#husband george weasley
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Part of Your World - George Weasley
Chapter 17
pairing: George Weasley x fem!Muggle!reader
installment list / previous chapter / next chapter
word count: 5,915
content: protective 👏🏻 george 👏🏻 weasley 👏🏻, lots of pregnancy/baby stuff this chapter, arthur getting to experience more muggle medical stuff, medical stuff (needles, blood), emotions and insecurity, tears (happy mostly!), george being the sweetest husband ever
“George!” you shouted into the quiet that surrounded you as you lounged on the loveseat in your new sitting area. A couple weeks before, the two of you had finally taken a plunge you had been discussing since you found out you were pregnant: moving into a house on the outskirts of London. You needed room for your growing family that the flat above the shop simply couldn’t provide, not to mention that you always felt like a bother having to take George away from work to come get you from Charing Cross Road. The walls were still mostly barren because of only being able to move so much in at a time between both of your busy schedules, so the call for your husband echoed slightly through the space.
“Everything okay?” George asked as he ran into the area, wand at the ready in case you were in danger.
Your heart fluttered at the sight of George’s protective side, but you ignored the tears prickling the backs of your eyes as you giggled quietly and said, “Everything’s fine, come here!” You sat up with a quiet grunt of effort and allowed space beside you for George to sit. After he did, you grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of your belly, telling him, “Wait for it…”
You reached into the bowl of Bertie Bott's that George had sorted to try to ensure you only had the good flavours, and ate one that tasted like marshmallow. As the sweet flavour coated your tongue, you felt another gentle movement in your abdomen as Fred kicked against George’s hand. A wide smile made its way across his face and tears began to sting the backs of his eyes as he asked, “Did…did he just kick?”
You nodded enthusiastically, and a tear slipped out of your eye as George leaned down to kiss your bump before straightening up and kissing your lips gently. When you pulled away and rested your forehead on his, you said with a quiet laugh, “I finally figured out what makes him kick! He’s going to be very disappointed the first time he gets a bad flavoured one when he’s older.”
“If it keeps the both of you happy, I’ll make sure I take the bad ones for the rest of my life,” George told you before sneaking another kiss.
“Oh, don’t you go making me cry!” you chastised as more tears flooded from your eyes.
“Well, while we’re at it, I may as well show you the progress I made on the nursery,” he said with a laugh as he got up and held out a hand to help you off of the loveseat. When you got into the room, you saw that along with the crib that your dad had helped you build on his day off, George had put in a mobile that had little brooms racing around chasing after golden snitches. There were also small to medium sized portraits that held both Muggle and magical creatures alike that wandered through the frames to play together! As you covered your mouth at the sweet gesture, George asked, “You like them? I saw the mobile in a shop window on the way to work today, and I just couldn’t resist! I got Luna to paint the portraits, and she said she would be willing to paint the room itself if we want!”
“They’re all brilliant!” you said through your tight throat, emotions welling up in your chest at the sight. You threw yourself into George’s arms and you held him as close as your bump would allow as you whispered, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Of course,” he replied as he ran a hand up and down your back. “I was thinking that she could paint a mountainscape and have a couple of dragons on it that fly around the room!”
Once you gathered yourself, you laughed quietly before saying, “When Abbie and Jaz come over, you’re going to have to freeze all the paintings, but that sounds amazing, love! I think he’ll love it!” You were quiet for a moment before telling him, “Thank you for agreeing to move us into this place. It was getting hard to keep coming up with excuses as to why the girls couldn’t come over to help with the nursery…”
“We needed the change and the space,” George replied, giving you a kiss on your temple as you turned so your back was resting against his chest. His hands landed on your bump once more before he said, “I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the three of us.”
“Me too,” you said, a grateful sigh leaving your chest as the both of you swayed to the quiet music playing from the radio sitting in the corner of the nursery.
At your next appointment with your OB, Arthur joined you and George as you all waited in the small examination room. When the doctor walked in, she smiled warmly at Arthur after glancing between him and George and asked brightly, “Are you granddad?”
“That I am!” he replied
“Nailed it!” she said with a laugh. As the doctor pulled on her gloves and turned on the machine, she asked Arthur, “Is this your first?”
“Third, actually, but first grandson!” Arthur replied. “I didn’t go to anything like this with the others, so I’m excited to see how it all works!”
“Dad’s always been a curious mind, he’ll probably have a lot of questions,” George told her with a quiet chuckle.
“That’s fine by me,” she said before turning her attention toward you. “How’ve we been feeling, Mum?”
“A little sleep deprived if I’m honest,” you admitted. You placed a hand on your bump and said, “This little guy doesn’t seem to ever want to sleep at night!”
“That’s about normal at this stage, I call it practise for when he arrives,” she said. “Do you have a pregnancy pillow?”
“I don’t, would that be useful?” you asked curiously as you lifted your shirt and lowered the band of your maternity bottoms so she could conduct the ultrasound.
“God, yes! They are a miracle for supporting your belly while you sleep on your side,” she said. A laugh spilled out of her mouth as she added to George, “Now, you sir may not get to be the big spoon as often if she gets one, but, I say it’s worth it for a better night’s sleep!”
“Consider it done,” George said, taking your hand in his and squeezing it lightly.
The doctor then started squeezing the cool gel on your belly, asking, “Ready to see him?”
She placed the wand to your belly and moved it around to try and find the little baby inside, and when she did, you couldn’t help the smile on your face as Arthur breathed, “My goodness! Is that really-? How does it-? This is brilliant!”
“There’s Fred,” you said, your smile evident in your voice as the doctor began telling Arthur all about how the machine worked.
When you and George got back home after the appointment, you grabbed some loose bills from your purse and handed them to George, saying with a laugh, “I really thought he would cry when he saw the ultrasound! If not for seeing Fred, for the Muggle technological feat!”
“I told you it would be when he heard his heartbeat, but someone didn’t listen,” he said teasingly as he pulled you into a sweet kiss.
“Well I’m just glad he got to be there,” you said after the kiss ended. You laughed quietly before adding, “Gosh, your mum nearly threw a fit when she saw the stitches on my leg after my surgery, I’m kinda scared of what her reaction is going to be when I’m at the hospital having him. What, with all of the monitors and medications and everything… It’s a far leap from St. Mungo’s.”
“Which is why if you want her to wait to see us until after he’s born, we can make that happen,” George told you. He stood behind you and wrapped you in a hug before saying, “I know she’s been warming up to Muggle things, but she’s spent her whole life relying on magic, it’s hard to change her mind on some things.”
“I know, and I’m not trying to change that, I just want to make sure things go smoothly,” you said as you relaxed into his embrace.
“And if they don't, that's okay too. As long as Fred gets here safe and healthy,” he said, giving you a kiss on the temple as his thumb ran up and down on your bump.
“That’s what matters most,” you agreed. The two of you spent a few more moments in each other’s arms until you heard the knock on your front door indicating that your parents were there for dinner and to hear about how the appointment went.
March rolled around, and you were definitely feeling all thirty weeks of your pregnancy weighing on you. You sighed in frustration and felt hot tears begin to prick at the back of your eyes as you gave in and tossed a pair of socks across the room in defeat. The socks barely missed George as he crossed through the doorway to take off his dress robes and change into something more comfortable for the evening. “Woah, what did those socks do to you?” he asked with a chuckle as he hung his travelling cloak on a hanger and placed it in its proper spot.
“I’m so big I can’t even put my own socks on!” you replied, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence. You sighed and began rubbing the heels of your hands into your eyes to try and stop the tears from flowing. You couldn’t cry over this again, it would be the third time this week you got upset over how you looked, and you were beginning to feel like a burden to George for getting so worked up over it. It was just…there were always relentless thoughts running through your head about how you looked so different now… How maybe you wouldn't look the same after… How George probably thought you looked nowadays compared to before…
Your insecure thoughts were interrupted when you finally registered George kneeled in front of you, holding your hands in his as he whispered your name to get your attention. “There she is,” he said with a soft smile as your eyes zoned back into reality. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it before adding, “My beautiful, strong, brilliant, one-of-a-kind wife whom I love.”
“George…” you lightly chastised at the words, heat creeping up your neck in response.
“It’s the truth,” he said. “Not to mention sexy,” he added with a cheeky wink and smirk.
“I’m not-” you tried before your words were stopped by a kiss from George.
“You’re not finishing that sentence,” he said firmly as he stood up and grabbed your hand. “Now, would you like me to draw you a bath? You’ve had a stressful week with directing rehearsals, and I can tell you’re getting in your own head again.”
“George, you don’t have to-”
You were once again cut off by a kiss before he told you, “You need to relax. Now, what scent bubble bath were you thinking? I’ll brew you a cuppa while we wait.”
“Lavender would be nice,” you said quietly as you cast your gaze to the ground, a tear streaking down your cheek at your husband’s kindness.
“Then lavender it is,” he said. He guided you to the bathroom that connected to your bedroom and waved his wand a couple of times to start the water and summon the lavender bubble bath to pour into the tub. George gently grabbed your chin and directed your gaze to meet his and he kissed you once more before telling you, “I love you. I’ll be right back.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper and thick with emotion.
When George returned with your cuppa, he placed it on the counter nearby and began helping you out of your clothes and into the bath. He lightly ran his hands along your curves and whispered, “So beautiful,” as he held your hand and assisted you into the tub. As you submerged into the just warm enough water, you could feel the tension start to leave your muscles and you felt much lighter as the water began to surround you. “There you go, just relax,” George murmured. He kissed your shoulder gently before he began massaging them, causing an even more content sigh to leave your lips as your eyes closed.
As you enjoyed the massage and took in the soothing lavender smell, you attempted to push aside all thoughts of your play which was nearing time for the company to begin full rehearsals. You also tried to abandon all thoughts about voice lesson plans for the upcoming week, and even thoughts about the upcoming delivery of Fred. You simply tried to hone in on the timbre of George’s voice as he spoke sweet nothings while taking care of you.
During your soak, besides massaging the tension from your shoulders, George also took the time to shave your legs which you hadn’t been able to since your belly started getting bigger and bigger. After the water and suds all drained from the tub and George helped you dry off, he applied your favourite lotion all over your body and slipped a silk nightie on you. He helped you into bed as well before grabbing the socks you had tossed away in frustration earlier and slipped them on your feet. They were a fuzzy pair that Molly had knitted you, and on overwhelming days like today, they helped you ground yourself.
“Feel better?” George asked as he climbed into the bed beside you, pulling you into his embrace.
“Much, thank you…” you whispered, tears beginning to run down your cheeks. You sniffled and wiped them away, telling him, “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you, George…”
“You being exactly who you are is what you did,” he replied, running a hand up and down your upper arm gently. “Taking care of you is the least I can do. You’re carrying our child, for Merlin’s sake! You deserve for this to be a nightly occurrence.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” you said with a quiet laugh as you relaxed into George’s side.
The rest of the night was spent in each other’s arms, simply enjoying one another’s company. In your relaxed state, you fell asleep without even knowing it, and for the night George was your pillow. He didn’t mind one bit though, especially when he got to feel his baby moving around in your belly. As George closed his eyes, he had a content smile on his face, and he dreamt of how things would be once Fred came into the world in a few short weeks.
“Okay, everyone, once more from the top of the scene with those things in mind please!” you called out to the performers on the stage in front of you, who nodded and began resetting props on the stage.
You placed a hand on your bump and let out a slow breath as you watched the cast reset, and jumped when a voice broke into your thoughts suddenly. “How are things going? Have you gotten them into shape yet?” asked the voice of your co-director Madeline who had taken a few weeks off to take care of her sick father back in Ireland.
“They’re almost there, they just need to find their passion for the scene. I think we got it after the talk we just had,” you replied, flashing a bright smile in her direction.
As you turned toward her fully, her eyes gravitated toward your belly, and her eyebrows raised into her forehead. “You’re going to have that baby any day now!”
“Due date’s next week. I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t wait to get him out,” you admitted with a sheepish laugh as you rubbed your bump affectionately. “Not only will I get to see him, but then he can do his cartwheels outside of my body.”
Madeline laughed lightly before saying, “My money’s on him coming early.”
“Well, for rehearsal’s sake, let’s hope he comes right on time,” you replied, turning your attention toward the stage and queueing the actors to begin the scene again.
Later, when the cast and crew were taking the evening meal break, you were eating a tea sandwich when you felt a cramping in your stomach. You let out yet another deep breath as you waited for it to pass, and when it did you finished your sandwich slice and walked away from the table in search of some tea. Before you could locate any though, Madeline made her way over with a concerned look on her face. “Everything all right? You look worried,” you said. “I saw you talking with Rich, is he still feeling okay with his part?”
“Rich is fine, it’s you I’m worried about,” she said, her eyebrows scrunching as she surveyed your face and then your stomach. “Are you having contractions? Do you think you could be in labour?”
“These? These are nothing, just Braxton-Hicks contractions, I’m fine-” you tried to say but were cut off when another one started. When the cramping started to subside, you grit your teeth a bit and smiled, telling her, “Nothing I can’t handle!”
“Nuh uh, you’re going to the hospital,” she said, grabbing your hand and leading you toward the door, calling out to the cast to take the rest of the evening off.
“Maddie, I-” you tried to protest, but were cut off.
“Your contractions are getting closer and closer together, and clearly they aren’t getting any better with walking because that’s what you’ve been doing all evening! You’re in labour and you’re going to have this baby!” she rebutted, digging for her keys. When she found them and unlocked the car, she escorted you into the passenger seat.
As you thought back to everything your doctor had told you, you relented, sighing as you fished your cell out of your cardigan pocket. Madeline navigated the traffic to your planned hospital and you selected a contact from your list, putting the device to your ear as you waited for the line to pick up. You let out a quiet sigh of relief when it did, and you found your voice trembling as you said, “Hey ‘Mione, I… I was just wondering if you could get in contact with George for me?”
“Of course, is everything all right?” Hermione asked, concern evident in her voice.
You let out a quiet laugh before you responded. “Well, I was at rehearsal and Maddie thinks I might be in labour, so we’re off to the hospital. I know George is probably busy at work, so I just thought that maybe you could get into contact with him easier than I could right now.”
“O-of course! I’ll head there right away!” she said, and while she was clearly shocked, you could also hear the smile in her voice.
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver,” you told her, another deep breath being blown out as another contraction hit you. “Make sure he gets the bag from home before he heads my way, it’s got everything in it. Thank you again.”
By the time you walked into the labour and delivery triage area, your water broke, and before you knew it, you were in a room getting changed into a hospital gown and being told that you were already nearly ready to deliver. Madeline held your shaking hand as you sat on the edge of the bed to begin signing papers the nurse handed you. When the nurse left and informed you that she would be back within a few minutes, you finally let your tears fall. “What’s wrong?” Madeline asked softly as she let go of your hand and ran a hand up and down your back.
“I-I’m just scared, what if they can’t get here in time? I don’t want to do this without George or Mum, and-” you started to say, but were cut short when the door opened after a quiet knock. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw George enter followed shortly by your mother and Arthur. “You made it!” you said, your voice tight with emotion.
“Of course I did, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” George assured you as he sat your hospital bag down beside the bed and leaned down to kiss your lips gently. He kneeled down and took your left hand in his, wiping tears from your cheeks with the other as he asked, “Are you ready?”
“I am now that you’re here,” you whispered, nodding excitedly before kissing him once again.
“Well, I think that’s my queue,” Madeline said as she stood from the bed beside you and began walking toward the door. “Keep me updated. I can't wait to meet the little guy!”
“Will do!” you called to her as she opened the door and exited, leaving you with your family.
Your mum took Madeline’s place beside you and pulled you into a hug, telling you, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Wait til he’s here to say anything like that,” you joked as you hugged her back. You relaxed into her embrace and added, “I’m glad you’re here, though.”
“Of course, sweetheart,” she replied, pulling away from the embrace. “You dad’s finishing up at work and then he’ll be waiting until he’s cleared to come see you three.”
“And I told Molly that I would go get her when things have settled down a bit,” Arthur said. “Thank you for letting me be a part of this, I can’t wait to see things done the Muggle way!”
“Well you’re in for a treat then,” you said with a quiet laugh. When you finished that statement, there was another knock at the door and your nurse came in with a smile on her face.
“Hello everyone! And who may you all be?” she asked as she washed her hands and donned her gloves before approaching the bed with a couple of devices in her hands.
“This is my mum, husband, and father-in-law,” you replied, pointing to each person in turn. You looked at the devices in her hands and asked, “What are those?”
“Oh these are just devices to tell us how baby is doing in relation to your contractions,” she replied as she helped you sit up so she could fasten the belt around you. When she got the sensors placed where she needed, a monitor above your head turned on and the nurse pointed out, “Now, there is the baby’s heartbeat and the line below it will show your contractions!”
“Fascinating!” Arthur said as he glued his eyes to the monitor.
The nurse laughed light heartedly before telling you, “You progressed quite far into your labour before coming in, so I don’t exactly trust your pain tolerance. That’s why we’re putting you on the monitor, just to make sure things are running smoothly and to help determine how far along you are.” You nodded and let out a huff of amusement at the comment as she walked out, promising that the anesthesiologist would be with her next time for the epidural.
“Doesn’t trust your pain tolerance?” George asked when she was out of the room.
“I really didn’t think they were that bad,” you said as you relaxed into the bed once more, only cringing a little bit as another contraction hit you. Something dawned on you though, and you kept your voice low as you said, “Now that I think about it, my pain tolerance has been a lot higher since…”
“The Cruciatus curse…” Arthur finished for you as he dragged his eyes away from the monitor when your contraction ended.
“Exactly,” you said. You laughed a little louder this time though and said, “However, I don’t plan on enduring pain like that again, so I’ve opted to be numbed for this.”
“Mum would be losing her mind,” George joked as he pulled a chair up beside your bed and took your hand in his.
“But I, on the other hand, can't wait!” Arthur said, which made the tension in the air lift as everyone laughed at his excitement.
A few minutes later, the nurse returned with the anesthesiologist. As he set up his supplies, the nurse asked, “Okay, Dad, how are you with needles?”
“Oh, I, uh, I guess I’ve never thought about it,” George replied, being taken aback by the unexpected question.
“Well, if you don’t think you’ll pass out, I’ll have you support Mum while we get the epidural in, that sound okay?” she asked. “We find it that mums are more comforted by their partners than us nurses, but of course if you start to pass out, I will ask you to sit.”
“Got it,” George said hesitantly as he took his place in front of you, now with your legs dangling over the side of the bed.
“Okay, now Mum, just lean forward into Dad’s arms and you’ll feel a big poke when I put the needle in,” the anesthesiologist told you and you complied, leaning forward into George’s embrace.
“Deep breaths you two. Don’t lock your legs, Dad,” the nurse said from her place a few steps to the side of George.
As you and George breathed deeply together, he looked down at the needle the man was poking into your back and his eyes widened at the size of it. When he did, he suddenly felt his head get fuzzy, so he closed his eyes and snuggled into your hair, placing a kiss to the crown of your head as he did. George felt you flinch so he assumed the needle was in, and within seconds the man behind you said, “Okay you two, the catheter’s in! We’ll get you hooked up to the meds and you’ll be numbed up pretty quickly.”
“Thank you,” you replied in a strained voice, letting out a deep breath as another contraction hit you.
Once everything was done, you began to lean back onto the bed when George stopped you, saying, “Wait, the needle!”
“Closed your eyes huh?” the anesthesiologist asked with a good natured chuckle. “The needle is just to penetrate the skin and get into the epidural space, it’s out now, no worries.”
“Oh, got it,” George said with a relieved sigh leaving his chest before he began helping you get comfortable on the bed once more.
When he got you situated, the nurse smiled once more before telling you, “Okay Mum, now you’re progressing nicely, and with the epidural you won’t feel as much. But if you feel the need to push, you call me okay?”
“Sounds good,” you replied.
“And Dad, just keep doing what you’re doing to make her comfortable, and I think we’ll be done within the next few hours!”
“That I can do,” George replied, sitting back down in his chair beside you.
Around half an hour later, you sighed in contentment as the effects of the medication kicked in and the cramping and pain of labour began to subside. George smiled and squeezed your thigh, but when he didn’t get a response, he asked, “You okay?”
“Huh?” you asked, opening your eyes and looking in his direction. You looked down at his hand and laughed quietly before saying, “Oh, that. I can’t feel anything down there, love.”
“Nothing?” George asked, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion.
“Blimey, the wonders of Muggle medicine!” Arthur said as he wandered over and wiggled your feet to see if you could feel it. You laughed as he did, and your mum began telling everyone how it was to give birth to you without the medication you were on.
“So when Molly gave birth to the twins, they had to cast the Imputerable charm on the area of the ward because it was such a hard delivery!” Arthur said with a laugh as he finished telling yet another story of how birthing worked at St. Mungo’s.
You laughed lightly and squeezed the hand of a blushing George, and leaned over to kiss his reddened cheek. When you did though, you felt a strange sensation wash over you and you whispered to George, “The baby…”
“What about the baby?” George asked, eyes wide as he sat up straighter in his chair.
“Is he coming? Do you need to push?” your mum asked as she and Arthur stood up from their place on the room’s couch.
“I… I think so,” you replied in a breathless whisper.
A wide grin spread over her face as she swooped over to wrap you in a hug for a few moments before saying, “Okay, come on Arthur, let’s give the kids some space. I’ll send the nurse back in here, honey.”
“Thank you, Mum,” you whispered, wiping a tear from your cheek as you watched her leave the room.
“Are you ready for this?” George asked as he took your hand in his once more.
“I’m scared, but I’m ready,” you confirmed, a small smile on your wavering lips.
“You’ll do amazing, and I’ll be right here by your side the whole time,” George told you, planting a kiss on your forehead.
Within moments, the nurse came in and began pulling back your covers to see what was going on. Her mouth dropped into a small ‘o’ shape before she ran to the door and shouted for someone to call the doctor. “Okay, Doc is just down the hall and coming here, he is just about ready to come out!” the nurse told you as she began moving the pieces of the bed so your legs would be in the proper position for the delivery.
When the doctor came in, everything happened in a blur of pushing, some pressure, and lots of encouragement from George and the nurse. Soon enough, it all ended with the sound of your baby’s first cry as he finally arrived! Assessments were done on both you and the baby, and within a few short minutes you were relaxing back into the bed with the little bundle of joy that was Fred on your chest. “Welcome to the world, Freddie,” you whispered as you kissed his little forehead and he snuggled into the warmth of your chest. You looked at George who had tears in his eyes and whispered, “Your dad’s happy to finally meet you!”
“That I am, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure no one ever hurts you. I promise,” he mumbled, his voice wavering as he undoubtedly was thinking about his little boy’s namesake.
The two of you bonded with Fred over the next hour, both doing kangaroo care with him during that time. After you worked with the lactation nurses to get Fred to latch to begin eating for the first time and he ate successfully for a few minutes, your primary nurse came into your room to check on you. “How are we doing? Feeling okay Mum?” she asked as she put on her gloves.
You let out a quiet sigh as you held a now sleepy Fred close and admitted, “I feel a little light headed…”
“Oh, okay, let me just check something,” she said quietly before pulling your covers back to assess everything going on down there.
Within seconds, she was massaging your belly and hitting your call button to get some help in the room. “What’s going on?” you asked, eyes wide as another nurse came in and began helping your nurse set up an IV pump and another rolled in a cart of supplies.
“You’re bleeding a bit more than we would like you to be right now, so we’re just going to massage your uterus and give you some meds to make sure you’re contracted so the bleeding stops, okay?” she asked in a calm manner as she began working in tandem with her team in relative silence.
“B-bleeding?” you asked, feeling your heart speed up at the words. You had read about postpartum haemorrhage and it was one of the things you had been hoping wouldn’t happen to you after delivering Fred…
Seeming to sense your stress, Fred began fussing on your chest and your nurse smiled softly at both you and George, telling him, “Dad, if you could please take baby for a few minutes while we work. Feel free to step out in the hall if you want.”
“George, I’m scared…” you whispered as you handed Fred over with shaking hands.
“I’m not leaving,” he replied as he got Fred comfortable on one arm and held your hand with his free hand while he bounded the baby gently.
“Thank you,” you replied in a shaky voice. You turned your head away from the team working on your right side and focused on your little family on your left as you tried to keep your breathing as even as possible, all things considered. After a few seconds of looking into George’s comforting eyes, you began to close yours and relax into the pillow behind you.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t close your eyes. Keep looking at us,” George said urgently which prompted you to snap them back open. “There you are,” he said with a smile on his lips. “Just keep those eyes open and stay with us, okay?”
A few hours, a unit of blood, and a bag of oxytocin later, you were on your way to the postpartum unit of the hospital to be monitored until you and Fred were both ready to discharge. As you held your baby close and relaxed into George’s embrace, your head turned toward the door when you heard a knock and a few familiar voices entering the room.
The first to visit the three of you was of course both sets of parents, all of whom gushed over Fred and passed him around amongst themselves carefully as you all chatted, omitting the part about you almost bleeding out from Molly… After both sets of grandparents got their first fill of baby time, the next few hours were spent with scattered visits from family and friends alike. You drifted in and out of naps during this time, but were grateful to George for entertaining the company and ensuring that you got the rest you needed after everything you just went through.
The next few weeks were definitely a transition period for the both of you, and you and George learned to manage time for yourselves, the baby, and your jobs. Things were rough going at first, but with help and advice from friends and family, and of course a whole lot of magic on George’s part, the two of you got into the swing of things and were beginning to navigate the transition into parenthood with only a few mishaps here and there. The last year had been a hard one on your mental health, but seeing the little miracle you and George made as you put Fred down to sleep at night made it all feel like it was worth it.
brooke’s chapter commentary: my totally honest disclaimer for any inaccuracies - i wrote this when i was doing a class that had a lot to do with the pregnancy and birthing process, i have never had (nor do i plan on having) kids, so🤣 OKAY THE BERTIE BOTS SCENE I THOUGHT WAS SO CUTE, AND IT HAPPENED SO ORGANICALLY! I TEARED UP WHEN IT ENDED UP ON MY DOC BC ITS SO GOSH DARN CUTE 🥰😭 you guys, the scene with the bath was EVERYTHING to me! i just KNOW that george would be the absolute sweetest and most caring husband to his wife, especially on her bad days. when i was writing this chapter, it never occurred to me until then that wizards likely have never really dealt with needles? like…they have magical cures and fixes for everything, they don’t seem to need things that require needles, so that was a fun thought to run with. baby fred is here!! i’m so in love with their family dynamic, i CANT😭🥰 also, yes we stan Molly, but it’s absolutely canon in the books that she has a mistrust of muggle medicine, so it was included🤣
as always, likes and comments are appreciated! xo, brooke <3
taglist: @willowlovestheweasleys @v1ckycheesue @superduckmilkshake @5starl1ght @oneandonlybbygrl
#george weasley#george weasley x reader#george weasley fluff#harry potter fanfiction#boy dad george weasley#husband george weasley
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Drink With Me
George Weasley x Reader
AN: For poor @im-trying-my-best-yall who needs some needed fluff
Sum: George has been acting pretty weird around you recently. He keeps trying to say something to you, but whenever he does he seems to switch topics right before he says it. You figured he’s just stressed about planning for WWW after school ends, but it’s getting annoying now. So you confront him
Warning: Short and Sweet
“Georgie! Hey, I gotta ask you something!”
There you hurried after him, to cut him off from heading to his next class. The rare times he and Fred weren’t glued to the hip. George took up new class that just wasn’t Fred’s speed. Was something about Baking if you recall correctly. Fred prepared to cook. Had to take the chance, while he’s alone, so no one could intercept you both.
“Hey shortie, what’s up?” He would ruffle at your hair, as you quickly fixed it. Those Weasleys and their string bean genes. Made him tower over you. Always left with a hurt neck if you talked to him too long. Hopefully this will be short.
“You’ve been trying to ask me something for the past few days, and I figured now that I caught you that you can tell me. So what’s up?” You asked him. Asking seemed to be what he feared the most out of you.
His wand was soon rubbing his neck, his freckles cheeks flushing, and his doe eyes darting. He just seemed to instantly clammer up. Just not seeming to be the confident ladies man he normally is. He is just a wet hand mess. What was going on?
“Oh yeah….That. Yeah uh….Um.”
Oh how his eyes were darting around. He was trying so hard to find an excuse to not Ben in this situation right now. To find something to make him shut up. To escape this pin. But no one was around. No one anywhere, not even Peeves to give mercy to the bastard in the Gryffindor Robes. He needed to face this head on.
“Was um. Just wondering if you wanted to hit up the Three Broomsticks together. That’s all.” He tried his best to act casual, and shrug. Made you all the more confused.
Why is this making him so flustered?
“Ok…..Werido. That sounds nice. We could hit it up sometime after class. Fred and Angelina should be-“
“Without them…..”
Just the two of you. No brother, no other friends. Just the two of you. Like a date. Like a normal date that normal couples do. Normal normal normal little dating. Just a date between two people. A date date.
“……I uh. Yeah, I think I can do that.” You swallowed, as this was starting to really register now. He wanted to ask you out on a date. Still, why was he so flustered over it? He’s asked out plenty of guys and gals before. Never sweat this much. Even Fred straight up called Angelina across the table to the Yule Ball, and that was the end of that. What made you different?
“You weren’t dared to do this, were you?”
He stared down at you with the most offended expression possible. As if you called him a blood traitor. Some kind of slur that would make Molly faint. He looked ready to smack you, but of course he wouldn’t. He never would lay a hand on you. Unless you asked.
“What?! The hell you mean ‘was this a dare-‘ bullshit? No! This isn’t some dare. What gave you an idea like that? Fred and I have standards. Pranks like that are not only overly simplistic, but there is no joke at the end of it. Who’s laughing? No one. Give me some respect-!”
He gave you a hip bump, and it made you laugh. Helped you feel a little better over the whole situation. Maybe you were different for other reasons. Maybe he was bashful because you two had been friends for so long. It is pretty awkward to ask a friend out. If they say no, well….You can’t really take back what you said.
“Ok ok, I’m sorry Mr. Weasley. I shall never question your pranking methods again. Now hurry to class, before you get detention. If you get detention we can’t grab butter beers. Go on and get-!” You hip bumped him right back, and he gave that cute crooked smile. One that showed there was no worries to ever hold. That he’s all laughter.
“Alright I’m gone! All gone! Poof!” And down the hallway he went. Vanishing around the corner, as you now were dancing a squealing. Flapping away at your robes in total utter glee.
George Weasley asked you out.
Had you stimming like crazy, unaware that a certain red head had his own stimming session all the same. Flapping his hands to try and calm down. So damn happy you said yes.
#George Weasley#george weasley x reader#short and sweet#fluff#george weasley fluff#simple#a quick Drabble#Drabble#short ficlet#ficlet#Weasley is a cutie#he’s my husband#I love him#I love him so much#we need more fluff#but I’m only one person#sob#I have college man#i have bills to pay#I have hospital visits to attend to#pls#i’m just a girl#lmao#feed the fire#I can only make so many logs to burn#hp#Harry Potter#hp fluff#harry potter fluff#writer
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Hey, this is my first post and I'd like to introduce my account!
I want to start writing fanfics and stuff like that; these are some of the people/fandoms I'd write:
-chuckle sandwich
-CoD (mostly just ghost and könig)
-harry potter
-riverdale (probably not much tho)
I won't do any incest or dubcon.
Feel free to write requests or anything!
P.s. I'm on moble so idk if that maks any difference ❤️❤️❤️
#quackity headcanon#quackity imagines#c!quackity x reader#quackity x reader#karl jacobs x reader#wilbur soot x reader#jschlatt x reader#corpse husband x reader#sapnap x reader#Spreen x reader#george weasley x reader#georgenotfound x reader#Quackity#Dsmp#Qsmp#Mcyt#Harry potter x reader#twd x reader#fanfic#Tednivision x reader#Wilbur soot x reader#tom riddle x reader#chuckle sandwich#niki x reader#pen15#Pen15 x reader#neville x reader#dsmp x reader
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New CrackShip just dropped
You fools! You thought I moved on from Georgie. YOU BE MISTAKEN
#harry potter#harry potter magic awakened#hpma#magic awakened#marvel rivals#Namor#namor the sub mariner#namor mckenzie#crackship#George Weasley#art#digital art#digital artist#crack art#crack au#probs gonna write a fic on this#I’ll make it work#just trust me#disabled artist#merging hyperinflations#marvel#marvel comics#marvel games#hp#hp magic awakened#peak George Weasley#I love that man#so damn much#my husband#forever and always
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could I request one where reader tells Fred that she's pregnant and he gets a bit overprotective of her?

You’d been trying to find the right moment to tell Fred all day, but as usual, the Weasley twins had been busy causing mayhem in the shop. Every time you thought you had a second alone with him, someone would burst in needing something.
Finally, after the last customer left and George conveniently decided to “check inventory” in the back (which you highly suspected was his way of giving you privacy), you took a deep breath and turned to Fred.
“Fred,” you started, trying to steady your nerves.
He grinned, draping an arm around you. “Yes, love? What can I do for you? Want me to prank Percy again? Because I’d be delighted.”
You laughed but shook your head. “No, it’s… something else.”
Something about your tone made him sober up instantly. His playful smirk faded into concern, his eyes scanning your face. “You alright?”
You reached for his hand, squeezing it. “Yeah, I’m fine. Actually… I’m better than fine.” You took a deep breath and finally said the words. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment, Fred just stared at you. His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. It was like watching a broken puppet try to function.
“You’re… what?” he asked, voice higher than usual, your once confidant husband looked like he was hit with a Bludger. The man who survived the Battle of Hogwarts looked like he was two seconds away from keeling over.
You laughed softly, nodding. “Pregnant, Freddie.”
A slow, disbelieving grin spread across his face, but then—just as quickly—it shifted into something else. His hands suddenly hovered near you like he wasn’t sure if he should touch you.
“Merlin’s beard—okay, okay, sit down. You should be sitting.”
“No, no, no, I mean it,” he said, ushering you toward the nearest chair. “You should be resting. Are you tired? You must be tired. You’re making a baby, that’s got to be exhausting....I... oh god." Fred gripped his hair now realizing how tired he must have made you.
You rolled your eyes as he kneeled in front of you, looking you over like you might break at any second.
“Fred, I’m fine.”
“Well, you won’t be if you keep standing around like that!” he insisted. “We need to get you something to eat. You’re eating properly, right? Oh, I need to tell Mum. She’ll know what to do. And Healer appointments—do we need to make one? When do we make one? You need to sit! Why are you standing! You shouldn't be standing."
You burst out laughing. “Fred, breathe!”
He sucked in a deep breath, exhaling slowly, but his eyes were still filled with excitement and overwhelming concern. “Okay. Right. I’m breathing. I’m calm.” He took another breath and then suddenly turned toward the back of the shop.
You groaned, covering your face as George came running in, eyes wide. “Blimey, really?” He grinned at you before turning to Fred. “And you didn’t pass out? Proud of you, mate.”
Fred glared at his twin before turning back to you. “I swear, love, I’m going to take the best care of you. No heavy lifting, no stress, no....no nothing..but pure relaxation."
You sighed, already knowing that Fred was about to become the most overprotective man in existence. But as he kissed your forehead and pressed a hand gently against your stomach, his wide-eyed awe and love made your heart melt. A nervous smile on his lips as his he held you close, the man now guiding you to the back of the store to sit down.
Overprotective? Yes. But the love of your life was also about to be the best dad in the world.
#drabbles#drabble#fred#fred weasley x reader#fred weasley#fred weasley x you#fred weasley x y/n#weasley x reader#hp x reader#hp x you#hp x y/n#HP#JKR is a hoe#harry potter#harry potter x reader#harry potter x you
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Roseee’s Masterlist
Roseee‘s Masterlist pt.2 prompts
Mafia - 🖤
Angst - 💔
Fluff - 💗
Suggestive - ❤️🔥
Dark - 🩶
Humor - 💛

Squid game
The Salesman:
• How my dad does it 💔💗
-> Ji-Woo imitates her father’s Ddakji game at school, offering chocolate for wins and punches for losses, believing it’s what he would do, forcing her parents to reevaluate the lessons she’s learning from him.
• Just a Salesman 💔🩶
-> Your perfect world shatters when a furious stranger bursts into your home, accusing your loving, devoted husband of being a monster responsible for countless deaths.
-> pt.2
Player 333 / Myung-gi:
• The Triangle’s Mercy 💔🩶
-> You defy the rules of life and death, sparing Player 333 on the field and pulling your gun on another player in the dormitory, leaving him questioning why a guard would protect him.
Miles Morales!42:
• I got this 💗
-> Miles never lets anyone touch his hair except his mom, but when she’s not around, he just might make an exception.
• Web of feelings 💗💛{💔}
-> When Spider-Girl is dosed with a love potion and falls for her enemy, the Prowler, he must fight to undo the chaos while questioning if this fake love could ever become real.
• Ma Meilleure Ennemie 💔💗
-> Two enemies, bound by hatred and an undeniable connection, navigate a love-hate relationship where each becomes the other's greatest blessing—and worst curse.
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley:
• that’s rich 💔{💗}
-> After a painful breakup, Fred finds you in the depths of your heartache and confesses his regret, leading to an emotional confrontation that leaves you both questioning whether love and healing are still possible between you.
• new year, new chapter 💗
-> Fred’s New Year transforms into a celebration of love, family, and new beginnings as he learns he’s about to become a father.
• spinning into love 💗
-> During a game of Spin the Bottle, Fred’s jealousy over a harmless kiss pushes him to confess his long-hidden feelings for his best friend, leading to a heartfelt and love-filled moment.
• a second chance at forever 💔💗
-> After surviving the explosion that everyone believed had killed him during the Battle of Hogwarts, Fred reunites with you, who, overwhelmed with relief and love, proposes to him on the spot.
• Get a room💗
-> A disciplined Slytherin is tasked with tutoring the Weasley twins, but between Fred’s chaotic charm, George’s relentless teasing, and their combined knack for trouble, resisting their antics—and Fred’s growing affection—proves impossible.
• I‘m okay 💔💗
-> During the chaotic Battle of the Seven Potters, Fred is consumed with worry when his girlfriend is the last to arrive at the Burrow, battered but alive, prompting him to stay by her side all night, vowing never to let her face such danger alone again.
• Potions and Obsessions 🩶
-> in which Fred‘s crush gets caught in the middle of a love potion and instead of giving her the antidote, Fred is keeping her all to himself.
George Weasley:
• What they’re like 💔💗
-> George confronts his friends after overhearing hurtful comments about his Slytherin girlfriend, defending her fiercely and making it clear that their behavior won’t be tolerated.
• Lucky git💔
-> George hides his heartbreak as he gives Y/N advice on pursuing Fred, knowing he’ll never be the one she chooses.
• Forever and always 💔💗
-> On their wedding day, George comforts his bride after finding her placing flowers on her parents' grave, reminding her that their love and future together will always honor the ones she’s lost.
• Love beyond house colors💔💗
-> After a secret relationship strained by house rivalry, George proves his love for his Slytherin girlfriend by standing by her side after a Quidditch injury and publicly declaring their relationship.
• Home for Christmas 💗
-> George invites his nervous girlfriend to the Burrow for Christmas, reassuring her with his warmth and humor, and she quickly realizes she’s already part of the Weasley family’s chaotic love.
• Long day, warm night 💗
-> After a grueling day as an Auror, you come home to George, who lifts your spirits with a cozy dinner, heartfelt affection, and the perfect night of love and laughter.
• a dance too late 💗
-> George hesitates too long to ask his crush to the Yule Ball, only to discover she's going with Harry as friends, but amidst the festivities, he finds the courage to confess his feelings, leading to a magical evening spent together.
Formula 1
Lando Norris:
- The Norris Family - Mafia - 🖤
• When mom looses her cool 💔💗
-> You finally snap after you catch your kids lying about a party and afterwards teach them a lesson about responsibility.
• Party pact 💗{💔}
-> Amelia and Jacob, the spirited teenage children of a strict but loving Lando, attend a party where their bond is tested as Jacob protects his bold sister while ensuring they stay out of trouble and honor their father's trust.
• Unseen tears 💔{💗}
-> A mother struggles with emotional isolation and her distant family until her husband finally steps in to confront their children and begin mending their fractured bonds.
• Amelies Innocence 💔 {💗}
-> Lando’s kind and patient wife loses it when she finds her six-year-old daughter with a gun in her hand.
• Family Business 💗
-> An evening where Lando and his wife recognise themselves in their children.
• Shadows and Sunlight💗
-> In the dangerous world of Lando Norris, a ruthless mafia boss, his kind-hearted wife and their contrasting children create a family full of warmth, love, and the delicate balance between light and dark.
• The balance of Us💗{💔}
-> As Lando navigates his dangerous world, his fiercely curious daughter and gentle son test the delicate balance of their family, while his kindhearted wife remains his unwavering anchor in a life of chaos.
• A lesson in Strength and Kindness💗
-> When Jacob stands up for a bullied classmate and gets in trouble, Lando and Y/N work together to ensure their son learns the value of both strength and kindness, teaching him that standing up for others can be just as important as following the rules.
• Switching Sides 💗
-> In a day filled with business and adventure, Lando and Y/N teach their children the balance of strength and kindness, reminding them that family is their true source of power and purpose.
- Imagines -
• More than enough 💔💗
-> Lando, living a modest life, discovers that his girlfriend is a secret billionaire CEO and battles his feelings until she reassures him that he is her home and true happiness.
-> P2
• Right here 💗
-> Lando feels overlooked as you get carried away with friends at the club, but after expressing that he misses you, the two of you reconnect and focus on each other for the rest of the night.
• Tested 🖤💗💔
-> Lando, raised to see vulnerability as weakness, pushes through the flu to maintain his mafia image, but ultimately allows you to care for him when his facade cracks.
• Stress Shopping 🖤💔💗
-> After a heated argument, you storm off on a stress-shopping spree with Lando's card, prompting a call from his bank, but the fight ends in heartfelt apologies and a reminder of his love for you.
• No, you’re not 💔
-> You and Lando have been inseparable since childhood, both secretly in love with each other but too afraid to confess—he believes you deserve better than him, and you think his flings mean he could never see you that way, leaving your feelings tangled in unspoken fears of ruining your lifelong friendship.
• What she is to me🖤💔
-> In the ruthless world of power and betrayal, Lando’s desperate attempts to shield you from the darkness of his empire begin to unravel when a mysterious woman threatens to destroy the fragile trust between you both.
• why didn’t you tell me? 🖤💔💗
-> Lando discovers you’re hiding your illness to avoid worrying him, leading him to care for you tenderly through the night, reaffirming how deeply you mean to him.
• Prom dress 💔💗
-> You sit with Lando after a disappointing prom night, as he reassures you that you don't need perfection to be valued and offers comfort, reminding you that you're not alone.
• Mr. Overthinking 💗
-> Lando navigates the overwhelming mix of excitement and fear about becoming a dad, constantly panicking but finding reassurance in your steady support.
• Nothings new 💔💗
-> Lando, overwhelmed by relentless bullying and emotional strain, reaches a breaking point, leading to a heartbreaking breakdown where he finally allows himself to cry and lean on you for comfort.
• mistletoe and mayhem 💗💛
-> Lando comes home to find you tipsy on Christmas Eve, takes care of your chaotic but endearing antics, and tucks you in with a smile.
• Winter depression 💔💗
-> Lando helps his girlfriend navigate the numbness of her winter depression with patience, love, and small acts of care, reminding her she’s never alone even in her darkest moments.
• In sickness and in secrets 🖤💔💗
-> When you break up with Lando to protect him from your illness, he uncovers the truth, confronts you, and promises to stay by your side, ensuring you receive the best care and his unwavering love.
• though the scope 🖤💔💗
-> Lando, unaware that his wife is the mysterious sniper who has been secretly protecting him, becomes obsessed with uncovering their identity while she struggles to keep her double life hidden to ensure his safety.
• sounds fun 💗
-> Lando, the shy and self-doubting "nerd" at school, slowly gains confidence as he bonds with you over shared interests, despite his moments of insecurity.
• bribary🖤💗💛
-> Lando Norris, a notorious mafia figure, struggles to get along with his girlfriend's cat, Milo, who constantly hisses and scratches at him, until Lando decides to win him over with a little bribery, resulting in an unexpected truce.
• Christmas shopping 💗
-> Lando carefully shops for thoughtful Christmas gifts for his girlfriend in Monaco, gracefully handling paparazzi attention as he envisions her joy on Christmas morning.
• racing hearts 💔💗
-> Lando panics over the fear of losing his F1 career if he marries his princess girlfriend, says hurtful things, loses her, and later learns from her father that his fears were unfounded, prompting him to win her back and reconcile.
• the weigh of words 💔💗
-> After a heated argument fueled by his frustrations on and off the track, Lando's harsh words pushes you away, forcing him to confront his guilt and fight to mend your relationship through heartfelt apologies and unwavering effort.
• unspoken doubts 💔💗
-> After a misunderstanding fueled by media rumors about Lando’s connection with Magui, you start to doubt their relationship, pulling away from him. But Lando’s commitment to you is unwavering, and he fights to clear the air, proving that his love for you is real and strong.
• stream interrupted ❤️🔥💗
-> While Lando is streaming, his focus shifts completely when he sees you dressed in a revealing Halloween outfit, leading to a steamy distraction that leaves both of you cutting the stream for a more private celebration.
• the way to her heart 🖤💗
-> Lando tries to impress you with his lavish lifestyle, but when he puts in the real effort to show you his true self—cooking dinner and building a blanket fort for a cozy night in—he finally wins your heart in a way money never could.
• native language 💗
-> Lando’s playful attempts at learning his partner’s native language bring them closer together, with each small phrase exchanged deepening their connection without the need for grand gestures or complicated words.
• background cuddles 💗
-> While Max Fewtrell tries to focus on his stream, chat becomes obsessed with Lando and you cuddling in the background, turning his gaming session into a hilariously chaotic third-wheel adventure.
• make them pay🖤💔💗
-> When your favorite café is shattered by violence and your friend needs help, you turns to your mafia husband, Lando Norris, to bring justice and restore peace to those you hold dear.
• an unlikely pair 💗
-> Lando has always had a crush on you , but you never really noticed him. When a teacher forces you to study together, you begin to get closer, but doubts arise when your ex teases Lando, making him feel like he’s just a tool for you to pass exams.
• if he gets too close…🖤💔💗
-> Lando breaks up with you to keep you safe from his dangerous world, but when you unknowingly agree to a date with one of his enemies, his protective instincts override his restraint, forcing him to confront both his feelings and the secrets he’s kept from you.
• soft for you 🖤💔💗
-> Lando Norris, a dangerous mafia leader, shows nothing but love and gentleness to his darling, but when she hears whispers of his darker side, he reassures her before taking ruthless action against the man who planted doubt in her mind.
• second chances 💔💗
-> After overhearing his son reveal how hard his mother works to make ends meet, Lando confronts his ex about her struggles and offers them both the stability and love they deserve
• Nerd in love 💗
-> A kind-hearted cheerleader befriends the school’s shy, bullied nerd, standing up for him and forming a heartfelt bond that defies expectations and whispers.
• Off-camera temptations 💗❤️🔥💛
-> Lando gets caught off guard when you flash him off-camera during a TikTok prank, but his playful confusion quickly turns into suggestive teasing
• you matter more 🖤💔💗
-> After a misunderstanding involving an unwanted kiss, Lando proves his loyalty to the you by confronting you, clearing up the truth, and eliminating any threat to their relationship
• more than enough 🖤💔💗
-> After overhearing gossip that shakes your confidence in your relationship, you begin to pull away from Lando, only for him to confront your fears head-on and prove his unwavering love and commitment.
• Dinner with a little fame 💗💛
-> Lando meets your family at a chaotic dinner where your parents are clueless about his fame, but your teenage brother’s over-the-top reaction exposes his celebrity status, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and eventual acceptance.
• Tangled hearts 💔💗
-> After a one-night affair leads to an unexpected pregnancy, Lando falls for you, but when you overhear gossip about him dating someone else, you pull away, only for him to reveal he was planning to ask you on a date all along.
• By my side 🖤💔💗
-> Mafia boss Lando Norris fights to prove his love to his maid after cruel gossip causes her to doubt their relationship, ultimately winning her trust and heart.
• Until someone shinier comes along 🖤💔💗
-> Y/N wants to break up with Lando after a cruel guest claims he’ll leave her for someone better. Learning the truth, Lando confronts the guest and reassures Y/N of his unwavering love.
• Yours to protect 🖤💔💗
-> After your toxic ex shakes your confidence, Lando reassures you of his love—but secretly plans to ensure your ex never hurts you again.
• Fake or real? 💗💛
-> A fake proposal for free dessert turns real when Lando confesses his love, changing their prank into something genuine.
• Rivals or lovers? 💔💗
-> Lando and his teammate, initially fierce rivals, slowly begin to realize their unspoken attraction for each other, transforming from enemies to lovers as they confront their fears and vulnerabilities.
• Not now. Not ever 🖤💔💗
-> Lando, consumed by anger during a fight, unknowingly frightens you, causing you to flinch and pull away, leaving him devastated by the realization that he made you fear him and determined to earn back your trust.
• Little secret 🖤💔💗
-> Lando Norris, a mafia boss, falls for a woman hiding her past with an abusive ex and a child she’s trying to protect.
• Brothers bestfriend 💔💗
-> Lando and Carlos younger sister secretly fall in love, risking their relationship with Carlos when the truth comes out.
• Hidden in plain sight 💗💛
-> Lando secretly dates Zak Brown’s daughter, but everyone already knows.
• You belong to me 🖤🩶💗
-> Lando becomes possessive and jealous when he finds you dancing with one of his men at his club, and demands your attention for himself.
• He‘s mine 🖤💔💗
-> Lando tracks you down after two years and discovers your son, vowing to protect you both and rebuild your trust.
• That‘s my girl 🖤💗
-> The girlfriends of illegal street racers compete in a high-stakes race, with you driving Lando’s car to victory and surprising everyone, including Lando, with your skills.
• Prove it 🖤💔💗
-> In a tense and emotional confrontation, you try to leave Lando out of fear, but he proves his unwavering love and devotion, vowing to change and earn your trust.
• Tiny💗
-> Lando overcomes his fear of holding his tiny newborn daughter, discovering an overwhelming love and sense of responsibility that changes him forever.
• Fine line💔💗
-> After a painful breakup with Oscar, you find unexpected love and healing with his teammate Lando, navigating the complexities of loyalty, heartbreak, and new beginnings.
• Hidden past🖤💔💗
-> Lando discovers his girlfriend’s secret criminal past, born from her desperation to protect her family, and vows to stand by her side despite her insistence on handling it alone.
• Misunderstanding 🖤💔💗
-> A misunderstanding over cryptic texts from Lando’s sister leads to heartbreak and confrontation, but ultimately strengthens the trust and love between him and his girlfriend.
• Copacabana 💗💛
-> A stunning performance on Let’s Dance sees you and Lando sharing an undeniable chemistry as you dance to Copacabana, captivating the audience with your graceful moves, bold connection, and breathtaking energy, leaving everyone in awe of your magical partnership.
• bound by blood and fate🖤💔💗
-> After a devastating breakup, Lando is pulled back into your life when an accident reveals not only your fragile state but also the existence of the baby he never knew you carried, forcing him to confront his love for you and his vow to protect his growing family
• Right time🖤💔💗
-> When an intruder threatens your life, Lando's protective instincts take over as he saves you and vows to eliminate any danger, all while you help him find solace in the aftermath.
• Is there someone else?🖤💔💗
-> When Lando grows distant and secretive, leading you to suspect infidelity, you uncover his dangerous efforts to protect you from a rival threatening his place in the criminal underworld.
• shattered trust💔{💗}
-> Lando dumps you for another woman, but soon regrets it and tries to win you back.
• Fourth time‘s the Charm💗💛
-> In which Lando tries to confess to you but gets interrupted every single time.
• The Rookie’s Mistake🖤🩶💗
-> In which a Rookie makes a mistake by unknowingly flirting with someone that belongs to Lando.
• Shadows🖤💔💗
-> Lando’s ruthless mafia life is shaken when his vulnerability, Y/N, becomes a target, forcing him to protect her at all costs.
• The heirs weakness 🖤💗
-> there is only one person who can crack Lando's shell infront of his men.
• Simp sessions and sliding into DM‘s💗💛
-> Y/N openly simps for Lando Norris during a Beta Squad video, and he surprises her by sliding into her DMs.
-> P2
• Interrupted Stream 💗💛
-> Lando is streaming and the chat seems to like his girlfriend more than him.
• Safe Place 💗💛
-> feeling exhausted, Lando calls his girlfriend for a night to allow himself to relax.
• Worth it? 💔
-> after a regretful night, Lando realises how much he really messed up and if it was even worth it?

Taglist: @ipushhimback, @ladyoflynx, @lewishamiltonismybf, @cmleitora, @hxxi3, @same1995, @amatswimming
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@applecideer Alas, how could I forget:

God what is with the fruity hostility between blondes and redheads
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Back Pain | Fred Weasley
Part 1 / 2
Part: 1, 2
Summary: You are heavily pregnant with your and Fred's first child and are experiencing some back pain that grows as the day goes on. Fred worries that you may be in labour, and it isn't until your water breaks that you take those concerns seriously.
Warnings: pregnant reader, talk about pain
Word Count: ~2101
You had been uncomfortable all day, which isn’t anything new considering you’d been uncomfortable the last six or so months, but this felt different. It started around four in the morning; you were awoken by the feeling of your lower back cramping, so you began tossing and turning, hoping to find a comfortable position, but to no avail. Fred was awakened by your movements and the gentle groans that followed. He was quick to check on you and nodded understandingly once you told him about your back. He asked you to turn to your other side and massaged the painful spot for you without a moment of hesitation. It took only a few seconds before you felt relief, in fact, it was so comforting that it actually soothed you back to sleep.
Now, it was one in the afternoon, and the cramping was back with a vengeance. You didn’t think much of it after noticing your belly dropped while standing in front of the bathroom mirror. You accepted that it was just an annoying consequence of the new position the baby was in, but you’d been cramping since eleven, and it was beginning to drive you insane. You tried ice packs, hot water bottles, pain relief potions, a warm bath, stretching, and anything else you could think of. You even asked Fred for more massages, which failed to provide the same comfort they did last night. Fred was beginning to worry about you, and in the very back of his mind, a thought buzzed about you possibly being in labour. You brushed him off multiple times throughout the morning, saying they were only Braxton hicks contractions or false labour. Your lack of concern for it soothed him slightly since you knew your body better than him, so instead of rushing you to the hospital like he wanted, he let the day go on. However, he was still worried, so after your bath, Fred decided the best thing for both of you was for you to come with him to the shop. After greeting George upon your arrival Fred guided you into his office and laid you on the futon he had in there in case of late nights or the odd overnight stays. He brought you your pregnancy pillow, a hot water bottle, an ice pack, snacks, water, and more potions. All to keep you comfortable and close as he runs the store just downstairs. He made sure to check on you every 30 minutes and if he couldn’t or was busy with a customer he would send up George. You, on the other hand, were trying to sleep off the pain.
At around three, your back felt like it was on fire, and you couldn't ignore it like you had been. Fred and George had been engrossed by the unexpected rush of patrons flooding in downstairs, their frequent checkups slowly dwindling down to none as the shop grew more busy. You were so frustrated and overwhelmed by the pain that you actually began to cry, wishing for it to stop so you could just relax. You tried so hard to keep your suffering quiet, not wanting to interrupt your husband's busy day, but you couldn't help it, and when your back cramped up again you were ready to roll out of bed and get him. Luckily, just as you went to roll Fred walked in with a tray holding a cup of tea and some of your favourite sweet treats. He froze when he saw you trying to sit up, your expression twisted with pain and your face covered in tears. He wasted no time in placing the tray on his desk and pulling his chair beside the small bed, taking a seat and hushing you comfortingly.
Love, I’m really starting to get worried...
He admitted as he sat in front of you. One hand moving stay hairs from your face and the other rubbing your belly. You let yourself fall back into your pillow and snuggled into it, sniffling.
It hurts so much, Freddie… I just want it to stop…
You whined. You were never good with pain and it was starting to really mess with you emotionally. Fred looked at you sympathetically, worry hidden in his furrowed brows.
Maybe we should go to the hospital yn.
He suggested again, looking down to your belly. You just shook your head.
I already told you, they’ll just send us home. I’m not in labour. My water didn’t break, and I don’t think I’m having real contractions; I’m just really uncomfortable.
You explained and tried pushing yourself to sit up again. After seeing you struggle, Fred swooped in to help. He gently grabbed your upper arm with one hand and wrapped his other arm around you to help support your weight. Once you were sitting, he relaxed back into his chair.
Well then what can I do?
He asked helplessly, leaning forward, his arms on his legs. The concern in his voice and the love in his eyes made yours start to water again, damn hormones. Then, there was another flare-up that forced a sudden gasp out of you and caused more tears to flow down your cheeks, this time due to the pain. Fred jumped a bit at this and reached toward you. You just cried as you leaned forward into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, stretching out your back, and he wrapped his around your torso, massaging your back gently. After a moment the pain subsided back into a dull ache and you found yourself relishing in the small relief this position was providing.
Are you ok love?
Fred asked once your cries died down into gentle sniffles. You nodded, tightening your hold on him.
Ya. I’m ok. This feels really good.
You admitted. Fred smiled to himself and kissed your temple, happy to be providing some form of comfort to you. It only lasted a few seconds, though, before that once comfortable position became exactly the opposite. You pulled back, both of you releasing each other, and Fred watched as you stretched, cracking your back.
I think I just need to move. I’ve been lying down all day.
You said defeated. Fred paused for a moment to think, then nodded. He stood from his chair and reached down towards you. You grabbed each other’s forearms and worked together to get you on your feet. He didn’t let go immediately and looked into your eyes.
I’ll take you out to the shop but only for a few minutes. I don’t want you getting overwhelmed or shoved around by the crowd that’s out there. We’ll say hi to George and come right back, okay?
He demanded lovingly. You just nodded and leaned up to peck his lips. You released each other, and you waddled out of the room, holding your back as you did. Fred followed close behind, the panic stored in the back of his mind beginning to overtake him. He sighed, running his hand through his hair, as you opened the door and made your way out into the wonderful chaos of the shop. George was quick to notice your appearance, watching as you took a moment to look around and interact with a few patrons, Fred keeping a closed distance.
I see she’s up now..
George said as he came up behind his brother both twins watching you closely as you talked with an older woman, most likely buying a gift for her child. Fred sighed defeated.
Yeah… she is���
George didn’t hesitate to ask about you, and Fred answered to the best of his ability, filling him in on his rising anxiety and what you had been going through. George could practically feel the mental spiral Fred was going through and decide to take on the grunt of the days work so that his twin could be there for his family. Fred obviously refused at first but after getting shut down by George he agreed, thanking him for being so understanding.
It was six now. The pain had gotten much worse and more prominent. It came quicker and lasted longer, and you began to get worried that you might be in labour like Fred had suggested but decided to keep those concerns to yourself. Fred was going over some inventory paperwork for the week, and you once again found your spot beside him on the futon. You suddenly had the urge to pee and groaned, knowing you would have to stand once more. Fred turned at your groan, and you waved him off. Over the last few hours you’ve developed this new method of conversation, you’d groan or cry, he’d get worried and check on you, and you’d tell him you’re fine either verbally or with a gesture. You finally managed to pull yourself off the bed and began walking to the bathroom in the office when a sharp pain ripped through your lower abdomen, causing you to violently gasp and double over. You had nothing to support yourself and crumpled to the floor on your hands and knees, one of your arms cradling your belly. Fred jumped in his chair at the sound of you hitting the floor and whipped around to you. At the sight of you on the ground clutching your belly, he threw his paperwork aside and jumped out of his chair, running over to you.
Merlin yn! What happened? Did you fall?!
He yelled, crouching down and placing one of his hands on your back, the other on top of yours, which was holding your belly. You couldn’t answer, you were in to much pain. Fred was fully panicking now, analyzing your whole body, checking if you were ok, and looking for a way to help you. That’s when he noticed the wetness soaking through your pants and froze.
Freddie- I think you were right- I think it's actually happening.
You whine through the pain that is beginning to subside. As you caught your breath, you looked over at your husband. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open.
Freddie, sweetie, we should go.
You said, sitting back on your feet and breathing heavily. He still didn’t respond.
You yelled, growing frustrated with his shocked state. He suddenly snapped back into reality and nodded frantically. In a moment, he was up and sprinting out of the office. He screamed to George that the baby was coming and to start closing up before apparating to your apartment to grab the hospital bag. You crawled over to the futon and propped yourself into a position where you could use it to support your weight as you stood up. Just as you stood straight, another contraction ripped through your body, sending you back into a position of leaning over onto the bed. You couldn’t stop the guttural moan that came from you as you rocked slightly, going through this new kind of pain. You missed it when you just had a sore back.
Where are you, Fred!?
You called out, desperate for your husband. You wanted to get to the hospital now. Fred apparated into the office with the large duffel bag in hand and approached your shaking form. George ran in a moment later, the shop successfully closed and all patrons kicked out. Fred shoved the bag into George’s chest and then bent down, guiding you to wrap one of your arms around his shoulders while he wrapped his arm around your waist. You grabbed onto his shirt with white knuckles, and he quickly made his way out of the office and down the steps of shops yelling at George to get the flying car. Fred, being the overly protective and prepared father-to-be he was, had asked Arthur if he could borrow it a week ago, knowing your due date was approaching and you would need a quick escape to the hospital.
It’s alright love you're doing wonderfully. George will be here soon with the car and then we’re going straight to St. Mungo's.
Fred reassured you although it sounded more self-directed. Just as you made it to the bottom of the stairs you heard a honk from outside the shop. George was sitting in the driver's seat waiting anxiously. Fred practically had to drag you outside, due to the contraction that was beginning to tear through you and gently guided you into the back seat before taking the spot next to you. As soon as he was sure you were secure, George sped off into the sky and took you to the hospital to deliver your baby.
For more fics: biggrimace
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From Molly, With Love // George Weasley x F!Reader
Summary: Molly picks her family, no matter who they are, through the sweaters she makes. She's already picked George's SO, you! Warnings: Incredible amounts of fluff, like tooth-rotting. And Percy. A/N: Not sure why it's Christmas all the time in my fics. Just go with it. > DO NOT, under any circumstance, repost my works on any other platform or even on this one. I don’t condone it, haven’t condoned it, and never will. < __________________________________________
Christmas morning was always a conundrum. Especially with the twins involved. I’d planned to sleep without setting an alarm, but I hadn’t expressed that to my two best friends and that had been my big mistake.
“Wake up, sleepy head!” they chorused, jumping on the bed.
I groaned, cracking open an eye to see both boys nearly on top of me, effectively pinning me beneath my blankets.
“Happy Christmas!” they shouted.
“Shhhh. ‘S too early. How’d you get in here this time?”
“That’s for us to know,” Fred started, “and you to find out.” George finished with a grin.
“Alright then, Happy Christmas to you lot, as well.”
I finally opened your eyes completely and sat up, trying to tame my hair and wipe my eyes from sleep. The twins had settled down at the end of my bed and were currently weighing the pile of presents they’d discovered there, attempting to figure out what was in each one. A lumpy one near the bottom was definitely one from Mrs. Weasley, but I knew I had a few from my parents as well as something from the twins.
They didn’t even allow me to get dressed or do anything else before they shoved the small pile of parcels in my lap and stared excitedly. I narrowed my eyes at them, daring them to have done anything remotely prank-related to my things. They looked the picture of innocence, though, in their blue sweaters knitted by their mum.
I opened my parents’ gifts first, the first being three muggle books I’d asked for and the second being a custom-made holster for my wand since my pockets never seemed big enough to hold it. I had a new set of quills from my aunt and uncle in France, too. Then I opened the one Molly had sent me, discovering a lovely emerald sweater with my first initial on it. I ran my hands lovingly over the yarn. Last year I’d gotten a pretty blue one, but I was happier with this green one. Beneath the sweater was a package of homemade fudge that I knew was going to be hidden for a later date. And finally, the twins had gotten me a whole package of my favorite candies and some sachets of tea.
I thanked them both and hugged them, then tugged on my sweater over my pajamas. I’d barely had a chance to run to the bathroom before the boys were dragging me over to the boys dorms to harass their brothers, both Percy and Ron.
“Merry Christmas!” George shouted.
“Hey look—Harry’s got a Weasley sweater, too!” Fred called attention to the sweater Harry had in his possession, one that was the exact same color as my own sweater. I smiled at the boy who looked up at me a bit shyly as Fred snatched the sweater out of his hands.
“Harry’s is better than ours, though.” Fred observed. “She obviously makes more of an effort if you’re not family.” He looked pointedly over at me, but I just shrugged.
I’d met Molly at the end of our first year when the twins and I got off the train. My parents hadn’t been there to meet me at the station, so Molly offered to wait until they got there. I’d felt horrible since they hadn’t shown up for another hour, but Molly and her husband and the boys had all made me feel like I hadn’t been a burden at all and I’d so appreciated it.
To this day, Molly sent me letters every once and awhile to check in, even more than my own parents and I loved the fact that she’d taken the time to knit me a sweater for the last three years. It made me feel special.
“Why aren’t you wearing yours, Ron?” George demanded. “Come on, get it on, they’re lovely and warm.”
I knew George was just trying to get a rise out of Ron, but I did feel bad that Ron didn’t like the sweaters his mum made. I knew he would be more upset if we kept pushing, but George didn’t let up and chucked the sweater at Ron’s head.
“I hate maroon,” the boy moaned, but he did put the sweater on and I beamed at him.
“You haven’t got a letter on yours,” George observed once the sweater was safely donned by Ron. “I suppose she thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid—we know we’re called Gred and Forge.” George grinned, his eyes twinkling as he winked at me. I snorted.
“What’s all this noise?” A voice broke through the din we were making and I sighed, knowing exactly who was coming to spoil all the fun. Percy. It’s not that I didn’t like the third eldest Weasley, but he was usually a stick in the mud and he found great joy in ruining our fun.
He’d stuck his head through Ron and Harry’s dorm room door, looking disapproving. It took all that was in me not to laugh at his disheveled curly hair and his smudged glasses. He looked like he’d just gotten up, something I usually didn’t see from “Mr. Perfect Prefect Percy.” Percy was carrying a knitted sweater too and I brightened immediately once I noticed it. I was curious what color he’d get and I was surprised to see that it was a gold color with a maroon ‘P’ sewn in, but it did match his prefect’s badge.
“P is for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on. We’re all wearing ours. Even Harry got one.” Fred said impatiently as he snatched Percy’s sweater from his arms and allowed George to take the other side, forcing it over Percy’s head while he protested.
After they’d shoved it over his head and trapped his arms in the body part since they hadn’t allowed him to get his arms in, I did laugh because he just looked so funny. His glasses were knocked sideways and his hair was even more of a mess.
“And you’re not sitting with the prefects today, either,” said George. “Christmas is a time for family.”
And then we marched Percy into the Great Hall where we all sat at the table and consumed as much food as we were able, the Christmas feast making me feel like I wouldn’t be able to eat anything else for a week with how much I’d eaten. Fred and George kept swapping sweets on their plates and dumping extra peas in my mashed potatoes, but I couldn’t even be angry at them.
Three years later, Molly was still making all of us sweaters and other knitted things and I happily donned a maroon sweater the same shade as Ron’s usual one, my first initial on it in gold again. It was perfectly comfortable and I mooned over it to George as we sat on one of the couches in the common room.
With the Triwizard cup happening this year, mine and the twins’ sixth year, we’d all decided to stay at the castle for Christmas yet again. As much as I loved celebrating Christmas with my family, there was something special about celebrating it at Hogwarts with my friends.
George was sitting back on the couch while I laid my head on his legs, a book over my stomach that I’d honestly forgotten.
“Are you nervous about tonight?” George asked as he brushed a piece of my hair off my forehead. I looked up into his deep eyes and smiled.
“No, I’m not nervous. Are you?” I asked.
George had asked me to the Yule Ball that was happening tonight and I was thrilled. Though I wasn’t sure how George was feeling about it.
“I’m more nervous that I’ll break your foot by stepping on it.” George laughed, poking me in the side. I squirmed away from his touch, slapping his hands away as he continued his ticklish assault.
“I’ll wear bigger shoes to account for the swelling then, shall I?” I teased, causing him to turn a pink color. “Anyway, I did promise Angelina that I’d get ready with her and Katie, so I probably should be off.”
“You, worrying about appearances?” George gasped, “What has the world come to?”
“Hush, you. I’ve got to make sure you don’t outshine me all the time.”
I flashed him another grin and rolled off the couch to head up to the sixth year girls’ room where Angie and Katie were already arguing over makeup colors and whether or not their dates would really care. Considering that Angie was going with Fred, I remarked that he would care. Despite the boys not appearing like they care about things like that, I happened to know that Fred wanted to put on a show at the ball. And Katie was going as “friends” with Cormac McLaggen, a wizard I happened to hate for his bad attitude and pompous behavior.
“Hey!” Angelina protested as I disappeared into our shared bathroom.
“Yes?” I asked, popping my head back into our room. I was sure the others would be there soon and I wanted to get a shower before going through the hassle of hair and makeup, even though Katie had already offered to fix up my hair for me.
“Are you going to have enough time to get ready? You haven’t even started and the ball starts at eight.”
“I’ve got three hours. That should be more than enough time.” I said, and I was right. It didn’t take me more than two to take a shower, change into my dress robes which happened to be maroon just like my sweater, and have Katie do my hair in some elaborate braided crown around my head. Once I’d finished my makeup and donned some gold jewelry, I snagged my cape and headed downstairs before the other girls even thought of it.
And there George was at the bottom of the stairs, lounging on one of the couches beside Fred and Lee Jordan. He looked fantastic in his dress robes and I smiled once he looked up and saw me.
“Blimey, you look gorgeous.” George said as he stood up and met me at the bottom of the steps.
“What, this old thing?” I teased him, “Just something I had lying around waiting for a special occasion. You look spiffy!”
George flushed again and brought me over to the couch. I collapsed between him and Fred, bringing my arms around the two of them.
“Look at my boys! Aren’t they beautiful?” I gushed to Lee, and he laughed at the twins’ expressions, knowing I was giving them grief for no reason besides the fact that it was fun. I smacked kisses to both of their cheeks, Fred wiping it off immediately with a halfway-disgusted look.
“Get off, you big lump.” Fred snorted good-naturedly. “Angie coming down soon?”
“Hold your horses, mister. She’ll come down when she’s good and ready. You reckon Ron figured out who Hermione’s date is yet?” I asked once I noticed the younger girl coming downstairs in her blue dress robes. She’d shown them to me a few weeks ago when she’d gotten them and I had to admit that they looked better on her than I thought, and I’d known she would be gorgeous in them.
“I bet you a galleon he throws a massive fit once he sees.” Fred remarked as Hermione escaped through the portrait hole with a wave back towards us.
“You’re on.” Lee grinned, twiddling his wand between his fingers. The more he did it, the more sparks flew from the end of it and I instinctively turned farther into George to make sure they didn’t fall on my dress. He wrapped an arm around me and tucked me into his chest, causing my heart to start beating a little more erratically. His laugh felt like a rumble underneath me and I hoped he couldn’t feel the change in my heartbeat.
I didn’t know when it had started, really. One day I was with the twins and I realized that, as much as I love them together, I had a major soft spot for George. I’d pretty quickly figured out how to tell them apart when we were younger and the more time I’d spent with them that first year had ensured I never got them confused, so I knew my feelings for George were genuine. He was just so sweet and passionate about his interests, and I realized very soon that my crush was maybe more than a crush. Well, definitely more than a crush. I was pretty sure I’d fallen in love with him. But I didn’t know how George felt.
Sometimes I fancied that I caught him looking at me with a different expression, one that screamed “I like you,” but then I second-guessed myself and told myself it was only a look that a friend would give. But I wanted to know how he felt more than anything, even just so I could move on if he would never feel the same. But, oh, how I wish he did feel the same way.
And then he’d asked me to the Yule Ball, confusing me even more. Fred had asked Angie because he liked her, a fact he’d admitted one night after a few too many spiked butterbeers. I knew Ron had tried asking Hermione, but he hadn’t listened to my advice and he’d asked too late when she’d already gotten another date. I knew Ron hadn’t noticed, but it was pretty clear to quite a few of us that Ron and Hermione had it bad for each other and were completely oblivious to the other’s feelings on the matter. I was sure it was going to blow up in their faces tonight and had put a galleon on it.
Most of the other people I knew who were going were either going strictly as friends or in the relationship mindset, but George had never specified what exactly we were doing. Fred had called out to Angie one night while studying in the common room, asking her to go. I hadn’t been asked yet and I’d voiced how nice it was that Fred was getting a move-on by asking her to go. But then the next day, George had handed me a library book I’d been searching for and promptly pulled me aside and asked me to go to the ball with him. It was quiet and simple and I’d loved him even more for it.
Deep down, I’d been hoping he’d ask me and I’d been thrilled that he had. But his face was saying something totally different and it scared me. I didn’t want to be his pity date, but I’d rather be his date than worry about going to the ball alone.
George broke me from my thoughts by rubbing his thumb over my shoulder and causing goosebumps to form where he’d touched my bare skin. I shivered and looked into his face.
“You ready to head down to the hall?” he asked.
“I don’t mind waiting if you want to go down together.” I murmured, bringing my hand up to still his on my shoulder. He froze at my touch. “But we can go down now if you want to.”
“Let’s go down and scope out the place.” George smiled, getting up and helping me to my feet. “Lads, we’re going to scope out the place. I’m starving, so we’re gonna scheme our ways into getting snacks.”
“Why don’t you just sneak into the kitchens?” Lee asked, looking up at us. I snorted, because way to go Lee for using his brain.
“That’s brilliant. Let’s do that.” I dragged George along for the ride as we made our way to the portrait that would let us into the kitchens. George did the honors of tickling the pear and then we were in the kitchens faster than you could say ‘charm.’
The room was full of amazing treats and the house elves smiled at us as I waved at them. They knew who we were and I’d chatted with loads of them since the twins and I figured out how to get in here. Sometimes I wondered if the twins missed the magic map we’d pilfered from Filch’s office as much as I did on occasion. It was such a wonderful piece of magic, though I was glad Harry seemed to be putting it to good use now since we’d given it to him last year.
Armed with snacks that we carried in our hands for easy access, we exited the kitchens and made our way to the Great Hall, which had been transformed like never before for the ball. McGonagall gave George and I a surly look once she saw what we were carrying, but she didn’t say a word to us about it. I was sure she had more important things to worry about than us stealing snacks from the kitchens, especially since this event wasn’t just for us, but also for the two wizarding schools whose students were currently staying with us.
I spotted Hermione with her date, grinning away as they moved towards the table where they’d be sitting with the other Triwizard Cup champions. It was no surprise that we had assigned seats and I thanked my lucky stars that George and I would be sharing the table with most of the other Gryffindor sixth years.
“Is Hermione here with Krum?” I heard Katie ask, and I was startled since I hadn't even heard her come up behind me. I nodded and she smiled, “Good for her! I wish he was my date.” She tossed a grumpy look at McLaggen who was looking even oilier than usual. To his credit, he pretended not to hear her and instead said hello to George and a few of the other people milling about.
George and I took our seats and watched as other witches and wizards from all three schools entered the room, their reactions the same as ours as they surveyed the room in all its splendor. It was wonderful charm work to convert the room this spectacularly.
I absolutely loved sitting at the table, hearing all the conversations going on around us and admiring everyone’s outfits. George sat as close to me as acceptably allowed, but I didn’t mind it because I’d made up my mind.
At the end of the night, once the dancing was done and we’d eaten as much as we wanted, I was going to tell George how I felt. The thought almost made me sick, but I knew I had to do it. I had to. Otherwise, the feeling was going to eat me alive and I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, even if he rejected me. At least I’d still have him as a friend, I hoped.
As the night dragged on, especially after Harry’s disastrous dance with one of the Patil sisters, I grew tired. Only George noticed. We’d been out on the dance floor for hours, only taking breaks to down lemonade and pumpkin juice and some sort of punch the house elves had created. I’d probably eaten at least five mince pies and George was well on his way to eating the whole table full of sweets. But after the Weird Sisters had left and the party started dying down, George pulled me aside.
“Wanna take a walk before we go to bed? I bet the third floor is empty. Well, except for Mrs. Norris who’s probably roaming about looking for students making out.” he laughed in my ear, his arm wrapped around my waist.
I shivered at his touch, but nodded, my grin infectious. George grinned back, grabbing both of our cloaks as he told Fred we were leaving. In between him yelling back and forth with Angie about something, of course.
The third floor was empty, just like George said, and we settled into comfortable silence as we walked down the hallways. The paintings watched us as we went, but I chose to ignore them as I tried to settle my rapid heartbeat. Was now my chance?
My thoughts were interrupted as I felt George settle his hand in mine, our fingers now intertwined between us. I looked up at him to find him already looking down at me.
“You’re really special, y’know that?” George broke the silence. I felt a hot flush extending up my neck as I smiled at him.
“Is that your way of saying you’re happy to have me as your weird best friend?”
“Oh no, that spot is reserved for Lee.” he joked. I slapped his arm softly with my other hand as he laughed at me. “Only kidding, lovey. Promise.”
“Good. Lee has nothing on me.” I sniffed.
But that was my last coherent thought as George yanked on our entwined hands and pulled me right in front of him. And then, most wonderful of all, reached his other hand over to cup the back of my head and kissed me. Kissed me! George was kissing me! I was screaming internally.
The kiss didn’t last long before George broke away to gauge my reaction, his eyes searching my face for any sign of disgust. But how could I be disgusted when the boy I was in love with had just done the one thing I’d been waiting for for over a year?
“George?” I whispered.
“Is it silly if I say I love you?”
His eyes widened with surprise before he started grinning uncontrollably.
“Nope! Say it as loudly as you like because, love, I adore you. Godric, I thought you were gonna slap me. I never thought you’d like me too, let alone love me.”
“I could still slap you, but I’d much rather kiss you.” I laughed before leaning up to kiss him again.
“Blimey, mum’s gonna be ecstatic. She loves you.” He whispered, and then he kissed me over and over again until I was nearly drunk with it, the feeling indescribable. But I was happy, oh so happy. And so was he.
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George would be such a girl dad, he would have tea parties with them and let them paint his nails and put makeup on him. He'd adore them he'd be so proud of any little thing they do, AH he'd be such a good dad😭
yess anon you get me!! girldad!george weasley who is the best stay-at-home dad ever. you have to spend a lot of time at work, so george spends late nights putting his baby girl to bed, singing her little lullabies until she falls asleep in his arms. he’s too scared of waking her to move, so he sleeps on the lounge, his body and lanky limbs stuck in awkward angles just so he doesn’t wake your daughter.
during the days, he spends hours dressing her up like a princess, helping her read the books you borrowed from the library for her, and letting her paint his nails. they were messy, splashes of pink and purple and grey across his long pale fingers that dwarfed her chubby ones. he grinned at the sight of her, little pink tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth as she focused, dragging the brush across the nails bitten to the quick. when you come home, he looks less like your familiar husband, and more like a clown attacked by preschoolers.
and when you tell him that you’re pregnant again, he can’t help hoping it’ll be another baby girl.
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I usually don’t like anything involving both twins but I think this is the only fic I’ve ever read where I’ll allow it
Hear me out! Possessive sex + Overstimulation + Brat Taming + Breeding. Both of the Weasley Twins please. 🤭
I just always have this thought of just teasing the shit out of them when they’re work and fleeing afterwards. It’s almost as if we took their job of teasing us, and I could just imagine how pent up and frustrated they can be when they can’t do anything since there’s kids and adults around. The joke shop is suppose to be an appropriate place especially when it’s meant mainly for kids..Perhaps, add a part where we purposefully flirt with one of our old classmates. You can choose who! If you don’t like this idea, I completely understand! Feel free to add some kinks if you like or story elements. 🫶
Hi Anon! I’m so sorry it has taken so long to get this out, writing has had to be on the back-burner for now but I’m slowly getting back! Sorry for the lack of smut, it’s more of the setup as I’m abit smutted out 🖤
Warnings: Sexual tension, brat behaviour, Dom!sub relationships, polyamory, teasing, sexual references, mild swearing. Flirting, mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy kink, breeding kink.
Word count: 2.5k

Wonder Witch
You knew what you were getting into the second you opened up your wardrobe and changed into the outfit you'd carefully prepared for today. Your husbands had already long since departed the flat to set up the shop for the day, leaving you just a little later to sleep in, which you were thankful for.
Today was the big launch of new wonder witch products that the twins had been tirelessly working on, perfecting the range ready for the big launch today. You'd helped with ordering violently pink balloons to decorate every orifice of the shop, had banners printed and had even managed to convince Madame Puddifoot's to make some limited edition iced biscuits for the celebration, all in the same sickening shade of pink.
The icing on the cake was the costume that you'd picked out ready to hand out and display the new items, recreating the wonder witch icon on the packaging.
The dress in itself wasn't too risky, an array of pink and gold overlapping fabric that fell just above your knee, with a pointed witches hat in a smilies style. But it also had exposed shoulders with dropped sleeves and a corseted middle which hoisted in your waist to create a rather dramatic shape, highlighting your hips in a way that you knew would drive your husbands crazy. You carefully curled your hair and applied a healthy dose of mascara to really make your eyes pop before applying an equally vibrant lipsticks that you'd found matched the colour of wonder witch perfectly. You added a little highlighter around your cheeks to give you a little bit more of a playful look and slipped on your shoes to really help bring the look together.
When you looked in the mirror, you were more than pleased with yourself. You looked hot.
Checking the clock, you saw that it was 8:53am, just in time for the store to open. You could hear the twins flapping, mainly George, the moment you opened the door towards the staircase. They were bustling ready for the big opening and the unsurprising lack of Verity meant that she was probably going to be late again.
"Angel can you put these products on the... shit." George says the second you walk down the stairs, noticing the outfit almost immediately.
"What's up with you?" Fred asks, walking over to George under the staircase until he comes into full view, noticing that his twin seems to be frozen on the spot. He turns, looking towards the direction George seems frozen at and you watch as his eyes widen also comically wide. "Holy Godric."
"Morning," you say cheerfully, leaning up to press a kiss to George's cheek before doing the same to Fred as they look at you in complete shock, mouths slightly parted. "Where do you want me?"
"Um," George says, clearing his throat though his eyes hardly move from the curve of your breasts, a prominent feature of your dress. You fight the urge to laugh, wanting to keep up your little innocent play, pretending that you had no idea why they were looking at you like that.
"You want these on the shelf?" You ask, batting your eyelashes at them, watching as Fred's tongue pokes out to wet his lips.
The little clock on the wall chimes, signalling the store opening, just as you bend down to grab the box of products and you look up with pouting lips, watching as the twins hardly react to the chimes.
"You gonna unlock the doors big boy?" You ask Fred with a singular raised eyebrows, noticing how he doesn't even attempt to pull out his wand. A frantic knock on the doors pulls him out of his thoughts and you all turn to see Verity knocking to be let it, surrounded by a large crowd of customers ready to shop the new products. You flash a little wink at George as Fred unlocks the doors with a flick of his wand, the fireworks and the tricks beginning all in perfect synchronisation. When you look back up after picking up the box of products and see your two men still staring at you, completely unaware of the swarm of customers bursting through the doors, you knew today was going to be fun.
The store was packed right from opening, a never-ending swarm of people crossing through the doors until the shop was almost too full of people, all wanting to get their hands on the new merchandise. It was an overwhelming success, the new line of wonder witch products and cosmetics and you were thankful, fortunate and insanely proud of your husbands for pulling off the ideas you'd created together. You should have been tired, drained from the day as it neared closing time but truthfully you were on an adrenaline high, on cloud nine from teasing your husbands all day and seeing their increasing desperation.
All day you'd made sure to be a little bit of a brat, an utter tease whilst trying to portray yourself as an innocent Angel- something you knew for a fact that they didn't believe in the slightest.
George was easier to rile up, always quicker to respond to your more subtle teasing. You'd brushed past him a number of times today, the packed shop only aiding your need to slowly brush your ass against the front of his trousers as you squeezed past him or to pass something up to Verity on the stairs, ensuring that he got a face full of cleavage as you stretched up. You'd caught him staring at you more times today than you could count on all your extremities, especially when you climbed the stairs above him, ensuring that he knew your bare thighs were right above him.
Fred didn't always respond to subtlety, so you knew your efforts had to be boosted when it came to him. You'd purposely licked and sucked at one of the dark mark lollipops in the most outrageous way whenever he was paying attention and you'd even heard him choke on his own spit when he noticed.
You knew you had him when you were explaining to a group of seventh year girls about the patented daydream charms and how how they worked, passing out the colourful boxes items around the group as they accepted them with eager and curious eyes.
"Up to thirty minutes of pure, blissful imagination; let me tell you it will create a very realistic daydream of your choice so you know that boy you're crushing on? You're going to have the best thirty minutes of your life."
You're met with a round of playful giggles as you smile at them, knowing you were in for a good sale.
"Have you used it?" One of the girls asks and you nod eagerly with a smirk, knowing that Fred was just behind you from the way you could feel his presence, hearing him talk only moments before.
"Not since I married him," you say with a smirk as you receive another round of girlish giggles. "Between us, those thirty minutes with Fred were some of my most imaginative creations, believe me these little things are special," you say, twisting the box in your hands. "Just don't tell George." You watch as the girls' eyes light up and they quickly shove them in their baskets. You turn then, catching Fred's eye as he pretends not to have been listening and you act as if you're bashful about what he might have heard, placing a strand of hair nervously behind your ear as you walk away, making sure to sway your hips ever so slightly, knowing he'd be watching.
By lunchtime, you'd effortlessly riled them up to a point that it was so painfully obvious what they were trying to hide that you found yourself biting back a smirk for most of the day. They were so easily and deeply affected that it was rather fun to watch, but none more so than when Dean Thomas came into the shop just after the dinner time rush. You'd taken a quick break and had reapplied your lipstick, carefully checking you appearance before you walked down the stairs back to work. Dean had been talking to both of your lives near the stairs when he spotted you, eyes briefly widening as he took in your appearance. Unfortunately for him, Fred had been mid sentence and had definitely noticed Dean checking you out, making his go silent and cause a thunderous look to cross his face.
"Y/n, hi! It's good to see you!" Dean smiles as you approach them all, careful to avoid looking at the faces of your husbands who had now both caught on to Dean's over-pleasant demeanour.
"Dean, good to see you too!"
"You look good! Who knew that y/n (*maiden name) would become wonder witch!" His hands gesture towards your outfit and then to the display of new products to the side with your likeness on.
"It's Weasley," both twins said a little too quickly, in perfect synchronisation, making you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop a laugh spilling out at their obvious jealously.
"Of course," Dean says somewhat absently, not picking up on the sudden hostility aimed at him by the shop-owners. "So what have you been up to? Do you see the others much?"
"Didn't ask us this many questions," you hear George mumble under his breath to Fred, who has crossed his arms across his chest and is hardly blinking, watching Dean closely.
"The usual," you smile, shooting a fleeting glance at your two husbands who's red faces seem to match their hair. "Keeping these two in line, keeping the shop afloat," you joke.
"So no little Weasley's running about yet?"
You could almost sense the little eye twitch George did at the words and you were certain that Fred seemed to stand even straighter, making himself even taller to tower over Dean.
"Hopefully soon," you say, biting your lip and George's eyes flicker to you with a fire in them, your words affecting him more easily than you'd anticipated. Fred seemed to incidentally lose his footing and was knocked off balance for a second, breaking the rather playful mood that had settled between you and Dean.
After Dean had left with a few things he'd come for, you finally accepted your fate and let the veil slip enough to drop the innocent act you'd been playing all day. Fred had cornered you beside the till, a stolen moment of peace as you reached high up to re-stock the daydreams, flashing him with a glimpse of your stocking.
"Really Freddie?" You pretended to admonish as you felt his rather prominent evidence of arousal against your hip as he started to get grabby with you, nearing the end of his restraint. "This is a respected establishment Mr Weasley, there are children about!"
You shuffled past him with a little tut, hiding your smirk behind your hair, leaving him stranded with mouth agape at your sudden boldness. George wasn't faring much better, his eyes still fixed on the curve of your breasts whenever he caught a glimpse, silently watching you rile him up further and further as your act slipped away.
With one last attempt at completely flipping the switch inside of them, throwing them over the metaphorical cliff, you doubled down your efforts. It was nearly closing time and you walked slyly over to the cash register whilst George was cashing up for the night and began stretching, pointing out your chest and making some very questionable noises. You adjusted the little cold shoulder straps on your dress and readjusted your breasts in the dress, sensing your attentive audience of George who was close by and Fred who had stopped what he was doing to watch you from across the shop. You suddenly turned and walked behind George, placing your hand on his hip as you squeezed past to reach for a carrier bag, carefully dragging your hand over his lower back as you leaned down. When you began to turn and walk away, you felt a large hand shoot out and grab your wrist.
His tone was clear and clipped, telling you everything you needed to do.
“I know exactly what you’re doing,” he says, moving to stand behind you in the near empty shop, an obvious erection pressing into your behind. “Keep going little brat, you’re only fuelling the fire.”
When he lets you go and turns back to his task with no other reaction, you knew it was time to slip away. You rushed up the stairs, carefully avoiding both of them, ready for the next step of the plan. You’d prepped dinner on your lunch break, wanting to get ahead for the night and flicked the oven on with a flick of your wand as soon as you made it upstairs. You kicked off your shoes, pulled off your panties and waited, busying yourself to ward off the desperate arousal you were feeling, anticipating a good but long night ahead.
As soon as you heard the familiar, incoming footsteps on the landing, you bent over in your skirt to slip the pie into the oven, giving them quite a show when they walked in.
“Fucking Godric,” you heard Fred exclaim when he stepped through the door, followed by a similar curse only moments later by his twin as they see your pussy on full display for them, peeking out from below the short skirt as you bend over.
“Princess,” he says, beginning to stalk over to you as you pulled yourself up, closing the oven. You looked at them innocently, big doe-eyes and fluttering lashes as you watched them darkly approach you.
“You were naughty today,” George says, his hand reaching out to cup the back of your neck as he pulls you into a devastatingly sinful kiss that immediately makes your nipples harden under the dress. You gasp into his mouth when you suddenly feel a hand creeping up your inner thigh, underneath your dress.
“Remember what you said to Dean, princess?” Fred asks, voice dangerously low, prompting you to nod whilst trying to catch your breath. You knew exactly what you’d said, what you’d hoped for.
“Reckon we should start now?” He asks, his hand ghosting over the curve of your ass, feeling the bare flesh underneath his fingers. “Want you knocked up right fucking now.”
“Agreed,” George adds, somehow looking and sounding ever darker and more determined than Fred. George suddenly reaches out and turns off the oven with a harsh flick of his wrist, smirking when you look up at him in confusion at him turning off the oven.
“We’re not gonna be done with you that soon,” he says with a devilish smirk. “Gonna cum in you over and over, taking turns filling you. There’s gonna be so much cum in you that you won’t know where you start and we end, get you all round from us. Now.”
“Get on the bed.”
#thanks for no written or implied twincest#fred weasley#fred weasley x reader#george weasley#george weasley smut#fred weasley smut#fred weasley fic#weasley wizard wheezes#husband!fred#husband!george#mrs fred weasley#mrs george weasley#george weasley fic#george weasley x reader
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The Big Book of Desires
George Weasley x reader x Fred Weasley
Requested by: @gdogcat1
Request gist: “The twins find their wife’s dirty fantasy book and surprise her”
A/N: Thanks for the request! Sorry it's taken so long to write. Because no kinks were specified, I decided to pick some at random. I also focused on the marriage aspect and went for a ‘Reader feels the mundaneness of marriage and twins surprise her’ fic.
T/W: Fred being a bad influence on George and his sweet mind, Snooping, Daddy kink, Master kink, Blindfolding, Bondage, Edging, Unprotected sex
Married life with the twins was how you'd always expected it to be. Sure, it was an amazing time in your lives, but the day was starting to go the same as the day before.
Wake up, work in the shop, make dinner, sleep, then wake up and repeat the day again.
The twins could tell that something was up with you. You weren’t as affectionate as before, you weren't as cuddly in bed, you didn’t kiss them before work. Something was wrong, and they vowed to find out. The twins came back to the flat after a long shift, one that you had off, and noticed something new. A new book that your eyes were glued to. Sure, you liked to read and owned most of the books on the bookshelf, but this was new.
The title read “The Fire of Love and Romance” in fancy writing. The woman on the cover was in nothing more than underwear with a man standing over her in a shirt and grey waistcoat. The twins exchanged a look of confusion. Compared to the other books you owned, this was an anomaly. When you noticed the twins, you quickly set the book down and got up to greet them and ask about their day.
A few days had passed and you were still reading that book, or better yet, you were still reading the same chapter. It was Fred who came up with the idea first.
“Tonight when she falls asleep, we’ll take a look and see what she’s reading. It's just a book, what are you so worried about, George?”
The ever practical George scoffed at his brother's idea.
“It's our wife’s property, we shouldnt be snooping. It just feels wrong. Can’t we just ask her about it?”
George knew the answer already because he knew you. You’d brush it off, make some excuse on the spot. That was one thing that Fred loved about you, your ability to lie so easily (which worked in their favour back when teachers would ask you who gave Filch puking pastilles). George sighed softly and relented.
The plan went ahead, and the twins waited till you fell asleep before taking a peek in your precious book. They didn't know what to expect, but they didn't expect this.
“Michael looked down at his new submissive, admiring her soft breaths. He trailed his hand down her supple skin and over her lace covered breasts. He watched as she shuddered and let out soft moans”
“Be a good girl for Daddy”
The twins looked up from the page simultaneously before looking back down, the action almost comical. They were shocked to say the least, but horny as hell.
As if fate whispered in your ear, you stirred. When you saw the book in the hands of your husbands, you sat up quickly and tried snatching it back. Fred held it out of reach to keep reading while George moved beside you. George kept his voice soft.
“I'm sorry, love. We shouldn’t have gone through your book. We’ve just been so worried about you”
Fred was less soft.
“Do you like this kind of stuff, pretty girl?”
Both you and George looked at Fred, confused at the new nickname. George caught on to his brother's little idea and turned back to you.
“You want us to take care of you, baby?”
“Yes Georgie, please”
Fred didn't seem as pleased with your answer as his brother did.
“That's not his name. Address him properly, baby”
Your cheeks blushed a dark shade and you gulped nervously.
“Yes Daddy”
George smirked at your response, his cock twitching in his boxers at the word. You always had a way of making mundane words sound so heavenly. Fred put the book back on the nightstand and stalked towards you, his signature smirk looking predatory.
“I need a title too, love. Can't let Georgie have all the fun”
“Yes Master”
Boy twins seemed pleased with their new titles, almost like they had just been knighted by a fair princess.
Fred walked over to the drawer and to retrieve two ties. He brought them over to you and secured one over your eyes, making you vulnerable to their next move. The other tie bound your wrists together, which Fred then attached to the bed frame.
Both men stood over you, admiring you. You heard George whisper to Fred and footsteps before feeling hands on your thighs, pushing your legs apart. The mattress dipped one the other side of you. Your nightie was pushed up, leaving your underwear and the slowly growing wet patch visible.
“Look how wet she is, needy girl”
A hand pulled your underwear to the side and ran something along your wet slit. When you felt something cold against your clit, you knew what it was. A small metal bullet vibe that the twins bought you.
When the vibrations started, your hips bucked involuntarily. No matter how much you squirmed, a pair of hands held your hips down and your legs open. The vibrator was held steady on your clit, giving you no escape.
“You can take it, pretty baby. Are you gonna be a good girl for us?”
Although you and the twins had been a trio for years and you could tell them apart in an instant, the blindfold mixed with your pleasure filled mind made them sound identical to you.
“Yes Master, Yes Daddy”
The twins were pleased with your words and the vibrator was pressed more firmly against your clit. Your moans filled the room, the blindfold seemingly heightening your senses. When your moans got louder, Fred turned to George.
“Should we let her cum, Georgie?”
“She’s been a good girl, but is more fun to watch her squirm”
Fred pulls the vibrator away, both men revelling in your whines. George couldn't wait any longer and made his move, kneeling between your legs. He pulled his cock from his boxers and lined himself up with your entrance. He pushed in until he was balls deep. Fred kept a hold of the vibrator, ready to keep teasing you with it.
George started moving his hips, thrusting his cock deep inside of you each time. He moved his hand to your face, cradling your cheek.
“I think you deserve a reward for being such a good girl”
With a nod to Fred, the vibrator was back on your clit. You threw your head back, your orgasm approaching quicker since your last one was ripped away.
“Cum, pretty girl”
That permission from one of the twins had you letting out a cry of relief, your orgasm pulling you under. Your walls convulsing around Georges cock caused his band to snap, his orgasm catching him by surprise. His cum filled you up, leaking out when he pulled his cock out.
Fred worked to untie you and remove the makeshift blindfold. He stroked the hair from your face, his touch soft.
“Such a kinky little wifey”
#george weasley#george weasley fic#george weasley x fem#george weasley x y/n#george weasley x you#fred weasley#fred weasley smut#george weasley smut#fred weasley fic#fred weasley x fem!reader#fred wealsey fic#fred weasely x y/n#fred weasley x you#fred weasly x reader#fred weasley headcanons#george wealsey x reader#george weasely smut#george weasly x reader#george weasley headcanon#weasley twins smut#weasley twins#fred and george
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#harry potter#harry potter magic awakened#hpma#magic awakened#George Weasley#trump#us politics#fuck trump#why you do this#why you do my mans dirty#my poor husband#my husband#done so dirty#hp#hp meme#Harry Potter meme#discord shenanigans#out of context discord#Discord stuff#WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME#George would make a FAR better president#the only orange man I like#why god why#politics#convicted felon trump#Severus Snape#Snape#the wrong kind of disability awareness
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Breed like Gnomes [Fred Weasley]
Title: Breed like Gnomes.
Pairing: PregnantWife!Reader x Fred Weasley
Timeline: Set after Canon (Fred lives!)
Summary: At Ginny and Harry’s wedding, you find yourself facing Aunt Muriel’s unpleasantness, so Fred decides to have some fun.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, babies, sexual references.
Word count: 1.2k
June 4th 2003, a joyful and long awaited day for all in attendance. The marriage of Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley. It was a family affair, both in blood and bond, the entire venue packed with loved ones sharing in the happiness of the newlyweds.
Being Ginny's long standing friend and now sister-in-law, you were naturally made a bridesmaid along with six others who proudly stood by Ginny's side as she said her vows. It was beautiful, joyous and utterly heartwarming to see them unite and be declared husband in wife in front of the many people attending. The couple had initially wanted a much smaller affair than what had transpired but in the end, they were too deeply cared for by so many and the numbers were ever increasing, only made worse by Molly's excitement and welcoming nature.
It had been a truly magical day; getting to support your new sister in law, to see your daughter throw wild flowers down the aisle and most of all getting to check out your husband in his tux as he sat beaming beside his twin brother in the front row, holding back a tear at seeing his little sister suddenly looking so grown up.
"You alright sweetheart?" Fred asks worriedly as you lower yourself gently into your assigned seat inside the bustling marquee. It was getting late now, the party stretching into the night as people danced merrily around you.
You were exhausted from the day, the early morning, the usual nuptial stresses and from the shoes that were growing increasingly uncomfortable around your slightly swollen ankles.
You simply smiled warmly at Fred with a little nod, leaning into his touch when he placed his arm behind you on your chair, his fingers fidgeting with the strands of hair that had fallen down your back.
You both turned your heads in the direction of delighted squeals and watched as your children danced around, chasing each other and their many cousins with beaming smiles on their faces. Their nice outfits were quite frankly ditched at this point and they'd eaten more cake than you cared to admit throughout the day but as you looked at the three happy faces on the dance floor, you couldn't care less. Their uncle George took turns spinning and twirling them and you couldn't help but watch in devotion at seeing your oldest dancing with your brother in law, no doubt standing on his feet as he glided her around whilst the twins ran in circles around the dancing pair.
You let out a little surprise gasp when you felt a sharp kick to your side, just underneath your rib.
"I thought you were asleep," you say quietly with a loving smile as your hand drifts down to your blooming bump, gently rubbing over the spot where you'd felt a little prod.
"Letting you know he's there?" Fred asks with a smirk, noticing your movements. He moved closer and places his large hand over yours, wanting to feel for himself the little kicks that had you smiling at your bump.
"He?" You question sarcastically, with a slight raise of your eyebrow.
"Fathers intuition," Fred smirks with a slight shrug, "never been wrong yet."
"You didn't know there were two last time," you countered teasingly, nodding your head towards the two litttle boys causing havoc on the dance floor. He lets out a boyish chuckle and for a moment you both catch each other's eyes, both twinkling in delight and bound with love. You'd been married for nearly five years, together for much longer but it still took your breath away how much you loved this man, and how much he loved you in return.
"Good heavens!"
The nice moment passed as soon as the loud, screechy voice sounded out on the next table, forcing you apart. You jumped slightly at the unexpected noise before realising that Fred's great aunt Muriel had taken up a seat at the table beside yours and as usual her presence was unwanted. Her voice went through you, like nails on a chalkboard. The high tone and the derogatory, unpleasant undertone to her words, accompanied by the constant hateful look on her face were enough to cement a negative association in your mind. Both you and Fred deflated a little at her presence, with Fred letting out an audible sigh that you felt in your soul. Even your baby let out a sharp kick as if to announce their own displeasure at the sound of her voice.
"Yes aunt Muriel?" Fred says in the most monotone voice he can muster, not even attempting to hide the dismay in his voice, or his face.
"Godric," she mumbles under her breath, casting her eyes between the two of you, focusing her beady eyes on your bump, and where your children were currently hanging off George like monkeys in a tree. "You breed like gnomes!"
You hope your face doesn't show the depth of your exasperation at her words but you doubted your ability to keep a straight face. Fred, of course, finds it hilarious and can't keep the smile off of his face. You can feel his shoulders moving up and down with silent laughter but he manages to contain it and simply clears his throat to hide the laughter.
"Have either of you considered simply reading of an evening? Instead of what I assume are your usual activities?" She says with a bitter tone, face downturned into her usual grimace.
Fred snorts at her words and though you feel slightly offended by her accusation, just as you always did by her comments, you can't help but chuckle yourself at the strangeness of the situation. Was she really commenting on your sex life?
"Onto your fourth already! And only 25! You’re worse than your mother, all of you breed like Gnomes."
"You see I've never been one for reading, but I tried," Fred replies coyly. From his tone of voice you can tell that he's teasing, about to prod the bear. "But it only gave me more ideas. What was is called sweetheart? Some muggle book... Kama sutra! Eroticism for begginers. Let me tell you, it's changed my life! Couldn't put it down... or her," he says, nodding his head towards you with a wicked smile on his face as his hand snakes around to cradle your bump once again.
You can't hide your smile this time as Muriel lets out a disgusted squark and turns away with a deeper grimace than before. You turn your head and snuggle into Fred's shoulder to hide your laughter whilst he openly chuckles to himself, head thrown back slightly in glee.
"You're terrible," you mutter with a smirk, pulling yourself away from the soft fabric of his shirt where it stretches over his muscled shoulders. His smile is wide and wicked as he takes in your words, hearing nothing but compliments.
"Hilarious is a better word," he quips, eyes shining in delight.
"Completely irreformable," he agrees without a single care. "But I think you like me like this."
You look up from under your lashes at him, matching the look in his sparkling eyes and can't help but agree.
Taglist part 1 ♡
#emeritusemeritus#emeritusemerituswrites#harry potter#fred weasley#fred weasley x you#fred weasley x reader#fred weasley imagine#fred weasley masterlist
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The outfits were to adorable NOT to redraw like come on-! I LOVE THE OUTFITS SO MUCH! 😭 Pls find an excuse to draw em more. Or I will!

The twins prepared their best gifts for their favourite Slytherin.
Art request for Draco's Birthday: The Weasleys twins wrapped themselves up as a gift for Draco
#weasels and ferret#draco malfoy#fred weasley#george weasley#ot3#harry potter#Weasley twins#re draw#sorta#the outfits were to cute to ignore#I love the design#the outfits are iconic#Istg I will draw more#they are so cute#I love them so much#my boys#my husband#my husband looks so cute with his golden bow#I had to draw them#I HAD TO#look at them#and now I will draw men with eyelashes#because that is so cute#just ugh#stim stim stim#so pretty#to pretty#art#digital art#disabled artist
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Like seriously- I NEVER EVER see it. It's all how lovely life would be, the peace, how they could finally live a comfortable life- gurl what??
Harry, Ron Hermione were 17. Do you remember being 17? Yeah, take that mindset and imagine going through a goddamn war, one that alllll revolved around you/your best friend succeeding and if it didn't happen, there would be a dark age like no one had ever seen.
⚡️Harry would keep having nightmares, probably forever. There would probably be days where he laid in bed, unable to move due to the consuming guilt and/or depression which would just add more guilt and depression when he got out of it as he left Ginny to care for their kids and would wake to figure out he missed out on core memories of his children. Sometimes, desperate to see him, James, Albus and Lily would just lay there with him in silence. They witnessed their father go through periods of being totally present, totally happy and then he would randomly just look into the floor as if he was no longer there- his flashbacks were always quiet.
💫Ron, I feel, might end up going through substance addiction to deal with the loss of his brother coupled with moments of anger or just random, unjustified annoyance- the same goes for George and this would extremely strain their romantic relationships. He would most likely have flashbacks of countless moments of fear, would hear Hermione's screams at night, would see his brother's dead body upon that stone ground. Rose and Hugo felt so loved by their father, but also aprehensive because at any moment, his mood could switch.
🌙Hermione would have phases of constantly putting herself into intense moments of focus- her work, the kids, anything to keep her mind occupied out of fear those random moments where her arm burned or the memories of her husband spliced would return full force. She would eventually breakdown, her mind strained due to always, all the time, trying to ignore it all. Rose and Hugo witnessed this constantly- one minute she's fine, the next she's sobbing on the floor and Ron was barking at them to go to their room so they didn't have to be there for it, so they could leave him to console her.
☀️I feel like Ginny remained strong for her siblings, parents & Harry after the war to a degree that she ignored her own emotions and turmoil. Entirely. And then, finally when James was born, what was only supposed to be a flicker of post-partum went full fucking swing due to the fact she bottled everything inside for roughly 6 years straight. And it was bad- Harry was left caring for a newborn and his wife that couldn't move, eat, or bathe on her own. She was probably the only one of them besides Hermione who got proper therapy- the boys being too stubborn. When shit was better, she found herself going through these phases of dismissive attitude towards all her children, her PTSD coming out more in anger, probably similar to Ron and George. But she was especially this way to James- because she couldn't bear to feel the guilt about not being there for him upon his birth, she tried to ignore him entirely at points until she finally realized what she was doing later on.
Then there's everyone else- they would be so fucking destroyed by what happened like??? And their kids would have to watch it- they would grow up with parents riddled with PTSD, an entire generation that had the people raising them be torn from war; some that were able to move past it, some that weren't, and some that were always somewhere in the middle.
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