#hyuga clan leader
usuratongaychi · 3 months
juugo x hinata makes so much sense in my mind, and im the only ine that ships it.
strong but soft girl x strong but soft guy.
he totally bakes desserts for her and gets all flustered when she gives him approval.
this also goes well with my clan leader hinata au, i’ll draw it soon.
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hyugahell · 14 days
Hi Hiashi 👋 I heard that you love children, so I wanted to know, what do you think about the idea of ​​having grandchildren? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have Hinata, Hanabi and Neji's children running around the house?
Hiashi: Now who told you all that about how I regard children?
Hiashi: And grandchildren?? I suppose I wouldn't particularly mind having some of those visiting around here, as such a thing will inevitably happen in due time. However, the thought of grandchildren from either Neji or Hanabi is..... rather concerning to say the least.
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Compadres, The key trio.
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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The clanhead of the Hyuga.
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sakuraharuno156 · 17 days
Hey!! I wanna ask why you hate Hinata since I'm quite curious
The answer is deeper than may you think, I don't know if that's what you wanted to see (and I'm sorry if it's not), but I'll answer truthfully, lol.
Hinata Hyuga is everything I despise in the world.
I'm a feminist, I believe that women are capable, smart, strong, interesting, independent, carring, hardworking, ambitious, ready to stand for what they believe, ready to make a change, ready to take the world by storm.
I also believe that we need that represented in media, so girls and young woman can see, that they can be everything I listed above.
Hinata is (unfortunately) the exact opposite.
1) A woman can be capable.
She is uncapable. She's so dependent on a guys approval that she became a copy of him. Even her "ninja way" is just stolen from a guy she likes.
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2) A woman can be smart.
She is shown as dumb and incompetent of making smart decisions. She has to be reminded to use her only power. She has to be reminded to look at the enemy. She jumps into battles she has no chance in - without a plan. She puts herself in bad situations only to be a victim.
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That panel is one of many instances that show she is just dumb.
Instead of looking (and she has one of the best eyes in universe) - she asked her teammates. Instead of thinking she just stood there - confused.
3) A woman can be strong.
She lost all her battles and never made a dent in the world.
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4) A woman can be interesting.
There is nothing interesting about her. She was born rich, with one of strongest powers in the universe given to her by birth and... she did nothing about it. Nothing. Her whole character is a guy. Her every sentence is about/for/to or in hopes of being noticed by A GUY.
I remember one instance of her saying something that had nothing to do with Naruto. JUST ONE. I know she Is a background character, but this is just pathetic.
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Credit for pic: @maoam (i can't find that blog, but on Google - it was credited to them)
5) A woman can be independent.
Her whole life is dependent by recognition from Naruto. When she speaks, she speaks so he would hear. When she fights, she fights so he would see. When she trained, she trained to stand with him. When she looks, she looks for him or at him. Her whole life is a guy. The end.
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That all she cares about. "Is Naruto watching?". She breathes Naruto, he is her oxygen. She is nothing and incapable of doing anything, unless a guy is watching.
6) A woman can be carrying.
She cares about Naruto and herself. Thats it. Her family, her friends, her teammates, her guards, everyone in her life suffers because she needs NARUTO.
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If anyone is confused about this picture, SHE IS JEALOUS OF A DYING GUY BECAUSE HE CAN STAND WITH HER CRUSH. She couldn't even pretend to care.
And she does that ALL THE TIME. Kiba? Ko? Hanabi? Neji? Shikamaru? Anyone? Meh, irrelevant! "Naruto-kun 👉👈".
7) A woman can be hardworking.
She had such potential and did nothing. She didn't even (manage or try to) learn her families techniques. She never could do the rotation and she barely uses 64 palms (she wobbles while doing it at the end of manga)
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And when she had a chance to train - she was bringing tea :)
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8) A woman can be ambitious.
She has no ambition. Not everyone has to be a talented and breathtaking ninja (even tho she was born with crazy amount of potential), but just doing nothing?
She has a powerful family, powerful connections (she is a doughter of a clan leader), and Hokage as a husband. She could be a politician! She could try to change the world, but she... likes to cook and watch TV.
And ok, she doesn't have to be world-changing ambitious, but God damn it- AT LEAST TRY TO CHANGE YOUR OWN FAMILY.
She did nothing. Neji "fixed" the Hyuga clan and she did nothing. The side branch d*es like they are supposed to - protecting her.
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That's it. The world is in shambles, the war is going strong, but... I want to stand with Naruto-kun 👉👈
9) A woman can stand up for what she believes.
She never stood up for anything except Naruto.
Her family being slave owners? That's fine by her.
Her teammates may lose the exam? That's fine by her.
The village may be destroyed? That's fine by her.
She was just WATCHING. She watched him for years. She watched when he was abused. She watched him being bullied. She watched him being alone. She just watched.
She could've been his friend in academy - She didn't. She could've said something when he was hurt - She didn't. For all we know - she didn't even visit him when Jiraya died.
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This is her dream. Why dream of change? Why dream of both families being together? Her cousin stalking her and being unhappy - that's what matters :)
Either she is just a bad person and likes having slaves OR she just doesn't care to change it.
And it's OK to not be all of those things, but nothing? Seriously?
Hinata is everything I grow up not wanting to be. She is the anti-feminist. She is the textbook pick me girl. She is what women-hating men want all of us to be:
Not too smart.
Not independent.
Just a mouse who will birth and clean the house.
So in conclusion:
I'm a young woman in a world dominated by men, so characters like Hinata make me want to puke 🤷‍♀️
I'm a sucker for a good redemption. OH, HOW I LOVE A REDEMPTION ARC.
In og she was weak and obsessed with a guy, that's fine - many of female characters were at the beginning, but she never changed.
She had a chance for good backstory (being a weak link of a strong family). Why not make her a crazy powerful junin who can lead the family to change? Or maybe get over her obsession with Naruto to become an important and useful part of her team? Or maybe make her singlehandedly end the slavery in Hyuga clan by d*ing for Neji instead of the other way around?
But no, a weak obsessed girl will stay a weak obsessed girl - just married at the end 🤷‍♀️
So, on top of the above, I hate her for wasted potential for a good redemption arc lol.
I hope I answered your question, if not - im sorry, please ask again! ❤️
P.S. If anyone is confused about the panels that I chose, feel free to ask for elaboration because there are LOTS OF PANELS that I'd like to use, but pic limits on Tumblr are crazy 🤷‍♀️
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brwnsugcr · 4 months
naruhina + a sakura-chan. untitled.
hinata thought that by fulfilling her duties as the future hyuga clan leader, she could put her feelings for naruto on the backburner, locked safe and away, her precious secret to keep and take to the grave.
but oh did she think of him.
and she did so fondly.
sakura catches her eye from where she sits against the tree and gives the girl a wink. naruto doesn’t notice this exchange and leans back on his hands, his eyes on hinata. “so! old man hiashi killin’ ya, yet? sakura-chan told me he hasn’t been goin’ easy on ya since you started training, too.”
“that’s one way of putting it. father’s never been one to…go easy on someone.” and she gives a little sigh of frustration, despite herself, the knit on her eyebrows coming together as she reflects on her own weakness, how she has had to push and push and push to get to where she is now.
but there are moments like these with naruto, where she questions everything. there’s no possible way in her eyes that he could ever reciprocate such tender feelings, and yet when he leans in to smooth his thumb over the wrinkles in her forehead, he makes her heart flutter with hope. she forgets that sakura is even sitting with them, her cheeks blossoming into a pretty pink as naruto uses that same hand to play curiously with her windblown tresses as they fly. “you got this, hinata…”
"oh, naruto-kun..." hinata sighs, gazing back into his eyes. that's right! he has always believed in her, even when no one had. he does care about her, he values her, he -
“dooo I need to leave?”
“no!” hinata squeaks the same time naruto blurts, “yes!”
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Sorry for the incoming rant ignore at your leisure:
Am I delulu for assuming Kishi writes Naruto events in a vacuum? Like he will like an idea put into the story with no care for how it would influence the other ideas in it. Like the whole Uchiha massacre is such a cool plot idea in part one that has you thinking about why an entire clan is gone and who could even be able to do something like that. Then you start to think for about five minutes and it’s just like huh?
Unless Konoha erected a sound barrier around the Uchiha compound you mean to tell me no one heard or saw them trying to escape or heard their screams? It would have been cool to see how Orwellian Konoha had gotten if Kishi had shown people just ignoring them asking for help or just blocking it out with ear plugs or something. The Uchiha were given the Police force to control, and you mean to tell me not one of them had built a meaningful relationship outside of their clan?
The Hyuga are the only other dojutsu clan in Konoha now that the Uchiha are gone and that doesn’t worry them? Konoha has stopped being the protection it once was and now it’s harming the Hyuga more than helping. It’s weird how Hiashi doesn’t take Sasuke in afterwards with the excuse that the Hyuga are only ones that could reasonably help him with his dojutsu, betroth him to Hanabi and leave.
Idk I think Kishi had some interesting elements laid out in Naruto and it’s disappointing to see them not taken that extra step forward. I know Naruto is a shonen and what I’m talking about is probably a whole other genre, but it hurts to see some of the potential in Naruto left aside.
Hi there anon. Please, bring all the rants you want, I love ranting! And I feel you! Totally!
About people not hearing anything during the massacre, I always assumed it was because their compound was located in the outskirts and probably far from the rest of the village. That is why Danzo wanted to segregate them, to make them easier to control and easier to kill. But I think it is safe to assume that the Uchiha didn't really have friendly relationships with the rest of the clans of Konoha. I believe there must have been a bias against them, not only because they were forced into a job position that was not bound to inspire much sympathy, but because nobody seemed to have a problem with their oppression. Nobody seems to care that the Uchiha were excluded from leadership, and in the anime nobody seems to care when Fugaku protests their segregation. The rest of the clan representatives remain silent as Fugaku's claims are dismissed by the Hokage.
You know, I don't want to bring any real life examples because I don't want anyone to be offended if an anime blog starts talking about real genocides. But it is sadly possible for people to see murder and cruelty before their eyes and do nothing. I don't know if that was exactly the case here, maybe they did not hear the screams that night, but the events leading to the massacre did not happen overnight. There was a structural oppression against the Uchiha, there was pseudoscientific racist bullshit spread by Konoha's leaders and the Uchiha were intentionally excluded. And nobody seemed to have any problem with that.
I also agree that it is weird there is no apparent relationship between the Uchiha and the Hyuga. You know, apart from the government-sanctioned bias against the Uchiha, since the Uchiha were excluded from normal ninja missions (apart from a few exceptions), I guess, there was less opportunity to create bonds or a sense of teamwork with other clans. And maybe this contributed to their ostracism. That is how I would explain their lack of relationship, but I agree that in reality it is probably due to lazy writing. Also, since each clan has its own set of traditions and, most importantly, its own secret techniques, I find unlikely that they would take someone from an outsider clan. To be honest, good riddance. I don't think Sasuke would have been any happy under the rule of that enslaver Hiashi.
But I feel you, yeah. The lost opportunities in this manga are extremely painful.
Thank you, anon. Come back with your rants anytime. I am sorry I took so long to answer, I really did not have time to right a long text and this ask deserved it. Take care!
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patchofgrey · 2 months
Neji Hyuga and Hyuga Clan Head canons
NejiTen Head cannons | Tenten Head Cannons | Nejiten Family Head Cannons
Alright, let's talk about the Hyuga Clan. There are still a lot of plot holes in terms of how the clan actually functions in certain ways as well as the whole genetics situation. My head cannons are strictly based on what is already established in the anime/manga. Kishimoto seemed to have jumbled some details together especially during the war;
What is Cannon that we can all agree on: 1. The Hyuga clan is the most prestigious clan in the Land of fire. Somewhere down the line, the Uchiha clan is related to the Hyuga clan (as explained by Kakashi during the chunnin exams when trying to tell the children about the byakugan...this is the first plot hole tbh) 2. Pre-war, there are two branches to the Hyuga clan; main branch (where they are unsealed and are involved in politics, and branch (the sealed, and protectors/bodyguards/serve the main branch. Main branch members may not become clan leaders or be involved in politics). 3. Post War, it is unclear however, heavily implied and then addressed by Hiashi that Naruto had a great influence on changing the structure of the Hyuga clan; there may be no such thing as the main and side branches, which means that the curse seal may no longer be in practice. However, it is just assumed since Neji is dead (based on this, it is possible that Neji's children would not be branded with the seal). 4. Birth order holds heavy meaning; Hiashi was the first twin to pop out, so he was part of the main branch. Hizashi was the younger twin and was branded for the side branch. 5. For Hiashi Hyuga, leadership of the Hyuga clan is at the digression of the current clan head; Hiashi chose Hanabi over Hinata to become head of the clan. 6. Hyugas can marry outside of their clan. We see this with Naruto and Hinata. It also worth saying that we do not see Hinata and Neji's mother's eyes in both the manga and anime (here's the other plot hole for Hyuga lore). If the Uchihas are distantly related to the Hyuga's, the mutation had to occur due to a mix of genetics outside of the clan (again, it's as if Kishimoto fucking forgot he had Kakashi explain that the Uchihas and Hyuga's did share a line at some point and pulled a fast one during the war to try and explain everything, but it fumbled the lore even more.) 7. It is possible for a Hyuga to not have the byakugan. There was a filler character who only had one byakugan eye. Himuwari also does not have the standard Hyuga eyes. This can also be related to the Uchihas if we are following the genetic line; the Uchihas activate their sharingan, just as Himawari activates her byakugan Here are my Hyuga Head Cannons: 1. The byakugan is a dominate gene. Due to the fact that we see that characters can have the kekkei genkai without having the signature eyes, it is possible that the two Hyugas who possess the byakugan can have a a child who does not have it and vise verse; BB, Bb, and bb traits for the Byakugan. Based on the traits, the child could also not possess the byakugan at all due to the bb recessive trait. A child with a mixed Bb gene may not have the standard Hyuga eyes until the Byakugan is activated like Himuwari. 2. All marriages must go through the clan head for approval/blessing. To keep the prestige of the clan nice and clean, it wouldn't be surprising if there needed to be some screening process or request made in order for a Hyuga to be married. Even if the marriage is between clan members. 3. Arranged marriages are based upon request. If a Hyuga clan member has not been approved for any self-picked marriages, the head of the clan may be inclined to suggest an arranged marriage. It would be more for the main branch of the family instead of the side branch. 4. Hiashi Hyuga already started implementing some change to the Hyuga can after the death of his brother. The guy was traumatized when Hizashi took the L for him, Hiashi was probably fighting with the elders on traditions and policies that in order to prevent something like that happening again. He also saw how traumatized Neji was upon seeing his father's corpse. It is possible the Hyuga elders and Hiashi held tension after the death of Hizashi, which prompted the lord to go against the birth order rule (by making Hanabi the heir to the clan instead of Hinata due to competence and potential) Allowing Naruto and Hinata to get married was one of the biggest changes to the clan due to Naruto's connection with Neji.
Okay, onto my head cannons for our bestest boy <3
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Neji's mother died soon after his birth. We see mostly Hizashi with his son in the manga and anime, and there is no mention of a mother, but I feel as though one of the main reasons why Neji had such a strong bond with his father was because his mother was not there. His mother could have also have been a distant cousin of Hiashi and Hizashi in order to maintain the dominate byakugan gene.
Hizashi remarried a civilian to take care of Neji. As much as I would love for Hizashi to be a single dad, it would make sense that he would remarry someone who was not a shinobi in order to look after Neji when he was on missions or handling clan duties with Hiashi. When Hizashi died, we see a woman sitting besides Neji, to whom we can assume was a mother like figure for him (that or a cousin...) Neji’s step mother is named Shizukana Hyuga.
Neji's stepmother is well taken care of by Hiashi. I would like to believe that Hiashi held a lot of guilt and pain over his brother and in order to rectify the situation in some capacity, he took it upon himself to become financially responsible for Neji and his step-mother. He sends money quietly, not wanting to make a big deal about his support, which can be why Neji is able to live comfortably...which goes into;
Neji and his stepmother do not live in the Hyuga compound. With the mess of the main and side branch conflicts, it would be an interesting notion that many side branch members moved out of the main Hyuga compound; only the main branch members as well as branch members who directly service the main branch (we have seen the Hyuga maids in the anime...it's wild to me that the branch members are employed in such a way, but hey. It is what Kishi wrote. It reminds me of how in a monarchy, you have the queen's attendants). Neji's house is probably located somewhere around the proximity of the Hyuga compound, however far enough that there is some separation.
Neji refers to his stepmother as "mother". Following the head cannon that his birthmother passed away, Shizukana was the only other figure Neji had maternally. He is aware that she is not his biological mother, however still holds her in some high regard.
Shizukana shows great favor in Neji spending time with Tenten, in fact, she was able to get Neji to acknowledge his feelings towards her. Neji probably didn’t have to say anything when he would bring Tenten around her. Neji made it obvious he had a crush, just as Shikamaru had observed. Where Shikamaru and the guys would tease him, Shizukana was rather straight forward in talking to her son about Tenten. Neji had a hard time explaining himself to his step mother.
Neji is obviously protective of Hinata, but when it comes to Tenten, Neji will try his best not to hover over her. His role as protector is hard to maintain when you don’t want your girlfriend to be mad at you for being over protective. In the words of Megara from Disney’s Hercules; “I’m a big tough girl, I can tie my own sandals and everything.” This scene can be paralleled with how I see Neji and Tenten interacting, minus the seduction part.
Neji is always completely honest with Tenten. He would never lie to her because there was no point to. They needed to have a trusting partnership in order to function properly but he was also grateful that Tenten did not judge him even in his darkest of times.
Neji will rarely say no to Tenten and Hinata. For Hinata, that is his sister (technically) and he may still feel a sting of guilt after all those years of treating her like absolute trash. Hinata had forgiven him, but he worked hard to repair his relationship with her; he was happy to have a younger sister to protect. For Tenten, in the anime and video games we see that Neji does not say no to her when she suggests to go places, or partake in whatever shenanigans she wants to set out on. He says yes to her automatically most times.
Neji is great at handling Tenten’s temper. She’s a bit hot-headed, especially when it comes to Gai and Lee. But Neji is able to keep her grounded and makes her feel validated in her feelings.
In Neji’s Ninja journal, it is cannon that he writes about Tenten. In the light novel, Hinata shows Naruto a few lines of Neji’s journal, one of the lines is a vow of Neji trying to make sure Tenten does not get depressed. It wasn’t expanded on, however I’ll assume that he does write about her from time to time; whether it be for sparring or just to record his thoughts about her.
Neji admire’s Tenten in many ways; mostly how she handles Gai and Lee. In one of the video games, Neji attempts to compliment Tenten (and fails because he’s awkward as fuck) on how she is able to manage both green beasts with suck ease. In a way, she is like the mom friend to the team in keeping them in check. Neji also has nothing negative to say about Tenten in cannon and even allows her to assist him in Hyuga matters (like when Hinata got snatched up during the first round of chunnin exams).
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Sakura Haruno was the only descendant of the Haruno clan. This clan compared to the other three clans was the weakest, with less purchasing and military power. That is why they had arranged a marriage with the youngest son of the Uchiha leader, Sasuke Uchiha. As the conflict between the Uzumaki and the Hyuga was increasingly evident, the Haruno wanted to lighten the marriage to formalize the alliance, and have the protection of the Uchiha.
Alternate Universe - HistoricalAlternate Universe - FantasyHistorical InaccuracyHistorical FantasyDrama & RomanceSlow RomanceSlow BurnAngstAngst with a Happy EndingAngst and Fluff and SmutArranged MarriageAlternate Universe - Arranged Marriage
This is my first sasusaku fic!
I already posted 4 chapters. Hope you like it.
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houseonthemoon · 8 months
Naruto a New Beginning: January character page
The Hyuga clan
Neji 38, Hinata (now clan leader) 36, Hizashi Hyuga “sunshine” 17M, Mitsuhiro “to shine” 13M, Kaito “to fly, soar” 12M, Sumire “lovely violet” 10F
Stick around for next months character release and this summer for the comics release date!
If you do not like Nejihina please be respectful and just move on.
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leportraitducadavre · 6 months
Wiat stop omggg i’ve been reading these posts about the anti-Hinata Hyuga stuff and how she is infact privileged and ngl it lowkey hurt but also omfg???? I never realized how bad the Hyuga situation was or how Hinata is unable to pick a side, I just assumed she’d obviously dissolve the slavery practices because I see her as a good person(and i read too much fanfiction)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA now i definitely need Hiashi to die in the war and for Neji to become leader(yeah no Hinata can’t lead to save her life) because it would be such a good step to take down the old system by replacing it with a Neji as a symbol of change. Media is making me go crazy again but that’s probably my room mold 😭😭😭😭
Also the Naruhina fan in me kinda wishes that Naruto learned sealing from Pervy sage because like imagine if they worked together to make a new Hyuga seal to actually protect the byakugan and then it gets worn as a clan marking, like the red fangs from the inuzuka and oh my god im so sorreybfor rambling all over this asks i just really really want more Hyuga content and for ny faves to be happy, also you are really well omg id love to have ur attention span for politics because i can barely understand my highschool civics like ibshoudl probably stop now-have a nice day!!!!!✨
Hello there,
It's okay to like a problematic character and it's okay to like a ship, the problem starts when people justify such problematic characteristics to make them "acceptable", like justifying Neji's treatment at the hands of the Main Family because he was "mean" to Hinata, despite him warning her about fighting him and asking her to forfeit multiple times.
I never realized how bad the Hyuga situation was or how Hinata is unable to pick a side
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but Hinata chose a side. Ignoring the matter or not giving it the relevance that it has even after her cousin's speech during their match or his match vs. Naruto, is to actively support the system in place; she might truly believe that is for the "greater good," as so his Konoha's mantra, but it doesn't change the fact that she agrees with the practice.
I just assumed she’d obviously dissolve the slavery practices because I see her as a good person(and i read too much fanfiction)
I don't see her as a good person for the reasons mentioned above, no good person sees her uncle being tortured and her cousin being enslaved and believes to be the bigger victim in their dynamic. Furthermore, she did pretty much nothing for anyone who wasn't Naruto; being shy and quiet is not the same as being a good person; she never mentioned being kind-spirited and thus, unable to be a shinobi (like Chöji, which was a full small arc of his character when fighting the Sound Four), but rather, weak.
now i definitely need Hiashi to die in the war and for Neji to become leader
I understand your wish for Hiashi to die, but Neji succumbing to his fate put an end to the "Hyuga's conundrum" as that's an issue that involves Konoha in itself and not addressing it in Boruto would've been a major problem; furthermore, the problem wasn't just about stopping the Main Family from creating slaves but also them giving reparations to those they enslaved, like Neji. His death was also used to give Hinata a "moment" with Naruto.
(yeah no Hinata can’t lead to save her life)
She can't, not just because she's weak (Shikamaru doesn't shine because he's particularly strong, he isn't), but also because she often puts her wishes above the safety of those under her command (Koü Hyüga) and can't come up with a basic strategy to fight her opponents. She perhaps modeled her attack pattern following Naruto's (who mostly attacks before coming up with a strategy, as he often relies on overwhelming his enemies), as she often states to look up to him and has spied on him multiple times, but he's far more strong and has much more chakra (plus healing chakra) than her.
Also the Naruhina fan in me kinda wishes that Naruto learned sealing from Pervy sage
I'm not sure Jiraiya knew much about sealing techniques (we only see him erasing Orochimaru's seal), Minato learned from Kushina and not him. Tsunade is likely far more versed on the matter and she never even attempted to take Neji's seal off, so that's where the village stands on the matter.
have a nice day!!!!!✨
Thank you. You too.
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All the Uchiha clan ever wanted was to live freely without any restrictions just like the other clans. The higherups weren't ready for that. Danzo and Hiruzen cut off their salary (up to 30%) , though there weren't any reason to do so. They were relocated to the outskirts of the village. Children like Itachi and Izumi were bullied due to this suspicions and accusitions. That's why they had come up with the coup, to regain their own rights. Also, they wouldn't have been dead or would have lost, definitely not if Itachi joined with them. There weren't strong members in the village(Minato was dead,Jiraya wasn't the village, Kakashi was too young). Literary no one would have been able to stop the clan. The clan had Itachi, Fugaku and police force. So, they would have won. There wouldn't have been any war, the last time in Nine tails attack even when village was in that pathetic situation no village tried to take advantage of it. So, why only this time they would attack and start a war?
The clan wasn't simply up to kill all the people village, they wanted to change the unethical and brutal leadership. Indeed they were brutal to shove the responsibilities to the Uchihas and innocent Naruto, just so people wouldn't suspect them and they could rule efficiently. The Uchihas demands were only about freedom. Despite all this Itachi still chose the village. The Uchihas wouldn't have caused a war and only the leaders would have been thrown off. Itachi still had a choice to not to confront the village leaders and say that the clan was planning to take them down. Things would have played out differently if so. But he just directly killed his clan. I mean, ofcourse he was to young to handle such problems, but how come he couldn't understand his clan's sufferings and chose the 'village' or more specifically 'village elders'(since the people wouldn't have been hurt even if he chose the clan anyway)? All of the burdens he had to carry were unnecessary if he could simply understand his clan and could come up with a objective solution. He could have forced his father for diplomacy or negotiations. But he didn't do any thing as such. His sufferings were unnecessary if he didn't foolishly come up with the solution of unethical cleansing of whole clan. Why did he chose this decision when he had all the better alternatives?
(I don't hold any grudge against Itachi nor I am an anti-Itachi, but I simply don't understand why many favour Itachi and the village despite whatever they did are clearly wrong)
I don't honestly understand why anti-Konoha, pro-Uchiha, pro-Sasuke fans think we Itachi fans are even remotely pro-Konoha. I'm as anti-Konoha as much one can be, but I don't believe in the 'Konoha needs to be nuked' bullshit as much 'Konoha needs to change on the whole so that no other Uchiha massacre ever happens'.
[Pro Itachi content ahead. Haters, no need to go any further.]
If you've been on my blog, you'd have known I never blamed the clan for their demands. Just because there's a conflict doesn't mean one side essentially has to be wrong. I'm pro-Itachi and also pro-Uchiha. I sympathize with the clan for the reasons you mentioned and I empathize with Itachi because he was the worst victim of this conflict between the clan and the village.
Since you're quoting the bits from the novels, I'll take them into account to answer this question.
Itachi didn't hate the clan, but he didn't agree with the clan mentality. If he were a Hyuga, he'd have felt the same about them. Since he's an Uchiha he feels so about the clan he's a part of. He wanted to be a Hokage, but not necessarily only for the clan's sake as much for the village and to end the wars on the whole, which would have solved the clan vs village issue too. Though if I remember correctly, he wanted to be the first Uchiha Hokage, so that he could be the bridge between the clan and the village. I'll have to check the book for this.
When the nine tail attack happened, other countries didn't attack because it was only after a year since the third world war had ended. Attacking a village/nation while they were themselves recovering would be a suicide for any country and village. If you think Danzo was going to let go in case Itachi sided with his clan, you don't understand this man. He was a manipulator, terribly persuasive, and would have had multiple backup plans to counter this situation as well. Itachi, with his pacifist and a bit naive ideology, was an easy target to him. Just because Itachi with the help of Obito carried out the mission in secret doesn't mean it would have been a secret any other way. Clans care about their honour too much in the Naruto world. Uchiha are no different and neither is Itachi. He knew the news of the coup would trigger extreme reactions in the village, not only because the village didn't care about the Uchiha, but also because they feared them. Danzo and his men wouldn't have been able to keep the coup a secret had they been on their own. The rest of the Shinobi of the village would have joined, resulting in the civil war.
A civil war would be different from the nine tail attack or Orochimaru's attack because it would create the rift among the villagers themselves. In-fighting would weaken the village defenses worse than the previous attacks did because there would be no unity among the people. Obito had told Sasuke that he was also anticipating war. With his involvement in provoking the clan for the coup (manipulation of Yashiro Uchiha), you think he'd sit quietly and not have done anything? Itachi was very well aware of his intent. In case you're wondering why didn't he just kill Obito or tell anyone about him, here I've written about it too. The clan clearly wasn't planning on starting the war, that was never their intent, but the coup also never had anything positive to offer, ESPECIALLY to the clan itself. The moment it happened, a lot of bloodshed would have followed as well. Not just that, the clan from then on forever would be remembered and known as the clan that went against its own village, whether they lost or won. No one would care they were oppressed or their demands were justified. If they lost, all of them would be dead. If they won - where was the possibility of that? The odds were against them from the start.
The Uchiha had every right to be angry. They had every right to demand justice. They had every right to want to be treated with respect and as equal citizens. But coup was not the answer.
Furthermore, they themselves could have reached out to the government, more so after Shisui's death. Neither the clan nor the village made any effort to solve this issue diplomatically. Itachi tried one last time to convince them against the coup and warn them of the disastrous outcomes it could have, but the clan ignored him. He was already seen as a traitor and an outsider by that time. Danzo knew Itachi wouldn't have agreed for the massacre, this is why he dragged Sasuke into it. Either Itachi kills the Uchiha or Danzo's men will do it, with Sasuke being their first victim.
He could have forced his father? Like his father didn't know already what was going on in his son's mind? Fugaku knew Itachi wasn't happy with the idea of the coup. He knew it when he apologized to Itachi before dying. He knew his son had condemned himself to a lifetime of hell with his final mission. He apologized for not being a good father to him.
It's strange that you quote stuff from the novels to put your stance but also keep repeating 'he chose the village' because anyone who's read the novels will know he resented both Danzo and Hiruzen and knew the village was a shit place. He was going to kill Danzo but was threatened/manipulated out of it. He was saddened that Hiruzen didn't even try to reach out to the clan even though he was a Hokage and that Shisui's death was for nothing. You also ignore how both the clan and the village treated him like shit. The clan was desperate, so it's understandable why they went to the extent they did, but it doesn't change the fact that it left him completely alone and with no one to put his trust into, and that played a major role in the massacre as well. Shisui's death broke him emotionally and mentally and destroyed his entire support system. Shisui had been the one handling the situation because he was not only older but also had his MS by that time. Shisui was going to stop the coup using Kotoamatsukami. Itachi was the one helping/supporting him, not planning things. It's his death that came to him like a brutal blow and left him paralyzed. Diplomacy should have been grown ups' business to tackle, who, on both the sides, treated him like a tool with no feelings and with no emotions. Instead of reaching out to talk and diplomacy, both the sides left their fate in the hands of an 11-year-old kid. Around the time of the massacre, Itachi wasn't even 13. Clearly, he was much younger when Shisui died, when the clan and the village started to put the heavy responsibilities on him.
In the massacre, the village was the only culprit. The clan had every right to be mad, but Itachi was still the worst victim of it. I've written more about it here, although it's focused on his treatment towards Sauske, but still understanding his psychology is important because all of it is interconnected. Apparently, in this fandom, whenever someone is analyzing Itachi's actions, his experiences, feelings, trauma, pain, guilt, regret, and sufferings are never taken into account, like you too dismissed it with a simple 'he was too young but he could have done xyz thing'. People will take every other character's feelings and emotions into consideration to analyze Itachi, but not his own. His trauma of witnessing the war played the most important role in how he came to view the world afterwards.
When you pin the whole blame on Itachi only, you're exempting Danzo, Hiruzen, the wars, Shinobi world from their responsibility that refuse to see kids as humans.
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teawinx · 2 years
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Oh Hinata, you were done so dirty
Out of the Konoha girls, she had the most promise only for it all to be squandered and replaced with “N-Naruto-kun” You go girl for wanting your man, but could she have gotten something else do to???
This hypothetical Hinata is on a mission to take back her place as the heiress of the Hyuga clan, to defeat her father in combat and become the leader and end the suffering and segregation of the branch Using her place of privilege to improve the lives of those around her With Naruto supporting her all the way, obviously
Design wise, I think Hinata might be my favourite. Kishimoto truly captured what a shy girl would realistically wear, while being cute as heck. I love it. My only real change was putting her hair up in a bun. Just to keep it out of the way in combat. Practically first, babes And Hinata was just made for oversized hoodies and jackets. No in fact they were made for Hinata. A true icon.
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itwillallbeokay · 3 months
I love Hinata so much but damn Kishimoto....really did her dirty. Hinata deserved much more than just being the girl who had a crush on our hero. Her story foundation was so interesting too, like born into the main family of a powerful clan but outshone by her cousin from a branch family and her own younger sister. Ostracised and bullied and too timid to stand up for herself. I love characters like that, those who have problems standing up for themselves, but find the courage to do so. Characters who remain kind even in the face of terrible cruelty.
One possible way I'd change Hinata's arc is to make her have a research facility or a lab. This girl developed her own jutsus. I think she'd be right at home there, researching different jutsus based on chakra nature, looking at the effects and side effects of those on different bodies using her Byakugan. In fact, considering that she's not that great of a fighter by her own admission, this would've given her agency and ambition and made her far more interesting. Have her research curses, seals, jutsus, even different poisons for stealth missions and senbon users. Let her have a career as a ninja researcher man!!!
Let her stand up for Neji and demand for his ascension as leader because he's got all the qualities for it. She can put in her research to find a way to safely remove the Hyuga curse mark without harming those who bore it. So much could've been done with this set up.
Lastly, I love NaruHina, but give them more screentime damnit. At least from Shippuden onwards, make them have more missions, especially since her Byakugan can be handy in tracking someone down. Their entire story could've been the classic “she fell first, he fell harder”. The Pain arc confession should've never existed, instead Naruto should've lost it at her death, and then by the end he has a classic “oh shit I'm in love with her” moment. Which could culminate in some hilarious sequences because Naruto is bad at being smooth and his attempts at flirting are all received by Hinata as friendly, because turns out she's just as oblivious.
Hinata was truly a character who could've been so much more but she got reduced to “Naruto’s wife” like come on.
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mythos321 · 1 month
A rundown of Plot Points on a story about Clay in an au I’m helping write with @g12-3 called Wings of Chakra(which is basically Wings of Fire combined with Naruto)
Wings of Chakra: Clay the Second Great Fang
a quick rundown of Clays backstory in this au before this particular story so no one is to loss: He had been raised by his aunt Asha, who was revered for her skills and was a hero to many. After his aunt failed a mission however due to electing to save those with her instead, she became vilified for her failure, until she eventually took her own life, which caused Clay to become far more closed off as well as believe he must always follow the way of Shinobi first and foremost, even if it goes against his morals, and that he must restore honor to his aunts name.
The only person Clay was connected with during this time of loneliness was Tsunami, who was an outcast in her clan due to the lack of their special eyes(In Naruto these are known as The Byakugan! and are possessed by the Hyuga Clan) and tried to keep a false air of being fine in spite of the pain of the loss of his aunt, but it was clear how empty he truly felt.
Because of feeling he must restore his aunts name, Clay put in extreme effort within the academy, graduating in a single year alongside the prodigy Starflight. A few years later, Clay would be placed under the Guidance of Orchid alongside fellow Genin Sunny and Hailstorm(who for future reference, is apart of a ninja clan that is like the Uchihas in Naruto, with them still possessing the special eyes known as the sharingan) , the former who he developed a sibling like bond with, and the latter a (mostly friendly) rivalry with, and after years, Clay finally began to feel like himself from before he lost his aunt.
some extra facts: He inherited a saber from his aunt Asha, he specializes in Earth and Lightning style chakra(if you’re wondering what that is, in the context of the Naruto world it’s basically the fuel for Ninja Magic),
Alright, we caught up? let’s get into the story points then!(basically a plot summary, me or @g12-3 will probably turn it into a actual written story one day(though I have other things to do as well before I can)
-Clay had recently been promoted to Jonin, the youngest to ever become such. Now he was assigned as defacto leader of Team 7, with Orchid being called toward the front lines
-Before going off to their mission, Team 7 each gave Clay a celebration gift. Orchid gave him a Flying Thunder Kunai, allowing him and his teammates the ability to teleport back to one another. Meanwhile Sunny gave Clay a medical kit and a small thing of Azalea flowers(for those wondering, Azaleas have multiple meanings, though the one Sunny intended(and Clay understood) was how it represents Family, as well as being able to be a gift for a loved one). Hailstorm however forgot to get him anything, which Clay made a joke at his expense for
-Shortly after entering the mission area, Team 7 encountered a Skywing scout, and Clay attempted to dispatch of them using his new technique, Chidori. He however failed and nearly caused him to get killed if not for Orchid saving him. Before embarking to her mission, Orchid advised Clay to not use that deadly technique again
-while investigating further into the kingdom, Clay was momentarily separated from Hailstorm and Sunny, and encountered a girl around his age, who told her her name was Peril, and Clay told her for a gal like her it seemed unfitting, and before leaving left her some of the Azalea flowers Sunny had given him, figuring he will likely not see her again, or if he did, it would end up on a battlefield anyhow
-when Clay reconnected to Hailstorm, he told him Sunny had been kidnapped by other Skywings, and immediately advocated for them to go save her. Clay however refused, telling him the mission was more important. Hailstorm socked Clay in the face for saying this, yelling at him that he dishonored and besmirched Ashas legacy with that train of thought, and went on his own to go save Sunny
“Don’t you get it! Those who abandon their mission are nothing but dirt!”
-Clay initially carried out his mission, but couldn’t bring himself to leave Hailstorm and Sunny behind, and abandoned his mission to help Hailstorm
-when Clay found Hailstorm he saw him being overpowered by one of the skywings, killing the Skywing with his chakra sabre, the last thing he had of his aunt Asha
-The other Skywing however surprised them both, with Clay getting in between Hailstorm and saving him, however Clay would lose his left eye in the process, causing Hailstorm to awaken his sharingan and kill the disguised Skywing
-When Clay and Hailstorm found Sunny they released her from the Genjutsu she was under, and facing against the final Skywing, who attempted to cause a cave in, which though Sunny and Hailstorm easily avoided, Clay could not due to his blindspot. He’d have died if not for Hailstorm saving him at the last minute
-despite all his strength, Clay could do nothing as he tried to rescue his friend and get him out of the rubble, ignoring Hailstorms weak protests, with Hailstorm making him stop after giving him his remaining sharingan, his will, to Clay as a replacement for his lost eye
-Clay proceeded to easily slaughter The Skywing afterwards with Chidori, now able to properly use it thanks to the sharingan, and took Sunny with him as the cave began to collapse further, with Clay quietly mourning the fact he couldn’t save Hailstorm or recover his body
-Though Clay and Sunny succeeded in their mission afterwards, neither felt any pride in it, and returned to the village with nothing but regret and sadness in their hearts
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] because this blog cannot be complete without our women uwu
characters: sakura haruno; ino yamanaka; hinata hyuga; tsunade senju; kushina uzumaki; konan
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of blood, menstrual pads annnd colics...
part 1;; part 2;;
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sakura haruno
* This girl is going to take care of you
* She is Tsunade's assistant and student
* Knows what to do
* Even so, she will do her best to take care of you
* Did you say hugs? On my way
* Oh no, do you feel bad?, she will make you a special tea for that
* "Y/N, I peeled an apple for you to eat"
* Sakura is a good girlfriend, only she is not very patient to say
"Sakuraaa can we hug?"
"Sure, but this is the fifth time today"
"Sakura, just hug me"
Take care of her as she takes care of you ❤️
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ino yamanaka
* oh
* The flower girl
* She is so sweet
* Smug girl with a big heart, she reminds me of mean girls 😂
* In any case!
* She will take care of you, like if she sees you wince while you walk or if she sees you in a little ball in bed
*Ino is not very good at consoling you but she is trying
* "Y/N I brought you flowers to make you feel better!"
* She always brings you yellow flowers
* Because according to ino they are unique and beautiful like you 💛
* (Also because they remind her of her 😂)
* She also brings you scented candles with your favorite scents so you can enjoy them at home while she goes to work.
"Y/N look what she brought!"
“Mm? What is ino?"
"I brought you your scented candles with your favorite scent! Surprise!"
"Oh my-!, thank you love!"
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hinata hyuga
* shy girl
* ummm
* Yes, she won't know what to do
* She is too shy to ask what you need (menstruation in her clan was taboo to talk to someone)
* Even so!
* she will see what to do to help you
* Does she see that you are hungry? she will make you a feast
* Fortunately this shyness only happened the first time you had your period together
* "Y/N-N a-are you alright?"
* she always asks you if you're okay 🥺
* Hinata is a good girlfriend, she really is... she's just shy, even so she'll do everything to take care of you when you need it
“Y-Y/N I brought you c-cookies”
"Thanks love"
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tsunade senju
* ohh, it's a sweetheart (when she's not mad)
* In any case
* will take care of you
*She is the hokage so she is always very busy but she will send Shizune to come see you
* I just imagined her coming home and she sees you in a little ball and she's like; “aww my girl is not having a good time🥺”
* Only her giving you hugs to make you feel better 🥹
* Are you hungry? Well stay where you are she'll go get you something quick to eat
* You want a drink? Do you want tea or wine?
* She will stay watching bad shows if it makes you feel better
"But Tsunade, you must be tired-"
"Enough, I won't let you go through this on your own."
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kushina uzumaki
* so
* You're dating the warm-blooded habanero, huh?
* Out of all women, you chose a dangerous woman
* Anyway
* She is an impatient woman but at the same time she is soft with you
* Like: "I know you're having a hard time, so I'm going to be nice to you more than I usually am."
* Also because she already knows that you are having a bad time
* She will take care of you
* Do you want to make a pillow fort and then hug us? Sure just let her bring the blankets you bring the pillows
* Do you want to eat ramen? Sure, she's going to make it and then you two can sit together while you eat.
“Y/NNN!, the ramen is ready!!”
"Kushina! Thank you honey"
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- - -
* serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl
* she already knows what to do 😂
* She is a busy woman, since being the right hand of the akatsuki leader is not easy
* Still she will make room in her busy schedule just to be with you
* If she is too busy and she can't come to see you, she will send an origami bird to send you a letter asking how you are
* She has a soft voice with which she will sing to you sometimes to make you sleep better
* She will always hold you against her chest at night when the cramps won't leave you alone
* Konan is a sweetheart 🧡 she is a good girlfriend she really is and she will always do whatever it takes to take care of you
"Did you get my letter, honey?"
"Konan! Yes, I received it and I love you too, love"
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* Also, have you heard that when a group of women are together their periods can come at the same time? Yes? Now I imagine a sleepover like this with these girls, HAHAHA. And maybe I'll do a part two aaa🥞
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