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Azussy, Zussy, Ozussy, Aanussy, Katussy, Sokussy, Topussy, The Bouldussy, Sussy, Appussy, Momussy, Irussy, HUMUSSITY!
Most of this is fine but please don't bring back the word "Sussy" I'm begging
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altheasalmostfamous · 5 years ago
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Jackfruit Seed Humus with #altheasalmostfamousjerksauce, served with sweet potato and beets chips. . . . #humus #humusdelombriz #húmus #humustarifi #humuss #hümüş #humusz #humusdeminhoca #humuslover #humuspark #humusliquido #humusdegarbanzo #humusaufbau #humuseducação #humusxhortense #vegan #veganfood #veganlife #veganism #veganrecipes #vegandinner #veganfoodshare #veganfoodie #veganbreakfast #veganeats #veganlifestyle #veganfitness #vegancommunity #veganshare (at Columbia, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9e9z7fpoSU/?igshid=1vwlneijj3qbu
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Amphibia Season 2 Reviews: The Second Temple and Barrel’s Warhammer “The First Drumbeats of War”
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Welcome back all you happy people! We’re in the final stretch of the season now, only three more episodes after this. And with this episode the end trajectory of the season becomes clear and the anticipation to the finale mounts.. and the dread as boy oh boy is this one going to hurt. Join me under the cut for a recap and spoiilers as I break down my thoughts and prepare for war. 
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The Second Temple:
Our heroes head to the great north for their next temple...
No no I just mean the arctic part of Amphibia. That’s sadly not a crossover we’re getting.. yet. One can dream.. or write weird fanfiction. Point is it’s time for an ice adventure. Also Hop Pop now has his own “Hop Pocket” in Joe’s sweater> Aww. Also Joe has a sweater now. Awwww. And he crashed upside down. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I keep thinking I love this bird as much as humanly possible and he keeps going and finding new ways to make me love him more. 
Our heroes soon run into a problem though: While Marcy’s coordinates got them there the temple isn’t in sight. Anne does find them some help though as she spots a familiar stand. It’s some lady they met back in the bizzare bazzar named valeriana?
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Yeah clearly a lot of you have better memories than me, which isn’t hard my mind is a never ending sinkhole and while I remember a LOT of stuff, I often forget just as much. So a vendor lady who was hinted to be important but didn’t do much in the episode itself totally slipped my mind and I didn’t even notice she was apparently in the season 2b trailer. I have no memory for a character who turns out to be vitally important yet all the memory for Stoopy. 
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Your doin Odd’s work Stoopy. But she is as she offers to take them to the temple, revealing herself as part of a hiden order dedicated to the calamity box and protecting it.
But like most hidden orders, Val seems to be a huge prick, and chastises and berates Anne constantly questioning her worthness and skil, and chastising her for giving up her coat to save her friends when a cardinal Val summons goes after their catapillar skin coats, and goes out of her way to rescue a family in the path of an avalanche. Val decides from all of this Anne is not worthy and she won’t guide them.. which causes Anne to rightfully call her out on her episode long streak of irritating condesencing bullshit. Val responds as you’d expect.. by warping Anne to another dimension and trying to steal the box from her leading to a fight. The fight is engaging with Anne giving it her best, though weirdly she didn’t take her sword along, while Val points out a lot of anne’s thefts over the years: from bessie to hop pop’s wallet.. to the box. Which Anne admits.. but also admits as shitty as it is it’s better to learn from bad things you did and do the right thing now, than to dwell on them and let htem drown you. 
Anne wins and val is dangling by a ledge and while she points out Anne can’t escape without her.. Anne figured out the staff. But Anne.. is a good persona nd as much as she’d like to let val die when her hand slips...she dosen’t. SHe’s her enemy sure but she’s still a person and her death does nothing and solves nothing. And that.. turned out to be the whole point. Val was simply testing Anne’s character: The whole journey was the temple and while the previous temple tested for intellegence.. this one tested for heart, anne’s greatest trait. Val powers the gem with her staff glad to have found something worthy.. but much like Luke or Aaang, Anne hears her friends in trouble and leaves with the gem only mostly charged. She returns.. to find everyone okay, Marcy showing the plantars stuff on her phone, and they set off... but the gem blinks a bit as they leave. 
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Final Thoughts on the Second Temple: The second temple is a decent episode. It has some great worldbuilding, some good gags and really shows off anne’s character development, her empathy and her bravery while giving us an intresting side character and possible future Ally in Valeriana and increasing the mystery around the calamity box. If it’s REALLY as bad as it’s name implies... then why are these people protecting it? And why are the protections, the order the temples.. benevolent, based on personal character and making sure the right person passes. Did Andrias name it that.. and if so.. did he do it for his master? I have a lotta questions and i’m excited to get the answers. All in all a very decent ep.. but like last week the second one majorly upstages it. 
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Barrel’s Warhammer
So we finally check back with Sasha and I was excited as her previous spotlight episode earlier in the season is still the best episode of the season. But this one brilliantly builds on that. 
The various leader of the toad towers are having a summit and well...
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So i’m just going to call them the cryptkeeper, bad haircut and grime’s sister. Their all doubtful of whatever pitch Grime has while Grime and Co are preparing, and have bonded with Percy and Braddock more and the two having designed a cool one eyed logo for their army. 
The pitch is intrigues the toad with even Grime’s Sister he used to tease as a kid being impressed.. and reveals to our anti-heroes that his name is Grimothy. Grimothy. GRIMOTHY
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But their not impressed with the idea of a disgraced captain and his “Hummus” leading them, even if Andrias has his own Humuss’... and this reveals to Sasha her best friends exes are doing just fine without her and working together. She takes it how you’d expect.. by taking it out on Bad Haircut’s guards and angrily asking waht it’llt ake. it’s then the cryptkeeper rises, turning out not to be dead with one request: Barrel’s Warrhammer. Sasha agrees to retreive it for them, but both Percy and Braddock are terrified.. as is GRIME of all people. 
We find out why as they take a lava boat to go fetch the thing: Barrel’s Warhammer is a legendary weapon, wielded by the Toad Hero Barrel, who used it to fight off a great monster and keep it from destroying a villiage dying in the process with his hammer apparently still guarded by said beast. Grime doubts it’s actually real and feels i’ts just a legend. But Percy and Braddock are more concerned with posisbly dying but Sasha reassures them that they’ll be fine and if it gets too dangerous, she’ll bail, using a Kawaii pose as a signal and making me feel very old. 
They find the Hammer but can’t lift it because “Only those who be worthy can”.. oh wait wrong hammer. No this one is just really heavy. They soon find the beast, a narwhaal worm, a massive armored horned worm. Phrasing. So naturally Braddock and Percy want to opt out... but Sasha chooses going after the worm over honoring her promise, and hooking the things horn to ride it to the tower. They just need to bring the hammer there.... even if it costs her friends their lives and saftey and involves betraying them. And this creates a marvelous parallel to the other episode in this pairing: Anne time and time again puts her family and girlfriend, random strangers and even an enemy’s life above her own. To Anne it’s helping other people what’s important damn what happens to her. If she’s cold, buired or something else fine. What matters is someone else is safe.  Sasha by contrast.. is willing to risk herself and other sif it means getting waht she wants. It’s her will to matters.. and it’s her lack of empathy that’s holding her back. Anne is strong because she has her new family, Marcy, and an army of loayal friends in Wartwood. Sasha may be strong in ablility.. but her weakness in heart costs her. She has grime.. btu that end sup being it as while they sucessfully arrive and get the troops they need.. Braddock and Percy can’t bear the cost or danger or the hurt of Sasha’s betryal and depart with Grime noting that getting what you want costs. But as we’ve seen with Anne and Marcy’s respective temples, it was doing the right thing NOT getting what they wanted, that made them better as people and got further. And as the look on Sasha’s face shows as her friends depart her, and she realizes she’s almost entirely alone.. she’s not sure world domination is really WHAT she wants. OR that it was worth the prices she keeps having to pay. 
Final Thoughts:
Barrel’s Warrhamer is another masterpiece following sasha. While not as strong as Toadcatcher it’s still damn good, showing Sasha’s further travels down a bad road, and her starting to doubt if this path is really worth it. The acting and animation are topnotch, as is the world building. It’s a truly stellar showing that just ratchets up tension for the fianle.. and for the inteivitble reunion between our three heroines and the clash between their three sides; the king Marcy serves without realizing his true malevoence, the Toads  Sasha and grime are leading to war.. and the frogs Anne once swore to protect that are about to be swept up in the tides of war.. and possibly take a stand against both sides. War is coming for our heroines and they are not ready for the hell that is to come.. and neither am I. Frog this is going to be painful isn’t it? 
If you liked this review follow me for more, shoot me an ask or comment with your own thoughts, send me a dm if you want to comission a review and join my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet so I can keep making these reviews. Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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kolaylezzet · 5 years ago
HUMUS TARIFI TAHINLI : EVDE HUMUS TARİFİ TAHİNLİ YAPIMI Evde humus tarifi nasıldır? Pratik cabuk humus tarifi hızlı olarak nasıl yapılır? Kolay humus tarifi lezzetli olabilir mi? Blender kullanılırsa orjinal ger��ek hakiki ananevi (geleneksel) humus tarifi orijinalliğini kaybeder mi? Belki, basit humus tarifi için değerli bir alet… Lakin “rondosuz humus tarifi ile uğraşamam, humus tarifi kolay olsun” denirse hazır nohut da kullanılabilir. Hatta duymadıysanız leblebiden humus tarifi de var. Blender olunca havanda dövmeye gerek kalmayan nohutlar öncesinde kabuklarından tek tek çıkartılmalı... Ancak hafif bir ovalama bile bu işe yeter. İşte garantili ölçülü tahinli lezzetli humus tarifi vegan diyetine uygun halde resimli olarak…  https://www.kolaylezzet.com/evde-humus-yapimi-hatay-antakya #kolaylezzet #humus #humuss #humustarifi #hummus #hummusrecipe #hummusrecipes #humuslover #húmus 
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endless-joy · 5 years ago
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🇺🇸 This time, I wanna tell you a story about how a failure can, in the end, turn into something great. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? 😅 One day, I decided I finally wanted to give a homemade hummus a go. I had all the staple ingredients at home - boiled about two cups of chickpeas, had a more than necessary amount of tahini straight from Greece, lemon juice, onion, salt, and many other herbs. I was ready to make the hummus of a lifetime, yet I didn’t (should’ve added aquafaba, now I know). After blending everything and even adding extra tahini, lemon juice, and olive oil, the consistency still wasn’t hummussy, too thick. So I decided I was just gonna turn it into balls and fry them like a falafel. And man, what I got out of this was something that smelled and tasted a lot like meatballs from my childhood. Even meat eaters confirmed that. 🧆 . . . 🇱🇻 Stāsts par to, kā neveiksme beigās kļūst par veiksmi. 😅 Vienu dienu izlēmu, ka vēlos mājās beidzot uztaisīt humusu. Visas sastāvdaļas bija pa rokai - novārītas 2gl turku zirņu, pārpārēm tahini, citronu sula, sīpols, sāls un citas garšvielas - taču humuss nesanāca. Pat pēc papildus pievienotas sulas, tahini un olīveļļas konsistence bija par biezu (tagad jau sapratu, ka vajadz��ja pievienot arī zirņu ūdeni). Tad nu metu mieru un nolēmu, ka masa jāizlieto kā savādāk - jāsacep kā falafelis. Un kas man iznāca? Bumbiņas, kas smaržā un gandrīz garšā varētu sacensties ar bērnības dienu kotletēm. Līdz galam nesaprotu, kā to paveicu, bet arī gaļēdāji apstiprināja, ka ir labi.🧆 . . . #breakfastmakes #breakfast #vegan #veganfood #cleaneating #healthyfood #veganrecipes #veganbreakfast #homemade #vegansofinsta #healthyeats #fitinspiration #fitnessjourney #foodblogger #breakfastrecipe #lunchbowl #veganlunch #healthtips #vegānisks #veganbreakfast #mockmeat #plantbasedmeat #veganlatvia #veselīgi #kotletes #gatavomājās (at Rezekne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_b9Vn1pNXu/?igshid=ji7958nf4c4q
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adorablekimochi-blog · 7 years ago
Fuimos al restaurante libanes.
Asistimos desde hace casi 10 años asi que ya tenemos un plato preferido y es el plato libanes que nos da lo que mas nos gusta de todo el restaurante.
Bueno...casi. Odio la berenjena, como color es hermoso pero como alimento es lo peor que he comido desde siempre.
Comimos una mezcla de arroz con lentejas, arroz con fideo seco, una empanada de carne, un kepe/kibes bola, jocoque seco, hojas de parra rellenas de arroz y carne, humuss y la berenjena hecha papilla.
Al final deguste una deliciosa empanada de nata que pesaria medio kilo... o quisas mi favoritismo a tal delicia me hace verla mas de lo que es.
Si... tengo preferencia por la nata
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somosloveat-blog · 6 years ago
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Súper fácil de hacer, perfecto para dipear y obligatorio en nuestro carrito de la compra cuando vamos a Mercadona!! jaja ¿Sabes de que hablamos? ¿Cómo os gusta comerlo? . . #hummus #chickpeas #hummuslover #pitabread #salad #hummusadict #lentilsoup #zaatar #arabfood #arabicfood #middleeasternfood #arabianfood #kibbeh #syrianfood #egyptianfood #foodtheday #foodporn #arabfoodporn #hummuslover #falafel #bulgur #humuss #humuslover https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDh8j_imQz/?igshid=h2k6yjulidnx
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carinapayue-blog · 8 years ago
Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus!
Carina Payue Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus! Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus! Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus! Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus! Inilah Hidangan Ramadan Khas Warga Timur Tengah. Cobalah Humuss Pasti Maknyus! http://www.unikbaca.com
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eatdineaustra-blog · 7 years ago
Halloo halloo! Pusdien's: •kāļu krēmzupa •humuss ar tomātiem un koriandru •krāsnī cepti kartupeļi ar liellopu vai karamelizētām sēklām + kāpostu salāti #labslaigaršo #jorīgaiirjāēd (at Austra)
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Azussy, Zussy, Ozussy, Aanussy, Katussy, Sokussy, Topussy, The Bouldussy, Sussy, Appussy, Momussy, Irussy, HUMUSSITY!
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veganvajze-blog · 8 years ago
Breakfast <3
Pita Dough Pizza with follow your heart vegan cheese on top! <3
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with Spinach kale smoothie and Salad with Humuss
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