#human verison!!
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webbytbh · 5 months ago
Can you draw a full body picture of classic human Webby?
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Yes I can! I love her so much, she's my baby.
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karinadele · 2 months ago
Waiting for the Night
Idw Megatron x Reader
No warnings! Gen reader!
Follow up to my earlier megs post, i think i want to start a series/collection on the lost light crew pit stopping on earth.
We always have fics of liaisons onboard the ship, but never how they met/the crew interacting with earth. Gonna have to be multiverse cause otherwise it dont make sense!! I wanted to do holoforms to make things linear, but if i shove it into multiverse maybe they can just not?? lmao??
i think i'll do little drabbles of each bot and their adventures??
Megs is gonna be the one with the singer/songwriter
loosely stole reader converting meg's poems' idea from @infintyfandoms!!
Earth, Kilocycle 2025 (tentative lmaaoo)
Lost light lands on earth for a quick refuel and sightseeing, (and hope Rodimus doesn't get into shit)
Megatron is rather uncomfortable about this whole thing as he’s been on earth before… and the fact he caused many issues on it.
As they approach earth’s atmosphere, making contact with earth governments and space agencies.
The crew’s excited. 
While the crew only carried Shanix, the governments of different countries are more than happy to start a bidding war over it. Creating a new form of a currency and by consequence, a new stock market over it.
Megatron's plan's are simple, do what they need to do, stay out of trouble.
Of course that never plays out, one thing after another, next thing you know, Rodimus is dragging them to a human concert.
You're a singer/songwriter, and here you are, on the latest tour. Last stop before the leg ends, tired but still very excited. How can you not! Seeing fans come out to support you -some of them even tagging along every city to view you perform.
What you didn't expect to have found at your concert were Cybertronians. It's been decades that Earth has accepted them as an intergalactic species. -The first ones to come in contact with your planet.
Regardless, performing for a different alien species was definitely not part of your bucket list. But! Definitely a welcomed one!
Rodimus only managed to score a few tickets, (he could have gotten more, but venue limits was not very happy about filling in the whole stadium with nothing but bots) (bring ur favorites ig)
(I'm slotting in rod/megs/drift/i want mags but i know he'll get a headache lMAAOO)
(wish i can bring blaster/soundwave/jazz/the ones still on cybertron -aka AU that shit where they are on lost light!!)
You and your band perform away. (I prefer band?? Could be solo artist too?? omg what if each band member gets their own little arc with a bot lmaaooo)
The bots spend their time sipping highgrade and enjoy the performance.
Megatron especially latched onto the lyrics.
Rodimus fucks with the drums and beat
Drift is vibing along, probably fucks with the lyrics as haikus and melody (can we get him a japan arc)
Ultra Magnus want's to die, but eventually warms up to it after a couple drinks and primus he is dancing away. (alternatively if its an outdoor venue and you want spicy, mf totally strips his armor lMAAOO)
Soundwave is 100% recording without consent
Blaster is actually enjoying and dancing away
While it's not like Cybertronians never had music or performances back on Cybertron, they were totally different from Earth's version. Top it off with millions of years of war, it basically was foreign. Besides, listening to songs for the first time live without prior knowledge is difficult. But not for Megatron. Something about the flow of the lyrics and melody drew him in.
It felt like a poem. A piece of writing animated into life, becoming an artform. One that's being presented in front of his very own optics.
Performance arts. As he was told. And now he understood why.
(insert his rambling and thoughts about xyz songs, i have not decided what songs/if i write my own shit lmaaoo someone analyze music with me from their perspective!!)
After the performance, you and your band are catching a break in the backrooms. (Can go several routes, either obsessive!megs rescans your tour bus and takes the form ((i seriously cant see it)) or through ~intergalactic~ powers with the governments or whoever, managed to secure vvip slots and manages to meet you)
You two hit it off. (Romantic or platonic i did not decide!!)
Spending the time Megatron has on earth discussing music, lyrics writing, songwriting, and poetry. You explain that Earth music is a very similar to poetry, Often starts off as that, incorporated into a melody. Or vice versa.
You also explain that Earth has several languages, and you often pull elements from them to combine them into a song.
Hearing this, Megatron was excited. Over the sort time, he's warmed up to you and wanted to share his writings with you, but being more on the reserved side, he didn't want to open himself up like that yet. (Yet you did lmao??) But hearing that you enjoy languages and analyzing works from all different places made him finally sheepishly share some of his writings. (Alternatively crack reader version, you scurry like a fucking raccoon and steal his works, i know i would)
You find his writing absolutely beautiful. Originally having him translate his works from Cybertronian into English, as time restrain never allowed you to learn the language.
You don't tell him, but you're already planning to convert his works into music. (Romantic divergence you write it just for him, platonic you perform it for everyone. Give him royalties!! Shanix is a proper currency now!! You start playing the Shanix market with profit from his share, saving it for next time he comes back.) (honestly even romantic route can be performed live, just when LL comes back again)
Ideally you keep in touch with him even when he's departed Earth and back on LL adventures. (If you want angst, we can make it not lmaoaoo)
You already spend plenty of time studying language and songs of the world, but paid extra attention to Cybertronian after this encounter. Wanting to understand the meeting behind his poems. As Cybertronian, is a complex language, a different system that's extremely versatile and open ended when it comes to context.
Spending time translating, and re-writing his thoughts into English, you eventually dedicate a song (or album if you won the right type of adhd ig)
Years later, the LL returns back (we ignore the fact LL timeline is a mess and has multiple alternate dimensions) and either from him keeping in touch with you, or because he hunted your band down with the ~world wide web~ you two reunite and you perform the song.
Album version would have the whole band performing, but special for this concert, you adjusted the set list to a ballad with only an either guitar/keyboard synth/piano version.
Megatron found the performance to be haunting. Even though he's in the farthest rows, vision isn't an issue for Cybertronians. A simple zoom and he can see everything up close. The way your lips tremble with each vibrato, the way you have your eyes closed as you keep on beat with your hands, even the way your voice nearly cracks and how you're choking back tears in the verses. Raw emotion. Emotion he never knew how to portray during his time as a Decepticon leader. Yet wanted to so badly since the days of a miner. He's finally found peace in his spark of what he meant.
Every verse and chorus was created with his writing. A powerful display of passion strung together from his words. One that his very spark flares to the beat of.
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bell-swamp-fitzjames · 2 months ago
his ass can't think of anything simple. like sure we could write vampire werewolf solittle au fluff sure but also what if we introduced a vampire gang that forced tozer & little to team up and little does the unthinkable for tozer and they have to live with that together but its ok in the end. u know.
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tastytoastz · 11 months ago
‘The what do you have there?’ ‘A smoothie’ is living rent free in my head omg. I think about it and I cackle.
Might try to do a mini comic for that I love it so much XD (no promises but it’s definitely a possibility)
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prossima-nebulosa · 1 year ago
I'm reading kekkaishi and this happened:
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and i was following this with 'yeah boy you gay'
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"BUT "
Or maybe it's just the early 2000s vibes where shounen were full of bl subtext - BUT LIKE THE BL SUBTEXT WAS NO SUBTEXT IT WAS A FUCKING HEADLINE THAT SCREAMED 'YAAAAASSSSSSSSSS'
i will forever remember monochrome factor and how it was yassified as fuck in the animated version
what a time
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denzartriste · 6 months ago
Thinking about animorphs au again. It's a daily struggle
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achillean-knight · 1 year ago
Deadass, designing robots and incredibly withered versions is so fuckin' relaxing for me. Maybe my ass should apply for Steelwool if they wanna take on any character designers ✋
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glowy-green-potions · 2 years ago
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Haven't posted art in a bit here so here's some random mad science related drawings!
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ladychandraofthemoone · 2 years ago
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The sketch with the reference photo I used (could find who created it if so please credit them ) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AR7kSkKElr-GgXRRHKA8pBlNd8jCTk4XO0jXd5qCQqXNH1OjVnoj7Nw/
honestly this pose fits Dane do much(and to my club friends who don’t like Dane, he was literally a character twisted by tragedy his story makes me cry)
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Release my rage,
the pain
(listening to backlight especially megami33’s version of Ado it fits Dane so well especially his relationship with Hawin and desire for revenge and letting his vengeance consume him)
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notthatalex · 1 year ago
I'm always spreading my agenda. Always on the grindset
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Some more thoughts in the tags if you want to hear me ramble for way too long about smosh games content
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webbytbh · 11 months ago
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Small ducktales sketches I made maybe 1-2 months ago?
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lightermagicwofld · 1 year ago
This is my headcanon for tom and mark human design.
Tom and mark Character being Made/created by
(Here a gift for you(:
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White background:
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wingstobetorn · 2 years ago
Rottmnt Spidermen au....
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tides-of-clarity · 1 year ago
The urge to make a whole new muse for my list is strong. Aurel was just added not long ago and I already want a new one. God I have no self control.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year ago
I have long wanted to write a headcanon where high demons have lesser forms, so take a walk with me on this:
Imagine that the brothers are fighting with each other and one of them takes a serious hit, like, somebody's left hook got them right in the jaw and it was brutal. They fall to the ground, stone cold, and... just. Poof into a tiny little critter. Like a verison of their familiar. And they can't retake human form until they've rested and healed their wounds.
I'm doing that.
Lucifer becomes this fat-ass, little peacock. He's like one of those rotund Chocobo from the Final Fantasy universe, you just want to pick him up and squeeze him but he's slightly too heavy for that. His feathers are black, save for the tail which have black, red, blue, and green markings. If something makes him "Poof!" then he'll hide away in the Castle because he refuses to let his brothers ever see him in that state. MC can visit him, though, and he'll coo and get all fluffy whenever they pet his tummy.
Mammon turns into a three-eyed raven, but not fat like Luci. He basically becomes a bigger verison of one of his familiars, he's about the size of an eagle. For being the second strongest he gets "Poof!-ed" rather often because he gets caught up in so many fights. Most of the time, he's just a bystander then some stray shot hits him and suddenly he's squawking everybody's ear off! Hilariously, he's arguably smarter in this form so when he's stuck as a bird, his grades actually improve (if anyone can read his actual chicken scratch penmanship).
Levi becomes a snake. Duh. He has similar markings along his back to the colorful scales on his neck in his demon form. He isn't even the length of your average scarf, so MC can drape him behind their neck easily and he doesn't get in the way. He's absolutely MISERABLE like this, though, because he has no hands to play games with. He can get extra clingy to people if he's feeling cold, but MC has to invite him to share their body heat because he's too shy to signal what he wants.
As much as Satan would love to be a cat, he becomes a little unicorn (Sorry, I didn't make the lore). He's about the size of one of those miniature horses, but don't be fooled. He will snap your kneecaps and he's at perfect height to rear-kick his brothers right in the crotch. His coat is black but his tail, mane, and the underside of his horn are all his signature green. If he every gets "Poof!-ed!" he's big mad, so he'll spend the entire time trying to kick and spear his brothers so they have to suffer along with him. He's the cause of a lot of chain "Poof!-ings."
Asmo becomes the smallest, cutest scorpion you ever did see. Well, as cute as scorpions can be. His whole body becomes hot pink and he has the biggest widdle eyes (think those jumping spiders who wear raindrops on their heads type energy). He's also venomous as all hell, so his brothers HAVE to make sure that they continously call him "small, cute, and adorable" lest they suffer a week's worth of paralytic toxin. He can fit the palm of a hand and makes MC tie a little bow around his tail so he doesn't feel too bad about being under-dressed.
Beel, unfortunately, becomes a fly. A big fly (by fly standards), but a fly nonetheless. You wouldn't even know that it's him if he weren't traffic cone orange. Literally everyone panics when he gets "Poof!-ed" because it would only take some bozo with a swatter to put an end to the sweetest brother... Belphie never lets Beel out of his sight and even has a tiny leash so he can keep track of him if they have to go out. He's a lot easier to feed like this, but everyone has to resist that automatic urge to smack him away from their dinner plates.
Belphie ironically has the largest lesser form out of his brothers. He's a cow, more specifically a bull, but there's nothing special about him aside from the navy fur. He is a full grown bull and he loves to lord it over the others if they all get "Poof-ed!" at once. Also, good luck getting him to do ANYTHING in this form. He is a bull. If he does not want to move, he will not be moving. Not even Beel can carry him like this. He's the only brother who doesn't mind getting "Poof-ed!" all that much because of it.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months ago
Tim has always been closer to divinity than human in Kon's eyes.
The Clone of Superman, they say Clark Kent is a god a being of so much power.
Maybe he is, after all every myth will tell you the god's are cruel made up of pride and wrath.
Tim is twisted, Kon has seen what the future could hold, a verison that is a dictator dripping in the blood of the innocent, sitting on a throne a verison of Kon helped build.
Blood suites him though.
After the battle was done Rob wanted a promise that none of Young Justice would let him become that. We would help put him down, we wouldn't join his crusade.
Yet, he couldn't he would more than happily trample through bone, to be able to bathe in Tim's light his own personal sun.
He promised instead to always be by his side, for the smartest man in the world he didn't understand. Tim only found relief, his belief in the goodness of Kon almost infaliable.
With his death an even darker side was born.
A room filled with corpses of failed clones. His Sunshine doing everything to bring him back.
Cassie, and Clark so disgusted that Tim would even attempt they thought Kon should feel violated be angry.
But why everything his blood, bone, and breathe belong to his God.
He can do with him whatever he chooses.
The first time they kissed, blood fresh from his split lip Kon's personal ichor.
More than content to imagine bruises decorating his knees proof of worship.
Sometimes he would fantasize picturing Tim draped in jewels, diamonds or rubies. He wasn't picky, but always a choker of glimmering green, connected by silver chain.
Why did Clark allow Bruce to hold onto their one weakness, Batman wasn't worthy.
It had always felt constricting that with one move he could be taken down, a whisper from Clark and he would be no more.
But Tim oh he would welcome it, if he decided that Kon wasn't it, that he was displeased he was more than happy to fall into the green. To meet his end but only at one hand.
When the day finally came that Tim decided it wasn't worth it that heroes were only the stuff of legend.
That he would wear the cowl that it was time for the world to change. He would take his rightful place make it that everyone would finally see.
Kon was more than ready.
He would do anything to ensure his future and if all his God asks is the death of a false one who is he to deny.
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