/movies/games to be core personality traits began to set up shop on this fair slate-blue isle. i number myself among this crowd, having been lured here by google-image-searching for miscellaneous fanart in 2011. the "old guard" largely belongs to, and continuously attracts new bloggers within, a burgeoning subculture that 100% defines itself by bucking popular trends and social expectations... whether or not this is actually accomplished by purchasing beverages from starbucks and putting old film filters on every photo, i cannot say.
you may be seeing an issue already arising: hey, if the hipsters hate everything that's popular and gatekeep all their interests, and the fandom bloggers are obsessed with extremely popular franchises and are hell-bent making them even more popular, isn't that going to cause a little friction?
well, yes. it caused a fuck ton of friction. a division arose early on between "the fandom side of tumblr" and "the hipster side of tumblr." some people, like myself, played both sides. others abstained from the rigid dichotomy and considered themselves to be on another "side," like the science side of tumblr, known for explaining relatively straightforward STEM concepts in large essays that began with something like "listen up fuckers."
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ahhh, unfriendable. such a narrow little window in time where cheezburger sites and facebook had equal sway in the online zeitgeist.
interestingly, as someone who trawled a LOT of aesthetic tags, the most popular of which was simply #aesthetic (it was shockingly consistent in there), i never actually saw hipster bloggers complaining about fandom bloggers. it was always the other way around, with fandom bloggers bragging about how much they're freaking out the squares to get cool points with other fandom bloggers, all while never actually engaging with the hipster bloggers because their tags rarely overlapped.
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hi, marge! we're freaking out the hipsters!
regardless of whether there was any material reality to it, or if it was simply a Minitrue level of entirely fictional warfare, this concept entrenched itself into the fandom bloggers, likely as a way to still feel "edgy" and unique while, again, obsessing over extremely popular and mainstream things like doctor who, pokemon, avatar the last airbender, the brand-new mcu, and other decidedly non-counterculture media. even with things it felt like no one irl had heard of, like hetalia and homestuck, those were online juggernauts nonetheless, the former of which had dominated deviantart for years and the latter of which prompted hotels and convention centers across the world to implement very strict rules about unsealed body paint. people treated fandoms like they were some sort of exclusive country club with membership fees and a dress code. and dunking on hipsters became an entire genre of Fake Internet Story, which were already pervasive on this website.
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what's the point of being in a clique if there's no outgroup to flex on? #swag
this whole phenomenon ran concurrently, even symbiotically, with other tumblrisms like "tumblr university" and those horrendous "not like other girls" memes...
which means, of course, it was absolutely dead in the fucking water once DashCon happened in 2014. i don't need to tell you what happened at DashCon (there's a million essays and videos about it if you're one of today's lucky ten thousand who's never heard of it), but all across the fandom side of tumblr, it felt like finding out your parents lied about santa claus. turns out the fandoms you're in don't actually say anything about who you are as a person, a bunch of tumblrinas can't just will a fully functional micronation into existence just by wearing tacky merchandise in a public venue, and magic probably isn't real.
i wish i had some grand way to end this story, but really the moral is the same as it ever was: online drama is eternal, inescapable, and completely fucking worthless. if you only post to get mad at shit, especially if you're just making up a guy to get mad at, cut that out. touch grass. look at images of cats. i don't remember any of the enemies i made from this era, but i fondly remember all the friends, and i'm richer for making those positive connections. that's all for today's episode of Tumblr History with Toothpaste Face... remember to tip your waitress and stay minty.
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