#hunter flaps
creative-jackalope · 1 year
*chanting* Ford Pines ! Ford Pines ! Ford Pines !
(for the headcanon game LOL)
HI THIS WAS SENT TO ME A REALLY LONG TIME AGO AND I FORGOT TO POST THE RESPONSE,,, This has been in my drafts for like a year I think oopsie. Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway--
[Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons!]
OH BOY do I have many a thought about this man. Picking just four is tough and these are going to be so long so I’ll place them under a read-more.
Heads up - significant Gravity Falls spoilers!
Headcanon 1 - Canon-Compliant:
This is a relatively common headcanon already, I think, but Ford is absolutely covered in scars from his time in the Multiverse. He also already had some from his years in Gravity Falls. If you can name an injury, Ford's probably experienced it at some point - bitten, stung, broken bones, shot, stabbed, fallen from a height, poisoned, burned, he's seen it all. (Thankfully he's managed to keep himself away from fatal or debilitating harm, but there's still time! :D His common sense and self-preservation instincts leave something to be desired and his hero complex never quite went away.) He isn't too fussed about others seeing the scars, usually, but he tends to be evasive if asked about them - he prefers not to think about his time in the Multiverse in too much detail.
Headcanon 2 - Hilarious: 
Ford is resolutely convinced that, throughout his time working with Fiddleford, he did an astounding job at hiding Bill and their partnership. He is 100% certain that Fiddleford couldn't ever have known, not in the least! It does, however, turn out that Ford is a terrible liar and has about as much subtlety as a fork in the garbage disposal. That's not even counting the moments (that Ford is unaware of) when Bill would talk directly to Fiddleford, making no pretenses but never telling Fiddleford exactly who he is other than a 'friend' looking after Ford and helping build the portal. At one point Bill even tried to directly tell Ford that Fiddleford knew, hoping they'd get to stop the charade - Ford just laughed and brushed it off, saying, "Don't be ridiculous, he doesn't suspect a thing!" Bill didn't care enough to push the topic.
Headcanon 3 - Painful:
[CW: Substance misuse, life-threatening physical illness, mental illness, paranoia] Being possessed repeatedly by Bill had serious effects on Ford’s body which neither of them expected. Towards the end of their partnership, his body essentially began to treat Bill like a parasite - his immune system began attacking his nervous system. This caused swelling in his brain, accompanied by fever, hallucinations, chronic headaches and light sensitivity, and just in general an awful time all around for him. After the betrayal, it didn’t matter if Cipher was actually tormenting him or not; hallucinations of him were enough to fuel Ford’s paranoia, and depriving himself of sleep to 'protect' himself from these hallucinations did extremely little to help. The one saving grace is that Ford began to self-medicate with steroids in an attempt to keep himself awake and alert for longer periods, which had the (accidental, on his part) side-effect of slowing/reducing the swelling and suppressing his immune system's attack on his body - and likely saved his life by keeping him going until he finally ended up in a hospital. He has long-lasting damage from this, though thankfully things have improved with time, and he has learned to live with and work around the lingering symptoms. He's still not certain how much of the torment in those years was actually Bill, and how much of it was his own paranoia and illness... If he's honest with himself, he'd rather not know.
Headcanon 4 - Canon Is Dead:
Stanford Pines likes poetry and I will die on this hill. I know this directly contradicts Journal 3 (”I never understood poetry, to be honest") but, in my eyes, Ford loves self-expression through written and visual mediums. He is a man who has always struggled with expressing things like emotions verbally, which is part of the reason he ends up using his Journals more as a diary than as a record of research methods and discoveries, and so art as an expression of things you can’t otherwise put words to fascinates him. The written word, in general, is something he loves - whether fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose. Poetry in particular is something that helps him with recognising his own emotions and understanding them. As such, I explain the Journal 3 comment either as “-plugs ears- he didn’t say that” or “he’s being deliberately snarky because he knows what the Hand Witch is implying and he doesn’t like it or want to admit/acknowledge it”.
Now I’m. Stretching the rules a bit lmao.
Here are some in-depth extras that are important ones to me, but don’t particularly fit the above categories.
Bonus Headcanon 5 -  Trauma, coping mechanisms, and the importance of social support after so much isolation:
[CW: Discussion of PTSD symptoms] Basically implied in canon already, he has some pretty serious PTSD as a result of his years spent paranoid and alone in the Multiverse, and suffers from frequent nightmares as well as occasional flashbacks, amongst other things. One of his biggest coping mechanisms for the related anxiety is being armed so he can defend himself at a moment’s notice. At first after returning, Ford never went without his weapon belt, not even at the Shack, and all it took was an errant floorboard creak for his hand to fly to his gun. After a long while, he steadily got used to the idea that he was home, and he was safe, and started to forgo the belt more and more whilst in what he felt were safe places (ie. in the Shack or on the Stan O’ War II). Despite that, he still feels the need to be armed for reassurance whenever he goes out, even if it’s just to the town - and there are days where he will, without explanation, carry a weapon in his safe places too, something that Stan tactfully doesn’t mention. However, later on those same days Stan will usually a spot a new anomaly and insist they need to stay home so he can tell Ford about it, then spend all evening spinning a grand tale of how terrifying and fantastical it was in great detail, until Ford either is listening with complete awe or is terribly unamused and poking holes in the blatantly fabricated story - either way, the gun often ends up on the table, forgotten.
Bonus Headcanon 6 - Probably the most important one to me and plays a massive part in how I characterise Ford as a whole - I apologise for how LONG this one is but I have so so so many thoughts about it:
Ford is autistic and was diagnosed as a child, in the 60s. He grew up masking a lot of the more “obvious” traits, like repressing many of his body stims, because of bullying and family pressure - he was already “weird” and this just made him stand out more, so he tried to hide it. Big traits he had as a child that carried over to adulthood were his bluntness, difficulty in relating to others, sensitivity to sensory input (noise and texture were the main ones), and how he would focus intensely on particular topics that interested him. Behind-the-scenes he also received a lot of support from Stan (who I headcanon as ADHD and autistic, though his traits present very differently to Ford’s and he was never assessed or diagnosed, instead just treated as a ‘problem child’), and as such, began to struggle a lot more than he thought he would once Stan was no longer in his life and couldn’t secretly help him through things. As an adult, since he started living alone and had embraced his polydactly and made it his, Ford steadily started unmasking and just let himself exist in all his “weird” glory; including being more vocal about his own limits and needs, both personal and social. He stims a lot with DD&MD dice (which he is an avid collector of) as well as whatever little desk toys he can find (especially physics-based ones), and also has several hand-based stims like tapping or rubbing his fingers. One of his anxious stims, picked up during the nights where he was trying to keep himself awake, is tapping his thumb against his fingers sequentially and counting along “one, two, three, four, five”. Counting is general is an action he finds very soothing when he’s stressed or anxious. Finally, one thing that has never, ever changed about him is that once he gets focused on something he Will Not Stop - he’ll forgo food, sleep, and anything else because he simply forgets he needs it once he gets into the zone, and he’s terrible at reading the signals from his body informing him he is hungry or tired. Having others around, like Fiddleford and Stanley, to prompt him to look after himself is something he benefits from heavily.
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starqueensthings · 7 months
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o k capt Jack Sparrow, did Omega take your athleticism with her
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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'Scuse me while I --
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lovemoroporo · 2 years
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dead of winter
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dizzycloudzzz · 4 months
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another SU reference YAYYYYYYY
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Hunt looks dead inside 'cause baseball doesn't give the same emotion as flyer derby, but everything to obey his captain right?
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AND RULES!!!!!!!!
this man was born to be bossed working in a team 🥰🥰🥰 love him
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redactedrem · 10 days
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Guess who rewatched The Owl House back in July and has been obsessed ever since!! Tis me.
I didn't make the background. I actually found it on google and its AI generated, so I didn't feel bad slapping it on as the background and calling it a day. Its mostly there to emphasize the lighting anyway.
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thoughtsofananon · 1 year
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Dadrius Wekk day 7- Safe
I couldn't do any other days as I have been busy moving, but wanted to do at least one and I hope you like it! Dad and Sonter forever <3
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kihteyu · 4 months
Does anyone remember the Waffles hate when Watching and Dreaming came out? She was on screen for a total of 2.3 seconds and people were wishing death on her just because she wasn’t Flapjack like what was up with that sincerely
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squids-and-waffles7 · 2 years
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just leave me your stardust to remember you by 
[ ID: A digital illustration of Hunter from The Owl House. He is in his season three design, after the events in Thanks to Them. He is standing facing right, looking down at his hands that are out in front of him. He looks upset, and there are tears in his eyes. In his hands, a stream of green and yellow light orbs (similar to the ones flapjack turned into in Thanks to Them) float upwards, out of the drawing. End ID. ] 
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xuanareyara · 1 year
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Where to go?
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palismet · 1 year
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the alt. thanks to them opening boards are going to emotionally scar me for life. look at his face. luz is terrified but desperate with a hope she feels is unfounded, needing that optimism to imagine a way out of this that doesn't hurt; that doesn't end in more tragedy?
she thinks they're on the same level of bad but sad. that she did as much as hunter in the name of helping belos, without knowing the whole truth of who belos was, who he is. she's traumatized by it.
she needs to not be alone in it.
the i'll keep your secret if you keep mine is a knife to the heart. we are in this together, she is saying. whether we like it or not, at least we have each other. at least i'm not alone.
but what do you say to that? how do you make a witch's oath without magic? you take it to heart. you hold it closer to anything. there aren't words for a devotion like that, the kind of devotion hunter has led with his entire life, and now, here, it's for luz. it's for everyone, for protecting them, to be able for them to get home again.
it's reminiscent of that good old golden guard loyalty, but remade in the light of this new world, new life. it's a cause to live by, a goal, a dream; and as the story goes, we can see - there isn't much he isn't willing to sacrifice for it, especially if the cost is only himself.
(he has nothing to return for, after all. he has a graveyard, filled to the brim with bones and masks and a future he only narrowly escaped.)
sacrifice - that is something he's been waiting for his whole life. so of course he's willing to risk everything for them. what better ending is there, where at the very least, his friends can go home to where they are loved? where no one has to be afraid, anymore?
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cryptidtumbleweed · 2 years
Cardinal Plushie❤️
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Petition to get Hunter a cardinal plushie.
(Based on a true story)
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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Only now am I noticing..the two main colours in all these important shots are the blue-green which could easily represent plague/rot/death, and yellowish gold that represents wild magic/light/life. Both shades are seen clashing in all frames, but in the fourth and final one it has all culminated in Luz defeating Belos.
They are definitely related to the green in the castle's corridors and throne room, versus the warmth of the in-between where King's father remained for so long.
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The green of the carpet in castle's corridors isn't a sickly hue like the carpet in the throne room.
Both the blue-green and warm gold shades also coexist in a way obviously meant to leave us perturbed and horrified in the grimwalker graveyard (the gold of the masks just...utterly offsetting the dull green around them...representing the life and sense of purpose that all the Guards were probably deeply longing for):
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When we see Belos in his deadliest dragon-like form versus a resurrected Luz, everything has built up to their last battle:
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And the Emperor's Coven loved the colour gold. Belos claimed he would restore the Isles by ridding it of wild magic, but that was the lie he told, while he used the facade of all that grand regal gold to drain more life from the Isles instead.
Plus I'm not over how Eclipse Lake and Thanks to Them both featured lakes, one dried up and the other perilous with deep deadly water, both of which were locations where Titan Blood was sought after.
You also have Luz and Hunter experiencing both the fullness of life and darkness of death. And there are interesting connections such as both Luz and Flapjack having that warm light. I suppose that's why these won't ever stop tugging so damn hard at my heart, where they briefly work together:
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ryderdire · 1 year
The most annoying toh nitpick is people saying it’s stupid hunter has memorial for flapjack because he only knew flap for a few months in the grand sceme of things
Like flapjack changed EVERYTHING for hunter flapjack helped hunter get out of an incredibly abusive situation flapjack literally sacrificed himself to save hunters life flapjack was one of the first to ever treat him like his own person (other then Luz even then it was kinda antagonistic) like just cuz flapjack wasn’t in his life for long doesn’t mean he didn’t change it IMENSELY.
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
Wait in the Golden feathers au is Hunter actually blind or is Belos just saying stuff in that early post?
Yeah he's blind. In the Hollow Mind post, that's why Luz is describing their surroundings. Darius taught him to read the BI version of braille (while learning himself), so he can read on his own and he's pretty comfortable navigating on his own/fighting because Darius and Eber taught him really well. Darius and Eber keep the layout of their home the same as much as possible + Eber cleans up just for Hunter (if it was just Darius he'd be leaving mud everywhere) but Eda's house (and King) can be a tripping hazard so he walks very slow in there/with a cane. He misses facial expressions/silent cues so that contributes to his Amity Unawareness although they do become friends later. It's a nightmare for him being in a new place without any freedom because yeah, he doesn't know the layout of the castle and he has to rely on the scouts to help him. Hunter has a cane which he uses often when he's on the go at Hexside, the library, or at Grom, but he doesn't have access to it at the castle. He gets a new one in the human realm in addition to Flapjack.
Darius woke Hunter up a week early by pulling him out (like, if you saw a child's hand in the mud you'd be pretty scared too), and Hunter wasn't finished developing. Hunter's a bit smaller in stature than canon Hunter but he's a lot more genuinely confident, having been raised by two very self-assured people. Hunter is a very good flyer, he just has to communicate with Flapjack more.
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stinkyeggbow · 2 years
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star boy
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