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491 posts
PineappleForest@MTS2. CC creator, Semi-active. My ko-fi ☕❤️I make stuff for The Sims 2 only
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pforestsims · 7 days ago
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pforestsims · 9 days ago
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A note to ppl who use Reshade for TS2. Specifically - Reshade presets that increase brightness / saturation / contrast. Recently @crispsandkerosene shared another version of their extended SimStandardMaterial with 'brighter Sims' feature.
The settings for it are very easily adjustable and you can reduce Sims maximum brightness, which I did - I've set minimum brightness to 0.3 and reduced max brightness to 0.5.
Please note it affects Sim's hair as well as skin and clothes. I'm still experimenting with it but I think these values are close to optimum for my Reshade preset (shown in the pics - btw screenshots on the left are without CandK's shader edit).
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pforestsims · 12 days ago
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Floating OMSP (animated)
plus standard floating and sea-level omsp
Download (SFS)
*decor objects in the previews have been placed on SilentLucidity's *90 degrees OMSP, which was then placed on animated omsp.
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Tip: outside OMSP by Julsfels is useful for moving the objects outside of the swimming area.
*This is for The Sims 2
OMSP = one more slot please ;)
Shiftable OMSPs are enough if you want to place decor objects above the pond... Most of the time. But it seems nobody ever shared an omsp that can be placed on pond water surface (??) Weird.. So I made one, but then I thought it would be cool if it was really floating.
I used Echo's skeleton tutorial to add a rotating joint and edit CRES hierarchy to attach placement slot to it. I expected it to be difficult, but it wasn't.
Animation runs automatically in live mode so I recommend you let it play for a few seconds before adding another animated omsp to the lot. That will prevent these from moving in a synchronized way. That's not possible on public lots unfortunately. I hope to improve this object at some point, maybe add a few different animations or add a random few seconds pause before animation starts playing.
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pforestsims · 17 days ago
A floating OMSP for The Sims 2?
Has anyone seen any?
I guess I'll have to make one.
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pforestsims · 24 days ago
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Took me long enough...
Wall String Lights: Add-Ons
Download: SFS | BOX
Three new animated light chains AND three still light chains - left and right hanging plus short chain. Hanging chains extend beneath the floor level so 'cables' connect when placed one above another.
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Required meshes are included (I've shared these at MTS once) -mostly unchanged but I removed mip-maps from lightpattern textures.
*This is for The Sims 2
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pforestsims · 24 days ago
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1. Heart tattoo overlay by @deedee-sims
2. Bat top, recolor by @kalux-sims
3. 'Dragan' wood panel wall by Malle (SFS, 44 mb bulk dl)
4. Turtleneck dress (top-only) conv. by @kurimas
5. 4t2 JohnnySimmer Rafael hair conv. by @platinumaspiration
<- Belated (very) popular WCIFs answered
and some FAQ:
"Where can I find your TOU?" - At my MTS2 page
"Will you share your Sims?" - I won't share Sims I play with RN, sorry. I've shared a few older CC-free /or almost CC-free/ characters here (SFS) /please note one of those is not my own but I can't recall who it's by/
"Do you take requests? I couldn't find any info" - I don't, I've mentioned it in my pinned post. I won't mind if you share ideas / suggestions (but please don't expect an enthusiastic response ;) ).
"Will you replace basegame bar tumblers (glasses) with your nectar bar defaults?" - Probably not, I'd rather make new ones but not sure when/if that's gonna happen.
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pforestsims · 25 days ago
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These boots are a mashup of my own mesh and modified Splatoon 2 workers.
70s Laced Platforms
Pantless bottom for AF
Download: SFS | BOX
Polycount: 2294 (shoes: 1728)
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*This is for The Sims 2
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
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Tutorial: How to adjust joint position (in TS2 object skeleton)
This tut is NOT meant for beginners because I don't explain how to use SimPe or Milkshape. But actual process is very basic: you change joint coordinates and do GMDC model rebuild. The tricky part is to get coordinates right.
If you don't know much about joint assignments, start with this tutorial: "Retaining object animations in your new package" by Bluetexasbonnie @ MTS2, which explains how to add joint assignments to custom stuff cloned from functional objects (to make parts of the mesh move when Sims interact with it).
The pic above: SimPe GMDC skeleton preview. You can click on each joint name to see which part is assigned to it. Gate is here.
This will work for simple object skeletons without IK Bones.
There are no plugins that would allow us to properly import TS2 CRES skeleton data with IK bones - like sims, pets and more - to any 3D program
If object has IK Bones - you'll find out when importing CRES to Milkshape. If it displays a notification "joints with rotation values found...", IK Bones are present and there's a high risk that skeleton: A. will not be imported. B. if it's imported, it will get mangled. C. will be mangled after using model rebuild option.
I've experimented with car skeletons (those have IK Bones), managed to edit car door joints but it required removing wheel bone assignments - because wheel movement becomes wonky after doing model rebuild
/FYI: steps 1 - 5 are optional, you can edit CRES joint coordinates right away if you know the right values - which is usually not the case/.
Export GMDC with your custom mesh
Export CRES (if you wish to preview entire skeleton and/or joint names)
Import GMDC to Milkshape
Import CRES (if you need it. Plugin is called: Sims2 AniMesh CRES Skeleton Import. Click 'yes' to 'replace all bones?'). You should be able to see entire skeleton imported. Note that Milkshape won't let you export a GMDC after you imported CRES skeleton unless you change joint comments (point 7.)
Measure how much you need to move the joint. You can create a box as ruler substitute, then check the distance with extended manual edit plugin. If you're not sure where to place your joint, you can move it and test if object animations look alright (import CRES again to reset joint position).
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tip: when working on GMDC in Milkshape you can rename the model parts in model list (door right, door left etc). Only names inside the model comments actually get exported.
6. Go back to SimPe, open CRES resource. Remember TS2 is using flipped coordinates: X = -X, -X = X, Y = Z, Z = Y. Edit joint Translation data, commit, save.
Optional: you can export CRES skeleton again and import to Milkshape to test if joint has moved to the right position.
7. Go to GMDC, Model tab - hit rebuild, commit, save.
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if you have the edited object placed on a lot, it's gonna look weird when you load the game. You need to re-buy it from catalogue to see results.
If for some reason you'd like to export entire GMDC with your imported CRES skeleton, Milkshape won't let you do that. You'll get "ERR: No quaternion values stored" error. You need to go to Joints tab and edit each Joint comment to ImpQuatDat: (that's imp, with capital i )
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if you go to GMDC Joints tab, there's also a rebuild option to update single joint - but I've tried it on car door joints and it didn't work.
If you edit joint coordinates in CRES, for example- move the car door forward, and preview skeleton in GMDC viewer, your model is gonna look fine. But in the game every vertex assigned to that joint will also be moved forward. That's why you need to use model rebuild option. In theory, if you'd like to skip rebuild, you could import GMDC to milkshape and move the door backwards to compensate for joint adjustments? I haven't tried that (yet).
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
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Here's an updated version of my candle set with three new add-ons - ceiling pendant, wall sconce and small candle holder.
Edited candelabra are a bit less chunky. I've added five new candle colors, two metal recolors and edited old recolor packages - all lit candles use emissive map*
Elegant Candelabrum Set v2
Download: SFS | BOX
These lights require IKEA SP for the warm light settings but you can change it to something else
*you need Extended Standard Material Shader edit by @crispsandkerosene to see the glow effect on candlesticks in your game.
Enjoy 🕯️
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
📣 Recent Updates:
I've shared alternative version of Atomic Fireplace Default - added emissive map so red hot specks glow in the dark (SFS DL link) - it requires Standard Material Shader edit by @crispsandkerosene (please note that recently CandK shared another shader edit, now it's compatible with Dreadpirate's shader fixes!)
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01.11.2024 05.11.2024 11.11.2024
Updated my edit of Trait-based TO Chemistry Mod - fixed Lua script issues so Alien TO and Facial hair TO work. But I overlooked some things so it got updated for the second third time. Correct file has Update3 in the name. Download: SFS, BOX
Edited Round Wall Lamp from 'Glass & Brass' set (Vintage Lamps pack), light settings switched from white light to yellowish. Here's just the edited mesh (SFS)
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Added the link to ko-fi account in blog description ☕
previous updates
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
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Trait Chemistry Mod edit
yet another frickin' update (11 Nov 2024 )
After a day of intense testing here's third update for my edit of Trait-based TO Chemistry Mod by Atomtanned . Hopefully the last one but you never know with these mods, it's so complex and hard to test.
If you use this mod, please re-download again
Download: SFS | BOX
Servos now trigger Technology TO /even without high (default) mechanical skill/ Thanks to @ramblinsims for telling me how to fix it.
"Loner" trait now triggers "Introvert" TO, and "dislikes children" trait does not 🙈
Possibly a few more things got fixed?
*Correct file has 'Update3' in the name!
a few more notes to add on top of these:
Unfortunately the game doesn’t calculate TO chemistry level between Sims in real time, that makes it especially difficult to spot stuff that doesn't work right. You don’t see immediate results when you add some traits or change skills etc.
You can force chemistry bolt update by editing Sim’s appearance or loose/gain weight BUT I’ve noticed that sometimes the game stops recalculating TO chemistry altogether... Reloading a lot seems to help with that.
Zombie Turn-on (in this mod it’s ‘Indoorsy TO’!) in combination with certain hair color TOs can cause Sim’s TOs to reroll in some situations – it also happens in vanilla game, nobody seems to know why, there are no traces of it in BHAV so it’s probably not fixable. Personally I don't consider "Indoorsy" an interesting TO and I was planning to get rid of it but since I've been told about this bug, I decided to leave it.
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
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This is a follow-up to this poll. TS2 CC hoarders, pick the most sensible slot arrangement for a one-tile coffee table.
so 'mild disarray' has won, but barely 🙄
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pforestsims · 1 month ago
TS2 CC hoarders, which of these is a sensible amount of placement slots on a one-tile coffee table?
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pforestsims · 2 months ago
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Trait Chemistry Mod edit
! another important update ( 5 Nov 2024 )
Everybody who downloaded my updated (1 Nov 2024) edit of Trait-based TO Chemistry Mod , based on a mod by Atomtanned , based on a chemistry mod by Dill. I overlooked a few things so it still wasn't working properly, @episims has helped me fix it /again/. Thanks, Epi.
If you use this mod, please re-download!
Download: SFS | BOX
*Mod has been updated again, correct file has 'Update3' in the name!
In this latest edit I decided to remove One True Hobby checks, so only actual hobby enthusiasm points can trigger TOs.
A few words to anyone who'd like to make their own edit of the chemistry mod under the cut:
Have in mind that Dill (at the time of writing this) haven't updated their mod and it still contains quite a few issues, style TO doesn't work, Alien genetics do not trigger alien TO, and there are a few other less serious things like cologne or hats triggering TO's they shouldn't trigger. Any edit of that mod inherits the bugs and ppl editing it should mention having it fixed.
So if you'd like to adjust a trait-based chemistry mod to match your own needs, there are other, cleaner mods for you to choose from. There's trait-based chemistry mod by @curiousb , Fran provided detailed documentation so if I was to do an edit for myself now, I'd pick that one. And there's Epi's TO chemistry mod, not fully trait-based but it has a bit of trait functionality added.
The problem is, chemistry mods have lots of features and testing it is a hassle. I admit I didn't do a great job testing my mod edit - but since I noticed my edit doesn't work as supposed to, I tried to track down all the problems and Epi came to the rescue. I had to include modified perfume BHAV, which might cause temporary flower effects for some Sims (only once) but it was necessary to fix the cologne issue.
As far as I know, this chemistry mod edit by @ramblinsims (also based on Atomtanned's edit of Dill's mod) works (almost) fine, they've fixed all the known issues aside from the Cologne triggering TO that it has been replaced with (but they are aware of it and intend to fix it).
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pforestsims · 2 months ago
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This is a replacement for various TS2 cutscene camera animation resources without bloom, grain, vignette and letterbox /OR with less of those/
NOTE: This mod is NOT an improvement of cutscene animations. It allows clean /or cleaner/ screenshots and that's it.
Less post effects in cutscenes
Download: SFS | BOX
Some effects might switch on and off, also - At the end of the cutscenes anims tend to look glitchy, Sims rapidly changing position etc. That wonkiness is normally hidden by letterbox blackout.
More under the cut:
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The ugliest of the effects IMO, the filmgrain (especially in dark/night scenery), luckily takes up a few frames at most and was the easiest to get rid of.
Not all animations have all effects removed. To remove these, you need to click on each effect ('Joint') frame in cAnimResourceConst tab, Sub mesh: (dropdown menu) / Postprocessingmaterial and set parameters to zero.
Usually that's one, or a few more frames, but for some anims it's 60, 80 or even 289 frames (letterbox, enter college without parent anim) - so I've skipped most of those.
Replacement contains resources:
o-cineCam-alienAbduction_anim o-cineCam-proposeReject_anim o-cineCam-graduationParty02_anim o-cineCam-cinematic-EnterCollege-withParent-2_anim o-cineCam-firstKissTeen_anim o-cineCam-alienBirth-2_anim o-cineCam-homeBirth_anim o-cineCam-hotTubPlayInF2M-2_anim o-cineCam-hotTubPlayInF2M-1_anim o-cineCam-firstKiss_anim o-cineCam-cinematic-EnterCollege-withParent-1_anim o-cineCam-weddingReject_anim o-cineCam-graduationParty01_anim o-cineCam-moveIn_anim o-cineCam-alienBirth-1_anim o-cineCam-hotTubPlayIn-1_anim o-cineCam-weddingAccept_anim o-cineCam-a-cinematic-enterCollege-noParent_anim o-cineCam-ProposeAccept_anim o-cineCam-hotTubPlayIn-2_anim o-cineCam-returnFromAbduction_anim o-cineCam-ProposeMaleAccept_anim o-cineCam-playInBed_anim
In case of some effects, if they take up many frames - usually letterbox - it's not enough to zero frame parameters, you gotta go to raw view and zero leftover parameters in there too.
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pforestsims · 2 months ago
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Makeup Room Lighting
Download: SFS | BOX
Polycounts: Makeup room lights - 1112 & 278 (single bulb), Makeup room lamps XL - 642 & 110 (single bulb).
Shiftable OMSP 90* comes in handy
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Recolors make use of additive maps on the socket bit, but that feature requires Extended shader edit by @crispsandkerosene
*this is for The Sims 2
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pforestsims · 2 months ago
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Animation done in Milkshape
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The same animation in the game
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