#hyun-jin ryu
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marner-hugs · 1 year ago
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years ago
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Baltimore Orioles at. Toronto Blue Jays 08/01/23/
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somanykdramas · 8 months ago
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GENRES: Horror, Drama
SUMMARY: A man who has no reason to love God finds himself filled to the brim with the power to defeat Seoul’s demons.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: MMA perfect scores, fast cars, crows, priest fanboys, stigmata, serpent demons, Brutalist nightclubs, possessed kids, fangs, immortality, demons, vampires (maybe?), and thankful nuns.
HOT TAKE: Personally I find K-SciFi to be a bit lacking in the CG department, but this movie does a great job balancing practical effects with the weird and over the top supernatural creations. I was suitably creeped out and awed and none of the effects took me out of those moments.
Very nearly everyone you've ever seen in a Kdrama in the past 10 years had a role in this movie. It would have been an excellent reunion without all of that pesky demonic possession!
Also, come on. Park Seo Jun AND Woo Do Hwan fighting like the world depends on it? A+ casting choices, A+ fight choreography.
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mymilovesfashion · 3 months ago
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[2024 year in review ~ W Korea #3]
AUG - Jaehyun (NCT), Karina (aespa)
SEP - Go Min-si, Koo Kyo-hwan, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Hee-ae, Ryu Jun-yeol, Seo Hyun-jin, Ahn Eun-jin, Lee Yoo-mi, Jeon So-ni, Chun Woo-hee
OCT - Hoyong Kim, Han Ji
NOV - Jennie (Blackpink)
DEC - Ever Gabo Anderson, Marina Abramovic
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namjhyun · 7 months ago
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#GoMinSi, #KooKyoHwan, #KimHyunjoo, #KimHeeae, #RyuJunyeol, #SeoHyunjin, #AhnEunjin, #LeeYumi, #JeonSoni and #ChunWooHee have been selected by Netflix and W Magazine for the Best 10 Performances Special Issue.
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kdramaconfessions · 11 months ago
Choose your April favorite K-drama of the month.
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stuff-diary · 2 months ago
Family Matters
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Family Matters (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Kim Gok & Kim Sun
Writer: Kim Jung Min
Started this because of the cast and... that's basically the main reason why I finished it. The last two episodes were really good but, before that, I spent a lot of time just scratching my head. It felt like the show was simply setting things up for what's to come, so it never gave enough information to properly tie its many plot threads, nor did it follow a clear logic. And it was pretty obvious that a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor in order to reduce the initial 8-episode order. Furthermore, its sense of humor was very hit-or-miss; sometimes I laughed out loud and others I was like "wtf". Still, the cast is fantastic, and like I said before, I enjoyed the final episodes a lot, so I would probably come back for a second season of Family Matters.
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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938
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I loved Tale of the Nine Tailed so when I learned that there was a second season, I didn't hesitate to watch it. This time Yeon goes back to 1938 in search of the masked person who took a magical stone. And here we get to see Rang once more. And we are introduced to Hong Joo, Moo Young and another set of characters that are memorable and fun to watch. There is a balance of action, humor, suspense and horror in this series that kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved watching these friends reconcile and work together, just like I loved seeing Yeon and Rang again.
the CGI in the train fight was cringy but everything else was really good. I totally loved this sequel. If you saw the first one, you gotta se this one.
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scorbleeo · 2 years ago
Drama Review: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
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Source: Google Images
An unexpected case leads Lee Yeon back in time to 1938, where he reencounters Ryu Hong Joo. Once a guardian spirit of the mountain in the west, she's now the owner of a high-end restaurant in the capital city of Gyeongseong. He also meets his younger brother Lee Rang. Meanwhile, another former guardian spirit and ex-friend Cheon Moo Young has become hostile. Lee Yeon struggles to return to the present, to his loved one.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
One of the Most Unserious Dramas Out There
Before we start: I did not watch the first one and am not planning to watch it at all. Going into Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 I admit I had to do a Q&A with my sister to understand what happened between the Lee brothers in this drama's modern world. However, one does not actually need to watch the previous drama to watch this and honestly speaking, from what I saw and knew about it, Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 is a whole lot more interesting and fun.
That being said, lets get on with how I felt about this drama. I am not kidding when I say, this is the most unserious drama for a drama anyone would think to be serious. Practically half of this drama was comedy and that is a praise. The comedy bit plays a part in making Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 so darn interesting and fun. Yet, this show also pulls on your heartstrings be it the brothers, the best friends or the best friends' righthand people.
I understand romance was a huge part of the first instalment but in this, it was just a tiny bit and I believe that is why I freaking loved watching this drama. In terms of what romance there was, I have no complains too. I mean, I adore the mermaid and the only complain I have is that I wished we could have gotten more scenes with her powers. When Rang said he liked someone who's stronger than him, he was not lying. The way Yeohee was written was right up my alley, she may not be as powerful as Rang but she saved him more times than he saved her and even when she was in danger, she still did not back down on a losing fight. For that reason, Yeohee is I really thought I would dislike the mermaid but nope, I love her.
Another thing I seriously love about Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 was the friendships. Any friendship in this drama was a pleasure to watch. Obviously, the friendship among our three mountain gods was my favourite. Don't get me wrong, Yeon is extremely lovable but in this trio, I need to worship my lady, Hongjoo and lovingly protect the cinnamon roll, Mooyoung. These three portrayed my kind of friendship where they were tight as children, still tight as adults and even with unfortunate circumstances, they might hate but they love each other more. Of course, the friendship among the roommates was a delight too. I only highlighted my top two favourites but I am not lying when I claim that this show did friendships so well.
Now, now. We have a problem though. At the beginning of this drama, Taluipa told Yeon even if he changes something in 1938, it does not affect 2023. I think its safe for me to say that we do not want that to be true, right? I am just willing to believe that what Taluipa said meant that Rang would still be dead in 2023, nothing Yeon did in 1938 changed Rang's decision in the future. I would even go as far to say that, everything Yeon did in 1938 further encouraged Rang to make that choice in the future. That is all I am willing to believe because I hear there's a third season and I need my best friends and roommates reunited to fight (without a doubt) the original mountain god. Yes, I know I said all I am willing to believe is that Rang is still dead but that's because I am sure there will be no Nine-Tailed dramas without both Lee brothers alive.
When the next instalment comes out, I will watch it as long as Hongjoo and Mooyoung are still around (if Jaeyoo, Miyeon and Yeohee are too, even better). I don't even care if there will be more romance although I wish there wouldn't be.
Rating: ★★★★★
P.S.: Anyone else felt that the big bad villains were so pathetic as compared to the smaller villains?
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korelist · 1 year ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,8 Benim Puanım: 9
Love in the Moonlight Team:
Park Bo-gum, Kim Yoo-jung, Jung Jin-young, Kwak Dong-yeon, Chae Soo-bin
Itaewon Class Team:
Park Seo-joon, Ahn Bo-hyun, Kwon Nara, Ryu Kyung-soo, Lee Joo-young
The Sound of Magic Team:
Ji Chang-wook, Choi Sung-eun, Hwang In-youp, Ji Hye-won, Kim Bo-yoon
Üç farklı dizinin oyuncularının bir araya getirildiği bir Variety show’du. Love in the Moonlight , Itaewon Class, The Sound of Magic dizilerinin sevilen karakterlerini doğal halleri ile izlemek çok keyifliydi. Karışık takımlar olarak çeşitli oyunlar oynadıkları bir yarışma formatındaydı. Her birinin ilk etapta inanılmaz utangaç olduğu, ilerleyen dakikalarda ise birbirlerini tanıdıkça kendilerine yakın kişilerle arkadaş oldukları bir ortam düşünün.
Hepsinin kendi özelinde ünlü olduğunu biz biliyoruz ama onlar bunun farkında bile değillerdi. Ne kadar ünlü olduğunu bilmeyen pırlanta gibi insanlardan oluşan bu yarışmada bir kez daha Koreli oyuncuların ne kadar alçak gönüllü olduklarını gördüm.
Keyifsiz bir dönemdeyseniz, kesinlikle ilaç gibi gelecektir. Park Seo-joon benim çok beğendiğim bir aktördü. Yarışma boyunca ne kadar haklı olduğumu gördükçe keyfim yerine geldi. Liderlik yapmak istemese bile takımını koruyup kollamadan duramaması, diğerleri için bir adım öne çıkması, kriz yönetimi gibi davranışları bir kez daha beni hayran bıraktı.
Ahn Bo-hyun ise Itaewon’un kötü adamı rolünde izlediğimiz bir oyuncuydu. Yarışmaya sonradan katılmak zorunda kaldığı için o geldiğinde herkes çoktan kaynaşmıştı. Buna rağmen o kadar kibar ve olgun yaklaştı ki, benim bütün ön yargılarımı yıktı geçti. Çok ısındım kendisine ayrıca sevdim.
Iteawon ekibindeki Ryu Kyung-soo ise, dizideki o sert mafya duruşuna göre son derece utangaçtı. Onu utangaç tavırları içinde göreceğimi hiç düşünmemiştim. Diğer dizilerin ekipleri ile tanışacakları için o kadar gerildi ki komik bir görüntü ortaya çıktı.
Park Bo-gum… Sen ne kadar güzel kalpli bir çocukmuşsun. Öncelerde de kendisini çok naif ve alçak gönüllü buluyordum ama bu kadar düşünceli, bu kadar temiz kalpli olduğunu bilmiyordum. Her durumda yanındaki kişiyi ön plana koyması, yeni tanışsa bile tavrını değiştirmemesi beni etkiledi. Hele yemek yerlerken kendisi ne kadar aç olursa olsun ilk önce odada ki çalışanlara ikram etmesi çok şık bir davranıştı.
Kwak Dong-yeon, my brother… Vincenzo dizisinden beri benim için onun adı “brother”.  Show boyunca sergilediği sımsıcak tavrı ve heyecanı görülmeye değerdi. Herkesten daha sıcak herkesin arkadaşı gibiydi. Çok sevdim. Daha çok sevdim.
Ji Chang-wook, ekibin en büyüğüydü sanırım. Değilse bile o kadar “benim burada ne işim var” havasındaydı ki öyle hissettiriyordu. Sanırım tek hayal kırıklığı yaşadığım aktör oldu. Üzgünüm ama eblek bakışları beni çok rahatsız etti. Sürekli mutsuz, sıkılmış bir tavrı vardı. Halbuki kendisini çok beğenirim. Ayrıca kendisinin kötü tercih yapılmış dizilerde oynadığını düşünüyorum. Her rolünde o bakışları sabit, yeni bir karakter yaratmasına alan tanınmıyor.
Hwang In-youp, utangaçlığını gizleyemeyen bir diğer oyuncuydu. Herkesten çekinip, her şeyden utanıyordu. Tekrar tanıştığıma çok memnun oldum.
Showdaki kadın oyunculardan hiç bahsetmemiş oldum ama doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, Magic ekibinin kızları gerçek hallerindeyken de ilgimi hiç çekmedi. Itaewon ekibinde ise esas kızımız yoktu. Gelenlerde ise Kwon Nara ön yargımı yıkmayı başardı. Oldukça anaç, cana yakın bir kızdı. Lee Joo-young ise favorimdi. Dizideki o cesur duruşu, doğal tavrı tam düşündüğüm gibiydi. Moonlight ekibinin kızlarına gelirsek; Kim Yoo-jung, adeta bir maskot gibiydi. Takım lideri seçilmesi ise hepimize sürpriz oldu. Bütün o sevimliliği ile ekibin sorumluluklarının altından kalkmayı başardı. Chae Soo-bin ise diğer bir hayal kırıklığı oldu. Genel kültürü, el becerisi, konsantrasyonu hiçbir şeyi yoktu maalesef. Unuttuğum biri kaldı mı diye bakıyorum… 
O kadar keyifle izledim ki, tavsiye ederim.
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k-star-holic · 2 years ago
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Why is Ryu Seung-ryong here? 13-year-old drama "Surprise Appearance" (Bad Mother)
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notaccurateornice · 2 years ago
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years ago
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Toronto Blue Jays at. Cincinnati Reds 08/20/23/
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okbluejays · 2 years ago
so ryu is back!!! definitely think this will help ease things for the rotation during the 17 games in 17 days (assuming he doesn’t completely shit the bed)
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burningembers91 · 2 months ago
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Welcome to my blog!
I currently write for:
Squid Game
Seong Gi-Hun
The Salesman
Park Gyeong-Seok
Kang Dae-Ho
Hwang In-Ho
Hwang Jung-Ho
Choi Su-Bong (Thanos)
Park Min-Su
Cho Hyun-Ju
The Guest
Father Choi Yoon
The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil
Jang Dong-Soo
The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call
Baek Jang-Hyuk
Park Gyeong-Won
Yang Jae-Won
Han Yu-Rim
Bad and Crazy
Ryu Su-Yeol / K
Do In-Beom
Oh Kyeong-Tae
Andrei Kang
Jeong Yun-Ho
Kim Gun-Woo
Hong Woo-Jin
Hwang Yang-Jung
Lee Du-Yeong
The Player
Kang Ha-Ri
Do Jin-Woong
Please note that I only take requests in the form of short prompts, like the ones listed below. If you would like to submit a lyric or quote that isn't listed below, please send it in and I'll see what I can do. I do not write fics based on detailed storylines given to me by others. This is because I already have my storylines fleshed out, along with characters, worlds, plot lines etc.
Fic prompts and lyrics
Sabrina Carpenter Lyrics 💅🏻
Fluffy Prompt List✨
Sexy Time Lyric Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
NSFW Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
Angsty Lyric Prompts 💔
Smut Prompt List 🚫 18+ only!
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Squid Game Masterlists
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The Guest Masterlists
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The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil Masterlists
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The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call Masterlist
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Bad and Crazy Masterlists
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Bloodhound Masterlists - Awaiting Upload
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prbni · 11 months ago
"Had she initiated a peck, he would have turned it into an intense lip lock" pairings in KDramas
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Ku San Young(Kim Tae Ri) and Lee Hong Sae(Hong Kyung) in Revenant
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Cha Se Eum(Kim Young Ae) and Yoo Jeong Jae(Lee Moon Sang) in Maestra: Strings of Truth
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Lee Gang Hyeon( Park Ji Hyun) and Jin Yi Soo(Ahn Bo Hyun) in Flex x Cop
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Lim Jukyung(Moon Gayoung) and Han Seojun(Hwang Inyeop) in True Beauty
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Oh In Joo (Kim Go Eun) and Choi Do il(Wi Ha Joon) in Little Women(2022)
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Kang Nam Soon (Lee Yoomi) and Ryu Shi Oh (Byun Woo Seok) in Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon
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Kang Sol A(Ryu Hye Young) and Han Joon Hwi(Kim Bum) in Law School
Bonus: Japanese Drama Couple
Didn't get a better GIF for them
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Kokuryu Kirika(Mio Imada) and Tennoji Haru (Meguro Ren) in Trillion Game
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