#hz event
amelikos · 6 months
Quick summary of the talk show that took place at AnimeJapan today (March 23), it was divided in three parts ("growth", "friends", "battles").
First part focused on Liko, Roy, and Dot and their VAs talked about their characters and the ways they've grown. They showed a clip show of HZ016 when the trio was fighting Spinel to illustrate the theme. Yoshino Aoyama (Dot's VA) also talked about how she feels about playing Dot and growing alongside her character.
Second part mostly focused on Orio, Mollie and Murdock. They showed a clip show of HZ021 when Orio and Murdock argued about the state of the ship and eventually shook hands to show Mibrim they had made up. They shared a behind the scenes story. Kenta Miyake (Murdock's VA) was apparently the one who came up with the pun "nakayoshi namakobushi" in that episode and asked Sakura Ayane (Orio's VA) for cooperation when they voiced their lines.
Third part focused on Friede, Amethio and Spinel. They showed a clip show of the battle at the castle in HZ025 between Friede and Amethio. Yashiro Taku (Friede's VA) and Horie Shun (Amethio's VA) shared their impressions and feelings about the characters and their dynamics. They also showed a clip show of the battle between Friede and Spinel in HZ044 (that just aired yesterday!) and Makoto Furukawa (Spinel's VA) shared his thoughts as well.
They revealed the VAs for the Elite Four in Paldea. Saiga Mitsuki will voice Chili, and it's the second time she voices a green-haired character in the anime (because she was Shuu's VA back during the Advanced Generation series).
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ricisidro · 18 days
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How long will Apple do 60 Hz in their US $800 base models of iPhone? @MKBHD
Smart marketing strategy ? More profits? Check iPhone sales. Seems it doesn’t matter for most people.
If a $70 Tecno Spark Go1 can support a fast 120Hz screen, so can the iPhone16!!
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My favorite Headcanons for the Togruta Species
And Shili
And Kiros (Kinda)
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Togruta babies are called Cubs (because I think is a cute word and bc they are aliens after all. Also it translate well to my native language, so when I say Cub I thinking of the word "Filhote" and I'm well aware I probably mixing up translations here).
They live in small groups up to 500 members (but rarely more than that).
Note: I'm saying "small" because our smallest towns have 5.000 member's, but ancient Togruta lived in actual small groups with 50 members or less.
Togruta can grow anxious if they don't have a community around them. Their species were made to live in groups.
Togruta's Montrals are capable of hearing frequencies up to 200000 hz (similar to tigers and bats) and are able of echolocate close objects.
They also have powerful noses and can recognize people from their smell.
Their eyes have a peripheral vision of 200°, that combined with their hearing and flair make them the most powerful predator in Shili.
A adult Togruta eats about 1,5kg of meat every day. Ofc there's alternatives such a rations bars that can lower that amount, but considering they feeding exclusive with meat that's the right amount to maintain themselves health.
Togruta are strict carnivorous (this cannon, but I just want to reassure the idea)
The average height is 1,9 meters for Female and 2,5 meters for Males, counting with their Montrals.
Togruta can easily live up to 90 years, some even got to 120, but they rarely live much more than that. It's a little longer than most humans, but they don't come near Mirialan's lifespan of 250 years or Yoda species that basically turn into living fossils.
Males tend to have longer Montrals while Females have longer Lekkus.
They share 80% of their DNA with Akul (similar with how humans share 90% of our DNA with chimpanzee) what suggest they had a common ancestor.
Their vocal cords can mimic sounds to attract their prey and avert other predators (such as the Akul). Trogruta Cubs were specially good at this and it's not rare see them trying to imitate sounds they find curious or funny. This also means they were very talkative, if a Togruta Cubs is quiet something is terrible wrong.
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Because of this trait Togruta are one off the few species capable of learning how to speak Ithorese and Shyriiwook, although their accent is told to be sloppy and child-like.
The muscles on their legs are the strongest on all their body. They were originally a migratory species, so they needed the extra force and speed.
Their gestation period is around 7 months, a little shorter than humans. But their Cubs grow faster and usually start walking around their five mouth after they were born. They development that trait so neither the mother or the Cub stays vulnerable for long.
Togruta skin color have multiple variations, but the more common are: Orange, purple, yellow and dark blue. This colors also appear on the stripes of their Montrals and Lekkus. The flash color scheme serve two purposes: It warn their predators they are a thread (like some snakes do, the vibrant colors usually scares predators away) and it's also a sign of their health.
Health togruta have stronger colors, the more vibrant their color are the more attract they were consider to be.
Togruta are usually monogamous and tend to spend their whole life with a single partner. This whoever is changing due cultural facts, current is not expected to a individual to stick to a single partner but it's a constant event on their community.
Hybrids between other species are rare, however it's uncertain if this is due their biology or they general lack of interest of breeding with other species.
Hybrids between Togruta and Twi'Lek were been recorded although their appearance are highly inconsistent. Usually they keep smaller version of the Montrals and their Lekkus are more similar with the Twi'Lek version, thus stopping growing at a certain length.
It's said they can have hybrids with human and humanoids species (such as, idk, Mirialans), but there isn't enough Togruta in the galaxy making out with humans to know exactly what that would look like.
They change the teeth twice during their lives, one time when they still cubs and another once they hit 60 ~ 70 years. This happens so they can maintain strong teeth for all their lives.
Their canine teeth are sharp ass hell, even more so when they are Cubs. This can be a problem because Togruta bite each other as a form of affection. Also it's not uncommon for them to leave bite marks in visible places on their partners. When other sentient species saw that they thought the marks were from fighting, but turns out it's from the opposite of fighting.
(Note: I saw some other writes with similar headcanons, specially in barrissoka fanfic, and it's cute! But I'm going to make a point here that they can easily kill small animals with their bite, so I get kinda nervous when people make Ahsoka bite Barriss's neck with "all her strength" because that would probably be enough to pierce her skin. So only small bites are allowed here, Barriss doesn't need die like that.)
Togruta's Montrals and Lekkus can turn shriveley if they are raised under stressing ambients. (That's why Ahsoka's Lekkus are so short for her age). Headcanon send by @kayberrie
As I mentioned the Togruta were originally a migratory species, that means they used to made camps so they could hunt in certain areas and then move to another region once the resorts became scarce. This whoever changed with time as they learned to cycle their prey with the seasons.
This is a vague example, but during spring and summer they hunt Thimiars (a rodent species from Shili) and other small prey, but as the autumn comes they start to hunt bigger prey so they can store the meat for the winter. During the winter itself they fish. Base on that their villagers are usually construed near river and always with around the forest.
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Unlike most of sentient life Togruta are against the domestication of animals, so to this day they still hunt for eat, however all the food (with exception of a few ritualistic hunts) are share with the whole village. So if they can't get food for a while they will start prioritize the children and the elderly while their adults focus on solving the problem.
A exception to that is the domestication of Shilidogs, a species of Tooka (relatives to Lothcats) the Togruta adopt as a companion. The Shilidogs keep pests way from the villages and are very good companions for children. Like a real dog.
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Togruta development a way to dry the meat with a space salt (that I don't have a name for yet) so they don't have to throw away the rest of their meal.
Also they when they hunt they make sure to use every single part of the animal and are very against wasting food. The feet of the prey usually is transformed into soup (which they feed the babies and the elderly bc they believe it helps their bones to grow stronger), and the organs are smoked and eaten as a delicacy (god, I hope I used that word right).
As for the actual meat, they cook only with salt but don't you dare think it's blend or without taste! Think about a Brazilian barbecue, that's how it's like.
Once their society started to interact with other planets the Togruta became very close with Wookies and Ithorians mainly because of their ability of speaking Ithorese and Shyriiwook, but also because both of these species also live in forests and share similar values towards dealing with nature.
However their relationship with the Ithorians started pretty rough because when the Togruta first meet the species they believe to be prey animals. Which they kinda are... But this is all put in the past once the Jedi came and solve the misunderstanding.
Because of the Ithorians the Togruta learned how to make the own space ships without destroying their forests.
Because the Jedi help with their relationship with the Ithorians the Togruta respect their order very much and begin to send some of their Cubs to become Jedi.
With their population growth they decide to make a new colonie rather than open the forest to expend their villagers, that's how Kiros was born.
The government of Kiros and Shili are very different. The Togruta of Kiros adopt a lot of the republic politics and build their on government in reference, naming a Chanceller of their own and a senator to represent them to other planets.
Kiros also have big cities rather than the small villagers of Shili.
Talking about Shili government, they usually spread around the planet in small villagers led by a elder council. This villagers are independent but usually live with some level of collaboration, trading goods with each other.
Because they need to deal with other species now they do elect a senator and a small government situated in one of the few big cities they have, but Shili's Togruta couldn't care less about politics and usually let their colony on Kiros deal with all the trouble. If you go to a random village in Shili and ask the name of the senator chances are that most of the people will get it wrong.
Because of this trait most sentient species believe Togruta to be less intelligent, but that's not the case, they just have a different approach to politics.
Kiros is considered a mere extension of Shili, and although they have a more development government they still answers to the people of Shili.
Their economy with the republic are based on the commerce of healing herbs that they collect from their forests. They are far from being the richest being of the galaxy, but they gather enough money to buy the essentials for their survive.
Realistic they don't need much of outside resources anyway because the way they live it's pretty minimalist.
I already mentioned a few misunderstanding others species made while meeting Togruta for the first time, and there was a actual debate if Togruta could be considered a sentient species to begin with, but luckily for them both the Wookies and the Ithorians already faced similar problems and were able to help the Togruta introduce themselves properly to the rest of the galaxy.
As you problem can see, their society are very close to nature and try the best to not break the balance of the chain by hunting more than they need or building house in animals habitats.
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They are usually led by their elder and wiser members, regardless of gender.
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Both man and woman engage with all types of chores: Hunting, cleaning, taking care of the children, religion rituals, you name it!
I'm not finished writing their religion yet, but the have a vast pantheon of gods for various realms of adoration. Their most important gods are the a representation of the Sun, the Moon and the death, but I'm not going into details because I don't have any yet.
I mentioned that they don't like throwing away the rest of their prey, so they carve idols, toys and jewelry from the bones and make their clothes from the skin/leather.
Ancient Togruta also used bones to make weapons, nowadays this pieces are used in religious rituals.
Speaking of religion rituals, the hunt of Akul is exclusive made for religion purposes and it's considered a crime to kill a Akul without a reason.
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The Togruta are very aware they had a common ancestor with the Akul so that's why they respect the animal so much.
When a child is given to the Jedi they first make a celebration with all the members of their village so everyone can say goodbye properly. It's a joy to have one of their own in the Jedi ranks, but it's also sad to some extent because of how close the communities are. That Cub would probably had live their entire life with them and know that they have to go the village take some time to assimilate that. (So yeah, Ahsoka got a little party with mommy and daddy before Plo take her to the Jedi temple).
Raising cubs is seem as a community work, so it's not rare to leave your kids with the neighbors while hunting or working. Usually is some elder man or woman who stays with the cubs since they can't work as well as they once did.
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Some parents make straps bandages in their Cubs Montrals so they can grow in certain patterns. This is especially popular among the Togruta from Kiros and it is a mere esthetic proceed. It doesn't hurt the cub because their Montrals still soft.
They made a holiday to celebrate their friendship with the Ithorians! They invite their alien friend for a three day party as a way to say sorry for trying do hunt them down when they first meet. The Ithorians are a strict vegetarian species, so the Togruta gather exotic fruits to give as a present. The Jedi send represents from both species to act as mediators in case of conflict, but ever since they stated their partnership, hundreds of years ago, they never had any conflict ever again. They truly became best buddies! (And I like the idea of having this alien festival between species that are so different. Let me have my exotic aliens!)
They used theatre to record their history, so instead of books they told teach using their plays. Usually they are full of exaggerated acrobat acts and sometimes songs. Yes, they have musicals!
Their musical instruments are also made of bones and they particular found of flutes.
Kiros is specially connect with all forms of art and their government had imported Togruta plays to all around the galaxy. Their acrobats and singers are praise and recognize as one of the best of the republic. But that's actually why the Zygerian were so interesting on making them slaves on that incident on the Clone Wars.
The children games are usually a sort of exercise to teach them how to hunt, so if you go to one the their villages you problem going to see children "hunting" each other, lefting bite marks everywhere and being absolutely chaotic, but this is considered normal so the adults don't really care. Other species say that Togruta Cubs are usually a nightmare to be around. Their best friends (aka the Ithorians) are still scared of their children.
At some point in ancient history Togruta started to cook theirs meals, but they still eat raw meat on some occasions and specific rituals.
Besides the festival with the Ithorians Togruta have a few holidays they celebrate with their village. They really like a party and even the people of Shili have a special love for the art exhibitions they do during theses events.
That's it for now.
Please feel free to use any of these headcanons if you like them. Also I would love to talk more about them, so you can make comments or ask questions if you have any.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
I am turning EB around in my head like a microwave and I have a couple questions:
What is EB and EX's relationship like? I know they view each other as family and EX gets EB's booth, but will we see how they interact more?
Did anyone wind up telling EB that hels!zedaph is dead? If not, does he have suspicions that he is?
and a more general Hels question (that is totally not related no siree) - what is the upkeep for the remembrance walls like?
EB and EX are on friendly terms! They previously saw each other,,, not as rivals in the traditional sense. They didn't openly attack or oppose each other. But EB viewed EX as a challenge: How do I stay distinct from my brother's shadow? Anyone looking for it would find it obvious. EB got Bigger and Louder whenever EX was around, and he used to be much bigger and much louder than he currently is. It's less that he was mean, and more that he was prideful. Becoming friends with Helsknight changed him for the better in that regard. Since he's mellowed out, he and his brother have become closer. They enjoy visiting with each other during Colosseum matches [EB will often stand with EX in the box and talk both before the events, and during intermission] and EX invites EB to a lot of parties, where they shit talk the guests together. We'll see them together once during RnS, but EB is a secondary character, and outside of the one appearance, I don't intend to have EX very involved in the story. He's kind of the unspoken god of the world: he gets a lot of mentions because he's very important to hels, but he's not very important to the plot lol.
Someone did wind up telling EB about hels!zedaph, though yes, he did suspect before he was told. EB hadn't gone looking for HZ for a reason. He didn't want to be the one to find out he was gone. If I can't see it, maybe its not really there.
And the Remembrance Wall Ramble got long so its under the cut!
[Hello future me cutting in here because I just realized you were probably talking about what individuals like EB would do to upkeep a name of a loved one. Mostly it involves regular visits. Keeping the stone clean, replacing it if it gets cracked, making sure it doesn't wear down. Nether bricks to me are a bit brittle, and the ones on the bottoms of the walls will crumble and break down over time. Most of the time, the Order of Remembrance is pretty good at getting them replaced, though they encourage individuals to do it themselves, to decorate the stones, paint or carve them, and overall keep the care personal. People will also sometimes leave gifts of food, flowers, and favored items at walls where loved ones names are kept. Walls are very colorful spots in hels, full of a lot of care.]
The Remembrance walls are, basically, graveyards. Alongside friends and family, who will make sure loved ones names are put down and remembered, the Order of Remembrance manages all Remembrance Walls in the city. We'll get into it a little in the upcoming chapters, but the Order of Remembrance church, and its knights, have a very active presence in hels. They are the cloaks seen most often roaming the streets, in twos and threes. They have regular routes they walk, with walls they are assigned to tend. They make sure the stones are stacked straight and don't fall, replace broken ones, and help people carve names. Many knights have prayer chants where they intentionally try to memorize every name on the wall. Their focus is on the idea that no helsmet is truly gone as long as some memory remains of them. They welcome helsmets approaching them with fond memories of loved ones, and will take testimony from people who know their time is coming. Their church is a glorified library and house of memorization. Part of their worship in remembrance of people is also in the remembrance of history, and they have at least one copy of every book, memoir, and journal in hels they can get their hands on. They have one private collection in the church, and one public library in hels, which they regularly update with copies of originals from the church library.
The only place outside the Order of Remembrance's domain is the shady side of town where Cleo's gangs keep the peace. For control reasons, Cleo doesn't like any opposing force on her claimed land, which includes Order of Remembrance knights. She does still have Remembrance Walls on her side of town, but they are up-kept by the people that live there as a community project. People get together once every few weeks, make food, talk about those that are gone, and make sure none of the stones are broken or stolen.
Erasing memory is a big taboo in hels, understandably. The universe is already cruel enough in taking people, and people, once taken, are woefully easy to forget [they were never meant to exist in the first place, after all]. On the sides of town where the Order of Remembrance upkeeps the walls, anyone caught stealing or destroying stones is tracked down by their paladins, and subjected to community service under close supervision. They're often roughed up in the process, but the paladins won't kill you for breaking a stone. Depending on whose stone you break, and how angry hels is that day, the same can't be said for anyone else who catches you. Repeat offenders, or people who destroy many stones at once with the express intent of erasing memory, are branded by the Order with a mark somewhere visible, normally on the hands. Anyone with that unlucky brand will see increased hostility from their peers, ostricization, lost of livelihood and home -- it's a great way to make everyone in hels hate you. Anyone on Cleo's side of town caught destroying a stone is hunted actively in the streets, and leaving her side of town will not save them. She offers high bounties for that kind of thing.
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jadeazora · 11 days
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Today, we got the Fairy-type Miku's banner, pfp, and phone wallpaper from the Project Voltage Twitter!
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Our promo gif and storyboard shot for tomorrow's episode! (It's unlikely since they haven't been referenced at all, but I kinda hope that they bring in Raifort again, perhaps having done some research on the Ruinous Legends, the Explorers could steal as a consolation prize. I just want to see them in HZ since they're my favorite minor Legendary group. 🥺)
And the Lear Takes the Lead event reruns today. You know it's an old event when your more modern pairs delete it in one attack each.
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azure-cherie · 1 year
Paid services [closed]
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Hi lovelies i would like to introduce you to my paid services section, I am an intuitive reader+ a tarot reader , i also have been learning vedic astrology+ persona charts and asteroids , my main aim to introduce this service is to save for my future , along with helping anyone who is in need . I will keep the service open for times when I'm available energetically and not caught up in my life.
Please note that I only use Google Pay :) for now
If you aren't familiar with my work here check out my Masterlist
I hope you find what you're looking for :
Tarot + intuition
Each of the readings will be supplied to your email id through pdf format .
One card reading - INR 150 , $1.82
Two cards reading - INR 170 , $ 2.07
Free mood boards for lifestyle and essence for each reading below :
Frequency check :
A brief overview of your current energies, your frequency. INR 250 , $ 3.04 ( includes the colour of your aura, your current frequency waves in hz )
Amaranth :
•Your essence
•your effect on others
• what are your best qualities when it comes to endeavours of love and charming others .
INR 1300 , $15.61 , individual questions for INR 500 , $6.08
Godmothers brim :
•Messages from your ancestors
•advice on any topic you want from them
• How can you connect to them and honour them
INR 1300 , $15.61 , individual for INR 500 , $6.08
Snowflake rendition:
What is holding you back in love , what should you do about it
INR 900 , $ 10.94
Your calls :
• your hidden talents
• what should you work on
• what can you make a career out of
INR 1300 , $15.61 , individual for INR 500 , $6.08
What do your dreams want to convey ? INR 500 , $6.08
Your months : for aug , sep , oct , nov , dec
Get a monthly subscription for readings in each month generally in the 1st , in case of inevitable delays , get it by the first week. Includes advice , events and lessons .
INR 2000 , $24.30 for ; individual month reading , INR 500 , $6.08
You a baddie ?( Mini readings)
• what kind of a seducer you are ? INR 150 , $1.82
• what energy suits you best ?INR 150 , $1.82
Clarify me
• clarity on a situation.
•What is the other person thinking of me
• how to correct the damage
• Will the actions lead to good outcomes
• is this person good for me
• their true intentions towards me
All for INR 2500 , $ 30.38 ; individual INR 500 , $6.08
For deity related and NSFW related questions please dm pricing will be according .
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Unlimited questions for a month INR 4000 , $48.61
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Astrology readings will take time usually a week for smaller ones and 2 weeks for the detailed ones
Interpretation of an individual placement: INR 100 , $1.22
Interpretation of an individual asteroid placements , upto 5 asteroids together (tell me before hand I will answer if I know about the asteroids ) INR 300 , $ 3.65
Interpretation of a persona chart (tropical) - INR 500 , $ 6.08
Fashion preferences ( detailed report on your best colours, fabrics , hair , jewellery etc ) - INR 1500 ,$ 18.23, detailed with pics and links ,
Who will you marry , based on d1 and d9 charts - their looks , traits , possible meeting places.INR 900 , $ 10.94
Full vedic d1 chart interpretation ( this will be very detailed containing placements, effects , remedies) INR 3000 , $ 36.45 , for non detailed small interpretation, INR 1500 , $ 18.23
Finance and career reading based on your vedic chart - INR 900 , $ 10.94
Dm for special requests , I'll answer accordingly.
Subliminal on a topic of your choice INR 900 , $10.94 for detailed , INR 50O $6.08 for simple affirmations. For subliminals , buy 1 get 1 free for the first 5 people who book .
Stuff to know :
You can get a first time discount if you have been an old supporter of my initial days .
You can get a discount if you buy 2 detailed readings together.
No death , health , legal questions .
Payment must be done beforehand .
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Trust me if you work with me.
Financial issues , dm I'll reduce the price if i find you authentic
For queries dm , or send an email at [email protected]
Thank you so much for reading, i really really adore youuuu for supporting me sending you healing energy 🌷
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madamlaydebug · 9 days
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174 Hz – The lowest of the tones appears to be a natural anesthetic. It tends to remove pain physically , energetically as well as karmic energy. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety, and love, motivating them to do their best.
285 Hz – This tone is useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns or any other form of damaged tissue. 285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is said to be directly connected to our body´s, mind and soul´s blueprint for optimal health and physical wellbeing, due to its amazing ability to remember what should be and to return cells to its original form. It influences energy fields sending them message to restructure damaged organ. 285 Hz is about remembering and healing you, your internal organs and your energy.
396 Hz – Cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacle to realization, enables achievement of goals in the most direct way. It releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. This solfeggio frequency can also be also used as means of grounding, awakening, sobering and returning to reality.
417Hz – Next tone from the solfeggio scale is connected with resonation processes or processes of amplification. Re can “delete” person’s “alienation from God” and enable returning to the “right path”. This solfeggio frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. It can be used for cleaning limiting impression, which disables the person to achieve her life goals. When speaking of cellular processes, tone Re encourages the cell and its DNA to function in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency energizes your body cells and helps to use their creative potentials.
528 Hz – Used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. If it is used in a way described in Webster’s dictionary – by communicating the wanted effect and with energy support from the “light” – miracles will happen! Process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects – increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. It also opens the person for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.
639 Hz – This frequency enables the creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. It can be used for dealing with relationship problems – those in family, between partners, friends, or social problems. It can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance, and love. 639 Hz frequency can also be used for communication with parallel worlds or spiritual spheres.
741 Hz – Cleans the cell (“Solve polluti“) from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to change in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. It also cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another important application of this sound frequency is cleansing infections – viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to pure, stable and spiritual life.
852 Hz – Solfeggio 852 Hz is directly connected to the third eye chakra and can be used as means for awakening inner strength & self realisation. It is good for dissolving stagnate mental energy from to over-thinking. (mental activity) It is said to clear up energy blockages that before has hindered clear and strong communication with our higher self, spirit guides and spirit helpers. The 852 hz solfeggio to play either clean as is or as a background sound to other audio.
963 Hz – This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit, and enables direct experience, the return to Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness – our true nature.
#Frequency #Tuning #Healing #Sound #Binaural #Beats
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raihanijulie · 4 months
Introducing a hero in Lemniscus...
☆Hz Railstar!
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A prince who ran away from his kingdom and decided to be a hero, Hz Railstar! He loves freedom and has curiosity with everything from the outside, plus he'd like to share his abilities with the world by saving the day almost... everyday! He doesnt need any paybacks bc he is living his life<3 and he literally wants to save people as much as he can, his fav thing to do!
Hertz is an original character based on the guy himself, Sonic the hedgehog! He mostly adapt his look, skills, traits, etc... but in the end, he developed and grew to be his own figure, creating Hz Railstar! Keep in mind he is NOT Sonic
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To see more of my Hz contents, check out the #hertz railstar /#hz railstar tags!
HERE BELOW will include links that consist important infos about him! Check these out to learn more about Hertz ^^
Main page: Hz Railstar's Toyhouse link (i usually develop and put infos of my chars through doodles, would reccomend to scroll through galleries to learn more of the characters! Keep in mind of the warnings i put in his profile please <3)
Blogs including his IMPORTANT infos: FUN FACTS! Hz's origins. Keeping The King's Expectations(Hz's relation w his father). Hz's first hero journey. Hz's 'fear of water' tragedy.
Lore Comics feauturing him: "Even I Need a Hero" "The Lost Weapon" (Gaus focuses)
ADDITIONALLY, for arc/lores related, Hertz managed to have some 'different forms' while going throught events. Some side blogs with detailed explainations for each forms:
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ms-snape · 1 year
It's your birthday, why jealousy ?
Omg it's been too long since I posted anything but I started writing again and there will be plenty of chapters once my exams finish I promise. For now we come back with one on Hakim Ziyech
btw: I know his birthday passed about 3 months ago but I had this idea long before.
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Good reading.
her pov
Everyone knew Hakim Ziyech's temper and how disruptive he could be, it showed during his playing minutes where he looked like he wanted to break the jaws of other players, but that was only the case with the others, never with me, and I was very grateful for that.
Hakim and I have been married for almost a year now, we hardly ever argued and even when we did it was never major arguments and one of us always ended up apologizing which helped. My husband's teammates were thrilled with our relationship since it saved them from having to deal with an angry Ziyech all the time.
It was soon his birthday an event that Mason, one of his closest friends, and I had been planning for a while now, we would have gladly brought Joao Félix with us into the plan but we knew him well enough to know that he was not at all good at keeping secrets, so it was out of the question to tell him about the surprise, we had everything ready and his birthday was in a few days.
It was Saturday night which often meant snuggling up and watching movies all night, it was a bit of a ritual but by now I was too busy checking everything with Mason by text paying no attention to the movie, of course I make sure to hide the messages from Hakim.
《 don't you like the movie?》 he asks when he noticed that my eyes hadn't landed on the flat screen, I turn back to him with a reassuring smile a little forced before saying.
《Yes, I was talking to my sister, she argued with her man again》I hated lying to her but I had no choice.
He looked like he didn't totally believe me, but he had to live with it, I couldn't risk wasting a week's work 7 days before D-Day, after a few minutes of pretending to be interested in the film while thinking about the preparation down to the smallest detail, it's the first birthday that I'm preparing for him so I wanted to be sure that he will be unforgettable.
Hz pov
She was acting weird, admittedly we had only been married for a year now but that prevented me from knowing her perfectly, I could read her like an open book and sometimes better, so I was in the best position to say that she obviously hides something which hurt quite badly since we had promised to always tell each other the truth and this no matter the circumstances.
I was trying not to think about it too much, she would tell me when she was ready, which I was hoping to be soon. Sunday had passed which meant another week of waking up early to train for a club that unfortunately I couldn't leave during the last transfer window, not that we were missing Vime, on the contrary I was waiting for the Looking forward to the next transfer window, I could go to any other club, so I was not at Chelsea.
I had already finished getting ready while she showered the connection she was going to stay for quite a while I was about to leave when I heard a family ringtone it was hers I'm watching his phone on the bed, the sound of running water was still heard which meant she hadn't heard it I decide to watch he was just calling out of curiosity "Mase💙🏴󐁧󐁢󐁥󐁮 󐁧󐁿" I was in a good enough position to know that it was my sounds of Mao you, I mean, there are not a million people who we know in the name start like this and who have English in more than that it didn't bother me that my wife is the number of one of my closest friends what bothered me was more about the heart next to it he didn't know each other enough for nicknames and calls as soon as awakening. While I was deep in thought another noise was heard, this time it was a notification.
- I won't go to training today, when he comes out call me to talk about everything-
I felt my blood boil at the thought going through my head, it couldn't be true, he would never do that to me? I couldn't think straight anymore, it was as if time had stopped at this improbable thought, so much so that I hadn't noticed that the sound of the water had stopped and the door to the room bathroom was open.
《 are you still there?》 Another day hearing his voice would have calmed me down but now it only made me even angrier than I already am.
《 what is that?》 I asked adding the phone in front of his eyes.
《My...My phone, why do you have it anyway?》
《 don't play innocent with me! How long has this been going on huh?》 I definitely had more patience, I just wanted to get this thing over with ASAP.
《What are you talking about?》 Ask such, she's nervous it was obvious, which only confirmed my theory.
《 of all the people in the world, I never imagined that it would be you who would disappoint me the most, I really thought that you loved me, but you went to cheat on me with another, and not just any person, but with my best friend.》 After saying that I leave the house slamming the door.
All for this time, I will start writing part 2 soon. patience.
thank you for reading and see you soon for a new chapter.
Kisses 😊
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grian snacking on Card Game Rage might even be a good long term thing as part of getting him to eat better, like, instead of limiting himself to just positive emotions he might realize there's a wide array of ethically sourced negative emotions including but not limited to "frustration at a contraption not working", "ARGH MOB", Card Game Rage, etc and there's a wide array of events other than MCC he can poke his head into for a meal
Oh!! So actually, this is something i want to mention about Watcher feeding habits and how they work, because i dont think i really expanded on this in any of my other posts laying out the lore and mechanics and whatnot
So when a Watcher feeds, its actually less about the emotions and more about the hertz frequency those emotions are occurring at on the electromagnetic spectrum. Beta brain waves hit around 18-35 Hz, which is about the hertz frequency that Watchers can "feed" off of as well. In truth, its less "feeding" so much as it is resonance. Watchers have very brittle code that takes a lot of time and energy to shape, and a lot of maintenance to keep from falling apart. Where Player code is super flexible and tends to repair itself just fine, Watchers have to resonate with a certain hertz frequency to repair their code manually. This hertz frequency basically happens to coincide with beta brain waves in Players, which in turn is related to high intensity emotions and agitation in the brain.
Watchers can "bump" this frequency slightly by a few hertz, and then keep their prey at that level of agitation for extended periods of time while they repair their code. Anxiety becomes a panic attack that goes on for hours. Irritation becomes rage that wont stop. Excitement becomes a manic high. The problem with feeding on one person, or even just a few people at once, is that it will quite literally fry their brain-- this is why Watchers tend to bring together larger groups of people, agitate their brains a bit (the effect is lessened over a large group of people), and feast on the resulting frequencies all around them.
So in truth, Grian feeding on Doc's rage would actually enhance and lengthen it, which is both dangerous for him, and everyone else around him. This is why Grian was so hardcore about only feeding on "positive" emotions-- putting together some silly events or fun games and then stirring their brains up is a little less dangerous¹ for everyone (but especially them) than making them all very scared, very sad, or very angry. That, and he loves them-- he doesnt want them to hurt. The fact that he fed on their suffering in the Life games quite literally haunts him.
¹ obviously, mania is its own problem, can be just as scary and dangerous, and has its own potential for terrible accidents-- but this is being written from Grian's pov, who views it as the lesser of two evils. The point of this au ofc is that its a terrible, horribly messy situation where there are no clear cut answers, solutions, or faults; Grian has a right to his own survival, and the hermits have a right to not get their brain chemistry altered without their knowledge or consent. So while it might seem like the things you mentioned are ethical choices, the truth is that if Grian were to feed on them, he would be extending and enhancing those emotions to an extreme degree-- hence why he tried so hard to only feed off of positive ones, and why MCC was a good feeding option in his mind bc emotions are already very high during those games, and few people are gonna notice their adrenaline pumping while they're playing or cheering their fave on.
(Altho, something i havent mentioned yet is that i HAVE come up with an eventual solution for him. And ironically enough, Doc is the one who makes it. I dont want to spoil it too much yet tho, so just know i do have something in mind that will help him get back home<3)
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a-study-in-sepia · 1 year
Manually Decoding DTMF Through A Spectrogram
While working on a recent CTF, I came across a challenge that required participants to extract a credit card number from a recording of a touch-tone telephone. If you pull your phone out now, turn on your ringer (because it’s almost definitely off), and click on some random numbers on the phone app keypad, you’ll hear the product of what’s known as DTMF, which stands for dual-tone multi-frequency.
I won’t go into the specifics of DTMF and why it exists — the important thing to know is DTMF uses a combination of two distinct tones to create one sound. There is a low tone and a high tone. Today, I’ll be showing you how to decode DTMF by sight through a spectrogram. There are decoders available for free online, so if you come across a problem like this in a CTF, or otherwise, I highly recommend using one of those, purely for speed and convenience. All that being said, this is an interesting process, and just generally a cool thing to know about. It’s the equivalent of converting binary to hexadecimal by hand instead of using an online converter — basically useless — but a great party trick (in the event of attending one, which I highly doubt given you’re reading this — so yeah, basically useless… on that note (or should I say tone (my musically inclined friend has informed me that I should not)), on with the article!)
Note — Standard DTMF — two tones, four levels per tone.
As of iOS 15.7, this tutorial is still relevant. I am looking for more samples (other phone brands and software models) to determine how accurate this is cross-platform. If you’re interested in contributing, there will be some information at the end explaining how.
I’ll be using this audio file - https://voca.ro/1dr1J1gbyw5B
(This is from the CyberSoc Wales “personalbanker” challenge)
The first thing I did was put the recording through a spectrogram program. There are plenty available for free online; personally, I like using Academo, because it includes lines that will help with quick sight-reading later on. (https://academo.org/articles/spectrogram/).
You may be better off downloading software (Audacity is fantastic), should you require a spectrogram for a longer recording. Academo is not scalable beyond 10 seconds, so you can use it, but you’re going to be taking quite a few screenshots.
The first thing I did was drop the recording from the challenge into Academo.
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A spectrogram is a visual representation of the frequency content of an audio signal as it changes over time. In the image above, I’ve isolated the beeps produced by the clicking of the phone keypad. This section of the recording is longer than 10 seconds, so I also spliced together two screenshots. Any discrepancies you may notice in the image above are a product of that.
Each vertical line of dots represents one beep, and thus, one number. You’ll notice that there are two horizontal rows per beep, this is the magic of DTMF. There are 8 total frequencies involved in the DTMF system. The original DTMF keypad was laid out in a 4x4 format (below). The letter keys (A, B, C, and D) are no longer used for personal telecommunication. For digital decoding purposes, you will almost certainly not come across the letter keys, although they are still used by amateur radio operators, payphones, and the occasional equipment control system.
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I was starting from scratch, with no knowledge of how a spectrogram worked with DTMF, so the first thing I did was create two recordings of myself clicking each number in my phone app (I am using iOS 15.7 on my iPhone XR).
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What you’ll begin to notice is that each number has its own combination of low and high tones. If you want to try to figure out the system on your own, now is the time.
Each variation in height represents a tone at a specific Hz. In order to decode this manually, you do not need to know the specific Hz of each number, you just need to understand the relational position of each tone, informed by its Hz.
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I ended up throwing the original audio into Audacity so that I could create my own lines on the spectrogram for demonstration purposes.
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First, I’m going to turn down the contrast to make it a little easier to see.
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Now, I’m going to add some lines to match up the similar tones.
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At this point, we have 6 layers of lines, there are no 0s present in this recording, if there were, we would have another line just above the bottom three. The use of the original DTMF structure with the ABCD keys would give us another line above the top three.
The simplest way to proceed is to categorize each set into Low, Medium, and High. You could choose any system — 1, 2, 3; a, b, c; whatever works for you. I recommend the LMH system because it’s visual and easy to keep track of.
I filled out the table below to show each numerical combination.
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Two letters per number, each representing Low, Medium, or High (ultra High in the case of 0).
The first letter represents the top layer, and the second letter represents the bottom.
The corresponding Hz are listed in the third row for your reference.
I’ll walk you through the decoding process for the first two and then you can try the third.
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We’re going to look at the first column of tones (boxed in yellow).
This represents one number.
The first tone is crossed by the lowest of the top lines, it is marked L.
The second tone is crossed by the medium bottom line, it is marked M.
Together, they are LM — which, upon referencing the chart, is 4.
The second one is MM, which is 5.
Now try the third. (full answer at the end, scroll up now if you’d like to try it on your own — try it with lines or without!)
Once you get a feel for this, the process becomes much faster. The lines are purely for demonstrative purposes, with a little practice you’ll be able to quickly do this without lines.
And that’s how to decode DTMF manually through a spectrogram! Is it useless? Yes! Is it fun? That’s debatable!
If you’d like to help me compare cross-platform DTMF signaling, take a screen recording that captures you pressing 1234567890 on your phone keypad. Send the file to me through one of the methods outlined below. Please include your phone model and its latest software.
Discord — Adler#7210
Email me — [email protected]
If you’re seeing this on Tumblr, send me a DM!
Medium link - https://medium.com/@adler7210/manually-decoding-dtmf-through-spectrogram-562e4b0b99c3
The final answer to the CTF challenge — 4562 6598 4585 2366
Anyway, thanks for reading, enjoy decoding!
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amelikos · 9 months
Horizons will be present at AnimeJapan 2024! AJ is held on March 23 and March 24, and Pokemon's stage is taking place on Saturday. If there are no breaks until that date, this event is going to happen the day after episode 45 airs.
Anime news should be presented at the stage (and if chapter 2 is going to last around 25 episodes like chapter 1, that means we'll be reaching its climax in April, so it's bound to be interesting!), and the cast will have a talk show.
Some of the cast members will be present: Minori Suzuki (Liko), Terasaki Yuka (Roy), Yashiro Taku (Friede), Kenta Miyake (Murdock), Yoshino Aoyama (Dot), Kei Shindo (Mollie), Horie Shun (Amethio), Makoto Furukawa (Spinel). I wonder what the VAs will have to say during the talk show.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
ybo sdc rehearsal vlog sweets 🍬🧁
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first of all, it’s so cute that ybo acknowledged the people who did dance covers @ douyin. i wish someday yibo himself will be a stereotypical tiktok boy and do a dance routine lol.
this post is mainly to point out the fact that xzs and ybo are dating. hahahahaha! atleast their social media manager of sorts or video editors are. or maybe their bosses. who knows.
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Most turtles were probably thinking yesterday when xzs released their vlog if the 24 hour rule will apply. It doesn’t have to be a long video too, it can just be a photo set because ybo does post stock photos too. But no, it was more than we expected. ybo responded with a long form rehearsal vlog of their own. Not really a kadian but look at how close the posting time is. Lol. It’s okay it they both did it at 16:00 but YBO had to post earlier so it won’t be too obvious 😏
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The start of both videos showed a supercut of what you will see for the rest of the vlog and both starts at around 0:03 🤍
What are the chances that they have the same style in starting a long form vlog that was published a day apart?
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we also have Web showing off his apple watch. Yes dude we know. XZ was also doing the same in his vlog even if we know you’re both endorsing other watches. Also as we CPNd yesterday, XZS was probably hiding GG’s bottled joy container. Compared to Bobo, it’s in there. Lol. Of course, he is their endorser so that’s okay.
+ both using drawings to give more effect to the video.
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i see some comments that say if one of them was a girl and with all these coincidences, most blogs will probably be saying they are real. het couples can have the barest similar things months and years apart and people will hold that as more credible. anyway, at least, this kind of thinking keeps them safe because it’s only turtles who pay attention and see this unless it is too obvious and so/os notice too. lol.
and oh! spotted that lone yellow light ⭐️
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Now let’s talk about more sensitive matters, because as much as I wanna scream and shout when things like this happen we also gotta be careful. You may be seeing posts that say they are both in Shanghai. allegedly. Treat it as a fake rumor. Bobo is, but we don’t know about GG. Again, what is important is their privacy and safety. If they don’t wanna be found then we shouldn’t make it hard for them. I saw some comments that a “fan” tried to take a photo of Web and yanyan warned them off. We already know how yibo absolutely hates it when fans follow him around. Airport is probably fine like outside which is a public space and as long as people don’t delay flights and crowd. But he doesn’t like it when fans go to his hotel or whatever. They are real people and deserve to have their own time. The things we pick up and possibly future same events together should be enough.
To those who are going to the BJYX ST, you also might see “burn after reading” comments. The gist of what is going around is this:
GG got picked up from Hangzhou by a vehicle with a Shanghai license plate. His hotel stay in HZ was also refunded. There are also allegedly 4 photos but you can’t find it now.
I cannot confirm who this is from or how reliable. even if they were, it’s pretty dodgy how someone can have this information even if it feeds the CPN machine. Imagine someone stalking GG or Yibo at their hotel and looking at where they go. It’s a clear invasion of privacy even if you just see it in passing is still 50-50 to me. So i’m just putting it here to archive this incident. Again, this is going around BXG circles in weibo. There is no “insider”, especially in international platforms that can confirm this as 100% true. I am labeling this as fake rumor and fan fiction. 👀
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koloss-part-2 · 5 months
me: *picking at my plate* ughhhh nonsense for dinner again?
dad: eat your spatial distortions, kiddo, your mother had those aggregating in the crucible for an era today *turns to demiurge wife* manifolds came out great, honey
me: you genuinely don't even care. none of you care how I feel about this do you
sister, a singularity ringing at 1046.5 hz: *floats several trapezoids single-file on a level vector into her event horizon*
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The Samsung Galaxy A06 is here, bringing with it a fresh design, impressive features, and enhanced capabilities. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast, a content lover, or someone who values seamless performance, the Galaxy A06 is designed to meet your needs. Let’s dive into the standout features that make this phone a must-have.
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Conclusion: A Perfect Partner for Your Digital Life
The Samsung Galaxy A06 is more than just a smartphone – it's a companion designed to enhance every aspect of your digital life. From its sleek design and pro-grade camera to its powerful performance and long-lasting battery, this phone offers something for everyone. Embrace the future of mobile technology with the Samsung Galaxy A06 and enjoy an upgraded mobile experience like never before.
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blueikeproductions · 5 months
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I finally got a redesign down I wanted for Liko. Since the anime keeps changing its goal posts (you don’t dramatically soft reset the story from treasure hunt to middle school AU if things are going well), I reset HZ on my end because the distinction I wanted with Ash at school for fanon and Liko adventuring for canon didn’t work anymore.
In this version of events, Liko Blue is a budding adventurer who wants to follow in her grandparents’ footsteps, but was being groomed to become a Professor by her studious mother. Trying to meet half way, her mom sends her abroad to Kanto’s Indigo Academy, though Liko still felt constrained and a bit envious of her older cousins Indigo and Cobalt and childhood friend Roy at being free to be Trainers and go on their own adventures.
Liko and her cousins stop a robbery at the Pewter Museum where Team Explorer steals a mysterious relic on exhibit. Friede and Roy appear after the battle, confirming the item is from the lost civilization Rakua, a place Friede is determined to find and prove its existence. Liko, a history geek in this version of events, sees it as an opportunity to finally become an adventurer, joins Friede, accompanied by her beloved cousins.
The idea in Liko Version is she’s the green recruit, still trying to figure out what she wants but knows this is the best way to accomplish her adventurer dream. She’s good at sniffing out certain things of interest the other kids would miss because of her geeky side.
While Ash, Iono and Alfie deal with school shenanigans and the resurrection of the Treasures of Ruin, the Blue Cousins uncover the secrets of Rakua and Pokémon related to its existence. Both parties have to deal with Team Explorer who have an interest in both the Treasures and Rakua.
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