tilbageidanmark · 6 months
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My old stomping grounds
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maaarine · 6 months
Winter 2024: favorite shows I watched
🇬🇧 Happy Valley
pitch: no-nonsense policewoman bumps into the piece of shit of a man who raped her daughter, events ensue
one of those cheap-looking British shows where people are a bit ugly and speak in a funny accent — this is a compliment
outstanding main character, I'd die for our Catherine
🇩🇰 Prisoner (Huset)
pitch: guards in a Danish prison try to do their job and fail spectacularly
I clicked play on episode 1 without looking up a trailer or synopsis just because I saw Sofie Gråbøl in the thumbnail
that's what guides my decision-making and frankly it's not a bad way to go about it
🇸🇪 Limbo
pitch: three Swedish teenage boys get into a car accident, and their respective parents try not to hate each other, hate themselves, hate their kids in the aftermath
literally the same as above except it's Sofia Helin that I saw in the thumbnail
I like my Scandi girlies ok
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mythoughtfulwindow · 5 months
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Design by @karahuset!
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soranatus · 2 years
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If Harper Row was Robin… By Kara Huset (x).
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Cassandra Cain by Kara Huset
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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The Baltic Exhibition in Malmö opened on May 15, 1914.  
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muppet-facts · 1 year
Muppet Fact #685
Only shows for children are dubbed in Norway, so the Jim Henson productions that have received dubs in the country are:
Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures (Bernt og Erling på nye eventyr)
Bear in the Big Blue House (Bjørnen i det Store Blå Huset)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (En Muppet Julefortelling)
Fraggle Rock (Fragglene)
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Norway. Muppet Wiki.
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liljakonvalj · 10 months
Jag när Lena-Pia Bernhardsson (OG Mara) dök upp i dagens avsnitt som Skogsrået:
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wonderwomanart · 2 years
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Wonder Woman by Kara Huset
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tilbageidanmark · 7 months
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arc-en-disco · 7 months
Let me translate some real-people fanfic about Joe Strummer and Mick Jones for you real quick...
Du har Ellen si hand i armkroken. Fly og helikopter og stjerner heng på himmelen, som om New York har pynta seg for dykk. De går opp trappa til Gramercy Park Hotel, tar heisen opp og går ut på takterrassen. Det var her Humphrey Bogart gifta seg med Lauren Bacall. Du elskar det. Bare tanken. No er det dykk. Du har med deg Ellen. Joe har med seg Gaby. Paul har med seg Pearl. Men du veit at det er Joe og du som er det viktige paret her. Strummer & Jones. Strummer & Jones skal overleve alle andre par. Strummer & Jones skal leve i fem hundre år. (p. 81) You have Ellen's hand in the crook of your arm. Planes and helicopters and stars are hanging in the sky, as if New York has made herself pretty for you. You go up the stairs to Gramercy Park Hotel, take the elevator and walk out on to the roof terrace. It was here where Humphrey Bogart got married to Lauren Bacall. You love it. The thought alone. Now it's you. You are with Ellen. Joe is with Gaby. Paul is with Pearl. But you know that the important couple here are Joe and you. Strummer & Jones. Strummer & Jones will survive all other couples. Strummer & Jones will live for five hundred years. *****
Du syng <Somebody got murdered>. Du er 26 år, og du står på scena i Bond's International Casino. Rommet fordampar, og verda er enkel. Døden finst ikkje, smerta finst ikkje, sorga finst ikkje. Du er framleis nervøs før konsertane, skjelvande og ein smule komisk, men du elskar å smelte saman med dei andre i gruppa, å kvervle inn i dei, alle desse konfigurasjonane av lys og kjøtt, forvirrande, uventa, likevel så enkelt, opplagt, aldri sjølvmedvitande, alltid galvanisert av musikken, du og Joe, som to fyrstikker klare til å flamme opp.(p. 91) You are singing "Somebody got murdered". You are 26 years old, and you are on stage at Bond's International Casino. The room evaporates, and the world is simple. There's no such thing as death, no such thing as pain, no such thing as sorrow. You still get nervous before concerts, shaky and a bit comical, but you love to melt together with the others in the group, to swirl into them, all of these configurations of light and flesh, confusing, unexpected, but nevertheless so simple, so obvious, never self-aware, always galvanized by the music, you and Joe, like two matchsticks ready to burst into flame.
***** BRENN HUSET NED (2013), Frode Grytten, Forlaget Oktober, Norge So I have been reading this book 'Burn down the house' in Norwegian (Nynorsk), thanks @slashonmydash, and it's essentially a fanfiction about the Clash. Like, real-people-fanfiction but totally printed on paper and sold in bookstores. Which gives me hope for my own career as an author, LOL, but I digress.
Reading this novel is astonishing. This man, Frode Grytten, in his fifties, is writing more sentimental wallowing about this punk band than I ever did, EVEN AS A SMITTEN SEVENTEEN-YEAR OLD FANGIRL. This is amazing. Frode, my man, cheers to you.
I cannot believe they let this go to print. It has their real names and all the real dates and locations. Two of these people are dead but the other two are still very much alive. How does copyright / portrait right work in Norway? Must be nice...
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reloaderror · 2 years
the fact that it’s called hall of the mountain king in english. in norwegian it’s just some old guy.
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soranatus · 1 year
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The Trinity by Kara Huset
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norsesuggestions · 1 year
Meanwhile in Ljusne, at the factories owned by the Hallwyl family
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A photo of Ljusne iron factory from circa 1920s. You see the people in the boat down at the river?
Those are employees of the factory working at sorting the timber via the very much not advanced technology "very long stick"
Very dangerous work, if one make a mistakes one can fall into the river, and be swept underneath the woodstocks. You can clearly see they got no safety harness or anything. Only stick and small boat.
While the river might look still on the picture it got quite a current, otherwise it could not have been used as such a timber transporting river
(The timber would have floated, moved foward by the rivers own power until the on porpuse built blockage in Ljusne, were the timber was sorted, picked up and processed)
Yes, this is the factory village were the family Hallwyl, the ones with the super expensive house built in 1890s, owned.
Image source: link
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Margaret (1353-1412), Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Unknown artist.
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