#hypercompetent dumbasses
sky-scribbles · 4 months
You've heard of Lord Lord from Around, now get ready for Archivist Archivist from the Tavern Family! His job definitely always involves capturing an interrogating Cerberus Assembly defectors. Just an average day at the office, nothing to see here.
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batfam-fanfics · 4 months
National Idiots (or Robins Six) by KingJai
1 Chapter - 14153 words
This would make an amazing freeze frame, is the last thing that Jason thinks before the bomb goes off. ––––––– “I! You! It’s not legal!” Duke screeches. Jason looks up from the blueprints, his face portraying how distinctly unimpressed he is, “Duke, my guy, we’re vigilantes.” ––––––– Shit. Fuck. Shit and fuck. ––––––– “Four.” “Three, technically.” Steph stares at Tim like he’s insane (which isn’t that far off, they’re all trained enough to lie to the tests–). ––––––– “Shit.” “Oh fuck.” “Go. Go. Gogogogo run.” –––––––
Or, the Robins bonding while being the hypercompetent dumbasses they are and stealing the Declaration of Independence
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maryallenc · 2 years
theres just something i absolutely adore about the way bells hells can be generally perceived in general by other people.
like how vox machina are these living legendary god-chosen heroes put into the history books and continue to be influential figures to this day. even during their time, they were protectors of the realm, slayers of dragons and gods. theyve taken the role of saviors and defending the side of good, despite how much of dumbass shitheads and callous in their ways and words they can be.
or how the mighty nein were these lesser-heard mysterious group of hypercompetent operatives entwined with criminal organizations, politics, governments, esoteric encounters, and divine or arcane secrets. they were shady motherfuckers whose agendas not a lot of people are privy to, altho we all know its mostly attending to each other's well-being and actually trying to do the right thing, and thats if theyre actually thinking some things through.
and now, the bells hells. the interesting thing is, theyre a group mostly comprised of ticking time bombs, and i feel like people can maybe already get some hints of that impression from them after a while? like. you see this colorful group of idiots. theyre actually pretty nice people. theyre appreciative and indulgent of most weird and even stupid shit. theyre not necessarily great at stealth, but theyve got the audacity to walk in any kind of establishment as if they belong even when they clearly dont, and weirdly enough it works. when faced with opponents, their first move is to fuck with them with some ridiculous shit. ghost haunts, booby traps, fake orgies, explosives as a warning. maybe even talk things out. wont even kill you, hell, they prefer not to usually.
but then you push a little too far. or youre in the way and they cant really afford to waste time. theyve got a goal, and theyre gonna reach it no matter what. and now youve got the most unhinged and feral group of people who doesnt give a shit about collateral damage or hurting themselves as long as they can put you down.
theyre also just so non-stop, and even if they were given time and opportunity to rest, theyre just so full of energy and grit.
during their first episodes, even eshteross was a little taken aback by how fast and immediate they move on to the next thing that needs their focus.
so. looking from the outside. theres this group of weirdos, most of them almost monstrous? just plain out weird and really questionable? in origins. theyre very nice people. very friendly. maybe even kind, sometimes at least. they fuck with enemies' heads, sometimes theyre small pranks, sometimes they just set you on fire. but stop short of killing, maybe even heal you!
but theyve also left so many places exploding and/or on fire. they will fucking ruthlessly win ANY COMPETITION OR RACE as undeniable victors.
the frontliners are beaten up and still standing and grinning with blood on their teeth, the casters have the least compunctions in killing, and the healer is fucking with a lot of the damages dealt within a fight.
theyre as quick to announce a big good like the voice of the tempest as their ally as they were with an amoral fey called the nightmare king whom they fully admitted to have been abducting children and innocent creatures for science.
no doubt, theyre all there to save the world. right some wrongs. make a better change.
but theyre just so. wild? and destructive. even to themselves.
im just curious on what the final image of them as a group will be for them.
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Man. The whole "Mimi-Sentry" meme is just ... I don't even know how to describe how I feel about it. (proceeds to describe my feelings at length)
Like on paper, nearly every individual element is perfectly logical within the context of Team Fortress 2's gameplay and setting: 1. Engineer makes a robot daughter, because of course he does -- there's no way he would have kids the biological way if he could build them instead; 2. it also makes perfect sense that his robot-daughter would be a killer robot, because both Engie specifically and Team Fortress 2 as a setting are Like That; 3. given that TF2 is "a milieu where the major source of comedy is seeing the protagonists regularly have hideous violence inflicted upon them for no reason", the hypercompetent killer-robot-girl fits in by being a cause of said cartoonish violence, thus bypassing the concerns about accidentally pandering to gross dudes who like to see women get hurt (or, well, this is the case in most of the videos I've seen at least); 4. if you're really generous, you can even say it makes sense that she's an anthropomorphization of a sentry gun, since that's the kind of thing Engie's gonna be building regardless; and 5. I just like robot-girls and killer-robot-girls in general ...
... except, she's an ambiguously-teenage Smug Anime Girl. Her mouth is a decal which changes as needed, and the rest of her face moves in exactly the way that metal doesn't.
Like. It's just the most incongruous thing. No matter how many individual elements fit, the character is aesthetically not a Team Fortress 2 character. It multiplies all the points that do fit by zero. The origin was the usual dumbass knee-jerk "You know what would make this better? This one specific anime character archetype I have the hots for!" nonsense. I both love it and am annoyed by it. This is incredibly stupid, 10/10. I'm going to keep making and reblogging posts about it (positive).
You know what?
I was wrong about this, as far as that goes. User virtuatelier on Cohost posted a long rebuttal, and I found myself agreeing!
I'm still going to Make Posts as I said.
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o0anapher0o · 4 months
10 Characters from 10 Famdoms
Thank you @meraki-yao for the tag. This was so much fun, but sooo hard XP
Karen Wilson (911). Gorgeous black lesbian rocket scientist momma bear (I’ll admit she won out over my man Tommy by like a milimeter, but also black lesbian rocket scientist momma bear. How is she not the character of all times?)
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2. Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cartoon). He's my boy, he deserves everything. I will not hear a word against him.
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3. Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). Look at him. Superhuman space twink, second of his class with a spy kink.
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4. Armand (Interview with the vampire). My favourite insane little horror gremlin. I haven't seen season 2 yet but I know he's going to commit so many attrocities.
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5. Bucky Barnes (MCU). He's an adorable, grumpy murder weapon and I wish they had given him his cat in the movies
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6. Phryne Fisher (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries). The one, the only, the legend, the honourable. Lady Detective, Pilot, Racecardriver, Heiress, best dressed, dancer, model, adoptive mother of many strays, light of his life and perpetual nuissance of one Jack Robinson.
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7. Aramis (The Musketeers). Famous libertine by day, romanic with a heart of gold by night, loyal friend and general dumbass all day, every day.
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8. Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation). He is everything. (And he's alive I do not care)
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9. Firstprince (Red White and Royal Blue). I can't chose between Alex and Henry. I can't and you can't make me.
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10. John Tracy (Thunderbirds are Go!). As with all the others, it’s this particular iteration of this character. I love the Ace!John headcanon but even without that, he’s simultaneously hypercompetent and the most awkward duckling and he parents a toddler AI. I never stood a chance.
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Phhh. This took way longer than anticipated, but here they are. I learned far more about myself than I expected, too.
Tagging @alittlefrenchtree, @sigynpenniman, @taste-thewaste and everyone who wants to play.
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
Weekly Book Recs: 1/19/24-1/26/24
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The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan
I am not into college romances. I was never into college guys, even when I was in college, and I find that college romances are often melodramatic and overly serious. I read this because it was a Kristen Callihan book... and it was great. Because generally? Her books are great. Firstly, Drew and Anna being later in their college years helps--secondly, they've both lived a lot of life, but not in a "I was in foster care and sent into a sex ring for the elite" way (which is shockingly common in these books). Their lives are hard but relatively realistic. Their issues are hard but relatively realistic. The story is all character--they begin hooking up casually, she doesn't see a future because she's 21 and hasn't been to therapy whereas he's all ABOUT the future (which actually tracks because he's NFL-bound and very much wunderkind status). She wants to withhold; he wants to be as close to her as possible. I really did buy them falling in love, but at the same time it felt like a couple of dumbasses in their early twenties falling in love, in a relationship that will be that rare "we met in college and we toughed it out and grew together" success story. Alsothesexwasreallyhotsothattoo.
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Ne'er Duke Well by Alexandra Vasti
I'm a fan of Alexandra Vasti after her Halifax Hellions novellas--she writes with a style that's both funny and smart, with plenty of heat. I'm saving my full review until closer to its 7/23/24 release date, but this snappy tale of a hapless duke in need of a wife and the hypercompetent debutante (and secret purveyor of a scandalous library) helping him find one is so much fun... and taught me what "larking" means. Preorder here, here, or here.
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The Friend Zone by Kristen Callihan
Not me getting in my feelings over a friends to lovers book!!! The pacing of this one is perfect, and there is no major insecurity or pining from our sensible, "one of the boys" heroine Ivy. In fact, it's the playboy tight end Gray who's instantly smitten with her--he just needs to figure it out, and after that, convince her to cross the line and ruin the friendship. (And when they do... They ruin it HARD in the best possible way.) It's surprisingly emotional and actually has some really hard plot developments--as well as a seriously hot scene that will live in my brain for quite some time. THIS is how you do friends to lovers, people, and of course Kristen Callihan pulled it off. The chemistry and tension just rocked off the page.
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stevensavage · 1 year
Dungeons and Marios: Honor Among Brothers
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, Steve's Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my linktr.ee)
I consider the films Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves and the Super Mario Brothers movie to be successes as good films. I found them both enjoyable, but also find that both of them work because the people behind them made similar choices.  There’s a lot of lessons there, and you know me, I’m definitely going to write it down. 
Let me pause to note I do not consider them to be of equal quality.  The Dungeons and Dragons movie is fun, emotionally resonant, and both grand yet very human.  The Super Mario Brothers film is a fun romp with some clever choices, but not as deep.  But the lessons - even where they both don’t succeed - are illustrative.
So how did two different films do same things, let’s take a look.  There are of course spoilers here, so here there be dragons (or Koopas).
Be Fun and Entertaining
Both movies are actually fun.  There’s action, there’s jokes, there’s actors and actresses giving it their all.  I had a good time at both. Super Mario Brothers was so snappy and tight I didn’t even take a break.
Fun can be forgotten, especially when you already have other things on your mind like adaption.  But you have to give people a reason to pay attention beyond “hey I adapted this.”  Be it Chris Pine being a charisma bomb or a brain-twisting Mario scene where the infamous Rainbow Road is realized, give people a reason to enjoy it.
You can also tell people enjoyed making them, both have a joy to them.  Which probably says a lot about why they work as well.
Don’t Run Away From What You Are
The Dungeons and Dragons film is just like the games - not the books.  A group of confused dumbasses get into trouble and save the day.  It feels like a gaming session, right down to bad luck and unwise choices.
The Super Mario Brothers movie is colorful, bright, and strange. There are moments it has homages to the games and gameplay, but outside of those it runs on a kind of game logic.  It feels like a game and doesn’t apologize at all.
This is what people came for.  I do not come wanting an explanation of Mordenkainen’s magic or how to use a Fire Flower.  I want to see hypercompetent stupidity and someone yelling “wahoo” he stomps on evil turtles.  And I got it.
Use It But Don’t Overexplain
Dungeons and Dragons brings decades of history, rules, rules changes, rules arguments, novels, adaptions, and more.  What do you do with that?  Well, it’s raw material but you tell a story first - ten minutes of rules are boring but the sorcerer Simon struggling to “attune” to a magical item is interesting because it’s about a person.
Meanwhile the Mario film inherits a disjointed series of games and events without an exact timeline or even consistency.  The film takes a pile of stuff and forges it into a setting but also doesn’t explain it much.  Power ups just exist - what matters is how you use them.  An industro-solarpunk kingdom of apes just exist - what matters is if you can make them allies.  Tell a story - besides people already bought into the premise of plumbers teleported to this cartoony realm anyway.
The stuff you adapt is fuel for an actual story.
Get A Cast That Works
Want a good adaption?  Get a cast that will embrace the roles and bring things to life so people feel and enjoy the film.  Even the best script is nothing without the right cast.
Dungeons and Dragons cast is stellar.  It’s like a movie filled with leads that just happens to center on Chris Pine’s bard, Edgin.  From the humor to the pathos, the cast brings you into the film.  A few characters might have been used better or given more depth, but everyone used what they got and then some.
Super Mario mostly does the same thing.  Jack Black owns his role as Bowser and brings pathos to the character (more later).  Anya Taylor-Joys Princess Peach is fantastic, badass, and charming enough she’s sort of the main character at times.  Charlie Day is terribly underused as Luigi, but clearly brought is A game.  I could compliment others, but you get the idea.  The film is inherently ridiculous but the cast is game, as it were.
Now Chris Pratt is the elephant in the room.  Regarding his problematic statements, I looked into them for this article, and it appears he’s not bigoted, but is not always thoughtful or good at reading a situation.  Regarding his acting, he can “phone it in” but can really shine when he sinks his teeth into a role.
That being said, his Mairo performance was extremely generic.  It was enough to move things along and make Mario human, but he didn’t add anything to the role.  Whether it’s his fault or the scriptwriters, I’m not sure.  I also noticed the animators did some amazing expression work with Bowser and Peach and wondered if they were more restrained with Mario.
Either way, lesson learned - get a cast that’s good and let them go.
Give Us Real Emotional Arcs
The Dungeons and Dragons movie brought tears to my eyes, once during That Scene at the end (if you saw it, you know), and once afterwards when I realized how I related to a character’s speech.  The movie has multiple emotional arcs that bring it to life, give characters reasons to do things, and help you connect.
This is not consistent among the cast or characters, and I blame the script.  It’s a perfectly fine script, but a few more scenes could have done wonders.  But what is there is good.
Believe it or not Super Mario Brothers does this too, multiple times.  In fact, there’s a scene where Mario and his original nemesis Donkey Kong find out they’re a lot alike.  When a cartoon plumber and a big monkey share parallel emotions, you’ve done something right.
However Super Mario Brothers also doesn’t dive into the emotional arcs as well as Dungeons and Dragons and is poorer for it.  There’s some unused potential, from Mario feeling defensive about Luigi to Princess Peach’s isolation as a lone human in her world.  There’s unexplored character motivations, such as Toad’s heroic drive that differentiates him from his fellows.  I feel there’s 5-10 minutes of cut footage that made it a better movie.
But the lessons stay the same.  In fact  . . .
Give Us Relatable Villains
Hugh Grant, playing con-man Forge  charms his way through the Dungeons and Dragons movie in a way only he could.  Daisy Head’s creepy sorceress Sofina is something out of a horror film, and you believe she’d like nothing more to murder the idiots surrounding her.  Both get scenes that aren’t just villainy but humanity - Forge finds a joy in adoptive fatherhood, and Sofina snaps over how annoying Forge is in a relatable way.
This is great, they’re enjoyable.  They get human moments - but only the acting covers the fact they’re otherwise paper-thin characters.  Both could have shown more depth with just a few tweaks or an extra scene or two.  The actors clearly work with what they have, but there could have been more.
Meanwhile let me commit blasphemy - Jack Black’s Bowser in Super Mario not only gets to be relatable, his character is better handled than the villains in Dungeons and Dragons.
Yes I went there.
Black’s Bowser is a terrifying warlord and a hopeless romantic.  Madly in love with Princess Peach, he hopes to impress her and marry her instead of conquering her kingdom (sort of).  Throw in Black’s performance with excellent animation, and Bowser becomes sympathetic, a kind of ridiculously Shakespearean character of extremes.  If anything, I felt there was more to explore.
Both films add villains with some understandable traits.  Super Mario does it better.  Forge and Sofina aren’t interesting enough on their own, but Black’s Bowser feels like he could carry an entire film.
Do A Film Not A Preview
As I’ve said before, I will compliment the Marvel movies on sheer competency. However, I’m also extremely tired that the interlinked nature of stories seems to “wash out” the films.  There’s that need to keep the mega-franchise going, and there’s a certain “safety” in choices that wears thin.  Make something that stands on its own – like these films!
Dungeons and Dragons and Super Mario Brothers are delightfully standalone.  They do their job, they deliver.  Sure you may care due to the games - in fact it’s the only reason to care about Super Mario Brothers.  But both stand on their own quite well and in a satisfying manner.
There’s just that thrill of being able to “close the book” and move on with each.  Both deserve sequels of some kind, but its nice to see them deliver and be done.  It helps the people making them focus, and it means each film is reliably complete.
In Conclusion
So there you have it.  Both of these adaptions based on games, both wildly different, really succeed due to the same choices.  Embrace what you do, don’t overexplain, get the right cast and real emotional arcs we feel.  That’s it.
It feels unnecessary to explain this, but maybe the fact I feel this says volumes about the poor media I’ve seen - and how I enjoyed these two pieces.  Let’s learn from them, and maybe apply these lessons to things beyond giant big budget movies.
Steven Savage
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heaven-dope · 1 year
im not disabled so obv take me with a grain of salt, and/or tell me if im being a dumbass. but like.
i dont see why disabled characters have to be badasses. i dont think its a bad thing for a disabled character to not be a badass/hypercompetent. i feel like the obstacles that disabled people have to face and the things they cannot do shouldn’t be shunned/ignored? disabled characters dont have to be badasses, they just have to be treated with respect imo
not to say i dont think disabled characters SHOULDNT be badass. badass disabled characters are cool!! its just i dont know why we have to set an unrealistic standard every time
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leonardalphachurch · 2 years
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the fucking. tumblr wrapped thing under the cut
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#but i’ll take ‘diverse array of personalities and character flaws’ to ‘hypercompetent badasses who’s only flaws are ‘being a huge bitch’’
Our Top Posts in 2022:
a broken and traumatized ai desperately asks a man what it means to be human.
and the man can only reply “i wouldn’t know.”
and the so the ai says, “well. i’m going to find out for the both of us.”
206 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
i truly do not know whether or not alpha knew he was an ai or not when he died. i do not know what my interpretation is and i do not know what i would prefer. was his death a sacrifice? a tragedy? a folly? the consequence of a man too stubborn to see his truth? the last hurrah of a ghost so sure of who he was he would die to prove it? a tired, tortured ai finally taking a stand against the horror that he had created? just a guy, doing what he thought was right, no matter who he is, no matter what the consequence may be.
i don’t know the answer. maybe alpha didn’t, either.
271 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
the more i think about it the more i dislike kai’s characterization in 16-17. rvb, like so much other media, has a problem with making its woman hypercompetent hardasses while its men can be goofy, stupid, soft, incompetent, flawed. (the women in rvb ARE flawed but those flaws tend to be “she’s too much of a bitch”).kai was the exception to that. kai was goofy and stupid and immature and inappropriate. she didn’t feel removed from the reds and blues as some kind of guardian, uniquely capable figure but just. one of them. but in 16-17 she did. suddenly she was mature, she had a business, she no longer spewed wild non sequitors that made people pause and go “wait. what?” i’m glad they kept her sexuality but it really feels like she is no longer the dumbass annoying little sister to one of our main cast but instead a babysitter to show tucker how far he hasn’t come.
women do not exist in service of men. being grifs sister tied her to a man but that was not her character. if you removed that part of her she was still there. take her out of tuckers arc in 16-17 and what do you have? what is compelling about her?
enough girlbosses. give me more cringe fail women
277 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
caboose: church would you still like me if i was a worm 🥺
church: caboose i don’t even like you as a fucking human
caboose, later, to tucker: he didn’t say no 😊😊😊
289 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Our #1 post of 2022
i always get so thrown when halo fans talk about blood gulch. like no that was MY house. master chief was just borrowing it.
370 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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shieldmaiden19 · 3 years
"I'm going to do what I do best."
"And that's what?"
"Oh I never really know. That's why I'm so good at it."
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withinycu-arch · 5 years
I honestly don’t get why Jennyanydots is frequently paired with Skimbleshanks. Clearly her and Bustopher Jones are clearly IT
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blacknovelist · 6 years
character concept; a kenku actor that’s afraid of the dark who got reincarnated as a drow after an incident with one of the plays and who keeps forgetting they’re not a kenku anymore
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mixelation · 2 years
i binged the spy x family anime this sunday and then read the whole manga, and here are some things that popular tumblr reblogs did NOT prepare me for:
the setting. i knew it took place in a fictional europe, but for some reason despite one of the characters being a literal spy, i had no idea it was based on the cold war. this really threw me for a loop because the way the setting is handled is really interesting and very different from how a western writer would probably handle it
yor's incredibly dumbass weirdo energy. i had only seen people blog about her being a hyper competent assassin and absolutely NO ONE included she was also a dumbass with a heart of gold. she's the female himbo. we found her
the disguises???
i've seen a lot of damian art but WHERE is the becky blackbell love
the amount of "stomachacheyness" loid goes through. yes he's a super suave hypercompetent spy and master of disguise and acting but also look at him. he has anxiety. anya if you get in trouble at school again, you're going to kill him
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soleminisanction · 2 years
Hi, hope you’re having a good day! I was wondering, if you are in the right mood for it, if you might talk about your feelings about Damian. I have such mixed feelings about him (and Stephanie tbh) and you’ve done some really cool meta. Thank you either way. Oh and I loved your little Tim snippets you put out a while ago
Thank you! Kind of you to say.
Damian... oh, Damian. I'm very much in the same boat regarding mixed feelings towards him. There are some aspects of him I really enjoy. He takes the lead in some of my favorite fanfics, especially the ones that really dig into his relationship with Tim and explore how working through that conflict (rather than avoiding it, like most people do, including canon) could really help Damian grow as a person and mature into a true hero.
And I think he's got a lot of potential for fun stories. I enjoy him as a character whose whole concept could not exist anywhere but superhero comics. When played right, his unique balance of absurd hypercompetence, Troubling Unchildlike Behavior, archaic chivalry, snobbish brattiness and rare-but-achingly-sincere vulnerability can be a lot of fun.
It's just a shame that so much of his content is anything but that.
At this point, canon Damian is, more often than not, little more than a misplaced chuunibyou light novel protagonist, complete with no less than three Big Titty Goth Girlfriends and the overall narrative aesthetic of an angsty 13-year-old's DeviantArt gallery. I cannot take any of his stories seriously because he's trying so damn hard to be edgy and important and he just looks like a dumbass kid. Lighten up, small child. Goddamn.
The most interesting thing about him lately is that all his male friends keep coming out of the closet. I doubt this will actually lead to a future where Damian is acknowledged as asexual but hey, an enby can dream.
But my big Damian hot take?
I want to know when he's finally going to grow up and admit that he doesn't want to be Robin.
It makes no goddamn sense that his current book is called Robin. He doesn't look like a Robin, he doesn't act like a Robin, and he's not telling Robin stories. Literally the only things in that stupid book that have anything to do with Robin are Connor Hawke (who was Tim's friend first) and that one stupid issue that was clearly inserted in by editorial mandate where the other Robins showed up purely so Damian could beat three of them up and get his ego stroked by Dick, yet again.
It wouldn't have been a huge major change or anything, but I think the story would've made just a little more sense if, instead of insisting on the Robin branding after his big dramatic storm-off, Damian went off to wear the exact same costume and tell the exact same story, but did it under the title Son of Batman or In the Shadow of the Bat and registered for that tournament under the "fake name" of Ibn al'Xuffasch. That would be a clever continuity shout-out, deepen the themes of him reconnecting with the al'Ghul side of his lineage and struggling against Bruce's expectations, and as a bonus, make way more sense, given that Tim is clearly in Gotham being Robin while Damian is doing nothing of the sort.
But somebody coughStephaniecoughJasonStanscough turned Robin from "a job" into "a participation trophy" to coddle widdle baby egos and so it's now considered some horrible offense to not acknowledge Da Holy Blood Son as the One Twue Robin even when he clearly has no interest in actually being Robin, he just feels entitled to it and to the respect that comes with it. So we're stuck with it, for now, I guess.
So those are my rambling thoughts on Damian. I hope he gets better writers someday. I hear he's good in the animated movies.
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chaoticstabby · 4 years
Found family dynamics I didn't know I needed in my life: group of hypercompetent dumbasses where the Designated Braincell Holder TM is the literal child
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kaptainkit · 2 years
things i need in jjk season 2:
more first-year trio being hypercompetent dumbasses
gojo training kugisaki
sukuna being scared of kugisaki
more utahime-sensei
more gojohime
mahito dead in a ditch somewhere
more maki
kugisaki nobara shopping and traveling to her heart's content
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